LTPAC in Light of NPSG Overview

Introduction Modern medicine has the property of versatility and universality, so the history of helping a new patient in a given clinic is usually recorded in electronic databases. At the same time, not all medical organizations, even in developed countries, have established a universal network that allows various specialized physicians...

District Growers and Metropolitan Wellness Center Situation Analysis

Analysis of the Situation The subject of this analysis is the case of Corey Barnette. It can be said that there are two major reasons why Barnette’s business is experiencing underperformance. It is worth mentioning that underperformance here means that Barnette could not become a leader in the cannabusiness market...

Care of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphoedema

For most women, breast cancer and its treatment are often accompanied by lymphoedema. This phenomenon is described as a pathological accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial space which occurs due to impaired lymph transport and is accompanied by an increase in the affected organ volume. Timely assessment plays a...

Medicare and Medicaid Patients: Medical Theories

Introduction Many aspects have to be considered while promoting health care for American patients. Decamp et al. (2018) underline the importance of following ethical principles of non-maleficence, respect, and justice to design efficient population health programs and enhance medical professional growth. However, the case of Cape Fear Endocrinology and Metabolic...

Examination of Patients With Different Risk Factors

Different levels of the examination are required for people depending on their health status, history of illnesses, and the severity of the disease. Aging people tend to suffer the most from multiple diseases occurring simultaneously. Hypertension is one of the most frequent health complications for aging women, and chances of...

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

From 1932 to 1972, the United States Public Health Service (PHS) conducted a clinical study that was aimed at observing and learning more about the natural process and history of untreated syphilis. The leakage of such a process resulted in numerous questions and criticism. It still remains one of the...

Healthcare Industry: Pay-For-Performance

Pay-for-performance is a phenomenon that has been developed to improve the efficiency and overall quality of the healthcare industry. According to James (2012), this term stands for providing “financial incentives to hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers to carry out such improvements and achieve optimal outcomes for patients’ ‘...

Collaborative Nursing: Care by the Mental Health Professionals

Outline Working together in multidisciplinary as well as multi-agency is an issue that has been discussed and debated extensively over the last four decades, especially in healthcare management. This is largely an effort to address the issue of service failures, lack of clinical effectiveness and efficiency, and the growing economic...

Herpes Simplex Viruses Analysis

Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) can lead to life-threatening health outcomes unless appropriately managed. These viruses that cause herpes can transmit from one individual to another easily, and no vaccine has been invented yet (Wright & Altman, 2020). Healthcare providers have treated HSV with nucleoside analog drugs successfully for many years...

Plan of Interview the Intensive Care Unit Nurse

The intensive care unit nurse is the position I am going to interview. The question where the candidate must provide the most precise response would involve a real-life scenario. The answer must include a detailed description of actions that should be taken in a stressful situation. The special skill required...

Career Paths in Health Information: Review

Health information professionals may pursue different career paths in various work settings. Hospitals require not only doctors and nurses, but also specialists handling paperwork and maintaining health records. Such positions require a lot of concentration and systems thinking which apply to my personality. Therefore, I believe that the Registered Health...

The Healthcare Programs: Quality and Safety Measures

Introduction When implementing health initiatives, it is essential to evaluate their success after the fact. Quality and safety are two particularly relevant indicators, as they determine whether the intervention improves outcomes and is not associated with danger. However, the determination of each of these factors can be complicated due to...

Factors That Prevent People From Engaging in Contraception Use or Use That Is Not Perfect

Contraceptive’s perfect use is the method of correct utilization of it all the time. Typical use takes into consideration the human factor, which manifests itself in making mistakes while implementing. Several factors affect how people use contraception and whether they use it at all while engaging. First, insufficient level of...

Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Reimbursement Rate

Introduction The excerpt indulges in the repealing for the reinstatement of the Obamacare health program. Obamacare, also referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was created by Congress and President Barack Obama in 2010 (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2020). The principal goal of the program was to ensure that all...

Medicaid and Medicare: Benefits for Florida

Federal medical assistance programs are implemented to guarantee decent medical care and treatment of the part of the country’s population that needs this type of assistance. Among the most widespread are Medicaid and Medicare, which are sponsored by the government and have high enrollment rates throughout the United States. The...

Ilaris(R)-Drug Usage in U.S. and Australia

Introduction Ilaris(R) is a drug that has been approved for use in humans by The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) both. FDA Is the main administrative body in charge of drug approvals in the U.S. while The pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS) controls which drugs...

The Banner Health Care System Strategic Plan

Introduction Strategic planning involves looking into an organization’s future and identifying issues and trends to align it with its competitors in the healthcare industry. The establishment of a proper strategic plan enables a firm to remain competitive while also ensuring consumer satisfaction. The company chosen for study is Banner Healthcare,...

The Improvement of the Healthcare System in California

Policy in California The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, enacted back in 2010 in honor of the President of the United States who approved the reform, was designed to make medical care for Americans more affordable and accessible. It is worth recognizing that despite the...

Community Systems, Decision Support, and Public Health Assignment

CDS (Clinical Decision Support) is a laid out structure that facilitates the provision of effective assistance during the process of launching insurance claims by either the patients, doctors, or other health care practitioners. It is equipped with the capability to significantly influence the advancements in safety, quality, efficacy, and productivity...

The Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Children of 1 to 10 Years of Age

Introduction The chosen subject for a scholarly paper is the prevention of childhood obesity in children of 1 to 10 years of age. This subject was chosen because of the widespread presence of obesity in modern western states, which begins from an early age and follows a person throughout their...

Nory Case Presentation About Medical Care

Constituents of Interdisciplinary Medical Care (Morley & Cashell, 2017) Coordination to achieve shared objectives Cooperation through equal contribution to the team Shared decision-making that implies communication and negotiation Strategic allocation of roles and responsibilities Open and trustful relationships between the team members Benefits of Incorporating an Interdisciplinary Approach to Caring...

Public Health Issues

Despite advanced medicine, the healthcare system remains one of the main problems in the United States. The unaffordable prices that taxpayers and the state are forced to spend on medical services do not ensure population health. Health care is regularly touched upon at the national leadership level and considered the...

The Parkinson’s Disease Process of Diagnosis

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that is created by degeneration of the brain’s nerve cells. In most cases, these cells often die or become impaired, hence losing the capacity to produce dopamine that is essential for movement and balance (Atkinson-Clement et al., 2017). The leading cause of the ailment...

State of the Science Quality Improvement Paper

Abstract The paper focuses on the problem of people’s insufficient physical activity and its adverse impact on health. The proposed plan draws attention to children, adolescents, adults, and older people to identify whether they can benefit from regular physical exercises. These participants will be found among the number of outpatient...

Legalization of Marijuana and Other Illegal Drugs

Introduction Most of us would go ahead and give away around $5 for a latte at Starbucks? What is the reason? It is because we wish to do anything that would give us a good feeling; that would make us confident. Similarly, drugs are done for the same reason. Why...

Experiences of Care After Bariatric Surgery

Qualitative Research Article Critique Follow-up care after surgery is critical to the patients’ health and well-being. Substandard care can result in patients’ healing process being jeopardized, severely affecting their mental health. Thus, it is essential to access the follow-up care offered after surgical treatments and find ways to improve it....

Depression and the Nervous System

Depression is a broad condition that is associated with failures in many parts of the nervous system, such as neurotransmitters. Per Hoffmann et al. (2017), when the disorder is present, serotonin levels in the organism tend to be low compared to those of others such as norepinephrine and dopamine. Its...

Person-Centred Care and Interprofessional Practice

Introduction This paper discusses the unfortunate circumstances that learning disabled people faced previously in the days of our fathers and how the care management has changed from institutionalised impersonal management to the deinstitutionalized person centred management of today. A recent incident which occurred stirred my emotions and set me on...

Assessment of Quality Performance in Healthcare

With the increasing level of medicine development, assessing the quality and cost-effectiveness of some specific treatment is becoming a serious problem for healthcare managers’ consideration. There should be tools or criteria for evaluating healthcare representatives’ performance that could provide relevant statistics for improving the country’s medical care. This case study...

Health Care Delivery Model and Nursing Practice

The healthcare system is an ever-changing area of development; therefore, new acts and alterations are being suggested annually. These changes typically affect a large amount of population but primarily influence medical workers as they are the drivers of any hospital. In particular, nurses are most exposed to any restructuring procedures...

Immune Responses to the Infection Conditions

Infection is a complex pathophysiological process of interaction between a macro- and microorganism which has various manifestations, from carriage to severe forms of an infectious disease. The features of the onset, development, and outcome of infection depend on the characteristics of the micro- and macroorganisms developed in the process of...

Lung Cancer among Indigenous Australians

Cancer appears to be the disease of the century, as it presents the most frequent reasons for deaths. Lung cancer is the most often type of oncological diseases, causing the greatest amount of fatal outcomes (Bilano et al., 2015). Due to poor social position, destructive lifestyle, unhealthy traditions and habits,...

End of Life Care: Challenges for Nurses and Families

Introduction Marilyn Walker, a critical care nurse at the Metropolitan Jewish Health System Hospice, began her career after losing her husband and aunt to hemorrhagic stroke and cancer of the pancreas, respectively. Her line of work demands excellent listening skills as terminally ill individuals often call the office in need...

The Influence of the Vaccines on Body Systems

The human body is a complex set of systems continually interacting to maintain life. People are trying to protect themselves against diseases by vaccinating as it can prevent the start of the disease. The purpose of this paper is to investigate different systems of the organism and choose whether vaccination...

Obesity as a Major Health Concern in the United States

On a global scale, the prevalence of obesity dramatically increased over the past decades, which poses serious health risks. Based on the recent national data regarding obesity statistics in the United States, obesity has risen considerably since 1999–2000 (Hales, Carroll, Fryar, & Ogden, 2020). Hence, a better understanding of the...

Inappropriate Nurse Staffing vs. Professional Recruitment

Summary of Clinical Issue: Inappropriate staffing in the nursing environment is a severe problem that leads to several negative consequences. PICOT Question: What is the influence of inappropriate staffing compared to professional recruitment in nursing departments? Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink A Review...

Why Pediatric-Vaccines and Immunization Is So Important

Introduction In times of the Covid-19 outbreak, immunization becomes even more crucial than before. Children who undergo a proper course of vaccination before six years of age have a stronger immune system (CDC, 2019). It develops infection-fighting antibodies capable of protecting them from multiple dangerous threats, including measles, pertussis, tetanus,...

Skin Infections: Cutaneous Diphtheria

With an increasing number of people traveling abroad, there is a need for doctors and travelers to be attentive to uncommon and frequently confounding skin diseases. A young girl aged five years was taken to the emergency unit at Evelina Children’s infirmary in London since she had itchy, unpleasant sores...

Epilepsy, Its Treatment, and Prevention

Diseases such as epilepsy pose a significant risk to people’s well-being not only because of their symptoms but also because of the stigma surrounding the condition. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019), around three-fourths of people with epilepsy living in low-income countries do not get treatment. This high...

Garcinia Extract Used for Weight Loss

Garcinia extract derived from South Asian plants such as Garcinia Cambogia and Garcinia indica is used by people to lose weight. Considering the information from the randomized clinical trial by Onakpoya et al. (2010) and comparing it to other sources, it can be said that media in the majority of...

Practical Application of Robotics in Health Care

Introduction With the rapid growth of modern society and the wide range of technological advancements, people have more opportunities to access challenging procedures, especially in the field of medicine. Technological progress in robotics and artificial intelligence provides countless future prospects for addressing current healthcare issues. Some of these challenges include...

Benefits of Sun-Gazing

Sun is a solar body that supports life on Earth and provides living creatures with multiple benefits. It gives energy for plant growth, to the animal kingdom, and it is necessary for climate change. One of the activities related to the sun is sun-gazing, the act of looking at the...

Cystic Fibrosis Classification and Related Disorders

Introduction Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects mainly the lungs and pancreas; however, there is also a risk that organs of the digestive and reproductive systems, as well as kidney and bladder, will be damaged (Di Lullo et al. 36). With the development of the disease, the patient acquires different symptoms, and...

Pathology and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to a group of disorders, which affect a patient’s ability to move or maintain an upright posture. Smith and Hustad (2015) assert that the CP’s pathology is easily comprehended based on the analysis of the constituent words: cerebral and palsy. The word “cerebral” is used in...

Wellness Education Program for African Americans

Introduction African Americans are a vulnerable group of the population as they tend to develop diabetes more often than other races, which is a concern for the healthcare system that has to undertake actions to educate them to improve their health outcomes. In addition, African American communities in the U.S....

Analysis of Texas COVID-19 Response

Texas’s governor has issued several Executive Orders to fight COVID-19, including a requirement to wear masks in public, a reopening order, and an order that grants mayors the power to issue restrictions on the gathering of more than ten people. On Friday 9th, the state’s health officials reported 4,036 new...

“Obstetrician Suspended After Research Inquiry” by Dillner

The main idea of the article “Obstetrician suspended after research inquiry” is an outrageous scandal or fraud that involves a compromised research study in health care, particularly in obstetrics and gynecology. Consequently, a number of key points that should be considered via the analysis were detected. Then, some crucially important...

Developing a Feedback-Rich Environment in the Healthcare

Introduction There is a number of various components that may positively or negatively influence the performance of a company. One of them is rather important but often ignored and underestimated – developing a robust feedback-rich environment. Such culture welcomes any kind of evaluation and uses it in order to make...

The Top Five Causes of Death in the US

Approximately 75% of all deaths in the US happen attributable to ten diseases that encompass heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, kidney disease, and suicide. Over the last five years, the major sources of death in America...

Development Opportunities for the American Health Care System

The American health care system is regarded as one of the dynamics in the nation. When comparing the present state to the past 40 years, the sector has adopted a number of strategies including the inclusion of the Obamacare or Affordable sectors Care Act (ACA), applying modern technologies such as...

Transformative Leadership in Nursing

The nursing profession in the modern healthcare system requires the development of various skills. Leadership qualities take an important place among them. Nursing is becoming more and more interdisciplinary and requires more complex coordination, which makes the acquisition and development of transformative leadership skills evident. Transformative leadership is defined as...

Health of Women From Vulnerable Populations

In the United States, health disparities are one of the significant challenges for the government. It is vital to ensure the access of all citizens to high-quality healthcare services. Therefore, federal and state agencies work to provide necessary conditions to different vulnerable population groups. One of these groups is women...

Streaming Service and Elderly During COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the entire planet, and no corner of the world remained untouched. To mitigate the consequences of the outbreak, governments implemented strict lockdown protocols in multiple areas. As a result, millions of people remained confined in their homes with...

Survey on Non-Infectious and Blood-Borne Diseases

Multiple myeloma Multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cell, is a progressive hematological disease that is a treatable but incurable B-cell malignancy (Multiple myeloma, Multiple About 20000 new cases are diagnosed in the US every year. The plasma cell, which forms a significant part of the body’s defense...

Patients’ Needs and Their Right to Autonomy

Introduction Nursing is an integral part of healthcare today as it improves treatment outcomes via effective cooperation with patients, consideration of their needs, and the creation of a beneficial environment. Working directly with patients, nurses can be viewed as the care providers responsible for the high satisfaction levels and observation...

Research on the Ethics of Patient Autonomy

Recently, there has been an increasing need for expanding patient autonomy within the care process in order to make it more efficient and less time-consuming. Patient autonomy refers to the right of patients to make sound decisions regarding their medical care without involving care providers in influencing the decision. The...

Should COVID-19 Vaccines Be Mandatory?

The beginning of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 outbreak changed the lives of people around the world. The role of healthcare as a field became more significant since the solution to this global problem was deemed to be connected to the initiatives intended to reduce the rate of infection...

Marginalized Women with Mental Illness

Introduction Mental health plays a significant role in humans’ daily life and drives their decision-making and opportunities. While people of all genders might be exposed to psychological problems, women with mental illnesses have been marginalized in various spheres, including healthcare. The complexity of social roles modern women has to perform...

HIV Medication Adherence: Analysis of There Articles

Being one of the diseases to which humankind has not yet found the cure, HIV remains a major threat. Even after opportunities for slowing down the development of the disease have been discovered and applied, it still implies a death sentence to patients. Therefore, the issue of adherence to prescriptions,...

Novant Health: The Policy of the Clinical Facility

The policy of the Novant Health hospitals regarding the use of restraints has measures that prevent or minimize the use of restraints and seclusion. The policy also mandates that restraints should be used following individualized evaluation of the patient. The policy regarding the use of restraints has a number of...

What Role Does the Nurse Play in the Quality Improvement Study

In the context of the further spread of COVID-19, the clinical site continues to focus on quality improvement studies oriented toward examining, among other issues, how the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) can improve patient care. Currently, it is studied what is the percentage of medical staff representatives who...

Medical Law and Ethics. Increased Claims

Introduction The case of medical malpractice under examination describes the inappropriate actions of health care professionals that resulted in the patient’s death. In 2001, Arturo Iturralde went to HMC, a Hawaiian state-owned hospital. He was diagnosed with degenerative spondylolisthesis and scheduled for surgery after several days. The surgery went wrong...

Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity

Pediatric obesity negatively influences children’s health, educational achievement, and quality of life. Obese and overweight children have a high likelihood of proceeding with the problem into adulthood, in addition to the threat of chronic illnesses. Decrease of screen time, consumption of a balanced diet and minimal high-calorie foods, and augmented...

Pain Relief: Non Opioid Alternatives

Introduction Pain relief is an excellent attribute of modern history that humanity is lucky to enjoy. In the United States, almost one in five adults suffers from chronic pain that interferes with day-to-day life (Wong, 2016). However, pain reduction can be controversial: for example, opioids – frequently used as painkillers...

Universal Healthcare: Chronic Respiratory Diseases Management

The paper examines chronic respiratory diseases as pre-existing conditions and universal healthcare as the most appropriate way to manage them. CRDs, which include such diseases as bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and others, are serious factors that contribute to the complication of other acute diseases and increase death risk....

Health Disparities in the United States

The primary goal of the government is to serve its people by implementing appropriate policies and establishing various agencies. Some of the key areas that politicians should take into consideration include social welfare, healthcare, and education. In the United States, disparities have remained a major predicament that affects the experiences...

Research on Stress Levels During Scheduled Sleep Behavior

Research Question and Objective Past studies have revealed that there are several strategies used to reduce stress. Most scholars such as Geiker et al. and Kang et al. agree that there is a relationship between sleep and stress. In this experiment, I studied this issue by creating a routine sleeping...

Computerized Physician Order Entry Practice in Pediatric Care

The Methods Used in the Collection of the Results The evaluation of the errors in the drug prescription is showing that the most suitable intervention is the act of targeting the common flaws within the system as opposed to the individual fault. Literature studies acknowledge the positive effects of the...

Sociology of Health and Health Care

This article highlights the various responsibilities undertaken by the nurses, which once were led by health professionals and general practitioners. One way this presents a symbol of success for the NHS since sociological health care is being increasingly placed under the spotlight. For many reasons nurses increased responsibility and role...

Electronic Medical Records & Electronic Health Records

Introduction Innovative technologies have opened a pool of opportunities for healthcare organizations to improve the efficacy of care. Specifically, the issue of patient data management has been addressed more carefully with the advancement of care through the use of digital tools. Namely, healthcare organizations owe their steady increase in service...

Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Pattern

Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern received its name in honor of the Scottish military doctor John Cheyne and the Irish doctor, Professor William Stokes. They discovered it in the middle of the 19th century and described on patients with severe heart failure and stroke. The infrequent shallow breaths in and out gradually...

Health Providers and Information Sharing

With the introduction of innovative information management tools for sharing patient data with providers and keeping it secure from third parties, the process of communication within the healthcare context has changed significantly. On the one hand, the levels of patients’ data security have risen noticeably, even with the presence of...

PICO Format: Addressing Health Issues

Three clinical practice problems in my workplace negatively affect the quality of care and patient safety. The first problem is associated with the prevention and management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the adult patients admitted to the Medical/Surgical unit and all post-operative patients. The patients demonstrate high rates of non-compliance...

Nursing Care at Different Life Stages

Caring for patients at different life stages usually differs due to distinct needs, which correspond to specific age groups. On the one hand, the health care system offers an individualized approach that considers the health status and the physiological and mental needs of people of different ages. On the other...

Vitamin D Effectiveness in COVID-19 Prevention

While COVID-19 is a respiratory infectious disease, it can cause musculoskeletal complications. Vitamin D is critical for the healthy state of bones and an adequate immune system. At some point, an idea went viral that Vitamin D can increase immune resistance to coronavirus, provoking many people to consume the supplements,...

The Influence of the Stress on Our Health: How To Cope With Stress

Stress has become an inherent part of modern people’s lives and is a prevailing pattern in middle adulthood. Numerous factors might contribute to stress. Among emotional problems, there are anxiety, grief, low self-esteem, anger, fear. When people hear about terrorist attacks in their country, it can cause them to feel...

Suicide and Major Depressive Disorder

Various depressive disorders have now become a severe issue for the vast majority of world residents. Constant pressure, immense workload, and undermining one’s mental health have led to an increasing rate of self-harm and suicide across the globe. When speaking of the current US situation, in a timeframe encompassing the...

The Prevalence of Anxiety Among Saudi Medical Students

Introduction The lives of university students are subjected to different stress situations. Some of the sources of pressure for these individuals include personal and social issues and academic anxiety. Medical students have to adapt to the rigorous curriculum while at the same time learning how to manage emotionally challenging situations....

The Effect of Music Therapy on Depression

The study’s objective was to “determine the effect of music therapy on depression and physiological parameters in elderly people who were living in a nursing home” (Gök Ugur et al., 2017, p. 1280). The available literature shows that music therapy could alleviate depression, and thus the authors of this study...

Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN)

Introduction Certification Description: Specialization in cancer patients’ long-term care; Details about Certification: Three-hour test of 165 multiple-choice questions; $225-$296 for ON /APHON members and $315-$416 for non-members; Active registered license; two years experience as an RN; 2,000 hours of oncology nursing practice; 10 contact hours of nursing continuing education in...

Studying Migraine From a Qualitative Perspective

Introduction Among diseases causing chronic pain, migraine is known quite well among general audiences, yet the awareness about its identification and treatment remains quite low. Nonetheless, the phenomenon has been studied meticulously by multiple researchers exploring different ways of reducing the painful experiences and alleviating them (Voicu et al., 2019)....

Financing in American Healthcare System

Abstract One problem with the US healthcare system is poor financing. The solution to this problem is full participation of all individuals over fifty in a national long term health care insurance program. As a proposal, it will be seen how US citizens can benefit from such a scheme. Problem...

Infant Primitive Reflexes and Their Treatment

Introduction Primitive reflexes may impede the child’s development and negatively influence on social and educational realms of a child. These reflexes are primary developmental patterns, as well as postural control. They, in turn, are integrated into more complex patterns establishing voluntary movements and skills. Integration deficiency of the primitive reflexes...

The Connection Between Apoptosis and Diabetes

Aim and Objectives Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell execution that helps to remove weakened and dying cells from the organism to replace them with new ones. This mechanism is affected by diabetes mellitus due to various chemical, biological, and physiological changes that the body undergoes as the disease...

Quality Performance of Healthcare Providers

The orientation of the present-day hospitals on maintaining the quality of services provided by healthcare specialists is conditional upon the need to ensure a positive outcome of treatment for all patients. However, such a complex task seems to be challenging for most facilities, and this fact defines their unequal successes....

Treatment of Homeless People

Medical treatment is the most important part of a nurse practitioner’s work. Providing assistance to patients and devising the best course of action for any particular situation is crucial when another person’s well-being is at stake. The process, however, can be especially challenging when attempting to help people without a...

Disaster Recovery Plan At Vila Health

The comparatively recent disaster (the derailment of an oil-tanker train) unveiled the vulnerability of the community and the weaknesses of the existing disaster recovery plan at Vila Health. Some of the barriers to the effective implementation of the disaster recovery plan are the lack of resources and people’s overall unpreparedness...

Researching the Issue of Tuberculosis Disease in the World

Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is among the serious infectious diseases reported in countries across the world. It mainly affects individuals’ lungs; however, brain, spine, and kidney can also be attacked. The condition is described as latent when the body’s bacteria is inactive, showing no symptoms, and not contagious. A person can...

Evaluation of Scholarly Articles Related to Medical-Device Related

Pressure Ulcers Medical professionals often have to deal with medical-device related pressure ulcers during their practice. This problem creates significant discomfort for patients and additional costs for the healthcare industry. It is necessary to carry out detailed original research to solve such a complex issue. One of the initial stages...

Exercise Physiology and Human Performance in Terms of Quality of Life

Human physiology is a science through which the mechanical, biochemical, and physical functions are taken care of. The organs and systems of the human body are the prime sources of study in the field. The collection of interacting systems of a human body such as the nervous system, the musculoskeletal...

Macronutrients Consumption: The Best Food Sources

Although, in reality, the most important biological macronutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, can be found in many foods, the human diet must contain the healthiest and richest polymer-rich ingredients. For instance, there is no doubt that a burger or a hot dog can contain large amounts of carbohydrates...

Stem Cell Therapy in the Treatment of Heart Disease

Stem cell therapy is a viable strategy in treating heart disease, but it is still undergoing research; therefore, healthcare professionals should be cautious in pursuing it as a treatment option. There are positive prospects about the curative approach, but there is no conclusive evidence on its effect on heart disease...

Collaboration and Leadership Reflection in Nursing

Interprofessional collaboration implies the engagement of several healthcare experts with different backgrounds and specializations to work with patients and their families to enhance the quality of their treatment. The current video describes my experience of such collaboration. Apart from that, the video presents suggestions on how to improve the quality...

COVID-19: Global Impact Case Study

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on different areas of people’s lives on personal, national, and even global levels. The spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the world has caused significant changes in policies. As a result, it is important to examine the specific...

The Muscular System and Skeletal Muscle Types

The Structure and Function of the Three Types of Muscle Tissue The complexity of the muscular system is conditional upon the presence of various kinds of muscle tissue. They include skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles which differ in their structure and function as well as in the way they establish...

Fall Prevention Program of Elders People

Unfortunately, elders are more subject to health issues in comparison with younger patients. That is why it is of crucial significance to provide the elder with additional care. A safe environment is an essential phenomenon because, without it, elderly adults would witness a potential risk of falling. Thus, a fall...

Kolcaba’s Comfort & Duffy’s Quality Caring Theories

Introduction There are different approaches to nursing and its importance in modern healthcare. Two of the most famous models are Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory and Duffy’s Quality Caring Model. Both of them emphasize the importance of improving the existing system by introducing new standards of care. The purpose of this paper...

The United States Healthcare System

Introduction The United States Healthcare system has been faced with numerous challenges over the years. Every administration that wins an election comes up with its policies regarding healthcare. However, various stakeholders, such as hospital administrators and even the patients, are not content with the current Healthcare environment. With the covid-19...

The Diagnostics of Nam’s Blood

A Review of the Lab Results The standard sodium level in the body should range from 136 to 145 millimoles or milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). The electrolyte panel results on Nam’s blood sample indicate that her body is in the lower end of the range at 136 mEq/L. This figure...

The Role of Nursing Code of Ethics

A nurse’s actions should always be guided by the Nursing Code of Ethics. However, one of the situations related to this code that can be observed in the future is associated with misinterpreting the role of nurses in relationships with patients. Nurses are expected to focus on people’s values, culture,...

The Role of Chief Information Officers in Healthcare

The role of a chief information officer (CIO) is crucial for many organizations. In healthcare, a sphere that is constantly changing and stays vital for society at any time, CIOs must not only adapt to transitions but ensure that technology and information processes benefit the patient and health care providers....

The Prevalence of Mental Illness in the United States

The prevalence of mental illness in the United States is high, and the number of people experiencing mental health conditions affects how society continues to function. According to the National Institute of Mental Health ([NIMH], 2019), there were more than 46 million adults with a mental illness in the US...

Binge Eating Disorder: Information for Patients

Introduction If you have been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder BED, it means that your eating behaviors are complicated by the presence of rather frequent episodes of uncontrolled overeating. BED is more widespread compared to other eating disorders. You should know that it may cause susceptible weight gains if not...

Effects of Acute and Chronic Asthma on Patients and Families

Acute and chronic asthma in children is a growing cause of concern and attention to healthcare professionals. Statistics indicate that there are more than four million children in the United States, who are affected by asthma and this is the “most common illness affecting pediatric population (Kurnat & Murphy, 1999)....

Is National Health Service Implementing Job Evaluation to Assist Pay Equity?

Introduction The health care delivery system is one of the vital components of the public welfare schemes of the government. The healthcare components like accessibility to good medical care, quality and cost are increasingly moving beyond the grasp of the general public. The downtrend of the national healthcare delivery system...

The Most Critical Nursing Tenets

Any work must obey specific rules and principles established for a particular profession. This allows people to see the primary goals they are pursuing through their everyday activities. In addition, such tenets are usually associated with universal human values, common for everyone. Therefore, their observance is ethically essential for the...

Diversity in Patient Care Interactions

Introduction Awareness of specialized diversity practices in healthcare is essential for every practitioner as it is a crucial part of providing quality care to patients. Heterogeneity is not only about the race, but it also is about an individual approach to people of different gender, religion, age ethnicity, sexual orientation...

Diagnosis of Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis

Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are lung diseases that are qualified as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD. Emphysema is a lung disease in which the alveoli supplying oxygen to the blood are damaged, so the blood is not oxygenated properly (Papadakis et al., 2018). Chronic bronchitis is a respiratory illness...

Informational Security in a World of Technology

Education Methods Nowadays, the information security (IS) of healthcare systems of the state is considered an integral element of the overall work performance of a facility. In addition to a general security training program designed for each employee in an organization, specific training is needed to address information security tasks...

The Maternal Mortality Debate

Maternal mortality is perceived to be one of the major concerns of various organizations and individual researchers. The issue is still regarded as debatable, as some specialists believe that this problem is not as severe as some notable health and development-related studies portray it. The World Health Organization (WHO) regards...

The Problem of Increased Morbidity From Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults

In my project, I plan to address the problem of increased morbidity from adverse drug events in older adults. Currently, adverse drug events are a considerable bother of US healthcare, as it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, longer hospital stays, and higher costs for both patients and care...

Cloudlet Architecture in Healthcare Computing

Main Post Since the first smartphone and first tablet appeared, people’s lives have become much more manageable. Mobile devices allow not to depend on such properties of PCs like its large size or wire connection. Similarly, scientists have developed an approach called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) that allows using the...

UHealth: Organizational Cultures of Excellence

Introduction In modern management, organizational culture is one of the main strategic tools that allows to orient the work process and direct the aspirations of employees to shared goals, and, in addition, to form general corporate views. Elements of organizational culture are a guideline for management decision-making, establishing control over...

Insurance Issues in the Medical Center

A new community-based medical center may face various issues when starting working with patients from different backgrounds. One of all problems is the insurance of clients that have specific coverage of services. Further, the insurance issues of the medical center will be discussed, addressing the target audience of the institution....

Ethical Grounds of Nursing in Youth Mental Health

Introduction When Young adults with mental health problems are nearing their adult years, they may face the difficulty of transitioning between juvenile and adult medical systems. Currently, there appears to be a mental illness in almost one in five young people that further might evolve into “homotypic and heterotypic disorders...

Effectiveness of Supporting Intensive Care Units

Medicine appears to be the sphere of active developments and constant improvements, as high quality of service presents a matter of importance. This way, the article “Effectiveness of Supporting Intensive Care Units on Implementing the Guideline ‘End-of-Life Care in the Intensive Care Unit, Nursing Care’: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial”...

LPN and RN; Standards of Practice

The main difference between licensed practical nurses (LPN) and registered nurses (RN) is the education required. RN course takes two or three years to get a degree or diploma, while the LPN standard only demands a year of studies and a certificate (Wisconsin Administrative Code, 2018). Education determines the set...

Pill Packaging and Increasing Medication Adherence in Sickle Cell Patients

Introduction to the Project The problem of sickle cell disease (SCD) has been developing at an exponentially high rate, causing multiple fatal outcomes in patients, as well as making them vulnerable to numerous infectious diseases (Badawy et al., 2017). The issue must be addressed as a global concern that affects...

The Importance of Hygiene in Gynecology

As a third-year medical student, I had a rotation in obstetrics and gynecology. At this rotation, I had an experience with a patient that transformed my professional path and encouraged my promotional community-based activity as a health care practitioner. The patient whom I encountered was a woman admitted for infertility...

The Problems of Surgical Leadership

Introduction The presented paper offers a literature review and evidence synthesis for a proposal that targets the problems of surgical leadership (SRL), team performance, and shared leadership (SL) in surgical settings. There is very little information about SRL, even though it is acknowledged as a critical element of providing high-quality...

Nursing: Improving Patient Care Outcomes

Research Critique The possibility to use the information of the most current research while addressing critical clinical issues is an integral instrument of nurses, clinicians, and managers in their daily workflow. This allows healthcare providers to be updated on contemporary tendencies, therapeutic approaches, standards, and policies, which facilitates making quality...

Shared Leadership in the Environment of an Operating Theater

The environment of an operating theater (OT) demands immediate responses and quick thinking along with substantial resourcefulness and the perfect knowledge of established guidelines. Therefore, in order to magnify the efficacy of performance in the OT setting among nurses, the use of shared leadership (SL) principles is required. The aim...

Ethical Considerations Supporting Euthanasia

Introduction The questions of life and death have always worried humanity since the time of its creation. Recently raised considerations concerning the rights of people to terminate their lives have provoked a debate that is marked by strong arguments on both the supporting and opposing sides. Philosophers, legislators, ethicists, healthcare...

Letter to People Who Might Be Pregnant in the Future

It is well-known that a baby changes women’s lives, and they become the best version of themselves. Parenthood is probably the most relevant job of their lives. Before pregnancy, a woman should make sure she is healthy. Taking into account the fashion trends, it is essential to understand that “thin”...

The Concept of Health Seeking in Men

This article was published in July 2016 in the Urologic nursing journal. Authors: Gwendolyn L. Hooper and Susanne A. Quallich The concept selected is health seeking in men. I chose this concept because men are likely to manage the pain without using healthcare services while women go to the doctor...

Disease Management: Therapeutic Education Research

Therapeutic education is a complex of essential actions to help patients manage their treatment and prevent possible sequela. This activity provides an additional therapeutic effect, along with pharmacological, physiotherapeutic measures. The education leads to an improvement in the quality and life expectancy of patients with chronic diseases, improves the quality...

Metabolism Aspects for Optimal Athletic Performance

Metabolism is the chemical processes of the body that are aimed at maintaining life in it. Metabolism is usually divided into two stages: catabolism and anabolism. During catabolism, complex organic substances degrade to simpler ones, releasing energy. In the processes of anabolism, more complex substances are synthesized from simpler ones,...

CPT Codes and Its Role in Medicine

The system of CPT codes is used for its quick and convenient use; therefore, the codes in the various sections are systematized in anatomical or procedural order, which more accurately describes the service provided to the patient. The codes are divided into three categories, the first of which describes the...

Affordable Care Act: A Critical Analysis

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) covers almost a thousand pages and represents a radical attempt to review the medical insurance and health care system in the United States. From the early stages, even before its adoption and implementation, the law had generated a lot of discussion and concern on the...

Death With Dignity: Ethical Dilemma

The case of Brittany Maynard is one of the most prominent public health activism examples that are related to assisted death. This female had an aggressive form of brain cancer, and doctors anticipated that she would live for about six months. To preserve her control over her body and life,...

ACL Injury and Post Reconstruction Surgery Complications

Introduction Any injury to the lower limbs can substantially impair the patient, limiting their ability to walk without assistance and lead an active life. Knee injuries are particularly widespread among athletes engaged in high contact sports such as football, soccer, lacrosse, or rugby. One of the most common traumas in...

Direct Care Project Analysis

Community Description Demographic Data Miami Florida community as the target group; Population of 470,914 people; Community living in an urban setting; Multi-ethnic community, great diversity; A tourist destination, the population includes visitors. Note: The community of Miami, Florida, is a multi-ethnic group that includes Whites, Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians, and Indians....

Group B Streptococcal. Brenda Patton: Case Analysis

Brenda Patton’s case is an outstanding demonstration of the key dangers of Group B streptococcal (GBS), which is one of the major causes of morbidity among infants. The simulated experience invoked feelings, such as concern and fear as well as confidence. The former two emotions are the result of the...

Nursing Code of Ethics in the Human Trafficking Victim Treatment

The paradigm of nursing responsibilities has already gone far beyond providing medical assistance to the patients and dealing with documentation related to the treatment. Nowadays, the notion of nursing encompasses direct care provision, allocation of the treatment resources, communication with patients, and collaboration with public health resources in terms of...

Medicare and Medicaid Role in Meeting Health Care Needs

Medicare and Medicaid are health insurance programs for US citizens. Medicare offers health coverage for people over 65, people with disabilities, and end-stage renal disease. Medicare services include hospital coverage – Medicare Part A, health insurance – Medicare Part B, and prescription drug coverage – Medicare Part D (Medicare program,...

Measuring National Committee Performance

The National Committee for Quality Assurance has developed a widely implemented tool for measuring performance in healthcare facilities called Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS). To increase the productivity of the healthcare system, it is mandatory to properly address and optimize every aspect of it, and HEDIS excels in...

Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Myths

One of the severe mental disorders included in the DSM is schizophrenia. This disorder requires a serious treatment as the illness influences a person’s perception of reality, affecting one’s feelings, emotions, and thoughts and disabling one’s functioning. People with this disorder may have unusual behavior, hallucinations, and delusions. This paper...

Maintaining Standards in Electronic Prescribing

Doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals are using modern technologies, which significantly assist them in their work. Electronic prescribing and telemedicine is coming in place of papers and hand-written notes for patients. It is a computer-based generation, processing, and filling of a medical prescription used by both hospitals and...

Malignant Melanoma: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Mr. J is a 42-year-old construction worker who has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma skin cancer. The first symptoms of the condition noticed by the patient included the changes in the size, color, and surface of the mole on the man’s face. In addition, the man reported having the...

Mental Illness and People of Color: Misconceptions and Stigmas

This research examined the personal attitudes, mistrust, and stigma of people of color regarding mental health services and their influence on the utilization of these services. The study mentions conceptualized terms “attitude”, “mental health”, “counseling”, “stigma”, “mental health services”, “mistrust”, “disparities”, “help-seeking behavior”, and “intention to seek counseling” (Fripp &...

Florida Nurse Practitioner Community

Introduction Florida is the state with the restricted practice of NP. Due to House Bill 607, starting from July 1, 2020, the restrictions will lessen for several categories of specialists. Initially, the full powers and the list of specialists to be allowed to have independent practice in HB 607 were...

Specific Features of Conduct Disorder

Introduction As an integral part of the overall well-being, mental health plays an essential role in the lives of all individuals regardless of their age, gender, or social status. Taking into account that some mental health issues can result in decreased enjoyment of life and low self-esteem, healthcare providers recommend...

Heart Disease and Stroke (HDS): Pathophysiology and Treatment

Target Population Heart disease and stroke (HDS) can affect people of all ages, but the risk of developing HDS is increasing with age. Although older adults are the most vulnerable group, it has been acknowledged that over a third of the adult population under 65 years old have HDS (CDC,...

Health Care Policy and Nurse Practitioner Practice

Introduction In ancient times, people recognized the considerable influence of internal and external factors, such as wars, diseases, and epidemics, united in small communities, understanding that this form of coexistence would help them survive and progress. With the gradual development of communities and the subsequent appearance of states and empires,...

Human Life is Unique: A Response to Singer

Introduction Biological ethics or bioethics is a critical aspect of any form of scientific experimentation, especially if it involves sentient and highly intelligent beings, such as monkeys and apes. The given argumentative paper will oppose Singer’s arguments that human life is no more valuable than that of the apes and...

Teaching, Scholarship, and Leadership

Being one of the most important aspects of human society, the healthcare sector has experienced numerous changes in the course of its development. Additionally, the last dramatic alterations of the traditional approaches also conditioned the introduction of new practices and tools used to improve the level of performance and attain...

Western Medicine and Its Shortcomings

Impact of Pharmaceutical Industries on Environment, Health, and Safety Summary: Various classes of pharmaceutical compounds have been detected in water samples and proved to be highly toxic for animals and humans. Thus, to save the environment, it is necessary to regularly monitor pharmaceutical compounds’ concentration in pharmaceutical effluents that enter...