William Shakespeare’s 18th Sonnet: Poetic Elements

Metaphor The central theme of William Shakespeare’s sonnet No. 18 is love. The lyrical hero admires his beloved and compares her with a beautiful sunny day in May, as in his eyes, she turns out to be “sweeter and more beautiful.” The poem is built on the antithesis since he...

Tone in “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman

Introduction Walt Whitman is a free verse innovator and reformer of American poetry, whose primary ideas are people’s closeness to nature and kinship of a person with all people and all phenomena of the world. Moreover, he gained fame as the first nationwide poet in the United States since an...

“Super Size Me” by Morgan Spurlock

Morgan’s health condition before he embarked on his 30-day experiment was excellent. His blood pressure was normal, he had no history of high-risk diseases among his immediate family, he had good reflexes, no fever, no cough, no shortness of breath, no chest pains or anything. His blood tests showed good...

Social Media Counterclaims: Benefits over Disadvantages

If you’re writing an essay about the benefits of online communication, check out this sample! Here, we present to you a rebuttal of arguments claiming that social media is bad. Check out our examples of a claim and counterclaim about social media below. Social Media Counterclaims and Arguments Argument premise...

Functional Departments: Roles and Functions

Introduction Each organization is a complicated system made out of smaller, even more complex systems. Just like in a living organism, the company’s parts are interconnected and dependent on each other. Each of these departments has distinct roles and functions to facilitate the business processes, and none of them can...

Gulliver’s Travels Satire Examples & Critical Analysis

Gulliver’s Travels Satire Examples: Introduction Gulliver’s Travels tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver. He tours different parts of the world after the failure of his business. He first goes to Lilliput, where he meets tiny people before he goes back to his home through Blefuscu. He stays with his family...

Analysis of “Sonnet 75” by Edmund Spenser

Introduction Sonnet 75 is part of Edmund Spenser’s 89 sonnets about his wife, Elizabeth Boyle. The 89 short poems are collectively called Amoretti and were first published in 1595. Sonnet 75 carries the themes of love and time that seem to clash. The friction between the two themes is prominent...

The Role of Technology in Operations Management

Introduction Operation management can be simply defined as the methods by which organizations produce or deliver the goods and services that provide the reason for their existence. The management process, in that regard, is concerned with the resources that produce the products and services, and which usually consists of people,...

Children’s Use of Technology and Social Media: Essay Example

Social media is perhaps the most recent technological advancement in the world today. Applications that are internet based have made transfer of information fast and efficient. This has in turn made communication between people as well as organizations easy and reliable. However, given the fact that a big percentage of...

Definitions of a Good Life

At all times, philosophers and thinkers have been pondering what the Good Life is. This concept is subjective and can differ for every person because everyone views the world through the lens of their own values, beliefs, and experiences. As for me, the Good Life is the one where you...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Child Development Theories: Role and Importance

The complexities and challenges of child development cannot, in any way, be wished away. In equal measure, the optimal growth and development of a child are deemed not only important for the parents and family members, but also for the whole society. As such, it is critically important to understand...

Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Banned

Introduction Cell phones have become part and parcel of our lives, one cannot imagine a life without cell phones these days. Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. It is not very safe to use cellphones continuously and research goes to prove the same. There is no...

Steve Jobs’ Commencement: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction The speech by Steve Jobs titled “Commencement” was a part of Stanford University’s graduation ceremony. A commencement ceremony is a traditional part of graduation, where the students get a chance to listen to advice from others, which should help them make better life choices. In his speech, Jobs described...

Is the Customer Always Right?

Introduction In business, companies, managers, and employees strive to offer the best customer service because happy customers lead to more sales and higher profits. The “customer is always right” is a cliché statement that is used as a foundational philosophy for running successful businesses. It is an expression of how...

Working while Studying: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Education is the guarantee of a prestigious job in future. Many people try to get a good education, possess more skills and experience in the field they want to work in. But, high tuition is one of the main barriers for most students on the way to their education....

Positive and Negative Effects of the Second World War

Introduction War is a great disaster for mankind as it leads to numerous deaths. The world is full of different armed conflicts and local wars which are devastating. Still, looking at the history of mankind, it is possible to remember the most destructive wars, the First World War and the...

Argumentation For and Against Homeschooling: Essay Example

Homeschooling: Essay Introduction The popularity of homeschooling seems to increase, although some people are convinced that homeschoolers are not going to amount to anything valuable in the long run. In this speech, I am going to outline the strong points and drawbacks of homeschooling. It is believed that homeschooled children...

The Impact of Religion in Society

Have you ever wondered how different religions influence society? In this impact of religion on society essay sample, you’ll find an answer to this and other questions about impact of religion on society. Keep reading to gain some inspiration for your paper! Impact of Religion on Society: Essay Introduction Let...

When Learning Is Easy: My Experience in English

Introduction At first it seems obvious that the knowledge of a foreign language, especially English, which is extremely widespread nowadays, is essential for everyone. However, when it came to the actual process of learning, I realized that it took a great effort to study the language. Nevertheless, with the help...

History of the Refrigerator & Refrigerator Impact on Society

Importance of Refrigerator: Essay Introduction The refrigerator is one of the most significant inventions as it has changed the entire world. Refrigerators are used everywhere: in houses, cars, laboratories, hospitals, and so forth. However, the importance of this invention is underestimated by the majority of people. The main goal of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

I Want a Wife’ by Judy Brady

Introduction Judy Brady’s life began in 1937 in San Francisco, California, and became rather famous for having an active role within the feminist movement of the 1960s. In addition to being an author and editor, she also supported a number of political and environmental movements. Brady used to write for...

Unilever Case Study: Marketing Strategy of the Products

Introduction Unilever is a global company that deals with manufacture of consumer products. The company manufactures a wide range of products ranging from food to personal and home categories. The company’s engagement in production of different commodities has largely contributed to its growth in most parts of the world. The...

Disadvantages of Vaping

Introduction Vaping is very popular and widespread among young people nowadays. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 37% of 12th graders reported vaping in 2018 (Shmerling, 2019). These numbers are quite alarming, as scientists do not know much about the potential short- and...

The Negative Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example

Negative Effects of Fast Food: Essay Introduction Consumption of fast food is believed to have negative impact on physical and psychological health. Fast food is rich in glycemic load and energy densities. When consumed in excessive portions it contributes to the escalation of obesity, digestive problems, and depression. Obesity and...

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: What Does the Title Mean?

“Pride” and “Prejudice” are both depicted as qualities that each character needs in proper balance. “Pride” and “Prejudice,” are potentially dangerous qualities that Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet must overcome or avoid if they are to build a successful life together. Although Mr Darcy is often referred to in the...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Criticism, Strength and Weakness

Maslow’s Theory Description In 1943, Maslow proposed a theory that showed a hierarchy of basic human needs. This psychological theory shows a pyramid of five levels of needs that people want to achieve. Each tier represents a category of needs, in which various ideas represent behaviors and actions necessary to...

Old and New Money in The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the twentieth century, the “Jazz Age” in America. The writer considers many socially and morally significant topics in the novel, such as love, friendship, social division, and money. The last one is trickier than it seems at first....

The Water Cycle and the Impact of Human Activity on It

Abstract The water cycle is an important biogeochemical cycle that involves the movement of water on, below, and above the Earth’s surface. It comprises several processes that include evaporation, evapotranspiration, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. The cycle is affected adversely by human activities such as agriculture, deforestation, and abstraction of water...

Compare and Contrast: Online Shopping vs. Traditional Shopping

Historically, traditional shopping practices dominated the field of selling and purchasing goods and services. If anyone needed to buy a new pair of shoes, a new dress, or even a new house appliance, they would go to the market, or visit a dedicated store, to make a purchase. While a...

Poverty as a Social Problem

This free essay on poverty as a social problem looks at a grave problem that exists in America and in the world. It provides reasons why people are experiencing poverty as well as some solutions. Introduction Society often perceives poverty as an individualistic issue, believing it is a consequence of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Necklace From the Marxist Theory Perspective

Introduction The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant depicts a woman who is unsatisfied by her social position and desires to be accepted among the upper class. Although the author dwells on several issues, including the role of gender in society or psychological conflict, the Marxist theory is best applied to...

Water Pollution Causes, Effects and Solutions

Introduction Rivers are common sources of water in the world. Water is useful in various ways both domestically and in industries. It is imperative that such water remains clean and safe and free from any pollution. Unfortunately, water pollution takes place in various water bodies all over the world. This...

The Last Leaf by O. Henry

This The Last Leaf essay sample explores O. Henry’s short story. Learn more about the themes, setting, dialogues, and other details of the story with our The Last Leaf critique essay sample! The Last Leaf Essay Introduction I have read several short stories, but none inspired me, as The Last...

Positive Effects of Peer Pressure: Essay Example

Positive Effects of Peer Pressure: Essay Abstract The paper dwells on the analysis of the positive effects that peer pressure can have on adolescents. At the same time, the negative implications of peer pressure are acknowledged. The influence of peer pressure on teens’ development in various dimensions is discussed. It...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel: Eliezer’s and His Father Relationship

Are you looking for essay examples on Elie Wiesel and his father relationship? Look no further! Here, you’ll find out how their relationship changes throughout the novel. Keep reading to gain some inspiration for your essay on Night by Elie Wiesel.  A change is as good as a rest, and...

E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages

What are the similarities and differences between physical and e-books? Find out in this essay sample on e-book vs print book advantages and disadvantages! Get some ideas and inspiration for your paper and learn more about e-book and paper book advantages and disadvantages. E-book vs Print Book: Advantages and Disadvantages...

Social Media Effect on Young People

Are you about to write a research paper on social media effect on young people? Then check out our “impact of social media on youth” essay sample! Here, you’ll find psychological, financial, and other effects of social media. Impact of Social Media on Youth: Essay Introduction  Social media is gaining...

Life Without a Cell Phone: Benefits and Outcomes

Introduction Since prehistoric times, man has sought ways to make his life easier through inventions. The last century has witnessed the creation of the most epic inventions which have revolutionalized human life. One invention which has had a major impact on human life is the cell phone. Despite being a...

Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example

Essay about Fast Food: Introduction Food is an integral part of any culture and society around the globe. Until the last century, most people used to eat fresh, home-cooked food. Eating was a process that required specific preparations. However, now, we see that they prefer to eat fast food such...

Should Smoking Be Illegal?

Should smoking be banned? What are the pros and cons of banning cigarettes in public places? If you’re writing an argumentative essay or persuasive speech on why smoking should be banned, check out this sample. Smoking Should Be Banned: Essay Introduction Smoking involves burning a substance to take in its...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Winston Churchill’s Speech and Cold War

The Sinews of Peace known as The Iron Curtain is the speech of Winston Churchill to the United States and Great Britain in particular that laid the accent on the challenges of the Western World. The speech of the British statesman outlined the onset of the Cold War. As the...

Urban Planning of Thanks-Giving Square

Introduction: Olmsted’s Philosophy and Principles of Landscape Design Before starting the virtual tour of Thanks-Giving Square and the evaluation of its architectural design, it is necessary to give the outline of design principles formulated by outstanding landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. Initially, he was not a professional landscape designer...

Trial Exhibits and Motion in Limine

Three Types of Trial Exhibits In legal understanding, exhibits represent the tangible items that the sides in the trial have to present in order to support their claims and testimonies of the witnesses (McClure and Eimermann 356). There are three types of trial exhibits; they are physical evidence, documentary evidence,...

The State of Miranda Warning Rights Today

Miranda Warning Rights The United States Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to be able to defend themselves with the help of a professional lawyer and self-incrimination. It is important to note that Miranda rights are a mandate imposed on law enforcement to explicitly state one’s rights to remain silent...

The Development of Female Characters in the Horror Genre

Gender bias is one of the main problems of present-day films, and such genre as horror is no exception to the rule. Meanwhile, the articles on this topic written by Erin Harrington and Beth Younger reflect on the gradual shift in the perceptions of women’s roles in them. Both authors...

The Agility EVM Project: Ethical Issues

Agility Case Study The case study of the Agility EVM project, like all stories of projects that failed due to managerial incompetence and personal conflicts, has plenty of ethical and compliance issues to go along with it. As this is a complex case study with several key stakeholders involved, the...

The 1918 Pandemic Representation

The 1918 pandemic caused by the flu influenza, also known as Spanish flu, led to the death of more than 50 million people worldwide and was believed to be one of the tremendous diseases in the history of humanity. Many reports, books, and articles were published to shed the light...

Risk Assessment Matrix: The Challenger Case

In an effort to explore the unknown vastness of space and get more answers about how the universe was formed, humanity is actively building space shuttles and orbiting the solar system. Building, launching, and maintaining these shuttles requires tremendous effort, financial investment, and safety precautions that can lead to tragedy...

Remote Sensing to Monitor Human Rights Violations

People living today observe the rise of the new era characterized by the wide use of digital technologies and their wide implementation into different spheres of human activities. The emergence of new devices and software provides society with new options to improve the standards of their living or assist communities...

Political Battles and the Role of Canada’s History

The course of history is an objective process. Even though it can be affected by powerful politicians and unions of states, it does not change the very fact that the process itself should be viewed objectively. Nevertheless, understanding history is a highly subjective performance that is influenced by individual’s personal...

Obamacare: Prevention and Emergency Care Services

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 (often referred to as ObamaCare) has been a subject of heated debate because many people argue that this initiative is completely unfair and harmful for the country’s economy. Clearly, various negative aspects need further consideration or even complete elimination...

Lockheed Martin: Ethics Program

Lockheed Martin is an American aerospace company employing over a hundred thousand employees. As a part of the company’s ethics and diversity program, a document was published called Setting the Standard detailing Lockheed Martin’s code of ethics and business conduct (Setting the standard, 2020). However, some argue that a company...

Life Stages: Old Age, Dying, and Death

Death is perceived as natural and an inevitable part of life. We may not be sure about the outcomes of our lives, but one thing we are confident of is that we are all going to die. Although funerals help the living by giving them a chance to understand the...

Health Status of the African Americans

African Americans are among the largest ethnic groups in the United States, with a greater percentage being of African ancestry, while some are of non-Black descent. This population descended from enslaved people from Africa coerced to work in the New World. Working as slaves, they had limited rights and were...

Health Status of African American Community

Introduction The health of minority groups often requires additional attention due to a variety of socio-political, cultural and socioeconomic factors. The health status of each minority group needs to be examined separately, and a proper approach to health promotion should be utilized. Various organizations such as the Center for Disease...

Health Promotion for Indians and Alaskan Natives

While American Indians and Alaskan Natives have been the first inhabitants of the land that is now occupied by the United States of America, today the population faces significant health care disparities. American Indians and Alaskan Natives had to withstand the immense pressure from the majority populations that have compromised...

Health Promotion Among African Americans

Introduction The USA is a host to many minority groups, each of which is different by ethnicity, culture, and other factors. African Americans belong to one of the most widely represented minority groups. However, despite being one of the biggest communities in the US, this group of people faced many...

Diabetes Issues in the United States and Florida

Diabetes is a serious issue both in the US and in Florida in particular. In the state, it is number six in the list of illnesses that cause death (“Proven Community Based Lifestyle Change Program,” n.d.). According to the program, 7.1% of the population in the state has the disease....

Diabetes in African Americans and Effectiveness of Educational Sessions

Introduction Diabetes is a significant public health problem in the United States (US). According to the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, over a tenth of the population has diabetes and related conditions, and the number of new cases continues to rise rapidly (Diabetes statistics, 2020). The US is not alone in...

Death Penalty as a Cruel Murder

Introduction Death Penalty or Capital Punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment of a crime called capital offence or capital crime. The death penalty has lately become an increasingly controversial issue not only in the world, but in the U.K too, with many in this country calling...

Cultural Diversity in Nursing Education

The word ‘diversity’, when used within an educational context, encompasses a large amount of concepts which describe different aspects of diversity education. These terms include multicultural education, antiracist education, ethnic studies, social justice education, multi-lingual education, integration, and many others, and together they propagate that all people, regardless of their...

Community Health Nursing: New Regulations

Introduction In recent years, several major laws affecting the practice of public health were enacted, aimed to minimize health disparities by lowering costs and improving the accessibility of health care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in particular showed that major changes were needed to improve the quality and affordability of...

Clinical Problem: Suicide Prevention in Geriatric Patients

The clinical problem that will be considered in the proposed research consists of the challenge of suicide prevention in older patients, especially those suffering from terminal illnesses. In general, suicidal thoughts in older people can be viewed as a significant health concern; for example, in the US, over 6,000 older...

Climate and Weather Concepts

The concepts of climate and weather are closely related to each other; the key distinction between the two is that climate is attributed to a particular region and even a certain season, whereas weather is not (Lutgens and Tarbuck 339). Among the six elements of weather, temperature, humidity, perspiration, atmospheric...

Cell Phone Use While Driving: Why Is It Dangerous?

Introduction The invention of cell phones allowed people to have a constant connection to their family, friends, and colleagues. Later, smartphones became the norm, and this connection expanded to include the Internet and all ways of communication enabled by it. It was only a matter of time until using a...

Catholic Church: Religious and Imperial Expansion Impact

Because in the early modern period, the forces of globalization put a variety of historical personalities in contact, challenges and conflicts were inevitable since they were and remained parts of human nature. Furthermore, globalization was associated with a rapid pace of social change, which, in the historical context, was very...

Ansel Adams’s Environmental Philosophy in Photos

Throughout the history of American conservation, few artists have worked as effectively and as hard to communicate the ‘wilderness idea’ as Ansel Adams. For the photographers, the wilderness has always been an intangible and non-materialistic experience. Through his works, Adams has managed to tough numerous people with a sense of...

The Hero’s Journey Theory in “Black Panther”

Tales about heroes are an integral part of everyone’s childhood as the obstacles these victors overcome, their unearthly courage, and the amazing triumphs they achieve form an influential concept of “an ideal human.” In these seemingly childish and imaginary stories and myths, Joseph Campbell, a successful American professor of literature,...

The Future of the Tourism Industry

Introduction Every trip is a unique experience that forever leaves a vivid imprint on the traveler. People travel for different reasons, some more than others, and some like only the occasional trip to a neighboring city. Nevertheless, people will never stop traveling, no matter the conditions. During the pandemic, travel...

Leadership and Managerial Styles

Introduction In the context of the assignment, three teams with different approaches to management were considered: autocratic, permissive, and democratic styles. The management style directly affects the development of employees, the success of the organization, and the retention of specialists. Wrong leadership pattern demotivates employees, reduces their efficiency, and productivity...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mindfulness-Based Nutrition for Students

Problem Statement or Research Question The research question for the final assignment: “What is mindful eating, and how is it beneficial for students?” Databases ERIC, APA PsycINFO, Education Source. Annotation Bibliography Nathalie Lyzwinski, L., Caffery, L., Bambling, M., & Edirippulige, S. (2018). University students’ perspectives on mindfulness and mHealth: a qualitative...

‘The Friar’ in Canterbury Tales

Introduction The Friar, one of Chaucer’s portraits of what he perceived as a corrupt clergy, can simply be described as a fraud. At a glance The Friar is a religious and pious figure. But a close scrutiny reveals a character different from what he presents to the naked eye. Infact,...

Conflict in “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings” by Márquez

Introduction The concept of conflict in literature denotes the ideological confrontation of the sublime and the low, good and evil. In general terms, a conflict in a literary work is a struggle of opposing forces: multiple heroes, the central character of the work and nature, or the hero with oneself....

Hospitality Industry in Economic Growth and Development

Introduction Hospitality is mainly considered as the act of being hospitable. It is also termed as the relationship between the visitor / guest and the host. In general, hospitality is defined as the practice of creating and offering important and distinctive customer services to a guest. Hospitality industry is an...

The Scientific Revolution: The Contributions of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Isaac Newton

Introduction Scientific revolution contributed to the modern world, and a final Renaissance expression. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Isaac Newton brought the scientific revolution. Copernicus sought to get an answer to the movement of the planets, as put across by the ancient scientists through the use of...

Influenza Vaccine: The Effectiveness Against Hospitalization in Children

Introduction Influenza, also called flu, is among the most contagious infections that tamper with the passage of air in the lungs. The symptoms of influenza include coughs, body aches, high fever, sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, among other symptoms. Influenza has been known as the most common and severe...

Evo Morales: The Non-Western Leader

How Evo Morales’s Background as A Poor Farmer Differed from The Background of Other Western Leaders Evo Morales’s background as a poor farmer differs substantially from the backgrounds of most Western leaders. His family was peasant farmers and from an early age, he took part in planting and harvesting crops...

Escherichia Coli: Analysis and Intervention Measures

Introduction The growing number of infectious diseases in the United States and the world is a consequence of man’s lifestyle choices. Bacteria-resistant strains make these infections increasingly deadly, making them global health risks. Escherichia Coli is a prime example of a bacterial infection whose prevalence and continued impact on society...

The First of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Compliance

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), established in 2002, was developed to provide specific compliance rules related to financial decisions. Businesses must control and regulate their operations according to the current legislation. The compliance-related process has impacted numerous organizations, including Trinity Industries. Hence, this paper aims to trace the company’s development under...

Scientific Authorship: The Ethical Issues

Introduction of the Problem Assigning authorship in the scientific sphere is a complicated process which can cause various disputes. The main problem is connected with determining the share of each author’s contribution to work. It is described in the context of science-intensive indices, according to which the effectiveness of the...

Interviewing for Data Collection in Research

Introduction The field of research has various techniques for data collection and presenting evidence of the research findings. Each investigation must have a practical approach to gathering information appropriate for the topic under investigation, characteristics of respondents and the target audience. In qualitative research, the techniques range from observation, interviews,...

Do Soccer Fans Love Their Teams?

The research question for this paper focuses on soccer fans’ motivation for supporting their teams through stadium attendance. Many believe that fans go to stadiums for games out of love for their teams or the sport in general, but there are indications that it could be something else (Reed, 2018)....

Data Visualization: Innovative Solutions

Introduction Data visualization is an efficient approach that significantly improves the interactivity of the examined data. In the talk “Next in Data Visualization,” five speakers discuss the innovative solutions about how to “explore” and “explain” information. The presentations primarily concern the ideas that might change the field in the future...

Augmented Reality in Surgery: Barriers to Change

Change is an inevitable element of progress and development since it signifies the work on the drawbacks of the past for better achievements in the future. In the field of health care, continuous change based on the latest evidence-based practice research drive performance excellence and lead to the improvement of...

BeeDoughs Cookies: Financial Aspects

Introduction This essay will look at the financial aspects of running a speciality cookie business. We will look at how product costing methodologies and supply variations affect business decisions. In addition, we will conduct a cost analysis and evaluate the data to identify the effectiveness and performance of manufacturing. Establishing...

The 2020 US Presidential Elections

Using Politics To Define The 2020 Elections The 2020 election was a moment when the people chose a group of people through voting into a political office. Delegates who won their respective party nominations vied for an elective post in their states. The process involved citizens voting for their popular...

Students’ Early Language and Reading Levels

Introduction As an essential skill for knowledge acquisition, reading is believed to have an overarching implication on future academic success. Weak reading is often hypothesized as a later manifestation of inadequate language development. Past research on the topic investigates the association between later reading and early language capabilities of learners...

Environment: Heal the Bay Experience

Environmental conservation is one of the vital practices to save the ecosystem from the terrible effects of pollution. One of the organizations that have been at the forefront of fighting pollution in oceans and beaches is Heal the Bay. Driven by its mission of making the coastal waters and watershed...

Appiah’s and Baylis’ Views on Black Identity

Ethnic identity stands as a constituent component of a person’s self-awareness, manifesting itself in acceptance, identification, and knowledge of their ethnicity. The ethnic or racial identity of a person can acquire various forms of expression in their life depending on their environment, upbringing, and social circle. However, the issue of...

“Better Days” by OneRepublic: A Song Analysis

Song Title, Group, and YouTube Link: “Better Days” by OneRepublic The song exhibits more of a duple meter and to some extent, there is some aspect of a triple meter. At the beginning around 0:29, I hear one measure of duple meter in the lyrics (Tedder et al.). The word “waking...

The Looming Student Loan Default Crisis Is Worse Than We Thought: Critique

Descriptive Overview of the Article The author studies the release of new statistics on student debt and repayment in October 2017 by the U.S. Department of Education. This research takes a more significant look at student dues and evasion. Considering all university students relatively than only borrowers offers far more...

Children’s and Adolescents’ Use of Sugary Drinks

Introduction Children and adolescents are at grave risk for health problems due to the excessive intake of added sugars, particularly sugary drinks. Minority and low-income children are disproportionately affected. The use of added sugars by children and adolescents must be reduced in order to enhance health, which calls for public...

American Imperialism in the Late 1800s

Introduction The late 19th century was characterized by a new wave of imperialism. Many countries, including the United States of America, went on a path of expanding their global influence through the acquisition of land overseas. The imperialistic movement in the United States of America began with the Spanish-American War...

Race, Ethnicity, and Age Trends of Death From COVID-19

The chosen research was conducted by a collective of seventeen people. The majority operates under CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response: Jayme Coyle; Brittney N. Baack; Tonji M. Durant; Kenneth L. Dominguez; S. Jane Henley; Francis B. Annor; Jennifer Fuld; Deborah L. Dee; Achuyt Bhattarai; Brendan R. Jackson. The following authors also...

Discussion: Nursing Documentation System

The documentary system of nurses plays a rather important place in the process of providing health services. Access to clinical information plays a unique role in the decision-making process related to the well-being of patients. To ensure the safety and proper use of medical data, it is necessary to develop...

Walmart’s Leadership and Business During COVID-19

Introduction The coronavirus pandemic is a global phenomenon that literally shut down businesses and forced people to stay locked indoors for fear of contracting the virus. Subsequently, the pandemic was a rude awakening for institutions without any disaster management strategies as most of them were forced to close their doors...

Telemedicine Services in Saudi Arabia

Introduction The health sector is constantly changing to respond to new diseases and patients’ changing needs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare industry has been overwhelmed with many patients and the need to protect uninfected individuals who visited the hospital. For this reason, many countries, including the Kingdom of Saudi...

The DNP Role: Module Reflection

Throughout the past semester, an insightful and transformational journey occurred to me since I improved my theoretical understanding of the DNP role and the importance of nursing research in constructing evidence-based practice. Moreover, I was encouraged to explore the theories of nursing and the importance of transformational and implementation science...

The Use of the Biostatistics Course

Introduction A correct understanding and interpretation of the concepts of mathematical statistics used in the analysis of the obtained data are essential for accurate decision-making. Statistical methods enable one to narrow the interval of uncertainty in their decision-making. Incorrect application of statistical tools leads to false conclusions and interpretations of...

A Case Study Assignment on Legal Contract

Introduction A binding agreement between parties can be legally enforced if one of the parties violates the terms of the agreement. As a consequence of this, a legally valid contract needs to have several essential components. An offer is present when one party suggests another for a transactional relationship. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Poem “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Introduction In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the chivalric quest is undoubtedly the literary type most closely identified with medieval literature. It includes themes of the feudal system, heroic fighting, courtship, brave sacrifice, and religious meditation. A literary masterpiece from the Anglo-Saxon era called Beowulf depicts the mythological and...

The Ideal Woman of Ancient China

In the Han dynasty, women contributed to social order by demonstrating the womanly behavior of virtue, which was comprised of humility, obedience to the husband, humanity, gentleness, and deliberation. The support for this statement stems from literary artifacts and connections between Confucianism, the wife’s responsibility for the marital union’s purity...

Spinoza’s vs. Descartes’ Philosophy of Substance

Introduction The initial problem of the philosophical worldview is the doctrine of being. In modern times, the search for unity and stability in the world has transformed into a solution to the problem of substance. Various philosophers recognized as such either one substance, two consciousness and matter, or many. Thus,...

Unconditional Fatherly Love in Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays”

Introduction Differences in the perception of life values, manifested in the context of a generation gap, are a common problem raised in literary works. In Hayden’s poem “Those Winter Days,” the poet demonstrates such an assessment by presenting himself as the narrator. In this short poem, he faithfully captures the...

Phone System Inc.’s Performance Measurement

Introduction Companies constantly face many difficulties in the decision-making process, especially when determining the future vector of the development. Phone System Inc. strives to increase its profit by opening the facility in India and the old one in America, but faces several problems trying to manage all the details. Therefore,...

Closing the Gap Between Military Service and Civilian Career

Introduction A gulf between Military Service and Civilian careers prevents veterans from successfully integrating into society after military service. It is crucial to offer modern veterans efficient employment services. Therefore, this topic needs research and analysis of all stakeholders’ needs, rights, and opportunities. Professionals in career development must think carefully...

Patient Safety and Clinical Handover Process

Problem Statement Patient safety is one of the central factors that hospitals aim to improve. In settings where the number of patients greatly increases, the clinical handover process becomes an issue of quality. The lack of structure and systematized information transfer is related to several adverse outcomes for patients, including...

Intravenous Lidocaine Treating Acute Pain

Evaluation of the outcomes of patients receiving intravenous lidocaine and its effect on reducing postoperative pain and opioid requirements compared to patients who do not receive intravenous lidocaine is an important clinical issue to implement a practice change in hospitals that do not currently utilize IV lidocaine. Opioids are extensively...

A Civil Commitment and Ethical Issues Journal

Ethical issues associated with involuntary hospitalization do create a dilemma in dealing with patients with cognitive issues. In hospital settings there are qualified physicians are expected to conduct their duties as per the principles of medical ethics, these are nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy (Varkey, 2021). Out of the...

Screening Program for Suicide and Overdose Prevention

Raccoon City Primary Care Screening Stakeholders Police, EMT/EMS, nurses, social workers, people struggling with drug addiction, and people struggling with suicidal ideation. Purpose of the Program Evaluation The program evaluation is intended to be applied to determine if the intervention has yielded positive results and has fulfilled its objectives. Thus,...

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Speech: On the Importance of Blood Donation

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Waste Disposal: Environmental Issue

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Serial Killers: Speech Analysis

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“Schoolsville” a Poem by Billy Collins

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Assessing Students with Learning Problems

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The American Rescue Plan Act’s May-Can-Should Analysis

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Refugee Health-Related Challenges

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The “Oil” Play by Ella Hickson

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Culture and Corporate Information Systems

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Addressing Depression Among Native Youths

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The Lack of Diversity and Inclusion in the Gaming Industry

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