The US Health Care and International Experience

Different countries have different approaches to organizing health care delivery for citizens. The primary goal is to meet the population’s needs and enhance the quality of life. According to Knickman & Elbel (2019), the Americans’ dissatisfaction with the current health care system suggests that there is a need for a...

Modern Supply Chains Organization Dynamic Capabilities

In their article, Masteika and Čepinskis (2015) analyze the relevance of the roles of dynamic capabilities in organizing modern supply chains and how they are expressed today. The researchers present the characteristics of supply chains and dynamic capabilities and compare the two in the context of their relationship (Masteika &...

Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Human Relations

The coronavirus pandemic has become the most significant crisis of the last years. Since millions of people are infected worldwide, specific steps are taken to address the situation. Social distancing, self-isolation, and other preventive measures have resulted in essential economic, social, and political disadvantages for the whole world. In addition...

“Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston

The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God was written by African-American writer Zora Neale Hurston in 1937. The book describes how Janie Crawford, the main character, turns from a voiceless vibrant teenage girl into a strong and brave woman who can choose her destiny. It has some essential themes and...

The U.S. International Affairs

The United States became somewhat involved in world affairs during the first decade of the 20th century. With World War I on the verge of eruption, the US tried to benefit from the policy of isolation. As a result, Woodrow Wilson proposed to implement the “Fourteen Points” that were expected...

Review of the Essay “Lifeboat Ethics” by Garrett Hardin

Garrett Hardin wrote an essay in which he explained his ideas about the global distribution of resources and inequality between countries. This work is quite radical since Hardin talks about decisions that can be too harsh for certain states and people. The main idea of ​​the essay is the need...

The Novel “The Screwtape Letters” by Clive Staples Lewis

Lewis’ Screwtape Letters is a novel that provides advice in reverse, presenting temptations and people’s attitudes towards them in the context of religion and faith. Screwtape, the devil, teaches his nephew, Wormwood, to tempt people and make them suffer, which is expressed by means of irony. The author aims at...

Overcoming Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) in medicine refers to applying the best available research evidence to clinical decision-making. It emphasizes integrating the latest scientific findings with professional expertise and patient preferences to find the most efficient ways of solving medical problems. Despite its apparent advantages, EBP often encounters resistance from more traditionally-minded...

Patient-Centered Medical Home: Recognition Standards

The medical home concept is recognized as an effective method of patient-centered health care. At present, there are standards of patient-centered medical home (PCMH), based on the criteria that it must meet to be credentialed. These standards have been formulated by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), and, at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Characteristics

The classification of organisms based on their structure implies their belonging to either prokaryotic or eukaryotic types. The cells forming these organisms vary in both anatomy and function. The principal anatomical difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is in the presence of a membrane that bounds organelles and the nucleus in...

Nurses Unionization and Its Impact

Unionized nurse workforce is an idea that many researchers came across. As well as researchers, many nurses across the globe believe that unionizing may be an idea that would significantly improve workforce culture of safety. Moreover, unionized nurses have a better chance of standing for their rights and their beliefs,...

Identifying Root Causes of Business

It is a primary goal of every business to improve its quality and productivity while reducing costs and overcoming any inefficiencies. In some cases, there is a specific job position, Continuous Improvement Manager, that deals with the task above. Such managers are free to choose the existing methodology and tools...

Schieffelin: Rainforest Environment and the Kaluli Food Production

In the book “The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers,” Edward Schieffelin devotes attention to the Kaluli tribe. Schieffelin actively discusses the rainforest environment, Kaluli modes of subsistence, and food production, so the question of why he pays attention to these descriptions appears. The author spends...

Social and Cross-Cultural Integration: Esperanza’s Case

Due to the intensifying process of globalization, many communities observe active immigration. As a result, local schools with homogeneous language environments face the necessity to provide education to children speaking other languages. It is vital for both their academic potential and socialization. Esperanza’s case demonstrates how a teacher may manage...

The Miranda Rights: Overview

Although the Miranda rights are widely known and associated with the situation of a suspect’s arrest, there are also exceptions related to circumstances when these warnings should be read. The Miranda rule is applied to individuals who are regarded as suspects and who are under interrogation (“Miranda v. Arizona (1966)”;...

Socialization Through the Life Course

Socialization is “how individuals, beginning at an early age and continuing throughout their lives, learn about societal norms, values, and beliefs” (Luther et al., 2018, p. 16). It serves as an instrument of accord and unity among the members of society to ensure its survival. An agent of socialization is...

William Shakespeare, His Life and Works

The exact date of the birth of William Shakespeare has not been preserved. It is believed that he was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564. His childhood passed in a large and wealthy family; he was the third child among seven brothers and sisters. At the age of 20, Shakespeare...

“On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau

People challenged its government long before the term “civil disobedience” was coined by Henry David Thoreau in 1849. In his On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, originally called Resistance to Civil Government, the author discussed the issue, providing a clear viewpoint and examples from his life. He expressed that civil...

Juvenile Justice. Parens Patriae Policy

In the contemporary world, every government has to have particular policies that protect the rights and freedoms of people who do not have enough power to stand for themselves. The British principle, which is called parens patriae, gives governments the authority to act as legal protectors for children whose parents...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Studying the Properties of Toothpaste

This work aims to study the properties of active components of toothpaste. The hypothesis is that the toothpaste should have a pronounced cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and hemostatic effect on the mouth’s hard and soft tissues, but significant changes. The color of the tooth enamel will not be revealed after one week....

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “Araby” by James Joyce

The main characters in “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “Araby” by James Joyce are people of different ages and backgrounds. However, there is a certain similarity between the events that happened to them as well as their reaction that was triggered by the need for readjustment. Both characters...

Sustainable Development: The Climate Change Issues

The vast majority of international organizations of the UN have included in their activities a significant environmental component focused on the transition to sustainable development. One of the topics remains climate change; the goal is to take urgent action to combat its effects (United Nations). Greenhouse gas emissions associated with...

Oregon Medicaid Expansion as the Oregon Health Plan

I must admit that Oregon Medicaid expansion, known as the Oregon Health Plan, is undoubtedly a necessary push. As we all know, United States takes an up-front position in medical investigations across the globe, provides numerous researches on medication per year and possesses advanced technologies; not to mention it offers...

Tricky Negotiations: a Strategy of Handling Requests and Planning Working

Being a good team member, a leader, and a manager is possible to develop an effective strategy of handling employees’ requests and planning working schedules for holidays. The first step is to analyze the situation without being emotional and to discuss possible alternatives with Karen, who works directly with employees...

Utnapishtim’s Teaching About Immortality

The encounter between Gilgamesh and Uta-Utnapishtim teaches the protagonist to accept death’s inevitability and stop searching for eternal life. Afflicted by Enkidu’s death, Gilgamesh immerses into thoughts about his mortality and seeks Uta-Utnapishtim, who was granted everlasting life after the Deluge. Uta-Utnapishtim advises Gilgamesh to abandon the idea and demonstrates...

“The E-Cig Quandary” by Blanding

The most expedient thing about the article written by Blanding (2020) was that there is a great deal of ambiguity covering the usage of e-cigarettes. Despite the concurrent exposure to numerous health risks and benefits, many researchers seem to question the mostly negative impact of e-cigarettes and claim that proper...

“Free to Be”: A Jazz Concert Review

The concert ‘Free to Be’ revolves around freedom, its joys, and its sorrows. The big band arrangement does the hard bop justice and sounds American to the core. The concert asks the listener to consider what freedom means to them and the people around them, and what it took to...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing

Healthcare has been subject to revolutionary changes as a result of technological breakthroughs in academia and their practical implementation in hospitals. Such advancements have influenced the structure and organization of wellness care since humanoid robots were introduced to the healthcare industry. McKinsey Global Institute reports that “800 million workers worldwide...

AHRQ and AHA: Healthcare Organizations Overview

Over the past years, the notion of healthcare has become quite closely correlated with explicit activism and initiatives taking place in the filed. If previously, people perceived healthcare as a set of standards applicable for providing quality healthcare to people, today’s interpretation of the terms has gone beyond these patterns...

Health Insurance: Overview of Insurance Plans in USA

The human right to wellbeing and health maintenance is one of the basic ones. Currently, in the United States, there is plenty of possible ways to obtain health insurance. Medicaid, Medicare, Affordable Care Act (ACA), and Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Insurance Plans are among them. Each has its target groups...

Review of Diana Kroll’s 2002 concert

Quite melodic jazz combined with Diana’s gentle vocals makes the performance incredible, the quality of it surpasses all expectations. The music concert was performed in 2002 by the following musicians: Diana Krall – vocals, piano, Dan Faehnle – guitar, Ben Wolfe – contrabass, and Rodney Green – drums (Diana Krall...

Internet Usage Around the World

The Internet plays a vital role in the lives of modern people, as individuals communicate, learn new information and entertain themselves with its help. However, different countries have various levels of global net penetration due to circumstances like poverty. Therefore, it is interesting to compare my internet usage, the amount...

U.S. Immigration Policy Moral Dilemma

The problem of ethical behavior and fair solutions is reflected in the philosophical work of American professor Stephen Macedo. The primary meaning of the article is reflected in the title: the multi-page essay is devoted to assessing the positive and negative sides of moral justice of the U.S. immigration policy...

Comcast Firm’s Forward and Backward Integration Strategies

Comcast Corporation is a giant American entertainment, information, and telecommunications company based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The firm focuses on creating incredible communication technology that connects millions of people worldwide while generating the most exciting and treasurable experiences. Comcast Corporation is known for using backward integration to gain a competitive advantage...

The Effect of Global Pandemic on the Role of Sports in Our Lives

The past few months have changed the way I view sports and their role in our lives. Previously, I was liked going to football matches, especially with friends or family members. However, the global pandemic put restrictions on these activities, and I had to revert to spending time at home...

Music Listening Journal Blog: Song Review

Life So Right “Life So Right” is a song written and performed by a talented young woman from Holland, Mariska Baars. She has been singing since 2002 under the pseudonym “Soccer Committee.” Almost all of her songs, including “Life So Right” belong to the genre of lowercase. This music genre...

IPv6 vs. IPv4 Overview and Comparison

In the era of digitalization, when practically no human being can imagine one’s life without a computer, it is impossible not to stumble upon the abbreviation IP at some point. Briefly speaking, IP stands for Internet protocol or the identification label assigned to each device connected to the global network....

Nursing Leadership Regarding Holiday Coverage

In hospital policies, the approaches to resolving the issue when nurses request the same holiday time are usually described. However, in cases when units discuss holiday coverage separately, it is a responsibility of a nurse manager to address this problem effectively. The focus should be on meeting the interests of...

How Prejudices Develop in Children

One of the burning issues in sociology is whether prejudices and biases are innate or people develop them throughout life. One famous proverb goes: “Children are not born with prejudices – they learn them.” Some researches state that people are not born with prejudices but acquire them. There is a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Misrepresentation in Media

It is hard to disagree that the media is the most important source of information. Almost all people learn about what is happening in the world via newspapers, various magazines, and TV reports. However, the major drawback is that the media is not always honest and trustworthy; hence, one has...

Relevance of Categorical Imperatives in Business

Business ethics is an essential part of a successful company, regardless of its niche. In his article “It Seems Right in Theory but Does It Work in Practice?”, the author states that the business must be competitive and build trust to achieve its goal. To operate successfully, people should develop...

Interpersonal Relationships and Organizational Abuse in Wall Street Movie

The development of economic relationships is one of the common themes for modern movies. Directors investigate the current state of affairs, formulate their positions, and share ideas with spectators through their camera. Among a variety of successful projects, Wall Street, directed by Oliver Stone in 1987, remains one of the...

Characteristics of Effective Public Speakers

Introduction One of the most necessary skills in the modern world is the ability to speak in public. It may be helpful not only at conferences or work meetings but also with friends or during arguments when one needs to express his or her thoughts and ideas and be understandable...

COVID-19 and Herd Immunity Theory

The sudden pandemic of COVID-19 has taken the world rapidly and changed it completely. Nevertheless, there is still hope that after implementing several measures, it would be possible to reduce the spread of this disease. There is a theory that the pandemic will end only when a significant proportion of...

Difference Between Research- and Evidence-Based Practice Projects

To investigate a clinical problem, nurses should select the most relevant method, focusing on a research project or evidence-based project. Depending on the purpose of the intended improvement, it is possible to recognize between several distinctions of the mentioned projects. Research is a systematic exploration that aims to generate new...

Architecture. What Was the Bauhaus?

The Bauhaus is the school of art and design that is renowned for its modernist approach to the teachings of art. It is believed that the Bauhaus was one of the most impactful art schools of the 20th century (Bergdoll). Its relationship between art and society and its ideas concerning...

Writing: Personal Hobby Analysis

Human beings have a tendency to pursue specific hobbies that match their expectations and achievements in life. Writing is one of such pastimes and it allows individuals to think critically and improve their analytical skills. Hall identifies it as the basis upon which a person’s intellect, academic success, and organizational...

Sales and Promotions Relationship

Trade shows are critical as it allows for direct B2B connection between manufacturers and retailers, providing a platform where industry players can display and demonstrate new offerings to not only retail organizations but media as well. Trade shows are common industry-specific allowing a manufacturer to evaluate competitor products and identify...

Navajo Tribe: Story. Culture. Everyday life

The Navajo tribe is the second most populous of all Native American tribes in the U.S. In the early twenty-first century, there were approximately 300,000 Navajo people mostly living in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. However, ages ago, they were a semi-nomadic nation, also known as the Diné tribe. They...

Newspapers and Their Role in the 21st Century

Newspapers have played an essential role in social life for several centuries. At present, the mode of their functioning is changing due to technological development. The traditional printed sources are not the only way to access the information, accompanied by digital media, which is continuously growing in popularity. In this...

Language in Paul Auster’s The New York Trilogy

Word and language act as essential criteria for human self-awareness and self-identification. The word as the main character is a feature of postmodern prose; it not only reflects reality but also creates it, causing it to be discursive practices. This feature also applies fully to the work of the famous...

Puberty Discussion Board Post

Within the human lifespan, puberty is one of the most significant periods that is characterized by the most vivid changes in the multiple areas of the life of an individual. The scope of rapid changes in the brain and body of a child in adolescence exposes individuals to enhanced anxiety...

Ethical Issues: Disruptive Effect on Society

Ethical issues can threaten the integrity and reputation of the organization and disrupt society. Ethics are tough to follow in the world of social media and precise attention to companies’ actions. Luckily, there are laws and regulations made for the staff that reduce unethical behavior in the workplace. Ethical issues...

Emotional Intelligence: Features and Characteristics

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of skills that dictate and determine one’s capability to properly assess and express emotional responses. It contains four major domains, which are social skill, empathy, self-management, and self-awareness. By promoting these skills, children can greatly improve their academic performance and reduce the level of...

A Company’s Ethics Guide: The Document’s Name and Its Content

To function in the business world setting with its challenges, a company needs well-developed ethics. Traditionally, ethical principles by which company’s decisions are guided are explained in a company’s ethics guide, which lists key principles of the company’s ethical standards. Typically, the content of the specified document is mostly the...

Market Research for Gain in Africa

Economic development in Africa has the potential to create a new consumer class shortly. This latent market could be a future source of prosperity for Gain if marketed correctly. The first analytical technique suited for this task is cluster analysis. In short, this method puts together similar variables inside a...

The Age of Enlightenment and Its Issues

The Age of Enlightenment is a controversial period in history, and its evaluation should include both advantages and drawbacks of the time. However, it is usually considered an exciting era full of opportunities and freedoms (Keane). Even though the perception of the Age of Enlightenment is primarily positive, this time...

Nursing Career and Reasons to Choose It

Choosing a profession is one of the most crucial decisions every individual makes in their life. Various factors, such as personality traits, knowledge, skills, and opportunities have to be considered when pursuing a specific career path. In addition, specialization should be beneficial for the person and society and stay in...

“Artificial Intelligence: A Competitive Advantage for the US Army” Review

The document offers a substantial review of how the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) may become a crucial competitive advantage for the US military. After briefly describing the current state of things with regards to the military application of AI technologies, it proceeds to list and explain the most feasible...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing Techniques Influenced by the COVID-19

The article by Walton addresses the social and demographic aspects of the marketing techniques used by the contemporary markets by synthesising the data on mortality induced by COVID and police brutality with the perception of diversity. The author expresses the opinion that marketers in “total markets” utilize the social and...

Critical Reading of Barbara Johnson

Phillis Wheatley is central to Barbara Johnson’s argument since Wheatley represents the exact phenomenon that Johnson describes, namely, the fact that African American poets were considered merely as ornaments in American society of the time, while the original, groundbreaking, and even revolutionary ideas in these poets’ works were ignored or...

Marital Success and Satisfaction and Their Factors

Most of young adults prefer their relationships to result in marriage. However, marital quality and satisfaction depend on various factors that appear at the time of marriage and determine its future. For the best marriage outcomes, a newly engaged couple should consider these factors and how to deal with them....

“Lessons in Constructive Solitude from Thoreau” by Holland Cotter

Introduction The article “Lessons in Constructive Solitude from Thoreau” by Holland Cotter is a brilliant example of a critique of the case study in the context of the present situation. The author analyzes an episode of the life of writer Henry David Thoreau, who spent two years in voluntary isolation...

Soccer: Effects of Sprint Training

Undoubtedly, millions of individuals all over the world consider soccer to be their favorite spectator sport. Training soccer players is an engaging and demanding activity, and it is crucial to make the most of this process to be a successful coach. Therefore, one must be aware of different exercises and...

The Issue of Gender-Separated Sports

I argue that gender separation in sports is both useful and necessary, and there are several reasons for that. Gender-separated sports provide better opportunities for all gender involved while also respecting gender-related patterns of building social relations, and replacing gender with other criteria, such as athletic performance, would likely undermine...

Palliative Care and Its Role in Managing Grief

The nature of medicine entails that those working in the field encounter grief and loss almost daily. Frequently, medical professionals need to perform a supportive function for those family members, relatives, or caregivers going through these feelings. Terminal patients are another category of people that may seek additional comfort and...

United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism

Introduction The concepts of national security and human security emerge as interrelated in the context of the modern-day United States foreign policy. However, these conceptions differ in terms of the objectives they target. On the one hand, national security is an approach to state policy where the interests, territorial integrity,...

Hypertension as the “The Silent Killer”

Blood pressure is a compression that pushes against the interior walls of the arteries as the heart propels blood throughout the body. Readings of blood pressure are logged in the form of a ratio. The numerator corresponds to the systolic pressure, which characterizes the strength of the blood during a...

Oldest Works “The Epic of Gilgamesh”

The main themes of The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest extant literary works in the world, are a journey, ambition, and fear of death. The themes of ambition and journey may be found in the 2nd and the 3rd passages, but they end with a revelation that some...

Statistics Application: Population and Sample

In a research field, population and sample have both similarities and differences. The two are similar since they refer to a group of people or objects under analysis. However, the difference relates to the size because a population indicates all people or items that have a specific feature, while a...

Poetry and Songs as a Way to Express Emotions

Songs are often viewed as the next stage of poetry transformation, which is reasonable given the additional opportunity for emotional expression that songs offer. Likewise, when viewed through the lens of thematic development, songs may become the tools for expanding the themes and ideas conveyed in poems. The themes of...

Universalism Versus Relativism in Corporate Social Responsibility

Universalism and relativism describe the two mutually contradicting moral perspectives that arise in connection with cultural issues. The universalist position states that the same ethical and moral codes apply globally regardless of local cultural differences. This viewpoint is enshrined in documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which insists...

Specific Responsibilities: Result of Family Hierarchy

Each person has specific responsibilities which have various zones of influence. Some of them are the result of family hierarchy, while others are created due to cultural and social settings. I believe that we are all responsible for our loved ones and our community. It is no secret that our...

ABC Hotel: Executive Summary. Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry can be characterized as highly competitive one due to the presence of well-established companies and the need to ensure that the location and the target market are properly identified and selected reasonably. In the ABC Hotel case, a multi-faceted project was developed to wander into a new...

Innate and Adaptive Immunities

The human immune system is a complex combination of cells and mechanisms of their interactions that protect the body from infections and fight them. Thus, there are two main types of immunity that act at different phases of microbes and bacteria penetration, namely innate immunity and adaptive immunity. These immunities...

Beautiful and Not Beautiful Cultural Customs and Traditions

The contemporary media agenda teaches individuals to seek beauty in any expression of human activity and existence and to respect all the traditions. However, one may hardly take into consideration the fact that many traditions and fashions appear to be products of a violent and patriarchal culture. An example of...

Present Day Resistance Historical Roots to the Trade Globalization

Financial integration through trading and investing is usually mistaken to be the phenomenon of the 1990s. It has been developing long ago, and there are two distinct periods to be highlighted in the history of progressing globalization. To be specific, they are the time of European colonialism and the early...

Fredrick Allen Hampton Overview

Frederick Allen Hampton, better known as Fred Hampton, was an influential American activist in the fight for the rights of the discriminated dark-skinned population of the United States. His life was linked to the activities of the Party named Black Panthers and other organizations seeking to ensure a decent life...

“This Changes Everything” by Klein

Naomi Klein attempts to discuss climate change in a political context in her 2014 book, “This changes everything: Capitalism vs. the climate.” She claims that the “model of fast-and-dirty, export-led development” that emerged in many developing nations as the result of globalization has massively led to the 21st century’s massive...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparing the C3 of Unmanned Ground and Aerial Systems

Unmanned vehicles are characterized to have command, control, and communication (C3) systems. Due to the nature of their different medium and nature of operations, unmanned vehicles possess distinctive architecture (Fillery & Stanton, 2011). The primary purpose of the C3 architectural design in unmanned ground systems (UGS) is to detect an...

Donation Proposal: Saola Working Group Case

Donating money is always a great purpose because it expresses a will to help. There are many worthy causes for which the funds can be sent, but one of them deserves special attention. The extinction of rare species of creatures has been on the list for a long time. However,...

Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man by James Weldon Johnson

The novel of J. W. Johnson is a prime example of literature that highlights important issues related to racial discrimination. The main character is an African American, and on his way, he faces various difficulties. In chapter five, he discovers three types of black people: the desperate, the domestics, and...

Factory Life and Work Conditions in Industrial Revolution

The analyzed document is The Sadler Report (1832) in the form of interviews with factory workers. The attention of the modern man is instantly attracted by the fact that children worked there. The use of child labor in the English industry was one way to reduce production costs. In the...

Conflict and Order Theory on Race and Gender Issues

In a U.S. context, exclusive English-language education is frequently criticized as putting the children of immigrants at a disadvantage and undermining their cultural identity. Teaching some classes in Spanish or another prominent minority language is often advocated as a more equitable alternative. However, conflict theory suggests that this approach to...

The Benefits of Data Importing

Microsoft Excel’s ability to import data from a variety of sources and process it within a single medium without wasting time on matters such as processing is a significant advantage. It enables the researchers to minimize the time spent unproductively and devote their attention to the analysis of the available...

Diabetes Care Team Best Practices

Successful diabetes care requires the systematic collaboration of professionals from different branches of medicine. The care team must be led by a physician who understands the fundamental principles of diabetes care and can coordinate other team members in their implementation. Those principles include ensuring glycemic control and preventing acute and...

Ken Barger’s Definition of Ethnocentrism

Concepts of terms and terminology are critical in science and research. The term provides accuracy, clarity, and understanding of scientific thought. Terminology forms part of the specialized vocabulary, into which not common words and phrases calling subjects and concepts of various spheres of people’s professional activity included. There are specific...

The Problem and Promise of Common Core

Common Core standards were put in place in order to set a minimum amount of knowledge and skills acquired by the students regardless of their state of origin. Its purpose is to eliminate the gap between top performers and bottom ones, and thus, in theory, the Common Core standards can...

Important Sociological Issues and Interactions

Sociological issues have always been present since the emergence of humanity. Interactions that presented people with opportunities have sometimes caused issues that manifested themselves in violence and destruction. This paper explores three topics that can be viewed in the context of large-scale issues. These issues are divorce and child well-being,...

The ND’s Pneumonia: Causes and Diagnostics

Pneumonia can be classified in different ways depending on its nature and causes. While some people may develop this disease after receiving a bacterial infection or interacting with a sick individual, others acquire it as a result of personal health factors. ND’s illness can be described as healthcare-associated pneumonia. This...

Advantages of Using Genetically Modified Foods

GMO is the abbreviation for any organism whose genetic code has undergone an artificial, targeted change. It is essential to understand that this applies only to those transformations that cannot occur either as a result of selection or as a result of evolution. Modern biotechnology allows the movement of genetic...

“Big Fish” by Daniel Wallace Review

In Daniel Wallace’s Big Fish, the main character Edward Bloom is obsessed with water throughout his life. Water is the central theme of the novel, and it symbolizes the abundant life in which there are numerous possibilities of places to explore, challenges to face, people to meet, and ways to...

The Role of Investing in Personal Financial Planning

Personal financial planning incorporates several important steps, which separately and mutually predetermine the success of the venture. First of all, one should determine the current economic situation and set financial goals. Next, it is necessary to identify alternative courses of action and evaluate them carefully. Further, it is crucial to...

The “Union Organizing Case Study”

The “Union Organizing Case Study” presents a situation where non-employees committed several attempts to agitate World Tea & Coffee employees to join The United Food and Commercial Workers Union. The incident took place in the parking lot of Westown Shopping Plaza owned by World Tea & Coffee, Inc. (World Tea...

Ben Carson, is an English Neurosurgeon and Politician

Ben Carson is famous for being an excellent neurosurgeon before pursuing a political career. He attended a medical school and became the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Hopkins Hospital. At that time, he was only 33, and this was an extraordinary achievement for such a young man. However, it was...

Psychiatric Patients: Context and Its Impact on the Diagnosis

The issue of stigmatization of psychiatric patients, whose mental activity is considered to be different from normal, has been discussed for a long time in the literature. David Rosenhan’s (1973) experiment has provided compelling evidence that the psychiatric healthcare system cannot always adequately distinguish between “sane and insane.” In the...

Summary of Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue”

Amy Tan reflects on the varieties of English she uses as an Asian American. She notes the differences between the grammatically impeccable language she uses in her writing and the often incorrect phrasing she uses when conversing with her mother and husband. Amy’s mother does not possess the same grammatical...

Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

Introduction Each paragraph of The Critical Review of the Essay “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan begins with a clear thematic sentence, which summarizes the main idea of the following statements. The first paragraph summarizes the concept of people using language at different levels to express themselves, which is precisely reflected...

Racism in the Poem “Black Judgment” by Giovanni, Nikki

The main theme of the poem is how conventionality cannot relate to the issues of minorities. Nikki Giovanni was an African American revolutionist writer who illustrated that the surrounding environment plays a critical role in the creative aspect of a writer. The given piece wants to show that one cannot...

An Assistant Nurse Manager Dealing with Employee Behavior

Being a staff nurse, Isaac demonstrates inappropriate behavior cooperating with his colleagues. He can throw papers, provide incomplete answers to questions, and abuse other nurses verbally. As a result, nurses can try to avoid working with Isaac when it is possible. In this context, it is important to discuss the...

The American Federal System

Every country has a particular type of government that determines how power is distributed among different levels of government. The US is characterized by a type of government called federalism. This essay will review the features of the American federal system, as well as the difference of federalism from unitary...

The Dark Ages in the History of Europe

The history of Europe is full of the most diverse moments. Following what was characteristic of a particular age, historians assign names to each of the periods of history. Under this, the period from 400 to 1400 years is often called the Dark Ages. The purpose of this essay is...

The Patient-Centered Care in the Nursing Practice

In order to ensure patient-centered care, nurses need to utilize an interprofessional approach by adhering to the five aims of meaningful use. By focusing on a patient, the quality of care can be significantly improved. The most important criteria are the aims of engaging patients and care coordination because the...

Mental Illness and People of Color Misconceptions

This study poses a number of research objectives, which are reflected in the following questions: What are the misconceptions and stigmas about mental illnesses and their treatment among communities of people of color? What are their origins and causes, and how do they affect the behavior of people of color?...

Biopsychosocial Factors of Stress

Stress is a biopsychosocial phenomenon, as it affects a person’s physical well-being, emotional stability, and social interactions. Stress can also be explained by a myriad of biopsychosocial factors that contribute to its development described by Sarafino and Smith (2017). First, stress is correlated with social support, which implies that increased...

Target Client Population for a Health Coach

Target client population: young adults (18-35) and older adults (older than 55), men and women of any occupation and nationality, with middle to high income statuses, wishing to keep fit, improve their health, and contribute to their general well-being. Goals: losing weight, keeping fit, burning fat, improving body composition, gaining...

The Law Enforcement: Verbal Communication as the Best Form of Interaction

There are several principal forms of professional communication that can be employed by law enforcement officers. These include verbal, electronic, and written interaction and body (sign) language. Police officers have to interact with different individuals at work, such as victims, witnesses, perpetrators, peers, community leaders, elected officials, supervisors, and executives....

Sir Frederick Lugard’s Arguments for Imperialism

The 19th century saw a dramatic expansion of European empires around the world. It was driven by numerous factors, including economic interests, internal politics, international rivalries, and ideological considerations such as spreading Western civilization. Although this expansion was supported by broad swathes of the population in colonizer nations, it still...

The Effective Pain Management

Pain management depends largely on the treatment goals and overall health condition of a patient. I have used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen for mild to moderate pain. NSAIDs work on the body’s inflammatory response without steroids, which have adverse side effects, including weight gain and osteoporosis. I...

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Why Humans Should Not Visit Mars

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Rhetorical Appeals: The Benefits of Using Rhetoric Instruments

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The Book “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau and Emerson’s Philosophy

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Osteoarthritis: The Problem That Cannot Be Ignored

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On the Benefits of a Private Social Security System

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History of Healthcare: Timeline Discussion

The primitive era is associated with a lack of writing, speech, and basic social skills. Scientists are still studying the remains of artifacts or biological material from that time, although it does not provide notable facts. Although the significant diseases were physical injuries to the back and limbs, prehistoric people...

The Depiction of Religion and Hypocrisy in “The Summoning of Everyman”

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The PICO Format: The Problem of VTE Treatment

The PICO format helps to focus on the problem of VTE treatment non-compliance using an evidence-based clinical practice approach. The nurse indicator related to the PICO issue is critical for the development of the PICO question. The problem in my workplace is associated with the management of venous thromboembolism (VTE)...

Inheritance and Polymorphism in Programming

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The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and its Burden on Society

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (briefly COPD) is a health issue that is widespread globally. It is the result of long-lasting bronchial inflammation, which is manifested by impaired bronchial patency (obstruction) and a change in the structure of pulmonary tissue (“COPD,” n.d.). The disease is manifested by a cough of varying...

Brain Development in Early Adulthood

Although many people believe that a human brain stops to develop after childhood, it continues to evolve throughout one’s lifespan. The constant process of brain development is a primary reason for many researchers to believe that early adulthood should be considered another life-stage of “prolonged adolescence” (Hochberg & Konner, 2020,...

The Issue of Plagiarism: Copying, Downloading, or Self-Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a type of cheating when a person uses someone else’s ideas for their research. Intentional plagiarism presupposes such actions as direct copying, downloading, or self-plagiarism. Unintentional coping represents incorrect paraphrasing or the lack of citing (Das, 2018). The latter type occurs due to the lack of students’ knowledge....

Opposing the American Revolution

The controversy of opinions regarding the American Revolution is due to different priorities and values ​​promoted by the warring parties. From the standpoint of a colonial politician as a representative of the intelligentsia, opposition to revolutionary ideas was a natural phenomenon. These citizens, who were part of the Loyalist group,...

Are You Listening?: Ethical Issue of Privacy Violation

A couple of days ago, I experimented to determine whether online apps listen to conversations. My friend and I were sitting at a coffee bar, smartphones on the table, discussing our experiences with purchasing iPhones from online stores. While we were discussing, microphones and cameras on our phones were turned...

Team Sport With the Ball: Softball

Softball is a team sport with a ball; it is a form of baseball. This sport originated in 1887 and is generally popular with non-professionals. This is due to the fact that, unlike baseball, softball is adapted for less physically prepared people and is not traumatic. Initially, softball was developed...

Works by Edgar Poe as Examples of Good Essay

Edgar Allan Poe is arguably one of the best and well-known American writers of short stories and poems. In his essay “The Philosophy of Composition” he underlines essential and crucial elements of writing good literature. Poe uses “The Raven” as an example throughout the essay in order to demonstrate how...

Glomerulonephritis: Causes and Diagnostics

Glomerulonephritis may be defined as an acute or chronic inflammatory disease that involves the glomerulus on a first-priority basis, however, tubular epithelium, interstitium, and renal vasculature may be affected as well. In turn, a pneumococcal infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is a bacterial disease that may move from lungs to...

The Difference Between Data and Information

A good illustration of the difference between data and information is a website of Upwork Global Inc. available at This site represents a platform for freelance workers and employers who need to hire professionals for a one-time project or a task. The starting page explains that Upwork is a...

Online Personality: An Unexpected Transformation

The realm of the online environment provides its users with an unprecedented opportunity to create a new persona that would represent them in the digital setting. As a result, a lot of people tend to change their communication manner and demeanor when participating in online discussions. I agree with the...

Man Ray Artist and His “The Gift”

Man Ray, an American of Jewish descent, is one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century and a true revolutionary. He successfully practiced painting, sculpture, writing, and eventually started experimenting with camerawork (Cohen). He constantly tried new techniques and invented rayographs, which helped create bizarre and refracted images...

The Attributes of Critical Thinking in the Nursing Practice

Critical thinking refers to the ability to independently and rationally estimate the actions, arguments, and other information. Critical thinking should become an unalienable skill of a person who wants to make sound decisions. As Claywell (2018) puts it, the only way to learn how to think critically is to constantly...

Congnitive Bias Impact on Personal Beliefs

The ability to think critically is quite challenging to obtain, especially when certain beliefs have deeply embedded in one’s psyche. However, to develop as a person and pursue a profession, it is essential to evaluate one’s opinions and decisions seriously. This paper aims to analyze my personal beliefs and see...

The Interview About Sports and Media

Summary of the Interview Through which channels do you follow the team? Answer: personal contact is always essential in sports where athletes struggle to win. The management department must use a multi-factor communication model, namely written and oral communication, to establish trust and deliver information. We speak every day during...

Confidential Informants and Crime

The use of confidential informants for combatting crime is a controversial measure that has pros and cons. Such procedures conducted by the police can be effective in terms of crime control. It allows destroying organized crime syndicates, drug trafficking cartels, or terrorist gangs, which otherwise would not be adequately addressed...

Content Validity of STEADI

It is important to understand that validity is a broad term that encompasses many components of the assessment. Content validity refers to the extent to which the assessment measures the various aspects of the particular construct question (Aliakbari, Parvin, Heidari, & Haghani, 2015). The term investigates whether the questions constituting...

The Story “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” by Katherine Anne Porter

“The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” is a story about an octogenarian lady named Granny Weatherall. The woman suffers from a fatal disease and the whole narrative describes the process of her dying. The author of the story, Katherine Anne Porter, covers the topics of the strength of women, the dichotomy...

Patient Cost Sharing: Understanding Health Policy

In an attempt to reduce the strain on the healthcare system, the notion of patient cost sharing was introduced. It has its own positive and negative effects on the healthcare system, which I will discuss in this paper. Out-of-pocket payments are usually met with discontent and could be ignorantly referred...

The Vaccine Allocations Problems

Vaccination can be considered as one of the symbols that represent humanity’s success in global public healthcare. Nevertheless, as with other medical practices, there are many ethical concerns that are associated with vaccine allocations. The main challenges arise from the need to overcome the conflict between the interests of the...

Environmental Ethics: Intrinsic Value of Objects

The value of every human life is a long-term and commonly discussed issue. However, the existence of animals, plants, and non-human objects does not always receive the same support. Today, anthropocentrism is being challenged by environmental ethics, the discipline that discusses the relationship between people and the environment (Brennan &...