QuietCafe: Business and Marketing Project

Vision and Opportunity Goals, Purpose, and Mission After leaving the university, I’d like to create a business project that would be sustainable, correspond to the demand on the market, and, most importantly, coincide with my philosophy of not bothering anyone unless it is necessary. While many business models of our...

Walmart Company’s Supply Chain and Logistics

The distribution and logistics practices adopted by Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart’s supply chain contribution to its competitive advantage Wal-Mart’s success is attributable to its focus on solid supply chain, which has given its management a competitive advantage over other companies in the retail industry. For example, Wal-Mart’s logistic structure is among the...

The Teamwork Approach and the Customers Satisfaction

Introduction Creating the environment, in which the improvement of product quality becomes a possibility, requires a substantive amount of effort. In their study, Foster, Howard, and Shaninon (2002) make it quite clear that the variables are tightly connected to each other in a case. Particularly, by linking the strong leadership...

Six Sigma’ Changes in the Twenty-First Century

Promoting a change in an organization is a task that is fraught with numerous challenges. While providing a plethora of tools for making improvements in the designated setting, the Six Sigma framework needs support, which slight changes in the organizational environment and the overall course of the firm’s operations can...

Company X and Its Performance in the Global Environment

Background Promoting change in the context of an organization requires substantial resources due to the need to address the emergent problems and keep the system viable (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014a). As the previous cause-and-effect analysis has shown, Company X is suffering from the lack of motivation among the employees and...

Kaizen Company’s Approach to Quality Improvement

Project Idea There are a lot of businesses in India that have to encounter problems connected with insufficient production volumes and poor quality of the final product. The project at hand has the ultimate objective to investigate how the implementation of the Kaizen approach to quality improvement in the selected...

Accounting Career Opportunities and Requirements

Introduction Business success requires keeping score of all operations and adapting to changes in the business environment effectively. Accounting enables businesses to keep score of their operations while at the same time providing solutions to emerging challenges. Accounting makes it possible for businesses to create financial reports that can be...

Berkshire Hathaway’s Service Guarantee and Issues

Berkshire Hathaway has been known for quite long as the provider of insurance services. Having grown to the size of a multinational conglomerate, it has managed to retain its quality standards and is currently topping the list of the most successful financial service organizations. However, because of the quality statement...

Employee Compensation Program Effectiveness

Introduction The dramatic change in the workforce structure in corporations has ushered changes in organizational culture and the human resource system. Increase in nonstandard employees such as temporary, part-time, short-term, independent contractors, freelancers, and contingent workers have enhanced the need for different organizational policy. The literature on nonstandard employment relations...

Broadway Café: M-Coupons Usage

Introduction The need for direct and targeted market communications has led to the increasing use of mobile phones to relay marketing messages. Due to its personal nature, the mobile phone provides an effective way of reaching customers (Dickinger & Kleijnen, 2008). The most common means of mobile marketing involves the...

Fiji: Political Risks and International Business

International companies face a risk that affects the performance and management of a business. This public risk service has come up with an international country risk guide that helps Multinational Corporation to asses the political stability of countries in which the corporations wish to operate. The public risk service bases...

Information Technology Trainer Job Analysis

Abstract The organization requires an IT trainer. The position demands flexibility since the occupant is expected to performance IT training duties. The organization uses personality and psychological testing to predict job performance, job related behaviors, and reactions as guides to hiring and staffing. This job requires cognitive testing through the...

Business Information Technology Governance Models

Information technology plays a strategic role in corporate decisions. IT governance aims to align the IT processes with a firm’s business strategies, leverage on technology infrastructure, and control IT-related risks and costs (Jairak & Praneetpolgrang, 2013). Different models exist for IT management, e.g., COBIT, which supports business-IT alignment. A generic...

Options Consulting Solutions Company’s Performance Management

Options Consulting Solutions is a recruiting firm headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. The firm was started more than two decades ago. The start was small but to-date, OCS has grown into a full-service recruitment establishment providing the clients with qualified personnel candidates (OCS n.pag.). Performance management purpose Judging by the interview,...

Wells Fargo’s Work Processes and Key Employees

Introduction Wells Fargo is a successful organization in the Banking and Finance industry (Our strategy, 2016). However, specific issues such as competition and consolidation in the industry will definitely affect its performance in the future. In order to be prepared against these possibilities, the company should implement new work processes...

Change and Conflict Theories in Healthcare Leadership

Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory Kurt Lewis examined behavior as an intricate balance of forces that work in opposite directions. Such driving forces encourage change because they push the organization’s workers in the needed direction. However, restraining forces curtail change since they push workers in opposing directions. Lewin states that the...

Chevrolet Equinox: Advertising and Sales Promotion

When one looks at the number of sales a company makes, one determines the stability and profitability of the enterprise. In order to realize positive results a business must invest in intensive marketing techniques. Advertising and sales promotions make up the means and ways to achieve the desired outcomes. The...

Quality Leadership Communication in Organizations

Effective leadership communication is essential for productive business operations. A great number of organizations and projects failed due to poor leadership and team communication. On the other hand, effective communication can be of great benefit to the firm and its employees. I would like to propose an implementation of effective...

Playful Company Culture and Job Satisfaction

Literature Review Job satisfaction is determined by a number of factors such as leadership or management styles, human resource policies and organisation’s culture. Job satisfaction is the extent at which employees feel contented with the roles they play at workplace. It can also be defined as the feeling of personal...

Diversity Training Approaches in the United States

Abstract The majority of companies in the United States and abroad are diverse in terms of the workforce’s characteristics. On the one hand, this feature is often beneficial for companies because of opening new ways to decision making and problem-solving in the firm. On the other hand, a diverse workforce...

Living Arts Centre’ Strategic Marketing

The Business The particular company discussed in the paper is the Living Arts Centre (LAC) which is a charitable organization operating in Canada. LAC exists for almost twenty years and provides businesspeople, instructors, and people of art with an opportunity to give open lessons and hold meetings (“History and Mission”...

Team Leadership in the “Engaging Others” Video

Introduction Healthcare facilities and business organizations should be managed by individuals who possess adequate leadership skills. Such managers should liaise with their subordinates, influence their behaviors, offer timely updates, and communicate with them effectively. Competent leaders will engage their followers, identify and tackle their problems, and empower them to deliver...

Dell 13″ Mobile Workstation and Its Advantages

DELL is a recognized producer of informational technology. It is a large international corporation which strives to employ innovation as the major strategy to maintain its leading position in the market. The company was launched in 1984 by Michael Dell whose “game-changing vision” contributed to the progress of the industry...

World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index

The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI) is constructed to assist countries in determining the key challenges and opportunities in logistics. It is an interactive benchmarking tool, which can be deployed for improving performance because it provides insight into the trade logistics environment in...

Tasmania’ Forestry Industry: Effectiveness and Trends

Executive summary The Tasmanian forestry industry is shifting towards efficiency in processing timber. The effectiveness of subsidies or tariffs depends on the elasticity of supply and demand. Low elasticity of supply will make both policies ineffective. The high elasticity of supply becomes effective even when the demand in the local...

US Labor Market: Deregulation vs Employee Security

Introduction The current paper pertains to the issues that exist in the modern labor market, in particular, to the problems related to labor market deregulation and workers’ social security in the USA’s labor market. Three articles from reputable media sources are summarized. After that, a critical discussion of these articles...

ABASCO Company’s Recruitment and Implementation Plan

Executive Summary In the 21st century, competition in all segments of the economy has increased drastically. Any organisation that does not adopt the best industry practices risks being phased out of the market. Organisations need to be in the front position in recognising their respective industry trends, adopting the best...

The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Quality Assurance

Introduction At the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, quality assurance (QA) and the related procedures are taken with great seriousness to reduce the risk of an accident to a minimum (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009b). Although not all elements of the iSix Sigma framework are currently introduced in the organization, the existing quality...

The Wiggles Company in the International Markets

Introduction The Wiggles company, a company that specializes in childhood entertainment has had great success both in their home and foreign markets. The company is located in Australia. It was founded by two musicians from the Cockroaches, a Sydney rock band. The group started to perform at children’s functions by...

Human Resource Strategies Evaluation

Strategic Human Resource Management and Competitive Strategy The performance of the human resources departments can be evaluated using the way the department involves and engages workers in understanding and implementing various aims of an organization. Rather than just handle administrative tasks for employees, effective HR management calls for leadership practice...

AOL Company’s Electronic Commerce Decisions

AOL has made the first step towards e-commerce. The company provides a useful service to its clients. The customers get the summary of their bills and are able to access a number of websites using only one passwords and ID (Haag & Cummings, 2008). Admittedly, customers will appreciate these options,...

Ice-Fili Company’s Brand

Introduction A medium-sized Russian ice-cream producer, Ice-Fili, is still a middle store. The company is dominating the Russian top ice-cream production. However, according to Bernard Koopmans’s market share targets, the company does not have a stable dominating market share. The company only boasts of 4.3% market share which is very...

Staff Efficiency and Strengthening Corporate Values

Focusing on consistent quality improvement is one of the essential steps toward enhancing the overall performance rates of entrepreneurship and, therefore, contributing to the success of a company in the target market. Therefore, it is crucial that a firm operating in the manufacturing department could be able to follow the...

Workplace Diversity Input to Business Improvement

Introduction Diversity in an organization is a required condition for efficient development within the industry, referring to global trends. Nowadays, diversity in the workplace is defined as respect for people’s differences, focusing on their age, gender, race, culture, or religion, among other characteristics. In this context, the inclusion can be...

Socialization of People with Disabilities in the Workplace

Executive Summary Organizations have varying perceptions of disability in the workplace. The study discussed in this paper was undertaken in 15 organizations with a view of investigating their views on people with disabilities. It was undertaken in employment sectors that included education, production, companies, local governments, and small and medium...

Personal Power of Workforce

Personal power denotes the capability to influence or modify a result. From where does one obtain such power? Personal power does not imply how physically powerful one feels but the application of ideas, knowledge, and sentiments to perform in a manner that will ensure the satisfaction of own needs positively....

Cisco Company’s Internet Practices and Market Share

B2B is a business terminology that refers to a commerce transaction that exists between a business and a business such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or a wholesaler and retailer. In such an environment, the twist that the new technology of e-commerce and the social media introduces requires...

Advanced Technology Investment Company: Problems and Decisions

Introduction Background of the Problem The effectiveness of the company’s strategic planning directly depends on the certain management style followed in the organisation. During a long period of time, the Advanced Technology Investment Company (ATIC) located in the UAE has been following the effective management strategies to contribute to the...

Russian Restaurant in the UK Macro Environment

Macro Environment Analysis for the Restaurant Industry The macro-environment analysis studies external forces that affect the performance of the restaurant industry in general and the proposed Russian restaurant in particular. Economic factors UK offers an economically sound environment that is good for business activity. The country has a high living...

ABC Day Care Center and Belbin’s Team Role Theory

The Case ABC Day Care center is an institution that supports and offers day care services for 30 young adults between the ages of 16 and 25 years. This institution has been operating for five years now and deals with individuals who are suffering from sexual health, substance abuse, mental...

Hanbo Enterprise Company’ Analysis

Introduction SWOT analysis of a company basically means the evaluation of the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the company. The analysis can determine the area where the company has strengths to deal with competition in the specific industry where the company conducts its business. It also offers the idea...

Vacation Time and Employees’ Burnout

Determining the Employee Burnout Of course, the vice-president should remember that employee burnout can be caused by the lack of vacation time. Still, it is also critical to pay attention to such factors as the frequency of working long hours, amount of appreciation and recognition, employee satisfaction, monotonous activities, challenge...

Employees in Charge: Tendency to Encourage Independence

Employees in Charge: Tendency to Encourage Independence The environment of Operation Management (OM) has changed significantly over the past few years. New trends have redesigned the subject matter to the point where OM gained an entirely new meaning, implying not only the control over the corporate processes but also the...

Leadership’s Evaluation and Philosophy

Steve Jobs, one of the greatest leaders of all times said that people who want to become noble and reach all the goals in their lives should stay hungry and foolish. This quotation is widespread around the world and motivates many leaders to work harder and to stay open for...

BMW Group’s Logical, Creative, Innovative Activities

There is no use denying the fact that coherent society can be characterized by a great development of different ways of thinking, approaches and attitudes to the same issue. Being the age of tolerance and democracy, modern epoch allows people outline their ideas and create some new methods which increase...

Process Capability and Six Sigma Methodology

What is the need for both the process capability index and the process capability ratio? Controlling the manufacturing process is a challenging task that requires using a range of resources that an organization has at its disposal. More importantly, it is crucial to make sure that the essential processes are...

Generali Group: Developments in Financial Crime

Professional Postgraduate Diploma in GRC – Masterclass Evaluation template for Executive Summary Financial Crime and GRC Preamble Financial crime is a type of criminal behavior that occurs as a result of a confluence of economic gain-based motivationand opportunity. Financial crime or white-collar crime negatively affects nations, governments, and organizations by...

Trends in Human Resource Management

The main functional areas of HRM Collings (2009) opines that human resource management can be well understood by dividing it into five main areas. These include staffing, human resource development, employee compensation and benefits, employees and labor relations, and safety and health. Staffing is a critical function of human resource...

Exploration of Leadership and Entrepreneurship Fields

Introduction The scholars in the leadership field are very much familiar with the complicated and problematic course which this field has followed. According to Hunt and Dodge (2000), despite these obstacles, at the present, there is the consideration of leadership as being a “mature field” because of the developments that...

Western State University’s Insufficient Leadership

Abstract In large organizations that include several different departments and work based on the decentralized model of leadership with a complex hierarchy, it is critical that all the branches and services work in cooperation. The disruption of the systems and operations in one part of such an organization is likely...

Product Portfolio Management for Marketing

Introduction In the modern business world, people have to deal with several tasks and duties to achieve their goals, comprehend their abilities, and investigate outside sources and competitors. Any ordinary business model includes such processes as the selection of customers, the definition of products and services, the creation of values,...

Canada’s Oil Sands as Ethical Oil Sources

Introduction Oil is the most important energy source in the world and it sustains modern life as we know it. Maugeri (2006) declares that it is the most vital resource of our time and it provides the energy needed to run industries and power homes. For this reason, nations that...

Six Sigma vs. Goh’s Eight Transformational Steps

Maintaining quality standards in an organization high is an essential step towards making the company retain its popularity among the target customers and attract new audiences, thus, entering new markets. It should be noted, though, that the existing quality management frameworks have a tendency to wear their welcome out as...

Valentino: Master Couture Exhibition Promotion Mix

Executive Summary Picking the right marketing manner is not an easy task, especially in the realm of haute couture, and it gets even more complicated as the person at the helm decides to set an exhibition, since the latter is considered a completely different promotion method. However, the above-mentioned does...

Dorchester Inc.’s Stock Swap Option

Introduction Businesses can combine financially in several ways. For instance, businesses of equal sizes can merge their operations and become one large entity or one entity can acquire another company. In the case of acquisition, the acquiring company needs to pay for the entity being acquired. There are several ways...

MedicalCare International: Middle East Logistics

Introduction Logistics is defined as the integrated analysis and active management of an enterprise’s entire supply chain (Coyle, Gibson & Bardi 2008). According to Coyle et al. (2008), the success of contemporary business organisations is increasingly pegged on the effective management of international logistics networks. The increase in low-cost sourcing...

United Kingdom Trade Union Congress Mobilization

Introduction Trades Union Congress is a Britain’s federation of trade unions that is made up of 58 affiliate unions in Wales and England (Lecture Notes Week 2). Founded in 1868, this union brought together all other trade unions in this country that represented employees in various sectors of the economy....

The Nike Brand Success and Phil Night’s Leadership

The history of the brand Nike that has millions of customers all over the world began with an investment of 500$. The founder of the Nike brand sold the first pairs of shoes from the back of his car. In the next paragraphs, the specific ways of the organization, as...

King Company’s Management Training Evaluation

One major reason for training employees is to ensure longevity and attainment of future goals. For the employees, training is a platform that encourages them to become productive in the workplace. It is also a platform for solving various employee problems and attaining departmental and organizational goals. In the King’s...

Bancolombia, Conavi, Corfinsura Merger’s Cultural Issues

Problem Statement With the merger of Bancolombia, Bancolombia, Conavi, and Corfinsura, the new bank that was in place has a challenge in the area of human resource (Caijao 2). According to Caijao, employees that would continue to work with the new bank lacked determination with the three companies having a...

Good Mark Company: Manufacturing Industry Analysis

Introduction This paper provides a strategic analysis of the manufacturing industry. To concretize the analysis, Good Mark, a manufacturing company in Hong Kong is used. The strategic assessment looks into the manufacturing industry trends based on a PESTEL Model. It further analyses the strategic groups in the manufacturing industry using...

Primal Leadership Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

The book Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee explores the role of emotions in leadership practices and suggests a framework for applying the obtained knowledge in the field of professional use. According to the authors, leadership is based mostly on...

Human Resource and Expansion to Sub-Sahara Africa

This paper is a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy of expansion to sub-Sahara Africa. In this connection, it is essential to consider a variety of aspects associated with the identified topic including a number of relocating employees, commissary, employees’ family issues, and housing peculiarities. First of...

Management: Hospitality Organizations Employees

Introduction This research paper will endeavor to discuss the history, career information, and positive and negative aspects of being an employee of various multinational organizations. This will cover mainly five hospitality organizations, namely Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Serena Group of Hotels, Stratosphere Las Vegas, Marriot Hotels, and Sheraton Hotels. The...

HazMat Company Emergencies Response

HazMat emergency response includes the procedures and regulations that are aimed at the treatment of those who were exposed to contamination with the hazardous materials. The emergency standards, such as HazWOPER, are necessary at the workplaces in the industrial or chemical organizations where employees face significant risks of being exposed...

Penn State University Scandal: Causes and Recommendations

Abstract The Penn State university scandal was all about lack of ethics in the management of organizational affairs. Several counts of child abuse were leveled against Jerry Sandusky. Through his charity organization, the culprit had a long list of victims whom he abused on a regular basis. Personnel deployed at...

Can Effective Business Leadership Be Learned?

Introduction The question of whether effective business leadership can be learned remains a contested debate. Many individuals believe that business leaders are born. While this might be somewhat true, it is imperative to understand that effective business leadership can be learned. Many people fail to lead due to the perception...

Wells Fargo Company’s Technology and Training Systems

Introduction Wells Fargo combines modern technologies with existing human resources to drive performance. Such technologies make it easier for employees to realize their goals and minimize wastes. Training systems at Wells Fargo guided by modern informatics have been put in place in an attempt to promote performance (Imran, Maqbool, &...

Harrah’s Entertainment Company Database Strategy

Importance of Integrating Databases Located at Each Casino Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. has integrated its databases in various locations to help it conduct business and customer-relationship-management activities more efficiently. For instance, the integration of the databases has allowed Harrah’s to carry out its Total RewardsTM effectively, by allowing it to track...

Outsourcing from China and India

When it comes to defining the benefits of outsourcing from countries like India and China, one must admit that a comparatively low cost is the most obvious benefit. Indeed, a closer look at the specified countries will reveal that the cost of the services, which the labor force from the...

Leadership, Decision-Making and Self-Managed Teams

Introduction Leadership style, the decision-making process, and self-managed teams collectively add up to the canvas making up organizations behaviour (Daft, 2007). The environment in which organizations operate is dynamic and presents a variety of threats and opportunities for the organization existence (Busemeyer & Townsend, 1993). An analysis of the efficacy...

The National Australia Bank’ Corporate Governance

Introduction Background Commonly known with its initials ‘NAB’, the National Australia Bank is the largest publicly listed financial institution in Australia. In addition, the company is ranked above 30 in the most profitable institutions in the financial sector in the world (Thompson & Jain 2008). As a financial institution and...

Gadget Products Division’s Break-Even Analysis

Introduction Break-even analysis is a managerial economic tool that is used to ascertain the number of units that generate revenue and covers the cost of production. This tool also helps to ascertain the level of sales that will generate a desired level of profit. This economical tool is often used...

YRC Worldwide Inc.’s Radio Frequency Identification

The functioning of the modern market is conditioned by technologies that introduce several new possibilities and increase the efficiency of various companies. The blistering scientific development gave rise to several issues related to the reconsideration of the existing approaches and implementation of the newest devices to achieve the best results....

Cultural Intelligence Development in International Business

The world has become an open village. Such globalization has made it possible to sojourn to different parts of the world, meeting different types of people who have very different practices, which of course seem strange. Despite these differences people need not only to enhance communication between them, but also...

Importance of Envisioning Diversity in Organization

Abstract The current paper discusses the peculiarities of envisioning diversity and its understanding as an adaptive challenge. Many organizations try to consider different aspects to create appropriate working conditions, offer the best services, and demonstrate successful results. However, these companies cannot solve diversity-related problems in time and face several challenges....

Innovation Impact on Export Success

Introduction The approaches behind a company’s competitiveness and global triumph have at all times attracted the focus of a huge set of business and economics studies. In this regard, the innovation endeavors of a company might represent the major course stimulating the organization’s venture in foreign markets. The comprehension of...

Riders, Natural American Spirit, and Got Milk Ads

Riders Jeans Advertisement Riders Jeans advertisement does not include much text, which makes a potential customer see the main phrase immediately even if one did not want to read it. That is why, looking at this advertisement, it is impossible not to notice the emphasis that is made on the...

Cross-Cultural Management and Work Abroad

In the present-day business world striving for globalisation, organisations do their best to benefit from cost-saving technical expertise in other countries (Thomas 2008). This creates a specific kind of business environment necessitating ongoing cross-cultural interaction. Managers have to deal with teams that are scattered across the globe and consist of...

CSX Company’s and Company X’s Change Management

Introduction Whenever carrying out the changes that affect the very foundation of a company and trigger further alterations in its basic processes, one must make sure that the newly designed framework allows for perfect coordination of all processes involved. Therefore, it is imperative to create not only an elaborate quality...

Segmentation in Customer Relationship Management

Customer segmentation is an important part of the business activity in general and a highly effective customer relationship management practice. The information obtained through segmentation allows personalizing goods and services offered by the company and thus ensure its relevance to the customers. Its advantages are best described through its three...

Dell Company’s Twitter: Tracking Word of Mouse

Abstract Dell is one of the biggest companies in the technology industry. It manufactures computers and computer accessories, as well as other technology related products. There has been a lot of news trending through various social media sites about the organization, its products, its business, sales, advertisement, and image, among...

Occupational Safety Change Management

You are an engineer with authority over human resources and an employee comes to you and says, “I want to tell you something about someone, but you can’t tell anybody.” He then reveals that someone pushed another employee in the company kitchen. What action do you take? According to Bertocci...

Unemployment and the Labour Market in Australia

The Labor Market In the labor market there exist forces of supply and demand of labor. The labor markets are where employers get labor while the employees get wages for jobs done. A demand labor curve displays the number of laborers who will give their services at the different wage...

BeachBeat vs. Jelly Belly Companies’ Order Processing

Creating the order processing (OP) and fulfillment approach that meets the customers’ needs is a crucial choice that will take a company one step closer to becoming a success in the target market. However, while being seemingly different, the OP tools used by different companies are most likely to lead...

Lean Concept Definition: Toyota Company’ Case

Literature review A Definition of Lean Concept The lean concept is an idea that aims at maximizing the customer value while at the same time minimizing waste. In other words, lean entails the creation of more value for the customer while using as few resources as possible. Therefore, an organization...

Case Management and Asian Americans Cultural Aspects

Introduction Case Management is a useful process aimed at “facilitating, managing, planning, evaluating, and advocating for appropriate options that can satisfy the health needs of different individuals” (Park, Chesla, Rehm, & Chun, 2011, p. 2374). Case Managers should understand the socio-cultural issues associated with different populations. Such professionals should collaborate...

Contemporary Events Marketing: Topping Out Ceremony

Introduction The success of any given event depends on the planning behind it. Strategic planning is needed at all times. Management bodies of such events find it essential to rely on fundamental theories and various best practices to enhance the experience derived from such undertakings. A number of foundations act...

Nintendo and Sony Companies’ Financial Strategies

In order to predict the company’s financial performance and profitability during the next several years, it is important to focus on financial forecasting and develop pro-forma statements (Hillier, Clacher, Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan, 2014; Piper, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how pro-forma financial statements are used...

Auto Spare Parts Distributor Network Optimization

Introduction The ASP spare parts distribution strategy has inventory and customer service level problems that James Bond wants to solve using two alternative sets of methods, which include centralized and decentralized distribution strategies. There is need to do an inventory planning to achieve the economies of scale in response to...

US Employment Law and Human Resource Management

Introduction Business organizations use their human resources (HR) departments to focus on the issues affecting their employees. Organizational and motivational theories predict that positive employee-employer relations can drive performance and improve a corporation’s profitability. This means that HR managers must be keen to offer adequate support to employees throughout the...

Soft Skills as Employees’ Additional Advantages

Nowadays, employers value employees who have additional skills and knowledge that cannot be adopted through academic education. These extra abilities are often called soft skills, and many kinds of soft skills are distinguished: critical thinking, creativity, problem-resolving, time management, self-organization, responsibility, etiquette, etc. Overall, it is possible to divide soft...

Organizational Structure, Its Types and Influences

Introduction Every organization needs to put in place a structure for efficient operation. An organizational structure is defined as a hierarchical representation of individuals and what they do within the organization. It sheds some light on critical values an organization stands for and its character. Therefore, it is essential for...

The Desert World Company’s Business Model

Introduction This proposal presents the Desert World as a proposed provider of unique desert life experiences. The Desert World project would offer state-of-the-art facilities for the hot weather of Dubai through developing a huge ski centre, which would be close to the Dubai Shopping Mall. The closeness of the project...

Global Consumer Culture: Theories and Approaches

Introduction Culture is defined as the total behavioral traits learned, manifested and shared among members of a society. Consumer culture in the past used to vary widely in the entire world and that called for diversity in marketing strategies and advertisement for every region. This seems to be changing. Hollensen...

Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Leadership Dynamics

Leadership is important in any organization because the effectiveness of leadership influences all processes, relations, and operations in a company (McCleskey, 2014; Schaubroeck et al., 2012). It is important to focus on examining the aspects of leadership in the Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) because there are several issues that can...

PharmaCARE Company: Workplace Ethical Considerations

Introduction PharmaCARE is a drug manufacturing company situated in New Jersey, but it has a production plant in Colberia. The company is surrounded by numerous ethical issues. In Colberia, the company has employed natives who work for as low as $1 per day. Critics allege that the company has caused...

General Mills and Meiji Holdings Companies Finance

Balance sheets Components of stockholders When financial analysts are assessing the performance of a business establishment, they evaluate stockholders’ equity, which is used to reflect the extent to which a firm earns money for its shareholders (Mongiello, 2009). General Mills is exemplified by the following elements of stockholders’ equity: common...

Alaska Airlines’ Technology and Customer Loyalty

Background Alaska Airlines is an organization that operates since the 1930s. I was considered to be one of the top ten largest American airlines at the end of the 20th century. The company is rather expanded and operates in 36 cities with the main hub in Seattle. Operating together with...

Diversity in Workplace Communication

International organizations comprise of people drawn from different races, ethnicities, and religions (Harvey & Allard, 2008). The differences constitute to workplace diversity. The perception that dictates how one views a particular group has a far-reaching consequence in a diverse organization. In order to reduce this effect, companies have to address...

Processing and Information Systems Role in Supply Chain

Introduction With complexity in the nature of the environment in which business activities operate, it has become a necessity to integrate various aspects of technology in the operations with the main aim of attaining efficiency, effectiveness and economy as well as being at per with the competitive business world. Information...

Singhania and Partners’ Human Resource Strategy

Evaluation of the Singhania and Partners Strategy Singhania and Partners have a strong sense of context in their business strategy. The company is on the forefront of planning for change and adapting to it. Cases in point include opening a New York office to take care of the influx of...

Asian Carmakers Target Gen Y

Explain the strategy behind Asian automakers targeting Gen Y The business world is full of competition and the automotive business is not an exception. Gen Y could be defined as the segment of the United States population that was born towards the end of the 20th century (between the years...

Just Train Kids Company’s Situational Analysis

Situational/Competitive Analysis of the Company Situational analysis is fundamental to the success of every business. It is a step in the marketing plan, which helps to cement relations with customers that will last. When it comes to Just Train Kids Company, a situational analysis will come in handy since the...

Zizzi’s Restaurant: Job Satisfaction and Behavior

Introduction Though the name “Zizzi Restaurant” may sound alien to any other resident of the United Kingdom, in South East England, the above-mentioned restaurant chain is quite famous for its Italian flavour and rather reasonable prices. The company has gained an impressive popularity among the target audience; however, a closer...

“The Padding that Hurt”: Human Resource and Ethics

The case scenario The padding that hurt does appear to contain a number of ethical issues, which call to be resolved in one way or another. The main of them can be outlined as follows. Should Sue Davenport (Human Resources Director) persist with insisting that Dan Murphy (Senior Vice-President) must...

Outsourcing of Jobs and Services

Introduction Outsourcing is the process through which one business contracts with another business to offer services that can be undertaken by employees in-house. Normally, the outsourced tasks could be executed by the business itself. However, there are advantages that outsourcing can bring to a company (Heric & Singh, 2010). The...

Employment and Wages in Indiana’s Automotive Industry

Introduction According to Matt (2012), Indiana is one of the states in the U.S., established in 1816. The state covers 94,321square kilometers. It borders Michigan to the north, Ohio to the east, and Illinois to the west. Indiana ranks position 15 of the most populated states in the United States....

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in 1960 as a cartel of the world’s biggest oil suppliers to help them to control the oil price and their own share and profit (Mankiw, 2014, p. 356). Nowadays the organization consists of 12 countries: “Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq,...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Triple Bottom Line Approach

The beginning of the 21st century has been thus far marked by a rapid and wide spread of the social justice and environmental sustainability movements. While previously, issues related to human rights and preservation of the environment were considered to lie in the domain of local and national governments, now...

Cultural Ethics in Regulatory Risks Management

Masterclass 4: Current and Emerging Regulatory ‘Hot Topics’ Preamble Generali Group is interested in minimizing the regulatory risk that can substantially reduce the company’s value. Therefore, the insurance company’s governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) practitioners have to fully understand all regulatory framework components to effectively conduct regulatory risk management...

Amazon’s Cargo Facilities and Implementation Steps

Introduction Thesis Amazon should establish cargo facilities in Beijing, New Delhi, and Munich and introduce the prime delivery service in these regions, which will require a sound strategy with the focus on effective information systems (IS), human resource management (health risks) and urban pressures in the areas discussed. Changes in...

Business Ethical Standards and Processes

Standards and Procedures Ethical behavior is very important in ensuring that Company X is successful in its normal operations. In this section of the ethics program, it is important to understand some of the applicable standards and procedures that define how individual employee should behave. This section would identify some...

Underweight Products and Deontological Ethics

Introduction Business firms have the moral obligation to ensure that they deliver quality and quantity goods to their customers. However, there have been several cases about the operation of firms, where firms sway from this moral duty by way of concentrating on maximizing profits rather than balancing between profits and...

Supply Chain Risk Management: Emerging Issues

Abstract This paper indicates that the use of modern technologies in supply chain can result in preparedness against various risks. However, ICT supply chains are promote to cyber risks that can disorient the business model of the affected company. The discussion encourages companies to form Supply Chain Risk Councils (SCRCs)...

Charlie’s Spot-Out Company Total Rewards

Introduction A presented case enlightens a situation with a changed reward strategy at Charlie’s Spot-Out Company. William, a parts washer, was working relatively slow, especially in low periods when there was a relatively small amount of work. Therefore, Charlie implemented a new reward incentive paying per item washed instead of...

Whole Foods Market’s Diagnostics: Congruence Model

Leavitt’s Model The Leavitt’s model outlines the major variables within an organization that dictate its performance. The major variables include humans, tasks, structural aspects, and technological developments (Falletta, 2005). This model asserts that a change in one of these variables will definitely affect the others. This model is therefore used...

Women’s Suitability in Human Resource Management

Introduction Research writing in management is important. It is essential to master the methods and skills of doing research. In the essay, there are two parts, with the first part being an analysis of research in one of the major management sectors. In this first part, I analyze one of...

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation’s Six Sigma Model

There is no secret that the DMAIC framework for a project improvement has been viewed as one of the most groundbreaking and most widely used tools for successfully promoting changes in the context of a company (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009a). However, due to the need to avoid manufacturing issues at...

Electronic Commerce Definition and Usage

Introduction Electronic Commerce popularly known as e-commerce refers to commercial transactions performed online via electronic means. They involve the use of computers and the internet to serve business entities and customers (Qin, 2009, p. 7). E-commerce has grown tremendously over the years due to the widespread usage of the internet....

Goodmark Company’s Business Strategy

Introduction Business strategy refers to the “direction and scope of an organization in the long-term which enables it to achieve competitive advantage through configuring its resources within a challenging environment in order to meet the needs of the market and expectations of the shareholders” (Dess. 2010, pp. 67). It describes...

Corporate Sustainability Practices in Business

Summary The article “Disney and Other Companies, CFOs Help Drive Sustainability” delves into the subject of corporate sustainability practices and how they are increasingly becoming intertwined with new operational initiatives in creating a means by which factories and supply chains operate in a sustainable manner. Jay Rasulo, the chief financial...

Product-Harm Crisis Management and Strategies

Introduction Customers and consumers are constantly being bombarded by the media and other avenues with information pertaining to products existent in the market. This form of publicity may be catalyzed by a variety of events which may provide positive or negative publicity to the product or brand. Product harm crisis...

Arconas Company Strategies and Financial Performance

Company Introduction: General Profile In this paper, the analysis of the Canadian export corporation, which is called Arconas, is sustained. The official Internet page, which contains the detailed overview of the company operations, is the following link www.arconas.com. The business direction, which is embraced by Arconas, concerns the production of...

Crisis Management: Definition and Relation to Business

In the context of product recalls, crisis management can be defined as the systematic attempt often initiated by the management of the organization to avoid organizational crises or to manage those crisis events that do occur using various crisis management strategies classified into four main categories, namely denial, involuntary recall,...

Apologies, Their Use and Meaning in Business

Article Critique The article Apologies, Their Use and Meaning: A Course Module by Friedman and Friedman focuses on the apologies as the essential elements, which have to be included in the course material. I find this approach interesting, as the authors focus on the remarkable and curious aspects of this...

Suffolk County Council Organizational Change Management

Background Public sector organisations adopt change to ensure that service delivery to their clients is done at a reduced cost. Zhou and Tse (2006) assert that profit-making organisations, which are reluctant to embrace change, risk losing their competitive edge. Hence, they fail to realise the needs of their clients. In...

British Petroleum Company: Organization’ Social Performance

Introduction British Petroleum (BP) is a multinational company that deals with gas, crude oil, and petroleum products (Frerrier, 2010). Its headquarters are in London. According to statistics, BP is among the largest energy companies based on market capitalization. Based on annual income, it was named the fifth-largest company in the...

Lego Toy Company Expansion and Management Strategies

The article “Unpacking Lego” explores the growth trajectory of a company (Lego) that has expanded to become the second-largest manufacturer of toys in the world. Also, it explores the current challenges that the management of the company is dealing with. Lego has grown into the second-best toy manufacturer over ten...

International Business Communication Problem Case

Introduction Our construction company has been tasked with the responsibility of constructing the tallest skyscraper in the globe to be based in Rio de Janeiro. Dubai will finance the project, China will provide the raw materials, and management of the project shall be from the United States. On the other...

Building and Managing Collaborative Teams

The process of building and managing collaborative teams is often difficult because of the necessity to apply the persons’ skills and goals to complete the collective task. To understand the factors which can lead to building ineffective teams, it is necessary to focus on the discussion of the case “Two...

Organizational Growth and Decision Making

Growth in terms of revenue and earnings is the priority of every investor. In most companies, rapid developments lead to decreased performance in stock (Jones 201). Growth and death are not found in every organization. However, it is important to note that stagnation does not necessarily translate to death. Growth...

Everpix Business’ Failure

Everpix was a business establishment that focused on providing customers with an excellent app for managing their photos. The founders of the firm aimed at making the startup become a world choice for the management of photos. The service could help people to manage their photos using digital cameras and...

US Logistics and Transportation Industry

The Specifications of the American Economy The United States of America represents the most dominant world economy level, which may be justified by the high development of the US infrastructure as well as efficient international marketing. Thus, the American dollar became the most usable world transaction currency. It characterizes the...

Why Business Firms Need to Have a Web Page?

Businesses use few funds advertising over the internet through websites as compared to other forms of advertisements thereby making website adverts economical for corporations. The content of the advert is also accessible for a longer period and can be viewed by a bigger audience can be reached within the shortest...

Management and Business’ Information Systems Advantages

In the present-day world, nearly all business theorists seem to have agreed upon the fact that the right use of information that the entrepreneur in question has at his/her disposal makes a pivoting point in the development of private entrepreneurship. However, the so-called informational systems need a very delicate treatment....

The Oasis Company Operations Management

Purpose The Oasis Company created by a friend of mine has been in business for quite a while (since the 1990s), although it has never gained a large recognition. Belonging to the pleiad of the UAE small businesses, the entrepreneurship has never grown to the nationwide level, not to mention...

Dell Company Business Model

There is no use denying the fact that technologies and different digital devices play very important role nowadays. People accustom to the comfort and wide range of possibilities which the usage of devices of this sort provides. With this in mind, it is possible to say that there is a...

Xerox Company Business Marketing

Reading summary Xerox was once a well-performing company in the marketplace. The company went through a difficult financial time before the end of the 1990s. It plunged into bankruptcy. To begin with, the Securities and Exchange Commission investigated the accounting practices of the company (Grewal & Levy, 2012). Several cost-cutting...

Competitive Advantage and Success Strategies

Critical success factors, resources and capabilities There are several concepts that are useful for explaining the ways in which companies can gain a competitive advantage over other enterprises. At first, one should mention critical success factors. They can be defined as the essential elements or prerequisites that are vital to...

Customer Service Representative Job

There are two major ways to approach a job: task- and worker-oriented. The first method implies the focus on tasks completed and tools used, whereas the second method concentrates on features a worker has to have to complete the job effectively. It is important to employ a combination of these...

Asking for a Password from Social Media

“In probably 99% of such cases… my answer would be ‘No, I will not share my password’… That said, my response… was from the perspective of the business owner.” (Edmond par. 3-4). Introduction Not very recently, perhaps just a few years ago, there came to existence a certain peculiar practice...

Web Reservations International: Company’s Strategy

Introduction The rapid growth of Web Reservations International (WRI) can be viewed as an example of how technologies can transform a certain area of economic activities. In this case, one should speak about the budget youth and independent travel market which passes through the period of rapid development (Savills World...

The Cultural Intelligence Concept in the Global Economy

Introduction There are four characteristics that are in demand within a technology oriented enterprise, namely: high market responsiveness, fast developments, low cost, and finally high levels of creativity, innovation and efficiency. What must be understood though is that such characteristics are dependent upon the type of technical teams that are...

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts: Company Information

As an object of my future economic research, I have chosen Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (WDP&R). It is a subsidiary company of a larger corporation, The Walt Disney Company. Type of Industry Walt Disney Parks and Resorts operates in the amusement park industry and is closely connected...

Pricing Concepts in Marketing

The only element within the marketing mix that does not generate cost is pricing. The latter generates revenue. Since the generations of revenue and profit maximization are the key goals of any business establishment, it is important to devise the most effective pricing strategies (Grewal & Levy, 2012). There are...

Organizational Culture: Key Concepts and Best Practices

Observables artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions for the firms General electric is a company that is focused on the management of time. Time management is applied at different levels starting with an individual employee who should be at the right place at the right time. Through the management of...

TOC’ and Six Sigma’s Approaches: Management Theories

Maintaining high-quality standards is a challenging yet essential goal to pursue for every company operating in the global economy realm. With the advance of the production technologies, the quality standards have been upgraded, as well; therefore, the need to incorporate an all-embracive approach for quality management emerged. At present, the...

HPCL Indian Oil Company: Overcoming Challenges

Identifying the problems that a company may face in the environment of the global economy is essential for developing a sustainable approach and becoming successful in the target market. The specified task is especially complicated for Indian organizations, which have to manage a variety of unique obstacles that the Indian...