Financial ratios allow a business to assess many aspects of the performance, being an integral part of financial statements analysis. The ratio compares companies, industries, different periods of activity of the same company, and the results of the organization with the average industry ones. In financial statement analysis, the following...
Topic: Economics
Words: 201
Pages: 1
The involvement of big business in fair trade has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, fair trade promotes the production of certified goods, fosters stable long-term trading partnerships between suppliers and retailers, contributes to the development of online shopping and global marketing, and minimizes the involvement of intermediaries....
Topic: Trade
Words: 345
Pages: 1
The purpose of the capital market is the efficient reallocation of funds between investors and borrowers. Individuals and firms may have excess capacity to invest in production but do not have sufficient funds to use them all for their purposes (Renshaw, 1984). If the capital market exists, they can borrow...
Topic: Economics
Words: 199
Pages: 1
Profit is usually perceived as earnings and measured by subtracting costs from revenues. However, there are different types of costs: explicit and implicit. Explicit costs can be directly measured and expressed in monetary terms, for example, wages, rent, and utility costs (Orsag & Džidić, 2018). Implicit costs refer to the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 348
Pages: 1
Perhaps one of the most picturesque countries on earth thanks to its mountainous landscape and the midnight sun in Norway, which is, in addition, an attractive destination for business ventures. Norway’s relatively small population does not impede the country’s purchasing power equals to the world’s largest economies due to its...
Topic: Economics
Words: 278
Pages: 1
Introduction Borders play a significant role as they regulate and facilitate the trades and movement of people from one state to another. Additionally, effective border management can allow nations to achieve a more balanced approach to border management that enhances a country’s security. Migration management is another essential aspect that...
Topic: Management
Words: 1392
Pages: 5
Introduction The issues of the crisis continue to be relevant: the abundance of goods on the market and the stock exchange does not justify their poor quality. Companies and corporations with influence over public opinion are responsible for this abundance. The crisis of 2008 was a companion to discussions of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 688
Pages: 2
Globalization is a widespread phenomenon that determines the economic and trade processes all over the world. With the development of technology and significant achievements in cross-cultural communication, different countries and nations nowadays can exchange goods and services freely. In each country, people may find production from various parts of the...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 380
Pages: 1
The body of doctrine created by Karl Marx and, to a lesser extent, Friedrich Engels in the 19th century does not lose its popularity to this day. Marx refused to see his teaching as pure philosophy: if anything, he criticized other philosophical movements for their alleged inability to shift from...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 1581
Pages: 6
Economic growth is difficult to project because it is associated with many drivers. Tran (2019) claimed that economic freedom is the main economic growth propellant. Economic freedom refers to protecting private property and reducing public intervention on private issues, including limited restrictions on consumption, distribution, production, and markets. (Oussama et...
Topic: Goals
Words: 399
Pages: 1
Introduction The current situation in recent years associated with the pandemic of coronavirus infection has changed the world and made its adjustments to the modern realities of the whole world. However, the USA was selected for analysis since it is of certain interest. The fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic has...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 1946
Pages: 7
Introduction Economic disparity has always been a hot-debated topic and relevant problem in the United States. The vast difference in wealth between the rich and poor people constantly promotes social inequality, decreases economic growth, and increases political tension (Stiglitz 4). Additionally, the relationship between economic disparity and the said complications...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1413
Pages: 5
The problem discussed in the selected episode of the podcast is related to the recent changes in citizens’ wages, which, surprisingly, do not bring extra income. These outcomes are conditional upon the ongoing inflation resulting in rapidly growing gas prices, which becomes an obstacle for some people (Smith, 2021). The...
Topic: Macroeconomics
Words: 304
Pages: 1
Introduction Improved productivity and changing consumer needs have motivated many company owners to globalize. Top executives of large firms, particularly in North America and Europe, recognize that internationalization is the most significant challenge they confront today. Nonetheless, most companies have remained committed to the strategies they have used in the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Background John Maynard Keynes is referred as to one founder of the present-day macroeconomics theory. He analyses the relationship between the government’s spending habits to the government’s income in the form of taxes (Wernicke, 2018). Deficit spending refers to a situation where the government expenditure rates are more than the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 910
Pages: 3
These days, capitalism prevails in the world, the main goal of which is to make money. At the same time, annual inflation is also relevant, forcing the prices of products and other services to rise. Some goods are recognized as necessary for normal human existence, and therefore the state has...
Topic: Economics
Words: 315
Pages: 1
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people approach work because the majority of companies had to transition to remote work, and employees had to complete their responsibilities from home. Individuals and staff have to cope with the new environment after working from home for so long. This paper will...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 659
Pages: 2
The American Bankers Association (ABA) is a trade association that consists of elites and groups representing banks of all sizes in the banking industry. The ABA does not offer basic baking services or operations aligned to bank systems. This association was established in 1875 and has expanded to the most...
Topic: Economics
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Background of the Case Earning per share (EPS) is known to be a key metric used to determine a shareholder’s portion of the company’s profit. It is widely used to assess a company’s performance, and high values of these indicators usually make a stock more attractive to potential investors (Earnings...
Topic: Economics
Words: 330
Pages: 1
Heuristics can be described as mental shortcuts that are used to solve problems or make probability judgments. They are generalizations aimed at reducing the effort required to think critically about a situation. They can either be effective or irrational when making judgments or coming to conclusions. There are three types...
Topic: Economics
Words: 855
Pages: 3
Today society is filled with the obsession of promoting a self-image of beauty and perfection. Individuals take extreme measures to reach the goal of a flawless body, however with the so many innovations beauty can be accomplished with no surgery a balanced diet and exercise. «Beauty Sculpt for You» is...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1012
Pages: 4
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the purchase of assets like land and equipment in another host nation while running the facility from the home country. In the event of FDI, the foreign investment business must have at least 10% of the voting rights. The primary distinction between FDI and other...
Topic: Economics
Words: 331
Pages: 1
The article demonstrates the variety of scenarios in which the exclusion under Sec. 121 can be applied. I understood the situation where two unmarried individuals jointly own a home. For example, the homeowners want to sell their house, or their property has been destroyed by a natural disaster or an...
Topic: Economics
Words: 300
Pages: 1
The success of the United States in multiple spheres of life largely comes from a well-known and longstanding tradition to encourage people to leave their countries for a better life in America. At the same time, similar to any other phenomenon, immigration has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand,...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced various spheres of human life worldwide, in the list of which, consumer businesses apparently occupy the leading positions. The quarantine encouraged big amounts of people to reconsider their values and priorities, notably, give a preference to a healthier lifestyle as well as spending more...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 1140
Pages: 4
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way consumers behave and as a result, the economic growth over the past 2 years has stagnated. The U.S. is one of the largest and most successful economies in the world. When changes happen in the United States economy, the whole world feels the...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 618
Pages: 2
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the investment that a firm or an individual makes in another country’s business operations. These firms, multinational enterprises (MNE), need to consider the cultural factors that are likely to arise when making foreign direct investments. Let us assume my American company, Xaeto, is interested in...
Topic: Culture
Words: 778
Pages: 2
The current economic situation on the African continent presents a disturbing picture. For the most part, power is represented by totalitarian, authoritarian regimes and military juntas, exploiting their uneducated people and the country’s natural resources. The continent is fragmented between states, the borders drawn by the former European colonial empires...
Topic: Economics
Words: 901
Pages: 3
The main purpose is to convince people to join the ranks of fair trade ambassadors. The audience consists of people who are not yet in the ranks of the ambassadors. They need to know that fair trade is an organized social movement that advocates fair standards of international labor, environmental,...
Topic: Trade
Words: 264
Pages: 2
This study may not reflect the views of the general population. This is because the elderly, who are part of the entire population, do not have access to the Internet as unnecessary. It turns out that in this case, they will not receive e-mails sent by e-mail and also will...
Topic: Internet
Words: 294
Pages: 1
The Factors that Contribute to the Growth in Medications The country’s spending on medications is usually determined by three possible factors: the volume of drugs consumed and population of the country, drug utilization per individual, and the type and price of the drug itself (“Prescription drug prices higher in the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 340
Pages: 1
Introduction Understanding the process of deciding on purchasing any product, especially an expensive one, is essential for marketers since this information allows them to adjust their selling practices accordingly. Different factors play a decisive role in consumer purchasing decision-making, which consists of several consecutive stages, at each of which external...
Topic: Economics
Words: 876
Pages: 3
A greater understanding of the processes that govern market operations is an essential part of creating and running a successful business. The study of economics enables one to get a bigger picture of the relationships between companies, governments, and customers. This essay reviews the following topics: supply and demand, elasticity,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 570
Pages: 2
Introduction To achieve financial stability and minimize risks linked with unexpected expenses, skills in developing a personal budget are important. Basic budgeting-related competencies can promote healthier spending patterns and increase personal saving rates regardless of a person’s initial financial knowledge. This paper summarizes takeaways from the budget development exercise, including...
Topic: Budget
Words: 608
Pages: 2
Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has caused destruction on the economies of multiple countries, wreaking havoc on a variety of sectors. Notably, the pandemic’s broader social impact has influenced investment behavior in the United States. As such, this study examines the effect of social activities on the US stock market concerning...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 1451
Pages: 5
Application of Correlation Analysis Correlation analysis articles are helpful in providing an alternative on how a certain business problem can be solved. The application of correlation analysis involves the use of a regression model that generates a quantitative analysis of the study. The use of regression analysis models in the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 599
Pages: 2
Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson (1979) offers an introduction to liberal economics in a concise yet well-developed way. The book stresses what the author considers to be the two main principles for evaluating any action with an economic impact. These principles are considering the economic impact on the entire...
Topic: Economics
Words: 594
Pages: 2
The population of the aboriginal communities has rapidly risen over the last decade, and so has the economy. This growth has led to the rise in the supply of the workforce and the demand for social entities. Though the Aboriginals’ economic status has risen over time, they are still faced...
Topic: Indigenous People
Words: 896
Pages: 3
Air pollution is one of the key problems of the modern world, along with climate change. In large industrialized countries such as China, the emission of carbon dioxide has a negative impact on climate conditions, which is hitting the national economy. It is proposed to use the Orca technology for...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Introduction The accessibility of goods and services is among the key determinants of how effective the economy of a certain state currently is. Specifically, it shows what amount of a particular product is available to the population and what those can afford. These parameters are directly dependent on supply, which,...
Topic: Manufacturing
Words: 2511
Pages: 9
The priorities of the Biden-Harris administration as seen in the first link are representative of highly expansionary policies. Expansionary fiscal policy is characterized by tax cuts, rebates, increased government spending, and infusing the economy with money through deficit spending (Lumen, n.d.). This can be seen in the administration’s policy priorities...
Topic: Economics
Words: 306
Pages: 1
The emergence of the New Deal came in a time of severe economic and social struggle. This also allowed for political division and the promotion of varied and even conflicting interests. However, the New Deal aimed to improve the lives of the regular working class as well as the operations...
Topic: Economics
Words: 654
Pages: 2
For a long time, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been considered as a country unattractive for Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs). Since the 1990s, the country has experienced endless periods of violence that have hampered its political stability and economic growth. There are high rates of poverty and unemployment,...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Introduction Capital budgeting is an integral part of corporate finance. Businesses are in perpetual strife to increase shareholder value by increasing revenue or profits. This endeavor is achieved by venturing into new investments and starting projects. Most of the time, companies will have multiple ideas at the same time on...
Topic: Economics
Words: 3900
Pages: 14
Considering the specifics of the question conditions, I would choose a balance sheet to be conducted if only one form of the financial statement was possible. The relevant criterion mentioned concerned the potential for credit extension towards suppliers by a total of 60 days. An income statement would therefore not...
Topic: Banking
Words: 284
Pages: 1
Introduction Unemployment is the most important indicator of the economy’s health. Its rise confirms the economy’s decline after a recession and leads to the diminishment of household purchasing power, which decreases overall consumption and causes a further economic downturn (Amadeo, 2020; Picardo, 2020). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics qualifies...
Topic: Unemployment
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction In light of the article by Anna Wiener published on September, 15, 2021, the matter of tariffs deserves a special notion. As Mrs. Wiener (2021) points out, “steel tariffs imposed by the U.S. in 2018 led to a shortage of steel sheets”, which led to the increase in production...
Topic: Economics
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Financial services are those offered by banks and other financial entities in the financial sector. The phrase refers to mobilizing and allocating funds and encompassing all operations involved in converting savings into investments. Life insurance and annuities are two examples of such services (Alpman & Ünal, 2019). On the one...
Topic: Insurance
Words: 370
Pages: 1
“Fiat” money is a currency issued by governments that is not tied to physical products such as gold and silver. The currency value is usually set by the ratio of supply and demand and regulated by governments’ financial departments. USA dollar, euro, pound, and many other stable currencies are called...
Topic: Economics
Words: 336
Pages: 1
Deep Economy by Bill McKibben gives an insight into the current United States economy and how the future of the nation is in danger if the current economic processes continue being followed. Bill McKibben describes that the United States has become obsessed with getting more material items rather than acquiring...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Introduction According to the American Gambling Association, most American voters believe casinos help strengthen their communities and improve local economies. – Lim and Zhang. Growth and Change. For each country, economic development is one of the most important areas of activity. Thus, the state applies various measures to improve this...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2852
Pages: 10
The Term “Economy” Christopher Dodd once quoted “economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand”. Societies, governments, and countries rely on the concept of the economy to control the nature and processes of production and consumption. The formal definition of this term is the state of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
Deregulation in the financial sector was the primary driver of the 2008 financial crisis because it gave banks the power to fund trading activities with derivatives. As a result, banks raised their mortgages to cushion the derivatives sales, which brought more profit (Bernanke 251). Similarly, the move encouraged more borrowing...
Topic: Financial Crisis
Words: 729
Pages: 2
The two main factors to consider in determining investment in event management services are cost/logistics and usability/operability. Cost is a major factor, depending on a range of other influences. Constructing a dedicated event management facility from the bottom up will be more costly as it includes elements of planning and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 625
Pages: 2
Economic growth is a concern of every government, and it is upon it to formulate policies that promote effective development across different sectors. There are various contributors to the performance and success of the country, like corporations and other big agencies. The common citizens also play a vital role in...
Topic: Economics
Words: 865
Pages: 3
Gros, Daniel, and Alexandre Ounnas. “Labour market responses to the Covid-19 crisis in the United States and Europe.” CEPS Working Document No. 2021. Web. The effect of the Covid-19 on unemployment is investigated in this article by evaluating and comparing labor market responses in the United States and the United...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 1240
Pages: 4
Summary In 2013, a cross-sale scandal erupted from a Wells Fargo bank in Southern California. According to Corkery (2016), Wells Fargo employees opened bank accounts and issued debit and credit cards to customers without their permission. The report says that the scandal emerged after the customers started receiving the cards...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2228
Pages: 8
Different countries handle currency crises and economic downfall differently due to their policies and structure. An excellent example is the distinction between the response by Russia and Britain. The rapid decrease in the value of money renders the financial plight. The key solution to fighting the impasse in a nation...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 667
Pages: 2
There are several key risks to the U.S. economy right now that could reduce the country’s growth rate. The spread of the Omicron Coronavirus strain threatens to reduce U.S. employment and economic activity, and increased economic uncertainty will contribute to inflation. A new outbreak of the infection in the country...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1469
Pages: 5
Introduction Taxation is an essential mechanism the government uses to get the finances required to live on and conduct public services. It is a type of system that is very complicated, and it involves all government levels. Additionally, tax policies exist to achieve several other policy goals. However, cutting-edge customs,...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 2066
Pages: 7
Introduction The reduction in trade blockades has augmented globalization, leading to amplified international trade. As a result, individuals and organizations have become more interconnected and unified, leading to growth in trade and exchange of culture and values, among others. However, the spread of globalization has generated adverse effects such as...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 875
Pages: 3
Introduction “Note on Comparative Capitalism” outlines the opposing concepts of liberal market economies (LMEs) and coordinated market economies (CMEs) which refer to the structures of capitalist systems. LMEs incorporate the focus on competitive markets and the close relationships of their actors (Clayton and Henderson 2015). CMEs, on the other hand,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 347
Pages: 1
Bonds or debt securities play a significant role in economics and are quite popular among investors. All people purchasing bonds are likely to strive to maximize their profit due to them. Obviously, it is also necessary to realize that there are certain risks related to the bond’s cost. However, investors...
Topic: Economics
Words: 278
Pages: 1
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused various economies around the globe to fumble and struggle, the housing market in Singapore tends to remain in a healthy status (Global Property Guide, 2021). However, it is true that the increased demand created by the delay of the housing board for Singapore...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Situation Analysis of the Status Quo of South Africa’s New Energy Strategy The near future poses significant challenges in the form of a power crisis for the countries of South Africa. Lack of industrial infrastructure is already making itself felt as many cities in the region are experiencing periodic load-shedding....
Topic: Energy
Words: 542
Pages: 2
This report analyzes how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the economic aspect of the African American communities. A female and two males were interviewed on their lives during the pandemic, how it affected their employments, and how the economic strain resulting from the loss of jobs affected other aspects of their...
Topic: African American
Words: 1124
Pages: 4
Introduction The impact of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the economy of a country cannot be neglected. The concept of SMEs is defined as small and medium enterprises depending on the number of employees. In the UK, a company is considered small with up to 49 employees and medium...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1745
Pages: 6
Abstract Financial markets have been under a lot of pressure, volatility, and uncertainty since COVID-19. Since the end of February 2020, global financial markets have been in a state of extreme uncertainty. Unlike other pandemics, the spread rate of COVID-19 is much higher and more challenging to control. This paper...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 1972
Pages: 7
Disability income insurance is a supplemental policy that protects policyholders from losing their income if they cannot work due to illness or an accident. Government-sponsored programs, private employer-sponsored groups, and personal individual disability income policies are types of disability income insurance. Therefore, this essay discusses the benefits and drawbacks of...
Topic: Disability
Words: 321
Pages: 1
With the sudden outbreak of Covid-19, different industrial companies have invested in advancing digital platforms and technologies to guarantee the sustainability of their operations. As technological developments accelerate, customer expectations are constantly changing. Through a variety of innovative solutions, an essential change in the insurance industry is, therefore, being encouraged....
Topic: Insurance
Words: 832
Pages: 3
In his article, The Nature of Economics, Heilbroner (1995) discusses the purpose and relevance of economics in contemporary society. While acknowledging his views could be contentious to many readers, he underscores that “economics is concerned exclusively with the study of capitalism” (Heilbroner, 1995, p.22). This aspect leaves out 99% of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 289
Pages: 1
The change from local to the international economy is a crucial concern for the field of ethics. Globalization has several implications for the business environment, among which are the expanded access to resources, interdependence of international companies, and improvement of the labor force (Ast, 2018). However, the ethical consequences of...
Topic: Food
Words: 346
Pages: 1
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an idea created outside the directorial experience and contains inflexible implications that lack transparency and relevance. Corporate social responsibility is simplified into four categories: environmental, philanthropic, ethical, and economic responsibility (Salvioni & Gennari, 2017). Several studies tell how CSR elements drive customers majorly through a...
Topic: Social Responsibility
Words: 350
Pages: 1
Introduction The topic of market economies opened my eyes to the operations of local and global markets. Notably, a market is defined by the interaction between buyers and sellers through the determined modes of exchange. The product being sold and the principles governing such exchange is the main determining factor...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 3477
Pages: 15
The first thing I have learned from watching the video is the importance of uniting to create a global world. Globalization makes it easier to solve universal challenges that affect populations nationally and internationally, such as unemployment, disruption of migration flows, and climate change (Cahen-Salvador, 2020). Secondly, I have learned...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 318
Pages: 1
Government’s Goal In Cutting Taxes Reflected In the Budget Amadeo, K. (2022). Tax cuts, types, and how they work. The Balance. Web. The article is devoted to tax cuts and their impact on the economy. The most evident thing about tax cuts is that citizens approve of them more than...
Topic: Tax
Words: 662
Pages: 2
Introduction South Africa’s economy has been considerably affected by the drastic conditions of the global crisis. The country’s economic processes are insignificant for now, given the apparent slump and recession indicators. Hence, it would be relevant to discuss the current economy’s state of the country. Below, three main macroeconomic problems...
Topic: Macroeconomics
Words: 2471
Pages: 9
Globalization is an objective reality of the modern world. It is impossible to deny the processes of unification, standardization, integration in all spheres of human society taking place in the world. The conditions dictated by globalization actualize the problem of cultural uniqueness and cultural self-determination, including identity. In the context...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Introduction Raising taxes is a rather controversial and contentious moment in solving financial problems in the country. Without any doubt, such measures are necessary to correct the issues gathered in the American economy. Nevertheless, there are multiple cases in world history when such procedures led to chronic and structural “distortions”...
Topic: Tax
Words: 669
Pages: 2
Labor Share Sustainable development is the core principle of the humanistic approach to the environment, social and financial inequities, cultural diversity, and other fundamental areas of prosperity. The United Nations (UN) organization proposes seventeen goals of sustainable development that aim to eliminate poverty, contribute to the ecology and political safety,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 883
Pages: 3
Weber’s Theory Certain aspects of the state were highlighted in Weber’s Politics as a Vocation and other writings. Nevertheless, he did not specifically specify the term element, which people do for clarification of discourse. In reality, the ingredients are the most crucial portions of his concept. A modern state is...
Topic: Karl Marx
Words: 974
Pages: 4
Introduction This report section will conduct a preliminary assessment of geographic, economic, social, and political-legal factors that create global business opportunities in Indian markets. This section will also consider ways technology could create new business opportunities in India. The business chosen for this section is the information and communications technology...
Topic: Economics
Words: 631
Pages: 2
Introduction Many theories of international trade have been developed to explain the relationships between partner nations. Many countries appreciate the need for doing business with others because of the underlying benefits, including faster growth, improved productivity, and innovation (The World Bank, 2018, para. 1). According to Gani (2017, p. 280),...
Topic: Trade
Words: 1977
Pages: 7
Introduction It is important to note that the current economic system is highly globalized and interconnected, which makes it critical to understand and explore international trade frameworks and world finance. The assessment of current literature on the subject revealed that international trade allows to a significant increase in the development...
Topic: Finance
Words: 857
Pages: 3
Poland, where the communists changed the rule and the economy of the land, was invaded by the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1989. Using the Red Army, the Soviet Union ensured the destruction of all anti-communists in the country (Bukowski & Novokmet, 2021). The opposition would be exiled or sentenced...
Topic: Communism
Words: 601
Pages: 2
Climate change on the planet is causing the UN to sound the alarm. Global warming is exacerbating the impact of weather-related disasters and can lead to significant losses in income and productivity over time. Emerging economies in the equatorial regions will suffer the most from rising temperatures. That is why...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 341
Pages: 1
Introduction New York tops the list of the states in America with the highest tax rates. At 12.7 percent of the state’s total income, New Yorkers bear a heavy local and state tax burden (Cuomo, 2018). New York’s operating fund as of 2018 was $100 billion, 79% of this is...
Topic: Budget
Words: 2335
Pages: 8
Introduction Entering the global market is essential for growth and development The external marketing environment has opportunities and threats (Lamb et al., 2021) The environmental analysis is necessary prior to entering the country’s market Perigord Bakery from the United States is planning to enter the Canadian market Cultural Factors The...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 331
Pages: 2
Food trading is a peculiar area, as food is the basis for surviving the population. In that way, the one who controls food production and trading routes, also controls all populations which feed on those sources. It is true not only for food but also for agriculture in general, such...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 400
Pages: 1
Starbucks’ fiscal year 2020 results reflect the challenges businesses face worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It severely impacted the company’s results, especially in the second and third fiscal quarters. Consolidated revenues fell 11% to $23.5 billion in fiscal 2020 from $26.5 billion in fiscal 2019 (Starbucks Investor Relations, n.d.)....
Topic: Starbucks
Words: 339
Pages: 1
Research Economic disparities are generally connected to a variety of societal factors determining the conditions of the environment for promoting progress. The link between the two areas can be supported by conducting an analysis of the situations in two different countries, one of which is an advanced economy, and another...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1178
Pages: 4
The idea of the hierarchy of needs was first proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. According to Maslow, the basic human needs must be satisfied first, before the psychological needs, and lastly, the self-fulfillment needs (Aruma & Hanachor, 2017). This essay will look at the five basic assumptions of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 592
Pages: 2
The Federal Reserve System (FRS) is one of the most powerful financial institutions, having a huge number of tools to effectively manage the economy. Ben Bernanke demonstrated similar actions that made it possible to stabilize the market after the Great Recession of 2008. The purpose of this essay is to...
Topic: Economics
Words: 400
Pages: 1
Introduction The efficiency of a marketing campaign depends on how well a company understands the values, priorities, and interests of its target audience. The present research proposal describes methods of analysis of consumer behaviors of Generations X and Y in the US and China. The paper also includes the schedule...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1115
Pages: 4
Explain how overall national savings is related to overall investment and why savings is always equal to investment. Savings are a part of income that is not consumed now, that is, the accumulation of finance. Therefore, savings, formed by the difference between income and expenses, are the primary investment source....
Topic: Economics
Words: 776
Pages: 2
Four Fallacies About Trade and Globalization by Ajai Gaur and Ram Mudambi (2016) analyzes fallacies of the arguments against globalization and trade. The authors emphasize that these arguments fail to consider the fundamental economic principles and empirical evidence. Although the authors’ views are robust and applicable to developed economies, rising...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 385
Pages: 1
Introduction South Africa’s economic history in the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries illustrates the narratives of discrimination, national pride, and long-awaited economic growth. Following the end of the apartheid system, a system of legalized segregation by race, South Africa has embarked on a journey to economic stability. This essay will...
Topic: Success
Words: 1146
Pages: 4
Globalization contributes to establishing relationships between individuals, independent social objects, and phenomena, embracing all spheres of people’s lives. Some people consider globalization a threat to national cultures. Others believe that free trade between states implies prosperity and economic growth of all nations and businesses. That is why it is difficult...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 308
Pages: 2
Background Credit ratings serve as vital tools for the investor, especially when they need a precise analysis of the organization’s position at a glance. Studies by Lizarazo (2017) have shown that credit ratings influence the investors’ decisions on whether they will invest in a particular organization or not. Therefore, Fitch...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2599
Pages: 10
Many entrepreneurs are faced with a choice: to develop a business using personal resources or to attract third-party capital – in order to reach profitability faster. Investments are often required at the initial stages of project development when they are directed to the launch of the first sales. First of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 389
Pages: 1
Introduction As time goes on, the world population increases, as well as the demand for clothing. This demand is expressed not only in a necessity for clothing as a way to conceal or cover one’s body but also as a statement and a pipeline to provide joy. This essay discusses...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 615
Pages: 2
This paper will present a discussion of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement. The agreement was signed by eleven member states on March 8, 2018, to enhance trading activities between the countries. According to Suomimen (2021), eleven member states formed the regional trade agreement. The first set of...
Topic: Trade
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Introduction A strong brand should maintain its values and identity while entering international markets and adjust it to specific needs. Companies tend to adapt to local cultures through global and regional branding in a process called glocalization. Glocalization is preserving and strengthening local differences instead of their supposed disappearance due...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Introduction Debt is a dangerous form of money that significantly affects overall credit history and adversely affects future financial standing. Individuals are at high risk of losing assets if they fall behind on payments or fail to repay debt. The general accumulation of debt results in the closing of all...
Topic: Credit
Words: 589
Pages: 2
The establishment of the US dollar as the global vehicle currency in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Conference influenced the global economy after World War II. This economic system created a resilient platform for the stabilization of global economic performance in the 1950s and 1960s. However, this system was short-lived...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1378
Pages: 5
Introduction China, one of the largest developing countries, is the world leader in investment inflows. Reasons for China’s strong position on the global stage include a large consumer base, an integrated supply chain, and recent legislative improvements, including the Foreign Investment Law (“Investment Climate”). Investors entering this market are often...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1454
Pages: 5
Introduction The essence of trade revolves around the relationship that is formed between the seller and the buyer. The former can exist as a distributor of the product or the provider of a service, whereas the latter is represented by an individual or group consumer. In this bilateral relationship, both...
Topic: Trade
Words: 1381
Pages: 5
Definition of the Key Term Lomé Convention & Cotonou Agreement are free trade agreements that allow regional economic integration by reducing international barriers to trade. Lomé Convention agreement was developed to provide aid to ACP nations and allow preferential access to exports from ACP nations. Cotonou Agreement was founded to...
Topic: Economics
Words: 296
Pages: 1
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the global international organization that regulates trade between nations; that was established in 1995 and consists of 164 members. More precisely, this organization ensures that trade flow is smooth and that none of the countries imposes a tariff or non-tariff trade barriers. The role...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 365
Pages: 1
Introduction Germany is a country that has a long history and has always been at the forefront of global economic development. At the same time, in the 1990s, Germany’s economy encountered a downturn which gave the country the name “The Sick Man of Europe” (Notermans & Piattoni, 2021). Still, Germany...
Topic: Macroeconomics
Words: 1991
Pages: 7
Kenyan history dates to the Stone Age era, making it one of the most extensive and complete records of human cultural development worldwide. This is due to the country’s conducive environmental factors for human survival and growth. Kenya gained independence in 1963 from the British colony, after which it stimulated...
Topic: Economics
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Introduction A common perception in society, when looking at what it means for a company to be successful, is that it should be looking to globalize to achieve greater market growth (Rossum, 2015). It is suggested that a business should be scanning opportunities across the globe in order to respond...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 2652
Pages: 10
Direct foreign investment (DFI) occurs when a business or a person claims at least a ten percent ownership of a foreign corporation. Although this percentage does not give a controlling interest to the investor, it permits the influence over the firm’s operations, policies, and management (Erdilek 17). Subsequently, unlike a...
Topic: Equity
Words: 1448
Pages: 5
The unemployment rate is one of the integral showings affecting the countries’ economies. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic hugely affected the state of long-term unemployment in the United Kingdom, as well as other countries around the world. Hence, during the coronavirus strike period, certain populations or groups of able-to-work people are...
Topic: Economics
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Introduction and Background Holland Village is a neighborhood situated along the border between Bukit Timah and Queenstown in central Singapore. The village is a renowned retail and dining destination for youths and tourists. It is dominated by and frequently visited mainly for its restaurants and bars and a few specialty...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1250
Pages: 4
Introduction The enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto initially introduced Bitcoin nearly ten years ago, and since then, it has survived many attention and value bubbles. It was invented, revised, and reused after a contentious revision. Although Bitcoin has not proven to be a practical form of money in most situations, it has...
Topic: Cryptocurrency
Words: 885
Pages: 3
The modern world economy offers a wide range of tools for investment. All of them have individual characteristics and have their features. When making a choice between investing in Treasury bills or Treasury notes, I would choose favor of bills. Undoubtedly, both types of investments can be convenient in their...
Topic: Economics
Words: 297
Pages: 1
The financial technology (Fintech) industry has grown tremendously in recent times. In the past, Fintech firms used open source components to run data centers and build products. They have reaped multiple benefits from this, including reducing costs and providing flexibility for their businesses. Banks can also use open source software...
Topic: Software
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Executive Summary Australia, much like other countries around the world, was severely affected by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Before 2020, the nation has experienced moderate rates of growth and development, accentuated by slow trade rates and a general calm period. However, with the regulatory measures brought upon by...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 1065
Pages: 4
The financial analysis determines the most effective ways to maintain or increase the enterprise’s profitability. The main tasks are to analyze the profitability and assess the company’s risks. Financial ratio analysis allows the managers to understand the organization’s competitive position at the current time. One of the sources of required...
Topic: Economics
Words: 3062
Pages: 11
Introduction The level of international trade and associated economic activities have expanded in recent years, hence, greatly influencing the global economy. This phenomenon is attributed to augmented transportation, communication, technological connectivity between countries, increased mobility of financial assets, and factors of production. These underlying factors are believed to have resulted...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1220
Pages: 4
Introduction Advantages of the Solution Advantage 1 Advantage 2 Disadvantages of the Solution Efficacy of the Proposed Change: Delivery and Access Efficacy of the Proposed Change: Financing Organizations and Interest Groups Selected policy Selected Organization References Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2021). Funding announcements. Web. Annunziata, S., & Lees,...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 346
Pages: 1
The notion of the race-to-the-top approach might be considered as a novelty to business strategies, as well as to public policies. Its primary aim is to deal with the gap between developed and emerging economies within the scope of the economy. This paradigm is founded on the advancement (or value...
Topic: Race
Words: 288
Pages: 1
The 2020-2021 financial crisis due to COVID-19 significantly differed from the 2009 Great Recession. First, the causes and nature of the crises were different. In 2009, the economy imploded and partially collapsed due to the financial system, a range of poor oversight and negative decisions led to the crisis. Meanwhile,...
Topic: Financial Crisis
Words: 331
Pages: 1
The Significant Trends for the Company’s Investor Ratios It is known that there are many financial ratios intended to provide an insight into a company’s performance with different purposes. For instance, profitability ratios are often analyzed by investors who decide to buy a company’s stock or not. In this case,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 505
Pages: 2
The introduction of CryptoKicks non-fungible tokenized (NFT) shoes is beneficial for Nike since that technology would cut the losses from counterfeit exclusive models. However, the consumers would also gain several advantages from purchasing CryptoKicks. Most importantly, tokenization would immensely help in proving the authenticity of the shoes. In addition, NFT...
Topic: Economics
Words: 286
Pages: 1
Businesses strive to achieve the maximum possible revenue to stay competitive. This essay will compare profit maximization strategy with satisficing. Maximization implies a continuous chase for the highest possible profit margin (Qiu, Bai, and Lu, 2020). It allows a company to gain a competitive advantage at the cost of significant...
Topic: Economics
Words: 382
Pages: 2
Background In the contemporary world, the global economy is a sphere that connects multiple sectors, and therefore, depends on different events’ influence. Attack on one of the largest United States pipelines, which carries almost half of the East Coast’s fuel supplies, is severe damage to a well-functioning system. It implies...
Topic: Economics
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Calculating a personal budget is of crucial importance for financial independence, as it allows you to understand the process of operating money. Fedosov et al. (2021) state that “long-term budget planning is especially important in conditions of high financial dependence” (p. 1). It is clear from my budget table that...
Topic: Budget
Words: 557
Pages: 2
This paper examines the valuation of Volkswagen AG to determine the adequacy of the stock valuation. The company currently has a P / E ratio of 5.78 as of August 2021 (YCharts, 2021). The automotive industry currently has an average of around 10, but many companies in the same sector...
Topic: Volkswagen
Words: 583
Pages: 2
Introduction COVID-19 sparked many changes that affected various aspects of life, including the economy. Categorically, the economic indicators can fall into two primary areas, namely macroeconomic and microeconomic. The macroeconomic segment covers factors that affect the entire republic or many players. The typical examples are the interest rate, the unemployment...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 1721
Pages: 6
The process of globalization is often viewed as an exclusively modern phenomenon that has arisen due to the development of multinational corporations and technological innovation. However, historians have been considering the periodization of world integration for a long time and also trying to determine the time of its beginning. Nevertheless,...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1432
Pages: 5
When defining the target settings for the activities of an organization, the diverse interests of various parties should be acknowledged. Stakeholder theory presents a universal approach that considers the interests of stakeholders and an organization (Fernando and Lawrence, 2014). The main stakeholders are investors, consumers, competitors, suppliers, and financial institutions....
Topic: Economics
Words: 200
Pages: 1
Introduction The strength of Australia’s economy and its opportunities for trade with other countries are represented by the country’s unique position. During the past twenty years, the sizes of the economies in the Asia-Pacific region have grown significantly, as illustrated by their rising GDPs. Therefore, Australia gets strong and reliable...
Topic: Collaboration
Words: 1535
Pages: 5
Introduction Health issues on a global scale have always been essential for the functioning of the whole global community in various domains, including economy, politics, social life, and others. Indeed, the breakouts of transmittable diseases in the worlds’ history have commonly been associated with recessions, crises, and adverse social and...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 1390
Pages: 5
Introduction GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is one of the common measures of a country’s economic development. Calculated by adding up the value of all the goods and services produced in the country, the GDP is widely understood to be a sign of a well-off country. This measurement is applied...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1664
Pages: 6
Corruption is one of the biggest problems a government can face. U.S. President Joe Biden has declared war on crime against money laundering. The latter include gray schemes for buying houses for cash and investing in offshore shell companies. According to Glink & Tamkin (2021), roughly a third of total...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 757
Pages: 3
The economy of the Russian Federation is based on the rapid development of the most profitable sources of overall revenue, which is funded by the government. It means that the official policy of the country is the main driver of its future successes in this respect. The initial examination of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Introduction The article by Barry at al. “Performance Characteristics of Emerging Capital Markets” (1998) describes the capital markets in developing countries. These markets are believed to have a great potential for development, as long as about 80 percent of population belongs to them. Now they produce only 20 percent of...
Topic: Performance
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Abstract The customer behavior concept is the study of how individuals make purchasing decisions. It assists businesses and marketers in capitalizing on these behaviors by anticipating when and how a consumer will buy a product. It aids in the identification of factors that influence these decisions, as well as the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1967
Pages: 7
One of the most unfortunate situations in a country’s economy is inflation. A more extreme form of it is hyperinflation, which can be defined as the rapid increase in inflation and dramatic drop in the value of a currency (Mastan Travel, 2013). The prominent historical example of this phenomenon was...
Topic: Inflation
Words: 292
Pages: 1
Introduction Human society has evolved, over the decades, under the gradient of technological advancement hence fostering a change in the business culture operations. It is a phenomenon that renders proficiency in competence across the global enterprise market. Researchers argue that the intensification in the incorporation of automation structures and the...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2782
Pages: 10
Introduction Nowadays, the organization and the building process of smart cities, in which all the scientific achievements would be implemented, is the topic of multiple discussions. These ideas are widely transmitted in movies, cartoons, and books. Scientists tend to make daring predictions about the lifestyle in the future when an...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1401
Pages: 6
Introduction It is known that any country’s economy can be influenced by both external and internal factors, which can be beneficial, or on the opposite, deteriorative ones, in a particular situation. At the end of 2001, Argentina was in an economic crisis because of the partial deposit freeze, public debt,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Summary Despite the level of development of technology and society, modern Africa is not much different from its historical copy. This stage of development is a locality in which numerous social problems are particularly acute. Thus, the population is forced to live in frightening conditions, including the economy, minimal sanitation,...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 2115
Pages: 8
Introduction The Canadian Liberal Party has Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at its head. It was he who brought the party to majority rule by 2015, but by 2019 the number of Liberal parliamentary seats had declined (Jeffrey, 2021). By 2021, Justin Trudeau called early elections, hoping to regain a parliamentary...
Topic: Liberalism
Words: 1381
Pages: 5
Introduction The economic recession has a variety of negative repercussions on the economy, including increased unemployment, weak economic development, and reduced investment, among other things. To deal with a recession, many economic techniques are frequently employed. A recession also denotes a considerable reduction in general economic activity, largely a consequence...
Topic: Tax
Words: 1682
Pages: 6
ReDefine key customer is a young person who uses the internet to research and plan their travel around the world. The exact consumer can be described as an escapist and learner. As an escapist, they are thrill seeking and adventurous, always open and ready for destination and content discovering and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1115
Pages: 4
The delineation between the public and private sector is often emphasized in legal regulations and requirements, yet the differences between the two may not be visible to a side observer. Indeed, the similarities that the public and private sector share place them in the same economic context, allowing both publicly...
Topic: Economics
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Each country adopts its laws regarding the minimum wage for the local population in order to stop the exploitation of workers. In fact, these laws establish the line that cannot be crossed by employers who legally hire other individuals. The majority of countries had adopted regulations in the context of...
Topic: Minimum Wage
Words: 1675
Pages: 6