Burnout Among Nursing Personnel: Article Review

“Burnout-related effects of emotional labor and work-related stressors among psychiatric nurses in Japan” (2017) The first article to be analyzed is Burnout-related effects of emotional labor and work-related stressors among psychiatric nurses in Japan by Sakagami, A., Aijo, R., Nguyen, H. T. T., Katayama, M., Nagata, K., & Kitaoka, K....

Online Learning Technologies

Introduction Education is of great importance to the society and because of this; individuals and governments have invested significant amounts of money in its development. Innovations in Information Technology have enabled great advances to be made in education through online learning. This form of learning is able to overcome problems...

The Teaching and Learning of Ethics

Introduction With the rising attention that is being accorded to ethical values both in research studies and specialized practice, there is a need to comprehend the way that such moral principles are attained. There is often the assumption that learners will easily realize necessary obligations as they continue with their...

Radical Islam Threat Discussion in the Documentary “Obsession”

Obsession is a movie that deals with the threats of radical Islam to civilization, the movie uses unique footage from Arabic TV. This is a documentary movie that deals with the threats of radical Islam. It discusses the “incitements that were alleged to hatred as well as the global jihad,”...

Efforts to Improve Public Health

Introduction Efforts to improve health constitute a wide range of interventions that should be implemented at many levels. For instance, when an individual receives preventive care, eats properly, takes vitamins, goes to the gym, and so forth, this person uses strategies to improve his or her own health. On the...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Regulatory boards such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have developed frameworks that seek to formalize systems of accounting used by different types of organizations. These frameworks aim at monitoring and regulating the recording, reporting, and preparation of financial statements in various organizations. Key among these frameworks is...

Choosing Between Access and Excel by Microsoft

Introduction Over the years, computers have become an integral part of the business environment. This has been as a result of their efficiency, accuracy, and speed which has revolutionized the manner in which business is conducted. An integral part of computer systems is their ability to store and manipulate data....

Behavioral and Experiential Learning Theories

The parts of learning theory that I find essential in understanding how I acquire skills entail knowledge retention and replication. In particular, obtaining new concepts must involve the attainment, preservation, and application of new information. Moreover, an accompanying award for the stored notions motivates my enthusiasm to advance studying. For...

Benefits of Playing an Instrument

Introduction The global musical performance integrates numerous musical instruments, singers, music groups, and musical directions. The ability to play an instrument makes a person a part of this worldwide art expression to inspire people across cultures. As viewed by the Playing for Change organization, “the true measure of any movement...

The US Copyright Law in the Oracle v. Google Case

Introduction The expansion of digital technologies into people’s daily lives and all spheres of human activity, especially business, creates new opportunities and challenges, especially in the legal field. The most common and complex are civil cases over copyright and intellectual property. The current and future generations of lawyers have to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Review of “Young Goodman Brown” Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction The story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a fascinating piece that focuses on guilty conscience and different issues faced by people in the community. The story involves Brown, who leaves his wife, Faith, to meet a man in the dark forest he identifies as the devil. Authors...

Orlando International Airport: Fire Rescue Service

Today, airplanes are considered to be a relatively safe form of travel. However, there is still a significant number of incidents that can take place at the airport. All domestic and international airfields must be able to provide aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) services to ensure quick response to any...

“The Monkey’s Paw”: How Characters Use Deceit and Manipulation on Each Other

Introduction A manipulation is a form of influence that is neither rational nor coercion persuasion. This phenomenon can either be psychological or emotional, depending on what motivational factors are used. In most instances, it is aimed at achieving personal interests. Writers use the theme of deceit to teach the reader...

Nikola Tesla’s Biography and Achievements

Introduction Nikola Tesla is recognized as one of the most controversial yet brilliant scientists in the history of humankind, and his importance for many fields is conditional upon the development of numerous ideas and inventions. In many ways, he is considered as a man of creations far ahead of his...

The Definition of the Humanities

In the contemporary, digital world, the ability to stay a human being is as essential as it was centuries ago. Humanities play a considerable role in different areas of activity, showing their influence on the process of every person’s becoming a mature individual. It is regrettable that people scarcely have...

Critical Analysis of “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

Introduction The man’s endeavors to get by in the unpleasant cold and his dog’s simple surrender show nature’s indifference in light of human misery. In To Build a Fire, London utilizes literary devices such as symbolism, setting, and character portrayal to make the topic of the work through the formalist...

Recidivism in the Criminal Justice

Introduction The high rate of recidivism in American prisons results from a whole complex of reasons, the correction of which measures are not directed to a large extent. First, it is the lack of conditions for people released from prison, which would make it easier to adapt to a peaceful...

“The Cow’s Skull: Red, White, and Blue” Painting by Georgia O’Keeffe

Identifying Creator of Cultural Works Georgia O’Keeffe is one of the notable American painters who revolutionized art in the 20th Century. Born on November 15, 1887, O’Keeffe attended various Chicago and New York art schools before becoming a commercial instructor. As a fan of oriental art, she started her career...

Procedures in Criminal Trial on Sexual Assault

Introduction This assignment analyses and reviews the procedures in a criminal trial according to the provided illegal study case. The case illustrates the incident of sexual assault conducted on the juveniles over three days. The police have already investigated the matter and revealed the evidence, three separate assaults, and rapes....

Threats to Biodiversity in the United States and Brazil

Threats to biodiversity are a matter of significant concern nowadays as there are many species all around the globe which endangered due to different reasons. Some of those species may even face extinction, which is why many people and organizations take action to protect them. The main threats to biodiversity...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Primary Revenue Sources of Non-Profit Organizations

Introduction Their name implies that non-profit businesses do not focus on revenues. However, they still need sufficient financial resources to ensure that they can operate and meet their goals. Currently, non-profits have three sources of revenue, including philanthropy, earned income, and government. It is challenging to mention which of them...

Grand Codroy Estuary Waterfowl: The Ramsar Convention

Grand Codroy is a beautiful rural landscape that has social and cultural values. This is because the watershed and estuary of the Grand Codroy River is the most accessible and comfortable place for aquatic birds. Accordingly, nearly three thousand Branta canadensis geese live there in winter and autumn. At the...

Local Emergency Management Agencies’ Responsibilities

Local Emergency Management Agencies (LEMA) are the entities responsible for creating a framework that addresses crisis situations and constructs an adequate reaction to occurred disasters. LEMA is accountable for devising strategies to cope with catastrophes in the area and creating plans for the mitigation of damages. The vital role of...

Why Do Humans Rely So Much on Technology?

Technology has always played an indispensable role in people’s lives. Be it the invention of the wheel or the development of an innovative digital tool, technological advances quickly percolate into people’s everyday routine, shaping it both on personal and professional levels. Though the idea of being overly dependent on technology...

World War II and Communism Impact on the US

Over the decades, the central economic policy that contributed to the significant growth index in America has been capitalism. The approach enshrines the personal ownership of property and wealth hence imposing the importance of business competition for optimal profitability margin (Johnson, 1997). The concept rendered a proficient effect to the...

Effect of Bananas and Other Compounds on Lyme Disease

Are Bananas Beneficial for Lyme Disease? The article describes the bioactive compounds in banana and other products that help reduce symptoms of Lyme disease. It mentions the products that contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, oils and probiotics, and the products that should not be consumed by people who are susceptible to...

Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound

Diagnostic ultrasound is an imaging technique that uses wide-ranging waves to produce structural images within the body. In most cases, the images are responsible for providing necessary information for guiding and analyzing several conditions and sicknesses. It assists in diagnosing the cause of pain, inflammation, and infection in internal tissues...

Effects of World War II on the Economy and Culture of the U.S.

Introduction The onset of the Second World War (WWII) affected Americans through the economic stimulus developed in the United States of America. The U.S. experienced increased government spending, tax rates, debts, hostility, and oppression of minority populations across the country. In some cases, the death trolls traumatized children and women...

The Film “The Fisher King” by Terry Gilliam: Psychological Analysis

In this paper, I will analyze the film The Fisher King from the psychiatric perspective. The behaviors of the movie’s characters are complex, with numerous indications of different mental conditions. Although the movie does not directly identify any psychopathologies, there are strong hints at two conditions – schizophrenia and post-traumatic...

Operation Anaconda and Mission Command Principles

Introduction The case study offered here thoroughly analyses the circumstances that led to Operation Anaconda and the aftermath. US special operations forces (SOF) opted to coordinate with US space power and sympathetic Afghan forces to achieve early achievement in Afghanistan. It implied that operations for combined fires would be difficult...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Caffeine Impact on Health and Behavior

Introduction The article to be discussed is “Caffeine and anxiety-like behavior” by Ribeiro-Carvalho, Dutra-Tavares, Filgueiras, Manhães, and Abreu-Villaça. Although caffeine is not always thought of as a psychoactive drug, it strongly impacts the brain and behavior. As a stimulant, caffeine increases the nervous system’s activity and enhances the circulation of...

The Problem of Self as a Philosophic Question

Introduction The problem of determining human nature has always been topical. Individuals have always tried to determine the nature of their selves and find their places in the world. For this reason, the question of self is one of the fundamental ideas in both Western and Eastern philosophies. Thinkers have...

Adolph Coors in the Brewing Industry

Introduction Analyzing the stories of companies’ successes is as important as studying the cases of failing companies because they demonstrate how the company’s approach to market conditions can produce successful decisions. In the case of Coors’s activity in the brewing industry, successful decisions that differentiated the company from competitors have...

Social Media’s Influence on the Restaurant Industry

In the current digital era, nearly all aspects of life are deeply intertwined with technology. Technological advancement has led to the widespread use of social media for various purposes. In particular, the growing popularity of social media has influenced how business is conducted. In the restaurant industry, customers can connect...

The Braddock Road’s Role and Significance

Introduction The complex history of the United States is characterized by different events, racial dynamics, and conflicts. Modern scholars can rely on most of the available structures, infrastructure systems, and monuments to learn more about the country’s past. The famous Braddock Road has been neglected and forgotten for the past...

Racism & Sexism: Black Women’s Experiences in Tennis

Black athletes have pushed for and earned respect in the American athletic arena. However, research suggests that exclusion and discrimination strategies are still being used to limit the chances and advancement accessible to colored minority groups. For example, multiple scholarly works focus on the oppressive environment that surrounds Serena Williams....

American Expansion in the Nineteenth Century

Introduction The United States passed a long way to become today’s world giant. The country had to struggle to strengthen its global position with the help of colonial policy, though the ambiguous legacy of such decisions re-echoes now. Thus, various factors, including economic, strategic, and ideological, shaped American imperialism in...

Supernatural in the “Oedipus Rex” Play by Sophocles

The Oedipus Rex by Sophocles is a classical Greek tragedy. The roots of tragedy can be traced all the way back to ancient Greek culture. In the traditional meaning, it is a play that deals with weighty topics, as opposed to the lighter fare of a comedy. All throughout the...

Employee Orientation Program: Human Resource Management

Employee retention is an important aspect of an organization’s internal processes, and one way to maintain staff members is by implementing a well-planned orientation program (OP). Employers must strive to make a good impression on new hires from the beginning, which can be achieved through OPs as they affect workers’...

Gender Studies: Feminism Varieties

Crenshaw observes that women have consistently gone through various forms of injustices in the society and the main problem that almost each of them faces is violence, which has always characterized their lives. However, the author notes that women are gaining consciousness to an extent that some have organized into...

Undergraduate Nursing Program and Resnick’s Theory

Planning a new undergraduate nursing program, I would incorporate the Theory of Self-efficacy developed by Barbara Resnick into the curriculum. The significance of this theory can be hardly underestimated since it has a wide scope of implementation in evidence based practice. Resnick’s theory is of great use to the nursing...

How to Travel With a Teenager?

Most families get time to spend together only during vacations when they travel for leisure or just as a way of enhancing the bonding among the family members. Before a person pack for a vacation, it is important to look for a good and affordable destination. It is not always...

Sociology and Education: Schooling Purposes

Introduction Education is an integral part of every society. The modern system of school aims at providing all children with equal opportunities for studying. Schools prepare children for adulthood. They teach them not only general knowledge about this world but how to become a constituent of modern society and make...

Middlesex County College and Ideal Bureaucracy

Introduction Bureaucracy is a term that has been defined by a lot of scholars. One of the most famous scholars who influenced the study of bureaucracy is Max Weber. The well-known sociologist defined bureaucracy as a hierarchical authority structure that uses legal order and has its own set rules. Weber...

United Arab Emirates 2021 Vision as to Information Security

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the UAE has been developing at rapid rates over the last few years, and it has become one of the leaders in some of the industries. The development of the vision of the region is critical because it is much easier to keep...

Colors in “The Thief of Bagdad” Movie by A. Korda

“The Thief of Bagdad is a 1940 British Technicolor Arabian fantasy film produced by Alexander Korda and directed by Michael Powell, Ludwig Berger, and Tim Whelan, with contributions by Korda’s brothers Vincent and Zoltán, and William Cameron Menzies. The film stars child actor Sabu, along with Conrad Veidt, John Justin,...

Nursing Future in the Institute of Medicine’s View

Over the years, the healthcare sector has grappled with numerous challenges such as nursing shortage, chronic conditions, and sentinel events. These obstacles continue to affect the quality of health services available to different populations across the country. Such issues explain why the Institute of Medicine (IOM) presented its findings in...

Fetal Abnormality: Possible Points of View

Introduction The presented study touches upon one of the most difficult and yet common dilemmas in the modern world. Jessica is a working woman with hopes and aspirations for a successful and financially stable future. Unfortunately, it is in jeopardy due to a fetal abnormality that her unborn child has...

Family Health History Genogram Assessment

Introduction The analysis of family history by health care professionals is discussed as an appropriate way to determine diseases and conditions which are typical of this family. The focus on three generations in one family is appropriate for such an analysis. In order to prepare a genogram diagram and a...

Free Speech and National Security Controversy

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that the Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. However, even though the freedom of speech does not directly affect national security, some argue that in times of conflict, the government should limit the freedom of speech to...

Self-Care Health Promotion

The notions of self-care and health promotion have been introduced at the beginning of the 70’s on the basis of various concerns about the barriers that appear within the health system. The developed societies have shown significant growth in these aspects; this fact is supported by the evidence of their...

Relationships in the “Say Anything” Film by Crowe

What Relationship Stages do Lloyd and Diane Experience? To answer the posed question, it is crucial to state that Lloyd and Diane are in a romantic relationship. Caroll (2014) explains that there are five main stages of any romantic relationship. The five stages are initial meeting or attraction, curiosity, interest,...

College Affordability in the United States

As the cost of education in the United States grows, more and more young people find themselves unable to pay for the degree. Hall mentions the fact that the cost of attending institutions doubled during 1980-1990 and experienced the same changes during 1990-2000 (par. 2). This fact helps to understand...

Nursing Philosophy and Knowledge Dissemination

Introduction Nursing is a field where different aspects of health and medical care are discussed. It is not enough to have a desire to become a nurse and be sure that positive results can be achieved. Nursing combines specific values such as care, compassion, communication, courage, commitment, and competence (Sellman...

Ethics in “John Q” and “Dog Day Afternoon” Movies

Introduction Today, cinema is one of the most popular kinds of art which attracts millions of spectators all over the world. Its rapid rise is related to the spread of technologies and the creation of a new digitalized society. Therefore, like any art, it could be used by creators to...

Electronic Health Record for Workflow Improvement

Problem The clinical problem under discussion is the ruptures in organizational workflow and their impact on the quality of work and care given. Broadly defined, the workflow is an array of tasks, and the human resources required to fulfill them as intermediary steps to achieve the predetermined objective. In a...

Group Therapy and Leadership Functions

Introduction The careful consideration of the theoretical framework that will guide intervention is essential for the development of an effective treatment. To help combat veterans to cope with their PTSD symptoms and reintegrate into society, it is possible to employ Choice Therapy also referred to as Reality Therapy. This paradigm...

Women’s Health Assessment and Diagnostics

History-Taking At the beginning of the work, it is pivotal to take a complete medical history from the patient to exclude problems with other systems of the body. When interviewing the patient, special attention must be paid to potential pregnancy, sexual history, past gynecological diseases, changes in general health condition,...

HealthCo Company’s Work-Life Balance Issue

Diagnosis At the moment, HealthCo faces significant problems that come from the lack of the staffs desire to engage in particular activities and support the company’s further rise. Several factors precondition the emergence of this situation. The company does not have a well-thought-out strategy regarding human resources management. It does...

Training Design Proposal for Employees

When it comes to the performance of a particular organization, every employee and employer are affected by training. Every worker participates in training at some time in his or her career, usually a number of times. While managers need to be sure that they possess required competencies to occupy supervising...

Starbucks Company’s Information Technology Approaches

Introduction Starbucks Corporation uses a powerful business model to produce and market its products to many customers across the globe. With over 182,000 employees, the company remains a leading roaster and retailer of quality coffee. It also has numerous brands that support its business image such as Starbucks VIA, Seattle’s...

Characters and Plot in “Cathedral” by R. Carver

The narrator of Cathedral is an unnamed person. Still, this vagueness does not make him unimportant, as he influences the way the readers perceive the text. I associate him with an antihero and believe one to resemble a negative character because his behavior is indecent. As Cathedral refers to realism,...

Judicial Activism on the Supreme Court of Canada

The article “Measuring Judicial Activism on the Supreme Court of Canada” is written in relation to claims made by a Supreme Court judge. In a ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada, one of the sitting judges accused the court of “undue incursions” caused by judicial activism. The article therefore...

Total Compensation and Regulations in the US

Introduction Working on the creation of total compensation plans, the leaders of companies and firms need to take into account a variety of factors that may affect compensation for their particular organizations. Such regulations differ in accordance with such aspects as the sizes of organizations, their specializations, and the markets...

Otto von Bismarck’s Unification of Germany

Germany first became a nation on January 18, 1871, with the official ceremony taking place at the Palace of Versailles’ Hall of Mirrors. This became possible due to the efforts of Otto von Bismarck, a notable figure in the German and European affairs of the late nineteenth century as well...

Catholic Patient’s Spiritual Needs Assessment

Interview Interviewer (I): Hello! I would like to ask you several questions concerning your spiritual beliefs, if that’s okay. Respondent (R): Yes, surely. Go ahead. I: How do you define your faith? R: I’m a Catholic – my entire family is. Going to church on Sunday is an important ritual...

Transitional Care: Nursing Research in Design Phase

Transitional care involves actions by health care professionals to ensure coordination and continuity of care for their clients. Nurses play an essential role in ensuring the quality of medical care for chronically ill patients since they have information about the goals of treatment, patient preferences, and clinical status. Based on...

Alternative Organizational Change Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation As the leader of a certain department, I correctly realize the fact that the functioning of an organization is a complex and multilevel process that might demand the introduction of multiple approaches or methods to achieve the best possible result. There were numerous situations in...

Customer Involvement in LEGO Group’s Innovation Process

Introduction LEGO Group is a successful designer and manufacturer of toys aimed at meeting the changing needs of different children. This company engages its customers through the use of various online platforms, such as its website and social media networks. The concept of innovation is what guides LEGO’s actions, initiatives,...

How to Make a Good Research Project?

What is a Research Project? It is a particular type of academic assignment that requires studying an issue of interest to contribute to theoretical or practical knowledge. The paramount goal of the research project is to examine a topic in an in-depth manner, integrate the available evidence, and produce new...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Magnet Designation in Nursing Management

Introduction Nurse leaders possess adequate skills and philosophies that guide them to mentor their followers. They can consider various issues in practice to transform existing situations and maximize the health outcomes of the targeted beneficiaries. This essay compares and contrasts how leaders and managers approach the concept of Magnet Designation....

Advance Health Care Directive and POLST

The Advance Health Care Directive When investigating the topic of palliative care, I downloaded the Advance Health Care Directive (AD) for Florida from the official website where relevant documentation for all states was collected (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2017). The information presented is consistent with existing legislation and...

Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing

Introduction Contemporary nursing practice has evolved into a complex and multifaceted domain of health care research and practice. Its significance for the delivery of health services to the population continues to increase due to the advancements of modern education. In light of this, the current essay will review contemporary nursing...

InterContinental Grand Stanford’s Marketing in Hong Kong

InterContinental Grand Stanford, Hong Kong is the leading hotel in the city of Hong Kong having the association with the Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG). Located in the downtown along Tsim Sha Tsui East waterfront and easily connected by all modes of transport from all the leading cities in the world....

American Social Problems: Family and Education

Introduction The family and education are major socializing agents in society and to be particular the United States of America. The majority of the citizens in America go through these two important institutions in society before becoming law-abiding and patriotic citizens of the United States. This follows then that for...

“Snow Country” Novel by Yasunari Kawabata

Introduction If there is a novel that can be closer to haiku, in terms of deep meanings that can be extracted from descriptions and short ordinary phrases, this would be “Snow Country” – a novel by Yasunari Kawabata that tells the story of love between a man visiting hot springs...

Judaism and Christianity Comparison

Introduction There are a lot of religions in modern world and a question which religion was the first, the primary remains the main in modern society. Every religion wants to gain the status of superiority. One of the longest and widest contest continues between Christianity and Judaism. Christian people are...

Liberalism in Kant’s and Rawl’s Views

Introduction There are a lot of different conceptions and theories in philosophy which are closely interconnected with world politics. Liberalism, capitalism and democracy are political concepts which were carefully discussed by such philosophers as Kant, Rawls and others. The attention, which is paid to these theories, could be understood as...

Global Warming as Not a New-Fangled Issue

Awareness and concerns regarding health and environmental safety have been rising in the past years. It has been realized by the people that the environment has been damaged to such an extent that the proper action needs to be taken to save the environment from any further destruction. Global warming...

Katz, Sapper & Miller Accounting

Introduction The success of the Katz, Sapper & Miller Certified Public Accountants (KSM CPA) is closely associated with the way this company performs business tasks. Their approach towards business is closely linked with the importance to keep their partners satisfied and help them achieve success if it depends on the...

Justice from the Standpoint of Thrasymachus

The issues of justice and fair state organization have attracted politicians and philosophers’ attention throughout the years and generations. Their understanding largely influences the ruling styles in every country, therefore defining the life quality and distribution of wealth in it. Among the numerous ancient interpretations in this field, it is...

The Importance of Ethnic Identity: Ethnic Autobiography

Introduction Ethnicity is often defined as a fact of belonging to some social group, class, or even nation. In my opinion, this notion has a broader meaning. It presupposes sharing of the culture, the way of life, even the way of perceiving and comprehending information with people of your community....

A Comparison of Narrative and Phenomenological Designs

Element Narrative Methods Phenomenological Methods Philosophical roots Narratives (including stories) as a critical aspect of the ways in which humans understand (make sense of) reality (Feldman, Sköldberg, Brown, & Horner, 2004; Patterson, 2018). From Kant, Hegel, Husserl, Brentano; the idea that humans can be certain about the way objects present...

Math Vocabulary Strategies in Student Achievement

What is your dissertation research project about? I have been busy researching the effects of mathematical vocabulary on students’ performance in schools. Mathematics, being a separate discipline from language, comes with its fair share of vocabulary, some of which involves the use of some words which have a different meaning...

Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain and Addiction

Chronic pain presents a great issue in public healthcare. Doctors typically use opioids in pain treatment; however, the extended use of opioids causes addiction in most cases. Fortunately, to avoid it, there are substitutes for traditional drug treatment, which can be implemented by doctors and patients themselves. Such methods are...

Better Mood and Better Performance

Summary In this article, the authors, Nadler, Rabi, and Minda (2010) sought to explore the idea that cognitive tasks relying on behaviors, including rule selection and hypothesis testing are likely to benefit from positive moods using the category-learning framework. The study was experimental because the researchers induced different changes, specifically...

Disability and Society, the Theory of Marginality, the Minority Group Model

Why is the Sociopolitical Model Also Known as the Minority Group Model? There have been many attempts to define disability throughout times and suggest how people with impairments should be treated. Those views eventually transformed into models, which had a certain understanding of disabilities and determined the attitudes towards them....

Division of Labor in the Context of Capitalism

Introduction One of the main tasks of economic systems is maximizing output per unit of input. Resources include money, time, human labor, technology, and natural supplies. Division of work ensures that each employee specializes in a specific task, allowing them to master their skill and learn how to be effective...

The Challenges and Benefits of Medical Marijuana Cultivation

Introduction Marijuana use for medicinal purposes has been one of the most topical and discussed topics over the last years. However, only recently, “scruffy hippies getting high on their supply in a disorganized underground economy” started to be replaced by specialists with the industrial and scientific approach as the use...

“Experiences of World War I Soldiers” Lecture by Isherwood

War stories are one of the primary sources of historical memory about the significant events of the past wars. However, they regularly contain personal exaggerations, either for dramatic effect or as simple attention grab. Despite that, they provide an insight into one of the most crucial moments of modern history....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Ones Who Walk Away” by Ursula Le Guin

Literature is an essential means of delivering critical ideas regarding the surrounding world and the distinguishing features of society. Authors do not only aim at entertaining their readers but also focus on sharing personal views and opinions on various issues and processes happening in the communities. For instance, a philosophical...

Moral Status and the Nature of Human Person

Philosophy makes an attempt to gain a better understanding of the world through questioning the established traditions and the preconceived notions people often hold. Many of the questions formed in this process do not have a concrete answer and serve as a way for an individual to think about any...

Should Americans Adopt a Vegan Lifestyle?

Nowadays, to become a vegan does not mean to reduce the use of meat products and demonstrate the recognition of animal rights for life. In modern society, the promotion of veganism is a trend that requires considerable changes and ethical principles. Compared to vegetarians who do not eat meat, fish,...

Health and Environment Change in the USA

Maintaining safe environmental conditions is necessary to ensure the safety of people’s health. Moreover, keeping the environment clean helps to increase the quality of life and reduce the death rate. One of the most worrying issues the U.S. has been struggling with for ages is climate change, which affects the...

Karma and Rebirth in Hinduism and Buddhism Religions

Introduction In many cases people face difficulties trying to differentiate between Hinduism and Buddhism religions. The two share many similarities though they are not identical but only have Indian origin. Besides, each religion teaches its followers to separate doctrines and values. According to Romero (n.d.), Buddhism is one of the...

Defining the Health-Illness Continuum and Its Relation to Patient Care

Despite being ubiquitous, the notion of health is not straightforward to describe. Healthcare providers view health as an absence of any illnesses and unfavorable conditions. However, this approach omits the dynamic nature of human well-being and the fact that feeling healthy is subjective. Different people may have diverse thoughts on...

The Problem of Poverty in Art of Different Periods

Artists have always been at the forefront of addressing social issues, by depicting them in their works, they attempt to draw the attention of the public to the topics which are often avoided by politicians. The problem of poverty affects many societies worldwide, and to this date has not been...

Can Billiard Become a Part of the Olympics

The two Olympic sports that should be excluded from the Olympics are golf and beach volleyball because they are both difficult to organize. The golf court needs a lot of space and a special golf course. Beach volleyball requires a lot of sand and appropriate temperature, which sometimes is hard...

Overhead Cost Reduction: The Problem of Reducing Costs

Introduction Overhead is analyzed into three broad groups, these are, production overhead, administrative overhead and selling and distribution overhead. It is important to grasp that although overhead is the same from whatever angle we view it from, the methods of overhead reduction will differ from one group to another. In...

Unethical Use of Technology and Biblical Views

Technology and data are becoming increasingly influential in everyday life. Some of the innovative solutions simplify the routine, while others become indispensable for the operation. For example, the functioning of a warehouse is challenging without databases and equipment for moving goods. However, some companies or individuals use technology and data...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hypothesis of Cultivation Regarding Coronavirus Infection

Introduction It would not be a mistake to say that the media are firmly entrenched in daily life. Electronic and printed newspapers, television, radio, and social networks broadcast every minute about new events, some of which may well prove to be inaccurate. However, information sources create a specific environment in...

Low English Proficiency and International Students’ Academic Success

There is an opinion that the biggest challenge that international students experience in UK universities is low English proficiency. I entirely agree with this argument because a lack of mastery in the English language prevents foreign students from gaining as much benefit from their studies as possible. Although some people...

Evidence Based Practice Overview

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) entails the application of the best clinical facts in order to make informed decisions about care delivery. According to Newhouse and Spring (2010), EBP entails the selection of interventions by the use of available scientific evidence in order to ensure that patients receive the best care....

A Home-Based Nurse-Coached Inspiration Muscle Training Intervention in Heart Failure

The purpose of this paper is to review and analyze the article “Home Based Nurse-Coached Inspiration Muscle Training Intervention In Heart Failure”. The article presents relevant information that can help inform the general nursing practice in clinical care. Regardless of the relevance of the information presented in the article, the...

Police Force Diversifying Strategies

Introduction Workplace diversity has become an essential characteristic of contemporary companies and organizations. It is crucial to view the process not as a tendency brought by political correctness but as a necessary mechanism to bring more perspective into work and thus enhance its results overall. One of the spheres that,...

Treatment of Substance Abuse Problems among Adolescents

Abstract The study involves an examination of the effective treatment models utilized in treatment of substance abuse problems among adolescents. It explores the concept behind the 12 step approach in the various stages of treatment. It also looks into the cognitive therapy model in the different phases. In addition, the...

The Thrombosis Process Research

Introduction The article ‘mechanisms of thrombus formation are authored by Bruce Furie and Barbara C. Furie is a 2008 publication in the New England Journal of Medicine, volume 359 from page 938 to 949. In this article, Furie and Furie (p. 938) attempt to describe the various ways in which...

Deficit Spending and Economic Growth

Introduction: Defining Deficit Spending In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the economic outcomes of the Great Recession and other financial catastrophes, it is crucial to grasp the concept of deficit spending. The media has been the source of public dismay concerning the massive national debt, which continues to...

Close Reading of Alice Spencer’s “White Things”

The works of Anne Spencer, one of the well-known representatives of women’s poetry of the 20th century, are distinguished by their vivid and expressive literary techniques. In her poems, she touches upon serious aspects of interpersonal relationships and universal values. As an object of analysis, her poem “White Things” will...

Researching of Pop Art in the 1960s

Introduction The US in the 1960s was a country with a need for the people to express themselves in an extraordinary way. The classical art schools did not have the potential for divergent tendencies among the painters, sculptors, fashion designers, and musicians of that time. It was an appropriate moment...

Providing Services in Residential Aged Care Environment

Introduction The three main health care delivery system concerns include the aspects of fairness, objectivity, and transparency in the residential aged care environment (Austrom & Lu, 2009). Objectivity minimizes biasness and prejudice when drawing the health care policy. On the other hand, fairness involves collective consultation with stakeholders and adopting...

Beccaria Philosophies Analysis

Cesare Beccaria was named the first socialist who significantly questioned the state’s right to execute and imprison the citizens. This desire emerged after witnessing many citizens’ cruel and brutal deaths and a man accused of committing sodomy. The male was called Lisette and was viciously dealt with by the state....

Creating a Process for Analysis of the Data

Summary This paper aims to generate a process for analysis of the data collected in previous works resulting in the concise and proper analysis and development of the data implementation into a workable plan. In order to create a comprehensible project, it seems appropriate to apply the table format. A...

The Cynefin Framework: Decision-Making

The complex world requires people to engage in the process of decision-making continually. This procedure is often referred to as a conscious act of making a choice based on the circumstances, risks and benefits, and personal preferences. Since the situations people encounter are becoming more sophisticated, individuals need specific methods...

Personal Lessons About Race and Ethnicity

Introduction How children and adolescents are taught about race and ethnicity shapes their attitudes toward race and biases associated with the topic. This is why it is important to ensure that these individuals are educated on the topic of ethnicity and diversity, which is something that I did not have...

Patriotic Philanthropy in “The American Story” by David Rubenstein

Through The American Story, David Rubenstein, a philanthropist, and Bloomberg television host have delivered a compelling book rich in history and biography. Rubenstein interviewed various notable biography authors, such as Taylor Bunch, David McCullough, Ron Chernow, Robert Caro, and Walter Isaacson. In such a compilation, The American Story is a...

Theme of “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

In “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, the author creates a contradictory image of the main character; the author leads the reader to discover who she is. It is not easy to form one’s own impression of Emily due to the narrative aesthetics characteristic of the author’s modernity. The...

Modern and Postmodern Nonfiction

Public Documents Choose one of NUVHS’s ESLR’s and write a short essay explaining the importance of that result for today’s youth. National University Virtual High School students will be able to become effective communicators. They will learn how to use the tone of voice so that communication is effective and...

Anaconda Operation Analysis

Introduction Anaconda was a military operation carried out by an international coalition led by the United States of America against the forces of the terrorist organization al Qaeda in Afghanistan in March 2002. One of the most significant and famous operations of the global war on terrorism. During the operation,...

The United Kingdom Constitutional Principles

To answer public concerns on the availability of jury trials, Parliament enacted the Guarantee of Juries Act 2016 (‘the GJA’). It provided that anyone charged with an offense punishable by at least six months’ imprisonment was entitled to a trial by jury. In 2019, the Allocation of Trial Act (‘the...

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Justice in Continental Philosophy

Introduction For many decades, the delineations of philosophy have been drawn between supporters of continental viewpoint and analytic ideas. The analytic theory describes a method of thinking anchored in the interrogation of whether something is factual, while the continental model often seeks to answer multiple factors, which constitute meaning (Arnold,...

Color Analysis in “Twilight”

“Twilight,” a fantasy film directed by Catherine Hardwicke, narrates the love story between a vampire (Edward Cullen) and a human (Bella Swan). According to the movie, these two loved each other but could not be together. Bella moved to a small town called Forks and did not expect much from...

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Gender Differences and Self-Esteem in Exact Sciences

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A Case Study: “Organizational Culture Gone Wrong”

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Modern Terrorism Regarding the Role of Media

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Creating Inclusive Classrooms for Diverse Learners

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Doctor-Nurse Relationships: Lessons Learnt

Introduction Providing healthcare systems and facilities with effective and efficient service delivery methodologies can be strengthened their ability to provide care. Health care systems in many nations struggle with a lack of human resources, which raises mortality rates and causes more maternal fatalities. Leading nations utilize the substitution or shifting...

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A sustainable trend in the modern world is the expansion of the social function of business beyond the minimum obligations defined by society. Business today pays more attention to social responsibility programs and improving the quality of corporate governance. For modern business, the coordination of interests with other participants in...

Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Contemporaries: New Identities and Urban Realities

Differences in contemporary art arise from artists’ diverse perceptions of reality. It stems from different cultural and historical experiences, including the artists’ origin. Indigenous and non-indigenous people face misunderstandings of each other in one way or another, but this is normal. It is probably due to differences in the influence...

Creative Poem Based on “The Stranger” by Albert Camus

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First Nations Pedagogy for Online Learning

Introduction The article First Nations Pedagogy for Online Learning by Currie S. and Kaminski J. contains a presentation of the project founded by Nicola Valley Institute of Technology and Kwatlen University College. The project is dedicated to creating and developing new opportunities for online education for Aboriginal learners. The article...

The National Alliance to End Homelessness’ Activity

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Gender is an Often Culturally-Prescribed Role

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Background information Guided by the Kyoto Protocol, environmental and waste regulations as well as the United Kingdom government’s commitment to greenness and resource efficiency, the country adopted policies with regard to waste. In fact, in an era when there is an increased awareness of environmental issues, there is a need...

Christopher Columbus and His Discoveries

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Organizational Culture: Key Concepts and Best Practices

Observables artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions for the firms General electric is a company that is focused on the management of time. Time management is applied at different levels starting with an individual employee who should be at the right place at the right time. Through the management of...

Nursing Quality Models in Healthcare Institutions

Nursing quality models have been in use for several decades as a way of guiding activities of nurses in institutions of care. Emerging environmental forces are redefining position of nurses in healthcare institutions. Nurses currently find themselves in a position where they have to make critical decisions without directions from...

Jazz Music and Its Role in Society

Introduction Jazz is a music genre that is difficult to define. It is a type of music that heavily uses musical elements such as ragtime, blue notes, brass band tradition, European harmony, swung note, syncopation, polyrhythms, and improvisation (Baskerville, 2009). Jazz gets its appeal from the blend of different musical...

Nurse Leader and Advocacy Combining

Nurses utilize their competencies and leadership dexterities in different healthcare settings. Nurse practitioners should also engage in lifelong learning to develop new concepts and improve their care delivery models. This paper begins by describing my leadership strengths and weaknesses. The discussion outlines the best approaches to promote change and improve...

HIV/AIDS: Public Administration of Western Nations

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Apple Team Work Benefits

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Caffeine Use in Medicine and Pharmacy

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Rachel Kushner’s Novel “The Flamethrowers”

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Employees’ Wellbeing in Workplaces

Introduction Nowadays the importance of mental illnesses grows steadily. Stress in today’s society has become a global problem. Moreover, a significant part of the tension connected with work. People experiencing stress, anxiety, and mild depression at work cannot perform their duties effectively. In this regard, it is necessary to examine...

International Business Law, Its Role and Issues

Business law is a field that encompasses different aspects of commerce1. The field focuses on laws that govern how businesses are managed, stated, or transferred from one party to another. Businesspeople should, therefore, be aware of the existing laws to have successful entrepreneurial activities. Business law, therefore, embraces most of...

Donald Trump’s Rise, Its Causes and Effects

Introduction Donald Trump is currently the 45th president of the United States. It is without doubt that many global citizens are appalled and shocked by this unimaginable fact. Trump managed to fight every kind of establishment and opposition that stood on his way (Martinelli 12). Some scholars have argued that...