Synchronous Global Economy: Pell Grant Increase’s Influence

How a “synchronous global recovery” is occurring and the reasons for it The COVID 19 pandemic is known for a variety of consequences, the most significant of which are economic ones. However, this situation is expected to improve many sectors of activity and all regions of the world eventually, as...

Balance Sheet and Income Statement for Investors

The main reason why an investor would pay attention to the balance sheet is the presence of detailed information on liabilities and assets. The significance of all the resources that an organization either owns or owes could become decisive in the long run, protecting the team from unexpected losses or...

Investments: The Sunk-Cost Effect

It is hard to disagree that investments are a challenging process that requires special attention, careful consideration, readiness to risk, and thorough analysis of the situation and its circumstances. When talking about projects, some people are certain of their future success and are ready to invest all their money into...

Review of “Capital” by Carl Marx

Karl Marx is a famous philosopher known for a variety of economic works discussed and applied today. The most outstanding work is devoted to discussing capitalism and its components. Cooperating with Friedrich Engels, Marx created a small political group which is known as the Communist Correspondence Committee (Lebowitz 2020). Among...

Business Liabilities and Insurance

Introduction Residential ownership and property rental businesses are profitable and financially rewarding. Unfortunately, being a landlord is one of the most challenging jobs on the planet because it entails dealing with individual’s issues without invading their privacy. Bear Estate Properties, LLC is a single-member limited liability company registered in Florida....

Socioeconomic Environment in South Africa

The socioeconomic environment is how individuals and communities produce resources required to meet their human and basic needs. The socioeconomic environment includes education among people, access to medical services, and occupational status. South Africa is the chosen Geographical area because it has a diverse culture. Despite the diverse African culture,...

Expansionary Monetary Policy Action

The article “The Fed and the Great Recession” describes the role of the Federal Reserve during the 2008 crisis. It focuses on the implemented monetary policy, which was expansionary in nature, and criticizes its consequences, which were ambiguous (Summer, 2016). The author believes that banks being conservative contributed to the...

Japan’s Long-Term Recovery After the 2011 Tsunami

Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake in 2011 in its eastern region. A few minutes later, there followed a massive tsunami which was approximately 100-foot waves. The earthquake claimed over 100 lives, but the severity of the matter was when the tsunami spiked where over 20,000 people were reported...

Henry Clay’s American System, Economy and Market

Henry Clay’s American system The American system of Henry Clay could be described in various ways. The best characterization one could provide is that this was anticipated as a set of tariffs and other barriers regulations, based somewhat on the establishment of a national financial institution controlled equally by private...

The Behavioral Economics Concepts

Introduction Behavioral economics is a discipline that studies human behavior and its reasons. Its subject is influences experienced by humans that change their behavioral patterns and force them to make certain decisions. It is deeply connected with marketing, as instruments for influencing human behavior are widely used for advertising. Behavioral...

The Effects of Globalization on the Environment

The far-reaching consequences of globalization can sometimes be very obscure. Just like preeminent technological developments, globalization contributes to civilization as a whole but also inconveniences others. In terms of global trade, helps in reducing the isolation of poor countries by increasing specialization, it expands access to information through trade, increases...

Recent Matters of SDGs Related to Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

According to United Nations, infrastructure investments, such as irrigation, transportation, electricity, and information and communication technology, are critical for accomplishing supportable extension and endowing populations in various nations. Growth in productivity and wages and gains in education and health consequences have long been acknowledged as necessitating infrastructure ventures. Infrastructure denotes...

The Impact of Monopoly on Economy

Market Inefficiencies Caused by Monopolies The simulation game taught me that monopolistic models are detrimental to both market actors and consumers. The dominance of monopoly in the marketplace produces two types of inefficiency, namely consumer exploitation and allocative inefficiency. When only one entity rules the entire market, consumers cannot purchase...

Forecasting and Time Value of Money

Time value of money (TVM) is a valuable instrument that helps comprehend the value of a currency in relation to a given period. It is a method frequently applied by investors to understand how the current worth of money compares to that of the future. The time value of money...

Blue Economy in Indo-Pacific Region

Introduction Marine ecosystems are exceptionally important to the economic well-being of the Indo-Pacific region. Indeed, coastal populations and Pacific Islanders heavily rely on the oceans for food, storm protection, as well as a variety of recreational activities. Furthermore, these ecosystems are vital because of their economic benefits as they support...

Border Management Agencies and Principles

Introduction The modern world is characterized by a high level of globalization and multiple travel opportunities. The development of different means of transport, especially civil aviation, provided millions of individuals with a chance to move to numerous states. This openness is viewed as one of the most outstanding achievements; however,...

The Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and the 401k Model

Today, there are several ways to save money for retirement in order to provide funded income in the future. The two most famous methods are the 401k US private pension plan and the Individual Retirement Account (IRA). These two models imply some privileges in taxation as well as profitable accumulated...

Detroit Municipality’s Bankruptcy Petition

Introduction Boroughs usually pursue recourse from some or all of their deficits through the legal process of filing bankruptcy. In the United States, cities have a right to petition for insolvency relative to chapter 9 of the federal bankruptcy code. This case study on Detroit’s municipality insolvency is key in...

Natural Gas and Its Economic Aspects

Introduction Economy symmetrically responds to changes in oil prices, whereas oil prices asymmetrically respond to crude oil prices. According to Kidnay, “the natural gas industry began in the early 1900s in the United States and is still evolving” (Kidnay et al., 2019, p. 1). As a result, crude oil and...

Aspects of Global Travel Card

Introduction to the Project The modern world is a global space where long distances are no longer barriers for people willing to travel. More than a billion people travel between countries across the world for various reasons. Nevertheless, this number has reduced significantly in the last one and half year...

Unemployment Rates in the United States due to COVID-19

At present, the increase in unemployment in the United States is associated with the country’s epidemiological situation and the tightening of quarantine measures taken by states and individual cities’ authorities. Unemployment rates are more critical compared to the 2008 economic crisis. Vedder’s point is that US citizens tend to work...

Financial Crisis and Great Recession: Why Keynesian Model Failed

Introduction It would not be an overstatement to claim that the Great Depression era was one of the darkest pages in U.S. economic history. Causing the U.S. economy to suffer a tremendous collapse, Great Depression led to poverty rates spiraling out of control, while also affecting other countries such as...

Poor Kids: An Intimate Portrait of America’s Economic Crisis

In America, the majority of citizens wish to live the elusive American dream. However, the idea of being financially comfortable does not always come true for everyone, especially for families living below the poverty line. It is even harsher on children who live in such families. In the PBS documentary,...

“Doughnut Economics” by Kate Raworth Review

Doughnut economics is a book by a modern economist and researcher, Kate Raworth, that presents a new view of how human society should function. The author suggests replacing the outdated circular flow of goods and money with a modern model, the Doughnut. It received the name from its visual illustration...

The Return on Security Investment

The calculation of the Return on Security Investment (ROSI) entails the combination of the quantitative assessment of risk and the cost of implementing security to counter the measures of the risk. Security is often more complex to measure in that an investment does not offer increased revenues but does provide...

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization

Food, beverages, and medicaments are an integral part of an average American’s everyday life. Unfortunately, modern food and medical products companies can use substandard or hazardous food additives and disrupt storage or transportation conditions. Thus, public health may be at risk, and the Food and Drug Administration’s mission is to...

Benefits of a Cashless Society: TED Talk Analysis

I learned from the video that the world needs to keep pushing forward to financial inclusion. Currently, over 2 billion people are either unbanked or underbanked – people outside of the banking systems and people who cannot access the full scope of opportunities these systems offer (TED, 2021). In other...

Macroeconomic Variables of Walmart

Walmart, one of the world’s largest retailers, owns sub-brands that manufacture products of different categories. Equate is a sub-brand that produces pharmaceuticals and cosmetic goods. Due to its affordable price and quality, Equate has stable sales of various drugs, but Ibuprofen may be considered one of the most popular medications...

The Implications of Devaluing the Yuan

Since China is the most significant exporter globally, any changes in its currency have a substantial effect on the international market’s situation and macroeconomic landscape overall. In particular, the recent unexpected devaluation of the Chinese yuan renminbi (CNY) to boost exports provoked controversial reactions and had varied implications for many...

Economic Justice and Ways of Achieving It

Introduction In the modern world, economics is all about distributing labor and wealth to consider the welfare of others. The concept that an economy will thrive in an environment where all economic players are treated well brought about economic justice. To achieve economic justice and eliminate the inequality created by...

Definition of “Flotation Costs”

The analysis of various expenses of publicly traded companies provides the chance to understand that the factor of issue type may influence the organization’s choices. The flotation costs can be defined as the expenses of the company aiming to become publicly traded related to issuing new securities. When an organization...

Financial Inclusion and Income Inequality

Introduction Financial inclusion is important in improving economic growth by reducing income inequalities. Economists agree that reducing income inequality increases disposable income among the poor, which is a primary demand. Governments have attempted various strategies to tackle the issue over time. Income distribution through financial institutions has been given prominent...

Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomics

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a severe challenge to the business sphere, with many companies having to downsize or operate within a new environment with changing consumer needs. Due to the restructuring and shifting expectations surrounding business, there has been a spike in entrepreneurship, especially with workers being laid off...

Constructive Receipt Doctrine in Hornung v. Commissioner

Tax-payers face multiple regulations and rules that subject them to inevitable consequences or benefits, constructive receipt doctrine being one of them. Constructive receipt is responsible for reporting taxable income, more specifically under the cash-basis system of accounting. The most crucial distinction of constructive receipt is that it is solely applicable...

The Housing Crisis and Its Recession

The crisis or the housing bubble of the United States was a real estate problem that negatively and significantly affected more than half of America. It had severe consequences, including the most serious economic recession in the U.S. since the 1930s Great Depression. The purpose of this paper is to...

Congressional Defense Budget Process

The process of approval of a budget size for the next fiscal year is a compound, long, and nuanced one. Everything starts with the President’s budget request, a lengthy bill of all the discretionary programs that he suggests to be financed. Soon after that, the Houses of Senate and Congress...

Lego Group Role in the Digital Economy

The Lego Group is one of the most profitable and sustainable companies in the toys industry. This Danish organization has its headquarters in Billund. Currently, it designs, produces, and markets Lego-brand plastic bricks for interlocking purposes and other toys. Additionally, it has amusements parks in different parts of the world....

Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve

This assessment deals with how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy and its monetary policy tools to try to stabilize the economy while meeting its dual mandate of controlling inflation and maintaining unemployment. Scenario 1 The economy of a hypothetical country has been stable for two or three years with...

The Relationship Between Economic and Political Freedom

Introduction Political and economic freedoms are characteristics of a democratic society that denote its capacity to participate in political processes and take economic actions, respectively. Politics and economics have been inextricably linked throughout history, accounting for the rise of some of the world’s most famous empires. The connection continues in...

Organic Food Purchases Among Customers of Different Ages

Introduction This report concerns an analysis conducted by Diligent Consulting Group on behalf of the Loving Organic Food Industry. The consulting group wanted to establish the motivation behind customers’ purchasing habits. The survey targeted 200 customers within the market segment, out of which 124 gave their responses. The information included...

A Zero Net Present Value and Forecasting Errors

Introduction The decision-making process regarding future investments should be based on theoretical frameworks to avoid failure. They include forecasting errors indicating the difference between expected and actual outcomes alongside the net present value (NPV), which should be positive for accepting the projects. Therefore, this paper aims to clarify the former’s...

The UK Global Competitiveness in Trade After Brexit

Executive Summary The long-term goal for UK in international trade is to be globally competitive. One major problem is the negative trend in trade deficit during the last decade with EU members. To achieve the best possible outcomes in the short-term and in the long-term for UK, key issues must...

Vietnam: Controlling the Deflation and Providing Stability

Vietnam Nam has been the Ministry of Finance the United States sticker labels are those who sport in need of money currency in press statements usually aged about to stop blocking the country in winning is beneficial that commercial trade does not work with on day 12.16.2020. Month 12 years...

Global Poverty and Economic Globalization Relations

Globalization is the embodiment of industrial, social, and economic revolution that helped overcome negative odds in people’s lives. It is a phenomenon that is treated as a turning point in developing the various aspects human beings were engaged in, as globalization is a real advent of prosperous humankind’s evolution. From...

Banking Regulations Undermining Financial Crisis

Introduction Traces of financial crisis and negative externalities have been present across the banking sector for the last several decades, so their impact on economic stability can be explained via two inherent descriptions. The first vital concept is the existence of microprudential purposes that gave birth to balance sheet rules...

Economic Problems of Modern Latin America

In Latin America, there are now three vectors of economic development. Some countries show high rates of economic growth, while others show an apparent slowdown, but there are also some states that are in deep crisis. Despite the countries’ success in the so-called “golden decade,” many of them are experiencing...

Oligopolistic Market and Its Features

After running the simulation, we have noticed that our profit in the first run is higher than in the second run, despite the lower possessed quantity of the product. Our market price was higher in the first scenario, making us more stable and confident in participating in the market competition....

COVID-19 Long-Term Economic Effects

Among the numerous global crises, the coronavirus pandemic, which started in early 2020, has definitely occupied a specific place for its unique and terrifying impact. Having claimed the lives of more than one million and three hundred thousand people, it has strained the national health systems to their limit (WHO...

HSBC Bank and Barclays Bank: Comparison and Risk Exposures

Introduction The overall effect of the global financial crisis was making all financial institutions including the multinational ones experience threats of collapsing. The crisis “played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of the US dollars, and a downturn in economic...

Kunshan: The Making of China’s Richest Town

The successful development of a provincial region is complex due to the number of innovations that need to be introduced. That is why the example of Kunshan, located in southeastern Jiangsu, is so revealing. In just ten years, the city’s population has grown from 600,000 to over two million (Kirby...

Embracing Cryptocurrency in the Economy

Introduction Cryptocurrency is the currency that uses digitalized files or assets as a medium of exchange created using the same method. Cryptocurrency is not controlled by an individual or by any government as electronic money. The distributed ledger is the financial transaction database for cryptocurrency, and it contains all the...

Theories of Economic Stagnation

Introduction In the selected article, the author indicates that markets have failed to return to normal following the end of the infamous financial crisis. The concept of secular stagnation tries to explain how such a situation has developed. It describes how an increasing susceptibility to save money and a decreasing...

Distinction of Concepts: Bond Prices

When performing financial calculations, it is crucial to distinguish strictly between theoretical concepts. This will allow for a deeper understanding of the essence of the calculations being made and not to get confused when searching for a solution to a problem. In the context of this study, these concepts are...

Microeconomics and Principles of Economics

When coming up with a successful business initiative, it is of paramount importance to remember that every economic endeavor cannot exist in isolation from socio-political and purely economic factors. For this reason, in order to define the prospects of one’s business, entrepreneurs should become aware of the value of microeconomics...

The Role of Government in Market Economies in the UK

The Role of Government in Market Economies Market economy refers to an economy, whereby it is little or no interference from the government and the prices and availability of goods and services are purely dependent on the forces of demand and supply. The various assumptions in a market economy include:...

Capitalism as a Form of Social Competition

The history of humankind counts many forms of economic systems that have existed to guide the development of society. Among the many alternatives, one of the most striking economic ideologies is capitalism. Capitalism, which uses money as a valuable resource for human relations, drives society toward competition and rivalry. This...

Electronics for the Dump Overview

The modern world is filled with high-tech gadgets that are renewed every quarter, making people buy new items and discard outdated ones. The current situation on the market is called the materials economy that aims to design products that will function for only a certain period to encourage buying new...

Financial and Strategic Planning: Financial Statements

Introduction The purpose of financial statements and reports is to communicate to users of accounting information the effect of activities on an accounting entity during a specified period and its financial position at the end of a given period (Graham and Meredith, 1998). According to Ittelson (2009), financial statements provide...

Gig Work, the Gig Economy, and Gig Work Trends

The gig economy has emerged after the development of information and communication technologies. The digitalization and proliferation of smartphones have contributed to the development of platforms for hiring temporary contractors. This gig work trend has also created a new format for the employee-employer relationship, primarily based on cooperation on short-term...

The Concept of Universal Basic Income

With the current political and economic climate, the concept of universal basic income provides many advantages. The majority of the support it receives is directly proportional to the desire to right systematic errors such as income inequality, poverty, and the unsure future of automation in the workplace. Many of the...

Comparison between Late Development and Early Development Pathway

Industrialization is the transition of agriculture-related raw materials to mass manufacturing of goods and services. The period has been characterized into two phases, Early development and Late development. Early industrialization occurred in Britain in the late 18th century, while late industrialization occurred in the 20th century after the second world...

IT Market Situation Overview

The IT market includes everything related to computers and the network. This industry is one of the fastest-growing in the global economy. It has a significant influence in the developed world and connects many essential aspects of life, such as the economy, government, and society. A person encounters the subjects...

Tires, Steel, and Aluminum Tariffs

Introduction Steel, aluminum, and tire tariffs are regulated by the US even in modern times. Their impact on the domestic and foreign economies has different consequences. For example, in 2018, the United States rebalanced metal tariffs to the worst for the European Union, to which the EU immediately responded with...

The Essence of Individual Retirement Account

Introduction Individual Retirement Account was originally invented to improve the pension plans, which are still widely used. The fact is that, the pension plans were also improved, and nowadays, these are two different approaches towards paying retirement financial compensation. This paper aims to compare these two approaches, and give the...

Effect of Cost Control and Cost Reduction Techniques

The Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell is the largest oil and gas company. The organization, with the headquarter in the Netherlands, is registered as a corporation in the United Kingdom. Analyzing the work of such companies and considering the problems that firms in the oil and energy industry have recently faced...

Social, Political, and Economic Transformations in Tennessee between 1960 and 1990

Chapter thirteen of the assigned course text exposes the reader to the sweeping social, political, and economic transformations in Tennessee in the last three decades, stretching from 1960 to the 1990s. Dramatic events before and during this period, such as World War II and civil rights movements, played a leading...

The Impact of a Car’s Technology on the Purchase Decision of a UK Customer

Background: Study Justification and Knowledge Gap Identification People buy cars for various reasons: some do it to confirm their social and economic status, and others do it to address personal or business-related transportation needs. However, given the numerous car brands, models, and shapes, selecting one option is never an easy...

Action Plan to Eliminate New Brunswick’s Demographic Deficit

Introduction The implementation of relevant concepts of demographic policy in conditions of a population deficit is a crucial practice not only nationally but also globally. In his article, Passaris (2007) examines the dangerous consequences of the population decline in New Brunswick and analyzes the possible prerequisites for the development of...

Financing J&J Air’s Expansion Plans With a Bond Issue

Secured bonds enable bondholders to demand collateral even when a company goes bankrupt. Such bonds are commonly collateralized by equipment or real estate. Since J&J Air is an airline company, this means that it possesses both equipment and property and, hence, its bonds have collateral (Chaney, Sraer, & Thesmar, 2012)....

Germany’s Political-Legal Environment for Business

Cultural differences between U.S. and Germany Germany is one of the many member states of the European Union that are open to the global economy. The German culture is slightly different from the culture of the U.S., especially in terms of business transactions. As MICUS ventures into Germany, it is...

Forecasting USD / CNH Spot Exchange Rate

Introduction The purpose of this report was to forecast USD/CNH Spot Exchange Rate on July 29 2014. Data for the forecasting were obtained from CNH is the offshore version of the renminbi (RMB). Abilities to comprehend and forecast the exchange rate and fluctuations at any given moments are clearly...

Market Economy Emergence

Introduction The population of America began to expand in 1815 due to the accession of various states to the union and the appearance of immigrants from different countries actively. The first trends of freedom attracted residents of other countries, although slavery still took place. The South of America expanded cotton...

Self-Regulation and Risk Evaluation

In this video, McKenna, the audit consultant, and independent journalist focuses on two myths. The first myth refers to the assumption that shareholders damage corporations and the public. McKenna mentions professor Stoute and her book, where she states that there is no legal duty in corporate law for corporations to...

Asymmetric Information in Vietnam’s Motorcycle Helmet Campaign

As a matter of fact, asymmetric information in relation to the market is connected with a common situation when one party knows more than another one. For instance, sellers may have considerably more information about the quality and peculiar features of their product in comparison with consumers (Pindyck & Rubinfeld,...

“Globalization” by Peter Temin: Article Analysis

The current essay is a report on the given article “Globalization,” written by Peter Temin and published in Oxford Review of Economic Policy in 1999. The present work aims to discuss a set of actions performed by the author to address the topic. Concerning the outline of the paper, it...

“Cryptocurrencies – Advantages and Disadvantages”

A cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. In the modern world, some of the most known cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple (Bunjaki et al., 2017, p. 33). The main advantages of cryptocurrencies are transparency, anonymity, confidentiality, and privacy (p. 33). The authors claim that the...

Financial Crisis of 2008 in the U.S. – Meltdown

Chan, Sun. “Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, Inquiry Finds.” The New York Times, 2011, New Ed.: A1. This article explores the report by Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, where the commission is quoted to have concluded that the credit crunch could not have been “avoided.” The article summarizes the blame game of...

Inequalities in China and India

Hans Rosling states that inequalities in China and India are a big issue after looking at the drastic economic differences within the countries. In particular, he mentions that Shanghai is even healthier economically if compared to the United States, whereas Guizhou remains overwhelmingly poor. As for India, the speaker explains...

Housing Crisis of 2007 and Current Economy Response

Introduction The Housing Crisis of 2007 was a massive economic meltdown that occurred when banks oversold mortgages in an attempt to satisfy the high demand for securities. Insurance companies, banks, and hedge funds influenced the subprime mortgage crisis. The financial institutions provided mortgage-backed securities while insurance companies provided credit default...

Rhodium Company: Financial Report

Terms of references The aim of setting of optimal capital is to use the whole amount of capital that has less cost of acquisitions. This includes debt and equity capital. The profits are measured in terms of the total assets used to conduct business operations and not just the equity...

GDP of Kazakhstan and Its Recent History

Introduction The economic history of economic condition of a country shows the country’s present economic status, and the economic well being of the country. With the economic recession the world economy has been facing crisis regarding their GDP growth, inflation, current account balance, and unemployment rate (UN, 2008). This paper...

Deficit Spending Overview and Analysis

Introduction The economic system of states is a complex, multifaceted set of procedures and measures initiated by government and society in order to maintain the financial development or stability of the state. Among the multitude of descriptive facts, special attention should be paid to deficit spending, which characterizes the state...

Functional Currency: Case Study

The fund custodian, Shady Rest, prepared the fund’s books in Euros, since it was a country fund that invested solely in securities listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange. However, this decision is very detrimental because of several reasons. The custodians could have chosen an appropriate functional currency that could have...

Impacts of Climate Change on Electricity Demand in China

It is hard to disagree that there is typically a strong correlation between some changes, for example, in prices, and a quantity demanded. Fan et al. (2019) discuss how changes in climate may have significant effects on electricity demand in China. According to the authors, since the electricity sector is...

Bank of America and Financial Analysis

Bank of America is a leading US financial institution dedicated to serving individual consumers, large corporations, and small and medium-sized enterprises with a broad range of banking, investment, and management products and services. It provides easy-to-use online products and services and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (Bank...

Reasons Why the Third World Is Underdeveloped

In the 1960s and 1970s, a peculiar trend emerged in world social thought —dependence theory. Other variants of this trend are dependent development, dependent capitalism, peripheral development, and peripheral capitalism (sometimes this trend is called dependentism). Representatives of the scientific community of Latin America play a significant role in this...

Culture, Gender, and Price in Consumer Behavior

Introduction Consumer behavior is one of the most crucial topics in business because it determines sales and profit. Consumers dictate how specific products or services are portrayed on social media (Mariani et al., 2018). Therefore, understanding their decisions requires the knowledge of psychology and neuroscience. Indeed, behavioral psychology is critical...

United States Steel Corp. vs. Commissioner

A tax haven is a state that has no payment of taxes be it personal or corporate. Businesses are allowed to operate without the intervention of the government in form of taxes (Shaxson, 2011). One of these states is the Liberia which allows the residents to carry out business or...

Corporate Finance – ICICI Bank (Listed in Mumbai Stock Exchange)

Introduction ICICI Bank is one of the major banks in India. According to the bank’s financial reports of the financial year 2013, its assets are worth the US $ 99 billion. The bank has are not less than “3588 branches and 11,162 ATMs in India” (ICICI 2013, p. 1). “ICICI...

How Price Changes Alter Their Demand and Supply Graph

Complementary goods are items that are preferably used along with each other. One such good is more practical and popular among consumers if used in conjunction with another compliment. Thereby, any changes in the price of one good directly affect the demand and supply of another. Complementary goods affect each...

Minimum Wage and Life Quality

Introduction Poverty poses a severe threat to sustainable national and world development. It implies the inability to provide the most necessary human needs for comfortable living conditions. At the same time, the established minimum wage levels also cannot provide the required income for a high standard of living. This work...

Impact of Government-Created Price Ceiling on the Market

In a number of cases, the government, proceeding from certain political, economic, or social interests, establishes restrictions on the market to exert a stimulating or restraining effect on it. However, the government’s actions disrupt the mechanism of market forces, and as a result, such situations may arise in which the...

Public Private Partnership After Global Financial Crisis

The principles of PPP, its merits and demerits One of the principles of PPPs is to have the public sector gain access to private sector resources. The resources are in the form of expertise and finance (Public-private partnerships, 2013). The private sector has more innovative ways of raising a large...

Role of Shareholders in Profit Maximization

The people who provide financial backing to a company for the return of lifetime dividends are known as shareholders. One can become a shareholder of a particular organization either by memorandum subscription during incorporation and they can also invest in new company shares or by purchasing shares of an existing...

Germany Economic Overview

Germany is the largest economy in Europe and among the biggest economies in the world. The current economic condition is on a negative trend due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of businesses and a low in sales of various products, especially...

Multinational Enterprises’ Global Strategy Adjustments

A global strategy is based on the assumption that the consumption and production patterns of goods and services are homogenous worldwide and countries are interconnected. Multinational enterprises keep total control of their activities by centralizing decision-making global strategy to increase profits while reducing production costs. MNEs can execute global strategy...

Finding Solutions for Ethical Dilemma

The ethical dilemma that Mr. Markham is currently facing is the necessity to choose between the two undesirable options. These are: whether to report the board of directors of the pension funds the real numbers regarding their value of liabilities, which are two times higher than the ‘official numbers,’ or...

Researching Consumer Purchases

Introduction In the contemporary information-driven markets, consumer purchasing behaviors are particularly dependent on the availability and credibility of information about a product one has an intention to buy. For this essay, the product selected for analysis was running shoes. Different brands of running shoes were examined to retrieve online reviews...

Understanding the Relationship Between Discount Rate and Risks

The discount rate for the following equities A risk-free equity for the US Treasury Note The definition of the risk-free equity suggests an extreme scenario. The reason why the US Treasury Note is risk free is because it is expected to be free of default risks. In other words, it...

Housing: An Annotated Bibliography

Anacker, K. B. (2019). Introduction: housing affordability and affordable housing.  The author in this article discusses chosen aspects of the inexpensiveness of houses in respect to domestic expenses and domestic earnings and the selected aspects of inexpensive housing. This is an excellent source because it offers appropriate foundations for considering...

Investors Attention on Market Dynamics

Business Problem In budgetary financial matters, extensive consideration has been given to comprehend the relationship between returns, instability, and exchanging volume. Price-volume relationship and investors’ attention is imperative since this observational relationship helps in contending hypotheses of trading behavior and market trend. The analysis enhances the development of the test...

Economic Development of Canada, Norway, Saudi Arabia, and the UK

The choice of the countries for the paper was directed by the following information. Canada is a member of OECD that ranks fifth among oil exporters in the world (“The World Factbook” par. 1-3). However, Canada’s export is relatively diversified and is dominated by various types of petroleum (crude oil...

Vietnam’s Emerging Market Potential

The western countries can help Vietnam improve its business climate by assisting the country in improving its legal, political, and regulatory frameworks. Since Vietnam’s exports depend on multinationals such as Samsung, the country must focus on providing opportunities for local companies. Western nations can instruct the Vietnamese officials on how...

Risky Financial Decisions

A risky financial decision under consideration was made by a close relative, who decided to purchase an already operational liquor store that had been closed for a month due to serious documentation issues. However, the relative believed that it would be easy to operate an already established entity as compared...

Alternative Investments as Segment in Asset Allocation

Abstract In the present day rapidly changing market environments, it has become critically important for investors to take a deliberate approach for capturing opportunities to enhance returns and at the same time to manage their portfolio volatility efficiently. While prudent investing calls for taking calculated risks a disciplined asset allocation...

Aspects of Russia’s Economy

It is no secret that there is a significant difference in economic power and potential between the Russian Federation and the United States. Nevertheless, the unemployment rates of both countries are close. According to Kuranova (2021), “Russia’s unemployment rate came in at 5.8% in January 2021” (para. 1). In the...

National Competitiveness and Quality of Life

The competitiveness of a country is determined by the competitiveness of enterprises, industries, types of economic activity, clusters, municipalities, regions. However, the company’s competitiveness is affected by the national competitiveness in which it operates. Almost every sector of the economy contains the following five factors of competitiveness, including quality, price,...

The Effect of Investing in Tourism Sector on the National Oncome of Saudi Arabia

The tourism sector of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is among the most prospective and potentially lucrative sectors of the nation’s economy. Although the country is the largest oil exporter in the world, it is important to point out that such a heavy reliance on one source of national income...

Online Grocery Services and Consumer Decision-Making Process

Based on the results generated from our research work, there are a number of criteria that affect consumers’ experience and results in their final purchase behavior. The primary data was collected through the survey procedures conducted among the general public through the Survey Monkey online service. We collected responses and...

Capital Budgeting Tools Overview

Unlike a company’s short-term operating expenses, calculated as a rule for one reporting period (quarter, year), capital budgeting offers powerful firm tools to analyze long-term investments’ effectiveness. In general, capital budgeting should be understood as a decision-making process through which a firm evaluates the feasibility of purchasing significant assets. Tools...

Fiscal and Monetary Policies in the 2008 Recession

The United States experienced a recession in 2008, which extended to other European countries. According to Bargain et al. (2017), recession refers to a considerable reduction in economic activity within a particular economy, which lasts for many months. It is normally visible in real gross domestic product (GDP), employment rate,...

Taxes Analysis in the State of Arizona

Taxes Table 1: Displays Various Taxes, Where Funds Are Used And Government Body Responsible For Rates. Tax Funds Governmental Body Responsible for Rate of Taxation Arizona State Sales Tax The funds add to the revenue collected by the state, which is then used to run government projects and public services....

European Competition Policy and Its Origins

This article has written about the origins and development of European competition policy. Many claim that German ordoliberal ideas were the guiding force, but a careful examination of the problem reveals that France and the United States played a crucial role in implementing the most supranational of all European policies....

A Global City. London After Brexit

Several towns have tremendous influence not only within one country but throughout the world. Cities like these are critical to entire regions, with cultural, economic and political impact. Often, they have a rich history, which is why most of the global cities are vital settlements of the most developed world...

Movement of Exchange Rate Volatility and Capital Budgeting

Exchange rate volatility The exchange rate can be defined as the currency of a given country expressed in terms of another country’s currency. The changes in the exchange rate affect the profits made by international trading partners and multinational corporations. The exchange rate also affects the value of investments as...

Role of the Financial Market

Introduction It is the role of the financial market to ensure that funds are channeled from the government to those who have a shortage of funds and may wish to spend more than they earn. The book, The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets by Frederic Mishkin, illustrates how...

“Economics as Universal Science” by Heilbroner

The article talks about economics as a division of social science (Heilbroner, 1991). According to Jack Hirshleifer, economics appreciates its grand status because it provided part of the social theory’s master pattern. However, while social biology also contributed or supplied the other portion. Economics and social biology are both combined...

Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Economic Development

Introduction Inward foreign direct investment (FDI) is a concept that has gained momentum over the recent past. Several countries in the world have implemented the provisions of the concept in their quest to attain the much-desired economic development. The concept implies encouragement of foreign investments in countries, which need economic...

Minimum Wage and Its Effects on Economy: Article Analysis

Introduction and Summary Introducing opportunities and creating a functional support system for those struggling to locate employment options is one of the central issues that the U.S. government must address. However, not all of the solutions that might seem effective on the surface will deliver the expected results. In his...

Inflation and Control Policies in the United Kingdom

Introduction Inflation is a highly contentious issue. This is due to its economic implications. For instance, if not regulated, inflation has the potential of crippling a country’s economy. As a result of this, governments are always coming up with policies and strategies to ensure that it remains at manageable levels,...

Tesla’s Stock Prices Review on Yahoo’s Finance Service

For this week’s assignment, the stock prices of Tesla are reviewed using Yahoo’s Finance service. Tesla is a United States-based company that works in the industry of electric car manufacturing construction and is of the companies owned by Elon Musk. Tesla is a great company, both because it entered a...

FIFO and LIFO: The Main Differences

For businesses to manage a good stock flow, inventories help balance between new and old stock as it protects businesses from recording preventable losses. In most cases, this is achieved by the use of First In First Out (FIFO) and Last In Last Out (LIFO) models of stock tracking. LIFO...

AUD and NZD Exchange Rate Forecast

Australia and New Zealand are neighboring countries with highly intertwined economies and cultures. Australia, which has a larger and more industrialized economy, utilizes the Australian dollar (AUD), while New Zealand with an advanced market economy utilizes the New Zealand dollar (NZD), informally known as Kiwi. The two countries maintain a...

Financial Management During the Recession

Introduction and thesis In the past decades, various economies across the globe have come face to face with the implications that arise due to poor management and regulation of financial resources. The effects of the same have been felt by all individuals socially and economically making financial management a force...

Economic Development: Analysis of Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon will be examined to determine the current status of economic development. The resources for this study initially will come from public administrator generated information. The data will be assessed using S.W.O. T. Analysis. “Smart” Action Research will then be conducted to determine what specific economic development strategies may...

Investment Strategy: Construction of Portfolio

Introduction Selection of market securities that would be included in a certain investment portfolio requires scanning of various instruments in diverse financial markets. The markets from which the market instruments are picked include the capital market and the money market (Jordan, Miller, & Dolvin, 2012).The capital market is involved in...

Economic Action Plan for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Introduction Pittsburgh is one of the largest cities in Pennsylvania, known as a former steel center and a modern hub for high-tech companies. The town was famous in the early 20th century for its steel industry, ranking second in the US for steel production (Carter, 2016). However, in 1970-1980 the...

DuPont: Analyzing T-Accounts and Financial Reports

Comparison of Financial Reports of the Companies The financial position of company A is stronger than that of company B. The total assets of Company A at the end of 2011 amounted to $1,176,027,002 while for Company A totaled $238,968. Similarly, revenue for company A was greater than that of...

Durkheim: Pandemic and Functionalism

Introduction According to De Souza (2018), Durkheim defined the concept of division of labor as follows: “a way of investigating the moral consequences of the growing complexity within modern societies” (p. 655). An example of that concept, in this case, is the process of drug manufacturing, distributing, and medical care...

Customer Loyalty Within the Insurance Industry

Background In the 21st century, competition is becoming a challenge within the business environment due to an increment in the rate of globalization. This is affecting operation of firms in different economic sectors. The insurance industry has not been shielded from this challenge. A large number of investors are venturing...

Brexit: Separating the UK from the European Union

Brexit implies “British exit”, and this term is used to name the process of separating the United Kingdom from the European Union in the context of economic and political development. Since 1973 the UK had been a member of the union before the population expressed the desire to finish it...

Researching of the Challenges of Free Trade

It is essential to recognize that in the world of serious business, along with opportunities for real economic growth, companies face the potential threat of financial and reputational collapse and decline. This ambiguity of possible outcomes is primarily due to the increase in the number of competitors in the industry,...

The Financial Crisis: The USA in 2007

Introduction The phrase financial crisis has been applied in wider aspects in recent days with an array of state of affairs in where some financial organisation or assets unexpectedly go down of a large portion of their value. Through around the centuries the civilization has evidenced financial crises coupled with...

Global Market Segmentation

In their article, the authors compare the general performance of conventional and religious (Islamic) stock returns in Saudi Arabia. They aim to determine the impact of religious preferences and their ability to create investor recognition effects and segmented financial markets (Alhomaidi, et al., 2019). The examination of all Saudi firms’...

South Korea’s Chaebol Analysis

The South Korean economy is a highly developed mixed economy, holding 10th place by nominal GDP, which is one of the most successful and flexible in the world due to its high-tech industries. However, the country’s economy is characterized by a unique feature that is not seen to such an...

Bilateral Investment Treaties Analysis

Introduction Globalization has turned the world into a small village where movement and communication are easily done irrespective of the location of an individual. Technological improvement in the field of communication has meant that it is now possible for a business unit to communicate with its customers all over the...

Analysis of Vietnam’s Economic Transition

Introduction During recent decades, many countries in Europe and Asia abandoned socialist regimen. Changes related to such transitions have influenced different spheres including political, economic, and social. Vietnam is an example of a successful transition of a low-income country, which moved from centrally planned to a market economy (Tran, 2013)....

Financial Report: Review

Analysis of cost Some of the opening costs of the restaurant will be capitalized. These start-up costs relate to the one activity of opening the restaurant and not daily operation of the business. The costs that will be capitalized are summarized in the table presented below. Item Amount (ĂE) 1...

Consumer Segments Overview

There is a common belief that Baby Boomers are focused on career development, while generation Y representatives are technologically savvy. I believe that the generalization about different consumer segments is valid and can be used by marketing specialists to make decisions. First and foremost, these generalizations are based on study...

New Zealand Investment for Sainsbury’s Supermarket

Summary Today’s economic landscape is characterized by its rapid globalization, prompting brands to expand their operations. Once an organization succeeds in its local market, it is natural for the management to consider international opportunities by launching a new project in other locations. However, such a development process can pose certain...

Mergers and Acquisitions in the Banking Sector

Introduction In the recent past, many organizations have established mergers to improve the level of competition in the global markets. In the banking industry, various banks have established mergers to improve performance in the markets and to establish competitive strategies. Some of the mergers, which have been established in the...

The Foreign Exchange Rate Systems

Introduction There are several types of foreign exchange rate systems namely; floating exchange rate, pegged exchange rate and fixed exchange rate system. In a floating exchange rate system, the market movements determine the rate of exchange. The government or the central bank does not interfere with the rate of exchange....

Impact of Environmental Changes on Businesses

Newman, Rick. “Stocks to Watch When the Markets Reopen.” US News 2012. Web. Among the external environmental factors that can have a possible effect on business companies, all sorts of outside influences are taken into account, as a rule, with one major exception. Weirdly enough, the influence of the environment itself...

The Downfall of Lehman Brothers

Introduction Following the downfall of Lehman brothers, attention was focused on the role of regulators and credit rating agencies in the whole debacle. The public demanded for answers that were not forthcoming from all the concerned parties. This experience was to throw the Sarbanes-Oxley Act under close scrutiny and questions...

Reasons for Using CAPM Model

Introduction Over the years the CAPM model has been used by investors when considering investing in multiple projects. The model provides a way to enable investors to make an estimation of the expected return that can be arrived at from investing in a security. It bases its assumption on the...

Unemployment Rate During COVID-19

COVID-19 and subsequent lockdown measures significantly affected the civilian labor force participation rate and the unemployment rate. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021), 61.4% is the last known so far civilian labor force participation rate. The current U-3 total unemployed percentage is 6.3, while the current U-6...

Trinity Balance Sheet and Financial Trends

One of the best ways to control the activity of the organization is to have a balance shit as a way of monitoring a company from the financial and tax points of view. A balance sheet is a financial statement that shows the financial position of a business or an...

Terminals and Locations: Hinterlands and Forelands

Hinterlands are the lands or regions behind a coast line served by a port as the terminal for commercial activities. These lands are where the port as a terminal draws its commercial activities from. The forelands are the lands beyond the sea serving as a destination of goods and services...

Importance of Persuasion: COVID-19 Crisis

Importance of persuasion is especially evident in the current debates about COVID-19. In particular, media, experts, and ordinary people compare economic crisis caused by COVID-19 with global financial crisis of 2008 (Estrada & Arturo, 2020). The authorities traditionally prepare for the past, already known downturn. However, the events caused by...