🏆 Best Essay Topics on Accountancy
✍️ Accountancy Essay Topics for College
- Accounting in the Ethnomethodological ContextIn developing the concept of ethnomethodology, Garfinkel and other proponents of his idea came up with the concept of accounting.
- Hewlett Packard Company’s Cost Accounting AnalysisHewlett Packard specializes in personal computers, servers, network management software, and other technology-related equipment in form of hardware and software.
- The Accounting Profession: Impact of Emerging TechnologiesThis paper analyzes the impacts improvements such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and Blockchain technologies have and will have on the accounting profession.
- Accounting Importance for BusinessesThe present research recommends that businesses should treat accounting with utmost concern as it affects the way companies perform in different periods.
- Explaining Concepts of Forensic AccountingThe standards for forensic accounting are thus derived from the law and they give this practice its law definition.
- Accounting Function in Garment OrganizationManagement accounts including the cash and flow reports are prepared for understanding of cash positions of the Organization.
- The Role of Electronic Payment in Accounting and AuditingThe business world also benefits from the use of technology as diverse operations can be carried out in a shorter period of time and more effectively.
- The Financial Accounting Standards Board: Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesFinancial Accounting Standards Board is an organization that establishes accounting standards for companies. The set of rules is called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
- Marks & Spencer Plc’s Strategic Management AccountingThis paper examines the case of Marks & Spencer and determining how different ways of strategic management accounting can assist the company in achieving its strategic plans.
- Kansas City Zephyrs Club’s Accounting ProblemsThis paper presents the accounting problems of the Kansas City Zephyrs baseball club. The disputes arise because of the disagreement between the baseball team and the club owners.
- Apple Inc.’s Managerial Accounting Conceptual ModelThe purpose of the give memo is to describe the decision-making process for the innovation to be implemented in Apple.
- Debenhams Plc: Company’s Financial AccountingThe paper discusses the importance of financial statements and reports. Using Debenhams Plc as a case study, the financial ratios were calculated and analyzed.
- Sustainability Accounting and Contemporary IssuesSustainable accounting is an essential step in the evolution of accounting. It has a range of instruments, which allow assessing the level of sustainability.
- Financial and Managerial AccountingManagement accounting is the task of the financial service of the enterprise: the financial manager or the financial director, but in many small and medium-sized companies.
- The Balance Sheet in AccountingThe paper discusses the balance sheet in accounting. It is one of the four core financial statements used to report the company’s financial information.
- Accounting Transactions’ Effect on Financial StatementsElements directly related to the measurement of financial statements in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity.
- Cash Versus Accrual Accounting Methods in Healthcare OrganizationsThis paper will focus on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of integrating accrual versus cash accounting methods in private physician practices and public hospitals.
- Laundromat Laundry’s Small Business AccountingLaura’s Laundromat is a registered laundry business that is located at Czech Road, Yukon Oklahoma. The business has been in operation for the last 3 years.
- Costco Wholesale Corporation: Accounting ResearchWhen Costco’s financial statements are reviewed, the part cash dividend declared but not paid can be noticed. This part accounts for Allowance for Doubtful Accounts.
- Program for University Canada West: Managerial AccountingThe aim of this paper was to evaluate the attractiveness of investment in a Program for University Canada West using Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Payback period.
- Cash vs. Accrual Accounting for Healthcare OrganizationThe purpose of paper is to address the positive and negative effects of cash vs. accrual payment methods for both organizations.
- The Roles of Governmental AccountingThe state and local governments are given the responsibility of ensuring that all governmental accounting is presented in the most professional and transparent of ways.
- The IASB and the FASB and Their Role in the AccountingFASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) and IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) are the U.S.-based organization that issues Financial Accounting Statements.
- The AT&T Company’s Accounting ScenarioBased on the accounting scenario AT&T Company faced, it is important for the firm to increase the depreciation of the products.
- Impact of Accounting Conservatism on InnovationThis paper discusses the relationship between accounting conservatism, innovation, and investment and the current state of knowledge on the matter.
- CSL Limited’s Accounting and Financial PerformanceIn this research, the financial performance of CSL Limited is examined for the years 2020 and 2021. The research will look into the ratios used in analyzing financial situations.
- International Corporate Reporting and Financial AccountingThe significance of corporate financial reporting covers broad issues that seek to bridge a gap between corporate governance and corporate financial accounting.
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in HealthcareThis paper shall set out to discuss the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and their relevance in the healthcare industry.
- Wal-mart Food, INC: Management Accounting ConceptsWal- Mart uses the management accounting concepts to make appropriate decisions and to provide its customer’s products of high quality at reasonable prices.
- Career Counseling Overview: Accounting CareerThe essay describes the necessity and the process of the career counseling session for the group of students with common interests and skills.
- Finance vs. Accounting in Healthcare: Roles & SuccessThis paper focuses on the relationship between finance and accounting, and how they operate to determine financial viability within a health care organization
- Starbucks Company Financial Reporting Accounting PrinciplesOn the example of Starbucks, the paper explains why companies should adhere to the generally accepted accounting principles when following the rules of financial reports.
- Differences Between the Big Four Accounting Firms Versus the Smaller FirmsThe purpose of the paper is to determine the differences between the Big Four accounting firms versus smaller firms in the industry in terms of auditing and consulting.
- The Satyam Computer Services Firm’s Accounting EthicsAs an analyzed case of violation of accounting ethics, the 2009 scandal will be considered in which the Indian outsourcing company Satyam Computer Services became involved.
- Accounting Information in Sole ProprietorshipThis paper focuses on whether a sole proprietor needs to own a separate bank account or use their personal property to advance their business.
- Accounting Methods for LeadersThe paper is about ZXY company that intends to expand its operations by investing in equipment for the manufacture of 2 new products.
- Automation in Accounting for Future WorkplacesThis annotated bibliography aims to describe the impact of automation in accounting on the workplace in the future.
- Accounting Information SystemsThis paper discusses various types of fraud that affect accounting information systems, as well as analyzes why fraud occurs, input, processor, data, and output fraud.
👍 Good Accountancy Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Managerial Accounting Concepts in Health Care IndustryThis paper details the application of Activity Based Costing, a managerial accounting in a health care setting.
- Global Accounting Standards: Benefits and ChallengesAdopting international accounting standards will enable both developing and industrialized nations to access the benefits associated with high quality financial reporting.
- Economic vs. Accounting Profit: Key Differences and ImplicationsAs CFO of the company, one must differentiate between the economic and accounting profit. The CFO aims to have accounting and economic profit at the same level.
- Accounting Career Opportunities and RequirementsAccounting enables businesses to keep score of their operations while at the same time providing solutions to emerging challenges.
- Executive Remuneration and Creative AccountingThere is a link between executive remuneration and creative accounting in the existing practice, corporate governance, and financialization literature.
- Ethical Principles in Accounting in Small BusinessThe given case study focuses on a scenario where a controller of a small clothing manufacturing business discovers an error in the physical counts of ending inventories.
- Accounting Standards for Equity Investments in 2023Both the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the International Accounting Standards Board give a guide on how to account for investments in debt and equity securities.
- The Importance of the Accounting CycleThe accounting cycle is a sequence of steps related to the systematization of financial information. Its importance lies in meeting informational needs.
- Accounting: the Importance of Soft Skills and Technical KnowledgeDespite rapid and often uncontrollable changes within the labor market, accounting remains one of the areas that are represented by consistent demand.
- Relevance and Reliability in Accounting for Intangible AssetsAsset accounting is an important process for every organization because it allows for assessing financial health and making appropriate decisions.
- Network Infrastructure Company’s Accounting FraudThe accounting fraud case of Network Infrastructure Company’s executives is an example of the violation of ethical models and negligent application of accounting standards.
- Expo2020 Dubai’s Accounting and Financial ManagementThis paper compares costs and revenues at two levels: state and organizational. Moreover, a comparison with other exhibitions that have been held in the last decade is presented.
- Rules of Financial Accounting: Economics and ManagementIt is vital to describe control methods to show how an organization works to stop and curtail dishonest behavior and needless mistakes in its accounting records and data.
- Accounting Policy for Property, Plant, Equipment, and Revenue RecognitionThe basis of accounting is ideally methods applied in recognizing expenses and revenues in financial statements.
- The Teck Resources Company’s Accounting PoliciesTeck Resources seems to follow the International Financial Reporting Standards and disclose as much information as possible to create a clear view of its financial operations.
- Advantages of Using Accrual Accounting Instead of Cash AccountingThe contrast between cash accounting and accrual accounting is timing: cash accounting records income and expenses as earned, and accrual accounting see the current state of finances.
- Activity-Based Costing and Profit Planning for Managerial AccountingActivity-Based Costing is a useful accounting method that enables managers the collection, analysis, and evaluation of a business’s investment and expenditure habits.
- Accounting Information in Evaluating Outsourcing DecisionIn the provided scenario, the product manager of the Xtreme snowboards is faced with the problem of a drop in sales of this product.
- Accounting: The Effect of Inventory ErrorsBeginning and ending inventory errors have different negative effects on the elements of the basic accounting equation, such as assets, liability, and owner’s equity.
- Non-Compliance Effects in AccountingNon-compliance in accounting influences the financial entity, the economy, and society. Therefore, not only following the standards but enforcing them is crucial.
- Financial vs. Managerial Accounting DifferencesAccounting gained popularity across different industries, with financial (FA) and managerial accounting (MA) being the two major types.
- Accounting Affairs and Fundamental MathematicsThis paper discusses the correlation between accounting affairs and fundamental mathematics, proving that the latter serves as a foundation for the former.
- Harry Markopolos Allegations of “Genron” Accounting FraudWhen accounting standards were updated in 2018, Markopolos reports showed that around $10.5 billion were noted from the mismatch between GAAP and SAP reserves.
- Artificial Intelligence in AccountingArtificial Intelligence is already replacing some accounting operations, and research indicates that automating these processes is a cost-effective option.
- The Ponzi Scheme in Investigative AccountingThe Ponzi Scheme is an investment method that pays dividends from newly came investors to those who invested earlier.
- Explaining the Expectations Gap Between Accounting Students and ProfessionalsThe evident presence of the gap highlights the importance of reviewing and discussing the reasons behind its prominence in the modern field of accounting.
- Accounting and Financial Management for Expo 2020 DubaiThe use of technology is a fundamental aspect of the organizational development adopted in every aspect of the innovation exhibitions hosted by the association in Dubai.
- The Influence of Automation on Employability and the Accounting ProfessionThis paper explores the impact of automation on both employability and the accounting profession. It will also carry out qualitative research by interviewing students.
- Accounting Software for BusinessThis research paper examines the four accounting programs for business: QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Xero, and Wave.
- Automation of Accounting Systems: Employability of Welsh GraduatesThe study determines the place of accounting automation in the phenomenon of job decline in the industry accounting market, in the context of Welsh graduate students.
- Turnover Rate Assessment: Business, Management, & AccountingBy managing the process of employee movement, they identify the reasons for layoffs in time and take measures that prevent negative consequences.
- Accounting Only Serves the Users’Accounting only serves the users, yet in specific cases, even certain users can be left out of the financial conversation.
- Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Accounting ProcessesArtificial intelligence seems to be a prospective technology, and its implementation in accounting processes is inevitable.
- Accounting: The Stories Behind the CareersIf one were about to ask their friends or colleagues about the notions that they associate with the career of accounting.
- Fraud and Ethics in Managerial AccountingThis research seeks to assess the integral moral practices within cash ledgers, indicating the attainment of the targeted profit margin and the impact of fraudulent activities.
🌶️ Hot Accountancy Ideas to Write about
- PepsiCo Inc.’s Accounting ProjectPepsiCo Inc. has a high current ratio of 0.984, the ratio indicates that the company has a greater ability to meet its short-term obligations.
- Comparing IFRS and GAAP in Investment AccountingThe two standards for accounting are the International Financial Reporting Standards and the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
- Governmental Accounting: Funds and Their PurposesA fund is part of financial assets and liabilities used for financing different projects. Numerous state funds are used for various purposes.
- Why Accountancy Is a Worthy Occupational Choice?The potential employee should focus on why accountancy is a superior choice to other jobs, what it involves, and how it can ultimately benefit the person.
- Accounting Information SystemThis paper looks at some of the ways to protect data, the reasons why companies should protect data, and finally focuses heavily on the one largely used way of data protection.
- Managerial Accounting in the Area of Health CareManagerial accounting is the tool allowing managers of an organization to be aware of its performance and structure their future work accordingly
- Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision-MakingAbsorption, variable, and throughput costing are three approaches to assigning costs to report income statements in managerial accounting.
- Super Micro Computer Company’s Accounting IssuesSuper Micro is a computer server-producing company that was engaged in improper accounting and several violations, resulting in a hearing and certain fines and restrictions.
- Strategic Benchmarking and Its Impacts on Financial Benchmarking and Traditional Accounting MethodsFinancial benchmarking refers to a comparison of an enterprise’s financial performance over time against the firm’s standard target.
- Strategic Management Accounting and Balanced Scorecard ApplicationA strategy is a plan of action by an organization on how it intends to achieve its goals with the aim of profit maximization.
- Aspects of International Accounting Related to IFRSIRFS enables organizations to create a conjoint accounting language and ensure that businesses and their financial statements can be constant and unswerving from one company to another.
- The Difference between Accounting and FinanceThe main difference between accounting and finance lies in the former being the tool for the successful conduct of the latter
- Share-Based Payments and the Positive Accounting Theorythe paper justifies the extent to which the key assumptions of Positive Accounting Theory facilitate an understanding of self-interest practices regarding share-based payments.
- Chester & Wayne Company: Managerial AccountingThe paper seeks to prepare a cash budget for Chester & Wayne Company and the supporting schedules. The company deals with food distribution.
- Financial and Management Accounting: The Analysis of Financial SystemsThe paper takes a financial analysis of Shire plc and AstraZeneca plc; both companies have their main operating base in the United Kingdom.
- Timing Differences in AccountingIn business, it is important to make an accurate tax return so as to avoid the costs associated with penalties that arise from filing wrong returns.
- Japan & UK Accounting Standards & Corporate GovernanceCorporate governance is important in bridging the gap between economic and social goals as well as communal and individual goals.
- Financial Accounting Standards Board Update No. 2011-05Under Accounting Standards Update No. 2011-05 (Topic 220), the other comprehensive income has undergone several amendments aimed at harmonizing the IFRS and US GAAP standards.
- Factors Affecting the Use of Strategic Management AccountingThe paper indicates that there is a correlation between the organizational life cycle stage of hotels and the use of strategic management accounting techniques.
- Accrual and Cash Basis Accounting: Comparative AnalysisAccrual accounting is more suitable for the needs of large corporations such as AT&T because they may receive payment for their services only after a long period of time.
- Changes in International Accounting Standards 17When a business has acquired properties through a lease agreement, it must report in its financial statement as prescribed in ISA (International Accounting Standards) 17.
- Accounting Terminology in Modern MediaIn an article published in the New York Times, major accounting fraud is discussed with a mentioning of a range of terms, which, though used appropriately, still lack certain detailing.
- Double-Entry Accounting: Debits and CreditsDouble-Entry Accounting implies that each financial transaction that is being carried out has an equal but opposite impact on at least two different accounts.
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act in AccountingThis paper will examine the effects of this Sarbanes-Oxley Act specifically on the American accounting industry.
- Accounting Ethics and the Code of ConductThe observation of the Code of Conduct is vital for the modern business world as it guarantees that all parties will remain satisfied and ready to continue cooperation.
- Managerial Accounting in the COVID-19 PandemicAny company or an organization with a dream of succeeding in the world of business should consider managerial accounting as a critical element of propelling its objectives.
- ICT Solution in a Project “Innovative ICT Solution For Definitive Accounting & Taxation”The essay is devoted to the discussion of the ICT solution presented in a project Innovative ICT Solution For Definitive Accounting & Taxation.
- Accounting Process and Financial StatementsUS GAAP is the generally accepted accounting principle followed by companies operating in USA and or listed in the Wall Street exchange.
- Financial Accounting Cycle StepsThe financial affairs of any enterprise require constant attention, accuracy, and reporting. The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe the accounting cycle steps.
- Strategic Management Accounting. CostingThe manager will be concerned with ways to increase the profitability of the company and should choose the best evaluation method that will not contradict the set targets.
- Held to Maturity Accounting InvestmentThere are various merits associated withheld to maturity accounting. Foremost the held to maturity accounting removes the burden of complex pricing that mostly affects bonds.
- Accounting Risk and UncertaintyRisks and uncertainty form the basis of either failure or success of every business. Risky decisions have to be made; otherwise, there will not be a development in organizations.
- Portfolio of Accounting in the NewsThe aspects of ethical issues in the accounting field have closely interacted with financial changes in the banking system.
- Accounting: Methods for Allocating OverheadsThe article is an analysis that answers the question of the allocation of overheads using the two methods, and also compares their effectiveness in allocating overheads.
- Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are the two primary accounting frameworks with core peculiarities.
📌 Easy Accountancy Essay Topics
- Concepts of Ethics and the Accounting ProfessionFinancial ethics primarily are there to guide individuals in this profession on practices that are ethical and acceptable not only among themselves but also, to investors.
- The Reason for a Conceptual Framework in AccountingA conceptual framework in accounting has more to do with protecting the accounting profession than improving accounting practice.
- Accounting Scandals. Case AnalysisAccounting issues have the power to diminish a company in a short amount of time. Transparency is of paramount importance in contemporary financial reporting practices.
- International Accounting Analysis: Foreign Exchange Rates and Financial StatementsWhen a corporation decides to conduct business internationally, it will be exposed to two significant accounting risks associated with export sales and import purchases.
- Qantas Airways Limited: Contemporary Accounting IssuesEven though some sectors might avoid severe damages or even benefit from the current events, no business can remain unaffected.
- Managerial Accounting Ethics RoleManagerial accounting aims to provide the measurement and interpretation of accounting information so decisions to maintain and improve a company`s performance can be made.
- Wal-Mart: Management Accounting ProposalThe company whose management accounting information would be taken up for discussion is Wal-Mart. The reason for this is that this US Major is perhaps a strong contender.
- IBM’s Management Accounting & Financial PracticesThe financial tradition at IBM is that those who are charged with the responsibility to handle finances do that. Accounting is an important part of IBM as a corporation.
- Understanding Management Accounting PracticesThe ways of thinking and the underlying assumptions that condition people how to behave are engraved in the institutions that are placed at the top.
- Katz, Sapper & Miller AccountingThe aim of this paper is to analyze the actual reasons for success, and the key premises of KSM business activity.
- Comparison of International Financial Reporting Standards and United States Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesIn highlighting the differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP, the essay seeks to identify areas that cause the differences that are mostly encountered in accounting standards.
- Accounting, Marketing, and Management in the OrganizationThis paper presents an overview of organizational systems and applications, marketing accounting, and management in particularity.
- Accident and Emergency Clinic Department: Management Accounting AnalysisManagement accountants are in charge supervising the business team and reporting dealings and duties to the finance organization corporation.
- Accounting and Finance in BusinessAll types of business concerns require to record financial data relating to various transactions to provide necessary information to the interested groups of persons in the firm.
- Working Capital Fundamentals of Management AccountingWorking capital is the lifeblood for a business firm without it a business can’t properly run. There are several items that makes working capital healthy.
- Fundamentals of Management AccountingIt is vital to realize that the accountant has so far been using the full costing traditional method that has been in use for a long time.
- Bata India Ltd.: Management Accounting Analysis‘Bata India Ltd’ is one of the leading companies in the Bombay Stock Exchange. The budgets are regularly prepared; budgets are prepared for every next year.
- The Accounting Profession and Ethics: AnalysisEthics in an organization is observed when the rules and regulations that govern the operations of the organization are effectively followed.
- Asset Retirement Obligations: Analysis of the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 143Asset retirement obligations imply liabilities to meet out the potential adverse effects on decommissioning and dismantling of long-lived assets upon the retirement of such assets.
- Management Accounting and Other Organizational FunctionsIt is devising and analyzing business processes, making budgets, doing forecasting, and compiling information mainly to derive economic value.
- Accounting and Financial Processes in an OrganizationEvaluating the financial plan to ensure its validity, given the company’s objective as far as shareholder wealth maximization is concerned.
- Accounting Ethics. IMA Standards and SupportInstitute of Management Accountants (IMA) have a compulsion to the public, their occupation, the organizations they serve, to keep the highest standards of ethical conduct.
- A Management Accounting Analysis of the OrganisationManagement accounting is the process of the preparation of financial and related information used by managers inside organizations to do the above four business management activities.
- Accounting. Current and Non-Current AssetsCurrent assets are assets that are most liquid in the organization the assets that can be used up or be sold in the business cycle.
- Organizational Culture of Accounting ProfessionThere are many ethical issues with which accountants struggle and points to ethical systems as tools that can be used to solve ethical dilemmas.
- Impact of PCAOB on Accounting Information SystemRule 3100 deals with the follow-up of professional auditing standards set up by PCAOB for the registered public accounting firms.
- Positive Accounting Theory in ManagementManagement would most likely choose to design a policy that would make the impact of the accounting standard to have less effect on the bottom line.
- Accounting for Decision-Making. Dakota Office ProductsTraditional product costing system is employed by Dakota was suitable for companies having one homogenous product with large fixed costs.
- Accounting: Important Role in Business DecisionsThe paper has analyzed what is accounting and how it is made different from other terms which are commonly associated with it.
- Modern Technologies in Business Management: Accounting Information SystemFor an accounting degree to be recognized by an Australian professional bodies like ASCPA, ACA and NIA, it must include an information systems unit.
- Modern Jobs: Bookkeeping, Accounting, and CopywritersThis report provides information about the most important careers in the company nowadays – bookkeeper, accounter, auditing clerks, and copywriters.
- Explainable AI in Accounting and Finance: Review of Harris’ ArticleThe broad implementation of AI in such fields as accounting lays the ground for the drastic changes in management and methods that are utilized by specialists.
- Managerial Accounting for Business Decision-MakingButler and Ghosh posit that the scope of one’s decision-making and, on a larger scale, one’s thinking ability, determines the efficacy of a managerial accounting strategy.
- International Accounting in KenyaKenya experienced underdevelopment, hopelessness, poverty, rampant unemployment, insecurity in most homesteads, corruption and bad governance.
- Responsibility Accounting, Managerial Action and ‘a Counter-Ability’ Article CritiqueResponsibility accounting has a direct effect on the direction and outcomes of decision-making in the corporate environment.
- Consolidation Accounting in Companies: Decision & ProcedureThe decision to consolidate financial statements when a company acquires a small company is based on the general rules discusses in this paper.