Supply Chain Management Role in the Contemporary Business

Introduction In the contemporary business world, supply chain management is an important part of business establishments since it helps to minimize cases of fraud and bribery. Integration of IT into supply chain management provides new techniques that are critical in limiting the rates of exposures to various risks. A considerable...

Sensory Perception and Brain Interpretation

Common sense organs are used by human beings to understand what is happening around them through smell, touch, taste, vision and hearing. Information and data from sensory organs are used by brains to respond and behave accordingly. According to Kirby and Goodpaster (2007), brain cannot process anything unless it is...

Don’t Ship Air and Don’t Ship Water Strategies

Supply Chain Strategies: “Don’t Ship Air” and “Don’t Ship Water” The appearance of the principles “don’t ship water” and “don’t ship air” was mainly determined by two aims: optimizing the performance of supply chains and making it more “green.” Thus, the principle “don’t ship water” implies reducing the waste of...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care

Summary of an Article Related to the Theory The research conducted by Ranheim, Kärner, and Berterö (2012) was aimed at bringing together the theory of nursing care created by Jean Watson, on the one hand, and the empirical discoveries made in three studies pertaining to the nurses’ caring intentions and...

Organizational Change Capacity Concept

Navigating and Facilitating Change At workplace, change is not only necessary for organizational progress, but also inevitable bearing in mind that the prevailing external and internal environments keep on changing continuously. As such, changes must be implemented in a manner that does not disrupt and affect the smooth running of...

World War II, The Cold War and New Europe

There are many various examples from the history of humanity which show that force has always been one of the main methods to solve problems at the international level. States and their leaders considered war to be the best way to enlarge the territory, achieve some advantage, or just to...

“Profit over People” by Noam Chomsky

Book Citation Chomsky, Noam. Profit Over People: Neo-liberalism and Global Order. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1999. Print. Author’s Credentials Professor Noam Chomsky is the author of the book “Profit over People”. Chomsky is a scholar who has written many books and journal articles in current affairs, politics, governance issues,...

Sub-Man in Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy

The contribution of Simone de Beauvoir to the development of contemporary philosophy and Western culture as a whole could hardly be overlooked. Primarily, her most recognizable work is The Second Sex essay, which is considered to be one of the central texts of the feminist movement. However, she contributed to...

The Immigrant Advantage by Claudia Kolker

Introduction In her book The Immigrant advantage Claudia Kolker describes the main ideas of a hui, a specific kind of the money club which is usually organized by immigrants from Vietnam. She states great importance of these clubs in helping immigrants recover from their migration and obtain some financial independence....

The Japanese Philosophy of Kaizen

The significance of a positive change is intrinsically characteristic of any culture (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014a). However, when viewed through the lens of a specific set of traditions, philosophies, a and the world picture, the phenomenon shapes, gaining new shades of meaning and incorporating more wisdom. Although kaizen, which is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Biological Theory of Aging

The biological theory of aging combines two main approaches toward aging in the human body: programmed and damage (error) theories. Programmed theories are based on the assumption that the aging process is regulated by gene expression and changes that happen in those. Damage or error theories specify environmental assaults as...

Professional Health Care: Teamwork and Collaboration

Teamwork and collaborations are essential for professional health care and nursing. These concepts are concerned with such tasks as collective planning, decision-making, problem-solving, goal-setting, taking responsibility, effort coordination, sharing of knowledge and skills, as well as establishing effective communication. The importance of collaboration in professional nursing is determined by its...

Health Reform Strategy in Vermont

Introduction Today, the health care sector passes through the stage of its reforming. Numerous attempts to improve the situation are performed. The fact is that the current state of the sector remains far from perfect. The state of the nation deteriorates every year, and threatening tendencies could be observed. Additionally,...

The “Watershed” History Moments between 1960 and 1990

“Watershed” Moments In the period between 1960 and 1990 there were multiple moments in the American history that changed the flow of human life drastically and created important impacts on the being of the whole world. The changes caused by these moments were permanent and they influenced not only the...

The Gender Differences Concept

Gender differences exist for different reasons, but their most significant feature is that they have an impact on social interactions and building up relationships between men and women. This paper will explore the causes of gender differences including biological, cognitive, and social ones, discuss the influence of gender differences on...

Saddle Creek Corporation: Food Company Analysis

The Saddle Creek Corporation has been known as a logistics organization for quite long. The company exports a variety of products, including food. The firm has been delivering impressive results over the past few years; despite the need to apply significant changes to its operational processes and values, the firm...

Inpatients’ Eating Disorders and Countermeasures

Abstract The role of a nurse in promoting the appropriate eating behaviors and habits among patients, in turn, is often underplayed. Therefore, there is a need to reconsider the current approach toward building awareness among patients and introduce the target population to proper eating habits with the help of educating...

Elie’s Life in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction Before Elie became one of the millions of victims of Nazi cruelty, he was an idealistic and even religious teen. From his self-description, he is an ambitious boy seeking a mentor to teach him the Zohar and help him unravel Jewish mysticism. He is completely devoted to his family,...

Eliezer and His Father: the Book “Night” by Eliezer Wiesel

Introduction Eliezer Wiesel’s novel, ‘Night’, presents its audience with a dark tale that explains his tormenting moments with the Nazis. ‘Night’ is a novel that is based on the Jewish holocaust that took place in the 1940s. Eliezer Wiesel, the narrator of the story, lives in Sighet, a small town...

Psychology of Religion: Children’s Religious Views

Explanations concerning how individuals conduct themselves and how they change have troubled men and women of learning all through the centuries. As such, the psychology of religion seeks to provide an explanation of religious behavioral practices based on psychological methods. In two separate interviews, a series of questions were posed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

ABC Healthcare Organization’s Employee Benefit

ABC healthcare organization provides its employees with affordable and competitive benefit and compensation package. It is willing to improve this package for the staff members constantly to receive as much advantage as possible. This brochure reveals an overview of those benefits that are offered to all employees. In case of...

Colonial and Revolutionary America

In 1776 America faced a series of problems that required immediate resolution. While the British forces were perfectly disciplined, armed, and organized, the Patriot army experienced a lack of skilled generals and soldiers as well as a lack of armament. The Patriots needed foreign aid, and if they wanted to...

Michael Jackson Vs Elvis Presley

Introduction Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley are arguably the most influential figures in American music, having contributed to the evolution of the country’s popular music culture in the 20th century. Although the careers and lives of Jackson and Presley are distinct and different, a number of similarities exist within their...

Simulation Concept in Nursing Programs

Introduction Today, more than ever before, educators are increasingly employing simulators such as specialized manikins and other technologies to provide students with the opportunity to practice a multiplicity of clinical nursing skills as they complete their education programs (Comer, 2005). This paper aims to discuss the topic of simulation in...

Information-Gathering Systems and Cost Accounting

How do these information-gathering programs help the hotels become more competitive? What is the strategic role of these programs? Information is one of the most influential tools of the modern world. It helps to acquire a significant competitive advantage and win the rivalry. A company that possesses critical data related...

Corporate Governance and Sustainability Reporting

Why companies undertake sustainability reporting Companies undertake sustainability reporting in order to earn trust from the public and stakeholders. Sustainability reporting can also be used to manage the lost reputation of a firm. Managers, team leaders and employees in an organization can only be made accountable when sustainability reporting is...

The Climate Change Problem

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental concerns of the 21st century. Hite and Seitz (2016) state that issues such as global warming, extreme weather conditions, the rise in the sea level, and the disruption of natural ecosystems are all linked to the problem of climate change and...

Syria’s Conflict: Putin’s vs. Obama’s Position

Introduction Syria had been involved in a serious and devastating conflict for more than four years now. Despite the fact that the conflict refers to the Syrian government and its opposition, there are numerous countries that are involved in this was as well. Russia and the United States of America...

Ernest Hemingway Literary Style in “The Old Man and the Sea”

Hemingway’s Life Hemingway had a very interesting life, life of adventures. The author was born in the USA in 1899. He was a brave man and he went to struggle against the evil during the World War I. He was wounded there and had to return home. However, his war...

Third-Party Logistics, Water Transportation, Pipelines

Benefits and Limitations of Third-Party Logistics Providers, Water Transportation, and Pipelines Transportation plays a very important role in today’s business world, and such modes of transportation as water transportation and pipelines (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2014), as well as the services of third-party logistics (3PLs) providers, have their benefits and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Keynesian and Neoclassical Economic Theories

Neoclassical Neoclassical economic school of thought emerged in the early 1900s from what is known as the Marginal Revolution. It was a response to the Classic economic theory which did not accurately reflect items on the market. Ideas began to form which based value on the relationship between a buyer...

Mathematics Instruction Strategy and Standards

Educational strategies are the instructional methods and the learning activities used in imparting knowledge and skills to the learners. Mathematics is an abstract and empirical subject requires exciting ways to drive home the concepts and facts. To achieve this, mathematics teachers use several strategies that are not limited to gaming,...

Islamic Religion and Culture in America

Introduction Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. It is projected that by 2050, 2.1% of the U.S. population will be Muslims. Many Americans have not understood the essence of religion. For instance, there is a common suspicion that Islam is anti-Western and supports terrorism. The perception...

Milarepa’s “Life Is Short” Statement Evaluation

Introduction There is often much wisdom to be found in the writings and sayings of ancient philosophers and thinkers. Often, this wisdom can be of great use in one’s life. For example, the following statement belongs to Milarepa, who is one of the most widely known Saints from Tibet: Life...

The Disney Princess Effect in Child Developmen

Introduction The article “Little Girls or Little Women, The Disney Princess Effect” focuses on the impact that the “Disney Princess Culture” has had on the emotional and psychological development of young girls. Its line of reasoning focuses on the princess culture creating an adverse mindset in little girls wherein they...

Ethical Obligations for International Companies

Ethical obligation for companies to ensure that all workers receive what is considered a living wage in the United States Individuals living in poverty in the developing countries are many and multinational organizations from the United States have been accused of underpaying them given the fact that people are desperate...

“El Cielito Lindo” Composition by Los Rogacianos

The composition selected for the analysis in this paper is called El Cielito Lindo. This is a popular Mexican song traditionally performed in Spanish, but there are several translations of this composition to other languages. El Cielito Lindo was written in 1882 and promoted by the composer called Quirino Mendoza...

The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Product Quality

Incorporating an array of tools that allow evaluating the product from several aspects is essential in assuring quality at the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. Since not only customer satisfaction but also the lives of end-users hinges on the efficacy of enhancing and supervising the process of QA, it is imperative to...

Yayoi Kusama, Japanese Avant-Garde Artist

Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese avant-garde artist, born in 1929 in Nagano Prefecture of Japan. She is widely known as a sculptor, painter, and novelist. However, the first thing that comes to mind when her name is mentioned is the polka dot style and the infinity rooms. Kusama arrived at...

Illegal Immigrants in the United States

Introduction Illegal immigrants are those people who have gained access to the United States of America without proper authority and will be deported if found as such. It also means those who have entered the United States of America legally after which they fell out of the required status and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Critique of “Epistle to the Galatians” Letter

Introduction The Bible is one of the most influential books in history; the New Testament, having been written almost two millennia ago, still has much to teach people about. To properly comprehend what it says, it is important to see the main principles taught there, as well as to understand...

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Education is the field with several social policies guided by governments and different groups are developed. These policies help to improve the conditions under which people could ask for and get an education. In addition to the existing policies, special paradigms and theories are used to improve the quality of...

Online Courses for Employees

Can you come up with a great idea of improving the employees’ training that would be effective and exciting at the same time? In my opinion, there is nothing better for the achievement of this purpose than engaging people in an online course. Modern technologies pervade every sphere of people’s...

Drug Safety Approach in Administration and Nursing

Introduction The safety of medicines used in the US has been a primary concern of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for more than one hundred years. It is important to assess the safety of drugs prescribed to patients to detect possible side effects, inefficiency, or danger for patients. There...

Child Welfare Risk Assessment Strategies

Introduction There are various risk assessment strategies utilized when it comes to child welfare. Some of the most widespread assessments are Child abuse potential inventory (CAPI), Risk Inventory for Substance Abuse-Affected Families, Structures Decision Making (SDM) Safety Assessment, Child Abuse Potential Inventory, Parenting Stress Index (PSI) (Austin, 2013). Each of...

Theories of Human Learning

Science and Developmental Theory The development of psychology as a science is rooted in early philosophical ideas (Lefrançois, 2012). Philosophers emphasized that every important phenomenon finds its reflection in the human mind. Moreover, they said that everything that people comprehend is the reflection of something they already know (Lefrançois, 2012)....

Nursing: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Nursing Practice The state law Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, adopted in 2010, defines rather significant changes in the American health policy (United States Congress House Committee on Health Care, 2010). Among those changes that occurred as a result of its introduction,...

The Whole Foods Market Concept

The concept of Whole Foods Market appeared in the 1980s. It became the major movement across the United States and the key provider of healthy and natural food (Baldwin 169). Whole Foods Market stores can be located in 41 states, and their follower base on Twitter is around 4 million....

Role of Mass Media in Gender Issues

Role of mass media in the presentation of gender The coherent society depends on the various means of media greatly. The rapid evolution of the technologies and their implementation into various aspects of the functioning of society impacted the significant increase in the efficiency of this very tool. Nowadays, the...

Music of the 20th Century and Beyond

Introduction This paper is an analysis of two musical pieces from the classical and electronic music periods. The focus will be made to identify why these musical pieces fit into the classical and electronic music categories. A definition of the musical eras will be done, alongside an analysis of how...

European Alliances, Wars, Dictatorships and Depression

The decades leading to World War I had unusual alignments. The European nations were still scrambling for Asia, Africa and parts of undeveloped Europe. The situations leading to World War I and the aftermath conditions showed that greed was still alive. Before the World War I, many European dominant nations...

Sun Life Financial Inc.’s Stakeholders and Stakes

The particular company that our group studies are called Sun Life Financial Inc and it is believed to be one of the most popular companies located in Canada that specialize in financial services (History of Sun Life Financial 2016). Analyzing the performance of the discussed company and the role it...

Natural Sciences: Development vs. Environment

Studies show that human development activities, which occur in different sectors including agriculture, scientific research, oil drilling and mining, building and construction projects, transportation, industrial manufacturing, fishing, and energy are the major causes of environmental degradation. The activities have led to extreme weather conditions, indoor and outdoor air pollution, and...

Policy Making in the Public Budgeting Context

Policy-Making in the Context of Public Budgeting Public budgeting is both an academic and civil service aspect that has attracted several debates in the recent past. Even though budgeting is a policy arena that focuses on government choices for fulfilling citizens’ fundamental needs, divergent perspectives exist regarding the link between...

Role of Changes in Our Life

Change is a continuous occurrence in the life of individuals. Our views, bodies, environments, and feelings are subjects of continuous change. In as much as people take some time to adjust, change introduces challenges that may be minor or major. Fundamentally, people are usually reluctant to changes. Therefore, the changes...

Prevention of Zika in Pregnant Women in South Florida

Nowadays, many researchers and health care workers identify the Zika virus as a serious global health issue for pregnant women (Tharpe, Farley, & Jordan, 2016). For a long period of time, this mosquito-born flavivirus was limited to the territories of Africa and Asia. In 2015, it emerged in Brazil and...

Aviation Company X’s Operations Improvement

Improving the quality of the entrepreneurship’s operations is a challenging task, as the example of Company X shows. Though promoting innovation and following a customer-focused approach, the firm is facing issues due to the problems in its procurement process, therefore, causing its customers to feel frustrated over the inconsistent services....

Walmart Company: New Technological Strategies

Abstract The advancement in technology has had a lot of impacts on the operations of many businesses all over the world. This is attributable to the fact that as technology advances, businesses get platforms to improve their products, products’ delivery, as well as the provision of better services to customers....

Romanticism Period: William Blake, John Constable and J.M.W Turner

Introduction The period of Romanticism began in the 18thcentury and lasted until the 19th century in the western cultures. Its origin is closely linked with artistic and intellectual movements that strongly castigated the impositions by the established values. The main concept behind this upsurge was to champion on individuals’ expressions...

Greeks Between Bronze Age and Peloponnesian War

Introduction American history is defined by borders and clear definitions. To understand the worth of all historical events and take the most important lessons, it is necessary to differentiate the concepts and know their direct explanations. For example, there is a significant difference between a citizen and a subject, and...

Integrity as a Concept in the Ethical Dictionary

Integrity is a prominent concept in ethical vocabulary. Nevertheless, a review of the existing literature shows different meanings of the term as well as the usage of its variable. Integrity is considered one of the most vital virtues held by individuals and institutions (Gibbons and Sutherland 8). An individual of...

Musical Pieces of the Baroque Era

Introduction This paper explores musical pieces of the Baroque era through the works of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel. Two musical pieces produced by the two authors will be compared to analyze their similarities and differences. These pieces will be evaluated to ascertain how they contributed to the...

Romantic Era’s Music

Introduction This paper analyzes two musical pieces of the romantic era period to ascertain the characteristics that cause emotive feelings among their audience. The two musical pieces are Symphony number one (produced by Gustav Mahler) and Si, mi chiamano Mimi (a composition by Giacomo Puccini). The latter is an opera,...

Strategic Preparedness for Disasters

Article summary The article reviews the characteristics of the states and the systems of systems. Also, the article seeks to understand the role of shared states when developing systems Precisely, the article is based on a study of how modeling systems of systems is critical in strategic preparedness, response, and...

Disney Animation’s Society Reflection & Influence

Contemporary American values are reflected in movies. Signs and symbols of the changing values get into all the aspects of individual lives in the United States. A quintessential example is offered by the entertainment sector where animated characters are depicted as possessing a powerful impact on our culture and its...

Spa-Like Amenities That Increase Market Share

Increasing market share through innovation and the introduction of better and more diverse services is one of the keys toward becoming a more efficient company and improving the quality of the services provided to the target denizens of the population. The identified strategy is especially important for entrepreneurship aiming at...

Promoting Child Development and Learning Standard

Introduction Education plays a vital role in the lives of people because it determines their future, providing access to particular working places. As a rule, children’s attitudes towards studying and their academic achievements during school and university years depend on those formed in early childhood. That is why the quality...

Biological Psychology and Human Nature

Discovering the Human Brain The development of technologies in the field of medicine has become quite a natural process since the society has sought to understand the human body better for many thousands of years. The emergence of new possibilities has provided access to the study of even the most...

Center Parcs Company: Customer Relationships Management

As it might be clear from the title, the main focus of Customer Relationships Management is customers and their relationships with the company, as well as the influence of those relationships on the company’s sales and revenue. CRM is based on three pillars: getting new customers, fixing the leaky bucket,...

Drama: “Golden Boy” by Clifford Odets

Actors’ Style, Goals and Major Conflicts The play Golden Boy is remarkable in terms of the performance. Actors have to reveal the emotions of people who need to solve various personal issues. The major issue is the conflict of their inclinations and reality. The actors use realistic acting as the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Computer Forensics Investigation Plan

Searching the employee’s purse The US Constitution prohibits employers from conducting searches on employees. However, the protection does not apply to private organizations (Easttom, 2014). The manager had a legal right to search the employee’s purse. The employee was suspected of using the organization’s softcopy data for other purposes other...

IES Lean Systems Ltd. in the Food Industry

The phenomenon of lean thinking, which is typically rendered as the introduction of sustainable principles for the use of the resources at the company’s disposal, is an essential element of the 21st-century economy. Allowing one to reduce waste significantly and, therefore, promote sustainability in the design of the company’s operations...

Motivation Types and Leadership Styles in Nursing

Internal and External Motivation Factors Categories Extrinsic (external) Intrinsic (internal) Job Content Characteristics 1) Challenging nature of work, 2) Opportunity of advance, 3) Explicit goals, 4) Effective performance appraisal, 5) Task significance. 1) Meaningful work, 2) Compliance with personal goals, 3) Creativity opportunities, 4) Sense of competence, 5) Increasing work...

Who Work with Cancer Patients?

Abstract The journal for which the submission is proposed is the International Journal of Nursing Studies. The presented study tested the practice of asking nurses who work with cancer patients to regularly gather for open discussions of their stress-related issues and coping strategies. The proposed practice was tested in a...

Food in the 20th Centure

Factors That Limited the Food Choices Turner (2014) tells the story of the life of working-class Americans and their diets at the turn of the century. It is noted that money was one of the crucial factors affecting food choices working-class people made. At the same time, there were other...

History: Malcolm X as Civil Rights Activist

Abstract Malcolm X was a renowned African American nationalist who contributed heavily to the final freedom of blacks from discrimination and racism. He demonstrated that freedom and inclusivity are the gifts that mankind must realize to enjoy life. Despite the troubled youth, Malcolm X’s contribution as an adult climaxed in...

Malawi Recovery Public Works Program Evaluation

Nowadays, there are various social programs targeted at improving the local or global situation in communities. It is crucial to not only draft a program but also to measure its results to find out whether it helps to reach the initial goals. This process is usually referred to as the...

Patient Education, Its Barriers and Obstacles

Discussion Education of patients is important to help them cope with health problems, adhere to treatment plans, and focus on recovery. However, the work with adult patients can be challenging in terms of educating and motivating them because of a range of factors (Bastable, Gramet, Jacobs, & Sopczyk, 2011). In...

Carrying Cost of Inventory

Introduction When one compiles a list of assets or any form of items for formal purposes then he is said to be making an inventory. It involves various activities which include: recording of items, time and costs involved, the management of these items, forecasting the profitability, and physical inventory. This...

Adaptation and Transition Experience in Nursing

Differences and Similarities of Adaptation The Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory is founded on the key characteristics of patients as social human beings and builds upon their interactions and functions. Thus, it employs several fundamental premises regarding the similarities and differences between individual patients and offers solutions for nurses based on...

Missouri Compromise Role in American History

Introduction The Missouri compromise refers to an agreement passed in 1820 as a solution to the differences in government over slavery (Forbes 19). Before the agreement was passed, numerous member of the United States Congress disagreed on the way to incorporate both western and southern states in the government without...

The Cold War in Realism Theory

The definition of the Cold War refers to the conflict between the Western countries (the United States) against the Eastern Bloc (the USSR) and is also known as the conflict between capitalism and communism. It denotes the historic opposition of ideologies and drastically differs from the traditional forms of war...

Housing for Disabled People: Needs Assessment

Housing for people with disabilities is still one of the unresolved issues in many developed countries including the USA. The US government has come up with some programs to assist non-elderly disabled people and their families. However, this effort is insufficient. More so, some programs do not meet their goals...

Data Analysis and Dissemination in Research

The process of data analysis can be recognised as one of the essential activities throughout human history. Its purpose is to collect and process different types of data to obtain new and valuable information. Data analysis is the core of academic research that drives the technological and scientific advancement of...

EBags Company: Operations Management Analysis

Comparing the Supply Chain Strategies: Drop-Ship and Private Label Models The application of the direct-from-manufacturer model allowed for a more efficient analysis of the customer feedback: “the drop-ship model was not a large departure for the major luggage providers, and it gave them more immediate feedback from the customers than...

Women’s Dignity in Hong Kong’s Church and Society

In the chapter, ‘Promoting Women’s Dignity in the Church and Society in Hong Kong’, Mary Yuen explores the role of women in the Church circles based on the understanding of the Christian faith and various teachings. Mary Yuen says that it was not until the 1960s that the women in...

Workplace Hazards Minimization Strategies

Table 1 covers the essential strategies and interventions aimed at eliminating or minimizing hazards faced by the workforce operating in various settings at each of the three stages of the source-path-worker model. Table 1. Control interventions. Hazardous Situations Control Strategies and Measures Operating a very loud and noisy machine The...

Hispanic Communities’ Healthcare and Spirituality

Hispanic communities are communities, which practice Spanish culture. In the United States, the term Hispanic is a concept that refers to all individuals, who practice Spanish culture and speak Spanish. Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexicans comprise the Hispanic communities found in the American continent. As such, it is evident that...

Colonial Unrest in Virginia, New York and Massachusetts

Introduction Colonial unrest is a state of total dissatisfaction or disturbances to colonies during the colonial era. The study explores the disturbances or dissatisfactions experienced by colonies such as New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts under the control of the colonial states such as British, Europeans and Britain. The factors that...

Faith Factor and Mental Health in Young People

Addressing mental health issues requires a detailed analysis of the factors that affect the manta development of an individual, including not only the cognitive aspect of the brain’s functioning but also the emotional one. The necessity to appeal to the emotional state of the patient often serves as the justification...

Child Disease in “First Look: U.S. Youth and Seizures”

As this reflection paper should be about a child’s disease, I referred to the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as it provides the most authoritative and current information. I found the report on seizures in children and selected an article, which is called First Look: U.S....

Health Issues Affecting African Americans and Hispanics

Introduction Healthcare practitioners should provide adequate care to different members of the community. The targeted communities are affected by different health issues such as obesity, cancer, and diabetes (Ortega, Rodriguez, & Bustamante, 2015). Social and economic disparities in the communities influence the health outcomes of different clients. This exercise examines...

Health Care Finance: Cost Escalation

Introduction Nowadays, many people are not insured, and the number of these people is constantly growing. In the same manner, the costs of health care are growing rapidly. One of the main reasons for this occurrence is the employment of medical technology, the costs for which are escalating annually. It...

The Most Acute Problems With Patients With Diabetes

Case Summary The patient’s profile: Patient name: L.N. Age: 49 years old Gender: Female Race: White Occupation: — Marital status: — Height: 5’4″ Weight: Ranging from 165 to 185 lb. Allergies: None Diagnosis: Type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, migraine headaches, increased exertional SOB, microalbuminuria Results of tests: a BP of...

Cross-Cultural Competencies in Human Service Work

Human beings are distinguished by race, religion, or socio-economic backgrounds. A study of cross-cultural competencies is an important subject in the human service professions and especially in counseling. Counselors are trained to deal with different kind of clients, who have diverse problems. Therefore, it is necessary to have background knowledge...

Articles on Gender, its Development, and Cultural Aspects

Definition of gender Unger and Crawford (1993, p. 122) argue that the definition of gender becomes clearer when one makes a distinction between gender and sex. In their article, the authors review about five definitions relative to different female and male traits, which are either sex- or gender-oriented. Here, the...

Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research

Burns, Gray, and Grove (2015, p. 3) provide a comprehensive definition of “research” in its connotation of repeated search or careful examination. At the baseline, research is a systematic inquiry wherein a hypothesis is formed and proved or disproved in a setting specific for the given area of study. Research...

Staffing System and Retention Management

The factors to address in developing a report on the effectiveness of a staffing process for entry-level jobs are staffing system, recruiting, selection, final match and retention, each of these factors needs to be evaluated in terms of its cost, timeliness, outcomes and reaction (Heneman, Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller 652). Staffing...

Indian Creek Foundation: Ethics of Change

The professional code of ethics necessary for the work on a new strategy through implementing change to the Indian Creek Foundation should focus on a range of issues. The well-designed code of ethics should meet the criteria of credibility, being based on experience, including skills and knowledge, which a researcher...

Hadrian, the Roman Emperor in Eyes of Spartianus

Roman Empire was one of the greatest and mightiest states the world had ever known. Its achievements and influence on the development of our history could not be overestimated. Being an empire, a state where one person has absolute power, it was dependent on decisions of that man. That is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy: Sampling

Methodology Sample To obtain the appropriate results, the study requires a specific sample carefully selected to match the criteria determined by the hypothesis (Hulley, Cummings, Browner, Grady, & Newman, 2011). The project aims to assess the effectiveness of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMT) therapy for the treatment of diabetic neuropathic symptoms...

Criminal Prosecution for Nursing Practice

Emotions evoked while considering the Colorado Board of Nursing case The Colorado Board of Nursing case presents a highly controversial situation that leaves the reader with a whole range of mingled emotions, some of which even contradict each other. First and foremost, the feeling of pity for the baby who...

Strategies for Addressing Individual Needs in Special Education

Risk Factors Alice is a four-year-old girl. She has appeared in a risky position, and the symptoms of intellectual disability may be developed for a number of reasons. Alice is raised in a family with two parents. From the very beginning, she was in a risky group. Alice’s mother is...

Evidence Based Practice in Clinical Setting

Policies and Procedures for Maintaining Nursing Turnover Rate Low In the setting of a nursing facility, keeping the turnover levels low is crucial to the overall efficacy of the services provided to the target population (Jang, Choi, Park, & Lee, 2015). Furthermore, low turnover rates help reduce a range of...

The Effects of Risperidone on Children with Autism

The article in question is entitled “Cognitive Effects of Risperidone in Children with Autism and Irritable Behavior” (Aman et al., 2008). As the title implies, the goal of the research was to determine if using risperidone can affect cognitive performance in pre-adolescents and adolescents with autism. The researchers hypothesized that...

Ethical Issues in Healthcare Delivery

Changing Reality of an Older Population The United States has recorded unprecedented demographic changes within the past three decades. The number of elderly people in the country is on the rise. Within the next 30 years, the number might double to over 80 million. The aging population will definitely change...

Calvinism and Arminianism in Historical Theology

Historical Theology Calvinism and Arminianism are two well-known theological systems that introduce different methods to explain the relations which develop between God and people which are directed to achieve salvation. John Calvin is the founder of Calvinism in the middle of the 1500s, and Jacobus Arminius is the theologian, who...

Homeopathic Treatment: Ignatia Amara

The presented paper is devoted to Ignatia amara, a homeopathic remedy that was found with the help of The medication is described from the point of view of historical and personal experience and scientific research. Ignatia amara is a remedy for anxiety and related issues that is made...

“Teach Like a Champion 2.0” by Doug Lemov

The fourth and fifth chapters of the book “Teach Like a Champion 2.0” by Lemov (2010) offer insights into the lesson-planning techniques that can be of use for a teacher of mathematics as well as other disciplines. The fourth chapter focuses on planning as such while the fifth one described...

The Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension

The prevalence of hypertension among the population of the United States can also depend on the factor of ethnicity. The researchers pay attention to the fact that Hispanics suffer from high blood pressure oftener than other minorities (Staffileno et al., 2013). Therefore, Hispanics need to adapt their diets and lifestyles...

Aviation Company’s Poor Quality Costs

Defining the costs of poor quality for an aviation company, one must admit that the risks are far too high. Seeing that the quality of an aircraft or certain devices used by the pilots defines the safety of the flight and the landing, it can be assumed that poor rates...

History of Crusades

Introduction The crusades that were carried out in medieval times left long lasting effects that are still being felt today in both the Christian and Muslim world. Crusades played a significant part in defining the kind of relations that exist between the West and Islam at the present time. This...

Product Promotion: Six Sigma Mapping Tool

Searching for the marketing strategies that can be deemed as efficient and, therefore, incorporated into the product promotion process is an integral part of delivering services to the target customers. Therefore, it is desirable to rationalize the procedure so that it could deliver the best results possible within a comparatively...

Mind, Consciousness and Body Relationship

The Topic The general topic we wish to research in more detail is the relationship between the body and the mind. Our study of this theme will be based on the assumption that the mind and the consciousness are generated by the body. On the other hand, we will also...

Econometric Methods to Model Growth

Economists use econometric instruments in order to complete the quantitative analysis of the available economic data and determine possible relationships. Traditional econometric methods are statistical instruments associated with discussing the linear relationships and changes (Magnus, Powell, & Prufer, 2010, p. 140). The notion of the economic evolution is closely associated...

Take a Stand: Underage Drinking

Abstract Despite the actions taken to prevent underage drinking, the specified issue still remains a major problem in the United States. The state law, which prohibits selling alcohol to underage people, does not prevent teenagers from engaging in drinking. However, these are not only the immediate risks such as the...

Description of Three Cognitive Biases

Cognitive bias is a continuous pattern of deviation from what is rational. There are many types of cognitive bias. The paper would discuss the confirmation bias, representativeness heuristic, and hindsight bias. Confirmation bias It is a way or method of searching for and or interpreting information to confirm one’s prejudices....

Domain of the Cognitive Development

Abstract This paper offers a preliminary discussion of the domain of cognitive development, including its definition, the overview of the most influential theories, and the suggestions for future research on the topic. The paper briefly characterizes Piaget’s, Vygotsky’s, and neo-Piagetian theories, explains the personal interest of the researcher in the...

United States Gross Domestic Product Growth in 2014

Several reports provide an indication that the US economy has been improving significantly since January 2014, providing hope to the millions of people and companies that have been affected by slowed growth rates since the end of the recession. In this article published in the New York Times, Cohen reports...

Awkward Scene in The Castle of Otranto by Walpole

Introduction One awkward scene in the novel was where Manfred stabbed his own daughter Matilda when she was out with Theodore at St. Nicholas church. Manfred was in love with Isabel, but he thought that she loved another man called Theodore. As a result, Manfred had deployed a man to...

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Cosmetic Surgery Popularity in the Middle East

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Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

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Immigrants’ Barriers to Healthcare Access

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Curriculum Development for Employee Training

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Six Sigma’ Changes in the Twenty-First Century

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Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger

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Bar Codes vs. Radio Frequency Identification Tags

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Affordable Care Act and Its Achievements

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The United States National Policy and Federalism

One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy. National policies are often compared to those of the federal governments, and, which is also rather important, there is a number of considerable differences between the two structures. One of the main advantages...

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Hyundai Motor Company Success and International Operations

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Jury’s Professionalism in Criminal Trials

Abstract The following paper is focused on the issues concerning the fair trial, the establishment of a professional jury, and the personal qualities of the jurors. The paper provides concise solutions to the problems in question and supports the author’s viewpoint with relevant examples from existing literature. A list of...

Communication Differences: Male vs Female

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Chief Operation Officer’s View on Health Policy

Exploration of a Journal Article with a Health Policy The United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the whole world, with one of the strongest and most effective healthcare systems ever developed. Almost each health policy is the possibility to change something and improve the health conditions of...

Pathogens, Infection Cycle and Disinfection Methods

Conditions that favor the growth of pathogens Several conditions can influence the growth of pathogens. First of all, warm temperatures help bacteria to grow faster and spread to other organisms easier. Thus, the temperature of a human body, for example, is a good condition for pathogens to grow. Next, moist...