Aspects of Pain Management: TENS

Pain management is a highly complex challenge, which affects a large portion of patients both chronically and acutely. Understanding the key underlying intricacies of managing the severity and frequency of pain can be a critical deciding factor, which determines a patient’s well-being, health, quality of life, and recovery. There is...

Evaluating Harm Reduction Program for Drug Users

Population and Setting The implementation of research requires considerable attention to such domains as setting and sampling. It is critical to include all the meaningful details regarding the setting to ensure the reliability of the utilized methods (Fain, 2017). The setting for the proposed quantitative research is a local inpatient...

Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Healthcare

Summary Health workers integrate clinical experience with external evidence from systematic research. They also consider patients’ values and circumstances when deciding on the best wellness approaches. EBD takes into account the characteristics of the practice in which caregivers work. For instance, working in acute care nursing requires expertise because it...

Ethics of Using Online Proctoring Systems

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 has rapidly and fundamentally changed the status quo in all areas of human life, including education and technology. The unprecedented and rapid nature of changing educational mediums by switching from face-to-face classes to online education has revealed practical and ethical issues....

Discussion of Public Health Concept

Preparedness as a Universal Public Health Concept Regional, national, and global public health and emergency management institutions and systems are reorganizing around public health and emergency preparedness principles. These terms and concepts are defined in this paper emphasizing system-level and organizational difficulties (Belfroid et al., 2020). Public health providers have...

A Best Practice Strategy for Professional Development

Recall When I was writing my first project, I tended to invent new technical ideas for the aspect that I was studying. In most cases, I thought I was very clever and had made some of the best decisions while handling the project. I was determined to finish the project...

Type 2 Diabetes Management in Primary School Children

Goal: To prevent and minimize health risks for primary school children with diabetes in the Playford Council Area. Objectives Strategies Process Indicators Data Collection Methods To promote the awareness of the target group about the risks of type 2 diabetes and their management when at school Advertise the program in...

Medical Coding (CPT) Modifiers in Healthcare

CPT modifiers are systems of coded information that help healthcare workers label their practice decisions. Among the many modifiers provided under Medicare, there are at least two that I use in my practice. For example, I often use modifier 77, which is commonly used to denote a “repeat procedure by...

Ethical Dilemma: Autonomy and End-of-Life Care

The idea of providing someone with high-quality care involves the concept of respect and acceptance of the patient’s wishes. The definition of nursing practice is illustrated through the provision of diagnostics and treatment procedures as a response to a potential health threat (New York State Education Department, n.d). However, a...

Autonomy and Social Justice for African American and Latino Populations

Data on this objective is vital because it shows other illnesses affecting patients with CKD; this is key in developing treatment measures for those with concurring diseases. These study objectives are formulated so that the findings will promote autonomy and social justice among the study population. Autonomy is the patients’...

Ionizing Radiation Testing: Literature Critical Appraisal

Introduction Understanding the nature of the current problem with the provision of ionizing radiation testing to patients is vital for proper diagnosis. However, there are indications that a substantial number of healthcare providers do not have the required skills or tools. For this reason, a closer examination of the problem...

Osteoporosis: The Role of Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment

Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, a specific skeletal disorder associated with bone weakness and loss. In addition, it addresses African American seniors as a population group vulnerable to this disease. The significance of this paper...

Environmental Conditions Analysis

The community surrounding my school of nursing is mostly represented by average middle-class people. In nursing, the environment can be defined as public places such as homes, schools, and workplaces, or the environment can be global considering air, water, soil, and food (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). The most common environmental...

Role of Effective Communication in Enhancing Nurses’ Cultural Competence

Evidence For Cultural Competence Among Healthcare Professionals Several educational initiatives and training courses have been designed to enhance the competencies required for recognizing and addressing sociocultural challenges in the clinical context (Gradellini et al., 2021). Most educational and training programs for cultural sensitivity focus on developing specific skills in healthcare...

Applying Regulations in Care Settings: Hospitals and Rural Health Clinics

Summary The application of standards in health care can differ significantly depending on the specific practice setting. For instance, conditions of coverage and participation in a typical hospital setting are quite distinctive from those in a rural health clinic. While staffing requirements and administrative structure of the standard urban hospital...

Factors That Caused Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a common mental disorder among the young males and females. Therefore, for this paper, I will be finding out the various effects of Schizophrenia on the young adults. Among the effects that will be further investigated include victims withdrawing from their peers and relatives, dropping out of school...

Researching of Changes in Healthcare Career

Only for excellent reasons should change be adopted. Even with the best intentions, however, many change efforts fail because the strategy utilized to make the change lacks clear structure, preparation, and timing. People with baccalaureate degrees will be regarded as leaders in their respective work settings and will be able...

Mental and Heath Disorders in Medical Practice

Introduction Mental health refers to a good performance of necessary cognitive functions. Desirable cognitive function results in productivity alongside good interaction with the environment. The wellbeing of a person is an essential determinant of one’s daily interaction and ability to contribute to societal progress. Psychological illnesses are essentially known to...

Primary, Secondary, and Supplementary Health Insurance

A medical insurance policy covering a client as a subscriber, an employee, or a member is known as primary insurance. Therefore, when people obtain medical care, their primary insurance is billed first. For example, most people’s primary insurance is their employer-provided health insurance. Conversely, a healthcare insurance policy covering one...

Working as Case Manager in Healthcare Institution

Introduction My interview subject, Michaela, works as a case manager attached to a healthcare institution. The job entails providing advocacy to clients on addiction treatment, scheduling and following up on their appointments, connecting the patients with useful resources, and monitoring the success of the treatment options. Although case management roles...

Accountability Act in Electronic Medical Records Use

Cari’s post is especially valuable for understanding the intricacies of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) implementation. The discussion clearly explains how HIPAA impacts the social workers’ use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR), outlining the concerns related to patient data accessibility. Indeed, when performing their work responsibilities and...

Incivility in Healthcare Settings

Introduction Identification of Incivility Incivility in healthcare settings is impolite and offensive behavior, which aims to humiliate or insult a person. It is a significant issue in modern clinics and healthcare centers because it influences different aspects of healthcare professionals’ work. In particular, this type of behavior influences the mental...

Research of Mental Health Aspects

Introduction Mental health refers to the mental and psychological well-being of an individual. It can manifest in various ways and be caused by factors such as dissatisfaction and others. It is important that one can undergo treatment and make a full recovery. This field research has focused on themes of...

Ethics of Suicide Among Terminally Ill Patients

For many people undergoing physical, emotional, or mental pain, suicide seems like the most appropriate remedy for their agony. Patients abiding from terminal diseases and the elderly might lose hope and love for a living because of their daily challenges. They might opt to die rather than live and observe...

Coding Compliance in Health Information Science

Coding compliance is essential in providing high-quality services and ensuring correlation with an organization’s laws. Specialists dealing with coding compliance must understand the standards and procedures established within the agency. In addition, these specialists must know the laws of their state and obey them to avoid issues with documentation and...

Arguments Against Masks During Pandemic and Personal Freedom

In recent decades, modern society has faced several problems and tasks that require analysis and solutions. One of the most famous and essential in changing the culture of human behavior is the recent pandemic of the COVID-19 virus. Despite all the destructive effects and consequences of the pandemic, many people...

“REST: Break Through to Resilience”: Article Analysis

Introduction Performing tasks in the workplace can be challenging for nurses and nursing students without effective models they can rely on in the process. This condition is explicitly examined in the article “REST: Break through to resilience,” written by Rajamohan et al. (2020), who claim the significance of the developed...

Tobacco Smoking Cessation

Health Issue of Concern About 34 million adults in the US smoked cigarettes as of 2018. A study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC (par 1) confirmed that out of every 100 18-years and above adults in the US, 14 are cigarette smokers. The World Health...

Substance Abuse Treatment in Pembroke Pines City

Pembroke Pines is a beautiful suburban city close to Miami. Unfortunately, the town is infamous due to the high number of people suffering from substance abuse. Numerous individuals have developed addictions, such as alcohol, drug, and fentanyl. In 2016, Pembroke Pines saw an outbreak of fentanyl abuse, where more than...

Biochemical and Technological Basis Behind Four COVID Vaccines

Summary The Emergence of a New Threat Few clinical problems could become so urgent and relevant to the global agenda that their emergence led to radical changes in all spheres of human life. One of the main threats to the international health system remains the problem of a new coronavirus...

Euthanasia as a Method Against Human Suffering

Introduction The phenomenon of euthanasia and its application in the medical sphere is a vital debate topic addressed by numerous scholars worldwide. Currently, the positive aspects of euthanasia implementation have become the focus of multiple studies, questioning whether this method could be a prominent option for terminally ill patients with...

Care and Death Rates Among Nursing Home Residents

A nursing home is a place where the elderly and the disabled get support with nurses’ aid. A nursing home can also be referred to as a convalescent home. Three types of nurses can work in these convalescent homes. The nurses can either work full-time or part-time, depending on the...

Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Postpartum Women

The exploration of the effects that role-playing and scripting have on the efficacy of encouraging postpartum women to adopt exclusive breastfeeding is essential since it will allow the target audience to understand the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and the role that it plays in child’s development. Therefore, it is essential...

Healthcare Quality and Leadership

Introduction This presentation identifies and appraises healthcare equity and leadership with the consideration of the exemplars. It examines the impact of healthcare equity and leadership on the needs of nurses to make clinical decisions at a high level. It also includes an analysis of the emerging health initiatives surrounding healthcare...

Oversimplification of Health and Communication

Health is one of the primordial dimensions of human life. The absence or presence of disease significantly impacts an individual’s quality of life. In the twenty-first century, there are three dominant perspectives on sources of illness: medical, socio-ecological, and cultural. Medicalists argue that health is a result of genetics, lifestyle,...

Schizophrenia Depicted in “A Beautiful Mind” Film

Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which the boundary between imagination and reality is blurred. Most schizophrenics suffer from hallucinations and persistent delusions. Although patients are distinguished by strange behavior, they are not aggressive and do not suffer from a split personality. This disorder affects millions of people worldwide, and...

Physio- and Psychological Causes of Obesity

Obesity is a complex problem in the formation of which many physiological and psychological factors are involved. This condition is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, reinforcing the need for its study (Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences). The first group of factors leading to obesity...

Stakeholders of Medication Assistance Program Design

Purpose Statement Having been invited asked to develop a task force for designing a medication assistance program, the purpose of this paper is to identify stakeholders who will contribute to the development of the initiative. The proposal seeks to directly serve patients by ensuring that they can afford medication. In...

Practice of Patient-Assisted Suicide

Healthcare, is an inseparable part of the human experience, a system that ensures the comprehensive and continued well-being of individuals in society. The peculiarities of healthcare are different in each country, but specific aspects of it remain universal no matter where a person might be. One such constant is the...

The Therapeutic Remedies Among Asthma Patients

Healthcare management is a multifaceted phenomenon that profoundly impacts the quality of living among individuals. In this case, it is crucial to determine the key factors that attribute to the disparity in the effectiveness of the treatments. Although there is a significant decrease in the rate of the asthma cases’...

Nurses in HIV-AIDS Diagnosis and Treatment

Learner Objective The issue of HIV/AIDS remains one of the most acute problem of the global society nowadays. Multiple researches and studies have discussed different aspects of the consequences the HIV/AIDS problem brought into the world throughout the years. Thus, it is important to maintain comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge about...

Policy Structure in the Healthcare System

The responsibility of the policy-making process is the prerogative of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which is regulated by a secretary who submits directly to the president. Governmental policy within healthcare has its benefits and challenges, such as various healthcare laws, regulations, acts and high...

Ethical Principles of Public Health Application

Ethical Principles of Public Health and the Christian Worldview Ethical principles are essential points for consideration concerning public health. There are several crucial principles that medical workers are obliged to follow. For instance, all these principles strive to help people, to prevent and protect them from harm. The notion of...

Healthcare Database for Reducing Patient Stay in the Emergency Department

Introduction The health care sector is in need of reducing patients’ prolonged stays in emergency departments. As a result, it is crucial to develop an efficient system for predicting the length of patients’ stay and, consequently, decreasing its duration. Overall, the productive solution should be an analysis of the conditions...

Coding Process Improvement Report

Current Processes Coding errors are not uncommon in hospitals due to the complexity of the coding system and entering procedures. Below are coding errors that are often seen in the industry, many of which also apply to the Lower Mountain Hospital audit. Lack of data to support claims – a...

Pfizer Company and Its Impact on COVID-19

Pfizer stands to be one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. It is an American-based multinational company founded in 1849 by Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart. It based its foundations on the need to produce chemical compounds. For example, Pfizer engaged in the production of serotonin, an anti-parasitic...

Methods of Coping with Mental Health Problems

The 21st century Is characterized by some of the highest numbers of people suffering from mental health issues. According to CDC, 20% of all US citizens are experiencing or have experienced mental health issues during the past year (Guntuku et al., 2020). The mental health environment has been further made...

Health Disparities in Rural Versus Urban Areas

In the United States, diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. The primary triggers of this health issue are the social determinants of health (SDOH). Some of the examples of SDOH include education, income, occupation, access to healthcare, and social support (Lenzi, 2018). These factors directly...

Breast Cancer: Preventive Measures and Support Methods

One of the most common types of cancer that women encounter worldwide is breast cancer. According to Sun et al. (2017), this disease was the cause of approximately 570,000 deaths in 2015. For this reason, individuals must be aware of the actions that would help prevent the appearance of breast...

Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy

Sustenance directing is a foundation of pre-birth care for all women during pregnancy. A woman’s wholesome status impacts her wellbeing, yet in addition, pregnancy results and the soundness of her baby child. Doctors and other medical services suppliers should be mindful of dietary necessities during pregnancy, as they vary altogether...

Automated Surveillance System for CLABSI Prevention

Introduction Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) is a considerable bother for the US and the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2018), the condition is associated with thousands of deaths and billions of dollars for the US healthcare system. Considering the high mortality rates from...

Outdoor Air Pollution and Uncontrolled Asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California

The article, “Outdoor Air Pollution and Uncontrolled Asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California” by Meng et al. (2010) is on the epidemiology of asthma in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) with a focus on the effects of outdoor air pollution. The study’s purpose was to examine the relationship between...

Evidence to Support Nursing Practices

The article “Emotional intelligence in professional nursing practice: A concept review using Rodgers’s evolutionary analysis approach” is written by the Canadian scientist Angelina E.Raghubir and published in the International Journal of Nursing Sciences in 2018. The work explores how emotional intelligence (EI) impacts the nursing professionals’ careers, their methods of...

Integrating Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

Introduction Cultural competency is assumed to be the capability of acquiring particular behaviors, abilities, approaches, and strategies in a structure that allows efficiency in a cross-cultural work environment. With the growth of traditionally diverse inhabitants in the United States, it is critical for nurses to perform their duties without prejudice....

Stress Management Program for Health Workers

Introduction Health workers face considerably high-stress levels due to work-related factors. Occupational stress refers to harmful reactions due to work demands or undue pressure. According to Bhui et al. (2016), approximately 9.9 million working days have been lost due to occupational stress. Studies further demonstrate several occupational stress effects, including...

Basic Ethical Principles in Behavioral Health Practice

It is obvious from the case that the year-long therapy has no significant positive effect on the patient’s mental health. Moreover, the addition of a previously unknown therapist and thus untreated eating disorder also poses an acute issue. As the patient’s case manager, I would advise them to consult with...

Researching of the Future of Pre-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Summary The criteria used for the selection of the sources engulfs the determination of keywords, the targeted audience, credibility, currency, and objectivity. The process fostered the prominent determination of the analysis and investigation process. One of the approaches that increased the quality of treatment engulfs the introduction of cardiopulmonary resuscitation...

Telemedicine: Issues and Implementation

Telemedicine is the practice of providing healthcare services remotely with the provider and the patient not being present in the same physical space and the information being transferred via telecommunication systems. As such, telecommunication shows great promise for providing healthcare to the areas that are hard to reach physically. However,...

Staff Education on Pressure Ulcers Prevention

Introduction Pressure ulcers, commonly known as pressure sores or bedsores, refer to injuries that affect the patient’s skin and the tissues, basically caused by continued pressure on someone’s skin. Pressure ulcers can usually happen to anyone, but they frequently affect people who are limited to bed or those in a...

Psychological Effects COVID-19 Pandemic Leading to Hospital Nursing Shortage

The current project will incorporate the Grounded Theory (GT) framework as the theoretical basis for conducting guided nursing research. GT is a prominent model used in the nursing sphere, especially in domains where significant knowledge gaps are present. Initially introduced by Glaser and Strauss, GT focuses on the systematic collection...

Preparation of Healthcare Revenue-Cycle Audit

Healthcare Audit Fundamental Healthcare audits are divided into internal and external audits. These audits are designed to assess, evaluate, and improve the well-being and care of patients in a healthcare facility in a systematic manner. Internal audits are measured within a healthcare organization against benchmarks such as patient satisfaction and...

Suicide Prevention and Risk Assessment

Suicide risk assessment is a significant activity because it allows social workers to identify clients’ suicide ideation and offer some ways to minimize it. Dr. Sommers-Flanagan utilized a comprehensive approach to working with Tommi, and he performed a few essential steps. The social worker began with a cognitive assessment to...

Increasing Consumer Choice in Coverage and Care

Changes are transforming the U.S. health care market to the insurance coverage system. Employers are increasingly seeking to shift responsibility for health care costs to employees, that is direct consumers. In turn, this is causing a shift in the industry balance as not all consumers are willing to increase medical...

Medical Harms of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions

The video discussed in this essay depicts a panel of various people who have had experiences with transgender-affirming therapies, whether applied to themselves or others close to them. A number of different speakers make speeches in order, including a mother of a gender-dysphoric child, an endocrinologist, an emergency medicine specialist,...

Gender and Ethnic Diversity in Healthcare

Introduction The ideas of equality and elimination of discriminatory behavior have now become deeply integrated into the social patterns worldwide. Indeed, today’s public attention is constantly drawn to the promotion of diversity and inclusiveness, creating an image of equality and respect. However, while the situation steadily changes towards positive outcomes,...

Hemophilia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder. The leading cause of this disease is a mutation of the X chromosome, which disrupts blood coagulation processes. A thrombus does not form when the vessels are damaged, making it impossible to stop bleeding on time. Depending on which blood coagulation factors are impaired,...

Ethical Principles: Parents’ Vaccination Concerns

Introduction Vaccinations play a crucial role in the prevention of many diseases, and it is essential to do them early in life. However, some parents refuse to vaccinate their children based on various factors, such as religious beliefs, safety concerns, or specialists’ advice. Jenna and Chris Smith present a problematic...

The Nursing Shortage: Challenges and Possible Solutions

Medical caretakers are a basic piece of medical care and make up the biggest segment of the wellbeing calling. As indicated by the World Health Statistics Report, there are around 29 million medical caretakers and birthing specialists universally, with 3.9 million of those people in the United States (World Health...

Cultural Proficiency in Healthcare Organizations

With the growing diversification of society, the concept of cultural competence and cultural proficiency attract more and more attention in almost all spheres of human activity. The healthcare system starts to focus on being culturally competent as well regardless of still existing multiple challenges that include the complexity of organizations,...

Ecosocial Approach: Air Quality and Toxic Exposure

Kreiger’s ecosocial approach highlights racial and ethnic discrimination and social research’s importance. Nancy Krieger introduced the ecosocial framework, which investigates how various historical, ecological, and social factors influence public health, such as economic inequality. Briefly, the ecosocial framework identifies the incorporation of racial inequality and its effects on health inequalities....

Central Nervous System: Parts of the Central Nervous System

The nervous system is made up of two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). For the purpose of this paper, the discussion will revolve around the central nervous system— an essential part of the human body that controls most functions of the body...

Calcium Strengthens a Musculoskeletal System

Calcium is an essential mineral for people to build healthy bones and control blood clots. Calcium plays an important role in “skeletal muscle-regulation and maintenance, and contributes to the neuromuscular command and regulation of intracellular myosin fibers for skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation” (Harvey et al. 447). In other words,...

Healthcare Challenges of Vulnerable Populations

Issues of Increased Healthcare Demands for Vulnerable Populations Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2018). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic Medicine, 93(9), 1271-1275. Web. The authors explain that many Americans are living in vulnerable urban and rural communities. The hospitalization of these people is vital, and...

Health & Medicine: Breast Cancer in XIX Century

The disease of breast cancer was a disease of women, which began to be actively noticed from the beginning of the nineteenth century. John Adams’ daughter, Nabby Smith, was also at the mercy of the disease. Lack of knowledge forced the girl to wander around the doctors in search of...

The Problem of Obesity: Weight Management

Obesity is now a significant public health issue around the world. Fast frequency and associated comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, cardiac conditions, stroke, and metabolism are the main factors. This is to mention only a few. Weight gain and decreased body fat, and changes in fat composition and distribution...

Nursing Competencies Examples

In a healthcare delivery, it is important for one to be aware of the cultural competence concept. Especially when it comes to patient care, that is, nursing. It implies the ability of medical personnel to take into account the patient’s racial characteristics, beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and principles. Such data may...

Nature and Effects of Co-Occurring Disorders

Mental illness and substance use disorder (SUD) have common symptoms and may appear alongside each other. These conditions result in what is commonly known as co-occurring disorder (COD). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), COD is referred to as a condition in an individual manifesting two or...

Quality Management and Performance Improvement in Healthcare

There are a number of healthcare quality issues affecting the performance of various caregiving centers. The improvement in medical insurance coverage has enabled individuals to embrace and access primary care services in modern societies. Concurrently, patient experience is a paramount concern that often shapes the operational culture in many of...

Cardiac Health and Disease Prevention

The prevalence of cardiovascular conditions in today’s environment has become a pressing concern. Millions of people suffer from them, as the contemporary lifestyle leaves fewer opportunities to maintain cardiac health. Under such circumstances, it is vital to research and promote relevant practices that will contribute to the cardiovascular disease prevention...

The Application of Clinical Systems

Robust medical systems can elevate the healthcare arrangement structure around the world. Key care providers should work closely to create and execute sufficient clinical solutions for the advanced efficiencies and results in health settings. The utilization of experiential exercises coupled with information technology has an important impact on stimulating health...

Discussion of Public Health Achievements

This part of the assignment examines the credentials for both county and state health directors, according to Health Department (2021). Since it is rare for public service officers to display their contacts, the contact information given relates to the County and state health departments through which they are contacted, as...

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Recent Therapeutics Advances

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an x-linked pathology of the muscular system that occurs predominantly in boys. This progressive degenerative condition that results in severe motor disability occurs in roughly 1 in 5,000 births. Caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene, DMD results in the eventual loss of motor function,...

Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace

As healthcare systems become more complex, there are growing concerns about the safety of patients and healthcare workers. The two parties should be safe against injuries and infections that are likely to arise in a health facility setting. I have worked as a nurse in a local acute care hospital...

Ectopic Pregnancy: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition where the ovum, after getting fertilized in the fallopian tube, implants before it gets to the uterus cavity where it is supposed to implant normally. It can get attached to either the walls of the fallopian or cervix. Pregnancy should and can never grow anywhere...

Analysis of Eddie Bernice Johnson Life

Eddie Bernice Johnson is a representative member of Texas’s 30th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. It is important to note that she is also a member of the Democratic Party. It is stated that she is the first registered nurse who was elected into Congress of...

Communicating Knowledge in Nursing Practice

I chose to describe one of the conclusions of the article “Nurses’ Active Empathetic Listening Behaviors from the Voice of the Patient” by Myers et al. The researchers state that good communication in nursing practice is instrumental in creating a positive relationship between a nurse and a patient (Myers et...

Importance of Employees Getting Vaccinated

Introduction The world has been subjected to the new norm since the outbreak of a viral disease known as SARS coronavirus-2 or COVID-19. The disease is respiratory, and it affects the lungs causing breathing problems and leading to the death of those with existing breathing conditions. It has rendered the...

Healthcare Provision and Role of Culture

Multicultural Communication Multicultural communication refers to the interaction of people from different cultures (Zimmermann, 2017). Its origin can be traced back to the civilization era when people who were confined within particular regions started to explore other parts as they travel and conduct trade activities. Culture, Ethnicity, and Acculturation Culture...

Medical Research in Developing Countries

Clinical research is essential for discovering new treatments and vaccines for a wide variety of conditions and diseases. As medical research often involves human subjects, it is imperative to acquire their informed consent and ensure their safety and well-being during the study. This critique will consider three articles on the...

Asthma in African American Children

Introduction The provision of high-quality healthcare services to the population is conditional upon the consideration of their characteristics as well as the conditions prevalent in them. From this perspective, the focus on these two factors is crucial for a positive outcome of the suggested treatment. One of the examples, which...

Change Proposal Evaluation Plan to Congestive Heart Failure Patients

The successful implementation of a change proposal requires a number of initial steps that will cement the likelihood of success of the proposal. It is vital to collect relevant and accurate data concerning the issue, which is exacerbation in patients with CHF. It is important to communicate the importance of...

The Role of Managed Care Organizations in the Healthcare Environment

Managed care organizations (MCO) have become a significant part of the overall healthcare environment, aiming to address the system’s challenges. They adhere to strict standards, which are necessary to follow to ensure safety and affordability. Failing to comply with them may put patients at risk, so organizations should have appropriate...

Communities and Disaster Preparedness: Limiting the Spread of COVID-19

This poster focuses on communicating the necessary rules children must follow to limit the spread of COVID-19 as much as possible. These guidelines are reasonably well-known; however, they need to be constantly reminded since they are quite different from children’s usual way of life. For example, children are usually relatively...

Nursing Shortage and Mandatory Overtime

The US healthcare system experiences an increasing overload at present. The aging of baby boomers, a rising number of people with chronic conditions, and extended access to care provided by the Affordable Care Act put much pressure on the healthcare workforce (Wheatley, 2017). The most affected group within the workforce...

Covid-19 Testing Ad in School Community Setting

The Message of the Advertisement The advertisement promotes COVID-19 testing since it encourages people to go for screening. COVID-19 has killed millions of people, prompting multiple countries to take preventive measures to mitigate the pandemic (Yamin, 2020). The advertisement serves several purposes, with the most important being the safety of...

Poor Staff Management During the Pandemic

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic imposed a tremendous burden on healthcare institutions and medical workers. This research paper aims to determine what ethical values were violated by inefficient staffing and how cultural stereotypes impacted the emotional state of doctors and nurses. The lack of adequate management in hospitals resulted in breaching...

Benefits of Peer-Assisted Injection Sites

The increase in the consumption of opioid drugs in Canada has led to overdose prevention centers that offer peer-assisted drug injection and supervised drug injection. The author shows that different sites offer different services. For example, Mike’s site in Moss Park is a peer-assisted injection site where volunteers like Mike...

Subdermal Contraceptive Implants: Work Mechanisms and Effectiveness

Contraceptive methods have increasingly gained popularity over the last decade. They are perceived as one of the most effective ways to prevent unplanned pregnancy, and for this reason, they have massively gained acceptability among women. This paper discusses the subdermal contraceptive implant, exemplifies how it works, and provides statistical evidence...

Burnout and Staffing Shortage Causes in Nursing

Nursing entails building a foundation that can examine the needs of patients and face the crisis emanating from the health sector with a common vision of stabilizing it. The skills and ethics of nursing are meant to promote change and empower the families that various patients are affiliated. The frontline...

Opioids Are Misused and Overused in Medicine

Introduction The word “opioids” is often associated with illegal drugs. Heroin and fentanyl are, in fact, opioids, and these are considered the most harmful drugs. However, opioids are a class of drugs that includes pain relievers, which are often used in medicine. These are, of course, available by prescription, and...

Discussion of Abnormal Psychology

Antipsychotic drugs have proved their efficiency in the treatment of psychosis and mood disorders. However, sometimes they can have considerable side effects, such as dizziness or tardive dyskinesia, especially in the case with severe symptoms and higher doses of medication (Antipsychotic). To understand why psychiatrists in the past seemed to...

Nursing Shortage: Reasons, Effects and Management Suggestions

The problem of registered nurses (RN) shortage is predicted to escalate in the near future due to the aging population. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015), by 2024, the demand for new medical assistants would reach 1.09 million people due to sector growth and the need for...

Breast Cancer: Threat to the Patients

Tumors manifesting in mammary glands are majorly benign, representing almost no threat to the patients. Although their cells are different from others, they lack the ability to transfer to other organs. Cancer is developed from mutations, namely from atypical changes in genes that regulate cell growth and keep them healthy....

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Prominent Aspects, Management, and Prevention

Introduction Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a pattern of inattention or hyperactivity in a person. A patient with ADHD has a hard time keeping their attention on one subject, often suffering from hyperactive bursts of energy and struggling with impulsive decision-making (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). While...

Factors Affecting Health and Related Indicators

Health is a state of being physically and mentally sound and free from infirmities. Many countries’ health and well-being have gradually improved in the last decade due to heavy investments in the health sector. Unlike before, they do not only address physical diseases but also campaign for mental health awareness....

American Organization for Nursing Leadership

Evidence-based practice implies the idea that treatment should be based on specific scientific evidence, and this approach is gaining popularity in the field of medicine today. American Organization for Nursing Leadership is among the setting, which attempts to implement this method (Evidence-based practices, n. d.). It involves “the national professional...

The Value and Role of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice in Health Care

Today, evidence-based nursing practice is a rapidly developing area of training that aims to improve the effectiveness and quality of health care professionals. Such a practice helps nurses operate with scientific information skillfully and independently, finding and evaluating up-to-date, relevant data and evaluating it critically and objectively (Mackey & Bassendowski,...

Hand Sanitizers: Pros and Cons

Introduction The increase in medical conditions has negatively affected the quality of life and wellbeing of the population due to their effects. This is because medical conditions reduce life expectancy and compel individuals to seek quality care to overcome them effectively. One of the fundamental topics related to medical conditions...

The Impact of Technology on the Social Institution of Health

Today the health care industry is rapidly changing because of the necessity to adapt to the modern lifestyle and scientific progress. Technical advancements made possible health apps, physician portals, text reminders, as well as information and communication technology (ICT) (Gonzales 2017). Certainly, technology changed the approach to health care delivery...

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

Introduction The number of patients suffering from kidney problems is increasing at a high rate worldwide. Most patients with chronic kidney diseases do not seek any form of treatment, especially in developing countries (Bayliss et al., 2019). Thus, it is important to formulate programs that will help in addressing these...

Becoming a Culturally Competent Nurse

As described by Jana Lauderdale, cultural competence is a continuum with extreme humility on one end and extreme openness on another end. It implies keeping close to one’s own beliefs and concepts and being open to what patients may tell you if you ask. In other words, in terms of...

Five Fastest Growing Health Professions

Healthcare has always been a critical area for humans, but its importance will only grow in the future. As a result of the development of this sphere, new professions appear on the labor market, which are becoming more popular and widespread every year. According to Healthcare careers in 2020: Medical...

Relationship Between Low Self-Esteem and Body Weight Among Adolescents

Introduction Research Background Several factors are known to contribute to low self-esteem among adolescents. According to Lowry, Sallinen, and Janicke (2007), body weight is directly related to low self-esteem among youngsters since they tend trying to fit the ideal image of physical perfection. Steiger et al. (2014) have established that...

Never Events in Health Care: Summary

The article by Watson (2010) is dedicated to never events, which are also called serious reportable events. These are the cases that should never occur during medical operations. The article also describes the actions of the National Quality Forum (NQF) aimed at preventing the never events. NQF has confirmed a...

Analysis of Structural Racism in Healthcare

Introduction Unfortunately, African Americans face health problems very often. From poverty to structural racism, many issues require government attention and immediate resolution as human life is at stake. This paper will focus on structural racism – its history, causes, consequences, and possible solutions to this problem. Finding structural racism and...

Reducing Treatment Costs in Healthcare

People nowadays can enjoy numerous benefits that were not available to their ancestors. That includes living in warm houses, constant access to high-quality food and clean water, new technologies, and better healthcare service, to name a few. Additionally, with the continuously growing quality of life, its duration also increases. However,...

Voluntary Assisted Dying: Arguments For and Against

Physical, psychological, emotional, and mental suffering is ordinary for people living with a deadly disease; such patients often fear long-term incessant suffering. Chronic illness can bring many uncomfortable situations to patients, including pain, difficulty breathing, and depression. Nurses accompany the patient all the way from the initial discussion of the...

Fresno Medical Center’s Telehealth Risk Management Strategy

As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare agencies, governments, and industry groups recommend the adoption of telemedicine as a remedy for a remote treatment plan. Telehealth is an important medical field that can help practitioners combat COVID-19 by deploying solutions and chronic medicines within patients’ home settings....

Drinking and Smoking During Pregnancy

Smoking and drinking alcohol is definitely a wrong decision for a pregnant woman who wants to heighten the chances of light delivery and good health for her child. Alcohol and cigarettes are substances that affect a child’s development in various ways. From the 3 to the 8 weeks of pregnancy...

Osteoporosis: The Metabolic Bone Disease

The post discusses such metabolic bone disease as osteoporosis. Generally, older adults are at high risk of suffering from osteoporosis. Nonetheless, in rare cases, young people might also have this disease. The occurrence of osteoporosis at a young age is mainly associated with chronic diseases and the prescribed medications (Choong,...

Summary of Key to Successful Aging

This essay reviews Claire Steve’s presentation on TED Talks which discusses healthy living. Claire is a Geriatrician consultant and senior lecturer at Kings College London. In this video, Claire talks about healthy aging and factors that determine an individual’s lifespan and rate of aging. According to Claire, the most significant...

“Effectiveness of Hand Hygiene Interventions in Reducing Illness Absence”: Article Analysis

The research was conducted by 6 researchers from different medical specialties. The researchers were; Willmott, Nicholson, Busse, MacArthur, Brookes, and Campbell. All the researchers have a background in social and community medicine. Specifically, they are from the University of Bristol, School of Social and Community Medicine; thus indicating that they...

The Need for Lowering Insulin Costs in the USA

The disproportionate and rapid increase in insulin costs, also known as insulin inflation, is a well-known problem in the American medical community. The affordability of insulin is a source of great concern for patients with diabetes, their families, healthcare providers, insurers, and employers. The price for insulin has nearly tripled...

Restrictions on Gifts and Perks

Despite the seemingly innocent practice of a business lunch, it has become one of the central means of influence that pharmaceutical representatives have over physicians. Before the early 2000s, the situation was much worse when doctors were offered expensive things, vacations, and experiences. It was not money, but it was...

The Human Research Protection

The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich The documentary is about nurses during the Nazi period who participated in the Holocaust, violating their professional ethics. They also were involved in the murder of mentally ill and handicapped people. It is intended to show causes and consequences of ethical violations in...

Malpractice in the Medical Profession: Iturralde v. Hilo Medical Centre

Summary This paper provides a discussion of malpractice in the medical profession. The lawsuit in this study involved a surgeon, a patient and a state-owned medical center in two thousand and one. The appellant, Arturo Iturralde, succumbed to death two years posts the medical procedure by Dr. Robert Ricketson. The...

Mental Health in Adolescents Ages 15-18 of Hispanic Culture

Introduction Apart from the native American young, Latino youth record the highest suicide cases among minority groupings with more significant percentages of depressive symptoms following the rapidly growing number of young Latinos aged younger than 18. The stressors among Latino teenagers might result from immigration, cultural heritage, poverty, and marginalization....

Current Healthcare Law: Affordable Care Act

Introduction The United States healthcare landscape has undergone various reforms ever since the nation’s adoption of federalism to advance the quality of care administered to its citizens. These reforms have, in turn, significantly impacted nursing practice and roles. This paper discusses the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a legislation that has...

Consequences of Inaccurate Coding

Introduction Medical coding is how services offered in healthcare are converted into billable revenue. Every service provided corresponds to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System codes (Hunley et al., 2021). Claims for services offered are then submitted to Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance companies in possession...

Healthcare for Underserved Communities During Covid-19 Pandemic

The pandemic has revealed many weak points of the healthcare system. One of the pressing issues is the access to care resources the underserved communities. The three articles included in this paper analyze the effect of the hindered access on the health of the underserved populations. The authors offer policy...

Foodborne Illness as Population Health Concern in the US

The Population Health concern selected and the factors that contribute to it Foodborne illness affects at least one in every six Americans. Food safety issues claim over 3,000 deaths per year in the US (Doe, 2017). As per the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the approximate cost for foodborne diseases...

Bispectral Index Monitor and Anesthesia Awareness

Introduction The authors of the article have focused on how healthcare providers have developed various approaches to provide excellent healthcare services. For instance, the use of BIS Monitor has been introduced to reduce postoperative recovery time and anesthetic drug consumption (Rüsch et al., 2018). In this case, the article’s authors...

Health Professionals’ Challenges and Countermeasures

Introduction The work of healthcare specialists is complicated by various factors related to their efficiency in the workplace and the perception of them among patients and other workers. Therefore, medical facilities tend to develop policies addressing specific issues to improve their work as a whole. Their efforts have been proved...

Environmentally and Lifestyle Linked Cancer

Background Cancer is a menace that plagues our society, tragically leading to suffering. According to recent research published in the Cancer Journal for Clinicians, there were approximately 1,762,450 new cancer cases that resulted in 606,880 deaths in the United States in 2019 (American Cancer Society, 2019). When it comes to...

Preparing a Child for School During COVID Pandemic

In order to most adequately prepare a child for school life in the era of raging strains of coronavirus, a parent needs to be aware of their position in current social processes. An understanding is required that the state, in turn, carries out the necessary procedures to minimize infection while...

Bullying and Patient Safety in Clinical Settings

Thankfully, I have not faced serious bullying or incivility, such as physical abuse or verbal slurs within my clinical setting. The worst instances I can remember are several cases of unfunny jokes or seemingly unjustified negative comments on my or my peers’ performance. However, the fact that I have witnessed...

Wearable Medical Devices: How Will They Transform Healthcare?

Are WMDs the Future? It is difficult to argue that the future of health care is still far away. On the contrary, humanity is already facing incredible scientific and technological advances every day that is significantly changing the agendas of medical science. Although by now these products of progress are...

Drug Production During Crisis: The Case of COVID-19

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on the American economy. The healthcare system of the country has not coped well with the crisis, which indicates that it is inherently inefficient. Some observers believe that countries with socialized care have coped better, with key examples including New Zealand and...

Oral Health Program: Funding Examples Discussion

Introduction Public health programs have to be adequately funded if they are to achieve their objectives and make a positive change to the targeted communities and populations (Rosenbaum, 2015). Based on this elucidation, it is important to look into the funding landscape to have a clear understanding of the funding...

Awareness on Diabetes Causes and Treatment

Diabetes mellitus is a rather severe group of diseases that may occur in both children and adults. This condition affects the way one’s body uses glucose and may lead to excess sugar in the blood, which typically results in serious health problems (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2020). Due to the fact...

Case Study of Pain Management: Chronic Pain Treatment

Chronic pain can be potentially debilitating, reducing a patient’s functional status and quality of life. Available treatments for this condition include either multidisciplinary interventions or single-discipline approaches with varying levels of efficacy. Various studies have evaluated the effectiveness of opioid use, alternative medicine, cognitive-behavioral rehabilitation, and other therapies for pain...

Issue of Aging Population: The Healthcare Challenge

Currently, the population of the United States is swiftly aging which poses challenges to healthcare system. It is estimated that approximately 20% of American people will reach the age of 65 within a decade (Rowe et al., 2016). It implies that they will excessively use medical services due to chronic...

Informatics Reinforcing Wisdom in Long-Term Care Facilities

The enhancement of the management of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom continuum (DIKW) is the core purpose of nursing informatics. The nurses’ work in long-term care facilities incorporates a number of duties and requires proficient skills and knowledge. The research question of the current essay is dedicated to the issue...

Healthcare Reimbursement in the US

Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle What Reimbursement Means to a Healthcare Organization The U. S. healthcare system is rather complicated due to the existence of several approaches to paying for the provided care. Private payers (insurers and individuals) as well as the government (through Medicare or Medicaid) pay for the...

Astra Plc Health and Fitness App

Introduction Many are spending most of their time working implying that they have no time for physical activities and exercises. Astra Plc is intending to launch a new fitness and health app in an attempt to diversify its portfolio in the next three months (The Association for Project Management, 2021)....

Hypertensive Patients Will Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure and Prevent Obesity

Despite hypertension and obesity are being major life threats, there are safer lifeways that one can use to combat the problem. Including Physical Activity Any mobility that requires calorie expenditure either for work or fun, daily tasks, or commute time is classified as a physical workout. Bodily exercise is good...

Dementia: Ertha Williams’ Case Analysis

Dementia is one of the most common brain dysfunctions that predominantly occur in older adults by diminishing their quality of life and chances for independent functioning. Since the world’s demographic situation is currently characterized by an aging population, the causes of dementia are expected to grow in number. Therefore, it...

Bipolar Disorder Description, Causes, and Treatment

Description Bipolar disorder is a mentally based disease that mainly affects an individual’s reaction to different situations. In this case, a person can experience moods at the extremes hence the significant highs and lows (Douglas et al., 2018). It is an issue that risks the healthy growth and development, which...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Among Children and Adolescents

Introduction Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a prevalent illness affecting more than 16 million Americans. Its commonness among adults is on the rise, but more worrying is the recent recognition of this disease among children and adolescents. Researchers know little about the varying epidemiology, management and etiology of T2DM...

IMed Brand Driving a Paradigm Shift in Healthcare

Executive Summary The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is dynamically increasing in the healthcare industry. AI experts believe that it is a revolutionary technology, and its impact in the medical sector is “life-changing” (Mills, 2020, para. 4). Its great potential drives a transformative change in the modern-day and future medical...