Becoming a Professional: Early Education Standard 6

Introduction It is imperative to mention that professional preparation is a fascinating topic for discussion. Every individual has an opportunity to focus on aspects that he or she views as the most beneficial, and it could help to address problem areas that need to be improved. Educators have to deal...

Slavery in Women’s and Men’s Narratives

Slavery from the Perspective of Women Harriet Stowe, the groundbreaking author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, was quoted saying: “the enslaving of the African race is a clear violation of the great law which commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves” (Harriet Beecher Stowe Center 1). On another occasion, she...

Treaty of Versailles: the German Delegation Comments

Introduction Treaty of Versailles is often cited as one of the reasons behind the rise of nationalism in the post-World War One Germany. The treaty crippled their economy, removed a large portion of their lands, and prevented the country from rebuilding. Many of these points were objected to by the...

Crime and Criminals: General Characteristics

For a long time, crime has been a subject of discussion among various countries across the globe, with various strategies and inventions being developed to curb the same. Many researchers have also made in-depth discoveries about crimes and criminal activities, most of which are interesting, fascinating and clear pointers to...

Mountainarious Sporting Shop’s Leasing Decision

This paper analyzes the case of Mountainarious Sporting, a shop selling sports supplies in the town of Barron. After discussing the information required for a more thorough analysis, this paper will examine the owner’s plans to stop leasing retail space for an additional location, discuss several ways to improve the...

Behavioral Health Data and Ethical Considerations

Behavioral health (BH) presents several specific issues in the field of information technology ethics (Rinehart-Thompson & Randolph, 2015), the importance of which is highlighted by the fact that people with BH issues can be regarded as a vulnerable population (Joy, Clement, & Sisti, 2016). Because of this factor, the ethical...

Concept of School Administration: A Critical Examination

The paper is a critical examination of the concept of school administration. My opinion is given regarding the concept of administration being a greedy work. Additionally, it is apparent that administration is an important aspect when running schools especially in the desire to ensure that there is great improvement academically...

Statistical Science: T-Test Procedure

Various Forms of the t-Test A t-test is a procedure utilized to assess whether the means of two measurements statistically differ from one another. The independent samples t-test is employed when it is needed to choose samples from two different populations; the populations have a common variable but may differ...

Romania: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction Historians often indicate that significant and numerous crises that occurred during the beginning of the 20th century became the prerequisites for the rise of many oppressive governments. When starting a discussion about totalitarianism, vivid examples that may come to mind are Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and communist regimes, such...

“Training Day” the Film by Fuqua

The film, Training Day, reflects a typical day of drug enforcement officers. Directed by Antoine Fuqua and produced by Bobby Newmyer and Jeffrey Silver, the film was released in 2001 as a neo-noir crime thriller featuring LAPD narcotics officers’ working environment in 24 hours. The two officers are working in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Art Creation: Poetry as a Favorite Form of Literature

Poetry has always been my favorite form of literature due to its fascinating ability to reflect extensive ideas within several lines. One of my favorite poets is Robert Frost, whose works are considered some of the best ever written. My love for this poet was born in middle school when...

“In the Womb: Multiples” National Geographic Video

The birth of multiple children is a rare and unique case, even though modern medicine makes it more possible. The infrequency of this phenomenon exists because the conception of several children at the same time is a rarity, and the bearing and birth of such children bring even more complications....

Senior Oncology Nurse’s Professional Interview

Introduction Analyzing the professional activities of a person working in a related industry in the same area is a successful method of learning valuable information about the specifics and nuances of his or her responsibilities. This work is an interview with a senior nurse practicing in the oncology department for...

The Problem of Low Nurse Staffing in Hospital Settings

The focus of the capstone project will be on low staffing of nurses in hospital settings. Low nurse staffing is a critical practice issue that is prevalent in the United States, as well as in Europe and Asia. The problem is of great importance to nursing practice, as it affects...

Healthcare, Sociology, and Connection Between Them

Discussion Prompt 1 Working in the field of healthcare involves the necessity for close collaboration with people from different cultural backgrounds, and this is why there are numerous links between healthcare and sociology. In particular, these links are related to the concepts of role, culture, subculture, and role conflict. In...

Sexual Health: Teaching Plan for Students

Teaching Plan The topic of the class is sexual health. During this class, students will be presented an opportunity to improve their understanding of central challenges in sexual health promotion, racial and socioeconomic disparities in sexual health, and fundamental principles of health promotion. The class is suitable for first-year students...

The Human Factor: Exploring the Psychology of Making an Error

The phenomenon of the so-called human factor as the justification for and explanation of an error is quite well-known. Implying the completion of a routine activity and making an involuntary mistake in the process, the concept of the human error can be found in any area, healthcare not being an...

Ethics, Value and Decision Making

Introduction Creating a society where ‘age’ is the only concern that would measure inequality, the aging effect would be evaluated and focused on by complete long-term care. In such a society getting older would be considered respectable and people who enter into their old age would be seen with utmost...

Cultural Analysis of the Ancient Rome

The culture of ancient Rome had evolved during the entire history of the Roman Empire that spanned about 1200 years. The Roman Empire during its peak covered a vast area from Morocco to the Euphrates and from Scotland to North Africa (Staneart, Chuck, et al, 1992). Ancient Rome had a...

Why You Need to Use Technology in Business

E-commerce is defined as electronic data interchange between consumers and business entities. As the world becomes digitalized most business organizations have diverted their attention to electronic business. Rapid technological advancement as firms continue to exert tremendous pressure on management to cut operational costs, build relationship marketing, increase market potential and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Is Belief in God Rational: Discussion

Introduction This paper seeks to examine not the existence of God or negation, but whether man’s belief in god is rational and based on sound logic and deductive reasoning. The aspect that needs to be discussed first is which acts constitute holiness. It is seen that the acts which gods...

Influencing Others and the Management

Introduction Management in this context simply refers to a collection of individuals who govern an institution; they have certain responsibilities like creating policies and provision of necessary support to implement the institution owners’ objectives. The contextual meaning of the term upper management, therefore, refers to the higher authority persons or...

1987 Black Monday: Outline and Prevention in the Future

Dear 1987 Black Monday Black Monday occurred on the 19th day of October 1987, and it greatly affected the stock market. It came to an end on Tuesday 20th with the government’s intervention. Before opening the financial market the Federal Reserve issued a short statement that said it would intervene...

The Early Renaissance versus Modern Society in Europe

Cultural and social values tend to change over time, and it can be traced back to the example of several centuries. When it comes to the Renaissance, basic ideas that come to mind are, as a rule, humanism and the desire to emphasize a human personality. Most of the ideas...

Self-Esteem and Self-Anxiety in Nursing Students

The notions of self-esteem and self-anxiety The level of self-esteem (SE), as well as the level of self-anxiety (SA), is influenced by several factors. We are going to demonstrate the correlation of the level of SE with the level of SA among nursing students in our work. According to Rosenberg,...

Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care

All techniques must be used to ensure the safety and best results of patient treatment. Sometimes access to them can be difficult; however, high technology allows therapy to be carried out at a distance. This video aims to combine telemedicine collaboration with the concept of evidence-based medicine for the Caitlynn...

Strain, Social Control, and Developmental Theories

Introduction Contemporary theoretical approaches have developed at the beginning of the twenty-first century. However, they are all based on older theories, like anomie and social control theories. Present theoretical models pay particular attention to early life factors that shape people’s future deviant behavior. This paper dwells on specific characteristics of...

Childhood Gender Analysis: Factors Influencing Gender Perception

To understand gender analysis in childhood it is important to understand gender. Gender is the socially constructed roles expected from each gender. For instance, a woman is expected to cook for her family is a gender role expected from her. These roles vary from one society to another. This paper...

Grammy Award for Best Artist: Speech Preparation

Ladies and gentlemen, First of all, I should say that it is a great honor for me to be here today and present the Grammy award for the best new artist of the year. Since 1959, when the first ceremony was held, the Grammy Award has aimed to recognize major...

The Choosing a Business Form for LLC

Before starting any business, the first and most important issue would be the choice of the form of ownership since the state requires mandatory registration for entrepreneurs. It is necessary for the state to closely monitor those who are registered and make sure they pay taxes. As for my business,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

An Institutional Review Board: Research Ethics

The central concept of scientific ethics is the concept of responsibility. The goal of developing scientific ethics in research organizations should be to raise the awareness of scientists about all aspects of responsibility. Moreover, one should take into account the criteria for the proper conduct of the scientific activity, which...

The Role of the Supernatural

Introduction The term “supernatural” has several meanings and is used in both everyday speech and scholarly works on philosophy, psychology, and literature. In its most general meaning, the adjective “supernatural” means something not explained naturally, which is not subject to the laws of nature. In the field of fiction, the...

Cash vs. Accrual Accounting for Healthcare Organization

Hospitals and home care organizations have two distinctly different modes of operation. Whereas hospitals offer a plethora of treatments ranging from rudimentary health check-ups to long-term ambulatory care, home care organizations namely provide visiting nurses to perform procedures, provide instructions, and generally oversee the state of health of the patient...

Best Care Health Maintenance Organization: Balance Sheet Analysis

Introduction A balance sheet is an important document that might be described as a current report of a company’s financial and economic status (The Kaplan Group, 2013). Balance sheets summarize the information about what organizations own and their debts (The Kaplan Group, 2013). The data provides investors with the basis...

Reduction of Ethyl 3-Oxobutanoate Using Baker’s Yeast

The aim of this experiment is to show how natural enzymatic reducing agents are as effective as the chemical ones. A reduction process is characteristically the gain of two hydrogen atoms or the loss of an oxygen atom, or both (Fox & Whitesell, 2007). This results to a structural configuration...

New Orientation in Health Care

Until recently, the primary focus of the U.S. health care system has been treatment, which is why the country is known for its innovation and technological advances in the medical field. After all, America has some of the most high-tech medical equipment, even though it remains far behind other nations...

The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)

Need Assessment and Policy Design The original social problem that requires a solution is families at risk of entering the child welfare system. Various reasons lead to family problems, including parent’s substance use disorders. Children in these families experience parental neglect or abuse and are more likely to have a...

Individual’s Response to Disability

Introduction Accepting a disability can be challenging psychologically, especially for people with an acquired condition. A number of factors influence the formation of a negative or positive response. The basis is the character of the person, which is also affected by economic and educational aspects. Family support and access to...

Reflection on the Book of Psalms

Introduction The Bible does not provide all the religious answers that believers may have; only the passages and translations open to interpretation. God’s figure is mysterious, fearsome, and impossible to fully understand; thus, some readers can feel confused or intimidated. However, the Bible touches on the Lord’s nature and provides...

Understanding of Race and Ethnicity and the Components of Discrimination and Stereotyping

Introduction Racial and ethnical discrimination and stereotypes are important issues that contemporary society faces. In this paper, we are going to address the issues of race and ethnicity and define and analyze the components of discrimination and stereotyping. Historical and contemporary perspectives on discriminatory practices Contemporary discrimination practices have their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analyzing Disease Frequency What Impact on Mortality

Introduction In quantification of disease frequency, epidemiologists investigate the occurrence and dominance of an ailment. Disease occurrence is the figure of the recent illness in a population within an instance (Ibrahim, Alexander, Shy & Farr, 1999). It is significant in deciding if a given population is at risk of contracting...

Effective Communication Skills for Presentations

Introduction As Hoppe (2009, p.1) argues, business communication skill are not inborn, but rather learnt as one interacts with different business scenarios; so long as one is flexible to learn. A combination of both non-verbal and verbal communication abilities is an important component of any business presentation, owing to the...

The Art of Ancient Greece

The art of Ancient Greece was and remains one of the brightest in European culture, and people of all creative professions are still inspired by it. Greek culture and art went through several stages in their development. Each historical event in Ancient Greece contributed to the achievement of something new...

Management Principles for Business Expansion

Abstract Currently, international management at MH Company consists of one person. But for a business expansion – a team from the host countries is required, and this move will also call for a team expansion at-home – management and coordination of the global business network. Specific management principles and practices...

Understanding the Relationship Between Discount Rate and Risks

The discount rate for the following equities A risk-free equity for the US Treasury Note The definition of the risk-free equity suggests an extreme scenario. The reason why the US Treasury Note is risk free is because it is expected to be free of default risks. In other words, it...

Kandinsky’s and Matisse’s in Different Aspects of Art

Since the second half of the nineteenth century, the art of painting has evolved from photographic-like depictions of objects and people to complex representation of a more abstract nature. Explaining the new art forms, many painters set down their artistic concepts and principles in treatises and essays, among the most...

Sexual Assaults Number Increases Throughout Army

Sexual violence within the United States Army undermines its credibility for potential recruits and still affects thousands of victims, despite measures taken to eliminate it. According to Kime (2019), the number of sexual assaults in 2016-2018 increased by almost 40 percent, and in 2018 alone affected 20,500 employees. An important...

Climate Change in Africa and How to Address It

Introduction Africa is the world’s second-biggest continent since it covers about 30.3 million kilometers. It accounts for six percent of the globe’s total surface area as well as 20 percent of the land. Its population is 1.3 billion inhabitants, which is 16% of the World’s human population.1 According to environmental...

China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire Modernization in the 19th Century

Traditional societies, in particular the Ottoman Empire, China, and Japan began to experience difficulties in the nineteenth century. They all found that they are much weaker militarily than European countries or America. Military achievements gave stronger countries power to gain more lands and profit, make deals on their terms, and...

Reconstruction and the Age of American Imperialism

Introduction The nineteenth century was a challenging time for the country that tried to shape its political, economic, and social life after the Civil War. Reconstruction, Industrialization, and Progressive Era contributed to the significant systematic changes in society’s life and politics. As a result, by the end of the nineteenth...

Popular Research Paper Topics

SWOT Analysis of Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was established by Sam Walton at Rogers in 1962. This business has encountered immense growth after achieving an annual income of one billion dollars in seventeen years (Ellickson, 2016). This tremendous growth has made the store enter the global market. Wal-Mart has launched stores in various countries,...

Healthcare Professions: EMT and Occupational Therapist

An emergency medical technician (EMT) is a member of the first-aid crew. In their duty, they are responsible for the cleanliness of the ambulance, for the availability of the necessary equipment in it, and for its serviceability (Russ-Sellers & Blackwell, 2017). EMTs perform different tasks including lifting patients and equipment,...

Aspects of Environmentally Effective Buildings

LEED is a practical assessment system that allows analyzing the environmental safety of a building from several perspectives. For example, in the context of this certification program, the resource efficiency of water, solar energy, and electricity is considered (Nassos and Avlonas 191). Despite a certain number of vulnerabilities, by the...

Cultural Competence Concerning Native Americans

Culture affects health care as it determines the people’s urgency to seek modern-day preventive care. In clinical practice, cultural competence is vital as it helps the practitioner develop culturally sensitive techniques essential in determining nurse-patient relationships. It builds the nurse-patient understanding, which is crucial in ensuring safe healthcare delivery to...

Nike’s Marketing in the United States

Nike’s marketing strategies are the key component of its successful management system. One strategic fit applied by the company is its tendency to use professional athletes’ experience to develop products for nonprofessionals. This strategy is based on Nike’s mission to provide people who are not professional athletes with high-quality products...

Femicide: Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Women

Femicide is a terrible reality of the modern world, which is hard to believe. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed health problems around the world and the problem of gender-based violence: many thousands of women were isolated along with male tyrants without the opportunity to leave. It is necessary to talk...

The Good Samaritan: Origin and Meaning of the Expression

The Good Samaritan currently refers to doing good deeds towards strangers exclusively out of kindness and compassion. This idiom is rooted in a biblical parable told by Jesus. The story is usually interpreted as Jesus’ call to love both neighbors and enemies. However, the meaning of the parable could be...

The Meaning of Life and Great Philosophers

The question of the meaning of life is a philosophical and ambiguous one. To answer it, I would like to compare two philosophers’ views, Schopenhauer and Sartre. According to Schopenhauer, the meaning of life for people is happiness; that is, the goal in life is to become happy or satisfied...

Drug Legalization: Arguments For and Against

There is a suggestion that people should be persuasive to deliver their thoughts in the right direction. The author of the book argues if the person wants to be convincing, he or she should put a critic into his text. He claims that using criticism can benefit the author. However,...

A New Concept Based on “Antigone”

Antigone is one of the most notable plays of Ancient Greece, which remains relevant to this day and is used by directors around the world. The play explores the topic of the oppressive patriarchal society, which makes it particularly topical during the current times. Antigone inspires me to develop a...

“The Second Sex” by De Beauvoir and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

Within the framework of this entry, the task was set to formulate an attitude towards one of the specific aspects of inclusion and exclusion from cultural discourse in American society. The decision was made to focus on the gender aspect of cultural integration as one of the most basic. The...

Should Animals Be Used for Scientific Experiments?

Introduction Experiments on animals are perhaps one of the most controversial issues of modern science. Proponents of animal testing point to the enormous progress in medicine that has become possible thanks to such practices. Opponents consider them cruel and senseless since the results of animal observations are not always applicable...

Buonarroti’s Moses from the Tomb of Pope Julius II

Context The statue of Moses was created by Michelangelo Buonarotti approximately in 1513-1515. Michelangelo’s previous work, David, quickly gained recognition among the public (Zirpolo 160). Following these events, in 1505, Pope Julius II commissioned the artist to come to Rome to build a tomb (Fenichel 153). Moses was planned to...

Ethical Responsibilities to Children

I see the importance of ethical responsibilities regarding assessing children in several main values. They are evaluating childhood as a unique and valuable step in human development, nurturing the relationship between adolescents and their families. Respecting the differences between children, family, and colleagues and recognizing that children and adults can...

The Better Beauty Company’s Management Issues

Control costs in Better Beauty primarily relate to the processes that the management is implementing to optimize operations and ensure higher profitability. Budgeting has identified several areas of the firm’s higher spending, such as capital equipment and renting costs. However, the research of the issue itself has been a source...

Actions of the Company’s CEO in Different Situations

First Situation A director of marketing in a global corporation wants to reallocate budgeted funds to allow exploration of three potential emerging markets. This will require a reduction in the funds allocated to marketing efforts of new and existing products. As the CEO of this company, would you support this...

Human Resource Management: Analysis

The staffing process is known as the hiring, screening, and selection of employees for open positions within a company or organization (Martocchio, 2018). In essence, staffing’s goal is to assist job seekers in finding employment while also helping employers identify quality candidates for unfilled positions. The EEOC’s mandate is to...

Dahl’s “Lamb to the Slaughter” Story and Hitchcock’s Film

Introduction It is quite common for initial literary works and their further film adaptations to have a number of differences in plots and characters’ behaviors. Such a situation refers to the short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl and the short film Lamb to the Slaughter by Alfred...

The Family Health Promotion Program’s Objectives

Introduction The various family structures today need to be recognized and studied to understand better the strengths and weaknesses associated with each. That is the only way to help all families live healthy and productive lives. Studying the health risks of individual families allows solving the problems of different population...

Obscenity Laws and Summary of Related Cases

Roth v. United States and Miller v. California Case Summary Roth v. United States and Miller v. California cases are essential in determining what pornography is and if they can be regulated by federal government jurisdiction. In the Miller v. United States case, after leading a campaign to market the...

Bookkeeping for a Small Service Business

Any business needs financial control in the form of various reports that must maintain a balance of assets and liabilities and equalize debit with credit. Understanding financial movements control the situation and predetermine development scenarios in advance, whether a crisis or vice versa, a sufficient amount of retained earnings for...

The One-Minute Preceptor Model Applied to a Patient Encounter

Many diverse teaching methods increase the effectiveness of education. The one-minute preceptor is one of the key aspects which helps to learn concepts in physical therapy as the teacher provides direct feedback on the student’s knowledge (Gatewood & De Gagne, 2019). The idea is mainly oriented on the development of...

Standardized Terminology: Nursing Terminologies

Electronic health records (EHRs) have recently gained popularity, allowing healthcare providers to manage and safeguard patient details digitally. One of the key components of EHRs is standardized terminology, which involves using a common language to describe clinical conditions, diagnoses, and treatments. As an outcome, data collection is more consistent, and...

The Justness of Socrates’s Decision to Accept the Death Penalty

Introduction It is hard to disagree that not many people are ready to die to prove their point of view and stay moral until the end. Socrates was sentenced to death for instilling ‘wrong’ political views in the youth, but instead of escaping his death, the philosopher accepted it with...

Mugabenomics as a Cause of Inflation in Zimbabwe

Abstract The paper outlines the primary challenges of Zimbabwe economic system and provides a consistent account of inefficient economic strategies that disrupt the country’s well-being. The notion of Mugabenomics is reviewed in the case study. Due to the findings of the case, there is a threat of Zimbabwe becoming the...

Health Care Strategies of the St. Joseph’s Hospital

Introduction Medical practitioners understand well the idea of strategy development. Within the Health care institutions, this is since it contributes to individual’s as well as community’s health. Implementation of right strategies assists in increasing the medical attention to communities. However, poor strategies often results into poor services which at times...

Early Childhood Education Programs

Montessori Focus on socialization. The learning environment is supportive and interesting. Learning through sensory feelings. Learning through manipulating objects. Learning is similar to real-life experience (The Montessori Early Childhood Program, 2009). High Scope Focus on active participatory learning. Learning is organized according to the Plan-Do-Review cycle. Learning through observing and...

The Importance of Social Media in the Activist Movement

Introduction Social media has developed over the years to present a platform in which interaction has increasingly been made easier. The interaction that arises from the use of social media has made the sharing and access to information easier every waking day (Porter par. 3). A Facebook post shared by...

Roles and Lifestyles of American Women

In a retrospect, the evolution of women in the American society truly is fascinating, especially when considering the social roles played by the Native American women at the very start of the colonization era and the roles that American women played in the society by 1850s. Because of a continuous...

Applying Ethical Frameworks: Solution of the Ethical Dilemma and Its Justification

In the recent past, ethical lapses in the practice of business, ranging from Enron to the Lehman Brothers debacles, have once again refocused the attention of scholars and practitioners to a contemplation of ethics and the moral dilemmas employees face in the context of modern capitalism (Fang, 2006). Scholars have...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Tempest”: Viewing and Reflection

The Tempest performed by the Savage Rose Theater Company is a classical period drama performance of the Shakespearean classic. It is a faithful adaptation of the text and its themes. The company’s portrayal of The Tempest is a creative and organic product that puts the focus on character development using...

Obesity Prevention in Young Children in US

Childhood obesity is one of the most critical health issues in the United States. As for now, nearly every third child is either obese or overweight (Kothandan, 2014). That is why it is imperative to pay special attention to the prevention of childhood obesity as well as obesity-related health issues....

Postpartum Patient’s Major Depressive Disorder

Important Elements of the Description The first key element in the description of the patient’s worsening depression and development of various mental illnesses, includes her having had a fifth child while being only 29 years old. The second important element is that she smokes pot twice a day which is...

Memorial Hermann Healthcare System’s Health Records

Introduction Healthcare industry is witnessing a rapid implementation of programs based on the use of information and communication technologies. Adopting the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 caused it. This legal act introduced the meaningful use criteria that claim that eligible hospitals and professionals should use and have...

Nursing Leadership: Plan of Action

Change Theory Change Theory’s Elements Fitting the Scenario Nursing leadership is associated with the need to implement changes. Different change models contain such basic elements as making people aware of the problem, implementing the change, and making a new model a norm (Nilsen, Wallerstedt, Behm, & Ahlström, 2018). These frameworks...

Big Data in Healthcare Research

Jessica Malenfant provides a presentation on the use of information and its analysis for healthcare research. Anderson (2008) considers the possibility of a new research method that can substitute the scientific method. These two works can contribute some information to the topic of big data and its usefulness for health...

Infantilization of Teenagers in Epstein’s Article

Article Overview The article that will be analyzed in the paper at hand is devoted to the problem of the infantilization of teenagers as a result of the artificial prolongation of school studies. The author claims that over the past century, the number of restrictions for school students has become...

Trends in Healthcare Human Resource Management

Introduction It is imperative to mention that healthcare industry has to go through numerous changes because of the introduction of new policies and other factors. The understanding of current and future trends is incredibly important for specialists in this area because it will be possible to develop a set of...

Twelve-Step Programs: Alcoholics Anonymous

Introduction Addiction is a serious issue for a person of any class, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. When a person becomes either chemically addicted to a substance or psychologically addicted to an activity, their life often experiences a multitude of negative changes. This is why programs designed to transform this behavior...

Compulsive Buying Disorder

People living in the contemporary world have to cope with various issues, and they often choose different ways that can sometimes be rather destructive. Compulsive buying disorder is often an issue of women trying to cope with depression, but this psychological state is not the only reason for the development...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lifecycles of a Typical Fern and a Typical Conifer

Life cycle of a typical fern A typical fern is homosporous meaning that it produces a single type of spore which looks and spreads like a seed. In nature, spores have single cells containing only one copy of each chromosome (haploid). In its breeding site, the spore develops into gametophyte...

A Breakup Problems: Psychological Support and Ethical Principles

A breakup is usually an extremely painful experience, and, in certain cases, it may even lead to psychological disorders (Yıldırım & Demir, 2015, p. 38). To help a colleague (who is also a psychologist) to get over a breakup with his boyfriend, it is possible to take a number of...

Chapter 5 of Locke’s Second Treatise of Government

Introduction John Locke was an English philosopher, famous for his liberal ideas and natural rights. In Two Treatises of Government, he evaluated different states of nature, war, and slavery. In the fifth chapter, Locke focused on property and its establishment in society from God’s perspective. The purpose of this essay...

Recidivism of Juvenile Crime

The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency Adolescence is a turning point in the development of each individual. The desire to prove their independence and youthful maximalism push the teenager to deviant actions, including crimes. The problem of juvenile delinquency is one of the most urgent in modern society, as it takes...

Covenant Idea Between God and the Jewish People

Introduction Jews in the Bible are a religious-ethnic group of people descending from Abraham and connected with God by several unions (covenants). The beginning of the Jewish people’s formation can be considered the conclusion of an agreement between God and Abraham. God’s Covenant for the Israeli people as a whole...

Low Nurse Staffing in Hospital Settings

Introduction The problem of low staffing levels in the nursing setting has existed for many years (McHugh & Ma, 2014). Causing a significant drop in the quality of provided services, the issue has led to a steep rise in the number of medical errors, negative patient outcomes (e.g., instances of...

Organizational Culture in Healthcare

Introduction In recent years, organizational culture has been receiving increased attention from the business research community. According to Valmohammadi and Roshanzamir (2015), healthy organizational cultures contribute to increased innovation, responsibility, quality, and performance in personnel. At the same time, an organizational culture enables individuals to succeed on a personal level....

Louis Spohr, a Conductor of the Nineteenth Century

Louis Spohr was a prolific German composer, violinist, and conductor at the beginning of the early nineteenth century (Weyer M, 1980). He was born in Brunswick in 1784 in Germany. Louis Spohr was considered to be one of the finest composers of his time. His parents were also musicians; his...

Shakespeare’s King Henry VI parts 1-3 and Richard III

Introduction The War of the Roses, speaks of the period between 1455 to 1485 when two powerful dynasties in Britain fought to gain the throne of England. The two houses were the House of Lancaster with King Henry VI as the head and The House of York with King Richard...

Plan de Iguala & The Declaration of Independence

Each nation ever living in this world has always striven to be independent and in pursuit of equality, people fought for freedom and independence over the years. Being dependent on somebody else means that you are weaker and as nobody wants to appease with the fact that the hierarchical structure...

Popular Research Paper Topics

What Are the Causes of World Hunger?

Hunger is not a problem for people who can afford to buy food. For as long as there is money to buy some sort of food, the hunger pangs that one feels can easily be alleviated. There always seems to be more than enough food around for most of the...

Workers and Immigrants During the World War I and II

The expectations of labor workers, arising out of propaganda from the first World War, were too high to be fulfilled. The revolution in the Soviet Union inspired American workers to strike, resulting in the steel strike in 1919 when thousands of workers (some of them immigrants) demanded higher wages and...

Cultural Relativism: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Cultural relativism theory argues that a person’s beliefs and actions are supposed to be judged depending on one’s culture. They further state that “bad” and “good” are defined by a people’s culture. This means that what is regarded as ethical in a certain culture may be regarded as unethical...

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

Part of the unique challenge of pediatrics as a branch of medicine is having to accommodate the personal needs of different age groups of children. To help them meet this challenge, pediatricians can draw upon theories of children’s development created by such scholars as Erik Erikson, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Jean...

The Problem of Insomnia: Symptoms and Treatment

Nowadays insomnia which means one’s having difficulties with falling and staying asleep is a widespread problem. According to Buysse, Rush, and Reynolds (2017), intermittent sleep or too early awakenings are also considered to be the symptoms of the disease. However, it should be mentioned that these signs are regarded as...

Management of Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute vasculitis affecting previously healthy young infants and children. During its first acute stage, it manifests as a high fever (over 101°F) that persists for at least five days (Patel & Shulman, 2015). Furthermore, four of the following clinical characteristics are required to diagnose KD:...

Sparrow Pharmaceuticals’ Advertisement Strategy Analysis

Introduction Sparrow Pharmaceuticals has acquired its client base by advertising credible and thematic articles and offering a high-quality selection of medical research findings. The given measure has granted the trust of its customers as it was useful for them together with the excellent performance of the company’s products. There is...

Reflection on Photography: An Art Piece or Mass Entertainment?

Photography has become a true art like cinema, theatre, sculpture, and others. However, it has its own particularities: for example, it is possible to immortalize no more than a second, and there is no way to make any changes in the shot. What is more, it is necessary to mention...

Evidence-Based Approach to Policymaking

Criminal justice policies often fail to address the issues of diverse individuals and vulnerable populations. As opposed to minimizing the role of individual characteristics, policymakers should employ an evidence-based approach to formulate actionable steps to combat discrimination. This essay will examine the evidence-based practice of policymaking in a specific case...

Stage-Of-Life and Healthcare Experiences

While the healthcare sector has to treat every patient in the same manner, the reality is far from these statements. Factors like race, gender, sexuality, and age have a determining effect on the quality and overall process of medical care. Thus, it can be argued that every person experiences healthcare...

The Problem of Inflation: Crucial Aspects

Of primary importance is the recognition that inflation is not an unnatural or harmful mechanism for a country’s economy. Certainly, from the point of view of an ordinary citizen who pays taxes and gives their private money for goods, it may seem that the absence of pre-election inflation or even...

Diamond-Water Paradox

The concept of the value of goods was one of the most actively discussed topics by economists in the 18-19th century. In “A Study of the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,” published in 1776, Adam Smith voiced the question that would later become known as the diamond-water...

Developmental Assessment of the School-Aged Child and Its Peculiarities

Introduction Physical assessment of the patient is one of the core skills of any nurse. As such, it is important to find the right approach for any age demographic, both adults and children. An assessment of a child usually consists of various practices, often depending on the child’s age and...

Marriage and Family Relationships’ Role in Society

Marriage and family are two closely related concepts in cultures around the globe, and the investigation of their relationship plays a significant role in understanding human affairs. Marriage is a legal agreement between two people to unite their lives and share common responsibilities. After marriage, a family is created as...

Professional Sports Franchises

Introduction Athletic organizations are perceived to be among the organizations that generates the most profit. However, in running these organizations management is faced with serious problems, ranging from the health of the athletes, to the collection of revenue. Challenges Professional athletic organizations generate their revenues from gate receipts, television contracts,...

Top Five Healthcare Fraud Billing Cases

Fraud is widespread in most sectors including the U.S. healthcare system where medical extortions, scams, and health insurance deceit continue to be reported. The office of the Inspector General usually undertakes inquiries of such incidents for trial. For any successful conviction to occur, the presented evidence must be convincing. This...

The Need of Cybersecurity in Healthcare Industry

Introduction The purpose of this point paper is to explain the importance of implementing cybersecurity strategies for healthcare organizations that currently adopt information technologies based on the case of ransomware attacks. Our intention is to sell the technological tools for telemedicine services, as well as provide guidance on the ways...

’Improving Access to Breast Health Services’ by Castellanos

Purpose of Article From the article, it is clear that the authors wanted to insinuate that access to breast health services among populations, especially women, is of fundamental importance in fighting breast cancer. The article further purposed to show that inexpensive intervention strategies such as the stated comprehensive breast center...

The Relationships Among Tests and Scales, Populations, Reliability and Validity

Researchers have affirmed the existence of a relationship among tests, scales, populations, reliability, and validity (Kolen & Brennan, 2014). Scales often rely on unidimensionality because they use one item, which defines the unit of the construct. Franzen (2013) defines this unit as the level of severity within the construct under...

Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans Contamination: The Health Risks

This paper is a critique of a study by Aberg et al. (2010), which assessed the level of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) contamination at a Swedish sawmill site. The health significance of the study was to outline the nature of health risks affecting people who lived around the contaminated...

Epidemiology: Controling Spread of HIV in China

Description of the Research and How It Represents an Epidemiological Study Chang (2009) conducted a study to evaluate efforts by the Chinese government to control the spread of HIV in China by narrowing down on effective preventive measures for controlling HIV among sex workers. This study was on CNN. Why...

Aspects of a Suburb and Suburbia

The notion of suburbia is often heard in the contemporary environment, being characteristic of 21st-century life. According to the general understanding, a suburb implies a city’s remote areas, which are usually adjacent to its borders and remains mostly residential. Suburbs tend to be low-story, convenient areas with a calmer atmosphere...

Validity and Reliability Discussion in Epidemiologic Study

Introduction For an epidemiologic study to have meaning and worth, the facts must be reliable and valid (Fletcher, Fletcher, & Fletcher, 2012). While reliability indicates the repeatability of events, validity seeks to prove the genuineness of the findings. Researchers have to be conscious of possible bias, random error, and confounding...

Modern Meets Ancient in A. E. Stallings

Death took me by the hand and took me to the underground. Did it not know that I still had life to live and more to explore? It was the second chaotic, unpleasing home it placed me on. Never did death feel a little sorry for me. Dealing with the...

Literacy Skills in Struggling Students: Team Read Program

Many students have difficulty in literacy skills, particularly comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling skills. Therefore, research in improving literacy skills is essential in finding strategies that may enable students to perform better in reading and writing. Struggling students need different teaching approaches to improve their literacy skills, particularly students from minority...

Overview of Abolitionism: Afire with Faith

Summary The Beecher’s and the Kingdom of God Lyman Beecher Was a Highly Praised Minister Who Wanted to Make America the Kingdom of Christ. The Transformation of American Evangelicalism after 1800, Americans Moved Away from Calvinism Towards the Idea That Everyone Can Earn Redemption. Charles Grandison Finney and Modern Revivalism...

Amazon Organization’s Management and Culture

Amazon is a transnational company widely used globally that deals with e-commerce, computer clouding, and artificial intelligence. It is ranked among the leading companies in the United States due to its growing economic influence. The company is based in Washington and was founded by Jeff Benzos in 1994 (Furgang, 2018)....

The Small Morning Painting by Runge

Introduction The small morning art piece was created by Phillip Otto Runge in 1808, using the Romanticism style. In the 19th Century German mystical Jacob Boehme, Runge believed that flowers might symbolize diverse human states. He described that their cycle from budding to death, and response to light, expresses God’s...

Social, Political, and Economic Transformations in Tennessee between 1960 and 1990

Chapter thirteen of the assigned course text exposes the reader to the sweeping social, political, and economic transformations in Tennessee in the last three decades, stretching from 1960 to the 1990s. Dramatic events before and during this period, such as World War II and civil rights movements, played a leading...

Chronic Condition and Comorbid Diagnosis

Pertinent Positive and Negative Findings in the Patient Assessment Pertinent positive findings include a blood pressure of 190/101, a blood sugar of 405, and a heart rate of 102. Furthermore, the patient reports about polyuria, which affects the normal water and electrolyte balance in the body and can physiologically trigger...

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Aspects of Studying English Phonology

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Population Aging and Healthcare Concerns

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The United States in 1968 vs. 2020-2021

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“Cold Shock Proteins…” Article by Higuchi et al.

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Importance of Colonialism for Modern Society

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HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules

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