Workplace Romance: What Are the Reasons?

The area of personal, romantic relationships between colleagues is under-researched. It is obvious that there are specific reasons for these connections, and Cowan & Horan (2014) explore this matter. Furthermore, in their study, the authors also focus on investigating how such relationships may affect the organization they work in. In...

The Hospitality Industry in Switzerland

Switzerland has been known worldwide for its beautiful winter holiday for many years. Badrutt’s Palace Hotel is one of the most traditional places for travelers to enjoy the beauty of the mountains. Switzerland’s hotel industry is a vital cultural phenomenon that allocates the local citizens and travelers to recall the...

Talent Identification in Ghana’s Sports Industry

Introduction Background of Study The market for talent is becoming increasingly globalised, large, and international. From 1990 to 2000, the stock of high skilled migrants to 30 OECD countries rose from 12.5 to 20 million (Docquier, et al., 2009). Professional football has one of the most globalised labour markets. Since...

Basketball: History and Health Benefits

Did you know that the game of basketball was first played using a soccer ball and a peach basket back in 1891? Due to the game’s success, there have been several changes made to it. There was the usage of a different ball, the construction of new hoop designs with...

Counseling Young Athletes With Performance Anxiety

Young people experience significant stress because of the inherently competitive nature of sports, pressure to perform in front of large audiences, and insecurities and unsureness in their abilities. This essay aims to explore the psychological aspects of performance anxiety in sports, specifically its prevalence among the youth. This essay also...

Leadership in Sports: Sport Psychology

The leader is the most crucial figure in any project or event. That is a person who establishes inner and outer communication and ensures that the desired goal is reached. The leader largely affects each team member’s life in addition to the lives of others who gain from the product...

“Owning Your Emotions” Study by Bippus and Young

This paper overviews a research article titled Owning Your Emotions: Reactions to Expressions of Self- versus Other-Attributed Positive and Negative Emotions. It was written by two researchers, Amy M. Bippus and Stacy L. Young. Amy M. Bippus was the Associate Dean of Enrollment Management and Outreach in the College of...

Global Changes in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction The modern world is constantly changing and extremely quick: amounts and information flows are significant and continually increase. Increasing the information and its unification is globalization: it leads to the interference of various information flows and results in the modern global culture. Globalization breaks existing borders and creates new;...

Ancient Olympic Games and Their Religious Roots

The religious roots of the ancient Olympics have left a lasting impression on the current games. Greeks placed a high value on the Olympic Games because of the reverence with which they held Zeus, their patron deity (Perrottet). In the beginning, the Olympiad was more about honoring the gods than...

The Ergogenic Effect of Caffeine on Athletes

Introduction The use of sports supplements and stimulants is a sensitive topic of theoretical and applied research. The main interest is to study the stimulant effects of specific drugs that may allow athletes to increase speed, endurance, and strength performance significantly. On the other hand, maximizing athletic effects cannot but...

Sports Team Relocation Assignment

Introduction Team relocation refers to moving a professional team between different geographic areas for various reasons linked with opportunities conducive to financial success or access to infrastructures. Despite promising larger profits, relocations are also fraught with challenges and resistance. Relocations have various positive and negative sides pertaining to owners, fans,...

Naomi Osaka’s Analysis of Athlete Activism

Introduction Sports have evolved, with competition being at its highest point in history in this decade. We live in a decade where athletics significantly impacts the social and political world. They have played a crucial role in uniting different races and ethnicities. The sports arena is the only place where...

Divorce Among Challenges Facing Families Today

Introduction Divorce is a common social issue today and significantly impacts the individuals involved. Causes of divorce vary depending on the involved parties’ culture and marital arrangement. The causes include communication problems, negligence, lack of cooperation, abusive spouses, falling out of love, childlessness, and marital unfaithfulness. Although society condemns divorce...

The Significance of Sports Psychology

Introduction Sports psychology is the scientific study of psychological factors that affect athletic performance and how individuals’ mental and physical well-being may be affected by sports and exercise. Simkus (2022) states that the field’s researchers investigate how psychology may be employed to improve athletic performance and how fitness can reduce...

Challenges of Taking English Composition Course

The course has proved to be interesting but challenging since it necessitates studying and a deep understanding of the notions involved. However, the main difficulty has come from adequate time management since I have to balance my studies against volleyball workouts and mental breaks with friends. Indeed, studies and sports,...

Modernism and the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry has undergone rapid development and revolution due to technological change. It has experienced fundamental changes in organizational structures and power, which have taken place over a relatively short period. The information system has been radically revolutionized, characterized by data collection, processes, distribution, coordination, and control changes. Many...

Planning Franz Beckenbauer Charity Football Match

Charity Football Match Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Today I will be presenting my event management plan for the upcoming Franz Beckenbauer Charity Football Match. Let’s start with an introduction to charity football itself. Football legends Pelé and Franz Beckenbauer came together to show their...

Sports Activities, Socialization, and Deviance

Introduction Sports activities have been part of human life since the beginning of the human race, especially among children, teens, and young adults. However, organized sports became popular in the 20th century after realizing that the social environment and everyday activities influenced human development. Games and sports activities were created,...

Responsible Relationships and Abstinence

Introduction Developing responsible relationships and remaining abstinent is crucial for adolescents and young adults, especially for their mental well-being. Many people in youth do not have the information regarding how to build healthy relationships, which might lead to a number of issues, which are usually psychological, though sometimes they can...

Film Tourism Development and Benefits

Introduction Tourism is a diverse and exciting way to experience society and the world because it offers a variety of opportunities in different directions. The successful realization of these opportunities creates a sustainable environment where natural and social integration principles are respected. Marine Science and Technology aims to protect biodiversity...

The Importance of Emergency Action Plans for Athletes

The sports industry involves not only state-of-the-art medical achievements to provide excellent performance but is complex from the organizational point of view. Sporting events are some of the most attended events in modern society; therefore, it is crucial to ensure safety for both visitors and athletes. Therefore, various guards, medical...

The Concept and Aspects of Remarriage

Introduction Remarriage is when individuals get married for a second or subsequent time. When a marriage does not work, couples often end up divorcing, and some of them end up remarrying. Remarriage, however, rigs up adjustment questions, especially when two existing families are combined. This paper aims to describe remarriage...

Divorce in Islam in Contrast with Christianity

Quran serves as the basis for Islamic doctrine and is considered the word of God, whereas Muhammad is merely a conduit through whom God speaks with humans. A significant part of the Quran could be described as the “family law,” and it contains a view on such types of family...

The NCAA and Ethics of Paying College Athletes

The goal of this report is to look into the ethical issues surrounding collegiate athlete compensation. Although there is no clear-cut solution to this question, a deeper examination of what society considers ethical concerning the NCAA’s existing system can be extremely beneficial to the organization’s future success. The report includes...

FIFA, Zidane and Materazzi 2006 Debacle

The three parties involved each handled the case differently. FIFA punishing both players was fair and helped them preserve their image and pass on a solid message against emotional and physical abuse. They reminded players that violence and unbecoming behavior on the field would not be tolerated. However, the punishment...

The Marital Mystique and Strategic Models of Family Therapy

Abstract Human relationships have many characteristics, and people are responsible for making their own choices that determine their future life. Family counseling aims at defining and researching such concepts as love, romance, and marriage. If families address an expert to obtain therapy, strategic models by Jay Haley, Don Jackson, and...

How Happiness Arises From Social Interaction

Introduction Modern philosophy asks the question of what happiness is, what underlies it, how to achieve it, and whether it exists at all. Modern philosopher Joel Feinberg declares that people are happy when they can fully engage and perceive various activities that they enjoy for the fact they are. Nonetheless,...

US Athletes in Foreign Sports Teams

Introduction Globalization and multiculturalism are changing people’s perceptions of national boundaries, which is especially relevant for less structured phenomena. In particular, in recent times, many athletes have competed at international sports events under the flag of foreign countries, despite their citizenship. This practice is especially common in large developed countries,...

The Hospitality Industry Management and Franchising Contracts

Managing the hospitality business is a challenging process especially given the current circumstances of a global pandemic. To remain a strong brand with promising revenue, hotels turn to various partnerships and affiliations that help them delegate responsibilities and enter mutually beneficial cooperation. Management contracts and franchising agreements stand out among...

The Relationship Between My Laptop and Me

In today’s conditions, our relationship with laptops has become not just entertaining but necessary. Remote work was gaining popularity, and today, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all areas of our lives have moved online. Education, lectures, lessons, exams, work, interviews, and other activities now take place using a laptop....

My Coaching Philosophy for a Basketball Team

When it comes to coaching, every great professional should have a guiding philosophy, which they are then going to emphasize on a day-to-day basis. My principles have helped me throughout my 35+ year long career as a professional basketball player and coach. I believe that apart from having certifications or...

Discussion of Experience With Birth

This paper will interview mothers from different cultural and social backgrounds about their birth-giving experience. Miranda, a 30-years old woman from Colorado, has given birth to her first child this April. She and her husband live in an affluent region of their town, receiving an average yearly income of $100...

Hyatt Hotels Corporation: Annual Report, Cash Flow Statement, and Risk Analysis

Analysis of Annual Report Reviewing the Profit and Loss Account (2017-18) In 2017-18, Hyatt Hotels Corporation experienced a sharp growth of the gross profit margin by 2.5% in comparison with the preceding year. The corporations profitability that is accessed by ROCE increased by 1.2%. The net income after taxes in...

Hotel Guest Room Technology

Introduction It is important to note that technologies in the field of hospitality are of paramount importance for the effective and successful operation of the given form of businesses, which heavily rely on customer satisfaction and proper flow of procedures. Among these innovative measures are hotel guest room technologies, which...

Training Programs for a High School Quarterback Football Player

Quarterback Football Player Quarterback is the most prominent position in a college football team. People envy and admire the players who play in these positions, and the players feature in different television football commercials. Apart from fame and popularity, it is one of the most demanding positions. It demands speed,...

Tourism Sustainability After COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction As countries around the world open their borders after a long lasted lockdown, many people are thinking of traveling again and taking a decent vacation. Months of quarantine and restricted movements have made exploration even more attractive, but pandemics have also forced people to rethink their travel habits and...

Life in Spain: Economy, Government, and People

The economy in Spain is growing steadily, which has a positive effect on the lives of the population. Therefore, the real growth of the economy was 3.5 percentage points in 2020 (INE, n.d.). According to Spanish Statistical Office, the real GDP of Spain for 2020 was 254.6 trillion dollars; the...

The Problem-Solving Process in Parenting

Scenario Your child comes home from school with an assignment sheet for a school project. They are very excited about the project and begin work immediately, doing research on the Internet and gathering materials. You read over the assignment sheet and notice that your child is not including all of...

The Broken Relationship Interview Analysis

Olivia’s Broken Relationship Interview In order to understand romantic relationships, I interviewed a 24-year-old lady Olivia, who had a broken relationship. When I asked Olivia to describe her past relationship, she told me that she had been in the relationship for three years with a man, Jim, whom she described...

The Act of Forgiveness in the Modern World

In today’s world, the act of forgiveness is often associated with weakness or defeat. A strong personality, many believe, defends their innocence to the end. It is easier for people to be angry, curse, and avoid offenders than understand and forgive them. Recently, however, more and more scientific evidence has...

Sport Governance and Child Protection

Introduction Sport is an essential part of people’s life, whether it is a professional athlete or an ordinary regular gym attendee. After global popularity of the sports industry, it has become necessary to regard it as a way of life. However, such an attitude can be problematic for States, regional...

Tourism in Paris: Theme Parks in the Spotlight

Introduction International tourism is one of the main results of intensified globalization processes, which are characteristic of the modern world. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of tourism for individuals, communities, and humanity as a whole: it brings economic, geopolitical, cultural, and spiritual benefits. Including there are many reasons...

Lifestyle Challenges: Convenience Over Health

Introduction The problem of promoting health through a number of widely known techniques, such as dietary choices or physical activity, is a dubious initiative from the perspective of its efficiency. One can easily suggest that these measures are sufficient for eliminating the risks of developing specific conditions; meanwhile, researchers claim...

Prejudices in People From Authoritarian Families

Family is the initial institution that shapes children’s beliefs and values. Although people may change their worldview later in life when communicating with peers and colleagues, the foundational knowledge often remains the same because many preferences unconsciously develop by the age of four (Odenweller & Harris, 2018). For instance, the...

Prototype in Life Design: What Does It Mean?

Prototype in life design infers getting a short preview of the possible future by gathering information on the topic from experts and experiencing a portion of that future to understand reality and perspectives better. It includes conceptualizing and arranging, then, at that point, encountering the expected future to check whether...

Outlaw Emotions in Modern Society

Modern people pay much more attention to tracking and managing emotions than before. Unfortunately, emotions are not always accepted by people with understanding, and some are considered inferior to others. Alison Jaggar (1989) argues that some feelings can be called outlaws in modern society. These emotions are contrary to the...

Volleyball Technical and Tactical Skills

Coaches are responsible for effectively explaining and drilling team members on the fundamental skills that create a game. Technical and tactical skills are basics that offer players the appropriate equipment to accomplish the physical necessities of the game. Based on the volleyball practice video that I watched, the coach created...

Engaging the Local Community in the Development of Cultural Tourism in China

China is currently actively developing in various areas of the economy, one of which is tourism. The state pays special attention to the maintenance of cultural tourism, which is carried out through the attraction of tourist assets to cultural heritage sites. Growth in this direction helps to ensure the creation...

A Personal Timeline Compared to Historical Events

Introduction People’s lives are interconnected with the overall situation in the country and the world. Some personal events may reflect a more global political and economical state. The state of the economy can influence people’s decisions to marry, have children, buy a house or move to another city. In this...

Public Display of Affection and Homophobia

I had experienced a public display of affection (PDA) before and also witnessed this phenomenon. PDA can be understood as the act of showing intimacy in public. Although the ways of showing affection are universally understood (kissing, touching, cuddling), the rules that apply to PDA differ depending on the groups...

Personal Field Education Experience in Social Work

Introduction The purpose of this blog is to explain the social work intern’s field education experience and discuss the development of professional identity. The profession of social work is associated with the missions of social change and social justice. The development of professional identity influenced by academic and agency experience...

You Can Become Anyone You Want to in Next Five Years

In general, a five-year plan may be regarded as one of the best strategies to create a framework for actions in order to achieve some life objectives. Individuals are usually motivated by goals, therefore, having them is a crucial aspect of living a purposeful life. The person’s aims act as...

Why People Exercise: Medical and Social Causes

Many people exercise nowadays since this trend has become popular due to the long-standing crisis associated with a sedentary lifestyle among US residents. By living a healthy lifestyle, people often mean regular exercise and a healthy diet. Moreover, scientists note that people most often consider exercise as a hobby or...

Money Issues in a Relationship

Building relationships People get in and out of relationships a number of times in their lifetime. Studies have established that people get into relationships for economic, cultural, religious, and social reasons, among others (Gebreyes, 2014). Studies have established that one of the main reasons that keep a relationship alive or...

Religiosity and Individuals’ Decision to Cohabit

Literature Review Recently, there have been shifting patterns of marriage and family formation. Along with an increased number of divorces, there has been a rise in the number of people choosing cohabitation over marriage (Graf, 2019; Vorster, 2008). According to Graf (2019), 59% of US adults aged 18-44 have ever...

Why Student-Athletes Should Benefit from Sports

Introduction Many people have raised different opinions regarding college sports and their benefits to the students. Individuals have analyzed school games to determine how they can benefit participants and not only the colleges and the coaches. Many researchers have also investigated the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to reveal how...

The Crucial Factors Affecting Health Fitness

Introduction Body fitness involves the wholesome health fitness of a person, which is conventionally portrayed by one’s physical appearance. A global health study in the United States of America exemplifies fitness by critically detailing the factors associated with the health fitness of a different population in different countries, both developing...

Analysis of Advertising a Vacation Rental

Introduction This paper is intended to explain the different websites that promote rental properties. Also, this paper focuses on how to join the group or create a user account in these sites. Finally, the paper put in plain words the methods to list rental properties in Google for marketing and...

Training Crucial for Hotels

Introduction Lately, hotel management around the world has recognized the critical importance of hotel training. They have ascertained that customers can be retained through effective service more than the attractive prices, which is only possible when staff is trained appropriately. Strategic and Performance Consulting Approach in Training Grand resorts and...

Effect of Parenting on Child’s Health Development

Introduction Bad parenting can be named the main healthcare problem confronting the public. It is the most significant factor involved in youth diseases, adolescent pregnancy, and substance abuse (Frosch et al., 2019). The patterns at home construct the eating and sporting habits of a child for their whole life (Fuchs...

Tourism: Athens and Rome

Europe is one of the most popular and diverse tourist destinations. When deciding which country to visit, one can choose between a wide array of cultures, traditions, climates, sights, and experiences. For a traveler interested in the ancient culture, Rome and Athens offer the best opportunities for sightseeing, combined with...

Vacation in Mexico City: Worth Visiting Sites

Introduction From early childhood, traveling and interest in various splendid sights of our wonderful world was my genuine and, occasionally, all-consuming passion. However, before visiting a particular place, I always spare no effort for adequate preparation and thoroughly explore all essential information, especially about local culture and traditions. In this...

Should Football Be Banned for Being Too Violent and Dangerous?

American football is one of the recreational games professionally and casually played in the country that attracts fans who enjoy watching players as they compete to score against each other. American football has been closely associated with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) as players hit each other, which in turn causes...

Wrestling and Author’s Life

Wrestling offers a plethora of benefits for the people that decide to start doing it as a part of their pastime and gradually realize that this kind of sport offers a range of benefits, including a unique philosophy. Wrestling can cause noticeable improvements in one’s physical and emotional well-being, creating...

Mentorship as a Challenge

“It is like a picture that a painter paints and then he cannot hang it when he has a show and nobody will buy it because they cannot hang it either” (Hemingway). In this quote from Hemingway’s essay “Miss Stein Instructs,” the author shows the nature of mentorship he received...

The Panama Canal. History of Creation

The Panama Canal is an artificial watercourse that forms the link between the North and South America via the Central American isthmus. The estimated length of the canal is 80.45km (Du Temple, 2003, p.4).The presence of the watercourse allows the ocean waters to pass through from either sides of Pacific...

Individual Physical Activity Profile in Kuwait

Introduction Health problems such as obesity and overweight have become common because of poor physical activity. There has been a paradigm shift in lifestyle whereby individuals have neglected even the simplest physical exercises. For instance, not many people walk to school, market, or the workplace. Others prefer to use the...

Immigration: Home Is Where Your Heart Belongs

Is it possible to leave one’s old life behind and start over in a different country? How hard is it for a person to realize they no longer belong to the country they grew up in, given that it is going through the stage of tremendous change? Ramin Dabiri knows...

Football Banned for Being Too Violent and Dangerous

Introduction It is impossible to imagine the United States without American football, but do many citizens understand that this kind of sport is dangerous? The National Football League (NFL) gathers thousands of professional players and millions of fans worldwide. This organization has a rich history, but not all events have...

Eco-Tourism Detrimental Effects on Wildlife

Eco-tourism is a rising form of tourism that is aimed at preserving the environment from the harmful impact of regular tourists. Eco-tourism involves the promotion of wildlife conservation and encourages visiting naturally untouched places. However, many scientists consider eco-tourism as the one causing a detrimental impact on wildlife. Firstly, as...

The Influence of Pets on the Well-Being of Older People

Cole, A. (2019). Grow old along with me: The meaning of dogs in seniors’ lives. International Journal of Community Well-Being, 2, 235-252. This study explores the relationship between older dog owners and their pets. One of the main conclusions in the article is that the relationship between older people and...

Aspects of Child Adoption

Introduction Whenever a child is required to be adopted, letters of recommendation are sought from people who are known to the applicant. The recommendation letter justifies why the applicant is a fit case for adopting a child and why he or she will prove to be a good parent. The...

Coach and Athlete Relationship

20th-century sports have made coaching a critical profession. The coach is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring individual’s or team’s success in any sport. In athletics, the coach influences both the sense of personal fulfillment and the performance of an athlete (Jowett and Cockeril, 2002). In team sports, a coach...

Should Societies Impose Monogamy?

Monogamy refers to exclusive mate selection and bonding among men and women in society. In a population, individuals compete for partners to reproduce with, thus, creating an opportunity for natural selection. Following the variation of conformity among people, preference for a sex partner accounts for the evolutionary changes realized over...

Dominant Parenting Styles: Gender-Differentiated Parenting Revisited

In lower-middle-class American families, the authoritative parenting style is the most dominant (Friedson, 2016). Authoritative parents impose high standards upon children and demand blind obedience. If a child misbehaves, they resort to punishment and omit explaining the reasoning behind their actions. Several reasons can explain the prevalence of this parenting...

Technology and Dating: Social Media and Committed Relationships

The twenty-first century is the age of technologies, online communication, web-life, and social networks. There are thousands of websites that make people’s lives comfortable and let them chat without going outside and spending time on the road to meet. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and a significant number of online dating...

Hipster Subculture and Green Movement Counterculture

Introduction A culture is a complex phenomenon that cannot be isolated from the process of social evolution. It often coexists with an array of subcultures and countercultures that are closely linked to the issue of national identity and the feeling of belonging. This essay dwells on values, norms, beliefs, symbols,...

An Evaluation of Paris 2024 Summer Olympics’ Bidding Process

The International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.) approved France to host the next summer event in 2024. Paris was chosen as a strategic city of welcoming professional sportspersons in international sports, including athletics, football, basketball, and volleyball, among others. The decision of awarding the bid was based on significant social factors relevant...

Wedding Planning Factors: A Bride-Centric Holiday

A wedding celebration is the end of long preparation, and in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and the discontent of both guests and newlyweds, it is essential to approach the planning process as carefully as possible. First, the budget to spend on the holiday should be determined. All the details...

Ritz-Carlton: The Image Perception

The image and discernment of a hotel are essential as they help attract potential visitors. Clients’ perceptions are often based on the appearance provided by a particular organization (van den Hemel & Rademakers, 2016). Some of the items and products used to shape the image and customers’ observation of the...

Declining Marriage Rates Outcomes

People’s lives and communities’ well-being are better when a high number of individuals marry and maintain the relationship than when just a few get married. Despite the declining rates, marriage remains the most potent anti-poverty, anti-delinquency, and pro-health establishment. It is indubitable that opportunities for monetary success, psychological welfare, and...

Interpersonal Relationships and Risk Perception

Introduction Being in a close romantic relationship is a significant lifestyle change in comparison with being single. Apart from the self-evident impacts on loneliness and happiness, it may influence how much a person values another human being compared to all others or even themselves. This perception of a close one...

Adding Yoga to Your Life: Benefits of Yoga

Imagine yourself being healthy, active, and flexible at the age of 80. Is it possible for you to play with your grandkids outdoors at 90? You can answer these questions by yourself if you add yoga to your life. I am sure that this practice is one of the critical...

Sustainable Tourism as an Oxymoron

Regardless of current travel restrictions imposed by the outbreak of COVID-2019, tourism remains an engaging cultural practice, economic activity, and educational possibility. It is a powerful tool for recreation and social integration. However, tourism inevitably puts pressure on natural resources: it largely depends on air transport and thus contributes to...

Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Human Relations

The coronavirus pandemic has become the most significant crisis of the last years. Since millions of people are infected worldwide, specific steps are taken to address the situation. Social distancing, self-isolation, and other preventive measures have resulted in essential economic, social, and political disadvantages for the whole world. In addition...

Puberty Discussion Board Post

Within the human lifespan, puberty is one of the most significant periods that is characterized by the most vivid changes in the multiple areas of the life of an individual. The scope of rapid changes in the brain and body of a child in adolescence exposes individuals to enhanced anxiety...

The Evolution of Family in the USA

Due to various events and the emergence of new laws, the traditional forms of families are now opposed to new types of families that become more common and create new traditions and behavior changes. This paper will discuss the evolution of marriage and family in the U.S. over the past...

Honduras: Tourism Exploration Project

Honduras is the second-largest country in Central America. It attracts tourists with its natural beauty and diversity of wildlife. There are many places to see and activities to do, but it would be better to distinguish a few. An exciting place for tourists to visit is the city – Copan,...

Job Satisfaction in High School Athletic Administrators

The research performed by Gregory Green and Shirley Reese reported on the level of job satisfaction experienced by the athletic administrators in high schools. The authors assessed researches on the feeling of teachers in regard to the combination of teaching and administering the responsibilities that athletics demanded after noting various...

Aspects of Effective Communication in Marriage

Introduction Communication is the process of information transfer from a sender to a receiver through a certain medium. In this case, effective communication is the process of sending the right information to the intended receiver, who correctly receives the information and comprehends it. Based on this, effective communication is a...

Stress Management: The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale

According to the two tests I took, I can say that my stress level is slightly high. The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale shows that my score is 233, which is the average stress level. This suggests that I have a certain probability of acquiring psychological difficulties in the absence...

Measuring Muscle Function: Muscle Size and Strength Training

The target population includes young (18-30 years) and older adults (55 years and older). Young adults, individuals between 18 to 30 years of age, require endurance and muscle size training. Endurance is recommended because it is at this age, it is important for an individual to build up muscle mass...

Training Methods in Sports Management

The establishment and identification of a reliable training program allow trainees to integrate their capabilities and develop an internalized understanding of their course. Essentially, the right method of training must be selected to fit the people within it and attain a set of goals required for qualifications. There are many...

Marriage and Divorce: Poverty Among Divorced Women

Literature Review When marriages come to their unforeseen end, there are long protracted court battles over property ownership and children custody. The once married couple torn apart by differences in their marriage will be driven further apart by the court battles (Brinig & Allen, 2000). Many states have come up...

Corporate Social Responsibility for Development Through Sport

Levermore (2011) presented an empirical study depicting the association between CSR and sports as aspects fueling economic and social development. The research was conducted to address the paucity and dilemma apparent in relation to the evaluation of CSR. The results had the capability to avail vital information on how development...

Hotel Industry Branding and Marketing Strategy

Eco-certification for the Hotel Industry within the United States is a vital venture for the future of eco-tourism business. Certification is a voluntary process of assessing certain standards of facilities and services, Honey & Rome (2001). As a result, many hotels have not taken the initiative to get certified. Bien...

Site Description: Atlantis Paradise Island

Introduction The resort center that Royal Brewing Company chose was Atlantis Paradise Island. It is a water park and a resort that is located in the Bahamas, United States. It was launched in 1998 by the South African hotel. Its conducive serene is characterized by impeccable features like Trump Plaza—comprising...

Rasism in the USA: Personal Experience

Introduction Americans are busy languishing in their comfort zone assuming the realities of our way of life that make us unique all over the world. It is not something that we wish in our society it is just how it is. This is a country that was founded on slavery...

Divorce and Family Disorganization in the UAE

Introduction “The Gulf societies have been undergoing radical changes since the end of the 1970s. The Arab Gulf family is passing through a fast transition that affects its functions, roles, authority, and structure. One must start with a preliminary hypothesis that reviews the Arab Gulf family as a basic unit...

Dubai`s Tourism Achievements and Their Effect on the Excelling Dubai Economy

Introduction Dubai is one of the seven countries that form the famous united Arabs emirates. Located along the southern coast of the great Persians gulf, Dubai is one of the most popular cities of the United Arabs emirates; its uniqueness and distinction are embedded right from the name with the...

Managing the Hospitality Workforce in Hyatt Hotel in India

The Indian culture represents a challenge for many international companies. For this reason, Hyatt Hotel develops unique strategies to manage a culturally diverse workforce. The purpose of diversity management is to level cultural, religious, age, and social differences and create effective communication and a positive climate. Equality of treatment and...

Do the Trobrianders Have Fathers?

Introduction Trobrianders are the inhabitants of the Trobriand Islands officially known as Kiriwina Islands lying at the eastern coast of new Guinea. They live in traditional settlements and have traditional beliefs about reproduction. These people are completely ignorant of physiological paternity (Lyons 2004); they see no connection between copulation and...

Report on Norwich Guest House Sector

Introduction Background to the study The hospitality industry plays a significant role in the economic growth of Norwich UK. The guesthouse sector is one of the sectors which have greatly contributed to the country’s economic growth. This is due to the fact that the sector forms a significant proportion of...

Should Homosexuals Have Children?

Introduction Homosexuality can be defined as the practice of erotic behaviors or activities with a person of similar gender or sex. (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary). The practice which is a growing trend in America today has been one that is very controversial not only t religions but also to the law...

The Impact of International Sporting Events and Local Residents

Abstract Industrialized and developing countries bid for hosting such mega-sporting events as the Olympic Games and the World Cup. This happens mostly because of the economic benefits the country which hosts the tournaments gets. International sporting events proved to produce a certain impact on the residents of the countries which...

How Divorce Affects Children

Introduction Divorce causes mental anguish which contributes to psychological issues for both parties and their children. Depression is a common result of divorce, a condition that initiates a variety of other health concerns. The more contentious the relationship and consequential separation, the worse for all concerned but the children may...

Concept, History and Classification of Black Tourism

Introduction and methodology Tourism mostly involves traveling to an environment that is outside and distinct from one’s common habitation and for various reasons and aims. These range between leisure, recreation and to engage in commercial activities. From the humble beginnings of the early 1800s where only the wealth could afford...

American Family’ Changes Since the 1950s

American families are better off than they were 100 years ago because of the positive changes that have taken place in society for this period. Reportedly, more children experienced child labor in the 1900 than they do today, by working full time in mines, mills and sweatshops. In addition, people...

Health Clubs and Fitness Centers Popularity

Introduction These days more and more people become members of health clubs and fitness centers. People who have businesses in the spheres of human health and beauty prosper in the 21st century where men and women are preoccupied with these issues. The popularity of health clubs and fitness centers increases...

Japanese Tourists in Australia

Introduction Japanese tourists make up a distinguishing part of the Australian tourism market, usually taking short package tours which greatly concentrate on the iconic places of interest usually Sydney, Uluru, Gold Coast and Cairns, and viewing Australian native animals predominantly the koala (Hamilton & Clive 2005, p.3). There are various...

The Tower of London: Outstanding Place of Interest

Great Britain is well-known for its marvelous history and all things which contemplate the spirit of British culture and presence on the whole. This flow of grave events and historical data can be read out of the art masterpieces and architecture, in particular. I would rather describe this approach to...

Reasons of Divorce Analysis

First of all it is necessary to mention, that the reasons of divorce may be various. Some of them are rather banal, like material troubles or pestering. The others may be shocking and depend only on the fantasy of the spouses. Nevertheless, the mpst common reasons are regarded to be...

Self-Efficacy and Confidence in Sports Management

Introduction Sport management is a very important aspect in sports industry. Sports management is highly related to business aspect in sports industry. Sportsmen and women need to have vast knowledge in sports management as this is essential to enable them to succeed in sports. There are many sports activities that...

Effects of Caffeine in Fetuses or Pregnant Rats

Introduction Caffeine has been known to cause many deleterious effects starting from addiction to effects on the neurological development, skeletal development, and behavioral system of the offspring when the mother has consumed large quantities of it. Having gone through the various literature on the subject, I have decided to replicate...

Qatar Hosting FIFA World Cup 2022

Introduction FIFA World Cup is one of the largest soccer tournaments in the world. It is scheduled to occur in 2022, and the host country will be Qatar. The FIFA World Cup is one of the prestigious and widely popular sports events, which gives a hosting nation a number of...

The Leadership and Subordinate Job Satisfaction

Introduction Whenever there is a need to work toward achieving a common goal, leadership qualities are required, which is why developing even basic leadership skills is crucial for any person. However, one should keep in mind that there are several leadership types, each having its own set of advantages and...

Parental Divorce and Consequences for Children

Introduction Divorces are a common occurrence in the modern world, and most people are accustomed to the idea of a separated family. Nevertheless, psychologists have long been concerned with the consequences of divorce for children. Research shows that, compared to children who grow up in a full family, those whose...

Marriage Satisfaction and Its Factors

Marriage is a complex social phenomenon that is based not only on positive emotions of love but also on the ability of a couple to work towards the success of their relationship. Thus, many factors influence the positive outcomes of marriage and prevent individuals from experiencing disappointment or regret in...

My Experiences as a Walmart Employee

Introduction At some point in the past, I used to work in Walmart, which is an international trade giant that prides itself on providing cheap products of acceptable quality to its customers. They were also always hiring, so getting a job there was easy. Working at a big trade company...

Ideal Social Meeting Place from Personal Viewpoint

Introduction The ideal social meeting place is different for every individual since people’s notions of relaxation are dissimilar. For me, such a spot should be calm and pleasant first of all. If I were to open a coffee shop with the aim of turning it into the coolest place for...

Personal Leadership Development and Course Goals

Introduction Self-development for improving leadership skills is an indispensable condition for any ambitious employee. It is not enough just to want to achieve high results; it is important to train and learn new techniques that will help to adapt to a competitive environment and, at the same time, become a...

Media Monitoring Assignment

Introduction As it can be seen from the survey, my personal media usage altered with the course of time. It mainly happened because of the enormous development in the technological sphere, the influence of media, and individual changes. Even in 2005, I spent the majority of my free time watching...

Heritage Visitor Attractions in Malta

In the first part, this chapter undertakes a literature review on the Heritage Visitor Attractions (HVAs) in Malta. In this part, a review is done on the attractiveness of Malta as far as tourism and heritage are concerned. The second part of the chapter deals with the question of online...

Managing Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue Compassion fatigue is a common condition among many caregivers and community workers. This condition is “characterized by a gradual diminishing of compassion within a specified period” (Stamm, 2014, p. 2). The condition is also given the name Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS). Several risk factors and conditions are associated...

Responsibility as the Fundamental Quality for Any Person

Every human being is unique and inimitable. There is hardly a person who has the same set of values and feelings as some other individual has. It makes life diverse and complicated at the same time. To understand a person it is essential to realize his/her attitude towards universal truth,...

Miami as the World’s Famous Scene

Introduction My perception of Miami is not unique. Perhaps it can even be considered reductive in comparison to how vibrant are the parts of the city that I do not describe. However, I would like to say that despite its lack of originality, I hold strong feelings about the scene...

Family Life Education: Heritage Assessment

Common Health Traditions Based on Cultural Heritage The assessment of heritage characteristics of three families revealed some common traits and also differences. It seems appropriate to analyze each family in detail. The Latin family consists of the mother from Cuba, the father from Mexico, and their son. This nuclear family...

Sports Management Internship: Lessons Learnt

Sports facility management is a concept in sports designed to help keep leagues, tournaments, sports complexes, and all other activities orderly and running most efficiently (American Association for Health Education). Sport facility management is not just an issue of making sure that the leisure center is organized. It also involves...

The Identity of Luxury Hotels and Refined Table Arts

Introduction The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. According to Chevalier and Mazzalovo (2012), the number of hotels in Europe has registered consistent growth over the past five decades. These European hotels are currently facing stiff competition from others in North America, Asia-Pacific, Middle...

“The Gift of Sex” Book by Clifford and Joyce Penner

Is the Book “The Gift of Sex” for Me? Indeed, this is one of the most important questions that a young man or woman who is stepping into the life must ask him- or herself. This question can be paraphrased in the following way: “Am I ripe enough to read...

Cohabitation Relationships and Their Benefits

Young people who have reached marriage age today are involved in cohabitation relationships, especially people who want steady partners. Cohabitation offers various advantages to the couple as they get real-life learning experience on how to love, and they also adjust to each other on equal terms. The partners get the...

The Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup Bid

The award of hosting the World Cup in the year 2022 for the tiny desert country Qatar came as a surprise to many beating favorites such as Australia and the United States of America, which many people thought could win the rights. The FIFA executive committee had picked Russia to...

Single African-American Mothers’ Experiences with Their Sons

Introduction The previous chapter provided a detailed review of literature to help explore what other scholars have found in relation to this topic. In this chapter, the focus was to provide a detailed discussion of the methods and strategies used to collect and analyze primary data. Robinson and Werblow (2013)...

“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua

Introduction The parenting methods differ across cultures. The traditions in the children’s upbringing seem to be vanished by the process of globalization, which facilitates cross-cultural communication and the dissemination of different information. The book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is a bestseller by Amy Chua, a Yale professor and...

Work-Life Imbalance, Its Reasons and Outcomes

Description of Topic and Research Questions Topic Description The topic I would like to research is the life-work balance. In the modern world, this issue is becoming more and more actual. People spend a lot of time commuting to work. Sometimes, they work long hours or have an unsociable work...

Asian Hotel Industry and Digital Marketing Strategy

Introduction Industry background Emerging technologies have redefined marketing. One of the new areas of marketing that have emerged due to new technologies in digital marketing. Digital marketing is an important and ever-growing area of interest and a key component of marketing plans and business strategy in modern society where technology...

The Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kiev

The Hyatt Regency is a 5 star Hotel situated at the Kiev’s city center. It is adjacent to the most popular historical sites in Ukraine such as Kiev-Pecherska Lavra, Sofiyvskiy Sobor, Statue of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, and the ministry of foreign affairs. Hyatt Regency Kiev is within walking distance of Saint...

Dark Tourism and Theories of Its Motivation

Introduction The concept of dark tourism is becoming a more and more popular subject of research in modern studies. Scholars investigate the reasons why people are interested in dark tourism sites, and they agree that the most common motive is paying tribute to the deceased people and finding out more...

Theme Parks in Dubai

Marketing Problem The rapid development of the UAE has attracted attention from the representatives of other countries. Being one of the biggest cities in the whole UAE, Dubai turned out to gather the majority of tourists and local citizens who have the highest income. It amazes people with its magnificent...

Friendship as a Two-Way Process

THESIS: Friendship is a multi-faceted process that requires everyone be more attentive to needs of others; a good friend is one who less egoistic and selfish and more comprehensive and empathetic because a friend is not the one who had been given for another person from one’s birth as parents...

Parenting Style Comparison: Positive and Negative Impacts

Parenting is a form of bringing up a child. Different parents use different styles to raise their children. These parenting styles have positive and negative impacts on the young infants and the adolescents. The following are two different parenting styles; Authoritarian parenting and Permissive parenting. Authoritarian parenting This is whereby...

The Parent-Child Relationships Theories

Duties that a child has to his or her parents are unique. When it comes to parents, an individual is expected to do things that he or she will not do (or at least does not have to do) for other people. As the proof, if a rich person has...

“Same-Sex Marriage in Canada” by Jay Makarenko

Purpose of the research In the research paper, Same-Sex Marriage in Canada, Makarenko (2007) focused on the analysis of historical and legal processes that culminated in the legalization of same-sex marriages in the country. The author’s objectives were to illustrate and evaluate some important court cases that revolutionized the definitions...

FIFA and Corruption

How does this unethical behavior affect FIFA? FIFA is not only one of the most famous world cups with its traditions, history, and impact on society. It is an event that unites millions of people from different parts of the world. It is a story that helps to comprehend the...

Planning a Wedding: Hiring a Professional Manager

Introduction Planning a wedding is a task that requires meticulousness and much attention to detail. Usually, the best way to organize a wedding is to hire a professional manager with the skills and connections needed for such a task. The manager’s responsibilities include developing the wedding plan with the clients,...

Contemporary Couples Diversity

The collage combines images that reflect the diversity of contemporary couples and highlights the differences between couples today and those of 100 years ago. Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait is featured as a smaller image within the collage. The Arnolfini Portrait is a reference to the conventional lovers depicted in...

Love and Hate: Relationships in Shakespearian Othello and Life

Introduction The chapter titled “Love and Hate” criticizes the idealistic portrayal of love that exists in some media. It typically displays love as two people seeing each other, falling in love at first glance, and clicking together like two pieces of a perfect puzzle, never having a disagreement in the...

Impact of Anti-Racism Campaigns in English League Football

Despite the efforts to eliminate the phenomenon of racism from the sociocultural context of the contemporary global environment, it persists and continues to produce a detrimental effect on lives of racial minorities. Racism trickles into every facet of people’s lives, causing members of ethnically and racially diverse communities to experience...

Unveiling Freedom: Deciphering “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction “The Story of an Hour” is a famous and exciting short story by Kate Chopin. This literary piece describes the thoughts and feelings of Louise Mallard, who is told that her husband, Brently Mallard, tragically died in a railroad accident. Main body The author fails to present much information...

MLB and CBA: Consequences of a Lockout and Strikes

Lockouts and strikes are becoming more common in professional sports. MLB, NFL, NHL, and NBA teams have had eight labor disputes. According to Wen and Tsai (91), the NBA and players’ union have been operating under a CBA since 1998 that will last three more years. From 1998–1999, the NBA...