Many diverse teaching methods increase the effectiveness of education. The one-minute preceptor is one of the key aspects which helps to learn concepts in physical therapy as the teacher provides direct feedback on the student’s knowledge (Gatewood & De Gagne, 2019). The idea is mainly oriented on the development of...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 664
Pages: 2
Electronic health records (EHRs) have recently gained popularity, allowing healthcare providers to manage and safeguard patient details digitally. One of the key components of EHRs is standardized terminology, which involves using a common language to describe clinical conditions, diagnoses, and treatments. As an outcome, data collection is more consistent, and...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 664
Pages: 2
Introduction It is hard to disagree that not many people are ready to die to prove their point of view and stay moral until the end. Socrates was sentenced to death for instilling ‘wrong’ political views in the youth, but instead of escaping his death, the philosopher accepted it with...
Topic: Death
Words: 664
Pages: 2
The irony is an expression of meaning using a language that is opposite and in a humorous way. Kate Chopin’s novel The Story of an Hour employs irony to make the person reading it understand the unpredictable events in life that could arise. She utilizes situational sarcasm that shows the...
Topic: The Story of an Hour
Words: 664
Pages: 2
Writing Style The Delirium in Palliative Care article by Bramati & Bruera is well written and composed, which can be concluded from reading. Each subtopic is separated by a dedicated heading, which keeps them well organized. The information is presented in a precise formulation, and all rare terms are explained...
Topic: Examples
Words: 664
Pages: 2
Abstract The paper outlines the primary challenges of Zimbabwe economic system and provides a consistent account of inefficient economic strategies that disrupt the country’s well-being. The notion of Mugabenomics is reviewed in the case study. Due to the findings of the case, there is a threat of Zimbabwe becoming the...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Introduction Medical practitioners understand well the idea of strategy development. Within the Health care institutions, this is since it contributes to individual’s as well as community’s health. Implementation of right strategies assists in increasing the medical attention to communities. However, poor strategies often results into poor services which at times...
Topic: Health
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Montessori Focus on socialization. The learning environment is supportive and interesting. Learning through sensory feelings. Learning through manipulating objects. Learning is similar to real-life experience (The Montessori Early Childhood Program, 2009). High Scope Focus on active participatory learning. Learning is organized according to the Plan-Do-Review cycle. Learning through observing and...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Introduction Social media has developed over the years to present a platform in which interaction has increasingly been made easier. The interaction that arises from the use of social media has made the sharing and access to information easier every waking day (Porter par. 3). A Facebook post shared by...
Topic: Activism
Words: 665
Pages: 3
In a retrospect, the evolution of women in the American society truly is fascinating, especially when considering the social roles played by the Native American women at the very start of the colonization era and the roles that American women played in the society by 1850s. Because of a continuous...
Topic: Women’s Role
Words: 665
Pages: 3
In the recent past, ethical lapses in the practice of business, ranging from Enron to the Lehman Brothers debacles, have once again refocused the attention of scholars and practitioners to a contemplation of ethics and the moral dilemmas employees face in the context of modern capitalism (Fang, 2006). Scholars have...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 665
Pages: 3
The Tempest performed by the Savage Rose Theater Company is a classical period drama performance of the Shakespearean classic. It is a faithful adaptation of the text and its themes. The company’s portrayal of The Tempest is a creative and organic product that puts the focus on character development using...
Topic: The Tempest
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Childhood obesity is one of the most critical health issues in the United States. As for now, nearly every third child is either obese or overweight (Kothandan, 2014). That is why it is imperative to pay special attention to the prevention of childhood obesity as well as obesity-related health issues....
Topic: Childhood Obesity
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Important Elements of the Description The first key element in the description of the patient’s worsening depression and development of various mental illnesses, includes her having had a fifth child while being only 29 years old. The second important element is that she smokes pot twice a day which is...
Topic: Depression
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Introduction Healthcare industry is witnessing a rapid implementation of programs based on the use of information and communication technologies. Adopting the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 caused it. This legal act introduced the meaningful use criteria that claim that eligible hospitals and professionals should use and have...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Change Theory Change Theory’s Elements Fitting the Scenario Nursing leadership is associated with the need to implement changes. Different change models contain such basic elements as making people aware of the problem, implementing the change, and making a new model a norm (Nilsen, Wallerstedt, Behm, & Ahlström, 2018). These frameworks...
Topic: Action Plan
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Jessica Malenfant provides a presentation on the use of information and its analysis for healthcare research. Anderson (2008) considers the possibility of a new research method that can substitute the scientific method. These two works can contribute some information to the topic of big data and its usefulness for health...
Topic: Health
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Article Overview The article that will be analyzed in the paper at hand is devoted to the problem of the infantilization of teenagers as a result of the artificial prolongation of school studies. The author claims that over the past century, the number of restrictions for school students has become...
Topic: Teenagers
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Introduction It is imperative to mention that healthcare industry has to go through numerous changes because of the introduction of new policies and other factors. The understanding of current and future trends is incredibly important for specialists in this area because it will be possible to develop a set of...
Topic: Health
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Introduction Addiction is a serious issue for a person of any class, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. When a person becomes either chemically addicted to a substance or psychologically addicted to an activity, their life often experiences a multitude of negative changes. This is why programs designed to transform this behavior...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 665
Pages: 3
People living in the contemporary world have to cope with various issues, and they often choose different ways that can sometimes be rather destructive. Compulsive buying disorder is often an issue of women trying to cope with depression, but this psychological state is not the only reason for the development...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Life cycle of a typical fern A typical fern is homosporous meaning that it produces a single type of spore which looks and spreads like a seed. In nature, spores have single cells containing only one copy of each chromosome (haploid). In its breeding site, the spore develops into gametophyte...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 665
Pages: 2
A breakup is usually an extremely painful experience, and, in certain cases, it may even lead to psychological disorders (Yıldırım & Demir, 2015, p. 38). To help a colleague (who is also a psychologist) to get over a breakup with his boyfriend, it is possible to take a number of...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction John Locke was an English philosopher, famous for his liberal ideas and natural rights. In Two Treatises of Government, he evaluated different states of nature, war, and slavery. In the fifth chapter, Locke focused on property and its establishment in society from God’s perspective. The purpose of this essay...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 665
Pages: 2
The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency Adolescence is a turning point in the development of each individual. The desire to prove their independence and youthful maximalism push the teenager to deviant actions, including crimes. The problem of juvenile delinquency is one of the most urgent in modern society, as it takes...
Topic: Crime
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Jews in the Bible are a religious-ethnic group of people descending from Abraham and connected with God by several unions (covenants). The beginning of the Jewish people’s formation can be considered the conclusion of an agreement between God and Abraham. God’s Covenant for the Israeli people as a whole...
Topic: God
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction The problem of low staffing levels in the nursing setting has existed for many years (McHugh & Ma, 2014). Causing a significant drop in the quality of provided services, the issue has led to a steep rise in the number of medical errors, negative patient outcomes (e.g., instances of...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction In recent years, organizational culture has been receiving increased attention from the business research community. According to Valmohammadi and Roshanzamir (2015), healthy organizational cultures contribute to increased innovation, responsibility, quality, and performance in personnel. At the same time, an organizational culture enables individuals to succeed on a personal level....
Topic: Culture
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Louis Spohr was a prolific German composer, violinist, and conductor at the beginning of the early nineteenth century (Weyer M, 1980). He was born in Brunswick in 1784 in Germany. Louis Spohr was considered to be one of the finest composers of his time. His parents were also musicians; his...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Introduction The War of the Roses, speaks of the period between 1455 to 1485 when two powerful dynasties in Britain fought to gain the throne of England. The two houses were the House of Lancaster with King Henry VI as the head and The House of York with King Richard...
Topic: Literature
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Each nation ever living in this world has always striven to be independent and in pursuit of equality, people fought for freedom and independence over the years. Being dependent on somebody else means that you are weaker and as nobody wants to appease with the fact that the hierarchical structure...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Hunger is not a problem for people who can afford to buy food. For as long as there is money to buy some sort of food, the hunger pangs that one feels can easily be alleviated. There always seems to be more than enough food around for most of the...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 665
Pages: 2
The expectations of labor workers, arising out of propaganda from the first World War, were too high to be fulfilled. The revolution in the Soviet Union inspired American workers to strike, resulting in the steel strike in 1919 when thousands of workers (some of them immigrants) demanded higher wages and...
Topic: War
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Cultural relativism theory argues that a person’s beliefs and actions are supposed to be judged depending on one’s culture. They further state that “bad” and “good” are defined by a people’s culture. This means that what is regarded as ethical in a certain culture may be regarded as unethical...
Topic: Cultural Relativism
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Part of the unique challenge of pediatrics as a branch of medicine is having to accommodate the personal needs of different age groups of children. To help them meet this challenge, pediatricians can draw upon theories of children’s development created by such scholars as Erik Erikson, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Jean...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute vasculitis affecting previously healthy young infants and children. During its first acute stage, it manifests as a high fever (over 101°F) that persists for at least five days (Patel & Shulman, 2015). Furthermore, four of the following clinical characteristics are required to diagnose KD:...
Topic: Disease
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Sparrow Pharmaceuticals has acquired its client base by advertising credible and thematic articles and offering a high-quality selection of medical research findings. The given measure has granted the trust of its customers as it was useful for them together with the excellent performance of the company’s products. There is...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Photography has become a true art like cinema, theatre, sculpture, and others. However, it has its own particularities: for example, it is possible to immortalize no more than a second, and there is no way to make any changes in the shot. What is more, it is necessary to mention...
Topic: Entertainment
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Criminal justice policies often fail to address the issues of diverse individuals and vulnerable populations. As opposed to minimizing the role of individual characteristics, policymakers should employ an evidence-based approach to formulate actionable steps to combat discrimination. This essay will examine the evidence-based practice of policymaking in a specific case...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 665
Pages: 2
While the healthcare sector has to treat every patient in the same manner, the reality is far from these statements. Factors like race, gender, sexuality, and age have a determining effect on the quality and overall process of medical care. Thus, it can be argued that every person experiences healthcare...
Topic: Health
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Of primary importance is the recognition that inflation is not an unnatural or harmful mechanism for a country’s economy. Certainly, from the point of view of an ordinary citizen who pays taxes and gives their private money for goods, it may seem that the absence of pre-election inflation or even...
Topic: Inflation
Words: 665
Pages: 2
The concept of the value of goods was one of the most actively discussed topics by economists in the 18-19th century. In “A Study of the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,” published in 1776, Adam Smith voiced the question that would later become known as the diamond-water...
Topic: Economics
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Physical assessment of the patient is one of the core skills of any nurse. As such, it is important to find the right approach for any age demographic, both adults and children. An assessment of a child usually consists of various practices, often depending on the child’s age and...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Marriage and family are two closely related concepts in cultures around the globe, and the investigation of their relationship plays a significant role in understanding human affairs. Marriage is a legal agreement between two people to unite their lives and share common responsibilities. After marriage, a family is created as...
Topic: Family
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Athletic organizations are perceived to be among the organizations that generates the most profit. However, in running these organizations management is faced with serious problems, ranging from the health of the athletes, to the collection of revenue. Challenges Professional athletic organizations generate their revenues from gate receipts, television contracts,...
Topic: Franchising
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction The purpose of this point paper is to explain the importance of implementing cybersecurity strategies for healthcare organizations that currently adopt information technologies based on the case of ransomware attacks. Our intention is to sell the technological tools for telemedicine services, as well as provide guidance on the ways...
Topic: Cybersecurity
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Researchers have affirmed the existence of a relationship among tests, scales, populations, reliability, and validity (Kolen & Brennan, 2014). Scales often rely on unidimensionality because they use one item, which defines the unit of the construct. Franzen (2013) defines this unit as the level of severity within the construct under...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 665
Pages: 2
This paper is a critique of a study by Aberg et al. (2010), which assessed the level of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) contamination at a Swedish sawmill site. The health significance of the study was to outline the nature of health risks affecting people who lived around the contaminated...
Topic: Health
Words: 665
Pages: 3
The notion of suburbia is often heard in the contemporary environment, being characteristic of 21st-century life. According to the general understanding, a suburb implies a city’s remote areas, which are usually adjacent to its borders and remains mostly residential. Suburbs tend to be low-story, convenient areas with a calmer atmosphere...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction For an epidemiologic study to have meaning and worth, the facts must be reliable and valid (Fletcher, Fletcher, & Fletcher, 2012). While reliability indicates the repeatability of events, validity seeks to prove the genuineness of the findings. Researchers have to be conscious of possible bias, random error, and confounding...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Death took me by the hand and took me to the underground. Did it not know that I still had life to live and more to explore? It was the second chaotic, unpleasing home it placed me on. Never did death feel a little sorry for me. Dealing with the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Summary The Beecher’s and the Kingdom of God Lyman Beecher Was a Highly Praised Minister Who Wanted to Make America the Kingdom of Christ. The Transformation of American Evangelicalism after 1800, Americans Moved Away from Calvinism Towards the Idea That Everyone Can Earn Redemption. Charles Grandison Finney and Modern Revivalism...
Topic: Belief
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Amazon is a transnational company widely used globally that deals with e-commerce, computer clouding, and artificial intelligence. It is ranked among the leading companies in the United States due to its growing economic influence. The company is based in Washington and was founded by Jeff Benzos in 1994 (Furgang, 2018)....
Topic: Amazon
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction The small morning art piece was created by Phillip Otto Runge in 1808, using the Romanticism style. In the 19th Century German mystical Jacob Boehme, Runge believed that flowers might symbolize diverse human states. He described that their cycle from budding to death, and response to light, expresses God’s...
Topic: Art
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Chapter thirteen of the assigned course text exposes the reader to the sweeping social, political, and economic transformations in Tennessee in the last three decades, stretching from 1960 to the 1990s. Dramatic events before and during this period, such as World War II and civil rights movements, played a leading...
Topic: Economics
Words: 665
Pages: 2
The hospitality business is a complex and multi-component economic environment. For the effective functioning of such an enterprise, it is necessary to consider many factors. To better understand how such a business can function, it is essential to review this area using a specific example. This paper aims to examine...
Topic: Business
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Before discussing the current organization and the type of communication that is most characteristic of it, it may be crucial to gain more insight into the essential differences between tall and flat organizational communication variations. When an organization is defined as “tall,” communication is rarely established directly, as there are...
Topic: Communication
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Identifying the target market is vital because knowing the customers will allow the company to sell its products or services effectively. When producing the product, the company should consider consumers’ needs and preferences (Asdi & Putra, 2020). Identifying and analyzing the target market of Samsung will help the future...
Topic: Product Marketing
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Barn Burning is a short story written by William Faulkner, which demonstrates the complex relationship between personal and familial values. The protagonist Sarty – a ten-year-old boy – is forced to testify in court to prove his father’s innocence (Faulkner 5). However, Sarty is aware that his father has...
Topic: Family
Words: 665
Pages: 2
In the First Meditation, Descartes expresses his intention to break the foundation of falsehoods that he had accepted as true since childhood. He begins by stating that everything he has accepted to be true is acquired from or through his senses. The first belief that seems unlikely to be doubted...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 665
Pages: 2
For the American feminist movement, the 1970s was a time of utmost importance in many ways. According to McBean (2018), even though the Women’s Liberation Movement started in the 1960s, it gained traction in the public sphere in the next decade. This contributed to the appearance of mainstream feminist fiction...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Briefings on the Content Deborah Acosta’s article “Job Interview Preparation Tips to Help You Stand Out” talks about five important things to succeed in a job interview. The first step is a detailed analysis of the vacancy and requirements for a future employee. The second step in preparing for the...
Topic: Business
Words: 665
Pages: 2
The Los Angeles Riot of 1992 The Los Angeles riot of 1992 occurred after the trial of police officers who had been accused of beating Rodney King. This essay is an analysis of various aspects of leadership within the ranks of the officers responding to the uprising. The disturbance was...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 665
Pages: 2
An open letter from Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most famous documented conversions of a man from prison. Although the entire text is an oratory example, one of the paragraphs of this text, in my opinion, is the most revealing. In this passage, the politician refers to...
Topic: Letter from Birmingham Jail
Words: 665
Pages: 2
First of all, it is worth highlighting that testing affects all the main aspects of language use, namely oral and written speech. In order to objectively consider the entire system, it is necessary to analyze each of the criteria in detail. First of all, teachers evaluate expressive oral speech, which...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Demographic metamorphosis leads to significant economic and social impacts affecting labor and capital markets, goods and services, social protection, health care, and pensions. The consequences of a shrinking working-age population are lower labor productivity and aggregate savings, and thus slower investment, demand, and economic growth. Therefore, population aging is a...
Topic: Aging
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Summary At first glance, it is not easy to imagine that the events of 2020-2022 parallel past events. However, it can argue that 1968 was on a par with the mentioned period in many respects. The similarity is expressed in such phenomena as the epidemic, political prostheses, and presidential elections...
Topic: History
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction When it is necessary to conduct a project, it is reasonable to draw sufficient attention to quality assurance (QA). This term denotes “the process of identifying or deciding all the quality requirements for a project, identifying existing quality documents such as codes, specifications, etc. that are relevant to the...
Topic: Management
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Reasons for Performing the Study Higuchi and colleagues performed their study to examine the processes of cell-free (CF) synthesis in E. coli and add new information regarding cold-shock proteins’ (CSP) roles and influences. The authors were interested in the impacts of twelve different CSPs on E. coli protein synthesis systems...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 665
Pages: 2
The story of Henrietta Lacks is the foundation of modern medical ethics and humanistic treatment of patients worldwide, especially among minorities. After undergoing dangerous procedures during segregation at Johns Hopkins, Henrietta Lacks lost her cells and died a few months after the medical operation. The cells obtained by George Gay...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 665
Pages: 2
This study aims to analyze and develop the teaching of developmental psychology. Also, the research concepts integrate interpersonal spirituality with developmental systems. Based on attachment theory, relational spirituality is one of two theoretical frameworks for comprehending a person’s attachments and religious growth. To understand why some people are more robust...
Topic: Developmental Psychology
Words: 665
Pages: 2
I believe that diversity is a wonderful thing, for it provides us with different viewpoints and ideas that we may not have thought of earlier. In my opinion, perspectives different from ours can give us valuable information and help improve the field of medicine. While this field is rather successful...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Colonialism is a significant period in the history of humanity, the study of which remains essential. In this context, the best perspective on life in a colony can only be given by a person who was raised in it, like Franz Fanon, a famous psychiatrist and philosopher. Born in the...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 665
Pages: 2
To avoid breaches of sensitive data and other types of security incidents, healthcare organizations must take a proactive and preventive strategy with security and protection demands in mind. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) contains ways of regulating these dangers using a mix of authorized and specialized security...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 665
Pages: 2
In recent years, with the advancements in social media, it has become even more crucial to be critical of the incoming information. In the cases of health-related content, the well-being of not only individuals but the whole community or even the world can depend on it. The mass spread of...
Topic: Flu
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Organizations prefer to outsource HR functions to gain a competitive edge and improve efficiency in an era of globalization and heightened competition. Essentially, this is the process where a third party is involved in a business operation as part of the practice. The act has grown in popularity and is...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction The core of Christian belief is the life, teachings, crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Numerous books and essays were written after the death of the Son of God. However, the only original writings believed to describe Christ’s journey are considered the three gospels by Mark, Matthew, and Luke...
Topic: Belief
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Learning a series of words using mnemonic devices is a popular studying strategy. However, there is little evidence of the proven effectiveness of this method. The study proposes a model for an experiment designed to determine how effective mnemonic techniques are for the learning process and memorization mechanism. As...
Topic: Education
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Humans are devoted to their beliefs, which define their cause and the moral code that regulates their actions as individuals. The moral code requires observance and adherence to the rites prescribed by their respective religions. Humans adhere to various faiths, including Rastafari, Jediism, and the Raelian movement. Such religious...
Topic: Religion
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Adolescence is among several life stages, which is not childhood but not yet close to adulthood. It can be characterized as the transformational moment in an individual’s life, which involves changes in both physical and mental states. While many people might understand such a transition and be respectful to young...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Morocco is a country with centuries-old traditions and certain norms of behavior that must be taken into account when doing business. The majority of the country’s population is Muslim, and the main language is Arabic. French is used to conduct international business. When building relationships with Moroccan partners, it...
Topic: Business
Words: 665
Pages: 2
A scary creature causes fear, albeit brief, in its audience. With their classic plots and enduring popularity, Nosferatu and Coraline are examples of this deliberate strategy. Those who do not adore them at least admire and accept that they perfectly encapsulate the concept of monsters, to the point where they...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction One specific health literacy issue currently faced by Hospital X is linguistic minority patients’ limited use of safe and effective resources to comprehend all medication instructions accurately. The issue pertains to certain patients’ failure to obtain/utilize instructions in their language despite the facility’s ability to provide such accommodations. Literacy...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Pay structures define how an organization determines employee compensation levels. A pay structure is intended to create a transparent framework for fairly and equally compensating employees. The design of a compensation system is vital because it encourages employees to give their best work and provides a clear pathway for...
Topic: Business
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Joseph Stalin was a political leader of the USSR in the 1940s, and it was during his leadership that the country faced the Second World War. In 1941, Joseph Stalin gave a radio broadcast to the people of the Soviet Union after Germany had invaded the country (Stalin). In...
Topic: Autocracy
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction In this assignment for the subject of Communication and new technologies I will incorporate all the acquired information I learned during the classes. To introduce a new brand Raw Way, I will apply the action techniques, emotional systems, 4MAT principles, anchoring, and other approaches. Action Model Aim The target...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction There are differing perspectives that influence people’s actions and how they treat others. Some people’s behaviors are influenced immensely by the perceptions of others. Priest vs. the World in the story Les Miserables represents extreme perspectives that explain the behaviors of Jean and Javert, the main characters in the...
Topic: Crime
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Simone De Beauvoir is a historical figure for writing about one of the most crucial issues in society. Beauvoir’s work involves gender equality and the position of women in society. In her book “The Second Sex”, De Beauvoir presents a history of women’s position in society from a feminist...
Topic: Literature
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Human resources and practices play an integral role in the growth and success of companies. In general, the term HR practices refers to a variety of strategies that businesses use to oversee their human resources effectively (Alajlani & Yesufu, 2022). The procedures and policies that have an impact on...
Topic: Business
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Introduction Literature and music have always shared a bond, each providing unique storytelling and aesthetic expression platforms. Oliver Goldsmith’s “The Benefits of Luxury, In Making a People More Wise and Happy” from Sporre’s textbook (2014) and Franz Schubert’s “Erlkönig” from OxfordLieder’s YouTube channel (2013) both offer insightful perspectives on the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Gender and Sexuality: Essay Introduction Human beings live in a world which is characterized by a variety of preferences and opinions about various facets of life. For instance, people hold different views and opinions about certain aspects of life, such as attitudes towards a given orientation in life. These different...
Topic: Gender
Words: 666
Pages: 3
The company of “Under Armour” already sells its products not only via intermediaries but also by using direct to consumer (DTC) sales. We will argue that the company should use DTC sales more, despite some of their disadvantages, and that the most profitable way of DTC selling is Factory Houses....
Topic: Business
Words: 666
Pages: 3
Clients are the biggest asset of social networking sites, thus, efforts should be made not only to acquire new ones, but also to maintain the existing ones by ensuring client satisfaction. Social networking sites ensure that their users stay on board by reassuring them that they are in the best...
Topic: Social Networking
Words: 666
Pages: 3
Introduction Nowadays, the idea of creativity as a phenomenon primarily associated with the younger human developmental phases is deeply rooted in social consciousness. However, some theories suggest the people take a look at creativity from a new perspective. For example, according to the Peak and Decline Model, a person achieves...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 666
Pages: 3
Quality planning and organizational performance enhancement initiatives concentrated on distinct measurable focus areas have the potential to bring substantial positive changes in the healthcare system (Weston & Roberts, 2013). However, to ensure that a meeting is conducted effectively, it is important to write meeting minutes capturing the essential information discussed...
Topic: Health
Words: 666
Pages: 3
The increased availability of access to media has resulted in selective exposure to specific content that influences ideological perceptions. A variety of choices in the media landscape leads to viewers selecting cable news channels that fit their ideological predispositions. Furthermore, selective exposure begins to influence political beliefs and attitudes towards...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 666
Pages: 3
Discussion Healthcare professionals influence patients’ behaviors if they apply certain motivational axioms and health behavior models. Being able to explain patients’ behaviors and motivation with reference to these axioms and theories, educators can choose the most appropriate strategies to stimulate patients’ learning and behavioral change. The purpose of this paper...
Topic: Health
Words: 666
Pages: 3
Regulation involves government actions that are used to guide the behavior of businesses and citizens so as to reach social and economic goals. The government’s action of regulating businesses has led to the reduction of discrimination, freed competition, banned dangerous products, reduced workplace accidents, enhanced business competition, protected the environment,...
Topic: Policy Regulation
Words: 666
Pages: 3
In my opinion, being responsible means acknowledging the consequences of your actions or choices and being ready to handle them. This is a very broad definition, and numerous concessions must be made, but this is the general guideline for defining responsibility in my book. In this essay, I will mention...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Jorge Luis Borges is a famous Argentine writer, he is well known for his innovative approach and his special view of reality. In his works history, imagination, memories and fiction have equal rights and can all be treated seriously, as if they all were possible. Borges refuses to have an...
Topic: Literature
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Affirmative action is the application of knowledge and capability to measure the applicant’s prerequisites, carry out interviews, and make objective hiring resolutions. Achieving good hiring procedures is essential in making people employ the best applicants and prevent discrimination of any kind, according to Kennedy’s order of 1961. It is, therefore,...
Topic: Education
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction The lack of qualified staff in the environment of contemporary healthcare clearly is a reason for concern (Karanikola et al., 2013). Making the managers of healthcare facilities assign the available staff with an excessive amount of roles and responsibilities, the identified phenomenon leads to an array of negative effects,...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Purpose and Responsibilities of PMO According to the Project Management Institute (2013), a project management office (PMO) “is an organizational body or entity assigned with various responsibilities related to the centralized and coordinated management of those projects under its domain” (p. 11). As for Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS), they are non-customized (placed...
Topic: Health
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Abstract This paper elaborates on the problem of feminism and criminology. The paper addresses the chapter from the book by Lilly, Cullen, and Ball (2011) as the source material. Based on the provisions of the authors, it is possible to explore the history of the feminist movement. Primarily, this paper...
Topic: Criminology
Words: 666
Pages: 2
SOAP This method is used as an activity to prepare for writing an essay and stands for “subject, occasion, audience, and purpose” (Barker par. 2). It is utilized to define the style of writing, its topic, and the target audience to make an essay persuasive and interesting. Elements of an...
Topic: Education
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Slavery existed among most modern societies, including African. Even before the European colonization and the onset of the slave trade, it was a part of the culture. Despite that, European slavery differed from the African variant, and the status of slaves was different as a result. In addition to that,...
Topic: Colonization
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Family-based interventions include parent training, family therapy, and multisystemic therapy (Carr 130). Family therapy aims at resolving the problems of young people by using a family-based intervention that involves family members. Family therapy is the treatment of mental disorders with the potential to solve the issues and minimize stress by...
Topic: Family
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The book Design with Nature has a laconic name, which can summarize the idea of the whole book in just three words. It should be noted at once that a crucial moment in the work of a Scottish architect and writer Ian McHarg and an American historian Lewis Mumford is...
Topic: Design
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Healthcare institutions need to develop measures for improving the medicines use safety Problem description Negative consequences Nowadays situation Raising awareness Solutions Note: Safe medicines use is the basis of healthcare, and ignoring safety rules leads to the decrease of treatment efficiency. Nowadays, many medical institutions face the problem of negligence...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The Oneida Nation, which was just one of the members of the Six Nations or Iroquois Confederacy, played an important role in the American Revolution. However, before siding with American colonials during the conflict, Oneidas, as well as other members of the Iroquois Confederacy, declared neutrality first. As it is...
Topic: History
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction Managers and leaders should recognize not only the individual diversity but also cultural diversity in the work place. In an organization different sections and groups may have different cultures with different values and priorities. Today, the societies we live in have become multicultural due to the increasing cross- boarder...
Topic: Business
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Animal rights refer to the fact that; considerations should be given to animals as it is, to human beings. Regan rejected what was said by Emanuel Kant that animals are a means to human’s ends, stating that animals should not be used as a means to an end. He argued...
Topic: Animal Rights
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction It has been established by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1960 that to be able to stand trial, each criminal defendant has to be competent enough (Fortunati et al., 2006, p. 35). This is a reasonable decision, for not every person can clearly understand and evaluate the situation in...
Topic: Law
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Aesthetics is one of the most complex issues discussed by philosophers since the times of Aristotle. While numerous schools of thought argue what constitutes the beauty or lack thereof, one may roughly divide them into two groups: objectivist and subjectivist. The former maintains that there are objective criteria for establishing...
Topic: Art
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Cohabitation implies a couple sharing one household without being legally married. While this type of commitment was traditionally frowned upon within the majority of cultures, it has become more socially acceptable and widely spread in the modern world. As for the United States, the statistical data on unmarried couples living...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Egypt and Mesopotamia were two civilizations that bore as many similarities as did differences. Mesopotamia was originally concentrated in Tigris and Euphrates rivers valleys though it gradually spread to other areas. The effects of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers largely impacted the Mesopotamian culture more so about its frequent and...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction Learning about ancestors and their history is definitely one of the captivating activities for students. Historical knowledge might sometimes help to understand the contemporary world better, and it is also highly educative. Homalco Wildlife & Cultural tours offer an exclusive opportunity to feel like a part of the indigenous...
Topic: Culture
Words: 666
Pages: 2
American history consists of many confrontations: colonies against the crown, North and South. Even at the beginning of its existence, the United States was subject to a conflict of different opinions. In the 1790s, the conflict between the Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton and the Anti-federalists led by Thomas Jefferson...
Topic: Alexander Hamilton
Words: 666
Pages: 2
House of Flying Daggers is a film directed by Zhang Yimou. The picture was released in 2004 and was nominated for an Oskar for the best cinematography in 2005. It combines the genres of action, drama, adventure film, and wuxia. The plot develops around the adventures of Chen, a young...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 666
Pages: 3
Convincing people allows the author to prove one’s point of view and show different perspectives on controversial issues. Persuasive writing is a valuable skill that unveils the student’s ability to compose an argument and logically support it. However, it takes a long time to learn to do it properly and...
Topic: Education
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The main idea of the article “Obstetrician suspended after research inquiry” is an outrageous scandal or fraud that involves a compromised research study in health care, particularly in obstetrics and gynecology. Consequently, a number of key points that should be considered via the analysis were detected. Then, some crucially important...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Recently, most companies have adopted a way of promoting the CFO to the CEO. They consider this as a way of offering the best services to their shareholders. This trend of promotions has been discovered to have both advantages and disadvantages, but the final decision depends on the company policies....
Topic: Business
Words: 666
Pages: 2
One of the most effective learning approaches is through fictional and real-life narratives. Short stories have been used in the history of humanity to offer studying materials that allow students to connect emotionally with the texts and relate them with their experiences. The Egg and Bernice Bobs Her Hair are...
Topic: Symbolism
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Suburbanization has become a global reality, and the factors which hinder small towns’ growth into sprawls have been neutralized by advances in technology, transportation, immigration, and communication. However, there are varied opinions on suburbanization effects, with some people claiming that it is a burden, while others say that it is...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The present paper aims at explaining the distribution of word pairs in the English language based on different types of similarities they may have. Every word in every language has three different aspects that do not depend on each other. These three aspects are pronunciation or phonetics, spelling or graphical...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Staff development and evaluation is an essential leadership process that plays a vital role in an organization’s success. It is of vital importance to provide employees with high-quality professional development and then analyze the results. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the necessary elements of effective staff development...
Topic: Business
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care Cambridge is a certified 180-bed long-term acute care facility where an extended number of professionals provide comprehensive support with every medical plan. It is located on a seven-acre campus at 1575 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138, and has a rather comfortable entrance and parking...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The reproductive system is formed by organs in an organism. These organs function together for the reason of reproduction. It is found in both sexual and asexual organisms. The reproductive system of human beings is similar to that of many animals. A male and female come together during sex and...
Topic: Reproductive Health
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic has contributed to immense global health and socio-economic difficulties. In comparison with older populations, the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 on small children are ambiguous, with lower mortality and morbidity but no definitive evidence supporting dissemination during pregnancy. Studies on the effects of past disease outbreaks...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 666
Pages: 2
According to the scenario provided, in which the Hernandez family is undergoing the Children Services Program’s Administration, social workers tried to track several factors when drafting the tests. First, the most critical factor was parents’ attitudes towards their children and the nurturing patterns to manage their sons. Second, the question...
Topic: Family
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Starbucks is one of the most successful businesses in history, familiar both to coffee drinkers or not. As other companies, it has its business strategy that has brought Starbucks such a colossal success. This paper explores essential aspects of Starbucks ‘ business strategy, such as focusing on flexibility, productivity calculation...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Healthcare management is a multifaceted phenomenon that profoundly impacts the quality of living among individuals. In this case, it is crucial to determine the key factors that attribute to the disparity in the effectiveness of the treatments. Although there is a significant decrease in the rate of the asthma cases’...
Topic: Asthma
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” is one of the most classic and exemplary works in the tragic play’s genre. The greatest poet skillfully and masterfully revealed in his creation the theme of love and freedom of choice, the problems of anger, revenge, and unforgiveness, as well as the piece of...
Topic: Romeo and Juliet
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Contentment and happiness might be found in front of people rather than in elaborate hopes. “How I Met My Husband,” a short story by Alice Munro, illustrates the infatuation of Edie, a fifteen-year-old girl, for Chris Watters, an itinerant pilot who comes offering paid rides in a close-by fairground. Edie...
Topic: Literature
Words: 666
Pages: 2
In a 2000 photograph of Dominos/Havana, John Goodman depicts a game of dominoes by capturing two pairs of moving hands over dominoes on gelatin silver. The effect of hand movement conveys to the viewer the message that the players are shuffling dominoes at the moment captured in the frame. A...
Topic: Art
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Autism spectrum disorder is broadly complicated, and with time and research, it becomes a more significant brain condition. These conditions can be characterized by asocial behavior and problematic communication. There have recently been issues regarding a growing number of children with diagnosed ASD, and this work aims to clarify symptoms,...
Topic: Autism
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction The Lost Letters of Pergamum is a collection of letters in which prominent people from the nobility and churches of the first century communicate and discuss various matters. In general, this book shows people writing letters about how Christianity gradually appeared and influenced the world around them. The plot...
Topic: Religion
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Exposure to various microbial agents is one of the serious threats experienced by today’s communities. Under such circumstances, a person may develop a range of physical conditions, from minor inconveniences to severe ones. In this regard, it is vital to research the microbial-environmental interactions in order to remain prepared for...
Topic: Environment
Words: 666
Pages: 2
To sustain bodily processes and perform everyday tasks, macronutrients must be consumed in substantial quantities. Fats, carbs, and proteins are all included in the examples of macronutrients. Energy and calories derived from macronutrients account for the majority of a person’s daily caloric intake. Weight, age, and underlying health issues can...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Ron Howard’s film A Beautiful Mind is well known in our country largely due to the incredible work of Russell Crowe, who played the role of John Nash in it – a real scientist who has been struggling with schizophrenia for many years. The story about Professor John Nash attracts...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction Deviant behaviour is a stable way of acting and performing, which differs from statistical norms that are not typical for the general population. As a rule, such behaviour does not correspond to officially established or actually designated moral and legal norms in a particular society. At the moment, the...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Pursuit of Happiness is a film story of Chris, which express his quest for success and rise through diverse challenges while growing up in a low-income family. Most of the facts in the film explain aspects of self-motivation, gripping challenges that concur with adversity, and facing real-world problems in life...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Source is a material product of the purposeful human activity, it is a historical phenomenon caused to live by certain conditions, tasks, and goals. Therefore, it is essential to understand what the historical social reality in which it arose was. Any source, whether one is talking, written, physical, or oral...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Interview What brought you into the field of informatics and technology? In our time, computer technology is increasingly entering all spheres of human activity everywhere at a faster pace. I have always felt attracted to innovative technologies since my school days. I developed soft skills in parallel with hard skills...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The relationship between science and religion has shown various controversies. Even though the two complement each other, their connection has been dynamic. Science, in most cases, deals with claims and hypotheses that can be tested, while religion focuses on people’s beliefs. Thus, it is imperative to understand where science and...
Topic: Religion
Words: 666
Pages: 2
This reflection will focus on SLO 2, which is concerned with identifying approaches to dealing with people with mental illnesses in the system of justice. Mental illnesses are prevalent among the US population; for example, multiple substance use disorders (SUDs) among US adults taking prescription drugs increased from 1990 to...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Coca-Cola and Pepsi are comparable in their respective industries, ideal customers, and iconic goods. With dozens of beverage brands available to customers, Coca-Cola and Pepsi are both leaders in the global beverage market. Coca-Cola and Pepsi appear to have comparable business strategies on the surface. However, there are also significant...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The quaint little town of Rosenhayn is found in the U.S. state of New Jersey. With only one neighborhood and a total population of 1,150 people, Rosenhayn occupies the 467th place among the most populous communities in New Jersey (Rosenhayn, New Jersey). The people who call Rosenhayn home come from...
Topic: Social Change
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The topic of coaching and training in today’s information-overloaded world is very much in demand. Nothing contributes to success like a clear, sweeping vision of the future and choosing the best path and strategy for development. Emotional intelligence expert Richard Boyatzis and Weatherhead School of Management colleagues Melvin Smith and...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Marketing Plan Positioning Strategy The target audience of Zappos is women and men of young adult age with an average income. To not lose current customers and attract new ones, it is necessary to connect them with the brand philosophy and inform them about the convenience of the Zappos service....
Topic: Marketing
Words: 666
Pages: 2