Oral Health Benefits for Children and Adults

With adequate and reliable revenue allocation to the overall well-being of people, the future of oral health benefits for children and adults is promising. Approximately 15 years ago, dental and oral diseases were identified as common silent epidemics experienced by poor Americans and black people. Because of these findings, the...

Technology Application in Nursing

The interaction between nurses and patients is greatly enhanced in an environment where information and communication technology has been put in place. Besides, nurses are in a position to exchange communication more conveniently than before when ICT had not been embraced. This has improved the way nurses deliver healthcare to...

Nursing – Portions of the Gastrointestinal and Musculoskeletal Disorder

Portions of the gastrointestinal tract affected Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that has been shown to affect only the rectum and colon parts of the gastrointestinal tract. It has been demonstrated that inflammatory bowel disease attacks the innermost parts of the colon and rectum (Schoelmerich, 2006). On the...

Course Competencies’ Impact on Nursing Practice

Comprehensive nursing care unites a combination of various measures such as a thorough plan, excellence assessment, and philosophy of therapy. At the same time, high-quality interventions on certain points depending on the specific disturbance of the patient are no less vital. As a consequence, having an exhaustive knowledge of assistance...

Women and HIV Resource Availability: Challenges and Needs

Introduction HIV was discovered in the 1980s and has since spread all over the world. It has been established that the disease is more prevalent in women and people of low social standing. In North Carolina, the distribution of the infected people is skewed towards the minority populations such as...

Decreased Visual Functioning Among the Elderly

Vision loss is a common health care problem among the elderly in different countries. Research shows that one in every three individuals aged 65 years and above may be experiencing visual loss. The aim of the paper is to discuss the three main causes of vision loss among the elderly...

Managing Dengue Disorder in the Middle East

Introduction The World Health Organization (2009) regards dengue haemorrhagic as well as dengue fever as critical arthropod borne viral disorder. Annually, there are about half a million individuals who are admitted to hospitals because of the disorder and 50 million new cases of dengue infections. In the Middle East, the...

High Mortality Rate in Patients of Major Surgical Procedures

Introduction Life expectancy in the developed world is improving probably due to the improved living standards over the years. Statistics show that in the year two thousand and eight, France had thirty two percent of its citizens with sixty five years of age and seventeen percent was above seventy five...

Synopsis of Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Special Issue Article

The concept of how biological compounds influence the health status of an individual is intriguing for research. For instance, how assimilated substrates such as glucose and amino acids induce obesity and other metabolic disorders make in-depth knowledge of nutritional biochemistry important. The article’s topic captivates attention since it informs the...

State Government Policy Analysis in the Healthcare

Representative Michael McCaul is a republican currently serving in the 10th district of Texas state which includes Hempstead and Bellville (Congressman Michael McCaul, 2011a). He has served in the same position since the year 2000. As a public figure, his political and leadership record are outstanding especially on matters related...

Evidence-Based Practice Strategies for Myocardial Infarction Patients

Evidence-Based Practice Strategies to Reduce the Door-to-Balloon Time in STEMI (ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction) Patients: A Needs Assessment Adams, J., Wong, B., & Wijeysundera, H. C. (2015). Root causes for delayed hospital discharge in patients with ST-segment Myocardial Infarction (STEMI): a qualitative analysis. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 15, 107.  It was...

Mental Health and Outdoor Therapy

Introduction Mental health has become a significant issue in the modern world. Thus, different approaches have been introduced to help people improve their psychological health. Outdoor therapy is one of the strategies used to treat cerebral disorders. Consequently, one can analyze outdoor education to determine how it can help improve...

“The Trends for Cervical Ripening…” by Chodankar

The article “An overview of the past, current and future trends for cervical ripening in induction of labour” by Chodankar, Sood, and Gupta sought to discuss the benefits and risks of pharmacological and mechanical methods of labor induction (Chodankar, Sood & Gupta, 2017). The authors used a methodology almost similar...

Sublingual Immunotherapy Analysis

Allergies are treated in various different ways and sublingual immunotherapy is one of them. The exact way the sublingual immunotherapy works is not yet known but evidence show that it activates action of cells. Administration of SLIT induces secretion of interleukins by sublingual cells. At the same time, Dendritic cells...

The State of Health of Niger Citizens

Introduction Clans, societies, countries, continents, and the entire world have faced a lot of pressure and need of solving health problems and health-related issues. This problem has seen the world, continents, countries, societies, and clan’s loss their beloved ones because of the poor state of health and the emergence of...

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Introduction Many deaths in the world today are attributed to cardiovascular diseases. In the United Kingdom alone, stroke and cardiovascular diseases combined claim the lives of more than 150,000 people every year. The disease is attributed to unhealthy diet policies. A continued intake of dairy products including meat and processed...

Sickle Cell Disease: Symptoms

The peer’s thoughts concerning the significance of patient education are grounded. It is so because modern technology provides almost everyone with easy access to much medical information. If people are not educated on how they should treat these data, adverse consequences can emerge. For example, individuals can misinterpret their symptoms...

Polio Prevention and Control

Polio is a very contagious disease that is caused by the poliovirus. In most of the victims, the disease affects the nerve cells, especially those of the spinal cord. As a result, the muscles that control voluntary movement are affected usually resulting in paralysis. Another name for polio is poliomyelitis....

Bipolar Mental Disorder and Its Impact on an Individual

Mental or psychological disorders affect a person’s feelings, mood, and thinking, leading to distress. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental illness associated with shifts in mood and changes in activity and energy levels. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people has a mental disorder (as cited...

Meaningful Use Policy in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Recovery audit contractors (RACs) and electronic health records (EHRs) include highly sensitive information that should be managed carefully to avoid adverse outcomes. Careless management of this information can lead to leaks of private data, which may lead to significant legal and image problems. Thus, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services...

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

It is apparent that the issue of nutrition and health in the United States of America has gained concern in recent years (Radimer et al., 2004). This is due to the fact that the growing population in the USA has increased significantly over the last decade, a factor that raises...

Incidence of Blood Stream Infections Associated With the Use of Central Venous Catheters in Hemodialysis Adult Patients

Abstract This paper provides comprehensive information pertaining to the incidence of bloodstream complications that are associated with central venous catheters (CVCs) in hemodialysis adult patients. It focuses on the effects of bloodstream-related complications and central venous catheters (CVCs). The study adopted the topic since intravascular catheters complications are becoming indispensable...

Health Insurance Myth and Misconceptions in Nursing

Dear Professor, I suppose that health reform in the USA still remains one of the most discussed issues in the medical sphere. Too many changes were made that touched all spheres of medicine, and this issue will be considered until all the misunderstandings are removed and all the problems are...

Musculoskeletal Disorders: Rheumatoid Arthritis

The musculoskeletal system consists of such major elements as the skeleton and the muscles. No doctor specializes in one of these components as they are closely connected and function in terms of the processes taking place in this complex system. At that, it could be important to specialize further to...

Adolescent Males With Depression: Poly-Substance Abuse

Introduction Male adolescents with depression are usually reluctant and unwilling to seek help from adults or even healthcare institutions. They tend to associate the act of seeking assistance with their problems as childishness this end up finding different ways of coping with the situation. One of the ways that most...

Health Promotions in Preschools

Abstract The process of enabling increased control over one’s health and improving health is called health promotion. It is frequently carried out in schools to create awareness of certain health issues. Hand washing has a major impact on public health, and this seemingly trivial activity significantly reduces two leading causes...

Use of Nursing Theory in Practice

Is nursing a science? Nursing is a science as being a nurse means to study new methods and ways of performing tasks. The developments in science are successfully applied to nursing practice. Science is described as the process of acquiring new knowledge and applying that knowledge into practice. Nursing perfectly...

Managed Care and Organizational Downsizing in Healthcare

Managed Care Patient safety has become a priority in many hospitals globally. There has been general awareness among health care providers and policymakers, to strengthen the management of healthcare provision. Many hospitals have adopted appropriate centralized adverse event reporting systems, although most of them still differ. There is still evidence...

The Impact of Global Climate Change on Health

Climate change poses considerable public health risks in developed and underdeveloped countries. It affects human welfare by intensifying existing environmental stressors and introducing new threats to global health (CDC, 2020). The changing climate results in periods of temperature extremes worldwide, which cause disruptions in the infrastructure sector, agriculture, and ecosystems...

Impact of Malpractice Suits on the Medical Care

Executive Summary This report will analyze malpractice suits and their impact on the cost of medical care. It will specifically target the aspect of self-interest in the field of medical care practice. The main areas of concern are the options available to both the patients and the physicians. Defensive medicine...

Care Planning Systems in Managing Lower Back Pain

Introduction Care planning systems have transformed the way nursing care is conceptualized and delivered. The technology provides a direct link between evidence-based information and knowledge. Evidence-based research is an essential strategy that is applied in addressing critical healthcare issues. It promotes quality access to information and provides timely interventions to...

The Legal System & Framing Issues in Law and Public Health

Introduction The government through relevant federal agencies evaluates the capacity to provide public health services. In this context, the government ensures that its capability to handle public health issues is maintained at high levels (Gostin, 2008). Therefore, regular monitoring of public health capabilities at state and local level is delegated...

Health Care Systems: Purposes and the Situation in the U.S.

Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Incentives Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey can provide decision-makers with information that will impact the amount of Hospital Value-Based Purchasing incentives awarded to medical institutions (McFarland, Ornstein & Holcombe, 2015, p. 503). Thus, the patient-satisfaction indicator is widely used for assessing...

Communication in Health and Social Care Organizations

Introduction Effective communication has increasingly become essential for the hospital and social care settings where interaction between nurses and patients constantly occurs. Good communication ensures effective expression and explanation of problems pertaining to the diagnosis of diseases and treatment algorithms. Currently, most patients complain of being ignored by nurses who...

“The TrueBlue Study”: Qualitative Article Critique

Introduction Quantitative research is a fundamentally significant tool in the nursing practice since it does not only facilitate the continual development of knowledge, but also generates rigorous, objective, and controllable information which helps define the distinctive role of nursing as a contemporary profession (Burns & Grove, 2005). In this perspective,...

Cockroach Infestation and Health Issues Caused by Cockroaches

Cockroaches, Bacteria with Antibiotic Resistance, and Prevention of Infestation The ability of cockroaches to harbor numerous infectious diseases and disseminate them, thus, contributing to a steep rise in the instances of diseases development, as well as the threat of epidemics (Pesquero & Carneiro, 2012). Therefore, there is a need to...

An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner’s Role Delineation

An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) should complete his or her graduate-level education in an attempt to acquire appropriate skills for effective healthcare delivery (Hain and Fleck 6). I am currently focusing on the most appropriate practices that can support my program goals. Such activities are undertaken to develop the...

Building a Culture Where it is Acceptable for Physicians to Make Mistakes

For a long time now, physicians have been denied a chance to make mistakes in their cause of duty. Although their work is delicate and a mistake can lead to loss of life, they are still human and thus can make mistakes at times. The way these mistakes are handled...

Effectiveness of a Diet and Physical Activity on the Prevention of Obesity

Research indicates that obesity is the global epidemic of the 21st century, especially due to its prevalent growth and health implications. In Mexico, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased by 9%, from 61% to 70% from 1999 to 2006. The whole population, including both adults and school children, showed...

Feeding & Eating: Binge-Eating and Pica Disorder

Binge-Eating Disorder Definition: Binge-eating disorder is characterized by eating, in a discrete period (for example, within any 2 hours), an amount of food that is larger than what most people would eat in a similar period under similar circumstances (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 350). Moreover, a person suffering from the...

Vulnerable Population: Dependence on Field of Interest

The concept of population vulnerability depends on the field of interest. In health, vulnerable populations are those susceptible to different diseases. Essentially, people from low-income families, often malnourished and exposed, the elderly, and those with inherent pre-existing conditions are considerably defenseless to illnesses. These groups have suppressed immunity and may...

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

Should other practices besides fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism be considered misconduct in your publications? To answer this question, it is useful to make a key inquiry: “What makes a specific behavior so wrong that it becomes misconduct?” A typical reaction to this query may list deliberate or intentional behaviors that...

Ethical Dilemma: Euthanasia

Introduction Among many ethical challenges, the bio-medical revolution is forcing upon individuals today is the question of euthanasia and the values that should be used to make ethical decision-making with respect to this practice (Dennis, 2009). Indeed, debates about the topic of euthanasia are grounded on moral and personal views,...

Aloe Vera Treatment: Description and Benefits

Boon, Heather & Smith, J. Micheal. (2004).The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to the 50 Most Common Medicinal Herbs. Robert Rose Publishers. p.25-33 If the book was a stop shop for all the information concerning the Aloe vera species as a traditional and non traditional medical remedy then it has undoubtedly...

Evidence-Based Practice and Applied Nursing

Introduction The dynamic nature of the nursing practice has occasioned the integration of sophisticated and better interventions in offering patient care regardless of the medical department. Evidence-based nursing endeavors to utilize the best research findings in informing practice in all health care facilities. Its application into nursing practice is usually...

Holistic Management of a Patient’s Symptoms

Introduction John is suffering from an advanced and progressive disease, which is lung cancer, and this is the reason his general practitioner referred him to the community palliative care service where he will be able to receive holistic care. ‘Palliative’ is a Latin word derived from the word ‘pallium’ which...

Black and Healthy: Review The Program

Abstract “Black and Healthy” is a nongovernmental organization that was started in 2001. The main focus of the organization is to reduce the burden of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States. Since its inception, the organization has been facilitating this kind of programs in the US (In Texas...

Health Promotion: Reducing Tobacco Use by Adults

The Health Promotion Project All nations develop policies for ensuring effective health promotion. Government expenditures on programs that promote health within a state or nation are justified by the fact that a healthy nation is more productive. Health promotion seeks to respond to various known risk factors in a bid...

Adaptations to Pregnancy and Major Hormones

During pregnancy, the human body has to undergo certain physiological changes to create appropriate conditions for the fetus and to maintain a woman’s health. The placenta and an endocrine gland are responsible for the production of four significant pregnancy hormones that support the embryo (Perry et al., 2017). Human chorionic...

Electronic Health Records Implementation

Advantages of recording patient information electronically An electronic health record is a coming-up technique that involves a well-organized collection of electronic health information, of personal patients or populations. This recording appears to be the current trend in health care in that one finds many doctors and any other health professional...

Multidisciplinary Approach to Water Pollution

Introduction Water quality influences community health outcomes. People need water to survive and undertake basic human activities, such as cooking and washing clothes (World Health Organization, 2013). However, beyond these purposes, water has a broader impact on public health because it affects people’s well-being (World Health Organization, 2013, p. 1)....

Managed Care and Rising Healthcare Costs

Introduction Managed care is meant to help in the provision of quality medical care at affordable costs. Those with individual insurance pay much but get low quality healthcare compared to those with employment plans. This article will discuss how the cost of managed care is rising and how it is...

On Evidence-Based Interventions for Anxiety: A Synopsis

Introduction As members of The Oncology Nursing Society project team for “Putting Evidence into Practice” concerning anxiety, the authors embarked on a mixed methods research essentially to inform colleagues what empirical research had to say about what works for managing inpatient anxiety. The research program of Sheldon, Swanson, Dolce, Marsh,...

Circular RNAs in the Heart and Cardiovascular System

Introduction of the Topic In their study, Lim et al. explore circular RNAs (circRNAs) in the heart and cardiovascular system. It is essential to note that Dr. Lim Teck Beng is an obstetrician & gynecologist from Singapore (“Dr. Lim Teck Beng,” 2020). Lavenniah Annadoray is “a graduate from the University...

Healthcare Insurance: Effects of Adverse Selection

It is quite natural that those people who know or suspect that the probability of them falling sick is high are most likely to buy insurance. On the same note, many people do not like paying high insurance premiums than the expenses they are likely to incur in hospitals. Therefore,...

The Millennium Developmental Goals and Nursing Programs

The Millennium Developmental Goals were established in 2000 during the Millennium Summit of the United Nations (Stephen, 2008). The millennium Summit is composed of over 180 United Nations member states and international organizations. The MDGs were established as a blueprint following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration by...

Aspects of Crisis Lethality Overview

Introduction The world changes to improve its economic, political and social development. However; not all developments occur in equal measure, as man overlooks other aspects for the sake of achieving their goals. Currently, political and economic developments are everyone’s priorities. Moreover, our social life is dwindling, families disintegrating and states...

Religious Health Care Analysis

Introduction In any consultancy procedure, it is important to identify areas that top the list of agendas. Considering that health care is most critical, it is important to identify major issues that stalls its provision. It is also important to note that Religious health care system has been performing as...

A Membership in Association of Operating Room Nursing

AORN I am a member of AORN. AORN stands for Association of Operating Room Nursing. AORN is a non-profit association with members throughout the United States. The organization is based in Denver, Colorado. AORN represents the interest of over 160000 nurses. Notably, AORN provides numerous benefits to its members. These...

Bias in Epidemiologic Research

Introduction Potential biases are likely to be present and affect epidemiologic research at the level of design, implementation, and analysis of a study. Bias is defined as systematic errors that affect the epidemiologic research, hence leading to invalid measures of association and altered study outcomes (Aschengrau & Seage, 2008). There...

Nursing Certification Paper

Nursing certification programs have already established their importance and value among both nurses and the healthcare institutions that employ them. Admittedly, even patients realize the benefits of those. Certification is validated by the nongovernmental agencies regarding particular standards, qualifications, skills, and final assessment in a defined sphere of nursing (AACN...

Malignant Hyperthermia Background

Introduction Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) is a life-threatening pharmacogenetic condition that induces “skeletal muscle calcium regulation” disorder (Hopkins 48). The disorder was first detected in 1960 when an anesthetist managed to notice the symptoms. The anesthetist also managed to choose an effective treatment strategy. The case is now known as the...

The M2 Conceptual Model in Dental Health Care

According to Longest (2004) and Longest (2010), the main idea embodied in the M2 conceptual model is how dentists can promote the general welfare and dental health of the people based on the strategic planning goals of the Dental Public Health (DPH) as embodied in the mission statements of the...

Pain Management in Patients with Addiction

Introduction Addicted patients are among the most delicate types of patients as far as pain management is concerned. Addiction is characterized by the continued use of a substance despite the harm that such a substance poses to one’s health. Research has shown that more than 15% of the world’s population...

Maternal Health Literacy & Child Participation in Social Welfare Programs

This research study aimed at investigating the relationship between children of specific age enrollment in social programs and the level of maternal health literacy by seeking to establish the impact that maternal health literacy programs has on such enrollment. To investigate this, the research study applied cohort research study in...

The Field of Nursing Overview and Analysis

Introduction It is essential for individuals in the field of nursing to pursue a graduate degree. This makes them to be more experienced, skilled and competent in their respective fields. To determine this, an interview was conducted on a random candidate from the 2009 graduate list of Kaplan University. Random...

Understanding Biostatiscal Principles with Diabetes

According to Glover and Mitchell, for an individual to effectively communicate Biostatistics data, he had to first understand the public to which he wanted to convey the message. It was almost impracticable to alter the pre-existing values of the public except through addressing the matters unambiguously. Coming up with information...

Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Undoubtedly, telemedicine is becoming extremely popular nowadays due to the developments in the field of technology. Besides, a multitude of individuals lacks the time to visit hospitals and wait for their turn. Moreover, it seems to be extremely useful for people living in remote geographic areas or being detained in...

Outbreak Investigation: Global Issues

A disease outbreak is defined as the occurrence of incidences of diseases that appear to be more than what is normally expected in a particular community, geographic area, or season. On the other hand, a cluster refers to the occurrence of incidences of diseases in several people which is more...

A Collaborative Stress Management Initiative for Mothers of Cancer Children

Abstract The article explored the psychological stress experienced by mothers who have cancerous children. The author proposed that support groups are advantageous in stress reduction among mothers of cancerous children. The author did an experimental research to establish his findings. The research is current and relevant to contemporary health issues....

Evidence-Based Public Health Policy

Evidence-based policy is based on a well-informed research and factual evidenced. However, evidence-based policy is established for the benefit of the public. In addition, evidence-based policy utilizes scientific methodologies to improve and validate the outcomes. Therefore, the use of random controlled trials to ascertain the reliability of variables and sample...

Mental Conditions in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Forman

Movie Summary One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a movie about an ex-criminal – Chief Bromden, who pretends to be insane to avoid prison labor. There, he witnesses the way a nurse (Nurse Ratched) uses unethical manipulation techniques to abuse patients. In his attempts to rebel, the main character...

Hospital Corporation of America: SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a commonly used method to analyze the internal and external environment of any company, including Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). A SWOT analysis evaluates strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) together with opportunities and threats (external factors). HCA Healthcare Inc. is one of the leading healthcare...

Nursing Research: Types and Their Descriptions

Exploratory research is a specific type of inquiry intended to define a phenomenon. It is used in cases when the problem at hand has not been studied sufficiently, lacks clarity, or is not supported by systematized operational definitions (De Chesnay, 2015). Exploratory research can be based on primary data, such...

Nurse Staffing, Quality of Care, and Job Outcomes

Introduction Hospitals nurse staffing levels affect patients and nurses outcomes. Several researches have established a relationship between low nurse staffing levels and negative patient outcomes in hospitals. A study by Aiken et al, for example, presented in their article Hospital nurse staffing and patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job dissatisfaction,...

Healthcare Rationing During a Pandemic

Introduction With limited resources to allocate, healthcare providers often have to make decisions about patients’ life and death. Especially with the covid pandemic, which places a significant burden on the healthcare system, it is essential to correctly assess the patient’s chances of recovery and the outcome of the decision. Thus,...

Pandemics & Biothreats and Governmental Responses

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a pandemic as a worldwide disease outbreak that is mainly characterized by high infection levels, a perceived lack of immunity against the disease-causing agent, and a high rate of spread and survival among human populations (Chiras, 2010). In the light of this definition, examples...

Abortion: Comparing Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction The issue of abortion has been an issue that has been greatly discussed due to the sensitivity of the act itself. It narrows down to the question of whether the life of an unborn child is less valuable as compared to the life of the ones who are already...

Review of Literature Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Comparison Between Quantitative and Qualitative Cultures of Tracheal Aspirates This work investigated the significance of quantitative results in regards to tracheal secretion. Quantitative cultures exhibited increased specificity over qualitative cultures but posted a decreased sensitivity compared to qualitative. VAP diagnosis prediction was not achievable through quantification It involved...

Patient Engagement in Type 2 Diabetes

Project Completion The patient and family engagement approach by Smith et al. (2017) was applied to a group of 30 people with diabetes. Upon their recruitment and the relevant ethical procedures, blood glucose was measured for them before the intervention; then, the intervention was carried out with the help of...

Teach-Back Method for Heart Failure Patients

Background Congestive heart failure is one of the main health concerns in the United States today. According to Hodges (2009), heart failure is the only disease with an increasing prevalence in this country. More people are being diagnosed with this disease each year. Scholars have pointed out the importance of...

Types and Participants of Epidemiological Study Designs

Epidemiological research studies usually utilize different study designs, including cohort study, case-control study, and cross-sectional designs. These designs differ about the period during which the phenomenon and health outcomes are studied and about the used sample (Farrell et al., 2013, p. 3; Ibrahim, Alexander, Shy, & Farr, 1999, p. 1)....

The Online Personal Health Records on Medication Accuracy and Safety

Introduction Schnipper (2012) believes that medication-related errors are among the main challenges in primary care. More so, medication-related errors are more profound in the outpatient setting, where medication reconciliation challenges the reduction of medication errors. The occurrences of medication-errors have increased medication-related morbidity and mortality. In fact, Schnipper (2012) reports...

Arab Heritage: Patient-Centered Care

Arab Heritage Case Study Mrs. Nasser arrived at the urgent-care center with her 16-year-old daughter, who had been experiencing burning upon urination, itching around her genital area, and a high fever. Mrs. Nasser appeared very anxious, explaining to the nurse that her daughter had never had these symptoms before. The...

Family Value and Nursing Theories

Importance of Family Nursing The importance of family nursing practices was not recognized until late twentieth century when the need for family nursing became a burning issue for the system of health care. In this respect, the family became an integral part of the health care system because the family...

Responsibilities Regarding Humans as Research Subjects

Human exploration guidelines ensure that people are treated ethically without causing harm to research subjects. Moral rules that oversee the application of human subjects under examination are a genuinely new development. After 1906, administrative bodies, for example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Institutional Review Board (IRBs) were presented...

Cereal Label Facts Project Report

Different food products have different nutritional composition thus the need for food labeling. The ingredients that food processors use bring about this change. Additionally, the process of preparing foods before consumption may also alter the nutritional constitution of foods (Alias, and Mohd 66). It is important to go through the...

Community Obesity and Diabetes: Mississippi Focus Study

Community-Based Teaching on Diabetes Diabetes is a human disorder that is brought about by the miss-production of insulin that helps in the breakdown of blood sugars in the body. Diabetes is known to be very fatal. It can cause serious problems to the human body depending on the type and...

Planning an Effective Healthcare Organization Restructure

Identifying the Aspects of the Plan that Should be Changed On the one hand, the idea of dividing an organization into smaller departments can provide better management to separate units. Introducing changes to each of the organized entities will be much more effective and easier (Kovner, 2009). On the other...

The Reduction in Maternal Mortality

The reduction in maternal mortality is one of the major goals of international public health. It is considered a critical issue worldwide since about 585,000 women die each year due to pregnancy-related complications (Center for Global Development, 2007). The program on maternal health in Sri Lanka, which began in the...

Health Care Delivery and Practice Assessment

Health Policy Paper Health Care Delivery and Practice Assessment The quality of healthcare delivery in the United States is often influenced by a range of socio-cultural, economic, legal, and ethnic disparities. The distinction gives birth to inequalities, which hinder a status of the health-care policy. Specifically, according to the health...

Health Care Medical Center: Budgeting and Capital Projects

Introduction Two proposals of investments by Health Care Medical Center are different in nature not only in their functioning but also so far as initial outlay is concerned. Three methods used for evaluating the proposals and for taking a decision between the two investments are breakeven point method, payback period...

Grief, Loss, and Suffering at end of Life: Masters in Palliative Care

Introduction In the world today millions of people are suffering from severe and complex diseases that are terminal or chronic in nature. The aftermath of these diseases is normally pain, distress, suffering, early death and grief to the people affected. Some of these diseases are “cancer that is chronic, terminal...

Healthcare and Corrections

Abstract HIV/AIDS is a major healthcare problem in modern correctional setting. In order to counteract it, various educative, preventive and treatment measures are undertaken. However, research shows that in order to efficiently combat the disease, emotional and ethical measures are vital promoting cooperation between the patients and the prison staff...

Direct and Non-direct Care Providers

Abstract Direct and non-direct care providers have specific core competencies. The definition of these competencies and their successful implementation ensures effective teamwork of the care providers and qualitative health care service as a result. Both direct and non-direct care providers should be competent in theoretical and clinical knowledge, communication and...

Common Lung Diseases Overview

The human lung is a respiratory organ made up of secondary lobules and Broncho vascular bundles, alveoli and blood vessels, and an interstitial. The diseases affecting the lungs, a primary respiratory organ in human beings, are called lung diseases. Most fatal lung diseases affect the interstitium. A Prolonged affliction of...

Effective Assessment Practices

Effective Assessment Practices in Nursing Education This paper analyzes application of OSCE as an effective clinical skills in nursing education. the main focus is on the use of OSCE as an effective assessment practice in nursing education. it also describes advantages and disadvantages of OSCE as an effective assessment tool...

Cardiac Disease During Pregnancy

Heart related diseases are caused by many factors and they are becoming common in pregnant women. The presence of cardiac disease during pregnancy poses a challenging clinical situation to medical doctors because they are also supposed to concentrate on the wellbeing of the unborn baby (Perry etal. 2011). During this...

Management and Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Change of Lifestyle

Pathophysiology Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a disease that affects the lungs and leads to massive inflammation of the tissues that make up the lungs (Barnes, 2000). Generally, this disease condition results in the blockage of the air passages in the pulmonary compartments. It has been noted that the...

The Personal Health Records of Today

A reflection on personal health records (PHRs) and patient portals A PHR is an online record that contains a patient’s health information and is accessed, edited and maintained by the owner of the information (patient). The VA maintains PHRs that offer veterans a flexible and scalable platform to maintain their...

Care Plan for Kendall Lakes Windshield Community: The Issue of Chlamydia

Introduction The purpose of this essay was to develop a care plan for Kendall Lakes Windshield Community based on the public health issue of Chlamydia. A public health nurse approach has been selected for the care plan. Community health nursing focuses on care provided to patients outside healthcare facilities, but...

Cholera Infectious Disease. Disease Spread Pattern

Introduction Cholera is an infectious disease that is caused by a bacterium known as Vibrio cholerae (Raufman, 1997). It is transmitted through consumption of water or food that contains traces of fecal matter. Even though an individual might not show signs or symptoms of the disease, his fecal material may...

An Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay Experiment

Introduction In our society presently, immunoassay techniques used in data analyses have assumed a place of high significance, particularly as it is applicable to pure/applied researches; where the techniques are adopted for such developments as ultrasensitive enzymatic immunoassays in antigenic and antibody analyses. Ultrasensitive/rapid enzyme immunoassays, have presented more current,...

Evaluating Healthcare Quality Projects

Introduction Healthcare has been a crucial component of humanity for a long time. However, healthcare organizations have consistently experienced problems with their balance sheets (Mannino, 2009, p. 3). These problems are caused by several factors but partly, the increased costs of healthcare and lower rates of reimbursements are attributed to...

Controlled Terminology and Standards

Importance of controlled terminology and standards in healthcare Many healthcare organizations have adopted electronic health records to share data and improve the quality of healthcare provided to patients. Standardization of data involves the use of similar data codes across systems (Halley, Sensmeier & Brokel, 2009). For example, an IT department...

Health Care Economics Analysis

Long-term care for elderly people is provided by the LTC institutions initiated by the government through the US department of health and human services. The services are provided by a health practitioner with the help of the nurses that care for the elderly in these institutions. The nurses have the...

Global Health Issues: On the Border Line

How Serving as a Public Health Administrator at a Border is a Challenge People living across borders often suffer high rates of communicable and preventable diseases (Flores & Kaplan, 2009). Tuberculosis and intestinal infections are some of the common diseases, which affect this demographic. This has been the case along...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Review

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is nowadays, spreading widely across the globe. COPD is increasingly becoming a natural burden and anticipated to as the rank third cause of mortality by 2020. There is a need to establish an early diagnosis for the disease. Similarly, clinical context and risk factors that...

Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia

Dementia can lead to a wide variety of psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety. The symptoms of depression are apathy, isolation, social withdrawal, impaired thinking, and concentration on the negative side of life (Kitching, 2015). The symptoms can be managed both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. The usual pharmacological treatments include anti-depressants;...

Jean Watson Theory and Nursing

Introduction Throughout its history, nursing has turned out to be an important discipline, especially in care-giving scenarios. Like other professional disciplines, nursing mainly focuses on human health and several approaches of healing through caring. In general, the science of nursing encompasses models, theories and research findings, which are specific to...

Effective Approaches in Nursing Leadership and Management

Introduction Without a doubt, there is an increasing shortage of nursing professionals not only in the United States but also globally, with the trend anticipated to worsen in the coming years (Goodin, 2003; Zori, Nosek, & Musil, 2010). Nursing shortage and nurse turnover are fundamentally related to the concepts of...

Autoimmune Disease: Sarcoidosis

Introduction Sarcoidosis is a disease that is characterized by abnormal development and the gathering of chronic inflammatory cells. These cells develop into nodules that collect in a variety of organs. The syndrome is also referred to as sarcoid or Basnier-Boeck-Schaumann. The disease is common in various parts of the world....

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Determining the Effectiveness of Anti-CCP Antibodies

Proposed Methodology Overview The study will be conducted because specific, reliable and predictable diagnostic tests for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) are lacking (Niewold, Harrison & Paget, 2007). Yet, studies have shown that RA is the most common form of autoimmune rheumatoid illness and affects thousands of people in the US and...

Health Information Security Outline

Abstract For the sake of Identification, the hospital administration should be the only one with the right of issuing IDs, if Identification is not issued by the administration, then it should be irrelevant, Identification should include fields like, Name, ID number, and category for instance patient, cardiologist, General practitioner and...

Prescription Drug Abuse as a Community Health Issue

Consumption of prescription drugs in a manner that has not been prescribed by the doctor is an outstanding community health issue. This can be more harmful than people understand. In reality, it is drug abuse and is just as illegitimate as consuming street drugs. Overindulging in drugs is not the...

Creatine as an Ergogenic Aid

Introduction Ergogenic aids are substances that when used by an individual especially an athlete, lead to improved physiological, psychological as well as mechanical well being hence significantly improving the performance in sporting activities. Several substances can be categorized as Ergogenic aids with some being legal while others are banned for...

Multicausality: Reserpine, Breast Cancer, and Obesity

Introduction There is a suspicion that there is an association between reserpine use and the risk of breast cancer development. According to the table of Annual age-adjusted incidence of breast cancer per 100,000 women by body weight and reserpine status, this prediction may match reality. It depicts that people, who...

Nursing Competencies Comparison

Introduction The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2010) indicates that Gerontology nursing is a specialty of nursing practice that is evidence-based. It manages the unique physiological, financial, formative, social, and profound needs of the process of aging (p. 10). It encompasses the application of the knowledge and skills of...

Problems in the US Healthcare System

There are different contemporary issues in the United States healthcare system that professionals have to face. As discussed by C-suite and director-level executives that are the members of HealthCare Executive Group (HCEG) organization, some of the problems are costs and transparency, consumer experience, data and analytics, and holistic individual health...

Participative Leadership in Nursing

Introduction When it comes to leadership I am a participative leader. Participative leadership employs democratic principles of inclusion whereby colleagues, peers, subordinate members and other stakeholders are duly involved in decision making and other roles of leadership. Leadership aims at furnishing goals and forging ways towards achieving preconceived goals. It...

The Pharmacists’ Action on Smoking Program

Purpose The purpose of the research is to analyze and evaluate the results of the Pharmacists’ Action on Smoking program and to consider whether its impact on society in the relation to smoking cessation is higher than in comparison with casual pieces of advice from pharmacists. Rationale Cigarette smoking is...

The Disintegration of Damaged Muscle Tissue: Rhabdomyolysis

Introduction Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that leads to the disintegration of damaged muscle tissue. Through the disintegration of the muscle tissue, the skeletal structure of the body becomes weak. In addition, the residue from the disintegration process may accidentally be deposited into the blood stream giving the liver and the...

Advanced Nursing Technology

Differences between CPAP and BiPAP CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a form of treatment used to deal with patients suffering from breathing problems when they are asleep (sleep apnea). CPAP machines take positive pressure and then apply it inside the patient’s throat so as to prevent them from developing...

Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Health

Introduction The general agreement is that wellness programs have profound positive benefits to an individual. Through wellness initiatives, an individual has the opportunity to live happier, healthier, longer and more productive life. Being the most important assets to psychological health, emotional intelligence offers a dramatic shift from culture of treatment...

Logistic Regression Used in Three Healthcare Articles

Review of the articles The article “Impact of individual-, environmental-, and policy-level factors on health care utilization among US farm workers” discusses the results of a study on the number of US farmworkers who can access US health care. The study considered this question on the levels of individual, environmental,...

Health Information Technology and Decision Makers

The implemented HIT project and key persons (stakeholders and decision-makers) The healthcare organization implemented an electronic health records (EHR) system aimed to manage patients’ data. Health records were stored in the computers, and only specific personnel had passwords to access the patients’ information. Securing patients’ health records is crucial in...

Crisis and Risk Communication of Public Health Campaigns on STDs

Abstract Crisis and risk communication is an approach to effective communication that plays an ideal role in public health. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a major issue in the current world with the youths being the most affected. Young people are ignorant of STDs because society does not provide an...

Nursing Assessment of Napa Community

Napa County has unmet health needs. About 13 percent lack medical insurance and pay cash. In addition, not all members of the community have Medicare or Medi-cal. Only 4% of the community is healthy while others are in low-income category. There are environmental risks from Lake Berryessa since more than...

Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders in a Treatment Facility

Co morbidity refers to the coexistence of a psychiatric disorder with a substance abuse disorder often resulting from self-treatment by the patient for instance using drugs to offset the emotional distress that comes with the psychiatric disorder. It may also occur when in reaction to substance abuse; a patient develops...

The US Veterans: The Problem of Tobacco Smoking

Veterans form an important cultural group in the society. The saddening fact is that such veterans have always been a major challenge to healthcare givers. Although the rate of tobacco use among American veterans has been declining, those returning from Afghanistan and Iraq are smoking at an alarming rate (Bastian...

Nicaragua, a Country with High Mortality Rate

Introduction As countries continue improving on the quality of health services, the mortality rate is drastically decreasing. Lack of access and/or poor health services are some of the factors that contribute to high mortality rates across the globe. Despite the improvement in healthcare services, the majority of the developing countries...

Family Nursing Practitioner’s Competencies

Achieving course competencies is necessary for further progress in the nursing profession. The role and scope of practice of modern nursing have proved to be significant in this course. Advanced practices can be seen as the exercises of an occupation or profession that are ahead of contemporary thought at the...

HIV: Populations and Factors that Affect Its Control, Prevention, and Treatment

Introduction In the present day, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may be regarded as one of the most serious health issues all over the world. This infection attacks the person’s immune system and weakens it against severe chronic and even terminal diseases. The appropriate and time0sensitive treatment of HIV prevents its...

Interrelated Fields of Learning and Practice in Nursing

Nursing is a field in medicine that entails learning and practicing how to take good care of patients under treatment. Professionals trained in nursing can at times treat patients in the absence of doctors. Learning nursing takes three to four years depending on the level. It is during the study...

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Seasonal Influenza Program

Introduction Influenza has been cited to cause considerable morbidity and mortality in the United States. The Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) launched a program intended to create awareness about the Flu and thus reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with it. Seasonal influenza is a program run by...

Nursing Quality Indicators and Their Application

The efforts to advance the quality of modern healthcare have led to the development of relevant tools that are being continually improved (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2014; Stukenborg, 2011). For example, the Quality Indicators (QI) proposed by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d.) include four groups of...

The Firearm Owners Privacy Act: Medical Perspective

The rollercoaster associated with the Firearms Owners Privacy Act (FOPA) is unlikely to stop in the near future. There are two major opposing views on the matter. Republicans tend to see this regulation as a way to safeguard their right to own firearms, which seems critical to them. However, Democrats...

Photovoice of Homeless Population

This photograph shows an ongoing housing project in a downtown neighborhood. The building project is a joint venture between private and public entities. This project is part of the public sector’s efforts to address the shortage of humanitarian shelters within the state and the country at large. This project is...

Sexuality Reflection Forum

Personal Growth Reflection Reflecting upon sexual activity among adults, one has to understand what sexuality means. The author of the article about sexy seniors, Vicki Mabrey (2006) defined it as a long-life activity. The author underlined that having sex in any age is equal in significance to taking food. Besides,...

“Impact of Racial/Ethnic Differences on Child Mental Health Care”: Critique

This article attempts to shed light on whether racial or ethnic groups receive differential mental health and treatment in the United States. It refers to various research findings of the existence of disparities in mental health and treatment. The author argues that in the United States, racial or ethnic differences...

Myths Pertaining to Clinical Care

Myths can be defined as false beliefs or misconceptions that stem from personal experience or misinformation and diverge from the established evidence base. There are several myths pertaining to clinical care, part of which are associated with misconceptions about cultural diversity and cultural competence in health care. One such myth...

Leader-Exchange and Social Network Theory in the Healthcare Setting

Introduction Leadership in the healthcare setting is vital as it contributes to the development of efficient strategies and methods to provide high-quality services. It has been acknowledged that the development of the relationship between the leader and the group members affects the overall efficiency of the organization (Blake, Mouton, Barnes...

Human Papilloma Virus Infection in Nursing Studies

Approach to synthesizing the evidence Various search terms, including human papillomavirus, HPV and cancer, papillomavirus prevention and control, papillomavirus immunization, and the incidence of HPV were used to locate suitable evidence. Further, search terms such as papillomavirus infection, prostate cancer, and education on HPV immunization were also included to enhance...

Health Sector: Health Policy

Introduction It is impractical for any player in the health sector to imagine that a working and substantive health policy can only be drawn by technocrats in the health sector without the input of the political class as many health policies are political declarations made in public especially in developing...

Patient Generated Health Data Use in Clinical Practice

Different types of data can be used in order to evaluate patients’ health outcomes locally in clinical settings, as well as at the national level. In a nurse’s working environment, data on patients’ health status, the best practices, medication prescription, medication adherence, health effects, and follow-up visits are regularly collected...

Nursing Expertise and Workplace Environment

Abstract The following paper analyzes a scientific article devoted to the problem of nursing education and expertise in which the authors hypothesize on the dependence of the latter on the workplace environment. The authors use a secondary dataset analysis to determine whether there is a positive association between the workplace...

Article on Cellular Injury by Delco et al.

The article “Mitoprotective therapy preserves chondrocyte viability and prevents cartilage degeneration in an ex vivo model of posttraumatic osteoarthritis” presented information about cellular injury and its restoration in patients with osteoarthritis (Delco et al., 2018). Researchers have studied the assumption that mitochondria, the “battery pack” of the cell, are significant...

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Case Study

The definition of ARDS It is a deadly respiratory disorder, which occurs due to rapid failure of lungs. The associated clinical indicators The associated clinical indicators are low blood pressure, increased heartbeat, low arterial oxygen tension, low arterial carbon dioxide tension, high bicarbonate concentration, alkaline condition of pH above 7.4,...

Quantitative Studies on CAUTI in Nursing Homes

Introduction Nursing home residents are highly susceptible to various healthcare-related infections (HAIs). Their transmission can lead to the quality of life of such patients substantially declining and the necessity for hospitalization. Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is among the most prevalent infections in assisted living facilities and requires effective prevention...

Healthcare Institutions Overview

Compliance with the standards of the industry refers to the situation where the standards have been met by an organization. However, for an organization to be said to have shown exceeding standard expectations, there is much more that it must do. Standards are made to reflect or show the behavior...