Capitalism vs. Socialism: Principles and Arguments

The fundamental principles and arguments of the supporters of socialism and capitalism as opposing systems were established in the period of the 19th century and the practical implication of the 20th century led to the adaptation and further solidification of their respective argumentative basis. Capitalism is an economic system, which...

Patriots Versus Rebels: Confederates and Colonists

Confederates and Colonists The Confederate States of America consisted of seven states in the Lower South region determined to protect the slave industry through secession from the other states (Lesh, & Finkelman, 2008). Unlike the colonists that were interested in preserving the unity of America and the protection of human...

Venezuela: Domestic and Foreign Concerns of the Country

When an old government in a country is overthrown as a result of an internal crisis, there is a challenging task to create a new system that will allow spheres to function properly. The current situation in Venezuela allows to believe that the former dictator will not be ruling the...

The Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri: Compare and Contrast

Introduction Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake expresses a complex combination of the emotions and feelings of the main characters who are trying to understand their places in society and identify themselves. The author shows an immigrant father, Ashoke, and his son, Gogol, who, despite different upbringings and cultural affiliations, go...

The US Air Defense System

Introduction Currently, the U.S. air force is the most powerful in the world. It consists of “of 180 Air National Guard F-15A/B and F-16A/B aircraft located in 10 units and 14 alert sites in the United States” (“Strategic,” n.d.). In addition to ten dedicated units, “2 F-15 dual-tasked general-purpose units...

Physical Activity and Obesity in Children by Hills et al.

Obesity has become one of the most significant health issues for high-income countries. Living standards in these countries are rising; people can afford to buy more while working less. Only this can lead to serious physical and even mental issues. In addition, the lifestyle of these people has changed under...

Syndicated and Organized Crime and Governmental Crime

Summary Enterprise crime is the crime in which money is obtained illegally. Actually, this kind of crime is done very slowly by taking many years. It does not cause any violence. The main aim of this crime is to make money. According to the article ‘Enterprise Crime targets nation’s Economy’...

National Identity Throughout the History of the USA

Introduction A unique set of events defines every century in the history of the United States of America. While the XVI century was the era of colonization, the XVIII century was marked by the colonial decline (Corbett et al. 63-154). While the early XIV century became the making of democracy,...

“I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero

The book “I Fought the Law and I Won!” by Jonny Cordero (2017) is a semi-autobiographical book with fictional elements. The author drew heavily on the experiences of his own life to relay the plot of his book. The primary themes are relationships within a fragmented family, the consequences of...

The Reason for a Conceptual Framework in Accounting

Thesis In this presentation, I argue that a conceptual framework in accounting is aimed more at protecting the accounting profession than at the improvement of accounting practice. There are three critical arguments to prove the thesis. Firstly, the framework is ambiguous rather than precise. Secondly, it is descriptive rather than...

Popular Research Paper Topics

42nd Street Musical by Stewart and Bramble

If you want to learn about some secrets of show business, you need to watch the brilliant musical 42nd Street. This musical was written by Michael Stewart and Mark Bramble in 1980. The production under consideration was performed by the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts in 2013...

The Effect of Opioids on the Body: Dependence and the Consequences of It

The effect of opioids on the body is associated with analgesic and sedative effects, depression of the respiratory and cough centers, and weakening intestinal motility. This narcotic is widely used in medicine as a powerful painkiller, so-called opioid analgesics. The ability to induce euphoria leads to the recreational use of...

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

The modern healthcare sector can be characterized by the increased complexity and developed infrastructure needed to provide care to patients and meet their diverse needs. Because of the difficulty and the growing requirements to the quality, health workers should be ready to cooperate, share experiences, and constantly improve their skills....

The Nurse Role in the Management of Medicines During Transitional Care

Transitional nursing remains a critical issue for the modern healthcare sector. It ensures that patients will benefit from a careful and effective transition from one level of health care to another and enjoy the improved outcomes. However, because of the complexity of some cases and peculiarities of the target audience...

Europe’s Last Dictator and the Belarus Opposition

Events in Belarus have become the focus of attention of many world media. In the heart of Europe, thousands of protesters are once again opposing the authoritarian rule. The former Soviet Republic has repeatedly witnessed the dubious victories of President Alexander Lukashenko. However, never before has the desire for change...

Social Media Crisis Communication for Business

With the fast growth of social media promotion and the place which companies and organizations assign to it in their market strategies expanding, a crisis is habitually reflected in social networks. They have reshaped communication practices by changing how the information is transferred from one party to another. These contemporary...

Two Acts on Drug Law Comparison

Introduction The 2009 Health reform legislation was passed with the aim of Medicare saving for the patients in America. In 2009 the House H.R. 3962 approved the Affordable Health Care for America. This bill contains several provisions that are expected to affect Medicare program expenditures for the people of America....

Patient Engagement and Public Data Gathering

The rapid growth of electronic communication and expanding access to the Internet have empowered providers and consumers of healthcare information. The variety of sources has changed the relationship between a doctor and a patient. Healthcare organizations use a variety of patient engagement tools that a big step forward in technological...

Influence of News Media on the Social Behavior of Society

Introduction Undoubtedly, the news media have a tremendous influence on the social behavior of society with regards to information, communication, as well as entertainment. Paper journals, magazines, and newspapers are currently considered as old sources of media that cannot have the same impact on society the way that technologies can....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ineffective Employee Behavior and Keys to Effectiveness

For the team to work effectively, it is important that each member has certain characteristics that ensure coherency. First, each individual should be focused on achieving the concrete result. For example, every person should set corporate goals prior to individual ones. Second, all workers should have an active position. It...

Paraeducator Qualifications and Responsibilities

Introduction Paraeducator, also known as para-pro, instructional assistant, educational assistant, classroom assistant, or teacher’s aide, is a person who assists students under the supervision of a certified teacher (Douglas et al., 2019). Qualifications Qualifications necessary to be employed as a paraeducator are very heavily based on educational institutions and state...

Cholera: Overview of the Affected Population and Description of the Disease

Introduction In 2020, cholera is not as dangerous as it was a hundred or two hundred years ago. Much more people have access to clean water; sewage is rarely discharged into the same bodies of water from which people drink. Wastewater treatment plants and water supply are on a completely...

The Process of Food Poisoning in General

Food poisoning is a foodborne syndrome that results from the intake of contaminated foods. It is a common illness that often results from the consumption of food and drinks that are contaminated by bacteria toxins, parasites, and viruses and can also result from ingestion of noninfectious poisons and heavy metals....

The Role of Nurses in Enhancing Patient Safety

Introduction Patient safety has become an everyday terminology in the healthcare sector. This is due to the growing attention that the concept has received not only from patients and their families but also from policymakers and the healthcare sector itself. In the clinical practice, the improvement of patient safety necessitates...

Adolescence and Sexuality: Girls’ and Boys’ Sexual and Emotional Experiences

Introduction Sex, romantic and intimate relationships for most teens today begin at a relatively early age. In particular, scientists note that the first sexual contact, whether casual sex or sex in relationships occurs in most teenagers before their senior years (Orenstein, 2016). Then, in college, young people meet with unlimited...

Nature vs. Nurture in the Television Series “Dexter”

Introduction The nature vs. nurture debate has been an ongoing issue in different fields of study, including psychology, sociology, and genetics, among other related areas. At the center of this debate is whether human genes are pre-determined or wired in a specific way that cannot be altered or they can...

Education Initiatives to Address the Opioid Crisis

The term “opioid crisis” is used to refer to the sharp rise in the number of Americans addicted to opioids in the 2010s. It started with the launch of new painkiller drugs in the 1990s that, despite pharmaceutical companies’ claims, proved to be highly addictive, leading to fast-growing abuse and...

Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly

Monopolistic competition and oligopoly are the two most common types of imperfectly competitive market structures. Since the average company has less market power than a monopoly and faces less harsh competition than implied by the perfect competition scenario, most industries fall under one of those models (Mankiw, 2020). Both cases...

Jamel Brinkley’s “A Family” Short Story

Introduction Jamel Brinkley’s “A Family” starts on a note that immediately raises concerns in the reader. Curtis, a convict who spent twelve years in prison, is discreetly following what appears to be a single mother with a teenage son under the pretext of being interested in the son. The two...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Egyptian Art: A Form of Entertainment or a Source of Purpose

Introduction It is undoubtedly true that ancient societies have a significant impact on the contemporary world. Millions of people all over the globe are excited about discovering new pieces of art and architecture. Artists receive their inspiration and motivation from their unknown ancestors, intending to refine works created during ancient...

Anemia Is a Malady of the Blood

Anemia is a malady of the blood that has varied etiology. Treatment of different types of anemia depends on identification of the etiology. Because different forms of anemia share common symptoms including feeling of weakness, cold, dizziness, and irritability (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011), further laboratory test...

House Freedom Caucus: Legislation Research and Analysis

From your own research, what interest group did you find? Please list its name and website information. The interest group identified in the research is the House Freedom Caucus. It is a congressional caucus that includes members of the House of Representatives that are also members of the Republican Party....

Apple Inc. Analysis: Company’s Performance

Examine the countries where your company does business according to where they rank on the Hofstede cultural dimensions. Think of some examples of how a U.S. manager would need to modify his or her behavior when communicating with associates from one or more of these foreign countries. Apple is an...

Assessment of Spiritual Needs and Life Philosophy

Interview Q.1. Who or what provides you with strength and hope? Well, I suppose that my greatest support is my family. My husband makes me stronger, children make me feel needed, and a tiny granddaughter is my inspiration. I want them to be happy, so I try not to focus...

Infection Control Related Sentinel Events

Health is a critical issue. There are various ways through which individuals get infected with various illness and diseases. Some of them could be prevented while others could only be controlled. Being healthy is extremely important since illness is associated with a lot of negative attributes for instance un-productivity due...

The Evidence-Based Practice Importance in Health Care Services

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is of crucial importance for improving the quality of health care services and the patients’ outcomes. The health care practitioners should use only the most accurate information for choosing appropriate intervention measures and developing effective health care plans. The EBP is one of key elements of the...

Company Goals and Plans

The organization where the author works is currently trying to develop a new workforce planning approach that will help recruit the talent necessary to implement the management’s vision. The project involves increased interdepartmental collaboration, with different teams making their needs known and actively working with the HR department to hire...

Architectural Style: Lubar School of Business

Introduction The architectural style of every building is unique, though projects can have similarities in comparison with architectural styles of previous eras. It is necessary to mention that some particular elements may be characteristic for buildings of the same period or similar purpose. For example, churches of the same historical...

Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí: Contrastive Analysis

It happened that two of the most prominent artist names in the history of the fine art of the 20th century belong to Spain, and these names are Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali. Calling the names of these two artists side by side, people tend to oppose them, which is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How Microorganisms Can Be Used for Bioremediation

The effects of environmental pollution on the global marine ecosystem, as well as local ones, have been tremendously adverse, with multiple species having become extinct or approaching the stage of extinction. Therefore, strategies for restoring the ecosystems that said organisms need to survive and thrive must be introduced into the...

The Importance of the Earth Hour Initiative

Environmental Problem While changes in knowledge do not produce automatic changes in human behavior, raising awareness regarding climate shifts and sustainability remains an effective instrument to promote action within local communities. Lack of information and its deliberate manipulation by companies leads to collective ignorance. Millions of people do not realize...

Security Management Issues: Personal and Property Security

Introduction Personal and property security are an indispensable aspect of human life. There is a need for people to ensure they keep their property and personal information confidential. Secured property and personal privacy ensure no unauthorized access or use of applicable information and assets as well as protection against theft,...

The Process of Collecting Intelligence Information

Introduction The process of collecting intelligence information is sensitive since it requires excellence. It does not create room for unnecessary mistakes. Therefore, it is vital to define an intelligence question precisely (Dunleigh 1994, 81). This helps to ensure that the collector of intelligence information does not engage in asking foolish...

Servant Leadership Philosophy and Leadership Style

According to the results of the questionnaire, my personal servant leadership philosophy revolves largely around conceptual skills, ethics in business and working practices. Another important part is the empowerment of the employees in order to help them do their duties and solve problems on their own rather than ask the...

Long-Term Investment Decisions and the Role of Government During a Merger

Introduction Typically, there are a number of reasons to undertake a merger. Many times, companies look to increase growth, increase efficiency, and extract very real profit during a period of irrational exuberance. In any case, the government indicates that it will approve a merger, but only on the condition that...

Nazi Propaganda: Tactics, Characteristics, and Concepts

What tactics were implemented by Adolf Hitler and Goebbels in order to achieve “cultural cleansing”? What are the similarities and differences between Hitler’s and Goebbels’ views regarding the role of propaganda? Hitler and Goebbels used mass media for cleansing. They knew that propaganda would not succeed in a disunited society....

Gifted Students: The Importance and Role of Reading

Questions How does the understanding and appreciation of literature increase in gifted students when grouped by ability? Does the use of analogies and instruction make it possible for students who are gifted to have critical and creative reading? Is reading acceleration and personal enrichment possibilities of meeting the needs of...

Evidence-Based Practice: Evaluation of Process

Abstract In the current essay, an evaluation plan is developed for the final evidence-based practice project. The present paper consists of several parts to provide a comprehensive and concise piece of writing. First of all, the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data is described. Secondly, how...

Miranda’s Rights: Review

The use Miranda rights in the United States is so common that a trial judge once commented that its use in television investigative dramas series has made the laws part of the American culture. Many citizens now believe that every encounter with the law enforcement officers require the Miranda rights...

Delivery of a Functional and Interactive Website for a Lab and Medical Equipment Company

Introduction The project is delivering a functional and interactive website for a lab and medical equipment company, which requires several specific features. The website’s overall goal is to allow a customer to be able to request a quote and view the laboratory equipment which would meet the research needs. Customization...

“First Day of Winter” by Breece D’J Pancake

“First Day of Winter” is a work by an American writer Breece D’J Pancake. This short story reveals the inner conflict of the main character, Hollis, and shows an uneasy relationship with his parents. Hollis is a farm boy who takes care of his elderly and feeble mother and father....

Adoption of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as an Important Piece of Legislation

Introduction The Sarbanes- Oxley Act was legislated in the year 2002 to enhance new rules and standards for all US public companies, management, and public accounting firms. The sponsors of the law did it due to the public outcry on the increased cases of scandals which were affecting many public...

Asthma and Stepwise Management

Introduction Asthma is one of the highly prevalent diseases with about 25.7 million people suffering from it in the United States (Tietze, 2017). It is a cause of almost half a million annual hospitalizations and kills nine people every day. Asthma is defined as “a heterogeneous chronic inflammatory medical condition...

Navigating Environmental Attitudes: Environmental Preservation

Heberlein1 argues that the environment should be protected not only by people but also from people because people are the number one threat to the environment. Issues of global freezing and warming have all come about due to the activities of man. Moreover, technology has a big role to play...

Electronic Health Records Implementation Examples

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are becoming increasingly popular with the growing demand for convenient and high-quality healthcare services. Nowadays nursing care greatly depends on EHR because of the convenience of having all health information about a patient. One of the most important benefits of Electronic Health Records is the option...

Autism in Adults: Daily Challenges

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental and neurological condition typically diagnosed in childhood; the affected individuals experience challenges with social interactions, present repetitive behaviors, known as stimming, and maybe nonverbal or have restricted speech patterns known as prosody. Their poor social skills lead to problems in securing employment and...

Western Oahu Veterans Center: Budgeting Project

Unit Description Western Oahu Veterans Center is a local branch of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, a governmental agency that aims to provide various types of aid to veterans of U.S. military service. The center’s staff consists of seven employees who work eight hours a day, six days a...

White Space in Website Layouts

White space serves an important role in the web layout by providing an interface for readers to interact with various aspects of the web content (Laudon & Laudon, 2013). The most important aspect is that it improves reading of the web content by allowing users time to pause for the...

Starbucks Customer-Brand Identity and Its Evaluation

What item and /or brand defines you? Why does it define you? Among the many things and brands that I love, the one that defines me is coffee. In particular, I love Starbucks’ coffee. I fell in love with coffee back in the days when I used to take caffeinated...

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Uses, Challenges, and Purposes

Discuss the see-and-avoid challenges facing UAV operations The status of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and how they fit into the National Airspace System (NAS) has not yet been ratified by the necessary authorities. The UAVs’ biggest challenge remains their ability to adhere to the Federal Aviation Regulations’ (FARs) right of...

Project Stakeholder Management and Measures of Success

List and explain ways to measure project success. Why does success need to be monitored during the progression of the project? The success of a project can be measured through evaluation of stakeholders’ satisfaction, end user adoption, the governance criteria and the extent to which the project objectives are met....

Public Diplomacy Profession, Its Significance, and Career

In the world of nowadays, communication is gaining importance and power. The modern world has made a serious leap concerning the level of communication over the last several decades. Scientists came up with the technologies allowing free and speedy communication almost in every corner of the planet. In the contemporary...

Ancient Architectures Comparison: Similarities and Differences in the Architecture of Different Cultures and Epochs

Architecture represents the core values of the national culture and historical period. By comparing particular examples of Aegean, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine architecture, this paper will explore the similarities and differences which can be found in works of architecture of different cultures and epochs. By comparing the Lion...

Ian Mcewan’s Atonement: Structure and Narrative

Introduction Ian McEwan’s Atonement is a novel about the young girl’s tragic mistake, her adult life in the shadow of that mistake, and her attempts at atonement. The author uses a mix of classic and postmodern techniques to make a statement about atonement, the relationship between life and fiction, the...

Support for Patients and Communities Act: Review of a Bill

The opioid crisis in the United States caused significant concern in legal and healthcare systems. Various measures were taken to investigate the issue; however, the death rate kept increasing. The government signed Support for Patients and Communities Act in 2018, which provisioned increased access to the opioid treatment and implemented...

Nickel and Dimed and The Queen of Versailles

Known as a Land of Opportunities, the US allows some people to become successful, leaving the rest to survive by themselves and support the few fortunate ones. As a model of capitalism, the country may ignore the needs of those who do not contribute much to money and resource circulation....

Subprime Mortgage Crisis 2007

Causes of Subprime crisis The federal reserves in the year 2001 started reducing the interest rates for federal funds, which went as low as 1% by the year 2003. When the interest rates went down, it was a chance for investors to borrow money at a low cost so that...

Charleston Shooting: Race Relations in Modern America

June 17th was the five year anniversary of the Charleston Massacre, in which nine black parishioners were shot and killed by a 21-year-old white supremacist Dylann Roof (Smith). Given America’s tragic history of racially motivated crimes, the Charleston shooting was deemed reflective of the current state of race relations in...

Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Business Plan

Executive Summary Vision/Mission Statement Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is an information technology company focusing on software and networking. Its mission is to introduce modern technological solutions for the benefit of the community’s business and everyday life. The company follows the principles of overall inclusion and aims to create equal opportunities...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Portrayal of the LGBTQ+ Population in the Media

Many scholars have investigated the portrayal of the LGBTQ+ population in the media, noting that it does not always reflect reality. Seif (2017) provides an analysis of several characteristics of gay and lesbian characters in the media. They include gendered stereotypes, victimization, representation as villains, a sexual depiction, or a...

Is Covid-19 a Threat to National Security?

There is no doubt that the recent coronavirus pandemic poses a serious threat to the national security of the United States. In order to combat the spread of the virus, the Americans have implemented strict quarantine measures, including self-isolation, and the military help to control the situation. There are many...

“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley and “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding

Notwithstanding that both William Golding and Mary Shelley created hypothetical situations to explore the nature of humans, their approaches and motives significantly differ. However, the given paper will prove that simultaneously they share the research on how the environment influences people and on what the inner nature of these creatures...

Quality Documentation and Reporting in Primary Health Care

Introduction It is worth noting that primary health care is the central link in the healthcare sector, and its main task is to improve the health of the country’s population. This type of care is the most demanded one due to the fact that, as a rule, it is provided...

Building Trust Within the Healthcare Setting

In the healthcare industry, trust is an important component because health involves risks and uncertainties from the patients. Since sick people purely depend on the intentions and competence of the healthcare workers for their wellness, their confidence is critical. High trust level has been associated with several benefits, which are...

Global Marketing Management: Theoretical Concepts

Abstract The paper introduces global marketing as the means of channelling resources in the world market then examines the theoretical concepts and extensions on global marketing management. It then discusses the various kinds of management orientations and their differences in relation to global marketing. Then it goes ahead to discuss...

Integrated Marketing Communication Tactic

Contemporary marketing efforts of businesses require the creative use of multiple channels that will allow connecting with a consumer and delivering a message about the brand. Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a combination of all communication channels available to the company and the use of them as an advertising method....

Mesopotamia: From Sumer to Babylon

Introduction Mesopotamia is one of the greatest civilizations in world history. Most technological inventions and writing systems of contemporary society exist because of Mesopotamian contribution. The first writing system and literary work are attributed to this civilization. Throughout its history, the region was ruled by several empires, including Sumers and...

The Ethnicity Mixes and Growth of Houston’s Population

Demographics have changed significantly throughout the last 30 years worldwide. Increased population growth concerned the United States of America, impacting the biggest city such as New York, Dallas, Las Vegas, and others. Houston has become such a city where the population growth has been changing for the past three decades....

The Nordic Countries: Cultural Values

What is your first association with Scandinavia? The earliest thing that comes to mind is that everyone must be cold; however, very few people are educated in this region’s cultural values. The Nordic region countries include Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden and are often associated with utopian life. These...

Impact of Excessive Gadget Use Among Children

Any parent would like their child to be entertained and learn new things, as this is a common aspect of their development. Because gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles are highly popular among children, considering their effects on growing generations is essential. While such devices can offer hours...

Socio-Technical Issues and IT Project Success or Failure

Introduction Arguably one of the most epic accomplishments of the 21st century was the invention of the computer and the subsequent creation of the internet. These two entities have virtually transformed the world as far as information processing and communication is concerned. Organizations have extensively employed the use of computer...

Health Financing: PPACA, HIPAA, MMA Comparison

Introduction The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed and approved by both the Senate and the House in 1996. The act was put in place to ensure that there was continued delivery of health care for the citizens through the provision of health insurance coverage. Emphasis was...

The Importance of Healthcare Management

Many people need healthcare services every day, and it is a big challenge for healthcare organizations to provide care to each of them. In order to address this challenge, the profession of a healthcare manager was developed. Healthcare managers have many responsibilities in healthcare organizations, such as coordinating stakeholders, managing...

Examining the Ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

Introduction Racial segregation, as a systemic effort to make African-Americans subordinate, was one of the critical problems of the US. Such a position denied equal access of African-Americans to public services and limited their rights. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are the most prominent ministers and proponents of the...

Pillars of the Chicago School of Architecture

Introduction The era of Art Nouveau and the significant technological progress associated with them and the next wave of the industrial revolution gave rise to new ideas in architecture. A specific portion of these ideas was consolidated in the minds of young Chicago architects who later formed the Chicago School...

Technical Synopsis – Auto-Drive

Introduction The invention of automobiles in 1886 by Karl Benz has created a new way of transporting people and goods, and now, companies such as Google and Tesla aim to develop a breakthrough – auto drive. This technology synopsis will describe the purpose and specifics of auto-drive and give details...

Domestic Violence: Analysis and Evaluation of Articles

Abstract This paper is an evaluation of peer-reviewed articles that touch on the subject of domestic violence. The first article addresses the current state of domestic violence against women in Nepal. The second article seeks ways of fostering collaboration between child protection services and domestic dispute departments. The third article...

International Finance Analysis: International Monetary Policies

Abstract Most of the international monetary policies are formulated by the Bretton Woods institutions namely the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). While the core objectives of these polices are to create a level playing ground and sustainable economic growth across the globe, the anticipated economic returns have not...

Marketing Website Evaluation and Detailed Analysis

One of the most important attributes of this website is that the marketing department is in a position to engage with the audience who comes across the wide range of products displayed in the website. For instance, the site has been integrated with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter...

Health Information Exchange, Its Role and Importance for the Healthcare Sector

Identify the principle barriers to health information exchange. What impact do these barriers have on health information exchange? The use of technologies to facilitate health information exchange and improve results is considered the future of the healthcare sector. Unfortunately, several principle barriers might deteriorate the results of the process and...

Leaders Approaches’ Comparison and Evaluation of Their Effectiveness

Introduction It should be noted that the effectiveness of management depends not only on the individual qualities of a person but also on the way these characteristics meet the roles that a leader has to perform in the company. Moreover, it is the task of leadership to achieve such synergy...

Online Learning Technologies

Introduction Education is of great importance to the society and because of this; individuals and governments have invested significant amounts of money in its development. Innovations in Information Technology have enabled great advances to be made in education through online learning. This form of learning is able to overcome problems...

Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence is an urgent and significant problem that is addressed not only by social workers but also by official state boards. The importance of this issue is explained by severe implications on the physical and mental health of people who have been abused by family members. In addition,...

The Agency Agreement Between GC and George Tacy: Review

Agency contracts are requested because they allow businesses and individuals to hire agents who will act on their behalf. The following information will consider the details of the agency agreement between GC and George Tacy. In some cases, it is inconvenient for businesses or individuals to perform particular actions. A...

Personal Statement of Nursing

Nursing is a process that entails the care of patients with care and responsibility. While the basic qualities of empathy, care, and sincerity are important components of nursing practice, it is essential to develop “critical thinking skills” to become a successful nurse (Alfaro-Lefevre, 2009). It is therefore vital for prospective...

East Prussia Campaign of 1914: Staff Ride Project

Word War I was the first war waged by fully industrialized militaries. Many of its features, such as advances in firepower and communications, the importance of aerial reconnaissance, and the benefits of operational and strategic mobility, remain relevant today. The developmental goal of the staff ride to the battlefields of...

The Good Samaritan Dilemma: Why Are People Reluctant to Help Strangers in the Street?

Offering assistance to those in need appears to be one of the primary ethical principles to which most people are expected to adhere in modern society. However, the phenomenon known as the bystander effect appears to be tragically true, with a significant number of people preferring not to intervene in...

Crisis Intervention: School-Based Crisis Teams

Introduction The crisis has become one of the burning issues in our times. According to Frieda F. Brown and Jackson P. Rainer, the crisis is “the presence of an event or situation as beyond the coping mechanisms of the individual” (Brown & Jackson, 2006, p. 953). Three components of crisis...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Azure: Service Operations Management Overview

Perception of the Service The service provided by Microsoft (Azure Cloud) can be perceived as a client-centered attempt to convey the best tech for an appropriate price that would not scare customers away from the company. The operation provides consumers with an outlook on the company’s services where end-users could...

The Hydrological Cycle

Water is a key component of life on earth. It covers slightly more than 705 of the earth surface. The hydrological cycle explains the behavior of water within the planet. Among the processes supported by water are: farming, construction, power, and human consumption. It is right to say that without...

Biopsychology: Review

The work of the human body implies a significant complexity of the connections and interactions between its systems. It can be clearly seen in the endocrine and the central nervous system as they cooperate in the task of transferring hormones. However, not only the involvement of several parts can be...

Antimicrobial Therapy: Types of Antimicrobial Agents and Their Effects on Microorganisms

Introduction Microbial infections can pose a severe threat to the life and health of a person. The critical task of healthcare professionals is to choose the most optimal medications that will fight the disease without exposing a patient to unnecessary harm. Very often, this task requires extensive research and testing....

The Issue of Adolescent Pregnancy as a Major Social Problem

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) appreciates the challenges attributed to teenage pregnancy. Consequently, it has established laws that require governments and societies to look after boys and girls until they become adults. Sedgh, Finer, Bankole, Eilers, and Singh (2015) assert that any deviation from CRC principles...

Care Standards Application: The Case of Administrative Responsibility and Negligence

The nursing practice operates under specific guidelines and standards of care to ensure positive patient outcomes, safety, and quality care. At times, nurses and other healthcare providers may make errors in the process of executing their duties, and the affected patient can sue for negligence. In Florida, nurses operate under...

Nursing Theoretical Frameworks: Joyce Travelbee’s Human-To-Human Relationship Model

In contemporary nursing science, there are numerous theoretical frameworks of various types, each describing a unique approach to caregiving. However, it is essential to notice that the development of nursing theory took a relatively long way, and it comprised many scientists’ contribution (Butts & Rich, 2015). Each scientist contributed to...

Russia’s Annexation of Crimea: Global Implications of the Annexation

Introduction Russia’s annexation of Crimea has led to a host of global implications ranging from a set of confrontational policies towards the US and EU to European security challenges. On March 16, 2014, a local referendum was held on the Crimean Peninsula (Grant, 2015). The referendum showed overwhelming support for...

Patient’s Health Assessment: Diagnosis and Medication

Introduction A presumptive nursing diagnosis is at the center of nursing interventions; therefore, it is of utter importance to learn the process of analyzing diagnostic clues and symptoms (Herdman & Kamitsure, 2014). This paper aims to present three differential diagnoses for a patient who presents with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea....

Supraventricular Tachycardia Management: Pharmacologic Management Recommendations

The present case is focused on the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) in an adolescent patient. The patient reports chest pain and presents with high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, and left ventricular enlargement with pulmonary engorgement. Pharmacological treatment of the condition is required to manage the condition and relieve...

Nursing Professional Development: Nursing Education, Practice, and Leadership

Nowadays, the representatives of the nursing profession start playing more and more important roles in the American health care system. There exist a variety of reasons for that; for instance, nurses are cheaper to prepare than physicians, and deep theoretical knowledge that doctors attain is often not required for the...

Adolescents Annual Examination: Physical, Psychosocial, and Biomedical Screenings

According to the Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Care (GAPS), it is recommended for all adolescents aged from 11 to 21 to pass an annual examination (Neinstein, Gordon, Katzman, & Rosen, 2009). There are three components of the above recommendation, including physical, psychosocial, and biomedical screenings. Physical and biomedical aspects imply...

Asthma Stepwise Management: Goals and Effectiveness

Introduction The primary danger of asthma as a disease is the fact that it requires different interventions, based on the symptoms that an individual has. Additionally, the nature of the condition implies that one can have either an attack or an asthma-free day, which requires different approaches to management. Asthma...

Health Information Systems and Information Technology

Domains of health information systems There are three main domains of health information systems – financial/ administrative, clinical (patient management), and data analytics. The first relates to the issues of registering patients and scheduling initial and follow-up visits. More importantly, the administrators can review the billing information (Joshi & Nash,...

Public Health Programs and Their Role in Disease Prevention

What is the role of the CHN/PHN in addressing unimmunized and under-immunized populations with communities? The role of the CHN/PHN in addressing unimmunized and under-immunized populations with communities cannot be ignored. Despite a number of positive achievements in the US health care and discussions about the importance of immunization and...

The Role of Decision-Making Process: Infographic

In contemporary societies, people and businesses make decisions frequently. Notably, in business entities, decisions need careful scrutiny and assessment so that the outcome is not detrimental to growth and revenues. Due to the seriousness of the impact that business decisions have on organizational progress, it is important for them to...

Media Buying for an Advertising Campaign

Introduction Media and its advertising opportunities are essential components of any marketing strategy. Marketing strategies, in turn, employ advertising campaigns as tools for raising brand awareness and increasing sales of a product or service. This paper considers five constituents of media planning as well as steps for selecting a media...

“Caesar’s Legion” Book by Stephen Dando Collins

Julius Caesar is known as one of the greatest and most influential rulers of the Roman Empire. With the proclamation of Caesar’s power, Rome quickly started to rise, which scared and simultaneously fascinated many. Before becoming the ruler of the Roman Empire, Caesar showed himself as a talented general of...

Environmental Problems and Their Potential Solutions

In general, the environment may be defined as specific conditions or the surrounding in which a plant, animal, or person survives or constantly operates. In the present day, disturbing changes in the environment lead to the international community’s increasing awareness of the particular environmental problems that cause these changes. Climate...

Nursing Shortage and Impact of Foreign Staff

Nursing has emerged as the most misunderstood profession in the world over a long period of time. The number of nurses worldwide is estimated to be about 12 million. However, nursing is a very distinct scientific field of study and an independent profession whose members play a crucial role of...

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Community-Based Nursing and Clinical Care: Articles Review

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The Threat Vectors in the Port of Miami

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Legislative History: Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

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Percentage of Medical Errors: Assessing and Minimizing

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Healthcare Information Systems and Their Types

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Nursing Education Comparison in Poland and Ireland

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Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative

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The Glass Menagerie: The Roles of Amanda and Society

Autobiographic works do not only help understand the author’s writing better but also do it credibly and convincingly. The Glass Menagerie is a memory play by Tennessee Williams, in which he recollects life challenges his family had to face. This paper aims to prove that the social environment, rather than...

Professional Nursing Values: Altruism, Human Dignity, Autonomy

Nurses operate in different health care settings in an attempt to improve the welfare of their respective patients. They can apply diverse approaches to ensure the unique needs of different communities or individuals are met. These practitioners should also develop specific values and core competencies to inform their nursing philosophies....