Introduction The aim of this paper is to create a regulatory requirement proposal to reduce door-to-balloon (D2B) time in STEMI patients. It will outline the steps that must be taken to communicate and implement this regulation successfully. Moreover, the paper will provide a basis for ensuring regulatory compliance. It will...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 844
Pages: 3
While discussing the topic of happiness and people’s attitudes to this concept, it is possible to speak about many individuals who view the idea of happiness differently. Thus, happiness can be defined by people in the most unexpected terms because of differences in their visions. It is even possible to...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Space plays quite an important role in architecture, contributing to the expression of not only form but also function. Through the prism of architecture, the notion of space is perceived as a combination of exterior and interior elements. When arranged in a particular way, the identified components of the spatial...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Microbial infections can pose a severe threat to the life and health of a person. The critical task of healthcare professionals is to choose the most optimal medications that will fight the disease without exposing a patient to unnecessary harm. Very often, this task requires extensive research and testing....
Topic: Therapy
Words: 844
Pages: 3
It is possible to state with certainty that the concept of leadership plays an immensely important role in nearly every sphere of societal life. It is apparent that some people tend to have more impact on how other members of society behave or perceive themselves. Therefore, the role of a...
Topic: Critical Care
Words: 844
Pages: 3
The current issues of the world are centered on peace and proper conditions for the life of people. One of the controversial and problematic arguments of the present day is gun control laws. There are those who are convinced that allowing more guns to be in production and usage will...
Topic: Law
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Issues of gender bias have been identified as critical in organizational theory and behavior. Today, there are more calls for equal treatment of both men and women in organizations. It is important to note that the issue of gender bias revolves around several aspects of organizational culture (Rao, Sandler, Kelleher...
Topic: Gender
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Why domestic work is often invisible care work? How does the invisibility of care work shape the experiences of workers? The importance of women’s work has always been of primary interest for feminist movements and discussions. It has been proven thousand times that the notion of women’s domestic work has...
Topic: Criticism
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Assuming that a business productivity project was done for a company, it would be first presented to the consulting company for approval before sending it to the prospective client for review. This project focused on a business development initiative that established the stages, which a prospective business person or entity...
Topic: Success
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Working in a local ginnery has been one of the worst moments in my career. I have been working in this organization for six months only but I have had bad experience. Apparently, will not continue working in the same position. In particular, our general manager, the human resource manager...
Topic: Business
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The business in this instance is a food truck that specializes in selling affordable yet clean meals to various workers in and around (PLACE NAME OF CURRENT BUSINESS DISTRICT IN YOUR COUNTRY HERE). Due to the increasing price of food, food trucks have started to become a welcome alternative...
Topic: Food
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Based on what has been presented so far, this analysis recommends that Miranda should attempt to pursue a leadership path that integrates sufficient relationship behavior into it. The fact of the matter is, the employee churn rate within the Runway is far too high to consider it to be a...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Abstract The topics and theories studied in class can be used to transform every society. Some of these concepts include social stratification, deviance, and family. This essay will describe how such concepts can be used to transform the universe. The current online medical information is making it easier for more...
Topic: Environment
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Multinational Corporations are complex in their operation (Jones, 2004, p.45). This arises from the fact that they involve a number of business units that are autonomous in their operation (Bohlander & Snell, 2009, p. 659). In their operation, MNCs are required to respond to diverse foreign issues such as...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Coetzee is regarded as the first South African novelist who had the courage to cover the miseries that people went through, particularly during the post-apartheid period. This book appeared after the country enacted a new constitution that gave people equal rights regardless of their gender or race. His novel...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Wisdom and identity are connected. One represents our knowledge, and the other is often shaped by it. In his play “Doubt” Shanley touches upon the idea that knowledge can lead to sorrow and distress, and how a change in identity can be unpleasant. Andrew Solomon’s presentation covers how trauma...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Chemical dependency or substance abuse refers to a consistent pattern of using drugs that have a physical, psychological, and psychoactive influence on the human body. In most instances, substance abuse implies the use of narcotics, nicotine, or alcohol. The addiction to substances and the subsequent physical dependency implies repetitive use,...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Of all the elements that comprise a story, the setting might seem as the only one that is static, yet it is also prone to changes throughout the story. These alterations indicate changes in the development of characters, the mood set within the narration, and the narrative itself, pointing...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Philosophy is one of the ways to cognize reality that surrounds people and answer basic questions that emerge in the course of individuals’ thought evolution. Human beings have always wanted to understand the purpose of their lives, reasons for their acts, and solve multiple ethical dilemmas that appear while...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Many healthcare settings embrace the idea of interprofessional teams to meet the changing demands of their respective patients. The targeted work setting for this discussion is that of a pediatric ward in a small clinic with six beds. The unit provides timely services to children in need of immediate...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The epos of ancient works is rich in vivid images and characters that embody the ideas of heroism and convey the moral character of past eras. Nevertheless, the approaches of some authors with respect to the portraits of the main characters were different, which makes their work even more...
Topic: Literature
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Despite the intentions to improve the quality of life and create the best control and treatment approaches, asthma remains a significant problem in the United States. Statistical data from various credible sources show that about 10% of American children (7 million) have asthma as a diagnosed chronic disease (Johnson et...
Topic: Asthma
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Clinical Situation Ethics is a crucial component of nursing since it is the responsibility of a nurse to ensure that a vulnerable population is safe and provided with proper services. However, to address patients’ needs properly, a nurse often has to face difficult dilemmas. A recent case involved a nurse...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction For centuries, Chicanos, a Mexican-American people, have been viewed controversially. Popular media, such as TV shows, films, plays, and songs, frequently present Chicano culture either in a positive or negative way. This essay analyses Mi Vida Loca, an American drama film directed by Allison Anders in 1993. It focuses...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The exploration of the notion of criminality and crime is essential for the prevention and management thereof. Thus, a profound analysis of crime as a notion. Its implications, and patterns is a critical aspect of managing breaches of the present-day laws. However, the study of the subject matter will...
Topic: Crime
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The total quality or the so-called total quality management is a methodology whose goal is to achieve the organizational effectiveness of the work team. Pillars of total quality are the three underlying principles of customer focus, continuous improvement, and teamwork. Understanding, applying, and following these three aspects allow the...
Topic: Business
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The work in any organization that concerns interpersonal relationships and communication is likely to impose conflicts. The difficulties in mutual understanding have their causes and outcomes, which deter the performance quality and imped the comfortable environment for the employees. It has even more adverse effects in the field of...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 844
Pages: 3
The issue of the widespread use of technologies among children has never been as relevant as it is today. An overarching majority of rising generations is not learning how they can expand their minds without the use of technologies and later in life, social media. Thus, what used to be...
Topic: Technology
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Ihara Saikaku is now viewed by many literary critics as one of the most prominent Japanese poets. He was the offspring of a prosperous merchant; when he was fifteen, he started to take interest in heikai and soon became very popular in this genre. However, the authors talent should...
Topic: Literature
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Philosophy is a unique science because it touches almost every single area of the human life. The issues of the good and the evil, right and wrong, love and hate are all studied by philosophy that tries to suggest some ways of dealing with this phenomena to the people. With...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The main purpose of conducting this research is for determining the different practices, assumptions, beliefs, and attitudes that are shared by transpersonal therapists distinguishing them from other therapists. The research mainly focuses on the areas of spiritual beliefs relating to psychotherapy, transpersonal training, spiritual experience, personality orientation, psychotherapeutic orientation...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 844
Pages: 3
There is a need for the Rocky Mountain Mutual Insurance Company to grow and develop by way of improving its profits and reducing its costs. One strategy that can be adapted to ensure this is by retaining the Fitness Center. This is in spite of the high cost associated with...
Topic: Fitness
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Teaching children in a way that they would enjoy their studies is always a challenge. Every teacher has certain demand as for his/her class, as well as every student has his/her understanding of the teaching process. Quite often, the needs of the students and the possibilities of a teacher do...
Topic: Students
Words: 844
Pages: 3
The world of media is truly surprising and keeps on astonishing the nation every day with both evident and unpredictable things’ layouts. Although the majority of people tend to ‘swallow’ the information as it is fed to the viewers and readers, there are those who do not want to become...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Advanced technology has rewritten the future of the world. Technology is getting advanced day by day and these technologies decide the life of the people. It has been applied in every sphere of life especially in the field of mass communication. Propaganda persuades people to a cause or position...
Topic: Communication
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction In the past, I was thinking that the mutual relationship between the Wells Fargo Bank and mining companies is just very healthy for favorable economic growth. As I perceived it, the Wells Fargo Bank was really helping the mining companies to raise enough money to enhance their efficient exploitation...
Topic: Banking
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction For any country wishing to undertake business activities across, borders, understanding culture is crucial. For international companies to be successful, in a global society they must adapt to, relate to, and understand the culture of the countries where they conduct business. Discussion Culture can be said to be the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 844
Pages: 2
Applying Multicultural/Diversity Guidelines The forensic psychology role that I have chosen for this paper is that of being a homicide detective. Researcher Westmarland (2013), notes that many witnesses are often afraid of revenge attacks and are thus not willing to talk to the police because of this. Other witnesses do...
Topic: Culture
Words: 844
Pages: 3
It goes without saying that strength training inevitably attracts the attention of people engaged in sports activities. In general, it may be defined as the performance of specific physical exercises in order to improve endurance and muscular strength. At the same time, strength training is frequently regarded as a negative...
Topic: Sport
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Love has always been an eternal resource of inspiration for poets. Sentimental and flattering, love helps to reveal the most hidden feeling and emotions. Therefore, the narrators use vivid poetic elements to describe this flourishing phenomenon. This paper seeks to explore how love is addressed in the poems “The Passionate...
Topic: Literature
Words: 844
Pages: 3
People all around the world often have to face different obstacles and make wise decisions based on their moral principles and fundamental values. Case Study: Fetal Abnormality provides its readers with an example of a situation in which individuals encountered a complicated life circumstance and had to make a hard...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the most fundamental subjects in contemporary business. The idea that any company holds an obligation towards humanity to maximize its positive effects on society while minimizing negatives has become even more critical in recent years, with public debate becoming more active (Bateman, 2017)....
Topic: BMW
Words: 844
Pages: 3
It seems that the importance of oral health care is often underestimated. Many health insurance plans do not cover dental issues, and patients with low-income cannot afford expensive services. Oral care should be taken more seriously as it plays an essential role in medicine and may influence people’s general health....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Clinical Case A 56-year-old male was brought to the hospital by ambulance. He had earlier complained of severe chest pain, which had started in the past 24 hours. He went into cardiac arrest on his way to the hospital. His son stated that the patient was a heavy smoker. Other...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of death in various populations around the world. TB is a highly infectious lung disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. It is spread through the air when an infected person sneezes or coughs releasing the bacteria into the air where it is...
Topic: Health
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction In the sphere of health care, the situations associated with a fetal abnormality are regarded as complex and controversial because of the difficulty of the choice to be made by parents. In the present case study, the fetus is diagnosed with a rare condition of not developing arms. Furthermore,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The name of the Company proposed for discussion in this paper is Wal-Mart Stores. Wal-Mart has endured itself as one of the major retail outlets in the Americas and also in other countries in the world. What’s appealing about Wal-Mart? It has gained prominence as one of the market...
Topic: Walmart
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction One of the most amazing things about literature is the possibility of introducing a new world and taking a person out of reality, at least for a moment. Some stories make people change their opinions and discover alternatives to improve their lives. In the majority of cases, literary works...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Clinical depression mainly refers to the mental disorder which affects an individual’s feelings and thoughts, causing a negative shift in daily activities. While it can occur to any individual regardless of age, it can compound its effect on older adults. The failure to detect some of the symptoms associated with...
Topic: Depression
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Chronic pain is a widespread health problem with a global prevalence of around 37.3 percent and 41.1 percent in developed and developing countries respectively. By definition, chronic pain is that persists for more than three months since its onset. One of the major problems with the treatment and management of...
Topic: Chronic Pain
Words: 844
Pages: 3
The constant increase of after-school juvenile delinquency shaped the legal system of the United States in terms of disaster facts. The country is known to be the most armed in the world. The weapons of adults are not hidden from children. This causes most of the troubles which are observed...
Topic: School
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Kant calls the era of the Enlightenment the most important stage in human history marked by a fundamental change in the attitude of mankind to its inherent ability to judge. Kant believes that before the Enlightenment, humanity did not understand and did not properly use its inherent intelligent abili[A1] ty....
Topic: Enlightenment
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Social media outlets may be the reasons for mental health issues and social distancing, but they also can potentially be helpful for support groups. There is no shortage of accounts or channels where people daily discuss topics that interest them. Such a connection of different people may also be...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Background The nation chosen for this study is Austria. The Austrian health system is one of the unique health systems in the world. The approach in which Austria has chosen to handle its health matters has proven a success so far. The major challenge of health care systems across the...
Topic: Health
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Menopause is the duration of time marking the culmination of women’s menstrual cycles. Climacterics is identified twelve months after a lady has gone without a menstrual period (National Health Service, 2020). It usually happens when ladies are in the age 40s or even 50s among fertile women. Hot flashes form...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Many researchers have explored air pollution as an environmental disaster in many industrialized economies (the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1991; World Health Organization, 2014). However, most of them have failed to draw the link between specific types of air pollution and their health impacts. For example, few researchers explain...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Even though the government has allocated significant resources towards curbing the substance abuse menace, this vice continues to thrive. Moreover, new substance abuse related problems keep emerging. This essay explores substance abuse and its general impact on the society and on individuals. Substance abuse has been a major concern for...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Advantages of recording patient information electronically An electronic health record is a coming-up technique that involves a well-organized collection of electronic health information, of personal patients or populations. This recording appears to be the current trend in health care in that one finds many doctors and any other health professional...
Topic: Health
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The government through relevant federal agencies evaluates the capacity to provide public health services. In this context, the government ensures that its capability to handle public health issues is maintained at high levels (Gostin, 2008). Therefore, regular monitoring of public health capabilities at state and local level is delegated...
Topic: Health
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Diabetes is a health condition characterized by extremely high levels of glucose in the blood circulation system. The body is therefore unable to deal with the high amount of glucose causing this chronic disease. There are two major forms of diabetes; Type 1 Diabetes (also known as Juvenile diabetes because...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The modern world has become increasingly dynamic due to the ever-changing patterns of life and societies. There is a strong relationship that exists between social ways of life and science. Scholars in sociology and science attempt to decode this interrelationship by adopting research practices that focus primarily on understanding...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction In an ideal world, business contracts would be entered, all parties would benefit and be thrilled with the outcome, and no dispute would arise. However, things are different because of breaches of contracts and other issues. The contract between Twin Creeks and JVC was marked with issues because of...
Topic: Performance
Words: 844
Pages: 3
This article discusses major human resource challenges in the healthcare industry. While human capital management and growth and staffing needs are priorities in most organizations, HR in healthcare institutions must also consider patient outcomes. The challenges highlighted in this article include recruitment in healthcare, wage competition, turnover and retention, training...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction It is common for authors to use historical events as a foundation for exploring pressing issues. The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953, is one of the examples of such a choice. In the play, the city of Salem is overcome by the fear of witchcraft,...
Topic: The Crucible
Words: 844
Pages: 5
As one would think that the years of advertisements that were offensive to women due to stereotypes were over, the Chinese advertisement for a new Audi proved everyone otherwise. The ad compared winding and marrying a wife to purchasing a car, stating that an “important decision must be made carefully.”...
Topic: Gender
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The play titled “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen is one of the most prominent feminist pieces of art of the 10th century. It questions the societal role and fate of a married woman in a male-dominated society, showcasing how women lacked opportunities for self-fulfillment and independence in Norway,...
Topic: A Doll's House
Words: 844
Pages: 3
COVID-19 has become an essential threat to all industries, and the field of human resource management has not been spared. In fact, due to the imposition of severe restrictions on the possibility of social contact and distancing, workers across the board have been forced to switch to a remote format...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Among the examples of steadiness and firmness in faith, few parts of the Holy Scripture are as impactful in this respect as the story of Abraham. The hardship he endured and the challenges he faced were colossal by any standard, yet his stalwart faith in God never wavered even in...
Topic: Belief
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Law enforcement agencies play an essential role in maintaining law and order in any state. Legal proceedings are the only mechanism for the implementation of legislation that ensures the prevention of crime. The power exercised by law enforcement officials is a powerful tool for the performance of government functions. However,...
Topic: Law
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Nowadays, news outlets have the power to affect the opinions of many of their readers. However, there are tendencies among said outlets to highlight adverse events or chase sensationalism over truth. Religion is one of the topics that is often involved in the articles that bear such a nature....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 844
Pages: 3
In every classroom setting or learning space, each student is unique in their particular way. Each student has a special way through which they learn and master information. Therefore, every student should be understood, and the one shoe fits all ideology should be ignored. There are different modalities of learning...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 844
Pages: 3
With the development of medical services, many different institutions have appeared that provide medical services to people. Hence, the two main types of such organizations are clinics and hospitals. The main conditions, in addition to the work schedule and funding sources, are conditions and methods of treatment due to differences...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Harper Lee and the film adaptation subtly weave various topics into the narrative — the stratification of society on the example of a single white part of the population of Maycomb. The question is raised about the painful search for one’s self, which includes equating to a contradictory ideal;...
Topic: Harper Lee
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Experiences shared by society have different effects on individuals and, in some cases, provide a reason for self-reflection. The recent and not fully resolved COVID-19 pandemic can be used as an example where billions of people worldwide were affected, but the outcomes were unique for each person. The uniting feeling...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Authors often put their ideas and ideals into their works, and Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” utilizes literary devices to share her vision on religious beliefs. God is present in all Rossetti’s works, as her world views are heavily influenced by the Church (Şirket and Alban 27). The literary devices...
Topic: Literature
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Substance abuse is one of the issues in the population that affect not only the people who conduct the abuse but those around them as well. Addressing this problem can often be difficult, as many individuals who are addicted to substances do not tend to seek help. Instead, usually,...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 844
Pages: 3
U.S. Navy SEALs’ killing of Osama bin Laden sparked many responses, from surprise public jubilation displays to real doubts regarding its legitimacy. Admittedly, the contradictory verifiable versions and brief legal rationale offered by Obama administration staffers have failed to answer these unexpectedly difficult concerns adequately. Nonetheless, this essay argues that...
Topic: Operation Geronimo
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Nowadays, there is an acute issue of how one can serve the best interests of children when their parents cannot. It should be clearly realized what resources and opportunities are available for a child who suffers from their family’s disintegration, especially in the context of the national drug epidemic that...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Every human activity that results in natural environment degradation can be perceived as pollution. Land pollution occurs through the contamination of land with liquid or solid waste materials. While pollution has existed for a long time throughout human history, land pollution presents one of the most significant issues modern society...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Organizational Culture and Problems The given article EBS in China, written by Lin Liu and colleagues in 2018, explores the company Environmental & Best Safety (EBS), its background, and initiatives. Generally, EBS seeks to offer goods and services that protect employees in risky circumstances as a global leader in protection...
Topic: Environment
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The myths of the Greek people have widely developed the cycle of legends about the Trojan War. Their subsequent popularity was explained by a close connection with the centuries-old enmity of the Hellenes and their opponents from countries located on the territory of modern Asia. The arena of the...
Topic: War
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Purpose of the study The article entitled “Decision fatigue among clinical nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic” deals with the impact the pandemic has had on the ability of nurses to make sound decisions as to the wellbeing of patients in clinical settings. The purpose of the study is “to report...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Operation Geronimo is one of the most significant military events in the United States that caused numerous debates and controversies. President Obama, who was in charge of the country then, gave the go-ahead for an operation on April 29, 2011, which resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, the...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Children become participants in and victims of crime due to various factors, among which the environment is dominant. The most dangerous thing is that they become victims of teenagers like them, such as sexual abuse by older students or siblings. It is necessary to update the data on why...
Topic: Crime
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction The early sexual participation of young people increases the risk of jeopardizing their education by dropping out of school. In addition, early sexual debut puts the health of teenagers at risk, particularly through sexually transmitted infections and teen pregnancy. In spite of the eminent consequences of early sexual acts,...
Topic: Sex Education
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Freedom of expression is one of the basic tenets of human rights across the globe. It comprises of the freedom to express oneself without the fear of being intimidated, free delivery of the speech, liberated press, freedom to disseminate and receive information and the right to silence as well as...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Personal loss “occurs when someone loses something precious in his or her life” (Leming & Dickinson, 2011, p. 26). This kind of loss occurs after the death of a beloved person. Personal loss is usually associated with deep emotions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Bereavement and grief describe the emotional responses...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 845
Pages: 4
The idea of viewing the reality from the perspective of an insect is not new; whether it is an attempt to accept nature as the superior and mysterious force, or the recognition of the insignificance of the human race, an attempt to envision the society as, say, an anthill is...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 845
Pages: 4
The critical theory by Lois Tyson offers a literary analysis of the psychoanalytic theory whereby it seeks to explain individual character depicted in an individual who is lacking in terms of character and moral standing in his or her actions. The short story A Rose for Emily takes on a...
Topic: A Rose for Emily
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction There have been many opinions put forward about creating an effective learning approach in the last few decades when the major changes in the world became prevalent. Scholars have continued to support different approaches to learning with the basis of both ideological and pedagogical assumptions. One of the most...
Topic: Education
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction Topic Description The study aims to analyze the features of the life-work balance. The central question of the research relates to why people cannot competently calculate their time to pay equal attention to work responsibilities and personal life. Also, the article considers the ways that may help to find...
Topic: Time Management
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction Ethics is one of the major concerns of the modern word. The coherent society could be characterized by the significant shift towards the humanistic approach and appreciation of the basic values like tolerance, respect, dignity, etc. In this regard, we could now observe the tendency towards the increased attention...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Intended audience: The author’s intended audience is comprised of educators, policymakers in the field of healthcare, students, and parents affected by the impact of having obese children in the family. In addition, the secondary target audience is the stakeholders that are directly or indirectly affected by the effects of childhood...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 845
Pages: 4
History and Physical Examination The patient under analysis is a female, thirty-five years old. The woman has a rash on the face for approximately one week. The allergic reaction to soap, lotion, or food is excluded. The rash is over the face and is itchy and painful. The woman did...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 845
Pages: 4
It should be noted that nursing profession is one of the most critical and challenging occupations due to a number of reasons. At present, in the USA, the majority of healthcare institutions and organizations is experiencing nursing shortage, which has been caused by high staff turnover and professional burnout of...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction Markets over the world are growing and becoming more complicated than yesteryears. Businesses face the challenge of expanding internal markets as they flex their muscles outwardly. Wrong decisions can easily lead to the downfall of a company. It is good to recommend that networking should go on in order...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction Johannes Gutenberg was a goldsmith whose inventions and ideas transformed the manner in which information was reproduced, stored, and shared. In 1436, Gutenberg used borrowed money to invent the first commercial printing press that revolutionized the industry (“Gutenberg’s Legacy”). The inclusion of replicable and movable letters in his press...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction Obesity is a consequence of modern lifestyle. It occurs when the energy intake in the body exceeds its expenditure. Obesity is commonly measured via body mass index (BMI). The reasons for excessive body fat are diverse and depend on the nature of food and nutrition, slow metabolism, as well...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 845
Pages: 4
The development of information and communication technology (ICT), as well as the globalization processes associated with breaking borders in doing business, has led to finding new ways of organizing people’s work and cooperation. In this context, the concept of smarter working has been developed as managers’ and individuals’ response to...
Topic: Performance
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction US Health Care is one of the largest sectors of the US economy that has enormous resources. The activities of the government and private sector in this field have a multifaceted impact on American society. The health policy affects the essential interests of all layers, groups, and classes of...
Topic: Health
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction Disgrace is a Booker prize-winning novel written by a prominent South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee in 1999 (McCrum par. 1). The book tells a story of a middle-aged professor of English, David Lurie, who is faced with life-changing events and decisions precipitated by his relationship with a much...
Topic: Symbolism
Words: 845
Pages: 4
The United States of America is at the top of the rating of the developed countries with the highest gross domestic product rates. Nevertheless, the country experiences some domestic problems, the most urgent of which relates to healthcare coverage. The number of uninsured people is immense in the US. Thus...
Topic: Affordable Care Act
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction The distinction in competencies between an associate-degree nurse (ADN) and a baccalaureate-degree graduate (BSN) is not often clear-cut. The reason for this relates to the similar educational requirements for licensure, which means that the RN license, not the academic pathway, determines practice roles (Matthias, 2015). Nevertheless, fundamental differences exist...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 845
Pages: 4
In the “Second Meditation”, Descartes operates on concepts the core of which seems impossible to doubt. At the beginning of this meditation, he claims that there are no thoughts since he has convinced himself that there is nothing in the world. However, he further comes to a conclusion that he...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Description of Discipline / Subject Matter Organization involves the application of knowledge to study and investigate the actions of people within organizations. The organizational study belongs to the same group of disciplines as organizational psychology which also aims at investigating the behavior of workers in an organization. Additionally, the field...
Topic: Business
Words: 845
Pages: 2
Introduction Professional writing journals can contain different types of documents, such as proposals, feasibility studies, forms, business plans, progress reports, incident reports. Each type of writing has strict rules that one should follow. In this work, we are going to discuss rules of formatting articles published in the professional and...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction The modern world poses numerous challenges to any individual who wants to survive and become successful. The great paces of the rise of technologies combined with the significant reconsideration of the existing priorities result in the appearance of new demands to young specialists. One should accept the fact that...
Topic: Career
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction The 4th Amendment is one of the cornerstones of the American constitution. Its primary purpose is to protect the privacy of the citizens, stating “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and...
Topic: Fourth Amendment
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction There are various web analytics software tools that provide a wide range of services. Some of them use a simplified interface and have a limited number of features, while others offer an in-depth analysis of customer experience and behavior. This paper analyzes Hotjar, a web analytics tool that has...
Topic: Software
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction The light spectrum is the combination of all the wavelengths of energy produced by a light source. Three types of the spectrum can describe almost every light source: continuous, absorption, and emission. A continuous spectrum is emitted by hot objects, such as light bulbs or flames. If dark lines...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction Buccaneers of the Caribbean: How Piracy Forged an Empire is an interesting historical book by Jon Latimer. The author chronicles historical events that occurred during the seventeenth century as buccaneers controlled the Caribbean. The buccaneers were confused with pirates, but they were privateers from France, England, and Holland, authorized...
Topic: Literature
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Health care leadership goes beyond the organization of workflows and ensuring that every practitioner works toward improving health outcomes as there are many more challenges to address. In the current discussion, it was chosen to focus on the issues of staff shortages and reduced job satisfaction rates that result in...
Topic: Health
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction Since educational leadership involves a great number of tasks and competencies, success is impossible without continuous improvement. To contribute to positive change in their teams, educational leaders should make decisions thoughtfully and foresee potential problems, and the development of data synthesis skills remains crucial in this regard. The purpose...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction This essay entails my views about the American role in the First World War. As in many other areas of reading I have covered, this area is well discussed in the course text covered. There’s a clear understanding of the war that is brought out in this discussion that...
Topic: War
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction Asthma is a chronic airway disease that has a considerable impact on the population health of the US. According to Loftus and Wise (2016), 8.6% of people in the US have asthma in comparison with 4.3% worldwide. Moreover, the prevalence of the disease is increasing both in the US...
Topic: Asthma
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction In the short story “The Overcoat” N. Gogol portrays a small man influenced by social conditions and urban city. The main character of the story is Akakii Akakievich, who works as a clerk copying documents. His single intense desire is not for a rifle, but for an overcoat to...
Topic: Literature
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Heather Montgomery presents a broad dimension of child-centered anthropological research in association with problems of practices and ethical dilemmas as a researcher while working with the most vulnerable children of the Thailand society. The author supplies an in-depth analysis of various dimensions of child prostitution in ‘ Baan Nua’ a...
Topic: Prostitution
Words: 845
Pages: 2
A Genre of the Clip The clip chosen for the analysis in the current paper is taken from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End directed by Gore Verbinski in 2007, the film is the third part of the adventure trilogy called the Pirates of the Caribbean. The...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Setting Setting for the survey is the High School. Students of this category is one of the most interesting categories for social research, as it is the least homogenous stratum of the society on the one hand, and it is the most solidly united on the other. Originally, students are...
Topic: Disability
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Some people may believe that nursing is concerned with certain clinical procedures and communication with different stakeholders. Nursing theories, models, and frameworks are sometimes regarded as superfluous and irrelevant. However, nurses understand the relevance of the theoretical component and often have their own philosophies that guide practitioners and mainly define...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 845
Pages: 3
The international community has not yet come to the consensus as to the legalization of soft drugs, and marijuana, in particular. Prior to discussing this issue, it is of the upmost importance for us to identify such notion of “soft drug”. According to a widely held opinion, it can be...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction Eating disorders are a common topic of discussion in both digital and print media. However, despite the availability of information about what a healthy diet is and which foods are potentially harmful, many people do not feel it necessary to adhere to the principles of safe nutrition. Moreover, eating...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Social media has gained a hugely important role in nearly every possible facet of people’s lives, including employment and work. Thus, a new trend in HR has been created, suggesting that social media can be used to announce employment-related decisions, including hiring and firing ones (Albert, Da Silva, & Aggarwal,...
Topic: Hiring
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Overview of hospital-acquired infections Hospital-acquired or nosocomial infections are conditions that patients develop while in a healthcare facility and were absent at the time of admission. They are exacerbated by factors, such as the environment in which care is provided, and the condition and susceptibility of the patient (Khan et...
Topic: Action Plan
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Crash Plot Overview Paul Haggis’s drama Crash was released in 2004 and received mixed reviews from critics around the world. The theme of “crashing” runs through the whole story, connecting completely different and strange people. No matter how or where it happens, it is safe to say with absolute certainty...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Despite its challenges, diversity can be a major asset for a modern military force. The issue of managing individuals with different backgrounds, appearances, experiences, abilities, and beliefs is not new. However, the increased diversity of the early 21st century has made it particularly acute. Diversity today means not only race...
Topic: Military
Words: 845
Pages: 5
English language learners or ELL’s are students who do not have the English language as a first language. The term may also be used to refer to a course taught to improve the language skills of students. English is taught not only to pass the English language but also to...
Topic: School
Words: 845
Pages: 2
The transformation of the toy industry seems subtle, but it is highly dependent on technological progress. It is no secret that children are becoming more and more involved in online entertainment and the use of electronic devices daily. It is an essential process for humanity’s development, as people get used...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 845
Pages: 3
The Cyclic Nature of the Transportation Industry The transportation industry is one of the critical pillars of various economies across the world. As an industry, the transport sector has positioned itself at the epicenter of economic activities because people and goods have to move from one point to another. The...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction In the scholarly literature, bureaucracy is defined as “the combined organizational structure, procedures, protocols, and set of regulations in place to manage activity, usually in large organizations” (Gomez-Mejia et al, 2008, p. 34). This is the core of the structural formation of an organization. It is that part that...
Topic: Bureaucracy
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Nursing is a process that entails the care of patients with care and responsibility. While the basic qualities of empathy, care, and sincerity are important components of nursing practice, it is essential to develop “critical thinking skills” to become a successful nurse (Alfaro-Lefevre, 2009). It is therefore vital for prospective...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Jaw reflexes are of different kinds, including the jaw jerk reflex, the myotactic reflex, the jaw closing and opening reflex. This paper will aim to describe each in turn, with the clinical relevance of the normal and abnormal reflexes along with published scientific research in dental journals that has focused...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 845
Pages: 4
Introduction At the beginning of the twentieth century, one of the most feared and dangerous diseases in most countries was poliomyelitis. Every year, it used to paralyze thousands of children temporarily or even permanently, and a significant number of them died (“History of Polio,” n.d.). The purpose of this paper...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 845
Pages: 3
The Dynamic of Suicide There are several suicide dynamics. The first dynamic is the precipitating condition. It entails the overwhelming of the suicidal individuals leaving them helpless and hopeless. The next dynamic of suicide is the search for a solution. Another dynamic is stimulus, which is an unendurable stress level...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Woody Guthrie composed “This Land Is Your Land” in 1940 with the hope of proving the Americans to diverse views. The poem is well known, and it is considered the nation’s patriotic anthem. While the composition is supposed to promote patriotism, some of the song’s stanzas contradict the tune’s intended...
Topic: Literature
Words: 845
Pages: 3
I am a strong, attractive, and medium-sized young adult with many talents such as striving talents (achiever, competence, ethics, and belief), thinking talents (focus, problem-solving, strategic thinking, and creativity), and relating talents (team-player, positivity, and individualized perception). On the other hand, my personal skills include self-management (planning, time-management, self-awareness), independent...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 845
Pages: 2
EI Level and Leadership in the Health Care Environment Not many people know how crucial the role of emotional intelligence for effective leadership can be. Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, and Boyle (2006) tell about the importance or even the necessity of cooperation of such processes like thinking and feeling and develop...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction The Code of Ethics is one of the essential elements of the profession for any specialist in any field. This statement is especially relevant for nurses since the lives of many people depend on them. That is why understanding and following the Code of Ethics provisions are student nurses’...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Infectious disease may be defined as the clinically manifest infection, resulting from the sickness caused by pathogens such as virus, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, parasites, prions, etc. These pathogens if not controlled, may result in the disease epidemics and acute public health crisis (Infectious disease, 2012). This paper aims to discuss...
Topic: Disease
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Nurses play a critical role in the delivery of healthcare services. They are a vital component of team professionals who ensure patients’ wellbeing. Nurses spend considerable time with patients while in healthcare facilities, administering treatments and assessing their progress. Therefore, the nurse-patient ratio can significantly influence the quality of care...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 845
Pages: 2
In recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of people who chose to lead vegan lifestyles. Whether it is a shift to plant-based diets or advocacy for animal rights, veganism has grown both as a term and an idea. It is now frequently described as a...
Topic: Animal Rights
Words: 845
Pages: 3
In my opinion, Gallup’s results fit my general expectation of an excellent organizational culture. For instance, the Coca-Cola Company has remained one of the top global firms because of its employees’ efforts and commitment to upholding its unique culture. Organizational culture reflects an organization’s members’ shared values, beliefs, and ideals....
Topic: Culture
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction The medieval theater originated in the deep layers of folk culture. Its roots are associated with ancient ritual games, folklore, and the creative work of wandering actors. Their performances gave viewers a cheerful spirit and amused them. Actors and jugglers made fun shows where everyone was ridiculed. Some of...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 845
Pages: 3
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is a satirical novel written by Canadian writer Mordecai Richler, which describes Duddy Kravitz’s life. The main character, a Jew from Montreal, Quebec, tries his best to become rich, not paying attention to all the sacrifices made for this purpose. The author of the novel...
Topic: Satire
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction Suicide among adolescents remains a fundamental and pressing problem that requires urgent action to save more lives. This study includes the main factors that can influence the decision to commit suicide, the reasons leading to such thoughts, a survey reflecting the number of intimidated schoolchildren, and recommendations for a...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction The proper storage of food is essential for preventing the spoilage of food and prolonging the food’s viability. Proper rotation of food is one of the ways of effective storage. It entails utilizing the First-In-First-Out (or FIFO) strategy to avoid the spoiling of food elements. In this plan, foods...
Topic: Food
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction As one of the world’s oldest religions, Hinduism also serves functions of a considerable philosophical direction. On the one hand, millions of individuals throughout the whole world follow the main principles of Hinduism, thereby making this system of thought the third-largest religion after Christianity and Islam. On the other...
Topic: Hinduism
Words: 845
Pages: 3
The three-act structure is a common way for storytellers to organize their stories. It is often used in films to give a structured approach to storytelling. This essay compares and contrasts two films, the 1946 film “Notorious” and the 2012 movie “The Place Beyond the Pines”. In particular, the discussion...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction Over the last two decades, educational leaders and advocates have emphasized the importance of communication ability in higher education. Writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving are all included as crucial learning goals for undergraduates. Communication competency is probably not a phrase that academics or university officials have used. Because its...
Topic: Communication
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Diagnosis The medical terminology for the disease is centered around the term of endometriosis, but the emphasis is put on the differential symptoms. The examples include infertility, generalized pelvic pain, dyspareunia, and dysmenorrhea (Mounsey et al., 2006). In the case of the former, there are symptoms such as tubal disease...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 845
Pages: 3