Biopsychologic Model of Alcohol Consumption

Treatments To achieve the best results, it is vital to incorporate methods effective against a specific type of addiction. Reportedly, medical treatment is the most effective in combating alcoholism (Anderson Redal, Thomas, Sim, & Campbell, 2019). The second and third best treatments are Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and non-medical outpatient care...

Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Improving quality in health care is one of the essential tasks that should be pursued in any medical institution. The quality of hospital services depends on external factors, such as industrial manufacturing processes (Hall & Roussel, 2017). However, doctors themselves can also actively influence this factor by holding various kinds...

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; Reason for Smaller Size of Prokaryotes

Prokaryotes are organisms that lack a cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelle, while Eukaryotes possess both. The nucleus is one of the most important structures required in living organisms. The nucleus can be thought of as the ‘brain’ of the cell. Mostly Prokaryotes are single-celled or unicellular, except the...

H.R. 6201: Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Summary of the First COVID 19 Response Bill COVID 19 has hit the global community. America has responded by enacting. This Bill was enacted on March 6th, 2020. Precisely, $ 8.3 billion was set for response (Olson et al, 2020). Has improved COVID 19 service delivery. Aim of the Bill...

Leadership: The Efficiency of the Company

Leadership is a crucial component that allows to effectively perform managing tasks and maximize the efficiency of the company, which consequently catalyzes the goal-achieving process. Most of the time, high-grade leadership is responsible for the organization’s internal and external success as it shapes the way staff works and performs. The...

The Theory of Caring Project

Self-care is an evidence-based approach that health professionals should take seriously if they are to become successful care providers. The selected personal activity that results in relaxation and gratification is that of taking long walks. This initiative can promote stress reduction and uplift one’s spirits. Such a practice can make...

An Effective Communication With Adult Patients

Introduction Patient satisfaction with the quality of services provided and the degree of care taken by the medical staff towards the patient is cited as a problem that was selected for analysis. Improving patient satisfaction with medical care is the most important task of the modern healthcare system in general...

Pressure Ulcers: Issue Bullet Points

Definition of the Problem Patient’s immobility results in strain ulcers The treatment eliminates health and financial complications Need to consider ulcers improvement cases Elaboration of methods to help individuals Strain ulcers in the critical department Note: Ulcers result from patients’ immobility and lead to specific complications. Scientific and Mathematical Analytical...

Motivational Interviewing as a Smoking Cessation Method

What are the Clinical Interventions for Patients Unwilling to Quit Cigarette Smoking? Upon arriving at the clinics, all health practitioners advise patients to quit using tobacco and assess their level of willingness to give up smoking. For patients who are identified as unwilling to cooperate at the time, specialized interventions...

Launching Bendable iPhone

Apple is one of the most successful tech companies that are known for their innovative solutions in the field of customer electronics and computer software. The mission of Apple is to provide the best user experience by offering innovative software, hardware, and services (Rowland). The goals of this company are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurse Turnover Quantitative & Qualitative Research

Introduction It should be noted that evidence-based care practices are fundamental to effective care. Qualitative and quantitative research is a tool for obtaining new medical data and results. In the context of this study, an analysis of nursing turnover associated with dissatisfaction with work processes due to stress is provided....

Capitalism in Business and Modern World

The current world runs and operates within the capitalist theory and practice. Many countries have greatly benefited from the established globalization model and continue to build new ways of advancing their intertwined and interdependent economies. However, recent events relating to financial, environmental, and societal problems arising around the globe have...

Risk Management and Safety

Introduction Quality of care is critical in a hospital; therefore, the risk management system should work on identifying and resolving issues to prevent patients from being injured. This paper will identify an issue, discuss related nurse leader competencies, and propose guidelines. Inefficiency Hand hygiene compliance is low, and both staff...

Limitations and Solutions Related to Diseases

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a spectrum of diseases related to long-term breathing problems and airflow blockage. It appears to be quite widespread: as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates (2017), 16 million Americans suffer from this spectrum of diseases. Moreover, there is a problem of undiagnosed patients,...

Lisbet Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

Introduction Evidence-based practice allows a nurse or another medical worker to revolve an issue by applying recent studies in the relevant field. One such problem is the decreasing rate of nursing turnover. There are various reasons for it, but all lead to the patients being affected as well. This paper...

Review of Articles on the Factors for Poor Outcomes

There are numerous social, ethnic, and culture-related reasons behind the poor health of the population. It is essential to understand their origins and connotations in order to eliminate their effects efficiently. The role of nurse practitioners has been shifting from providing direct medical assistance to directing the social changes that...

Cultural Considerations in Public Health

Introduction Consanguinity is the kinship of two individuals defined by the sharing of biological ancestors. In other words, it refers to a reproductive relationship or marriage between two closely kindred persons (Koellner et al., 2018). In many countries, this phenomenon is a typical feature, and marriages, especially between first cousins,...

“Paralytic” by Sylvia Plath: The Lesson of Compassion

Humanities is an interesting batch of disciplines, as it studies what seems obvious – people themselves and what they create. However, it appears that both subjects are complex, and there is no definite way to interpret them. The sheer variety of art expressions shows not only how talented the creators...

Sexual Assault Response and Prevention in the US Army

The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program in the United States Army. It is an integrated and proactive effort to address sexual assault within the ranks of the armed forces. Sexual prevalence rose by 1.4% for women to a total of 5.8%, and 0.7% for men over 2 years...

Distribution Chain in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry requires supply chain managers to ensure that the product is in proper condition and delivered on time. Medical supplies are considered perishable goods, so they require adequate packaging, storage, and careful handling (Abideen & Mohamad, 2019). Moreover, many pharmaceuticals have a relatively short expiration period, which should...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of the Financial Manager

The finance manager is an important and eminent person in any organization. The finance manager has to control all financial activities of the organization like controlling the cash, long term and short term investments, etc., handling the company’s shares, dividend distribution to shareholders, financial assets, and liabilities of the organization....

Ethical Dilemma: Consenting to Chemotherapy

Abstract Cassandra, a 17-year-old girl, is not legally permitted to make her own medical decisions because of her age. Her mother sides with her decision not to undertake a chemotherapy treatment. The DCF gains custody of Cassandra and decides to compel her to undergo chemotherapy treatment, posing an ethical dilemma...

The Boeing Company: Current Performance

The Boeing Company, similar to other large aircraft manufacturers, is experiencing an economic decline due to the combination of recent events. Examining the company’s financial performance from 2015 to 2019, one can see a gradual increase in revenue from 2015 to 2018, followed by a steep decrease between 2018 and...

Competitive Dynamics of Vipshop Holdings Limited

Introduction The present-day business world presents a challenge for companies requiring them to continuously realign their policies to remain competitive on the market. Vipshop Holdings Limited is no exception to the rule, and its management’s actions should correspond to the principles of competitive dynamics. In order to analyze them, it...

Health and Medicine: Vicodin

Vicodin Vicodin is a pain control substance that is often given to patients who have undergone surgery and suffering from serious injuries. The drug is highly addictive and can cause serious problems when a large number of doses are given to the client. Mr. K is supposed to take up...

Impact of Culturally Diverse Workforce

Introduction The evolution and advancement of technology have resulted in various countries in the world is interconnected. As a result, most companies are finding themselves having a culturally diverse workforce. Such individuals exhibit differences in culture, language, and attitudes. The value of diversity in teams exceeds beyond attracting a larger...

Health Issue Analysis: Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is a rapidly growing epidemic that spreads worldwide. Various national and international health organizations research this field and report about the elevated levels of the identified health issue within the last decades, which is primarily caused by the medication prescription (Paulozzi, Kilbourne, & Desai, 2011). Although the...

Terror Fear Factor Analysis

The general public in the United States has easy access to mass media in the form of television, the internet as well as external sources. While on one hand, the easy access to media is beneficial for the general public when it comes to accessing daily news and information, it...

What Can be Done About Gun Control in the US?

The United States have one of the most liberal gun control policies in the world. Due to this, mass shootings have become common and school shootings are almost exclusively associated with the US in the public mind. There are many measures and restrictions that the US government can imply to...

Ancient DNA Studies and Current Events Analysis

A study conducted at Paul Sabatier University found that societal shifts caused ancient hunter-gatherers to prefer male horses. The research used DNA from the remains of ancient horses to determine alterations in animal husbandry preferences. The study of DNA, starting with the human genome, has broadened to allow researchers to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Noise Pollution as a Problem in Los Angeles

In the daytime, Los Angeles is a bustling city: cars are humming, construction works are underway, dogs are barking, and music concerts are held outdoors. As is usually the case in large cities, Los Angeles does not fall silent at night. In contrast, the silence at night in the village...

OfficeMax Business Report

OfficeMax Office supplies are essential for many people, especially in the areas next to offices, business centers, and schools (Hofenk et al., 2019). The office supplies business belongs to the most common companies which are entirely identical everywhere. The corporations existing in various locations share exact similar supplies and operate...

Researching of the Opioid Crisis

The term opioid describes natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic opiates, and new psychoactive substances, NPS that have similar health effects as opioids. These products are used in medical practices due to their ability to relieve agony. Opioids activate the release of feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain. These neurotransmitters are also referred...

Homer “Odysseus”: Plot and Aspects

The main plot of the series revolves around Odysseus’ return home after the Trojan War. God Poseidon set up a terrible sea storm, and the few survivors were scattered worldwide. The protagonist has the most challenging part, wandering for ten years and trying to return home, overcoming more difficult trials....

History of the Koreas During 1910-1945

The early twentieth century became a ground-breaking period of time for many countries, as the most influential conflicts and events occurred at the time. Japan’s aim of strengthening its political and economic rank in the world could be highlighted as one of the main reasons for its invasion of Korea...

The Playroom as the Heart of the House

A playroom is a great place to have in the house because it provides multiple entertainment opportunities for the whole family. This playroom is located in the center of the home with open walls for easy entry and exit and is well-equipped with toys, furniture, and electronics to cater for...

Lack of Parking in Big Cities: Reasons, Causes, and Potential Solutions

Introduction Whether or not you have been looking for a parking space to park your car, it is an essential problem in the present day. Being worried about finding a parking spot to park your car for a long time will always cause anxiety and stress, especially when you are...

Traditions and the Danger of Blindly Following Them

Traditions arise due to the accumulation of experience of generations and people’s interpretation of any events in the world. Traditions are a part of the culture and allow the preservation of language, foundations, and nationalities. However, traditions can harm the life and formation of a society. In The Lottery, Shirley...

The Merger Between Three and O2 and Its Influence on the UK Telecommunications Industry

Although previously, the merger between Three and O2 was seen as hindering competition, currently, the merger product should not be deemed an omnipotent competitive force. However, further analysis of the implications of this merger in the context of the present competition rates within the UK telecommunications industry indicates that There/O2...

Stress at the Workplace: Controlling and Preventing

Introduction People experience distress in most life situations, and the working environment is no exception. The growing business competition pushes corporate managers to create high demands for their workers. In chapter seven, Nelson and Quick (2016) delve into strain at the workplace, its causes, how people respond to it, consequences,...

Quantitative Easing and Carry Trade

Miyakoshi, T., Li, K. W., Shimada, J., & Tsukuda, Y. (2020). The impact of quantitative easing and carry trade on the real estate market in Hong Kong. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 958-976. Web. Evaluating trends of the foreign exchange market is a challenging task, which can be...

Concept of Identification of Potential Risks of Project X

Introduction Risk identification on a project is an important process in Identifying threats or opportunities a project is likely to encounter while in progress. The risk identification on a project usually focuses on eliminating or reducing the chances of a threat whilst raising the likelihood and impact of an opportunity....

McDonald’s: Entering the East Asian Market

When people think of globally successful business endeavors, the McDonald’s company is likely to be the first one to cross one’s mind. Indeed, the rapid dissemination of McDonald’s franchises all over the world may be reasonably perceived as a manifestation of globalization because people from the polarly opposite socio-cultural background...

Emergency Escape Ramps: Important or Not

Introduction An emergency escape ramp (EER) also known as an escape lane, is a road construction device that allows a safe stop for vehicles that have lost control of their braking system (Arizona Department of Transportation). Such tools are needed to prevent road accidents and save the lives of drivers,...

The US Constitution and Fears of Antifederalists

The division and separation of powers by the Constitution of the United States may be regarded as a powerful mechanism of the preservation of democracy, order, and citizens’ freedoms. Throughout history, the concentration of unlimited power in one person’s hands led to the establishment of the authoritarian regime, oppression, and...

“The Sea of Trolls” by Farmer

Setting and Background Mythology is a collection of narratives, which explain the origin of the world without factual credibility. For instance, one the main characters Thorgil references the in-universe mythology: “That’s Asgard where the gods live and that’s the gate of Valhalla” (p. 360). Legends are stories of real events,...

Evaluation Focus and Question

Introduction Team Read, being a program aimed at assisting schoolers from the second to the fifth grade in terms of enhancing reading skills through high school students’ mentorship, encompasses the interaction with various stakeholders, including both students and mentors. For this reason, the major focus of the evaluation conducted by...

Smart Pacifiers Product Marketing Forecasting

Introduction The UK is a wealthy developed democracy where the adoption of smart products is already underway. As such, it should account for a significant portion of the global smart pacifier market. The smart pacifier was established early in the previous decade and began sales around 2015. The device was...

Femicide: Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Women

Femicide is a terrible reality of the modern world, which is hard to believe. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed health problems around the world and the problem of gender-based violence: many thousands of women were isolated along with male tyrants without the opportunity to leave. It is necessary to talk...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Concept and Aspects of Groupthink

Introduction Being a part of a team and having to participate in its activities and decision-making processes may be challenging for some people and both beneficial and destructive for the whole group. To make sure the achieved consensus is likely to be effective, it is essential to have an in-depth...

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: Building

Innovation in construction is an important aspect that helps not only optimize individual approaches to planning but also carry out bold and creative projects. An example of a market participant who has proven the value of pioneering in construction is Project Frog, the organization that works with modular and traditional...

Disagreeing With Abortion Encouragement

Abortion is contentious topic that has engulfed the socio-political debate in policy formation and general societal expectations. Approximately 600,000 abortions are performed in the United States year, with the CDC reporting a rate of 11.3 per 1000 women. The issue has become embedded in political and ideological opinions, often creating...

King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital: Electronic Medical Records

Introduction With the introduction of electronic medical records (EMRs) in the King Abdullah Specialized children’s hospital (KASCH), it is vital to explore the perspectives of patients and doctors towards the intervention. Almory et al. (2016) found that integrating EMRs in providing patient care reduces severe medical errors in pediatric patients...

Safe Drinking Water: Current Status and Recommendations

Critical Analysis of the Issue The deficit of clean water becomes more evident each year. As with most ecological disasters, the human intervention with nature is at the center of the problem. While World Health Organization, according to Martinez-Santos (2017, p.2), acknowledges that, “the number of people using safe water...

Policy Issues That Surround Public and Private Healthcare

Policy Issues of Public Healthcare The state health policy is aimed at creating conditions for the health system that allows for health education of the population, prevention of diseases, provision of medical care to citizens, the conduct of scientific research in the field of health, and training of medical and...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery in Virginia in the 1600s

Indentured servitude and slavery possessed different connotations for individuals in Virginia in the 1600s. Some slave masters would grant freedom to slaves after a certain period. In other instances, they would provide these individuals with a piece of land within their plantation to work. Such slaves would consequently purchase their...

Europe Between 1788 and 1848: Change and Continuity

In the period between 1788 and 1848, Europe was torn between the two conflicting forces: those of change and of continuity. After the French Revolution, the monarchy in many European countries witnessed a crisis that gave rise to revolutionary movements all across the continent. Political and economic liberalism strived to...

Market Economy Emergence

Introduction The population of America began to expand in 1815 due to the accession of various states to the union and the appearance of immigrants from different countries actively. The first trends of freedom attracted residents of other countries, although slavery still took place. The South of America expanded cotton...

Gender: Do People Choose Their Sexual Orientation?

Undoubtedly, it is challenging to discover whether people choose their sexual orientation on their own or live with it from birth. On the one hand, according to Steensma et al. (2013), psychological factors, such as child and parental characteristics, and the biological ones, such as the effects of parental exposure...

City Planning and Pandemics: Efficient Approach

Introduction Current coronavirus crisis teaches the society to realize the essential need for a new urban planning approach. Rewriting local regulation is not enough to provide equal sustainability. It is the radical change in the political economy that embraces an adapted urban planning system. The COVID-19 pandemics has showed that...

Educational Institutions’ Social Problems: Juvenile Delinquency

Social problems, such as racism, poverty, addictions, and unplanned pregnancy, occur in educational institutions. Children unconsciously reflect the attitudes of adults who, as members of society, are involved in all of the problems, that is why educational institutes discover the same range of issues. Juvenile delinquency is the problem that...

COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Environment

Background There is a common opinion that the COVID-19 pandemic has a positive impact on the environment. Reducing the consumption of fossil fuels means lower carbon dioxide emissions from burning them. In March 2020, the European Space Agency traces a significant decrease in air pollution in many countries. The scientists...

HR Policies and Practices in Google

Correlating one’s personal traits and performance can be useful if the former is considered as one of many factors that affect the latter. However, I think that it should not be used as a sole basis for screening the potential candidates because personal traits cannot be only a performance predictor....

Patient Care Using Medical Technology

World technological advancements are also realized in the medical field. Technology is changing the way medical personnel takes care of diseases and physique challenges. Increased technology enables personnel to effectively care for their patient’s health. Due to an influx in patient numbers, practitioners have difficulties in providing much-needed care to...

The “Interpersonal Relations Theory” by Hildegard Peplau

Introduction Nursing theories are powerful frameworks that guide practitioners to provide personalized and high-quality care to their patients. Hildegard Peplau is one of the professionals whose ideas continue to reshape healthcare practice. Her “Interpersonal Relations Theory” identifies the nursing process as a sequential procedure that focuses on the best problem-solving...

American Criminal Justice: Due Process

Due process is a fundamental and absolute right of an American citizen, which ensures that the state must adhere to the law and take into account individual liberties. It is mentioned twice in the Constitution in the Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment. The former states: “no person shall… be...

The Effect of Music Therapy on the Elderly

Purpose of the Study Improvements in medicine and technology have increased life expectancy, leading to a rise in the elderly population. However, health problems associated with advanced age continue to persist, thereby increasing the risk of mental health disorders such as depression. Pharmacological interventions for depression are available but may...

10-K Ford Motor Company Review

Introduction Modern public companies are expected to file Form 10-K annually in order to report the specifics of their financial performance. This report is usually rather comprehensive and detailed to reflect what financial goals were achieved by a company during a certain period of time (Epstein, 2014). The purpose of...

The Impact of Medicare on Today’s Healthcare Ecosystem

Introduction Medicare is one of the government-funded health insurance programs in the United States. It offers health coverage for people older than 65 years, people of any age with specific disabilities, and people of any age with end-stage renal disease (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2019). As an effective...

Strategic Planning in Current Hospitality Industry

Tourism is one of the most significant pillars of economic growth in numerous international economies. The industry accounts for 20.8% of the international revenue and 21.7% of the total employment before the COVID-19 pandemic (Aladag et al., 2020). However, the world bank’s recent report revealed an alarming situation caused by...

The Dilemma of Telling the Diagnosis to Terminal ill Patients

One of the difficulties of the doctor’s work, not to mention the technical part, is telling the patients and their loved ones about the diagnosis. The matter gets even worse when the patient has a severe disorder and is terminally ill. People in Asian culture believe that it is better...

Major Depressive Disorder in Sex Workers

Definitions and Symptoms Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a health issue that can affect anyone given the presence of respective circumstances, yet sex workers are under a particularly high threat. Due to the constant exposure to traumatic experiences and the lack of awareness of and access to healthcare services, the...

Depression Treatment Variants in the US

Depression treatment in the U.S. varies based on health practitioners’ preferences. Some prefer drugs as the ultimate solution, whereas others embrace therapy. Regardless of the approach, severe ordeals of depression are treatable provided that the patients remain positive and are dedicated to adopting the different educational strategies as advised by...

Herpes: Psychological, Physical, and Behavioral Effects

As Sternberg et al (964-973) argue, although the global prevalence of herpes has reduced, as compared to other sexually transmitted diseases, herpes is one of the least discovered sexually transmitted viral diseases, in its early stages of infection. This is the case primarily because, unlike other sexually transmitted infections that...

How Geography Influenced Colonial Economy in America

Introduction When British colonists came to America, they chose strategic locations they thought were fit to create a stronghold for them over the Native Americans. The British drove the natives out of land that they felt was more valuable and occupied it. The places they chose were either fertile land...

Criminal Case Analysis: Criminal Act Synopsis, Crime Identification

Criminal Act Synopsis A mother and daughter were trying to make a phone call at a free-standing phone booth. A person passed by the two women and then returned. He started talking to the women in an offensive manner. He continued to verbally abuse women and also made several racist...

Jazz Musician Comprehension: John “Dizzy” Gillespie

Jazz is a popular style of music originating from a blend of blues and ragtime. There are many outstanding musicians that shaped the history and development of music. One of them is John “Dizzy” Gillespie, who invented the contemporary trumpet playing in jazz. According to Ulven (2020), Gillespie was a...

Criminal Cases: Trial by Juries

Introduction The use of juries in trials remains a contentious subject, considering there are individuals who think it is bizarre to rely on twelve laypersons to make legal decisions. Jury trials are a fundamental pillar of criminal law since it is a right of every person facing serious charges in...

LP Record Label Company: The Enter the International Market

Expanding a company and taking it into the international market is a challenge that needs thorough consideration implemented by its strategic management division. This analysis typically includes assessing various commercial, cultural, political, and institutional factors that could impact the new operation. The purpose of this paper is to consider the...

Attention and Consumer Behavior

The phenomenon of attention might seem as a fairly simple concept to define, yet a closer analysis will prove that attention is a rather difficult notion to approach. It appears that attention can be described as the ability to notice details that will inform one’s future choices and decisions. In...

Developmental Assessment of the School-Aged Child and Its Peculiarities

Introduction Physical assessment of the patient is one of the core skills of any nurse. As such, it is important to find the right approach for any age demographic, both adults and children. An assessment of a child usually consists of various practices, often depending on the child’s age and...

The Problem of Different Perspectives of Supervisors on the Same Issue

A management problem I have encountered during the experience in my work place in the Respiratory Department consists of different perspectives of Respiratory supervisors on the same issue. Respiratory supervisors in this department include a supervisor, a lead Therapist, a charge, and the seniority Therapist. As a consequence, I have...

Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Researches in Nursing

Tucker, J., Whitehead, L., Palamara, P., Rosman, J. X., & Seaman, K. (2020). Recognition and management of agitation in acute mental health services: A qualitative evaluation of staff perceptions. BMC Nursing, 19(1), 1-10. Web. Tucker et al.’s (2020) research article Recognition and management of agitation in acute mental health services:...

Financial Accounting Cycle Steps

The financial affairs of any enterprise require constant attention, accuracy, and reporting. The accounting cycle is the process of recording and analyzing a company’s financial transactions necessary for reporting, which is repeated every accounting period. The cycle helps to make it easier to control financial transactions and business activities for...

The Transport 5th Wave Impact

Many stakeholders have predicted that the present wave will be in existence for 30 years, from 1990 to 2020. Currently, transport providers are capable of better management of their production and supply systems. This is due to a tremendously improved operational atmosphere (Malik, 2005). This wave is reliant on information...

History of Immigration in the United States

Immigrants mainly founded the United States, and the country has been the recipient of the new energy and resourcefulness that foreigners bring. Immigrants construct about 14% of the whole population, and half of them are naturalized residents (Giuliano & Tabellini, 2020). Settlers form critical portions of the U.S. labor force...

Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Digestion and Absorption

Research and Report Obesity and overweight are serious health issues that negatively affect the systems of the human body. To help people lose excess weight, healthcare professionals recommend patients undergo one of the three types of bariatric surgery: a gastric band, gastric sleeve, or gastrointestinal bypass. This paper will explore...

How Pollution Affects Humans and Environment

Introduction The notion of pollution has become one of the most challenging global issues affecting the world in the 21st century. While some people are genuinely interested in making Earth a safer place to live for their descendants, the vast majority of the population still undermines the issue facing the...

Racism Against Health Care Workers

Introduction In today’s world, the damaging problem of the racial disparities keeps affecting the workers of the health care systems, as well as its patients. The existence of the racial dimension in medical treatment and health service system, as well as the patient-provider interactions, has a significant impact on the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Dream and Poverty in the United States

Many people argue that US social and economic inequality, routine discrimination, and political problems make the American Dream impossible. However, today the dream of many Americans is not luxury real estate and shares of leading companies, but the ability to choose their own way of life (Engle). The rights and...

Chipotle’s Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix

Building an IFE matrix for Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. allowed for a detailed evaluation of the company’s strengths and weaknesses, or internal advantages and disadvantages. As seen from the first part of the matrix, one of the restaurant’s greatest strengths is its established presence on its domestic market, in the...

Bioethical Analysis: Case of Terri Schiavo

The present paper aims at providing bioethical analysis world-famous case of Terri Schiavo, a patient who was artificially kept alive for more than 15 years in a vegetative state. Ms. Shiavo experienced cardiac arrest, which led to brain injury, on February 15, 1990 (Fine, 2005). As a result, the patient’s...

“Salon de la Rue Des Moulins” by by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

  Introduction In the current essay, a painting “Salon de la rue des Moulins” by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec will be analyzed in-depth, considering the context in which it was created. A brief overview of the painting, the artistic movement, the artist’s style, different influences, and personal reflection on learning will...

Social Barriers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction When the world is under pressure from the COVID-19 infection, previously implicit public health problems became apparent to people. Without pointing out the rather spontaneous difficulties with the lack of personal protective equipment such as disposable gloves and masks, emphasis should be placed on an information system and the...

VTE: Finding the Research Evidence

Introduction Evidence-based nursing, which combines research data with clinical expertise, is essential for improving patient outcomes. The issue of non-compliance with VTE prophylaxis negatively affects the quality of care and requires adequate research evidence. The purpose of the following work is to discuss two articles representing different types of evidence,...

Ethical Considerations of Organ Conscription Policy

The issue of organ donation is acute in most countries, since transplantation has undoubted benefits and can save hundreds of people, but at the same time, it raises moral questions for many people. The organ conscription policy causes many controversies because the state takes organs from all deceased people who...

The Gun Control in the United States

Dramatic incidents involving firearms in the United States are drawing more and more attention to gun control. The availability of guns leads to episodes of violence with their use. The Washington Post reports 163 incidents of mass shootings between 1967 and 2019 (Berkowitz and Alcantara). Moreover, from 2014 to 2016,...

“Great Falls” by Ford vs. “Cathedral” by Carver

The first story is Great Falls and is about a young boy who lives a simple rural life with his family in Montana. The second story is Cathedral by Ray Carver and is about a married couple who invites a blind man to their house. This essay will compare and...

National Handwashing Awareness Week

The ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) has taught many people additional lessons about personal hygiene. Hand washing emerges as an evidence-based practice for preventing the spread various bacterial and viral diseases. This initiative would be appropriate for the national hand washing awareness week in December. The move is capable...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Virtual Road Trip Through Texas

The Mineral Wells Baker Hotel – an infamous place that has gathered the attention of many paranormal enthusiasts and horror fans around the United States. What decades ago has been a grandiose and luxurious place for relaxation is now only a shadow of its former self, attracting an all-new kind...

Cyberchamp Inc.’s Ethics and Financial Management

Introduction In business and finance, many ethics issues are controversial and require detailed consideration. The common ethical violations may involve insider trading, project financing, or stakeholder interest (Hunjra, 2018). The case study of Cyberchamp Inc. presents an assistant finance manager Olive Earle faced with a choice related to her decision...

The Caring for the Nguyens

The case study presented an issue connected to the prescription of asthma treatments to a 3-year-old Kim Phan. The child was diagnosed with the disease after evaluating presenting symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and nasal congestion. He was prescribed a five-day tapering course of prednisone,...

Will the New Communication Technologies Bring a New Age of Democracy?

Introduction Communication technologies are an essential part of the realities of the modern age, where every aspect of human life is directly impacted by the digital world. It is obvious that all kinds of technologies, such as social media, the Internet, and other online communication tools, have brought a wide...

Computerized Equipment in Operating Room

The introduction of computerized equipment in an operating room marked a fundamental milestone in the field of medicine. This has greatly improved the care and safety given to patients during the operation process; it also improves on management and efficiency of operating surgeons. A computerized operation room reduces time lost...

Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement

My name is Roberto B[LAST NAME], and my credentials include [CURRENT EDUCATION LEVEL]. I have chosen to pursue the Executive Leadership Nurse specialty track of this Master of Science in Nursing program. I believe that this particular path will allow me to contribute to the field of nursing and advocate...

How Drugs Influence the Crimes

What is the extent to which the drug subculture influences criminal behavior? How does it achieve this influence? Nowadays one can see that in every nook and corner thousands of people are addicted to drugs. It is increasing day by day among adolescent children too. This will lead the children...

Plea Bargaining: Justice or Injustice

Plea bargaining is one of the key elements of the American Criminal Justice system. It is a unique approach towards inducing cooperation between the defendant and the prosecutor regarding the case. Its advantage is that both parties achieve some form of benefit, but the disadvantage is the endangerment of the...

A Clothing Designer for “At Bay” and “Leon” Movies

Previous experience and theoretical knowledge are an essential basis for the work of any team member on the set. I chose the role of a clothing designer to complete my major project; thus, I selected costumes for the characters of the films “At Bay” and “Leon”. My experience and knowledge...

The Downtown Rideau Area: Food Segway Tours

Summary of the Proposal Downtown Rideau is an epicenter of culture and cuisine in Ottawa. Numerous theatres, galleries, and museums are located here; thus, the area attracts many tourists. Moreover, fine dining restaurants, fast food establishments, pubs, and cafes propose all kinds of cuisine from different countries across the globe....

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The Differences between Leadership and Management

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Reducing Staff Shortage: Implementation Plan

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The Impact of Climate Change on the United States

The year 2020 was challenging for the entire world due to the pandemic and the high number of deaths, as well as the economic disruptions it brought. Yet, there were also events related to climate, which in many instances also claimed the lives of numerous people. For instance, there were...

“The Book of Eli” Movie Review

“The Book of Eli Movie” is set in post-apocalyptic times, with Eli being the protagonist. Eli is a Godly person driven by his faith in God and is on a mission to preserve and protect the only remaining copy of the Bible. Ethics can also be analyzed in this film...

Formal Features in “When I Consider How My Light Is Spent” by Milton

“When I Consider How My Light Is Spent” is one of the most famous works written by John Milton in the middle of the 17th century. Compared to contemporary poetry and other Italian sonnets, this poem is characterized by complex syntax and the evaluation of serious themes related to human...

Police Use of Force and Its Limits

Police officers play an essential role in every community by ensuring justice, public order, and safety. Policing in the United States has evolved significantly since its emergence in a colonial country. According to Chism, the history of police can be divided into four eras: “the Political Era, the Reform Era,...

Why Is Leadership Style Important for a Company?

In the present paper, the author argues that leadership style matters because it heavily affects the overall performance of a company. To begin with, the claim that a leadership style does not matter is groundless and is not supported in the academic and expert community. The primary reason for this...

Mass Shootings Issue on Example of Michigan

The problem of mass shootings is gaining momentum and is increasingly manifested in modern society. Despite the horror of this action, it is necessary to apply guidelines of notoriety. This phenomenon consists of the non-proliferation of information, such as, for example, the image of the person who committed the shooting....

Happiness in Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics”

Happiness is a sufficient and perfect that of human beings. Aristotle argues that there are different lives people tend to consider happiness. The types of lives stated by Aristotle include the life of political action, the life of money-making and gratification, and contemplation or philosophical life study. People appreciate all...

Rutherford B. Hayes Presidency

Rutherford B. Hayes served as the 19th president of the U.S. between 1877 and 1881. He won the highly contested 1877 elections narrowly by defeating the Democratic Party candidate Samuel J. Tilden by one electoral vote. Hayes’ presidency marked the period in which America transitioned from the era of Reconstruction...

“Introduction to Criminology” Book by Hagan

A Brief Overview The present chapter is intensely focused on survey research, questionnaires. It is divided into four main parts covering the topic in detail. The first part introduces the history of survey research and explains how surveys are used in research papers. The next section concentrates on the wording,...

Hepatitis B and C Infection in Kidney Dialysis Units

Introduction The following is a research proposal on the epidemiology of Hepatitis B infections in the dialysis units. The dialysis units are the sources of the Hepatitis B virus. This knowledge helps to look for ways of preventing kidney dialysis patients from hepatitis infection which will be the concern of...

Dominant and Backup Leadership Styles

The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid is a leadership framework based on two behavioral pattern dimensions. The first dimension represents a concern for people that detects the leader’s number one priorities: employee satisfaction, motivation, and positive emotional well-being. The second dimension represents a concern for results, implying the leader’s emphasis on...

Aspects of Transportation and Distribution

Introduction Supply chain management and logistics aim to optimize and speed up the transportation and distribution of products from producers to consumers. It leads to lower prices for goods, attracting an existing customer base and new consumers (Addicted to cheap shopping?, 2007). As a result, both parties are satisfied. Companies...

Evidence-Based Practice Improving Nursing Care

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a healthcare approach that applies the most current research available to improve the safety and health of patients while reducing overall costs and variation in health outcomes. It uses problem-solving approaches that combine best practices from the latest medical reviews with clinical experience and the patient’s...