The Significance of Social Justice in Nursing Practice

Introduction Delivering equal opportunity for medical treatment for all people, irrespective of their specific traits is essential in healthcare and is referred to as social justice. Social justice, according to the AACN, is the equal manner in which individuals are treated despite their socioeconomic situation, race, ethnicity, age, nationality, impairment,...

Nursing Practice and Future Trends

Introduction The United States healthcare system has a high extent of division across several sectors, which increase barrier substantially to offering quality: and accessible care at an affordable price. Diverse strategic transformations have been progressively transforming the nursing practice in the context of America. The paper examines the work of...

Culture and Acculturation in the Nursing

Multicultural communication is exchanging information, ideas, and values between individuals from different cultural backgrounds. It is a process that involves understanding, interpreting, and responding to messages from other cultural groups. Multicultural communication originated from the need to bridge the gap between different cultures and nations, which was caused by the...

The COVID-19 Influence on Health Workers’ Mental Health

Summary The issues related to workers mental health attracted the attention of psychological practitioners and theorists’ attention right after the COVID-19 pandemic began. Certainly, the unknown disease was frightening initially, with mortality and severe complications. Factories and offices were shut, setting lockdown and isolation mode. Subsequently, the indirect consequences of...

Healthcare Systems in England vs. the US

England is the country that the student has chosen for analysis. The National Health Service is a tax-funded healthcare organization in England. The difference is that American healthcare organizations are funded through insurance programs like Medicare or Medicaid. Politics, culture, and other essential aspects affect the distribution of medical services...

Falls in the Elderly and Preventive Measures

Introduction As they are a primary cause of injury, illness, and mortality, falls are a major issue for elderly adults. As a result, research on fall prevention is crucial. Several recent research publications on the prevention of falls in older individuals will be examined in this review. In order to...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Non-Pharmacological Treatment

Delgado, J., Bowman, K., & Clare, L. (2020). Potentially inappropriate prescribing in dementia: A state-of-the-art review since 2007. BMJ Open, 10(1), 1-9. Web. The authors touch upon the problem of increased risk of inappropriate mediation and adverse drug effects emerging while treating dementia. The investigators aim at determining factors that...

Barriers to Healthcare Access: Adults with Mental Health Challenges

Access to mental health and healthcare is a crucial issue affecting the well-being of individuals and society. This issue has been studied from various sociological perspectives, highlighting different aspects of the problem and providing unique insights. Exploring the issue from the structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionist perspectives gives...

Patient Safety as a Responsibility of Nurses

Introduction Patient safety is a critical aspect of healthcare delivery, and the prevention of harm is the primary goal of healthcare professionals. Nurses are vital in providing safe patient care and have a professional and ethical responsibility to minimize or prevent safety concerns. Adverse events, unsafe acts, errors, and harm...

A Care Setting for a Patient With Learning Disability

Introduction Nursing care is one of the most common but underestimated services in hospital settings. While doctors focus on diagnosing and medical decision-making for patients, nurses are responsible for following prescriptions and treatment plans and supporting their patients in various ways. There are several types of nurses with specific obligations...

Parkinson’s Disease: Care and Treatment

Introduction One of the most devastating diseases of our time, Parkinson’s disease, is a pressing issue for healthcare providers worldwide. It is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the ability to control movement (Carranza et al., 2013). The main cause is the extinction of dopamine-producing cells of the brain, which...

Multiple Regression Analysis in Healthcare Scenario

Introduction Regression has a number of similarities with the discipline of machine learning when it comes to predicting and forecasting. Multiple linear regression is used to measure the correlation between two or more independent variables and one predictor variable. Discussion It is possible to predict hospital length of stay (LOS)...

Patient Autonomy in Nursing Practice

The first people affected by the patient’s decisions are the family members. Even though the patient has a malignant intestinal tumor, it is complex to understand why the patient does not want to be resuscitated. They are stressed and pressuring the nurses to do everything to keep their loved one...

Hospital Readmission as Healthcare Challenge

Introduction Reducing the number of patients who are readmitted to the hospital after being discharged is a problem that affects healthcare systems all around the world. One in five Medicare recipients in the US gets readmitted within 30 days of discharge. Hospital readmission under thirty days has been an expensive...

Urgent Care in Low-Income Communities in New York

Urgent Care centers have been around in the United States since the 1970s when they were first introduced as a more cost-effective alternative to traditional emergency rooms. In recent years, urgent care centers have become increasingly popular due to their convenient hours and wide range of services. These centers offer...

Continuous Glucose Monitoring PICOT (Nursing) Project

Discovery The topic and the nursing practice issue related to the topic Modern technologies of continuous monitoring of glycemia: developing possibilities of control and management. The information obtained during long-term monitoring allows nurses to determine the outpatient glycemic profile, which reflects a complete picture of the patient’s diabetes status. The...

Good Leadership and Its Importance in Nursing

The field of nursing has undergone a tremendous evolution that poises it to adequately handle modern challenges. The theme of leadership resonates throughout nursing and seldom much is achievable without it at the personal and organizational level. The qualities that make good leaders are personality characteristics that poise them to...

Becoming a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner

My interest in becoming a SANE has been present for many years, as I have always had a strong passion for helping those in need. Throughout my education and career, I have sought out opportunities to make a positive difference in the lives of those around me. I have always...

The Banner Health Organization’s Analysis

Introduction Comparatively speaking, the healthcare segment progresses and transforms at a more rapid rate than other sectors. To be competitive and successful for existence, organizations in the healthcare sector must prepare for the future. Organizations are well-prepared for whatever may arise along the way by making plans for the unanticipated....

Holistic Approach in Medicine: CIM Practitioner

Introduction The term holistic applies to many branches, referring to a whole set of phenomena and features. The holistic approach forms the basis of much scientific knowledge and practices, allowing the development of a broad perspective on problematic theories or phenomena. Within medicine, the term holistic refers to an approach...

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Field

The medical field constantly innovates and develops new technologies to improve patient care. Societies, in general, are significantly impacted by technological innovations (Giddens et al., 2021). One such recent innovation is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various applications, such as medical diagnosis and treatment. AI is quicker than...

Neurobiology: Recent Exploration of Brain Functioning

Research in the field of neurophysiology has led to the conclusion that during learning, plastic changes occur in the neural network of the brain. More precisely, a unique property of the brain is neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change as a result of experience and to...

A Doctor of Nursing Practice-Prepared Nurse in the Work Area

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)-A prepared nurse plays an important role in ensuring patients receive high-quality and safe care. Similarly, DNP-prepared nurses are directly involved in improving the healthcare system – they provide a link between health policy and practice. Beeber et al. (2019) observe that hiring practicing DNPs is...

The COVID-19 and Anxiety Disorders Infographic Analysis

Infographic Analysis I chose this organizational pattern to help people understand the concepts of anxiety and depression about COVID-19. The concepts of suffering from depression and anxiety is a global phenomenon that has increased due to COVID-19. According to Markel & Selber (2018) about 5% of adult populations worldwide experience...

How Can Nurses Provide Patient-Centered Care

The research article selected for this review can be found in the Google Scholar database. It was published in Applied Nursing Research, which is a US-based scholarly journal publishing peer-reviewed research for application in the nursing practice. The paper is related to patient-centered care, focusing on the communication preferences of...

Evidence-Based Practice in Diabetes Nursing Care

Introduction It might be challenging at times to determine the credibility of resources, especially those from online sources. Nurses providing frontline care have an obligation to stay informed about changes in patient safety practices in their field. In order to provide the best possible evidence, evidence based practice relies on...

Understanding Self in Professional Practice Using Gibbs’ Cycle

Introduction Gibbs’s reflective cycle is an important element of nursing practice, as it allows them to improve their practice, find strong and weak sides, and fix them. Therefore, I will use it to reflect on my practice, describe and evaluate it, to understand how I can improve it. Lack of...

Phone Triage: Patient-Centered Process

It is important to note that healthcare and delivery of health services not only requires competent healthcare professionals but appropriate and efficient management of resources as well. Phone triage is a process of ensuring that a patient receives the care he or she needs in a prompt, timely, and organized...

Major Depressive Disorder in a Latino Patient

Grace is a Latino Female Portuguese speaking from Brazil. She has lived in the USA for six years and is presently undergoing an immigration procedure for a change in legal status. The client has a history of anxiety, is 10 years into a marriage with two children, and has experienced...

Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks on Healthcare Organizations

The introduction of electronic health records (EHRs) has facilitated easy collection, analysis, access, and mass storage of patient data. The digital transformation has led to enhanced patient care, patient cooperation, and disease diagnosis. However, the presence of technology has brought forth cyber security healthcare risks (Dias et al., 2021). Therefore,...

Application of Blockchain in Healthcare

Introduction This article explores the possibility of using blockchain technology in the healthcare sector. The concept and essence of blockchain technology and the areas in which it is applied are being studied and revealed. The authors claim that blockchain technologies can significantly reduce the problems in the healthcare information sector...

The Existential Nursing Intervention Effects

Introduction Nurses are the primary healthcare providers who have acquired the skills necessary for treating patients. They play critical roles in hospitals, especially in their coordination with doctors. Patients in intensive care units need special monitoring for better healing. Positive communication between nurses and doctors creates a conducive environment for...

Information Security Policies in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction For any organization’s system to be secure, the company should be able to identify and prevent all risks. Such threats may be cloud and phishing attacks, insider and hacking menaces, among others (Esposito et al., 2018). Risk identification and assessment is a process of detecting, studying, estimating, treating, and...

Doctor-Nurse Relationships: Lessons Learnt

Introduction Providing healthcare systems and facilities with effective and efficient service delivery methodologies can be strengthened their ability to provide care. Health care systems in many nations struggle with a lack of human resources, which raises mortality rates and causes more maternal fatalities. Leading nations utilize the substitution or shifting...

Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare: Analysis

Fraud and abuse in the healthcare system have been one of the top enforcement priorities in the U.S. for the past few years. The Federal Department of Justice and U.S. attorneys are fighting Medicaid fraud and struggling to define abuse, fraud, and corresponding penalties. This research paper aims to identify...

The Joint Body Commission and the CARF

History and Original Purpose for Creation The joint body commission was founded in 1951 with the original purpose of seeking continuous improvement in healthcare for the public. The bodywork works jointly with other stakeholders evaluating healthcare organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the...

Nursing Teaching About Legal and Ethical Issues

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to uncover one ethical issue that nurse educators face in their practice. Plagiarism in the academic field has become a serious problem, especially with the widespread use of the internet. Thus, nurse educators have to teach their students about plagiarism and how to...

Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan

Introduction Multiple health issues affect communities, which results in the fact that residents of the same area are subject to similar problems. This information demonstrates that certain epidemiological and environmental factors contribute to this state of affairs. That is why it is possible to address all these risk factors to...

Telemedicine Services in Saudi Arabia

Introduction The health sector is constantly changing to respond to new diseases and patients’ changing needs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare industry has been overwhelmed with many patients and the need to protect uninfected individuals who visited the hospital. For this reason, many countries, including the Kingdom of Saudi...

The DNP Role: Module Reflection

Throughout the past semester, an insightful and transformational journey occurred to me since I improved my theoretical understanding of the DNP role and the importance of nursing research in constructing evidence-based practice. Moreover, I was encouraged to explore the theories of nursing and the importance of transformational and implementation science...

Psychoanalytic Theory Intervention Application

Introduction (Fiction) This paper is about a family that lost a child after a shooting at Tangle Wood School in Greenville. The news took the family by surprise, and everyone began to experience severe suffering. As a result, sleep, eating, and communication with other people worsened. Such factors lead to...

The Placebo Effect: Key Aspects

A placebo is a treatment or procedure that deliberately misleads the participant in the experiment. Usually in clinical experiments, in addition to the main groups of subjects receiving drugs, there are people who are not receiving real treatment, but who are familiar with the protocol. This approach is essential for...

Evidenced-Based Staffing in Hospitals

This study investigates the importance of evidence-based staffing in hospitals. The analysis shows a strong correlation between the completeness of the staff and the quality of its service. It is important to form a team that is interchangeable and professional. It is concluded that understaffing can bring more costs than...

Evidence-Based Practice in School Nursing

The health assessment procedure performed in one of the Chicago schools helped to reveal an important issue. Thus, the school lacks recommendations and strategies connected to evidence-based practice. Several factors evidence the importance of the given topic. First of all, nurses should have clear, transparent, and adequate guidelines to demonstrate...

Multi-Specialty Ambulatory Medical Facility in Abuja, Nigeria

Introduction This is a proposal for the establishment of a private profit-making, multi-specialty ambulatory medical facility in Abuja, Nigeria. Currently, the region is in need of modern and multi-dimensional medical facilities, which justifies the relevance of such an appeal. The purpose is to assemble a team of medical specialists who...

Childhood Obesity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Quantitative and qualitative data collection and study methods are distinct methods used in data analysis. While they differ in the type of data collected and approach, researchers must be aware of such techniques to develop their data collection and study methods (Hughes & Tarrant, 2019). Due to the varying...

Colorectal Cancer Screening and Its Importance

Introduction Colorectal cancer is among the most common cancers across the world. It starts either in the rectum or colon, and its naming depends on where it starts. Rectal and colon cancers are usually grouped because they have numerous common features. Due to this, they have the same screening tests...

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners’ Key Functions

A primary mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) plays a crucial role in providing mental health services. Psychiatric nurse practitioners frequently function as educators to patients, their caregivers, medical peers, and communities, promoting the concept that mental health is an important part of overall health. The function of a PMHNP is...

Refugee Health-Related Challenges

Strengthening effective preventive services for refugee populations: toward communities of solution The health care system has an unequal distribution of the effectiveness of service delivery mechanisms. One problematic sector is refugee health, which includes various barriers for immigrants to service delivery. It is connected with the bureaucracy and does not...

Workplace Conflict Between Nurses

Introduction The task of nurse leaders is to provide visionary leadership in order to foster a constructive work environment where disagreements are dealt with more effectively to maintain high standards of patient care (Angelo, 2019). The purpose of this essay is to discuss a situational conflict and how to deal...

Care for Dementia Patients in Nursing Homes

Introduction Dementia is detrimental to socialization and personal growth and development among patients since it impairs brain functions. Although dementia is not a specific disease, it is a group of conditions associated with at least brain malfunctions. The condition is common among people of ages 85 and above. Non-pharmacological interventions...

Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance

Infections acquired in the hospital are currently one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity. Proper hand hygiene practices, in turn, are considered to be an effective way to prevent the transmission of infections during communication and interaction between patients and medical staff. Despite the fact that health professionals...

Impact of Clinical Systems on Nursing Efficiency and Practice

Introduction Clinical systems are becoming essential tools for improving the procedures implemented to improve patients’ health outcomes. Informaticists, information technology (IT) specialists, and physicians collaborate to identify emerging technological models and equipment that can transform care delivery. The purpose of this paper is to offer a succinct annotation of four...

Diabetes Mellitus Self-Management

Introduction The chosen article Patients’ perspective on self-management: Type 2 diabetes in daily Life was written by Van Smoorenburg and colleagues, illuminating the issue of diabetes, focusing on keywords of diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes, and self-management. Managing diabetes mellitus is becoming more difficult for patients of all ages. Diabetes...

Aspects of Professional Nursing Practice

Introduction First of all, my resume provides complete information about my education and work experience in the field. It contains a detailed description of my work as a Registered Nurse, including a description of my competencies and responsibilities in a clinical setting. Separately, all the skills that I have and...

Professionalism in Nursing and Education

Introduction Professionalism to me as a nursing student means providing quality care to patients while adhering to the ethical and legal standards of the nursing profession. It also means being able to work well with other members of the healthcare team to provide the best possible care for patients. Further,...

Health Promotion Strategies for Elderly People

Introduction Over the past decades, the welfare of the aging population has become a growing concern of healthcare providers all over the world. This development is due to ” a tendency of constant growth in the elderly population” (Scartoni, Sant’Ana, Murillo-Rodriguez, et al., 2020, p. 1). Therefore, the need to...

PICOT and Nursing Practice Problem

Introduction Evidence-based practice presents an approach in which research evidence can be used for guidance in the decision-making process. PICOT is a tool used in clinical research that provides a clear formulation of elements within the research’s question. The use of the PICOT tool significantly contributes to the overall efficiency...

Cryotherapy for a Complex Adult Health Client

Introduction The application of ice and cold-water immersion for therapeutic purposes in cases of some tissue injuries and edema can be dated back to ancient times. Indeed, cryotherapy was initially proposed by Hippocrates for relieving body swelling and muscle pain (Kwiecien & McHugh, 2021). It exists in various forms, from...

Heart Disease in the Elderly: Risks, Pathological Changes, and Solutions

Heart conditions or cardiovascular diseases are highly prevalent among elderly individuals and are considered a leading cause of mortality among individuals over 65 years. However, most causes of coronary conditions are associated with high-risk lifestyle behaviors that individuals can choose to avoid. Heart diseases can result in severe illness and...

Effects of Food-Medication Interplay on Recovery

Introduction The impact of food or a nutrient on medication is known as a food-drug interaction. The absorption or metabolism of drugs can be changed by dietary nutrition. Individuals’ diets may affect how quickly or slowly their prescriptions work or even stop one from functioning altogether. Therefore, this essay examines...

Challenges and Techniques in Making Dental Impressions

Each oral cavity is unique and has different aspects. Some people can easily endure the procedure of making a cast, but others will find it incredibly difficult. Dentists often have difficulties because the materials used for such work can have inevitable negative consequences for patients. In particular, other parts of...

Health Effects of Malnutrition in Haiti

Malnutrition in children in Haiti has significant short and long-term effects on economies and society. Kids with severe acute malnutrition had fatality rates that were five to twenty times greater than those who were well-fed. Severe acute malnutrition is responsible for about one million intrinsically and extrinsically deaths. Infants who...

Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Case of Acute Kidney Injury

Introduction Acute kidney injury is characterized by increased serum creatinine and oliguria, a quantifiable indicator of urine output. AKI is at least seven days long and only occurs once. Acute kidney disease (AKD) is a group of operational kidney diseases that can be mild or severe. AKD can occur even...

Powerade Food Myth Buster: Investigating Health Claims

Electrolytes are substances with a natural negative and positive electrical charge when dissolved in water. The main essential electrolytes in the body include potassium, calcium, sodium, Magnesium, Chloride, and Phosphate. Individuals may get their electrolytes by eating nutritious diets, mainly whole foods. Electrolytes help keep the body hydrated, regulate muscle...

Importance of Perioperative Monitoring of Body Temperature

Introduction Body temperature is one of the classical vital signs defined as measure of how adeptly the body eliminate heat. Perturbation is both an indicator and a cause of which is relevant in making medical decisions. It is common for patients to have complications such as infectious fever or hypothermia...

The Importance of Posture and Stability

Introduction We have many mental images associated with posture. The advice from our mothers to sit up straight is probably the one we hear the most, and it makes a lot of sense from a musculoskeletal standpoint. When we adopt a “military posture,” such as sitting up straight or standing...

The Gibbs Reflection Cycle Method in Healthcare

Gibbs reflection cycle method consists of five steps that include a description of the event, feeling associated with it, evaluation of it, conclusion and further action. Therefore, I would like to reflect on the week one’s lab by implementing Gibbs reflection cycle method. During the labs students learned about the...

Neural Plasticity Following Traumatic Brain Injury

Cognitive impairments are one of the most prevalent and debilitating results of traumatic brain injury (TBI), and they can have a substantial impact on a person’s social and professional prospects. Thus, disruption to white-matter pathways induced by diffuse axonal injury (DAI) causes a wide variety of cognitive problems (Galetto &...

Researching of Health Informatics

Introduction Health informatics is a relatively emerging and interdisciplinary field within the healthcare sector that utilizes information technology to consolidate and scrutinize health records to enhance healthcare outcomes. The field relies on information science methods and technologies to solve emerging problems, make significant decisions, and promote quality care in all...

Welfare Analysis in the US Kidney Market

Introduction In every market, the forces of demand and supply play a crucial role in shaping the interaction between buyers and sellers. While free market economies are entirely regulated by demand and supply, government interference alters the conditions, leading to market inefficiency. As with every other industry, the market for...

The Nursing Education Project Theoretical Framework

Introduction The purpose of the author’s DNP project is to increase the satisfaction of newly graduated nurses with the nurse preceptors who are training them through education and training. They believe that currently, potential preceptors are not adequately trained and not ready to support new hires, which may in part...

White Muscle Versus Red Muscle Fitness

Introduction One of the most important factors of an athlete’s genetic giftedness in strength and aerobic sports is the predominance of fast (white) or slow (red) muscle fibers. It is the structure of muscle fibers and their quantity in certain skeletal muscle groups that determines the strength or endurance of...

Recreational Therapy Facilitation Techniques

Introduction and Definition of the Recreational Therapy Facilitation Technique Recreational Therapy or Therapeutic Recreation Is When Trained Providers Use Recreational Activities to Improve or Maintain a Person’s Cognitive, Emotional, Social, or Physical Functioning. People Who Receive This Therapy-Sometimes, Called Patients-Are, Are Often Ill, Have Disabilities, or Are Elderly. The Therapist...

A University’s Trainee Program Documents

Introduction The University’s board has decided to expand the trainee program, which means that students from other institutions will be accepted as a trainee and trained. To execute this, the counseling program management should have a detailed plan with the suggestions and changes to the existing policies that are needed...

Culture of the Nacirema in Modern Healthcare

As the pace of changes in the contemporary health care sector is considerably rapid, there is always a risk of knowledge gaps’ occurrence for all professionals. That is why it is highly essential to assist health care providers in developing their competencies for its further maintenance in order to advance...

Marijuana and Its Use in Healthcare

Introduction Cannabis is one of the well-known types of psychoactive substances, the legal status of which has always caused a fierce debate between proponents of legalizing marijuana and those who believe that marijuana use should be criminalized. This speech is aimed at an adult audience (over the age of 18(21))...

Third-Party Payers in Healthcare Reimbursement

Third-party payers play an important role in providing the foundation for healthcare organizations’ financial stability, the overall healthcare system, and the population’s well-being. Third-party payers’ activity in reimbursement of healthcare services focuses on payment of medical claims on behalf of the person receiving the services. Thus, the most common third-party...

Personality Disorders: Common Issues

Personality disorders are common as everyone has specific traits that can develop to the level of them being an actual condition. Unfortunately, it may be challenging for people who do not deal with the same problems to socialize with those who suffer from the aforementioned state. Personally, I have experience...

Health Aspects of Young Adulthood

Young adulthood is better characterized as a period of health-impairing lifestyles. This stage is defined as the period between 18 and 26 years, a time when youth have resources and a lot of time. This point in life is usually dubbed a transition period because people are moving from underneath...

Hospital Ownership Types and Impacts on Healthcare Finance

Introduction The hospital industry in the United States is a sector where three types of ownership have long existed. Many studies have focused on the differences between private non-profit, commercial, and public hospitals in terms of efficiency and treatment outcomes. Financial indicators also depend on the type of ownership of...

Utilization Management, Utilization Review, and Case Management Essentials

Utilization management, utilization review, and case management play a crucial role in the health care system for patients, insurance companies, and health care providers. These processes aim to improve the quality of health care delivery and optimize medical services in relation to their expediency and costs. In this paper, utilization...

Teenage Pregnancy Objectives and Causes

Abstract Teenage pregnancy is one of the leading public health concerns due to the significant burden of childbearing for underage girls in terms of physical and mental health, safety, and life achievements. The proposed research study is designed to investigate this topic and generate a reliable body of evidence capable...

The Male Nurses: Emotions and Behavior

The paper is worth reading because the descriptive content allows scholars to apply the gathered information in practice and extend the study. Quantitative studies allow scholars to support their theoretical hypothesis with practical experience and real numbers, enabling them to foreground the discussed claims. For this analysis, the article by...

The Immune System Types and Functions

It is rather important for the human body to defend itself from various infections and bacteria. The immune system exists specifically for this purpose, incorporating innate and adaptive immunity and other features. These two types of immunity represent the main arms of the system. One of the ways with the...

Australian Public Hospital Strategy

Australian public hospitals have faced many challenges during the last five years. Therefore, it is essential to mention the experience of the recent decision and its effect and designs a new strategy for the upcoming five years, namely from 2022-2027. In addition, some of the experience from hospitals worldwide can...

Cancer: Disease Specifics and RNA-Based Detection

Introduction Cancer is a common problem and one of the key causes of death in the population. Risk factors associated with the development of cancer cells relate to radiation exposure, damage to the body by pathogens, as well as hereditary predisposition. Different types of neoplasms are named according to their...

What One Needs to Know About Acne

Introduction A person’s skin contains tiny holes known as pores which can be blocked by dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil. When they become clogged, a pimple develops in the skin, known as a blemish or zit (“Acne – Symptoms and Causes”). If a person develops several spots at...

Theory of Interpersonal Nursing

Introduction Nursing theories bridge the gap between knowledge and practice thus influencing the patient outcomes. They are commonly applied in guiding education, research, and clinical activities. Specifically, the theories are used to evaluate care interventions and provide a rationale for decision-making. However, their application can only produce positive impacts if...

Age Stereotypes and Ageism in Hospitals

Introduction to Age Stereotypes and Ageism Despite the fact that medical advancements have made humans more long-lived, prejudice and discrimination still plague people’s prospects for longer lives. In a perfect world, everyone views themselves as equal, regardless of ethnicity, financial level, gender, or age. Ageism, or age discrimination, is ingrained...

Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are both eating disorders; due to the peculiarities of the course of disorders, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish them. In both cases, it is possible to refuse to eat, excessive concern about body weight and appearance, depressive states. At the same time, the...

Evidence-Based Nursing Case Study

Understanding the nature and composition of a group or an individual requires proper analysis that encompasses various approaches to extract the right information. A researcher should comprehend the features of the subject in order to design the appropriate method. For situations that require deep insight into the person or event’s...

Women’s Mental Health Program Proposal

Mental health conditions are highly prevalent in modern communities, with women reporting higher levels of distress, because of the increased pressures of daily living and complex factors that interfere with their well-being. As a result, we have made it our mission to lend a hand by empowering women and putting...

Types of Burns and Risks

Background Every human being faces numerous risks during his/her usual activities. These might include traumas because of physical impacts, such as hematomas, fractures, pain, cuts, and burns. The last one can be determined as the damage caused to skin, bones, muscles, and other tissues because of fire (Pathak, 2020). However,...

Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratios: Improvement Plan

There are numerous considerations to be deliberated upon while bringing about a change in a healthcare facility. It is a complicated process that incorporates a variety of persons, phases, difficulties, as well as drivers. Methods for executing the intended changes are discussed in this paper. This essay will deliberate the...

An Analysis of the Affordable Care Act

New acts in the spheres of healthcare always entail both considerable challenges and opportunities for all stakeholders. As a result, every new act, especially those which imply major changes, gets subject to criticism. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) enacted in 2010 became significant legislation which, to a large extent, reformed...

Blood Clotting Disorders as a Study Topic

Research Many factors need to be considered when analyzing and thinking about the consequences and causes of this kind of disease. The most important may be the hereditary connection, which transmits poor blood circulation and suffers from more than one generation. The problem of this disease has been bothering humankind...

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action

Canada is a country with a population of high cultural and ethnic differences due to a variety of communities that occupy the land. The Truth and Reconciliation commission follows a righteous mission of identifying the scope of issues that Canadian indigenous peoples face and developing strategies to address and resolve...

The Case of Ebola Outbreak

Introduction The Ebola virus disease became one of the main concerns for medical specialists and scientists around the world in 2014. Particularly, Ebola-affected West Africa, starting in the rural regions of Guinea and then spreading to urban areas, as well as beyond Africa (Jacob et al., 2020). Eventually, Ebola became...

Project Management in Healthcare

Project management in healthcare involves several skills and techniques that improve the efficiency of operations in medical facilities. The two important concepts that were learned in the course are the process of creating a project timeline and the utility of an outline for creating a review/plan/paper and proposal. Both of...

The Use of Ceramics in Medicine

Introduction A ceramic is an inorganic non-metallic material composed of metal or non-metal components that are manufactured and subsequently hardened at high temperatures. Since they are utilized daily, high-tech ceramics have generally been connected with medical devices. Traditional ceramics are made of clay, whereas high-performance or advanced ceramics are made...

Muscles of Mastication: Origin, Insertion, Action

Research The key purposes of the muscles of mastication are to assist in food grinding, teeth approximation, and the eating process. Interestingly, these muscles may be divided into the primary and the secondary ones, and while the latter group consists of about eight muscles, the former includes only four. According...

The Science Behind Obesity and Its Impact on Cancer

In their article, Stern et al. (2019) address the connection between cancer and physical activity, diet, and obesity in Latin America and the USA. The significance of this research is determined by the fact that due to increased globalization, transitions in dietary practices may be observed. That is why children...

Cultural Effects on Canadian Indigenous People’s Health

Introduction Health geography provides a valuable aid in studying medical practices. This discipline introduces knowledge about the peculiarities of healthcare and medicine, depending on the geographical information of the studied area, culture, and people. This topic is particularly significant for Canada since a local indigenous population has peculiar health treatments....

The Critical Nutrients for Athletes

Introduction Becoming a successful athlete is a matter of not only consistent training and improvement of one’s skill but also deep consideration of appropriate nutritional choices that enable the optimum strength to train effectively. While an individual may need to adjust their diet depending on the type of sport and...

Post-Stroke Anxiety and Depression

Nowadays, the gap in the literature regarding depression diagnosis and treatment in post-stroke patients is gaining more attention. According to Quattropani et al. (2018), although individuals also exhibit stress after a stroke, symptoms of depression have started receiving more scientific attention. Recent research has focused on post-stroke anxiety (PSA), which...

Effects of Eating Bags of Microwave Popcorn for Years

Eating bags of microwave popcorn for years is claimed to cause “popcorn” lung from inhalation of the flavoring used on the popcorn. Plaintiffs with the medical problem sued the popcorn makers and the maker of the flavoring. The flavoring maker asserted it was not liable under the bulk-supplier defense. Daughetee...

Borderline Personality Disorder: Description, Diagnostics, and Management

Introduction Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that impacts emotional control leading to intense anxiety, impulsiveness, mood swings, and personal isolation. BPD is a chronic condition common in both the general population and clinical settings. Intensive fear or distress during childhood and past emotional, physical, and sexual...

Youth Struggling with Mental Illnesses

Mental Health Problems All three components: body, “soul,” and society, are closely related to each other and affect a person’s well-being and condition. The ability to cope with stress, anxiety, and bad moods reduces the likelihood of psychosomatic diseases based on psychological causes. However, there are more and more cases...

The World Trade Organization’s Impact on Public Health

The World Trade Organization is an integration organization established on 1 January 1995 to liberalize international trade and regulate its member states’ business and political relations. It is responsible for developing and implementing new trade agreements, oversees their performance, and monitors trade quality. The WTO was initially created based on...

Bhopal Disaster: Analytical Evaluation

Introduction The Bhopal accident occurred in India almost 40 years ago, on December 2, 1984. This disaster claimed the lives of 3800 people, tens of thousands were injured from contact with toxic substances, and 102,000 were disabled (Lucchini et al., 2018). The incident occurred when water entered a methyl isocyanate...

Anxiety Disorder as a Mental Health Challenge

Cognitive or Mental Health Challenge Anxiety is common in stressful events, such as delivering a speech or passing an exam. When sensations become overwhelming and all-consuming and conflict with everyday life, anxiety is just a symptom of the underlying sickness. There are various risk factors for anxiety that raise the...

Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Summary Strategic planning is an essential part of organizational development that allows a business to remain viable and sustainable in a dynamically changing world. This type of planning allows highly effective use of available resources and opportunities in order to optimize the organization’s future development (Teixeira & Junior, 2019). In...

How War Trauma Evolved During World War I

Research question: How did war trauma evolve in clinical and scientific perspectives during World War I? Primary Sources “Letters from the First World War, 1915.” Trenches. This source is a collection of letters soldiers wrote in the First World War to their family members and friends. It is a primary...

The Asylum-Madness: The Rise and Fall

Challenges The rise of the asylums happened in the 1800s, and at that time, it was a widespread type of institution for mentally ill people who had severe disorders and required special care from professionals. Eventually, when the patients were sent to the asylums, they usually stayed there for the...

Medical Information System and Its Issues

A health information system is a software data files, retrieval, and analysis method. It is intended for use with a period, online central processing unit CPU for the quick and easy production, management, and evaluation of generic data files. It is widely characterized as a system that combines data collecting,...

The Concept of Accountability in Healthcare

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced the concept of accountability to increase the value of patients in the healthcare system. The most important goal is to reach their distinctive features, which enable value-based results driven by leveraging physicians and hospitals to work collaboratively to deliver quality patient care (Lewis...

Enzymes in the Human Digestive System

Digestive enzymes are compounds that ensure the proper digestion of foods consumed. Among the organs that help produce digestive enzymes are the salivary glands, small intestine, and pancreas. These organs do so by breaking down the significant, complex compounds that create proteins, carbs, and lipids. This permits the micronutrients in...

The Mayo Clinic Asthma Website for Consumer Health

Introduction and Consumer Website Description The internet provides essential health information for people across all demographics. It is, therefore, crucial that the quality of information available to the general public is of impeccable standards. By assuring the quality of health website information, consumers can make informed personal health decisions. This...

The Duality of the Nostalgia Phenomenon

Introduction Nostalgia has become an emotional reaction that influences individuals to prefer longing for the past more than living in the present. It is indeed much more than a concept of the past but rather an altered view of the current circumstances. With most cognition in global capitalism, nostalgia has...

The American College of Healthcare Executives: Leadership Reflection

Leadership is defined as the ability to be influential to an individual, a group or even a society towards achieving their desired or intended goals, besides, becoming best of their capabilities. Leadership can therefore be termed as a process and not just a one-day activity. To be a successful leader...

Smoking Ban Ethical Considerations

Introduction Many cross-cultural taboos reflect the negative aspects of smoking in general. Moreover, the process usually has detrimental health and environmental implications, especially in the case of cigarettes. While the modernization of the typical smoking tools has allowed decreasing their unfavorable side effects, some still argue for a complete ban...

Nutrients: The Distribution in the Food Groups

Macronutrients and micronutrients play an important role in the human body, which include but are not limited to supporting the healthy functioning of vital organs, promoting wound recovery, growth, and maintaining metabolic activities. These nutrients are distributed in different food groups in varying amounts. Additionally, the nature of the nutrients...

Healthcare: The Importance of Accessibility

Healthcare is an important aspect that guarantees that good quality of life is maintained and alleviates people from illnesses. Healthcare currently is not accessible to everyone, but this should not be the case because everyone should have access to healthcare. Various advantages can be seen if healthcare was provided to...

Nursing Intervention into Public Health Issues

Intervention Analysis In the medical discipline, Nurses play an essential role in providing professional health care to patients. This is because they have undergone special training, which has enabled them to acquire relevant knowledge and skills to handle the sick. Nurses attain set goals by focusing on specific public health...

Candidiasis: Pathophysiology and Treatment

Summary Candidiasis is a wide word that refers to infections of the skin, mucosa, and deep-seated organs caused by a fungus of the Candida type. These infections can occur at any age and are frequently associated with plainly recognizable risk factors for infection. Invasive Candidiasis includes Candida spp. bloodstream infections...

Impact of Obesity on Healthcare System

Effect of Obesity on Quality of Care Patients suffering from obesity suffer immensely from stigma during the process of care due to avoidance. This stigma ultimately affects the quality of care they receive from the healthcare teams availed to them. Stigma is mainly due to the association of obesity with...

Mental Healthcare Aspects of Latinos

Caplan, S. (2019). Intersection of cultural and religious beliefs about mental health: Latinos in the faith-based setting. Hispanic Health Care International, 17(1) 4-10.  In her article, Caplan (2019) addresses the impact of religion and culture on Hispanics/Latinos’ mental health care receiving and their attitude to mental health treatment. Regardless of...

Interprofessional Teamwork in Healthcare

Interprofessional teams are best suited to dealing with complex dynamic and challenging medical issues. Through an interprofessional approach, expertise and perspectives may be exchanged by healthcare providers to achieve the common goal of improving one’s health and outcomes while effectively using resources (Wei et al., 2020). Interprofessional education (IPE) is...

Independent Contractors in Nursing

An Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is a type of medical profession in which there are two ways to find employment. There is a more traditional way called W2 and 1099 – an independent contractor. Considering the various aspects of these types of employment, it is possible to choose the most...

Aloe Vera: Inside and External Use

Introduction Aloe vera is a plant from the succulent family, which is well known for its healing properties. Aloe vera will be an excellent helpful supplement for many dishes. Although the plant itself will not significantly change its taste, it will be able to improve the texture and make the...

Trending Diets to Curb Obesity

Summary Over the years, humans have been struggling to observe their weight by getting involved in body exercises that are believed to maintain body shape and avoid the risk of getting obese. However, it is not easy to continue with gym exercises and the expenses that come with it. Therefore,...

Implementing Sound Therapy in the Saudi Arabia Context

Executive Summary This paper describes the essence of sound healing, its types, benefits, and origins to create a solid background for its implementation into national centers in Saudi Arabia. Being introduced centuries ago, vibrational medicine was proved as sufficient practice to improve their emotional and physical well-being. Today, the community’s...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention Strategies

Introduction Pressure ulcers often affect patients who sit in wheelchairs or are confined in beds for prolonged periods of time. Researchers point out that while multiple people can be affected by this issue, it is preventable if the necessary measures are applied to the treatment (Mitchell, 2018). The purpose of...

Interventions for Homeless With Mental Illness

Doulas, A. V., & Lurigio, A. J. (2010). Youth crisis intervention teams (CITs): A response to the fragmentation of the educational, mental health, and juvenile justice systems. Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations, 10(1–2), 241–263. doi:10.1080/15332586.2010.481893 In this article, the researchers conduct a non-systematic literature review to explore preliminary and anecdotal...

Holistic Care and Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine

When working with a patient, it is necessary to make sure that they receive proper care, and all efforts are aimed at making their state better. However, a patient may look good, there can be no signs or symptoms of their disease left, but there may still be something that...

Nursing: The Theory of Human Caring

Introduction The role of an APN is essential on multiple different levels. While it is critical to follow all the guidelines regarding providing patients with the best care possible, it is crucial to apply an emotional aspect to the communication and relationship with the person receiving the care. The most...

Causes and Treatment of Autism in Children

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition connected to brain development that impacts how people perceive and communicate with others. It also eliminates problems in the child’s social interaction and socialization. Autism spectrum disorder poses numerous challenges for treatment, although more significant research studying brain illnesses is increasing as...

The Mental Health Problem in New York City

Introduction If present mental health statistics are any indication, New York City is on the verge of a major catastrophe. Most stakeholders have always managed to find a way to minimize the relevance of mental health as a serious problem, and the facts have not always been as scary as...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’s Treatment

Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: A review of evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12. The article, Watkins et al. review different psychotherapy interventions that can be applied in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among adults. Most patients that experience...

A Case of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Subjective Biographical Data: Name: Mr. Smith. Age: 70yrs. Race: British Male. Marital Status: Married. General Appearance: Fair general condition. Source/Reliability: Retired from the local university where he was the supervisor of the Building & Grounds department. Chief Complaint (CC): Increased frequency in urination. Incomplete bladder emptying. Hard time starting a...

Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) are among the most commonly diagnosed behavioral health disorders prevalent in children. Children with the oppositional defiant disorder are at risk for eventually developing other problems besides conduct disorder, including anxiety and depressive disorders (Association, 2013). The symptoms of both these conditions...

Lewy Body Dementia: Diagnosis/Condition

LBD is a condition that leads to the development of dementia and which predominantly affects people over the age of 50 (Taylor et al., 2020). In the United States, over 1 million patients, with higher prevalence among men when compared to women (Sanford, 2018). The etiology of LBD is the...

Fluid Balance in Human Organisms

Evolutionarily, human organisms developed well-controlled regulatory mechanisms that maintain fluid balance because water is an essential medium for all biochemical reactions in the body. Indeed, specific hormones and signaling molecules, like aldosterone, cortisol, and antidiuretic hormone, are known to regulate water-salt balance in the body by promoting or stopping diuresis...

The Evolution of the Panspermia Hypothesis

Introduction Illustrating enormous biodiversity, life on the Earth has been a prominent area of natural science research for centuries. The panspermia hypothesis is among the controversial theoretical propositions touching upon the possible origins of life on the planet and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Panspermia supposes that life in the...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Robotic Surgeries

Robotic or robot-assisted surgery is a new technology that allows surgeons to operate with better control, precision, and flexibility. Since its introduction, it has been used for a wide range of procedures by hospitals in Europe and the United States. However, complications can occur despite the reports of surgeries’ better...

Aspects of the Health Awareness

The healthcare setting of the 21st century can be characterized by the intensifying dialogue between clinical experts and the population. More specifically, the professional community increasingly recognizes the bilateral nature of medical relations. In this regard, people must be taught the key principles of personal and public health through effective...

Diagnosis and Management of Dementia

The world’s population is aging, and advances in modern health care have meant that people are living longer. However, at the same time, the number of people suffering from non-communicable diseases is increasing. One of the essential tasks of today’s health care system is to preserve the older generation’s health...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Using an Evidence-Based Checklist

Introduction Issues of clinical relevance are often not narrowly focused but instead seek to explore a set of practical measures that can make the patient’s experience better. Including one such pressing issue is the prevention of bedsores for inpatients who cannot perform physical activity. It is widely known that bedsores...

The OpenEMR System and Its Project Phases

The OpenEMR system has three different interfaces to suit the needs of different users. The first user interface is designed for patients or clients. The clients’ UI is simple to ensure a good customers experience while using the system. It has bright colors that blend into each other to enhance...