Strategic Investment at Orpic

Company Overview Established in 2011 and based in Sohar, Orpic is owned by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and is currently one of the largest players in the Middle East oil and gas industry. The company offers a wide range of petroleum products, including fuels and plastics, for...

Establishing a Foreign Office

List of Considerations The establishment of a foreign office is a complex and sophisticated issue that might demand consideration of critical factors that will impact its functioning. First of all, top management should consider the existing legal and regulatory barriers to further evolution as they might be narrowing opportunities for...

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles: The Financial Crisis of 2008

Introduction The financial crisis of 2008 affected cultural institutions across the United States. For instance, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Los Angeles found itself financially strapped and incapable of achieving most of its cultural objectives. The absence of government support and reduced endowment gifts forced many institutions to...

Federal Taxation of Individuals

Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, S Corporation, and C Corporation A partnership is an agreement signed by two or more parties to manage a business as co-proprietors. An organization is a business with different proprietors, each of whom has put resources into the market. A few associations incorporate people who work in...

Trade Wars: Who Can Stand the Pain the Longest – China or the USA?

Introduction It could be stated with certainty that within the last decade, the international economic landscape has undergone considerable changes, the start of which was marked by the global economic crisis of 2008. According to Hirakawa and Aung (2011), the importance of the newly emerging economies has increased significantly as...

Globalization and Knowledge Management

Abstract This paper outlines the knowledge management in the context of globalization and using personal experience with virtual learning. Both the class theory of organizational knowledge management and innovational strategies are reviewed. Companies will be able to use distance learning and other applications or platforms to spread expertise and competencies...

Trends and Projections of the United States Economic Growth

Introduction The economic growth rate of a country is not constant over time, but it exhibits phases of expansion, stagnation, and decline. Fluctuation of an economy in these phases creates a business cycle that elucidates trends and offers projections of economic growth. For the last ten years since the great...

Comparison of Canada and Algeria Economic Development

Economic development varies from one country to another depending on the nature of economic and non-economic factors. These factors determine the quantity of goods and services that a country generates in a given period, as well as the trend of the real gross domestic product (GDP). Capital, technology, population, and...

European Economic Integration: The Case of Hungary

European economic integration is a complex and ongoing process that is associated with both advantages and certain obstacles for European countries. To understand how economic integration is influencing the current members of the European Union (EU) and what changes in their economies can be predicted, it is necessary to analyze...

Economics for Management. Taxation in the UK

Introduction Taxation is important to the prosperity of a country as governments need to impose charges on businesses and citizens to raise revenue and meet the demands of the budget. Since different countries have varied approaches to taxation, understanding that there is no unified solution to every taxation issue is...

Budget Consolidation vs. Redistribution Policies

Introduction Priority areas for the development of domestic policies regarding the allocation of budgetary funds are the essential components of economic development. Relevant strategies aimed at controlling costs, the growth of public debt, and other aspects are designed to regulate cash flows and prevent potential financial crises. In developed countries,...

Theories of Value by Adam Smith and David Ricardo

Theories of value by Adam Smith and David Ricardo explain why goods are exchanged for certain amounts of money in the market. Both theorists stated that labor is the basis of all value and that the value of a good can be estimated by the number of labor hours needed...

Inequality in Russia: Causes and Consequences

Introduction The inequality in financial matters, socioeconomic policies and the public domain has become a global concern. Russia has moved from the Soviet era of populism to abject poverty and extreme riches. The fast financial development that Russia has encountered in the previous decade did not cause any change in...

Transportation Economics of American Railroads

Transporting is a critical part of modern life that enables people to travel both long and short distances. Thus, this industry is distinctly vital for humankind. Businesses working in this field provide services connected to the movement of people or things from one place to the other. Railroads are a...

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank’s Online Banking Services

Online Banking Services in the UAE: Abu Dhabi Islamic BankIntroduction In 2019, most banks around the world offer online and mobile banking services. The advantages of the Internet and communication technology have immensely improved the speed and convenience of banking operations for customers and financial institutions alike. The availability of...

Canadian Housing: Housing Affordability and Core Housing Need

Housing affordability in Canada remains an acute problem for many areas of the country. This report provides a detailed analysis of the issue, its background, and its reasons. It discusses trends in Canadian housing affordability, presents statistical data for all provinces, and addresses core housing needs. The paper concludes that...

Neoliberalism in the Film “Wall Street”

The modern world in its social, political, and economic manifestations has gone through a series of ideological changes throughout centuries of its existence. Overall, the search for an ideal type of government has always been a never-ending process due to the evolution of thought and constant willingness to change the...

Postsecondary Enrolment and Parental Income

Introduction Among a variety of factors that can influence students’ pursuing a postsecondary education, parental income plays one of the key roles. It is important to determine whether there are any changes in trends for the years of 2001-2014 in students’ enrolment in postsecondary education based on the factor of...

Russia’s and China’s Economic Development Models

Introduction In the 20th century, China and the USSR were two of the largest planned economy systems; they took action to transition towards a liberal market economy. However, the methods they chose were different as China implemented changes gradually while Russia showed a more radical approach. As a result, the...

Labour Division in Planned and Market Economies

Introduction Whereas there are diverse variations of economies, planned and market economies are considered the dominant ones. It is important to emphasize that they are contrastingly different: corporations in counties with the planned economy are owned by the government, and in-market economy societies, businesses are only regulated by state bodies....

Taiwan as a Country for International Business

Executive Summary A large Canadian company is considering expanding its foreign operations to include Taiwan. It has an approximate size of 36,200 square kilometers. As a result, this country is an attractive market due to its large population of 23.5 million people. In this market, the Canadian company is expected...

Venezuela as a Country for Business Expansion

Executive Summary Venezuela is located in Latin America, and its gross domestic product (GDP) significantly depends on the country’s oil and gas industry. The current economic and political situation in the country is unstable, characterized by hyperinflation, high levels of bureaucracy, governmental restrictions for businesses, high levels of poverty and...

Real Wages Trends in the United States

Recent economic analysis of real wages in the United States over the past four decades shows that there has not been a meaningful growth in income despite the yearly adjustments of salaries and wages (Tyler, 2018). The annual increase in wages of American workers does not demonstrate an actual improvement...

International Business: Sino-American Trade War

Introduction International business is the field that studies the trade of goods, capital, and other significant items across borders on a global level. The news article selected for this review is the one presented by Ben Chapman. The author addresses the most recent news on the so-called trade war between...

Gender Differences in Financial Knowledge

Summary of Findings The lack of financial knowledge in students has been a source of concern in the academic environment due to the obvious challenges that the specified knowledge gap entails for learners. Without proper financial knowledge, students are incapable of making critical decisions in their academic life, which may...

Price Discrimination in “Naked Economics” by Wheelan

Price is one of the most potent instruments affecting the global economy, different countries’ economic and social stability, as well as the life of millions of humans and even various species on the planet. Higher prices let people earn more and improve their living standards while they can also make...

Mexico as a Country for Business Expansion

Country’s Macro Environment The Description of the Country Mexico is a country with a total population of 129,163,276 (as of the end of 2017) that is located in the Southern area of North America, having borders with Belize, the United States, and Guatemala (“Mexico: Introduction,” 2018). The country’s income level...

Adverse Selection: Is Discrimination Warranted?

Adverse selection is defined as a situation in which sellers of goods or services have more information than buyers (or have information that they do not have) and vice versa. The issue is especially relevant for the insurance businesses since adverse selection is usually a tendency for individuals with high-risk...

Microeconomics: Government and Market Relations

Critiquing government policies and attempting to create one that will bring success are two different activities. While one can say that government failures are worse than the market ones, it is clear that both of them can significantly impact people’s lives. However, state’s governments control many factors that contribute to...

The Importance of Sustainable Development in the Food Retail Sector

Abstract This research report is designed to explore the phenomena of sustainability in business and corporate social responsibility. The report addresses the concepts of sustainability in business and corporate social responsibility, which resemble the core values of the modern-day economy of the world. Growing concerns related to environmental and social...

Financial Fraud in the Context of Economics

Various manipulative techniques behind net income planning have become one of the most widespread causes of financial fraud in the context of economics. On the example of the provided case study, it may be seen that quite often, when it comes to the official accounting data, many company leaders are...

Opinion on Protectionism

In my vision, protectionism cannot be undertaken in all cases; however, there might be a situation when I would be in favor of adding tariffs to imports. At times, foreign production starts permanently substituting domestic supply and hindering the distribution and development of internal products. It usually happens due to...

The United States’ and China’s Gross Domestic Product

For every country’s economy to be successful, there are some factors that are rather crucial. One of them is the gross domestic product, or GDP, that influences any country’s welfare and prosperity. The purpose of this paper is to provide the gross domestic product figures of the United States of...

The Impact of the U.S.-Mexican Trade War

Trade war is defined as a situation in which two or more countries do damage to each other’s trades by raising import tariffs or imposing restrictions on the other countries’ import. Trade wars are typically seen as a side effect of protectionism – a political stance that seeks to shield...

Analysis of the Great Recession

The first post-war most prolonged recession occurred in December of 2007 and came to an end only in June of 2009 and received the name of the Great Recession. Apart from its continuance, the Great Recession was ponderous in many aspects. The global crisis led all the financial markets and...

Macroeconomics Interest Rates and Aggregated Supply: Demand in the Federal Reserve Bank

Introduction The Federal Reserve Bank makes a decision to increase interest rates regardless of the fact that real wages do not rise. Even though this idea seems to prevent people from earning more and has negative personal effects, its influence on the country’s economy is advantageous. Increased interest rates will...

Regulations Helping the United States Economy From 1865 to the 1930s

Introduction The period from 1865 to the 1930s included a variety of processes in the country’s economy, which the government tried to control. The commonly accepted principle of non-interference started to be altered to more strict interference since laborers and businessmen asked the government to support them. The government began...

US Housing Bubble Burst in 2006-2008 and Now

The U.S. housing bubble burst was a famous economic event that affected more than half of the states in the country during the beginning of the 2000s. It was characterized by housing prices being considerably changed in several years: an evident peak in 2006, a sudden decline in 2007, and...

Minimum Wage of $15 per Hour: Arguments Against

The minimum wage was introduced many decades ago to secure the rights of workers and ensure that employers would not make people work for extremely low wages. This standard is a common instrument utilized in many countries, including the USA. This tool is one of the measures to address the...

Compensation Plans for CEOs in North America’s Private Sector

Introduction Organizational leaders and chief executive officers (CEOs) are some of the key employees whose performances contribute to the success of their respective companies. Shareholders always expect such managers to use their abilities to move the targeted firms to the next level and make them profitable. However, these leaders require...

The Flaws of Neoliberalism

Neoliberal ideas have emerged to be the leading political, economic, and social paradigm in modern American society. Many scholars examine the effects of this system on the different manifestations of life (Foer, 2017; Fukuyama, 2016; Gray, 2011). The theoretical framework of neoliberalism does not coincide with the practices it utilizes...

North American Free Trade Agreement

Introduction to the Case The case associated with North Carolina increasing its import taxes to 25% on foreign-manufactured furniture and textiles calls for the exploration of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The agreement was signed for reducing or completely eliminating the majority of duties, taxes, and other forms...

Mixed Economy: “Blended Theory” by Mark Zwelling

The business marketplace undergoes considerable changes regularly, creating new options to improve the working process or avoid unpredictable problems. The promotion of specialization is a common and reliable step in terms of which specialists understand their duties and do their work faster because of the level of knowledge and experience...

Brexit: Liberalism and Dependency Theory

Introduction: The Issue Divorcing a strong and powerful economic community is a rather controversial decision that will inadvertently cause significant internal and external conflicts for any state. The case of Brexit proves that the refusal to be a part of the European Union (EU) is fraught with serious consequences that...

Henry George’s “Progress and Poverty” Book

Introduction The problem of economic inequality and the uneven distribution of wealth has been scrutinized by philosophers, economists, and scholars for centuries, spawning numerous theories and assumptions. However, when considering the landmark pieces that have introduced an unexpected and even unprecedented interpretation of the subject matter and the influences that...

The Fed and Housing Bubbles

Introduction There is general agreement that the financial turmoil of 2007-2009 was caused by the bursting of the housing bubble, which triggered the worldwide economic crisis. Many scholars maintain that the crisis was instigated by the malpractice and miscalculation of private actors, a lack of regulation, and a bubble mentality...

Student Loan Giant “Navient” Analysis

The possibility to gain education depends on several factors, and frequently, one’s knowledge is not the most decisive of them. Families of many young people in the US and other countries of the world cannot afford higher education for their children and need to take loans for which they have...

Every Man for Himself: Third-World Economies

Every Man for Himself is an editorial published on September 28, 2017, in a popular daily Philippine newspaper, “Business Mirror.” This research revealed the influence of developed countries on third-world economies. It is a case study that examines a specific theoretical model of the development of the third world countries...

Industrialization, Legal System, and Imperialism

Three key developments of industrialization associated with such fields as the science, economy, and law are the manufacturing industry, the shift to the economy based on the large-scale industry, and the labor law. In science, the development of new machines appropriate for manufacturing allowed for focusing on the progress of...

Unemployment Rates in the US

The state of the American economy is getting closer to full employment, whereas the unemployment rates (as of 2017) remain to be approximately 4.4%. The current unemployment rates are one of the lowest if compared to other unemployment rates of the 2000s. They do not seem to be growing; therefore,...

Low Wages and Inequality Solutions in the USA

Introduction Unemployment and low wages are the issues of the day in the USA. Despite the fact that official unemployment rates remain relatively low, standing at 4.1% (Paul et al.), the number of individuals being partially employed has increased dramatically. The high-paying end of the labor market enjoys reasonable yearly...

Managerial Economics: Supply and Demand Market

Introduction The demand and supply equilibrium is the basis of all commercial interactions between consumers and producers. It helps determine the price of products and the quantity available to the market. As a rule, market forces tend to serve as regulators for the fairness of established prices. If the quantity...

Managerial Economics: Production Output Rate

The cost schedule and output rate Marginal cost is calculated by determining changes in the total cost when the rate of output increases by a single unit (Mankiw, 2016). The fixed cost remains the same for all rates of output. The average fixed cost is calculated by dividing it by...

Managerial Economics. Elasticity Characteristics

Introduction Price elasticity is a parameter used in determining the sensitivity of demand towards prices. Price sensitivity in customers can be induced by a myriad of economic factors, ranging from a lack of resources in the target customers to the presence of competition providing similar products. It is one of...

Finding the Supply and Demand Equilibrium

How an equilibrium price is set in the supply and demand market Many factors, among them price, population, and income, affect consumer demand for products and services sold in a market. Demand is satisfied either by local producers or importers. The demand curve is downward-sloping, which means that an inverse...

Fiscal Policy: Federal Investment and Taxes

Introduction Fiscal policy is one of the main methods of federal and state intervention in the economy aimed at reducing fluctuations in business cycles and ensuring a stable economic system in the short term. The main instruments of fiscal policy are the revenues and expenditures of the state budget, which...

Inequality in Developing States and Its Measures

According to Nobel Prize winner Simon Kuznets, inequality in developing countries is a temporal phenomenon (qt. in Chang 387). The hypothesis proposed by the economist stated that as the economy develops, a country experiences an increase of inequality followed by its decrease. He has argued that a period of transition...

Dubai’s Economic Growth and Laziness of Poor

The unprecedented growth of Dubai’s economy started in the 1970s and coincided with the significant increase in oil prices (Sargisson 76). However, the growth of the city’s economy was not a result of the oil boom per se. Even though the revenues from the sale of oil resources helped Dubai...

Migration Flows and Their Socio-Economic Impact

The deepening of globalization is associated with an ever-increasing level of international migration (Artal-Tur et al. 8). In order to better understand the implication of the phenomenon, it is necessary to explore it from the demographic, social, and economic points of view. One should understand that migration is a powerful...

Global Trade Slowdown and Protectionism

This term project presents the main theme, two subthemes, and global connections. Global trade, or international trade, which involves the import and export of goods and services across international borders, is now slowing down since 2012 (International Monetary Fund, 2016). It is shown that the trend is much worse than...

International Economics: Tariffs in Argentina and Child Labor

Tariffs in Argentina Having accessed the WTO website, I selected Argentina as a country for the analysis of tariffs. As the website confirms, in Argentina, the taxes and other duties on agricultural products are higher than those on non-agricultural products. According to the data provided by WTO, the final bound...

The Concept of Return on Investment

Listing and Valuing Resources Return on investment (ROI) is a measure used to determine how the benefits of training in the organization can exceed or cover the costs of training. Planning the on-the-job training program, it is necessary to create a list of all the items and resources used during...

Economic Crisis and Its Implications in Various Areas

The Political Geography of Gasoline Prices As part of the wider economic analysis, this article explores the impacts of rising fuel prices on people’s voting behavior and trends. We cannot ignore the emerging trends from fuel consumption even if the influences might be weak. According to the author, gas prices...

Financial Language: A Case Study of Lehman Brothers

Abstract The objective of the current research was to examine the changes in financial language and social development since financial tsunami, 2008, in the context of the United States and to report on the role and use of financial language in the proliferation of financial globalization and its eventual climax...

US Budget Deficit in Political Simulation

Introduction The budget process is a crucial undertaking for every country across the world. It yields an essential economic policy tool that guides all government activities. Apparently, a government cannot raise or spend any funds without a national budget. This requirement makes the national budget pivotal in all government endeavors...

The United Arab Emirates’ and India’s Economies

Introduction The United Arab Emirates is the second-largest economy in the Arab region. It comes closely behind Saudi Arabia. Currently, UAE is the eighth largest oil producer in the world. The country maintains a free market system. The open system gives the nation means that investors from different parts of...

International Trade Benefits for the US Economy

Introduction International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between and among countries. It involves using the global markets to deliver products that are not available in some countries and to move products from countries with excess supplies to countries with fewer supplies of commodities. Many states have...

Population Changes and Its Impact on Economic Activity

Introduction In this portfolio, I will attempt to achieve a better understanding between changes in the population and its subsequent impact on economic activity within specific regions and how this influences the construction industry. The primary method of data collection will come from the ONS website with various academic articles...

Alcohol Abuse: the Economist Approach

Introduction To an economist, the problem of alcohol abuse is viewed as an externality in both consumption and production. The value to consumers is greater than the value to society. Alcohol consumption is linked to many social problems, and addressing these problems diverts a significant amount of resources that could...

The Movement of Global Oil Prices between 1960 and 2011

Introduction Crude Oil or petroleum, as we all know is the world’s most robustly dealt commodity. In her book Oil: The Economics of Fuel, Joann Jovinelly emphasizes the importance of this source for the whole world and the USA in particular (2007). It is extracted from the earth through oil...

Massive Industrialization and Child Labor Nowadays

Introduction Today, we live in a highly industrialized society that manufactures millions of products every day. It contributes to the increased convenience and diversity. People are able to choose goods they want and enjoy other benefits of the developed industrial sector. However, several centuries ago, the situation was different. Agriculture...

Financial Structure in Post-Crisis Developed Countries

Abstract The paper investigates the importance of distinguishing between the two types of financial structure (bank-based and market-based). Its major goal is to examine the effect of financial structure on developed countries during the period following the 2008-2009 financial crisis. For achieving this aim, a substantial bulk of literature was...

“Union Decline in a Neoliberal Age” by Vachon et al.

Globalization is one of the most important tendencies that alter the modern world and shape peoples mentalities. Nowadays, it affects all regions of the world and all spheres of human activity. For this reason, its comprehensive investigation becomes an important task to understand the peculiarities of the issue and the...

Real Estate Role in Sustainable Development

Introduction As far as adding to the scientific deliberation, the work of scholars gives non-specific systems to sustainable development. Such non-exclusive systems recommend that various procedures can be taken after as a major aspect of sustainable development, each of which views the idea of sustainability through various lenses, or a...

Naked Economics and Financial Markets

Introduction In Chapter 7, Wheelan provides an overview of the basic mechanisms of financial markets. The ideas presented by the author can be used to discuss this case study. The chapter is also written in a manner that ensures numerous illustrative examples, which helps to understand the notions, mechanisms, and...

Investing in London: Conference for Investors

Group Cultural Dynamics The conference will include investors who have expressed interest in investing in the local economy. Most of these investors are from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates. They are Arabs who are strongly convinced that the city has a lot to offer to the investors in various...

Globalization Influences Discussed in TED Talks

Navigating our Global Future Some people may indeed end up cursing globalization as others rejoice while reaping its great benefits. It all depends on the motive of coming together: is it for a course that will benefit everyone, for selfish gains, or destruction of what already exists? Businesses may do...

London for Investors: Organization of a Mini-Conference

Cultural and ethical background considerations of the conference participants London has become multicultural because of the entry of migrants from Asia and other parts of the world. The continuing growth of migration has occurred since early 2000, and this has contributed to the complexity of the London environment, but which...

American Economic Recovery Process in 2012

Is this really the worst economic recovery since the Depression? According to the article, some experts assert that the U.S. is experiencing the worst economic recovery in history. However, Rampell states that the economic downturn was severe but not comparable with the events of the Great Depression. The reason why...

Economic Reality of the Oil Supply Dwindling

Abstract The main purpose of this dissertation is to research on economic reality of living with a dwindling supply of oil. In order to do so, the first chapter will discuss the background of the problem like dwindling supply of oil, rationale of the research, the objective of the dissertation...

PDVSA Company and the Influence of Political Decisions

Abstract Since the early twentieth century, Venezuela’s future has been associated with its oil industry and the country’s relation with this resource has been rather uncertain because it has been consistently contributing to socio economic development as well as economic stagnation and declining standards. However, oil has also contributed in...

Public Expenditures in the Gulf Cooperation Council States

Introduction The oil crisis in 1998 and 1999 and the related financial problems encountered by the GCC states motivated the authorities to institute reform strategies to control deficits. These programs were implemented at different levels in accordance with specific platforms in every state of the GCC. But in all the...

Canada’s Educational Reform and Economic Analysis

Issue Canadian education is still recognized as one of the best in the world. The recent results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) show that Canadian teenagers perform above average, but Canada was outperformed by Asian and European countries (“Canada’s Students Slipping in Math and Science” par. 6)....

The United States Macroeconomics

What, if anything, does the Employment/Population (E/P) profile for the United States from 2007 to 2012 tell you about short-run economic growth over that period? The rise in the unemployment rate in the United States after the economic recession of 2007-2009 was severe and unprecedented. During this period, the unemployment...

Macroeconomics Study Basic Analysis

Explain how a basic analysis of the money market underpins the derivation of the LM curve The LM curve is derived from the money market equilibrium. It shows the range of values of interest rates, I, which when combined with the outputs, Y, give an equilibrium money market. The interest...

State-Owned Banks Privatization Efficiency in Turkey

Abstract In the banking sector, where intense competition is experienced, it is hard for the banks to survive and sustain the efficiency of their competitiveness. They struggle to survive through different strategies they adopt and the directions they prefer. The intense competition recently observed in the banking sector introduced novel...

Latin American Economies After the Cold War

The Cold War had various effects on the countries of Latin America. One of the major impacts was the political tension between two major forces, left- and right-wing groups. The USA and the USSR two super powers aimed at increasing the zones of their influence. Thus, the USSR supported Marxist,...

Capital, Debt and Equity

WACC What role does the cost of capital play in the overall financial decision making of the firm’s top managers? There are different sources of funds that could be accessed by a company to manage its various business activities. These may include funds obtained from either operating activities or non-operating...

Global Markets: Model to Success

Introduction Companies and enterprises have established operations beyond national borders. This condition has heightened competition in the global markets. Using Arvind Mills from India as an example, Bartlett and Ghoshal point out that companies from developed countries dominate the global markets thus making it hard for companies from developing companies...

Interest Rate and Exchange Rate in the UK and US Markets

Research Question What is the effect of the real exchange rate and interest rate in the UK and US banking sectors during a financial crisis? Research Hypotheses Ho: The real exchange rate and interest rate has no effect in the UK and US banking sector during a financial crisis. Ha:...

Multinational Companies and Global Imbalances

Examine the opportunities for multinational companies to shift resources around the world and the implications of this for nation-states Why Multinational Corporations shift Resources A multinational company refers to a firm whose business operations are spread out in more than one country. For the last two decades, there has been...

Intervention in China’s Housing Market

Introduction Background of the Study In her analysis on metropolitan development Dwyer (2007) states that higher status populations tend to occupy new housing developments within metropolitan areas while lower-status groups tend to be restricted to older housing (Dwyer 2007, 23 – 24). What must be understood is that the current...

International Attempts to Curb the Power of Microsoft

Dear US and EU Competition authority, Am writing to you with regards to the many attempts made by Microsoft Corporation to reduce our monopoly power which is totally against public interests. Microsoft Corporation is a public multinational corporation that specializes in developing, manufacturing, licensing, and at the same time, supporting...

Preparation of Financial Statements

With regards to the preparation of financial statements, the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (2014) includes key points as to the knowing misrepresentation of the statements, submission of financial statements, negligence in preparation, and subordination of judgment. The knowing misrepresentation of financial statements in the course of their preparation occurs...

The Hearing Aid Market: Demand and Price

Elasticity and Hearing Aids Over 30 million people in the United States experience hearing loss, but just over 7 million choose to use hearing aids. In other words, less than one-quarter of potential candidates for hearing aids use them. There are several reasons why so few people who would benefit...

Gain and Loss of Contingencies

According to FACB Accounting Standards Codification (n.d.), ASC 450 “Contingencies” covers the three topics of gain contingencies, loss contingencies, and overall. Gain contingencies are claims for the reduction in a liability or rights to receive an asset. It is noted (450-30) that the codification provides “guidance for the recognition and...

Globalization and Its Consequences: Economic Crossroads

Whether talking about his “McDonald’s Theory” or “Dell Theory” or that the “world is flat,” Thomas Friedman offers a provocative argument about where we now are international, how we got there, and where we are going. Explain and assess his views, including their security implications, touching as well on his...

China’s Economics in the Article “China in Africa”

The article by Alessi and Xu (2015) concentrates on the fast development of China’s economics in the context of its relationships with Africa. The authors describe the country’s current needs and how they are satisfied, examine the criticism over the business practices, and assess the advantages of Sino-African ties. First...

“Too Much” Integration With the Global Economy

Introduction A number of issues are responsible for poverty and underdevelopment in poor countries. These issues vary from country to country. In most cases, ineffective policies and dependency upon developed states are the main contributors to poverty and underdevelopment in poor countries. These causes of poverty and underdevelopment depict the...

Long-Term Investment Decisions and the Role of Government During a Merger

Introduction Typically, there are a number of reasons to undertake a merger. Many times, companies look to increase growth, increase efficiency, and extract very real profit during a period of irrational exuberance. In any case, the government indicates that it will approve a merger, but only on the condition that...

Central Bank’s Communications Strategy

The main issue covered by Graham Smart’s article is that the set of genres and wide range of meditating technologies associated with the Canadian Central bank’s communications strategy can be perceived as portions of local organization action. As he attempts to prove his point, Smart explores two aspects of the...

Portfolio Management: Stock Selection and Portfolio Performance

Introduction This is a report that summarizes the performance of a portfolio of five stocks selected (theoretically) on October 01, 2011, and is disposed of holding up to November 03 302011. The paper covers the performance of the portfolio, stock selection criteria, each stock performance, and the returns of the...

Factors and Beliefs on Real Estate Markets

Summary of Factors and my Belief of what is going to Happen Most economists according to the article have given pessimistic forecasts as far as economic growth is concerned. In line with the lowered forecasts, the Obama administration has formulated several policies to address the issue and spur growth. Sluggish...

Hospitality and Restaurant Management in Singapore

Introduction The hospitality industry is one of the industries that is growing very fast due to the fast growth of economies that have necessitated the growth of this sector. Many investors opt to invest in this industry because it is widely known that, such businesses have considerable profits. Hospitality is...

Restriction on Ownership and Its Impact on Real Estate Market

Summary of the Article Real estate is a sector that has attracted several investments in recent years. The sector growth has attracted several rules and regulations to protect both private and public interests of its acquisition and usage. The USA government federal rules have to a large extent been duplicated...

International Economics: Data for China

The table below presents the World Bank data for China within the years of 2011, 2012, and 2013. The choice of years for this paper was based on the fact that 2011-2013 are quite recent, and therefore, they provide a reflection of the latest changes and events in the selected...

Financial Ratios: Management and Analysis

Current Ratio Current ratio is one of the financial ratios indicting the liquidity of the firms over the short-term. Current ratio is defined “as a class of financial metrics that is used to determine a company’s ability to pay off its short-terms debts obligations. Generally, the higher the value of...

How Taxes Affect Deadweight Loss?

Cause Deadweight loss is the loss in social surplus that occurs when a market produces an inefficient quantity (Hall and Lieberman 454). In other words, a deadweight loss can be characterized as the costs that the market’s inefficiency imposes on society. A deadweight loss might be applied to any deficiency...

Increased Supply, Decreased Demand and Price Drop

Abstract The oil industry plays an extremely important role today because its development allows the population to maintain their lives in the way they used to. The price of oil alters rather often and in the majority of cases, it becomes higher, which makes the general public dissatisfied. According to...

Price Elasticity of Demand: Corn Oil

Effect of the high demand for corn on its substitute soybeans and effect of the high demand for corn on soybeans farm An increase in the quantity demanded of corn oil will reduce demand for its substitute corn oil. Farmers will consider supplying more of the highly demanded corn oil...

Tax Benefits and Social Security

Lessons from the Stimulus Fight Barnes is skeptical on the effect of less than 40 % stimulus package in the form of tax cuts proposed by President Obama’s administration. He admits that the process of Economic recovery has since delayed with the rates of unemployment registering a 9 percent. The...

Trust and Its Influence on Economic Development

Population In order to explain the relationship between trust and economic equality, the understanding of four factors is unnecessary, which include the social ties or social systems, assumptions on social relations, disagreements over social resources, and the opportunity cost of time. Studies confirm that inequality is a determinant of trust...

Neoliberalism and Government Control of Business

Introduction One of the main qualitative aspects of today’s living in the West is that it is the advocates of the specifically libertarian (neo-liberal) economic theories, who now enjoy a largely undisputed dominance in the discursive domain of economics. Partially, this explains why it now became a commonplace assumption that...

Adopting International Accounting Standards

The effort to achieve a single set of global accounting standards has gained significant momentum in the recent past. The logic behind the development of a single set of high-quality global accounting standards for the world’s integrating capital markets has become more evident especially with the collapse of major corporations...

How China Will Change Your Business?

Principles Of Marketing As the Chinese save money in their bank deposits, the government of China siphons off the money to lend to the U.S., which then lowers the cost of money in the country. By doing this, the people of China are ultimately giving financial support to the voracious...

The US Accounts Deficit in “The Overstretch Myth”

Main points of the article In the article, Brown and Levey delve into the current furor surrounding the U.S. accounts deficit and the level of debt the U.S. finds itself in. Brown and Levey state that the problems are less dire than what analysts claim them to be. They focus...

“Why Invest in Africa” TED Talk by Euvin Naidoo

In his TED talk, Euvin Naidoo addresses the topic of Africa as a developing continent, its weaknesses, and its strengths. His goal is to discuss the reasons why investing in Africa is a great decision. The rate of inflation is decreasing significantly. In the past two decades, countries that include...

Germany’ Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization

On the whole, in the modern globalized world, it is quite difficult for a state, even for one of the most powerful ones, to completely preserve its autonomy from the rest of the world. This is because nowadays, most countries have strong connections with other countries, and most of these...

Foundations of Microeconomics: Franchise Firms

How do franchise firms benefit from economies of scale? Franchise firms are the small businesses that are operated in such a way that they deal with goods of larger corporations. They usually buy the products from the corporation at a discounted price hence being able to supply them at a...

Effectiveness of Antitrust Sanctions on Cartels

DeBeers and monopoly Why some firms are more competitive and successful than others has long been a matter of marketers’ concern. In any market, whether ice-cream or electric engineering, competitiveness of firms depends on a variety of factors, including their ability to manage resources effectively and external market conditions. Firms...

Microeconomics Principles: Production, Costs and Profits

Benefits of Economies of scale A franchise firm is big company which means that their cost of every unit sold or produced is lower and this implies that they earn higher profits; thus, as the firm expands, the cost per every unit sold or produced significantly reduces (Abraham, 2007). Franchise...

Capital Asset Pricing Model

For each of the scenarios below, explain whether or not it represents a diversifiable or an undiversifiable risk. Please consider the issues from the viewpoint of investors. Explain your reasoning There’s a substantial unexpected increase in inflation. The substantial, unexpected increase in inflation is a non-verifiable risk that affects the...

Real Estate Market Role in Macroeconomics

Brief summary of article Global downturn aftershocks are to blame for the economic situation in the USA as far as economic growth and employment is concerned. The shocks have culminated into higher unemployment rates for a long period. The government is proposing the use of fiscal policies to create employment...

Consumer Trust and Behaviour: Contactless Payment

Introduction Background Over the last three decades, banking and payment methods have experienced a dynamic shift to the digitalized systems, thanks to technological development. Over the last few years, radio-frequency identification (RFID) payment technology has widely been applied in credit and debits cards (Hossain & Prybutok 2008). The technology is...

International Market Development at Edutot Japan

Introduction International markets differ in terms of legal systems, economic status, language, religion and culture. Legal system affects operations of a company. 4ps of marketing mix should be considered. Natural resources and geography of a country affects economic growth and thus performance of a company. EduTot’s market infrastructure in Japan...

Tarot LTD: Work in a Competitive Market

Tarroc LTD Points to note: Tarroc is making normal profits. The industry is at its ‘long-run’ equilibrium. The scenario is given of the industry in which Tarrot LTD operates implies a purely competitive market. It is characterized by a large number of relatively small firms. These firms are considered price...

Measuring National Economic Health

Describe the use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to measure the business cycle It is undeniable that the Gross national product can be used to measure the business cycle. The gross national product has occasionally been used to assess the US economy for a long time. This is as far...

Political Economy of Communication

Benkler Article Networked Information Economy. Benkler (1) emphasized that the networked information economy requires physical capital for profitable production. The networked information economy is very important to human freedom and human development. The economy of production and transfer of networked information in the community significantly affects the way people see...

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

Business Indicators for (Foreign) Investors Foreign Exchange Stability Chowdhury & Haque (2008) pointed out that the foreign exchange stability and virtual exchange rates of currencies in SAARC nations were more stable on average throughout the past decade than the US Dollars, Euro, and Yen, which prevail in the Special Drawing...

Global Political Economy: World Trade Organization, World Bank, and European Union

Introduction This essay on global political economy will present answers to the attached questions. The answer to the first question will illuminate the exact functions of World Trade Organization (WTO), the problems associated with the body, such as market access in developing countries, tariffs, and impacts of subsidies, barriers that...

Globalization Concept and Its Impact on the State

Introduction Globalization is not a new term since it has existed for a long period. For many years, globalization has continued to grow through trade, travel, migration, transfer of cultural elements, and spread of knowledge. For over 500 years, monarchs, adventurous, and financiers have been committed to the creation of...

The World Trade Organization’s Controversies

The World Trade Organization is the sole global body that deals with fairness in trade among nations. It designs rules to ensure that large economies and small economies are at par in economic growth. However, its policies and propositions are not popular with most nations. Its aims are to facilitate...

Competitive Advantage and Related Misunderstanding

Competitive advantage is the ability one country has over another to produce a particular commodity with a comparatively lower opportunity cost. For example, Kenya has the necessary climatic conditions for the production of coffee. On the other hand, Switzerland has an advantage in the technology to manufacture refined coffee for...

Market Indicators for Entry Decision-Making

Companies refer to several market potential indicators in making market entry decisions. Michigan State University’s School of Business has developed eight indicators to help companies to make such decisions when considering entry into emerging markets. Emerging markets are quite critical as they form majority of the world’s population and account...

Consumer and Firm Theories and Competitive Behaviour

Consideration of a simple economy in which two output goods are produced using only labor, yielding three markets Simple economy China’s agricultural sector is a simple yet labor-intensive economy. In the simple economy which is the agricultural sector, the cost of production and the prices of goods produced are mainly...

Global Financial Crisis and Banking System in Australia

Introduction The recent global financial crisis affected almost all banks in the world with very few banks shielded from this misfortune. Australia and Canada were not greatly affected by the crisis. This is a result of effective regulatory mechanisms that were in place. But this is not to say that...

Portfolio Construction: Choosing a Suitable Investment Option

Managing an investment project in the environment of the global economy is fraught with numerous risks. Primarily, the possibility of a crisis deserves to be mentioned. Herein the need to adopt the strategies aimed at investing in developing entrepreneurship lies. Objectives The key objective of the specified portfolio concerns increasing...

Managerial Economics: Supply, Demand and Firm’s Profits

Over the last 30 years in the US, the real price of a college education has increased by almost 70 percent. Over the same period, an increasing number of high school graduates have sought a college education. While faculty salaries have barely kept pace with inflation, administrative staffing (and expenditures)...

Indonesia’s Response to the Economic Crisis of 1997

Introduction Prior to the 1997 predicament, the Indonesian market was typified by a powerful financial presentation from 1989 to 1996 with a yearly GDP intensification average of 8 percent. This was because of well-built business enterprise activities exemplified by sturdy macroeconomic rudiments. The basic monetary equilibrium was in surplus after...

Economic Growth Factors in Australia

External factors such as Consumer Price Index (CPI), consumer behavior, and inflation rate play a very important role in stimulating economic growth. For instance, the rate of inflation of a given economy will affect its growth since a high inflation rate may lead to low economic growth. Though internal factors...

Frictional Unemployment and Hyperinflation

Introduction There are numerous definitions of frictional unemployment. It is essential to note that many of those definitions describe frictional unemployment and its elements. Frictional unemployment is also known as voluntary unemployment. It occurs in instances whereby the employed individuals have a continued habit of changing their job, career and...

Veema Banking Company’s Investment in the UAE

Executive summary The UAE global business world has been growing, and the economy of the UAE has been improving for the past few years steadily. The stability of the UAE economy has been on the increase, especially due to the capital resources available at the disposal of the UAE. Setting...

Grameen Banking System Alleviating Poverty

Introduction Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize winner, is the founder of the Grameen banking system; he had the aim of elevating poverty through financial empowerment of the poor in the society. The idea is moving fast in developing and developed countries. This paper discusses various aspects of the Grameen banking system....

Nicaragua’s Overreliance on International Trade

The position on Nicaragua portrayed in the video is fairly accurate, as it appears that similar sentiments have been observed by other individuals who have studied LDC’s (Least Developed Countries). It has been observed that the main motivation behind LDC states about international financial obligations is the international trade ties...

Opportunity Costs of Education and Oil Industry

Opportunity Cost of Getting Education An opportunity cost refers to the cost that is usually the next best option available to a person amongst a set of mutually exclusive choices. This cost which is a fundamental concept of economics describes the basic relationship that exists between scarcity and choice where...

Money and Happiness in Economic Theories

Does Money Buy Happiness? According to the discovery of various economists and sociologists such as Adam Smith, money does not buy happiness where they have argued that the limited ability of people to achieve happiness through material wealth is not enough to guarantee them material wealth. Even though a majority...

Buying a Single-Property House in Los Angeles

Information about the house and neighborhood The single-property house which I have selected is located in Los Angeles at 1274 South Camden Drive. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms. Its exterior design strongly resembles the Spanish architectural style. This house has a very spacious living room with beamed ceilings and...

Financial Institutions and Fiscal Instruments

Demand and supply are obviously affected by the monetary tools of Fed Monetary supply is affected by Fed using three main tools. These tools include the rate target for the federal funds, lending practices carried out through discounts and finally, the reserve regulation as stipulated by fiscal laws. To begin...

Financial Institutions: Policies and Regulations

How can policies and regulations impact financial institutions? Whenever regulations are lifted, some financial institutions may most likely run into financial losses. In most cases, earnings are increased through protected monopolies. However, the introduction of policies and regulations often break this link and hence, financial institutions end up losing greatly...

Bank’s Performance Financial Regulation

Net income which signifies the profits that a bank makes after taxes gives us a direct view of a bank’s performance in terms of its ability to pay dividends as well as retain earnings. However, the net income fails to adjust to the size of the bank and as such...