Individual Commercialization: Steps to Effective Commercialization

Commercialization is the process of converting an idea or a product into a cash generation or viable mercantile facet. Businesses and individuals often generate concepts worth significant commercial value. Nonetheless, it is until such thoughts are commercialized that the inventors can enjoy the results. On the other hand, the process...

Discussion of Investment Opportunities in Project

Introducing investment opportunities into the project is another vital issue that needs to be considered closer. Specifically, given the nature of the project, which will be primarily educational, the project can be deemed as a non-profit one. Therefore, customers will be admitted without charge. The specified solution implies that the...

Trade Agreement Between Mexico and Brazil

In the modern world, politics, like many other spheres of life and the functioning of the state, are predetermined by laws. Based on the fact that they differ in all countries, we can conclude that processes such as trade are significantly more complicated. However, lawyers and politicians are inventing new...

Economic Inequality and Pandemic Challenge

Economic inequality continues to be relevant to modern society, with the full range of human rights being available only to the wealthy minority. However, many social workers have now been focusing on working toward addressing the issue, with their commitment to social justice and equal human rights being illustrated by...

Budget Justification for New York City Transit Agency

Introduction This report aims to give justifications for FY 2021 budget increment for the department of security and counterterrorism, which is one of the divisions of New York City Transit agency. Due to covid-19 pandemic, New York City is experiencing arise in insecurity since some unemployed citizens have resorted to...

Retail Stores as Cultural Phenomenon in Cities

I do not see retail stores as a big problem because I see modern American society filled with abundance and consumerism. At the moment, it seems to me, American society could not live differently, and people are used to the fact that shopping is sewn logically and harmoniously into their...

How Sugar Affected the Cuban Economy

Introduction For centuries, sugar has been considered a commodity of high trading value. Sugar plantations were profitable to the extent that sugar was called “white gold” because of the high demand for it on the market. Being extracted from a plant called sugar cane, it has been the backbone of...

The Impact of Globalization on Business in India and the USA

Introduction Globalization is a key belief that has emerged because of the maximum essential component in enterprise over the previous couple of decades. Globalization is an almost inevitable result of accelerated printing speeds in history, if not since the Renaissance and the first Industrial Revolution (Burlacu et al., 2018). This...

Brazil’s Aspirations to Join the World Trade Organization

The purpose of the World Trade Organization is to help each member state promote free-market relations and attain a better level of economic development. Historically, Brazil’s aspirations to join the WTO faced a certain resistance on behalf of the country’s left-wing politicians who feared that the membership would destroy the...

Real Estate Investment and Hospitality Industry Performance

The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected real estate investments differently. Some businesses benefited from the rise of coronavirus, while others recorded so many losses. Investors and economic leaders could share different views and opinions on the current environment. Before embarking on business, property owners must assess possible risks and benefits....

The “Made in China 2025” Economic Blueprint

Introduction Background to the Study There is a consensus among economists and academicians that a new wave of economic revolution is happening as countries position themselves to exploit opportunities created by rapid technological advancements in business (Brunet-Thornton & Martinez, 2018; Lardy, 2019). Countries with advanced economies, such as the United...

Economic Benefits and Constraints to Opening Canada’s Borders

Introduction Policymakers regard Canada’s immigration program as critical to the country’s progress and future growth. Growing the country’s population, however, demands a balance and keen monitoring. The current immigration plan for 2019-2021 set by the Canadian government should be carefully analyzed. Presently, there are government restrictions on the free flow...

Optimization and Improvement of the Namibian Electricity Sector

Introduction In developing countries like Namibia, power supply is a key issue. Namibia’s local electrical supply has failed to keep pace with its expanding energy demands since it only generates less than half of the energy it consumes, according to ITA (2020). The current peak energy demand exceeds 600 MW,...

The National Banking Crisis Analysis

Description of the Crisis I work at a national bank as a CEO, where a recent crisis has attracted nationwide coverage due to its massive effect on the economy. The bank is the largest one in the country and has clients in the entire nation, including its biggest customer, the...

Health-Related Sustainable Development Goals

The prevention of healthcare-related issues is one of the significant responsibilities of nurses. The careful analysis of the factors contributing to positive development in society is vital to nurses’ professional development. One of the effective tools ensuring positive health-related changes is the sustainable development goals (SDGs). SDGs are a set...

Qatar National Bank’s General Information

There are numerous issues that banks across the world have to address in the 21st century. Nevertheless, bank groups that have already developed the most efficient business models and managed to expand their operations globally are in a comfortable position. The remarkable economic performance of various sectors of the economy...

Cryptocurrencies and the Meme Stock Phenomenon

Introduction The economic theory of investing pays much attention to the phenomenon of financial bubbles. In a general sense, bubbles are understood as an unreasonably sharp increase in the price of assets on the stock market, followed by a sharp decline when the bubble “bursts.”This is reflected in the terminological...

The Community Reinvestment Act and the Banking Systems

Introduction Nowadays, there are many laws and regulations regarding the banking system, lending, and the financial structure of the United States. They include reforms to improve the country’s credit climate and increase investment opportunities. One of these laws was CRA (Community Reinvestment Act), adopted in 1977. To evaluate its effectiveness,...

Pfizer’s Investment in Comirnaty Vaccine

Introduction The process of research and development (R&D) involves the design or improvement of a product, technology, or service. R&D is vital for business because it encourages innovation, helping a company generate revenue in the future and gain a competitive advantage (Hammar and Belarbi, 2021). In the pharmaceutical industry, R&D...

Why It Is Necessary to Study Digital Economy

The economy studies the process of production and consumption of goods and services and the ways they help fulfill the needs of society. The economy, in general, helps people get a clear idea of the way market relations are established and developed. Understanding the guiding principles and strategies the economy...

The US Trade Deficit as a Current News Issue

Current Issue: US Trade Deficit Recently, such news outlets as Reuters, CNBC, and Market Watch have reported that the US trade deficit has reached its highest record. According to Mutikani (2021), in August 2021, the US trade deficit rose to $73.3 billion, although economists predicted that it would amount to...

Landline Service Taxes and Impact on Markets

A landline usually transmits data through a metallic wire or optic fiber telephone line instead of a mobile cellular network, which transmits data using radio waves. Landlines are usually fixed at some points where people operate them from. For instance, they can be fixed in homes, streets, jails, and big...

Islamic Banking and Its Development Problems

Islamic banking implies a way of banking functioning that is characterized by consistency and does not contradict Muslim principles in relation to monetary settlement operations. The main rule of the Islamic religion is the rejection of future transactions and the prohibition of charging a loan interest by a banking institution....

Financial Report of Fridgefreeze Plc

Introduction Profitability Ratios Return on capital employed = 2020 2019 Operating profit 7,485 10,105 Divide byCapital employed: Share capital 26,035 24,330 Plus Reserves 8,480 6,375 Plus Non-current liab. 4,575 1,250 39,090 31,955 Equals (0.1915 0.3162) x 100% ROCE = 19.15% 31.62% The 2020 ROCE is less than that of 2019....

Underrepresented Benefits of Casinos and Gambling

Introduction It is important to note that gambling and casinos are mostly perceived as negative activities as well as organizations, respectively. However, despite the socially held disapproval, responsible gambling and properly regulated casinos can be not only an enjoyable recreational activity but also a major promoter of tourism and economic...

The United Arab Emirates’ Economic Climate

The Economy of the United Arab Emirate The United Arab Emirates is amongst one of the most successful countries in the Gulf and the Middle East. It is made up of seven emirates. It lies within the Arabian Desert and covers an area of 83650 Km2 with a population of...

The Federal Reserve System and the Money Supply

The Federal Reserve (FR) has three main tools to control the money supply in the economy: the discount rate, open market operations, and reserve requirements. “The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the discount rate and reserve requirements, and the Federal Open Market Committee is...

Financial Planning. Money Management Skill

Financial literacy is an essential skill necessary for people to manage their income and achieve goals. Financial literacy can be defined as knowledge about financial planning and management that allows making reasonable choices about money spending and saving (Hamid & Loke, 2021). Indeed, proper cash management leads to lower debt...

Internalization of National Economies and Political Risks

Recent systemic transformations due to globalization, trade and investment growth, and nations’ growing interest in economic internationalization to remain or become more competitive led scholars to evaluate the potential political risks of the internationalization process. There are three main sources of political risk in the internalization of the national economy....

Smart Cities’ Response to the Aftermath of COVID-19 in the Retail Sector

Introduction Retail sector remains of the drivers of modern economy because of its scape, scope, and vital status for the life of society. According to the Statistic Research Department (2021), the amount of global retail sales has reached the level $25 trillion with $19.2 trillion in physical turnover and nearly...

Consumerism: “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner

The article “On Dumpster Diving” describes people eating behaviors and how they waste food unknowingly. The paper describes how consumers waste a lot of food and if they are aware of their wasteful lifestyle. In addition, it questions if those with wasteful behaviors are knowledgeable or care about their habit....

The Federal Public Budgetary Decision Process

Introduction Organizational managers and policymakers use the budget for accountability and decision-making purposes. Budgeting is a process that involves the allocation of resources to the objectives of a given entity or a strategic plan (Brusca & Labrador, 2016). The allocation of resources to a policy can influence various aspects of...

Emerging Markets Growth and HSBC in China

Case History and Background Before the start of discussions with the World Trade Organization, China’s banking industry functioned as a wheel in a centrally located economy. During China’s post-Mao industrialization, the financial sector served social functions rather than the expected economic functions. The majority of China’s successful companies resulted from...

India’s International Trade Policy

Balance of Payments: Analyses and Implications In the first quarter of 2021-2022, India’s current account balance experienced a surplus in the balance of payment. The increment was 6.5 US billion dollars, representing 0.9% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (“Reserve Bank of India”, 2021). In the fourth quarter of...

Clientele of Luxurious Vehicles: The Purchasing Decisions

Introduction and Identification of Key Economic Issues and Concepts Consumer behavior is a multidimensional phenomenon that proficiently influences business competence and productivity within a marketplace. In the research by Gokhale et al. (2021), the researchers focus on assessing significant factors that influence the purchasing decision among the clientele of luxurious...

Taxation Without Representation

“Taxation without representation” is when a whole population is taxed but has no say in spending money or implementing policies. The colonists of the United States said to their British overlords that “taxation without representation is tyranny.” Because of the adoption of the English Bill of Rights in 1689, it...

Primary vs. Secondary Markets Differences

Primary and Secondary Markets When it comes to financial activities, it is necessary to understand the difference between primary and secondary markets. They are distinct phenomena, and traders, investors, and other stakeholders should know how they vary. Primary and secondary markets are different according to their overall purpose, mechanics, and...

Stock Analysis and Portfolio Balancing

Calculating the Risk and Interconnection with Market Investment Risk: The Reason for Comparison between the Company and the Index Despite the considerable number of shares’ valuation methods, the comparative approach is one of the most widespread. Many analysts consider the parallel share and index analysis as an effective one since...

Searching for Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities Priority Funding Option Debt or Equity Type Maximum Available $ Amount Interest Rate Company Share Terms Documents to prepare Contact Information Notes 1 Personal savings Debt $6000 0% I retain 100% I Will repay myself in 18-20 months No 2 Borrowing from relatives/friends Debt Parents $15,000 – $20,000...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the International Trading

Globalization and Its change Globalization is an organic element of modern economic growth, one of its most important characteristics. However, this does not mean that its shape and pace are unchanged: there are periods of its sharp acceleration, as well as deceleration. Over the past two years, globalization has slowed...

Budget Development in Public vs. Private Sector

In building a budget of any scale, it is necessary to consider many details. The most standard budget requirement is the excess of revenues over expenditures, which ensures the continued functioning of the organization. However, in some cases, this rule may be violated. The purpose of this essay is to...

Banks and Their Influence on the Economy

Banks are the leading financial intermediary in the economy because they accept deposits by attracting depositors’ money, i.e., accumulating temporarily free funds. Moreover, banks provide money at a certain percentage to various economic firms, households, etc., i.e., they issue loans. The activity of banks is the channel through which changes...

Essential Financial Concepts

The most important concept I have learned in the course is the PV, FV, and Payback Period. It is the first on the list because it is related to long-term risk-taking since the notions themselves help assess the possible financial benefits in the future. According to researchers, financial forecasting is...

Japan’s Crisis Governance in a Period of Economic Stagnation

Japan is the first of the “Asian tigers” and an excellent example of quality industrial policy, which prevented the country from falling into an irreversible recession in the crisis years. The story of the economic miracle began 70 years ago. Japan, whose path China is trying to follow today, is...

Production and Growth During the Pandemic: A Case of U.S. Manufacturing

The need to sustain production and growth is one of the central concerns in running a business. Therefore, inspecting the phenomena and notions associated with production and growth is vital. In her recent article, Harriet Torry explained that, despite the pandemic, the U.S. manufacturing industry has been thriving, showing an...

Disney Imagineering: Local Cultures

Disney should accommodate local cultures so much since different regions have varying practices and formalities. When Disney is choosing to open a theme park in a certain location, it is necessary to identify and include the various meanings of the people for them to adapt to the park easily. Lacking...

Earmarking Taxes for Improving the Health Sector

Allocating sufficient financing for healthcare institutions and policies is a difficult task, especially for a developing country. Currently, Nigeria’s governmental structure undergoes many critical changes to ensure its prospects. Its health sector is largely under-resourced, which has a detrimental effect on the overall productivity and economic development of the country...

Researching of Mercosur Economic Agreement

Introduction Mercosur is an integration association of four States (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) with a population of more than 260 million people interested both in the inflow of investments and in gaining access to high-tech products (Almeida, 2018). It is the leading trading bloc of South America. Known as...

Economic Impact of Opioid Epidemic in Virginia

The opioid epidemic has been a problem in the United States for years, and the situation in some states is only getting worse. In particular, Virginia has seen a steady increase in the number of opioid overdose cases and deaths associated with it (Virginia Department of Health, 2021b). The situation...

Aspects of Obama’s Tax Reforms

Introduction Administrative systems must control taxation strategies and processes to ensure effective taxation that matches the administration’s objectives to promote a secure and attractive investment environment. Under President Obama’s administration, there were substantial changes in taxation and income wages to promote fair tax for all Americans. The former president fought...

Researching of Economic Recession

Introduction The term “recession” refers to a period in which the economy declines, unemployment rises, the stock market falls, and the housing market suffers. Whenever there is a recession, everyone from the Federal Reserve to the president to the federal government gets blamed. Several variables might lead to recessions, including...

“Jobs Boom Wipes out Covid Losses”: Report on the Article

Executive Summary The article “Jobs boom wipes out Covid losses” examines the positive dynamics in the labor market recovery. The key takeaway is the reduction in the unemployment rate from 6.3% to 5.8%, with an expectation to lower it to the level below 5%. The other positive tendency discussed is...

Impact of Progressive Globalization

One of the key processes in the development of the world economy on the verge of the XX-XXI centuries is the progressive globalization. It is, indeed, a qualitatively new stage in the development of the internationalization of economic life. The attitude of both specialists and people to globalization is very...

Apple Returns on Equity (ROE) Concept

Returns on equity (ROE) represent a relation where income has to be divided by the stakeholders’ equity (average). It means that investors are most likely to gain more insight into stakeholder power and make their decisions based on that particular factor. Another way to represent the relationship between investors and...

COVID-19: Influence on Labor Demand and Supply

Introduction World history has seen devastating global pandemics, which have drastically changed the situation in the economy. In this regard, it might be interesting to compare the impact caused by the current COVID-19 with the consequences of the earlier pandemics. Mankiw (2020) mentions the case of the Black Death, the...

Definitions of Primary and Secondary Markets

The notion of market stands for a complex interrelation between various systems, procedures, infrastructures, and social phenomena that contribute to the systematization of goods and services exchanged in certain conditions. The exchange within a market may rely either on the exchange of goods and services by barter, i.e., in return...

Economic Theories and Their Effect on a Company

A business is affected by various regulations that determine its success. These regulations are meant to guide and control the running of a business. If a business does not adhere to policies, then it may end up collapsing. Most entrepreneurs that do not meet guidelines required by the government end...

Lebanon’s Financial Crisis and Governmental Measures

Introduction Lebanon is known to be facing a financial crisis that continues to worsen. Unemployment, as well as poverty rates, have rocketed, and the currency has devalued substantially, which threatens political stability not solely in the country, but in the entire region. Considering this, it is critical for the Lebanese...

Consumer Buying Behaviour Overview

Executive Summary Two mobile phone customers are analyzed in this report. One consumer A, purchased Samsung Galaxy S21 5G to replace Samsung S7 after losing his previous phone. Customer B purchased iPhone 12 Max as an upgrade from iPhone 11. Customer B has a habit of upgrading to the newest...

AMZ Bank’s Main Problems and Their Solution

Introduction The realities of today’s economic conditions are based on meeting the constantly changing needs of customers, increasing labor productivity, and maintaining a leading position in the market. A commercial organization is a social system that develops according to business principles, but production capacities and a management system act as...

Globalization After World War I

The emergence of the global economy corresponds to the aftermath of World War I, and the battle of governments and markets for control over the field brought unexpected results. The establishment of strong ties among the nations and the expansion of trade and migration contributed to the revival of globalization...

The Efficient Market Hypothesis Definition

The purpose of the capital market is the efficient reallocation of funds between investors and borrowers. Individuals and firms may have excess capacity to invest in production but do not have sufficient funds to use them all for their purposes (Renshaw, 1984). If the capital market exists, they can borrow...

Ways to Measure Economic Profit

Profit is usually perceived as earnings and measured by subtracting costs from revenues. However, there are different types of costs: explicit and implicit. Explicit costs can be directly measured and expressed in monetary terms, for example, wages, rent, and utility costs (Orsag & Džidić, 2018). Implicit costs refer to the...

Financial Regulation and Legal Aspects of the Economy

Introduction The issues of the crisis continue to be relevant: the abundance of goods on the market and the stock exchange does not justify their poor quality. Companies and corporations with influence over public opinion are responsible for this abundance. The crisis of 2008 was a companion to discussions of...

Researching the Concept of Globalization

Globalization is a widespread phenomenon that determines the economic and trade processes all over the world. With the development of technology and significant achievements in cross-cultural communication, different countries and nations nowadays can exchange goods and services freely. In each country, people may find production from various parts of the...

Marx’s Objections to Capitalism

The body of doctrine created by Karl Marx and, to a lesser extent, Friedrich Engels in the 19th century does not lose its popularity to this day. Marx refused to see his teaching as pure philosophy: if anything, he criticized other philosophical movements for their alleged inability to shift from...

Economic Policy and Goals. Economics Issues

Economic growth is difficult to project because it is associated with many drivers. Tran (2019) claimed that economic freedom is the main economic growth propellant. Economic freedom refers to protecting private property and reducing public intervention on private issues, including limited restrictions on consumption, distribution, production, and markets. (Oussama et...

US Economy Affected by COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction The current situation in recent years associated with the pandemic of coronavirus infection has changed the world and made its adjustments to the modern realities of the whole world. However, the USA was selected for analysis since it is of certain interest. The fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic has...

How the US Solves Economic Disparity and Injustice

Introduction Economic disparity has always been a hot-debated topic and relevant problem in the United States. The vast difference in wealth between the rich and poor people constantly promotes social inequality, decreases economic growth, and increases political tension (Stiglitz 4). Additionally, the relationship between economic disparity and the said complications...

The Energy Sector: Russia’s Policy

Introduction Russia’s economic and social environment is based on a previously populist system, maintained despite growing tensions with Western nations and civil unrest. As no political or economic reforms are expected, there is a need to examine the country’s structure, analyze its economic and noneconomic surroundings, and explore potential prospects...

Current Events in Macroeconomics – Monetary Policy

The problem discussed in the selected episode of the podcast is related to the recent changes in citizens’ wages, which, surprisingly, do not bring extra income. These outcomes are conditional upon the ongoing inflation resulting in rapidly growing gas prices, which becomes an obstacle for some people (Smith, 2021). The...

Entry into Emerging and Developed Markets

Introduction Improved productivity and changing consumer needs have motivated many company owners to globalize. Top executives of large firms, particularly in North America and Europe, recognize that internationalization is the most significant challenge they confront today. Nonetheless, most companies have remained committed to the strategies they have used in the...

Analysis of Deficit Spending Impact

Background John Maynard Keynes is referred as to one founder of the present-day macroeconomics theory. He analyses the relationship between the government’s spending habits to the government’s income in the form of taxes (Wernicke, 2018). Deficit spending refers to a situation where the government expenditure rates are more than the...

Discussion of American Bankers Association

The American Bankers Association (ABA) is a trade association that consists of elites and groups representing banks of all sizes in the banking industry. The ABA does not offer basic baking services or operations aligned to bank systems. This association was established in 1875 and has expanded to the most...

Earning per Share and Return on Investment

Background of the Case Earning per share (EPS) is known to be a key metric used to determine a shareholder’s portion of the company’s profit. It is widely used to assess a company’s performance, and high values of these indicators usually make a stock more attractive to potential investors (Earnings...

Heuristics: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Shopping Value

Heuristics can be described as mental shortcuts that are used to solve problems or make probability judgments. They are generalizations aimed at reducing the effort required to think critically about a situation. They can either be effective or irrational when making judgments or coming to conclusions. There are three types...

Globalization: Beauty Sculpt for You

Today society is filled with the obsession of promoting a self-image of beauty and perfection. Individuals take extreme measures to reach the goal of a flawless body, however with the so many innovations beauty can be accomplished with no surgery a balanced diet and exercise. «Beauty Sculpt for You» is...

Why a Home Country Would Promote Foreign Direct Investment in a Host Country

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the purchase of assets like land and equipment in another host nation while running the facility from the home country. In the event of FDI, the foreign investment business must have at least 10% of the voting rights. The primary distinction between FDI and other...

Involuntary Conversion of a Principal Residence

The article demonstrates the variety of scenarios in which the exclusion under Sec. 121 can be applied. I understood the situation where two unmarried individuals jointly own a home. For example, the homeowners want to sell their house, or their property has been destroyed by a natural disaster or an...

Impact of Legal Immigration on the Economy of United States

The success of the United States in multiple spheres of life largely comes from a well-known and longstanding tradition to encourage people to leave their countries for a better life in America. At the same time, similar to any other phenomenon, immigration has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand,...

Pandemic-Related Changes in Consumer Behavior

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced various spheres of human life worldwide, in the list of which, consumer businesses apparently occupy the leading positions. The quarantine encouraged big amounts of people to reconsider their values and priorities, notably, give a preference to a healthier lifestyle as well as spending more...

United States Economy’s Outlook After Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way consumers behave and as a result, the economic growth over the past 2 years has stagnated. The U.S. is one of the largest and most successful economies in the world. When changes happen in the United States economy, the whole world feels the...

Cultural Issues & Operational Investment in East Asia

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the investment that a firm or an individual makes in another country’s business operations. These firms, multinational enterprises (MNE), need to consider the cultural factors that are likely to arise when making foreign direct investments. Let us assume my American company, Xaeto, is interested in...

Reflection on “How African Countries Can Overcome the ‘Resource Curse” by Peter Coy

The current economic situation on the African continent presents a disturbing picture. For the most part, power is represented by totalitarian, authoritarian regimes and military juntas, exploiting their uneducated people and the country’s natural resources. The continent is fragmented between states, the borders drawn by the former European colonial empires...

Fair Trade Organized Social Movements

The main purpose is to convince people to join the ranks of fair trade ambassadors. The audience consists of people who are not yet in the ranks of the ambassadors. They need to know that fair trade is an organized social movement that advocates fair standards of international labor, environmental,...

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet and Mailed Surveys

This study may not reflect the views of the general population. This is because the elderly, who are part of the entire population, do not have access to the Internet as unnecessary. It turns out that in this case, they will not receive e-mails sent by e-mail and also will...

Growth of Medication Costs in the United States

The Factors that Contribute to the Growth in Medications The country’s spending on medications is usually determined by three possible factors: the volume of drugs consumed and population of the country, drug utilization per individual, and the type and price of the drug itself (“Prescription drug prices higher in the...

Six Stages of Consumer Buying Process, Situational Factors, and External Groups

Introduction Understanding the process of deciding on purchasing any product, especially an expensive one, is essential for marketers since this information allows them to adjust their selling practices accordingly. Different factors play a decisive role in consumer purchasing decision-making, which consists of several consecutive stages, at each of which external...

Supply & Demand and Other Concepts in Economics

A greater understanding of the processes that govern market operations is an essential part of creating and running a successful business. The study of economics enables one to get a bigger picture of the relationships between companies, governments, and customers. This essay reviews the following topics: supply and demand, elasticity,...

Takeaways From the Budget Development Exercise

Introduction To achieve financial stability and minimize risks linked with unexpected expenses, skills in developing a personal budget are important. Basic budgeting-related competencies can promote healthier spending patterns and increase personal saving rates regardless of a person’s initial financial knowledge. This paper summarizes takeaways from the budget development exercise, including...

The US Stock Market Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has caused destruction on the economies of multiple countries, wreaking havoc on a variety of sectors. Notably, the pandemic’s broader social impact has influenced investment behavior in the United States. As such, this study examines the effect of social activities on the US stock market concerning...

”Impact of Monetary Policy on the U.S. Economy”: Correlation Analysis

Application of Correlation Analysis Correlation analysis articles are helpful in providing an alternative on how a certain business problem can be solved. The application of correlation analysis involves the use of a regression model that generates a quantitative analysis of the study. The use of regression analysis models in the...

Applying Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson

Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson (1979) offers an introduction to liberal economics in a concise yet well-developed way. The book stresses what the author considers to be the two main principles for evaluating any action with an economic impact. These principles are considering the economic impact on the entire...

Current Economic Status: Economic Conditions of Indigenous Peoples in Canada

The population of the aboriginal communities has rapidly risen over the last decade, and so has the economy. This growth has led to the rise in the supply of the workforce and the demand for social entities. Though the Aboriginals’ economic status has risen over time, they are still faced...

Air Pollution Crisis in China and Its Impact on Economy

Air pollution is one of the key problems of the modern world, along with climate change. In large industrialized countries such as China, the emission of carbon dioxide has a negative impact on climate conditions, which is hitting the national economy. It is proposed to use the Orca technology for...

Production Decisions in UK Manufacturing Between 2010 to 2019

Introduction The accessibility of goods and services is among the key determinants of how effective the economy of a certain state currently is. Specifically, it shows what amount of a particular product is available to the population and what those can afford. These parameters are directly dependent on supply, which,...

The Monetary and Fiscal Policies

The priorities of the Biden-Harris administration as seen in the first link are representative of highly expansionary policies. Expansionary fiscal policy is characterized by tax cuts, rebates, increased government spending, and infusing the economy with money through deficit spending (Lumen, n.d.). This can be seen in the administration’s policy priorities...

The New Deal: National Recovery Administration

The emergence of the New Deal came in a time of severe economic and social struggle. This also allowed for political division and the promotion of varied and even conflicting interests. However, the New Deal aimed to improve the lives of the regular working class as well as the operations...

Banking: A Balance Sheet and an Income Statement

Considering the specifics of the question conditions, I would choose a balance sheet to be conducted if only one form of the financial statement was possible. The relevant criterion mentioned concerned the potential for credit extension towards suppliers by a total of 60 days. An income statement would therefore not...

Unemployment Rates in the State of Georgia

Introduction Unemployment is the most important indicator of the economy’s health. Its rise confirms the economy’s decline after a recession and leads to the diminishment of household purchasing power, which decreases overall consumption and causes a further economic downturn (Amadeo, 2020; Picardo, 2020). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics qualifies...

The Tariffs Policy’s Negative Effects

Introduction In light of the article by Anna Wiener published on September, 15, 2021, the matter of tariffs deserves a special notion. As Mrs. Wiener (2021) points out, “steel tariffs imposed by the U.S. in 2018 led to a shortage of steel sheets”, which led to the increase in production...

Importance of Life Insurance and Annuities

Financial services are those offered by banks and other financial entities in the financial sector. The phrase refers to mobilizing and allocating funds and encompassing all operations involved in converting savings into investments. Life insurance and annuities are two examples of such services (Alpman & Ünal, 2019). On the one...

“Fiat” Currency in the United States

“Fiat” money is a currency issued by governments that is not tied to physical products such as gold and silver. The currency value is usually set by the ratio of supply and demand and regulated by governments’ financial departments. USA dollar, euro, pound, and many other stable currencies are called...

“Deep Economy” by Bill McKibben: Book Report

Deep Economy by Bill McKibben gives an insight into the current United States economy and how the future of the nation is in danger if the current economic processes continue being followed. Bill McKibben describes that the United States has become obsessed with getting more material items rather than acquiring...

The Term “Economy”: Problematic Definition and Current Implications

The Term “Economy” Christopher Dodd once quoted “economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand”. Societies, governments, and countries rely on the concept of the economy to control the nature and processes of production and consumption. The formal definition of this term is the state of...

2018 Global Financial Crisis: Causes and Effects

Deregulation in the financial sector was the primary driver of the 2008 financial crisis because it gave banks the power to fund trading activities with derivatives. As a result, banks raised their mortgages to cushion the derivatives sales, which brought more profit (Bernanke 251). Similarly, the move encouraged more borrowing...

Should the Federal Government Bail Out Main Street?

Economic growth is a concern of every government, and it is upon it to formulate policies that promote effective development across different sectors. There are various contributors to the performance and success of the country, like corporations and other big agencies. The common citizens also play a vital role in...

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Labor Market Dynamics

Gros, Daniel, and Alexandre Ounnas. “Labour market responses to the Covid-19 crisis in the United States and Europe.” CEPS Working Document No. 2021. Web. The effect of the Covid-19 on unemployment is investigated in this article by evaluating and comparing labor market responses in the United States and the United...

Wells Fargo Bank Scandal in Southern California

Summary In 2013, a cross-sale scandal erupted from a Wells Fargo bank in Southern California. According to Corkery (2016), Wells Fargo employees opened bank accounts and issued debit and credit cards to customers without their permission. The report says that the scandal emerged after the customers started receiving the cards...

Recovery the Post Pandemic World

Different countries handle currency crises and economic downfall differently due to their policies and structure. An excellent example is the distinction between the response by Russia and Britain. The rapid decrease in the value of money renders the financial plight. The key solution to fighting the impasse in a nation...

The U.S. Economy: Economical Risk

There are several key risks to the U.S. economy right now that could reduce the country’s growth rate. The spread of the Omicron Coronavirus strain threatens to reduce U.S. employment and economic activity, and increased economic uncertainty will contribute to inflation. A new outbreak of the infection in the country...

Obama’s Taxation Policies: Application and Evaluation

Introduction Taxation is an essential mechanism the government uses to get the finances required to live on and conduct public services. It is a type of system that is very complicated, and it involves all government levels. Additionally, tax policies exist to achieve several other policy goals. However, cutting-edge customs,...

Globalization Impact on Socioeconomic Inequality

Introduction The reduction in trade blockades has augmented globalization, leading to amplified international trade. As a result, individuals and organizations have become more interconnected and unified, leading to growth in trade and exchange of culture and values, among others. However, the spread of globalization has generated adverse effects such as...

American Express Firm’s Microeconomic Analysis

Abstract The present paper provides an analysis of American Express to make predictions concerning the success or failure of the company in 2021. Despite the unfavorable macroeconomic situation in the world, American Express managed to stay profitable even during the time of the pandemic. Even though the company’s total revenues,...

Researching the Concept of Bonds

Bonds or debt securities play a significant role in economics and are quite popular among investors. All people purchasing bonds are likely to strive to maximize their profit due to them. Obviously, it is also necessary to realize that there are certain risks related to the bond’s cost. However, investors...

The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Housing Market in Singapore

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused various economies around the globe to fumble and struggle, the housing market in Singapore tends to remain in a healthy status (Global Property Guide, 2021). However, it is true that the increased demand created by the delay of the housing board for Singapore...

South Africa: The New Energy Infrastructure Policy

Situation Analysis of the Status Quo of South Africa’s New Energy Strategy The near future poses significant challenges in the form of a power crisis for the countries of South Africa. Lack of industrial infrastructure is already making itself felt as many cities in the region are experiencing periodic load-shedding....

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the African American Communities

This report analyzes how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the economic aspect of the African American communities. A female and two males were interviewed on their lives during the pandemic, how it affected their employments, and how the economic strain resulting from the loss of jobs affected other aspects of their...

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the UK Economy

Introduction The impact of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the economy of a country cannot be neglected. The concept of SMEs is defined as small and medium enterprises depending on the number of employees. In the UK, a company is considered small with up to 49 employees and medium...

Electricity Consumption in El Paso, Texas

Electricity is one of the essential resources in people’s daily lives. It is needed both in non-residential premises to perform many tasks and in residential ones to ensure the vital activity of the population. Electricity is necessary for everyone, and people need to pay for it, and the issue of...

Disability Income Insurance: Benefits and Drawbacks

Disability income insurance is a supplemental policy that protects policyholders from losing their income if they cannot work due to illness or an accident. Government-sponsored programs, private employer-sponsored groups, and personal individual disability income policies are types of disability income insurance. Therefore, this essay discusses the benefits and drawbacks of...

How Much Governments Assist Citizens During Crises

Since the wake of COVID-19, many people worldwide have faced an economic downturn. Millions of people were laid off from work, losing their source of income, and thousands of businesses could not move on. The government has the mandate to protect its people from physical and economic problems and provide...

The United States and Panama: Comparing Economic Variables

The less favorable economic situation of Panama compared to the United States is seen from their GDP and GDP Per Capita. Thus, according to Country Economy (n.d.), the former’s corresponding indicators are $52,938 million and $12,373 million as of 2020, respectively. Meanwhile, in the United States, these numbers are $22,993,500...

The Nature of Economics by Heilbroner: Relevance of Economics in Society

In his article, The Nature of Economics, Heilbroner (1995) discusses the purpose and relevance of economics in contemporary society. While acknowledging his views could be contentious to many readers, he underscores that “economics is concerned exclusively with the study of capitalism” (Heilbroner, 1995, p.22). This aspect leaves out 99% of...

Corporate Social Responsibility for Attracting Consumers

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an idea created outside the directorial experience and contains inflexible implications that lack transparency and relevance. Corporate social responsibility is simplified into four categories: environmental, philanthropic, ethical, and economic responsibility (Salvioni & Gennari, 2017). Several studies tell how CSR elements drive customers majorly through a...

Solving Problems Through Globalization

The first thing I have learned from watching the video is the importance of uniting to create a global world. Globalization makes it easier to solve universal challenges that affect populations nationally and internationally, such as unemployment, disruption of migration flows, and climate change (Cahen-Salvador, 2020). Secondly, I have learned...

Cutting Taxes, Increasing Tax Revenue, and Fiscal Policy

Government’s Goal In Cutting Taxes Reflected In the Budget Amadeo, K. (2022). Tax cuts, types, and how they work. The Balance. Web. The article is devoted to tax cuts and their impact on the economy. The most evident thing about tax cuts is that citizens approve of them more than...

Financial Reports and Forecasts for Automatic Data Processing

Abstract Automatic Data Processing is one of the most successful organizations in the digital economy and HR. In order to find out how stable and effective results an organization shows from an economic point of view, it is necessary to analyze the key criteria. In addition, potential forecasts about the...

Globalization and Personal Identity Intersection

Globalization is an objective reality of the modern world. It is impossible to deny the processes of unification, standardization, integration in all spheres of human society taking place in the world. The conditions dictated by globalization actualize the problem of cultural uniqueness and cultural self-determination, including identity. In the context...

Raising Taxes: Is It Really Necessary?

Introduction Raising taxes is a rather controversial and contentious moment in solving financial problems in the country. Without any doubt, such measures are necessary to correct the issues gathered in the American economy. Nevertheless, there are multiple cases in world history when such procedures led to chronic and structural “distortions”...

Aspects of International Trade

Introduction Many theories of international trade have been developed to explain the relationships between partner nations. Many countries appreciate the need for doing business with others because of the underlying benefits, including faster growth, improved productivity, and innovation (The World Bank, 2018, para. 1). According to Gani (2017, p. 280),...

The Federal Reserve and the Bible Relationship

The central bank of the United States is found in the state of New York and New Jersey, which was first proposed in 1913. The Bible questions (Carroll et al.,2008) the amount of American economic power that governs the nation. Three legal norms include money-related corruption, a wide range of...

Exploring the Global Economy: International Trade and Finance

Introduction It is important to note that the current economic system is highly globalized and interconnected, which makes it critical to understand and explore international trade frameworks and world finance. The assessment of current literature on the subject revealed that international trade allows to a significant increase in the development...

Poland: Democratic Nation vs. Communist Country

Poland, where the communists changed the rule and the economy of the land, was invaded by the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1989. Using the Red Army, the Soviet Union ensured the destruction of all anti-communists in the country (Bukowski & Novokmet, 2021). The opposition would be exiled or sentenced...

Global Warming and Economics Discussion

Climate change on the planet is causing the UN to sound the alarm. Global warming is exacerbating the impact of weather-related disasters and can lead to significant losses in income and productivity over time. Emerging economies in the equatorial regions will suffer the most from rising temperatures. That is why...

Analysis of “Understanding Social Factors Affecting the Cryptocurrency Market” Article

Aggarval, G., Patel, V., Varshney, G., & Oostman, K. (2019). Understanding social factors affecting the cryptocurrency market.  The scholars identify and discuss the essential aspects that impact the cryptocurrency market, as well as analyze specific factors that drive this market. The pilot user survey is provided to realize and show...

Tax Use and Budget Financial Plan of New York City

Introduction New York tops the list of the states in America with the highest tax rates. At 12.7 percent of the state’s total income, New Yorkers bear a heavy local and state tax burden (Cuomo, 2018). New York’s operating fund as of 2018 was $100 billion, 79% of this is...

Global Marketing Environment: Canada

Introduction Entering the global market is essential for growth and development The external marketing environment has opportunities and threats (Lamb et al., 2021) The environmental analysis is necessary prior to entering the country’s market Perigord Bakery from the United States is planning to enter the Canadian market Cultural Factors The...

Trade Peculiarities in Food and Agriculture

Food trading is a peculiar area, as food is the basis for surviving the population. In that way, the one who controls food production and trading routes, also controls all populations which feed on those sources. It is true not only for food but also for agriculture in general, such...

Starbucks Financial Report

Starbucks’ fiscal year 2020 results reflect the challenges businesses face worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It severely impacted the company’s results, especially in the second and third fiscal quarters. Consolidated revenues fell 11% to $23.5 billion in fiscal 2020 from $26.5 billion in fiscal 2019 (Starbucks Investor Relations, n.d.)....

Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve System (FRS) is one of the most powerful financial institutions, having a huge number of tools to effectively manage the economy. Ben Bernanke demonstrated similar actions that made it possible to stabilize the market after the Great Recession of 2008. The purpose of this essay is to...

ABC Motor Company Consumer Behavior Proposal

Introduction The efficiency of a marketing campaign depends on how well a company understands the values, priorities, and interests of its target audience. The present research proposal describes methods of analysis of consumer behaviors of Generations X and Y in the US and China. The paper also includes the schedule...

The Decline in the US Dollar Compared to the Canadian Dollar: Exports Fall

Introduction The decline of a currency is when its value becomes low compared to other currencies in the foreign exchange market. An example of a currency decline is the Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar. A single US dollar can purchase a more considerable amount of Canadian dollars at...

Supply-Side Policies’ Effect on Market Productivity During Recession

Discussion of the Problem Economic recession entails multiple challenges for all stakeholders, posing a threat to the very existence of SMEs, challenging large businesses, and increasing the extent of economic insecurity in citizens. The hurdles that companies have to overcome to continue their functioning and meet the bare minimum of...

The Effectiveness of Carnegie’s Argument in the “Gospel of Wealth”

The “Gospel of Wealth”, an article by Andrew Carnegie, includes multiple perspectives on the usage of money. Specifically, the author advocates the essential utilization of the central philanthropic principles, emphasizing the importance of spending money wisely. In that way, wealthy people are encouraged to donate their money to charities and...

Negative Sentiments Against Trade and Globalization

Four Fallacies About Trade and Globalization by Ajai Gaur and Ram Mudambi (2016) analyzes fallacies of the arguments against globalization and trade. The authors emphasize that these arguments fail to consider the fundamental economic principles and empirical evidence. Although the authors’ views are robust and applicable to developed economies, rising...

Daily Budget Cutting: Methods of Saving Money

Nowadays, there are many more possibilities to spend additional money than in the past. Consequently, people should be more attentive to their budget and spending structure. While analyzing the methods of saving money, it is crucial to refuse all expenditures, which do not correspond to this question: “Do I really...

History: South Africa Economics Success

Introduction South Africa’s economic history in the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries illustrates the narratives of discrimination, national pride, and long-awaited economic growth. Following the end of the apartheid system, a system of legalized segregation by race, South Africa has embarked on a journey to economic stability. This essay will...

An Overview of Risks in Banking and Investments

Background Credit ratings serve as vital tools for the investor, especially when they need a precise analysis of the organization’s position at a glance. Studies by Lizarazo (2017) have shown that credit ratings influence the investors’ decisions on whether they will invest in a particular organization or not. Therefore, Fitch...