Obesity: A Personal Problem and a Social Issue

Almost every social issue has roots in a personal problem an individual may experience. Obesity is one such problem affecting many persons and society as a whole. According to World Health Organization, over 40% of the US population are either overweight or outright obese (Utkirzhonovna, 2022). Obesity causes numerous healthcare...

Interrelation of Human Language and Primates

Human civilization is predicated on the principle of collaboration. We collaborate in multi-ethnic groups, with relatives and confidants, and with new people, we have not encountered before. Nevertheless, we are unified in our participation in social interactions be conditioned on commonly agreed notions that determine how certain group members need...

Sex Trafficking and Prostitution in Tennessee

Similar to almost any part of the world, sex trafficking in Tennessee is not unusual. Being illegal, it may be provided in places, such as massage and therapy parlors and nail salons, that officially offer other services. For instance, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s official together with local law enforcement...

Discussion of August Wilson’s “Fences”

The play Fences has several symbols which the author utilizes to place emphasis on certain themes such as racial, gender and social segregation. The fence represents the racial division apparent in society. It acts as a fortress that protects blacks from the white-dominated society. During one of their drinking sessions,...

Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Activities

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to modify its structure in response to experience. Neuroplasticity is primarily sourced from the brain’s ability to develop new connections between neurons. The process is also known as the sprouting of human brain cells. The nature of neurons, which can die and be replaced,...

The Significance of the Civil War

The Civil War was a key and defining moment in U.S. history. The results of the war were far more significant than a straightforward Union victory. It affected the moral, political, and social fabric of the United States. These changes impacted every citizen of the country and impacted society throughout...

The Police in the Modern World

The police in the modern world is a body endowed with certain powers and responsibilities. Its mission is to enforce the law, prevent crime, and ensure public safety with community support (United States Police, 2022). Such goals always accompany the actions of the police in advertising statements and official events....

Gregor Zamza’s Image in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis

Almost from the story’s first lines, Gregor appears to be a tedious and shallow philistine with no interests of his own. However, later it turns out that he is a compassionate person who loves art and is in dire need of the love and approval of his loved ones. Another...

Review of “Guns and Cars Are Different” by MacLeod

The writing “Guns and Cars Are Different” was originally composed by Jacob MacLeod who is a student at Wright State University. In fact, the text provides a reaction to a New York Times writing by the author Nicholas Kristof, which is “Our Blind Spot about Guns” (Bullock et al. 40)....

The Morality of Migration Reading by Benhabib

In the modern world, the morality and legality of migration are becoming global problems affecting the level of employment, the overall economy and the national security of any country. When the Department of Homeland Security announced a decree to stop the deportation of undocumented young immigrants, this statement was met...

Curating a Successful Professional Electronic Presence

Creating a professional online presence is key to a successful career. It is crucial to find the balance between personal beliefs, social activities, professional skills, and online persona seen by companies. Digital presence includes various parts that create one consistent professional online persona. Building an electronic presence requires a social...

Love and Responsibility Book by W. Karol

Karol Wojtyla, who later became John Paul II, is a firm critic of utilitarianism. In his book, Love and Responsibility, he describes the nature of love, its implications on human relationships, and how they relate to God’s love. On pages 18-28, Wojtyla upholds the value of love between men and...

Offline Retailers Expanding Online to Compete With Manufacturers

The author(s): Karray, Salma and Sigué, Simon Pierre. The title of the source: Offline retailers expanding online to compete with manufacturers: Strategies and channel power. The title of the publication where the article appeared: Industrial Marketing Management. The year of publication: 2018. The article focuses on analyzing the ongoing trend...

Beauty, Skincare, and Cosmetics Challenges

This study will be based on an analysis of four indicators, including place, promotion, product, and price. The first among my competitor brands is Queen Tarzi from the Netherlands. The fundamental difference of this company is that this cosmetics company creates completely vegan products. Given people’s desire for an ethical...

Implementation of Environmental Tax and Related Economic Instruments

In my opinion, the present highway funding structure has merits and demerits related to the taxes paid by motor carriers. I hold the view that one of the benefits of highway funding is that fuel charges generate a lot of income for the exchequer without affecting fuel prices. In addition,...

“A Doll’s House” Play by Henrik Ibsen Review

A Doll’s House is a work by Henrik Ibsen that reflected the spirit of the past: rebellious thoughts, doubts, moral dilemmas, and attempts to preserve the human appearance even in the most challenging and controversial situations. Ibsen decides to reveal the problem of family relations and to understand the secret...

Discussion of Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health refer to the environment and conditions that directly affect the birth, growth, work, livelihood, and aging of groups or individuals. These factors are predominantly influenced by the distribution of wealth, money, resources, and power from the local to the global level (RNAO, n.d. ). The national...

Governmental Role in Health and Education Fields

Introduction Government is the most influential institution in a country because it has the economic power to make significant changes in all national systems. Indeed, law enforcement, education, transportation, health manufacturing, and business depend on the administration’s decisions and financial support. Politicians tend to select one of these sectors to...

School Dress and Grooming Codes as Agents of Racial Discrimination

The thesis of this author was school dress and grooming codes as agents of racial discrimination against Blacks. The article dwells on the issue of racism that affects Black people in the white setups of educational sectors. Despite the ban of slavery in 1865, the Black people in the English,...

Water Pollution and How to Address It

Water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface and is an important resource for people and the environment. One of modern life’s most pressing problems is pollution, especially water pollution. Many people cannot drink the water from the rivers they live near, nor can they drink tap water, because most...

Informed Consent and Clinical Equipoise

According to Tom Beauchamp, informed consent has two philosophies. In his first explanation, Beauchamp describes informed consent as the patient’s absolute autonomy and authority (Sutrop & Lõuk, 2020). This informed consent focuses on sovereign authorization and client rights. The patient must have a substantial understanding of the condition and intentionally...

Technical Writing in Information Technology

The global goal of the course was to acquire and develop the skills of fundamental research and technical writing in information technology (IT). It was interesting for me to work on various research projects, as I think they are entirely consistent with the purpose of the course. While working on...

Philosophical Discussion of Justice by Rawls and Hobbes

In their philosophical discussion of justice, Rawls and Hobbes adhered to different considerations, which informed their opposing definition of this concept. On the one hand, Rawls defined justice, emphasizing its so-called ideal state without proper consideration of the injustices (Wilburn 96). In particular, Rawls perceived justice as the prevalence of...

“The Mysterious Stranger” Novel by Mark Twain

“The Mysterious Stranger” by Mark Twain is a novel revolving around humanity and its greatest sins. Introducing Satan as one of the main characters, the author reveals the lack of morals as one of the main shortcomings affecting everyone. Through his words, Twain describes the sins and problems the majority...

The MyInterview Tool as the Future of Selection

MyInterview is a new tool for recruitment purposes using analytics to score video recordings of candidates answering pre-determined questions. However, it does not seem appropriate to use analytic software since it is not entirely correct to analyze human qualities using artificial intelligence (AI). According to Schmitt (2013), the effectiveness of...

Aspects of Learning Organizations

The term learning organizations refer to organizations that can create, acquire, and transfer knowledge. Additionally, they are known to modify their behavior to reflect novel insights (Senge, 2006). Its meaning dictates that new concepts are essential for learning to happen. At times, they can emerge as a result of flashes...

Aspects of Monetary Policy

It is crucial to understand how the Federal Reserve affects the country’s economy and why its approach is not apparent to the public. Monetary policy can be defined as the official regulation of market operations based on the analysis of the most recent economic developments (Mankiw, 2018). It represents the...

Indian Boarding Schools from Christian Missionary’s Perspective

The transformation of Tom Torlino reflects the righteous assimilation with American culture. Carlisle Boarding School, where he was studying, was a place highlighting Protestantism and ensuring the development of traditional American values within the representatives of the indigenous culture. The person in the picture accepted the Christianity ideas, following the...

Arizona’s Kaibab Plateau: Carrying Capacity

The fluctuation of the deer population on Arizona’s Kaibab Plateau from 1905 to 1939 is an excellent example that demonstrates the importance of carrying capacity. This concept refers to the average population size of the species that the geographical area can support (National Geographic, n.d.). In other words, the environment...

The Existence of Life on Venus and Mars

Introduction Earth is a unique planet in the Solar System as the only one known to support an active life. However, scientists are constantly in the search of other life in the universe. Other planets in our vicinity may offer clues, with Venus and Mars potentially once having supported life....

Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”: Relevance Today

It is important to note that “The Story of an Hour,” written by Kate Chopin, is an example of classical storytelling embedded in the reflection of the societal forces, assumptions, constructs, and context. In sum, the story focuses on the Mallard family, where the husband is presumed to be dead,...

The Ministry of Children and Family Development Document

The Ministry of Children and Family Development document is relevant because it highlights and advocates for matters related to health care, school, recreational activities, and family relationships. The article also provides some valuable information regarding the issue of advocacy which may be needed in particular circumstances that entail collaborative planning...

Aeronautical Decision-Making: History and Importance

Introduction Aeronautical Decision-Making (ADM) is a crucial area of investigation for the aviation industry. Throughout the growth of the aviation sphere, additional efforts have been contributed to developing and spreading ADM strategies among pilots (Johnston & McDonald, 2017). In the long term, effectively implemented ADM can account for the reduction...

Ann Arundel’s Fiscal Policy Analysis

The county government of Ann Arundel spends close to trillions of US dollars on its annual budget expenditure. The money is funded from the local taxes and finances all state departments’ needs in providing necessary services to the community. As such, analyzing the expenditure of Ann Arundel’s county departments and...

Why Some Stars Are Red Giant and Others White Dwarfs

The red giants are larger than the usual primary stars in a row. Regardless of temperature, larger giants can have more light. The light grows in proportion to the size of the star. When compared to the size of the earth, white dwarfs are tiny. In the white dwarfs, there...

Immigration Policies in the United States

I chose this issue because it is interesting as it provides diverse analysis possibilities as immigration in the United States is widely debated with potent controversies. For example, observing and exploring immigration policies allows us to identify their efficiency. Comparing expenses on implementing and maintaining those policies by the government...

Personal Digital (Universal Automatic) Computer

The selected product for this work is a personal digital computer. UNIVAC, the first computer to be commercially sold in 1951, was room-sized, consisted of 5200-vacuum tubes, and weighed nearly 7.6 tonnes. Its main features included calculations and other general functions. It became famous for predicting the winner of the...

Sartre’s Theory Against Placing Meaning in Human Existence

Sartre’s theory argues against placing meaning in human existence and believes it to be meaningless. Sartre believes that existence preceded essence, which means that we are born and then define ourselves over time through our own free will choices. Whoever we are, according to Sartre, is a result of the...

Three Technological Innovations

Introduction This work of scientists is an advanced example of how animals are used to detect human diseases. Scientists are mimicking the locust brain through a neural network in such a way as to create a breath test that could be used in cancer screenings since the locust can detect...

Microeconomic Factors of Opioid Addiction

Financial stability always affects the psychological state of individuals. It was distinguished that people who struggle with employment or financially often develop unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse. This knowledge in practice can be easily seen on comparison charts based on such factors as employment, education level, possession of...

Hopeful Mourning Rituals in Biblical Lifecycle

Legacy ritual is an important aspect for individuals believing in a particular deity such as Christians or Jews. It helps one prepare for death while assisting people to deal with losing someone. Individuals are aware that death is a part of life and discern they will meet each other when...

Influencing Public Policy With Action Planning Tool

When entering an environment with significant disadvantages, it is necessary to determine the potential positive impact the person can have on the community. When influencing public policy, one must be careful to determine one’s capabilities and the resources available to change the situation. One 8-steps plan proposed by the Program...

The SARS-CoV-2 Virus: Effective Therapy

This study hypothesizes the use of metal ions to suppress the RNA polymerase activity as the most effective therapy against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Once any microbes attack the body of a human, the proteins are used to replicate the virus (Scientific Animations 00:00:23-00:00:52). Thus, the virus relies on proteins to...

Psoriasis Issues: Pathophysiology

G.R. is a 55-year-old white obese male brought to the hospital by his wife. The chief complaint of this patient is erythema, scaling, and skin thickening on his torso and extremities several months ago after a mild upper-respiratory tract infection. G.R. is afraid that he may have developed the same...

Contexts in the Historical Narratives Interpretation

The brainstorming process I used when identifying the bias in the primary sources included asking questions about the pertinent issues that could affect the articles’ credibility, objectivity, and trustworthiness. In particular, the strategies of asking open-ended questions such as “Where and when was the source created?” “What historical context surrounded...

Comparison of Rip Van Winkle and Young Goodman Brown

One of the aspects that are similar in stories that happened both to Winkle and Brown is that the culmination of events happens concerning them falling asleep. Winkle meets a man who is dressed in old clothes and goes to an amphitheater with him. When the man suggests a drink,...

Mitigation Programs: Case of Emergencies

Mitigation programs have a critical preventive function in case of emergencies. As a rule, these programs are undertaken at the state level, but the support of the business sector and community members is equally important. With their help, local support of resources, distribution of management coordination, and assistance in monitoring...

Impact of Wartime and Postwar Times

Despite common definitions of war and its overall outcomes, today, people are more involved in introducing new political or religious reasons and ideals to support the decision to go to war. Citizens cannot neglect their direct duties and obligations when the government declares wartime. According to BarcelĂł (2021), wartime and...

Political Leaning and Population Changes in Texas

In recent decades, the population of Texas has undergone drastic changes, with more and more people coming to reside in the state. In 2020 alone, the population of Texas has risen by more than 1%, even when accounting for people dying or moving out (“Texas’ population ranked number one in...

Social Stratification and Inequality

Every society has categories and classes that determine how people live. Social stratification is a term that describes the social standing system. Factors like race, money, power, and education form the social status that people see, which differs one group of people from others. Even though countries mostly do not...

Legal and Ethical Problems in Treatment Service Delivery

Health facilities must comply with medical laws to provide treatment services to patients. Medical professionals ought to offer quality healthcare services to patients to protect them from legal problems due to non-compliance. Some of the most prominent ethical and legal issues in the provision of treatment services include: The absence...

The Discovery of Additional Earth-Approaching Asteroids

In recent years astronomers are becoming more interested in studying the space objects situated relatively close to Earth. While the cosmos is still not fully discovered and has potentially numerous unknown aspects, it represents both the field of scientific research and potential danger. Therefore, this paper aims to identify two...

Analysis of Conservatism in the Clinton and Obama Administrations

Conservatism is a widespread political belief that advocates for following traditions in various spheres. Even though this suggestion is not negative, it can face criticism for preventing innovation and development. That is why many political leaders do not follow this approach. In particular, specific examples demonstrate how the Clinton and...

The Conception of the Soul in Different Traditions

Debate on the conception of the soul dates back to ancient Greek mythology. Many authors from the Greco-Roman tradition, the Abrahamic tradition, and the East Asian tradition posit similar but different views on the ideal conception of the soul. This essay discusses five conceptions from these three traditions: two from...

Analysis of Standart Language Ideology

Many kinds of people with differences in race, ethnicity, and social status speak the same language. However, depending on their background, they will use the varieties of the language that challenge the concept of Standard Language Ideology (SLI). According to Kircher and Fox (2021), SLI is a socially constructed hierarchy...

Ethical Obligation Regarding Online Content Copyrights

Nowadays, there are millions of websites that offer to listen to illegally taken songs or watch movies for free, and there are also numerous official websites that offer subscriptions. According to the statistics, around 600,000 items obtain copyrights annually (Ringleb et al., 231). The authors state that all “copyrightable works”...

Microsoft and Apple, Inc.: Leadership Styles

Microsoft and Apple operate in the same market and have the highest shares in it, competing for decades. While there is a strong imprint on their strategies left by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, the companies continue to change and adapt to the modern reality. Understanding how this process occurs...

Facebook and Twitter: Comparison and Contrast

Facebook and Twitter are two giants of social networks that help the world’s population to communicate with a large group of people. It helps to share your views, ideas, information, news, location and other such things. Comparing these two social media platforms is quite a challenge because they are very...

Analysis of Computer Security Breaches

Cybercrime is on the rise, and one of the most notable indicators is the number of computer security breaches detected worldwide. The Ponemon Institute reported that cyberattacks involving computer security breaches became more frequent, costly, and time-consuming for the victim firms to resolve (as cited in Udo et al., 2018)....

Coercion as a Method of Implementing Change

Coercion as a method of implementing change can have the desired effects, but this practice can be accompanied by barriers and pitfalls. According to Senghaas et al. (2019), coercive instruments often serve a strategic function and are characterized by inflexibility. As a result, targeted individuals may not be able to...

Carl Rogers’ Position Regarding Encouragement

Encouragement is a well-known subject in psychotherapy, being utilized in a variety of approaches and popularized by figures such as Alfred Adler. However, other figures place far less importance on the concept of encouragement. As a primary example, Carl Rogers does not use encouragement in his psychotherapeutic approaches and practice....

A Nurse’s Role and Responsibility as a Health Educator

Introduction Today, nursing and pedagogy have a rather deep, inextricable connection. It is no secret that a nurse with pedagogical talent and knowledge of competent interaction with a patient achieves tremendous success in the profession. Indeed, bringing wisdom and light is a responsible, complex task that requires specific skills, knowledge,...

“Le Galop” by Henri Duparc: Key Characteristics of the Composition

The French composer Henri Duparc, born in 1848, planned to connect his life with jurisprudence as a child. He usually destroyed his early work when dissatisfied with aspects of his style or with the work itself. In 1868 Henri Duparc’s Five Melodies for voice and piano was published, his first...

Aspects of Humanistic Theories

I agree with the statement that humans are products of their choices. According to existential theory, people have responsibility for their actions and incorporate meaning by creating their world (Glowiak, 2017). According to research, people are more inclined to seek counseling and self-help when they maintain belief in their ability...

Juici Patties in Jamaican Cuisine

Jamaican cuisine is a colorful blend of local products and is capable of combining spicy sweetness, spiciness, and subtlety of all the flavors of the world in one dish. The culinary traditions of Jamaica reflect all of the island’s history: Spanish, English, Indian, and Chinese cuisines, and African motifs are...

Physical Exercise Benefits to Your Heart

Research The study by Dzubur and Poronsky (2018) found a positive correlation between exercise therapy and heart failure disease. Patients, families, and healthcare systems all experience enormous costs as a result of heart failure (HF). The intricate pharmacologic regimens that serve as the cornerstone of HF care are insufficient on...

Business Ethics: Honesty and Engineering

The discussion of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators is essential when speaking about businesses and their successes. I agree that motivation is one of the key factors of the necessary work ethics. Motivation for me can be defined as a cause or set of reasons that encourage someone to continue striving...

Singapore and the United States Comparison

Despite the rapid development of technology and society, some countries lag behind others in some aspects. Therefore, the comparison of States is of particular importance. This work examines the similarities and differences between countries such as Singapore and the United States of America. This process is necessary to identify those...

Experiences of Christians in the Centuries After Its Founding

In his book Octavius published in 197 AD, Minucius Felix describes a Christian rite mistaken for a cannibalistic ritual, whereby the partakers allegedly butcher an infant, drink its blood and devour its limbs. It was understood through this ritual cannibalism and “by this victim, they are pledged together.” By “they,”...

Civil Disobedience: King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the prominent activists struggling for human rights and liberties. His speeches are a perfect example of how words and powerful arguments can be used to protect a particular idea or attract attention to cases of injustice or unfair attitudes. Thus, his Letter from...

Gabriel in James Joyce’s “The Dead”: Character Analysis

A part of James Joyce’s “Dubliners,” “The Dead” tells a story of a highly conflicted protagonist who struggles to embrace change and especially the urgency, to be honest with himself about his integrity. Set in 1910s Dublin, the narrative addresses the complexity of Ireland’s politics and the conflict between unionists...

The Brain of a Patient with Aphasia

The study of deviations in human health is valuable, as it will help to gain more profound knowledge about diseases. Moreover, it will help spread awareness and form ways to treat or relieve symptoms. Aphasia is characterized as a deviation that affects people’s perception of speech and interferes with the...

Is the Earth in the Center of the Universe?

It is hard to disagree that space is expanding for humans at an unimaginable rate. New constellations and galaxies are discovered every year, and better photos of other planets become available. This may mean that humanity is on the verge of great discoveries, and the conquest of space is getting...

Restraining Harm Results in Aggressive Patients

As a psychiatric nurse, I encounter many situations that prompt me to reflect on the relationships among different factors that affect my work. I am primarily involved in administering interventions to patients with various mental illnesses. One of the situations I have encountered regards the use of restraints. I have...

Electric Vehicles vs. Traditional Cars

The growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) makes people switch to them at a rapid pace. As the price of gasoline continues to grow, understanding the benefits of EVs becomes more crucial, even if a person does not seek to reduce their environmental impact. There are hindrances in people’s understanding...

The Exercise Impact on Body Homeostasis

Exercise is an essential element which contributes to the health of every person and positively affects the entire body. At the same time, from the perspective of biology, exercise becomes a significant challenge for the homeostasis of humans. The article “Integrative Biology of Exercise” by Hawley et al. provides an...

Cutaneous Glands in Bio-Technological Development

Did you know that studying cutaneous glands can result in significant advances in science and technology? The cutaneous glands are a type of microscopic glands on the skin of an organism, capable of producing various substances. There are a total of 5 different types of glands, all part of the...

Autonomic Neural Control of Heart Rate

Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter produced by the parasympathetic nervous system, goes to the brain, lowering heart rate. Taking calm, deep breaths decreases blood pressure if stress, coffee, or excitement raises the heart rate. Heart rate will stay elevated no matter how long one works out. After the parasympathetic stimulus is eliminated,...

Standardized Testing and Its Negative Consequences

Actuality of Problem The relevance of standardization of education, and testing, in particular, is determined by modern tendencies in the field of education. In other words, there is an active introduction of universal criteria for evaluating students’ knowledge, as well as the integration of a general education system that is...

A Mental Model of Occam’s Razor Nowadays

Unfortunately, a mental model like Occam’s razor has stopped working for me lately. According to this approach, one should choose the simplest available option as it is often the right one (Senge, 2006). Bates agrees that the simplest explanation is often the best option (2019). Occam’s razor, for many people,...

Data Storage: File-Based and Database Approaches

Data storage and management functions of computers applied in organizations could be conducted by now outdated file-based and database approaches. The file-based system is a less sophisticated and more expensive method of data handling. A firm system under this manner has a variety of software applications, each of which is...

Importance of Medication Safety

The safety of administrating medication is influenced by nurses who have the authority to perform the job. They are expected to enhance safe care and facilitate a safe culture within a healthcare environment. When administrating medication, they must understand the order and ensure that it has all the necessary information...

Journal Reflection PDD 39 vs. HSPD 5

The major similarity between PDD 39 and HSPD 5 is that both are security organs that safeguard Americans from and handle acts of terror both within and abroad. The differences between the two policies lie in their specific details. On the one hand, PDD 39 aims to minimize vulnerabilities, deter...

“Notes of a Native Son” by James Baldwin

Autobiographical works are unique material because they allow immersing yourself in another era and looking at the world through the writer’s eyes. This feature is essential because it allows readers to experience various backgrounds. In this context, James Baldwin’s collection of essays is a graphic demonstration of personal and racial...

Clinical Trial Design Analysis

Clinical research is conducted in humans and refers to a series of scientific studies that must be completed to develop new drugs or treatments. They are subject to strict regulation and are a critical step in registering a medicinal product and determining the methods of its optimal use to ensure...

A Poem “First Love” by John Clare

The following essay reviews a poem called First Love by 19th-century poet John Clare. In it, he describes his experience with falling in love for the first time. The work encapsulates many various emotions that Clare experiences throughout the narrative. Moreover, the poem mentions some details that make the depiction...

Opioids in Medicine and Personal Use

Introduction Opioids in medicine and personal use are the subjects of public controversy. Moreover, disputes concerning it have both historical and political specifics due to its ambiguity. On the other hand, opioids, as pain relievers, are more accepted in society since the current absence of alternatives explains their use. However,...

Long-Term Fundraising: Introduction to Business

ACME Labs, a privately owned biotech business, seeks to raise a large sum to enable the development of a novel medicine that may cure COVID19. However, the supervisory board is comprised of people who are hesitant to commit capital to such an initiative. This issue might be resolved by communicating...

Social Development: The Institutional Perspective

The deep social crisis that has gripped the world demonstrates the crucial role of the quality of the institutional environment in confronting and overcoming the recurrence of anti-social phenomena. Under these conditions, the thesis of institutional transformations as the core of social development is essential (Midgley, 1999). Recognition of the...

Communication With People With Disabilities

Disabled people are a special group in need of socio-cultural and psychological support. However, any person wants to feel on an equal footing with other people; this applies in particular to the disabled. Therefore, during communication with a person with disabilities, any careless word can offend them and forever discourage...

Future Fuel Price Rise and Its Impact on Population

For this discussion, I found an article discussing future fuel price rises. Given world events and the instability of the global economy, this news should be put into the context of possible prospects. Changes in logistics routes for raw materials and the revision of investment currencies are also strongly influencing...

The COVID-19 Effect on Mental Health in New York

The topic that is to be examined is how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of individuals living in New York City. The subject was chosen due to the studies that show a major increase in mental health problems either related to the stress correlating with the virus...

When the People You Love Do Not Think Like You

A considerable number of people tend to avoid debating as they frequently see it as a disrespectful confrontation of people with opposite opinions who aim to persuade others at any cost. At the same time, while it is possible to avoid an argument with unfamiliar people, family members, and friends...

The Job Application Interview Summary

Summary This interview covered such areas as job application and interview requirements, worker-employer interaction, use of social media, cybersecurity, and training. The interviewee believes that candidates should be selected based on the experience and skills necessary for a specific position. The manager states that consistency, empathy, honesty, genuine support of...

“Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review

The chosen reading is Bock’s “Building a bridge: Founded by marine veteran-turned-actor, arts in the Armed Forces seeks to unite military, theater communities.” Bock has overviewed the activity and benefits of the non-profit organization Arts in the Armed Forces (AITAF). This topic is described through the stories and interviews of...

The Customs of Americans and Norwegians: Comparison

Comparing the customs of Americans and Norwegians, it is necessary to note a fashionable similarity feature, which consists of respectful addresses. In both countries, prefixes to the person’s surname are used, helping to address more formally. However, it is worth noting another fact related to the fact that Norwegians most...

Reflection on Deer in Their Own Coats by Coleman

Natural ecosystems have existed for millions of years, but they constantly change due to climate variations. All the components of communities have always been in an equilibrium state, whereas the natural course of events was disrupted with the advent of man. Nowadays, humans are actively transforming nature, often without considering...

Medication Safety: Deconstructing Clinical Workflow

Pharmaceutical mistakes are risky due to the volume and sophistication of medication delivery, and these errors have a high financial and human cost on the American healthcare system. There are various steps involved in the distribution of medications. During the distribution stage of pharmaceutical distribution, one-third of all medication mistakes...

Rupture of Psychiatrist-Patient Alliance

The rupture of the alliance between the attending psychiatrist and the patient in psychiatry is a complex of different problems that gradually appear between people. There are many factors for this phenomenon, and this is a reasonably typical case among practicing psychiatrists (Safran & Kraus, 2014). Moreover, common treating alienists...

Morality and Rationality of Capital Punishment

The topic of the death sentence is tough and philosophical. The notion that there are some crimes that allow applying institutionalized execution to those who committed them is not obvious at all if one thinks deeply and thoroughly about it. In this reply, I would like to share my thoughts...

What Do You Want in Your Lifestyle?

Specific individuals believe that sleep time can be sacrificed or function on limited sleep. Lack of sleep can affect the well-being of a person on a very substantial scale. Individuals who do not get enough sleep may be susceptible to overfeeding or relying on junk food (Grandner, 2017). Similarly, even...

Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto About Women

Donna Haraway is one of the most prominent scholars of feminist and posthumanist theories. Her work focuses on how society imposes boundaries on the concept of humans due to the separation between humans and animals and humans and machines. Therefore, she develops a concept of a cyborg as a metaphor...

Role of a Marketing Department in Business

Introduction In the organizational structure of any company, there are main divisions and departments that serve as the basis of its functioning. The marketing unit is the basis of the organization’s interaction with customers and potential buyers. The main task of this branch is to maintain the brand and image...

The Wage System in the Restaurant Industry

The wage system in the restaurant industry differs from the rest of the business segments. Black (2021) writes that waiters in cafés and restaurants have a particular type of minimum wage for tipped employees, which is significantly lower than the standard federal minimum wage. As a result, waiters rely on...

Critical Thinking in the Modern World

Naturally, critical thinking is one of the essential elements of people’s lives, as it is part of interpersonal communication. Critical thinking is the concentration and discipline of the mind, attention, and the ability to manage one’s cognitive processes (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, n.d.). In professional and everyday life, critical thinking...

The Sectional Crisis That Culminated in the Civil War

Sectional crisis refers to the division between the free North and the slave-owning South in nineteenth-century America. This split had formed distinct cultural identities between the South and the North, ultimately leading to the United States Civil War in 1861. Therefore, it was a significant turning point in American history....

Globalization and Geographic Information System

Globalization is the process by which the globe becomes increasingly interconnected due to the exchange of commodities and services, information, knowledge, and cultural values. Its profound effect can be assessed both positively and negatively. On the one hand, human rights are violated due to globalization. Because of globalization, farmers earn...

Big Data: All the Data People Create

People continue to generate remarkable amounts of data at an accelerating rate. The umbrella term for all the data people create is called Big Data. Despite some of its disadvantages, Big Data should be considered a blessing because it provides researchers with sufficient knowledge and allows them to make precise...

Children’s Language Development: The Role of Transcripts

I hope you are doing well. I have chosen 24-month-old child transcript and I counted that there are 74 morphemes out of 74 utterances. The MLU figure which the division of 74 to 72 is 1.02 which drives the conclusion that the child needs evaluation as for his age the...

Disadvantages of Recycling Process

Introduction Recycling is a method of waste management that entails converting waste and other materials used in the past into products that can be used again in other applications. It helps to reduce the amount of energy used, the consumption of fresh raw materials, air pollution, water pollution caused by...

The Payback Method in Capital Budgeting

In modern-day business, capital budgeting is rather crucial for a number of reasons. Various methods of that tool may be helpful for businesses and their managers in making the right decisions. Moreover, certain projects can be followed by various concerning risks. This is why every manager should take them into...

Business Values’ Impact on Pastors

The global spread of business principles created a new way of perceiving life, mainly consisting of profitability dynamics, leadership ideas, and applying different types of management to common concepts. These changes partially affected the religious system, among other areas of life. Although the interpretation of beliefs and actions taken out...

Psychopathology and Adlerian Theories

The psychoanalytic and Adlerian theories are valuable components of psychoanalytical methods. Unlike the psychoanalytic model, the Adlerian value meaning, actions with a certain goal, and significant existence. Therefore, the latter theory studies adult or childhood behavior in cases of full conscience (Corey, 2017). On the other hand, psychoanalytic focus on...

Mise-En-Scene: “Cops” Directed by Edward F. Cline

Mise-en-scene can be defined as an arrangement of actors and elements of the film throughout the production. Everything that is in front of the camera and, therefore, will be seen by the viewer is a part of the mise-en-scene, making it the most important element of the filmmaking process. This...

Review of “Jeremy” Song by Pearl Jam

Some events are striking, which as a result, is reflected in the news, discussion, or even music. The song “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam was based on the story of a teenager, Jeremy Wade Delle, who killed himself in front of classmates in 1991 (Smith, 2018). The song’s author and front...

Andrew Johnson and the Battle Over Reconstruction

After the Civil War, the North was determined to help rebuild the South, leading to a period of Reconstruction in 1865-1877. During this period, states that had seceded from the Confederacy were put under the control of the federal government before being readmitted to the Union. Abraham Lincoln and, later,...

Complications of Studying & Writing About World History

Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. W. W. Norton & Company, 1999. The main idea with which Diamond begins his global explanation of the difficulty of studying human history is as follows. People and human collectives are living systems that exist among other living systems and are subject to the...

“Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers” by Greenhouse

“Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers” by Steven Greenhouse is an opinion article published on August 3, 2019, in New York Times, talking about a skewed system with no regard for workers’ affairs. Greenhouse describes the United States as the only developed country with no laws guaranteeing paid maternity leave,...

Samuel Tilden in the Controversial 1876 Election

After the Civil War, a period of political instability began in the United States. The country faced the task of restoring relations between the federal government and southern states, and this political process was called Reconstruction (Conlin, 2013). By the 1876 election, the population was significantly tired of Reconstruction and...

Analysis of the Theme of Love in Literature

In world practice, there is probably no other topic, common, provocative, diverse, or centuries-old, as love or its absence. Hence, it is essential to consider how different authors have described love. Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway, depicts the story of a man and a female waiting for a...

Pros and Cons of Free Speech Regulations on Social Media

Introduction Freedom of mass information is considered the central principle in any democratic state. It is necessary for political pluralism and cultural diversity for individuals and their associations. Despite this, permissiveness can have negative consequences since the unrestricted freedom always drives to the repression. Therefore, the issue of media freedom...

“The Importance of Being Earnest” Acting Analysis

We all understand the well-known expression that life is a stage, and people in it are only actors. It is valid because each of us has pretended at least once, especially in childhood. For example, my friend and I have often played teachers, trying on adult roles. Still, it should...

Racism: How Bigotry and Hate Runs Through History

After colonizing the Americas, the race became institutionalized in North American English Colonies once the colonizers realized they were superior to the Natives. As argued by Bulhan (2015), the Europeans, on realizing the new opportunities available in North America, discovered the only way to exploit the Natives was through cultural...

Analysis of “Never Change” by Jay-Z

Crime may be viewed by some as an intrinsic aspect of American culture, particularly when it comes to music. Many kinds of music explicitly or implicitly laud or allude to crime in their lyrics. “The Bowl” by Rush and “Survival of the Fittest” by Mobb Deep. Criminological ideas can be...

The Electoral College’s Mission and Functions

One of the main causes of debate in the U.S. is the issue of the integrity of the presidential election. Not all citizens of America know that during the voting, they actually choose not the president but representatives of the states. It is they who will then select the next...

Job Losses as a Result of the Pandemic

In the Weekly Economics Podcast, Thomas-Smith (2020) describes recent job losses in the United Kingdom due to the pandemic. In this episode, Thomas-Smith invited Alfie Stirling, a head of at the NEF, and Nikki Pound, a support officer in Policy and Campaigns at the TUC, to discuss the unemployment problem...

The Wind That Shakes The Barley by R. D. Joyce

The Wind That Shakes The Barley, written by Robert Dwyer Joyce (2021), explores the theme of the sacrifice young men had to make during the Irish rebellion of 1798. The ballad captures the viewpoint of a Wexford boy who, by joining the rebel movement, had to ultimately refuse the love...

Ethics and Social Responsibilities

Ethics and social responsibilities are two concepts that have specific definitions, yet each person approaches them differently. For example, cheating is not ethical or socially responsible by definition, yet certain circumstances can create an environment in which cheating is not perceived as something wrong. This implies a more considerable distance...

New Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico

The article by Townsend focuses on the alternative narrative in the conquest of Mexico. The author suggests that while many believed that Mexicans perceived Hernando Cortes as Quetzalcoatl, there is little evidence that the Indians believed in the divine origin of the newcomers. This essay will define the point that...

The “Tribal Ceremony” Poem by Janet Campbell Hale

In order to understand “Tribal Ceremony,” the communal feature of minor literature is used because it depicts the tragedy of an entire community. The communal feature can be described as representing the problem of a particular society, not only concerning the author of the poem. In “Tribal Ceremony,” it is...

The Homelessness Problem in California

What concerns a specific issue, it is possible to define the problem of high homelessness rates in the United States of America, particularly, in the state of California. Different causes can contribute to the alarmingly high incidence of homelessness, including challenges in treating individuals with mental disorders and substance abuse....

The Christ Preaching Painting by Rembrandt

It is essential to note that the painting Christ Preaching, 1652 by Rembrandt can be characterized as an instrument for receiving aid in achieving immortality. Jesus Christ pronounced before his disciples and the assembled crowd. This address consisted of related sentences and teachings to be interpreted in the general context...

Religion in the Workplace: Human Resource Management

I often meet with the question of religion, given that modern society seeks to develop tolerance for everyone. Usually, this happens in everyday conversation when I exchange opinions on a topic with colleagues or friends in my environment. Religious beliefs can significantly influence how employees do their jobs. In the...

Control Over Armed Weapons: Gun Violence

The guns were initially created for warfare reasons, to attack the enemy when wars and clashes were more frequent. In today’s world, guns are mainly used to maintain peace and protect civilians from crime inside the country. However, guns are still taking a shocking number of lives even in countries...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” Analysis

The theme of Enkidu’s dreams clearly shows that it is confident he cannot escape death. Enkidu and Gilgamesh must contend with the revels as they satisfy their desires. They must challenge themselves with complex tasks in this crucial tablet, which marks the exact midway point of the epic. George shows...

The Poem “Easter, 1916” by William Butler Yeats

The Easter Rising of 1916 is one of the critical moments in the history of Ireland. Although the goals of the uprising were not achieved, and it ended extremely abruptly and harshly, this event was the most significant act of Ireland’s defiance since 1798. The significance of these actions is...

Does Cancel Culture Supress Offence or Diversity?

Introduction Freedom of speech is the basis of any sound democracy. The relevance of this freedom is nowhere more apparent than on social media sites, where the thoughts of multitudes are filtered and represented. Nonetheless, the significance of the platform and its impact on society is undeniable. The way of...

Personal Values and Ethical Codes in Business

Organisations develop ethical codes to ensure their employees comprehend the difference between right and wrong and transfer that knowledge to their actions. Despite the presence of strictly prescribed norms and rules of professional social behaviour, each person has an individual system of value orientations that has to be involved. In...

Climate Change Mitigation Strategies and Animals

The thesis of the article is clear and identifies two main points, which are the problem that the global discussion does not propose sufficient methods to solve the issue. At the same time, the thesis notes that some of the proposed methods for managing livestock have a significant impact on...

Thin-Slicing in Decision-Making

Malcolm Gladwell introduced the concept of thin-slicing, which supports judgment using limited evidence. Gladwell states that thin-slicing is essentially making unconscious decisions by assessing little external evidence. Since thin-slicing is based on instincts, it significantly influences social behaviors, knowledge, attitude, and preference (Yani et al. 2). Rapid cognition has a...

Human Body From Microbiological Perspective

Studying the human body from a microbiological perspective reveals to one that the organism is a much more structurally complex set of systems than most cutting-edge technologies. The microbiome is one of the most unusual and intriguing parts of the body due to its partial bio-autonomy in terms of existence...

Data Safety Monitoring Theory and Practice

The present lecture provides information in regard to the process of data safety monitoring and the correct organization of a data safety monitoring board. As stated in the materials, safety boards oversee a number of factors during clinical trials. First, they ensure that the participants are under an acceptable modicum...

Development of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career

Chaucer is considered the father of the English language and the founder of realism. His work marked in the history of English literature the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and the establishment of new principles for depicting life and the disclosure of human character. There are three...

Pharmaceutical Companies and Utilitarian Ethics

Despite the fact that healthcare organizations have been raising awareness about opioid addictions and the problems caused by this epidemic in recent decades, it still remains a topical issue in many countries across the globe. One of the ethical questions often discussed in relation to this problem is whether pharmaceutical...

Ethical Issues of the Southern Baptist Convention Church

The CNN article published on 23rd May 2022 addresses the ethical issues surrounding leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention church who are facing allegations of having mishandled sexual abuse reports. The leaders are said to have intimidated the victims and those who advocated for them and resisted reform suggestions over...

Marketing Strategy in Business

Importance of Marketing for a Business Marketing is an integral part of the business as it engages customers. Marketers have the task of studying the market – its trends and buyers’ needs. They create forecasts of a specific demand and how the business can satisfy it. As a result, companies...

The Biological Effects of Sleep Stages

The research summarizes and provides basic information on sleep stages. It shows the biological effects and human behavior at each stage, using Saladin’s (2017) research. However, sleep science is a developing field with discoveries and answers to the existing questions appearing consistently. One such study is the review research by...

Clinical Supervision in Mental Health Counseling

The article focuses on clinical supervision for MHC students, including recommendations for the supervisors and students. For example, it is advised that MHC students rate themselves based on their progress (Pearson, 2004). This type of reflection is conceptually useful due to the content revision it comprises and because it allows...

How Is a Black Hole Formed at the End of a Star’s Life?

A black hole is a space object with a very strong gravitational field resulting from massive amounts of matter fitting into a small area. The gravitational pull in the black hole is so strong that not even light can exist there. The gravity from the black hole also attracts all...

The Importance of Reliable Scientific Knowledge

Misconduct by scientists in publishing their research can negatively affect the public. Careless, inattentiveness, making things up, and plagiarizing someone else’s work is a severe scientific crimes. By allowing them to occur, society can face wars, protests, and widespread racism. Providing false information causes significant harm to every aspect of...