216 Democracy Essay Topics & Research Questions about Democracy

Looking for interesting democracy titles for your assignments? Look no further! We present to you our excellent list of research questions about democracy, topics for presentation, and essay titles. They will surely inspire a great paper!

🏆 Best Democracy Titles for Essays

✍️ Democracy Essay Topics for College

  1. The Influence of Social Media on Democracy
    Democracy entails the protection of human rights among individuals facing social, economic, and political challenges.
  2. Biotech, Corporate Power, and Democracy: Oryx and Crake
    One of the very first non-human characters of the story is Crakers. The book states that was his first view of the Crakers.
  3. Democracy in The Lottery by Jackson
    Politics is an essential part of nowadays life. Politics are obligations of a state in regard to society and personality.
  4. Democracy: Advantages and Disadvantages
    Democracy has developed in a setting where people feel oppressed and generally being dictated upon or were unfair.
  5. Democracy: Strengths and Weaknesses According to Thucydides and Plato
    The ancient Greek civilization handed the world a model of democracy that has been borrowed by many democratic societies globally up to the modern times.
  6. Is Russia a Democracy?
    The essay states that Russian democracy is not a true democracy but an emerging democracy where people as yet have limited freedom and rights.
  7. Impacts of the Democratization of Making Maps
    Democratization of Maps began in the late 1970s, although some geographers opposed the idea of democratization of maps with a view that it would lead to the demise of cartography.
  8. Ancient Civilizations: Athenian Democracy vs Australian Democracy
    Athens was one of the very first known democracies. It comprises of the central city-state of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica.
  9. Globalization and Democratization Relationship
    This paper explores the existing relationship between democracy and globalization. It focuses on democratization, globalization and their imperativeness.
  10. “How Democratic Is the American Constitution?” by Robert A. Dahl
    The book How Democratic is the American Constitution? by Robert A. Dahl is a provocative examination of the American constitution.
  11. Democratic Republic vs. Socialist State
    This paper aims to examine and compare the Democratic Republic and the Socialist State and present a personal opinion regarding the two systems.
  12. Democratic Leadership and Management Style
    The paper analyzes democratic leadership as the management style adopted by the author’s group, and approach to management indicated by the management style questionnaire.
  13. The Crisis of Democracy of the 1930s
    The Soviet Union played a key role during Hitler’s despotic reign in Germany. Notably, the union was at war with itself, which added to the possible aggression anticipated from Germany.
  14. The Impact of the Locke’s Democratic Theory on the Contemporary Governance
    Locke’s ideas have influenced the development of the doctrine of the separation of powers, which is used around the world to create a balance of power within governments.
  15. Digital Communication Systems and Its Impact on Democracy
    The contribution, which new media can make in the development of democracy, depends on the efforts of government and media groups to the large extent.
  16. Is Russia a Real Democracy?
    Thus, a difficult question of whether there is a democracy in Russia is considered with a negative response in most parameters when comparing with other developed countries.
  17. Whigs’ vs. Democrats’ Views on Slavery and Race
    The political life of America in the 1830s – early 1850s was largely determined by the rivalry between Whigs and Democrats.
  18. The East German Democratic Republic: Problems and Challenges
    The East German Democratic Republic had major issues, including its political practices, which contributed to the country’s collapse rather than triumph.
  19. Human Democracy and Technology Development
    The article explores the impact of technology on human rights and the human policies initiated to govern human rights and freedom in the digital era.
  20. How South Africa Is Developing a Democracy
    The lack of democratization within South African society can be seen as the primary problem that has to be managed for democratic principles to be established within the republic.
  21. Industrial Revolution, Democracy and Equality
    The impact of the industrial revolution on society should not be understated. It transformed mostly agrarian economies into those oriented towards goods and services.
  22. Representative Democracy and Its Crisis
    Cases of crises associated with representative democracy include dictatorship, oligarchy, officials pursuing their own ambitions, and bribing of representatives.
  23. Plato’s “Republic” – What Is Democracy?
    An idealized version of a parliamentary government is the redefinition of democracy. Plato failed to see the possibility of transforming ordinary people into intelligent members of the electorate.
  24. Social Entrepreneurship and Democracy
    The article explores the integral role of social entrepreneurship in democratic societies, particularly in pre-democratic or emerging democracy contexts.
  25. Cultural Democracy and Internet Imperialism
    The source helps draw a connection between the conscious domination of cultural niches and its impact on global biases within media.
  26. All In: The Fight for Democracy Documentary
    All In: The Fight for Democracy is the 2020 documentary film. The film revolves around voter suppression in the United States. The central theme of the film is disenfranchisement.
  27. Foreign Direct Investments in Democratic Republic of Congo
    For a long time, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been considered a country unattractive for Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs).
  28. Walt Whitman as a Democratic Symbol
    Speaking of Whitman’s overall contribution to poetry, it may be safe to say that he was an innovator that would never be afraid of experimenting
  29. G. Bush and B. Obama: Tools of Democracy, Public Policies, and Practices
    The use of tools of democracy provide a lot of alternatives through which the government may effectively influence the behavior of individuals for the benefit of the entire public.
  30. Special Interest Groups as a Threat to Democracy
    Special interest groups are smaller communities within larger ones that promote specific interests attributed to their members.
  31. Democratic Leadership Style and Responsibilities
    Democratic leadership style, which is also known as a participative style, is a leadership style that strives to involve employees in organizational management and decision making.
  32. Australia’s Liberal Democratic System
    This paper studies how Australia’s Liberal Democratic system that is a keystone of social policy in the country, enhances and or limits the well-being of its citizens.
  33. Democratic Theory Questions: “Missing and Murdered”
    This essay picks out four key issues that arise from reading the text by Laoucan-Massimo and Canoe titled, “Missing and Murdered: What it will take for Indigenous Women to Feel Safe”.
  34. The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation
    The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe book by Linz and Stepan explore the issue of democratic transitions.
  35. Nutrition, Rules, Government, Religion, and Democracy
    It is essential to identify the ideas of nutrition, rules, government, religion, and democracy that changed people’s lives and analyze their influence.

đź‘Ť Good Democracy Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Liberal Democracy Opportunities for Middle Eastern Nations
    The current paper aims to discuss various challenges and opportunities for Middle Eastern nations to transition to liberal democracy.
  2. Democracy in the United States in the Digital Era
    The paper states that the digital era has created an environment in which false information can spread rapidly. This becomes a severe issue for democracy.
  3. Were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers?
    The Constitutional Convention, proposed by the democratic reformers, became the basis of the constitutional order in the country.
  4. Ethical Duties of Public Officials in a Democracy
    All public officials are bound to some ethical principles which dictate their conduct in their various responsibilities.
  5. American Democracy: The Formation of the United States
    The formation of the United States is linked to the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.
  6. Astra Taylor’s “What Is Democracy?” Documentary Review
    Astra Taylor’s Documentary, What is Democracy? takes an in-depth look at the concept of democracy and its history, from its ancient Greek roots.
  7. Divergence Between Republicans and Democrats
    Throughout history, a whole established platform of divergence between Republicans and Democrats has narrowed.
  8. Republicans vs. Democrats on Separation of Church and State
    Most Republicans have a rather negative attitude towards separating it from the state. While many Democrats believe that faith should not interfere with any political processes.
  9. Problems of Democratic Consolidation in Developing Countries
    The paper argues developing countries pursuing economic and political heights should strive to consolidate democratic forces.
  10. Slavery and Democracy in the United States
    On the road to progress and enlightenment, virtually all races have resorted to such a terrible form of social development as slavery.
  11. Democrats and Republicans in the US Politics
    Democrats tend to be institutionalized mainly as the party of the economic elites. At the same time, Republicans represent working-class Americans.
  12. Negative Impact of Modern Democracy on Political Process
    In recent years, there has been a lot of work by economists looking for factors that could explain the bias and inconsistency of the political process.
  13. Negative Impact of Modern Democracy in the US
    The main cause of social imbalances in the United States is value conflict. This is a “seismic shift” in cultural stereotypes under the influence of new social phenomena.
  14. American Democrats’ Pro-Abortion Beliefs
    The US political system consists of liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. The chosen news article elaborates more on the Federal Abortion ban from these two perspectives.
  15. Citizen Participation in a Representative Democracy
    Society’s quality of life is determined not only by the government’s influence but also by citizens’ interest in applying efforts to promote their well-being.
  16. Jacksonian Democracy: Who Benefitted?
    The Jacksonian democracy enhanced the freedom and equality of citizens in the United States, giving people more power and representation in social visions.
  17. Challenges to American Democracy Principles
    The surveillance of U.S. citizens by intelligence agencies is a fundamental departure from the principles of freedom and a serious blow to liberal principles.
  18. The US Democracy Promotion in the Middle East
    This essay informs about the reasons for promoting democratic values by the US in the Middle East, which intends to establish a close relationship between the countries.
  19. Democratic Political System Analysis
    The paper addresses the topic of democratic and authoritarian political systems, and answers the question: does a democratic system guarantee people’s will?
  20. Japanese Political Power and Liberal Democratic Party
    Although there are many studies that dwell on the case of LDP and its success, the popularity and national devotion to the party remain rather vague.
  21. Globalization and Democratic Peace Theory
    In the context of globalization, it is necessary to consider the theory of democratic peace, which recognizes democracy as the best form of government for society.
  22. Utilitarianism Theory Applied to Western Democracy
    According to the theory of utilitarianism, there are ethical norms that must be followed. As a result, they overlook the other virtues that favor the few.
  23. Populism as Integral Part of Democracy
    Populism cannot be perceived as a grotesque distortion of representative democracy’s objectives and practices since populism’s aim is to serve the interests of the masses.
  24. Corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    While world economies are affected by a range of problems, some have remained entrenched in countries, impending national and regional growth.
  25. Democracy in America: Unperfect, But Still Prevails
    The article looks at the views of French historian Alexis de Tocqueville on democracy and its potential dangers.
  26. Expansion of Democracy in the United States before 1877
    This paper discusses the rapid expansion of democracy for Americans before 1877 and explaines how government measures helped former slaves become citizens of the country.
  27. Democracy in Iran & Culture and Politics
    Although, to some observers, democracy may seem as the undoubtedly superior form of government, it is not universally present in the world.
  28. Democracy in the United States of America
    The paper states that democracy is a key factor in shaping the collective identity of US citizens as one nation rather than separate states.
  29. Republic and Democracy in the United States
    The original Constitution guarantees every American state the Republican form of government, which protects the established U.S. system from the tyranny of the majority.
  30. Poland: Democratic Nation vs. Communist Country
    Differences between people living in a democratic nation and a communist country are apparent by looking at Poland before and after communism.
  31. Media and Democracy in “By the People: Debating American Government 5e”
    “By the People: Debating American Government” is an introduction to the American government, and the 9th chapter focuses on media and democracy in the US.
  32. The Shays’ Rebellion: Democratic Movement
    The Shays’ Rebellion was the culmination of the democratic movement in the United States in the 18th century’s last quarter.
  33. The Democrats Attempt to Incorporate Immigration Issue in the Economic Bill
    Notably, the most recent development on immigration is that the Democrats presented a bill in an attempt to include immigrants who have not been accounted for in their economic bill.
  34. Economic, Democracy, and the Distribution of Capital Ownership
    The article gives an overview of how capital ownership generally integrates with economic growth and democratic stability. It uses different economic theories.
  35. Will the New Communications Technologies Bring a New “Age of Democracy”?
    Communication technologies are an integral part of the realities of the modern age, where every aspect of human existence is directly impacted by digital forces.

🎓 Most Interesting Democracy Topics for Presentation

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  1. Economic Power of 2019 Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement
    In June 2019, there were protests in Hong Kong caused by the China government’s new plans to allow criminals’ extradition to Mainland China.
  2. Capitalism and Democracy: The Problem of Coexistence
    The paper examines whether the coexistence of capitalism and democracy provides mutual benefits or enforces detremial mechanisms that strain the relationship between these forces.
  3. Republican and Democratic Parties Comparison
    This paper compares and contrasts the Republican and Democratic parties, and discusses the benefits and drawbacks of the two-party system.
  4. The Ideology of Political Liberalism and True Democratic Ideal
    True democracy implies the political courage of individuals that are determined to fight for the ideals of freedom and justice for everyone during crisis times.
  5. Election in the United States in the Context of Democratic Values
    Evidently, the United States of America became one of the first nations in the world’s history, which were built upon the principles of democracy.
  6. Will the New Communication Technologies Bring a New Age of Democracy?
    The use of information technology will not turn society into a society of direct democracy, and it will remain representative.
  7. Beliefs of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
    With his followers, Thomas Jefferson strongly viewed the United States as more of a sovereign entity bound with a common interest.
  8. Bureaucracy in a Democracy
    Bureaucracy is a considerable part of contemporary democratic society. Most organizations should be regulated by specific services to maintain uniformity because of their complexity.
  9. Confrontation Between Democrats and Republicans
    The confrontation between Democrats and Republicans significantly affects America’s domestic and foreign policy.
  10. Reconciling the Need for a Bureaucracy Versus All These Issues It Presents Against Democracy
    Although bureaucracy as a phenomenon has gained a rather negative coloring in the everyday use of the word, it is supposed to describe a neutral phenomenon.
  11. Representing Democracy: Reference to American Constitution
    Controversies surrounded the 2018 senate election in the state of Florida, which occasioned recounting of the votes cast.
  12. Prison System for a Democratic Society
    This report is designed to transform the corrections department to form a system favorable for democracy, seek to address the needs of different groups of offenders.
  13. The Effects of Hate Crime Law on Democracy
    The hate crime law effectively protects people from different social groups and their freedom in spite of its potential risk to an individual’s right to express himself.
  14. Democracy in America: Decision-Making
    It can be argued that politics in America are not genuinely democratic. The current approaches to decision-making do not account for the opinion of the citizens
  15. Democracy in the American Government
    The American political system is regarded to be a representative democracy. The system is democratic due to regular elections and equal opportunities for civic participation.
  16. The Health of American Democracy
    In this article, the author assesses the health of American democracy based on the political participation and political knowledge of ordinary Americans.
  17. Representing a Democracy in Miami, Florida
    This paper analyzes three members of Congress from Miami, Florida by looking at their demographic profile, support base, policy issues of interest, and ideologies.
  18. Principles and Literature Materials on Democracy and Governance
    There are numerous literature publications on democracy and governance whose main objective is to promote democracy and good governance.
  19. Key Principles and Processes of Democracy and Their Influences on Public Policies
    Democratic principles are very vital during a public policy formulation, this is because democracy is becoming the most preferred form of government around the world.
  20. The Concepts of Contemporary Democratic Governance and the Separation of Powers
    The federalism and the doctrine of the separation of powers are very important in terms of establishing democratic forms of governance.
  21. Is the USA a Democracy? American Politics
    Although the United States of America prides itself on being the first democratic country, an opinion that the US is not a democracy has been gaining more traction in recent years.
  22. The Issues of Democracy in Australia and the USA
    The democratic governance in both Australia and the USA has similarities and differences, it is also important that technology impacts different policy and governance areas.
  23. The Clayton County Library System: The Effectiveness of Workplace Democracy
    Diversity in the workplace helps in promoting democratic principles in several ways, for example, ensuring diversity in the workplace fosters the spirit of participation.
  24. Differences Between Presidential and Parliamentary Types of Democracy
    Using the American, British and Indian systems of democracies the essay explains the differences in the election process between the presidential and parliamentary governments.
  25. Capitalism and Socialism, Democracy
    This kind of system is illustrated by having recognized equality rights and freedom both in a social setting and political locale.
  26. The Democrat and the Dictator: Roosevelt’s and Hitler’s Speech
    The common ground for both Roosevelt and Hitler could be found in the fact that both of the leaders were reproaching the governmental leadership that existed at that time.
  27. E-Consultation: Enabling Democracy Between Elections
    Increasing public involvement in political issues is a major issue in democracy. Most countries in the world are democratic.
  28. Concepts of Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Democracy
    Both authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are derived from an autocratic ideology, the doctrine that the government is resided in the hands of one individual or a group.
  29. Democracy: Principles and Critiques
    Having stemmed from the democratic principles, the ideas of diversity call for the promotion of tolerance and mutual respect.
  30. Concept of Democracy in the Black Community
    The issue of sports and racism centers on the communal and biased implication associated with the issue of black athletic supremacy or the overall view of such presumed supremacy.
  31. “The Transparency of Democracy” Research by Friedman
    The research “The Transparency of Democracy” by Friedman used the ideas founded in Lefebvre’s invention of space to evaluate the powers involving cultural and spatial formation.
  32. Social Justice to Maintain Democracy in Australia
    This essay will look into the impact of social justice concepts in maintaining democracy in Australian society.
  33. How Democracy Was Born?
    Since ancient times, democracy has been considered a favorable way of ruling which permits freedom and participation in state of affairs by all citizens.
  34. Ethnic Parties and Democratic Stability in Divided Societies
    Many professional on divided societies and governmental designing generally declare that serious society divisions create a major predicament for democracy.
  35. Democracy and de Facto Powers
    The main objective is to examine the challenges and results in order to make “more changes to become a full-fledged democracy”.

đź“Ś Easy Democracy Essay Topics

  1. How Democratic Is the American Constitution?
    This essay paper discuss deeply the American constitution, how democratic and anti-democratic it has been, and how it should be improved to be more democratic.
  2. Ethical Issues of American Democracy
    The American democracy is experiencing metamorphosis, and on the ethical perspective, some issues are emerging.
  3. Is the Labour Party Neo-Liberal or Social Democratic?
    The basis of the party is solely social democratic, and, in spite of the fact that some instances of liberalism could be traced in the principles of the party.
  4. Parliamentary and Presidential Democracy Discussion
    At the beginning of the 21st century, parliamentary and presidential democracies are the main forms of power in the world.
  5. The Effects of Leftist Movement on Democracy in Latin America
    The paper is about the relationship between the adoption of neo-liberal policies and the social impact of economic development in geographically adjacent Latin American countries.
  6. Democratic Capitalism and Morality in America
    The problem of the level of the salary in the modern world remains core in economics in the condition of the free market.
  7. America Transformed Timelines and Democracy Growth
    This paper discusses America’s transformed timeline highlighting the changes in political parties and the significant events that marked the growth of democracy.
  8. Challenges of Democracy Promotion in the United States
    The challenges of democracy in the United States center on promotion of democracy in all the government systems and departments.
  9. “The Role of the United Nations Development Programme in Post-conflict Peace-Building”: Article Analysis
    Endorsement of democratic values and supporting policies of good governance have become trademark characteristics of the UN in the approaches adopted to deal with issues.
  10. Republican and Democratic Parties Major Differences
    Many political ideologies exist in the U.S. ranging from far right-wing conservatism to far-leftist philosophy. Two major parties are Republican and Democratic.
  11. Athenian Democracy: A History of Rise and Fall
    The 5th-4th centuries BC were a period of the flourishing of polises. There were some outstanding statesman who contributed to the democratization.
  12. Democracy in Islamic World
    The urgent problem of modern society nowadays is the state of democracy in Islamic countries that claims attention of politicians and common people all around the world.
  13. Democratic Capitalism and Individual Liberty
    Democratic capitalism is the economic and political system based on individuals’ potentials in an environment of cooperation and trust.
  14. The Feasibility of Transforming Iraq into a Democratic Nation
    The essay explains the dynamics of ethnic composition of Iraq and how the cultural characteristics of Mideast societies make it difficult for them to adopt Western concepts.
  15. Leo Strauss and Friedrich Hayek on Democracy
    The analysis of the two philosophers, Leo Strauss and Friedrich August von Hayek and their beliefs and views on democracy has a common theme, which is described in the article.
  16. Liberal Democracy and the Problem of Political Organization
    Liberal democracy cannot be the final solution to the political organization as it is limited by the Constitution and strict laws and regulations within the state.
  17. Leadership and Democratic Action: Leadership Ability Analysis
    Analysis of the leadership style of leaders: Martin Luther King, Wayne Gretzky, Nelson Mandela, Adolf Hitler, Margaret Thatcher, and the consequences of their approach to leadership.
  18. Gender Inequality in Democratic Welfare States
    This paper is claimed to evaluate the strategies of Liberal and Social Democratic political forces aimed at the alleviation of gender inequalities.
  19. How Far Did General Chun Doo Hwan Prevent a Democratic Development in South Korea During the Late 1980s to Early 1990s?
    The paper examines the lengths to which the general went to ensure that his military rule continued and also examines how he subverted the democratic process.
  20. Dominican Republic Developing a Democracy
    The author presents the facts from the history of the Dominican Republic, the barriers to building democracy in the country, and solutions in this way.
  21. Illiberal Democracy in Hungary and Turkey
    Today in Hungary and Turkey one can observe the process of establishment of the so-called illiberal democracy, although with different roots and manifestations.
  22. Political Environment: Democrats and Republicans
    The contemporary American political environment has been impacted by the dichotomous role of two leading political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
  23. The Socratic Identification of Knowledge and Athenian Democracy
    It is clear that knowledge and wisdom are essential ingredients of life worth living because ignorance and the lack of understanding make life similar to animals.
  24. Russian Federation: Developing a Democracy
    As one of the advanced developing countries, Russian Federation also passes through the stage of democracy establishment.
  25. Russian Federation: Political History and Democracy
    The present paper will outline the key events in the political history of the Russian Federation and the barriers faced by the country in achieving democracy.
  26. Belarus: Developing a Democracy
    Belarus is one of the states that requires political changes to ensure that its citizens are given indefeasible rights to which they are entitled according to the basic principles of democracy.
  27. How Russian Federation Is Developing a Democracy
    Almost 30 years after, the modern political regime in Russia cannot be referred to as a democratic one, as its leader is represented by only one political party.
  28. How Lebanon Is Developing a Democracy
    Lebanon has quite a history of fighting for democratic values. The civil war that took place in 1975 and lasted for 15 years left a huge mark on citizens’ economic well-being.
  29. How Botswana Is Developing a Democracy
    To avoid the system of authoritarian rule, Botswana people will require reinforcing the influence of its Democratic Party and other political alliances.
  30. American Democracy and Landmark Supreme Court Cases
    This essay ponders the key values of American democracy and describes landmark Supreme Court cases that have contributed to the formation of the political system.
  31. The Birth of the United States’ Democracy
    This paper discusses the theme of American democracy to understand its origins, why it was important, and who was involved in the process starting from 1776.
  32. Creating an Ideal State with Democratic Government
    The ideal country will accept the model of constitutional democracy because the constitution will play a significant role in stabilization and help overcome the political crisis.
  33. Is the United States a Model Democracy?
    The US is a model democracy because it holds free, frequent, and inclusive elections, its citizens enjoy a wide range of individual freedoms and rights.
  34. Democracy Principles in the United States
    This essay will provide four reasons as to why the US was not built on the principles of democracy and has not genuinely complied with them to date.
  35. Democratization in El Salvador
    El Salvador’s residents were fed with a false notion of democracy under the thin veneer of which the authoritarian government promoted rightist ideas.

đź’ˇ Simple Democracy Essay Ideas

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âť“ Research Questions About Democracy

  1. Should Democracy Be Promoted in Africa?
  2. Are Free Elections Necessary to Have a Democracy?
  3. Are Pressure Groups Good for Democracy?
  4. Which Country Has the Best Democracy in the World?
  5. How Does Democracy Help the World?
  6. Can Democracy Remedy Africa’s Problem?
  7. How Many Countries Have Democracy?
  8. Does Democracy Ensure Freedom?
  9. In Which Counties There Is No Democracy?
  10. Does Democracy Produce Worse Government Than Dictatorship Produce?
  11. Why Democracy Is a Good Form of Government?
  12. Does Democracy Work for the Entire World?
  13. What Is the World’s Oldest Democracy?
  14. How Did Hindenburg Undermine German Democracy in 1925-33?
  15. What Is the Role of Citizens in a Democracy?
  16. How Effective Was Athenian Democracy?
  17. Why Is Democracy Considered Much Superior?
  18. How Far Had Britain Moved Towards a Full Democracy by 1928?
  19. Who Started Democracy in the World?
  20. What Are the Freedoms of Living in a Democracy?
  21. Is Indian Democracy Alive and Kicking?
  22. Why Democracy Is Better Than Its Alternatives?
  23. When Democracy Is Considered Successful?
  24. Should Poorer Countries Embrace Democracy?
  25. What Are the Two Most Important Ideals of Democracy?
  26. What Is the Most Basic Outcome of Democracy?
  27. Was the First World War a War for More Democracy?
  28. What Are the Unique Traits of Athenian Democracy?
  29. What Are the Issues in Which Democracy Has Failed?
  30. What True Majority Democracy Is About?

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