187 Anxiety Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Anxiety

✍️ Anxiety Essay Topics for College

  1. Anxiety Disorders in Older Adults
    Social workers and healthcare professionals should advocate for older persons, make resources available, and educate them about anxiety disorders and their treatment.
  2. Child and Adolescents Anxiety Disorder
    Anxiety in the modern world is widespread among the adult population and among younger and adolescent age and the number who face this problem is increasing every year.
  3. Correlation Between Childhood Attachment and Adult Anxiety
    The relationship between childhood attachment and adult anxiety is an essential aspect to analyze due to the many negative implications for physical and psychological health.
  4. “The King’s Speech” Movie and Anxiety Disorder
    Although several movies depict persons with social anxiety disorder, “The king’s speech” tends to do it particularly well.
  5. Test Anxiety and Academic Performance in Undergraduate and Graduate Students
    Determination of the levels of test anxiety and academic performance in large cohorts of graduate and undergraduate students and to investigate how these levels correlate.
  6. Anxiety Disorder Definition: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
    Anxiety disorder refers to a mental condition where someone experiences considerable sensations of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness.
  7. “How to Cope With Anxiety” TED Talk Analysis
    Anxiety has already become a part of our lives and is present in everyone. Each person experiences such a feeling differently; for some, stress is more pronounced; others less.
  8. Operationalization Methods: Motivation, Mood, Anxiety, and Happiness
    Operationalization is used for turning abstract concepts into quantifiable values. This paper aims to analyze and assess the operationalization methods.
  9. Coloring Mandalas Against Anxiety of Medical-Surgical Nurses
    The project “The Effect of Coloring Mandalas on the Anxiety of Medical-surgical Nurses” purpose was to examine whether coloring mandalas helps lower the anxiety state among nurses.
  10. Impact of Generalized Anxiety Disorder on Single Parents
    This paper focuses on the impact of generalized anxiety disorder on single parents and the most significant aspects of their lives.
  11. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Treatment
    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a psychological issue that is typified by extreme apprehension about events and actions.
  12. Communication Anxiety and Treatment Methods
    This paper explores assertiveness training, systematic desensitization, cognitive restructuring, communication orientation motivation for the treatment of communication anxiety.
  13. Cognitive Psychology: Emotions and Anxiety
    This paper is a review of articles “When Emotions Get the Better of Us” and “Anxiety, Processing Efficiency, and Cognitive Performance”.
  14. Concept Analysis: Preoperative Anxiety
    Perioperative anxiety is described as a vague, uneasy feeling, the source of which is often nonspecific and unknown to the individual.
  15. Concept of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
    The fear is usually connected with marked anxiety and deterioration in several areas, including work, social life, and family life.
  16. Impact of Physical Exercise on Anxiety and Stress
    This study aims to demonstrate how vulnerable persons who experience stress and anxiety are, and how physical exercise and stress are related.
  17. Depression and Anxiety: Mary’s Case
    Mary’s husband’s death precipitated her depression and anxiety diagnosis. She feels lonely and miserable as she struggles with her daily endeavors with limited emotional support.
  18. Counseling Session With Client With Anxiety Disorder
    Suzana voluntarily came to counseling due to a reoccurrence of past challenges she faced with her former husband.
  19. Depression and Anxiety in Mental Health Nurses
    Depression and anxiety are the most common mental diseases in humans. Nurses who work in mental health are at significant risk of getting psychiatric illnesses.
  20. Postpartum Anxiety as Problem of Mothers
    The research paper discusses the causes, treatment and medication options, consequences, and effects of postpartum anxiety disorder.
  21. Coloring Mandalas Reducing Nurses’ Anxiety
    Nursing stress and anxiety related to their responsibilities are common problems. The study aims to determine the effect of coloring mandalas on reducing nurses’ anxiety.
  22. Health Application for Anxiety Disorder
    Anxiety is considered to be one of the most widespread mental health conditions. The patient currently observed is a woman approximately 30 years of age.
  23. Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety
    In her article “Interventional Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety in the Clinical Learning Environment”, Moscaritolo focuses on the importance of support for students
  24. The Concept of Social Anxiety Disorder
    Social anxiety disorder, also referred to as social phobia, is a condition under which a person suffers from anxiety in different social contexts.
  25. Social Anxiety Disorder: The Fear of Making Mistakes
    People with social anxiety disorder experience high levels of nervousness and self-consciousness that arise from the fear of being judged and criticized.
  26. Attention and Anxiety in Sports Performance
    Sporting activities have always played a crucial role in human life. Through these events, people are able to fulfill their fitness, social, and entertainment needs.
  27. The COVID-19 and Anxiety Disorders Infographic Analysis
    Dispelling myths and misinformation regarding depression and other mental health conditions requires a greater public understanding of these issues.
  28. Counseling Young Athletes With Performance Anxiety
    Young people experience significant stress because of the inherently competitive nature of sports and, the pressure to perform in front of large audiences.
  29. Mindfulness for Trauma and Anxiety Treatment
    This research paper discusses different approaches to using mindfulness for treating anxiety, trauma, and stress.
  30. Post-Stroke Anxiety and Depression
    The purpose of the given study is to ascertain how cognitive behavior therapy affects individuals with post-stroke ischemia in terms of depression reduction.
  31. Anxiety Disorder as a Mental Health Challenge
    Individuals who experience trauma or observe horrific occurrences are more probably to acquire anxiety disorders later in life.
  32. Contributing Factors of Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects the way a person communicates and socializes.
  33. Anxiety Disorders and Cognitive Behavioral Techniques
    Cognitive-behavioral therapy restores the normal lifestyle and empowers an individual to control his behavior and cognition.

đź‘Ť Good Anxiety Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Mental Illness: A Generalised Anxiety Disorder
    The paper presents a patient, who was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. He is in his second year at the university and experiences anxiousness challenges.
  2. Addressing Anxiety and PTSD: A Comprehensive Approach for Angelina
    The case study explores the experiences of Angelina, a middle-aged woman struggling with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following an abortion.
  3. Psychological Assessments of Childhood Anxiety
    The article deduces findings on family accommodation of childhood anxiety disorders. There is a high correlation between parent-child anxiety.
  4. Swipe Right, Swipe Left: Social Anxiety Disorder
    The article concerns the behavioral aspects of people who suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD) before they engage in a relationship.
  5. Anxiety, Depression, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Currently, many people experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder that affect their general health.
  6. Why Anxiety Is Not Related to Personal Weakness
    It is common to think about anxiety as a response to specific triggers; for example, it is common to hear from people that flying gives them anxiety.
  7. Marijuana Effects on Risk of Anxiety and Depression
    The current paper aims to find out whether medical cannabis can positively affect anxiety and depression and the process of their treatment.
  8. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
    Cognitive behavioral therapy analyzes the unconscious processes influencing the normal functioning of the human body, causing different pathologies.
  9. Anxiety: Diagnosis and Treatment
    Anxiety is a psychological condition that stems from worry, fear, and an impending sense of danger a normal stress response and a fundamental part of everyday life.
  10. Depression and Anxiety Management
    The medical staff will investigate the treatment modalities currently being utilized for the large population of patients experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  11. Discussion: Social Anxiety and Loneliness
    It is necessary to properly educate the elderly on coping with the loneliness they might experience to promote a higher quality of life.
  12. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Epidemiology and Treatment
    Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and significantly affects the patient’s personal life, family, and work.
  13. Feline Mental Health and Separation Anxiety
    The paper discusses feline mental health based on separation anxiety, behavioral categories, significant symptoms, risk factors, and implications.
  14. Specific Needs for Chronic Anxiety in Latinos
    Problems such as chronic anxiety and depression are common among Hispanics because the region’s conditions are typically characterized by hard physical labor.
  15. African American Children Suffering From Anxiety and Depression
    Depression and anxiety are common among African American children and adolescents, and they face significant barriers to receiving care and treatment.
  16. Psychedelics in Depression and Anxiety Treatment
    Mental illnesses have become an essential part of health in the last few decades, with sufficient attention being devoted to interventions that resolve them.
  17. Depression and Anxiety Among African-American Children
    Depression and anxiety are common among African-American children and adolescents, but they face significant barriers to receiving care and treatment due to their age and race.
  18. Stress and Anxiety and How to Cope With Them
    The research utilizes a reverse Stroop experiment to evaluate the mental performance of individuals when subjected to either up-regulation or down-regulation.
  19. Analysis of Cause of Anxiety in Family
    The article analyzes feeling of either staying closer or far away with relatives is the initiator of anxiety in a family.
  20. Treating Anxiety With Psychopharmacology and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    In this paper, the focus will be put on psychopharmacology and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and how these two treatment methods can be utilized in depression management.
  21. Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Hispanic Male
    Nicolá˝±s, 27 years old, is a Hispanic male who reports three years of anxiety attacks. Thus, the complete diagnosis is Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
  22. Individuals With Hearing Impairment: Social Anxiety
    Individuals with hearing impairment face significant challenges throughout their lives despite the development of technology. Social anxiety is prevalent among deaf people.
  23. Relationship Between Gender and Death Anxiety
    “Death Anxiety Among Elderly People” provides multiple insights into the relationship between death anxiety, spirituality, and gender among older patients in the Indian context.
  24. Mental Health Nursing Class: Anxiety-Related Disorders
    The following class is devoted to anxiety and anxiety-related disorders as one of the significant mental health concerns nowadays.
  25. Depression and Anxiety in Older Generation
    Depression and anxiety represent severe mental disorders that require immediate and prolonged treatment for patients of different ages.
  26. Preadmission Videotaped Preoperative Information on Parental Anxiety
    The study explores the effect of preadmission-videotaped preoperative information on parental anxiety and satisfaction with care.
  27. The Use of Emotional Freedom Technique for Test Taking Anxiety Reduction
    The emotional freedom technique (EFT) is reported to be a prominent method that reduces stress and related negative psychological effects.
  28. Anxiety and Stress Affect Pain Relief
    The study aims to reduce pain and monitor patient response in related areas such as relaxation, anxiety. The role of massage in the treatment of pain has been noted successfully.
  29. On Evidence-Based Interventions for Anxiety: A Synopsis
    The psychoeducational and psychosocial interventions provide a tangible benefit for patients understandably anxious about their mortality and end-of-life conditions.
  30. Supporting Children, Families With Anxiety Issues
    Anxiety is a condition where an individual’s normal emotional wholesome changes at different stages or times in his/her life.
  31. Aromatherapy and Massage for Decreasing Anxiety in the Transition Phase of Labor
    Nonpharmacological methods of pain and anxiety relief are vital components of nursing practice that can be effectively used in transitional labor phases.
  32. The Treatment of Anxiety and Depression
    The meta-analysis provides ample evidence, which indicates that CES is not only effective but also safe in the treatment of anxiety and depression.
  33. Differences Between Features of Bipolar Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Patients presenting with generalized anxiety disorder are characterized by fear that is excessive, debilitating, persistent, and intrusive.
  34. Exploring Death Anxiety Among Staff Who Work in Outpatient Hemodialysis Units
    This critique is based on the quantitative study by Lee and King “Exploring death anxiety and burnout among staff members who work in outpatient hemodialysis units”.
  35. Anxiety Management in Adult Women by Family Nurse Practitioner
    This paper focuses on the management of anxiety in adult women and the role of the family nurse practitioner in support and proper management of these conditions.

🌶️ Hot Anxiety Ideas to Write about

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Therapeutic Massage and the Reduction of Overall Stress and Anxiety
    This paper describes possible biases in conducting a qualitative study of the issue of therapeutic massage and its effect on the human condition.
  2. Naturalism, Transcendentalism, Social Anxiety and Fear
    This essay will argue that the disregard towards nature and consumerism is the central conflict in The Space Merchants by applying and examining Emerson’s concepts of naturalism.
  3. Anxiety, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
    The paper deals with the symptoms, their effect on the general condition of a person, the causes and problems of making the correct diagnosis.
  4. The Prevalence of Anxiety Among Saudi Medical Students
    The research determines the prevalence of anxiety among Saudi Medical students. It includes a summary of the study, a discussion of the result, and a conclusion on the study topic.
  5. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety and Substance Abuse
    Mark is a student who suffers from social anxiety and alcohol abuse problems. The assessment regime is needed to identify the cause of Mark’s substance abuse.
  6. The Problem of Anxiety Among the College Students
    College presents multiple points where uncertainty is high combined with stress and responsibility, causing people to experience anxiety and other psychological distress.
  7. Self-Esteem and Self-Anxiety in Nursing Students
    The level of SE and SA is connected with ethnicity, study progress. Nursing students are more vulnerable to SA and low levels of SE as far as they have a complicated study program.
  8. Social Phobia or Anxiety as Epidemiological Phenomenon
    The main purpose of this report is to discuss social phobia or anxiety as an epidemiological phenomenon. First, it is of the crucial importance to define this mental disorder.
  9. Anxiety Disorders: Types, Symptoms and Treatment
    Anxiety disorders greatly affect people’s lives and may greatly interfere with the affected person’s carrying out of the day-to-day activities.
  10. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Effectiveness for the Treatment of Generalised Anxiety Disorder
    This paper has focused on the effectiveness of CBT in the treatment of GAD. The medication meant to treat GAD has proved beneficial, nevertheless had a number of side effects.
  11. The History of Anxiety and the Evolving Cultural-Political Context
    The history of anxiety as a health problem has been frequently discussed in evidence-based narratives during the last 200 years.
  12. Effectiveness of Telenursing in Reducing Readmission, Depression, and Anxiety
    The project is dedicated to testing the effectiveness of telenursing in reducing readmission, depression, and anxiety, as well as improving general health outcomes.
  13. Decreasing Anxiety in Chemotherapy Patients
    Acupuncture is a prospective non-intrusive way of treating anxiety in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Its effectiveness is supported by many Asian and Western sources.
  14. Addressing the Needs of Children With Anxiety Disorders
    The problem of anxiety among children is one of the outcomes that calls for an immediate change in the current legal and social frameworks since it affects vulnerable groups extensively.
  15. Psychology: Anxiety Coping Strategies
    There are three types of strategies that can be useful in coping with anxiety such as problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance strategies.
  16. Anxiety and Social Interactions
    One behavior that I would like to modify through a reinforcement therapy schedule is my anxiety when it comes to short social interactions.
  17. Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
    Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder experience higher levels of anxiety every day. Cognitive-behavioral therapy was proven helpful in children and adolescents with GAD.
  18. Anxiety and Self-Care Deficit as Nursing Diagnosis
    Nursing diagnoses include anxiety associated with the alteration of the perception, as well as a self-care deficit caused by a sudden decrease of vision.
  19. Anxiety Cure in Dr. Hart’s Arguments and Criticism
    Anxiety leads to feelings of worry, fear, and concern in people, thus hindering them from enjoying their lives.
  20. Perioperative Anxiety Implications for Nursing Practice
    Scholars note that the more experienced a nurse anesthetist is, the easier it is to cope with patients’ perioperative anxiety.
  21. Anxiety and Depression Among Females with Cancer
    The study investigated the prevalence of and the potential factors of risk for anxiety and/or depression among females with early breast cancer during the first 5 years.
  22. Social Anxiety Disorder and Its Symptoms
    Social anxiety disorder is a condition that occurs as a result of excessive fear of social involvement. It is also known as social phobia.
  23. Anxiety, Psycho-Physiological Disorders, Phobias
    Different models express phobias. It has been established that phobias may develop due to conditioning. Once fear has been acquired, there are high chances that it will stay.
  24. Women Living With Anxiety
    The rates of anxiety disorder in women are higher than those in men. Emotional and psychological differences of men and women seem to contribute to the exposure of anxiety disorders the most.
  25. Anxiety Disorders in the United States
    Anxiety is a simple and very common reaction to stress and inconveniences. Its commonness is what makes it especially dangerous.
  26. Social Anxiety Disorder, Risk Factors and Symptoms
    This paper focuses on the peculiarities of social anxiety disorder that prevents people from living normal lives as they cannot communicate with others.
  27. Anxiety Disorders Theory and Research
    This paper is focused of the exploration concerning alternative methods of treating anxiety disorders such as self-help. Besides, it discusses sources of disorders in children and adolescents.
  28. Treatment of Anxiety: Therapies and Methods
    This paper seeks to establish if psychoanalysis therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy have different efficacies in the treatment of anxiety.
  29. Math Anxiety Effect on Children With a Learning Disability
    The paper discusses if young people have math anxiety from elementary school or it develops later as they grow. It gradually analyses all aspects related to this problem among children.
  30. “Social Anxiety Disorder” by Schneier Franklin
    The article, “Social Anxiety Disorder,” by Schneier Franklin, was published in 2006, in the Journal of Medicine. The writer outlines what he considers the main causes of social anxiety disorder.
  31. Anxiety Disorders’ Impacts and Treatments
    This paper explores articles on anxiety disorders, their impacts on genders, the reasons for their persistence, effective ways of treatment, and the quality of life of patients.
  32. Comparing Self-Esteem and Anxiety: Psychology
    In psychology, self esteem is a feeling that gives someone a source of purpose in life. On the other hand, anxiety is an extreme feeling resulting from imbalances.
  33. Anxiety Disorders Psychology: Managing Panic Attack
    People should avoid emotional conflicts and past difficulties in order to reduce chances of developing panic attack. They are sometimes associated with heart attacks.

🎓 Most Interesting Anxiety Research Titles

  1. Counselling Issues: Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
  2. Managing Social Anxiety Disorder
  3. Social Anxiety and Its Effects on the World
  4. Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder – Symptoms and Causes
  5. Living With Social Anxiety Disorder
  6. Social Anxiety and Social Phobia: Differences
  7. Does Social Anxiety Lead to Depression
  8. Panic Attack vs. Anxiety Attack: What’s the Difference?
  9. Anxiety and Depression: Effects of Stressors
  10. Сharacteristics of Anxiety and Anxiety Disorder
  11. How Watching Television Affects Anxiety Levels in Children
  12. Diagnosing Anxiety Disorder: Based on Symptom Comparison
  13. Link Between Anxiety and Depression
  14. Problems Associated With Stress and Anxiety
  15. General Anxiety Disorder and Suicidal Ideation
  16. Anxiety Disorders and Its Effects on Children
  17. Link Between Spatial Attention and Social Anxiety
  18. Anxiety Disorders and Its Effects on Western Society
  19. Anxiety Disorders and Its Effects on Children and Adolescents
  20. The Difference Between Panic Disorder and Anxiety

đź’ˇ Simple Anxiety Essay Ideas

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. Mental Illness and Social Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis
  2. Relationship Between Stress, Anxiety, and Phobias
  3. Depression, Anxiety, Panic, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  4. Social Anxiety and Academic Performance
  5. Social Anxiety: Cognitive Biases and Treatment Methods
  6. Anxiety Disorders: Persistent Feeling of Dread
  7. Anxiety and Its Effects on Social Media
  8. Managing Anxiety While Undergoing Diagnostic Evaluation
  9. The Link Between Cell Phone Use, Anxiety & Depression
  10. Social Anxiety and Its Effects on Society
  11. Phobic Anxiety Disorders: Common Phobias & Treatment
  12. How Anxiety Affects Individuals
  13. Anxiety and Its Effects on Children
  14. Managing Anxiety While Undergoing Diagnostic Evaluation for Breast Cance
  15. Coping Skills for Coping With Anxiety
  16. Anxiety, Stress-Related Factors, and Blood Pressure in Young Adults
  17. Anxiety Disorders and the Holistic Nursing Approach to Treatment
  18. Anxiety and Its Affect on Academic Achievement
  19. Anxiety and the Variables of Trait Anxiety

đź“Ś Easy Anxiety Essay Topics

  1. Social Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse
  2. How You Can Manage Stress and Overcome Anxiety
  3. Anxiety and Social Anxiety: Differences
  4. Evidence Base for Anxiety Disorders
  5. How Should Childhood Depression and Anxiety Be Treated and Dealt With
  6. Mental Health Issues Among Depression and Anxiety
  7. How Anxiety and Depression Are Connected
  8. Dissociative Identity Disorder and Social Anxiety
  9. Depression and Anxiety: The Common Cold of Mental Health
  10. Help for Social Anxiety and Phobia
  11. Relationship Between Depression and Anxiety
  12. Relationship Between Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  13. Anxiety and Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents
  14. Differences Between Fear and Anxiety
  15. Humor and Its Effects on Anxiety Disorders
  16. Finding Relief From the Anxiety Attack
  17. Anxiety, Stress, and Depression Сharacteristics
  18. Anxiety and the Impact of Colors
  19. Social Anxiety: Healthy Ways to Treating Fear
  20. Things to Start Doing if You Have Social Anxiety

🤔 Anxiety Research Questions

  1. Does Prenatal Valproate Interact With a Genetic Reduction in the Serotonin Transporter?
  2. How to Handle Performance Anxiety as an Athlete?
  3. Does Self-Efficacy and Emotional Control Protect Hospital Staff From COVID-19 Anxiety and PTSD Symptoms?
  4. When Social Preferences and Anxiety Drive Behavior and Vasopressin Does Not?
  5. Does Math Anxiety Impede Working Memory?
  6. Does Writing Help Cope With Anxiety and Panic Attacks?
  7. What Is the Difference Between Social Anxiety Disorder and Shyness?
  8. Why and How Adolescents Are Affected by Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Clinical Depression?
  9. What Causes Social Anxiety or Social Phobia?
  10. Does Anxiety Affect Adolescent Academic Performance?
  11. What Are the Relationship Between Stress, Anxiety, Habits and Phobias?
  12. Does Social Anxiety Lead to Depression?
  13. What You Should Eat Will Stir Anxiety?
  14. What You Should Know About Anxiety Disorders?
  15. What’s the Big Deal About Anxiety and Depression in Students?
  16. Does Despotic Leadership and Anxiety Harm Employee Family Life?
  17. Why Are Stress and Anxiety Together for Many Reasons?
  18. What Are the Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders?
  19. Is There a Link Between Dysregulated Anxiety and Dysregulating Defenses in Dynamic Psychotherapy?
  20. Does Emotional Intelligence Mediate the Relation Between Mindfulness and Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents?

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