Southwest vs. United Airlines’ Corporate Culture

Introduction The organizational culture plays an integral part of any successful company as it is an important strategic factor mobilizing all the structural units of the company and each employee individually to achieve the established goals within the framework of the declared mission of the company. The organizational culture determines...

Electrical Engineers: Career Development

Nature and Causes of the Problem When analyzing the situation for determining any serious issue in the department of human resources, Mr. Sweeney found out that the turnover of electrical engineers was quite high. As soon as any work opportunities appear, engineers leave the job to improve their working conditions....

Product Quality Management Flow Chart

Introduction The process of promoting a product, in general, and a new technological brand, in particular, is a complicated task that needs a lot of attention to detail and understanding of how a team of experts needs to be managed. Having a part-time job involving the enhancement of the product...

Bre-X Minerals Company’s Gold Mining in Indonesia

How Differences in Political Environments Impact Operations in Global Markets The case study “Busang (A): River of Gold” for Harvard Business Review explored the opportunities and challenges of gold mining in Indonesia by a Canadian mining firm Bre-X Minerals (led by David Walsh) as well as recommended appropriate solutions for...

Dorchester’s Expansion: Targeting Global Markets

Introduction Background Dorchester has been rather efficient in the selected area, i.e., the field of electronics. Located in the United States, the organization has been growing successfully over the past few years and seems to have reached the stage at which it has to expand through acquisitions. The significance of...

Debating the Necessity of Ethical Business Practices: Essential or Optional?

Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many corporate spokespersons and social scientists to suggest that companies are inheritably interested in conducting business ethically, as the main precondition for them to remain competitive (Melville-Ross 2013). In its turn, this implies that ethical business is not only optional but also essential....

Optimizing LEGO’s Online Marketing with Social Media & VR Innovations

Introduction Successful online marketing requires the ability to deploy digital media tools successfully to establish a strong bond with all types of customers. For the LEGO Group, the specified objective is crucial to the firm’s further success in the global market. Therefore, the LEGO Group will have to incorporate all...

“End This Corporate Welfare” by Chris Rufer

The Op- Ed writings about Corporate Welfare are interesting reading. The writer, Chris Rufer, founded The Morning Star Company. The company has a workforce of not less than 2,000 workers. It deals with processing and agri-business. He started the company in the year 1970. At that time, he used to...

Women CEOs: Impact on Performance and Investor Behavior

Summary Women in developed economies have succeeded in harnessing opportunities at the top hierarchy levels in organizations, and this has been facilitated by their persistence to access quality education and compete with their male counterparts. As more women take over chief executive officer (CEO) positions and other positions that give...

Evaluating Measurement Systems for Repeatability and Reproducibility in Research

The significance of reproducibility and repeatability of a measurement system can hardly be overrated; serving as the means to comply with the same quality According to a recent study, the promotion of repeatability in the setting of an organization, particularly, as far as its production process is concerned, helps maintain...

Jaguar and Tata Companies’ Strategic Planning

Nature of Strategic Management Description of the company Jaguar is a profit-oriented international organization that deals in automotives in different countries. Over the years, the organization has faced several challenges, which are either based on management or strategic planning. Since the aim of every company is to progress and obtain...

Analyzing Digital vs. Traditional Metrics in Online Advertising: Key Findings

Introduction As internet use continues to increase, digital channels are emerging as dominant sources of competition. However, the main problem that arises from the use of digital marketing is the lack of analogousness between digital metrics and traditional metrics. Thus, it is hard to determine their effectiveness using the same...

Operations Management in the American Workplace: Key Concepts and Practices

The emphasis that Gallup placed on the significance of the emotional engagement of the staff members, though represented by the author as the revelation about the current concept of employee performance enhancement, was quite expected as it aligned with the contemporary idea of managing operations in the entrepreneurial environment. Indeed,...

Lilybird Digital: Embracing E-Commerce

Reason for Seeking New Markets Members of the European Union are feeling the impact of China’s growing economic power. The Chinese market is expanding. However, European companies are still struggling to discover the competitive advantage necessary to earn a profit. There are several reasons why European brands are unable to...

Uber Company’s Business Management Critical Issues

Introduction Technological transformations and innovations characterize modern societies. Christensen, Horn, and Johnson (2011) explain that several companies in the modern world employ new ideas, creativity, and critical thinking so that they can initiate new products or modify existing ones. Remarkably, innovation is a concept that enables organizations to develop new...

Cross-Cultural Human Resource Management: Work-Life Balance

Introduction In any organisation, the HR department has the objective of handling issues that relate to employees. Functional responsibilities of the HRM include training and development, recruitment and selection, employee conflict resolution, deriving employee motivation and job satisfaction programmes, and taking active roles in the establishment of remuneration programmes (Kramar...

In-Depth Look at USC Program Marketing: Strategies and Outcomes

Background The University of South California (USC) intends to market the diplomacy program in China to draw more foreign students. This report presents a proposal on how the university can realize international strategic marketing. It is worth noting that educational institutions, like any other business, require financing for long term...

Understanding Why SBA Loans Attract Prepayment Penalties

The U.S. economy has been the world’s largest economy for the last 142 years. It holds this position courtesy of the innovativeness and creativity of the American people coupled with strong government-initiated support systems, which foster advancement in all realms of the economy. A good example of the initiatives taken...

The Kroger Co.’s Diversity and Recruitment Strategy

Abstract The Kroger Company refers to the discrimination-and-fairness paradigm that is not appropriate to promote the diversity vision and effective inclusion practices in the organization. However, the company aims to follow the principles characteristic for the access-and-legitimacy model. In this context, the current report provides the summary and analysis of...

Analyzing the Chess Girls DC Organization: Structure and Impact

Introduction Chess Girls DC can be attributed to non-profit organizations that promote youth involvement in cultural development. The organization was established by Robin Floyd-Ramson in 2013 to engage girls in playing chess. The key mission of this organization that contains less than 200 members is to develop a sense of...

Aligning Human Resource Management Goals with Corporate Objectives

Build a Better Board Public assessment of company boards has risen to unprecedented levels. Nevertheless, they are mainly centered on short-term gains, not sufficient for lasting planning. The four goals that all corporations ought to consider are diversity, a long-term strategy, executive compensation, and technology. Many companies fail in the...

Company X: Improvement of Communication and Promotion

Introduction: Company X Background Company X has been operating in the environment of a retail business or quite long. After gaining the experience of five years of consistently hard work, the leaders of the entrepreneurship assumed that it had warranted an entry into the global market and the design of...

Management Practices at Peterson Industries Company: Analysis and Recommendations

Running a large company presents a lot of challenges to the administration and management team. Some firms can cope with the pressure, but others fail to do so. The example of management at Peterson Industries leaves some lessons to learn. In terms of planning, the company gives a seemingly positive...

Project Funding and Sources Management

Abstract The main sources of funding available for a project are bank overdraft/loan, share capital and retained earnings. These sources have different risks and benefits such as high-interest rate, repayment period, and availability. The benefits of joint-venture are shared risks and larger capital contribution. The risks are reduced returns and...

Global Strategic Business Plan in International Business

Going global is a common practice in international business. It has proved to be beneficial for winning new markets and increasing revenues. However, expanding business requires a thorough investigation of the background in the host country and designing an accurate strategic plan including communicational barriers, leadership styles, and motivational systems,...

Pro Forma Financial Statements: Key Transactions & Objectives

Introduction The Pro – forma financial statements are often prepared in advance of major transactions. Some of the transactions that require Pro – forma financial statements are starting of a business, capital investment projects, alteration of the capital structure of the business, acquisition, and merger among other transactions. The Pro...

Managing Human Resources: Key Strategies for Effective Personnel Development

Introduction The objectives of the HR department within any organisation include handling issues that relate to employees. Functional responsibilities of the HRM in an organisation comprise training and development, recruitment and selection, employee conflict resolution, driving employee motivation and job satisfaction programmes, and taking active roles in the establishment of...

Business Impact Analysis of CO-MAC Company: Key Findings and Recommendations

Company Overview Co-Mac is a relatively small company that provides specialized building hardware, such as fasteners, latches, construction locks, straps, supports, and more. The merchandise is imported from a variety of suppliers and distributors and is sold in a regional niche market. Being the first to arrive at this specialized...

Amazon’s Transportation and Logistics Department

Amazon is one of the top e-commerce companies selling products to people irrespective of their geographic locations. The company has long relied on the services of delivery companies such as FedEx or UPS (D’Onfro, 2015). This reliance sometimes had quite adverse effects as some deliveries were delayed, which could be...

Employee Conflict Resolution and Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace

Any workplace represents an environment where many people have to interact with one another; as a result, due to the overlapping interests, diverse values, and clashing needs, there is a high possibility of conflicts between employees (Carter, 2015). Some of such conflicts can be resolved with the help of internal...

Huawei’s Strategic Growth and Global Success

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. was founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei in Shenzhen, China, and in three decades has grown from a small start-up to one of the largest technology giants in the world. Due to this incredible success, the company has won the status of a dynamic, innovative, rapidly...

Regal Marine Company Strategies and Competition

Product life cycle explains the life of a product in a given market. This is done in relation to sales measures and various business costs. Products have a life cycle because they pass through various stages. This is in relation to sales and it implies that a product has a...

Advanced Technology Investment Company Performance Improvement

Brief Description of Project Topic The problem is the need to improve performance of the Advanced Technology Investment Company, which is based in the UAE. In the last couple of years, the transformation process of the Advanced Technology Investment Company has been remarkable. According to many experts, the ability of...

Sandpearl Resort Spa: A Company’s and Industry’s Analysis

Introduction The coherent society could be characterized by the great attention given to the fulfillment of peoples needs for entertainment. The rise of the quality of life and the evolution of consumer society preconditioned the increased importance of the creation of various facilities that would be able to satisfy customers...

The Histories of Apple Store and Microsoft Store: Evolution and Impact

Background of Apple Stores The first Apple retail store was opened in Virginia, in 2001, in the context of a new business strategy promoted by Steve Jobs in response to a conflict with retailers, including the US retailing chain CompUSA (Martellaro, 2016). The focus was on creating a team of...

Global Strategies of Multinational Corporations: Insights and Analysis

Introduction There are many multinational companies in the modern world. However, they have not always been that popular. To become global, they implemented specific strategies that made their services or products important for people from different parts of the planet. The following paper is intended to discuss and identify why...

Candy Crush Business Model Analysis

Introduction It generates high income through in-app purchases (IAP) and applies a price discrimination strategy to enable it to charge customers above the marginal cost. The business models target a large client base of online or smartphone mobile users giving them games for free. Candy crash creates short, addictive candy-puzzles...

Marketing Principles in “The TED Talk” by Seth Godin

The TED talk prepared by Seth Godin reveals the reasons why some things are not done appropriately. The work of this entrepreneur and blogger can be used in the framework of marketing to explain both successes and failures. During promotion and advertising, a mistake can be made in the printed...

Richmond Plastics Company’s Product Pricing Strategy

Introduction A firm has to determine the price to charge for its products and services to remain competitive in the market. Thus, it is essential to develop an appropriate pricing strategy based on the competitors’ prices and the demand for the product or service in the market (Best, 2005). The...

Enhancing Staff Performance in Global Markets: Cultural Dimensions

Executive Summary Focusing on the enhancement of the staff’s quality performance is essential for any organization, particularly, the ones that operate in the context of the global market. Promoting an increase in the performance of the employees operating in a diverse environment is especially significant as the multicultural context creates...

Business Writing Essentials: Crafting Effective Letters, Memos, and Emails

Business Writing Steps (Pringle & O’Keefe, 2003) Communication plays a pivotal role in all facets of life. As such, it is always important to consider various factors in order to ensure that the message being communicated is received and understood. While writing any communication within an organization, the following steps...

Conflict Resolution Styles in Healthcare: Improving Team Dynamics

Introduction Conflict is a common occurrence in the workplace. Despite the improvements both in the theoretical understanding of the issue and practical techniques intended for effective conflict management, it remains a significant detrimental factor in the field of health care. The current paper explores the modern theories of change, conflict,...

Service Advisory Partnerships Entrepreneurship: Consultancy Firm Growth

Back Ground Information of SAP Entrepreneurship Service Advisory Partnerships Entrepreneurship is a consultancy firm focusing on offering advisory services to local businesses. This firm was started in the year 2006 as a partnership business by three individuals whose professions were entirely on business ventures. Starting as a small business, this...

Innovations in Business Success: Diagnosing Greatness by Morgan Swink

Introduction Financial innovation and its impact and has become a wide range topic at all levels of management and in the society as a whole. Financial innovation outlines new measures and ideas that come into place. It is aimed at improving trading techniques, supply chain systems and access to financial...

Artistry, Choice, and Leadership in Organizations: Critical Perspectives

Management plays a major role in the success of every organization. The growth trend that an organization takes is attributed by the type of the management system used to run the organization. Management approaches differ depending on the manager’s perception and the level of exposure. According to Bolman and Deal...

Internal Auditing and Corporate Governance

Introduction Businesses are faced with different forms of risks originating from internal and external sources. For example, employees may be involved in fraudulent activities, hence affecting the organisation’s financial stability. Secondly, firms’ financial stability may be affected by economic changes such as the occurrence of financial crises (Anand 2007). Such...

Impact of Oil and Gas Industry in Canada: Economic and Environmental Perspectives

The Canadian oil and gas industry has attracted a lot of attention from policymakers, environmentalists and the wider public because of its positive and negative impacts on the economy (The Royal Society of Canada, 2010). Traditionally, this industry has been the biggest revenue generator for the government (Britton & Canadian...

Understanding Statistical Process Control for Sustained Improvements in Quality Management

Statistical Process Control The title of the process is self-explanatory; as a rule, the statistical process control incorporates the array of statistical tools that permit monitoring the essential processes and quantify the outcomes thereof so that a detailed analysis of the changes in the product quality could be determined easily....

Skrill Limited Company: Leadership and Management

Introduction Skrill is an e-commerce business that allows its customers to make payments through the internet. This financial firm was founded on July 27, 2001, under the name Moneybookers. It targeted customers in the European Union during the early days. The firm offered its clients a unique payment method that...

Reaching Specific Tiers of U.S. Society: DeKalb Chamber’s Success

Introduction Attracting new supporters with the help of modern media is a tricky task mostly because of the fact that modern media is open to practically everybody. As a result, reaching out for a specific tier of the U.S. society becomes rather complicated. However, as the case of DeKalb’s Chamber...

Strategic Planning: Internal and External Factors

Introduction Strategic planning is used to guide an organization during times of change. The plan applies external environments like the industrial environment and the economy. It creates concepts that strive to create an environment of healthy competition. It also comes up with ways of coming up with funding for projects,...

Conflict Resolution Strategies and Organizational Behavior

The phenomenon of organizational conflict and its impact on the performance of organizations has generated increasing attention from organizational scholars especially after the realization that organizations are ever more subject to conflicting demands imposed by a multiplicity of factors arising from both internal and external operating environments. Liebler & McConnell...

Total Remuneration Value in Companies

Helms (2006) identifies many different types of contingent workers – seasonal employees, temporary workers (or temps), part-time workers, interns, and independent contract workers. Each of these types of workers helps employers to organize their workforce more flexibly and cost-effectively. The modern companies operate in a way that forces them to...

General Electric Company’s Sales Boost Recommendations

Primary Recommendation (#1) General Electric can greatly increase revenues by tapping into the renewable energy markets of developing countries A large portion of the company’s revenues comes from developing countries, with Thailand, Algeria, Turkey, and Indonesia passing the threshold of $1 billion in recent years (Rudarakanchana, 2014). The growing rate...

Sikorsky Aircraft: Innovating Quality with Call Monitoring & Calibration

Being an innovative organization that employs the latest approaches to promote quality across its supply chain, the Sikorsky Aircraft Company has a truly stellar record of working with its clients. However, like any other firm operating in the environment of the global economy, Sikorsky Aircraft needs a consistent improvement of...

Abasco, Inc. Manufacturing Process: Reducing Waste and Improving Quality

Background: Concepts and Techniques of Service Management at Abasco, Inc. Although Abasco, Inc. has been developing at a rather fast pace in the manufacturing department, it has been showing comparatively low performance rates since recently. Therefore, a reconsideration of some of its production process elements might be reasonable. The introduction...

The Process of Conducting a Dismissal Meeting

Introduction The dismissal of an employee might be challenging and has to be carried out carefully through the consideration and follow up of the guidelines. A manager can prove to be careless and non-caring about the layoff concerns. However, the way this task is performed remains significant to both the...

Exxon Mobil’s Commitment to a Safe, Productive Workplace

Compliance Standard: Strict Substance Abuse Compliance Program Our team here at Exxon Mobil is dedicated to sustaining a safe, productive, and healthy environment for all workers. We recognize that the abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs will inevitably limit the performance of your workers as well as have...

Tenet Healthcare’s Training Plan: Effective Approaches for Skill Development

Abstract The paper provides a discussion of how the concept of intercultural competence is reflected in the mission and current training plan of Tenet Healthcare Corporation. The gaps that are observed in the current plan about the issue of intercultural competence are discussed, and the activities to address them effectively...

Chess Girls DC: Empowering Girls Through Chess Since 2013

Challenge Description Chess Girls DC is the non-profit organization that was founded in 2013 by Robin Floyd Ramson in Washington, DC. The organization seeks to inspire girls to play chess, thus developing spatial thinking skills and promoting personal development. The growth of confidence in girls is the paramount goal of...

Green Supply Chain Management and Economic Gains

Reduced Waste Disposal Costs and Production Expenses Financial resources are always used when trying to deal with waste materials from many organizations that are yet to adopt the GSCM. The first way of addressing this wastage is through the adoption of renewable energy sources. These sources are not only eco-friendly...

Boomerang Effects of Low Price Discounts

The article by Cai, Bagchi and Gauri published in Journal of Consumer Research named “Boomerang Effects of Low Price Discounts: How Low Price Discounts Affect Purchase Propensity” demonstrates that lower discounts for low priced product reduce the propensity to purchase non-essential, low priced goods (especially groceries). This paper provides a...

Blue Sky’s Integrated Marketing Communication

Terms of Reference Overview: This is a business plan for Blue Sky that sells sports clothing. Corporation: The business organization is small and growing against key competitors in the market. The Business: The business specializes in selling of all seasons sports clothing for people aged between 24 and 45 years....

XYZ Hotel’s Performance Appraisal System

Introduction Generally, performance appraisal may be used to serve various purposes including monitoring performance concerning the attainment of organisational goals, rewarding employees based on their productivity and identifying developmental gaps performance (Cleveland, Murphy and Williams, 1989). In many of the organisations, the appraisal results are used either directly or indirectly...

Leadership and Management to Achieve Organizational Objectives

Introduction The terms “leadership” and “management” have been interpreted differently by people around the world. Some say that the terms are interrelated while others claim that both terms refer to two different roles and can therefore not be interchangeable (Dorothy 2006). The word, leadership, can be termed as the process...

Topmobishops: Analyzing a Successful Social Media Campaign

TopShop is a major player in the UK’s fashion industry. The company has recorded tremendous changes in its sales and physical distribution networks. With more than 300 outlets across Europe and millions of customers returning daily, TopShop is a formidable competitor in the “affordable luxury” and “competitive price” segments of...

Leadership Assessment at Robinson Insurance Agency: Key Findings

Abstract Todd Robinson, as the president of Robinson Insurance Agency, is oriented to transition and replacement procedures associated with the human resources because of the necessity to select candidates with great leadership potential for the top managerial positions in the company. The process of developing the assessment plan depends on...

ZTE Corporation Analysis: Background and Development

Executive Summary ZTE is a Chinese multinational company that deals in telecommunication, terminals, and carrier network services. It also manufactures and distributes smartphones. The company’s headquarters is in China, and it has sales offices in over 160 countries globally. The corporation uses online retails and foreign carriers to distribute products....

Effective Organizational Models for Global Business Success

Introduction For any company to be part of a global business, a business strategy that incorporates an organizational model is essential in placing the business at a competitive edge. Doing business across national territory requires a business entity to have a model that will ensure its international operations do not...

Tanglewood Company Selection Decision Making

There is a variety of different methods of selecting the best candidates to hire. Among them there are clinical prediction, unit weighing, rational weighing and multiple hurdle selection procedure. Tanglewood leaders are searching for the optimized ways to reduce the costs of the recruitment and selection procedures and this is...

Alexander McQueen and Lane Crawford: Crafting Effective Brand Communication

Globalization provides better chances of growth and development for businesses, as it provides a wider reach of customers and more possibilities of increasing brand awareness and hopefully, patronage and loyalty. However, there also exists a likelihood of negative outcomes especially if intercultural conflicts are not resolved early. Case Study The...

Networks and Alliances in the Biotechnology Industry: Strategic Importance and Challenges

Introduction Over the past decades, the biotechnology industry has experienced enormous developments in terms of networking and strategic alliance formation. The increasing need for technological learning, innovation, and knowledge creation has triggered the necessity for inter-firm collaboration. According to Gottinger and Umali (2010), strategic collaboration involves “cooperative agreements for reciprocal...

Co-Evolutionary Gaming in Decision-Making: Enhancing Strategies

Introduction Researchers and business administrators attempt to develop models that can best support decision-making within organizations. Their main objective is to construct a framework that enables every member of the team to express his/her opinions and make valuable recommendations. In this way, they strive to improve the strategies of a...

Forecasting, Risk Management, and Decision-Making

Introduction Risk is a situation that exposes one to danger. It involves exposing a person to something that is valued to danger, loss or harm. Risk is, therefore, a threat or probability of injury, liability, damage or another negative occurrence. It is the possibility of incurring a loss or misfortune,...

Management: Needs Assessment and Preliminary Recommendations

Abstract Organizations use a needs assessment in order to correlate the organization’s goals with the organization’s needs while focusing on the employees’ current skills and the gap between the employees’ skills and the organization’s objectives. Methods of the data collection, the aspects of the data analysis, preliminary recommendations, and possible...

Developing Learning and Reflective Practice: Structured Interviews and Tools

Introduction This paper has three sections. Section 1 is a commentary on developing learning and reflective practice. It involves preparing and conducting a structured interview with a classmate to determine his learning style, coupled with suggesting a suitable development tool for him. Section 2 is a report on two companies...

Leadership vs. Management: Understanding Key Differences in Organizations

The article Issues facing management vs. leadership in public organizations discuss how management and leadership in public organizations influence their functioning and present the key differences between these two concepts. To understand what concept is more appropriate for contemporary organizational management, the differences between management and leadership need to be...

Marketing Research: Essential for Business Success

Marketing Research Marketing research is essential for all business organizations. An organization must conduct research on the sectors that they intend to expand to. Research is also conducted in order for all stakeholders to know if the organization can flourish in certain areas before funds are allocated for opening a...

Alan Mulally’s Personality and Leadership at Ford Company

Using the Big five personality dimensions, diagnose Mulally’s personality. How have these dimensions influenced his leadership at Ford? Personality is complex and varies according to different people. The big five personality dimensions are usually broad categories of personal behaviors and traits and though most of the researchers do not agree...

Walmart’s Business Strategy: Analyzing Performance and Competitive Positioning

Introduction The principal idea of everyday low pricing (EDLP) practice is the maintenance of the stable low prices of the offered products on a regular basis. This strategy is normally opposed to the “high-low” policy that implies the occasional introduction of various discounts and special sales (Boone & Kurtz 2014)....

Accor Hotel’s Marketing, Finances, Technologies

The Accor hotel is one of the leading hotels located in France and a major hotel in Europe. It also happens to be one of the third largest hotels in the world. Over the years, the hotel has been forced to align its core competencies so that it can keep...

Social Media Strategies for Compass Vacation Company: Best Practices and Insights

In order to successfully promote the product and ensure that the connection between the brand and the customers was established, the use of social media is inevitable. If the company aims to function in social media efficiently, it has to define its SMART goals and communications mission statement. Background and...

The Kroger Co.’s Diversity and Needs Analysis: Strategies for Inclusive Practices

Abstract The needs analysis plan is important to be developed in order to identify specific steps that are necessary for covering all the stages of the process and for collecting the specific information related to the selected organization. From this point, the effective needs analysis plan includes such steps as...

Easy Tour by Zeng R&D: Enhance Hospitality Services

Introduction The following is a new product development strategy and analysis that was designed by Zeng Research and Development Company. The company is developing hospitality management software for the hotels to enable easy execution of their services. The software name is the Easy Tour designed to improve tourists’ experience in...

Impact of Proper Planning Capacity on Business Success

The significance of a proper planning capacity level is essential for the success of a company (Kerzner, 2014). Once the capacity levels are too low, the company will suffer significant losses due to the inability to reach the standards that it set previously. The planning capacity that goes beyond the...

Defining Corporate Social Responsibility: Key Concepts and Impact on Society

Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many large companies in the West, to take pride in having incorporated the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into the very core of their operational philosophy. This practice, however, cannot be deemed thoroughly justified, because the main conceptual provisions of CSR happened...

Amazon’s Supply Chain and Transportation Innovations

Amazon is one of the leading companies in the e-commerce industry. The company focuses on three “customer sets” that include “consumer customers, seller customers, and developer customers” (as cited in Lee, 2012, p. 53). The company has headquarters and over 70 fulfillment centers in the USA (“Amazon Fulfillment Network,” 2017)....

Tesla Motors Company’s Competitive Advantage in 2014

Introduction Tesla motors is an American based company that manufactures electric trains and cars at affordable prices in the American, European and Asian market. Its name was adopted from an electrical engineer and physicist Nokola Tesla. This paper will discuss the competitive and financial analysis in Tesla motors. Competitive analysis...

Impacts of Copywriting on Small Businesses: Strategies for Success

Small businesses have distinct advantages that larger businesses may have sacrificed as they grew. Small businesses also have unique challenges. A major example is marketing. Ad copywriting, web content and maximizing relations with customers are all have higher stakes for a small business. Keep your smaller customer base and dependence...

Repeatability and Reproducibility in Business

Quality management and the promotion of a consistent update of the quality standards is an essential part of any company’s operations. The subject matter is especially crucial in the field where the possibility of creating defective products is especially high, such as the production of gauges, as the study carried...

Company X’s Process-Capability Ratios: Maximizing Productivity

To enter the realm of the global economy successfully, Company X needs to know its capacities, i.e., the maximum and the minimum productivity rates that it may deliver. For these purposes, the concept of the process-capability-related ratios needs to be introduced into the analysis. By locating the specified data, the...

Todd McFarlane: Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovations in the Comic Industry

A business environment has an incredible influence on the success or failure of startups; however, individual characteristics of leaders and their management styles are even more predictive of entrepreneurial outcomes. A story of Todd McFarlane, who founded several successful companies such as McFarlane Entertainment, McFarlane Production, and Image Comics, holds...

Investment Trends and Risk Analysis in Indonesia’s Mining Sector

Introduction The need to adjust to a particular political model is the factor that can hinder business development and significantly complicate the work process. If it is about the mining industry, there are limitations and established spheres of influence. Their violation can entail a rather serious responsibility. The country of...

Developing a Comprehensive Training Needs Assessment Plan for Anthem Inc.

Abstract The paper provides a discussion of four parts of the training needs assessment plan for Anthem Inc. that includes the macro-level and micro-level needs assessments. The paper describes the insurance industry in the United States with the focus on the aspect of competition, the company’s mission and vision, and...

Jide Technology’s Growth Strategy: Innovation and Market Expansion

Abstract It takes a special kind of person to become an entrepreneur. Business is full of risk and potential for failure. In order to study business, one must pay attention to the successes and failures of other entrepreneurships. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the story of Jide...

Toyota’s Principles: Technical Insights from J. Liker’s Framework

Summary In chapters 21 and 22 of “The Toyota Way,” J. Liker dwells upon Toyota’s approach to the technical principles of TPS. It states that the service sector (in terms of administrative and service operations) can gain valuable insights from this approach, particularly from the field of lean manufacturing. The...

Conflict Resolution Strategies in St. Lucie County Libraries: Challenges and Solutions

Problem Definition: Problem Resolution as the Reason for Concern A school library is an essential resource for learners and teachers alike. Containing an array of scholarly articles, books, and other resources, it enables the participants to engage in the process of data collection and acquisition of the relevant knowledge and...

Understanding Workplace Harassment and Aggression

Workplace or occupational violence including both verbal and physical aggression, harassments, abuse, threats and other acts of aggression for a long time has been a major issue in occupational safety and health practice. According to statistics collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US Department of Labor, 17%...

Organizational Culture and Business Success: Key Insights

Business success and a high level of organizational performance are usually typical of the companies with a healthy internal environment and a harmonious organizational culture. At the same time, an unhealthy internal climate can lead to a variety of problems that are likely to spread to multiple levels and produce...

Leadership Insights from a Federally Qualified Health Center: An Interview Perspective

Organizational Background Legacy is a “full-service, Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that identifies unmet needs and gaps in health-related services and develops client-centered programs to address those needs” (Legacy Community Health, 2015). It exists since the end of 20th century in the Houston area and provides the clients with a...

Clear Communication Channels: Foundation of Organizational Success

Every organization operates within set goals and objectives that guarantee its success in a competitive environment. Effective communication is responsible for ensuring an organization’s objectives and goals are met. Consequently, a functional organization seeks to ensure that the channels of communication among its staff are clear and well defined. Organizational...

Government Policy Effects on Production and Employment

Introduction The low-calorie frozen microwavable food company has an oligopoly market structure. This company plans to expand. Thus, it has to formulate long-term budgeting decisions. However, it is facing increased costs of major ingredients. Therefore, this discussion has to outline a plan that managers can follow in anticipation of the...

Ethical, Legal, Multicultural Challenges in Crisis

Unfortunate events or occurrences affect the profitability and performance of organizations (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). Stakeholders expect their respective companies to have crisis management plans to tackle such events whenever they occur. A crisis that is not properly managed draws negative ideas or perceptions from different stakeholders such as...

The Issues of International Staffing

The major focus of this research paper includes the issues of international staffing. With the development of globalization, many businesses begin to expand and hire people from abroad. Also, technological advancement drives fast progress in many industries forcing the most active competitors to seek better resources and practices (Thoo, 2013)....

Organizational Strategy for Talent Development: Needs Assessment Focus

Abstract The paper at hand provides a brief overview of the process of selecting the organizational strategy for talent development. The proposed organizational strategy puts a priority in the needs assessment element as one of the key determinants of the strategy’s efficiency. The selection of the strategy has a multi-stage...

Intercultural Competence in Healthcare: Tenet’s Training Gaps

Abstract The paper provides a discussion of intercultural competence in the healthcare industry context to determine the gaps in the approaches followed by Tenet Healthcare Corporation while training the employees. The goal of the global training and development program is also presented in the paper to identify the targets. Also,...

Offshoring: Efficient Labor Redistribution or Job Relocation?

Offshoring is one of the most controversial topics in the contemporary business domain. Since its emergence, the phenomenon has garnered recognition as a highly efficient and profitable way of labor redistribution. At the same time, concerns have been raised regarding the adverse impact of offshoring on the labor market, or,...

Supply Chain Risk Management in the Global Economy

Introduction: Supply Chain Risk Management in the Global Economy Environment Despite the fact that the reinforcement of information security and the enhancement of the data management processes is reasonably viewed as the key priority by a number of organizations at present, the improvement of the existing supply chains w and...

Understanding Supply Risk Types: Effective Management Strategies for Businesses

Introduction In the present-day business world with its highly sophisticated supply chain system, it is impossible to make decisions without taking into consideration the risks that emerge in this intricately organized environment. Logistics and supply chain management have become integral parts of any business (Monczka, Handfield, Giunipero, & Patterson, 2016)....

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Abstract Increasing cultural diversity at the workplace is characteristic of many companies worldwide. The right management of a diverse workforce will bring an important advantage for the company and its employees. Moreover, the effective management of cultural diversity and equal opportunities are the key aspects of a healthy climate in...

Creating Customer Engagement: Marketing Strategies

Introduction The need to establish closer relations with clients has forced many companies to adopt new marketing strategies. Many of these organisations lay stress on the importance of customer engagement which is often critical for the sustainability of many firms. Some business consultants such as Richard Sedley define this concept...

The Nestle Company’s Sales Stagnation in China

Target change is vital for organizations that seek to maintain a favorable market position. Firms usually decide what changes to make in reaction to a market change. The Nestle Company considers China as its second-largest market following the United States. In 2015, the company experienced slow sales and stagnant revenue...

Bridgeport Drones: Advanced Aerial Mapping and Imaging Services

Company Description Bridgeport Drones is a US based company serving most states in the US and other countries, offering commercial aerial drone services through remotely piloted Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial mapping and filming among other uses. Specifically, Bridgeport Drones is concerned with image collection through drones, and it...

Key Considerations and Risks in IT Outsourcing

Introduction Outsourcing is a tactical organization alternative, and not merely a means of reducing operational costs in a company. Most organizations choose to outsource to reduce costs and reduce the time taken for marketing (Haag & Cummings, 2008). In this paper, I look at some of the considerations and risks...

Modern IT Risk Management: Strategies for Effective Planning and Implementation

Risk management framework The objective of this research is to investigate the area of risk management. This paper suggests a theoretical outline that utilizes knowledge management methods to expand its usefulness range and upsurge the possibility of success in advanced IT plans (Alhawari et al. 2012). The paper develops ideas...

The Proposed UNIK AutoCare Services Limited: Quality Auto Repairs in Riyadh

Description of the Business Concept The proposed UNIK AutoCare Services Limited is an auto repair business that aims at offering quality and unique auto repair services at competitive pricing for customers within the city of Riyadh. The business will specialize is Engine and body repair for all types of automobile....

Rapid Increase in Costs: Primary Problem for Company

Problems Facing Eastern Gear The rapid increase in costs can be viewed as the primary problem that the company has to face in the environment of the increasingly high competition. Therefore, the current strategy regarding the management of costs needs to be addressed properly. Another factor that can be viewed...

Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s Leadership Style

Mandiant Cyber Security Company, renowned for forensic expertise and computer security programs, was founded in America by Kevin Mandia in early 2004. Its formation was based on the computer insecurity that was predicted to take place in the future (Harms, 2006). Currently, Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s headquarter is located in...

Wal-Mart International: Strategic Management

Introduction This paper explores benefits and limitations to strategic management. To appraise the benefits of strategic management, this paper discusses in depth how the different aspects of strategic management are applied. To concretize the analysis of strategic management, the paper focuses on Wal-Mart International, which is one of the world’s...

United Airlines vs. Cathay Pacific Airlines

Brand focus The brand identity of United Airlines is based on the premise the company can offer both comfort and security to its clients. This message is conveyed through various channels. For example, one can mention their slogan Fly with Friendly Skies. Secondly, in their commercials, they emphasize that this...

Sustainable Marketing Practices: Strategies for Responsible Consumption and Growth

Introduction According to Harrison et al. (2005), consumers can act as agents of bettering society. They do this through ethical consumption, which relates to the intentional selection of alternative products offering or not offering the greatest utility or pay off. The motive for selective buying as described here would be...

Recruitment and Selection Strategies at USPC Company: Best Practices

It is widely believed that employees are the most important asset that an organization can have. Presently, the value that organizations place in having an effective and efficient workforce have surpassed many other considerations that were previously thought as fundamentally important to the wellbeing and survival of an organization (Pynes...

Supply Chain in FMCG Industry in the Middle East

Introduction The traditional view of supply chain management in the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) in the Middle East has significantly changed because of the global financial crisis (Hugos 2011). FMCG companies operating in the Middle East experience fierce competition in the production, distribution and selling of low priced fast...

Cost of Weight Watchers vs Jenny Craig Diet Programs

Steps of a consumer decision process The first priority will entail the cost of the program. Going on a diet program at either Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig will demand some expenses. I will compare the overall expenditure of undertaking the dieting program in both organizations. The second consideration to...

Social Networking at Work: Benefits and Drawbacks

Social networks are often criticized by organizations since those can be one of the major distractions for employees during the working hours. However, the benefits of networking outweigh its drawbacks. Moreover, it is always in your power to minimize the negative effects of social networking and maximize the positive ones....

Sikorsky Aircraft: Emphasizing Quality from Day One

Challenges and Benefits for the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation The emphasis on quality has always been strong in the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. However, the idea of meeting the corresponding demands has never gone beyond the company’s environment. In their paper, Kukreja, Ricks, and Meyer (2009) suggest that the attitudes toward meeting...

Labor Laws and Corporate Compliance: Case Studies

Abstract Enforcing conduct between employers and employees is necessary when it comes to minimizing the likelihood of economic inefficiency for organizations. The US has established labor laws at federal and state levels to ensure that employers adhere to the minimum wage regulations. Besides ensuring that employers remunerate workers appropriately for...

Apple vs. Microsoft Stores: Comparing Retail Strategies and Customer Experiences

A variety of factors can influence consumer behavior, and it is important to study these factors in order to develop a strategy for the most effective retailer behavior. A modern vision of consumer behavior depends on analyzing consumers’ purchasing trends, their use of goods, as well as their emotional responses...

Virgin Atlantic Airways in the United Kingdom

Virgin Atlantic Airways was established after an American entrepreneur proposed the idea of an intercontinental airline that would only aim at the business class flights. Richard Branson vetoed this exact approach but loved the idea. To begin with, he reduced the risk by renting the whole thing, and he was...

An In-Depth Commercial Analysis of Nike: Strategies Driving Brand Success

Introduction With the increasingly high number of opportunities for comfort, the importance of a challenge has become especially high nowadays. It is essential to promote the idea of being proactive among the modern population. In its recent commercial, Nike has been focusing on inspiring people to overcome challenges and push...

Situational and Adaptive Leadership in Organizations

Introduction Context-based leadership is a stance that clearly justifies the existence of the situational model of leadership. Under the model, leaders should use appropriate leadership approaches that meet the requirements of a given situation. Different contexts in an organization require a leader to exhibit different characters that can match with...

Financial Analysis of Verizon Communications Inc.: Key Insights and Trends

Introduction Branded as “Verizon”, Verizon Communications Corporation is an American company that specializes in providing broadband and telecommunication services. The company trades its stock on the NYSE but the incorporation was done in Delaware (Verizon, 2014). Summary of operations The company employs more than 176,000 people and obtains revenue exceeding...

SilkQueen Company: Leadership Challenges and Organizational Solutions

At the present moment the SilkQueen company faces the organizational difficulties caused by the misunderstanding between the line manager and the employees of the enterprise. In spite the vast working experience in Asian companies and the undeniable professional skills, Sally Dawson has the definite difficulties in relations with the staff...

Prucare Managed Care Plan Enters New Metropolitan Area

PruCare The Prucare is a managed care plan that is entering a new metropolitan area aiming to meet the consumers’ needs with the delivery of quality health care services. The decision came about after extensive marketing to identify market opportunities (Somu, 2012). The Prucare marketing team needs to develop strong...

Globalization and the Social Interest of Workers

Abstract Globalization, a phenomenon characterized by the increased integration of nations through trade, politics, and culture, has emerged as an important feature of the modern world. This phenomenon has been hailed by economists as the most important driver for global economic prosperity. The paper sets out to demonstrate that globalization...

Leadership and Management Styles in the Technological Era: Adapting to Change

Introduction Changing consumer trends dictated by technological advancements and globalization of the modern market require a wise selection of leadership and management styles. While leadership and management are two distinct concepts, they have a close connection, which makes it complex to utilize one and leave the other. Leadership roles such...

Rochep Company: Comprehensive Market Research and SWOT Analysis Insights

Executive summary Organizations are always looking for new ventures and opportunities that can help them succeed in competitive markets. Some of the initiatives that organizations can use to achieve their short, medium, and long-term objectives include diversification of existing products and the introduction of new products into the market. Rochep...

Performance Improvement Essentials: Stakeholders, CTQ

Introduction Enhancing the performance of a certain team in a specific business environment implies that the person acting as a change agent is capable of identifying every single variable in the corporate equation. Unless the crucial concepts are identified, creating an efficient team is hardly possible. Therefore, the definitions provided...

Tanglewood Cases: Staffing Practices

Planning Tanglewood Case Two was about the planning of recruitment. Working on this case, I learned to analyze staffing data and determine whether staffing practices of an organization are adequate or not to fulfill its future needs related to human resources. Besides, Tanglewood case provides the learners with a great...

Six Sigma in Quality Management: Enhancing Competitive Advantage

Though being a comparatively recent addition to the framework of the quality management process, the philosophy of Six Sigma has established itself rather successfully in the specified environment (Baporikar, 2015). The concept has become the staple of quality measurement. However, apart from providing an elaborate metric system, Six Sigma can...

Modes of Entry for MNEs: Exporting, Partnering & More

Multinational Enterprises and Modes to Entry There are several different modes of entry that multinational enterprises (MNEs) may choose when expanding overseas: direct and indirect export, joint venture, acquisition, franchising, licensing, partnering, greenfield venture, and direct investment. The two most common modes are exporting and partnering. Exporting is the easiest...

GCS Recruitment Ltd.’s Human Resource Management

Business strategy The business strategy aims for business excellence, which is a combination of horizontal and vertical teams providing strategy and planning and aiming for the ultimate goal of achieving the vision, mission and goals of the organisation. Human resource management planning is important in providing a strategy for an...

General Motors Company’s Operational Effectiveness

Operational effectiveness, in general, refers to the way an organization sees the importance of operations in achieving strategic objectives and economic success. There are four stages of operational effectiveness, i.e. coming to a realization that processes are the key to high levels of performance and competitiveness. Organizations in stage 1...

Creativity and Innovation in a Business Environment

Introduction Creativity refers to the ability to come up with a unique solution that can solve a problem. Creative ideas arise in different ways and under different circumstances. Sometimes, they occur after an individual work hard to find a solution to a problem by investing all the effort and resources...

Economic Growth and Expansion: Key Strategies for Companies

Economic growth and the following expansion are nearly inevitable for any company with regular revenues and a good reputation within the target market. As soon as a company gains an impressive reputation in the target market, it gets an opportunity for further growth. The latter can be facilitated by gaining...

Walt Disney Corporation: The Magic of a Proper Marketing

Introduction: Disney in 2016 There is hardly a single company that can match Disney in terms of its history, impact, and imagination. It is quite remarkable that the company which is criticized so harshly for the stereotypes that it has been promoting in the children media is also praised unanimously...

Old Navy’s Online Video Promotion Strategy for Young Adult Males

Marketing The concept of online video promotion has allowed companies and organizations to fulfill their marketing objectives. Until recent times, organizations have had to rely on the experiences of marketing and promotional agencies or attend their online marketing seminars to comprehend how to create, manage, and even execute simple online...

Labor Productivity and Human Resource Management

Introduction Labor productivity is one of the most important quality indicators of the work of any enterprise, and one of the main criteria affecting this index is the level of human resources management (HRM). Competent work of leadership in relation to this policy allows significantly improving the existing results of...