Bims Inc.: Case Study. Employee Motivation

Introduction When you carefully look on the questionnaire of the survey carried out by your company it’s pretty clear as to where the problem lies. It’s a clear case that the employees are lacking motivation, that is to say the morale of the employees is down. When you look at...

Planning and Implementing of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is a broad term which can be defined in several ways. A concise way of defining would therefore mean that it is the social responsibility which the organization exercises on the societies within which they exist. In other words, it is the responsibility linked with the employees,...

Delegation of Leadership Skills

Introduction Delegation of leadership is viewed as an essential tool for attaining improvement in operational performance of subordinates. Employees interested in responsible and challenging position can be motivated through effective delegation of leadership to them. Delegated works seem to be enhancing the operational performance of the employees. “Delegation is a...

S.W.O.T. Analysis on Sainsbury

Introduction Sainsbury’s began in 1869 as a small diary shop by John James and his wife Mary Ann Sainsbury. Today, after Tesco and ASDA, Sainsbury’s is the third-largest name amongst the supermarket chains in the United Kingdom with its headquarter at Holborn (Wright, McCrea, and Sainsbury’s, 2007). This S.W.O.T. analysis...

Managing Ethics: Methods and Results

This research paper discusses the methods and results of managing ethics. It is therefore divided into: Author’s Statement Abstract Introduction Methods of Managing Ethics Results of Managing Ethics Discussion and Conclusion Abstract Managing ethics in an organization has numerous benefits to both managers and leaders of that particular organization. The...

Ethical Issue in Global and Local Marketing

According to Armstrong (12) ethics can be defined as a branch of philosophy that describes morals and values. It is therefore seen as a branch of philosophy that differentiate between what is right and wrong hence ethics can be seen as norms of conduct which distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable...

Systems Thinking In Organiztions

Introduction An organization system is a compilation of elements or units that are well incorporated to achieve a general aim. The system consists of entities that undertake a course of action to generate definite outcomes that collectively, result in the desired yield for the arrangement. Therefore, a system comprises numerous...

Sullivan Ford Auto World Company’s Management

Introduction This article deals with the issue of service marketing. The subject of the article is in a case study format. Sullivan Ford Auto World has been selected as the particular case whose operations will be scrutinized and the issues it faces would be analyzed. Additionally, subsequent to the analysis...

Business Management and Leadership Qualities

Introduction Leadership can be described as the art of inspiring or moving people’s interests in performing a certain job with a common motive of achieving a set objective or goal. It’s concerned with the capability an individual has in influencing other people to commit their efforts in succeeding in a...

Organizational Behavior. Leadership and Self-Assessment

Introduction The success of an individual and/or an organization to some extent depends on the individuals and/or the leaders in the organization. Strong leadership will develop a strong organization in terms of organizing resources for its own and people’s benefits. Leaders are important in influencing the organizations through decision-making and...

Communication Effects on Leadership

Communication is the key to effective leadership. It is only through good communication skills that a leader is able to manage people without making them feel subdued. A good leader should be insistent but not obstinate, eloquent but not unsubstantiated, and persuasive but not coercive. Communication does not only have...

Nokia Company’s Financial Analysis and Management

Acknowledgements I would like to thank my teacher for giving me an opportunity to research and write on such an important topic. The research work has not only increased my knowledge in the area of financial management but has also enabled me to apply these techniques in practical decision making....

Euroland Foods S.A. Strategic Financial Management

Executive summary In project evaluation, the following tools can be used to aid managers in project financing decision making: Net present value, Internal rate of return including modified internal rate of return and Payback period including modified payback. The project evaluation the following criteria can be used in deciding whether...

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Financial Ratio Analysis

Introduction Wal- Mart Stores Inc., the number one out of Fortune 500 companies, is selected for this financial analysis report. The trend table herein this write-up contains calculations of ratios under all possible areas of financial assessment of a company. Comparisons with Industry have been made with leaders in specific...

What Is the Psychological Contract?

Introduction Kotter (1973) defines the psychological contract as “an implicit contract between an individual and his organization which specifies what each expects to give and receive from each other in their relationship”. Schein (1980) described it as “a set of unwritten reciprocal expectations between an individual employee and the organization”....

Godrej Interior and Haworth Firms’ Product Strategies

Introduction Modern-day business environment is ever more challenging and complex. Dramatic shifts are constantly altering the business landscape. In today’s fast-paced markets, business organizations are required to constantly revitalize themselves for long-lasting success. Unlike the conventional business environment, modern firms’ focal point is on the construction of successful strategies that...

High Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction

It is interesting to find out the answer to the query whether job satisfaction can directly result in generating high employee performance because of two reasons. The first one is that there is indeed a utilitarian value in that managers can use the insights gleaned from the study to effect...

Business Scope in Global Logistics

Global logistics refers to the handling and management of the physical transportation of goods from one place globally. The process involves careful planning, costly infrastructure, and implementation of efficient technology; and involves more than one form of transport for the physical transfer of goods from the ‘point of origin’ to...

Budgeting Impact on Organizational Behavior

Introduction This paper seeks to discuss how budgeting can impact organizational behavior. This paper explores how the impact can be both positive and negative and discuss ways that financial managers are changing the budgeting processes to better inform managerial decision making. Analysis and Discussion Budgeting, its nature and purpose Budgeting...

Cost and Value Management: A Comparative Analysis

Introduction Cost and value management plays a crucial role in organizational performance and successful market operations determining the allocation of financial resources and controlling spending. Cost management allows companies to control and report their earnings and provides them with continuous control of costs. To ensure proper utilization of accounting information,...

Alessandra Rich Fashion House’s Launch of Menswear

Executive Summary The paper presents an overview of Alessandra Rich fashion house, including brand identity, a brief competitor analysis, and a target market. Further, sustainable production is discussed, including sourcing, distribution, the critical path, and the supply chain strategy. Special emphasis is made on the ways of reducing the environmental...

Exxon Mobil: Performance Evaluation

Introduction The financial performance ratios look at how well a company has been able to turn its assets into revenues as well as how efficiently a company converts its sales into cash. (Investopedia) The purpose of calculating and analyzing these ratios is to have an insight into the company’s financial...

Business Analysis: Population and Sampling Techniques

Population and Sampling Techniques Business research equips organizations with sound evidence supporting their decisions or enabling managers to develop forecasts. The exploration of employees’ attitudes towards projects, events, decisions is also an important part of big companies’ functioning since people’s perspectives have a considerable effect on organizations’ performance (Chakrabarti &...

Human Resource Planning: Reflective Statement

Effective HR planning is paramount for the development of organizations’ human capital. At the same time, as stated by Booth (n.d.a), “the success of many HR activities relies on effective collaboration” (para. 1). When performing a wide range of those activities, starting from the formulation of recruitment objectives and ending...

Restaurant Management: A Career Perspective

The job of a restaurant manage is one of the most varied careers in existence. It is the manager’s responsibility to offer service, food and drink to the public at a price they are willing to pay. This sounds more simple than it really is. Many people think managing a...

S-S Technologies Inc.’s Organizational Growth

The case study on S-S Technologies Inc. portrays the importance of an effective organizational design for a continuously changing environment. SST, though was experiencing excellent growth in a period of recession, was plagued with problems that haunt fast-growing organizations. The case brings forth the dilemmas that SST top management faces...

Five Model of Entrepreneurship: Hurdless and Recommendations

Introduction Launching a new company is a challenging task and requires careful consideration of the product features, positioning strategy, and development opportunities. John and Quincy want to establish a sustainable business that offers customers an environmentally friendly option of powering their homes. The five models of entrepreneurship outline a multidisciplinary...

Strategic Importance of Forecasting

Introduction Forecasting refers to the method of being able to predict what is going to happen in the future, and in business, the future is narrowly defined by the existing economic conditions. When organizations want to develop a forecast associated with their immediate performance, they collect data on previous experiences...

Simmons Case Study: Leading Change and Order

Abstract Organizational change remains a powerful process for transforming performance and addressing existing change. The appointment of Charlie Eitel as Simmons’ new CEO resulted in various changes that were aimed at making this company more profitable. The implemented strategy presented several strengths, such as completing a detailed survey and using...

MeiHomeLoans to Apply SDLC Diagram

To effectively implement a specific system, solution, or software in an organization, it is appropriate to apply a systems development life cycle (SDLC). The SDLC methodology allows for planning, building, and implementing an information system that addresses an organization’s needs. MeiHomeLoans (MHL) is a small mortgage loan company employing 250...

Texas Roadhouse Inc.’s Porter’s Five Forces

The Porter’s Five Forces model can be used to evaluate the present competition in which Texas Roadhouse, Inc. operates to enable it to build a sustainable competitive advantage. The threat of New Entrants High capital requirements in the restaurant industry, thus, make it challenging for new entrants to establish businesses....

Stella McCartney’s Falabella Bags: Creating and Capturing Value Through Bags

Introduction Stella McCartney’s Falabella bags have become an iconic product despite the industry’s scepticism regarding the reduction of the use of animal-sourced materials. Its success is attributed to the fact that the accessory was issued as an opposition to the traditional view of luxurious handbags and also introducing new materials...

TechFite: Case Study

The Organizational Needs of TechFite As evidenced in the case study, TechFite is an organization that worries about the inadequacy of its cybersecurity systems. At the same time, due to being involved in NASA’s space program, it represents a likely target for hacking attempts and corporate espionage. Its vulnerabilities are...

Quantitative Techniques in Business to Manage Quality

Abstract Business organizations are facing quality issues concerning their operations and products. Business scenarios are rapidly changing at a time when phenomena are not only influenced by the traditional aspects of economics but also by an accumulation of data. Therefore, management teams should adopt the best techniques to handle these...

Performance Appraisal Process and Its Elements

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Firstly, as a supervisor at Bridgestone’s Mixing Department, part of my job is to monitor department results and create measures that can help improve those. Based on my experience, I can say that the appraisal process requires a systematic approach with a transparent system that...

Ethical Dilemmas in MNCs International Staffing Policies: A Conceptual Framework

Introduction Multinational corporations face numerous challenges and ethical dilemmas in their global operation. According to Keinert-Kisin, one of the main issues that these companies face is the staffing dilemma (51). When a country chooses to open a new branch in a foreign country, it is always challenging to recruit the...

Job Satisfaction Factors in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Job satisfaction refers to the extent to which workers feel satisfied, motivated, and content with their work It happens when workers feel that they have career development, job stability, and a good work-life balance. Having satisfied employees is vital for an organization because such employees are dedicated to delivering...

Federal Express Corporation’s Ethical Perspective

Introduction The Federal Express Corporation (FedEx) is an American company that operates in the field of delivery services. The company is distinguished by its overnight shipping and the introduction of tracking technology that allows monitoring the delivery in a real-time manner. The philosophy adopted by FedEx is based on the...

Feathers Fashion: The UAE Brand in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Feathers Fashion is a UAE company that primarily sells fashion products. The list includes a wide range of products, such as jewelry, bags, sunglasses, shoes, perfumes, mugs, bracelets, pens, and watches. All these items are designed in a highly luxurious way in order to appeal to richer consumers. In...

Parmalat Company’s Fraudulent Financial Activities

The term cooking the books is used to describing a range of fraudulent acts that companies attempt to provide false financial statements. Usually, cooking the books is associated with exaggerating financial data to report non-existent earnings. At the beginning of the 2000s, many Fortune 500 companies have been caught improving...

Redhook’s Market Expansion: Analysis and Strategies

SWOT Analysis Strengths Advanced technology and new equipment Popularity in the market Strong brand presence Weaknesses Relatively high prices Focus on freshness complicates large-scale distribution. Refusal to accept contract brewing makes expansion more difficult Opportunities Large geographic areas for expansion Younger populations discovering craft beer Large general growth in the...

Why Negotiations Fail

Introduction Negotiations are an effective way of making a good bargain or at least reaching a compromise among stakeholders. They take place not only in global politics and economics but also in everyday life when, for example, a person negotiates future wages at a job interview or resolves a conflict...

Virgin Atlantic Airway’s Employee Treatment

Introduction Human resources are widely considered to be critical to organisational success. Companies should strive to develop a motivated and committed workforce in order to improve organisational functioning, boost performance, and successfully implement organisational changes. When planning an organisational transition, it is thus critical to acknowledge the effect it will...

Talent Management Strategies of Marks and Spencer

Introduction Talent management is an essential tool that can contribute to an organization’s success by enhancing performance, innovation, and employee motivation. This practice is especially valuable for large firms working in highly competitive business environments. Marks and Spenser (M&S) is an international retail company based in London, United Kingdom. Over...

Entrepreneurial Mindset and Its Characteristics

Introduction The so-called entrepreneurial mindset is a popular idea that is used both in the field of business and other spheres, in which proper teamwork is required. The term in question involves a wide range of abilities and behaviors that increase an entrepreneur’s chances to achieve success. The key components...

Ineffective Employee Behavior and Keys to Effectiveness

For the team to work effectively, it is important that each member has certain characteristics that ensure coherency. First, each individual should be focused on achieving the concrete result. For example, every person should set corporate goals prior to individual ones. Second, all workers should have an active position. It...

Transformational & Transactional Leadership Theories

Introduction Organisational leadership is such a vital element, especially in shaping employees’ perceptions of work, responses to organisational change, and acceptance to organisational innovations to achieve high performance (Aarons 2006, p. 1162). Whereas transformational leadership aims at motivating and inspiring followers by paying close attention to their emergent needs, transactional...

Effective Procurement Activities’ Added Value

Introduction Procurement is an essential part of business activities because there are many benefits that are accrued from the process. The evolution of market economies has made it important for companies to focus on effective procurement activities because there has been a great need to improve the competitiveness of the...

Silver Fiddle Construction Project Risk Management

Potential Risks When it comes to defining the key risks associated with the project one must point to the fact that the project is very costly and requires a substantial amount of time. Therefore, the lack of financial resources should be viewed as the primary risk, whereas the lack of...

Demand and Supply of Healthcare Workforce in Oman

Abstract There has been continued indication of the shortages of physicians and nurses in hospitals across Oman and this is often seen in the media on regular basis. As a consequence, there has also been increased debate on the policy circles among scholars, stakeholders and researchers. Most of these debates...

General Motors Operation Analysis: Project Management

GM’s portfolio of projects with project type matrix and project life cycles Project portfolio is also referred to as the company’s aggregate project plan. Its primary purpose is to define whether the organization succeeds in managing all the projects it has. It is made to see whether the company is...

Conflict Resolution in Business

Introduction Conflicts prove to be an inevitable element of one’s social life. In many cases, disagreements between individuals and their groups are not destructive; moreover, they can actually contribute to the development and prosperity of the whole community. The function of a conflict is drawing attention to the problems that...

Coca-Cola Company: Capital Asset Pricing Model

Estimated Beta Coefficient Based on data from Coca-Cola stocks and the market index, the beta coefficient can be taken to be 0.57 (Yahoo Finance, 2011). In order to arrive to this answer, several concepts have to be considered. One of these is the stock value, which has to be computed...

L’Oreal: Building a Global Cosmetic Brand

Analyze international markets and assess the risk elements, including political, economic, and socio-cultural factors Nowadays, L’Oreal is considered one of the world’s most commercially successful cosmetic brands. The validity of this statement can be well illustrated, in regards to the fact that, as of 2002 alone, the company declared a...

Management Consultancy Practices for Small and Medium Business

Abstract This paper will discuss management consultancy practices and will explore the benefits that SMEs will obtain from adopting management consultancy practices. Moreover, it will review various definitions of SMEs and compares management consultancy practices employed in Sri-Lankan SMEs and UAE. There are two types of research methodology employed in...

Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy

Analyze how your organization ensure/can ensure that HR strategy is fully aligned with the business strategy Human resource management is vital for any organization that seeks to add value to its employees to ensure the growth of the business. Holbeche (1999) says that in the 21st-century business environment, HR has...

Leader-Member Exchange Theory and Transformational Leadership

The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership is often viewed as an entirely different methodology compared to other well-known approaches. A unique feature of this method is its focus on the actual interaction process between the frontrunner and followers, and in theory, it is often referred to as a dyadic...

Amazon Company’s Analysis of Success Factors

Introduction In the contemporary economic and social environments, building a strong and sustainable corporation along with keeping it continuously growing is a challenging task. Enough, the vast variety of external factors as well as the significant efforts from the firm itself contribute to the success of the company. It is...

Emirates Company: Marketing Management

Background Emirates (established in 1985), an airline company based in Dubai, is owned wholly by the government of Dubai’s Investment Corporation. The company is the largest airline in the Middle East, having the capacity to carry roughly 3,650 flights between the Dubai International Airport and more than 80 countries worldwide....

Marks and Spencer Company: Marketing Report

The target market for Marks and Spencer is the US retail market. The selection of the country is based on the consumer demand for retail products including clothing, food, and home products. The details provided in the consumer groups section and market overview explain the reasons for selecting this market....

Businesses Performance: Financial and Non-Financial Measures

Purpose/ Core Interest The purpose of the present research is to evaluate the implementation of non-financial measures of performance in small and medium enterprises (SME) as a predictor of enhanced performance. The research aims at examining at least 100 small and medium enterprises, seeking to outline their measurement strategy and...

Mobile Commerce in Tourism and Hospitality Sector

Introduction The computer and the internet are two of the most vital innovations of the 20th century. These technological developments changed the manner in which communication took place and presented numerous opportunities for businesses. One novel technology that exploits the internet ability of mobile devices is mobile commerce (m-commerce). The...

Margaret Whitman’s Leadership: EBay Company’s Case

Introduction The article provides a review of Margaret Whitman’s leadership (chief executive (CEO)) style for which her critics say was old-fashioned and not entrepreneurial. After announcing her plan to quit the company she had worked for 10 years and posted some of the best results that led to her ranking...

Financial Statements and Their Significance

What is Financial Statement Analysis? Many companies and individuals rely on financial statement analysis in their work. It is the procedure of using analytical and financial tools for examination and comparison of financial statements (What is Financial Statement Analysis?). Financial statements are a requirement by law, and interpreting them gives...

Zappos-Amazon Companies Merger: Organizational Culture

Introduction The acquisition of Zappos by Amazon is a good example of the complications of combining two companies that have different organizational cultures. Although the merger between the two companies was mostly inspired by developments in the market place, the usual expectation is that the values and cultures of the...

Boeing’s Quality Management Tools and Technique

Boeing is a celebrated brand because its products serve the needs of many clients across the globe. Most of the company’s customers are governments and military organizations. The company’s “products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, advanced information and communication systems, launch...

Co-operative Banking Group’s Enterprise Software

Introduction According to Dehning & Stratopoulos (2003) multinational companies have experience a lot of challenges in managing most of their operations as a result of their great expansions. It has been observed that most companies have complained of experiencing challenges in accounting, inventory, marketing and sales, distribution, logistics as well...

Cirque Du Soleil: Blue Ocean Strategy

Key Drivers of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Opportunities that Contribute to the success of Cirque du Soleil Introduction The present paper is devoted to an analysis of the key innovation drivers that can be regarded as contributors to the success of the Cirque du Soleil (CS). In particular, the paper uses...

Proactiv, Its Qualities and Advertisement Strategy

Introduction Justin Bieber fans must have been happy to the max when their beloved appeared at their doors with a cameraperson and a box of acne treatment medication. Whether there was some casting for the most pimple-faced Bieber fan or not, it was an all-round ad campaign launched by Proactiv...

Irrational Design Company’s Technological Ventures

Summary of the Case Study Irrational Design is a new technology company that was founded with the aim of carrying out business on a free to take risk basis. The founders did not seek finance from investors during the start-up since they intended to try out their products freely and...

Project Funding and Sources Management

Abstract The main sources of funding available for a project are bank overdraft/loan, share capital and retained earnings. These sources have different risks and benefits such as high-interest rate, repayment period, and availability. The benefits of joint-venture are shared risks and larger capital contribution. The risks are reduced returns and...

The Leadership of Richard Branson

Introduction Richard Branson is an English investor, entrepreneur, businessman, author and philanthropist who founded the Virgin Group, which includes more than 400 companies that operate in various economic sectors (Branson, 2014). He started his entrepreneurial journey in high school after founding a student magazine. This venture was followed by a...

Cathay Pacific Company’s E-Procurement System

This recommends the implementation of e-procurement system (CXeBuy, namely) by Cathay Pacific due to the benefits that should be experienced by the company with the course of time. As the focus is made on the improvement of the purchasing process and capability, there is a necessity to develop an e-business...

Wal-Mart International: Strategic Management

Introduction This paper explores benefits and limitations to strategic management. To appraise the benefits of strategic management, this paper discusses in depth how the different aspects of strategic management are applied. To concretize the analysis of strategic management, the paper focuses on Wal-Mart International, which is one of the world’s...

Marriott International Hotels’ Strategic Marketing

Current marketing communications practices of Marriott Marriott International, Inc. operates in the lodging industry and has numerous properties in more than 70 countries (Albee 2015). The lodging industry of the world is faced with numerous challenges that affect the profit margins of most of the players in this industry (Cai...

Learning Disabilities in Organizations

There exist many issues that an organization may experience due to wrong decisions or poor company culture. Such organizations fall under certain system archetypes that outline the issues the company faces and the reasons for these problems. Additionally, these organizations may experience “learning disabilities” that prevent them from becoming learning...

Sanford Sandwich Company Business Plan

Executive summary Sanford Sandwich Company is a newly formed business that deals with the production of the finest sandwiches manufactured with natural ingredients and the best bread. I hope to establish a dependable big following by providing tasty and fresh sandwiches produced from local ingredients available. The ingredients will be...

Just Eat Company’ Competitive Environment

Introduction Just Eat is one of the largest online food ordering companies in the world. Its core business activity is to help customers to order takeaway foods from a variety of restaurants in various cities. The company was incorporated in the UK in 2001 (Just Eat 2015). Currently, Just Eat...

Generational Differences and Their Causes

Introduction In his article John Hansen (2008) focuses on such an issue multigenerational workface. The author singles out such groups of employees as Baby Boomers, Builders, and Generations X or Y (Hansen, p. 28). The writer puts forward an argument that such age differences can be of great benefit to...

Turkish Airline’s Strategic Analysis

Executive Summary Turkish Airline is the major carrier that operates in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North American markets. It has experienced impressive performance in the market because of its market strategies. Easy Jet is currently one of the leading low-cost carries based in London but operates internationally. The airline companies...

Coca-Cola’s Consumers’ Awareness About Sugar

Consumers’ behavior has a strong impact on the marketing sector. One of the most vivid examples, in the relevant context, is Coca-Cola’s case. Thus, according to authoritative sources, the company has recently faced a challenge due to the growing concern about sugar content and obesity problems in the society. As...

Walmart’s Unethical Employee Management Practices

Walmart is the company that took the dominant position in the market. The strategy of the business to provide the customers with the American products for the lowest price seems to be essential to the company’s success. There is hardly an organization in the world that does not face challenges,...

Leadership and Management Importance in Organisations

In today’s increasingly complex and dynamic environments, leadership is regarded as an important part of organisational success. Management training and development is considered a vital facet of the organisational community and environment. Various studies show that companies that align their management development and strategic goals are successful in competitive business...

U.S. Stroller Company’s Situation and Options

Current Situation Facing U.S. Stroller Although the baby stroller market might not seem very aggressive in terms of competition and customers’ demands, the U.S. Stroller organization has been applying great efforts to retain its top position in the designated area (the U.S. baby care market, 2016). The manufacturing process is...

European and North American Freight Systems

Introduction Trade is essential to any nation and country to grow and develop. It is so vital that without it, all the world’s economies would grind to an unceremonious halt. There are no other places in the world where all this could be more practical than the United States of...

Leadership in Project Management and Team-Building

Introduction Today, in the increasingly complex and ferociously competitive business environments, more people come to realise the role of leadership in project management. Project management in a business setting requires managers to organize the work of their team in the most efficient way possible while maintaining team members’ motivation high...

Google E-Business Model and Its Success Factors

Summary The Internet Age brought about significant changes in the way people conducted business. New business models emerged to replace traditional business models. Google is among the e-business models that emerged to take advantage of technologies and innovation. The search engine giant needs no introduction. The company derives its success...

The Book “Business, Government and Society”

Though the relation between the process of managing entrepreneurship and the social life of the citizens may be considered somewhat farfetched, the link between society and the state economy is much stronger than it may appear to be. In The study of business, government, and society, the first chapter of...

Prius Electronics Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The need for a geographical business growth informs the adoption of a market dominance strategy by Prius Electronics. The transition in the management of this family-owned enterprise has necessitated the deepening of its hold on the high-end market. The approach relies on the spending power of the said...

Matte Company Strategic Supply Chain Management

Introduction and Company Background Though often underrated, the toy industry has been striving in the global economy environment surprisingly well, and Mattel, Inc. is a graphic example of the phenomenon under analysis. Founded in 1945 by Harold Mattson and Elliot Hardner (Mattel history 2015), the organisation has grown into a...

Amazon Company’s Customer Service

Why Did Books and CDs Sell Successfully Online Immediately While Many Other Products Took Some Time to Sell Online? It is easier to sell such items and books and CDs online because these goods have fixed contents. If one goes to an e-store to purchase a book, they are likely...

Advantages and Challenges of Green Supply Chain Management

Abstract Greening the supply chain refers to the inclusion of various innovative strategies aimed at reducing environmental pollution in the course carrying out the operations of a firm. It involves greening all the activities making up the supply chain. The process comprises four basics, viz. green purchasing, green manufacturing, green...

Xerox Company Profile and Overview

Company Profile Xerox Corporation is an American company founded in 1906 as Haloid Company. The company began as a manufacturer of photographic paper and equipment. Joseph Wilson inherited the “business from his father who was the founder of the company and propelled it to new heights” (Patnaik 47). Wilson signed...

Air Transportation and Its Impact on Supply Chain

Abstract In this paper, the interrelation between air transportation and the supply chain is discussed to explain the impact the transportation industry may have on logistics. The United States increases costs on the air transportation industry. The goal of the article is to prove that air transportation cost changes may...

Hilton Worldwide: Market Conditions and Competitiveness

Introduction Hilton Worldwide is a United States-based multinational hospitality business. Conrad Hilton founded the company in Cisco, Texas, in 1919 (Hilton, 2022a). Through innovation, expansion, and acquisition of other related companies, Hilton now has the best-performing portfolio in the industry. Currently, the company’s head office is located in Tysons Corner,...

Tim Cook as a Leader of a Public Company

Introduction The culture and policies of an organization are heavily influenced by the ideals and principles of its leadership. A leader’s ability to inspire and motivate their team members to work together toward common goals is crucial to the success of their organization as a whole. Tim Cook’s responsibilities as...

A Business Start-Up Proposal for Royal Ice Cream Delights

This memo provides ideal circumstances and factors favorable for a proposed start-up. Due to the fact that establishing a prospective business requires a robust plan, it is also necessary to contemplate the basics of its start-up. For example, the considering the variable of production in natural resources, labor capital, and...

International Business Negotiations

The success of negotiations depends on the specific skills and knowledge of a negotiator. Not only awareness of cultural peculiarities plays a crucial part, but also practical experience. Reasonable and goal-oriented use of negotiation strategies also requires particular personal characteristics, such as flexibility. Although this trait can help achieve favorable...

Political, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Business

Businesses, politics, legality, and ethics are interconnected phenomena. The existing political, legal, and ethical issues impact companies’ business operations and financial activity differently. Although these phenomena are integral to the whole world’s functional system, they have imperfections and problems. Businesses may suffer from insufficient regulation, underdeveloped laws, or unacceptable corporate...

Nestle International: Compensation Package

Nestle International is a renowned global food and beverage corporation that had its origins in Switzerland in 1866. It operates in 191 countries worldwide and is considered one of the largest food and beverage companies globally. Nestle is known for its diverse products, including baby food, coffee, bottled water, and...

HR Plans and HRM Strategic Plans

Introduction Human Resource (HR) plans and Human Resource Management (HRM) strategic plans both serve important roles in a company’s management, even though they are distinct approaches with different objectives. Consequently, in recent years, there has been an increase in research on the importance of HR plans and HRM strategic plans...

The Costa Coffee Production Process

The transformed resources at Costa Coffee are the finished products that are sold to customers, such as coffee, sandwiches, and pastries. These products are created through the transformation of raw materials, which are the transforming resources. The raw materials used at Costa Coffee include coffee beans, milk, flour, and various...

Reaction to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

To manage companies, there are various methods of calculating financial data. Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) is an analysis of the behavior of costs and revenues in order to draw relationships between them (South University, 2022). This paper will review CVP analysis using the example of the real company. The sample shows the...

Bharti Airtel Limited: Strategic Outsourcing

Bharti Airtel Limited is an Indian multinational telecommunications corporation that was founded in 1995 by Sunil Mittal. At the time of the company’s establishment, Mittal’s starting capital was $900 (Palepu & Bijlani, 2012). The company mainly provides services in the field of mobile communications, broadband and telephone services, and long...

The Low-Cost Provider Strategy: Pros and Cons

It is hard to disagree that one of the primary goals of most businesses is to maintain high competitiveness and be the main choice of numerous clients. In order to achieve these objectives, it is of vital importance for companies to select appropriate and effective strategies that would help them...

Starbucks: Stakeholder Management in Company Change Process

Stakeholder engagement in company change processes alleviates concerns that could arise about future performance. Stakeholder assessment is a critically significant precedent to the actual management, where change movers must identify all parties to be affected and provide adequate briefings and preparations for the new ideas. This paper analyzes Starbucks’ change...

Monitoring the Quality of the Products

Introduction When processing or manufacturing a new product, the manufacturer needs to ensure the quality of the products meets the customer’s expectations. Quality control (QC) is a process through which the quality of a product is assessed, maintained, or improved (Eissa, 2018). Quality control is essential to create an enabling...

Nintendo as a Leading Gaming Company

Nintendo is a Japanese cult brand that gave the world NES, Game Boy, and, admittedly, the legendary Mario. During its existence, the company managed to conquer the console and video game industry, failed in third-party markets, and retained international popularity. Rivalry in the gaming industry was non-existent until the 90s;...

Revenue Recognition in Company Performance

Introduction Revenue recognition is a common accounting standard that defines and accounts for the exact criteria under which income is recorded and confirmed. Revenue is often documented when a significant incident happens, and the money quantity is clearly measurable to the organization. Revenue is key to any firm profitability, and...

Digital Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality

Introduction The advent of information technology has opened new avenues for business enterprises to reach out to their target audiences. Today, digital marketing has become part of every business firm, regardless of the industry. The predominant importance played by digital marketing has a direct impact on how businesses operate. With...

Technology Structures and Social Boundaries

Introduction In light of the distinctive systems of organizations and the nuances that characterize these different development models, businesses can be viewed in the context of multiple criteria that affect growth rates, communication approaches, and other factors. As a relevant topic for analysis, technology structures, and social boundaries are essential...

Managers’ Role of a Researcher and a Leader

Introduction This paper will discuss the requirements for pursuing the role of academic researcher in conjunction with a managerial position. Naturally, a manager has a plethora of roles directly associated with their field of work, such as supervising the employees, setting tasks, checking their completion, and working on employee motivation,...

Negotiation Theory Applied to Business Negotiations

Interview Questions How long have you been in this business and what market area do you cover? What are the challenges that you face which can be solved through a joint operation with our business? What are your expectations going into the contract with our business? How do you feel...

Diversity and Inclusivity in the Workplace

Introduction A diverse workplace entails a variety of individual variations within an institution. Workplace diversity comprises color, sexuality, ethnicity, mental and physiological impairments, and other unique characteristics. An inclusive workforce is one where individuals with all types of diversity and impairments feel accepted and their efforts are recognized (Agarwal, 2021)....

Business Model of McKinnie Real Estate

Business Model Canvas The Business Model Canvas is a tool for strategic management for describing, designing, and analyzing business models. It is has a favorable influence on both new and current enterprises. Using the nine parts of the Business Approach Canvas model, the research tries to determine McKinnie real estate’s...

Impact of Job Stress on Employee Work-Life Balance

Introduction Postmodern society is anchored on the emphasis on work to achieve a fulfilling life. This review analyses the center of work-life balance and explores its presence in the life of executive-level expatriate employees in Oman. According to Fapohunda (2014), work-life balance is the evenness between work and lifestyle. Work...

Walmart’s Approach to Human Resource Management in China

In terms of retail sales, Walmart is one of the world’s largest companies. The company has expanded into foreign territories after its success in the U.S. market. Intending to expand its influence, Walmart entered the Chinese market in 1996. Walmart’s existing human resource management practices did not meet the needs...

Applying Evidence-Based Management to Enhance Hiring Decisions

Evidence-based management (EBM) is the approach to decision-making in management based on a deep scientific analysis of the particular aspects of the organizational functioning. This approach and its strategies help to improve the quality of management within an organization (Judge & Robbins, 2019). EBM strives to support the managers’ intuition...

Emotional Labor and Emotional Branding in Apple

Introduction Apple Inc. is a digital company focusing on mobile and digital product development, and its headquarters are in Cupertino, California (Malfona, 2018). The company involves a team of passionate and experienced mobile and web developers, designers, and product strategists who love to solve tough challenges and turn great ideas...

Tim Horton Inc.’s Case Analysis

Introduction Tim Hortons struggled to successfully expand internationally since the brand and its products were synonymous with its Canadian identity and were less known globally. Consequently, it faced stiff competition internationally and domestically from such multinational brands as Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, and Starbucks. The major challenge with Tim Hortons is...

Case Study of Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant and Workplace

Case Study: Root Causes Milestone Two Analysis The organizational issues that have arisen in Engstrom can be characterized based on the cognitive approach. It proceeds from the recognition of the primacy of human mental activity (Luthans et al., 2021). This approach has found the most significant application in developing motivation...

Quantitative and Qualitative Studies as a Part of Economic Research

Introduction It is a great conclusion that the qualitative approach helps researchers ask more profound questions about any given topic, and I fully agree with this idea. As Gladwell (2004) describes in his speech, people do not always know what they want – it is difficult for them to answer...

What Makes a Good Leader Article by Goleman

Daniel Goleman wrote the article called what makes a leader intending to analyze the impact and use of emotional intelligence in being a good leader. In this article, he analyses the different aspects of emotional intelligence such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation and social skills and how they make one...

The “How Successful People Lead” Book by John Maxwell

John Maxwell’s book titled How Successful People Lead: Taking Your Influence to the Next Level is intended for people who seek to transform their lives and embark on the path of a successful person. I liked that there are several ideas in this book that may not be new, but,...

Warren Buffet as a Leader and the Leadership Style That He Embodies

Reason for Selection of That Particular Leader Company’s survival is greatly influenced by the individual temperament and abilities of its leader. There is probably a more exemplary illustration of this idea than Berkshire Hathaway. The most substantial investor in the entire globe is credited to Warren Buffett. In Omaha, Nebraska,...

The Accenture Firm’s Promotional Mix Analysis

Introduction Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is the strategy that takes your marketing department from disparate functions to one interconnected approach. IMC takes various marketing collateral and channels — from digital to social media, to PR, to direct mail — and merges them with one dependable message. Accenture is a global...

Nike Inc.’s Structure, Performance, and Ethics

The Company and Its History Nike was founded in 1964 by a University of Oregon track and field athlete named Philip Knight and his coach, Bill Bowerman. Nike was actually born as blueribbon sport however it was renamed Nike after a Greek mythology, goddess of victory in 1970 (Nike, 2020)....

Reflection on Organizational Behavior Theories

Organizational behavior knowledge is of utmost importance in the workplace since it provides an understanding of why people behave in a particular way. Therefore, it is critical not only to study these theories but to reflect on them to be able to apply them in professional life and career plan....

Leadership Theories, Principles, and Values

Leadership styles have been widely known and discussed in connection to politicians, artists, TV hosts and other managerial professions. However, few people think about their own potential in terms of leadership. This is partially due to the fact that not all people become leaders, organizational or spiritual, and still fewer...

Google’s Monopoly in the Search Engine Industry

Introduction The internet search industry has experienced a rapid increase since its discovery. Search engines rank the highest among the most visited sites on the internet. The fact that they focus on providing relevant information from the internet to the consumers has significantly contributed to the success of such companies....

Comprehensive Marketing Plan for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital

Executive Summary The comprehensive market plan for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital entails several strategies to achieve the set targets. Marketing plans require an analysis of the current marketing situation, SWOT analysis, and planning for the marketing strategy with consideration of the campaign expenses. A comprehensive marketing plan must ensure...

Code of Ethics in Food Tracks Business

What it signifies to dine out is changing, thanks to food trucks. A transformation in the way that food is prepared and enjoyed can be seen in the vast development in the prominence of food trucks. And the upheaval that the market sector has been going through concerning the existing...

Initech vs. The Coffee Bean: The Role of Negative Strengthening

Managers that are unconcerned about employee motivation and satisfaction are jeopardizing their company’s success. It is critical that business leaders implement measures to ensure minimal staff turnover by placing a priority on both clients and employees. According to Warrick (2017), doing so ensures the business’s continuity and provides it with...

Entrepreneurial Profile of Mark Zuckerberg

There are many different examples of entrepreneurship examples in the modern world that show excellent results in their activities. One such example is such a famous personality as Mark Zuckerberg. This paper investigates and analyses Mark Zuckerberg’s entrepreneurial profile, the CEO and co-founder of Facebook and the youngest self-made billionaire....

Assessing the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies

Accenture is an internationally established organization that serves various consumers. As a result, it adopts unique marketing strategies to ensure that its consumers find value and benefit from its marketing strategies. However, given the complexity of its business, the organization must continuously evaluate its marketing strategies to ensure that they...

Global Recruiting: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are several advantages and disadvantages to global vs local recruiting. On the one hand, a negative aspect is considered the need for applying different approaches to hiring personnel. Thus, a technique is not necessarily globally effective if it is successful in one region (Gale, 2013). However, the talent pool...

Contemporary Leadership Practices at Apple

Introduction Effective leadership in any business organization guides followers to pursue their goals diligently, engage each other, and address most emerging challenges. Managers must establish a positive culture whereby workers can operate in teams and promote continuous innovation. Companies characterized by strong leadership practices find it easier to achieve their...

Conflict Management Steps and Styles

Steps of Resolving a Conflict Conflict management is not yet its resolution since the main structural components of the conflict remain. However, all regulatory actions are either prerequisites for conflict resolution or the actual moments of this process. Conflict resolution is in its final stage. In all the various forms,...

Cost-Benefit Model and Inventory Management

Introduction Inventory management is critical to a business’s success since it ensures that there is never a surplus or a shortage of goods on hand, reducing the danger of stockouts and erroneous records. The topic of the cost/benefit model is essential and relevant since it highlights efficient and effective assessment...

The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory Description

Introduction Organizational leadership is the most fundamental factor that influences all aspects of companies. Leadership is a managerial function instrumental in directing resources for organizations to enhance efficiency and accomplishment of set goals and objectives. Therefore, leaders strive to provide their followers with clarity of purpose, guide, and motivate them...

International Oil Companies, National Oil Companies, and Hybrids

Introduction The global oil industry includes thousands of companies that are different in terms of size, revenue, strategies, and operations. Such types as international oil companies (IOCs) and National Oil Companies (NOCs) are often key players in the market, while the so-called hybrid companies are starting to play a more...

Digital Transformation in Automotive Industry

Objective: This paper addresses the impact of today’s technology, digitization and transformation on the automotive industry leadership and security. Digital transformation development is the core success of automotive industry. Its power positively impacted industrial automation, operating cost, customer services and logistics, financial modelling and forecasting. The goal is to review...

The Skyward Loyalty Program of Emirates Airline

Introduction Emirates Airline has developed an award-winning loyalty program alongside Flydubai. The intention is to change how customers experience the world by offering them a chance to win miles when they purchase tickets and deciding how to spend them (Emirates, n.d.; ALL, n.d.; Saleh, 2021). The customers earn reward miles...

The Uber Firm’s Price Discrimination and Other Issues

Time has become the main goal in today’s rapidly developing world. Technological progress gives people the opportunity to distribute it economically and intelligently. One of the tools for this is taxi services, which have become widespread in society. One of the most successful companies providing services for the transportation of...

Ada Wilson Factory’s Processing Costing

Processing costing is the most viable accounting method to be used by Ada Wilson Factory to account for the cost of manufacturing NFL footballs. The process costing method will be used because the Factory produces NFL footballs in large quantities, and the products are similar. In addition, the method assumes...

History of Unilever’s Sustainability Efforts

Introduction Due to the current issue of climate change, many organizations tend to come up with solutions intended to remove uncertainty and recognize the need to attain stability and focus on economic and environmental benefits. Unilever’s history shows that the company was interested in sustainable well-being from its founding date,...

Entrepreneurship: Elon Musk as a Role Model

Introduction Gaining entrepreneurial skills is an important component of a successful self-development practice aimed at training individual attainments in assessing current market conditions and introducing adequate methods of competition. During my study of current theoretical concepts in this industry, I have identified a number of meaningful frameworks that have shaped...

Diamond Capacity Measuring and Supply Chain Management

The continuous flow process type model is the most commonly used model to measure the capacity of firms in diamond value chain stages. The model allows for examining how much service a firm can produce given its resources and the demand. This information is important for assessing a firm’s potential...

Negotiations: The Conundrum of Collaboration

Introduction As a business process, negotiations allow parties to discuss their differences and similarities in an attempt to reach an acceptable solution. This practice defines the inherent ability of sides that negotiate to find mutual benefits instead of completing transactions that do not lead to win-win scenarios. When parties build...

The Golf Equipment Industry’s Entry Barriers

Introduction At present, Porter’s five forces analysis is one of the most well-known evaluation methods of business performance. Michael Porter (1979) emphasized the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of customers and suppliers, and competition as five primary elements of economic rivalry. Specifically, the threat...