249 Essay Titles & Research Topics on Terrorism

🏆 Best Topics for Essays about Terrorism

📖 Terrorism Essay Topics for College

  1. Discussion: Terrorism in South America
    Individual nations struggle with domestic terrorism, and international terrorist groups pose an additional danger by using the region to advance their causes.
  2. Continuity Plan for Houston City in the Event of a Terrorist Attack
    A terrorist attack in Houston City would cause societal upheaval. A continuity plan can alleviate the upheaval as well as ensure the protection of the city.
  3. The Patriot Act as an Anti-Terrorism Policy
    Anti-terrorism policies such as the Patriot Act have been successful in preventing and discouraging terrorist attacks, and lowering and mitigating the impact of attacks.
  4. How International Terrorism Threats Transformed American Political Landscape
    International terrorism consists of violent or harmful activities to human life that violate the criminal laws of the United States or any state.
  5. Domestic Terrorism in the United States
    Such terroristic elements as mass shootings and social radicalization induced by conspiracy theories appear to be the most dangerous terrorist elements in the United States.
  6. Community Policing Combating Terrorism
    Community policing has proven to be effective in addressing terrorism since members play a significant role in helping police officers identify high-risk individuals.
  7. Terrorism and War Crimes in the Battle of Algiers
    This essay will discuss how the film depicted the atrocities during the 1950s in Algeria when it fought for independence.
  8. Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as a Terrorist Group
    One of the two American white supremacists that used terrorism to further their racial objectives was the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
  9. Connection Between Criminal and Terrorism Organization
    The paper gives a broad understanding of the nature of terrorism-organized crime collaboration and their operations supporting criminal activities.
  10. The Case of the 2015 Terrorist Attack in Paris: Bombing Investigation
    In the case of the Paris attacks in 2015, the targeted autopsy allowed forensic teams to identify victims and terrorists and define the nature of the explosive device.
  11. British Anti-Terrorist Structures
    In this paper, all possible mechanisms of anti-terrorist structures are presented in the example of countering Al-Qaeda at the beginning of the 21st century.
  12. The Ansar Al-Din Terrorist Organization’s Activities
    By conducting a simulation, it was found that acts of terrorism are capable of causing enormous damage to the country’s infrastructure and its people.
  13. The Geneva Convention and Terrorism Prevention
    The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols form the center of international humanitarian law that regulates the conduct of armed conflicts.
  14. The Ansar Al-Din Terrorist Group Analysis
    This paper evaluates the measures implemented by the intelligence agencies to analyze information about Ansar al-Din that is currently available to grasp their terrorist tactics.
  15. Extremism and Terrorism in Nigeria
    Considering Nigeria’s high rates of terrorism and extremism, it is vital to illuminate the government’s strategies to eliminate the terrorist cells and extremist groups.
  16. Terrorism and Associated Media’s Response
    The media’s response to terrorism is often different from other crimes and specialized in targeting an audience that is susceptible to the current ‘war on terror’ model.
  17. Impact of Terrorism on the Economy
    Terrorism’s wider consequences are also dependent on the economy’s ability to reallocate and distribute capital from the affected sectors smoothly.
  18. Internationally Focused Terrorist Organization: Al Qaeda
    This paper addresses the inspiration of Al Qaeda, how this inspiration acts as a catalytic means of recruitment, and the means of communication used by Al Qaeda.
  19. Terrorism: Sources of Inspiration
    Perceived injustice, attention for a sense of belonging, and the need to find one’s identity are typical inspirations by potential terrorists.
  20. Importance of Outsourcing the War on Terror
    The paper discusses the benefits, disadvantages, and the necessity of the usage of private security and military companies in the War on Terror.
  21. The Terrorism Definition in International Law
    Terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group, or state actors.
  22. War vs. Terrorism: What Are the Main Differences?
    War is an armed confrontation between the parties to protect their interests. Terrorism, in turn, is a manifestation of violence aimed at inspiring fear.
  23. Counterterrorism Approaches: Terrorism Prevention
    There are five categories of counterterrorism approaches, proactive, defensive, coercive, long-term, and persuasive.
  24. Communication Technology’s Impact on Global Terrorism
    The main question of this work is the role of communication technology in modern international terrorism, and to what extent may vigilance and science mitigate adverse outcomes.
  25. Counter-Terrorism and Unemployment Approaches
    A more novel approach to unemployment that considers the needs of a disenchanted youth is vital to reducing the draw towards terrorist activities.
  26. The True Story of Che Guevara: Conflict & Terrorism
    The name of Ernesto “Che” Guevara is among the most well-known names in the world. The Argentinian freedom fighter played a crucial role in the Cuban revolution.
  27. Terrorism as a Pressing Social Issue
    Terrorism is a crime, the aim of which is a violation of public safety, which is expressed in encroachment on the life and health of citizens and infrastructure facilities.
  28. Modern Terrorism Regarding the Role of Media
    Modern terrorism uses the media to report its threats and activities. However, governments should not use their power to restrict the media from covering terror-related events.
  29. The Ku Klux Klan and Modern Terrorism
    This work will be about the terrorist part of the Ku Klux Klan and its similarities and diversities to other types of domestic terrorism that exist in our contemporary time.
  30. Terrorist Cells Issues in America
    The paper focuses on identifying the means used by terrorists to enhance their success and measures that military officers and law enforcement can embrace to help curb terrorism.
  31. Operation Anaconda: Terrorism Prevention
    Operation Anaconda has become one of the most significant an example of an operation in which commanders applied six basic principles of mission command.
  32. Technologies to Reduce Crime and Acts of Terrorism
    Terrorism can be met with a nonviolent, credible, and justifiable reaction if counterterrorism actions are anchored in an accountable and productive criminal justice system.
  33. Homeland Security Efforts to Counter Terrorism
    The counter-terrorism efforts of the Department of Homeland Security have multiple positive outcomes and generally ensure safety for citizens.
  34. Aaronson’s and McCue’s Speeches on Terrorism
    Aaronson and McCue have had their chance to deliver their speeches at TED regarding the problem of terrorism. The speakers shed light on the issue from quite a unique perspective.
  35. The Study of the Future of Terrorism: Review of Literature
    Politicians, international researchers, world-known philosophers, and engineers devote their lives to creating the best and safest conditions for people.
  36. US Terrorism and Criminal Justice Decision Making Model
    Terrorism is a significant security and safety threat. The United States has experienced both domestic and international terrorist attacks.
  37. Terrorism in Mumbai 2008: Before and After the Attack
    Before the attack, the terrorists carefully planned this operation, as it was supposed to be large-scale, ambitious, and have a powerful destructive character.
  38. Future of Terrorism and Emergency Management
    Today terrorism has become a serious threat to the security of the entire world and regional communities. It is expressed in the commission of explosions.
  39. Terrorism: The Faith-Based Discourses
    Although there are many discourses regarding the role of God and religion in terrorism, there are some similarities in what Falwell, the Jewish extremists, and Sayyid Qutb believe.
  40. The Phenomenon of Terrorism and Its Relation to Globalization
    This paper states that the phenomenon of terrorism is tightly connected to the concept of inequality of globalization.

📚 Terrorism Topics for Research Paper & Essay Examples

  1. Terrorist Attack in San Bernardino
    The San Bernardino shootings in 2015 killed 14 innocent people and injured 24 more. It was also the bloodiest mass shooting in the US since 2012.
  2. Homeland Security Efforts: Counter-Terrorism and Threats
    The homeland security mission is to protect the country from various types of threats, including terrorism and national disasters.
  3. Terrorism and Violent Extremist Organizations in Somali and Their Elimination
    This project aimed to understand how the current Federal Government of Somalia plans for current and future threats against terrorism and violent extremist organizations.
  4. Domestic Terrorism and Hate Groups
    The paper states that domestic terrorism and hate groups are interdependent terms that imply violence towards a state. Both target innocent people.
  5. Migration, Diasporas, and Terrorism
    This topic examines the relationship between different concepts (migration, diaspora communities, and terrorism) in the context of globalization.
  6. Crisis Management During Terrorism Threat
    In the essay, the crisis management strategies of preparation for change are viewed on the example of the terrorism threat.
  7. America and Terrorism in the 21st Century
    There are many threats that people face every day without even realizing it. For example, terrorism is a major global problem addressed by authorities and different organizations.
  8. Threat of Terrorism in the Middle East
    If tomorrow the US withdraws its troops from the Middle East, it is highly likely that terrorist activity in the region will subside but will not disappear.
  9. Terrorism: Radicalization and the Internet
    The current paper examines the main causes and types of radicalism, as well as what role the Internet plays in the hands of terrorists.
  10. The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism – In Comparison with Freedom Fighting
    Terrorism is an act of political violence aimed to incite terror and panic into the target population and further a specific political goal.
  11. Forensics Analysis of Terrorism Crime Scene
    Terrorism uses calculated violence to generate public fear and panic to establish a specific political agenda within the general population.
  12. Analysis of Terrorism in Spain
    The paper looks at the history of terrorism in Spain and how the European Union has countered terrorism and helped Spain fight against it.
  13. Is Terrorism Ever a Justifiable Form of “Political Violence”
    Young people are an essential source of support to various terrorist groups as they are used as fighters and even cooks.
  14. Financing Terrorist Organizations
    The financing of terrorist organizations is a significant problem for the national security agencies that monitor and suppress extremists’ activities and the entire world community.
  15. Terrorism of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
    This paper makes a prognosis of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’s future operations and the possibility of stopping its functions in Sri Lanka. 
  16. What Is Water-Related Terrorism and How to Cope With It?
    Water-related terrorism includes damaging government facilities, and since water resources are vital for human existence, it is profitable for terrorists to attack them.
  17. Efforts to Prevent Terrorist Attacks
    The objective of this paper is to develop recommendations for a mayor to solve the issues of homeland security efforts to combat terrorism.
  18. Strategies to Prevent Radicalization and Lone-Wolf Terrorism
    This paper discusses approaches toward building trust and relationships with the Community to prevent radicalization and formulating counter-terrorism strategies.
  19. Cyberterrorism Threat to the United States National Security
    The United States remains vulnerable and largely unprepared for cyber terrorism threats that threaten its national security due to the increased growth of adversary capabilities.
  20. How Do Terrorists Conduct Cyber Warfare?
    Terrorism activities are a global concern since they can occur in any part of the world depending on the perpetrators’ target.
  21. The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism
    The issue of nuclear terrorism has been discussed by many researchers and policy-makers. Some believe that the threat is unrealistic.
  22. An Overview of Investigative Techniques as They Apply to Terrorism
    The paper focuses on the psychological and behavioral features of terrorists and offers several recommendations on the use of investigative techniques in their case.
  23. The 26/11 Terrorist Attack on Mumbai
    The instance of a terrorist act is always a tragic occurrence since, especially when it results in a tremendous number of casualties and the deaths of innocent civilians.
  24. What Is Terrorism: Main Aspects of Term
    The success of the counter-terrorism campaigns depends on an adequate understanding of the essence of terrorism in the 21st century.
  25. Money Laundering, Corruption and Terrorism Issues
    Money laundering, corruption and terrorism are rife in East and Southern Africa is largely attributed to the abject poverty that at times seems to be endemic.
  26. Extremism and Terrorism in the Society
    Extremism includes the activities that are not violent but grossly violate citizens’ rights and freedoms, having an ideological motive behind them.
  27. Terrorism: Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
    Terrorists are the individuals who practice terrorism; they can also be referred to as the agents of terrorism since they attack nations they are opposed to.
  28. The Fourth Wave of Terrorism and Religion
    The diverse religious ethnicities have primeval ancestry evidence in a terror campaign. The fourth or the current wave of terrorism derived its incentives from religious activities
  29. Terrorism Theories and Media Discourse
    This paper discusses theoretical comprehension of the terrorism phenomenon, mass media discourse concerning terrorism, and implications for the future.
  30. Terrorism in Northern Ireland and in Middle East
    There is no universal instrument to end the terrorism, but profound analysis of this phenomenon is one of the primary measures for the solution of this issue.
  31. Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in the Middle East
    Terrorism and drug trafficking are the major wars that the world has been trying to fight for several centuries.
  32. Terror and Religious Belief System
    Contemporary fourth wave terrorists justify their use of violence through the theological and moral teachings taken from their chosen religious belief system.
  33. International Terrorism in the United States Analysis
    There is a review of the Congressional Research Service report on International Terrorism, the focus being on threat, policy, and response issues.
  34. Terrorism and the Media
    This paper reveals how several media reporting incidents have embraced an ideology that Islam is inherently violent.
  35. Counter Terrorism Methods and Their Effectiveness
    In many cases, terrorists are destroyed with the help of military people, although to a greater extent, this is the work of special services and the police.
  36. About the Motives of the Terrorists
    This article attempts to determine what is more important in influencing the intentions of terrorists: human psychology or the social impact of a group.
  37. The Long Term Effects of Terrorism
    Terrorism attacks have become very common in today’s world especially with the increasing conflicts of power and the increase in financial difficulties around the globe.
  38. Bioterrorism: History, Types, and Detection
    This paper explains what is bioterrorism, gives a background of bioterrorism, and discusses the types of bioterrorism, and the difficulties to detect bioterrorism.
  39. The Past and Present Effects of Terrorism on Society
    Terrorism is one of the main challenges that the world has encountered for several decades. It can be defined as the use of violence against civilians.
  40. Global Terrorism and Ways of Its Impact
    In the 21st century, global terrorism has become a complex problem that all nations need to address from an informed perspective.

✍️ Good Research Topics on Terrorism

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  1. UK Anti-Terrorism Strategy and the Human Rights Implications on its Implementation
    The prevention of terrorism has been given a higher priority, and the new legislation has drawn on new instruments equivalent to the European levels.
  2. Hacktivism & Cyberterrorism vs Government Response
    Hacktivism is the use of technology or computer system for social or political motivations. Cyberterrorism can be defined as intentional violent acts conducted in cyberspace.
  3. Terrorists’ Motives: The Psychology of the Individual
    The psychology of the individual may be useful to the activities of terrorists but this is realized well if the individual undergoes indoctrination amidst the group.
  4. Terrorism. Hezbollah: Ideology and Financing
    The problems of combating terrorist crimes in the framework of the modern world are becoming increasingly important.
  5. Three Cases of Terrorism: Ideological, Nationalist and Religious
    The main aim of terrorism is to draw the attention of the local population, state, and the entire world to the cause of terrorists.
  6. The Terrorism Threat in the Modern World
    This work describes the essence of terrorism, its essence, origins, forms of manifestation, tells about modern single and international approaches to combating terrorism.
  7. Lone Wolf Terrorism: Theoretical Analysis and Implications for Public Policy
    Countering lone-wolf terrorism is much more difficult than fighting organized terrorist activity, as it leaves a much smaller informational footprint.
  8. The Problem of Terrorism Prevention
    Each government should develop innovative strategies for the struggle against terrorism while special attention should be paid to the financial front in the global war on terrorism.
  9. Emerging Terrorist Threat in Africa
    If judging terrorism only by the media, its face is always changing. In that regard, it can be stated that its most recent face seems to be in Africa.
  10. Sociological Failure of the War on Terrorism
    This article explains why the War on Terror has failed sociologically by focusing on three pillars: an international reputation, cost, and lack of results.
  11. The Earth Liberation Front as the Domestic Terrorist Organization
    The purpose of this essay is to analyze the ELF’s history, structure, and actions, to fully understand the rationale behind their decisions.
  12. Domestic and International Terrorism
    There is an evident dismissal of domestic terrorism, which is also reflected in the fact that there is a more aggressive monitoring approach for the international one.
  13. Terrorism: Threat and Ways of Combating
    Terrorism has an aggressive and violent nature and, most importantly, a public character that threatens nation safety and requires law enforcement agencies’ intervention.
  14. The Phenomenon of Terrorism in the Modern World
    This essay aims to discuss the phenomenon of terrorism through the prism of two opposing sources, including a speech by the U.S. President and a letter from Osama bin Laden.
  15. Unconventional Warfare on the Global War on Terror
    The implications of the findings for US foreign policy can be seen through targeting regional security, rather than focusing on a single country a source of terrorism.
  16. United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism
    The foreign policy in the USA aimed at fighting terrorism demonstrates the integrity of the two concepts, human and national security.
  17. A Duty of Care in Cyberspace and How It Relates to Cyber Terrorism
    Confronting the threat posed by cyber attackers and to the internet security of critical infrastructure still remains a challenge.
  18. Terrorism as a Transnational Organized Crime
    Terrorism and organized crime have always been considered to stand among the primary security threats in any society.
  19. Terrorism and Genocide: Traumatic Impacts
    The defense centers of excellence for psychological health and traumatic brain injury were launched to help those veterans who feel their lives are at risk psychologically.
  20. The Role of the Media in the Propaganda of Terrorism
    An article on how the terrorists managed to attract everyone’s attention, as well as a brief overview of the reasons and consequences of the change of government in Tunisia.
  21. Psychology of Terrorism: Leaders and Development
    The war on terror has been a losing battle because the leaders in today’s democracies fail to understand the reasons for the terrorism activities.
  22. A Biological Terror Attack in Agriculture
    The United States is highly vulnerable to terror attacks of biological nature in agriculture yet such an occurrence can cripple the economy.
  23. The Three Categories of Dissident Terrorism
    This paper seeks to contrast the three categories of dissident terrorism as documented by Assistant Vice President Gus Martin in his bestselling book.
  24. Torture Debate in America’s War on Terror
    Torture has mainly been used as a way to extract information from crime suspects for example who are intent on withholding it.
  25. International Consensus for Terrorism Mitigation
    It is imperative for various countries to come together and cooperate on diplomatic, law enforcement, military and intelligence capabilities.
  26. Community Policing Practice and Terrorism Activities
    Community policing is the best development ever in the police force. This is because it is still the best way to effectively combat crime and bring it to control.
  27. Ways to Defend Against Cyber Terrorism
    With the development of technology, new ways of terrorism on the web are reaching a new level. People need to know how to confront them and protect their privacy.
  28. Power of Terror as a Political Weapon
    The use of power of terror by the French monarchy was the main reason that made the people to think about democracy.
  29. The Power of Cyberterrorism
    The paper will look at what cyberterrorism could do to opponents and the actual possibility of such an attack.
  30. History And Threats Of Global Terrorism
    The paper shall argue that historical events after the cold war demonstrate how vulnerable the US is to global terrorism.
  31. Definition of Terrorism Mitigation
    Terrorism mitigation is the assignment that should be solved on all governmental levels, and, in comparison with risk mitigation the terrorism mitigation entails several additional steps.
  32. Impact of Bioterrorism on the U.S Agriculture System
    The paper describes that the term bioterrorism has several definitions depending upon the origin of the attack but in general terms, it refers to any form of terrorist attack.
  33. The Roots of Islamic Terrorism
    The history of the Islamic religion has influenced the cause of terrorism since most terrorist groups are linked to the Islamic religion.
  34. Terrorism Prevention and Scenario Development
    The paper shall focus on the Aum Shinrikyo cult of Japan and its utilization of WMD as a case study. The Aum Shinrikyo cult staged six attacks against Japanese citizens.
  35. War on Terror Impact on Muslims & Their Responses
    The war on terror has been transformed into a war on Muslims. The Muslims living in the US have lived in constant fear and panic.
  36. Media’s Role on Terrorism
    Terrorism in respect to the media can be said to be a form of propaganda. It is a kind of persuasive communication and it can be seen to be the propaganda of actions.
  37. Brainwashed Terrorists: Are Terrorists Crazy?
    The main reason why terrorist attacks are so frightful is that they are organized by people who are not afraid to die, people who die for their faith, or what they think to be their faith.
  38. Emergency Response and Management in a Terrorist Attack
    This report depicts the scenario that will ensue if a terrorist attack were launched against an urban population center in the US today.
  39. Human Rights Conservation and the War on Terror
    Public Safety is the concept of governmental organizations concerned with protecting their citizens from all kinds of threats.
  40. Singapore Armed Forces in Counter-Terrorism Efforts
    The tragedy of Lo Hwei Yen can only serve as a reminder to all Singaporeans that terrorism transcends all borders and that the need to remain vigilant is more urgent than ever.

💡 Simple Ideas for Terrorism Research Paper Topics

  1. The American Skinhead, and Greenpeace: Humanitarians or Terrorists
    The Greenpeace and American Skinhead movements have come to attract a lot of controversies in regard to their intentions and legality of action.
  2. How Media Helps Promote Terrorists’ Agenda
    The media serves as the platform that helps to popularize the ideas of various terrorist organizations by familiarizing people with them.
  3. Non-Conventional Terrorism from Theoretical Viewpoints
    Non-conventional terrorism mainly uses and executes non-traditional forms of weapons. They might include chemical, biological, and nuclear types of threats.
  4. Russian Cyber Terrorism and the United States: A Research Proposal
    This paper presents the key information on a proposal for a case study of the cyberattacks used as a part of the interference of Russia in the US elections of 2016.
  5. Russian Cyberterrorism and the United States Election 2016
    The present paper attempts to contribute data to the discussion of the topic of the Russian electoral interference of 2016 by conducting a case study of that accident.
  6. Narcoterrorism: Case Studies from Mexico and Terrorism Criteria
    This project intends to respond to the question of what are the terrorist features of narcoterrorism attacks in Mexico, and what are their implications for security efforts.
  7. Vital Issues of Terrorism and Ways to Counter Terrorism
    The evolution of weapons and the development of technology have led to a significant inflow of resources to extremists who use the latest achievements of armament.
  8. Terrorism History in the United States
    The U.S. authorities have suppressed a variety of unwanted organizations, but the development of new methods of terrorism prevention is still a relevant problem.
  9. War on Terrorism: The Modern Perspective
    The terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001, has changed American citizens’ perspective on the phenomenon of terrorism and its implications forever.
  10. Post-9/11 Terrorism Strategies: Tech and Tactics in Iraq & Afghanistan
    This paper gives a detailed analysis of the efforts the United States and its allies undertook in Afghanistan and Iraq and the predicaments of fighting insurgent forces.
  11. Human Factors in Aviation: 2016 Brussels Terrorist Attacks
    This paper delves into the case of the 2016 Brussels terrorist attacks to reveal the events leading to the accident and the poor functioning of the policy and security services.
  12. The Process of Profiling Terrorists: Socioeconomic and Psychological Insights
    Identifying terrorists and thwarting their activities are some of the primary functions of anti-terrorism units.
  13. Terrorist Weapons Sources: Analyzing Supply Channels
    The paper is devoted to the investigation of terrorist groups’ weapons sources and the use of various means of attacks by extremists.
  14. Terrorist Tactics: Insights from Nance’s Handbook
    Terrorist attacks are a threat that is now widespread, and attacks by extremists in different countries confirm that a tragedy can happen in almost every country of the world.
  15. Terrorist Surveillance Techniques and Preventive Measures
    A successful fight against terrorism implies the timely identification of observers among extremists and methods they use.
  16. Radical Islam and U.S. Security Threats
    Defining terrorism is quite challenging due to the many forms that it has taken throughout history. One of the main concerns in defining a terror attack is the number of people hurt as a result.
  17. Local Police Response to Terrorism
    The quality of the work carried out by the police to prevent terrorist acts determines the safety of the population.
  18. Emergency Management and Response to the Twin Towers Attacks
    It is necessary to note that September 11 can be regarded as the day that shaped the concept of terrorism, acts of terrorism, as well as emergency management.
  19. Terrorism as a Threat to American Airport Security
    An airport operator has to control access by passengers and staff to restricted areas. Nuclear weapons terrorism is the greatest security threat for the US aviation industry.
  20. Terrorism and Kidnapping: Strategies for Hostage Rescue Operations
    Terrorism is a big problem in the world of nowadays. Multiple countries all around the planet are affected by terrorism every day.
  21. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam vs. Hezbollah Terrorists Compared
    In this essay, we are going to discuss and analyze two terrorist groups and highlight some of the attacks that they claimed to bear responsibilities for.
  22. Negotiating with Terrorists: Risks and Consequences
    This research paper gives an evidence-based argument to explain why the United States should never negotiate with terrorists.
  23. Impact of Terrorism on Walmart’s Global Supply Chain
    This paper will focus on the effects of terrorism on global logistics on Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart came up with a number of strategies and mitigation measures.
  24. “Unemployment and Terrorism” TED Talk by Mohamed Ali
    In this TED talk, Mohamed Ali explores the relationship between unemployment and terrorism. Ali incorporates stories from his native country to support his arguments.
  25. Terrorism and the Peshawar School Bus Bombing: An In-Depth Analysis
    This work analyzes the concept of terrorism and its usage in both domestic and foreign policy and also overviews terrorist attack, the Peshawar school bus roadside bombing.
  26. Terrorism’s Impact on Human Rights and Global Security
    In this study, we seek to find out the implication of terrorism on human rights and the impact of terrorism on global security.
  27. US and Israel’s Growing Enmity with Terrorism Camps
    Following the events of September 11, terrorism threat became a reality to the American people forcing measures to be put in place.
  28. Modern Terrorism: Motivations and Classifications by Hacker
    In Combs’ “Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century,” Chapter 4 “Criminals or Crusaders?” describes and attempts to unravel the thinking that drives terrorists to act the way they do.
  29. American Domestic Terrorism and Its Historical Roots
    The roots of terrorism date back to colonial times. The new Americans and British leaders had made an effort to annihilate the indigenous populations.
  30. The UAE Anti-Terror Law and Success of Osama Bin Laden Operation
    Terrorism is one of the actions that should be punished the hardest because it takes innocent life each time, no matter the justification of it.
  31. Terrorism Analysis: Moral Justifications and Consequentialism
    In this paper, the analysis of one of the supposed acts of terrorism will be developed, using the definitions and approaches given by Igor Primoratz.
  32. Khobar Towers Bombing Analysis: Terrorism & US Military Response
    The Khobar Towers bombing that took place on June 25, 1996, was a terrorist attack aimed at a part of a complex in the city of Khobar in Saudi Arabia.
  33. Terrorism: Definitions, Challenges, and Regional Implications
    Delving into the problem of terrorism, one could admit it is not a new phenomenon. Even in ancient times, people suffered from the manifestations of this social stigma.
  34. Holy Terrors: Religion and Terrorism in the US
    This paper discusses the ideas in the “Holy Terrors” book’s chapters: “Jihads, Jeremiads, and The Enemy Within” and “On the Relation of Religion and Culture.”
  35. Terrorist Organizations: Key Concepts
    The process of designating a particular organization as a terrorist one in court is fraught with numerous challenges. The process starts with identifying an organization in question as foreign.
  36. Tackling Homegrown Terrorism: Challenges & Solutions
    This paper determines how the threat of homegrown terrorism in the United States can be dealt with effectively by the relevant security forces.
  37. The Media Broadcasting of Terror Attacks
    This paper analyzes the psychological influence of media broadcasting of terrorist activities and to argues that the media broadcasting of terror attacks should be limited.
  38. Bioterrorism Preparedness: Interagency Cooperation
    This paper assesses the level of interconnectedness of different government wings and how they depend on each other to execute the preparation strategies to the acts of terrorism.
  39. RAND Corporation’s Role in Post-9/11 US Security Policies
    The coming up with the policy towards terrorism following the September 11, 2001 events highlights the depths to which the US will willing to undergo to ensure that it is secure.
  40. John Brown: Terrorist or Freedom Fighter
    John Brown was an abolitionist who chose to liberate slaves by force. His actions were extremely controversial, and to this day, they can spark a debate about their righteousness.

📌 Easy Terrorism Essay Topics

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❓ Research Questions about Terrorism

  1. Why Does Globalization Contribute to the Rise of International Terrorism?
  2. Is Democracy Promotion a Cure for Ending Terrorism?
  3. What Is the Effect of Globalization on Terrorism?
  4. Can Islamic and Global Terrorism Ever Be Defeated?
  5. What Are the Four Elements of the Government’s Counter Terrorism Strategy?
  6. Can the State Commit Acts of Terrorism?
  7. Does the International Community Think That Iran Is a Direct Contributor to Terrorism?
  8. What Are the Political Causes of Terrorism?
  9. How Does the Patriot Act Define Domestic Terrorism?
  10. Why Does Poverty Cause Terrorism?
  11. Does Economic Growth Cause Terrorism in Pakistan?
  12. How Does Social Identity Theory Explain Terrorism?
  13. What Are the Effects of Terrorism in India?
  14. Does Transnational Terrorism Reduce Foreign Direct Investment?
  15. How Does Terrorism Affect the Economy?
  16. What Strategy Aims to Reduce the Threat to the UK From Terrorism?
  17. Is Terrorism a Social Phenomenon?
  18. Why Are Developing Countries More Vulnerable to Terrorism?
  19. How Does Terrorism Affect International Business?
  20. Does Terrorism Influence Domestic Politics?
  21. What Is the Difference Between Cybercrime and Cyber Terrorism?
  22. Is Cyber Attack a Form of Terrorism?
  23. What Is the Link Between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism?
  24. How Can Cyber Terrorism Be Prevented?
  25. Does Immigration Increase the Risk of Terrorism?

✒️ Great Terrorism Dissertation Topics

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. The Role of International Relations in Combating Cyberterrorism: Challenges and Strategies
  2. Analyzing the Psychological Profiles of Terrorists: Motivations and Mindsets
  3. The Role of Women in Terrorist Organizations: Perpetrators, Supporters, and Defectors
  4. The Influence of Religion and Ideology in Shaping Terrorism
  5. The Impact of Political Regimes on Terrorism: A Comparative Analysis of Authoritarian and Democratic States
  6. The Use of Technology in Modern Terrorism: Drones, Cyber Attacks, and Artificial Intelligence
  7. Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection: Assessing Vulnerabilities to Cyberterrorism
  8. Homeland Security and Border Control: Addressing the Challenges of Terrorism through Immigration Policies
  9. The Impact of Terrorism on Tourism and the Global Economy
  10. The Evolution of Terrorism: A Historical Analysis of Ideologies and Tactics
  11. Criminology and Terrorism: Analyzing the Social and Psychological Factors Influencing Terrorist Behavior
  12. Comparative Study of Counterterrorism Strategies in Different Political Systems

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 249 Essay Titles & Research Topics on Terrorism. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/terrorism-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) '249 Essay Titles & Research Topics on Terrorism'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi. "249 Essay Titles & Research Topics on Terrorism." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/terrorism-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "249 Essay Titles & Research Topics on Terrorism." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/terrorism-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "249 Essay Titles & Research Topics on Terrorism." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/terrorism-essay-topics/.

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