Gulliver’s Inner Child: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Gulliver’s Travels is a satiric story written by Jonathan Swift in the first half of the 18th century. It is a unique collection of traveler’s tales that appeals to both adults and children due to the presence of hidden meaning that allows the readers to see one and the...

Miami Windshield Survey and Vulnerable Groups

Introduction of Community The city under investigation in Miami, Florida. Its population is both dense and diverse. It comprises several areas but is mainly represented by citizens who live in urban territories. Even though business districts are the most popular ones, there are some immigrant neighborhoods. Upper East Side, in...

Research Ethics Specifics: Biomedical Research

Learning about the history of research ethics profoundly impacted my view of biomedical research. The main reason is that research is not a sole priority, where one should strive to achieve scientific knowledge. Such measures also involve real individuals whose rights are more important than data acquisition. Important ethical questions...

Tectonic Plate Boundaries: History, Nature, and Classification

Some of the most catastrophic natural dangers – tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions – are usually connected with tectonic plate boundaries (Duarte and Schellart 1). Their emergence has caused a debate in the scientific world about their physical origins and their allocation within time and space dimensions. The 1755 great...

Learning About 3d Modeling Tools and Techniques

Introduction 3D modeling is one of the most important inventions in history. Almost all of the products we are using in everyday life exist because of this technology. I have always been amazed by the vast range of opportunities 3D modeling offers. With the available tools, people can manifest their...

Workplace Burnout Among Teachers

Introduction and Summary Teacher turnover is often caused by increased stress and burnout. Therefore, addressing workplace burnout among teachers can be a viable strategy to improve teacher retention rates in both public and private schools. In the article titled “Spirituality and prayer on teacher stress and burnout in an Italian...

Health Information Technology Leadership Ideas

This course involved a thorough consideration of numerous notions that are central to leadership in healthcare information technology (HIT). The book by Snedaker (2016), which offers a comprehensive overview of HIT leadership, has been helpful in the review of these topics. Apart from that, Maxwell’s (2007) book The 21 Irrefutable...

Suboxone Treatment for Opioid Addiction in Adult Clients

Introduction and Learning Objectives Opioid use disorder can be defined as “a problematic pattern of substance use that leads to clinically significant impairment in different areas” (Soyka, 2015). It is usually caused by either physiological dependence or psychological addiction to the substance (Lusk & Stipp, 2018). It has the following...

Documenting a Comprehensive Examination of Patients

Introduction One of the most important steps in assessing a patient is the interview, during which a care provider documents symptoms, family medical history, and other relevant data. Documenting appropriately and accurately means that a care provider should write down the details that are relevant to the assessment without changing...

Summaries of Three Articles About Lung Cancer

COVID-19 in patients with lung cancer The research centers around the study of 102 patients who suffered from both lung cancer and COVID-19 (Luo et al., 2020). The study sought to find the impact of cancer-directed treatments and the factors which determined severity and recovery. The study claims that COVID-19...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Smoking Cessation and Stages of the Change

There is a situation when a client addresses to a social service organization for help to solve his smoking cessation. The client is a 43-year-old Black man from New York, who started smoking after his father passed away. The client had a smoking history when he was a teenager. He...

Gender and Sexual Labeling

The two major categories for gender and sexuality labeling that are recurrently used within contemporary society are related either to (a) specific actions or (b) particular identities. For the queer community, the situation is different because it does not adhere to any existing categories such as sodomite (action-based labeling) or...

Supply Chain Management as a Business Improvement

Supply chain is a necessary part of any kind of business. It is of high importance for the business and carries a number of benefits if it is properly managed. Supply chain management is capable to providing a business with competitive advantage is a number of aspects such as time,...

Nurses’ Role in Health Culture Creation

Introduction The topic chosen for the final project is “Creating a culture of health: The nurse’s role”. The health of the nation becomes one of the major concerns of the modern age. Thousands of people suffer from various diseases all over the world. Medical reports state that individuals who do...

Health and Environment Change in the USA

Maintaining safe environmental conditions is necessary to ensure the safety of people’s health. Moreover, keeping the environment clean helps to increase the quality of life and reduce the death rate. One of the most worrying issues the U.S. has been struggling with for ages is climate change, which affects the...

System-Wide Support for Person-Centered Care

Introduction It seems reasonable to state that person-centered care has become a crucial element within the scope of high-quality and developed healthcare systems. It involves adapting the services of a healthcare organization to patients’ unique needs and requirements. Such an approach indicates respect to their individual views regarding which therapy...

Should Americans Adopt a Vegan Lifestyle?

Nowadays, to become a vegan does not mean to reduce the use of meat products and demonstrate the recognition of animal rights for life. In modern society, the promotion of veganism is a trend that requires considerable changes and ethical principles. Compared to vegetarians who do not eat meat, fish,...

Bottle Water Industry in Current Economic UK Climate

Background of the study The Bottled Water Industry has become rather expensive nowadays as humanity consumes over 89 billion litters of bottled water every year spending over $22 million on it. Water is a very important source of livelihood to mankind, whether it from tap, bottled, river, sea, rain or...

How Telemedicine Affects Human Health?

With the development of modern technologies, the world is significantly changing. They influence all aspects of people’s lives ranging from politics to culture. Without any doubt, modern technologies affect healthcare as well. For example, they considerably increase quality, make patient care more accessible, and improve disease control. Telemedicine is also...

Transgender Patients: Challenges & Discrimination in Healthcare

It is worth noting that the concept of transgenderism implies a state of internal imbalance between the real and desired gender of an individual. This phenomenon has been studied in detail by researchers from different fields of science; however, it has been proved that the rejection of one’s natural sex...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personal Financial Management and Financial Literacy

Personal financial management is a useful method of controlling income and expenditures as well as planning future savings. By understanding the basic principles and minor aspects of money management such as the compound interest method, people can avoid bankruptcy and enhance their chances for the side income. Since I did...

Health Literacy Importance and Impact on People’s Health Status

My initial impressions after watching the video by NASEM health and medicine division (2012) on health literacy were those of shock and alarm. Although I have always realized that some patients may have difficulty understanding the prescriptions of their physicians, it has never occurred to me that the problem grew...

Personal Leadership Philosophy: Situational Leadership

Introduction Situational leadership requires a person to analyze any emerged situation in accordance with his or her team members’ individual skills and experiences. Therefore, novices or people who are not productive enough or do not show good results should receive developing tasks, whereas their leader ought to reconsider his or...

Nurse Understaffing Problem and Potential Solutions

Introduction The contemporary health care setting is aimed at providing high-quality care for its patients using the limited resources available for this purpose. However, there exist a number of problems that impair the ability to provide such care. The proposed project will focus on one such issue. The current paper...

Raising Awareness: Euthanasia as an Important Part of Modern Society and Care

The attitude and approach toward euthanasia have always been complicated since the discussion of euthanasia itself can become extremely controversial. While some people perceive it as a suicide, others believe that euthanasia is the only way out of a difficult, unsolvable, and painful situation. Another problem arises when the public...

Pro BRCA1/2 Screening: Care Standard for Women

The relation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes’ mutation to the development of cancer is now actively studied by scholars in many countries of the world. The detection of a declined development of these genes might be a useful tool to prevent mortality caused by cancer. In spite of the relatively...

Emotional and Mental State: Professional Assessment

Use of Expert Testimony Expert testimony is often used for psychological assessment, as it provides an opportunity to explain people’s behavior. When a professional evaluates, one’s emotional and mental state one can prove or disprove the discussed reasons for the crime as well as some intentions of the defendant. Moreover,...

Childhood Obesity Study and Health Belief Model

Theoretical Framework Because childhood obesity presents the greatest challenge to the community and the sphere of healthcare, it is important to outline a solid theoretical framework, on which the research will be based. Development of obesity in children can emerge from multivariate factors such as parents’ cultural perceptions or genetic...

Reduced Migration to the EU: Aid for Turkey and Africa

Three years ago, the European Union faced the biggest influx of migrants since the Second World War. At the peak of the crisis, the relationships between European states were characterized by unrelievable tension due to the growing uncertainty as to how to handle the refugees. When wars and economic turmoils...

The Burden of Student Loans in Modern Society

The student loan burden is a persistent problem in contemporary society. Despite significant efforts of the government, it continues to impact the economic and social life of the individuals. The following paper argues that the government should do more to relieve the student loan burden, which, in turn, would contribute...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup Bid

The award of hosting the World Cup in the year 2022 for the tiny desert country Qatar came as a surprise to many beating favorites such as Australia and the United States of America, which many people thought could win the rights. The FIFA executive committee had picked Russia to...

Dialysis Patient Population: Chronic Kidney Disease

Introduction: Significance The rates of kidney disease continue to grow on the global scale (Kidney Disease Statistics for the United States, n.d.). As reported by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, the chronic kidney disease is very common in the USA; practically, every tenth individual in the country has...

Patient-Centered Individual Approach: Treatment and Teaching Plan

Determining Approach to Care Helping to cope with a serious illness is impossible without choosing an individual approach to each patient. That is why the foundation of care for Mr. P is a patient-centered approach, which is beneficial for selecting the most appropriate model of communication, treatment, and education. However,...

Chinese One-Child Policy: Why It Should Not Be Relaxed

Introduction China is emerging as a global leader due to its impressive economic and military progress. As the country becomes more engaged with the international community, the government is implementing some social and economic reforms. One highly debated issue in modern China is the one-child policy. This policy was implemented...

Efficacy of Telemedicine and Its Application in Healthcare

The technology of telehealth or Telemedicine is being applied actively in healthcare. There are various studies that examine the influence of telemedicine on participants: the results demonstrate that telehealth can provide better results than an on-site treatment. Although it might sound doubtful, Davis et al. (2011) conducted a study about...

The Threat to Gharial Crocodiles in Protected Areas

Gharials, also known as fish-eating crocodiles, are “a type of Asian crocodilian distinguished by their long, thin snouts” (“Gharial,” 2017, para. 2). They belong to the Gavialidae family. The average lifespan of the crocodiles in the wild ranges from 40 to 60 years. They may reach up to 15.5 ft...

Food and Drug Administration Fast-Track Approval

Introduction Approval of new drugs by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an essential step of drug development in the United States. The goal of the FDA is to ensure that the new drug is safe for patients and efficient in treating their condition. However, in some instances, the...

Differential Diagnoses: Patient with Chest Pain

In the case under consideration, the patient’s complaints included sharp chest pain that worsened with inspiration and movement and a non-productive cough. In emergency departments, acute chest pain is a frequent clinical syndrome in about six million patients annually (Foy, Liu, Davidson, Sciamanna, & Leslie, 2015). Its causes vary from...

Insulin Pharmacological Effects in Diabetes Management

Introduction Diabetes Mellitus is defined as “a chronic disease caused by a relative or complete decrease in production and secretion of insulin by pancreatic beta-cells, or by the diminished effectiveness of secreted insulin in consequence of the gradual loss of insulin sensitivity of target cells” (“Types of diabetes,” n.d., para....

Schizophrenia in a First-Year College Student

The present paper is devoted to the study of a case of schizophrenia, which manifested in a 39-year-old woman Angela during her first year at college in the form of prodromal symptoms, which caused her to drop out. She married and gave birth to a son. However, six months before...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Free Tuition for University Students

The issue of funding in higher education is a popular matter of discussion for both educators and politicians. At the same time, students and their families are the party most interested in reduction or abolishment of university tuition fees. At present, Prince Edward Island is considering the introduction of free...

Miami Jewish Adults: Community Needs Assessment

Evaluation A suggested project is developed to meet the needs of a particular community in Miami, Florida. The project is thoroughly designed, sufficient attention is paid to the evaluation of the community’s needs and health risks. All elements of the plan are analyzed with appropriate consideration. Summary Mobilization The first...

The Use of Renewable Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Today’s world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming by producing large quantities of CO2. However, with recent improvements in technology, renewable energy has been introduced in our...

“Management of Obesity” by Dietz et al.

Introduction Obesity is a serious problem in many countries around the globe. People with high BMI index are more vulnerable to such non-commutable diseases as heart disease and diabetes. As the number of patients with severe obesity rises daily, health management organizations need new methods and techniques for treatment and...

IPhone Product Promotion and Politics in China

Promotion The history of Chinese culture shows that each company that wants to enter the country’s market has to consider Chinese traditions and beliefs. Apple should also pay increased attention to its marketing strategy since its core principles are heavily based on its American origins. Currently, Apple’s plan does not...

Effective Manager Training in the Company

Acquire training resources For any training to occur, the trainer and the trainee have to be ready for transfer and acquisition of knowledge. The training resources include writing materials, training locations, and facilities. It may also require the trainer to use electronic gadgets like the projector, laptop, and the public...

Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

Introduction While focusing on such questions as racism and violence, it is possible to state that these issues are still relevant to American society even though they were discussed and almost resolved in the 1960s. Martin Luther King wrote his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” in 1963 while being imprisoned...

Man and Environment: Overpopulation in China

Eight major ways in which we have altered natural systems to meet our needs. Pollution is one of the major impacts that is caused by humanity’s needs for industrial development. The use of vehicles, i.e., burning of fossil fuels led to the increases in Earth’s temperature. Genetic modification, used to...

Chartered Professional Accountant: Purpose and Benefits

The purpose of amalgamation for CPA The purpose of the unification of the Canadian accounting profession is to create a strong accounting body that will be better-suited to represent its members and clients at the global level. The CPA amalgamation aims to create a strong and united body that will...

Infantilization of Teenagers in Epstein’s Article

Article Overview The article that will be analyzed in the paper at hand is devoted to the problem of the infantilization of teenagers as a result of the artificial prolongation of school studies. The author claims that over the past century, the number of restrictions for school students has become...

Sun Life Financial Company’s Audit Plan

Introduction The audit plan is prepared after collecting basic information of the client. The information will then be used for identifying the risk level and developing audit strategies (Pickett 43). The basic information of Sun Life Financial is provided in the following. Products Sun Life Financial is a leading financial...

“The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas“ by Carol Hall Review

The main characters in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” include the following: Mona Stangley – a “madam” or the owner of the “House,” presiding it over by rigid behavior rules both for the girls and their clients. She is charming, sweet, and well-known due to generous donations to political...

PepsiCo’s Organic Gatorade’s Marketing Options

The First Strategic Option In the first place, PepsiCo’s Organic Gatorade is targeted at athletes, as its primary intention is to restore sugar and sodium levels after training (George, 2016). To interest this consumer group, it is critical to pay attention to the drink’s positive features. For example, employing “Hello...

Fire Code Violations: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Fire codes are specific legal acts determining the provisions and requirements necessary for guaranteeing the safety of a particular area and its citizens. They are developed and adopted by each state on a separate basis with regard to special safety or building needs. Furthermore, cities across the states are free...

Computerized Provider Order Entry and Clinical Decision Support

In his discussion of Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) and Clinical Decision Support (CDS), Dr. Smith demonstrates their importance by considering their advantages in comparison to handwritten orders. For instance, he shows that CPOE has the potential of reducing the time required to communicate order information and the mistakes that...

Food Policy Action and Food Security Legislation

Interest group and website information Food Policy Action (established in 2012) was created from collaboration efforts of U.S. food policy leaders for holding legislators accountable on those votes that have a direct impact on the food and farming industry in the country. Its website contains key information about the interest...

Murray Bowen’s Multigenerational Family Therapy Concepts

An understanding of family relationships and the worth of the ties between generations play a crucial role in personal development. The family turns out to be a powerful platform for an individual to identify attitudes, determine beliefs, create habits, and enhance opportunities. As soon as a person demonstrates some emotional...

Aircraft System and Becoming an Imct

Nowadays, it is not possible to imagine life without business trips, transportation of goods, and military operations that take place without the help of aviation. All professionals who work in the aircraft field, including mechanics, technicians, pilots, engineers, and transportation specialists, play an important role in maintaining the aircraft system....

Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Dubois on the Loss of Civil Rights

Booker T. Washington’s vision of freedom is more compelling than Dubois’, and thus preferable. Abdication of violence and riots, as well as a focus on self-improvement through work, is a better strategy for addressing segregation. Moreover, it would have offered African Americans an opportunity to improve their social and economic...

Patient Clinical Case: Diagnosis Testing and Treatment

Clinical Case A 56-year-old male was brought to the hospital by ambulance. He had earlier complained of severe chest pain, which had started in the past 24 hours. He went into cardiac arrest on his way to the hospital. His son stated that the patient was a heavy smoker. Other...

Sociological Issues Display in Literary Works

Aravind, Kola, et al. “Nihilism in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘Good Country People.’” Journal of Critical Reviews, vol. 7, no. 4, 2020, pp. 646-647. This scholarly article draws attention to the topic of nihilism in O’Connor’s “Good Country People.” Aravind et al. have created a paper that is suitable for a broad...

The Control the Availability of Illicit Drugs

As early as the 20th Century, the United States has been associated with a high number of individuals involved in drug abuse. The situation worsened in the late 1950s and 1960s, a time when the federal government lacked well-defined laws on drugs. It was not until the early 1970s that...

Human Trafficking: Ethical Issues

Introduction Human trafficking is often referred to as a modern form of slavery as people are deprived of their basic rights and are often treated poorly. Sex exploitation of women has been mainly associated with human trafficking for decades, although victims are often exploited in different ways (O’Brien, 2015). Human...

Business Cycles and Economic Outlook

Introduction According to Mullineux, (1984) economic growth and development are an integral part of a healthy economy. The analysis of the economy’s health requires the use of economic indicators. Economic indicators are classified into different categories. These include; the leading economic indicators, lagging and coincident. This classification helps in the...

Medical Devices Decontamination

In any health institution, the most fundamental thing is the quality health care provision to patients and safe work environment to its workers. Decontamination of medical equipments is proving to be a substantial challenge to health professionals thus makes it difficult to prevention and control of nosocomial infections. This has...

Marketing Research: The Air Humidifier from Prodserve

Step One: Product Selection In this step, it was suggested to choose one of the products that fictitious company Prodserve, Corp. will plan to release. Among the proposed options, the choice was stopped on the Humidifier™ with a built-in aromatization function. The device allows cooling the ambient air and increasing...

Labor Laws: Term Definition

Introduction Labor laws deal with the relationship that exists between various parties which include employers and their unions and employees and employers. These laws are important since they ensure that employees work in a healthy environment and that their rights are respected (Twomey, 2009. p.1). In addition, labor laws enable...

First Coronavirus Response Act

Overview The coronavirus pandemic has hit all sectors of human activity. The U. S. government has passed several laws and regulations to alleviate the unfavorable effects of the disaster. Among the responses is the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which aims to provide tax relief and socio-economic support to...

Catholic and Scientific View of Evolution

Introduction There has been a debate between scientists and theologians about evolution. Many individuals believe that accepting the scientific theory of evolution, which is based on the notion of natural selection, is equal to holding atheistic views. They interpret the story of Adam and Eve literally and use it to...

The Neuman Papillate Species

The species, Neumania papillate, is a water mite invertebrate of the Neumania genus and Arthropoda phylum as described by Marshall in 1922 (ITIS 1996). This particular species is commonly found in natural aquatic ecosystems such as freshwater lakes (Thorp & Covich 2001), small rivers, and the Atlantic Maritime (Smit &...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Special Education Plan For Students With a Learning Disorder

Problem description The student exhibits a learning disorder, which involves social withdrawal and adverse educational performance. In this regard, the student does not relate well with other students and does not complete schoolwork assignments as expected. Behavioral program The behavioral intervention program determines behavioral symptoms of a student. In this...

Dismantling Institutional Racism: Effects and Possible Solutions

Institutional racism denotes a kind of racial discrimination demonstrated in the performance of political and social establishments (Phillips 2005:360). What are the effects and possible solutions for institutional racism? Institutional racism differs from individual racism, which signifies racial discrimination against one or more people (Gillborn 2006:98). Institutional racism has the...

The Role of Bike Helmets and Bike Helmets Law

Football, baseball, and basketball are the favorite kinds of sports of a majority of American children. Still, cycling stays on the top of this list as well as on the top of the list of sports-related head injury kinds of sports. Many children cannot understand the worth of the question...

Success Case Methodology and Training Program

SCM and Kirkpatrick Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Method (SCM) can be discussed as an alternative to Kirkpatrick’s Return on Expectations (ROE) model that is used in order to evaluate training. Training groups can benefit from using SCM in addition to Kirkpatrick’s model because such type of the training analysis allows for...

The Notion of the Supreme Court

Since the genesis of the US judicial system, the notion of the Supreme Court has always been one of the major bodies of justice and law implementation. Although the impartiality and promptness of the Supreme Court can barely be objected to, there is an ongoing debate on the correlation between...

Conficker Worm – A Worm That Affects Microsoft Windows

Conficker, which is also referred to as Downup, Downadup and Kido, is a worm that affects Microsoft Windows operating system which was discovered at first in November 2008. It checks for defects in the Windows software to designate computers and connect them into a virtual machine which can be dominated...

CRISPR-Cas9, a Genome-Editing Tool

The development of new branches within biology laid the foundation for understanding the subtle mechanisms of cell functioning in general and of its components. It became apparent that the genetic apparatus occupies the central place in a cell. Thus, a prospect of directed influence on the structure and functioning of...

Women’s vs. Men’s Privileges in Today’s Society

Are women less privileged in today’s society than men? Undoubtedly, the principle of gender equality is of utmost importance for any modern society. Political changes of the last century aimed to gradually build the status of an empowered woman, with the number of opportunities and privileges equal to that of...

The Gospels of Mark and Luke

The Gospels of Mark and Luke contain many of the same stories, often in similar sequences and comparable wording when describing the events. However, distinct similarities in the way the events are expressed can be seen when comparing Mark 14:3-9 with Luke 7:36-50 and Mark 3:31-35 with Luke 8:19-21. This...

Why Government Needs Drug Control Policy?

A drug can fit in various descriptions depending on the function intended in the body, mode of delivery, and the form taken. Generally, when drugs are taken they modify the normal biological homeostasis of the body anatomy. For a drug to be considered so, it has to be introduced from...

Compound Action Potential in Frog Sciatic Nerve

The duration, amplitude, and shape of the compound action potential change with an increase in stimulus strength. When stimulation increases in strength, more fiber nerves are activated and the AP of the fibers summates a CAP and as a result, when the stimulus happens to be stronger a large segment...

Cloning Research Ethics: Ethical Dispute and Issues

Modern technology is known for its fast advancement and ample possibilities. However, in the sphere, if medicine, where progress is especially needed, technology cannot decide everything. The supply of human transplantable organs is much smaller than the demand. Therefore, alternative ways of decreasing this deficit are suggested. Cloning research is...

MT302M6 Competency Assessment

The company under consideration, ROBoInc., experiences specific difficulties resulting from the improper organizational structure and culture. Due to their intention to expand the scope of business activity and the existing issues, global market penetration would be possible only in the case if the CEO solves all of the problems. Therefore,...

Gaming as a Form of Meditation

For many people, the first image that comes to mind when hearing the word “meditation” is a yoga guru in the lotus pose – probably, at an exotic location with a murmur of the jungle forest in the background. As the Covid-19 pandemic is swaying a country after a country,...

“The Corporation”: The Idea of the Movie and Analysis

If there will always be dominating, self-serving institutions, why is the corporate rule today any worse than the alternatives? The movie The corporation gives us a good and clear description of the main processes peculiar to the economy of the majority of states in the world nowadays. It states the...

Anemia Diagnosis Case: Symptoms and Laboratory Tests

Introduction: Description of the case and diagnosis According to the case study, Ms. A, who is 26 years old, experiences shortness of breath and dizziness and lacks energy. During one of the golf games, she had to go to the hospital due to the increasing intensity of the symptoms described...

Manual Therapy Identification: Practice and Treatment

In connection with the increase in the number of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system in medical practice, a large number of new techniques have been observed in recent years. The manual therapy is associated with a field of medical practice, representing a complex system of manual medical methods...

Helicobacter Pylori Treatment: Heartburn and GERD

As the patient’s symptoms of heartburn remain persistent, stronger antacids might be recommended to reduce the intensity of pain and the recurrence of symptoms. Antacid Maximum Strength can be prescribed to the patient, but only for one to two weeks, as its ineffectiveness might indicate that the patient does not...

Patient-Centered Care and Its Stimulation of Health Services

Introduction In nursing, the sole work of a nurse or registered nurse is to offer care to patients and ensure everything is in accordance with the doctor’s requirements (Greenfield & Braithwaite, 2008). It is, therefore, the responsibility of the nurse to ensure quick recovery of the patients thanks to the...

Librarian Management Consultancy: Challenges and Solutions

During this project, I worked in a suburban public library, located in a more or less affluent community. This library serves the needs of approximately fifteen thousand people of various age groups. I cooperated with an acquisition librarian whose primary responsibility was to order new books for the library. Five...

Philosophy of Nursing: Underlying Beliefs and Domains

What is Nursing? Nursing is a profession that involves providing essential health care to the patients, so they are able to live a full life and maintain proper health level. There are different definitions of what it means to work as a nurse, but all of them share a common...

US Healthcare Sector: ObamaCare and Ethical Problems

The modern healthcare sector is one of the most important aspects that might guarantee societys survival and further evolution. For this reason, it is given such great attention. Besides, the nature of this sector presupposes the close cooperation with patients who should be provided with care and other services to...

Medical Consultant Job Description

In the modern medical environment that changes rapidly with each year, the decision to hire a new professional to the team will rely on the variety of factors. First, it is important to account for the key characteristics of the job. Job description and requirements become crucial aspects of finding...

Preventive vs. Illness Healthcare Financing

Health care constitutes the most vital element of people’s lives’ social structure. It is necessary to allocate financial sources to the development of new treatment methods and medical technologies because, with the help of them, the quality of people’s lives will become higher. However, it is not possible to pay...

The Fire Code Concept in Albany

What Codes are in Place? Albany has a Fire Prevention Code that outlines the fundamental issues associated with fire prevention and other problems, among them are the following ones, namely: Fire Prevention Code Legislative intent; Acceptance of standards; Administration and enforcement; Inspections; Fires in yards and buildings; Combustible substances; Driving...

Hospital Falls and Related Injuries

Introduction to the Problem The twin topics of hospital fall and fall-related injuries continue to be the mainstream focus of many scholars and nursing theorists interested in understanding the risk factors involved. However, despite the abundance of research studies focused on investigating the risk factors associated with hospital falls and...

How Do We Prepare for Future Terrorist Attacks?

Introduction Terrorist attacks are treated as a critical issue for the USA, as they pose a threat to the whole country, its infrastructures, and the population. Particular initiatives aimed at mineralization of the possibility of future attacks are implemented at all levels including, national, state, local, and personal ones (Riffkin,...

Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment

Student One Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment is a theoretical framework allowing nursing students to set specific health care goals with a patient and meet them through the close nurse-patient relationship (Wayne, 2014). A recent expansion of the scope of practice for nurse practitioners (NPs), nurse educators, and nurse...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Weaknesses in Literature: Importance of the Concept

Introduction A challenging task faces writers who want to evoke readers’ emotions and provoke them into thinking about crucial life issues. They need to make readers believe their characters, sympathize with them, and identify with them; otherwise, the audience’s attention will be lost. Joseph Conrad once stated his opinion about...

Advancing New Technology for Radiology and Imaging

Introduction New technological advancements in any field are always met with some form of resistance due to precautions and concerns regarding the safety of use. It is especially true in the field of radiology and imaging, which is primarily reliant on technology for its proper functioning. Imaging developments made a...

Inflation in the Real Estate Industry

Introduction This paper will cover the Real Estate industry in the United States. The Real Estate industry is part of the Real Estate and Rental and Leasing sector, which includes renting and leasing assets and services, such as cars, houses, computers, and other goods (NAICS, 1). The Real Estate subsector...

Annotated Bibliography: The Chicano Movement

Garcia, Héctor R. “Beholding Chicano History.” Athanor, vol. 37, 2019, pp. 53-58. This article mainly reflects Chicano history from the time that the movement emerged. One of the aspects is a period of disobedience, which is evident through the practices of the people. For instance, it was considered inhuman to...

COVID-19 Impacts on the Global Population

Similarity in Discussions The coronavirus outbreak is affecting all strata of the global population, but it is evident that some communities are at a higher risk. Since the first COVID-19 cases, it has been known that older individuals die at higher rates than the younger population. Age remains the determining...

The Analysis of Dr. Bersamira’s Work

The topic of the opioid crisis is inherently connected with the substance abuse disorder problem overall, which is one of the main directions of Dr. Bersamira’s work. The articles written by Bersamira and colleagues do not only discuss high number of substance misuse cases in the USA but also concentrate...

Finding Strength While Searching for the Truth: Hamlet and Oedipus

Introduction Shakespeare and Sophocles present the audience with two complex main characters who share a particular passion for discovering the truth, which ultimately brings them to their doom. Shakespeare’s tragic hero in Hamlet has an eye-opening encounter with a ghost that leads him to seek vengeance. Oedipus prides himself on...

Technological Advancements and Job Growth

Advancement in Technology has, to a larger extent, eliminated different forms of jobs in the recent past. Job automation technology coupled with globalization has been the principal force behind the moribund wages together with diminished prospects of most workers around the globe. Within the next 25 years, job growth is...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Syndrome

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) distresses a patient’s immune arrangement hence weakening the defence system against numerous infections encompassing some forms of cancer. With the virus destroying and impairing the operation of immune cells, an infected person progressively becomes immunodeficient. People’s immunity is characteristically gauged by the number of CD4...

The Uniqueness of Christianity in Comparison With Islam

Introduction Few religions are as interconnected socially, historically, and culturally as Christianity and Islam. Both faiths have similar origins, historical roots, with Islam recognizing some Christian elements and figures. Both Islam and Christianity represent monotheistic religions with one supreme entity. Each religion incorporates the divine message and prophets who spread...

Diabetic Neuropathy Effects on Foot and Its Treatment

Introduction Diabetes mellitus has deleterious effects on many systems of the body especially the immunity and the nervous systems. This article focuses on effects of diabetic neuropathy on the foot, its signs and symptoms and treatment. Effects on the foot The effects of diabetic neuropathy can be explained using parameters...

Paracetamol Synthesis and Reactions

Paracetamol is an analgesic, originally discovered in the late 19th century. It was initially developed as a metabolite of phenacetin, a common analgesic at the time, but overlooked due to several research errors leading to its side effects being overestimated (Brune et al., 2014). It remained relatively unknown until its...

System Software: Analysis of Various Types of System Software

Since I began working, I have interacted with various types of system software. I have found it very interesting working on different types of BIOS and device firmware, operating systems, utility systems, and operating software. Over time, I have been able to set up several websites using different server operating...

Patients Privacy and Confidentiality

Introduction Privacy and confidentiality are important components of universal human rights used in medical care. Healthcare workers are obliged to ensure that discretion in the use of patients’ information is maintained in all settings. Respect for these rights helps in supporting and strengthening the social wellbeing of the sick person....

Pharmacogenomics Impact on Individual Drug Effectiveness

This paper is a critical review of a position statement that discusses the impact of pharmacogenomics on individual drug effectiveness, specifically addressing the validity and sustainability of individual genotyping. The position paper identified three key issues regarding the validity of developing individual genotyping for drug effectiveness and a further four...

Labor Laws in the United States

There are various labor laws as well as acts in the United States of America that specify the criteria on which American firms should use to carry out their employment, treat their workforce and the process they adopt while trading locally and internationally. The Fair Labor Standard Act is an...

Police Brutality: The Rodney King Case

Rodney King Case The case of Rodney King is one of many demonstrations of police brutality in the United States. The incident initiated the movement against the injustice concerning racial inequality in the country, severely impacted the law enforcement system, and left a polarizing effect on American society. This paper...

The ANA Code of Ethics Overview

The ANA Code of Ethics is intended to guide nurses’ behavior in situations related to their work. In particular, it teaches the practice of independent creative making of decisions, a humanistic view of the patient, and protecting their rights. At the same time, using the ANA Code of Ethics in...

Family Relations in “Love Actually” Movie

Introduction Love Actually is a popular motion picture watched by millions on Christmas Eve all around the world. The entire plot of the film is a compilation of short life stories that many viewers can easily relate to. Despite being labeled as overly melodramatic and, at times, boring by numerous...

Managed Care Contract in Healthcare Setting

Introduction Contracts comprise an integral part of the health care system of the United States of America. Naturally, the managed care contracts are viewed as the core of this system as they regulate the relations between the medical facilities and patients at the legal level. As defined by the Dictionary...

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Little Red Riding Hood by Dahl and Perrault

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Health Grief: Comparison of the Two Approaches to Healthy Grief

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Importance of Adult Education: Risks and Rewards

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Little Red Riding Hood: Original vs. Retell

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Invasive Pneumococcal Infections in Young and Old

Identifying the Problem Epidemiological diseases have always been the most significant factors influencing the human mortality. However, the life expectancy increased during the 20th century due to the improvements in child survival, which is associated with the decrease in infectious disease mortality, caused by immunization (Immunization and infectious diseases, 2018)....

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Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardi

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Death Perception Along the Life Span

The course on human growth and development was an excellent opportunity to enhance my knowledge of various issues connected to growing up and aging. I believe that a solid understanding of the various developmental stages can help me in my future work as a nurse, as it will enable me...

Social Media Techniques for Communication Management

Communication is an integral part of modern society, as well as the business world. It is not only a way to exchange information or attract people. Communication is a means to improve management and job performance and achieve positive results and competitive advantage (Clampitt, 2016). Nowadays, many organizations underline the...

Obesity in the United States: Learning Process

Learning Goals and Objectives Obesity is a persistent problem in many developed countries. According to Fox (2016), over 40% of American females are obese. The percentage of children and teenagers who have some degree of obesity is also concerning: the study found over 17% of children and teenagers to be...