Character Development in Interpreter of Maladies

Most writers rely upon the crucial point, which the stories they create reach, in order to develop fully some characters. Through relating the interaction of characters with others, their dialogues and actions, the readers get a clear picture of their true nature. Without it, there is no other way the...

Domino’s Pizza Company’s Success

Domino’s pizza has dominated both the United States’ market and the international market in manufacturing pizzas since starting its operations in 1960. It has a vision that targets to absorb brilliant people to assist in achieving the mission of producing and delivering the best pizzas. The company has chains of...

Employee Motivational Techniques

Motivation refers to a condition that energizes and directs towards goal-oriented behavior (Baldwin & Migneate, 1996). Motivation is used at the workplace to attract individuals to the company as well as retain them there. This is done by applying principles such as total quality management, meritocracy, team building, performance contracting,...

Mental Health, Mental Illness, Risk, & Resilience

Mental Health vs. Mental Illness Conceptualization It needs to be said that the way mental health and mental illness are perceived has changed over the years, and a broad range of concepts has been developed. For example, such concept as “brain disease” is particularly interesting because it suggests that most...

The Art of Mesoamerica

The tendency to fulfill a row of important of public utility functions including system of communication, being material wealth, displaying one’s power, and expressing religious beliefs through the art works can be well explored in the art of Mesoamerica. This phenomenon is observed throughout centuries in different Mesoamerican cultures such...

History of Manifest Destiny in US

The middle of the 19th century was an expansive time in the United States, a period when appropriate actions would result in significant benefits. According to these principles, John O’Sullivan was unsuccessful. His risky investments were never fruitful. His political allies never paid him well for his publishing work. His...

Experience at an Amusement Park (Sixflags)

To begin with, the world of entertainment excites me much, and I can hardly find anyone in my surroundings who does not want to experience the flow of adrenalin throughout body and mind as well. I am talking about my personal experience while visiting the amusement park Six Flags Magic...

Government Must Control TV Shows Contents

Research conducted by various scholars show that media and television serve as the most significant influence on adolescents and children. In fact, television is seen to affect several aspects of behavior and health. Television apparently has both negative and positive sides. The positive aspect of television is that it might...

Educational Experiences And Significant Career Goals

Here’s an invitation to my world; as a child, l grew up in a free environment where one could discover and let themselves loose. One day, as we were with my playmates sprinkling water at each other from a nearby stream, one of us saw a frog. I wanted to...

Impact of Nanotechnology

The term nanotechnology pertains to the design and use of extremely small tools that reach the size of a nanometer. This revolutionary tool has been used in both the electronic and medical fields in order to make electronic devices perform faster or to deliver very small particles to specific parts...

Theory of Symbolism in a Reading of “A Rose For Emily” by William Faulkner and “The Symbol” by Virginia Woolf

The XX century was marked by the closer investigation of the human psychology. The literature, being the reflection of the society, started paying attention to this aspect of humans’ life as well: “The attempt to create human consciousness in fiction is a modern attempt to analyze human nature”(Humphrey 6). Thus,...

Abortion: An Ethical Dilemma

There are many reasons as to why abortion poses an ethical dilemma for most women. Reasons such as religious beliefs, medical concerns are easily resolved by reason and need. While other cases, such as pregnancies resulting from criminal acts, are more often debated and considered an ethical dilemma. It is...

Important Issues in the Feminism

Regarding the important issues in the feminism, it is necessary to refer to the term of socialist feminism, to examine the issues of the dualistic typification, beauty ideals and the beauty industry in the context of the feminism. It is also important to suggest some solutions and criteria in order...

Steroid Use and Sports

According to expert analysis, the struggle for size has been part of the athletic society since the early initial stages of man. Moreover, gladiators, wrestlers, and sprinters are several of the early kind of athletes that competed. These particulars are even obvious in today’s society. Now there are all kinds...

Problems of Spanking Children

Introduction Parents should not employ spanking as a disciplinary technique for shaping a child’s behavior. Some studies indicate that spanking is a futile technique for disciplining children. However, none of these studies show its benefits or usefulness. In reality, spanking estranges children from their parents, instead of promoting good behavior....

Masculinity and Femininity in the Work Place

The effect of psychology of the feminine and masculine gender on work, performance and productivity is a paradigm of the most controversial issues subject to debate. Femininity is a physical and psychological state that is often associated with tenderness, care, patience, and submission. On the other hand, masculinity is associated...

School Uniform in Learning Institutions

Most learning institutions in areas like the United Kingdom, South America, and Africa have endorsed uniforms or specified attires, which is mandatory to all students. School uniforms identify pupils with a given institution. On the other hand, institutions in countries like France and USA rarely endorse the use of school...

New Experiences for a Future International Journalist

Studying abroad is an eye opening and life changing experience that will help a person achieve numerous goals. For instance, I will be able to achieve a manifold aim, which means I will pursue my academic goals, become proficient in Italian and learn about the country as well as my...

The Lessons of Lady Gaga

The article in the wall street journal talks about Lady Gaga, a dance/pop singer who was named the Best New Artist at MTV’s video music awards for her hit song “Paparazzi”. Lady Gaga is the singer to watch on the music industry as she has attracted many fans within a...

Leadership and Followership

The test score that I obtained from the Followership Style Test was 4.25 which was arrived by dividing number 68 by 16; based on the test score my leadership style was determined to be very democratic with a personality of a self starter person (Sheila and Theresa, 2008). Democratic leadership...

The Balanced Scorecard: Measures That Drive Performance

One of the main problems of managers in the business world is how to evaluate the company’s achievements fast and effectively. The main factor that influences the job performance is the employees’ behavior. There is the traditional approach which does not give qualitative results. The business research conducted by Kaplan...

Surviving Without a Car: A Guide

The world is moving into a direction where many aspects of life, which were previously considered luxurious, turn into necessities and essentials. Many would admit that they are capable of living without a television, a mobile phone, and etc., but actually, they do not. Accordingly, in the course of the...

Adult Education: Reasons to Continue Studying

There are numerous reasons that are compelling me to return to school. These reasons include the desire to improve my career skills so as to be competitive in the job market. I feel that my education level is not enough, and it is limiting me from achieving what I am...

Teenage Pregnancy and Its Negative Outcomes

Teenage pregnancy or pregnancy at a very early stage is defined in different countries in different ways. For instance, in the United States, it is defined as an under-aged girl becoming pregnant, whereas, in the United Kingdom, there is a legal definition whereby a woman is considered to be a...

Communications: Texting Your Friends and Talking to Them

Thesis statement There is an opportunity to call or text friends in order to communicate with them, asking about something important or just inviting for a cup of tea while the choice depends on appropriateness, emotional aspect, and financial state. We live in an era of information technology, the era...

History: the Printed Press Impact on the Society

Introduction The impact of the printing press, especially the Guttenberg printing press, can be held in the same light as the impact of the internet in today’s society. Even though the printing press had a great influence on European society, “it did not replace other forms of communication entirely.” (Eisenstein15)...

Effect of Music on Education

There has been a rising concern over the effect of music on education. Some scholars have conducted research and have reported various effects of music on education. One such scholar is Allan Bloom. According to Bloom, music has a direct impact on the education of children. He states that music...

Social Issues: Family in Saudi Arabia

Family is the fundamental unit in any society where most society members learn their behavior. However, the family has never had the same interpretations in every community. This is due to the different cultural beliefs that every society has. As a result, behavior that is considered normal in one society...

Psychology Issues: Stress Management Skills

The study’s claim is that men experiencing stress demonstrate more positive behavior about social aspects. Stress management is a skill that is required in everyday life, and that is why it is important. People face stress in almost every part of their life. Work, public life, and personal encounters all...

Comparison: Mesopotamia and Ancient Egyptian Culture

Mesopotamia and ancient Egyptian had many things in common, even though they differed in several ways. The two civilizations were always ahead in terms of inventions, something that made them different from the rest of the cultures at the time. Their inventions affected life in many ways, and they still...

Material Goods Role in Happiness

Happiness is an expression of positive emotions such as intense joy and contentment due to a state of mental well-being. Material goods are commodities such as cars, houses, televisions as appliances that can be sold or purchased. It is important to note that material goods give the possessors non-spiritual pleasure. ...