Environmental Issues: Problems of Climate Change

Unquestionably, global transformation is becoming a challenge encompassing a broad scope of human life, including its economic and social features. Conducted investigations indicate that climate change will continuously affect the globe so long as necessary precautions are not taken to preserve the environment. Therefore, I believe in all the hype...

Is Recycling Worth the Cost?

Introduction Human beings’ lives and health depend on the diversity of life on the Earth. A healthy planet provides air and water, gives food for people and other species. However, pollutions, cutting down the woods, global warming with the greenhouse effect threaten the world and its biodiversity leading to the...

The United Kingdom Energy and Emissions

Introduction The United Kingdom (UK), which is an industrialised country, has been a great contributor to the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). The processes that lead to such emissions include the extraction of coal, gas, and oil, as well as the transportation industry. The transport industry is one of the...

The Criticality Accident in Sarov (Radiation of Uranium)

The Circumstances under Which the Accident Occurred It was on June 17, 1997, when a physicist who was working at the Nuclear Centre at Sarov, in the Federation of Russia was exposed to severe radiation of uranium. This physicist was the senior technician at this plant. This critical accident took...

Social and Environmental Reporting: Arguments Against

Introduction Corporate SERA (social environmental reporting) was created in order to expand on conventional models of financial reporting which puts emphasis on a company’s financial prosperity in order to include social and environmental dimensions (Elkington 1999). Corporate reporting and assurance guidelines are now more than simply optional and voluntary reporting...

Forest Management as One of Geoengineering Strategies

It has been acknowledged that climate change is one of the major challenges humanity faces, which has led to certain changes in people’s attitudes towards the issue. At present, individuals, institutions, and countries develop numerous approaches and strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of the human society on the environment....

“A Story of Science and Salvation” by Dan Fagin

Introduction Dan Fagin’s book, A Story of Science and Salvation brings out the effects of environmental degradation and its analysis reveals the danger that toxic substances pose to human beings and the environment. The book portrays the challenging side of science, particularly when laws and policies governing the use of...

Role of Small Gas-Powered Engines in Air Pollution

A lot of people rarely attribute air pollution to small gas-powered engines like lawnmowers. However, emissions from lawnmowers represent a crucial source of air pollution. These small engines are a significant source of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons, all of which are actively involved in the formation of ozone...

Environmental Samples Gamma Ray Spectroscopic Analysis

Introduction In chapter one, the researcher introduced the reader to the proposed study. Several aspects of the proposed study were highlighted. These included the research design, the research questions to be addressed and such other things. In this chapter, the researcher will provide the reader with a critical review of...

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Utilization

Energy demand is required to improve people’s health, welfare, and meeting economic and social development is on the rise each day. All societies in the world need a form of power to support basic human essentials such as cooking, lighting, communication, mobility, and space comfort (Gielen et al. 2020). Fossils...

“Miami Sets Ambitious Emissions Goal” by Harris

Miami has experienced various issues related to climate change, including hurricanes, storm surge, and floods. Still, the city was able to recover after significant crises and thrive in the face of adversity. However, over the previous years, the situation associated with the excess of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and...

Loss Prevention and How It Was Affected by Hurricane Katrina

Introduction Hazards and natural disasters have until recently caused uncountable losses to property and life, with some calamities giving losses in hundreds of billions of dollars. An example is the most damaging flood in United States’ history, known as the 2005 Great New Orleans Flood or the Katrina. It is...

Marine Protected Areas: Sustain of the Marine Ecosystem

Abstract Environmental challenges have been complicating the normal functioning of the marine ecosystem and its diversity, specifically kelp, for many years, and the effect of Marine Protected Areas on them remains unknown. The prevalent explanation for this trend is that the sea urchin overgrazing leads to kelp extinction. Fluctuations in...

Applying Building Rating System in the Gulf Countries

Introduction Sustainable building is referred to as development in the environment that meets the present needs without compromising future generation’s ability to meet their potential needs. The gulf countries are known for petroleum products exportation to the whole world. However, there are several challenges that get associated with this petroleum...

How Car Emissions Affect Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is experienced when the earth’s surface heats up and this causes the average temperature of the earth to rise, the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans also rise. The sea level also rises with the increase in temperature of the globe and this affects the weather...

Natural Gas as the World’s Most Preferred Fossil Fuel

One of the world’s most preferred fossil fuel is natural gas. Experts believe that the energy has the potential of becoming the world’s number one in the coming decades. In its structure, natural gas has varied composition, which makes it more expedient. Principally, consumers have been receiving methane that contains...

Consumption and Ecological Footprint

Introduction In the course of a lifespan, people engage in multiple activities for survival and recreation, which often go beyond mere necessities. The consumerist society that inhabits the planet now tends to increase consumption by driving economic forces to expand industries for goods production. Given such intensity of goods purchasing...

Aspects of Global Climate Change

At the beginning of the speech, on the basis of the three articles he has read, Clinton mentions such facts about climate change as the possibility to measure and increase the level of greenhouse gases (methane and carbon dioxide), the past climate change during the last ice age (that was...

Journal Critique: Organic Pollutants

The sampled article, authored by Offenberg et al. (2004), has a local significance and not a global impact. This is because it focused on analyzing aerosol compounds that occurred during the collapse of the World Trade Center (W.T.C) – an American phenomenon. The article compared the similarities between the dust...

Regeneration of Energy in Scotland

Scotland’s efforts to utilize renewable energy resources continue to puzzle the world. The country has taken meticulous care to plan for its energy needs both for the present and for the future about sustainable management of natural resources as well as environmental protection. Some of these needs include the generation...

Fire Cases of World Trade Center and Dupont Fires

Background Information It was on September 11, 2001, when World Trade Center, WTC suddenly collapsed following terror attacks by the suspected Al Qaeda group. Following the destruction of this stature, everyone was surprised at first, and to establish the cause of the incident, there were speculations that the building was...

Meadow Brook: Performance Management

Introduction Rapid globalization in the world in recent years has led to a number of shared environmental problems. “As globalization continues and the earth’s natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems.” (Environmental problems, 1999, para.1). One among these, a...

Is Bottled Water Dangerous for People and the Environment?

Introduction The quality of water is one of the key aspects that characterize the standards of living in the country. For humans, it is impossible to last more than three to four days without water; therefore, it is hard to overestimate the importance of this resource. In particular, bottled water...

Waste Management: Component of Resource Management

Introduction Waste management is often regarded as an important components of proper resource management strategy. In general, wastes should be removed from the manufacturing zone in order not to violate fire safety rules, or not to decrease the working comfort of the employees. The aim of this paper is to...

The U.S. Environmental Protection

IntrThe United States is among the nations that well understand the need for having a clean environment. As early as in 1995, the country designed an initiative to verify the performance of environmental technologies. For the initiative to succeed, stakeholders created a supervisory body called the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...

Climate Change: Dangers and Prevention

Climate change is now occupying the minds of not only scientists but also politicians, entrepreneurs, and ordinary citizens. Fluctuations of the Earth’s climate, expressed in statistically reliable deviations of weather parameters from long-term values for the last hundred years, cause serious fears. While many researchers have remarked the primary role...

Australia’s Main Problem: Concept Map

Australia’s main problem right now is the forest fires raging there. They are dangerous for several factors, but in the first place, they pose a threat to the life of many animals, including those that are already threatened with extinction (“Silent Death”). The spreading flame threatens not only directly to...

Is the Pandemic Beneficial?: Argument with an Opossum

Current Situation At the end of 2019, COVID-19, a severe acute respiratory syndrome, was identified in Wuhan, China (Sanyaolu et al. 2020). It has rapidly spread all over the world, and in the present day, more than 180 countries are affected (Sanyaolu et al. 2020). The World Health Organization has...

Tansy Ragwort and Gorse Effects on the Redwood Forest of Northern California

Due to the catastrophic pollution of the planet, the balance in nature has been considerably distorted. Many food chains were also broken thus causing the extinction of one species and the abundance of another. The same problem undergoes the Redwood forest in Northern California that is suffering from the invasion...

Help Our Planet Become More Beautiful: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Estimate Time Teaching Will Last: One hour. Location of Teaching: Elementary School Classroom. Supplies, Materials, Equipment Needed: Litter bins signed “Metal”, “Paper”, “Plastic”, a pile of empty plastic bottles, juice containers, food wrappers, cans, batteries, newspapers, pictures of littered locations. Target: Elementary school students. Topic: “Help our planet become more...

Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters: Their Impact on the Ecology

The Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters represented the most significant dangers of such power plants. The Chernobyl accident released higher radiation levels due to its design and the human error involved. In comparison, the Fukushima reactor was impacted by a tsunami leading to lower radiation levels in the surrounding area...

Relation Between Ecological Changes and Kidney Stone

Introduction Researchers in the United States have found that in northern America occurrences of kidney stones might become common with climatic changes. Incidences of kidney stones are higher in areas having warmer climates. (Trinchieri 2000) The main reason for this has been presumed to be that with the rise in...

Integrated Water Strategies From Website Water Recycling

Integrated Water Strategies (IWS) has developed a design to recycle water to make it reusable. The website is a front-end of their company showing various services that the company offers in the field of water recycling. A basic theme that the company promotes is the education of the need for clean...

The Causes of Water Pollution

Introduction Water pollution is a significant decrease in water resources’ quality due to the ingress of various chemicals and solid waste into streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans, or the multiplication of microscopic living organisms. The causes of water pollution are related to human activities. After observing the Drinking Water...

Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug: Works Analysis

Thesis Statement: The works of Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug deal with distinctive topics, but they are united by the idea of improving life in view of the modern difficulties associated with interacting with the environment. Introduction The issues of the environment and the interaction of humans with nature...

The Importance of Solving a Social Issue of Environmental Plastic Pollution

Introduction Among the many tentative social issues that impact societies globally, the most pertinent are those related to the environment. Irreversible natural processes that occur across the planet are out of human control, and the scope of their advancement in force and frequency demands an immediate and qualitative change in...

The Effects of the Environment on Human Health

The World Health Organization has found that the yearly global death toll of environmental degradation amounts to thirteen million, which is 24% of the global disease burden and 23% of all premature deaths (“Environmental health,” 2018). The effects range from cancer from air pollution to mental health issues from constant...

The Problem of Climate Change in South Florida

Introduction Quality drinking water accessibility is essential to sustaining people’s health and well-being. Most of Florida’s freshwater is sourced from underground aquifers consisting of multiple porous rock layers which hold water. However, various events associated with climate change threaten its existence. This paper highlights the effect of sea-level rise on...

Disaster Responses: Improving the State of Affairs

Executive Summary Every year, disasters tend to cause economic damages, human death, and environmental destruction. Despite technological improvements and increased knowledge, humanity is still struggling against disasters because they cannot either predict them or respond to them appropriately. Accordingly, disaster preparedness and management are the two topics that get the...

Disaster Preparedness: Miami, Florida

The development of a disaster preparedness plan is a priority for all states, and Miami, Florida, is no exception to the rule. The initiative intended to deal with events that can threaten the health of communities is known as the Public Preparedness Plan Program, and it combines all activities aimed...

Forest Biodiversity and Climate Effects on Ecosystem Carbon Flux

One of the most important issues at the border involving existence and ecological sciences is how ecological unit will react to worldwide alteration in the face of ongoing decrease of biodiversity. Owing to their possibility to stock up huge amount of carbon in biomass and to avoid soil decomposition, forests...

Environmental Sustainability Over Economic Development in the Amazon Forest

Economic development is a vital indicator of progress in many public communities. People experience individual growth facilitated by stable income-earning sources. The following discussion addresses the article “Challenges for sustainable development in Brazilian Amazonia” concerning environmental conservation. The Amazon forest plays a useful ecological role in reducing the global carbon...

How Air Pollution Impacts Health

Anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere is associated with mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological factors. There are two main types of air pollution, ambient air pollution (outdoor pollution) and household (indoor). These are most noticeably manifested in places where people live compactly, especially in megacities, where weather conditions differ significantly from...

Actions Following an Anonymous Call Alleging an Imminent Bomb Explosion

Introduction Nothing is as confusing as telephone calls that warn people of imminent destruction from explosions and other forms of attacks. This is because there is the likelihood that the person would be playing with the organization or the individuals concerned. It is also possible that there is the alleged...

Climate Change as a Public Health Issue

Introduction The correlation between one’s environment and health conditions has become more vivid than previously due to an increasing variety of social issues that tackle one’s state over the past decades. To conduct a proper assessment of national health as a notion, the concept of public health was introduced, being...

Tree Protection Policies in Los Angeles and San Francisco

Introduction Neither Los Angeles nor San Francisco urban forests have generated much scholarly interest and, thus, there are not too many scholarly works that pertain to the state of these forests specifically. Still, it is possible to find some studies that note merely list quantitative data provided by the United...

Economic Model for Global Warming

Introduction The current challenge of climate change is attributable to different factors, including global warming, pollution, and deforestation. The sustainability of the planet might become unfeasible if different stakeholders fail to collaborate and apply evidence-based measures. The adoption of various economic models is a superior strategy that appears promising and...

The Problem of Air Quality: Impact on Public Health

Environmental Factor: Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) Chemical and biological contamination of indoor air Possible sources: tobacco smoke, harmful bacteria Possible sources: dust, household chemicals, fragrance Possible sources: molds, excessive humidity, spores Possible sources: unhealthy building materials (glue/paint fumes) Note: Poor quality of air in the house is a serious concern...

Plastics and Environmental Protection in Europe

Background Environmental protection is an essential aspect of social life in modern Europe. Since manufacturers started producing excess goods, people began to take things less responsibly and accumulate vast amounts of garbage. However, not all trash can decompose over time – stuff made from plastic, such as household appliances and...

Green Criminology: Environmental Harm in the Niger Delta

Introduction The field of green criminology is relatively new, gaining popularity in the last two decades from where it was interpreted to mean urban crime problems according to Lynch (1990). This lack of attention was not a result of a lack of awareness on changes in the environment as a...

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and Well-Being

Anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere is associated with mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological factors. These are most noticeably manifested in places where people live compactly, especially in megacities, where weather conditions also differ greatly from similar parameters outside the city. Millions of tons of pollutants are constantly present in the...

Health and Environment Change in the USA

Maintaining safe environmental conditions is necessary to ensure the safety of people’s health. Moreover, keeping the environment clean helps to increase the quality of life and reduce the death rate. One of the most worrying issues the U.S. has been struggling with for ages is climate change, which affects the...

Reducing Food Packaging Litter in Ireland

Introduction Since the 1960s, food packaging has increasingly become an enormous challenge in Ireland and globally. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (2019, p. 2) states that the actual level of plastic production has increased exponentially by more than twenty percent. The devastation which the plastic bags are causing becomes...

Eco-Friendly Approach to Sport Events

Sport unites people not only at major events, games, and competitions. Possessing great influence, it is actively used to draw attention to world problems. The most important role in this field is played by the International Olympic Committee (Greenwell et al., 2019). It actively participates in solving urgent issues of...

The World’s Focus On Plastic Pollution

Before humanity manages to clean up the ocean floor of plastic straws that kill innocent turtles, all marine biodiversity will die, and there will be no one to save. As global consumers focus on quick fixes of switching to metal straws, the planet continues to heat up to sustain the...

Concrete Made From Environmentally Friendly Materials

Current Situation The environment that the contemporary society lives in constantly suffers from various human activities. For instance, the city population growth requires local authorities to build new houses and apartment complexes. What is more, people move to capitals and big towns and, while having a desire to provide themselves...

Milestone 3: Plastic Pollution

Introduction One of the central issues that affect the wellness of the Earth’s population is plastic pollution. Today, almost every person knows that plastic kills millions of animals every year by entanglement or starvation (Parker, 2019). However, a rare person realizes that plastic is a source of significant problems with...

Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and Hurricane Harvey

Introduction The coast of the United States in general and Texas in particular experiences tropical storms on a regular basis. Hurricanes hit the Texas coastline, often causing property damage on different scales and, sometimes, fatal casualties. However, some of the hurricanes in the history of the Lone Star state mandate...

How Pollution Affects Humans and Environment

Introduction The notion of pollution has become one of the most challenging global issues affecting the world in the 21st century. While some people are genuinely interested in making Earth a safer place to live for their descendants, the vast majority of the population still undermines the issue facing the...

How Can the US Lessen Its Dependence on Fossil Fuels?

Energy is one of the driving forces behind economic development and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It plays a significant role in mitigating climate change, and its recognition in society is critical. However, there is a serious disconnect between agreed energy and climate targets and the...

Effect of Climate Change in the Future

Human activities significantly affect the planet’s ecology and biodiversity in a highly negative way. Humans are responsible for the contamination of water and soil, and the emission of hazardous gases that deplete the ozone layer, create the greenhouse effect, and contribute to climate change (Lipczynska-Kochany, 2018). In other words, human...

FEMA’s Mitigation Policy

To understand the crucial distinction between structural and non-structural mitigation, it seems reasonable to provide the following statement. The determination of the mentioned concepts is founded on the fact that the measures of structural mitigation are mostly technological. For instance, these may be the building of a flood levee, as...

The Kyoto Protocol. Montreal Conference 2005

Introduction The earth’s temperature has been steadily increasing since the advent of the industrial revolution due to a natural process called greenhouse effect. When light passes through the atmosphere, some of the infrared radiation is trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere around the earth and this keeps the...

Mechanisms of Change and the Fossil Record

A Closer Look at the Evidence Concentration of CO2 Despite its indisputable beneficial functions for the Earth, carbon dioxide (CO2) appears to be causing more harm due to human activity. The NASA Climate graph demonstrates that CO concentration has been increasing since 2005, unevenly but steadily, jumping about 36 parts...

William Mulholland and the St. Francis Dam Disaster

The 1928 St. Francis dam disaster in Los Angeles, California is one of the most devastating man made failures in the history of the United States. It came down in the history of the state as the second greatest loss of life with the first one being the 1906 San...

Coral Reef in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia

The Australian Great Barrier Reef is an ecosystem exhibiting the greatest heritage of natural resources and diversity of organisms on planet earth. The Great Barrier Reef exists along the northeastern coast of Australia and extends above the approximated distance of 2300 kilometers (Richards, p. 2). It has a wide variety...

Marine Pollution and Its Anthropogenic Factors

Marine pollution is among the most prominent concerns of scientists and environmental activists. Due to the development of technologies, the expansion of maritime transportation hubs and routes, and the increase in waste volume, human impact on the environment has become drastic. According to Arias and Marcovecchio (2017), changes in marine...

EPA and Fracking Regulation

Shale gas production has a list of economic and practical advantages. For this reason, the mining companies were able to quickly establish the production of shale gas throughout the US, offering monetary compensation to the residents of the regions where the production was carried out. At the same time, the...

Water Quality Assessment. Environmental Impact

Introduction Maintaining good water quality is essential to human health; thus, the recent decades have outstandingly worsened the water across communities worldwide by pollution. A variety of areas around the world face different challenges regarding water conditions; hence, today’s report will focus on identifying issues in Longmont, Colorado, and investigate...

Cities as Social and Environmental Systems

Deep theoretical study of urban structures and their subsequent improvement to qualitatively improve the living standards of the population are the fundamental directions of modern urbanism. Since the ancient human located in civil settlements, it has been important for the inhabitants to create favorable and reliable conditions for comfortable living....

Recent News About Plastic Pollution

The topic of the project for the wellness class is plastic pollution and associated health problem. For discussion, presented a captivating article written by Laura Parker (2020) in National Geographic. The article describes the recent findings of plastic pollution and current ways to respond to the problem. The article is...

Political Ecology and Water Wars in Bolivia

Water is an essential human need without which people cannot survive and strive for growth. The case of Bolivia is an example of how privatization of water supply can result in a major backlash and political unrest. The main issue lies in the fact that the government decided to make...

A World With 100% Renewable Energy

The dream of creating a world with 100% renewable energy is closer to becoming a reality than ever. Large corporations, countries, and separate states have already transferred or put a plan into action to transfer to 100% renewable energy in a couple of decades (Garcia et al., 2018). Even individual...

Building a Waste-Treatment Plant in the Region

Waste management and treatment is a local issue with global implications. As the world’s population grows, the amount of waste it creates also increases. In particular, in 2015, 2 billion tons of waste was generated worldwide, while this number is expected to ascend every year (United States Environmental Protection Agency,...

Contrasting Two Planning Visions

In the contemporary world, land use planning is an essential concept that has to determine whether society should stay focused on preserving the environment or promote the economic growth of the cities. For this reason, planners continually face both opportunities and challenges at work. While having a chance to “deliver...

Global Warming From a Social Studies Perspective

The responsibility of people regarding global warming and its prevention is a fact underpinned by theories aimed at describing the connection between their actions and the negative outcome in terms of this problem. This situation is complicated by the lack of awareness of the scope of the potential influence of...

Weather Fluctuations: Review

Weather changes and specific constituents impacting it have always interested researchers, meteorological observers, and people living in places that are at risk for the occurrence of natural disasters. The ability to predict atmospheric conditions is essential in environmental science, agriculture, navigation, aviation, and daily life. The interrelation of air pressure...

The Cost of Saving: The Problem of Poverty

The problem of poverty remains one of the issues contributing to the drop in the quality of life, life expectancy, and overall well-being of a major part of the American population. In their article “Pollution, Poverty and People of Color: Living with Industry,” Jane Kay and Cheryl Katz outline some...

Environmental Sustainability: Protection of the Surroundings

Introduction Sustainability is the avoidance of natural resource depletion to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance. It factors how people can protect the natural world surrounding them from destruction and damages. Over the years, civilization has been detrimental to the environment. This is because it utilizes plenty of resources, which are...

The Hydrostatic and Hydraulics System of Acme Manufacturing Co

Abstract An industrial operations analysis plays a critical role in assessing the efficient operations of its different units. The following report presents detailed information addressing the prevailing circumstances of the fire suppressing and the Hydrostatic and hydraulics system of Acme Manufacturing Co. As an industrial assessor, the organization of BSCI...

The Effect of Climate Change on the Environment

The increased and unrestricted influence of humans’ activity on the environment has caused drastic climate change, which, in turn, has been gradually changing the environment. Although climate-related alterations occur at a very slow pace, their long-term effects are massive, leading to the destruction of multiple ecosystems and the extinction of...

The Problem of Microplastics Contamination

Technology is not standing still, and humanity is faced with innovative products that can change the quality of life every month. If breakthrough solutions have the right characteristics for everyday use, they become part of life. Nevertheless, there is a downside to inventions, such as the one with plastic. Indeed,...

Application of Recycling to Waste From Refinery Industry

Recycling is the process of making waste materials from industries useful through re-using. Recycling in the refinery industry; helps to conserve the environment as these industries produce wastes like gases which if not properly managed, pollute the environment and human existence in particular. The wastes from refinery industries form a...

The Problem of Plastic Pollution: Negative Impacts

I decided to select the problem of plastic pollution for my final project. Therefore, today, I want to discuss a social ad made by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF, 2018). The video discusses the drastic effect plastic has on wildlife, the environment, and people’s health. In particular, it shows that...

Implications of Plastic Use

Introduction Plastic is an extremely popular synthetic material that is used in many spheres of life. It has numerous benefits that compel manufacturers to produce it in large quantities. However, mass production creates waste that not only pollutes the environment but also jeopardizes human health. Ascertaining the reasons for the...

Climate Change: El Niño Oscillation Phenomenon (ENSO)

El Niño Oscillation phenomenon (ENSO) is characterized by an increase in the ocean surface temperature in the eastern and central parts of the Pacific Ocean. It affects rainfall distribution and can strongly affect weather patterns in the United States and the rest of the world (Liberto, 2014). In general, I...

Climate and Social Change in Global Warming Crisis

Thesis: Since individuals are the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, people in the community should be encouraged to change their behaviors and make better personal choices to mitigate the global warming crisis. Annotated Bibliography Adams, M. (2018). Individual action won’t achieve 1.5℃ warming – social change is needed, as...

Comparison of Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug

Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug are famous Nobel Peace Prize winners for their humanitarian contributions in promoting a sustainable world and eliminating poverty. Maathai attained her first degree in Biological Sciences in America at Mount St. Scholastica College (The Green Belt Movement, n.d.). She continued with her education until...

Environmental Issues: Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity is important for many reasons, including ecological services, such as pollution breakdown and absorption, soil formation, and social services, for example, recreation and tourism. According to Roe (2019), the loss of biodiversity is an environmental problem that needs urgent intervention since it threatens livelihoods. The article “Biodiversity Loss—More Than...

Impact of Climate Change on Early Societies

The early history of any civilization is mostly concerned with creating a stable society, which often primarily revolves around finding a source of food. Climate plays an integral part in that process, as a deviation in heat and rainfall can mean the difference between a bumper harvest and a devastating...

Environmental Impact of Offshore Drilling

The adverse environmental effects of offshore drilling outweigh its economic benefits. It is also argued that companies carrying out offshore drilling are not fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities. The extent of offshore drilling for oil in the US and other countries has grown significantly over the years due to its...

Marine Pollution: Causes and Consequences

Marine pollution is among the most prominent concerns of scientists and environmental activists. Due to the development of technologies, the expansion of maritime transportation hubs and routes, and the increase in waste volume, human impact on the environment has become drastic. According to Arias and Marcovecchio (2017), changes in marine...

Customers’ Satisfaction, Demand, and Their Satisfaction Levels: Eco-Fone Report

Introduction The given report is devoted to the analysis of the mobile phone market in the UK using the case of Eco-Fone. The increased importance of this technology and its availability to clients result in the growing sales and increase in the number of users every year (Good Morning Britain,...

Fire Disaster Plan For a Skilled Nursing Facility

The purpose of this fire disaster plan is to guide the given skilled nursing facility on fire emergency procedures to protect the lives and property of staff, residents, and visitors. Disaster planning in this skilled nursing facility is the responsibility of the facility Administrator. The Administrator delegates authority to the...

Southern Europe Flash Floods: Disaster Overview

Southern Europe flash floods are the most recent significant event. The October 23, 2019, flash floods caused havoc in Italy and Spain, killing dozens of people while many others were missing. A social scientist would describe flash floods as a natural disaster caused by an enormous amount of water collected...

Environmentally Friendly Concrete Products

Problem The issue of human activities’ impact on the environment has become particularly topical in the 21st century. Simultaneously, the detrimental impact of industries is on the increase, consisting of air pollution, carbon emissions, and irresponsible handling of waste. Construction is one of the areas, which demonstrate significant growth while...

Nature Bankruptcy: A Balance Sheet for the Planet

In the twenty-first century, global environmental problems, such as global warming, loss of biodiversity, destruction of tropical forests, and others, are worsening. They pose a threat to the foundation of life and development opportunities for both present and future generations. The scale of world production and consumption has led to...

Environmentalism and Moral Concern for Animals

Climate change is an adverse long-term environmental change that impacts all the living organisms on our planet. According to CBS News (2019), a U.N. report presents how the effects of climate change increase and become even more inevitable. Extreme weather conditions and impacts on the Earth’s oceans and icy regions...

Global Warming, Climate Change and Ozone Depletion

Introduction Global warming refers to an increase in the Earth’s average temperature that is characterized by rising global surface temperatures and the accumulation of pollutants in the atmosphere. According to scientists, it is the result of land surfaces heating faster than water bodies, an increase in atmospheric energy, and higher...

The Atlantic Hurricane Season Explained

The Atlantic hurricane occurs from June 1 to November 30. It peaks sharply from late August to September, in most cases the season is at the highest point around September 10. Tornadoes are least active in June but most active in September. Tropical cyclones are formed in the Caribbean Sea,...

Climate Change: Forecast of Possible Events

Introduction If the world does not address climate change, workforce shifts, apocalyptic issues, water shortage, and biodiversity decline will occur, and we will end up with collapsed civilization. According to Amanda Ruggeri (2017), major climatic changes will heavily impact the workforce, where organizations will become more concerned about global threats...

Water Conservation Practice in Olympia

Introduction Olympia city has a comprehensive water conservation program which involves many projects. The city puts much effort in the conservation of water. To achieve this end, various organizations and agencies have invoked various procedures so as to meet the target. From educational programs to technological inventions the planners seize...

Environmental Protection: Non-Equilibrium-Plasma-Assisted MNO2 Filter Efficiency

Environmental problems acquire the top priority today because of the emergence of multiple issues associated with the given sphere. The continuously growing number of vehicles is one of the factors that contribute to the deterioration of the situation. The selected article revolves around the given issue and offers one of...

The Station Nightclub Fire: Review

Abstract A fire that occurred on the night of February 20, 2003, has been deemed the worst fire tragedy of the 2000s. The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, hosted a band, which used unapproved pyrotechnics during the performance. As a result, the pyrotechnics ignited the sound-proofing polyurethane lining...

Climate Change: The Leading Cause of Global Warming

Introduction This essay will provide a discussion of the causes, effects, and possible solutions to climate change. The earth’s average temperature is about 15 degrees Centigrade, but sometimes it varies for several reasons, a fluctuation called climate change (National Climate Assessment, 2014). This alteration results in a lasting change in...

Climate Change: Causes and Consequences, and the Issue of Social Collapse

Causes and consequences of global warming It is generally accepted that the main cause of global warming is greenhouse gas emissions. The greenhouse effect resulting from heating the atmosphere with thermal energy held by greenhouse gases is a crucial process regulating the Earth’s temperature. Carbon dioxide (CO2) takes the largest...

Community Disaster Preparedness in Nassau County, New York

Disasters strike when least expected, and when they happen, communities should be readily prepared to respond appropriately. Disaster preparedness involves predicting, preventing (where possible), mitigating their impact on the affected populations, responding, and coping with the consequences of catastrophes. In other words, authorities and other stakeholders should have elaborate measures...

Plastic Contamination and Marine Ecosystem Safety

Every year humanity creates innovative technologies, some of which have the potential to change the order of life fundamentally. Although the first plastic was invented by Alexander Parkes in 1855, it only became prevalent a few decades ago. For modern humans, plastic bags, cups, cocktail tubes, and glasses are not...

Marine Habitats: Coral Reef Ecosystem

Biomes exhibit large areas with a specific climate, vegetation, and wildlife. The aquatic biome falls into the two categories of freshwater and marine biomes. Marine habitats cover almost three-quarters of the Earth’s surface and include oceans, estuaries, and coral reefs. The coral reefs’ biodiversity presents a specific interest as one...

The Article “E-Waste: An Overview on Generation, Collection, Legislation and Recycling Practices”

Purpose: The purpose of this memo is to analyze the article “E-waste: An overview on generation, collection, legislation and recycling practices” for readability and pseudoscience versus real science. Summary: In this memo, the readability and trustworthiness of the article are proved. The paper’s writing and presentation are clear and well-planned;...

Effects of Relationships Among Interacting Populations

The complexity of interactions among various species creates intricate ecosystems, which scientists strive to unfurl up to today completely. There are many challenges associated with that topic, and in the past decades, ecologists focused their research on the importance of biodiversity. Nowadays, the studies of biodiversity allow scientists to predict...

Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research

The name of the site The Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR) long-term ecological research (LTER) site was established in 1987, and is financed by the National Science Foundation. It is among the 26 LTER sites that were established in the United States to form the LTER sites network. The type of...

Yarnell Hill Tragedy: An Overview

The Yarnell Hill fire was one of the most horrific incidents in US firefighting history. This event took the lives of 19 hotshots – members of a special group dedicated to combating wildfires. The fire was caused by the lightning strike and started Southwest of Prescott, Arizona, and seemed to...

The Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 Emergency Management

An Overview of the Oil Accident There was a serious maritime oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010. This accident took place about 66 miles off the coastline of Louisiana. The Deep Horizon oil seep out was deemed the largest in the history of petroleum industry. The...

Extinctions and Endangered Species

Introduction In recent years, the environment and nature are undergoing major changes, suffering from people’s indifference and abusiveness toward the Earth. In fact, flora and fauna are in great danger in many regions. Some animal species are threatened by extinction, the fish population is reducing every day, and even water...

Air Pollution as a Health Risk Factor: Policy Proposal

Introduction Climate change is a serious issue that affects people around the globe. Although it is primarily discussed due to its adverse impact on the environment, its effect on public and individual health is also significant. Severe changes in typical weather conditions and different pollution types can lead to numerous...

The Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan

This CCP outlines the combined efforts of the several Maryland States, refuge neighbors, local partners, private landowners, Friends of Eastern Neck, and the local community to protect the habitat of endangered species present in the 2,286 acres Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge. It intends to achieve so by attaining several...

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010 is described as the worst oil disaster to have ever happened in the history of the oil industry. Also known as the Macondo Blowout, the spill continued for approximately three months unabated. The root cause of the spill was a result of an...

Tasmania as a Unique Ecosystem

Introduction Planet Earth is home to millions of diverse creatures, living both everywhere and in strictly isolated environments. While there are few threats to existence for species common to all continents, endemic organisms, because of their uniqueness and low prevalence, are in danger of disappearing. The most critical situation is...

Sustainability in the Modern World and the Prospects of the Third Industrial Revolution

Introduction The First and Second Industrial Revolutions were not about sustainability. Significant changes to the way people approach production were made and an extensive infrastructure for fossil fuel energy use was built and exploited. However, this era is about to end, and the global community, including businesses, does not have...

Interference With Environment and Environmental Changes

Activities that interferes with the natural environment Environmental science is a subject which deals with our environment and nature. Water bodies land and atmosphere are the main sources of environment. So preservation of this environment is very essential for human lives and all and other living things. There are many...

Concentrated Brine Discharge Effect to Seawater on the Aquatic Environment

The world is largely made up of water, and fundamentally marine water makes the seas/oceans a large habitat for animals and plants. Based upon this discovery, it is paramount to ensure the protection of marine and all other saline water bodies. Currently, the world is facing a problem with the...

Possible Godzilla’s Existence Environmental Benefits

Godzilla is one of the most famous characters in horror films – even those who have never watched a monster movie have heard of him. First, Godzilla depicts a massive monster awakening as a result of the H-bomb test (Honda 24:16–27:36). The appearance of Godzilla was a response to the...

Nuclear Energy Used for Different Purposes

Nuclear energy has been a very dubious concept since its very discovery and its introduction into the mass consumption environment. On the one hand, the huge power that it offers will be enough to supply numerous citizens with electricity (Dong et al, p. 53). On the other hand, nuclear energy...

Food and Sustainable Environmental Issues in Campus

Introduction Study Background/ Context Analysis Environmental degradation is, undeniably, one of the hotly debated issues today. However, arriving at a consensus on how to mitigate it remains elusive. Measures aimed at carbon emission reductions such as the 1997 Kyoto Protocol have thus received both praises and criticisms. Shorgen (2009) reckons...

Providing Solutions for Air Pollution

Air Pollution Regulation Increasing air pollution in the United States has led to the enforcement of laws regulating environmental safety. Several factors have precipitated the changes in federal laws on air pollution. Firstly, air contamination with chemical substances adversely affects health, causing diseases, and reducing life expectancy. Secondly, the labor...

Development Strategies to Protect Natural Assets

Many benefits have been achieved after conservation and maintaining of the resources that attract tourists. Several strategies need to be incorporated in order to mitigate loss of natural resources. There should be collaboration between the various players like the natural resources department and the tourism sector who should also involve...

Environmental Philosophy: Mountain Top Removal

Introduction The coal industry is a large and highly profitable type of business due to the product being an essential energy source. The general direction of the development of the coal industry is to increase open-pit coal mining. The development of new deposits in the eastern regions of the country...

All-Hazards Disaster Preparedness: The Role of the Nurse

Preparing for hazards means developing skills and gaining knowledge that will allow to allocate less time on decision making in case of emergency. Readiness is a result of training and leads to establishment of certain action patterns that, if memorized well, could save one’s life or potentially the lives of...

Population, Consumerism and Capitalism

Population relates to both consumerism and capitalism at different levels. Capitalists see population growth as both a threat and an opportunity to increase their profit levels. As the population grows, consumerism grows as well to serve the interest of the public. Population growth has negative impacts on the environment. People...

Protecting the Current and Future Water Supply for Rio de Janiero

Introduction “While the world’s population tripled in the 20th century, the use of renewable water resources has grown six-fold”[1]. It is estimated that the population will grow by another 45% in the next half a century. This combined with urbanization and industrialization makes it more important to protect water sources...

Impact of the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Introduction It entirely went awry for British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico on the late afternoon of 20Th April this year when its service provider Transocean was making a hole on a new rig on the Mississippi Canyon Block 252 in which BP had a controlling stake. In the...

Desk Study Report and Organic Contamination Assessment

Introduction The federal legal framework through the “Clean Water Act and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act 103”, provides for biological evaluations to be conducted as a way to determine suitability of dredged material. The appraisals included ascertaining biological consequences of various dimensions and levels of bio build-up that...

Climate Change Skepticism in Relation to Global Warming

Study design The researcher has used the most appropriate research design that enables her to take a closer look at climate change skepticism. The researcher has been able to collect various sources by using a qualitative design that is explanatory in nature hence describing to the readers the behavior of...

Environmental Management: Nature Conservation Planning

The issue of nature conservation was, is, and continues to be a common human practice. People have all along been involved in project works, whose main goal is to conserve the available natural values. Among these works are the reserves, which alone cannot meet the required natural conservation goals. Reading...

Disasters’ Benefits to People Who Experience Them

Introduction The mere mention of term disaster is likely to cause shrills of fear run down the spines of many people. This is predominantly due to the consequences that are associated with disasters. People affected by disasters go through extremely tough times, trying to come to terms with the effects....

Chernobyl Disaster’s Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact

Introduction Over two decades ago, the world witnessed the most serious nuclear accidents in the history of mankind. The accident occurred on 26 April 1986, when an explosion occurred as a result of a technical mistake from the nuclear power plant. This accident changed many people’s lives as huge amount...

Tornado and AmeriCares Overview

Frequent tornadoes are typical climate features in North America that happen in different regions including Canada, the East Coast and the Florida Peninsula. Special sirens are installed to warn citizens about the emergence of a tornado, and houses are supplied with lower-level safe spaces; however, these means are not sufficient...

Water Conservation Practice in Houston

Introduction The city of Houston in Texas has a developed water conservation strategy which is fragmented into various segments. The city leadership endeavors to provide clean drinking water to all the city residents. It is against this background that a comprehensive water treatment and conservation program was incepted years back....

Environmental Ethical Issues and Current Situation

Abstract The Mexican gulf oil spill and the most recent wildfires brought the world to almost a standstill as far as environmentalism is concerned. The fires in Russia and Portugal caused lots of damage both to the environment and to the world economy. Was the act of putting out the...

Clear Cutting in Rainforest Should Be Limited

Introduction Tropical rainforests are characterized by tall trees, lots of rain, and warm climate. Some rain forests experience rains of up to one inch each day. They have a variety of tree and animal species, they contain between 50 and 90 percent of the earth’s species although they only cover...

Price of Goods and Services Provided by the World’s Ecosystem

Introduction The world’s ecosystem refers to the entire body of the living and the non-living things on the surface of the earth. It refers to all the organisms either living or non-living, and the interactions that they normally exemplify. For the survival of all the living organisms, they have to...

The Issue of Global Warming in the Community

Introduction To effectively mitigate the effects of global warming in my community, my team would be composed of three experts in different disciplines that are closely connected to the environment. In understanding that calls for green technology and greater investments in environmental solutions, I would take with me Prof. Hannington...

Burning Issue of Water Pollution in Washington

Introduction Have you experienced the situation when you turn on the water and the next thing you get is a crackling sound from the pipe with no water supply or, what’s more distressing, muddy unsanitary non-potable water? If the government continues to stay aside from the problem of water contamination...

Causes of the Haiti Earthquake

An earthquake also referred to as an earth tremor is a phenomenon that takes place as a result of the abrupt discharge of energy within the Earth’s outer layer that leads to the formation of seismic waves. The apparatus used for the detection and registration of earthquakes is referred to...

Mitsubishi About the Implementation UNGC Principles

Executive Summary This paper is a submission by Mitsubishi to the Local Network. It contains recommendations about the implementation of two of the ten United Nations Global Compact principles. The eighth and ninth principles have been chosen. Risks, benefits, and lessons learned during implementation are also included. The Local Network...

Implications of BP Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico

Described as one of the greatest environmental challenges in current generation, the British Petroleum oil spill has come not only at the wrong time for the Obama Administration, but has also severely impacted negatively on the economies of states around the Gulf of Mexico. Critics point out that it could...

Environmental Disaster Education: Incorporation Into the University Curriculum

Information about the article Generally, this paper is about the effects of environmental disaster especially to mankind. The aim of writing the article is to emphasize the need for incorporating environmental disaster into university curriculum. Most universities seem to lack courses that are related to environmental calamities. It would be...

The Meadow Brook Town: Performance Management

Introduction Rapid globalization in the world in recent years has led to a number of shared environmental problems. One among these, a serious concern for all environmentalists, is the problem of pollution. The problem of environmental pollution which cannot be overlooked has proven to be existent and uncontrollable. The problem...

Tsunamis in Australia: Causes and Adverse Effects

The recent climatic changes and the global warming have been accompanied by many evils, which in this case include the occurrence of tsunamis and the el-Niño scenario in different parts of the globe. The drastic climate change and global warming are widely caused by human factors like, increased use of...