The School of Athens as Renaissance Art Embodiment

The Renaissance is the period of European history, characterized by significant progress in sciences and humanities, as well as philosophy. This has been reflected in all forms of art, including music, painting, literature and architecture. Originating in Italy, the Renaissance took inspiration from the Greek and Roman antiquity and coupled...

The Ideas of the Enlightenment

One of the key ideas of the Enlightenment having a profound effect on the modern west world is the idea of popular government. According to this idea, there exists no need in the special social class of aristocracy, and common people are able to exercise rule over themselves. The expansion...

Teaching Communication Skills for Elementary School Students With Autism

Introduction Documentation by research has shown that non-handicapped youths can be of great assistance in teaching social skills for students with autism. The major successful system for handling the students with autism in a comprehensive situation may be comprised of playing games that are well integrated. Once training has been...

North Korean Decision Making: Kim Jong-Il

Kim Jong-Il was a respected leader of the military, and this made him become very powerful. In most cases, he was considered a genuine leader, hence making most of the military decisions that required urgency. Actually, most of the decisions were made on Tuesday and published the following day on...

Communication Technology and the Reduced Contacts of People

Introduction The term technology has a broad meaning and can imply different artifacts used to develop computers. The term can also refer to those tactics applied in the process of designing these artifacts. Researchers have revealed diverse categories of technology. For instance, the onset of computer technology in the early...

Strategies of Learning English

Introduction Inspiration and stance play a major role in for student to boom in English learning. Language proficiency requires high level of background 0f critical thinking, ideas, synthesis of complex issues and events (Rojas, 2007). Over dependent on proficient language skills and general lack of manipulative activities in many social...

Arts Education and Its Benefits in Schools

The importance of art education in schools Arts play a crucial role in the overall development of students and benefit students by enhancing their ability to achieve. Arts benefits students irrespective of social and cultural distinctions and through the creation of a “learning field” enable them to shed their inhibitions...

Leadership Theory: Personal Experiences

Leadership is one of the most important skills that every nurse should obtain. Nurses need to be able to adopt various leadership behaviors to be effective in their work. The purpose of this essay is to define my leadership role and assess how it is applied to the nursing practice....

Language in “Mother Tongue” Article by Amy Tan

In the modern world the meaning of the term “state line” becomes more and more eroded. The rapid growth of different means of transport brought any place on the globe within the reach. Men took themselves of their homes and the migration of peoples started. The reasons are absolutely different,...

How Stories and Storytelling Influence Children

Introduction Literature enhances children’s thinking and imagination. Children who listen to stories have wide imaginations and thinking. Stories help the children to be creative and critical thinkers. Stories also give children a pattern in writing. They will be able to know the beginning, the middle, and the end when writing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Media Tools’ Impact on Sports

The impact of social media tools on sports Social media has become so popular because of its ability to reach the general population. With social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook, the message sent via them often has an impact on the general population (Wenner, 1998). The messages sometimes...

The Parthenon Marbles: The Greece Art

The return of the Parthenon Marbles to the place of origin has probably been the most well-known heated dispute in the museum art world for the last decades. Though those treasures of the ancient cultural heritage by their essence are of universal significance, they remain the inalienable part of Greece...

Doctoral Education: New Ways and Methods

Nowadays great changes can be observed in the sphere of education. Last decades introduced new ways and methods of doctoral education. That is why, it is necessary to understand and adapt to them, implementing new elements and creating new ways of teaching. Moreover, the sphere of supervision should also be...

Community and Domestic Violence: Violence Against Women

Domestic violence is behavior that is said to be abusive by one partner to the other in an intimate relationship, which can at times occur to both parties concurrently. It is also referred to as domestic, family or spousal abuse because it occurs in people who are either dating, in...

Fredrick Douglas as an Example of a Strong Man

Introduction The question of race and equal opportunities remain sensitive for generations provoking the desire to harm other people. For years, a viable solution to these avalanches of negative desires and emotions, where one racial or ethnic group wants to take control over the other, has remained elusive. However, historians...

Stadiums and Arenas: Economic Development or Redistribution?

Exploration of Stadiums and Arenas Coates (2007) evaluated literature to retrieve the effects of proficient sports’ teams as well as stadiums to the people residing in the surrounding areas. The research indicated that this aspect had been addressed by copious academic and hired investigators. Essentially, the researcher addresses the problems...

Wal-Mart: Management Accounting Proposal

Introduction This would comprise a brief description of Walmart, the major US food chain conglomerate whose management accounting systems would be the main area of focus in this study. The Company whose management accounting information would be taken up for discussion is Wal-Mart. The reason for this is that this...

Process Centered Concept in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction In any organization, there must be a laid down approach to integrate and bring together people, information and technology for the organization to satisfy its roles and maximize its output. Healthcare organizations have played a very positive role in the lives of many people in the world. The managers...

Parallel and Serial Search and Monocular Depth Cue

According to Wolfe, et al.,( 2008) a visual search exercise is normally measured by the length of time the search takes. When only a single feature of the target is different from the distractors, the time spent identifying the target is the same regardless of the number of distractors. This...

Child’s Play in Neighborhood and Community

Back in the day, play activities were mainly physical with parents and teachers insisting on more outdoor activities. This does not mean that there were fewer indoor activities even though there were higher levels of creativity involved that are identified in modern societies. It was common for us to participate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business, Government, and Society: A Managerial Perspective

The third chapter of the book ‘Business, Government and Society’ is identified as ‘Business Power.’ The chapter uses a historical concept to establish the essence of business power in the society. In Particular, it narrates the basic history of one, James B. Duke. He was born on 23rd December, 1856....

The Power of Meditation

In most cases, it happens that we may not realize who we are. This results from the over-involvement with too much activity in work or studies, which denies us the time to reflect on whom we are or discover our inner self. As Holecek explained, the experience whenever we over-utilize...

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines: Lung Cancer

Credibility The evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) developed by Detterbeck, Mazzone, Naidich, and Bach (2013) target early detection of lung cancer in patients based on screening tools and techniques suggested by the recent literature. The mentioned guidelines were developed by scholars from the American College of Chest Physicians, while the...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Diagnostic Categorization

Based on the diagnostic criteria, the client suffers from PTSD because of the symptoms portrayed. Given the fact that the client started experiencing the problems after the traumatic event, he might be suffering from PTSD. PTSD would probably follow a traumatic event, for instance, an accident, disaster, or death of...

“Martha of the North” and the Meaning of North for Canada

The North signifies the Canadian strength and magnitude. Moreover, the significance of the North for the national identity is represented by the words of the country’s anthem “the true north strong and free.” Almost half of the Canadian territory is determined as north including Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon, and northern...

Health Literacy Program for Children

Introduction For 3-7 age group, health literacy is essential to prevent infection-based diseases. Children of this age tend to engage in learning activities that involve touching lots of items. Since many of the children in these years like to share their toys, clothes, and other objects, health literacy information such...

The American Dream in “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan

Introduction Literature is one of the greatest ways through which important messages are passed to millions of people all over the world. The audience may be fascinated by the title of a story or novel and decide to buy it while another may be interested in reading anything that will...

Tense by Bernard Comrie

The desire, to represent the exact time of occurrence of an event, is the reason why most scholars spend time in studying tense. It is quite easy to represent an event accurately at the time of occurrence, but as time passes, it then becomes difficult to give an exact representation...

Nike+: Advice and Recommendations for Development

There are not so many companies that may be called undoubtedly known to everyone in the world. Nike hardly needs to be represented as since its very appearance this manufacturer has been pursuing an active policy of development and attracting new partners. A virtual platform for runners Nike+ offer the...

Peolpe Management in the Church

Introduction Knowledge management systems (KMSs) are also described as people systems since they provide a stage for social interaction and reflection of the organizational management (Koenig, 2004). It is therefore important to get the people on board with the process of thinking towards strategic management plans so that they may...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sport Coaching: Positive Development in Young People.

The study undertaken by Vella Stewart, Oades Lindsay, and Crowe Peterson investigated the eagerness of coaches in implementing and desiring positive results for athletes directed towards youth development. They examined whether coaches needed the outcomes from the youth athletes that exceeded their on-field success. The results were aimed at providing...

School Leadership Training and Development in Australia

It is apparent that Australia has a long history of teaching and implementing programs in schools similar to the way it has been carried out in public universities. Such programs are meant to encourage learners to build leadership and development skills in schools (Bates & Eacott, 2008). Even though it...

Transformational Leadership and Its Features

The successful operation of an organization largely depends on the effective leadership. Transformational leadership is agreed to be an effective management style. It focuses on the active leadership of a manager and his ability to create a team with common goals (Braun, Peus, Weisweiler & Frey, 2013). From my point...

Forensic Psychology Guidelines and Assessment

Guidelines and Assessment in Forensic Setting A forensic experiment requires the setting that involves outstanding clarity rates and does not allow for the slightest ambiguity (Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology, 2011). Herein the need to promote impartiality and fairness as the essential elements of the forensic assessment guidelines lies. The...

Single Parenting: Difficulties and Challenges

Introduction A parent who looks after his or her children alone or without the help of the other parent is regarded as a single parent. Nine years ago when I became a single parent to my daughter Dominique, I quickly became aware of the long road ahead of me. Additionally,...

Eligibility of U.S. Citizen to Inherit English Hereditary Peerage

To be able to determine whether a citizen of the United States can be eligible to inherit the English peerage, we need to study the hereditary structure of the peers. There are five hereditary peerage orders in the English government; these privileges can be passed on to the children, the...

Site Description: Atlantis Paradise Island

Introduction The resort center that Royal Brewing Company chose was Atlantis Paradise Island. It is a water park and a resort that is located in the Bahamas, United States. It was launched in 1998 by the South African hotel. Its conducive serene is characterized by impeccable features like Trump Plaza—comprising...

Nursing Leadership Dimensions: New Mental Models

Discussion Post Developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), “High-Impact Leadership: Improve Care, Improve the Health of Populations, and Reduce Costs” white paper presents three intertwined care dimensions related to leadership. Considering that the contemporary health care environment requires innovative approaches, their implementation seems to be beneficial. For example,...

Security Implications of Global Economy: Russia Case Study

Introduction The global economy is characterized by the free flow of capital and trade, as well as sourcing cheap labor from foreign labor markets. Globalization can promote or disrupt peace among countries that are trading (Katinka, 2008). While some authors view globalization as having resulted in peace and capable of...

European Supremacy, European Thought, and Imperialism

Kagan et al. divided an expansion of the European imperialism into several periods. The first period has finished by the end of the seventeenth century. During this time, European countries were mainly occupied by discovering and establishing of the New World (482). The second period is connected with the rise...

Leadership in Different Spheres of Life

Leadership is that aspect of the personality of individuals which enables them to lead and manage teams and groups of people. Leadership traits are visible even in childhood when children play and interact with their friends and display the ability to lead and enable their teams to perform and win....

Conflict Between Augustine and Pelagius

This conflict is based on the place of grace in the salvation of man as well as the doctrine of the ‘original sin’. Augustine believed that grace played a vital and central role in keeping man from sinning. Pelagius believed that man’s free will was adequate to keep him from...

How to Be Physically Fit

Introduction There are two types of fitness. The performance-related fitness and the health-related fitness. Performance-related involves athletic performance; it measures coordination and response time to a particular exercise. Health-related is linked to items that are designed to reduce the advent of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. This...

African American Population in the United States

African-Americans, Black Americans or Afro-Americans are an American ethnic group ascending from the Black races that populate Africa. African Americans are the third largest ethnic group of the United States. The history of this population stems in the 16th century, when people from Western Africa were enslaved and then taken...

“The Leadership Factor” by John Kotter

In the article “The Leadership Factor”, John Kotter enumerates how modern firms develop practices to inculcate their leadership (Kotter, 1988). In doing so, Kotter explains why most of the big firms in the US do not have the leadership capacity that is required for a firm of their strength. Kotter...

Political Sciences. Founding Brothers by Joseph Ellis

Joseph Elis’ book ‘Founding Brothers: The revolutionary generation’, revisits the US political history by focusing on the revolutionary leaders that collaborated to form the first independent government of US territory. These revolutionary leaders are often known as the Founding Fathers, but the book refers to them as the founding brothers....

The Myth about a Weak American State

The myth about a Weak American state has been a controversial historical topic given the general consideration that a myriad of factors propelled America to the status of the global power. The present America is at odds with the representatives that shaped American past. According to Hauss (2008), “the present...

Congestive Heart Failure Patients and Reducing the Readmission Rates

Congestive Heart Failure Patients Overview and Guiding Propositions The self-care theory by Dorothea Orem seems a well-established and suitable theory for this research. Self-care theory is based on a belief that it is each person’s interest and responsibility to care for his or her own health and health of the...

Native-American Studies: Quapaw Indians

Introduction The Quapaw Indians are part of the Dhegiha Sioux tribe forming Native Americans. They occupied the western part of the Mississippi River which is present-day Arkansas. This essay will discuss the culture of this group of Indians as the group I find most interesting. The writer traces the history...

Earning a Doctorate in Business Administration

Doctorates are the highest academic degrees attainable by scholars in universities. The qualifications enable the holders to impact positively on the social lives of other people and their own. Individuals pursuing doctorates must have goals, which should also hold personal or professional strengths. These enable the realization of the objectives...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Modern Beliefs and Traditions Influenced by 17-Century Rationalism

Introduction The interpretations of Guy Fawkes Day influenced by cultural changes Timothy Jenks provides the history of Guy Fawkes Day making the references to James Sharpe’s book under the same title. The author starts by saying that Guy Fawks and Gunpowder plot is associated with Bonfire Night in our days...

The Role of Personal Ethics

Ethics is an essential aspect of every sphere of life. A primary goal of this essay is to explain the differences, similarities, and correlations between terms such as morals, value, and ethics. Moreover, the role of ethics is analysed in the context of forensic psychology with the help of two...

The Bauer School’s Parking Problem and Solution

Introduction Calls for increase in the number of online courses is precipitated by the demand for study flexibility, ease of travel, demand of balance between work and study, lack of parking space and the need to save money and time. In addition to this, the introduction of online classes will...

Project Management: Meaning, Phases, Role

A project refers to a unique set of activities that are meant to produce a defined outcome and has a specific timeline in which to operate (start and finish date) and a specific allocation of resources. A project must be bounded by its results, time, and resources. If any of...

“Prince Among Slaves” by Andrea Kalin

The film Prince Among Slaves depicts a life story of an African prince who became a victim of slavery exactly like any black person. In the history of the transatlantic slave trade, about 20 million slaves were brought to the American territory. Even now, this number looks unthinkable, but this...

Short Run Impacts of Fiscal Austerity

Fiscal austerity relates to public revenues and this is mostly (revenues) from taxation. It is mostly concerned with fiscal prudence. Therefore, fiscal austerity is a wide topic with various effects and impacts on the economy (Economist 2010, p. 26). These impacts can therefore be manifested in various ways. There has...

Perceiving Our Social World

Although an unbiased and objective reality exists, people constantly interpret it through a mixture of their opinions and standards, and this reality is reflected by several concepts in social psychology today (Myers, 2009). Ironically, the wish to be unprejudiced leads to some preconceptions. Two of the many existing concepts will...

Market Failure in Free Market and Externalities

Definition of market failure Market failure is an economic theory where the allocation of goods and services in a free market mechanism is inefficient. That is in the inefficient allocation, there are some players whose gains outweigh their losses while for other participants, their losses outweigh their gains. Market failure...

Including Students With Severe Disabilities

Introduction Numerous models and philosophies of positive behavior support (PBS) were studied as well as the participations concerning persons with severe disabilities. In this article, the author evaluates the benefits of school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS), as it addresses the involvement of students with severe disabilities, argues participation of students...

Professionalism Among the Gold Coats

The following article written by Pam Belluck describes the dementia problem solving at the California Men’s Colony. A group of convicted in murder prisoners help care for old diseased prisoners. In this paper we are going to answer the questions in regard to the Gold Coats and their functions definition....

“The Laws” by Plato

The Laws is Plato’s famous political dialogue. He casts light upon main political concepts such as ‘law’, ‘state’, ‘power’, ‘peace’, and others that are relevant in political philosophy in this dialogue. Plato looking for the means of creating the structure of ideal government describes one of the most important means...

“From 0 to 60 to World Domination” by Jon Gertner

The article under consideration From 0 to 60 to World Domination by Jon Gertner deals with the history of Toyota’s development into one of the leaders of the American automobile market. The article depicts the main landmarks of the company’s development and voices the main principles and philosophy of Toyota....

Suicidability in Correctional Settings: Prevention

Introduction Risk assessment tools should be used to determine if an inmate is suicidal. Three methods are currently used to assess an inmate’s risk for suicide. These include “clinical opinions, structured-professionals judgments, and actuarial predictions” (Risk Assessment, 2006, para. 5). One of the common tools derived from these approaches is...

Competition Within Intermodal Transportation

Intermodal transportation refers to different modes of transport providing the same transport services. Intermodal transportation also refers to the use of coordinated transportation of freight on a single trip. Inland water, air, railroads, pipeline, trucking companies, and ocean carriers work together to move homogeneous units to offer improved services and...

“Sex and the City” and the Issue of Media’s Ownership

Introduction Ever since the sitcom “Sex and the City” appeared on HBO in 1998, this loose set of tales about middle-aged women, challenged by their existential inadequateness, became instantly “critically acclaimed”, even though the show’s ideological message can be best described as rather dubious. By watching “Sex and the City”,...

Step-By-Step Guide for Horse Grooming

Horse grooming has always been a very important part of hygienic care. It is not only a means to keep your horse clean, the horse grooming is exercised before the horse shows to present a pet at best. So, this essay will elaborate on the way to groom a horse...

Should Marketers Test Advertising

Introduction Advertisers must evaluate alternative media and strategies using testing before an ad campaign be launched. The conceptual models that are useful in thinking about the optimal advertising strategies and budgets are the incremental matrix, the game-theory approach, and the payoff matrix. It should be noted that management does not...

Safety & Lean: One Manufacturer’s Lessons Learned and Best Practices

In their article, “Safety & Lean: One manufacturer’s lessons learned and best practices”, Hallowell, Veltri, and Johnson consider the issue of safe and lean manufacture. They also provide steps on how to make work environment safer and production more effective and efficient. The number of organizations that begin to implement...

Hamlet’s Vision and Candide’s Consideration of Love

Love is the ruling force of the evolution. People all over the world consider love as the brightest and the warmest feeling. Love is often the main theme of the greatest works of world literature. The theme of romantic love is also discussed in such masterpieces as William Shakespeare’s Hamlet...

The Role of the Media in the Propaganda of Terrorism

Terrorism The mere mention of the word terrorism is enough to attract the attention of everyone who heard it. Terrorism today draws more attention than disease, famine, poverty, and many other devastating calamities in the world. It is derived from the word terror, which is the one thing terrorists have...

“Objects of Desire” by Adrian Forty

Adrian Forty in his literary work “Objects of Desire” analyses the design of consumer products since the beginning of the industrial revolution for over 200 years and how these products have taken into account various design and architectural components. In his analysis, he is able to uncover three design paradigms...

Monetary Policies Roles and Definition

Introduction Monetary policy is a strategy that is implemented by a government to monitor and control the interest rates, and the money in circulation. Monetary policies have an impact on the economy of the United States by increasing and decreasing the aggregate demand and supply of money. This in turn...

“Supervision as Metaphor” Article by Lee & Green

The issue of language has always been actual for all aspects of human life. Science and education are not an exception. That is why, there are some works which are devoted to investigation of the influence of language on different aspects of our professional development. The problem is, that in...

Raising Reading Scores of Gifted Students

The present paper comprises two drafts of Problem Statements pertaining to the topic of the research “Raising Reading Scores of Gifted Students”. Problem Statement 1 Bates (1984) states that the majority of “programming suggestions for gifted students are based upon intuition rather than upon research” (p. 590). Unfortunately, the state...

Important Life Lessons to Learn from John Updike and Nathaniel Hawthorne

In the following paper, I have my purpose to find connections between the stories “A&P” by John Updike and “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both of them reveal some important experiences from the lives of two young men who protest against society they live in and its common practices....

The Sweet Time of The Childhood

Sometimes it is said that childhood is the most perfect period of a human life. During this period a person gathers different characteristically traits and attributes which develop inside the person and ultimately shapes his character. From the perspective of developmental psychology, childhood is a stage which is promptly divided...

International Business. Li & Fung Company’s Supply Chain

Analyzing the relationship between the international supply chain and the seven principles of supply chain management advocated by Li & Fug, it can be stated that the principles are mainly concerned with optimizing the suppliers’ part. The focus on the customers as one of the factors (Czinkota, Ronkainen and Moffett...

Standard Sports Facilities for Nigerian Students

The study conducted by Eruteyan (2012) evaluated the standard facilities of sports as images of competitive sporting attributes from the university students of Nigeria. This study was conducted prior to the reappearing arrogance of universities to release winning techniques in the sports. The researcher pointed out that the universities had...

Sport Coaching: Issues Faced During Coaching Responsibilities

Sport coaching is a practice that has gained an important recognition in the prevailing academics. In the playing field, the presence of coaches has allowed them to raise their own instructional manuals to educate the trainees while still gaining information on its professionalism. Researchers explain the training methods involved in...

Entrepreneurship. The Fish Lady Company in Soquel

Introduction Small scale businesses are fast becoming a source of livelihood for many people. With diminishing employment opportunities, people are taking up the business option. This is an account of an interview with an entrepreneur named Sharon who together her husband, Mike operate a small scale business. Sharon and Mike...

Las Vegas Sands Corp.’s & MGM Las Vegas’ Culture Vision and Mission

Companies working in the hospitality industry face the need to develop their own vision of their mission, and to express it in their Vision and Mission Statements. The success of any particular company in this area depends on how wise and well-thought-of these statements along with their implementation to life...

The Theme of Feminism in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

A short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and first published in 1892 can be acclaimed as an important piece of early feminist literature. The story features a considerable entrance on the themes related to prevailing attitudes to women, their place in society and their physical, emotional...

Teacher-Based Assessment of Literacy Learning

Introduction Teachers are meant to use their experience and professional training to connect with the assessments during classes. At times, the teacher may make these assessments unconsciously not being aware of the judgment they bring and the impact it has on learners’ behaviors. Frey and Hiebert say traditional practitioners characterized...

Higher Education Organization and Governance

Governance in higher education can be defined as the ways and means through which institutions of higher learning are managed and operated. The governing structures of different institutions vary throughout the world. However, the traditional models used in these institutions are similar and do share a common heritage. Research work...

Sistine Chapel Style and Attitude

Michelangelo created the frescoes for the Sistine Chapel over four years from 1508 to 1512. These paintings are considered some of the most influential works of Renaissance art. They depict several Biblical plots: the Creation of the Heavens and Earth, The Creation of Adam and Eve, the Expulsion from the...

Collaborative Bandwidth: Creating Better Virtual Meetings

A collaborative association between members of various groups has been facing a barrier brought about by the long distances hindering engagement. In this light, members are not able to hold virtual meetings effectively. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate the collaborative bandwidth concept by availing the ways of...

The Culture of Modern Greece

Modern Greek culture has evolved from ancient times, and is intertwined with all aspects of life. Greece is a country of diverse interests and traditions. Its modern culture has been greatly influenced by its geographical position and years of occupation by other nations. The Greek people take pride in their...

Legends on the Net: Modern Ways of Communication

The Gist The writer is referring to the use of modern communication technologies as a medium used in passing social-cultural practices as well as contemporary fads which develop into informal groupings built on similar trends. There exists a sophisticated system of communication that has enabled and simplified reaching any part...

Comparison Between Jackie Robinson and Barrack Obama

In life, there are moments when the actions of one person can invariably change the history of a nation. In America, there are people whose heroic deeds have been landmarks in the history of the nation. A good example of such kind of people is Jackie Robinson and Barack Obama....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Theory of Evolution Overview and Analysis

The theory of biological evolution was firstly developed by British naturalist Charles Darwin in his book On the Origins of Species in 1859. This theory is also called Darwinism or Darwinian theory and is recognized by many people as a modern evolutionary theory. The theory has explained many things, such...

Subject-Informal Logic: Arguable Issue

Arguable Issue Medical topics, specifically concerning issues that involve life and death decisions, are often viewed controversially in the society. In that regard, it can be stated that there issues that have polar opinions on, regardless of their legal status, although such aspect might differed as well. Among such arguable...

Feminism in Kate Chopin’s Book “The Story of an Hour”

Introduction “The Story of an Hour” is filled with twists, turns, and captures the reader’s attention from the on-set. Kate Chopin goes on to show that women at the time lived for their husbands and they existed solely to fulfil their husbands’ dreams. Twenty-first century critics would find a lot...

Crazy Eddie Inc. Case Study: Key Events Surrounding the Case

The key events surrounding the case Crazy Eddie Inc was a consumer electronics merchant founded in 1969 by Eddie Antar. The company soon expanded and opened various stores around New York City. Its success was accredited to Antar’s crooked salesmanship in forcing consumers to purchase, discounts from its bulk purchases,...

Boethius and Dante’s Ideas of Friendship

Introduction Boethius, the writer of ‘The Consolation of Philosophy’ was a Christian philosopher of the 6th century in Rome. It should be noted that, Boethius was executed by King Theodoric the Great; after being suspected to be conspiring with the Byzantine Empire. It can further be argued that his work...

Role of Interest Groups and Mass Media in Policymaking

Policymaking is a complicated and long process, which depends on many factors. In this essay, it is shown how interest groups and mass media can be involved in the process. It is also investigated if this influence is positive or negative. The influence of interest groups policymaking An interest group...

Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development

The article “Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development, World Bank Report Says” (McGregor & Nasreen, 2010) was published in the April edition of Business Week. This is an article that was initially published by the World Bank and argues that ‘quiet corruption’ is a major hindrance to the development of Africa...

Wells Fargo Management Style

Wells Fargo management style is particularly a leadership system that is known to recognize self-drive, team play as well as great execution. Teamwork is very important in creating an environment of business success since it allows diversity of ideas. Wells Fargo believes in teamwork and self-motivation by all employees as...

Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John

Synoptic gospels refer to biblical doctrines which were documented as part of good news during the New Testament times. These gospels have several similarities (Perkins, p. 19). As such, there are myriad of common features which characterize them. These include content, style, paragraphs, chronology and timing of events. In a...

Perpetual Mercy Hospital’s Innovations

Downtown Health Clinic, a branch of Perpetual Mercy Hospital is faced with potential competition from a similar rival clinic slated for opening within its territorial market. A competing clinic within its niche market is a hindrance to DHC’s progress towards achieving its service and profitability goals. In addition, it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lateral Load-Resisting System of a Stadium Structure

Tumialan, Zagajeski, Galati, and Sherman (2012) assessed the lateral load-resisting system of the structure from a stadium constructed in 1930. Their research develops an argument on the improvement of these systems in comparison to the preceding ones. It shows how structural engineer of the present world are striving to deliver...

Descriptive Grammar of Linguistic Competence

Linguists have defined grammar as a body of rules describing the properties of a language. Grammar is the mental representation of a speaker’s linguistic competence; a linguistic description of a speaker’s mental grammar. All animals have their language. Human language involves speech and signs. The language one understands is a...

An Online Instructor: Aspects of Profession

Being an online instructor had been my dream for a long time. Having seen and heard from others on the advantages and gains of working as an instructor, I had my eyes set on becoming the best online instructor possible. Higher education has been the most sought after level of...

Seven Things You Should Know About the Eco-Friendly Bags

The Scenario An average American housewife opens more than three thousand packages and plastic or another kind of bags. When this housewife goes to an average American supermarket she faces an exhibit of more than fifty thousand packed items. Numerous items are wrapped in plastic. Later this day the lady...

Predictability and Transparency in the US-Soviet Confrontation

Predictability and transparency Russ Howard asserts that there was predictability in the US-Soviet confrontation because the weapons capabilities of both nations were common knowledge. The US understood the extent to which Russia had invested in nuclear technology and the same may be said of the Soviets concerning the United States....

Freedom of Breath, Foundation of Life: China’s Neonatal Resuscitation Program Review

Birth asphyxia remains a major concern in developing countries, with seven deaths per 1000 births caused by asphyxia, compared to less than one death in developed countries (World Health Organization, 2006, p.3). This fact highlights the need to create and sustain national programs to reduce childhood mortality rates and to...

Observation of Seminar in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Upon observing Christine teaching students on “Human Behavior and the Social Environment”, this paper is a summary of her strengths and areas that need improvement. It is aimed at developing a well-rounded appreciation of growth and development as an educator. Christine’s strengths include having a caring personality, proper planning of...

Design of Concrete Structures and Road Engineering

Abstract This is a report about two subjects offered in the second year of Swinburne’s engineering degree course. These subjects are Design of Concrete Structures and Road Engineering. They provide the students with the knowledge and skills required in the construction and design of roads and buildings and other related...

First Writings on America Analysis

At the end of the fifteenth century, after the voyage of Christopher Columbus, Europe was interested in the new land that lied across the Atlantic Ocean. The new territories, both for the settlers and states, meant new natural resources and wealth. Thus, the volunteers could enjoy the opportunity for skins...

The Mirror (1975) Movie Review

The Mirror (1975) is one of the greatest Russian movies to be produced after the Second World War which still continues to attract crowds of viewers to cinemas and film stores even nowadays. Its setting and plot revolve around the story that happens during the war time in Russia; the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reaction to April 13th Rally for Quality Higher Education

Introduction The April 13th Rally for Quality Higher Education was organized and took place on April 13th, 2011. It was a part of Sac State Coalition from the University of California State, Sacramento. The rally was a form of a peaceful demonstration over several issues that are affecting their CSU...

Emperor Taizong of Tang on Effective Government

To rule efficiently, an emperor needs other people. Engaging these people is necessary because what makes a country is its people. In addition, since a country is too big, the responsibility of governing becomes too demanding for an emperor to rule alone. Therefore, a ruler needs people, both distant and...

“Contemporary Marketing” by Boone and Kurtz

“Contemporary marketing “written by Boone and Kurtz provides us with key marketing principles. The book covers the most up-to date issues including one-to-one marketing, customer care, strategic marketing as well as guerilla marketing among other topics. The book begins by giving the reader a concise definition of the term marketing...

MacDonaldization and Marx’s Social Change Model

Introduction Social change is societal change in the aspects of the social institutions, structures, associations, and behavioral models. When these aspects change to a large extent and the changes are kept, social change is said to have taken place especially changes in the behavioral aspect. (Aron, 1967) The change or...

Tsimtsumt in Life of Pi: The Synthesis of the World Religions

Life of Pi by Yann Martel is an account on the adventures of a sixteen-year old Indian boy who spent 227 days with a Bengal tiger on the lifeboat. The narration also determines the religious searches of the protagonist Piscine Molitor Patel where he strives to find the essence of...

Forming an It Strategy

Introduction Forming an IT strategy is a process that requires an understanding of the entire strategic context in which the company is situated. A successful IT strategy will take in consideration all other aspects of a company along its vision and mission. This strategic situation will give the appropriate insights...

Abraham Lincoln’s Policies on Slavery in 1861-1863

Abraham Lincoln was one the most powerful presidents of the United States, who reigned from 1809 to 1865. During the reign of Lincoln as the president of the United States, slavery and discrimination were very pronounced in various parts of the country. Several individuals in the country believed that the...

The Linkage Between College Education and Employees’ Productivity

Abstract A direct link exists between college education and higher productivity in employees that can cause an improvement in the country’s economy. On the other hand, it has been seen that there is a relationship between a country’s population size and economic growth. These two highlighted relationships will be discussed...

A Poor Locus of Control Effects

Introduction Donnellan et al. (2007) define the locus of control which is synonymous with self-esteem as how an individual perceives whatever happens to his or her daily life and what he or she alleges to be the contributing factor(s). Under this context, individuals can be classified into two loci. We...

Family Health History: Hypertension

Introduction I discovered a hereditary pattern of hypertension for myself due to the strong family history of high blood pressure. Several members of my family including my mother, father, maternal grandmother, and several aunts and uncles had or have hypertension. The Risk of Transmission of Hypertension to Other. New Family...

Forensic Psychology: Personality Assessment Inventory

Personality Assessment Inventory Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is an appraisal tool that form part of Leslie Morey’s work. It comprises 344 self-report items that are aimed at testing and appraising an individual’s personality (Morey, 2007). It also examines a respondent’s psychopathology. Every item of the scale involves the respondent’s declaration,...

System Design Details and LORETA Algorithm

The topic of converting the so-called EEG (Electroencephalography) waves into the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) music files has been of great interest to scholars over the recent decades. This can be explained by the fact that music created out of the waves that the brain of every human being...

Different Points of View

First person point of view uses a personal approach and generally employs the pronoun “I” or “we”. It is less formal, and often contains some personal opinion, though it may be supported with evidence. First person viewpoint may be used in most types of essays. However, the aim of the...

Expatriate Pay and Compensation in Other Countries

Introduction In practice, there are basically three international pay systems: the home country-based pay, headquarters-based pay, and host country-based pay. These systems are determined on the basis of standard of living, and the tax scheme used in the host country of a company. For this assignment I will consider theoretical...

El Colacho and Christening

Rituals in all countries are an amazing combination of pagan beliefs, magic, folklore, and religion. Sometimes the rites involved can be dangerous, but nevertheless, they have continued to be honored over the years. Some rites date back many centuries. Rituals have become part of the heritage of an entire nation,...

Tradition and Politics: New Year Festivals in Turkey

The article is a dissertation documented by Yucel Demirer, discussing the study of the contested versions of the solar New Year celebration, and also studies their political and cultural effects on the Turkish political scene (Demirer 5). The author tries to compare the developments of the solar New Year celebrations...

Sigmund Freud and Psychological Functioning

Introduction Freud was a physiologist, medical doctor, and psychologist, who later developed interest in the working of the human mind resulting in unprecedented research. His findings and theories form the framework of psychology today. He developed a specific area of psychology, known as psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is the careful examination of...

Role of Globalization in Asian Market

Globalization has created international markets for organizations. Consequently, businesses have to tackle ethical, social and cultural issues in new markets and cross-cultural settings. Thus, managers must recognize that the approach of managing a domestic firm differs from that of managing a global business. Managers must know countries vary in terms...

Contradictions of Relativism and Subjectivism

Shafer-Landau explains that belief within the society can be divided into two. The first branch of the belief system within a society is based on a specific individual. Different individuals have different beliefs about the various actions that take place within the society in which they live in. Hence, an...

Brownmiller on Free Speech and Pornography

Brownmiller’s argument for keeping pornography under wraps (Lederer 54) is based on the premise that it is not a political statement that deserves Constitutional protection. Hence, one of her conclusions is that women who patronize a newsstand should not have to confront a whole range of women en dishabille on...

Best Practices for Identifying Gifted Student

Currently many parents find it hard to identify the talents of their children and thus they depend on teachers and other career counselors for help. Therefore, it is imperative that these people know the procedures behind identifying the gifted children (Johnsen, 2009, p.9). According to the Improving America’s Schools Act...

Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation

The article by Krogh, Nonaka, and Rechsteiner (2012) presents the idea of organizational knowledge creation through the process of integration of knowledge assets. The authors first present a literature review on knowledge creation within organizations and then put forth the viewpoint that most of the researches have done in the...

Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions

Summary The paper is focused on the concept of ultimate branding opportunity. In the first part, the complexity and types of products are discussed. Then, readers may learn information about the strategies that firms utilize to adjust their product lines with the purpose of responding to the changing market conditions....

Sony’s Projector Manufacturing Market in 1989

The competitive situation on the projector market considering Electrohome production in 1989 and the strategy applied by Sony will be discussed in the present essay. Electrohome was a Canadian company, a relatively small batch manufacturer, by 1989 mostly specializing in projector production. The company proclaimed key advantages of its products...

Ethical Principles of Behavior, Religion, Duty

Basically, ethics can be defined as the moral principles guiding people’s behaviors. It is concerned with what is good for individuals and society at large. That is, it reveals what is considered as right or wrong, just or unjust, and good or bad based on human behavior. More so, ethics...

Eliminating Healthcare Barriers Within Communities in the United States

In the USA, the population of rural areas has always been concerned about access to the healthcare system. Not every town can provide people with necessary conditions in terms of health, and nurses are the ones who can help. They are capable of eliminating the obstacles rural people face and...

Lowell Mill Girls and their Strikes

When Lower Mills decided to reduce the salaries, many girls felt angry and resolved to strike in large numbers. The girls decided that it was important that they oppose any attempts to cut down their earnings. This was because their wages were not the only thing that was bringing them...

“Lord of the Rings”. A Masterpiece by Peter Jackson

Lord of the Rings film is a captivating trilogy filmed in New Zealand. The novel was written by J.R.R. Tolkien and the film was directed and produced by Peter Jackson. The entire production lasted for eight years! The trilogy parts are The Fellowship of the Ring released in 2001, The...

Tornado and AmeriCares Overview

Frequent tornadoes are typical climate features in North America that happen in different regions including Canada, the East Coast and the Florida Peninsula. Special sirens are installed to warn citizens about the emergence of a tornado, and houses are supplied with lower-level safe spaces; however, these means are not sufficient...

Prior’s War Neurosis in The Ghost Road by Pat Barker

It often happens that people’s past has its pernicious and destructive influence on their present preventing them from being healed from received injures especially the mental ones. This problem is described in a famous trilogy by Pat Barker. The trilogy speaks about the life of military people during the First...

The History of Jonestown Massacre of 1978

In spite of the fact that it has been almost half a century since the appalling events of the Jonestown massacre took place, the details of this case still provide a shocking effect on the modern society. It is hard to believe that an ill-will of a sectarians’ leader could...

Competencies in Organizational Management of Health Program

Introduction Healthcare management is a dynamic profession in the United States considering that the field experiences new and demanding challenges each year. As a result, healthcare managers and leaders are under intense pressure to carry out a wide range of roles using limited resources (Garman et al., 2006, p. 360)....

Louis XIV and Absolutism

Introduction Absolutism is a form of governance in which absolute or sovereign powers are in the hands of the king which include authority to make laws, develop foreign policy and administer both justice and state affairs. King Louis XIV of France is considered to be a classic example of absolutism....

How the Experiences of Adolescents Shape Their Lives

Adolescence is a landmark stage in the growth and development of young people. This is a confusing stage when the young people make the attempt to do what they consider mature with the aim of projecting the image of adult people. It is however a fact that these young people...

Real Madrid and Barcelona Football Clubs History

Introduction Nowadays, football is one of the most famous and beloved sports games in the world. During the last decades, the sport has developed: it became more professional, commercial, and businesslike. Proceeding from this, the concept of success has also changed, and there is a variety of methods used in...

Sport and Economic Regeneration in Cities

A research study conducted by Gratton, Shibli, and Coleman (2005) evaluated the social and economic relevance of sporting events and the appropriateness of related investments. These researchers hypothesized that the aim of the sporting investments seen within cities for the last twenty years was not directed towards the prowess of...

Can the EU Reduce Immigration Into Europe?

European countries, especially those in the European Union, have always been attractive for immigrants. The main principle of the EU is to eliminate any borders to make trade and cooperation much easier. Even within the EU, some countries are highly developed, while others need investments for further economic growth and...

Pre-Columbian Art: Mexican Wall Relief

The Mexican Wall Relief accomplished in the limestone around 795 will be addressed in the following paper. This excellent artwork belongs to the art of Maya and can be acclaimed as a traditional piece of Maya art addressing religious themes along with authority adoration ideas. Evaluating this relief, it can...

Diverse Families, Immigrants and Low Income on Early Childhood Education

Diverse families and their impact on early childhood education How does parent involvement affect early childhood education? A parent’s involvement is the dedication of available resources to their children in a certain domain. The dedication may include participating in school activities, child’s effective environment, and exposing the child to cognitively...

The Global Water Crisis: Issues and Solutions

Global warming and the water crisis is the title of a paper written by Kanae Shinjiro addressing the main issues that affect the earth resultant of global warming including the water crisis (860-864). For a long time, people often thought that water security was an issue revolving around drinking water....