A High-Protein Diet: A Monosaccharide

A monosaccharide is an organic compound, which belongs to one of the main groups of carbohydrates. It is the simplest form of sugar; monosaccharide is usually colorless, water-soluble, and transparent solids. Monosaccharides are divided into three groups, which include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Along with fructose, glucose can be found...

Theme of Religion in “Salvation” by Langston Hughes

The “Salvation,” a short story by Langston Hughes, describes a young boy’s journey of searching for religion and redemption, which eventually ends unachievable. The boy abandons his pursuit for religion after realizing that the physical deliverance which he is looking for cannot be apprehended easily. The narrator loses hope after...

Eyewitness Testimony and Its Reliability in the Law Court

A witness’s testimony is a synthesis of information known to a person about the circumstances to be established in a criminal case, made during interrogation in the manner prescribed by law as a witness. Eyewitness testimony is the most common type of evidence during an investigation. Historically, such statements have...

Gratitude, Hope, and Forgiveness: The Wisdom of the Communities of Color

“Salsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a multicultural age” by Juana Bordas is a vigorous contribution to building a new progressive leadership model based on the principles, which have been generated by the communities of color and have been sustaining them while overcoming pressure and numerous adversities. The author represents...

Research of Abolitionist Movement

Abolitionists: Reformers or Agitators? Abolitionism played a defining role in the history of the United States. The primary goal of the movement was to end slavery, and it is considered the main reason for the American Civil War (Newman, 2018). Besides abolishing slavery, the movement also influenced other reforms that...

Plant-Based Diets in Health Issues

Introduction Despite living in the age of gastronomic abundance, we do not always make the right dietary choices. This tendency is reflected in the ubiquitous nature of chronic disease. Harmful conditions that are at least partially related to nutrition are quite common nowadays. This essay argues that people dealing with...

Pursuit and Experiences of God in Texas

Religion plays a crucial role in the development of each nation, and the Southwest of the United States is defined as one of the most religious regions in the country. Therefore, its pursuit of God and an understanding of religion in general always deserve attention and recognition. The region of...

Marriage and Family Relationships’ Role in Society

Marriage and family are two closely related concepts in cultures around the globe, and the investigation of their relationship plays a significant role in understanding human affairs. Marriage is a legal agreement between two people to unite their lives and share common responsibilities. After marriage, a family is created as...

The Letter to Dean of the Nursing Department

Dear Madam, Re: Request to Re-take the ADN 151 Class and Stay in the Program. My names are DC and I was admitted into Rio Hondo’s Nursing program in the summer of 2011. Regrettably, I failed to obtain a passing grade in my AND 151 class. This has jeopardized my...

Isolation of Lycopene Analysis

The overall aim of this report is to explain the use of chromatography procedure in separating the components of lycopene. Conjugated polyenes with multiple single or double bonds alternating give fruits and flowers the different colorations feature. According to Answers.com (2010) lycopene is a red carotenoid pigment and a polyene...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nutrition Assignment Analysis

Table Showing Menu Choices Name of Meal or Snack Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Snack Name of Restaurant or Home McDonalds Burger King KFC Home Home List of Food Items Selected English Muffin 1 Low Fat Milk Fruit and Yogurt Parfait Original Whooper Sandwich Fire Grilled Chicken Garden Salad Orange Juice...

A Civil Trial on the Amusement Park Injuries Case

The facts of the civil trial are that the plaintiff has an injury that came about from a visit to an amusement park. The plaintiff received an injury to his hands, neck and chest while on one of the amusement park rides. The plaintiff has sued the amusement park management,...

Shortage of Primary Care Providers

Introduction In recent years, the disturbingly growing shortage of registered nurses and primary care providers has projected a highly negative influence on the United States health care system. According to the latest research, the current shortage of health care professionals is more than eight thousand professionals, and this number continues...

Spirometry Test for Respiratory System

Respiration is one of the vital physiological processes required for a normal homeostasis. It is also a complicated process where various mechanisms are interconnected to ensure a smooth air flow through the relevant pathways (Guyton and Hall, 2006). A defect in the respiratory system could lead to various complications which...

Health Planning Committee Response to COVID-19

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is one of the central organizations in the state, responsible for developing a response plan for the COVID-19 pandemic. A response to such a global crisis is challenging since the HHS, or any other organization did not have a similar experience in...

Principles of Restorative Justice

Restorative justice relates to an approach used to respond to a crime or any other form of conflict, injustice, or wrongful act, which centers essentially on restoring the damage triggered by an offense and reinstating the involved parties’ well-being. This strategy focuses primarily on the relational justice theory due to...

Health Information Systems Project

Health information management system For this paper, the author will consider the implementation of an operational health information management system. This type of software focuses on the internal processes of the healthcare facility, including matters such as staffing and scheduling. Its purpose is to provide the management with accurate and...

Improving of Breastfeed in Temple University Hospital

The process of improving the current rates of exclusive breastfeeding in postpartum women will require a well-constructed budget since the incorporation of communication tools and materials for performing role-playing and scripting for the target demographic will require taking multiple expenses (Schneider et al., 2016; Gray, Grove, & Sutherland, 2016). The...

Problem-Solving Processes Within the HBO Company

Organizational development (OD) aims to enhance the performance of organizations through the effective management of people and processes. The OD is a “long-term effort, led and supported by top management, to improve an organization’s visioning, empowerment, learning, and problem-solving processes, through an ongoing, collaborative management of organization culture” (Hodges, 2017,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Modern Energy Technologies Introduction to Developing Countries

The significance of modern energy sources for the economic development of any country can hardly be overestimated. However, it is a daunting task to find easily implemented ways to transition developing countries to clean and cheap sources of energy. Energy consumption in developing communities is steadily increasing, which poses serious...

Sakhr Software Co.’s Marketing System

Executive Summary The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the peculiarities of the marketing system in such an organization as Sakhr Software Co. This company is located in Kuwait, and it specializes in natural language processing or NLP. It was established in 1982, and since that time, its...

Financial Environment. Hospitality Industry

Financial environment of an organization refers to the factors (both internal and external) that affect its financial position as well as financial decisions made. These include: taxes, profits of competitors, government financial policies. For-profit Evendale Medical Center Triumph Hospital Lima Affinity Medical Center (Ohio Hospital Association, n.d) Not-for-profit Alberta Healthcare...

Jane Elliott’s Experiment on Discrimination

I learned from the video that the problems of discrimination and oppression are not new, as they were serious concerns in the 1960s around the time of Martin Luther King’s death. The third-grade teacher Jane Elliott from Iowa realized the issue, so she decided to conduct an experiment demonstrating to...

Environment and Management: Interconnection

Environments are critical for the management process because they contain a multitude of influential factors. Managers, as agents of order, effectiveness, and efficiency, need to be able to function within these environments. The conditions can differ depending on the specifics of a particular industry, where there are task and general...

A Selection of Review Articles About Slavers

An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America is an appeal to black slaves first presented at the Buffalo National Convention in 1843. Its author, Henry Highland Garnet, was a social and religious leader, abolitionist, and...

Ethical Dilemmas in Business

Ethical Dilemmas Moral values are an integral part of any companys successful functioning. Both personal and corporate values affect the behavior of employees and, thus, the whole company (Doochin, 2010). The ethical dilemma is concerned with the issue of teamwork and could be described as ambiguity in managers’ attitudes towards...

Addressing the Social Determinants Through Medicaid Managed Care

Introduction A combined approach to healthcare includes the management of many health determinants. Some of these are physical health, psychological health, preventative initiatives, as well as social and economic growth (Thornton et al., 2016). While Medicaid heavily revolved around focusing on the first two determinants, the rest, with the social...

Contracts and Remedies for Their Breach

Breach of Contract and Its Effects Breach of contract occurs when either of the contract parties fails to perform its contractual obligations (Meiners, Ringleb, & Edwards, 2006, p. 264). Depending on the situation, breach of contract may be actual (or material) or anticipatory: a) actual (or material) breach takes place...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Sneaker Wars” by Barbara Smit: A Review

The book Sneaker Wars by Barbara Smit presents an invaluable insight into the origins of the global sportswear brands Adidas and Puma and their impact on the sports industry. It provides an account of how the relations between two brothers Adi and Rudi Dassler shaped the competition between the two...

Personality Disorders. Diagnosis and Treatment

Personality disorders such as alcohol and drug abuse, psychopathy and paraphilia are a constant source of concern for law enforcement authorities as also social organizations, especially in regard to the increasing instances of sexual assault by people suffering from the said disorders. The risk of perpetrating sexual assault by these...

Stigma About Mental Illness Among Communities of People of Color

Introduction This literature review examines various issues related to misconceptions and stigma about mental illness among communities of people of color. These include the actual rates of mental illness among ethnic and racial minorities, health disparities and their specific types, prejudices, and stigma of people of color in this regard,...

The Importance of Me Too Movement

There is an extended number of severe and challenging social issues that people try to but cannot eliminate. One such problem is abuse and harassment, and the Me Too movement aims to reduce the rate of assaulting people regardless of their age, gender, and race. The article “Me Too Founder...

Financial Analysis of Mountain View Hospital

The Mountain View hospital is a small rural hospital situated in Las Vegas in the United States. Just like most rural hospitals, it is facing major financial problems as a result of many shortcomings. These financial issues are reflected on the financial statements of the hospital for example the balance...

Declaration of Independence and Paine’s “Common Sense”

The Declaration of Independence and “Common Sense” indicate the culmination of a long resistance of the American revolutionaries to the British monarchy. The struggle for independence in the US saw the years of war between the British forces and the continental army. The Declaration of Independence, which was elaborated by...

The Conditions of Entrance Into Eritrea

Eritrea is a small country in Africa that is located on the shore of the red sea. Eritrea borders three countries by land, which include Sudan, Djibouti, and Ethiopia. Eritrea was a part of Ethiopia until 1993 when it won its independence following a 30-year war (BBC, 2020). At the...

Mass Incarceration and Racial Discrimination

To draw a parallel between the alleged racial discrimination and mass incarceration, it may be important to examine the concept of symbolic interactionism and explain why labeling and prejudice affect the US criminal justice system in a major way. The theoretical perspective offered by symbolic interactionism suggests that there are...

Comprehensive Assessment of Child’s Kindergarten Readiness

Objective of This Assessment Report The ultimate goal of this evaluation process is to obtain the crucial information needed for the determination of a child’s kindergarten readiness. The information compiled in this report came from the parent (mother) and the child’s performance in school. It is worth noting that some...

Classroom Management Ideas: Behavioral Crises and Promotion of Friendship Between Students

Abstract In his article, James Gilliam illustrates the strategies that can be useful for averting and resolving the behavioral crises of students. In turn, Spencer Salend provides valuable recommendations that can help foster friendship between students. The ideas expressed by the authors can significantly facilitate the work of teachers. Descriptors...

Selecting a Viable Foreign Market and TV Advertising

Selecting a foreign market The ability to select a viable foreign market is a crucial undertaking whenever there is need to expand and diversify operational strategies. Before expanding to foreign markets, it is vital to consider the level of demand for products being marketed by an organization. Market demand is...

Leadership Communication Styles: Analytical, Functional, Intuitive, and Personal

General Journal of Communication Competencies During the past week, I have learned some information on leadership communication. I consider it is important from the general perspective as there are leaders not only in organizations but also in the everyday environment. Namely, I learned about four different communication styles including analytical,...

Misconception and Stubbornness: Dealing With a Stubborn Person

Misconception and Stubbornness: How to Change a Thought of a Person from Negative to Positive? Everyone has at least one experience of dealing with a stubborn person in their life. Such experiences are usually characterized by feelings of frustration, irritation, or even anger. Dealing with stubborn people can consume quite...

Law Contracts and Ways to Break the Contract

Introduction The contract can be perceived as a bond between two parties that is based on reciprocal agreements and is expected to be followed by the parties involved in it. Nonetheless, there may occur situations when the underlying concepts of a contract can be disregarded either legally or dishonestly (Smits,...

Marine Sediments Types: Lithogenous, Biogenous, Hydrogenous, and Cosmogenous Sediments

The rapid rise of science and the appearance of new technologies conditioned numerous discoveries that contributed to the better comprehending of the nature of the world in which we live. Humanity acquired an opportunity to investigate numerous landscapes and environments, understand their unique peculiarities, and provide a detailed description. Yet,...

Racism & Privilege Within the Social Work Setting

Although nowadays, the relationships between the representatives of different races and ethnicities have been considerably improved, the concepts of racism and privilege are frequently discussed by social workers and psychologists. According to Tatum (2018), it is important to have a clear definition of racism as it is the only opportunity...

Christian Salvation as One of the Main Paradigms of Christianity

Information About the Text The author of the text about salvation as one of the main paradigms of Christianity is Thomas Humphries (2017), and his book is called “Who is Chosen?: Four Theories About Christian Salvation.” At the heart of the plot, there is the description of some of the...

Starbucks: Merger and Acquisition Financing

The largest four companies and their brands in the coffee industry include “Procter & Gamble” (with Folgers as a brand name), “Philip Morris” (with its Maxwell House brand name), “Sara Lee” (with its Hills Brothers brand name) and “Nestle” (with a brand name of Taster’s Choice) (Starbucks Coffee Company, n.d.)....

The Major Abrahamic Religions: Christianity and Islam

Introduction Both Christianity and Islam are the major Abrahamic religions that share several key similarities in regards to monotheistic values. The debate is primarily focused on Jesus Christ, who is a manifestation of God in the former and a mere human prophet in the latter. The significant difference between James...

My Experiences Handling Stress at High School

Transition to high school can often prove challenging for teens, as they have to deal with a lot of new information. For me, in the first year of high school, Algebra became a source of chronic stress for a few reasons. I felt pressure from my parents to do well...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Significance of Skhul V Analysis

Introduction Hominid fossils can provide biologists with the crucial insights into the ancestral background of modern humans. The Skhul V specimen was found in 1932 by Theordore McCown and Hallum Movius Jr (Homo Sapiens: Skhul V). The location of the finding served as the inspiration for the fossil’s name. In...

The Price Formation in the Movie Theatres

Introduction In the theater environment, pricing strategies have not been claimed as an advantage for a long time. Currently, the situation is changing and the price formation is becoming a key component in the provision movie theaters with audience. Furthermore, price problems are significantly magnified for a commodity such as...

“The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice” by Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Othello is a play about secrets, plotting and revenge. It tells the tragic story of Othello, who is secretly married to Desdemona and how the people around them plot to end the relationship (Shakespeare 6). Rodrigo’s business with Iago involves the latter helping him to woo Desdemona. Roderigo is...

Stop Disasters Game: Learning, Entertainment, or Both?

Natural disasters have stroke and their consequences are unimaginable. Lives have been lost, property destroyed, dreams shuttered, bodily injuries inflicted among all these happen regardless of race, economic status, gender, level of education among other characteristics. For this reason, there is need for all the stakeholders to have basic and...

Psychopathic Behavior Analysis and Assessment

Introduction Psychopathy is a personality disorder that consists of a myriad of interpersonal, lifestyle, affective, and antisocial traits and behaviors. The behaviors exhibited by psychopaths include trickery, impulsivity, unreliability, lack of compassion, motivation seeking, poor behavior controls, lack of guilt, sexual promiscuity, insolence for other people’s civil liberties, and unethical...

Food Consumption: Enjoyment and Ethics

For human culture, the consumption of food has always been a complex set of traditions, rules, and prepositions that formed around both our need for survival and the necessity to justify and regulate some of the aspects of our lives. Humans, for the longest time believed to be omnivores, have...

American Revolution Overview and Analysis

The American Revolution is one of the most widely covered and well-known events in American history. Starting with small conflicts and discontent, the sparks have ignited the flame of retribution against the oppressive British rule. As a result of the events that transpired in the 1760s, the colonists have gained...

Coach and Athlete Relationship

20th-century sports have made coaching a critical profession. The coach is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring individual’s or team’s success in any sport. In athletics, the coach influences both the sense of personal fulfillment and the performance of an athlete (Jowett and Cockeril, 2002). In team sports, a coach...

Measuring Quality of Children’s Health Care

Healthcare needs of children and adolescents are different from that of adults, and quality of care for children is inadequately minimal, because tools to measure children’s health care quality are scarce in numerous areas and many of the available measures are not being applied regularly. With the publication of reports...

How People Change in “Mother Tongue” and “A Death in Texas”

Introduction Human life is not something permanent and stable: it is continually undergoing multiple changes. People acquire new traits, characteristics, attitudes, and principles. Sometimes these changes are positive, and sometimes they can hurt. They are caused by events occurring around each person and are always associated with other people. This...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fat Substitutes Possible Options

Besides fat’s association with detrimental health effects, it has vital nutritional benefits. Fat provides fat-soluble vitamins, acts as building blocks for hormones and cells, and gives vital fatty acids. It is a major determinant of how foods taste. Fat substitutes mimic the sensory and functional properties of fat (Borra par....

Validity and Reliability of the Research Carried Out

The process of choosing an instrument to conduct an investigation may be based on two principal indicators, that is to say on validity and reliability. The two notions are applied to the evaluation of scientific research, as they show the quality of information extracted from a specific finding. The issue...

Reviewing an Ethics Case

The ethical dilemma faced by Daniel Potter is that of loyalty and integrity. Dan is caught in between this dilemma because he is expected to be loyal to his employer Baker Greenleaf and at the same time maintain his vow of integrity to the profession he adores. As per the...

Statutory Authority and Responsibilities of Justice

In recent times the government has responded enormously to the rise of criminal activities that have been a concern to the public by enacting numerous laws in response to the public outcries. Officials of the justice system are obligated to abide by several stipulated common law and statutory responsibilities. These...

“How the Poor Suffer” by Seth Holmes

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the fourth chapter of the book Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies by Seth Holmes. This is arguably the most prominent part of the publication, as it depicts the suffering that laborers endure every day. The story is exceptionally shocking...

Children’s Socio-Emotional Development and Factors Influencing It

Trust versus mistrust According to Erikson, between 0 and 18 months, the child has to acquire the feeling of trust without fully eliminating the feeling of mistrust (Erikson, 1950). The feeling of trust will develop in the child if they receive a positive response from the parents. He or she...

Implementation of Workplace Safety Standards Regarding Chemicals

Introduction Attention Getting Device Death and injury due to accidental chemical exposure is a constant and real danger in construction sites around the world. On average nearly 30 million workers a year are exposed to hazardous substances due to improper handling standards, no prior knowledge regarding the corrosiveness of a...

Transgender Patients Problem and the Consequences of Discrimination

It should be noted that transgender individuals have to face different obstacles in almost any aspect of their daily life. Importantly, they are often stigmatized and discriminated, and their essential rights are frequently undermined. The same is characteristic of the healthcare system. Transgender patients come across different forms of harassment...

Microsoft Project Tool: Benefits and Challenges

Microsoft Project is defined as the application that provides the tools to manage projects. It also assists in controlling project status and schedules and presenting information about a project and organizing work. Microsoft originally purchased this software from another organization. The current version of the application is Microsoft Project 2016....

Leadership Styles Comparison: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-Faire Leadership

Leadership style is an essential managerial characteristic. According to Lewin’s model, there are three types of leadership: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire (Marquis & Huston, 2011). Authoritarian leadership is characterized by rigidity, strict control, and discipline. Such leaders mainly focus on the desired results. Within organizations, authoritative leaders tend to ignore...

Health Data Reporting: Child Abuse and Security Breaches

Health data aggregation is a crucial process of information gathering for future research and analysis. However, there are cases where health information should be reported immediately to the state or federal authorities to prevent possible adverse effects. The present paper provides an overview of two instances of mandatory reporting in...

Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and Implementation

Summary: Firstly, it could be said Activity-Based Planning was regarded as the most efficient approach while comparing it to Traditional Costing, as it covers the generation of prices from dissimilar angles, eliminates the formation of unrealistic prices, and has the implications in different spheres (Yanpirat and Maneewan n. pag.). Nonetheless,...

Access of Healthcare: Factors Affecting the Access of Care and Barriers

What is access of care? Access of care within healthcare is associated with the availability of medical services, providers and institutions. Therefore, it determines whether patients and communities can use healthcare services when necessary. Access of care is often determined by such factors as “availability, price, and quality of resources,...

Advantages of Pilot Studies Over the Randomized Controlled Trial

Introduction There are two types of research in nursing. Pilot studies are usually minor experiments that are aimed at proving different hypotheses. RCT (randomized controlled trial) is used for making various tests and analyzing the acquired results at the end. The following paper is intended to discuss some advantages of...

Hand-Washing Initiative Institutionalization: Reduction of Hospital-Acquired Infections

Overview I attended a change management training program entitled ‘Instituting a Hand-Washing Initiative: Increasing Compliance and Decreasing Infection Rate’ organized by a local community-based healthcare center in the month of March. The program targeted the healthcare providers, especially the on-site nurses and the general community healthcare mobilization team. Specifically, the...

The Issue of Nurse Understaffing in Contemporary Hospitals

Introduction Nurses play a pivotal role in the sphere of medical care nowadays. They perform a wide range of functions both inside the hospital setting and outside of it, providing patients with care and helping them overcome their diseases. However, it is often a problem that there are not enough...

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice and Knowledge Translation

Introduction Clinical settings are in continuous search for tools and methods aimed to improve the quality of care and reach better patient outcomes. Evidence-based practice (EBP) of nursing is one of such instruments. EBP is commonly defined as “the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence...

Foundational Accounting Concepts in Healthcare Settings

Accrual accounting and cash accounting play an important role in organizational financial management. In accrual accounting, the results of transactions and other processes are recognized upon their occurrence (Zelman, McCue, & Glick, 2009). It implies that costs are conformed with received incomes (e.g., the cost of goods is written off...

Database Privacy Issues

Introduction The rapid advancement in the use of information technology has also resulted in increased usage of databases for the storage of Information. Newer technologies such as data mining use the stored data in such a way that not only permits quick access to deeply buried information but they also...

Women and Men in the Play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

The play Trifles depicts a profound disagreement between two types of attitude and performance. The play’s research exposes a significant contrast between female and male actions, based on a different perception of the environment. As Holstein claims in her paper, “the difference in initial perception ultimately leads to the creation...

The Erie Company Department of Public Works: The Project

Project Scope The Erie Company Department of Public Works — Division of Highways seeks proposals from consultants for professional engineering services for design, construction, administration, and construction inspection services for the Dona Street extension. The extension will be located west of NYS Route 5 for a distance of approximately 1,550...

The Americans and COVID-19

The past year has clearly become one of the most challenging periods of the 21st century for the whole planet, as people were faced with a global pandemic expanding at an unprecedented rate. When it comes to the United States, the issue of Coronavirus has been tackling American society by...

Lynn Nottage’s “Sweat” Play Analysis

In Lynn Nottage’s play Sweat, there are no characters that do not play a vital role in storytelling, even the minor ones. For instance, Jason’s interactions with a parole officer Evan become significant in his development. The author manages to successfully use this character to advance the drama in the...

The Healthcare System Changes Caused by COVID-19

In recent months, the health care system around the world has undergone significant changes. The cause of these processes is a new unknown virus, COVID-19, which is not yet treatable and causes serious health issues. Due to the speed of its spread, a huge number of people are affected, which...

International and Traditional Trading Theories

A trade war is a situation in which countries seek to harm each other’s economies, retaliate against each other by imposing import restrictions and other methods. The imposition of a tariff on imported products makes exports unprofitable for the second country-party to the conflict. Also, it increases the competitiveness of...

Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders

­­­­ The juvenile delinquency justice system in the United States is regulated by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974. It is this Act that defines that “children should not have contact with adults in jails and other institutional settings and that ‘status offenders’ should not be placed...

Analysis of Hispanic American Literature

The story Nilda by Nicholasa Mohr is focused on a Puerto Rican household in the Bronx in 1904s through the eyes of the daughter named Nilda (Mohr, 1973). The central conflict of the story is racism, an issue that follows Nilda and her family throughout her public life. Thus, instead...

The Vulnerable Population: Homeless

Population Chosen The chosen population is homeless people. Homelessness is a common thing in America There are both young and old homeless people in America Homelessness is never a personal choice. Homeless people live in the streets. The Vulnerable Population Homeless do not have a permanent home Some homeless people...

Books Devoted to the AIDS: Key Points Summary

Hiram, C. (1994). The AIDS mirage. Wales: University of New South Wales Press Even though, present medicine originated from pathology, the greatest pathology in AIDS can be sourced in the AIDS theory itself. But the AIDS theory has been manipulated by an escapee biomedical organization perpetuating itself by basing itself...

The Butler by Lee Daniels: Movie Review

The Butler is a historical drama by Lee Daniels about racial discrimination, based on the life of Eugene Allen. The protagonist Cecil Gaines, played by Forest Whitaker, spent most of his childhood on a cotton plantation. After the rape of his mother and his father’s death, the plantation caretaker, Annabeth,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Case Brief on State of California versus O. J. Simpson

Introduction American litigation is known for several landmark proceedings, which were widely covered in newspapers, television, and social networks. In the late 20th century, the People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson case thundered in Los Angeles, California, which became one of the most protracted trials in...

Operational and Financial Performance Measurement

It is very important to measure customer perception as a regular part of performance measurement because by doing so, customer success will have been enhanced to the benefit of the firm (Bowersox, Cooper & Closs, 2009, p. 389). Bowersox, Cooper and Closs further assert that measurement of perceptions and opinion...

Second Life Program for Virtual Nursing Education

All spheres of modern life are influenced by the technical innovations, developed for the last ten years. Medical care is not the exception. Different types of medical equipment are used during curing for many years. The innovations in the educational sphere have come later. Today the software and other innovations...

Salvation Moment in the Story by Flannery O’Connor

Flannery O’Connor created a significant piece of writing that might be considered as one of her most famous works. A Good Man is Hard to Find is a short story that aims to address the never-ending issue of redemption – what it takes to become a good person. O’Connor might...

Business Intelligence and Data Mining

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has made numerous innovative changes to the functional and structural frameworks of businesses by adopting advanced technologies in the age of global digitalization. In particular, customer-centered companies focus on aspects such as personalization, communication, and added value, which become ineffective without the implementation of business intelligence (BI)....

Creative Analysis of “The Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction Images of the Scandinavian epic had a significant impact on the European culture of the XIX-XX centuries. R. Wagner created the four operas of “The Ring of the Nibelung,” and J. R. R. Tolkien wrote, “The Silmarillion” based on Old Norse literary works. The popularity of the characters and...

Reduction of Ethyl 3-Oxobutanoate Using Baker’s Yeast

The aim of this experiment is to show how natural enzymatic reducing agents are as effective as the chemical ones. A reduction process is characteristically the gain of two hydrogen atoms or the loss of an oxygen atom, or both (Fox & Whitesell, 2007). This results to a structural configuration...

“In the Heights” by Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center

The given paper will review the theatrical performance of In The Heights, which was produced by Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center. It is a musical performance by an American author and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda based on a book by Chiara Alegria Hodes, which describes the life of the Washington Heights...

Musical Elements in “Over the Rainbow” by Art Tatum

Music is believed to be the art, which may tell a story, create a mood, or evoke certain thoughts and emotions in a listener. The musical elements, such as pitch, tempo, pauses, acceleration, and other characteristics of the melody, play an important role in reaching and influencing listeners. In this...

Advanced Practice Nurses’ Roles in the US

Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse According to the American Nurses Association (n.d.), the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) includes performing care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. APNs provide counseling to patients and their families, conduct health examinations and diagnosis, maintain patient records, refer individuals to other medical professionals,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing: Review and Assessment of the Guidelines

Essentials in Nurse Practitioner Programs Nurses play an especially important role in healthcare delivery. Nowadays, the healthcare system is characterized by “explosion of knowledge, expanding technologies, increasing diversity, and global health challenges” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014, p. 3). Therefore, the current situation produced a necessity for high-quality...

Health Promotion by Nursing Professionals

Health promotion has been a major priority for healthcare providers for several decades, but many nursing professionals still fail to understand their role in this process. Sharma (2017) stresses that an advanced nursing professional has responsibilities in such areas as planning and evaluating health services and promotion programs, communicating health...

Why Steve Jobs’ Apple Inspires People?

There is a man who I really admire, and he inspires me a lot. He is Steve Jobs, a successful American businessperson born in 1955. He co-founded the Apple Computer Corporation together with Steve Wozniak, and he is the Chief Executive Officer. Before he attained the age of thirty, he...

Faithful Citizenship: Catholic Social Thought

Personal Reflection The Church has always played a great role in the politics of Christian states. However, while the Middle Ages were the time of its full power, the Church’s influence in the modern world is not as significant. In the times of the crisis of faith, it is extremely...

The Public Health Service Act in Florida

The groundwork of the Public Health Service Act was formed long before the act was conceptualized in 1798. After that, several Acts of Congress were passed in 1878, 1890, 1893, and 1906. These concentrated primarily on preventing epidemic diseases from entering the land from abroad, and the spread of communicable...

The Strategic Management Concepts

Vision, mission, goals, objectives, tasks, strategy, tactics, and policy are the concepts that help the company to define their work in terms of culture, values, and ambitions, and present them to the world. However, quite often, the difference between these terms is quite vague and needs clarification. This paper aims...

Public Health in the USA

Introduction At the moment, the U.S. healthcare sector is undergoing critical reforms aimed at the significant improvement of its functioning and increase of the care affordability for all populations living in the state. However, there are still numerous issues that should be addressed to achieve the final goal and ensure...

Sedentary Behavior and Health Outcomes

Sedentary Behavior as an Independent Factor Physical activity plays an important role in the overall health of an individual. It has been established that physical activity is beneficial for eliminating the risk of death related to the sedentary time (Ekelund et al., 2016). However, the lifestyle of modern people involves...

Domestic Violence, Consequences and Solutions

Introduction Domestic violence is a burden of contemporary society. In the United States, there are more than ten million victims of violent actions every year (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015). Cases of domestic violence can be found in any community. Their prevalence does not depend on age, social status,...

The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. Work Analysis

The text under consideration is The Decameron, written by Giovanni Boccaccio in the middle of the fourteenth century when Europe was affected by one of the most devastating epidemics of the Middle Ages. The exact number of the deceased has not been estimated so far, but some researchers note that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

US Gun Laws and Homeland Security Strategies

The government of the USA has developed a range of gun policies that are meant to ensure the security of its population. They affect homeland security strategies, making it easier to prevent and investigate crimes associated with the use of firearms. The effects of these laws do not only decrease...

The Portrayal of Death in Lullabies

Lullabies and Death Lullabies constitute a significant part of such cultural phenomenon as nursery rhymes. Therefore, people rarely consider them to have any serious and substitutional sense or any sense at all. However, it should be stated that nursery rhymes, and lullabies as well, can have very disturbing underlying meanings....

Euthanasia in Public Opinion and Policy-Making

Regardless of the context or setting, the topic of euthanasia has always been a controversial one. On the one hand, its proponents argued that euthanasia could be a solution for people diagnosed with terminal diseases that want to avoid the pain and suffering associated with it. On the other hand,...

Global Health Agenda and Development Opportunities

The World Health Organization (WHO) undertakes numerous initiatives and activities to transform the medical outcomes of the greatest number of people. Its current global health agenda is aimed at addressing existing gaps in health care using innovative practices. This paper discusses available opportunities for developing interdisciplinary approaches to advance the...

The Transportation Regulatory Threat to the US Economy

Transportation is related closely to economic and social changes because territorial accessibility, mobility of freight as well as movement of people are the actual basis of such relationship (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p.83). Wherever there are efficient transportation infrastructures to facilitate the accessibility of resources and markets and to...

Malnutrition in the Nursing Homes: Medical Researches Critique

Bell, C, Lee, A. Tamura, B. Malnutrition in the nursing home. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2015, 18(1): 17-23. doi:10.1097/MCO.0000000000000130. Description of subjects in the study The review investigates the existing literature devoted to the topic and offers multiple implications for practice to improve the current situation....

Business Law Brief: Facts, Ruling, Minority Rationale

Introduction The case under analysis is between Bilski and Kappos. Kappos is being represented by the secretary of commerce for intellectual property and director. The appellant was seeking justice concerning an invention that he had presented to the patent and trade mark office for registration. His registration was denied due...

Chinese Manufacturing Superpower and Industrial Growth

China is currently the largest manufacturing economy in the world. Its growth is mainly attributed to the country’s ability to position itself as a global hub for business activities. In 2010, around 19.8% of the total manufacturing output in the world came from China (Dempsey 2012). Major industries in this...

Workplace Harassment in Canada

In recent years, more attention has been paid by researchers and people from various fields to the problem of harassment. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is common in many areas of human activity. It can occur at work, in educational and sports institutions, in shops, and in other places. This issue also...

The Net Present Value Concept

Introduction The Net Present Value Rule (NPV) states that in the case of a positive NPV, an investment is to be accepted and in the case of a negative NPV, the investment should be rejected. The NPV Rule stipulates that by investing in the projects that have the NPV over...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American and European Disaster Relief Agencies

Nowadays, it is essential to introduce effective prevention strategies to avoid the negative consequences of the crisis. Nonetheless, it is impossible to control natural and manmade disasters, and incidents such as hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes tend to take place. To enhance the recovery process, different non-profit and governmental entities rapidly...

Social Stratification and Individual Mobility in the USA

Social stratification and individual mobility in the US manifest themselves through social factors, such as ethnicity, gender, race, and economic status. Social mobility refers to the movement of households, individuals, or families within their communal strata. There are three systems of stratification which include class, slavery, and estate systems. Slavery...

Health Technologies in Healthcare Policy

Public Policy The selected public policy for this discussion is the use of health technologies in healthcare. Medical technologies and informatics are currently impacting the quality of medical care available to more patients. As an Intensive Care Nurse working in a cardiology department, modern technologies have impacted my practice positively....

Nurse Leader’s Responsibility for Social Media Posts

The Legal and Ethical Issues of Social Media Social media have become a big part of our everyday life. We use them for entertainment, sharing emotions, news, pictures, events, and other purposes. However, active engagement and self-disclosure in social media raise a lot of privacy issues. Although there is a...

Moreno Medical Center from Patient’s Perspective

Selected Incident Careful monitoring of patients’ condition is an integral task of medical staff. At the same time, nurses must monitor specific cases and provide appropriate care. The tasks of the management of medical institutions are to control the junior medical personnel’s activities and to prevent potential mistakes in work....

“Effects of a One-Way Tracheotomy Speaking Valve…” by Leder

Introduction The clinical question touched on whether occlusion tubes in any way affect patients’ aspirations. The study intended to establish whether tracheostomy tube occlusion interferes with the patients swallowing abilities. These questions were informed by the previous hypotheses that hinted that patients’ aspirations are not impacted by one-way tracheotomy tube...

Google in China: Global Technology Concerns

Introduction Transcultural global ethics is a subject that raises several heated discussions in the field of business. The situation with Google quitting China contributes to that topic since it raises a conversation about how global companies should conduct their business while respecting human rights. After all, Google is a worldwide...

Personal Philosophy of Success and Strategies

Success is the individual’s ability to overcome a challenge or task in a particular situation. It is important to note that philosophically, success is a relative term meaning, it ranges from small magnitudes of achievement to considerably larger ones. Nevertheless, it is crucial to relate to certain aspects of principles...

Case Management: Patient With Chest Pain

Introduction Aimee, your suggestions about additional subjective and objective data are very detailed and include diverse information that will be helpful to provide a precise diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan. Thorough data collection is important for successful patient care. Patient data also help to reveal comorbid conditions which...

Xenophobia in American Society

Xenophobia, racism, and gender discrimination are, unfortunately, common tendencies in the world, which hinder people’s equal rights. This inequality in American society is the most noticeable, since many people face discrimination, disrespect, and even violence because of their skin color or religion at the same time with democratic values’ proclamation....

Nature Relatedness and Well-Being during COVID-19 Pandemic

Today, society passes through hard times because of the COVID-19 pandemic that affects all spheres of human activity and preconditions the emergence of multiple changes in lifestyles. The extremely contagious nature of the disease, along with many adverse effects it has on patients, might become a challenge for a person...

Andrew Johnson’s Biography

Andrew Johnson served as the 17th U.S. president from 1865 to 1869 after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. He was born in Raleigh on December 29, 1808, and grew up without formal education. Johnson moved to Greensville, Tennessee and opened a tailoring shop. He was a skilled orator who...

Global Terrorism and Ways of Its Impact

In the 21st century, global terrorism has become a complex problem that all nations need to address from an informed perspective. For instance, attackers have changed with modern technologies since they are now able to engage in cyber-terrorism (Zimmerman 4). More terrorist groups have become more united, capable of communicating...

“Is Gender Equality the Silent Killer of Marriages?” Article Analysis

Suzanne Venker’s article “Is Equality Ruining Your Marriage?” explores the adverse effects of integrating egalitarian concepts in the marriage context. At the onset, Venker argues that couples in marital unions which conform to the traditional gender roles are happier as compared to those whose marriages integrate the modernity principle of...

Effective Staff Development and Evaluation Techniques

Staff development and evaluation is an essential leadership process that plays a vital role in an organization’s success. It is of vital importance to provide employees with high-quality professional development and then analyze the results. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the necessary elements of effective staff development...

Materialism in the Contemporary World

Introduction Materialism has a long history that began in the middle of the 19th century with the second industrial revolution and the advancement of electricity and the production of steel. Materialism implies a belief that industrially created goods, new technologies, and scientific developments underlie human happiness and are the key...

General Service Characteristics of Motor Carrier Transportation

The United States has invested heavily in the development of an interstate highway system. It has considerably made this form of transport a priority for transportation of cargo and other elements that contribute to the development of economy. The movement of labour is also important for the economy’s growth. This...

Stages in Kurt Lewin’s Change Model

Introduction Change is an essential element of any organization that seeks to continually improve and grow. Kurt Lewin developed a three-stage model that can effectively be employed by the management of organizations to address necessary reforms effectively. The three stages developed by Kurt Lewin tackle change endeavors through unfreezing, change,...

Competition in the Railway Industry

The rail industry has faced significant competition since the national highway system was built. As a result, the rail industry has steadily declined in performance, but it still plays a significant role in the transport network. The observation that there has been a decline in the percentage of all ton-miles...

Ethical Theories and Principles: Moral Dilemma Analysis

Introduction People have to make decisions every day in a variety of situations. Ethical theories exist to guide us through the depths of morality when the question of right or wrong presents itself. When the actions of a human and a professional might impact a person’s health, well-being, or even...

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South Bronx Burning: What It Meant to the Development of the Borough?

When the word “Bronx” sounds, most people imagine gray depressed streets, wrecked cars, burning trash cans, graffiti, and abandoned basketball courts. A city within a city, located in one of the five counties of New York on the northern outskirts of the state, and, as the only one not lying...

The Advertisement “Followers” by Miller Lite

Today, many advertising campaigns refer to the widespread issues or trends of the modern world. The advertisement “Followers” by Miller Lite is not an exception since it covers the problem of people’s dependency on social networks (Miller Lite, 2019). A video shows people running away from their Internet followers to...

Analysis of the Short Story “A&P” by John Updike

Introduction “A&P” is a short story written by John Updike, an American novelist, poet, and literary critic. The story was initially published in 1961 in The New Yorker. Updike tells the story of Sammy, a nineteen-year-old working in a small-town grocery store. The central conflict in the plot revolves around...

Library Fundraiser’s Options and Approaches

Fundraising for any purpose can sometimes be an arduous task. People are usually not inclined to give their money, especially if the assignment requires them to take any action. However, there are many methods by which the attention of the target audience can be attracted to a particular problem. This...

Nursing Career: Achieving Goals and Objectives

Nursing is not just an occupation, but rather a noble profession, which is exceptionally dynamic. Nurses can work in rehabilitation centers, schools, hospitals, etc. This diversity significantly appealed to my interest, since the career will also enable me to give back fully to the society, that is, directly get in...

Domestic Violence Victims’ Needs Assessment

Domestic violence belongs to the number of the most urgent problems of modern society. The present situation seems to be a catastrophe as “man can earn five years in prison for abusing his dog but a maximum of just 30 days in jail for beating his wife or girlfriend on...

Canadian Political Landscape: Federal-Provincial Relations

The tensions between federal and provincial governments in Canada have varied over time and led to various types of dialogues between them. It could be a more cooperation-oriented conversation, or it could result in serious disagreements and discrepancies between the governments (Simeon, 2015). I believe that while the independent actions...

Logistic Trends: Business Challenges

Introduction Client satisfaction is the major concern for any business activity as it is the key factor of its profit. Consumer needs can be met on the condition that the product is cleverly developed, properly manufactured, and promptly delivered. As far as the main logistics’ function is to connect these...

Organizational Values in Nursing and Work Experience

The sphere of nursing undergoes considerable changes from time to time (Osborne & Gardner, 2004). A professional nurse has to be ready to admit a variety of possible changes, improve personal understanding of the matter, and achieve good results in the chosen practice. Alignment between the values of an organization...

The Problem of Cultural Appropriation Phenomenon

Cultural appropriation refers to the practice when a dominant culture or identity adopts authentic artifacts or practices of other non-dominant identities or cultures in a way that highlights uneven power relations between them. In that case, intent does not matter because appropriation is usually viewed as a negative and disrespectful...