The Theme of Culture in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik

Culture is a vital aspect of every society, depicted through gender roles, power distribution, and the place of men and women in society. Literature serves to highlight the cultural practices engraved in society. The play A Doll’s House is a three-part play by the renowned playwright Henrik Ibsen. A Doll’s...

Abortion Policies: History, Current Issues, and Social Workers’ Roles

Introduction Abortion can be referred to as when pregnancy is terminated so that it does not lead to birth, and it can be done either by use of medicine or surgical process. Since time immemorial, the process has been debated, and laws and policies have been made and amended. Hence,...

Global Challenges of The Muslims in the Modern Society

The presented research outlined and examined some of the issues facing Muslims in modern society, taking into account knowledge acquisition and global Muslim representation as the core aims in the study. One of the significant problems identified in the research faced by Muslims was the mass media misrepresentation and Western...

Domestic Abuse of the Mexican Women

Statement of the Problem In the article, the researcher has paid close attention to the findings and used them to explain his hypothesis on the reason as to why the Mexican women are reluctant to report cases of domestic abuse. However, the researcher has not paid close attention to the...

Enhancing Nurses’ Skills for Palliative Care in Long-Term Care

Background Research has demonstrated that palliative care is beneficial to both patients and families. However, it is not systematically utilized in many cases (Aslakson et al., 2014). Palliative care refers to a multidisciplinary medical care giving approach aimed at optimizing the quality of life and mitigating suffering among people with...

Alienated Labor in Capitalist Societies

The capitalist system is a generally accepted norm which functions successfully in the modern world. However, Marx presented the alienation of labor, which is one of the capitalist features, as the process is contrary to human nature (Vidal et al., 2019). The reason for the emergence of such a phenomenon...

Police Brutality and Impunity for Police Violence

Abstract The overall purpose of this paper is to explore the topic of police brutality and police impunity as it is discussed in modern studies. The author of the paper reviews and summarizes ten articles that cover different aspects of the topic, ranging from the demographic characteristics of police brutality...

World Organisations and the Economic Outlook

Countries of the world, especially the larger economies, are passing through one of the worst economic crises since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The global forecasts according to the major world lending bodies like IMF, WB and other credit agencies are that this may take more time to stablise,...

History of Multicultural America

The Second World War was the bloodiest and most terrible event in the entire life of mankind. Over 55 million people died in World War II, of which 27 million died in the Soviet Union. Although the American continent was not a place of military battles, Second World War significantly...

Three Cases of Terrorism: Ideological, Nationalist and Religious

Terrorism is as old as the world’s history. It has been used throughout history by various groups and countries. To some people it is a strategy, crime, holy duty or tactic depending on which side one looks at it from. Some say terrorism is necessary as a reaction to repression...

Music From the Renaissance Into the Baroque

Melody Melody in music is any single and complete note of countenance in favor of large intervals. The objective of melody is to circumvent any impression of tonality (Kerman & Tomlinson, 2019). In the Renaissance era, the melody was chiefly polyphonic, with each voice possessing a unique bass line (Cherevko...

The Future of Private Security

Introduction Security involves the protection of property, persons, as well as the deterrence of crimes within society as prescribed by law. For a very long time, the issue of security has been a duty of the government towards its people through the police as the main players who provide security...

Reduce Plastic Pollution: What Can We Do Today?

Introduction The current global problem of climate change is affecting human life in different ways. For instance, the extreme weather patterns recorded in different parts of the world within the past six decades have resulted in underproduction, heavy downpours, and global warming. The sustainability question is more relevant today than...

Benefits and Threats of Digital Cinema: The Matrix World

Introduction The progress of the movie industry from 1945 to today cannot be ignored because of many reasons. In addition to a variety of new styles and movie genres, this field has undergone multiple technological transformations and enhancements. One of the most evident achievements was surely a step forward to...

Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Democratic values ​​promoted in modern society concern not only political but also social freedoms. Opportunities for self-development and expressing individual interests openly are the perspectives that are guaranteed to a person in different areas. However, some acute issues arise regarding gender differences and equality between the sexes. In particular, the...

Substance Abuse in Low-Income Community

The individuals socioeconomic status has a little interrelation with his or her propensity to addiction. This stereotype was formed due to the fact that substance abuse is more common among lower economic status individuals or those living in poverty. Nevertheless, the position that these two factors are directly linked and...

The Novel Atonement: Mcewan’s Cogitations About the Nature of Creativity

Introduction Ian McEwan is one of the novelists who touches upon the nature of art and creativity as the act of forming a new world and influencing people who live there. In this Atonement, McEwan parallels the author with a God because of the similarity of their roles and their...

Factors Impacting the Availability and Affordability of Housing in Costa Rica

Found in Central America, Costa Rica lies on an estimated 19,730 square miles extending along a 185-mile coastline in the northeastern of the Caribbean Sea. Nicaragua bounds it on the north and Panama on the southeast. Furthermore, it has a 630-mile southeast coastline along the Pacific lined with beautiful sandy...

Hell and Heaven in Milton’s “Paradise Lost” Poem

Throughout the decades, various intellectuals had their own view of the universe and understood the concepts of Heaven and Hell differently. The distinction in perceptions depended on various factors, such as the historical period, societal rules, personal experiences, and philosophies. For instance, an English poet and philosopher John Milton viewed...

Renal Failure Burden in the Middle East

Introduction Renal failure is also called kidney failure and refers to a condition where the kidneys become dysfunctional. It can be divided into chronic and acute renal failures that occur due to a wide variety of medical problems. The detection of renal failure can be done using measurements of serum...

The Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) Program

Abstract Management and preparedness of an emergency is essential in mitigation of possible effects of natural disasters. In aquatic regions, hazard reduction depends on assessment of geographic and natural factors. Even though risk prevention and resilience are connected they are not similar since the former is a pre-disaster strategy that...

The Movie “Oedipus Rex” by Alfredo Bini: Themes and Message

Introduction The drama, Oedipus, began with a plague bringing distraction and misery at the city of Thebes where the people, lead by a priest, gather in front of the palace to seek council from the great Oedipus the king. Oedipus was a new king of the city for the previous...

Specific Features of Conduct Disorder

Introduction As an integral part of the overall well-being, mental health plays an essential role in the lives of all individuals regardless of their age, gender, or social status. Taking into account that some mental health issues can result in decreased enjoyment of life and low self-esteem, healthcare providers recommend...

Whole Foods Market and its Social Purpose

Introduction Whole Foods Market (WFM) is one of the most productive food retail companies in the United States. Its successful development was conditional upon the inclusion of social responsibility principles in business operations. However, the situation in the food market is changing rapidly, and WFM’s future progress now depends on...

Androgyny as the Primordial Foundation of Personality

Introduction For many years, it has been believed that if a person is mentally and physiologically healthy, then his or her appearance and behavior patterns should conform to the gender stereotypes established in society. Thus, a man should have a brutal appearance, aggressive, belligerent behavior, and actively developing career. In...

“Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?” by Sandel

Introduction In the book Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?, professor Michael Sandel explores a range of political philosophies, which range from Aristotle to Kant to liberal traditions of John Rawls that have contributed to the modern understanding of justice. He then applies these philosophies as objectively as possible...

“Get Out” Horror Film by Jordan Peele

Get Out is a satirical horror directed by Jordan Peele in 2017. Get Out premiered on January 23, 2017, and was described as “a movie that plunges into white insecurities about black sexuality and the lingering toxicity of slavery on the national psyche” (Johnston 2). The film was a success...

Micro Issues. Company Go-To-Market Strategy

Ways of Entering the Market The world has experienced multiple changes, especially in technological advances that have facilitated the integration of the economy in different countries. Changes such as traveling, information sharing tools like the Internet, computers, and smartphones, as well as distribution channels, have facilitated the concept of globalization....

Abbey Delray and Heartland Hospice Care: Long-Term Care Changes

Introduction It has been acknowledged that due to demographic shifts in the American society, the healthcare system requires considerable changes. Long-term care needs specific attention and major improvements related to healthcare insurance coverage, quality of the provided services, and the focus on integration, to name a few (Tappen et al.,...

Shadow a Leader: Issue Analysis

Introduction When looking for a suitable leader to shadow, I had two main considerations in mind. First, I needed the leader to have an exemplary record of personal achievements. Secondly, the leader needed to be enthusiastic about sharing his wisdom and opinions. This second requirement narrowed down my choices to...

Reflection in Professional Counselling Practice

Abstract Notion of reflection is something that is respectably a part of counselling and affects the way one view issues. The personality of the person concerned thus affects how the popular ideal will be meted out. To notion of reflection is largely responsible for the adherence or flouting of the...

Modern Arranged Marriages in Indian Community

Introduction An arranged marriage takes place when another person, other than the couple anticipating marriage, arranges the marriage to shun the process of courtship between the two people to be married. Various groups of people throughout history have practiced this marriage style. Nowadays, various groups in South Asia and Middle...

Task-Based Learning as an Effective Method

Introduction Task-based learning involves the use of activities or tasks in the learning activity. The activities chosen are relevant to the topic that learners are learning. The notion of task-based learning is the belief that students are more likely to learn if their minds focus on a task instead of...

Beck Depression Inventory-II Test Critique

The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) is a multiple-choice diagnostic assessment tool used to determine the severity of the depressive disorder symptoms in the partaker. The inventory was developed in 1961 and revised to the BDI-II version in 1996 by Aaron T. Beck. The instrument contains 21 items on a 4-point...

Automobile Workers vs. Johnson Controls

Facts of the Case The primary ingredient in the manufacture of batteries at Johnson Controls (“JC”) is lead. It was discovered that lead exposure entails health risks to employees, especially to the fetus carried by female employees. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) was able to inform industrial companies...

Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company and Its Market Relations

Introduction International Marketing is a very complicated net of relations, and the processes, which occur there, are not so easy to understand. Local markets have a less complicated systems. It is easier to enter local markets and to remain there. In spite of the lots of differences, international and local...

Organizational Change in Ford Motor Company

Today, the US auto industry experiences problems caused by economic decline and financial crisis. Therefore, because innovation is all about creating new realities, change must deal first and last with sight. Many critics admit that the US auto industry will not be able to survive without innovations and new trends...

Human Rights Conservation and the War on Terror

A large number of factors pose threat to human life and create a feeling of insecurity among the population, resulting in a disruption in personal and social life. Public Safety is the concept of governmental organizations concerned with protecting their citizens from all kinds of threats. The term ‘public safety’...

School-Based Project Management: Program Implementation

Introduction School programs are normally designed to accommodate and content students as well as the teaching infrastructure. In the modern society teachers and school managers are under pressure to meet the requirement and expectations of the public that mainly include parents, students and the government. However the increasing cases of...

HIV&AIDS Impact on Australians

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, with AIDS being its most advanced form – the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This type of sickness is relatively new, having been first discovered in African chimpanzees in the 1930s, allegedly transferring to humans through blood contact. It became a pandemic in the USA during...

William Julius Wilson Concepts

William Julius Wilson is a Professor of Social Policy at Harvard University, known for his public stance that favors turning America into a “welfare state”. In his books and public speeches, Wilson strives to explain the low socio-economic status of majority of Black Americans by the fact that they still...

Romantic Poetry: Wordsworth, Shelley, Coleridge, Keats

One of the topics that are especially pertinent to Romantic poetry is imagination. This concept is notable because it cannot be defined clearly and can be considered motif readers can see in the works of the period. The purpose of this paper is to explain how the imagination is relevant...

Connection Between Management and Leadership

Introduction Management and leadership is an essential topic for discussion in the context of business because they have a direct and significant impact on the operation and require specific competencies, especially in the modern world were globalisation is changing the competitive advantages of firms. To fully understand the concepts that...

Obesity Issue: Application of Nursing Theory

Introduction and Problem Statement Obesity has been a growing concern for health professionals for the past few decades. Its prevention and management are difficult, especially because of the specifics of the lifestyles that are prevalent nowadays. In this paper, a specific case of chronic obesity will be considered. As an...

The Role of Money in “The Forged Coupon” by Leo Tolstoy

Introduction When one hears the name of Leo Tolstoy, the first thing that comes to mind is his great novels War and Peace or Anna Karenina. However, this famous Russian writer created more than 150 works, including short stories, autobiographical novels, and novellas. The Forged Coupon is one of the...

Homeland Security Concepts in the United States

Essay 1: Risk Management Risk management (RM) is a complex activity that has been undertaken by the US government structures for the tasks related to homeland defense (HD) and homeland security (HS). According to the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] (2010), some of the structures that are involved in RM...

Distraction from Injections in a Pediatric Population

Introduction Pediatric care often includes invasive procedures such as injections and venipuncture, which can cause pain, anxiety, and fear in children. According to Canbulat ƞahiner and TĂŒrkmen (2019), pain experienced during medical procedures can lead to profound long-term physical and psychological consequences. Therefore, a healthcare provider should ensure a child’s...

ChloĂ© Company’s Sustainable Menswear Line

Executive Summary To launch its first menswear line, a descriptive analysis of the fashion field, including brand identity, competitors, and target market, will be developed based on primary and secondary research. The world of fashion continues developing and offering new standards and opportunities for people, and therefore, the creation of...

Constellation Brands Company’s Analysis

Executive Summary Constellation Brands has gained a rather impressive status in the global food and beverage industry. The organization has been using the strength of its team as the primary asset and the competitive advantage that drives its development. However, Constellation Brands could use a change to adjust to new...

Homelessness: Causes and Solutions

Introduction Contemporary social problems are not only a consequence of individual factors that do not depend on people, for instance, political fluctuations in the international arena but also the outcome of unreasonable and ineffective government practices. One of these issues is homelessness a phenomenon that is acutely felt in the...

CFP Fiber Optic Transceiver Analysis

Background Fiber Optic Transceiver is a component that transmits and receives information through its self-contained components. The component is inserted into others devices as a network interface cards or routers. Such devices usually one or multiple transceiver module slots usually labelled as SFP, GBIC, and XFP just to mention a...

Advantages and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes

Introduction According to [1], carbon nanotubes belong to a carbon molecular family that is different from that of graphite and diamond referred to as fullerene. These structures, cylindrical in shape, formed by the carbon atoms fall into two major categories. The categories are single-walled nanotubes and the other category is...

The Importance of Sustainable Development in the Food Retail Sector

Abstract This research report is designed to explore the phenomena of sustainability in business and corporate social responsibility. The report addresses the concepts of sustainability in business and corporate social responsibility, which resemble the core values of the modern-day economy of the world. Growing concerns related to environmental and social...

Simmers Restaurant Service Experience

Service Encounter Diary My Service Encounter at Simmers Restaurant Naturally, I am not a fan of leisure travel. However, being a middle-level sales manager in a local bank requires me to travel a lot and widely as my job entails going out there and seeking customers. But when my cousin...

Beautification Job Salaries in the United Kingdom

Introduction For ages now, beautification has held its position as being of prime importance to many people. At least every sane human being cares about how they look due to their concern for their image to the general public. By this, I mean that beautification is one of the things...

Warehouse Design for Medical Supplies

Introduction The modern business world is characterized by the constant increase in demand for various products as clients want to satisfy their diversified goods. It means that companies have to work with the growing number of products that should be delivered and stored appropriately. Under these conditions, effective warehouse design,...

Gender Pay Gap for Women: The Main Causes

The gender pay gap is the analysis of wages earned by women compared to men without including positions. Despite several ways to calculate the pay gap, all the results point to the fact that women are paid less than men. The gap has been perceived to be wider for women...

Japan’s Geography, Culture, Religion, Politics

History of Japan Historians believe strongly that human beings have lived in Japan for thousands of years. The country is an island located in the Pacific Ocean. The nation is characterized by imperial places, shrines, dense cities, and mountains. The capital city of the country is Tokyo and is known...

Childhood Obesity Prevention: Physical Education and Nutrition

Abstract In most cases, many people believe that obesity is a childhood problem. This may be true to some extent. However, it is important to note that unless controlled, as a child grows, obesity can lead to many health complications in adulthood. In this regard, to help children avoid health...

Leader-Member Exchange Model and Its Effects

Unarguably, the contemporary business environment is extremely challenging due to the rapid changes in technology, consumer preferences, and other external factors. Multiple qualitative and quantitative studies emprise the need to use different models and styles for organizational leadership (OL), although most of the contemporary businesses use transformational and transactional methods....

Azerbaijani State Oil Company’s Digital Transformation

Executive Summary SOCAR is an Azerbaijanian company that operates in the energy sector. It contributes to the exploration of oil fields in as well as the production, transportation, and the selling of oil and gas. The company is highly technological and works on the advancement of its operations each year....

Lying in Children’s Development

Lying is an important issue in human development due to its nature and the inability of some people to understand if it is an obligatory skill or a shortage that has to be eliminated. On the one hand, it is a usual process that a child lies to cover personal...

Human Rights in Sociology and Philosophy

Introduction The concept of human rights is among the most popular issues throughout the world in contemporary society today. Such a concept is challenging, and many aspects have still yet to be investigated. According to James Griffin (qtd. in Moka-Mubelo 1), there exists a, “belief that we do not yet...

National Food Products Company: Marketing Segmentation

Executive Summary NFPC has been known as one of the largest food and beverage organizations in the UAE. Producing milk, mineral water, and plastic containers, particularly, bottles, NFPC has warranted the loyalty of numerous UAE residents. However, with the recent changes in the UAE market and the emergence of new...

Narrative and Graphic Framing of Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

Introduction Persepolis is a graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi, published for the first time in 2000-2003 in France. The work is autobiographical and depicts the author’s adolescence in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. Ostby notes that the narrative is a “cross-cultural self-representation and misinterpretation that has proved both entertaining and...

Big Data Opportunities in Green Supply Chain Management

Introduction & Problem Motivation According to academic research in the field of supply chain management (SCM), the industry is quickly changing because of the advent of digital instruments that are utilized to speed up supply chain processes and reduce the involvement of human workers. According to Hartley and Sawaya (2019),...

Chick-fil-A Inc.’s Entry into Qatari Food Industry

Executive Summary The report presents three elements of PESTEL for Chick-fil-A to use in its decision to expand to Qatar. These include political, economic, and legal. The country is politically stable for investment. Economically, the impacts of low global oil prices have led to a decline in economic growth. Finally,...

Unemployment, Its Types and Government Intervention

Introduction Unemployment is among the most significant challenges that influence contemporary economies. Indeed, even global economic giants suffer from the problem. For example, the 2008 to 2009 economic crisis in the US left the nation suffering from the problem of unemployment. After the recession, Rothstein and Valletta (2014) assert that...

British Airways: Company Information

Abstract The blistering rise of digital devices preconditioned the increased importance of IT technologies for the functioning of the majority of organizations and corporations. In this regard, the given paper is devoted to the precise investigation of the main aspects of a certain company that benefits from the exploration of...

Procter & Gamble Company’s Creativity and Innovation Processes

Executive Summary Creativity and innovation are the key instruments of success in the corporate world. They aid in mobilizing resources with new aspects to create wealth. Creativity and innovation therefore lead to wealth creation. Organizations such as Procter & Gamble manage to achieve competitive benefits when they become creative and...

Uber Company: Critical Issues in Business Management

Introduction Innovation can be defined as a strategic change in the existing business aspects of the development of new ones that are aimed at the improvement of effectiveness, performance, and competitiveness (Research and innovation para. 1-4). The present paper considers the innovation of Uber company. According to the Uber case...

The Rules of Effective Meetings

Introduction A meeting is a gathering of two or more people aimed to discuss a topic, often in a formal or business setting. The effectiveness of a meeting is determined by its agenda, the role of the meeting’s leader, and the environment. To organize a successful meeting, the person responsible...

Developing and Management Skill

Introduction Management is a complex field that requires a comprehensive approach in order to satisfy the expectations of the stakeholders. A number of skills have been identified as essential for enhancing organizational performance and maintaining a positive culture that promotes innovation and creativity. The following report analyses five skills incorporated...

Management and Organization Behaviour

The concept of organization behaviour is a very important tool for any organization. It usually determines whether the business will succeed in its undertakings or not. Good managers must be able to effectively how to use the tool to gauge the employees’ response to different organizational policies. However, to effectively...

Green Supply Chain Management and Economic Gains

Reduced Waste Disposal Costs and Production Expenses Financial resources are always used when trying to deal with waste materials from many organizations that are yet to adopt the GSCM. The first way of addressing this wastage is through the adoption of renewable energy sources. These sources are not only eco-friendly...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Paintings as Allegory

Introduction In the patriarchal society of the 17th century, art like many other fields was dominated by men. History does not present many examples of female artists, but in 1970, an Italian woman by the name of Artemisia Gentileschi was recognized as a progressive figure in the artistic movement of...

Marriott International Hotels’ Strategic Marketing

Current marketing communications practices of Marriott Marriott International, Inc. operates in the lodging industry and has numerous properties in more than 70 countries (Albee 2015). The lodging industry of the world is faced with numerous challenges that affect the profit margins of most of the players in this industry (Cai...

Treating Substance Use Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness in California

Introduction Housing is one of the basic rights of any human being. Homelessness in California has been one of the top challenges the state has faced, especially after discovering gold, which led to the state’s population growing by about 250,000 from the original 14,000 only in four years. Once the...

Leadership Styles and Examples Throughout History

Introduction All leaders possess the ability to influence people around them but choose different methods to achieve their goals. Some prefer authoritative strategies, while others encourage the followers through charisma and a hardworking attitude. Numerous factors, including time, place, and environment, affect the leaders’ decisions and position within society. Famous...

Tricare and Other Health Insurance Programs

Introduction Tricare is a health care program for the military and other security forces in the United States. Tricare serves both active military personnel and military retirees, military families, and some reserve members (Tricare – Health Plans, 2021). This civilian program is administered by the United States Department of Health...

Administrative and Other Foundational Management Theories

Foundational Management Theories Running a successful, best-performing business implies possessing particular management strategies and approaches in order to make an organization a proficient and abundant entity. Company executives might tap into multiple leadership theories, and management orientations to lead a company and its members into a top competitive position at...

Callista Roy Conceptual Model

Introduction Nursing models are theoretical models that are made up of concepts and theories. The nursing field is one of the fields which determine the survival of an individual depending on the patient care given by the nurses or caregiver. Theories and concepts of nursing assist the health care providers...

Forensic Science: Killing of JonBenet Ramsey

Case study of JonBenet Ramsey Jon Benet Ramsey was murdered in the year 1996. The killing took place in Boulder, Colorado. After looking for their daughter for close to eight hours, the parents found JonBenet’s body placed near a remote room next to their home. From the look of things,...

People of Cuban Heritage: Hispanic Americans v. Cuban Americans

A Brief History The first Hispanic people came to the territory of the USA at the beginning of the 16th century (Schmid, 2013). First Cuban Americans came to the territory of the USA at the end of the 16th century (Osorio, 2013). Families moved from islands to the continent. Clearly,...

Rail Transport Market in Europe: Potential and Possibilities

Introduction There are various forms of transport in use today. Some of these forms of transportation are rail, water, road, and air. The means of transport include trains, airplanes, vehicles, boats, ships, among others. Rail transport is the movement of people, livestock, or commodities from one region to another using...

Core Philosophical Disciplines: Questions, Philosophers, and Personal Ideas

Introduction The disciplines of philosophy envelope a considerable number of issues, concentrating on the topics pertinent to numerous areas of human development. The range of branches connected to philosophical thinking, as well as the variety of scholarly opinions on the discussed matters, prove how essential it is for humankind to...

The Significance of Scientists in Western Civilization

Abstract This work is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the most significant Western thinkers: Freud, Darwin, and Marx. Each of them had a special impact on Western civilization, making a great contribution to science and culture. They worked in different fields (psychology, biology, and philosophy), but in part,...

Domestic Violence in the US During the COVID-19

COVID-19, Social Isolation and Its Consequences The COVID-19 pandemic, for all its destructiveness, had a number of secondary consequences associated with the cessation of economic activity and the need to introduce quarantine. The introduction of social exclusion measures has led to an increase in domestic violence of up to 27%...

Organizational Information Security Policies

Purpose The purpose of the current report is to analyze the existing state of affairs at OPM and gain more insight into the organizational security network. This would allow the author to determine the core threats and vulnerabilities affecting the unit and employers. There could also be an opportunity to...

Lab Experiment on Animals’ Taste or Smell Senses

Abstract All animals depend on their taste or smell senses, as functionality for locating and choosing food – whether the foods are animal, plant or other compounds. This function is made possible by chemoreceptors, which are located at the taste buds of the tongue, especially, for humans. Inquiries into the...

Language in Society. Regional Englishes

[ðə fɜːst taÉȘm aÉȘ wɛnt tə Ă°Ê”1 ʃɒp aÉȘ Ξɔːʔ2 ðə wə ᔊ3 raÉȘt naÉȘs reːnÊ€4 əv gʊdz ðɛː5 | ÉȘt dÉȘnt6 siːm tuː dÉȘə bəʔ7 wɛn aÉȘ lʊkt ət Ă°Ê”8 ˈpraÉȘsÉȘz mɔːˈkeəflə9 aÉȘ Ξɔːʔ10 wɛl ˈɑʔʧʊələ11,12 ÉȘts nɒʔ13 sʊʧ14 ᔊ15 gʊd ˈvɑljuː16 ˈɑːftər17 ɔːl | sɒ18 ðɛn aÉȘ dÉȘˈsaÉȘdÉȘd...

Theories of Deviant Behavior: Homosexuality

Introduction Deviant behavior is behavior that violates rules that are formally enacted or formal social norms. The concept includes any behavior that differs from formal and informal norms and standards set out by society (Bader & Baker, 2019). Homosexuality – sexual attraction between the members of the same sex –...

Target Corporation’s Business Strategy & Recommendations

Executive Summary Target operates under a very competitive and challenging market environment characterized by aggressive and advanced competitors. Although it has a strong brand image, the company is lagging behind its key competitors. During the fiscal year 2020, Target had total assets amounting to $42,779 billion, while Walmart and Amazon...

Terrorism: Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Introduction In simple terms terrorism can be defined as the use of violence on people or property for political reasons. It’s the act of causing terror or fear upon the citizens of a particular nation. It’s a political tactic used by terrorist when they believe that there is no other...

The War in Donbass as the Legacy of the Cold War

Introduction Cold War was a significant event in the newest history that demonstrated the deep division between nations, differences in mentalities, and the difficulty in finding compromises to continue cooperation. It was also characterized by the struggle between superstates and their camps, resulting from the desire to control global intercourse...

Breed-specific Legislation in the USA

Introduction Breed-Specific Legislation (BSL) is the group of laws, which regulate the permissions to keep certain dog breeds. These laws are common worldwide and are typically associated with bans of breeds, which are perceived as overly aggressive. However, many scholars and animal advocates criticize current legislation, as little scientific evidence...

1929-1933 Depression and the Development of Germany

Introduction The great depression of 1929 was preceded by a number of economic, social and political events. In Germany the depression was considered as the turning point of the economic and development jurisprudence. A historical interrogation of Germany between 1880 and 1933 presents a better understanding of this claim. Argument...

Cyber Security Breaches and Ransomware Attacks

Introduction Significant infrastructure has several sections that experience a weakening effect on the advancement of a country’s economic and security sectors. The development of critical infrastructure and redundancy maintains physical and virtual facilities, systems, and networks. Communication division is a crucial infrastructure that has transformed from ancient systems like voice...

Fundamental Aspects of Canadian Criminal Law

Introduction Violating the law is criminal and regardless of the degree of criminality or indecency of an action, the regard of its being criminal only comes following its prohibition by the criminal law. The criminal laws are a set of rules determining the conduct of people defined through the powers...

Samsung: The Global Marketing

Executive Summary Samsung remained the biggest smartphone maker in the world until Huawei surpassed it in April 2020. The market share of the North Korean company dropped only to 17%, which is enough to stay ahead of Apple and Xiaomi, who are their main global rivals (Singh, 2020). Such changes...

Culture and International Business Group of Walmart

Introduction Walmart is today considered as the largest retail store in the world, both by its magnitude of business as well as the physical spread of its stores across the world. Walmart was founded by Sam Walton and opened the first store in 1962 in Rogers, Ark (Walmart Stores Inc,...

Touchless Technologies in Birmingham Airport

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has led to the urge for technologies that allow people to avoid coming into contact with touch devices. Before Covid-19, the world had no idea about the benefits of touchless technology. The touchless technologies that have been embraced in findings have thus not been common to...

The International Risk Profile

Introduction The contemporary world continually faces various challenges that are complex and interconnected and have to be managed effectively. Some of these problems include climate change, economic inequality, political tensions, quick industrial advancement, and poor health of the population (World Economic Forum, 2019). In addition to the fact that these...

Vietnam: Controlling the Deflation and Providing Stability

Vietnam Nam has been the Ministry of Finance the United States sticker labels are those who sport in need of money currency in press statements usually aged about to stop blocking the country in winning is beneficial that commercial trade does not work with on day 12.16.2020. Month 12 years...

“Alone Together” by Sherry Turkle

Introduction The rise of the digital era has improved the standards of living and provided unheard of opportunities. Concurrently, the spread of technologies has raised concerns about the nature of human relationships, now molded by screens, texting, and social media. The book titled Alone Together: Why We Expect More from...

Giraffe Neck as Result of Sexual Selection

Introduction The giraffe’s long neck is a phenomenon that has perplexed researchers for a long time. It is also classified as the tallest mammal. The unique feature that distinguishes this animal from other animals is the long neck. People are not only perplexed by the way the giraffe is able...

What Does a Change-Ready Organization Look Like?

Introduction In this world that is full of opportunities and progress, the idea of transformation seems to be an integral component of any organization development. Despite multiple attempts to create an up-to-date company, employees and their leaders face the necessity to constantly change something and make sure that each step...

Sustainable Food Systems, Nutrition

Introduction Sustainable food systems focus on food production, processing, and waste management to ensure efficiency and low environmental impact of the food industry. Until the end of the 20th century, these processes were largely seen as independent, resulting in numerous issues. While the population of the Earth keeps growing, limited...

Manufacturing Systems Design

Introduction A small local company manufacturing specialized machined ‘valve-body’ components for the petroleum industry wants to automate one of their existing manufacturing facilities. This proposed update is required in order maximize the profit margins of this particular facility by reducing operating costs and increasing overall operating efficiency. A Zilog Z80...

How Risk Determines Identity and Social Development

Introduction Several sociological theories have tried to address the impact of risk in molding individuals, as well as determining social development in communities. In the attempt to investigate various theories to this effect; this paper shall conclusively analyze positions taken by three leading thinkers: Deborah Lupton, Frank Furedi, and Zygmunt...

Acromegaly: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Acromegaly is a medical complication characterized by excess secretion of a Growth Hormone. Growth in human beings is facilitated by this hormone. Acromegaly term is borrowed from Greek word akros– implying extremities and megas- meaning enlarged or big. The term was introduced by Pierre Marie, a neurologist from France...

Obesity in the World: the Prevalence, Its Effects to Human Health, and Causes

Introduction Over the years, the world has experienced increasing trends in the dominance of obesity and overweight characterized by excess body fats as well as body weighing more than the normal mass considering the ages and heights of the individuals. More specifically, the prevalence of obesity has been on the...

Cardiac Disease During Pregnancy

Heart related diseases are caused by many factors and they are becoming common in pregnant women. The presence of cardiac disease during pregnancy poses a challenging clinical situation to medical doctors because they are also supposed to concentrate on the wellbeing of the unborn baby (Perry etal. 2011). During this...

Family and Heritage in “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Introduction Individual authors’ literary works allow readers to evaluate specific social, religious, and other aspects of human life from the perspective of writers themselves. Discussions about important values, at the same time, have a different style of presentation and can have both complex forms and structures and simple and short...

Evaluating Healthcare Quality Projects

Introduction Healthcare has been a crucial component of humanity for a long time. However, healthcare organizations have consistently experienced problems with their balance sheets (Mannino, 2009, p. 3). These problems are caused by several factors but partly, the increased costs of healthcare and lower rates of reimbursements are attributed to...

Pursuing Diversity in America. Re‐examining Diversity

Tanzina Vega is an American journalist who prioritizes news stories focusing on the representation of minorities, race issues, and other aspects of inequality. Her career disclosed the obstacles that news reporters encounter while trying to bring minorities to public awareness. Now she is the host of “The Takeaway”, a WNYC...

Jean Watson Theory and Nursing

Introduction Throughout its history, nursing has turned out to be an important discipline, especially in care-giving scenarios. Like other professional disciplines, nursing mainly focuses on human health and several approaches of healing through caring. In general, the science of nursing encompasses models, theories and research findings, which are specific to...

International Corporate Reporting and Financial Accounting

Introduction The theme International corporate reporting and financial accounting, is a vast area of research and study that goes a long way to elaborate corporate financial reporting and transparency. It is important to note that the need for proper transparency and suitable corporate financial reporting is highly essential. Due to...

Eysenck’s Theory and Differential Association-Reinforcement Theory

Introduction The study of crime has been in existence for many centuries but has only gained prominence in recent times. This can mostly be attributed to popularization by the media especially in the West. Psychologists and criminal profilers have been gathering valuable data pertaining to the reasons behind any criminal...

Organized Crime and Corporate Crime

Introduction One of the vice that is prevalent in all societies in the world is crime. This vice is generally associated with negative outcomes for individuals and the society at large. Crimes are violations of the codes and set guidelines that are agreed upon by a society so as to...

Multinational Corporations: The Value of Purchasing Power Parity Theory

Background information Kim (2006, p.110) defines the exchange rate as the price of a particular currency compared to another currency. In a free market, the exchange rate is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. The exchange rate is important in facilitating investment and foreign trade. In their...

Canada’s Public Health System

Introduction Canada is a progressive country, not far behind the United States, the UK, and other developed countries in Europe. But it has a big problem with its health care system. There are discrepancies in the implementation of health care plans at the federal level down to the provincial level....

Copyright and Related Rights: “Moral Rights”

Introduction An author/artist is entitled to economic and moral rights as a result of copyright, which refers to artistic repertoire including books, films, paintings, technology-based work like electronic databases, and music. Economic rights stem from sale of copyrighted material while moral rights stem from the authorship of a piece of...

Abrahamic Covenant. Chapters 12-50 of The Book of Genesis

The book of Genesis from chapters 12 to 50 talks about the covenant and promises that were made by God to Abraham. These promises are commonly referred to as Abrahamic covenant which generally is composed of three things: a land, a blessing, and a seed. The word covenant has extensively...

Crimes in the United States Overview

Multiple regulations and prohibitions are currently in place in every country in the world and enforced by such services as the police and military (Levine and Reinarman par. 68). Today, drug trafficking is linked to a variety of other criminal activities such as terrorism, organized crime, corruption, and arms trafficking...

Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare

Introduction Management of risk in health care institutions seeks to reduce any potential negative occurrences to all stakeholders such as patients, staff and, generally the entire organization (Lighter and Fair, 2000). This is done by engaging the nursing department to identifying quality improvement initiatives in nursing. One of the initiatives...

The Planning a Group

Group activities provide people with many benefits when coping with trauma or learning new skills. They are one of the pillars of social work as they put one individual’s situation into perspective and reveal that many people may experience the same struggles in life. For children, this practice may be...

Workplace Stereotyping Assessment and Prevention

Introduction Society has reached an unprecedented level of cultural diversity due to rapid globalization. People of different backgrounds are able to travel around the globe and partake in professional and educational processes, thus forming international teams. Each individual has a different mindset, being driven by particular feelings and thoughts, which...

The “Juno” Movie Under Communication Analysis

The film Juno revolves around a teenager, Juno, who gets pregnant at the tender age of sixteen. Juno and his boyfriend, Paulie, at first decide to terminate the pregnancy. However, after visiting an abortion clinic, her friend’s protests and the deplorable condition of the clinic make Juno change her mind...

The Value Added Tax in the United Kingdom

Introduction Taxation is one of the most important activities under fiscal operations in every economy. It is the main source of government revenue. Therefore, effective taxation processes play a pivotal role in determining the ability of an economy to meet the needs of its citizens. Thus, taxation can be viewed...

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Assays

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) refers to the measurement of chemical or biochemical parameters in the lab to inform drug prescribing procedures. The precise parameters that are measured in TDM include drugs and their metabolites (Baktir 2017). These measurements are usually taken at predetermined intervals following the administration of a drug...

Are Food Manufactures Killing Us?

Food is an essential need for all human beings. Given the importance of food in the human body and in the bodies of animals, human beings as well as other animals obviously feed on daily a basis. The demand for food is high due to the increasing global population versus...

Legal Provisions on Dismissal From Employment

Introduction The labor market is one of the aspects of macroeconomics that governments use to ensure growth in the economy of a country. It is essential in the creation of revenue for the country as well as providing a means to earn an income for the population. As such, governments...

Glaucoma Pathophysiology and Vascular Factor

Introduction Glaucoma is among the major causes of blindness globally. Glaucoma is a persistent neurodegenerative condition that affects the optic nerve (Casson et al. 2012). The condition results from a progressive deterioration of cell fibers of the retinal ganglion and visual area abnormalities. Excess intraocular pressure has been identified as...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction Research is a French word that means to seek closely and is well expressed by the word “recherchĂ©â€. It was meant to inquire about a particular topic to learn more or to dig the root cause of a problem or a particular situation. In other cases, the word researching...

Southwest Airlines’ International Expansion

Abstract Southwest Airlines is one of the most successful airlines in the American market. Southwest Airlines has successfully differentiated its services from those of its competitors. The company strives to replicate its success in the local American market in the international market. Southwest Airlines’ highly motivated employees would give the...

TransGlobal Airlines

Introduction Regulatory bodies usually strive to ensure that there are no monopolies in any industry. This is because, in a monopolistic market, there is no stiff competition between various companies. Lack of competition does not provide a monopoly with the necessary impetus to improve the quality of its products. TransGlobal...

Coca-Cola Company Competitive Position

Executive Summary The main objective of this report is to evaluate the competitive position of Coca-Cola. The models used for analysis include the Porter’s Five Forces, PEST analysis, and SWOT. The company experiences moderate pressure from the potential entrants because of the low switching costs. Although there are many substitute...

Role of Human Biology in Contemporary Criminal Justice

Introduction Crime refers to the involvement of an act or behavior that is contrary to the set laws and regulations of a society and, hence, punishable by set criteria of verdicts. Crimes vary in nature, intensity, and form, country to country. Some common forms of crime may include sexual abuse,...

Primark: Company Analysis

Executive summary Primark is one of the largest retail outlets in Ireland. With approximately over 187 stores it also has branches in United Kingdom, Spain and Holland. The company employs more than 27,000 people. it has the largest market share in Ireland and United Kingdom in the growth retail sector....

Apple, Inc. As an Electronic Companies

Introduction Apple is a multinational technology firm specializing in the design, production, and sale of consumer electronics, including smartphones, personal computers, and accessories. The American company is headquartered in Cupertino, California, and has been in operation since its 1st April 1976 founding (Levy, n.d.). In 2018, the company broke the...

Charles Manson and the Family as a Destructive Cult

Introduction There is freedom of worship in the US and one can join any religion she/he feels like. Everyone has control of his/her life and is responsible for the actions he takes. One can do everything that pleases him as long as his actions do not hurt another person. However,...

DramaProx Productions Company Business Plan

Executive Summary This business plan is about DramaProx Productions, which is a startup company dealing in the production of drama programs for the UK entertainment industry. Research studies show a significant market share and penetration capabilities with innovative political episode programs in demand in the UK entertainment market that present...

Kelly Services Company’s Analysis

Executive Summary This business report presents a PESTEL analysis for Kingdom of Bahrain to determine external factors that influence the business environment and make recommendations for Kelly Services. The overall recommendation is to open an office in Bahrain. However, the company will have to mitigate the current political risks noted....

Intensive Care Units: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Applications

Introduction The use of methodology is very central to research in any field. In medical practice, qualitative and quantitative approaches are used in the analysis of statistical and analytical data to inform research findings. The two commonly used research methodologies are quantitative and qualitative methods, both of which have got...

Woolworths and Coles Supermarkets Marketing Analysis

Introduction The two selected supermarkets are Woolworths and Coles, which are two of the largest retail chains in the market. The latter can be considered a local supermarket due to the fact that it is headquartered in Melbourne. On the other hand, Woolworths is a multinational chain that is originally...

HIV, AIDS Prevention: Sonagachi Project

Introduction Any complete program on health ought to educate people on the need to take proper care of it by living a healthy lifestyle. An effective health program aspires to manage the health of people by ensuring quick access to affordable health care. Until recently, the concept of HIV prevention...

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Introduction The acute injury of the lung is referred to as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In this condition, the amount of oxygen diffusing from the air sacs to the bloodstream is usually very low, thus the disease is highly life-threatening. Direct or indirect insults are the two broad mechanisms...

Causes the Murder and Homicide

Introduction Murder as well as homicide is one of the most serious violent crimes that often has detrimental effects for all stakeholders involved. Clearly, it is essential to understand what causes the crime to be able to prevent it. Numerous theories explaining the nature and causes of different crimes exist....