Operation Jawbreaker: An Evaluation of Success

Introduction Jawbreaker was one of the most ambiguous operations in the history of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The operation took place in 2001, a few days after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, which took the lives of over 2700 people (Anderson 2015, 54). These attacks spurred the US...

US Marketing Strategy for KFC

The utilization of proper marketing strategies is crucial for a business environment as it ensures the growth of profits, increases the market share of an organization, and strengthens brand awareness. The marketing phenomenon, which occurred when Popeye’s Chicken introduced a new spicy sandwich, can serve as an excellent example of...

Avast Software: Company Analysis

Executive Summary Avast Software is a globally recognized multinational company and leader in the area of providing cybersecurity solutions for individual customers and businesses. The company, which serves users in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa, has been demonstrating stable financial growth. As the leader among its competitors, Avast is...

How to Use Company Assessment Tools

Introduction The evaluation of the performance of a company is an important step to be taken by managers and leaders. Business experts are involved in this type of activity to recognize the strengths and shortages of their work and define new perspectives. As soon as a company assessment is performed,...

Implementation of Knowledge Management in the Workplace

Introduction The success of companies is strongly dependant on their ability to create, disseminate and use different forms of information. Business administrators regard knowledge management (KM) as one of the prerequisites for the competitiveness of enterprises (McDermott and O’Dell 2001). This paper will discuss several questions related to the implementation...

Change Management Theories and Law Enforcement Change Management

Abstract No organization can avoid the need to change in the modern environment. Law enforcement organizations require additional attention from both scholars and managers because of the specifics such as managerial approaches interpersonal relationships. In addition, understanding of the internal culture is essential for enacting an adoption of new initiatives...

Idea Screening During New Product Generation

Idea screening is an essential step during the generation of a new product. It is necessary to select one concept that will be the center of the project from the multitude from suggestions generated during the ideation stage. Understanding the optimal methods that can be used to do so is...

Singapore Telecommunications Limited: The Capital Structure

Introduction Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) is the leading telecommunication company in Singapore with revenue of more than $12 billion in the last reported period. The company’s history traces back to 1879, and the country’s telecommunication set up was restructured as a part of its privatization program in 1989 to form...

Personnel Management Issues Facing Supervisors

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Having more than 13 years of successful leadership experience, I have encountered a fair share of personnel management issues and situations. My current span of control is 191 employees and a leadership team of five supervisors, which I must oversee in all aspects of personnel...

Organizational Change: Stakeholders and Principles

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation I have always realized that any complex process presupposes the existence of multiple stakeholders and contexts that precondition its further evolution. The same idea can be applied to the functioning of organizations. Traditionally, I am the person who prefers to consider all existing actors that...

Corporate Social Responsibility & Business Ethics

Introduction Conventionally, businesses are primarily created as profit-making entities, thus the majority of decisions seek to maximize the shareholders’ investment. However, the assumption that organizations exist solely to make money has changed over time with the emergence of the idea that such entities have some responsibilities to society. This premise...

“The 360 Degree Leader” by John Maxwell

Introduction Leadership skills development is essential for any person who wants to succeed or even fit in modern society. When thinking about leaders’ roles, people tend to focus on the ability to influence others and make them follow. However, in his famous book, John C. Maxwell unveiled the value of...

Emotional Intelligence: Experiences and Skills

Emotional intelligence (EI) is regarded as one of the important components of effective leadership. Batool (2013) points to the strong link between EI and leadership style. It is also found that leaders tend to receive higher EI scores than their followers (Siegling, Nielsen & Petrides 2014). Being a Human Resources...

Publix Super Markets’ Environmental Analysis

Publix or Publix Super Markets is an American supermarket chain with headquarters in Florida. It was founded in 1930 by George W. Jenkins and it is owned by an employee that currently working in the company or has worked before. It is considered as one of the largest companies in...

Organizational Behavior in the Workplace

Connection Between OB and Selected Job Skills Organizational behavior (OB) is an extremely important aspect that impacts the functioning of all organizations. It describes how to manage people at work and what qualities and competencies might be demanded to improve cooperation among employees (Kinicki & Fugate, 2015). The matrix provided...

Recycled Mobile Phones: Marketing Strategy

Companies should develop superior models to ensure that their products are available to more customers. Firms that fail to design proper marketing strategies will find it hard to achieve their aims. This paper describes how my company will launch a new innovative idea and implement it successfully. Innovative Idea The...

The Impact of a CEO in an Organization

In general, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) have a significant influence on their respective organizations. From the perspective of organizational psychology, CEOs have a considerable effect on the performance of an organization as a whole because of their influence on the lower levels of management. Liden, Fu, Liu, and Song (2016)...

Leadership Selection and Development Programme at General Electric

Introduction Leadership is an integral component of nearly every sphere of contemporary life. It is equally applicable to business, education, or healthcare. On the whole, it is an ability to provide an impact on other people using one’s personal qualities and values. Management is another important sphere of any company...

Leaders and Organizational Environment

Introduction Understanding leadership, specific approaches to it, and the relationship with followers is crucial for developing characteristics that enable efficient work. For instance, executives may apply employee rewards and punishment to encourage or discourage certain behaviors, which affect the efficiency of daily operations. In addition, it is essential to understand...

Personal Success Factors in the Business World

The fast development of the business sphere preconditioned the appearance of multiple opportunities for individuals to engage in various activities and generate income. However, the popularity of the given field also fosters the increase in the level of rivalry that becomes a severe challenge to both companies and people. Under...

Handling Difficult Conversations and Ways to Avoid Conflict Escalation

Introduction It should be stressed that effective communication skills are important for any person especially in the business setting or at the workplace. They ensure that joint agreement can be met and allow eliminating the possible misunderstanding. Moreover, communication is significant for both efficient management and followership since it promotes...

The Brand Called You. Tom Peters’ View on Branding

How does Tom Peters describe a brand? Tom Peters defines a brand as “a promise of the value you’ll receive” in exchange for your time or/and money. Every company tries to stand out, showing that only they can satisfy their customers in the best possible way. Nowadays, with so many...

Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Assessment Methods

Risk Categorization Risk categorization is an important aspect of the risk management framework. For organizations, a risk management framework is the procedure of recognizing and attempting to moderate risk occurrence. Risk can occur in numerous forms, which include integrity risk and competitive risk (Debono 16). Consequently, risk can be inadvertent...

Lego Company’s Supply Chain Management

Introduction Lego has been a global household name for quite a while. The company has introduced a line of unique toys and has become a global brand with an easily recognizable image. However, because of some of the flaws that could be defined as inherent to the company’s current business...

Personality Traits and Professional Performance

Literature Review Studies indicate that there is a strong relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational performance among individuals. Studies conducted among combat soldiers in the US indicated that high performers had more emotional intelligence than low performers, and thus were likely to be better performers at the workplace (Sala, Druskat...

Easy Jet Airline’s Strategic Marketing Audit

Industry and Company Overview Based in Britain and with its headquarters located in London-Luton airport, Easy Jet Airline was inaugurated in 1995. The company had a workforce exceeding 8000 people by September 2012. The main mode of expansion of the company is through acquisitions (Sumberg 2011, Para.5). Its main secret...

Decision-Making in an English Teacher’s Career

Introduction Selected Character This paper seeks to analyse the decisions made by Mr Higashi, as explained in the case study provided. In this case, Mr Higashi is a professional aged forty-four and has a 20-years experience in teaching high school English around Soto in Japan. Perspectives and Theories When seeking...

GenRays Company: Human Resource Information System

Purpose To develop a business case for the industry to pursue a modern and comprehensive human resource information system to replace the current systems. The new system is aimed at improving employee’s access to track their careers and enhance the management hiring process. The human resource information system will improve...

Alibaba Company’s Data Mining and Website Analysis

Introduction Alibaba.com is the largest online sales and shopping platform in China. The company was founded in 1999 as a small enterprise that focused on providing a digital platform to enable other companies to list their information. Currently, the company operates two major websites namely, Taobao and Tmall.1Taobao is an...

Promoting Sound Organisational Cultures

Introduction The field of organizational behaviour (OB) has become a crucial area of research and application in organizational management. It focuses on understanding and influencing people’s behaviours that have an impact on organisational outcomes. According to Scott (2008), the field has evolved from the scientific studies of management, principles of...

Clinx Clinic’s Organizational Structure and Staffing

Organizational structure refers to established formal relationships among various units of an organization. The purpose is to ensure that organizations get their work done. This is made possible by having some subdivisions in form of division of labor, which bring coherence within the whole organization. In the structure, each job...

Integration and Alignment of the Current HR Strategy

Introduction Background Information The Abu Dhabi government established the Masdar Institute as an independent and non-profit research-driven graduate university in 2007. The entity is dedicated to the provision of higher education and research in advanced energy and sustainable technologies. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), through partnership initiatives, plays an...

Quality Policy for the Company

Quality Policy for the company in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 requirements Oberoi Hotels & Resorts is a five-star company that is governed by the ISO 9001:2008 quality policy (Oberoi Hotel, 2010). The reputation of the hotel both locally and internationally called for the need to formulate documentation that helps...

Workplace Diversity & Inclusion: Personal Philosophy

Abstract The strategy of leveraging differences is new and provocative in the field of managing diversity. Therefore, effective personal philosophy should be based on uniting the traditional and new approaches in order to compete within the market and address the employees’ interests. Introduction My personal vision of diversity and inclusion...

AirAsia Company’s Business Excellence

The rationale for selecting AirAsia The basis for picking AirAsia as the low-cost company for the study is due to the competitive nature of the South Asian market (Heracleous, Wirtz, & Pangarkar, 2005) The new entrants into the market like Malindo Air who seem to duplicate the company’s strategies have...

The UPS Store’s Total Quality Management Adoption

Could the implementation of the main principles of the TQM result in the significant increase of the level of performance of a company and its incomes? Nowadays, in terms of severe rivalry, UPS company tries to implement the strategy that will be able to guarantee its success and gradual improvement...

Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Summary of the chapter The chapter begins by explaining why marketing is a critical practice in every business organization. Every company should understand that the customer is important to its success. According to Grewal and Levy (2011), firms should always fulfill the needs of their targeted customers. The chapter goes...

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

What is business ethics? Business ethics is the field of study that is concerned with standards and principles that guide the behavior of firms in executing their business (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2011). In management, business ethics is concerned with issues of what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior within an...

Business Development Initiative for Success

Assuming that a business productivity project was done for a company, it would be first presented to the consulting company for approval before sending it to the prospective client for review. This project focused on a business development initiative that established the stages, which a prospective business person or entity...

Business Activities: External and Internal Factors

SWOT and Pestle Analysis SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) deals with the external and internal factors affecting the business activities. The strengths of Ben & Jerry’s business included the experience they have in the operation of the business that helped them to specialize in the business. The business...

Information Technology Outsourcing for UK Retailers

Introduction Introduction and background information For the past years, retailers in the world have undergone tremendous transformation because of the market forces that direct them to adapt new business environments evolving now and then. The most influential force to the retailers is the growing competition among retailers as well as...

Critical Thinking Skills Influence

Critical thinking is a biased study of a subject or a problem that is utilized to analyze situations or issues with the formulation of valid conclusions, assessment, and interpretations and correctly apply the results to the cases and topics. First, critical thinking might be understood as consisting of two components....

Amazon Company’s Competitive Influence

Executive Summary Amazon.com is an online retail company that has been in existence since 1994. Over the years, Amazon.com has been able to achieve tremendous online retail success, but recent years have seen the company struggle to distinguish itself in the market (due to increased competition). However, this paper notes...

Employee Burnout and Vacation Length Relationship

Adopting a One-Sample T-Test Approach to an HR Issue: A Scenario Analysis What factors should the vice-president consider in determining the presence of employee burnout? In order to determine the workplace burnout rate among the staff members and identify whether a 1.4-week rest is enough for the staff to recover...

Hewlett-Packard and Disney’s Strategic Alliance

Introduction The increasingly rapid pace of globalization and the focus on disruptive innovations as the driving force behind expansion into the global market has made the competition levels in the latter incredibly high. To maintain a strong presence in the designated environment, companies need to seek new ways of enhancing...

JD Sports and Sports Direct Companies Financial Management

Introduction This paper is divided into two sections. The first part will focus on the financial analysis of two companies, JD Sports Fashion PLC and Sports Direct International PLC. Both are based in the UK but have a presence in other parts of the world and both trade in leisure...

Valentino Brand Targeting Luxury Cosmetics Market in China

Introduction Valentino is a luxury brand that specializes in clothing and accessories for both men and women. Valentino has achieved stable popularity all over the globe and has been growing its profits for the last few years. One of the most significant markets for the brand is in China, where...

Business and Information Technology Strategies Alignment

Prompt Answers How can Cheryl Smith help managers at WestJet better understand the role of information technology in corporate strategy? As a newly appointed Chief Information Officer, one of Cheryl’s duties involves helping managers understand the role of information technology in corporate strategy. Namely, she should explain the interconnectedness between...

Toyota Company’s Management and International Relations

Provided that I had to represent a multinational corporation such as Toyota in negations over building a factory in a foreign country, I would ask the host government for several concessions. First of all, I would ask for tax concessions that should be offered to Toyota for at least two...

Oman Oil Companies’ Third-Party Logistics

Abstract This paper aims at investigating transportation and logistics management in the oil industry. Two companies of the Sultanate of Oman, Oman Oil Company and Oman Shell Company, are chosen for the analysis. These companies demonstrate good results in the development of their transport and logistics services. Their experiences could...

Human Resource Management in UAE Industrial Sector

Introduction Background of Study Project human resource management is increasingly becoming one of the critical areas of planning in the industrial sector. Huemann (2016) defines project human resource management as all activities involving organizing, managing, and leading a project team. The approach that companies in the industrial sector are using...

David Beckham and His Celebrity Endorsement

Introduction In the last three decades, most companies have focused on joining international markets in response to rising competition in the domestic market. International marketing is one of the concepts that have helped companies to join overseas markets successfully. International marketing refers to “a multinational process of planning and executing...

DramaProx Productions Company Business Plan

Executive Summary This business plan is about DramaProx Productions, which is a startup company dealing in the production of drama programs for the UK entertainment industry. Research studies show a significant market share and penetration capabilities with innovative political episode programs in demand in the UK entertainment market that present...

Marketing Management in Business Sphere

Promotional Mix In a competitive environment, product or service promotion is integral to business development. In addition to positive image branding, businesses need to execute effective promotional strategies to increase the popularity of their products. In this regard, a promotional mix can be seen as a number of communication activities...

Orange Company: Customer Retention

Importance of Customer Retention The relationship of a company with its customers significantly affects every part of the business. Specific customer needs, for instance, often change the main course of the firm and influence its marketing, customer service and sometimes even production (Bai & Yafeng 2016). Thus customer retention is...

Bakers Company’s Business Proposal

Bakers’ inn provides customers with a one-stop platform for cakes, snacks, bread, sandwiches, and other products. The service enterprises ensure that customers get a fresh-baked cake with a fair price and quality. The products of the enterprise vary in design, shape, texture, taste, and size. They meet the varying tastes...

Kelly Services Company’s Analysis

Executive Summary This business report presents a PESTEL analysis for Kingdom of Bahrain to determine external factors that influence the business environment and make recommendations for Kelly Services. The overall recommendation is to open an office in Bahrain. However, the company will have to mitigate the current political risks noted....

Marketing and Revenue Management Relationship

When marketing a product or service, the first thing ought to be the development of an apparent approach to how it will reach both the current and would-be consumers. Particularly, marketers should determine the fundamental need that the service or product will satisfy. The marketers should then outline the target...

ABC Company’s Public Relations: Strategic Plan

Executive Summary In the current competitive business environment, it is increasingly becoming important for companies to come up with plans for improving efficiency in production, effectiveness in marketing, and a positive relationship with various stakeholders. This strategic public relations plan seeks to help this company to develop a close relationship...

Herbal Company’s International Business Plan

Executive Summary Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. It has a very high mortality rate; over 7 million people die from cancer every year (WHO). The only treatment for cancer is chemotherapy, but it is a dangerous process that has a low success rate in the...

ORPIC Company: Leadership Value Systems and Structures

Leadership is an ever-changing concept that evolves in accordance with social, cultural, and market changes and trends. For this reason, each historical period is associated with its own understanding of qualities that every excellent leader should posses. The Leader Mindset Profile model captures this constantly evolving nature of leadership and...

Sales Process Flowchart and Its Analysis

Introduction A flowchart is a diagram representing a process by detailing the sequence of steps that are necessary to create a desired output. This graphical presentation uses symbols to connect one event to others by showing different outcomes at particular stages. Flowcharts can be used to analyze any process that...

Fred Stern & Company’s Case

Briefly summarize the key events surrounding the case The key events surrounding the case of Fred Stern & Company, Inc include the acts that restricted the rights of auditors and plaintiffs making the case really complicated. As such, any company can make a financial statement which contains some errors while...

Walmart Company: Long-Term Development in China

Wal-Mart is one of the leading retailers in the world with a net income of over $13 billion and sales of $457.5 billion (Morning Star 2017). This multinational is also one of the fastest-growing companies. This success is partially due to the retailer’s successful expansion in the Asian market. The...

Customer Service Training for New Employees

Abstract Customer service is a critical aspect of achieving success in any organization. It includes all interactions between an organization’s employees and its customers. In order to improve customer service, it is necessary for an organization to train its employees. A customer service training program improves the knowledge and skills...

Customer Perception of Advertisements in Organised Retail

Executive Summary This article is ideal in comprehending the impact of customer perception towards floor ads in retail stores in Oman. The conceptual framework and quantitative research design used in this article are appropriate and present relevant results. The findings are consistent with the literature review. In general, the article...

Scientific Glass Inc.’s Inventory Management

Background and Overview of SG’s Current Challenges For a company operating in the environment of the global economy, it is especially difficult to facilitate the creation of the environment in which the company’s inventory can be managed successfully. Scientific Glass, Inc. (SC) is not an exception to the identified phenomenon;...

Al Ghandi Auto Group: Electric Car Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Al Ghandi Auto Group holds a leading position in the UAE automotive market. In existence for more than 50 years, the company has established itself as a reliable brand that provides the highest-quality service, the best customer care, and the best overall value for money spent. The company’s...

NMC Healthcare Organization and Its Culture

The task environment in terms of customers, competitors, suppliers and the labor market NMC Healthcare is a health service provider that runs a group of private hospitals in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is the leading healthcare provider that has expanded to reach a total of 17 countries. In...

Tesco and Sainsbury Companies: Business Environment Issues

Introduction The report elucidates the key business environmental issues of the retail supersector and two companies within its food and wholesale subsector – Tesco and Sainsbury. According to FTSE Russell’s Industry Classification Benchmark, the retail supersector may be segregated into two sectors: food and drugs, and general sectors (FTSE 2012,...

Management Issues in Manufacturing Company

Introduction In order to lead a firm to success, much attention should be paid to the position and responsibilities of a manager. In this context, a manager is a person who is responsible for organizing resources and activities according to a firm’s strategy and goals, and the purpose is to...

Turkish Airlines’ and Oman Air’s Finance in 2013-2016

Executive Summary The aviation industry has experienced severe challenges since the global economic turmoil in 2008; however, the purpose of this report is to evaluate the financial ratios of Turkish Airlines and Oman Air to assess and compare the performances over a period of four years (from 2013 to 2016)....

Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation’s Retail and Services

Introduction Every successful company has a competitive advantage that can be achieved in various ways (Hallsworth et al. 149). Some companies develop innovative products while other focus on information management. Shoppers Drug Mart pays significant attention to the development of an efficient retail network that makes the business attractive to...

Mattel Inc.’s Code of Conduct and Virtue Ethics

Introduction Over the last few decades, multinational companies have faced serious issues concerning exploitation of workers. Additionally, multinational companies have been accused of unethical behavior in their overseas operations. Particularly, the companies have faced issues in their management strategies. The case study examines Mattel, Inc., which has encountered several issues...

Digital Marketing: Search Engines

Introduction The recent advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have revolutionized how people interact with one another. In particular, the invention of the Internet has made the world a global village because many companies are expanding their operations globally through e-commerce (Stone & Woodcock 2014). For example, giant search...

AirAsia: The World’s Lowest Cost Airline

Introduction Due to the geographic specificity of Southeast Asia, where traveling from one destination to another by land is either very difficult or simply impossible, air transportation has seen rapid development over the last couple of decades (Jeddi et al. 2014). As a result, at present, the Asian air transportation...

Organizational Reward Systems: Strategic Compensation

Organizational reward systems serve as the motivational basis of work processes. Benefits and rewards play a significant role in attraction, stimulation, and retention of human resources and the level of compensation can influence employees’ motivation in both a negative and positive way. An ineffective compensation strategy may provoke job dissatisfaction...

Thorntons Company’s Corporate Social Initiatives

Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the initiatives sponsored by a firm to promote the wellbeing of the community in which it does its business. In the recent past, the concept of CSR has gained root where each corporation is seeking to gain customers’ loyalty by giving back to...

Strategic Management Aspects in Magna International

Executive Summary This paper is an interim report, outlining all major aspects of strategic management process of Magna International, Canadian automotive supplier, which will be addressed in the final report. Special attention will be paid to the history of Magna International, specificities of its strategic management, and recommendations for improving...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Equity Theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs One of the most well-known motivational theories, Maslow’s Hierarchy presupposes that the actions of an individual are aimed primarily at satisfying their needs, the physiological being the basic ones, whereas the necessity for self-actualization, which refers to the realization of one’s potential, comes at the very...

Bimbo Factory: Entering the EU Market

Part I: Markets Assessment: Germany, Bulgaria, and Greece Entering a new economic environment is always a challenge. Despite its success in the home market, Bimbo Factory may face severe challenges in the context of the EU environment. Although each of the markets, i.e., the German, the Bulgarian, and the Greek...

Targeting Consumer Segments Based on Sexual Orientation

Oakenfull’s article “Targeting Consumer Segments Based on Sexual Orientation: Can Advertisers Swing Both Ways” (2004) explores the reality of gay-oriented advertising. For most marketers, the gay and lesbian segment is a ‘dream market.’ Findings from several scientific studies indicate that gays and lesbians have higher disposable incomes compared with heterosexual...

Adelphia Communications Scandal and Deontology

Introduction In business management, ethics plays an imperative role because it purports transparency, dedication, and professionalism. Ethics suggests that managers should differentiate between corporate and personal roles by creating an artificial distinction between the two affairs. This helps managers to avoid corrupting their official responsibilities and compromising corporate affairs at...

Leadership and Globalization in the US and Japan

Introduction Leadership is a social influence in which a person can motivate or influence others and acquire their support in order to work together and accomplish a certain task. A leader can be defined as a person with the ability to influence others to work as a team and directs...

PepsiCo’s Organic Gatorade’s Marketing Options

The First Strategic Option In the first place, PepsiCo’s Organic Gatorade is targeted at athletes, as its primary intention is to restore sugar and sodium levels after training (George, 2016). To interest this consumer group, it is critical to pay attention to the drink’s positive features. For example, employing “Hello...

Job Evaluation and Salary Administration

Introduction This paper explores a specific case of job evaluation where several of a company’s managers disagree about the rating that should be given to a particular worker. They approach the evaluation of the job from different perspectives and thus face misunderstanding. The sections below will include an educated opinion...

International Business Strategies for Multinationals

Introduction In the modern world of business, companies have to engage in stiff competition in order to survive in the market. This pertains not only to companies working inside one country but to international businesses as well. On the whole, it is paramount for such organizations to appropriately formulate their...

Ebay Company in Asia: Marketing Strategies

Analyze the key factors that have caused eBay to struggle in Japan, China, and other Asian markets to determine if these mistakes could have been avoided Competition is an inevitable aspect of our day to day business world. It is a concept that has both positive and negative effects on businesses....

Contingency Planning Analysis: Creativity, Critical Thinking and Key Steps

Contingency plans are essential for the majority of organizations. They allow the company to have a course of action even when the original plans become obsolete due to an unforeseen problem. Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, sabotage, technical errors, and a great number of other issues may cause a company to...

Marks&Spencer Company’s Business Performance

Introduction Analyzing business performance encompasses various factors such as society, economics, politics and history. These factors are rarely incorporated in organisational studies. Organisational analysis is usually a technical matter. Modern business trends emphasise on maximising shareholder value (Gray 2009, p. 52). In most cases, companies exploit cheap labour from offshore...

Leadership Development Strategy for Human Capital

Executive Summary The main aim of this research was to examine critical factors that need to be considered when designing an LMD strategy to build human and social capital. As business landscape changes, effective leadership, and management are necessary to create sustainable business practices. Based on the reviewed literature, it...

Maple Leaf Company: Business Environment Challenges

Executive Summary Maple Leaf is one of the leaders of the Canadian agricultural industry. Nevertheless, even industry leaders face challenges once they make a decision to expand and start operations in foreign economies. One of the most significant problems of the company is its effective functioning within the operating environment...

OAPIL Company’s Operations Analysis

Nature of operations Aluminum rods, overhead line conductors, and drawn wire manufacturing Company name Oman Aluminum Industries LLC (OAPIL) Company introduction Oman Aluminum Industries LLC, otherwise known as OAPIL is a major manufacturer of aluminum rods, overhead line conductors, and drawn wire. The company is a major contributor to Oman...

Negotiable Instruments

Negotiable instruments are written legal documents that emerged in the thirteenth century in England (Ellinger, Lomnicka, & Hare, 2011). The documents function as unconditional orders for a transfer of a specific monetary amount. Negotiable instruments can take the form of checks, promissory notes, and certificates of deposit among others (Miller,...

General Motors Company: Operations Management Concepts

Introduction General Motors (GM) is an international motor vehicle company founded and currently based in the United States. Apart from designing and distributing vehicles, the company also owns a number of manufacturing facilities all over the world (GM, 2016). Due to the high competition in the automotive industry and the...

Thorntons Plc’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction Thorntons is one of the industry players, which have encountered several setbacks in an attempt to expand their market share. The mentioned company operates in the UK, where it controls a big share of the chocolate market. However, its attempt to penetrate the international market has backfired, apparently due...

CVS Company’s Pharmacy Fulfillment Process

The current fulfillment process at CVS seems to be overly complicated of the entrepreneurship to function efficiently and make sure that the customers’ needs are met adequately. Indeed, a closer look at the way, in which the clients’ requests are processed will show that the overall process is rather convoluted....

Wells Fargo & Company’s Human Resource Consulting

Wells Fargo & Company (simply known as Wells Fargo) remains one of the most respected brand names in the global finance industry. It is currently a revered “financial services holding company” (Wells Fargo, 2016, para. 3). The company’s human resource (HR) practices are critical towards empowering more workers. However, there...

Behavior and Relationships in the Workplace

Techniques for Maintaining Positive Relationships If a person does not achieve the desired results in the workplace, it means that he or she does not fulfill the obligations to an employer. It is necessary to define the methods that will help to bear responsibility for achieving professional goals to avoid...

Employee Engagement in Pharmacy Services

Introduction Employee engagement illustrates willingness and desire of employees to give their best and outperform themselves daily, motivated to contribute to organizational success (Fried & Fottler, 2015). It is considered a very important factor to ensure low turnover rates and prevent burnout. Medical and pharmaceutical industry is known to have...

Chick-fil-A Company’s Strategic Marketing

Executive Summary The report presents three elements of PESTEL for Chick-fil-A to use in its decision to expand to Qatar. These include political, economic, and legal. The country is politically stable for investment. Economically, the impacts of low global oil prices have led to a decline in economic growth, but...

Integrated Marketing Communication

Introduction The complexity of the marketing environment for organizations that operate in the current competitive market calls for the integration of marketing communication. This demand introduces the first question that organizations need to consider when developing a marketing communication policy in any market: Does the organization have the capacity to...

Dell Company’s New Product Introduction Strategies

Risk and Financial Impact The process of new product introduction (NPI) is associated with many challenges that may lead to the failure in NPI project completion or returning investment costs and bringing profit. The major risks related to DELL’s NPI include the ineffective mix of internal and external enterprises, lack...

Business Statistics and Sales Revenue Forecast

Introduction Forecasting future sales with certainty is impossible since the market conditions are unpredictable. The economy is always constantly changing. Despite the uncertainties, management of companies still need to prepare sales forecasts to enable them to prepare a budget for revenue and expenses. The preparation of such budgets is always...

Just in Time Practices in the Toyota Company

Summary Chapter 15 begins with a detailed description of the examples of several different companies and their approaches to the selection of leaders. Namely, Toyota’s strategy is juxtaposed to those of Ford, Nissan, Chrysler, and GM in terms of the process of acquisition of a new leader. The point of...

P&A Company and Organizational Theory

With the course of time customers’ demands started to change extremely quickly, and P&A need to implement changes to meet them. Otherwise, the company will not be able to remain competitive, and its place in the market will be immediately occupied by some other firm. Unfortunately, the personnel does not...

Tanglewood Company Recruitment Process

Recruiting guide Qualifications and skills required to obtain the job: experience of working in retail and skills of providing customer service. A chance of quick promotion to managerial positions for college graduates and the candidates with work experience in retail. Relevant labor market: Candidates from Oregon and Washington Activities to...

Team-Building Activities and Conflict Resolution

Team Building Exercise “Teams are vital elements in any given organization” (Quick, 1992, p. 5). This is because they enhance performance while at the same time bringing together people who have different ideas on the same platform. Essentially, this forms the fundamental approaches which are characterized by innovation and creativity....

Enron Company’s Bankruptcy: One of the Largest Company Bankruptcies Ever

Ethical Leadership Behavior Enron’s bankruptcy is considered to be one of the largest company bankruptcies ever: the company’s CEOs, Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling were convicted of fraud and conspiracy, as they had cashed millions of dollars in stock before the company eventually collapsed, thus taking the earnings of thousands...

Taylor St Baristas Company: Social Media Marketing Plan

Introduction The coffee industry is huge indeed, and several companies are eager to introduce their ideas and improvements to attract the attention of customers. Taylor St Baristas is a young UK coffee company founded at the beginning of the 2000s. It was a kind of response to the existed dire...

Dell Company’s Supply Chain Management Strategy

Effective supply chain management (SCM) ensures customers get a better value from the business. SCM entails the integration of structures and processes in the supply chain ensuring an effective and efficient flow of goods, services, and information necessary to provide the value demanded by customers (Sridharan, Caines & Patterson, 2005)....

Global Strategic Business Plan in International Business

Going global is a common practice in international business. It has proved to be beneficial for winning new markets and increasing revenues. However, expanding business requires a thorough investigation of the background in the host country and designing an accurate strategic plan including communicational barriers, leadership styles, and motivational systems,...

Lululemon Athletica Company’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Strategic Strengths The first strategic strength of the company consists in the fact that they concentrate their efforts on the unremitting production of new male and female apparel (Thompson 331). By doing this, the company covers the majority of the sectors that are currently dominated by its rivals. The second...

Conflict Resolution Strategies and Organizational Behavior

The phenomenon of organizational conflict and its impact on the performance of organizations has generated increasing attention from organizational scholars especially after the realization that organizations are ever more subject to conflicting demands imposed by a multiplicity of factors arising from both internal and external operating environments. Liebler & McConnell...

Management Functions: Internal and External Factors

Introduction Internal forces refer to all the situations affecting a business organization from within like innovation and diversity. These situations are usually under the control of the company. External forces on the other hand are the driving factors that are out of the company’s control like competition, political interferences and...

The Nestle Company’s Sales Stagnation in China

Target change is vital for organizations that seek to maintain a favorable market position. Firms usually decide what changes to make in reaction to a market change. The Nestle Company considers China as its second-largest market following the United States. In 2015, the company experienced slow sales and stagnant revenue...

Fast-Food Industry’s Market Place and Environment

The fast food industry is experiencing the revenue of over $ 15 billion growth a year, and the future growth rate at an average of 2.7%. Other industries in this sector experience a total conversion of their total revenue of up to 4.6% while the fast food experiences 4.8% (McGowan,...

USPC Company: Recruitment and Selection

It is widely believed that employees are the most important asset that an organization can have. Presently, the value that organizations place in having an effective and efficient workforce have surpassed many other considerations that were previously thought as fundamentally important to the wellbeing and survival of an organization (Pynes...

Situational and Adaptive Leadership in Organizations

Introduction Context-based leadership is a stance that clearly justifies the existence of the situational model of leadership. Under the model, leaders should use appropriate leadership approaches that meet the requirements of a given situation. Different contexts in an organization require a leader to exhibit different characters that can match with...

Tanglewood Cases: Staffing Practices

Planning Tanglewood Case Two was about the planning of recruitment. Working on this case, I learned to analyze staffing data and determine whether staffing practices of an organization are adequate or not to fulfill its future needs related to human resources. Besides, Tanglewood case provides the learners with a great...

General Motors Company’s Operational Effectiveness

Operational effectiveness, in general, refers to the way an organization sees the importance of operations in achieving strategic objectives and economic success. There are four stages of operational effectiveness, i.e. coming to a realization that processes are the key to high levels of performance and competitiveness. Organizations in stage 1...

General Motors Company’s Case of Decision Making

Introduction There are a number of actions that a manager can take to achieve certain goals and objectives. The process by which people choose the cause of action they need to take from a number of other alternatives is called decision making. This is a cognitive process that involves mental...

Carrying Cost of Inventory

Introduction When one compiles a list of assets or any form of items for formal purposes then he is said to be making an inventory. It involves various activities which include: recording of items, time and costs involved, the management of these items, forecasting the profitability, and physical inventory. This...

Microsoft Company’s Competitive Strategy

A firm’s competitive strategy aims to enhance its ability to modify the rules of competition to its favor. According to Porter (1985), for a firm to remain competitive, it needs to influence the threat that new entrants pose, the threat presented by substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, suppliers’ bargaining...

Kodak Company Corporate, Business and Functional Strategies

Eastman Kodak is struggling severe competition and the company has to come up with effective solutions to regain its status of the leader in the industry. It is necessary to note that the strategies Kodak is using are connected with the company’s vision and mission. The company’s vision involves improvement...

Medical Device Industry’s Investment Attractiveness

Many important modern concerns could be related to the sphere of business which continues its rapid growth and remains one of the most significant forces of modern society. The sphere of business attracts people who want to realize their potential and improve the financial state. It results in the involvement...

Wal-Mart’s Leadership in Crafting and Executing Strategy

Introduction The targeted organization for the exercise was Wal-Mart. This company was selected because it was associated with sustainable business strategies capable of fulfilling the emerging needs of more stakeholders. Wal-Mart’s primary products include apparel, beauty products, household appliances, jewelry, and electronics (Hill & Jones, 2013). This means that Wal-Mart...

Stress Level and Work in Team

Stress at the workplace is one of the most significant problems observed in management. It is necessary to focus on a variety of strategies, such as the promotion of teamwork to address the problem. To discuss differences in stress levels and effects of teamwork on performance, it is necessary to...

Business Re-Engineering Proposal of Saudi Arabia Company

Introduction BPR is defined as: “Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed,” (Hammer & Champy, 1993 as quoted in Jones, Noble, & Crowe, 1997). BPR is concerned with making...

Yas Entertainment Island’s Strategic Group Map

Executive Summary Overview Two primary principles encourage the creation of Yas Entertainment Island in Abu Dhabi. On the external level, the intention is to create a wide selection of leisure attractions to put Abu Dhabi at the same level as other global tourist attractions. On the internal level, the creation...

Kellogg Company’s Approach to Incorporating Diversity

Abstract Diversity in the workforce is discussed as a necessary condition for multinational companies that are oriented to preserve their leading positions in the world and to address the globalization trends. To succeed in developing the multinational company with the productive workforce and efficient organizational culture, the principles of which...

The WRSX Group Strategy Experience

The WRSX group is an international integrated agency. The company has subsidiary agencies in New York, London, Paris, and Singapore (WRSX 2011). The main goal of the company is to make effective advertisement contents for customers and establish sustainable marketing relations. The company renders services in media, public relations, research,...

Organizational Vision and Its Importance for the Staff

The concept of vision is rarely taken for granted; nowadays, it is among the top priorities of any company to come up with a unique mission and vision statements in order to get any credibility among the target customers. Usually identified as the manifestation of the company’s goals and aspirations,...

JCB Company’s Corporate Performance Management

JCB’s Strategic Initiatives and Decisions The impact of the global recession and JCB’s strategic initiatives on the accounting performance of the company The global recession that started in 2008 had devastating impacts on many companies. Before the recession, JCB had witnessed rapid growth in its portfolio. The company achieved a...

The Prestige Company: Reward and Motivation

Introduction Human Resource Management [HRM] has undergone extensive changes over the past decades. Salvendy (2001) emphasises that developing economies of scale and leveraging on technology were considered as conventional sources of competitive advantage. However, changes in the contemporary business environment have reduced the competitiveness of conventional sources of competitive advantage....

Corporate Social Responsibility in Thai Listed Companies

Abstract The correlational study made use of a quantitative research design to evaluate the perceptions of employees towards CSR programs in Thailand. A descriptive survey approach was utilized in this particular research. The study had been informed by several intricate factors; key among them the fact that ethical concern and...

International Business in the UAE

History of Dubai The economy was initially based on pearl-fishing until oil was discovered about 50 years ago. The economy became heavily reliant on oil that was discovered in various islands, and given the ready market in the world, the country’s economy was boosted. However, this did not last forever....

Customer Service Training in a Human Resource Strategy

Introduction Achieving competitive edge is a fundamental aspect in both profit and non-profit making organisations. Howard (259) posits that competitive advantage can be attained through various strategies such as integration of new technology among others. However, maintaining competitive advantage is challenging due to high competition. In addition to new technology,...

Green Supply Chain Management: Practices and Benefits

The 3Ps of GSCM The company managers face a number of encounters in administering profitable and competitive corporations while trying to embrace the comprehensive ethical and social tasks. Such encounters appear in the overall banner of Corporate Social Responsibility. In fact, the CSR needs the corporations to assimilate the ecological,...

Aramex Company: Strategic CSR and Sustainability Approach

The main lessons learnt from the Aramex approach to sustainability and strategic CSR are related to the Aramex’s success proving the fact that efficient investment in sustainable CSR gives numerous benefits to the business (“About Aramex” par. 10). The significant role of innovative CSR and sustainability initiatives can be determined...

Microsoft Company Employment Discrimination

Summary of the Main Issue The Microsoft Corporation is a well-known tech company that hires employees from different parts of the world and provides the best ideas in the constantly changing technological world. However, despite its current success, the company faces a number of cases of employment discrimination. For example,...

Dell Company Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Case of Dell: Quick on Its Feet Summary Started in 1983, Dell grew to top the charts of the most successful IT companies in the 2000s (Our history, 2015). The success of the company can be attributed to the factors such as its innovative approach and the adoption of the...

Organizational Theory, Design and Changes

Typical local business in my community The typical local business which I have identified in my community is banking. The political environment under which the bank operates is very stable with minimal political risks. In 2008, the world underwent a global recession, which was the biggest since the great depression...

Transportation Cost in the Supply Chain

Introduction All organizations source various materials from different places. Therefore, they establish a department that does supply chain and logistics management. An effective logistics network management ensures that the controlling systems reduce various costs that are associated with supplies. Thus, products and services are availed whenever they are required in...

Coffee Connection and Starbucks Companies: Competitors Analysis

Introduction The success of every business depends on its ability to generate profits and, equally importantly, continuously grow and expand its operations. Coffee Connection, a small enterprise located in the Midwest, is rather well-positioned to create value both for its customers and its stakeholders. Nevertheless, there are always opportunities for...

Delta Airlines Company’s Change Diagnosing

Company’s background Delta Airlines Inc. is one of the oldest operating airlines in America. The corporation’s history indicates that it was established in the year 1924 in Macon, Georgia (Jones, 2013). Currently, the company is one of the fastest growing global airlines. Recent data indicate that the airline is a...

Change Management and Management of Organizational Behavior

Introduction Organizational changes and behavioral patterns are important aspects of management. Though crucial, change management is an important aspect of business administration that does not always require the implementation of stringent management policies. Change and desirable organizational behavior do not always manifest themselves in people’s behavioral changes. Instead, the ability...

Panera Bread Company: Resources and Capabilities

Synopsis Panera Bread Company derived from a business that is known as the predecessor of fast casual restaurants and a pioneer of the industry called Au Bon Pain. This business began by a French oven manufacturer in 1976 as a bakery business. Soon, this business was purchased by Louis Kane...

Taxonomy of Leadership Theories

Today, in the 21st century, there is compelling evidence indicating that leadership is one of the most expansively researched social influence processes, both in academia and, of course, in practice (Parris & Peachey, 2013). The importance of diversity in leadership has been well documented in the literature (Ayman & Korabik,...

Franklin Equipment Ltd Company’s Operations Management

Franklin Equipment, Ltd. (FEL), a company specializing in producing machines for the sphere of construction, focused on expanding internationally. Project Abu Dhabi was planned to be the first project associated with entering the international market (Larson & Gray, 2014, p. 413). However, before starting the project, Carl Jobe, a facilitator...