Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia

Introduction This is a review of an article, Relations Between Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia by Hendryx and Ahern (2008). The review focuses on the purpose of the study, methodology, strengths, weaknesses, presentation of the findings and implications. Purpose Hendryx and Ahern (2008) identified...

Suicide Barriers on the Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is one of the most famous attractions in the world that has been notorious for its suicidal history. People intentionally jump from this bridge to end their lives every two weeks, choosing this method of suicide as the quickest and most available. Despite...

Consideration of Creativity: Perfection, Diversity, Profusion, and Inventiveness

Although society attributes art to secularity, there is immense evidence that God and humanity are the primary sources of creativity. In “Echoes of Eden,” Jerram Barrs explores this notion and encourages evangelicals to embrace art instead of shunning it. Barrs bases his arguments on Daniel Loizeaux’s four key ideas –...

Osnos’ Article “Survival of the Richest” Analysis

Introduction It is natural for civilizations to experience periods of prosperity and decline since it is a complex social structure where people are the mechanisms. Through experience, science, and surviving sources, people learned to identify some of the impending decline patterns to prevent or avoid the upcoming crises. One of...

Internal and External Conflict in “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

Human relationships are never simple and are usually predetermined by a variety of factors. In Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” the theme of family relationships is described through the vision of a little boy, Paul, and his mother, Hester, and the impact of such issues as money and personal needs. Despite...

Structural Humiliation: The Term Definition

Humiliation can be exercised through wide range of possible acts, such as denigration of a child by a teacher in the presence of other students or mild forms of humiliation, for instance, speaking for those who can speak for themselves (Sayer, 2005, p. 161). The same author mentions a special...

“Small Change” and “The Facebook Dilemma “ Comparison

In his thought-provoking article titled “Small Change,” printed in The New Yorker, Malcolm Gladwell posits that social web platforms do not profoundly transform the nature of societal revolutions. Citing civil rights struggles that started in 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina, Gladwell proves that real-time, online media is not an indispensable...

The Emergence of Professional Disputes and Conflicts

Main Post Emergence of professional disputes and conflicts is inevitable because of existing cultural, social, and experiential discrepancies among employees and employers. To avoid such misunderstandings, a hospital should establish specific ethical and moral codes (Roussel & Swansburg, 2009). However, I had a bad experience of being involved into a...

The Concept of Morality as Portrayed in the Novel “Sula” by Toni Morrison

The novel ‘Sula’ focuses on the lives of blacks soon after they were freed from slavery. They formed a community, The Bottom, and tried to lead normal lives, struggling to meet their daily needs. The novel focuses on various themes such as black-white relations, the fear of death, deceit, slavery,...

How Price Changes Alter Their Demand and Supply Graph

Complementary goods are items that are preferably used along with each other. One such good is more practical and popular among consumers if used in conjunction with another compliment. Thereby, any changes in the price of one good directly affect the demand and supply of another. Complementary goods affect each...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Employee Rights in the Philippines

The right to work is one of the fundamental human rights. The state of legislation in the field of the implementation of this right is not only an indicator of the society’s level of development but also an aspect that directly affects the efficiency of its economy. In this regard,...

Networking, Mentorship & Leadership in Nursing

Network with Purpose Networking with a purpose implies behaviors Communication is the cornerstone of a network with purpose in nursing. Effective communication involves the nurse’s knowledge and ability to apply a specific set of behaviors. Amyx (2018) notes that “networking on purpose is about authentic connection” (para. 3). There, one...

Capital Punishment Marshall’s Arguments

Thurgood Marshall is one of two judges who voted against the death penalty in Gregg v. Georgia in 1976. He supported his opinion with two arguments. He claimed that capital punishment was supposed either to deter criminals from committing brutal crimes or to satisfy the need of society for retribution...

Policy on Roles of Licensed Practical Nurses

Nurse delegation is a critical process in the provision of nursing care. Delegation is the process by which nurses assign tasks to other persons to conduct nursing activities and tasks. Registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) have to delegate tasks at various career stages. Some nursing facilities lack...

Aging: Sociological Concepts and Controversies

A heightened debate on contentious issues, such as one concerning the criteria of sharing resources to the disadvantaged, especially to the elderly, is based on claims that assist leaders in decision-making. The case with Williamson and Watts-Ray debate, as provided by Moody and Sasser (2020, p.353-356), is not in any...

Human Papilloma Virus Infection

Statement of the Problem Human papilloma virus (HPV) denotes the most widespread sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is so widespread that almost every sexually active person acquires it at some point in the course of their lives (Giuliano et al., 2015). It can be transmitted even in cases that an...

Discussion of Challenges in Long-Term Care

The first article includes literature reviews of a book that analyzes the perception of nurse long-term care from first-hand sources. The book focuses on ethical issues for specific populations to assist nursing students, educators, researchers, staff, administrators, and others who may interact with long-term care patients. The text is organized...

Discussion of Code of Hammurabi

Hammurabi was the sixth king of the Amorite dynasty, who had a residence in the year of Babylon. In 1783 BC, he began a series of military campaigns that led to creating an empire from Mari and Nineveh to the Persian Gulf. The heyday of the Babylonian kingdom falls on...

When Food Costs More Than It Is Supposed To

Introduction: The World Going Completely Bananas Of all food in the entire world, bananas are the best; they have been brought into the world to make the burden of life a tad easier to carry. Jokes aside, bananas are the product that I consume regularly, which makes this kind of...

Practicum Project on Developing and Strengthening Leadership and Management Skills of Nurses

Brief Project Description The focus of the Practicum Project is made on developing and strengthening leadership and management skills. To sophisticate leadership skills and handle managerial procedures, such fields as knowledge management, technology innovation, training programs will be implemented (Chinn & Kramer, 2008). The practicum will involve direct interaction with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

An Economic Model and Transportation Planning

Introduction An economic model is a statistical model that enables the quantification of casual relationships identified in a given scenario. Using this model, one identifies the most important factors that influence the actions taken and analyzes the behaviour of pertinent economic variables. Economic models are explanatory in nature, and they...

Cancer Patients: The Effectiveness of Pain Diary

The study of clinical states in cancer patients is of fundamental importance for medical sciences. For example, it is well established empirically that one of the central manifestations of cancer development is pain. Research data show that more than half of cancer patients report pain (Dalal & Bruera, 2019; Durham,...

Welfare Policy Concerns and the Activity of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

These days, when psychological insights present an integral part of our reality and define our worldview, everybody knows the importance of happy childhood. Each psychologist starts the therapy from an analysis of traumas, which were received when we were children. Some people share how poverty, lack of attention and care,...

Physical Health Care During Treatment for Substance Use

The research work that is going to be analyzed and discussed covers the topic of treatment methods for the use of addictive substances, such as alcohol, cannabis, and other. The article is published in the Drug and Alcohol Review journal in May of 2021. The title of the article is:...

Strawberry Business: Software Project Management

Multiple tools are available and essential to use when making business management decisions. With the advancement of informational technologies, more and more industries and businesses benefit from using software for analysis and better-informed decision-making. The strawberry industry in general and the Labedo Berries company, in particular, also use business management...

Taking Vacation: Decision-Making Process

I have a part-time job where at least two weeks of a winter vacation is provided, however, my employer would not pay for them. Moreover, the shifts that would be replaced with my resting period mean lower salary for the next month. Considering these crucial factors, I had to decide...

”The Tempest” Performance in St. Louis Review

Introduction Plays are written to be performed on stage, although it may be fascinating and enjoyable to read them as works of literature. However, when watching a theatrical performance, one may get emotions different from those which could be gained from reading. Moreover, impressions of performances of the same play...

A Community Mobile Food Truck to Serve Disadvantaged Children’s Needs

Date Submitted Grant Name Submitted to Address of Receiving Party Submitted by Address of Submitting Party Project Abstract The author of this proposal is seeking a grant of $94,735 for supporting the community project that is oriented toward addressing the needs of disadvantaged or low-income children and adolescents living and...

Research Interview Types and Practical Usage

Interviews are an important element of research, which must be given a higher preference when choosing a data collection method. According to Hagan (2017), interviews refer to conversations in which one party, the interviewer, solicits responses from a second party, the interviewee, to gather information. Based on a critical review...

Policy Memo for Opioid Addiction Among Senior Citizens

Executive Summary This policy memo aims to communicate what needs to be done regarding opioid addiction among senior citizens. Since the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is well-financed by the federal government, it needs to develop robust strategies regardless of the cost. There is a need to strengthen...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Applying Internet Laws and Regulations to Educational Technology

Technology has influenced the current society in several ways, from social, individual to academic level. The internet has been used to influence the world both from a professional and academic perspective. Academically, humanities, history, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences have been impacted by the internet in society. Technology...

Abigail’s Responsibility for The Tragic Events in Salem

There are many evil characters in the play The Crucible, but Abigail Williams is the most prominent. Not only is Abigail unkind and malicious, but the character will get what she wants regardless of the consequences. Despite being a pathological liar, Abigail will try several options to achieve her ambitions...

Fry Method Assessing Readability of Documents

Fry Method Paper A readability test is essential to audience because it determines the level of difficulty in reading materials. Moreover, it ensures that reading material is prepared in accordance with the reading skills of the targeted audience (Center for Disease Control [CDC], 2012). This paper will calculate the reading...

The McMaster University: Guidelines for Quantitative Studies

It goes without saying that medical researches deserve close attention and consideration. The medical researches which are made with the claim of their further applicability deserve far more consideration and interpretation, lots of preliminary work before the actual living out of the claims, found within a research book. There are...

Missing Data and Skip Patterns in Statistics

Introduction: Importance of Handling Missing Data and Skip Patterns In statistics, missing data occur when there is no value of data stored for a specific variable in observation, which means that no information is provided for a subject (quantitative research). Skipping patterns refer to one or several questions linked to...

The Values and Motives Questionnaire in Social Studies

Types of Reliability and Validity The Values and Motives Questionnaire (VMQ) presents two types of reliability in the questionnaire that is primarily used for assessment consistency – test-retest reliability and homogeneity reliability (Psytech, 2016). The test-retest reliability is based on the similar scores data, which is evaluated according to a...

Coal Industry in the United States

Introduction Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic across the globe, many households and businesses are consuming less electricity, implying a decline in the demand for coal. As many utilities cut the use of coal power, it predicts an acceleration of the worsening of the coal industry in the...

The Theme of Physical Blindness in the Play “Oedipus the King”

One of the main plays written by the Athenian playwright and poet Sophocles is the tragedy “Oedipus the King.” Oedipus is one of the main characters of the Theban mythological cycle, the action of which is connected with the city of Thebes. The story of Oedipus is complex, even confusing,...

Logical Statements: Venn Diagrams

Introduction To understand arguments in mathematics, it is of necessity to comprehend how known facts are combined, to be capable of proving new facts. In logic, a statement refers to a sentence that can be categorized as being false or true, but with no vagueness (Royden, 2001). Truth value refers...

Haunted City: Ghosts of Berlin

Berlin is a haunted city, and this statement is indeed true in some way. Berlin is a city in which dozens of key events in world history took place. There, important political decisions were made, and deadly battles were fought during the war. Thus, buildings, streets, and even some of...

Nursing: Rafael Emancipatory Knowledge Development

Introduction The study reflects the central ideas of the nursing manifesto that became an illustration of healthcare reforms. According to Kagan, Smith, and Chinn (2009), the concepts that were described by the authors did not evolve sporadically, but they were based on the theories of consciousness-raising, diversity and inclusivity, and...

Was President Obama Legally Justified in Executing Operation Geronimo?

The legality of Operation Geronimo and killing the leader of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda – Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011 remains debatable in terms of liberal democracy. It can be viewed as a violation of fundamental human rights and sovereignty or justice for multiple crimes committed by the...

Police Discretion: Criminal Justice

While in the academy and for their period of training, police are particularly skilled on how to handle various situations that they will come across. A dilemma arises when they get in the field and stumble upon problems which they did not receive training for. Instances of new laws being...

Limited Liability Firms, Partnerships, and Corporations

On planning a business one of the first important decisions any promoter has to take is about the structure of the business. Commonly available business structures are sole proprietorship, partnerships, limited liability corporations, and a corporation. In this write, a comparative study of the structures of the corporation, limited liability...

“Sense and Sensibility” by Jane Austen

The lives of people in the past and, more specifically, their relationships were primarily guided by material considerations. This world is portrayed in the novel “Sense and Sensibility,” written by Jane Austen, which demonstrates the rigid social hierarchy of the time leading to human greed. It is especially applicable to...

Nursing Migration and Global Health

Abstract This essay explores the roles of nurses and the impact of migration on global health systems. The international health sector has witnessed diverse and complex transformations. The global and national trends in relation to the provision and delivery of medical care have a huge impact on the world’s population....

Diagnosis and Management of Asthma

Dharmage, S. C., Perret, J. L., & Custovic, A. (2019). Epidemiology of asthma in children and adults. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 7, 1-15. Web. This article summarizes the findings from the investigation of the relationship between genetic and environmental determinants in asthma’s high-risk groups. The role environmental exposures play in the...

The History Behind “On Being Brought From Africa to America”

In the Poem “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley, an in-depth interpretation will show that Wheatley contrasts dark vs. light imagery, and her use of language highlights race and religion. Furthermore, the author uses an ambivalent representation of the African race using the perspectives of white...

Fyre Festival: Project Audit

Introduction In April 2017, the now-infamous Fyre Festival was supposed to provide a luxury music festival experience. However, arriving at the private island in the Bahamas, the guests discovered that none of their expectations would be fulfilled. In fact, the festival was canceled the same day it was scheduled to...

Social Problems Within Educational Institutions

It is necessary to understand and analyze the connection between various social problems within U.S. educational institutions. The impact of one’s socioeconomic status on a person’s ability to progress their training, alienation among peers, and high dropout rates can be viewed as the primary contributors (Sullivan, 2015). It is also...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Training Needs Analysis in the Restaurant Industry

For the restaurant industry, training, motivation, and performance of employees play a crucial part in the success of a business. This notion indicates the need for extensive attention to the initial steps taken by new hires, as their actions can have an immediate impact on an establishment. This essay aims...

African American Cultural Group’s Health Beliefs

Overview The African American community is the second-largest minority ethnic community in the United States after the Hispanics. It comprises of people whose ancestry can be partially or fully traced back to the Sub-Saharan African ethnicities (Anderson & Stewart, 2012). Although the group may appear as a one-dimensional cultural entity,...

The Novel “Falling Man” by Don DeLillo

The novel Falling Man by Don DeLillo is a story about a man who survived the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. The novel’s plot focuses on the life and relationships of Keith, the main character, who was working in one of the towers and managed to escape the...

The Role of the Social Class in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin

Classism is evident in the classical novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin on all levels. Social division is an obstacle shaped by the times that creates symbolic meanings worth discussing today. One of them is the role of class in a romantic relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy. A middle-class...

The Effects of Gender on Child Obesity

Introduction Child obesity has been defined as a condition where children’s wellbeing or health is affected negatively as a result of excess body fat (Cornette 2008, 140). Because the procedures of determining body fats directly have proved difficult, obesity has been based on Body Mass Index (BMI). Childhood obesity has...

Why People Exercise: Medical and Social Causes

Many people exercise nowadays since this trend has become popular due to the long-standing crisis associated with a sedentary lifestyle among US residents. By living a healthy lifestyle, people often mean regular exercise and a healthy diet. Moreover, scientists note that people most often consider exercise as a hobby or...

The Patient Safety Issues in Today’s Diverse Global Environment

Introduction Patient safety continues to draw global attention and different hospitals are focused at increasing effective patient safety programs (Spath, 2011). Almost all providers-from doctors, nurses, technicians, to pharmacists- have been in support for various system changes aimed at improving patient safety. Nevertheless, most health care facilities are still ill-equipped...

Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise: A Renaissance Anthem”

The spirit of renaissance stirs through many literary works from the last quarter of the 20th century, rejuvenating African American’s will to defy an oppressive system. One such invigorating creation is Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise. This paper analyses how Angelou’s poem criticizes racism and marginalized conditions that have perpetually...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Organizational Risk Management Strategies

The outbreak of Coronavirus on a global scale has transformed conventional ways of running business and managing corporations. The social distancing guidelines and closed borders significantly paralyzed the supply chain processes of many companies that outsourced resources. According to Chang, McAleer, and Wong (2020), “the COVID-19 disease has affected tourism,...

Aspects of Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative research is aimed at obtaining valuable data on the deep motivation of respondents and detailed information about the subject of research. Qualitative methods involve the collection of information in free form; they focus not on statistical measurements, but rely on understanding, explaining, and interpreting empirical data. Additionally, they represent...

How Planning Plays a Role in Whirlpool’s Manufacturing Process

Whirlpool Corporation is one of the leading companies in the manufacturing of kitchenware and laundry products. The company has focused on improving the quality of its goods to attract more customers. Whirlpool is headquartered in Benton Charter Township, Michigan, United States, and ships its products to various countries. Thus, it...

Medication Errors: Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing

Introduction Medication errors can have grave implications such as possible harm to the patient and loss of life (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2013). Nonetheless, at the Centura St. Anthony Hospital, medication error has led to a terrifying new way of dealing with the issue and punishing health professionals on the wrong:...

Exploiting Virtual Value Chain

Executive Summary Over the past decades, the world has changed dramatically, and the business realm has not been left behind. The scenario is exemplified in the article “Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain” by Rayport and Sviokla, published in 1995 in the Harvard Business Review. The authors argue that businesses nowadays...

“The Intern” by Nancy Meyers

Introduction The importance of employment, a desire to work, a threat of retirement, the development of professional qualities, and interpersonal relationships are the issues that bother millions of modern people. To share their opinions and visions, movie directors find it interesting and necessary to discuss these themes in their works....

Arkansas Prison Scandals Regarding Contaminated Blood

Introduction A number of scandals occurred around the infamous Cummins State Prison Farm in Arkansas in 1967-1969 and 1982-1983; the latter scandal was related to the blood gathered from the local prisoners. In this paper, we will discuss a number of issues connected to the blood scandal, as well as...

Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife” as Feminist Manifesto

Judy Brady’s I Want a Wife is a feminist manifesto that dissects the early 1970s’ social stereotypes about the role of women in marriage and motherhood. Using rhetorical language, she paints a rather impressive new perspective of the seemingly familiar and clichéd picture of a married woman. Her essay is...

Teen Anorexia: Mental Illness and an Eating Disorder

Introduction In recent decades, adolescents have increasingly been diagnosed with anorexia. They often have a nervous type of pathology, which is a psychological illness and is accompanied by an eating disorder. The disease is characterized by intense and stable weight loss due to an unreasonable and uncontrollable fear of obesity....

Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy

Background Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is an analytical method that employs two distinct yet depended techniques. Infrared spectroscopy entails use of the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum in identification and study of matter. A mathematically derived algorithm called the Fourier Transform is then used to convert the raw data...

Social Changes Caused by World War II

A tragedy of a massive scale that was World War II pushed human civilization into a new era that was marked by several shifts in societal norms. It has changed the way of life for numerous countries as they were left in a chaotic, exhausted state. However, World War II...

Kandinsky’s and Matisse’s in Different Aspects of Art

Since the second half of the nineteenth century, the art of painting has evolved from photographic-like depictions of objects and people to complex representation of a more abstract nature. Explaining the new art forms, many painters set down their artistic concepts and principles in treatises and essays, among the most...

Magnet Nursing Services Recognition Program

Introduction The Magnet recognition program for distinction in nursing services is the most important and influential credentialing program for nursing services in hospitals, both nationally and internationally. The program was first created to distinguish facilities that provide outstanding nursing care and was called the Magnet hospital program. It also provides...

How Do Human Infants Acquire a Language?

Verbal communication is a singular characteristic exclusive to the human species. This fact triggered many subsequent questions among linguists concerning the nature of human abilities to acquire a language, a large portion of them being on the border of linguistics, philosophy, neurobiology, and psychology. The topic has proved to be...

Auditing: Sarbanes Oxley Act

Introduction Auditing is an important process that is followed to guarantee that financial statements prepared by any company are accurate, and internal controls have been applied effectively. Therefore, auditors are third parties that need to be impartial to provide fair and appropriate conclusions. The role of auditors is to prevent...

Review of Meaning “Kids in Crisis” Film

A film Kids in Crisis reveal significant issue related to childhood mental health. BBC Panorama (2018) illustrates three severe mental health problems and states the story behind them. The film aims to deliver the message that children with mental health issues are not receiving treatment until suicide attempts (BBC Panorama,...

Methodology and Rationale for the Research

Methodology The proposed research aims to investigate if people with down syndrome are less likely to have behaviors if they are provided with one-on-one care. Typically, people having Down syndrome without assistance tend to demonstrate aggressive conduct towards other people (Valentini et al., 2021). Therefore, it is crucial to research...

Public Health Financing Needs in Maryland

Abstract Socioeconomic status of people influences the health outlook of the communities. The socioeconomic status is a key factor that influences the allocation of resources for public health financing. Public health financing helps in the improvement of human welfare. However, public health financing is not just injecting funds into the...

Wellness Programs for Colorectal Cancer

Introduction According to Lundy and Janes (2009), colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of death among the elderly in the current American society. In this plan, the researcher intends to give a clear intervention plan that can help address the problem that has affected so many elderly people...

Marijuana Use: The Impacts Among College Students

Marijuana use has risen in popularity among many college students, as evidenced in higher learning institutions. Legalizing the drug has facilitated increased intake among young adults attending colleges and universities (NIDA. 2020). Marijuana, through cannabinoid (CBD), is beneficial to patients enduring pain from advanced conditions such as cancer. However, tetrahydrocannabinol...

Healthcare Services: Right or Privilege?

Abstract It is generally believed that all people should have free access to health care services. However, today healthcare is a privilege that only particular people can access even though it should be a human right. As a rule, people do not want to receive healthcare, as it is seen...

“Casablanca” and “Being John Malkovich” Films Analysis

Being John Malkovich The first film that is going to be analyzed in this paper is Being John Malkovich. This is a fantasy comedy directed in 1999 by Spike Jonze and written by Charlie Kaufman. The plot of the film is totally absurd and surrealistic. The main character of the...

Ventilator Associated Pneumonia: Symptoms, Treatment

Ventilator-Associated pneumonia can be defined as hospital-acquired pneumonia occurring more than 48 hours after patients get intubated and receive medical ventilation. Higher mortality incidences of VAP causative agents include; Acinetobacter species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Stenostophomonas maltophilia. Signs and symptoms include; low body temperature, fever, decrease in oxygen in the blood,...

The Virtual Reality Storytelling in Education

Learning cultural diversity and global interconnectedness through Lyfta is one the most memorable digital experiences that has had a significant impact on my life. On Tuesday, March 06, 2018, I attended a meeting whose purpose was to introduce Lyfta to teachers and students in professional development school (PDS) classrooms in...

Linear Perspective or Verticality

In the current essay, the central purpose is to answer the essential question: what effect does “linear perspective” or “verticality” have on us? Moreover, one of the artworks discussed in class will be presented and analyzed. The last part of the paper is devoted to a writing reflection form that...

Study of Whiteness and Major Concepts Used

Introduction The study of Whiteness in the social sciences has emerged and become widespread in the last century. As one can see, it has experienced a rebirth in the previous two decades. According to Hill (2008), “more recently, changing ideas of Whiteness have attracted much attention” (p. 13). It is...

Multinational Enterprises’ Global Strategy Adjustments

A global strategy is based on the assumption that the consumption and production patterns of goods and services are homogenous worldwide and countries are interconnected. Multinational enterprises keep total control of their activities by centralizing decision-making global strategy to increase profits while reducing production costs. MNEs can execute global strategy...

Post-War America in Historical Sources

With the end of World War II, the United States became one of the two world superpowers. The country helped Europe to rise from the ruins and experienced an economic and demographic boom; the process of abandoning segregation and racial discrimination has begun. At the same time, an anti-communist propaganda...

Human Resource Department and Mentors in Organization

One of the critical divisions in an organization is the human resource department. This department is responsible for effective and efficient operations in a company. The human resource department’s first role is to design and implement policies, programs, and rules to manage the workforce properly. The second role of this...

Viciousness in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Set in a village background, Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” illustrates the height of human potential to execute violence, although, it is depicted as ritual practices, tradition, and community order. The story reflects the society of the ancient time, but it has remained relevant even to today’s society. Through the use...

Human Bones: Rib Cage and Pelvic Bone

The rib cage may also be called a thoracic cage. It has twenty-four bones known as the ribs. The ribs are curved around the chest. A human rib cage has twelve thoracics. The top seven pairs attach themselves to the sternum by cartilage; they are the true ribs (Starr, Beverly...

Digital Privacy: Review

Digital privacy is an issue that has remained controversial and one whose complexity increases with the advancement in technology. The complex the society becomes as concerns moving towards the information age, privacy of information stored and that shared across networks is likely to be compromised. This, therefore, remains a crucial...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Peloton Faces Backlash…” by Lauren Thomas

Peloton faces backlash after disabling the free-running feature on its $4,000 treadmills. Peloton has faced negative reactions from its customers after the company disabled free run settings on its expensive treadmill Tread+. This would have made the users pay extra membership fees on a monthly basis. Peloton’s response was that...

Managing Organizational Behavior: Group Decision-Making

Group decision-making can improve the quality of decisions, provide a variety of perspectives, and assist in developing the skills of the members. Based on the recent meetings I attended, I will describe four problems related to group decision-making. Firstly, I might conclude that I rarely hear the opinions and proposals...

Martin Luther King Jr’s Letter: The Fight Against Black Oppression

Two documents are essential to American history of the fight against black oppression: a letter to Martin Luther King, Jr. from a group of church ministers, Bishops of Alabama, and his response. They called for a peaceful solution to the issues of oppression of blacks through internal forces. To this...

Rhetorical Effects of Grammatical Choices in “Only Disconnect”

Language is a phenomenon that has a huge impact on human consciousness, although often, people themselves do not notice it. The use of different phrases, verb tenses, and noun lines can make a strong impression on readers. These techniques can make a piece interesting or boring, dynamic or calm, neutral...

Global Society: Before and After The Coronavirus Pandemic

Humanity faced one of the most significant health crises in 2020 as the COVID-19 virus spread worldwide, impacting people’s perception of life and values. Lockdowns, uncertainty, isolation, and loss of beloved ones changed the global society and forced every member to revise their aspirations and roles (Fogarty et al.). Moreover,...

The Use of Antibiotics in the Treatment

A 41-year-old female presents to the doctor’s office you work at complaining of a sore throat and headache. Upon examination, she is diagnosed with a virus that is currently prevalent in the area she works. She is told to rest and drink liquids until the virus has run its course....

Alice in “Adventure” Story by Sherwood Anderson

Introduction Winesburg, Ohio is a series of short novels written by Sherwood Anderson and published in 1919, which depicts the daily lives of ordinary citizens in small-town rural America. Throughout the book, the author offers us glimpses and snapshots into the characters’ frames of mind within specific moments in time,...

The Case Study. Controversies Surrounding Refecoxib

Executive Summary The case study about controversies surrounding refecoxib (Vioxx) reveals a number of unethical practices on the part of the firm’s leadership. The first mistake of the top managers of the firm was the decision to release a drug into the market without thoroughly checking its side effects. The...

Psychology and Its Importance for the Sports Team

From an early age, people compete and assert themselves. The development of various sports training methods is impossible without studying, on the one hand, the characteristic features, and sports activities, and, on the other, the personality of the athlete as a subject of this activity. Therefore, it can be argued...

“Mixed Messages” Quantitative Nursing Study by Hain

Introduction One of the emerging issues in the public debate is the large number of Associate Degree nurses who are not willing to go back to universities for further studies. Estimates indicate that nearly 80%, of nurses, do not return to institutions of higher institutions for a more advanced degree...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Development of Various Behavioral Patterns

The notion of the development of various behavioral patterns within a family unit is extremely correlated with the process of its interaction both inside and outside the microsystem. Hence, when speaking of the behavior displayed in a given psychological setting, such types as antisocial and prosocial behavior may be outlined....

Terrorism: Understanding the Key Issues

Introduction Terrorism remains a major challenge in many societies today. Terrorism is a necessary practice among many extremist groups in the Middle East. Many people in the West are against the practice because it creates fear and animosity. I had the opportunity to interview Sirajuddin Haqqani. Sirajuddin is one of...

Considerations in Prescribing

The article, which discusses prescribing difficulties in America, provides a strong overview of the essential disparities in treatment that concern minorities. The issue gets extensive prominence, according to the fact that many Asian, Hispanic, and Afro-American citizens, who inhabit the USA, claim that they are discriminated in medical treatment. Specifically,...

A Bilateral Contract Between Two Parties

This is a bilateral contract between A and B for A providing Marketing services to B from November 1, 2010, on a retainer basis of £1000 per month. In return, A would provide full Marketing services to B, including preparation of monthly market reports, surveys and customer meets for promotion...

Problematic of Obesity in Mexican Americans

Background Information Mexican Americans are citizens of Mexican origin or descent. There are over 34 million Mexican Americans living in the United States today. This represents 10.9% of the country’s total population. Majority of Mexican Americans have established unique personal relationships with people of their own descent. They also establish...

The Healthcare Policy in the United States

Introduction Making reference to Michelle Tickle’s article on the history of healthcare and medical practice in the United States, it is quite evident that the author addresses a number of pertinent issues underlying the topic. But looking at the available factual and numerical data on the old healthcare policy in...

The Role of Nature and Nurture in Behavior

Introduction Different approaches to the study of human behavior, often conflicting but convincing, have made it difficult for a student to arrive at a definite understanding of the subject. Some researches show that instinct or nature decides the behavioral pattern, but there are other views stating that human mind comes...

Sustainability: Consumption of Natural Resources

Sustainability is the preservation of wellbeing and is involved with economical, environmental, and social scope. It entails the component of stewardship, which involves proper use, and maintenance of resources. The main aim of sustainability is to enable humans in the whole world to get their basic needs and have a...

Genetically Modified Products: Positive and Negative Sides

Many people do not appreciate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) due to the lack of depth in knowledge. When asking some individual about GMOs, he or she might speak most of the time about the food and its harm. However, it is not a reason to claim only the negative side...

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Christian Worldview. How God Allows Suffering

A good, loving, and all-powerful God allows people to suffer, especially Christians, so that they can grow to love Christ more and establish their faith in him. In effect, God allows people to suffer so that they can understand his providence when he comes through for them. Notably, one tends...

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The Importance of Health Literacy

Abstract This paper discusses importance of health literacy. It also compares health literacy to literacy. It is apparent that everybody needs to acquire health literacy to enhance his or her life. Health literacy helps individuals understand health terminologies and situations. The paper also gives an example of a situation that...

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program

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The Constitution Day in the USA

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Nursing Practice Problems

Introduction Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is a nursing profession that lists only qualified, educated, and highly trained personnel. Yet, they also can face certain barriers to the implementation of the full arsenal of their knowledge and abilities. For instance, CNSs experience difficulties with understanding their role in all clarity. The...

Dorothy Height’s Biography and Significance

A leader is a person who has the power to influence a crowd of people to achieve a specific goal in life. A leader must lead by example and be focused and deep-rooted to the plan even if no one supports them. African American female leaders are mostly not recognized...

Unauthorized Migration and Acquiring Citizenship

Amnesty Encourages Criminal Behavior One of the biggest qualms against illegal migration is that accepting it encourages criminal behavior. Legal ways of obtaining citizenship are long and arduous, involving language tests, background checks, and living on the territory of the country, engaging in legal trades, for a prolonged period of...

Trust and Relationships in Contemporary American Cinema

Most American films, to one degree or another, develop the theme of relationships between people. Some filmmakers make it their key focus, problematizing these relationships with an element of lack of commitment. Honesty and loyalty in human relationships are clearly called into question in the comparison of several American films....

What If Employees Do Not Work in an Organization

Organizations depend on people completing tasks and working daily to help achieve the objectives, either business goals or social targets. However, in some cases, employees do not want to work or avoid their responsibilities. This worker behavior can have a negative effect on organizations because tasks remain uncompleted, and other...

Love in Shakespeare’s “116th Sonnet”

In his poem, “Sonnet 116” Shakespeare presents the nature of ideal love. According to Gale Cengage Learning, the write-up was done during the Renaissance era, when there was a significant influence by the Catholic church (14). Additionally, the artists wished to create new standards of what could be regarded as...

Magnolia Virginiana (Sweetbay Magnolia) Description

General Information Magnolia Virginiana or what is commonly called Sweetbay Magnolia or Swamp Magnolia is native to North America. This is a plant under the family Magnoliaceae that can survive in wet soils, but the soil needs to be acidic. The tree also survives with full sun but can tolerate...

Sampling Strategy and Sample Size

Abstract The present paper critiques the sampling strategy and sample size of the selected article. Overall, it is evident that the strategies used (e.g., inclusion criteria, stratified sampling, randomization, and power analysis) were effective in maintaining internal validity and ensuring that findings could be generalized to the wider population. Introduction...

Definition of Internal Auditing

Introduction Accounting is an activity of maintaining final records that require an orderly procedure to achieve desired results. Internal auditing is a function performed by a profession where he analyses and evaluates business projects or activities, determining the best in overall to help in achieving the objective of the business...

Musculoskeletal System, Endocrine System, Sepsis, Osteoporosis

The purpose of the musculoskeletal system is indeed movement of the body. However, it should also be noted that no less important part of its functionality is maintaining the stability of the body. This is essential because the quality of life is significantly damaged when a person experiences a musculoskeletal...

Examination of the Heroes Beowulf and The Knight

The characteristics of a good individual have been an essential topic of philosophical and literary discussions for several decades, as such attributes as moral conduct and benevolent attitude often distinguish a virtuous person. The epic poem Beowulf, translated by Lesslie Hall, presents a prominent example of a good individual. The...

Managed Care: The Case Study

Coverage Plans in the Market Managed care is the coordination of coverage to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care and control spending through various public and private managed care plans (Gifford, Smith, Snipes & Paradise, 2011). Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the...

“Kiss Me, I’m Illegal”: Reflection

Current US policy is aimed at tightening borders, especially with regard to illegal or undocumented immigrants. Such actions also reflect the sentiments of residents, who often stigmatize visitors from other, often neighboring states. Paul Vitello (2006), in the article “Kiss me, I’m illegal,” discusses the various names suggested for labeling...

Chemistry: Partitioning Coefficient of the Water

Introduction Partition coefficient between marine water and passive samples of diuron, decadienal, atrazine, fluoranthene, and desethylatrazine compounds will be performed by spiking with a mixture and passive samplers are exposed. Standard compounds will be analyzed on the studying of the different time points when water and passive samplers are extracted...

The Program Meyssell Executive Summary

Introduction The purpose of health practice is to deliver evidence-based and timely care to more patients. The targeted Quality Improvement (QI) initiative focuses on a new information technology (IT) system that can improve the outcomes of many patients (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). The program will be characterized by the use...

U.S. History and Its Impact on Society and Law

Introduction History is generally regarded as a reflection of a country’s political and societal processes, and the United States is no exception to the rule. A consideration of its development can contribute to the understanding of society and its issues. Hence, this paper is focused on the ideals and principles...

Personal and Professional Ethics

Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or activity. The main difference between business ethics and personal ethics is that the former is a code of conduct imposed on an employee or employee of a particular profession. In contrast, personal ethics is a code of ethics that...

Group Management: Assessment of Team Basics Scale

There are multiple aspects of team performance to understand the strengths and weaknesses of group work. First, the team should choose the optimal size to operate (Andersson et al., 2017). The evaluation of the size (20) got quite fewer points than the threshold of the high index. Despite the assigned...

The Role of Forensics in the War on Drugs

Introduction Forensics is used for the purposes of law enforcement as they provide scientific evidence used in courts of law, trial, and criminal investigations. Forensics is an important part of our society in fighting crime of all sports at all levels. This essay looks at chemicals that are used by...

Contemporary Literature: Beowulf, the Movie

Beowulf is an American performance that is founded on the “Angola-Saxon English epic poem,” currently considered as one of the earliest and most influential poems of the modern-day European dialect. The 2007 film, directed by American director Robert Zemeckis, was produced through an action capture and process technique, comparable with...

Policy Development to Overcome Child Poverty in the U.S.

There are almost 11 million children in the U.S. who currently live in poverty. The minors below the age of five are especially vulnerable and experience significantly higher rates of poverty than older children do. Not only do children in poverty lack basic human rights, but are also prone to...

Collective Bargaining Procedure and Its History

Collective bargaining is the concept that has captured my attention in this module. It is a procedure that offers a platform for negotiation between employers and employees intended to institute and regulate working remunerations, conditions, benefits, and other elements of staff compensation and privileges (Nigro & Kellough 2014). The concept...

White-Collar Crimes by Governments

In 2009, Honduras president Manuel Zelaya was removed from power and exiled. He had been democratically elected in 2005 for a four-year term. The coup was done by the Honduran military ostensibly under a Supreme Court directive. According to them, the president wanted to amend the constitution to permit him...

Quality Management Observation in a Hospital

Main post The concept of quality management embraces a bulk of aspects and perspectives that are not always presented on data collection agenda. In particular, there are services and daily responsibilities that nurses should undertake and that are not specified in the officially compiled codes and policies. It is obvious...

Black People in Art Overview

The position of the Black people in art was widely discussed at the end of the 19th century, including advocates who represented the African American community. Some of them, such as Booker T. Washington, insisted on equality in the distribution of equal and systematical schooling and the production of creative...

Counterterrorism: Al Qaeda Training Manual

Introduction The events of September 11, 2001 undoubtedly forever changed the perception of terrorism among Americans. As a result of the retaliatory attacks launched by the US against Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization has changed its tactics significantly. Some of the new tactics adopted by Al Qaeda are articulate in...

Each Human Being as the Owner of a Library of Ancient Information

Human beings have been trying to decipher their origin and roots for centuries onwards. They easily observed that living things inherit traits from their parents, and used this finding for the cultivation of certain features in animals and plants. But the means of such heredity represented a mystery to people...

Public Policy Theories Overview

Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) is a program under which states are given block grants to use for their own programs to assist needy families and children, reduce the reliance of needy parents by promoting job training, prevent pregnancies among single individuals, as well as encourage the development and...