A Duty of Care in Cyberspace and How It Relates to Cyber Terrorism

A Duty of Care in Cyberspace and how it relates to cyber terrorism The internet continues to play a very significant role throughout the world and its demand is expected to increase in all areas, from banking, to telecommunications, to entertainment and to power. Furthermore, it is critical to other...

Mental Health Issues in People of Various Ages and Origins

Mental health is an essential phenomenon that influences individuals’ well-being. Even if a person does not have any physical health problems, mental health issues can significantly decrease their life quality. It is so because these conditions create some barriers for people to enjoy life in its entirety. That is why...

Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election

The film Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election tells a mind-blowing story of the unlawful presidential elections in the United States. The events shown in the film are real historical events that take place in 2000 during the presidential elections. These elections are without a doubt, unprecedented in the history...

Difference Between Hearing and Listening to Music

Music has a unique way of conveying feelings, emotions, and even stories, regardless of the country and language of a person who listens to it. Various techniques and methods allow a composer to transfer mood and feeling so that the listener can perceive and understand it. However, most people hear...

Health Care Reform and American Politics

The United States of America has long been striving to enact the health insurance reform and it eventually became possible with Obama at charge. It is a serious step forward in order to support many Americans who cannot afford paying for the medical insurance. The US has the highest health...

Psychologists’ Involvement in Civil Court Area

Psychologists have varied interests within the civil court. Their involvement as skilled personnel usually targets the examination of emotional elements associated with individual injury litigation. Their key role is to examine particular emotional consequences that may emanate from traumatic hazards. In conducting their duties, an array of psychological applications and...

“Fat Girl” by Judith Moore

Fat girl is a non-fiction novel based on the abusive life of a young girl who is obese for as long as she can remember. She is mentally and physically abused by her mother and grandmother and her body size is one of the reasons why she faces constant and...

The US Voting System: History of Changes

Original voting procedures The constitution had outlined clear procedures of determining the president in the United States but that system only worked for some time. By the 1800s, the Americans had begun to explore other options to achieve the same goal. This was triggered by the flaws that were found...

Elements of Gothic Tradition in the American Literature

Introduction As it has been revealed, gothic tradition in literature is a very common culture among various authors of American Literature. This is clearly depicted in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe, “Young Goodman Brown” by Hawthorne, and “A Rose for Emily” by Faulkner; where gothic with a ‘twist’ is revealed...

The Civil War Lessons: Fight for Freedom and Equal Rights

United States history provided its students with many informative lessons on the country’s state from the first colonies to modern times. The most significant moment of U.S. history is the Civil War and its consequences, which have affected my perception of the fight for freedom and equal rights. African Americans...

Physical Realism and the Mind

Simone de Beauvoir was a rather famous author of feminist literature, as well as some existential works. Her book “The Second Sex” inspired the whole generation of women to fight for their rights worldwide. Her ideas were considered ‘too progressive’ in the past, which is why some men hated her....

Football and other Sports: Influence on Children’s Life

Children are the future. We dedicate our lives to raising kind and active individuals who can lead a healthy and meaningful life. This letter is to request that you send a coach, member or player to Stanford HS, Stanwood, WA, to help children lead that rewarding life. Currently, I coach...

The Life of Saint Francis: The Story of Change

Introduction Saint Francis is one of the most significant figures in Christianity. Most texts about this individual explore his teachings, wisdom, and legacy. However, Francis’s life was not limited to religious service, and it should be considered a lesson on its own. Francesco experienced drastic changes in his attitude toward...

Spatial and Revelatory Functions of the Guggenheim Museum

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City is uncharacteristic for the architectural landscape of the 5th Avenue, to say the least. Surrounded by strictly organized box-like buildings, the fluid form of the museum contrasts with them sharply. Its horizontal levels are not simply superimposed upon each...

College Experience and Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol use is related to a high number of health problems in the United States. The reason is that half of Americans consume beverages that contain ethyl alcohol. In terms of prevalence, university students are the ones who drink alcohol the most. Current statistics show that more than 80% of...

Self-Esteem in the Adolescence Period

Introduction According to Kail and Cavanaugh (2004), self-esteem can be explained to mean the general perception of an individual. He went ahead to explain that it is the way an individual views him or herself in the eyes of society. Self-esteem has to do with the level of satisfaction or...

Native Ads: Ethics of Native Advertising

Native advertising attempts to match the message or form of the site or platform on which it is carried. For instance, advertisers may write articles to promote their goods or services but utilize the same functions of articles created by the editorial staff. The author of this essay holds that...

Community Based Fundraising Marketing Plan

The name of the marketing plan is Community Based Fundraising. Multiple generations of contributors and potential fans will be targeted using different advertisement techniques, including traditional promotions and social media posts. Older fans will be targeted with advertisements focusing on community pride, while social media engagement and promotions will be...

Plan on Improving Employees Morale

There are no successful teams that have never been in a difficult situation. Sooner or later, they will have to face challenging goals and prospects or a lack of resources and funding. In that case, employees will be baffled, upset, and nervous. Lack of motivation among staff leads to reduced...

“Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print” by Marilyn Jager Adams

The current research study is based on the summary “Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print” written by Marilyn Jager Adams. The reading instruction is analyzed with a view to different methods and approaches suchlike logographic, syllabic, and alphabetic. Such aspects as the impact on reading instruction and implications...

Rule for Religious Life

Since ancient times, monasticism has existed as an attempt to escape the bustle of the world and devote life entirely to God. People who live in the world, are engulfed in a fuss that comes from rivalry, from the desire to be higher than the other, against their will. If...

“The Economic Organization of a Prisoner of War Camp” by Radford

Introduction Human beings are inherently economic beings in the sense that they day in day out seek to satisfy their needs and wants by the way of producing, distributing, exchanging, and consuming goods and services. In fact, complexities of human behavior in the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods...

‘Nevruz’ or ‘Newroz’? Deconstructing the ‘Invention’ of a Contested Tradition in Contemporary Turkey

The article “Nevruz’ or ‘Newroz’? Deconstructing the ‘Invention’ of a Contested Tradition in Contemporary Turkey” is a dissertation, written by Lerna K. Yanik, on the study and documentation of public celebrations in Turkey during the 1990s era. According to the article, “the concept of Nevruz and its cerebrations are associated...

Virtues, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics

Introduction Throughout the history of humanity, a variety of concepts explaining ethics and morality existed. Among some of the most significant of these concepts are virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. In the following paper, different outlooks on ethics and morality will be examined on the basis of the three...

Women and Their Roles in the Family and Workplace

The modern society focuses on success and self-expression. Today’s world had become more tolerant to different cultures, nationalities, and gender roles shifting. There are many reasons why men and women are changing their social roles more often. It is promoted by changing in economics and structure of society. There is...

Biology. Glial Cells and Their Subtypes

First of all, it should be noted that the nervous tissue is not a usual cluster of neurons, but a harmonious integration of interactions between neurons and glial cells that fill the free space. The parallel work of neurons coupled with the functionality of glial cells allows for full brain...

How to Make Our Ideas Clear by Charles S. Pierce: Review

In this chapter, Mr. Pierce expresses several opinions about the concept of a clear idea, the way it should be defined and recognized, and the distinction between a truly clear idea and an idea that only looks clear on the surface. He states that any thought is a system to...

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are complex and widespread, especially in western industrial countries, in which potentially a large number of adults have difficulties with getting regular sleep hours. Moreover, the disease lasts for years among at least half of the patients who suffer from sleep disorders. Among people with insomnia, postmenstrual women...

Main Characteristics of a Knight

Introduction The story of the song of Roland is an old one that portrays the struggle between evil and good. This is clearly seen between the Christian franks led by Charlemagne who represents good and Gods will while Muslim Saracens representing pure evil. Main Body In this story, Roland is...

Mechanism of US Agricultural Market

The fact that lower interest rates increased the number of potential customers for real estate in the early 2000s shows that housing prices should have increased substantially. Based on market supply and demand theory, a reduced cost would attract an incredible number of consumers and engage them in mortgages irrespective...

Cairo Accord: Important Aspects and American Position

The Cairo accord was signed in the year 1994 when the 175 participating nations had a consensus on controlling the rather spiral growth of the world’s population. During the conference there were discussions on the various reproductive health methods of which some were agreed upon and adopted. Other measures which...

Gardner’s Objectivist View of Art

Aesthetics is one of the most complex issues discussed by philosophers since the times of Aristotle. While numerous schools of thought argue what constitutes the beauty or lack thereof, one may roughly divide them into two groups: objectivist and subjectivist. The former maintains that there are objective criteria for establishing...

The Role of Negotiation in Patients’ Education

Introduction Negotiation is viewed as the process by which several parties with different interests attempt to find agreement. Regarding the patients’ education, negotiation helps doctors and clients to reach an understanding. It assists in changing the misconceptions of a client and improves treatment compliance with healthcare standards (Goldman et al.,...

“Meditating Female Shaman Effigy”: Formal Analysis

One of the characteristics of Native Americans is the intention to live in harmony with nature. As a result, many artworks of the Ancient Americans before the 1500s were devoted to the theme of spiritual connection between humans and nature, and the role of shamans was underlined. In this paper,...

What Is Intelligence: Aspects and Definition

People have been trying to study the level of intelligence and improve it in different species for centuries. Many types of research and studies in various subjects, such as biology, neurobiology, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, etc., have been written over the years. It can be suggested that people are close to...

Public Relation Influence of Media

Public Relation has been chosen as my field of study because it is the influential art that involves shaping opinions of a figure or an organization on the media. It is that challenge and ever changing affect of Public Relation that appeals to me and I look forward to the...

Collaborative Bandwidth and Transfer of Training

The relationship of these two terms is also illustrated by the assumptions they hold. Coaching is a transformation process believing that people have the ability to change from one character to another. This also applies in mentoring where it is assumed that humans are capable of transforming. Therefore, an individual...

Los Reyes Hospital Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is an important tool that helps to quantify the risk associated with an investment in a certain project. According to Gapenski and Pink (2015), there are three methods to quantify risk, including sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation. The most comprehendible way to assess associated risk...

Comparison of ‘Supermassive Black Hole’ and ‘Hit my Heart’

Introduction Music is an art. Listening to the music one may be captured in the absolutely new world where emotions and feelings have covered the whole space. Different music styles create absolutely different pictures in the human mind, but the reaction to the music is in most cases the same;...

Patient’s Medical History to Make a Correct Diagnosis

My primary diagnosis is that the patient is suffering from the depressive disorder due to hyperthyroidism based on the available information. According to DSM, a patient’s history should be examined to make a final judgment (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It is paramount to mention that the current condition may be...

Cash Versus Accrual Accounting Methods in Healthcare Organizations

Managing finances occupies a substantial area in all healthcare organizations due to the significance of real numbers to determine future practices, investments, and expenditures. Two different methods are used in various types of healthcare institutions, which are cash and accrual accounting basis. Still, most healthcare providers use the accrual method...

A 12-Year-old Boy With Asthma Exacerbation

The second scenario refers to the case of a 12-year-old boy that presents to the emergency department with asthma exacerbation, and, notably, it is the third time he has the same problem in the last three months. The process of collecting the patient’s medical history is simplified in this case...

Hawaiian Dance: Hula Dance Styles

Introduction Hula is the Hawaiian dance type that is accompanied by a chant or a song as the other best alternative. The Polynesians developed this form of dance in the Hawaiian Islands when they settled there. The accompanying song is known as “mele” and Hula dance dramatizes it (Tater, 1993)....

Digital Data Protection: Submitting Hard Copies

Data protection is an important element of the publication of a peer-reviewed article. Manuscripts are usually stored in some type of device (computer or laptop). It is also possible to store a copy of the manuscript on a disc or memory stick. It is essential to make sure that no...

Taj Mahan and Kandariya Mahadeva: Indian Architecture

Indian civilization originated in ancient times, and during its existence for several millennia its culture has experienced various architectural periods. In India, as in the rest of the world, architecture is linked to power. From the old days, the people living on the territory of modern India have expressed in...

Empowering Service Industry Employees: Pros & Cons

With the development of management employee empowerment has become a popular topic nowadays. It does not mean just passing the part of responsibilities to workers it is the improvement of their skills too. Employee empowerment may be defined as the possibility of workers making their own decisions that are very...

‘Why Shouldn’t Tommy and Jim Have Sex?’ by J. Corvino: Defense of Homosexuality

The article, written by John Corvino, is a short series of paragraphs in support of homosexual relationships. The reasoning is through the use of an abstract example, which is two men, Tommy and Jim. Corvino discusses one of the most common arguments against such couples, namely that homosexuality is supposedly...

Major Sport Events and Social Sustainability

Summary of the Article Major sport events have huge socioeconomic impacts on host countries and cities because of their large scale investments. Smith (2009) states host countries invest heavily in these sport events because they boost economic efficiency, promote equity, and enhance collective identities. However, the problem is that host...

Societal Imperfections in the U.S. Through Human Interactions

The paper adopts Goffman’s idea that people attribute the cause to their own and others’ behavior. They propose explanations for their own and others’ successes, failures, and responses. These forms of interactions produce world imperfections based on the division of labor, disruptions of the division of labor, social solidarity, social...

Fair Trade Concept Overview

The modern business environment is mainly focused on increasing profits and raising gains from trade. These entrepreneurship’s primary goals are not easily achievable; consequently, there is an impressive number of instances of unethical practices among business owners. Being blinded by the high profits, the entrepreneurs commit immoral acts and do...

The Monsters We Create: Analyzing Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

Over the years of its existence, Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” may have lost its edge as a horror novel, yet it has entered the pantheon of horror classics due to the unique nature of its conflict. On the one hand, the story of an insane scientist trying to play God and...

Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace

Culture of Safety There are a lot of dangers to hospital staff and hospitals in general when it comes to patient safety. Poor patient safety management often results in nurses and physicians experiencing a lot of stress and losing potential revenue. More importantly, poor patient safety may lead to patient’s...

IT and Competitive Advantage

The success of an organization depends on its ability to secure a favorable advantage over its competitors. The trend of business today is the incorporation of computer technology into the operations of the business. IT resources are expanding the capabilities of businesses; hence enhancing market expansions, increasing processing, and communication...

Honor Definition and Perception

Such word as honor is always associated with dignity, honesty, and generosity. Nevertheless, this word has a huge amount of notions. Different dictionaries give different definitions to this word. The great part of reliable sources in the definition of this word, because of the broad meaning of this notion, use...

Healthcare Information Systems and Their Future

We live in the era of modern technologies. These technologies are used in different areas of our life. Healthcare information systems have been developed since they are implemented. A profession of a healthcare informatics specialist has become the most desired specialty nowadays. Healthcare informatics may be used to unite the...

The Migrant Workers in Malaysia

South East Asian countries like Malaysia have been focusing on developing their manufacturing industries which are mostly export oriented in order to grow their economies. In an attempt to develop these industries, these countries rely heavily on cheap migrant labour. The governments of these countries have therefore set up various...

The Passenger Opera Analysis

The Passenger by the composer Mieczysław Weinberg is the opera based on the autobiographical book of the same name by the Polish writer Zofia Posmysz. The libretto was written by the Russian music critic Alexander Medvedev. The opera has been praised by critics for its stunning music, and at the...

Healthy Breakfast and Lunch Program for Schools

Introduction The current obesity crisis facing our youth today is the most unprecedented one in history. In the past three decades, obesity rates have gone up by over 300 percent and come with negative implications in the society, especially among children. This has exposed them to various obesity-related diseases, most...

Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters

We interact with numerous objects and individuals each day, and the understanding of how we perceive them helps us realize how the world functions. It is valuable knowledge, which can serve in solving different problems and making the most of opportunities. Undoubtedly, it is particularly engaging to analyze our interactions...

Marketing and Advertising Do Not Shape Our Lives

Despite the common opinion that marketing and advertising shape our lives, a number of specialists state the opposite theories regarding this point. Among them is David Sirulnick. David Sirulnick occupies the position of Executive Vice President for News and Production on MTV. In his interview for Barak Goodman’s project, he...

Applications of Skills Gapping in Organisations

Introduction The greatest challenge for organizations is to identify the workforce which will meet its needs in terms of service provision. Many organizations find it difficult to match the job opportunities they have and the workforce to employ. Each area of the organization requires different skills and expertise to ensure...

Public Funding for Professional Sports Facilities

A research study conducted by Murray (2009) addressed the controversial arguments about the appropriateness of using public funds to finance arenas, stadiums, and other additional amenities for sporting activities. In the United States of America and Canada, it was claimed that the franchising activities were owned privately by profit-making businesses....

Al Sheheen Organization’s Action Plan Outline

Al Sheheen is an organization that is known for providing principal training as well as consultancy services to organizations in the region. The organization has adequate resources to support the programs and help bring out more motivation to trigger students to become active in their own learning. The resources need...

Royal Airlines’ Poor Leadership

Introduction Leadership is defined as the social process under which a person can utilize the support of others to achieve a common goal and forms one of the most relevant and important aspect of organizations. It is also “a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective...

Angela Merkel’s Leadership Style – Article Evaluation

Analysis Main Conclusions Stefan Kornelius analyzes the leadership style of Angela Merkel – the Chancellor of Germany. The country’s citizens go to election in a few days and in spite of her successful eight-year leadership, the Chancellor might lose the elections according to Stefan Kornelius (2013). The editor of Germany’s...

Open Veins of Latin America. Reading Response

During several centuries, the lands of Latin America were viewed as pillaged by the Spaniards and White Americans because of access to these territories’ plentiful resources. In Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, Galeano (1997) presents the history of this region from the...

“A Woman in Blue” by Thomas Gainsborough

The artwork under consideration is a picture of A Woman in Blue (1777-1779) by Thomas Gainsborough. The size of the original is 30 x 25 1/4 in (76 x 64 cm). The picture belongs to the Hermitage collection. The portrait A Woman in Blue by Thomas Gainsborough is the single...

Ethics in Sociological Research

In this sociological research paper, we are going to critically analyze the experiment on obedience to authority figures conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram of Yale University. The experiment objective was devised to measure the willingness of individuals to obey authoritative commands which conflict with their personal conscious from an authoritative...

The Destiny of Constantinople

Mehmed II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, played a great role in the destiny of Constantinople. For many years he was under the shadow of his father, who was a great conqueror. That is why when his father, Murad II, abdicated the throne to Mehmed II when he was a...

Research and Juvenile Competency in the Courts

The task of assessing a juvenile’s competency to stand trial is often performed by a professional in the sphere of forensic psychology because it is important to provide reasonable decisions regarding a young person’s ability to stand trial (Kassin, Tubb, Hosch, & Memon, 2001, p. 2015). The standard evaluation of...

A Leader of Character in the Army

A leader is a person with remarkable leading skills, and other people trust them and tend to consider their opinion. Some people have leadership inclinations by default, and some build their character to become effective leaders. Character is a combination of naturally given skills with acquired attitudes and moral values....

Herbert Marcus And the New Left

Introduction Marxist Herbert Marcus was regarded in the 1960s as the guru of the new left. Although Marcus was not the only Marxist to formulate theories of integration and capitalist stabilization his vigorous search for alternative forces and how he bluntly presented his theories distinguished him from his contemporaries. As...

Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement: Impact on Modern Society

The lesson on the Civil Rights Movement has been a major source of inspiration for me. The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American society was massive: it has prohibited discrimination in employment and public accommodation business based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It taught me...

Ethics in the Modern Society

Ethics is our basic knowledge of what is good and what is bad. From the very childhood, we all are taught the general rules saying that we must not steal, tell lies, or hurt someone. When we grow up, we can see that ethics applies to all aspects of our...

Academic Writing and Professional Communication

Introduction To reach the appropriate level in learning the characteristic features of Public Administration, students should not only pay attention to such issues as the analysis of ethical and political questions connected with the field of Public Administration and develop skills in strategic planning and management but also be able...

What Can Be Done to Improve the Abilities of Infants’ and Toddlers

Children are flimsy by nature so adult care and guidance are crucial in a child’s upbringing. Childhood is often reflected in adults depending on the care and parenting acquired by infants or toddlers. If children receive helpful experiences, it predisposes them to better adulthood. In order to attain a better...

Leadership and Role Management in Organization

Introduction Managers are the custodians of every organization and are responsible for the management of the organization’s affairs. This includes the responsibility of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and also controlling the affairs of the organization. The leadership of the organizations, therefore, calls for the recruitment of effective managers who are...

Diversity and Individual Differences in Child’s Play Behavior

Several indicators may be used to predict how a preschool child plays in randomly selected situations that are quite helpful in predicting a child’s play behavior. These include cognition abilities, physical abilities, social abilities, and the child’s emotional attachments. A child’s play behavior is heavily influenced by his or her...

A Car: Technical Specifications & Safety Features

Introduction The main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the new 2010 Nissan Maxima car. The paper provides an overall description of the car that includes the various highlights of the vehicle, its standard & safety features as well as technical specifications. Vehicle highlights “The...

Data Analysis: Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Data Analysis This analysis is grounded on the US Department of Labor’s 2016 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, one of the main sources of information on the composition of households and their annual expenditures in the US. Based on this data, the following scenario was formulated: The annual expenditure used by a...

Old Spice’s “Smell Like a Man, Man” Advertisement Analysis

One of the most famous advertising campaigns of the last decade, Old Spice’s “Smell Like a Man, Man,” was continued earlier this year. For the first time, the appearance of this ad brought the company and its products to a new level of popularity. This reason became an argument in...

Multicultural Approaches: Multicultural Education

Introduction There are six approaches to multicultural education. These approaches have differences especially in how they are implemented in classrooms. York, S. (2001) points out that these approaches include human relations, single-group decisions, multicultural education, anti-bias education, culturally specific education, culturally relevant anti-bias education. The choice in this paper is...

Smoking: Addiction Treatment Methods

Motive for Smoking The rapists typically advise those who are daily tobacco users to quit, despite their willingness. However, the intervention for the smokers without any desire to stop is a complicated one. It primarily consists of multiple brief motivational interviewing sessions which last for several minutes. An Intervention should...

Indirect Emotion Regulation in Intractable Conflicts

The essence of conflict is known to exist since the times a human being has learned to keep an upright posture. As Whetten and Cameron state, “conflict is the lifeblood of vibrant, progressive, stimulating organizations. It sparks creativity, stimulates innovation, and encourages personal improvement” (306). Facing conflicts is a natural...

Japanese Painting Styles and Their Development

Japanese art can be acclaimed as having its unique style and special spirit inspiring by its sophistication and fineness which can be hardly confused with anything else in the world. Japan is especially known for its three styles of painting which are yamato-e, sumi-e, and ukiyo-e. These styles developed as...

Financial Aspects of Sex Industry

Introduction Sex industry is a commercial enterprise where sales and purchases of sexual activities are done. It includes prostitution and pornography which are sold and paid for. Legalized and illegal sex work Illegal sex workers make a sizable proportion of the vulnerable population. They are treated as criminals in the...

Arts and the Black Death

In mid-14th century, the Black Death plague swept across Europe, killing more than 40% of the population. While the continent experienced economic growth and a cultural flourishing in early years, towards the middle of the century, Europe was in crisis from war, famine and disease. However, cultural change continued to...

The Path to Semantic Interoperability

Modern healthcare information systems require secure, interoperable networks for communication between healthcare providers. Interoperability is the ability of systems to share information and process the data obtained through exchange (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, 2013). Additionally, interoperability ensures cooperation between consumers, providers, and corporations, regardless of...

Educational Discourses and Their Aspects

Education is the most important aspect of human life. It helps to shape the life and future of a person. Education as rightly said is both the producer and also the result of various discourses. Institutions are created only to discriminate between different spheres of education and different types of...

Public Goods From Sports Stadiums. Contingent Valuation Method

Summary of the Article State and local governments spend a lot of public funds in subsidizing the construction of arenas and sports stadiums with the view of generating income and positive externalities. However, Johnson and Whitehead (2000) argue that constructed arenas and stadiums have failed to cover the construction, maintenance,...

Response on Crisis in Schools

School Crisis Response The speed of one’s actions is crucial when an accident or an incident happens. It is important to calmly access the situation and follow the guidelines for resolving any given situation and find the quickest possible resolution. The first step in responding to a crisis is calling...

Methods by Which Ftl Travel Can Be Achieved

Introduction Several methods have been suggested by scientists by which to achieve faster than light (FTL) travel. This contrasts the theory of Einstein, which purports gravity is a space-time distortion that is produced by positive energy. Nature operates with a law that creates constraints on the duration and magnitude of...

Cultural Background in Perceiving Medical Care

Introduction All cultures have certain beliefs that they use to explain what lies behind illnesses, as well as how those can be cured. Some societies see diseases as a result of an evidence-based condition, while for others they are the results of supernatural phenomena. Cultural beliefs affect the way people...

Development of the Figure in Ancient Greek Art

Throughout history, Greek and Roman Empires have been considered to be the origin of Western culture. The art from these times lies at the foundation of the modern ideals of beauty, perfection, rationale, and balance. The rise and fall of Greece shaped a unique approach to artistic forms. This essay...

Power Dynamics in Leadership

Hypotheses H0 (null): Poor leadership training is not the cause of the high rate of failure in small businesses. H1 (alternative): Military leadership training provides best practices for small business leaders underlying the success of small businesses. The null hypothesis demonstrates that for small businesses, the failure rate has no...

Health Care Policy and Procedure Development

Despite the increasing speed of new technologies implementation, such as electronic health records, may hospitals face the issue of readmissions and must elaborate on the process of patient transition from one care setting to another manually. Financial fines and other difficulties brought by readmissions urge medical professionals to integrate efficient...

Hurricane Katrina’s Mental Health Impact on Populations

The occurrence of Hurricane Katrina and Tsunami disasters called for the development of specialized techniques that would respond to a crisis. The disasters challenged the governments of the two nations to be more awake on issues to do with disaster preparedness and response. During the rescue missions mounted by various...

International Logistics and SCM

Universally accepted criteria for assessing risks and vulnerability of infrastructural systems in terms of global logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) have not been specified so far (Mattsson & Jenelius, 2015; Kermanshah & Derrible, 2016). Therefore, an approach developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) was implemented to...

“The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls: Impression of Jeanette’s Parents

The first impression of Jeannette’s mother is very conflicting. It is hard to believe that she is describing her mother. When she describes her emotions and the way she sees her mother going through garbage, one wonders if she is talking about her mother or someone she just calls “Mom”....

Modernization of Educational Process: Positive and Negative Sides

Modern day colleges and universities have implemented numerous methods of improving access to their courses and services (Brodahl, Hadjerrouit & Hansen, 2011). This comes in form of online distance learning, the digitization of books and course materials, college web portals where registration for courses can be done in a quick...

The Cost of Learning to Kill

In the book ‘On Killing: The Physiological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society’ Dave Grossman studies the physiological mechanisms regulating the ability of soldiers to kill the enemy. Published in 1996, this book acquired national attention only in 1999 after the shooting at Littleton’s Columbine High School....

Portrayal of Children in Media

In this task dedicated to the portrayal of individuals from different developmental periods in advertising/media, we shall focus on the early childhood. The archetype of a child is among the basic ones; it is one of the most tradable images and is often used in advertising of the different product...

Conservatives and Liberals Approaches in Politics

Introduction In American politics, power is the focal point with differences in ideology becoming very influential. Liberal and conservative ideologies complicate American political views. As a result, the two ideologies are critical in understanding American politics (Conover and Stanley 11). This essay discusses the general differences in the way in...

Observations Techniques for Early Childhood Educators

Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) should be able familiar with different techniques applied for assessing the children’s gross and fine motor skills. Each approach, however, has a varied level of objectivity or longevity of observations, which affects the results of these observations. The two observation techniques that RECEs can use...

Anemia: Types, Detecting, Explanation

Anemia can be defined as a state of decrease in hemoglobin concentration because of the problems with oxygen transportation in blood. It is considered to be one of the global health problems, as this medical condition is common in everyday medical practice. Therefore, the detection of anemia type is crucial...

Deviant Behavior: Defining Abnormality

Variance from a standard behavior can be measured by different psychological states. These may include deviations from the average acting and ideal model, a sense of personal distress and a lack of comfort, a weak daily performance, and a difference from legal conceptions. The deviant behavior of a patient cannot...

Apple Computer Incorporation: Market Overview

Apple Inc. was formerly known as Apple Computer Inc. The company is a multinational corporation with headquarters in California, United States of America. Research indicated that Apple Inc. is the official designer and distributor of Apple personal computers, Apple computer software among other consumer electronics in the world. Macintosh is...

Business Practices and Sustainability

In our ever-changing world, innovation is one of the most important processes to exist. Nowadays, people seek changes that would bring the largest amount of value to individuals, organizations, and the environment. It is crucial for one to take into consideration the business practices of today’s companies. In his paper...

Key Elements Determining Success or Failure of Learning

Introduction: Wealth and Poverty at Schools “A tale of two schools” provides a short overview of the elements that constitute a financial core of any school. The video depicts two contrasting sides of education, which are poverty and wealth. These two extremities determine the level of learning in a country...

Business Ethics as Aspect of the Firm Functioning

Business ethics is one of the fundamental aspects of the functioning of modern organizations. The firms have to meet requirements for their work and evolution because of the need for respecting all actors, customers, and partners. Unfortunately, there are some cases of rude violations of this code that also precondition...

Critical Challenges Facing the Automotive Industry

Stiff competition has forced automobile companies to come up with better strategies that will help them compete successfully. Bankruptcy and economic crisis has threatened the existence of automobile industry. In order to create synergy, firms are trying to expand their operations through mergers and acquisition. A perfect example is Fiat,...

“Raped at 8 and Forced to Wed at 11…” Review

The article’s narration touches on a very emotive issue in society, which I thought does not happen in Florida. It amazes me to learn that Sherry Johnson was sexually abused when was below ten, and impregnated and married off at 11. Her mother did not protect her when she required...

Atomic Bomb Technology and World War II Outcomes

World War II witnessed advancements in military technology in an unprecedented fashion. The major alliances joined the warfare with highly sophisticated weapons due to the experience gained during World War I. This was not all; the war period experienced the development of even more advanced weapons. In fact, the end...

Classroom Activity Showcasing Application of Motivational Theory

Using Discussion to Motivate Students Motivation is a force that enables us to achieve a set goal. It is an essential aspect of learning for it plays a big role in the process of teaching and learning. It helps students to enjoy their lessons in class and therefore enhances learning....

Writing: Myths and Reality

Writing well is a skill that not everyone has but it is possible to achieve a certain level. The myth that some people will not be able to write well, no matter how hard they try, is a myth. Practice will enable a person to reach any heights they set...

The Uniqueness of American Culture

Intercultural differences sometimes make it extremely challenging to achieve mutual understanding. Despite the United States’ cultural influence on the world, some aspects of American culture and daily life turn out to be completely alien to those outside of the country. There are multiple things unique to the United States, including...

Allocation of the Scarce Biomedical Resources

The ranges of possible diseases and the number of theoretical scenarios for human morbidity are truly enormous. Such great diversity makes it extremely difficult to provide all patients with the necessary resources. Consequently, an ethical question arises of setting priorities for the allocation of medical supplies. This paper aims to...

“Research Methods in Education” by Check

The validity of research is identifying how sound a study is. In other words, research validity is evaluated by assessing the appropriateness of methods for answering the set research question. There are many aspects of valid research that should be kept in mind to make the research valid. First, sound...

Collaboration and Teamwork Within Healthcare Unit

Collaboration and teamwork have always been some of the major success factors when it comes to measuring a unit’s efficiency. However, if the business segment is frequently more preoccupied with the financial outcome, the healthcare sector is responsible for saving human lives. Hence, the ability to cooperate within a healthcare...

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory: Personal Childhood Experience

Introduction Understanding the stages of an individual’s cognitive development is critical for numerous reasons, including the opportunity to locate problems in development. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory provides an interesting addition to the rest of the developmental theories, shedding light on how personal experiences and a combination of external and internal factors...

Bank Management and Business Report Analysis

Introduction Each report addresses certain needs of an entity. This report is particularly prepared in the interest of a bank that is planning to increase and improve their sales performance. The main aim of this report is to provide an opinion on how sales should be improved to a certain...

The Importance of the American Literature Course

I: Since the beginning of this term, I have known that things would be different for students taking the American literature course in their final year. My sentiments are not meant to nullify the importance of other courses offered in the school, but to highlight the significance of this course...

Parental Involvement in Education

There is no use denying the fact that the issue of education is very important in the modern world. One of the main purposes of society nowadays is to guarantee stable development for children and make education affordable and efficient. That is why, a great number of papers are devoted...

Economics and Global Business Applications

Marginal revenue is defined as the change in revenue influenced by a change in the quantity sold (McConnell & Brue, 2012). As discussed by McConnell & Brue (2012), the marginal revenue curve just like the demand curve is affected by factors like change in income, change in prices of substitutes...

Coaching Efficacy and Coaching Effectiveness

The study by Kavussanu Maria, Boardley Ian, Jutkiewicz, Natalia, Vincent Samantha and Ring Christopher addressed coaching efficiency and usefulness, and also examined the predictors and a comparison between the information on the trainers and the athletes. In the report, they addressed the concern on the increased research on the conceptual...

Cameron’s POS to Organizational Effectiveness

Scope of the Theory Positive Organizational Scholarship represented by Cameron provides an examination of typical and deviated patterns of behavior of employees to highlight the problems and positive outcomes of the organizational process (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003). Hence, the theory focuses on the organizational dynamics leading to the Development...

Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” – Viewing and Reflection

The art of the theater is a unique kind of art that has not lost its popularity for many centuries. Among the well-known playwrights whose plays are considered to be the most celebrated, the English genius William Shakespeare occupies one of the leading positions. His works have not lost their...

The Impact of Attentional Focus on the Swimming Speed of Professional Swimmers

The Goal of the Research The objective of the study was to examine the impact of attentional focus on the swimming speed of professional swimmers (Stoate & Wulf, 2011). How the Goal Relates to My Research The authors report that an external focus targeted at the movement augments automaticity compared...

Movie Review – A Thin Blue Line

Review The movie ‘A Thin Blue Line’ is quite a sensational movie in a non-traditional sense in that it reveals the hidden world by letting the characters involved talk about this world. The movie investigates the murder of a police officer, Wood. Harris gives his account of the story, claiming...

All in the Family and MASH: Addressed Social Issues and Criticism From the Religious Right

Sitcoms are situational comedies that have recurring characters in places like home or the workplace. They do have studio audiences or specially made laugh tracks. Initially, they were associated with radios but currently, they are run on televisions. Like some other famous sitcoms like Simpsons, Married with children, Fraiser, Seinfield,...

The World of Trade in 1897 by Jules Ferry

According to Ferry (1897), the world of trade changed significantly at that time due to the introduction of protectionism. Germany and the United States of America imposed sanctions and duties on the import of foreign goods. In such a situation, French traders could not access these two enormous markets, which...

How Inclusion Affects General Education Students

Description of the problem Existing teaching strategies and instructional techniques have suggested various teaching methods and instructional settings to overcome learning problem in an inclusionary classroom. In a language class room students have often showed the symptoms of difficulties in reading and writing. The fact that students read and write...

Kawneer Brand Company: Structure Analysis

Introduction Kawneer Brand is a reputable company in North America that manufactures architectural building products from aluminum. There are other companies involved in manufacturing the same products but Kawneer Brand has proved to be an icon in this industry. Some of the goods it manufactures include framing systems, curtain wall...

ZZZZ Best Co. Case Study: Key Events and Key Auditing Topics

Key events surrounding the case Barry Minkow learned the carpet-cleaning business from his mother and proceeded to establish his own company, ZZZZ Best Co., at the tender age of 16. However, the capital was a major issue and he soon started undertaking credit card forgeries alongside other frauds that provided...

Supply Chain Management in the Business World

Supply chain management is one of the most important twentieth-century innovations in the business world. Practically, it is the managing of a “network of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers” (Cooper et al., 7). In other words, it takes care...

“Emotional Intelligence 2.0” by Bradberry and Greaves Book Review

When it comes to considering the role that emotions play in people’s lives, the latter usually agree with the point that these emotions are solely their reactions to external stimuli. In other words, the key idea of such perception consists in the one-sidedness of the emotions’ direction – a straight...

Schizophrenia Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Schizophrenia is a disorder that affects men at a higher rate as compared to their female counterparts. It is a mental disease, which affects the thinking capacity of an individual. A considerable number of populations around the globe are affected by this disease following the various observable signs. Misunderstanding of...

Classical and Individual Conservatives: Conservative Freedom

Classical conservatives define freedom as a privilege that must be controlled from reaching chaotic behaviors. Freedom itself is a good thing but when people are allowed to do whatever they want, they start to act in their interests and to the detriment of society. The government exists, so that it...

“Children Need to Play, Not Compete’” by Jessica Statsky

In, “Children Need to Play, not compete” Jessica Statsky explores trends in the U.S for the last three decades on organized sports for children. She argues that parental pressure and expectations from coaches require children to fulfill their desires rather than that of children. According to her, highly organized sports...

Sports Coaching: Virtue Ethics and Emulation

A research performed by Alun Hardman, Carwyn Jones, and Robyn Jones was based on 2 linked grounds. The first ground argued that the moral aspects of sport were intrinsic rather than reliant on the rules applied in it. It upholds the attributes of playing that do not hurt the opponents...

The Issue of Pleasure

Discussing and Imagining Pleasure for Ourselves and Others The week’s readings offered different perspectives on the issue of pleasure both in public and private. They showed the extensive scope of the problems associated with sex, pornography, and prostitution. Among them is the necessity to create a discourse that would consider...

“Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurt Vonnegut Review

Persuasive Essay The preeminent role of literature in society’s development cannot be doubted. Through reading, people obtain valuable means of developing a sense of beauty and imagination. Moreover, the reader can visit many places which he or she might never be able to see in reality. However, the most crucial...

“Midnight Cowboy” and “McCabe and Mrs. Miller” Films Analysis

Midnight Cowboy (1969) Subject: Mirrors and the Radio “Midnight Cowboy” is one of the movies that strike both with their theatrical imagery and the harsh reality that shines through the drapes of the scene. The wistful impression that the movie leaves owes its impact to a significant extent to the...

Visual Communication. Natural Food Packaging Colors

Color is one of the key attributes that help people associate with the product that a package contains. Applying the right color scheme is often the key determinant of a product’s success since using the wrong coloring deters consumers from purchasing the product. The modern market environment is the result...

Business Strategy: Leading Change at SJHC and LHSC Hospitals

The case under analysis describes the challenges that SJHC and LHSC faced while trying to transfer all the equipment and processes that were formerly carried out in SJHC to LHSC as planned by the Health Services Restructuring Commission (HSRC). The five major challenges that the organization faced in this process...

Maduro Faces the Ruler’s Dilemma

Mary Anastasia O’Grady’s column Venezuela’s Maduro Won’t Give Up Power was written for Wall Street Journal in the context of Venezuelan President’s words, who is not going to allow his United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to leave power even in the case of defeat on upcoming national assembly elections....

“Person-Centred Care” by Ulin et al.

Introduction Currently, the online medium, digital libraries, and printed publications provide medical professionals with abundant information related to innovative treatment methods, advancements in health care, solutions to issues in nursing, and so forth. Nevertheless, even peer-reviewed publications sometimes involve controversial findings and unverified data due to the application of irrelevant...

Forensic Psychology: Subspecialties and Roles

Forensic psychology involves the use of science as well as the psychology profession in questions and concerns associated with the legal system. Presently, forensic involves the use of empirical knowledge and practices to an adversary process in which particularly scientists with advanced knowledge have a role. The profession of forensic...