SIOP Lesson Plan: US History. Sample Lesson Plan for Teachers

Subject: US History (1877 to present) Unit Focus: Events of the 1920s and 1930 Lesson 1: Length of lesson 1 day Standard(s): Virginia Standards of Learning. World History “6.4.: The students will describe the ideas and events of the 1920s and 1930s with emphasis on the Harlem Renaissance (Virginia Standards...

Education Policy by President Barack Obama

Introduction Barack Obama and Joe Bidden’s education policy is based on the fact that American children cannot stand any more neglect and indifference in their education system. The United States as a country is having numerous problems some of them are experienced in the education sector. Some of the problems...

Theories, Tools, and Principles of Online Learning

Introduction Theories, tools, and principles of online learning Modern technology has changed education designs. Using a range of new communications and network tools it is now easy to design an online education platform is now easier than before. Successful online educational designs depend on the right combination of tools, theories,...

Career Plan in Marketing Sphere

Justification of the main idea Following the pathway of contemporary requirements in different job families, it is clear that employees are urging for having success in careers as soon as possible. In this respect marketing is amplified to “break the ice” in contemporary job offers. Moreover, careers in marketing need...

Computer Geography Lessons on Earth Science Students

Introduction Every teacher has a different way of teaching certain subjects and content areas. The strategy used by the teacher can make a big difference on how the student acquires and retains the information. In the modern world teachers are looking for ways to incorporate other methods of teaching into...

Approaches for Informational or Expository Reading

Introduction Classroom teachers throughout the United States face new challenges as rapidly changing demographics collide with new federal and state policies, politically charged debates on bilingual education, and limited school resources to create classrooms that are more diverse than ever. The broader objective of this lesson is to raise the...

“Supervision as Metaphor” Article by Lee & Green

The issue of language has always been actual for all aspects of human life. Science and education are not an exception. That is why, there are some works which are devoted to investigation of the influence of language on different aspects of our professional development. The problem is, that in...

Raising Reading Scores of Gifted Students

The present paper comprises two drafts of Problem Statements pertaining to the topic of the research “Raising Reading Scores of Gifted Students”. Problem Statement 1 Bates (1984) states that the majority of “programming suggestions for gifted students are based upon intuition rather than upon research” (p. 590). Unfortunately, the state...

The Sweet Time of The Childhood

Sometimes it is said that childhood is the most perfect period of a human life. During this period a person gathers different characteristically traits and attributes which develop inside the person and ultimately shapes his character. From the perspective of developmental psychology, childhood is a stage which is promptly divided...

Higher Education Organization and Governance

Governance in higher education can be defined as the ways and means through which institutions of higher learning are managed and operated. The governing structures of different institutions vary throughout the world. However, the traditional models used in these institutions are similar and do share a common heritage. Research work...

Plagiarism Prevention in Nursing Education

An essential issue in the academic writing world is the use of work developed and presented by other people. While it is not forbidden, as using such material can help build a strong argument, it is critical to give credit to people who have put efforts and time into the...

Culture Discouraging Girls From Excelling at Math

The video is a documentary coverage of an all-girl math contest which is held annually in the United States. The contest, held at the New York University, presents new perspectives on some of the reasons why math seems to be a male-dominated subject. Similar competitions held before for both genders...

African American Women of 40–50 Obtaining Higher Education

Abstract The issue of education is becoming increasingly important in the highly competitive realm of the XXI century. Having a degree is a mandatory requirement for almost any job applicant. The representatives of African American communities, however, especially women in their forties and fifties, seem to have been having issues...

An Online Instructor: Aspects of Profession

Being an online instructor had been my dream for a long time. Having seen and heard from others on the advantages and gains of working as an instructor, I had my eyes set on becoming the best online instructor possible. Higher education has been the most sought after level of...

Multiculturalism in the Classroom: Culturally Responsive Teaching

Nowadays, it becomes increasingly clear for educators that, in order for them to be able to adequately address their professional duties, they must be fully aware of what account for the discursive implications of multiculturalism in the classroom. This, however, is not only because teachers are expected to encourage students...

Reaction to April 13th Rally for Quality Higher Education

Introduction The April 13th Rally for Quality Higher Education was organized and took place on April 13th, 2011. It was a part of Sac State Coalition from the University of California State, Sacramento. The rally was a form of a peaceful demonstration over several issues that are affecting their CSU...

Teaching and Acquisition of a Second Language

According to research carried out by the ‘United States Government Accountability Office’; it is well indicated that strategies of improving students’ academic standards, were mostly applied in schools with higher proportions of low income, and minority students. In this case, schools’ principals used student data in notifying directions and augment...

The Role of Public Education in Societies

Education is certainly one of the most valuable human services that we can find. Since the Renaissance to constantly improve it has been one of the great challenges of humanity. Nowadays, there is an ongoing debate about the role of public education in our societies. Many authors agree that education,...

Bullying and School Drop Out Rate Relationship Analysis

Bullying is a dynamic concept that refers to repeated experiences of systematic abuse by an individual seeking to dominate others in a social setup. Perpetrators and victims of bullying are vulnerable to the challenges of social stratification (Lösel& Hurrelmann, 2009). Bullying is rife in schools where physical and verbal abuse...

School Positive Behavior Plan Analysis

Introduction This analysis is based on a three-year behavior referral plan from data collected at the Blanche Ely High School. From the analysis, it is realized that a positive behavior support system can be effective in reducing negative behavior incidences among students. A positive behavior support system is a plan...

Grading Approach: Defining the Ultimate Method of Performance Evaluation

Introduction Evaluating students’ performance is, perhaps, one of the most challenging tasks in teaching practice (Stevens & Levi, 2005). Because of the differences in students’ personal progress and their progress measured according to the existing system, grading sometimes turns into a complicated dilemma. By developing an elaborate grading approach, a...

Policies Running Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching in America

The study is set to investigate the government policies guiding the use of ICTs in learning and teaching Intercultural Language Education. The emphasis will be to analyze the stated policies and check their influence on the process of learning. The study is informed by the growing conviction among educators that...

Diverse Families, Immigrants and Low Income on Early Childhood Education

Diverse families and their impact on early childhood education How does parent involvement affect early childhood education? A parent’s involvement is the dedication of available resources to their children in a certain domain. The dedication may include participating in school activities, child’s effective environment, and exposing the child to cognitively...

Identification of a Problem: Gap Year

The matter of a gap year has been already discussed essentially, and the general aspects of this problem involve discussion of the pros and cons associated with the gap year. There is no need to screw into the deeper study of these arguments, while clear problem identification will be more...

How Liberal Arts Apply to Special Education

Education is very important in the present life. People all over the world start their education from their very childhood. We should have a good education to find a prestigious job, and to find ourselves in present society. Children understand the importance of knowledge from nursery and continue to reach...

Curriculum Outline: Classroom Planning with Groups

Introduction In accomplishing their responsibilities, educators are faced with many challenges. Among them, is teaching students whose English is their first language (Meyers, 1993). This can be encountered at any level of the educational system including grades 4-6 (Gibbons, 1994). Being a great challenge, educators are faced with problem of...

The Writing Process Overview and Analysis

Introduction Writing is a process involving both creative and routine aspects. It includes several steps, which help develop, shape, describe, and conclude one’s ideas. It is known to include five separate stages: prewriting, discovery drafting, revising, editing and proofreading, and publishing (“The Writing Process” 2). While some people move along...

Should US Public Schools Have a Longer Year?

Introduction US pubic schools should never have a longer school year. However, it is best to understand in brief about the education system of USA and then analyze the pros and cons of both sides before arriving at a conclusion in the context of having a longer school year. It...

Integrating Cultural Beliefs Into Early Childhood Education

There are myriads of cultural beliefs that are mostly ignored in several jurisdictions especially when it comes to early childhood education. However, it is not necessarily true that all the cultural beliefs mentioned by Tobin (2011) are integral within the early childhood education cycle. As much as cultural beliefs play...

E-Portfolio. Reading Difficulties and Risk Factors

Risk factors to a child’s education can come in different forms; the first can come from the child and thus referred to as child-based risk factors. These risk factors are mainly linked to the cognitive development of the child. Such causes may include severe cognitive impairments; hearing difficulties; early language...

“Informal Methods of Evaluation” Article Analysis

The article by Yetta Goodman is a reflection on the importance of interpretive evaluation to both the student and the teacher when it comes to learning and teaching in the English or Language Arts classrooms. These methods of evaluation are very crucial to the learning process when it comes to...

Key Issues in the Psychology of Education

Map of an Educational Issue: School Violence Among the variety of educational issues, school violence is chosen being “a broad category encompassing a variety of acts” (Hanks 2004, p. 1). Signs to take into consideration Types of school violence  Causes of school violence  Ideas to prevent violence  Explanation of the...

E-Education: Mobile Learning Affordability and Efficiency

Introduction Enhancing mobile learning can shape the entire distance-learning program by improving techniques of communication among distance apprentices, instructors and supporting personnel. The major benefit of this technology is that it can be utilized everywhere, anytime and its utility can easily be acquired by distance apprentices. Affordability Educational affordances of...

Grading Approach and Problems During Grading

Introduction Grading is an important part of teaching and a source of motivation for teachers and students. When designing a grading method for a course, an instructor should begin by listing the course objectives (Walvoord & Anderson, 2011). Importance should be attached to the objectives that are critical to the...

Implementation of Federal Educational Policies

Carol M. White Physical Education Program The Carol M. White Physical Education Program has been important in the organization’s pursuit of effective physical education programs. The fund received have helped the completion of many projects that otherwise could not have been done without the policy. However, there have been some...

The Role of Coordinator of Counseling

Introduction The Coordinator of counseling performs several interactive roles in meeting the needs of faculty, students, community members as well as administrators. Each group needs the Coordinator of counseling to perform some of the functions described below. It is also imperative to note that the duties of the Coordinator of...

Relating Students to Social Studies

During decades teachers around the whole country are trying to understand the imperatives behind students’ attitude to social studies. Despite numerous efforts by teachers to provide a basis for fruitful lessons of the above mentioned course the students still express common opinion that social studies are boring and useless in...

Online Courses at Florida National University

On the homepage of Florida National University (FNU), the tab “online learning” offers a wide range of different programs for students. The question is: Are online courses better and more effective than studying on-campus? Is it easier for students to use these modern methods instead of those that are more...

Guided Reflection in Teacher Education

Numerous techniques aim at increasing the level of novice teachers’ competence, and guided reflection is one of these strategies. Pre-service teachers often apply this technique since it enables novice educators to tie theory and practice. The concept of guided reflection has been used for decades, and it is well defined....

Research Education in Australia and Supervision

Background Modern society is characterised by significant changes in different spheres. Education is not an exception. Being one of the most important aspects of human society, it has to correspond to all demands of modern age. That is why, now there is a great number of significant changes which are...

US Higher Education: Accreditation for Universities

Accreditation is an important university characteristic that students consider first and foremost when they choose any particular educational establishment for themselves. It is also a way for the government to exercise its control in the area of higher education in order to secure the high quality of future cadres’ preparation....

Addressing the Nature of the Data: Gap Year

Concepts The concepts that will be measured in the research dedicated to the study of the gap year benefits are mainly associated with the aspects of communication. The qualitative aspects of this study involve the opportunity of improving the theoretical basis of the gap year researches by studying the communication...

Federal Government and Provision of Higher Education

Introduction Higher education in the United States has been a front-bench issue right from the timely establishment of the Union. The Founding Fathers correctly recognized the fact that the new nation would not make any progress if education in general and higher education, in particular, was not encouraged. As a...

Computer Literacy: Information Systems Education

With the proliferation in technology, information systems education has become an integral part of any education system. Computer literacy which forms the core of information systems education is important at all levels. Whether specializing in an information related field or not, basic knowledge of information technology is significant. Discussion In...

The Teacher-Led Action Research

The concept of teacher-led action research was established in the early 1970’s and it was largely based on Lawrence Stenhouse’s works. While working at the Centre for Applied Research in Education commonly known as CARE, Stenhouse and his work counterparts conducted a research on curriculum development as well as teacher...

Knowles’, Barr, and Keating’s Educational Program Planning Models

The success of any educational process depends on its planning. It is the plan that provides a framework for the educational process. Educators use various models when planning for educational programs. Most popular program planning models in use are Knowles’ and Barr and Keating’s models of planning. Though they may...

African American Women Obtaining Higher Education

Abstract Over the past few years, African American women have gained a number of opportunities for pursuing higher education. Women in their 40s and 50s are finally capable of getting a degree. However, very few African American women of 40–50 decide to continue education. This refusal affects Black women’s ability...

Multicultural Approaches: Multicultural Education

Introduction There are six approaches to multicultural education. These approaches have differences especially in how they are implemented in classrooms. York, S. (2001) points out that these approaches include human relations, single-group decisions, multicultural education, anti-bias education, culturally specific education, culturally relevant anti-bias education. The choice in this paper is...

Inclusion Effects on General Education Students

Introduction The literature review is based on the research topic How Inclusion Effects General Education Students and it is a guide for teachers and researchers. Researcher is a master level researcher who studied about the effects of inclusion in general education students. Previous studies and researches have often mentioned that...

Classroom Management: The Impact of Tokenism on Students

Introduction Teachers have an obligation to build a safe learning community. To motivate their students, they need to make meaningful decisions. This has a great impact on how the students learn their relationships with one another and the classroom atmosphere (Sapon-Shevin, n.d, p. 99). From research, tokenism as a means...

Effective Assessment Practices: Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Written Assignments and Rubrics, and Teacher-Created Tests

Introduction Effective assessment practices are regarded as the key to the effective educational principles. It is claimed that assessment principles are needed for adequate evaluation of students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required for further educational process, or passing the final exam. Techniques that will be assessed in the...

Focus Child: Improving Children’s Language, Print and Phonological Awareness

The main concern of Pascal Lefebvre and Natacha Trudeau article is the influence and the effectiveness of shared storybook reading on the preschoolers. The purpose of article is to demonstrate such influence on the preschoolers from the poor families comparing to the children from the middle classes with the help...

Can Keeping Troubled Youth in Class Make a Difference?

Introduction The future of any given nation is always dependent on the discipline and level of achievement of its young people. This is why there is always a concerted effort in ensuring that most if not all young people are given a good shot at life. Troubled young people are...

How Inclusion Affects General Education Students

Description of the problem Existing teaching strategies and instructional techniques have suggested various teaching methods and instructional settings to overcome learning problem in an inclusionary classroom. In a language class room students have often showed the symptoms of difficulties in reading and writing. The fact that students read and write...

The Meaning of Reading in Voice of Children

Introduction Kindergarten texts such as read-aloud are meant for the enjoyment, easy comprehension, and good introduction of literature to the pupil. The teachers use such texts to reinforce the curriculum developed for students at this level. The readers in this case need to acquire literary knowledge to understand the text....

English Language Learners Families and Schools

Introduction According to researchers English learner population has grown in recent years. Generally ten percent of student population in America is English language learners. Due to this reason America’s educational system has been obliged to encounter the challenges of providing an equal educational chance to the native speakers’ students. An...

Social-Behavioral Skills of Elementary Students with Physical Disabilities

The article “Social–behavioral skills of elementary students with physical disabilities included in general education classrooms” written by Coster, W. J. and Haltiwanger J. T. in 2004 discusses the problem of teaching the children with physical disabilities. It is the main idea and the purpose of the research related to this...

Literature Plan for Preschoolers

Introduction Preschool children learn a lot at this age through what they see, hear or touch. The learning process is as a result of interacting with their parents, siblings, teachers, caregivers, other adults, and from the surrounding. This is a very crucial age as whatever children learn at this age...

Classroom Environment: Vision, Mission, and Philosophy

The importance of the classroom environment for the early childhood education cannot be overestimated. The learning environment in itself can be a powerful learning tool, where an efficient setup of the environment, with knowledge of the main theories of learning and development, can facilitate the learning experience as well as...

How to Improve Leadership in Schools Management

Introduction to the problem This article tries to explain the causes of mismanagement in organizations and schools. It tries to explain some of the theories of governance that are pertinent to be used for effective management of schools and organizations. It also investigates in depth, one of the theories that...

Teaching Science, Technology, Society and Environment Using Out-of-School

Introduction The environment, our society, the advancing technology and science at large are very important components in life as they guide the advancement of the world in the specific lines hence are continuous when conflicting concerns arise. Many scholars, environmentalists, scientists, politicians, managers and other concerned people who believe that...

Instructional Styles in the Classroom

Introduction An instructor’s ability to deliver in class is not only gauged on his competence but by other factors that work in harmony with competence. These factors include one inherent skill in imparting whatever the information they have, proper knowledge of the topic he or she is tackling, deeper understanding...

Schooling of Special Needs Students in Hong Kong

Introduction For a good understanding of this paper it will be imperative to define what special education is, here we shall define special education as a form of education and social service that is offered by schools to students or individuals with special educational needs and are in the age...

Position Statement on the Education of Young Children

The importance of education in young children is indubitable. Educators know that young children have a critical need for education because the life of a young child determines their adulthood and the influence they are bound to have on society. Despite our unanimity on the importance of education in young...

Major Events in Higher Education Development

Introduction The history of Higher Education in the United States dates back to the colonial period. The first undergraduate colleges were structured for the training needs of the clergy; the modern-day colleges are structured for the training needs of professional careers (Lucas, 1996). At the start of the 20th century,...

English Lecture Plan From 4th to 5th Levels

Course 4th -5th level inclusion ELA lecture Ela Siop Criteria Level 1: Pupils will listen, write, and interpret information and understand the nature or implication of a written or printed substance Level 3: Pupils will listen, write, and interpret information and understand critical examination and assessment (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short,...

Sociocultural Linguistics Learning in Classroom

Reflection There are different activities that teachers can conduct in order to promote sociocultural language learning in classroom. Ignoring such activities might hinder language development in ESL classroom. In that regard, the activities, actions and behaviors, which might be considered not conducive to ESL, learning might include the following Putting...

The Bauer School’s Parking Problem and Solution

Introduction Calls for increase in the number of online courses is precipitated by the demand for study flexibility, ease of travel, demand of balance between work and study, lack of parking space and the need to save money and time. In addition to this, the introduction of online classes will...

Including Students With Severe Disabilities

Introduction Numerous models and philosophies of positive behavior support (PBS) were studied as well as the participations concerning persons with severe disabilities. In this article, the author evaluates the benefits of school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS), as it addresses the involvement of students with severe disabilities, argues participation of students...

How Inclusive Learning Affects Other Students

Identification of the Research Problem Educational philosophers and researchers have often mentioned that the term inclusion challenges people’s unexamined concepts of what is common and normal. In the field of education, inclusion means that all students with mental, physical and thinking disabilities are placed in the slightest restraining learning environment....

Affective Issues & Learning Strategies

These two chapters focus on the strategies that an instructor can use so as to effectively engage learners when giving them content as well as getting deeply involved in the lives of the learners through taking their backgrounds into consideration. The diverse abilities of the learners are crucial. The fact...

Teacher-Based Assessment of Literacy Learning

Introduction Teachers are meant to use their experience and professional training to connect with the assessments during classes. At times, the teacher may make these assessments unconsciously not being aware of the judgment they bring and the impact it has on learners’ behaviors. Frey and Hiebert say traditional practitioners characterized...

Textual Differences and Children’s Processing Strategies

The author of this study has provided interesting contributions in reinforcing the literature on students learning and comprehension process. The authors investigated the effect of textual differences on the children’s learning process by analyzing Turkish primary school student’s comprehension strategies, by employing the ‘think aloud’ methodology (72). Specifically, the author...

Linguistics in Education Process

According to Callella, Williams and Rous (2004) research recommends teaching students the parts of the words since increasing and developing a students’ terminology will improve his or her general reading comprehension. The national ethics necessitate that students use their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to resolve the significance of words...

Why American Boarding Schools Are Effective at Educating the Youth?

Education is an aspect that the United States has always taken seriously. This is true since the days of the founding fathers. The thirty-fifth president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, captured this eloquently when he said, “Our progress as a nation cannot be swifter than our progress in...

Learning and Cognition as Aspects of Educational Psychology

Introduction Education is rightfully considered to be the basis of the modern society as far as it is education that allows people obtain knowledge in the various spheres of human activity and develop industrial, business, social, and political relations. Understanding these, numerous scholars like B. F. Skinner, Shiffrin, Atkinson, and...

Research Methods during Writings the Dissertation

Dissertation Critiquing A dissertation is a long essay for the fulfillment of higher degree research projects, especially Masters and Doctorates. It is therefore necessary to do the work with precision and a proper sense of mastery of content. While the dissertation is expected to be a detailed paper on a...

The Linkage Between College Education and Employees’ Productivity

Abstract A direct link exists between college education and higher productivity in employees that can cause an improvement in the country’s economy. On the other hand, it has been seen that there is a relationship between a country’s population size and economic growth. These two highlighted relationships will be discussed...

Narrative for Advancing a Social Justice Agenda

Gender parity in education is changing, but gender inequality continues to exist in favor for boys in Los Angles. Girls who make it to secondary level in many schools in Los Angles, only a small proportion of girls will obtain training in mathematics. Lack of training in girls, will limit...

Nature of Graduate School: Main Challenges

Being in graduate school presents a student with different challenges that he has to conquer. This is important if the student is to complete the given course. Many students find it hard to juggle their private life and schoolwork during their graduate study years. In most cases, the schoolwork ends...

Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

Introduction Governments closely monitor their education systems and the developments that arise from time to time. Ministries of education among other bodies are tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the developments. A major challenge that arises in the education sector is the relevance and applicability of a particular education system...

In-State and Out-Of-State College Students’ Dropout and Success Rate

Introduction The recent trends in the U.S. education are rather dangerous as far as they reveal the permanently declining levels of college graduation accompanied by the growing numbers of students that drop out from college due to certain reasons (Beatty, 2001, p. 140; Whitbourne, 2002; Leonhardt, 2009). Scholars have considered...

Presenting Visual Art Effectively to Adult Audiences

There are various ways in which a presenter can involve his or her audience, and capture their attention effectively throughout the presentation. The presenter should therefore choose the best methods to use in his or her presentations; to ensure the audience enjoys, learn, and remember what is being presented to...

Cultural Diversity in Barbara Bowman’s Monograph

Introduction In writing this monograph, Barbara Bowman takes the bull by the horn in spelling out controversial cultural issues affecting academic achievement in United States. The article is likely to generate mixed emotions depending on which side the reader decides to take. Nevertheless, the writer has done a great work...

Online Courses. Research Problem and Analysis

Problem statement and purpose of the study Upon introduction of online courses, instructors and analysts believed that there would be a revolution in the field of education (Kling & Hara, 2001). Institutions realized that they could save on seating and teaching resources; they could reach a wider student base and...

Discourse in Language Teaching: The Genre of Letter

Introduction This paper suggests an example of genre analysis, which can be considered as a tool for investigating genre systems and teaching discursive competence. Genre analysis is an example of metadiscourse. “…metadiscourse provides a link between texts and cultures” (Hyland 58). Genre analysis is important for writing instructions because it...

Theoretical and Practical Skills Acquired During Training as a Manager

Introduction To assess my learning outcome with the functionality of an effective manager, I have worked with my independent group of networks. To identify my skills, I have practiced with three key competencies, such as motivation, leadership, and communication skills of a manager. Robbins & Coulter (2002) argued that management...

Reasons for Plagiarism Avoiding, Ways of Fighting Plagiarism

‘Plagiarism’ is translated from Latin as ‘kidnapping’; in simple words, this notion defines the attempts of stealing the author’s ideas in writing. It is necessary to stress, that the notion ‘plagiarism’ is referred to serious mistakes in the academic system leading to severe punishment for students. According to the dictionary,...

Learning Journals in Higher and Continuing Education

Summary The article under analysis is called Learning journals in higher and continuing education and is written by Arthur Langer (2002). The research is dedicated to the analysis of use of different periodicals as a means for fostering critical reflection among adult students who are involved in profession-oriented educational programs....

Service Evaluation of Teaching Practice in the Workplace

Introduction Education is identified as a key pillar for development in the United Kingdom. Recognizing the importance of education in human development, the government of the United Kingdom has been implementing various policies aimed at raising the standard of education in the country. Apart from compulsory education and higher education,...

Teaching English Language Learners

Introduction Language proficiency is basic to learning any other discipline. Research has been carried out in the area of teaching the English language learner (ELL). Some argue that proficiency in a native language increases the chances for learning the English language. Others still argue that children need to be taught...

Reformed Schooling for Migrants. Cabinet Submission

Program Context The proposal to reform the existing educational system in Australia for the children of migrant and refugee families stems from current Government aims and to provide improved learning access tools to these disadvantaged groups. Not only would such a move have long-term impact in terms of reduced government...

Common Currency for Teachers and Students

Teaching children in a way that they would enjoy their studies is always a challenge. Every teacher has certain demand as for his/her class, as well as every student has his/her understanding of the teaching process. Quite often, the needs of the students and the possibilities of a teacher do...

Review of the Journal of the Use of Milk Thistle

The introductory part should try to give clear and precise informative ideas which are related to the topic of discussion. This will enable the person reading to have a clear perspective of what the paper is all about hence enabling him to understand more clearly. In regard to this, the...

High-Quality Instruction: Creating a Lesson Plan

High Quality Instruction Educational professionals have often mentioned that the current system of learning and teaching program requires High-Quality Instruction that ensures structured student learning, desirable academic performance, which provides benchmarks for students’ classroom performance. This paper attempts to create a lesson plan that describes various steps of a language...

Second Language Paradigms: Understanding Teaching Patterns

MODELS ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Phonetics Develop the formation of words Develop their reading skills Develop their writing skills For slow learners, it may be discouraging. I.e. In cases where their fellow classmates scoff at them. Group work Impact confidence to students Develop their speaking concept Develop unity between the students Encourages...

The Educational Approach Inclusion

Inclusion is a pedagogical practice where the learners with specific academic needs learn in the same context and environment as those who do not have special academic needs. Inclusion, therefore, grants the special needs student the right to participate in normal educational activities (Ainscow, 2003). This practice does not recognize...

Students’ Academic Performance: Elementary Homework Policies

Homework comprises the activities that are assigned to students to complement in-class work that comprises activities like lectures by teachers, class discussions, and note writing. However, there are different types of homework activities though only three of the types are often used in the ordinary school curriculum. Practice assignments are...

Racial Diversity and Educability Relationship

Introduction Being educable simply means to the willingness to accept the fact that it is not possible to have all the wisdom in the world concentrated in one head. With this acceptance, one proceeds to take the crucial step of listening and learning from others as opposed to making blanket...

In Search of School Leadership by Marzano

The passing and failure rates Millions of students enroll in schools each year hoping that after completion, the process will increase their chances of succeeding in life, especially financially. This state of hope which is tagged on education has indeed been supported by statistics. The U.S reports released in 2001...

Phonemic Awareness: Components of Reading

Introduction Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, recognize and maneuver phonemes which are the basic units of sound that help in meaning differentiation through the separation of a spoken word into distinct phonemes. Phonemic awareness helps children’s reading, comprehension as well as spelling. It also forms the basis for...

Proper Methods of Collecting, Organizing, and Referencing Information

Introduction Carrying out the collection of the right data and making sure they are recorded most appropriately is quite important in coming up with a successful business report. Several methods can help in this process at the time of collecting primary data as well as secondary data (Lehman, 315). When...

Contemporary Issues in School Curriculum

Issues of Homosexuality and the School Curriculum The United States has been struggling to implement the civil rights that were fought for and that addressed issues of discrimination for various reasons sexual orientation being one of them. NCATE which stands for National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education has...

Inclusion of Students With Autism in General Education Classrooms

Introduction The article main purpose is to sensitize the need for new strategies that would harness inclusion of students with ASD into general classrooms. It creates awareness, promotes the need for familiarization of teachers to these strategies, which are categorized as preventive, supportive or corrective. The authors open by citing...

Reading Scores Improving of Academically Gifted Students

Introduction The reading skills are considered essential for the process of further acquiring knowledge. The process of learning to read through different methods introduced by instructors and scientists should result in good reading skills that are basic for understanding and apprehension of print information. Different students have abilities to acquire...

Larry Summers’s Public Relations Advisor: Case Study

Management of organizations is a difficult task especially when the manager is not on good terms with his subordinates. The manager is required to be critical of the interests of his or her subordinates since failure to address them may lead to them looking for excuses to topple him or...

Jackson’s “McDonald’s or IBM”: Summary and Response

Summary It can be said that school life is the time when one can really see the potential among the students and students should be molded according to their potentials to become successful in their future life. In recent times some schools of America are trying to involve the students...

Engaging Students in Learning

Accelerated Reading (AR) Accelerated Reading (AR) as an information system for learning is a reading management software program which aims at facilitating assessment based on the curriculum reading of comprehension books by students, analysis and summarization of the results. It encompasses empowerment of the classroom teacher to engage in the...

Different Perceptions in Knowledge

Introduction Knowledge in this world is relative not always what we see but also dependent on other extra-sensory perceptions. Unlike animals who mostly judge the world and its knowledge in a limited way with their senses, our methods of perception include the use of the five senses, reason, logic, emotion...

Multiple Intelligence in Teaching English

There has always been a watch out for new creative and interesting multiple intelligence methods of encouraging and teaching English language learners. The system of methods followed in teaching is the activities, tasks, and learning experiences used by the teacher within the teaching and learning process. Nevertheless, the educational system...

The Topical Directions of Contemporary Research in the Sphere of Education

The present paper is devoted to topical directions of contemporary research in the sphere of education and presents the range of topics of great significance for educators. The choice of the topic has been inspired by various spheres of personal and professional experience along with outside sources, such as current...

Data Generation Method in Foreign Language Learning

Introduction Learning a foreign language is often regarded as the constant process of learning by heart the new words, grammar rules, exceptions from these rules etc. Nevertheless, the teaching practice reveals the fact that the learning process depends on the motivation of the students, the professional approach of the teacher,...

Student Survival Guide and Learning Approaches

Throughout the study period, I intend to initiate methods and ways on fostering reading comprehension and retention of what is taught. In order to foster my comprehension I have to identify the reason for my reading and I have to monitor my comprehension while reading and reflect on the reading...

Early & Intermediate Development Stages: Standards for Reading and Writing

Early Stages The standard for reading and writing in kindergarten and first grade (K-1) in North Carolina is a threshold attained through numerous approaches to achieve a universal language benchmark for all children. Kindergarten and first grade are considered to be the foundation-forming echelons and hence it is a precondition...

Diversity Proficiencies in Learning: Strengths and Shortcomings

“Learning involves change. It is concerned with the acquisition of habits, knowledge, and attitudes enabling the individual to make both personal and social adjustments” (Knowles, Holton, and Swanson, 2005, p. 11). It’s generally recognized that different learners acquire knowledge differently thus requiring diverse approaches to be adapted to remove obstacles...

Physical Educators: Career Changes

Introduction Physical educators usually experience various difficulties in their work; this research is aimed at investigating the various reasons why physical educators are opting for career change. This research used various methods of collecting data such as interviews where they were properly evaluated. Many of the people interviewed were teachers...

Communication Technologies in Education and Social Life

Communication is very important in education. That is both formal and informal education; this is because it enables the people to get what is being put forward by the speaker. Since communication is a key element in education, several improvements have been done to ensure there is good communication. The...

Is It Necessary to Learn the Rules of Writing?

Literature works are created by a writer. Writing is the process of putting down one’s thoughts or fantasies. This process is one of the most usual and at the same time the most enigmatic. Where do thoughts and fantasies come from? How to put them accurately so that every reader...

A Learning Portfolio and Its Role in Educational Process

Education is a rather difficult and psychological process, which involves not either a teacher, or a student, but both of them. Learning portfolio is “a representative or selective collection of one’s work [in a student’s case, usually drawn from classroom work] often amounting to a documentation for a personal resume”...

Education With Regard to Globalization Issues

Introduction It is necessary to indicate the essence of the learning process and the major aspects touched upon education in different countries presented by different cultures and traditions. Reforms that take place in education are aimed at improving the learning process for students; training the teachers so that they were...

Comparing and Contrast Knowles’ and Michael’s Principles of Practice

Conventionally, people have understood more on how animals learn rather than the children. In addition, how children learn is more understood than the way adults learn. Probably, it is because the method of learning was adopted by the practical psychologists whose standards needed the management of variables. In addition, the...

Camden County College: Condom Dispensers in Rest Rooms

While encompassing myself within the fold of my college routine during the time that I had been enrolled as a student of Camden County College since last year, it never occurred in my wildest dreams that one day the college will suddenly implement its decision to install condom dispensers in...

Analysis of the Employee Training Program

The Employee Training program is a program which purpose is to improve the overall effectiveness of the university’s enrollment and marketing management team. It is designed to achieve the following outcomes: increased time efficiency, profitability, low turnover, better teamwork, and job satisfaction. The program seeks to raise the employees’ marketing...

Education Plan For Representatives of Various Cultures

Learning Outcome One of the learning outcomes in my study is to help students understand the importance of communication and be in a position by the end of the course to effectively communicate, by using the taught communication and writing skills. Students are required to demonstrate the ability to effectively...

Teenagers’ Problems in American High Schools

Introduction The problem of teenagers dropping out of school has not been an issue of the third world countries only. The problem is also experienced in American schools. There are numerous reasons behind this issue. Teenagers have to cope with eminent challenges of which at times they succumb to leading...

Team Learning and Its Weaknesses: The Journal Review

The Underlying Theory The journal of applied behavioral science on team learning has failed in its own task to convince stakeholders on the role and importance of the use of team as a tool of development. In fact, the journal totally wrong on its assumption that with the evolution of...

Writing Clarity: Paraphrasing Without Plagiarism

The clarity in writing is not just a virtue. It is the essence of communication between writer and reader. This is true whether one weaves a fable, explains complex philosophy, reveals scientific findings, or gives directions to a party. To be understood, the very best writing needs to be utterly...

Classroom Discipline: Wong’s, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win Strategies

Discipline is important for high-quality education. Indiscipline decreases the time available for teachers to teach. The most effective way to deal with discipline problems is to teach students how to control their own behavior. A teacher should take charge of students’ behavior. A teacher should be prepared to avoid commotion...

IRIS Center Learning: Benefits of PALS

Introduction The development of a learning strategy is very important in any education system and depends on a number of factors including the students’ characteristics, the available resources, and expected results. PALS are peer-assisted learning systems; which are meant to help students learn better from their peers. In this case...

Why a Career in Business as an E-Business Consultant Is Best for Me?

In order to succeed in any job search one has to know the different types of careers available. Self evaluations are necessary for one to know what he can do best and then specialize in that career. Currently, the level of unemployment is rising at a very high rate. Most...

Clinical Teaching: Long- and Short-Term Goals

Long-term Objective The long-term objective that the teacher developed revolves around the student’s ability to construct an argumentative essay where they state a claim on an issue using strong textual evidence as well as a counterclaim to their arguments. This objective is rather important because it will enable students’ thinking...

“Literacy With an Attitude” by Patrick J. Finn Review

During the course of recent decades, the quality of educational standards in American high schools has been undermined to such an extent that, even upon being graduated, many of today’s students still have a hard time while trying to locate America on the world’s map. This statement correlates rather well...

Teaching Argumentation: Planning and Instruction

Planning The short-term learning goals and related measurable lesson objectives for the two lessons described in this log There were several short-term objectives that were developed throughout the two lessons: The student had to learn how to state a claim. This short-term objective can be validated by the idea that...

Educational Proficiency Decrease in the United States

Project Social science studies the whole complexity of human interrelations within society. Education, as one of the most important spheres of social life, is also the subject of social science study. Aside from various purely educational aspects of this subject, there are social sides thereof. First of all, education is...

Classroom Practices Are Best Learned by Experience

Classroom practices are best learnt by experience due to the myriad of details involved in teaching. However, there exist some guidelines on how to get the best of classroom time. In this essay, we categorically suggest classroom methods and analyze the importance of each specific detail (Drummond 2002, para. 1)....

Career Management in Business: Plan

“This section asks you to outline your current career aspirations. You should identify your chosen occupation and job role within that. You may choose to differentiate between short, medium and long term aspirations.” “You should also identify the types of skills/competences that are required to be successful in this role...

Learning and Developmental Theory in Education

Learning is thus the main process that occurs in education, and scholars have paid much attention to studying this process and explaining its major moving forces (Behavioral Psychology, 2008). Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, put in the context of the developmental, environmental, and crossover theories, is one of the most...

The Learning Activity Management System

At the University, the need for change was caused by old-fashioned technology and equipment which prevented students from effective learning and knowledge acquisition in distance education. The objectives of LAMS (the Learning Activity Management) project are consistent with the strategies that the entire organization LAMS aims to support educational facilities...

Colleges of Education Preparation of Future Teachers

Introduction Education is a very important part of modern life. People understand that to achieve something in their life they should study hard and get as the best education as they can. People’s education depends on the teachers’ qualification and abilities. The educational system all over the world tries to...

Writing Is Difficult in Any Language

The issue of writing in any language is a core element of teaching. The thing is that the researches in many countries and among many educational establishments showed that writing classes are difficult for students. In this respect, the analysis in the paper is intended to work out the problem...

Corporate Sponsorship and Academic Integrity

At present, the issue of corporate sponsorship in the sphere of education is highly debatable. Post-secondary educational institutions accept the offerings of large business corporations because of prestigious funding they obtain (Fleisher 436). However, instead of bringing benefits to the public sector, corporate sponsorship seems to be of more harm...

Michael Collins “Adult Education as Vocation”: Theoretical Positions

Introduction Michael Collins, the author of the book ‘Adult Education as Vocation’, managed to investigate the learning process of the adult environment through the presentation of the education process as a distinguishable field of practice. The principal purpose of the book review is aimed at providing a critical evaluation of...

“School Effects on Pupils’ Health Behaviors” by West P.

Education is very important aspect of people’s life. Schools are aimed to systemize students’ knowledge, to give them mostly the directions of how to study effectively. Students spare most of their time in school, and it is school that gives them the conceptions about lifestyle, habits, likes and dislikes. Students...

Peer Review in Academia: Rationale, Process, and Implications

Introduction On a global scale, the academic fraternity has for a long time now relied upon a collection of peer for purposes of assisting in the review of the work of other authors. This is a necessary process, as it enables an author to realize certain flows in their work...

The Psychology of Optimal Experience by M Csikszentmihalyi

The book Flow: The psychology of optimal experience by M Csikszentmihalyi describes the methods and approaches to achieve happiness and develop a positive attitude towards the world other people. The book consists of 10 chapters devoted to the problem of meaning of life and happiness and possible ways to achieve...

The No Child Left Behind Policy

The No Child Left behind Policy or NCLB came into being because of ex-president, George W. Bush in 2001. It reauthorized various federal programs that aimed to develop the functioning of the secondary and primary schools in United States by providing the parents with more adaptability of being able to...

Educational Program Training for Federal Government Adult Learners

The training program for federal employees reflects current administrative needs and demands of a new political anal economic environment. Change Leadership program is developed and introduced by Cornell University. “The courses in the Certificate in Change Leadership series, part of Cornell’s Proactive Leadership™ program, are based on Professor Samuel Bacharach’s...

Education Reform Plan in California

The current California state propositions deal with educational reforms and additional funding provided for public education. The proposed plan implies additional spending on public education and support of local district schools. The funds will come from the Budget Stabilization Fund. It is supposed that “these payments would replace any payments...