The Yang Sing Hotel’s People Management Skills

Introduction The Yang Sing Hotel provided custom-made superior services and accommodation at premium notwithstanding market-monitored rates. Customer feedback and online reviews implied that Yang Sing exceeded the client’s expectations and conveyed the administration’s promise of conveying service levels that customers have never witnessed. The feedbacks of guests concerning late accommodation...

The Code of Ethics in a Startup of a Modern Trucking Company

Introduction Any start-up demands a precise organization of a code of ethics that all representatives of the organization will follow. In an era of sharpened competition and a crowded market, it is essential to increase customer and employee trust and constantly enhance the quality of service. It is achievable only...

Performance Management and Working Relationships

Performance management is an area of execution, which benefits may not be obvious at the project planning stage. Nevertheless, it potentially may bring rapid and high-quality project development. One of the incentives to increase productivity is competent communication skills. Before the team gets to work, a successful communication plan must...

COVID-19: Impact on Logistic and Supply Chain Management Sector

The emergence and spread of Covid-19 in the past two years resulted in massive global disruption of economies and business and it also revealed the fragility of universal supply chains. The fragility displayed by the emergence of Covid-19 can be linked to the sudden scarcity of resources, disruption of production...

Systematic and Unsystematic Risks and Venture Capital

Systematic and Unsystematic Risks A company’s activity is always associated with a specific set of potential risks. The term is defined as “the potential of losing something of value,” and there are two categories of risks: systematic, which are associated with the vulnerability to various events that can negatively affect...

Professional Honesty in Engineering

Every occupation has its code of ethics that expounds on the importance of professional honesty and integrity. Ethical standards are paramount because human society consists of a complex interconnected web of mutual dependence. Without a basic level of trust and personal integrity, human organization on a mass scale would be...

The Shetland Wool Company: Costs Management

Finance Managing costs is one of the best ways of ensuring that a firm can charge a competitive price on its products without compromising on its profitability. At The Shetland Wool Company, the managing director has to take into consideration the conflicting interests of the sales director and the finance...

Management Change in the Ozfone Company During the COVID-19

Introduction Remote work became widespread in the time of the COVID-19 outbreak and presented many prospects and challenges. Fortunately, the Internet and technologies allow working remotely almost in all job sectors. On the one hand, remote work provides more autonomy for workers and saves money without paying for the office’s...

Aspects of Samsung Marketing Plan

Samsung is a very well-known smartphone brand with a long-standing corporate history and culture. In general, marketing plan objectives for any firm incorporate short-term aims that contribute to the achievement of long-term goals (Wood, 2017). The focus for such practices is external relationships and internal activities. However, as Samsung plans...

The Decision-Making Process of Online Customers

In many cases, users find the request they are interested in on the first or second search results page. Finding a site in the top search results for queries significantly affects the amount of traffic attracted to the site (Chaffey and Smith, 2017; Kingsnorth, 2019; Moore, 2021). Therefore, many site...

Aspects of Digital Marketing Mistakes

Digital marketing is an essential process, and businesses should draw sufficient attention to maximize their benefits from it. However, not all organizations manage to succeed with the task, and typical errors exist. Digital marketing mistakes include spamming, focusing on traffic rather than on customers, overpromising, ignoring social trends, and overusing...

Organizational Citizenship Behavior at Work

Organizational citizenship behavior defines workers’ voluntary and optional practices that encourage effectiveness. Among the different dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior, help giving has drawn a considerable magnitude of intellectual consideration since it highly predicts successful practices in an organization. Attributable to its significance, three extensive research paths have emerged in...

Aspects of Digital Revenue Models

The first model that is necessary to discuss in regards to promoting the usage of highly-involved products is the on-demand approach. It implies that customers desire to receive certain commodities or services immediately and without delay (Taylor, 2018). For instance, Tesla recently cooperated with the Luxe company to deliver parking...

Challenges and Opportunities for the Meat Industry

People continue developing various opinions about the future of the meat industry. The controversies are based on personal attitudes towards the topic and business knowledge. Despite the possibility to provide people with enough working placing, feeding opportunities, and economic stability, such concerns as animal rights, pollution issues, and alternative methods...

Establishing a Successful Business Enterprise: The Pay Structure

Establishing a successful business enterprise requires a clear plan for its operations, setup, and running personnel. The Human resource sector plays a crucial role in managing employees in recruitment, training, supervision, and payment. The base pay structure is an essential component that must be set up with proper considerations. The...

Implementation Methods of Data-Driven Decision-Making Process

Collecting information and making an adequate decision based on overall data requires recognizing the stakeholders and holding all the necessary knowledge. Rogers (2021) states that for educational institutions, the stakeholders are usually principals, administrators, and teachers. They serve as primary sources and collectors of all the necessary information about the...

Are You a True Leader or Just a Boss?

Leadership, in addition to solid character and certain characteristics, is often associated with prestige. This can be explained by the fact that not any individual can be called a leader, but only a person who possesses certain skills. Such skills, as, for example, the ability to listen or enter into...

Ethical Rules in Large Business Companies

Most large business companies have a Code of Conduct, which describes the ethical rules for their work. Such documents most often cover the legal aspects of doing business and ensure that new trends that do not yet have legal regulation cannot harm society (Abdul Rahman et al., 2020, p.1192). These...

Aligning Entrepreneurial Orientation and Behavior

In the highly competitive and dynamic global business environment, it is imperative for organizations to take risks, continually seek opportunities, and exploit new ventures to acquire a sizeable market share and ensure their survival. The understanding of how firms act enterprisingly has primarily focused on how companies identify and seize...

Azura Power Project in Nigeria

Project cost and funding mix The World Bank Group (2018) asserts that Azura’s $876 million financing involves $190 million of equity and $686 million of debt from a consortium of local and international financiers. According to the World Bank Group (2017): The tranche of commercial banks, including Standard Chartered Bank,...

The Product Export: Action Plan

The action plan for the product export covers the three initial stages of bringing the product to the new market: research and development, online retail and marketing, and offline retail. The first steps of stages 2 and 3 can overlap with the last steps of previous stages. The progress will...

Flywheel and Doom Loop Principles in Criminal Justice Organizations

The development process of any organization, both commercial and public, depends on management and the correct allocation of resources. However, contrary to popular belief, such breakthroughs do not happen overnight. Although from the outside, such changes may look like a revolution, from the inside, this process is carried out step-by-step,...

Brittany’s Hope Is One of the Proudest Non-Profits

Introduction God. Many people yearn to lend our maker but lack the chance to do it. That is why Brittany’s Hope is there to offer help in touching souls around the world. The non-profit believes in integrity, honesty, fairness, love, and above all, accountability. Brittany’s Hope operates as one of...

Team Building Across Cultures

Team performance is a crucial aspect of any collective work and can be a difference between success and failure. Team-building is, therefore, an important component of organizational work that requires sufficient attention on the leadership’s part. In the globalized contemporary world, with the personnel often coming from different cultural backgrounds,...

Problem Decision: Addressing Declining Performance

Introduction to Problem Decision When organizations experience issues in performance, the lack of engagement, and high turnover, managers are tasked with the challenge of boosting achievement and improving organizational effectiveness. In the organization in question, Open Access Inc. (fictional name), the company decision that was made concerned the introduction of...

Personnel Accountability, Discipline, and Unit Readiness

Efficiency is of the utmost importance in any organization, and few organizations have as much at stake in this regard as the military. Unit readiness, which refers to the unit being prepared to fulfill the missions that may be assigned to it, is the crucial aspect of efficiency. Missions assigned...

Aspects of Online Marketing

Major online stores and service providers, such as Amazon, Tinder, and Spotify, excel at taking significant portions of their respective markets through disruptive innovations. They have shown that success in the digital market lies in delivering new experiences and adhering to a customer’s tastes (Business Disruptors, 2017). In this paper,...

The Influence of Automation on Employability and the Accounting Profession

Abstract In the recent past, technology has advanced greatly, and every business is looking for a way to automate its activities. However, the advancement is associated with job losses since machines replace most activities performed by humans. This paper will qualitatively assess the effects of automation on the accounting profession...

Lo Yang B Power Project in Australia

Project cost and funding mix Abbott (2018) states that Loy Yang B is a 1,000-megawatt plant with two 500-megawatt units. The state government of Victoria offered for sale a 51 percent share of Loy Yang B, a A$2.4 billion asset. Loy Yang B sale was made to Mission Energy. The...

Planning and Leading Change Management

Nowadays, there are many companies with a significant turnover of both employees and income. No wonder that for these companies, truancy level is an important factor that needs to be monitored and improved. Excessive absenteeism negatively affects the overall workflow and the level of profit and business efficiency. One of...

Resource-Based View and Competitive Positioning

The main contrast between the resource-based view and competitive positioning approaches is the ideologies behind the two. In a resource-based view, the usefulness of the available resources at the business’s disposal is critical in gaining its competitive advantage (Shibin et al., 2017). Therefore, when formulating a business strategy, the effectiveness...

Popular Mistakes in Launching Business Start-Ups

The topic I have been researching this semester is business startups. This is a significant research area because startups are considered the key way to bring new technology to the contemporary market. As our world grows more virtual and an increasing amount of companies shift to providing intellectual property rather...

Business Excellence in a Volatile Environment

Literacy programs on business operation for all existing employees and strict literacy requirements for recruitment of new employees are instrumental. The education of existing employees should incorporate convenient means such as computers that ensure they learn in their spare time and practice the skills in daily business operations. The requirement...

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of the essential concepts and practices of doing business in the modern world. Taking care of stakeholders and the environment and complying with all legal regulations and laws is a necessity for companies that want to achieve success and receive public support. However, participation...

Analysis of Createyourownzine Company

The company is a provider of publishing services on a digital platform. The main idea of ​​the company is to create an independent magazine, which in the modern media space is called a zine. This resource is conceived as a digital media publication that can publish amateur materials in professional...

Human Resources Team’s Objectives

The in-depth analysis of the environment and staffing issues is the major objective of HR planning along with the strategic coherence of all HR systems and activities to organizational goals. Bennett and Brush (2018) support this statement through their article that addresses Corning’s HR Strategic Planning Process. The authors examine...

The Business-Level Strategy of Starbucks

The Starbucks coffee shop chain is ubiquitous and one of the fastest-growing food and beverage companies. Starbucks was founded in 1971 by two passionate coffee lovers. It was planned to create a company to purchase coffee beans, roast them, and sell to other companies at the initial stage. Starbucks is...

Off-Site Catering Business and Important Numbers

A medium-sized off-site catering business is not easy to sustain. The owner should always account for all the things that happen during working hours. Apart from managing the employees, the kitchen facility, food delivery, and servings preparation, there is also the financial part of the catering business. To ensure the...

Assessment of Fruit Business in Mexico

Purpose This business plan was written to assess the viability of the intended Fruit business exportation of fruits to Mexico. The project considers the cultural, economic, and political aspects of the receiving country to determine the conditions required for successfully introducing the product in the Mexican market. The cultural components...

Risk Management Failure Analysis

Risks can be complicated to identify, and it is challenging for companies to prepare and manage them appropriately. Therefore, if a company is being hit by consequences for which it had not planned, money, time, and reputation are at stake (Mind Tools Content Team, 2016). Risk analysis is a necessary...

Tech Data Group’s Audit Influences

Synopsis Tech Data Group is one of the companies involved in this audit. This company is a subdivision of Tech Data Corporation, and it prides itself in providing technology products and services at wholesale prices. As such, the company works with over 9,000 employees. Tech Data Corp is located in...

2008 Louisiana Chemical Spill and Response Actions

The selected incident is the 2008 Louisiana Chemical Spill, which occurred due to two rail cars collision. The cars were carrying hazardous chemical compounds, which were ethylene oxide and hydrochloric acid, and since the combination of these two can be highly dangerous and possibly cause an explosion, an immediate evacuation...

Brazilian Business From Personal Experience

First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in the Latin Scholarship competition. I graduated with a bachelor degree in Business from a Brazilian university, which allows me to be quite competent in the field of entrepreneurship. In addition, I have my...

OM Sarawak Project in Malaysia

Project cost and funding mix IBP, Inc (2017) states that the project cost is estimated at $ 500 million. It was financed by equity capital received from shareholders and external borrowings. OM Sarawak comprises a joint venture between OM Holdings Limited (OMH) – 75% and Cahya Mata Sarawak Berhad (CMSB)...

Communication in Negotiation in Management

Negotiations are an integral part of work processes, and they can take place in various settings – from personal meetings between employers and company employees to negotiations between states. Experienced negotiators understand the importance of communication and use multiple techniques to improve it. Other influential aspects of the negotiations are...

Code of Business Ethics and Its Main Provisions

The Code of Ethics combines the most important values, principles, standards of behavior, and ethical norms that form the corporate image on a global level. In order for the successful international development of a corporation, I would suggest the following three provisions prior to the code of ethics. Employees of...

The ReDefine Firm’s Marketing Proposal Analysis

Summary ReDefine is a company that seeks to provide unique tourist experiences in well-known and not-very-familiar destinations around the world. It is based on the idea that travel can bring more happiness, satisfaction, and joy than it usually does. To achieve that, the firm offers several unique services for its...

Tenzing Energy Drink’s Price and Distribution

Tenzing Natural Energy Tenzing is a purportedly natural plant-based non-GMO energy drink. The company was started by a Dutch businessman who was a former Redbull marketing executive. It is marketed as a recipe inspired by the brew of Himalayan climbers with a triple hit of natural caffeine, vitamin C, and...

Work Ethics and Productivity: Leadership Theory

Introduction This paper explores the standards of professional ethics and how it affects the employees’ productivity at a workplace. In addition, the work ethics of different generations is investigated. As a result of the thorough literature review, it becomes evident that the older descents are more hard-working than, the younger...

Marker Motion Technology Marketing Strategy

Motion Sensors Market Motion sensors have become an inseparable part of modern technical devices. Such sensors are used widely in smartphones, smart wearables, virtual reality devices, and even autonomous vehicles. Therefore the market is significantly technology-dependent and higher perspective. Smart devices and electric cars may represent the present and the...

Neglecting Face-to-Face Customer Engagement in Digital World

One of the viewpoints where entrepreneurs are battling between remaining with the old ways and taking the path of least resistance is the client experience. Associations that can rapidly reconsider their omnichannel way of dealing with a particular client experience will recuperate quicker from the computerized insurgency (Smith and Zook,...

Corporate Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Organizations should embrace the corporate entrepreneurship spirit to ensure they remain relevant. Corporate entrepreneurship refers to the adoption of a strategy that encourages employees to be innovative by proposing and introducing new methods of operations. The current business environment is undergoing numerous transitions and technology is being incorporated into business...

Gas Utilization and Processing Advances

Executive Summary Advances and developments in gas utilisation and processing are significant research subjects because of their relevance to different industries worldwide. Moreover, the resource is necessary to form most countries’ economics and is involved in political decision-making. This research methods report explored how gas-related industries and studies change from...

Dabhol 1 Power Plant Project in India

Project cost and funding mix Ghandikota (2002) notes that the original project cost was $ 3.1 billion. It was subsequently reduced to $ 2.65 billion. The project was sponsored by well-known players in the sector with a solid technical and financial reputation. These include Enron Power Corporation (80%), Bechtel Enterprises...

Albert and Whetten Revisited Article by Whetten

Being relatively close to CI definitionally, organizational identity (OI) relies on the actual understandings and claims of employees pertaining to the organization’s unique character rather than being built upon the organization’s expressions of its desired identity. As a theoretical concept, OI is carefully addressed in an article by Whetten (2006)...

Good Management Versus Leadership

There are different types of bosses in different organizations, so it seems that the question of whether the boss is good depends on the individual preferences of employees. As for me, I think that I lean more to consider myself a conservative person, so it is always hard for me...

Agile Release Planning in Company’s Product Marketing

Introduction The planning step of an agile release is crucial in the process of marketing a company’s product. To ensure the long-term success of the firm, the plan provides a framework for the organization to work within. Stabilizing the market in terms of planning helps the institution contact its customers...

Tools for Efficient Team-Leadership Experience

Introduction to Team-Leadership Theory Every single organization needs a team leader who is liable to organize all company processes to perform themselves as a united body. The mechanism of arranging the company performance where all organization participants work collaboratively in order to achieve a final goal of a company adjustment...

Moral Wayfinding for Business Manager

Overview of an Article Written by Valentinov and Pérez-Valls in 2021, A conception of moral wayfinding for business managers is an article that explores current business ethics in management and the possibility of enhancing organizational learning and guidance. The researchers define the primary moral obligation of managers as running “corporations...

Strengthening Diversity and Inclusion

St Francis Mission is a medium hospital It deals with cancer treatment and serves diverse patients It’s necessary to enhance inclusion and diversity to offer quality health care Principles of administrative management define important responsibilities Encourage an understanding of the baseline Promote teamwork and coordination The managers need to identify...

“Job Interview Preparation Tips to Help You Stand Out” by Deborah Acosta

Briefings on the Content Deborah Acosta’s article “Job Interview Preparation Tips to Help You Stand Out” talks about five important things to succeed in a job interview. The first step is a detailed analysis of the vacancy and requirements for a future employee. The second step in preparing for the...

Companies Response to Supply Chain Disruptions Due to COVID-19

Introduction Undeniably, supply chain disruption is not a new phenomenon for many leading companies worldwide. Over time, pandemics such as SAR-2012, MER-2013, and political situations, including Brexit and the 2019 China-US trade wars, have caused supply chain disruptions for many companies in some parts of the globe. However, the outbreak...

Importance of Business Idea for Venture

Any business venture starts with an idea upon which it is built. Although it is difficult to put forward a genuinely unique concept today, the ones already on the market can be further developed and expanded upon to offer the target customers an original product or service. The business idea...

Sole Proprietorship in the United States

The United States is pursuing an active government policy to regulate and stimulate entrepreneurship. In 2003, a new presidential program to support small businesses was adopted, designed to give additional impetus to developing this vital segment of the civil and military economy (America’s Small Business Development Center, 2020). Many small...

Negotiating with Suppliers: Key Steps and Common Mistakes

Supplier relations are essential for the proper functioning of a firm. From a general perspective, this process consists of identifying and selecting the best-value offer for a company. This way, the firm obtains the required materials for the production of its goods or provision of services. In other words, the...

Telasi Power Project in Georgia

Project cost and funding mix According to AES Telasi (n.d.), the total project cost is $ 147 million. Henisz (2017) affirms that in 1998, American Electric Services Corporation (AES) acquired 75% of Telasi’s shares, while the rest of the shares remained in the hands of the Georgian government. AES offered...

Mike Roses’s “Blue-Collar Brilliance” Article

Introduction Mike Rose’s essay, Blue-Collar Brilliance, illustrates why blue-collar employees should not be labeled as incompetent or uneducated. He mentions his mother, Rosie Rose, and his uncle, Joe Meraglio, as personal examples to demonstrate that blue-collar employees put in a lot of effort and should not be stigmatized in society....

Analysis of Costco Wholesale Company Ratio

Introduction It is important to note that the performance ratios of a company play a critical role in assessing and monitoring the overall validity of the organization as a business enterprise. The given analysis will primarily focus on evaluating the financial condition of Costco Wholesale Corporation on the basis of...

Renegotiation of Solar Power Purchase Agreements

Project cost and funding mix A French oil company enters the fast-growing Spanish market through its subsidiary Total Solar International through agreements with Powertis and Solarbay Renewable Energy to develop 2 GW of generating capacity. According to France’s Total entered the Spanish solar market with two deals. (n.d.), the cost...

International Expansion and Ethical Values

The difference between international and global corporations is essential to consider in the business environment. While an international corporation is defined as a company that operates in at least two different countries, a global corporation is involved in the market of several world countries (Abraham, 2012). In addition, international corporations...

Probability in Orgaman’s Decision-Making Processes

Nowadays, many companies face difficulties in decision-making processes, as, due to severe market competition and COVID-influenced recessed economies, the cost of mistakes becomes incredibly high. To offset the possible negative implications of wrong decisions on the company, more and more managers rely on statistical data to help them make the...

How an Effective Supply Chain Promotes Competitive Advantage

The robust supply chain can enable companies to outperform their competitors by obtaining their products faster, safer, and lower costs in a highly competitive business world. BASF, a global chemical company, emphasizes several aspects as critical drivers of their successful supply chain. Namely, they stress the importance of digitization, business...

Team Management of Arctic Mining Consultants

The case compiled by McShane and Neale (2021) introduces the issue of poor team management caused by internal conflicts in Arctic Mining Consultants, a firm involved in mining activities. Given the current challenges, Tom Parker, as a field technician and coordinator, should do everything possible to create an environment of...

Apple: Future Employment Opportunities

Introduction After the release of the world’s first iPhone back in 2007, it instantly became a sensation. The company managed to make a breakthrough, so the new model and its descendants were guaranteed success. I myself am an active user of Apple technology, which is why I chose to consider...

Consumer Decision-Making Process

Consumer behavior, as well as factors influencing purchasing decisions, is what the marketing strategy of most companies is based on. The purchasing decision-making process includes several stages: problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, actual purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior (Qazzafi, 2019). The first stage, problem recognition, begins with the buyer’s...

Aspects of Capital Budgeting Practice

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is used to approximate the profitability of possible investments. The discount rate, which makes Net Profit Value (NPV) zero, is IRR. Note IRR is the annual return rate that equates NPV to zero. The higher the IRR, the investment will be more desirable. To calculate...

Analysis of Disney Business Strategies

Disney’s ongoing success, which has a significant history, can be attributed to the company’s expertise in diversification, which accumulates value. The strategies that contribute to Disney’s current state as an industry leader were first implemented by current CEO Michael Eisner beginning as early as 1984 (Rukstad et al., 2009). These...

Organizational Change Against Discrimination: The Case of Amazon

Introduction Organizational change can become a necessary process for any organization. As the company develops and enters the global market, it is bound to encounter specific events and requirements demanding that the current procedures are altered. In this regard, ascertaining the external factors influencing the corporation, possible barriers, the readiness...

Bujagali Hydro Power Plant Project in Uganda

Project cost and funding mix According to the World Bank (2018), the project was a public-private partnership between: The private project sponsors include Industrial Promotion Services (Kenya) Ltd. and Sithe Global. The Government of Uganda. Multilateral and bilateral development agencies. Commercial lenders, including Absa Capital and Standard Chartered Bank. Total...

Issue of Toxic Leadership

Toxic managerial behavior harms organizations by making workers worry more about surviving in the office jungle than the actual work tasks at hand. These behaviors include humiliation, devaluation, blaming others for their mistakes, bullying, and aggression (Senge, 2006). This can also manifest itself in the gaslighting form, a type of...

Finding a New Leader for Beauty Skin Unlimited

Introduction. Industry The industry chosen is skincare products with the appropriate name. They offer a wide variety of beauty and skincare products used for basic skincare, health-related skincare, and professional cosmetology uses. The business operates both in retail and direct-to-business sales, most of them occurring regionally. The company products are...

Environment-Oriented Approach in Consumer Decisions

Air pollution, global warming, deforestation, and other environmental issues have become major in modern life due to the rising negative effects of humans’ influence on nature. According to the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), 16 of the 17 warmest years due to the record happened to be from 2001 to...

Leadership: Making Difficult Decisions

Jeffrey Stephen Wiegand is an American biochemist and former vice president of research and development at Brown & Williamson. Wiegand became known as a whistleblower when he appeared on the CBS 60 Minutes program and claimed that Brown & Williamson had intentionally manipulated its tobacco blend to enhance the nicotine...

Accounting Software for Business

QuickBooks QuickBooks is noted to be an especially well-liked piece of software for small businesses. Among its benefits is the use of cloud storage and a compatibility with third party applications. In addition, the app is also perfect for beginners, offering a combination of flexibility and accessibility hard to compare...

Rosia Montana Gold and Silver Mining Project in Romania

Project cost and funding mix According to the S.C. Roşia Montană Gold Corporation S.A (n.d.), the principal company shareholders are the state-owned mining company Compania Naţională a Cuprului, Aurului şi Fierului “MINVEST” S.A. Deva (former Regia Autonomă a Cuprului Deva, until 1998), with 19.31%, Gabriel Resources Ltd. based in Canada,...

Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services

Reflecting on the chapter on ethics and other professional responsibilities for human service workers provides valuable insight on how ethics codes are critical to a productive and correction provision of services. It is important to note that ethical behaviors can be manifested in legal, ethical, and moral perspectives (Summers, 2016)....

Indorama Eleme Fertilizer and Chemicals Project

Project cost and funding mix According to Wapmuk (2021), the project cost of the Indorama Eleme Fertilizer & Chemicals Limited is USD 1.2 billion. The total debt financing is USD 800 million, and equity financing is USD 400 million. The main subjects of the financing were the International Finance Corporation...

Selling Company’s Products & Services Successfully

Choosing the proper channels, strategies, and marketing and promotional approaches is key to successfully selling any company’s products or services. This choice depends on many internal and external factors and circumstances that the company needs to consider to get a return on its investment and gain audience interest. These factors...

Tesla’s Competitive Advantage

Tesla is a world-famous American company that produces electric cars and solutions for storing electrical energy. Today, it is one of the world’s best-selling manufacturers of electric cars. Additionally, Tesla has one of the best, competent, and visionary leader. Through his actions, the organization effectively unites, distributes, and concentrates efforts...

Automation of Accounting Systems: Employability of Welsh Graduates

Abstract This paper confirmed the high organizational transformability of accounting, but it did not prove the real problem of replacing human labor. The key emphasis of the study, unequivocally reflecting its brief essence, was recognizing the idea of a change in the role of the accountant over the past decades....

Product Life Cycle and Marketing Strategies

Introduction The modern market for goods and services is notably diverse. A particular management model is needed to properly control sales and increase the effectiveness of the marketing strategy. One of the fundamental points of this method is the product life cycle, which considers the different stages of the product’s...

Kraft Singles: Targeting the Millennials

Strengths will help attract Kraft Singles to its target audience: millennials and millennial moms. The strengths of Kraft Singles include financial investments and statements. Kraft Singles is a very wealthy company with many years of experience. They have had plenty of time to accumulate capital, and now it is easier...

Data Analytics and Its Application to Management

The role of the collection of data and its subsequent analysis in the industry is as big as ever. Specifically, it pertains to the managerial field – where the quality and nature of a decision can greatly alter the company’s vector of growth and development. The usage of big data...

Analysis of Ben & Jerry’s Company

Ben & Jerry’s has a reputation as a socially responsible company. They try to combine, at first glance, difficult compatible things: to prosper financially and take care of people. They do not describe themselves as a vast conglomerate, striving only to earn more and more money every year. They, first...

Presentation of SNHU Pet Supply Company

Introduction: Team Management The organization requires a strong team management to prosper. The four areas that requires improvement include: Leadership and management Followership Decision- making models Emotional intelligence Leadership and Management Rewarding the employees as a motivational factor Enhancing the skills of the employees Creating an innovative environment Establishing a...

The Cost of Quality Technique: Role in an Organization

The cost of quality is a technique for estimating the expenses businesses spend to ensure that their products satisfy regulatory standards, including the costs of manufacturing items that do not. The objective of cost of quality calculation is to better understand how quality affects the company’s financial performance. In general,...

Leadership and Personal Philosophy of Management

Introduction In order to become a leader in the modern world, it is not enough to be well educated and good at organizing people and processes. Finding the right team lead or senior manager for recruiters and HR managers is challenging. Companies need not just a competent person, but someone...

The Business Proposal for Studio 305

My business idea is a night club called Studio 305 which is to be located in Brickell – the financial center of Miami, Florida. Studio 305 is to be based on the legendary Studio 54 disco format circa 1977 – 1980. Brickell is often referred to as Manhattan of the...

International Marketing News

It has been reported that the international market is now facing division, with the governments putting much concern on supporting households and businesses that price regime. Even though freeing subsidies would have offered relief that government reserves desperately need, keeping them affects the economies and the climate. The global shares...

The Army as a Profession of Arms

Introduction Human Resource Sergeants possess one of the varied roles in the military, and they should be capable of changing quickly in order to stay relevant. Human Resource Sergeants are the leader’s and troops’ direct lines of communication. Describing the essence of Human Resource in the Army, the paper is...

Workplace Disputes: Conflicts Between the Employee and the Employer

Workplace disputes are unpleasant, but unavoidable, and affect the overall atmosphere of the team. Workflows must be transparent and easy for employees to understand. If business processes are clearly defined, there is no room for confusion – the organization works smoothly. Because Diana had problems understanding the situation, a protracted...

Strategic (SWOT) Analysis: Advantages and Applications

I strictly adhere to the opinion that the SWOT analysis system can be applied in all areas. The media and automotive manufacturing will be no exception. According to Gurl (2017), SWOT is a tool used for strategic planning and strategic management in organizations, which consists of its own subsystems of...

Is “Ethics and Economics” an Oxymoron?

The idea that economics is thoroughly divorced from ethics has been disturbingly persistent among general audiences. While the premises for the specified assumption could be seen as understandable given the multiple examples of global companies engaging in dishonest practices to multiply their benefits, economics should be seen as inseparable from...

Aspects of Leadership Challenges

The world is constantly changing, and this poses new challenges for the military leadership of today. Apart from the cultural challenges and the challenges presented by the new advances and technologies, there are several other important dimensions related to leadership. One of the challenges is defining and describing in detail...

The Waterfall and the Agile Methodologies for Application Development: Differences

Creating and developing an application is a multistep and complex process that requires knowledge and a particular scheme. Different approaches and strategies are used to create efficient and operable software successfully. Methodologies help to plan out the whole software development life-cycle, and each method promotes different aspects of the work....

Aspects of Zappos’ Corporate Culture

Zappos’ corporate culture is built on 10 core principles that are a priority for the company. The main principle of the company is to deliver WOW through service, which emphasizes the people and customer-centered approach. Additionally, the company strives to drive change, create a little weirdness and fun, be creative...

Relational Solutions Inc.’s Accommodating Employees with Disabilities

Accommodating employees with disabilities represents a unique challenge, even in the current era of multiple technological advancements and digital aids. As the case study under analysis demonstrates, the failure to address the needs of staff members with health disparities affects the general performance levels of a company to a spectacular...

Apple Desktop Mini Product Marketing Plan

Executive Summary This marketing plan presents the M1 Mac Mini, a revolutionary Mac desktop, the innovative product created by Apple company, which develops and sells computer technology. The company has a long history of development and improvement, and today, Apple products are the most expected, sold out, and recognizable among...

Multicultural Issues in the Workplace

Multicultural issues are quite an essential topic for discussion. This is mainly due to the development of concepts such as diversity and inclusion. An increasing number of employers are ready to hire representatives of different cultures and traditions. However, this factor can also affect the occurrence of various issues related...

Foreign Market Entry of Electronic Food Delivery Service in Nigeria

Executive Summary This report outlines the marketing mix strategy for an online-based food delivery service in Nigeria. Similar products have gained extreme popularity in developed countries, and this tendency was further supported by the COVID-19 restrictions. Under these circumstances, the public has grown to acknowledge the unquestionable benefits and convenience...

Dividend Policy at Linear Technology

The M&M theory is used to guide the management of corporates of all sizes: large, medium, and small-scale. The theory proposes that company value should not be affected by its capital structure. It implies that the company’s revenues, profits, and other financial metrics should not be influenced by its value...

Marketing Communication Strategy for a Guest House

Introduction Hosting a guest house in a small town requires a well-designed marketing strategy to attract guests and establish profitability. Marketing for the low-involvement buying process requires developing a marketing strategy that includes objectives. Objectives and strategy implementation steps should be accurate and easy to measure for performance. Low-involvement Buying...

How to Motivate Your Team to Achieve Business Goals

High achievement is my primary motivation driver at the workplace. I measure my success against completed tasks, met expectations, and new responsibilities that challenge my skills. Although meaningful relationships at work are essential, I consider these relationships as resources that should help achieve individual or group targets. These relationships are...

Evolutionary Cycles and Strategic Leadership

It is quite natural for any company to experience business cycles due to the constant need for progress and introduction of new ideas into the organizational setting. Although an evolutionary cycle also implies that every company will have to face its eventual decline, it represents the natural order of development...

Klean Kanteen’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

With the current threat of Global warming, companies need to participate more in CSR activities. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to a company’s self-regulated initiatives to help society in caring for the environment (Robbins & Judge, 2018). This paper aims at examining the CSR activities of Klean Kanteen company, and...

HypothetiCo: Scale Challenge Logic Problem

In this situation, it is required to identify an item that differs from the rest of the beams for a limited number of scales using. The search for a solution in this case is carried out by comparing operations, however, not only single elements, but also groups of elements with...

Comcast Company in Telecommunications Industry

Defining the Industry The industry of telecommunications has evolved significantly over the course of the last two centuries. From the telegraph to 3D television and virtual reality, there had been quite a few substantial steps forward that defined the industry and allowed numerous manufacturers to ride the wave of innovation...

Aspects of Ethical Leadership

Introduction Transformational and transactional leaders can have a positive impact on corporate culture. Employee satisfaction is sought by transactional leaders through bargaining, or “bartering,” for desired behaviors. Transformational leaders inspire others by instilling a sense of purpose, encouraging new thinking, and improving and creating learning opportunities. Through a shared vision...

FindDreamJob Ltd.’s Advice to College Students

FindDreamJob Ltd. offers advice to college students who are considering their career options. Therefore, as a company representative, I would like to discuss the career outlook of Information Clerks based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and provide my findings and recommendations. The employment prospects are promising because overall...

Al-Juneidy Dairy Factory’s Operational Processes Recommendations

Basic Information About Al-Juneidy Dairy Factory Al-Juneidy is a dairy factory specializing in processing milk products such as ghee and yogurt and selling whole milk. They are a mid-sized firm and face stiff competition from other brands, but the market share and demand are enough for all competitors to stay...

Business and Economics: Professional Development

Self-managed learning entails self-directed learning, action learning, and self-development. In 1978, Ian Cunningham defined the term self-managed learning and since then it has gained popularity among students who until today are increasingly adopting the concept (Serpis et al., 2017). The approach is divided into two different aspects; the first one...

The Role of Attitudes for Organizational Membership

More and more current companies feel the need for ethical behavior. This way of communication eliminates unnecessary tension and struggle in the team and contributes to accelerating many issues through quality communication contacts. An attitude is an evaluated statement closely intertwined with organizational behavior that conveys specific feelings and influences...

Sustainability’s Role in the Company’s Operations

This essay address three ways where sustainability plays a part in the operations and function of H&M compared to Zara and other fast-fashion companies. In recent years sustainability has been a necessary condition for the function of companies. H&M actively applies it in its production and operation. Firstly, the company...

Lee’s Eatery Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy The target population for Lee’s eatery will be mostly the middle-aged population of, men and women. Such a choice is conditioned by the eatery’s location: the highly developed district where the business centers’ cafeterias provide low-quality food for clerks. Thus, workers will visit the nearby restaurant to get...

Zappos Firm’s Adoption of Holacracy and Its Impact

In 2013, Zappos which is an apparel retailer, announced that it was shifting its organizational structure a more fluid, less hierarchical form known as Holacracy (Nisen, 2013). The principle of Holacracy is that it eliminates traditional hierarchy by essentially removing all position titles, managers, and other means of subordination. Instead,...

Merck’s Pharmaceutical Company Ethical Dillema

The scale of the ethical dilemma raised by Merck’s management and scientists is defined by two outcomes. The pharmaceutical company could either have invested money in an entirely economically unsound project, showing goodwill and corporate responsibility for the eighteen million patients from poor regions suffering from onchocerciasis. On the other...

Downsizing as Unethical Pricing in Business

Downsizing mainly affects those above 40-year-old as well as loyal consumers of the affected brands. This type of consumer finds it difficult to change their brand due to a lack of trust in other brands. In addition, some of these consumers do not realize the downsizing, and in case of...

Implementation E-Strategy: Amazon

Introduction Strategic business planning consists of several branches that provide direction for the business and address issues related to supply and demand. E-strategy is a set of influences aimed at creating good e-commerce. In the last 2-3 years, the physical demand has decreased significantly due to different factors: pandemic, development...

Data Gap Analysis in America’s Community Bankers

A massive volume of data needs to be specially handled in almost any organization when tapping value to be used in decision-making. This paper mainly explores how big data found in organizations should be used for it to be an essential input when making decisions (Sill 2016). The document explains...

EHang Passenger Drones’ Marketing Plan

Executive summary Automated aerial vehicles (AAV), also known as drones that were previously used only in military operations, gained increased popularity worldwide in civic life. EHang, located in Guangzhou, China, is one of the first and most successful intelligence technology companies that has been producing AAVs for various purposes since...

Market Structure of Limited-Service Restaurant Industry

A low concentration ratio of the limited-service restaurant industry demonstrates that there is no monopoly in this market. It denotes that many firms have relatively the same shares in the market, and evident dominant players are absent. This information allows for supposing that pure competition is found in this industry,...

Experiential Learning of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Introduction Studying entrepreneurship in higher education is both practical and theoretical research shows that one must employ experiential knowledge and go through the process called “learning by doing”. To many, it is a new phenomenon in a large field of inquiry that has enhanced new skills and knowledge in innovation...

Employee Displacement with New Technology

The idea of replacing humans with quality operating machines and destroying today’s globally perceived patterns of social hierarchy has now become one of the most widely used within the industry of popular culture. Thus, when being constantly triggered by near-apocalyptic predictions for the future of civilization, people unquestionably become terrified...

Banyan Tree Company’s Growth Potential & Strategic Segments

Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts was established in Singapore as a family business. Having reviewed the case of Banyan Tree, one can conclude that the managers of this business have done everything to adjust to a rapidly changing environment. Focusing on an “innovative niche product” and creating a “sanctuary of...

Aspects of Error Culture

At present, the company’s willingness to change quickly and adapt to the market requirements has become crucial in corporate culture. There are several critical points in building an effective organizational structure that can quickly adapt to the market situation. One of them is error culture, which affects the company’s performance....

The Worst Power Outage in North American History

The United States and Canada had the worst power outage in North American history on August 14, 2003. A large power outage struck sections of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada, affecting around 50 million people. The outage was caused by a breakdown of monitoring and diagnostic systems of...

Choosing Markets for Production and Sales

Introduction Any business entity pursues the goal of minimizing costs, while making the most profit. As Buckley and Casson (2019) write, “any general theory of international business must also analyze the external environment and internal structure” (p. 1424). The external environment determines how successful companies will be in selling, while...

Accounting Only Serves the Users’

Introduction Accounting is an essential field that is designed with the intent of keeping track of a company’s finances and possibly changing a business strategy in case the results are unsatisfactory. While it is inevitable that every business deals with transactions, which is why accounting is absolutely necessary, it is...

Entrepreneurial Networking and Relationship Capital

In the modern business environment, entrepreneurial networking and relationship capital have already attracted particular attention. Therefore, this work aims to examine the importance of these concepts. In general, entrepreneurial networking refers to the formal or informal organisation of entrepreneurs to increase the effectiveness of their businesses’ activities (Das and Goswami,...

The Luus Project Management Plan and Analysis

Project Summary This project aims to enter the American market with the Australian catering company Luus. The project has various quantitative and qualitative objectives. First, it is necessary to go to the California region, impose competition on American Range, build a warehouse and service center, and achieve $500,000 in sales...

Decision Models for Management Course Exercises

Abstract Self-assessments allowed students to understand what strengths and weaknesses they have. This is necessary in order to get to know themselves more deeply, as well as to assess how effective they will be in their work. Specifically, me, the exercises helped to pay more focused attention to how significant...

Cultures in International Business: Theme Park in Indonesia

Culture is the way of living characterized by the norms, values, and beliefs people have towards a certain perspective. There is a variation of cultures depending on the region and the ethnic and background aspects. The first cultural mistake that the Walt Disney Company (WDC) made was to incorporate the...

The Role of Ethical Decision-Making in Business

Background Ethical dilemmas constantly occur in organizations and workplaces regardless of the industry and the size of an organization. They may differ significantly in terms of values, which are in conflict, or parties, which are at stake. Therefore, it may be essential to introduce a comprehensive approach to the decision-making...

Workforce Demographics, Diversity and Inclusion

Workforce dynamics are key determinants for the productivity of a given line of work in any country. There have been major changes in the economy not only in the U.S. but also in other parts of the world, which has led to demographic changes, posing challenges in the employment sector....

Proper Segmentation for Effective Marketing

Naturally, for effective marketing performance, it is vital to choose the targeted audience that could be interested in the product based on the demographics, age, and needs. The segmentation method is designed to form the advertising strategy for each chosen group to achieve fruitful outcomes (Thomas, 2021). That is why...

Lee’s Eatery Firm’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction Lee is the owner of Lee’s Eatery that is located in the city center. This report is an analysis of the basic components of the business’s marketing strategy. Part 1 covers the market-oriented mission statement for the business. Part 2 entails a comprehensive situation analysis, including organization strengths and...

Understanding of the Leadership Process

Background Leadership can be defined, essentially, as a type of management interaction based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation. In any case present, leader’s actions should be aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. It follows from this definition that leadership...

Army Leadership and Command Authority

Introduction Leadership and discipline are the most critical qualities necessary for army service. The Department of the Army (2019, p. 13) defines leadership as “the activity of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization”. These aspects are essential to army service...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing After Economic Downturn

Coca-Cola is the largest non-alcoholic beverage and one of the two most strong beverage brands. The soda industry has been hit hard by the economic downturn, and exchange rates have affected major soda brands’ earnings in the aftermath of the recession. This is because of the rising popularity of healthy...

Nonprofits: Private Foundations & Public Charities

Introduction The nonprofit sector of the US economy is considerably large, with a variety of organizations working to achieve their particular aims and goals. Providing assistance to the public is usually the main goal of any nonprofit organization, but distinctions can be made regarding the particular organization, funding and structure...