Healthcare Challenges in Native American Communities and Cultural Competency Needs

Abstract Culturally competent care is a new approach in the context of delivering healthcare services to members of minority groups. At its core, this concept espouses the need to acquire a certain level of cultural sensitivity that stems from the realization that there are certain factors and historical precedents that...

Quality Improvement in Professional Nursing

Introduction Quality in nursing and health care is one of the most fundamental concepts. Though it is frequently compared with safety and positive outcomes, it is wrong to search for similarities or contradictions of all these issues in order to grasp their essence. Quality is a complex and multidimensional aspect...

Educational Preparation for Nurses

Differences in Competencies between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-Degree Level versus the Baccalaureate-Degree Level In some cases, it may be challenging (especially for a non-professional) to differentiate between the baccalaureate- and the associate-degree levels of nursing preparation. This difficulty is aggravated by the fact that both programs require passing the...

Collaborating Community Nursing and Faith-Based Nursing

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate community nursing collaboration with faith-based nursing. Faith-based nursing is delivered by various religious or faith-based organizations (FBOs). These organizations have a rich history of autonomously and collaboratively advancing health promotion programs in different areas, including health education, screening for illnesses, management...

Healthcare Technological Advancements: Pros & Cons

Introduction Since the invention of the stethoscope in 1816, technology has continued to change healthcare in a positive way by enhancing and expanding the capabilities of clinicians (Ramundo, 2012). The various forms of technologies have transformed the way modern nurses work. The technology also progresses along with nursing roles in...

Health Education Effects on Patients With Hypertension

Experience has proven that the patients diagnosed with hypertension do not always know the factors that influence high-blood pressure and what precautionary measures should be taken in order to avoid the increase of blood pressure. The paper reviews the related studies and suggests the combination of direct communication and modern...

Nursing Process and Culturally Competent Care Delivery

Introduction Since 2000, the Hispanic population, i.e., persons of Latino descent, in the U.S. has grown by 43%, raising the demand for culturally appropriate nursing care for this cultural group (Sobel & Metzler, 2016). A disproportionate risk of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, TB, and HIV/AIDS has been observed among...

Combatting Fad Diets: Nurse-Led Educational App

Solution The issue of fad diets is rather broad as it encompasses every cluster of the population regardless of their age, gender, socio-economic status, and other factors. To reach the goal of educating the population on healthy eating habits and eating behavior, a nurse can start with educating patients whose...

Innovative Technologies in Nursing: Pros and Cons

General Aspects of the Topic Development of innovation in the medical sphere; The emergence of new treatment and care means; Importance of innovative resources in medical care; Influence of innovations on nursing practice; Advantages and disadvantages of new technologies; Development recommendations for the future. The main goal of the work...

The Biological Theory of Aging

The biological theory of aging combines two main approaches toward aging in the human body: programmed and damage (error) theories. Programmed theories are based on the assumption that the aging process is regulated by gene expression and changes that happen in those. Damage or error theories specify environmental assaults as...

Circumcision Ethical Dilemma and Nurse’s Role in It

Introduction Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of a male child’s penile skin. In some African tribes, this ritual takes place in girls as well, namely, circumcision of the clitoris and the labia minora. However, this paper focuses on the procedure in males. Circumcision of newborn boys for...

Nursing and Midwifery Recognizing Domestic Violence

Introduction, Problem, and Purpose The article “Are We Failing to Prepare Nursing and Midwifery Students to Deal with Domestic Abuse? Findings from a Qualitative Study” is a qualitative study conducted by Bradbury-Jones and Broadhurst (2015). This research article explores the issue of nursing and midwifery students recognizing abuse in practice....

The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Health Education and Patient Advocacy

Introduction Despite the fact that nurse practitioners are obliged to inform their patients, provide medical services, and make various records, they also have to be competent in the sphere of health promotion and education. Nurses are expected to explain basic standards of a healthy lifestyle to people who might not...

Direct vs. Indirect Care Providers: Roles and Skills Analysis

Introduction The health care industry has many areas that may seem unrelated to the health care services’ provision. Nurse administrators, nurse informaticists, and many other positions are not related to the provision of the health care services, and they are called indirect care providers. Direct care providers are occupied in...

Randomized Control Trial in Nursing Research

Randomized control trial (RCT) is considered “the gold standard” in the assessment of healthcare situations (Block, 2006, p. 102). RCTs have several major advantages such as attention to the probable sources of mistakes, decreased bias, and decline of confounding (Block, 2006; Loiselle, 2007). However, even with their abundant benefits, RCTs...

Biomedical Ethics in Christian Narrative

Introduction The case study of ‘Healing and Autonomy’ demonstrates how Christians can make inappropriate decisions regarding the treatment of their children. In the case study, Mike and Joanne are parents who have an ailing son, James. The parents contemplate providing the best care for their son, according to their Christian...

Examples of Environment in Nursing Metaparadigm

Environment in Nursing Metaparadigm: Introduction Nursing is a unique occupation that is extremely important for our society. It is focused on providing help to people in need to guarantee their recovery and significant improvement of the quality of life. However, not everyone could become a nurse as it presupposes specific...

The Role of Nurses in the Problem of Obesity

The prevention of cardiovascular diseases is directly associated with developing effective strategies to address the problem of obesity in Western countries, including the United States. Much attention should be paid to the role of nurses in this process. Even though nurses cannot control people’s daily activities and prevent them from...

Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model in Nursing

Introduction Nola Pender is a nursing theorist who is famous for the Health Promotion Model. Pender does not describe health as the absence of different illnesses and diseases. Her model considers health as a positive dynamic condition. Pender’s model is the promotion of healthy lifestyle in order to increase a...

Heritage Assessment: Trends, Issues, and Effective Management Strategies

Heritage Assessment A heritage assessment is very useful for healthcare professionals because it provides them with an opportunity to find out a lot of health traditions that particular cultures have and then apply them to meet the needs of their customers (Kelly & Weber, 2013). As nurses are initially taught...

Health Assessment of North Miami Community: Key Issues and Recommendations

Introduction The community selected for this assignment was North Miami, a large community that is in a relatively good condition; however, it included some of the problematic areas. This review is focused on the primary characteristics of the community in terms of socio-economic dynamics, living conditions, and health-related issues. North...

Community Nursing Approaches for Preventing and Managing Childhood Obesity

Introduction In the recent decades, the issue of childhood obesity in the US has been increasingly coming to the forefront in the public view and in academia as a major health problem. Currently, the obesity rate in the States is some of the highest in the world, with a significant...

Maternal Role Attainment Theory in Practice

The sphere of nursing care connected with the relationships between parents and children remains quite complex due to the enormous role that such type of communication plays in the life of every single person. According to the assignment, we are supposed to analyze the case of Ms. Montayer, who has...

Approaches to Conflict Resolution in Miami Hospital: Methods and Outcomes

Identification of the Conflict The current conflict transpired in one of the hospitals in Miami and involved two individuals, Jacqueline and Lisandra. The latter is a nurse manager, and the former is a nurse. The conflict transpired because of incompatible personal interests and ineffective role assignment process. The conflict developed...

Social Media in Nursing Practice

Introduction It is evident that social media became one of the most powerful instruments used by numerous specialists from a variety of professions (Hood, 2014). People use social networks to find out about the latest news and exchange information. It is interesting how the current state of the social media...

Ecstasy, Its Origins and Effects on Body and Mind

Introduction The largest province in Canada is Quebec. It is not in isolation in the fight against drug abuse. Young people engage themselves in drug abuse due to various reasons. It may include peer pressure, to deal with pain, rejection, low self-esteem, curiosity and as a way of having fun....

Family Health Assessment: A Comprehensive Overview of Gabriela’s Approach

In the quest to understand the lifestyles of people living in the United States and ascertain their wellness needs, I developed a questionnaire attached at the appendix of this essay. Using the questionnaire, I collected data from a family that resides in the state of California. The questionnaire had a...

Democratic Style of Leadership and Attributes of Leadership in Graduate Nursing

Introduction For the purposes of this assignment, I completed a short eighteen-question quiz that helped me to recognize my leadership style. The results of the quiz reveal that I lean towards a democratic style of leadership. Democratic leaders or participative leaders value the collaboration of a group and engage it...

Budgeting Responsibilities in Nursing Work

Nurses have always affected the way resources are allocated through their reports and commentaries concerning things they need to complete tasks assigned. At present, budgeting has become an indispensable part of nursing professional activity. In many cases, nurses provide reports including their potential budgets for a certain period. Nursing professionals...

Insomnia: Causes and Treatment

Abstract This study aimed to explore to root causes of sleep disturbances, sleeping pills use, and their subsequent side effects among insomniacs. Insomnia is a common health challenge globally with severe health challenges. A thematic analysis was conducted on data obtained from the messageboard posts by seven patients. The findings...

Geriatric Nurses’ Role for Elderly Patients

The efforts of geriatric nurses are concentrated on the health of elderly patients. Understandably, this patient group faces an increased risk of various traumas and diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s). Therefore, the main objective of geriatric care is the development of effective preventive measures (Arai et al., 2011). On a larger scale,...

Transcultural Nursing and Hispanic Patient’s Outcomes

Introduction Background The essential aspect of developing and delivering healthcare to the patients is to improve the outcomes in terms of efficiency of the process, enhancing the rate of recovery, and improving the quality of life for the patient. Cultural competence is an important aspect of the patients within a...

Humanistic Theory in Childhood Obesity Research

Overview and Guiding Propositions It should be noted that the theoretical construct of the future research would be built around the principles of humanistic theory. Its main guiding proposition lies in the understanding that people are not a collection of body parts and functions but complex beings in whom all...

Hospitals’ Centralized Organizational Structure

Work Process Organizing Organizing the work process performs a vital role in any company. Since health institutions are responsible for people’s welfare, managing them needs to be effective to the greatest extent possible. There are two kinds of organizational structure: centralized and decentralized. The former one is more traditional. It...

Modern and Traditional Nursing Educational Frameworks

The worksheet presented below is targeted as describing two educational frameworks of perennials and positivism. Its analysis will be beneficial for understanding the key principles as well as the way in which both frameworks are used in education and can be used in the nursing curriculum. Perennialism – A Traditional...

Educational Preparation in Nursing: Key Programs and Their Importance

The work of a nurse requires specialized education, considering the level of responsibility essential for health care system. Therefore, the need for the workforce having a quality education is rather high in modern hospitals and other facilities of such nature. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of associate-degree nursing and baccalaureate-degree...

Windshield Survey in Winchester, VA: Key Findings and Insights

The relevant Windshield Survey has been conducted in Winchester. The city is situated in the north of Virginia State. According to the official figures, the population of Winchester makes 26,330 inhabitants most of which are English speaking people (Winchester, VA Demographics, 2013). The data collected in the survey allowed one...

Barriers to Research Use in Hospitals: Evidence-Based Practice Challenges

A few studies opined the prevalence of supposed barriers to the research use at the hospital setting. They argued that such barriers affected the capability of nurses to implement evidence-based practice in the hospitals. The article endeavors to analyze this finding. The article is not able to discern evidence to...

Open and Close HMO Panels: Understanding Their Differences and Benefits

Introduction Improving the working conditions of medical professionals is essential for quality health care delivery. Health Medical Organizations (HMOs) operate in the health care environment to offer members services similar to those offered by insurance companies to cater for their unique needs (Taylor et al., 2010). The beneficiaries of the...

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Implementing Best Practices for Patient Care

Abstract Evidence-based practice has gained massive relevance in the field of nursing because of the need for accountability and efficiency among the nurses. The increasing demand for healthcare services in the global society has created a situation where nurses are no longer mere assistants to doctors. There are cases where...

Bioethics of Medical Marijuana: Kantianism vs. Utilitarianism

The Bioethical Issue The global society is facing numerous issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and medical marijuana. Bioethics is “a powerful field that encourages people to deal with different controversial issues” (Thiroux & Krasemann, 2011, p. 36). The issue of medical marijuana is a topic that matters a lot...

Nurses’ Role in Environmental Health

Abstract The environment has a substantial impact on people’s lives as far as people’s activity is always connected with being in the particular environment. Environmental health is often referred to as the public health segment that aims to investigate the impact of environment on human health. Hazardous environment leads to...

Family Nursing Care Plan’s Development

Introduction For performing the family health assessment, the Yosleidy family residing in Miami, Florida, was selected. The assessment was conducted on the basis of the provided set of questions. The researcher has conducted interviews with each member of the family in order to gather the data needed for performing the...

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Younger Generations: Case Study

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a chronic disorder which is common in people over 60. Nonetheless, the disorder is also becoming common in younger generations. For instance, the present case is diabetes mellitus type 2 in a 43-year-old male. It is necessary to note that the disorder is associated with...

Health Effects of Environmental Change

Abstract Environmental, societal and life-style factors have a huge impact on human health. Several factors in the environment contribute to ill health in humans. The issue of global warming has hugely contributed to ill health both directly and indirectly. Food supply in the modern environment has also had an impact...

Communication and Clinical Interviewing in Nursing: Strategies for Effective Patient Interaction

Pre-writing Communication is the movement of information from one person to another person through an appropriate channel. Good communication is very critical in the nursing profession. It is necessary for nurses to develop healthy relationships with their patients. Nurses should always strive to prevent distractions from interfering with the communication...

Mental Health: General Hospital Psychiatry

Introduction People suffering from severe various mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, or even eating disorders may need to spend some time in psychiatric words so that their disorders can be addressed. When one is experiencing psychosis symptoms, it is advisable to visit a mental facility before the problem...

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

According to the research study conducted by Mcgee et al. (2009), classroom behavior between children diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and those growing typically normal revealed a marked difference in the social communication profiles of the two groups. A total of 24 children clustered into 12 pairs took part...

Nutrition: Causes and Effects of Fast Food

The modern world is a rapidly developing place in all spheres of humanity, and productions of fast food and access to take-out combined with little exercise have raised very many health concerns. It causes a change in human behavior, perception of self-image, and health risks that pose a serious threat....

Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Role in Nursing

Nursing theories provide very important principles to nursing practice. This paper presents a discussion of the environmental theory developed by Florence Nightingale. Environmental theory was the first in the modern nursing history (Masters, 2012). The theory states that unhygienic conditions affect the health of people living in that environment. This...

Dietary Habits of Students

Abstract The aspect of healthy eating among the students of a university is considered to be very influential nowadays. Many students are aware of the importance to eat properly and to avoid eating fast food. Wrong nutrition may cause several problems with health; this is why it is necessary to...

Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisation

How communication skills are used in health and social care Health and social care communication involves interpersonal relationships with healthcare professionals on one hand and clients and patients on the other. This process largely depends on the healthcare professionals or workers as they are the privileged class, i.e. their background,...

Evaluating Juveniles for Psychopathy: Methodological Approaches

Although the assessment of psychopathy and conduct disorders has been performed in the adjudicative process for centuries, it has not been long since it was introduced in the investigation of the juvenile case. The main aim of employing this measure with non-adults is to provide a more profound motives’ understanding,...

Food Safety and Information Bulletin

The health-conscious consumer looks for nutrient-packed salad bars, natural foods, rare meat, and raw seafood at meal time but the microbes in fresh foods or in foods processed with minimal heat pose greater health risks than the nutrient loss that occurs in cooking or the chemical additives and pesticide residues...

Health Promotion Strategies for Obesity

Overweight and obesity have instituted numerous health complications that has risen steadily over the last two decades. For example, recent data shows that adult overweight and obesity in most European countries has risen alarmingly, with 27% and 38% of men and women respectively considered to be obese (Sallis & Glanz...

The Relation Between Attention Deficit Disorder and Colitis

Healthcare professionals possess certain competencies that guide them to address various health problems (Anheyer, Lauche, Schumann, Dobos, & Cramer, 2017). Patients suffering from co-occurring conditions find it hard to receive timely, quality, and safe medical support. This complexity explains why caregivers, physicians, and nurse practitioners (NPs) should develop evidence-based models...

Co-Occurrence of ADHD and Bipolar Disorder: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment

Abstract The relationship between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder has received a lot of attention. Several studies carried out have yielded reports suggesting possible association between ADHD and bipolar disorder, however, debates still linger on the explanation to the co-occurrence of the two especially in young children....

Concept Comparison and Analysis across Nursing Theories

Introduction A number of nursing scholars significantly contributed to the growth of the nursing practice. They used their academic knowledge and professional experience to design incredible models, which are currently used for educational purposes. The theories have been adopted by several institutions, which include learning institutions, research centers and health...

The Application of Group Therapy for Eating Disorders

Introduction Eating disorders are at increase in recent times and there are many interventions of researchers to assess and understand the recent steady growth of the incidences. This paper presents the group proposal for the treatment of the adults who are affected by eating disorders. It has addressed various topics,...

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Theory and Risks

Introduction Plastic surgery is a medical practice that mainly consists of reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. It is normally done so as to either correct or restore the functions or features of the various body parts. It is important to note that the word plastic is derived from a Greek’...

Resolving Patient-Nurse Disputes Using the Decision-Making Dependency (DMD) Model

Scenario Description In the given scenario, a patient named Mary complained about Sam (a fellow nurse) being rude and abrupt to her in the hallway. As a nurse manager, it is one’s job to address the issue and achieve a result that satisfies all parties involved. The decision-making dependency (DMD)...

Functions and Structure of the Human Respiratory System

Introduction The human respiratory system consists of an intricate arrangement of organs and tissues that work together to facilitate oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide discharge. These organs enable respiration, which is vital for every human being’s survival. This essay will comprehensively review the organs of the human respiratory system, from...

Fee-for-Service vs. Value-Based Healthcare Models and Patient Impact

Fee-For-Service Healthcare Model The critical difference between fee-for-service and value-based healthcare models is their payment strategy and influence on the quality of healthcare services. A fee-for-service healthcare model compensates healthcare practitioners for each treatment or operation (Moen, 2018). This implies that each medical test, doctor’s visit, surgical operation, medicine, or...

Nursing Roles in Preoperative and Postoperative Care for Cesarean Sections

Preoperative Preparations for Cesarean Section: Ensuring Patient Readiness Before a patient goes to the Operating Room for a cesarean section, there are several critical preparations that the nurse must complete. These preparations are essential to ensure the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby. Whether the cesarean...

The Health-Illness Continuum: A Holistic Approach to Patient Care

Introduction The perspective of health and human experience dramatically influences the quality of care offered to patients. As a healthcare provider, understanding the health-illness continuum is crucial to promoting the value and dignity of individuals. This approach aligns with the Christian worldview, emphasizing the inherent worth of each person and...

Comparison of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment: Early Church and Modern Approaches

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Through the Ages: Comparing Early Church and 1990s Approaches While considering similarities between the approach of treating OCD of the early church and those of the 1990s, it is essential to state the overall opportunities of the people. Notably, one should highlight technological progress and the development...

Understanding Healthcare Precautions: Contact, Droplet, and Airborne Safety Measures

Introduction In the realm of healthcare, understanding how germs are transmitted from one person or object to another is of paramount importance. Our video series on infectious disease precautions delves into the intricacies of contact, droplet, and airborne precautions, which are essential in preventing the spread of infectious microorganisms. Universal...

Healthcare Professionals and the Impact of Waterborne Diseases: A Comparison of Zimbabwe and the U.S.

Introduction Healthcare professionals ensure a sustainable future for an entire country. They can negate many issues through their expertise and resources. However, without economic stability, access to necessities, and healthcare services, any population would deteriorate rapidly (Artiga & Hinton, 2018). Zimbabwe lacks many of these essential protective mechanisms, which leads...

Genetic and Environmental Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease: Risk and Protection

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects the elderly population. It is not yet completely clear what triggers Alzheimer’s, but it is thought that genetics have a considerable influence on the onset and advancement of the disorder. Genetics and Alzheimer’s Disease There is a clear genetic...

Factors Influencing Healthcare Financing and Delivery in the United States

Introduction The healthcare system in the United States of America has undergone a massive transformation in the past 20 years. The government finances the health care system to improve its effectiveness and also targets to protect people from financial burdens. In the past years, the system has seen serious changes,...

The Impact of Accountable Care Organizations on Healthcare Delivery and Cost Efficiency

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has had a significant impact on the American healthcare system. Innovations were aimed at increasing the accessibility and quality of medical services for users. As a result of the passage of PPACA, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs)...

The Importance of Informed Choice and Consent in Ethical Healthcare Practices

Introduction Informed choice and consent are characteristics of ethical healthcare practice because they are essential to preserving patients’ rights, developing trust, and delivering the best possible outcomes. Because of these notions’ crucial nature for healthcare professionals, considerations of ethics, law, and practicality are stressed. Patients have the right to make...

Understanding Testicular Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Introduction Many men, especially young adults, perceive themselves as invincible regarding health matters. However, there is one silent enemy that is increasingly targeting this demographic – testicular cancer. Although not as common as other forms of cancer, testicular cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in young men. This discussion...

Strategic Goals of New York Presbyterian Hospital in Healthcare

Introduction One of the top suppliers of healthcare services is New York Presbyterian Hospital, which is why I chose this company for the analysis. New York Presbyterian Hospital is one of the most extensive healthcare facilities in New York (About Us, 2023). The healthcare sector underwent a radical transformation during...

Workforce Challenges and Strategies in Emergency Nursing During Stressful Periods

“The emergency, trauma, and transport nursing workforce” Article Reference Schumaker, J., Taylor, W., & McGonigle, T. (2019). The emergency, trauma, and transport nursing workforce. Nursing Management, 50(12), 20–32. Web. The Main Purpose and Scope of the Work The primary purpose of the work under consideration is to understand and address...

Public Health, Health, and Personal Health: Definitions, Differences, and Examples

Introduction Public health, health, and personal health are three distinct but related concepts often used interchangeably. To gain a more comprehensive knowledge of these terms, it is important to explore each of them separately and to understand the differences between them. This essay will define each of the terms and...

Healthcare Data Analysis Using Visual Representation: Performance and Improvements

Graphical Representation of Healthcare Data A healthcare organization must collect data about different processes that occur in the facility. Such information should be continuously monitored to analyze any patterns that deserve special attention, whether to maintain or improve a certain operation. Graph 1 below represents data on several parameters examined...

The Impact of Nurse Residency Programs on Retention and Job Satisfaction

Introduction It is important to note that nurse retention and job satisfaction are essential to delivering quality care, patient safety, and improving healthcare outcomes. Nurse residency programs have improved retention rates and job satisfaction among new nurses. The given analysis aims to identify the internal data and evidence that would...

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): A Public Health Challenge in the United States

Introduction Chronic diseases are debilitating ailments with long-term effects on people’s health and public health systems. Due to their persistent nature, these illnesses frequently require long-term medical care and management and pose a risk to patients’ quality of life. Understanding and treating chronic diseases are crucial for healthcare professionals, politicians,...

Global HIV Prevalence and Strategies for Better Care in the United Kingdom and South Africa

Introduction Nowadays, society still faces many conditions that are impossible to eradicate as there is no cure. Among such conditions is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which creates countless risks for people and raises mortality. Thus, with the growing incidence of HIV, it is crucial to address the acute issue...

Emergency Nurses in Treating STEMI (Myocardial Infarction): Pathophysiology and Interventions

Introduction ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) is one of the most time-sensitive and potentially fatal disorders treated by emergency medical professionals. The urgency, intricacy, and possibility of life-saving actions in this situation have influenced my viewpoint as an emergency department nurse. This paper examines the basics of STEMI’s pathophysiology, the...

Comparative Analysis of Public Healthcare Systems in Mongolia and China

Introduction In today’s world, public health systems have become a key element in ensuring well-being and improving the quality of life. Each country needs to develop and implement an effective health system appropriate to its population’s characteristics and needs. Two Asian countries, Mongolia and China, are examples of different approaches...

Types of Heart Failure: Cardiac Output and Tissue Perfusion

Introduction Heart failure is a long-term cardiac condition in which the heart is unable to effectively pump and circulate blood. It can take many forms and have different causes and effects (Bauersachs, 2021). This article will discuss two kinds of heart failure—cardiac output failure and tissue perfusion failure—and how they...

Nursing Interventions for Wound Healing in a Truck Driver

Case Background The patient in question is a 57-year-old male who works as a truck driver. He has been diagnosed with cardiovascular peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and peripheral vascular disease (PVD), which are affecting his circulation and causing vascular wounds, specifically arterial wounds. These wounds are often difficult to heal...

Simplifying Discharge Instructions and Enhancing Patient Outcomes

Article Summary Desai et al.’s (2021) article deals with the necessity of simplifying discharge instructions due to the frequent non-compliance of patients with them. The authors state that the current ways of providing instructions do not ensure patients’ understanding of thereof; thus, it is necessary to introduce changes so that...

The Role of Research in Nursing: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches

Significance of Research The need for nursing research is caused by the opportunity to obtain crucial knowledge that cannot be gathered during superficial studies. Moreover, this data can be practically implemented to improve healthcare services. Understanding the basic research principles is necessary for nurses to make vital results and to...

Christian Spirituality vs. Postmodern Relativism: Ethical Perspectives in Healthcare

Christian Spirituality and Postmodern Relativism in Healthcare There exists a collision between the Christian perspective of spirituality and ethics and postmodern relativism, and the two paradigms affect healthcare. The current healthcare practices focus more on a holistic approach in which mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional support is provided (Fuente-Martos et...

Health Outcomes and Economic Overview of Algeria: A Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction Algeria, nestled in North Africa, is rich in history and cultural diversity. Over the years, it has made commendable progress in various sectors, notably in health. This study examines the health outcomes in Algeria using data from the World Health Organization and aims to understand the broader effects of...

Canada’s Healthcare System: Structure, Policies, and Challenges

Introduction The national health care system is one of the key public policies designed to enhance the quality of life, increase longevity, reduce mortality and morbidity, and address the clinical needs of diverse populations. Many critical government indicators, including the happiness index, quality of life, and life expectancy, depend on...

Challenges in Managing Diabetes: Behavior Change and Goal Setting

Study Aims This essay discusses the challenges faced by individuals diagnosed with chronic diseases like diabetes, focusing on behavior change. It highlights the difficulties in modifying dietary habits and combining ordinary workouts into daily routines. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals for managing the disease, focusing on...

Rudeness and Incivility in Nursing Education: Causes, Impact, and Solutions

Rudeness as an Increasing Issue in Nursing Education In the readings on handling student misconduct and rudeness, I discovered three that were intriguing or unexpected. First, I was shocked to see that rudeness is an increasing issue in nursing education. In a survey of nursing professors, nearly half said they...

Student Mental Health During a Pandemic: Insights from Two Key Studies

The Mental Health of Students During a Pandemic The article “COVID‑19 Pandemic and its Aftermath ” researches the effect of the pandemic on the mental health outcomes of undergraduate students. The main aim of the study is to explore students’ ability to adapt to the changes due to the pandemic...

Abortion and Human Development: Analysis of Bibliographic Sources

The Trustees of Princeton University. (n.d.). When do human beings begin? Princeton University. Web. In this source, the author researches the human being question from the biological point of view. Various factors and specifications, such as chromosomes and sperm peculiarities, are considered. The author states various notions, such as gametogenesis,...

Healthcare Systems: United States vs. Singapore – Outcomes, Expenditure, and Disparities

Introduction The provision of healthcare services is one of the government’s key objectives. The ability to respond to the population’s healthcare needs is crucial. The United States and Singapore have implemented distinct healthcare approaches with different levels of success. Each of the systems has specific merits and challenges that have...

Preventing and Managing Diabetes: Key Lifestyle Changes for Better Health

Introduction Diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels resulting from the body’s inability to produce or use insulin effectively (Nauck et al., 2021). As such, understanding the importance of treating diabetes and promoting healthy lifestyle choices to prevent its onset becomes paramount. In this speech, I will emphasize the...

Osteoarthritis: Causes, Genesis, Pain Alleviation and Therapy

Introduction Osteoarthritis, often abbreviated as OA, is a relentless condition that stealthily invades the joints, altering the tapestry of one’s daily existence. It’s a quiet saboteur, gnawing away at the precious cartilage that cushions our joints like a vigilant guardian. Unlike its inflammatory cousin, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis creeps in surreptitiously,...

Combining Strategies to Prevent Pressure Sores in Elderly Patients

Introduction Preventing pressure sores and the need for early detection in nursing care for geriatric patients is challenging. Standard nursing practices usually include turning patients and wiping, which help to reduce the effects of tissue compression. Combination strategies can be more successful and reduce the risk of pressure sores. This...

Ethical Issues in Radiologic Technology: Consent, Privacy, and Safety

Article Summary The article discusses some of the ethical issues radiologic technologists (Rad Techs) face in their profession. Ethics plays a crucial role in medical professions, including radiology. The article discusses major ethical issues such as patient consent, privacy and confidentiality, and patient safety (Admin). Patient Consent Patient consent is...

The Impact of Hand Hygiene Compliance on Healthcare-Associated Infections

Identification of the Practice Issue The practice issue is the influence of hand hygiene on healthcare-associated infections. Hand hygiene is an essential component of overall well-being, and violating the hygiene rules negatively impacts health conditions. In addition, healthcare-associated infections can occur, and pathogens can develop (Buković et al., 2021). UnderstandingUnderstanding...

Odds Ratios and Relative Risks in Public Health Regression

Introduction In public health regression analyses, using odds ratios (ORs) and relative risks (RRs) is indispensable for evaluating the intricate interplay between exposure and the risk of developing illnesses. These statistical measures serve as invaluable tools, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages, catering to specific research contexts. In public health...

The Purple House Dialysis Program: Indigenous Well-Being and Healthcare Equality

Social Context The Purple House Dialysis program aims to help residents of the Western Desert suffering from kidney failure. Efforts to provide healthcare to people in remote areas began in 2003 (Andersen & Hadley, 2020). In 2015, the remote dialysis access program was launched, helping hundreds of people get the...

Nutrition, Exercise, and Social Activity for a 68-Year-Old Overweight Client

Introduction Nowadays, more people understand the necessity of proper nutritional habits and diets as well as physical activity. Given the benefits for both mental and physical well-being, a healthy lifestyle becomes an indispensable element of any person’s life, especially in an older life. Case Background In the given case study,...

Fibromyalgia: Diagnosis, Impact, and Healthcare Implications

Introduction When people experience musculoskeletal pain all over their bodies, cannot sleep well, feel fatigued, and observe mood changes, including distress, doctors might develop a suspicion of fibromyalgia. This chronic disorder has an unknown etiology, but its prevalence is more than 5% of the global population, including approximately 2% in...

Scholarship in Nursing Education: Teaching vs. Scholarly Teaching

Introduction Since educational practice cannot advance without it, scholarship is crucial to nursing education. This may seem different across fields since it requires both an understanding of teaching and learning principles and discipline-specific information. Scholarship involves more than just the study of students, teachers, and programs; its pursuit in research...

Obesity in America: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Introduction In recent decades, being overweight has become the norm in the United States. Currently, approximately one-third of the adult population of America suffers from weight problems, and the issue has also been steadily rising among younger Americans as well (Wang et al., 2020). Overweight and obese individuals are more...

Kidney Failure Diagnosis: Tests and Implications for Renal Health

Introduction Kidney failure, also known as renal failure, is a condition where the kidneys are unable to adequately purify waste products and excessive fluids from the bloodstream. This can result in a buildup of toxins and electrolyte imbalances, which can have severe consequences for the body (Toapanta et al., 2023)....

Enhancing Health Literacy in Healthcare: Strategies for Improved Patient Outcomes

Introduction The World Health Organization defines health literacy as the cognitive and social skills necessary to motivate and empower individuals to access, comprehend, and apply information to maintain and improve their own health. As an ER nurse at a level 2 trauma center, I have often encountered patients with low...

Patient-Centered Care in Long-Term Care Facilities: Objectives, Standards, and Outcomes

Introduction Long-term care (LTC) facilities are essential in the entire medical industry. These institutions are designed to deliver care to people who cannot live independently. More often, these facilities are used by the elderly and individuals with multiple chronic and terminal issues. Since patients with challenging conditions reach such institutions,...

Impact of Immigrant Influx on Global Health and Community Nursing

Introduction The United States has always been a nation of immigrants, with people from all over the world coming to seek a better life. In recent years, however, there has been a significant influx of immigrants, particularly from Latin America and Asia. This has brought about a number of changes...

Personal Health Records: Benefits, Challenges, and Patient Care

Introduction Taking care of one’s own well-being is a top priority when it comes to personal health. Maintaining an organized health history is crucial to making well-informed decisions about your health, just as you would prioritize your regular health routines. Personal Health Records (PHRS) are helpful in this situation. It...

The Role of School Nurses in Supporting Families of Children with Disabilities

Nursing Support of a Family A family of a child with a special education-qualifying disability may go through a range of responses and reactions, including disbelief, anger, frustration, guilt, and grief. These feelings are normal and part of the process of coming to terms with a child’s disability. A school...

Addressing Autism Spectrum Disorder and Water Safety: The SSS Program and Big Red Toolkit

Main Points Stated in the Article The article discusses the issue of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) wandering away from safe places, often leading to tragic consequences such as drowning. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that 49% of parents of children with ASDs say that their children wander...

Overcoming Barriers to Nursing’s Professional Status: Addressing Perceptions and Advancements

Introduction The field of nursing has evolved significantly over the years from a vocation primarily for women with limited education into a respected profession with high academic standards. Despite this evolution, a key barrier that continues to hinder nursing’s achievement of full professional status is the perception that nursing is...

Maternal and Child Health Conditions and Public Health Challenges in Nevada

Abstract Nevada’s unique characteristic significantly affects its inhabitants’ health conditions, including maternal and child health status. Based on reports from the United States Census Bureau, 5.7% of Nevada’s population is below five years old, while about 22.2% of Nevadans are below 18 years old. Nevada’s birth rates rank relatively among...

Effective Psychological Preparation for Pediatric Surgery: A Case Study

Introduction No matter the procedure’s complexity, going under the knife may be frightening, especially for young patients. The unfamiliarity of a hospital setting and the worry of an upcoming surgery might increase stress and panic. The need for psychological preparation is now apparent in this situation. Psychological preparation is a...

Colon Cleanse vs. Anti-Parasitic Cleanse: A Procedural Comparison

Introduction A colon cleanse and an anti-parasitic cleanse are two different types of detoxification methods designed to rid the body of harmful substances, toxins, and parasites. While these two cleansing procedures share the common goal of promoting health and wellness, they differ significantly in their purpose, method, and potential benefits....

Nurses’ Role in Public Health: Advocacy and Case Management

Introduction Nurses have a multifaceted role in public health and a critical impact on the well-being of individuals and communities. The modern world is constantly changing, bringing innovations to the protection of health. The role of a nurse is significant because these workers can adapt to any changes and set...

Analysis of Nightingale’s Nursing Theory and Its Relevance in Modern Healthcare

Introduction In the field of healthcare, in addition to attracting practical knowledge, it is necessary to pay more attention to the theories that have been developed in this field of knowledge. The need to take this aspect into account is that theoretical approaches are the basis for any medical specialist...

Addressing Diabetes in the Hawkesbury Region with Improved Healthcare Services

Introduction The Hawkesbury region is a peaceful and beautiful landscape in New South Wales’s heart. Behind the beautiful façade, there is a growing problem of diabetes. The issue is rooted in the poor healthcare assistance and availability of hospitals that support those with this medical condition. This paper will show...

Data Privacy Concerns in Healthcare: Dr. Jane Doe’s Article Analysis

Introduction The rapid growth of technology has resulted in various advantages, particularly in the healthcare sector. However, these developments bring new concerns, notably in terms of data protection. This paper delves into Dr. Jane Doe’s research essay “Data Privacy Concerns in the Healthcare Sector.” This article examines the present issues...

Impact of Nurse Staffing on Patient Outcomes: A PICOT Analysis

PICOT Question The PICOT question is as follows: In adult acute care settings (P), does an increase in nurse staffing levels (I), compared to current staffing levels (C), lead to improved patient outcomes, such as decreased rates of healthcare-associated infections, lower patient mortality rates, and decreased medical errors (O), within...

Theories That Shape Modern Nursing Practice: The Weidenbach, Henderson, Hall, and Neuman Models

Introduction The theories of the practice of nurses are valuable for study and understanding. These theoretical approaches provide an opportunity to gain knowledge about the nuances of the work of these medical specialists and improve the results of the provision of health services. Therefore, the theories by Ernestine Weidenbach, Virginia...

Preventing and Managing Dementia: Lifestyle Changes and Treatment Options

Introduction In this paper, it is important to discuss dementia, a broad term for a range of conditions characterized by a decline in cognitive abilities, including memory, thinking, and reasoning. Generally linked to aging, dementia can also result from brain injuries, strokes, and certain diseases. This illness affects millions of...

Strategies and Lessons in Combating COVID-19 and Personal Illness Experiences

Introduction When drawing up a strategy to combat coronavirus in the United States, some mistakes made the fight against the pandemic less effective. Changes in this direction could change how the disease progresses in most people. Pathogen-caused diseases can pose a significant threat and require special treatment. This came from...

Dietary Education and Cardiovascular Disease Management

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a significant problem requiring the development of an effective strategy to improve patient outcomes. One approach is dietary education to improve CVD management. This topic is quite common in research, as it has excellent potential in leveling the risk factors for CVDs, improving patient outcomes,...

Assessing the Reliability of Online Medical Information for Accurate Diagnosis

Searching for symptoms and signs of the disease using Internet resources can be complicated because many are not authoritative. Therefore, paying attention to some parameters when finding a website is essential. For a comprehensive assessment of the source, various guides can be used that provide complete instructions (Library of Congress,...

Strategic Management and Policy in Healthcare Institutions

Introduction Healthcare institutions operate in an environment that establishes and changes due to many factors. Policies are among the most critical influences on health care since they affect access to services, quality, safety, and many other aspects of the environment. Main Body Strategic management, in turn, allows providers to assess...

Cancer Detection, Complications, and Nursing Care Approaches

Introduction One of the diagnostic methods used to identify the possibility of cancer is screening. Modern healthcare uses screening programs to detect various oncological diseases. Recommendations for the use of screening programs are based on mortality reduction indicators confirmed by international practice. There are screening programs to detect lung, stomach,...

The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Nursing: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction Nursing requires a constant display of compassion and empathy, an imperative aspect of this work. However, in this area, specialists may encounter various stereotypes regarding gender. They may also be related to nursing as a female profession. This may be because Florence Nightingale initially laid the foundations of the...

Medicaid Expansion: California’s Success vs. Texas’ Refusal

Introduction Medicaid is among the programs in the healthcare system that strive to support vulnerable populations who would otherwise be uninsured. The government aims to improve health outcomes by offering better access to healthcare. However, while some states expand Medicaid, others refuse to do so for specific reasons. While California...

Emergence and Role of Ethics Committees in Healthcare

Introduction This text discusses the emergence and importance of ethics committees in hospitals. It is a concept that came into existence in the late 1960s and early 1970s due to various high-profile medical cases raising ethical issues. The composition of these committees usually includes a diverse group of professionals to...

Maternal Health Care Quality at St. Joseph’s Hospital

Introduction Quality improvement initiatives are needed to ensure that healthcare facilities provide high-quality patient care. These initiatives aim to systematically improve healthcare processes, outcomes, and patient satisfaction. A comprehensive assessment of the services offered by the organization is carried out to identify areas for improvement. The purpose of this essay...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Emotional Health, Professional Growth, and Ethics

Introduction Personal nursing philosophy is an integral part of the medical profession, based on humanistic values and principles of patient care. Nursing is not just a profession but the art of helping others and bringing care and support to the lives of people who need medical care. As a nurse,...

Successful Aging in South Korea: Models, Practices, and Comparative Insights

Introduction Relevance of the Topic and Research Questions The process of industrialization has led to the creation of new generations of elderly people in wealthy nations. Notably, increased living standards and medical technology improvements have contributed to this demographic transformation (Han et al., 2021). Accompanying these changes has been an...

Vaccination Policies in Schools: Public Health and Autonomy

Introduction The health and well-being of individuals is a top priority when implementing any initiatives or policies in society. In particular, this aspect concerns the field of healthcare and the prevention of the spread or deterioration of the situation with the spread of communicable diseases. Vaccination for all children in...

Economic Challenges in Healthcare: The Impact of Decreasing Hospital Admissions

Introduction In the medical sector, economic problems play an important role, as they shape the overall capabilities of institutions, depending on what requirements are put forward for their qualified work. Thus, addressing and reliably eliminating financial bottlenecks is imperative to ensure clinics’ health. The issue of decreasing hospital admissions could...

Critical Interventions to Improve Rural Healthcare Access

Programs and Interventions Addressing Access to Healthcare in Rural Communities Seven critical interventions are being developed to address Access to Healthcare in rural communities. These include “delivery models, freestanding emergency departments (FSEDs), community paramedicine, community health worker (CHW), affiliation with larger systems or networks, efforts to improve the workforce, and...

Rubella: Causes, Diagnosis, and Importance of Vaccination

Introduction Rubella is an acute viral disease caused by the rubella virus. It refers to a ubiquitous disease affecting many individuals. With the availability of vaccines and the knowledge of their potential risks, it is imperative that society prioritizes vaccination to prevent the spread of rubella and safeguard the health...

The Impact of Dementia on Verbal Behavior: A Personal Reflection on Skinner’s Theory

Skinner’s seminal work on verbal behavior provides profound insights into language acquisition and its gradual wane, especially in cognitive disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and aphasia (Cooper et al., 2020). This gradual regression isn’t just an abstract concept but a heart-wrenching reality for families witnessing their loved one’s descent...

Challenges in U.S. Healthcare: Costs, Access, and Quality Issues

Introduction The U.S. healthcare system is a complicated and continuously fluctuating structure that has a massive impact on numerous individuals daily. Despite some benefits, various issues must be dealt with. The U.S. healthcare system struggles with four main topics: rising expenses because of technology, fragmentation of services, restricted access to...

Comparing Assisted Living, Nursing Homes, and In-Home Care in California

Assisted Living Assisted living facilities in California offer an accommodating and secure environment for older people and individuals with disabilities. At these facilities, one can find assistance with daily tasks, meal preparation, housekeeping, laundry, and transportation services. Additionally, they provide 24-hour access to staff and medical care if necessary. In...

The Evolution of Healthcare: From Ancient Times to Modern Practices

Introduction The extraordinary development of healthcare from the beginning to the present has been fueled by a desire to address the demands of the community it serves. In the past, the Greeks attributed illness and famine to the displeasure of the gods or the discontent of the populace. Hospitals were...