COVID-19 Effects: Closure of National Parks

Introduction Social distancing has led to the closure of three national parks. Such a measure is intended to minimize the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Public health authorities have been implementing diverse measures. Such aspects of nature are capable of delivering numerous health benefits. In the article “3 of...

COVID-19 and the Problem of Education the Population Globally

Health concerns have become the focus of public attention over the past few months since the threat of COVID-19 has gained a massive scale. The epidemic and its rapid pace have revealed a host of economic, financial, cultural, technological, and especially healthcare-related problems in modern society. However, of all the...

Orthorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorder

Medical sciences in the modern world are more universal and rigorous in their approach to studying factors that harm public health. One such problem is the culture of improper nutrition, in which the individual directs all efforts to receive only healthy foods (Oberle 495). Although this diet seems ideal, there...

Personal Protective Equipment Supply to Health Facilities

Introduction Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a critical element for contagion management and control in medical settings. Public healthcare emergencies accentuate the issue and expose the problems associated with ensuring that essential workers, medical professionals, specifically, can protect themselves from an infection or a virus (Patel et al., 2017). The...

Prevention and Treatment of the Pressure Ulcer

Introduction The term pressure ulcer (also known as the “bed sore”) is an acute condition when pressure contributes to the development of additional health issues in an immobile person. The source of the problem is the lack of blood flow that could prevent the soft tissues from destroying under pressure...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the US Society

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases in general and chlamydial infection, in particular, are a serious threat to the U. S. nation’s health. Although there are many ways to treat some of the most common conditions, some diseases (for example, AIDS) remain impossible to recover from fully which may lead to death....

Glomerulonephritis: Causes and Diagnostics

Glomerulonephritis may be defined as an acute or chronic inflammatory disease that involves the glomerulus on a first-priority basis, however, tubular epithelium, interstitium, and renal vasculature may be affected as well. In turn, a pneumococcal infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is a bacterial disease that may move from lungs to...

Universal Healthcare for All in America

There are many ideas aimed at improving the overall health and well-being of Americans. One of them is to create a universal healthcare system, which would provide accessible medical services to all Americans. If the resources of the country are distributed wisely and the quality of services is maintained, universal...

The Views on HPV Vaccination in Sweeden

Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes an infection, which is also linked to a risk of developing a variety of cancers, and one way to prevent the harmful effects of HPV is vaccination. However, the practice of vaccination has faced a lot of pushback from people concerned with the safety of the...

Elderly Depression: Symptoms, Consequences, Behavior, and Therapy

Introduction Depression is the foremost common mental health disorder among older people. Depression in old age can manifest itself solely with physical symptoms, such as lack of appetite, weight loss, unexplained pain, and digestive disorders. However, individuals with depression are frequently less likely to engage in physical activity or follow...

“Robotic Kidney Transplantation: One Year After the Beginning”: Article Synopsis

The article “Robotic kidney transplantation: one year after the beginning” by Alberto Breda, Angelo Territo, Lluis Gausa, et al. discusses the topic of an innovative method of kidney transplantation with robotic assistance. The objective of this research was to evaluate several robotic-assisted kidney transplantation surgeries within one facility (Breda, et...

Living in a Fish Tank and COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 outbreak is gradually shaping every aspect of people’s lives before they even know. Very fast and steadily, the conventional view on things proves to be inapplicable in the current situation, and people have to adjust their mindset and behavior to the new circumstances. There is no doubt that many...

Practicum Experience in New York Methodist Hospital

Practicum Activities Reflection My job practicum experience was held at the New York Methodist Hospital. The clinical practicum is a crucial step for a nursing student that fosters professional development and comprehensive competence, nurtures “patient-oriented professional ethics and work philosophy” (Li, Liu, Lin, & Meng, 2016, p. 2). The practicum...

Latest Updates on Possible COVID-19 Treatments

The world’s community is fully involved in the coronavirus pandemic. It is affecting hundreds of countries, and more deaths are reported each day. For now, there are no efficient medications against COVID-19 available, antibiotics or other medicine used against known viral infections are not sufficient either. While scientists are working...

The Controversy About Abortion Prohibition and Women’s Rights

The health status of American citizens is the government’s priority when it comes to politics. However, the complex nature of the issue leads to its consideration from various perspectives that can be contradictory. One such aspect is abortion, and the right to this service has been widely discussed by politicians...

The Impact of Healthcare Reform

Introduction Healthcare reform is an evidence-based practice that seeks to address existing challenges and maximize medical experiences. Insurance coverage is a powerful strategy for increasing the number of citizens who have access to high-quality care. This discussion examines the level of coverage in the United States and recommends the best...

Statistical Data in Health Care

Introduction Health care settings require decision-makers to navigate the complexity of medical data, which is why the application of statistics needs to guide the operations of hospitals, government entities, and pharmaceutical companies. The utilization of statistical knowledge helps health care providers to identify the problem, develop appropriate interventions to solve...

Obesity Among Mexican-American School-Age Children in the US

The clinical problem for the final project paper is the increased rates of obesity among Mexican-American school-age children in the US. This problem becomes evident due to the current statistics, according to which the mentioned population shows more obesity cases compared to white children. It is essential to pay attention...

The American Organization of Nurse Executives

The Focus, Goals, and the AONE Competencies Leadership is one of the most critical aspects of nursing education and the intense healthcare environment in general. The success of any organization is highly dependent on the proper development of leadership and training healthcare providers as servant leaders. A medical field unites...

Patient Cost Sharing: Understanding Health Policy

In an attempt to reduce the strain on the healthcare system, the notion of patient cost sharing was introduced. It has its own positive and negative effects on the healthcare system, which I will discuss in this paper. Out-of-pocket payments are usually met with discontent and could be ignorantly referred...

Caffeine and Performance of Drugs in Adolescents

Background The issue of chronic pain and the effects of different drugs on its management in various populations, including adolescents, has been explored in multiple papers. In this assessment, the qualitative articles by Andersson et al. (2017) and Skarstein et al. (2016) have been scrutinized as sources of knowledge on...

The Vaccine Allocations Problems

Vaccination can be considered as one of the symbols that represent humanity’s success in global public healthcare. Nevertheless, as with other medical practices, there are many ethical concerns that are associated with vaccine allocations. The main challenges arise from the need to overcome the conflict between the interests of the...

Ways to Prevent and Treat Pressure Ulcers

Introduction Pressure ulcers are generally present in patients that are unable to move due to a particular condition freely and sometimes after surgical intervention. Although easily prevented most of the time, amounts of patients experiencing pressure ulcers continue to grown since the last decade steadily. There are a number of...

Caring, Professional Identity, and Professional Organizations in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a career tasked with the provision of the upkeep for the ailing and the feeble. Caring is generally defined as the ethical model of nursing enshrined with the safeguarding, improving, and conserving dignity of the people. Caregiving and nursing care get employed interchangeably on the caring concept....

Legislation Associated Within Perioperative Practice

Operating department practitioners (ODP) are specialist clinicians responsible for planning and delivering perioperative care. ODPs are 1 of 14 Allied Health Professions that are professionally autonomous practitioners and hold a protected title within the UK. ODPs are regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). ODPs must first meet...

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

Part of the unique challenge of pediatrics as a branch of medicine is having to accommodate the personal needs of different age groups of children. To help them meet this challenge, pediatricians can draw upon theories of children’s development created by such scholars as Erik Erikson, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Jean...

Patient Privacy: Protected Health Information

Ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the patients in healthcare setting is of utmost importance for practitioners and government officials. HIPAA law poses strict regulations on the collection of protected health information (PHI), placing limits to the usage and disclosure of certain types of data. Being aware of the PHI types...

Patients’ Perceptions of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Care Bundle in Hospital

Bedsores or pressure ulcers are areas of necrosis of skin, muscle, and, in some cases, bone tissue that occur with prolonged compression and impaired blood flow. As a rule, they form during prolonged contact with a solid surface, sometimes combined with friction or shear. Patients with overweight or severe exhaustion...

An Institute of Medicine Report

In 1999, the IOM Report established change intervention objectives for the healthcare industry, especially regarding nursing practices, pharmacology, and patient safety. The report highlighted the importance of quality change so that hospitals, clinicians, and patients can obtain better and efficient tools to address diseases, preventive methodologies, and health risk mitigation...

A Guide on Patient Engagement by Smith ET Al

Considerations and Challenges for Implementation One of the primary difficulties implementing a guide on patient engagement by Smith et al. (2017) is ensuring the cooperation of patients, as well as other stakeholders, especially setting staff and management (Byers, 2017). Given the specifics of the project (ensuring patient engagement), the former...

Faith Integration in the “I Am Legend” Film

The moment, which makes me feel a lot of emotion, is from the film I Am Legend. Media clip is expressive, and, at the same time, it makes me think about some aspects of the medical personnel work. It is the moment from when the main character embodied by Will...

Type II Diabetes Mellitus Overview

Introduction The prevalence of type II diabetes mellitus is anticipated to rise gradually with aging and decreased life expectancy. Among older adults, there are numerous unanswered questions regarding the management of diabetes mellitus, and this calls for individualized treatment (Marín-Peñalver et al., 2016). Comorbidity and functional restrictions of people with...

Healthcare Service Settings for Handling Patients

There is a variety of health service settings for handling patients, such as hospitals, ambulatory care, home healthcare, long-term care, and integrated delivery systems. Hospitals feature in and outpatient treatments by medical professionals who utilize a wide range of equipment and medication procedures. Ambulatory care services are a kind of...

Obesity as a One of the Major Health Concerns

Obesity is one of the risk factors contributing to the development of such health issues as diabetes, hypertension, and others. One of the most alarming trends in the spread of this health condition is among the school-age population. The rate of obese and overweight children in American society has risen...

Pediatric Asthma Readmission and the Role of Nurses

Introduction Nurses’ role in raising the parents’ awareness about pediatric asthma and post-discharge phone calls as a means of preventing readmission rates in asthmatic children is not the most studied topic in the field. However, there still are works that concentrate on the bordering topics. Jat and Kabra (2017) demonstrate...

Understanding Psychiatric Disorders: Mental Illness Treatment Strategies

Mental illness has insufficient research foundation and evidence-based information when compared to physical diagnosis. The use of drugs to treat psychiatric disorders is widely accepted but may not be justified in a particular case. The combination of pharmacology and behavioral therapy can reduce the need for medication and provide an...

Nursing Case Study: Ms. Robaczynski and Mr. Gessner

In my opinion, Ms. Robaczynski killed Mr. Gessner and committed a moral offense when she discontinued his treatment. Omitting or not starting treatment can be viewed as murder in some cases. I believe that this is such a case since Mr. Gessner was wholly dependent on his treatment. Moreover, healthcare...

Brain Damage Potential Effects

Brain injuries can have a transformative effect on an individual’s behavior and world perception, as well as on their motor functions. People can entail various impairments, which can significantly reduce the quality of their life. Since it is essential to research the issue, this paper is focused on exploring the...

COVID-19: Not Just Here, Not Just There

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone on the planet; the lives of billions of people came to a halt both literally and figuratively. Some adapted and safely self-isolated in the comfort of their homes, while others had to toil to the point of exhaustion to maintain a flicker of...

Does Lean Management Improve Patient Safety Culture

The principles of lean management and especially lean safety can be implemented in various industries and businesses. However, the branch where safety culture plays the most significant role is the field of health care. Including the principles of lean management into the safety of the patients is the main research...

The Affordable Care Act Overview and Analysis

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted to increase the population of insured American citizens. It has expanded access to insurance through easing Medicaid eligibility and introducing subsidized covers. This rule regulates the market for private insurance environments. The law was introduced to lower the health services cost per...

Effects of Smoking on Your Health

Identification The Findings Smoking causes an increased risk of respiratory infections; Smoking results in decreasing bone density; Smoking severely compromises blood vessels’ functions; Smoking causes severe damage to the lungs; Smoking has a probability of causing cancer. The modifiable risk factor chosen for this paper is smoking. Although most of...

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy in Prenatal Care Practice

Introduction The public healthcare sphere is one of the most important branches of human activity, within which measures are taken to maintain and improve the quality of life of the population. The primary task of the system is to preserve the health status of individuals, which in the long run,...

How Core Public Health Functions Are Applied in Society?

Introduction Community health is clearly a huge Public Health undertaking, which is believed can only be enhanced through legislations and penalties that would ensure measures are taken to keep the environment safe. Even though it is everyone’s responsibly to keep a clean healthy environment free of chemical and natural hazards...

Seizures: Pathophysiology and Treatment

Introduction A seizure is defined as an asynchronous electrical activity in the central nervous system (Mayo Clinic, 2019). Thus, it causes changes in motor activity, emotions, and consciousness. When a person has two or more seizures, they are likely to have epilepsy. They are classified into two major groups which...

The Politics of Health and Health Care

Introduction Politics has a strong influence on healthcare because major decisions that set the course for the whole range of specialists are made on higher levels (Patel & Rushefsky, 2014). Change of top-level executives and planners could result in shifts in healthcare policies, which can be either for the better...

Pros and Cons of Living Arrangements for the Elderly

As people get older, they often face the decision of where and how to live since they might need help in simple everyday actions. There are multiple options for the seniors, benefits, and drawbacks of which will be considered here. Living in their own home is applicable for relatively independent...

Pathology of Pneumonia: Overview, Symptoms, and Treatment

Pneumonia is one of the most common chest pathologies one can deal with in the clinical setting. It is commonly described as an acute infection in the lung parenchyma (Frank et al., 2013). It can also be of several types: bacterial, viral, lobal, or fungal pneumonia depending on the cause...

Obesity: Diet Management in Adult Patients

Introduction This paper aims at answering the following PICOT question: In patients 40-60 years old diagnosed with obesity (P), does diet and physical plans modifications (I) compared with diet management (C) reduce patient weight and improve healthy lifestyles (O) in 6 months (T)? When assessing these causal relationships, it is...

Human Reproduction: Reproductive Development Process

Introduction The ability to reproduce, that is, the formation of new generations of individuals of the same species, is one of the main features of living organisms. Species transfer the genetic material from one generation to the next in the process of reproduction. This process ensures the survival of this...

Senior Living Communities: The Case of Sun City Center

Sun City Center Communities that senior citizens form represent an interest for policymakers, academics, and medical professionals in gerontology. With the continually growing elderly population, the need for healthcare services provided expressly for this demographic group and facilities that cover its needs increases in parallel. Some elderly prefer to go...

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are complex and widespread, especially in western industrial countries, in which potentially a large number of adults have difficulties with getting regular sleep hours. Moreover, the disease lasts for years among at least half of the patients who suffer from sleep disorders. Among people with insomnia, postmenstrual women...

Health Issue: Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Introduction HIV/AIDS is a major healthcare issue affecting millions of people across the globe. Those who get infected tend will lead poor and unhealthy lives if they fail to get the relevant medication and disease management procedures. Health professionals have been keen to complete numerous studies and research to get...

Licensed Practical Nursing: Practice Ethics and Standards

Introduction Both during one’s nursing education and career, it is essential to understand and remember the profession’s fundamental aspects. The most vital parts are the code of ethics and the scope of practice that nurses have to keep in mind to perform as competent medical professionals. As an integral part...

Los Reyes Hospital Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is an important tool that helps to quantify the risk associated with an investment in a certain project. According to Gapenski and Pink (2015), there are three methods to quantify risk, including sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation. The most comprehendible way to assess associated risk...

A 12-Year-old Boy With Asthma Exacerbation

The second scenario refers to the case of a 12-year-old boy that presents to the emergency department with asthma exacerbation, and, notably, it is the third time he has the same problem in the last three months. The process of collecting the patient’s medical history is simplified in this case...

Theory of Control in the Healthcare

Introduction The control process is applicable in various disciplines like manufacturing, healthcare, financial consulting, processing among others. In hospitals, control theory is useful in managing cases and monitoring the healing process of patients. One such application of control theory is performance appraisal in the hospital to achieve dependable, reliable, and...

The Response of Texas State Government to the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly affected the lives of people in every state in the world. The illness is caused by a new virus that can move from one person to another by airborne droplets (#1). It is also difficult to monitor how many people are infected since this disease...

Cold-Induced Bronchial Asthma Description

Cold-induced bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, and this chronic inflammation causes bronchial hyper-reactivity. Bronchial hyper-reactivity is a condition of the airways in which they respond too easily or too strongly by narrowing their lumen to the effects of various provoking factors, which leads to a...

Healthcare Information Systems and Their Future

We live in the era of modern technologies. These technologies are used in different areas of our life. Healthcare information systems have been developed since they are implemented. A profession of a healthcare informatics specialist has become the most desired specialty nowadays. Healthcare informatics may be used to unite the...

Elements of the Immune System

The immune system includes central organs (thymus and bone marrow), peripheral systems and organs (lymph nodes and lymphoid accumulations in various organs, spleen); pathways of immunocompetent cells circulation. It also contains humoral factors, soluble molecules that are the product of B-lymphocytes (antibodies, immunoglobulins), and cytokines – soluble mediators of intercellular...

Global Pandemic Issues: Prevention of Infection and Transmission of COVID-19

For the last seven months, the world has been dealing with the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. The disease is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in September 2019, before spreading around the globe with the current data showing that to...

“Senate HELP Hearing on Coronavirus Responses and Future Pandemic Preparedness”: An Overview

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most significant tragedies of the beginning of the twenty-first century. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died worldwide, and even more will continue to experience its health-related, economic, and political consequences throughout their lives. In this situation, the United States...

Health Systems, Policy, and Resource Management: APRN

One of the primary policies that influence the role of Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in Miami, Florida is a Nurse Practice Act issued by the Florida Board of Nursing. This act identifies the main aspects of nursing practice in Florida, including the provision of high-quality care, common misconducts and...

The Role of Technology in Leadership in Healthcare

Introduction The healthcare sector determines the medical outcomes and experiences of citizens in a given country. Many governments provide adequate resources and support systems to ensure that their sectors function optimally. Practitioners, physicians, and managers in this field need to monitor emerging trends and inform key sponsors and financiers about...

Quality Improvement Programs Impact in the Health Care Sector

Article Comprehension The Main Concepts The health care sector is essential for the Unites States public; thus, it had to implement quality improvement (QI) to advance medical practices and outcomes. The article mentions three main concepts introduced to strengthen public health care on various levels (AcademyHealth, 2009). The first initiative...

Definition of Personality Disorder Using the DSM Method

Based on the analysis of the provided case, one can conclude that the male suffers from antisocial disorder. The following disorder belongs to cluster B of the general personality disorders group (Phillips, First, & Pincus, 2008). The relevant diagnosis has been provided based on the presented client’s history. Due to...

Motor Neurons Damage Effects

Motor neurons are responsible for many functions of one’s body, primarily movement. If they are somehow damaged, it can affect one’s life significantly. First of all, depending on the group of motor neurons, a patient may experience either hyperreflexia or hyporeflexia (Magnussen & Glass, 2017). The former signifies that upper...

Diagnosing Asthma: Treatment and Communication Plans

Introduction Despite the information presented in the case, it may be hard to diagnose asthma directly, unless specific symptoms are identified in the child’s medical history. The symptoms outlined by the child’s mother may also be linked to the conditions other than asthma. To diagnose asthma accurately and make sure...

Professional Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse

There are certain similarities and differences between the professions of family nurse practitioner (FNP), primary care provider (PCP), and clinical nurse specialist (CNS). FNPs and PCPs are the nurse practitioner (NP) specializations and CNSs stem from APRN. Those two nursing classes can be compared and differentiated in the spheres of...

Teleflex Incorporated: KMedic`s Orthopedic Surgical Instruments

Teleflex Incorporated is a US-based company specialized in the manufacturing of medical devices. It sells orthopedic surgical instruments under the brand name KMedic. The range of orthopedic instrumentation that is available under the brand KMedic includes osteotomes, bone cutting forceps, plate benders, shears, knives, mallets, screwdrivers, and other reusable surgical...

The Development of a Pain-Management Plan

The development of a pain-management plan requires evaluating the client’s and his family’s health and general information. Different facts, such as previously prescribed medicine and occupation’s specific conditions, provide vital information to help create a proper pain-management plan. To acquire information, nurses can use different sources, such as medical records,...

Euthanasia: Points For and Against

Euthanasia is a terminally ill person’s death, performed at his request with the help of a doctor and certain drugs. This procedure causes a lot of debate around itself about its ethics and the possibility of existence. Opponents of the method argue that no one has the right to take...

Health Reform Bill on Drugs in the United States

Introduction: Inequality in perspective A government-sponsored health insurance program has not been in existence in the United States. As such, access to healthcare depends on the financial status of the patient. The forces of a free market play a major role in regulating drug prices (Gelband, Wiley, and Laschober 2010)....

Peculiarities of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction The mental health of a person is a significant concern as it affects well-being, position in the society, and socialization. At the same time, it is an extremely complex issue as multiple factors influence the work of the brain, behavior, and personality of individuals. People face the risk of...

The Coronavirus Pandemic: Detergents Against the Germs

Background The coronavirus pandemic forced many individuals to find a way to remain safe, including loading up on cleaning splashes, gels, and cleansers. The pandemic is another ailment and a major danger to worldwide wellbeing. Hand sanitizer stations and wipes are all over the places: supermarkets, shopping centers, schools, chapels,...

Skin Diseases: Pseudomonas Dermatitis, Propionibacterium Acnes

Pseudomonas dermatitis is a disease caused by the genome bacteria named Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, a common germ in the environment which can be barely observed by a human eye. The condition occurs when the contaminated water comes into prolonged contact with human skin causing hot tub rash. The main modes of...

Women’s Disease: Breast Cancer and Its Consequence

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer types worldwide. According to Sun et al. (2017), it amounts to 25-30% of all cancer cases detected yearly among women. Cases of male breast cancer are relatively rare and do not exceed 1% of the total number (Sun et al., 2017)....

Health Care Policy and Procedure Development

Despite the increasing speed of new technologies implementation, such as electronic health records, may hospitals face the issue of readmissions and must elaborate on the process of patient transition from one care setting to another manually. Financial fines and other difficulties brought by readmissions urge medical professionals to integrate efficient...

Migraine Analysis From the Quantitative Perspective

Introduction Migraine has been an insufficiently researched issue for a while, hence the lack of clarity in the present approaches toward treating it. Although there is a tendency to medicalize patients with migraine, there are indications that other solutions for managing chronic pain could produce even better results in the...

The Healthcare Industry from an Economic Perspective

When looking from an economic perspective, it is clear that the healthcare industry is unique, and its specific characteristics differentiate it from other sectors. It is necessary to investigate supply and demand in the healthcare market for the understanding of those characteristics. Healthcare insurance also plays a big role in...

Anemia: Types, Detecting, Explanation

Anemia can be defined as a state of decrease in hemoglobin concentration because of the problems with oxygen transportation in blood. It is considered to be one of the global health problems, as this medical condition is common in everyday medical practice. Therefore, the detection of anemia type is crucial...

Ethical, Moral and Legal Issues in Assisted Suicide

Introduction In nursing, nurses and practitioners play a significant role in providing care for patients at the end-of-life stage across various healthcare settings. Their role is to provide expert care throughout the continuum of life and towards the end of the patient’s life (Lachman, 2010). They manage the bio-psychosocial as...

Eating Disorders: Why Do We Need to Control Our Nutrition?

Introduction Eating disorders are a common topic of discussion in both digital and print media. However, despite the availability of information about what a healthy diet is and which foods are potentially harmful, many people do not feel it necessary to adhere to the principles of safe nutrition. Moreover, eating...

Assessment and Treatment Plan: Digestive System Hereditary Problem

Introduction/Identification The patient has two significant problems with her health. The first problem is that she is allergic to citrus, nuts, eggs, and dust. Her second health problem is related to the digestive system. According to the interview, her mother suffers from the allergy, and her grandparents had problems with...

Allocation of the Scarce Biomedical Resources

The ranges of possible diseases and the number of theoretical scenarios for human morbidity are truly enormous. Such great diversity makes it extremely difficult to provide all patients with the necessary resources. Consequently, an ethical question arises of setting priorities for the allocation of medical supplies. This paper aims to...

Chronic Pain Treatment: Medications

Pain is a vital sign that serves to indicate malfunctions and calls to take measures. Chronic pain differs in this aspect, as it does not complete a protective function. This syndrome is one of the most common health issues that pushes patients to visit their doctors – chronic pain can...

Collaboration and Teamwork Within Healthcare Unit

Collaboration and teamwork have always been some of the major success factors when it comes to measuring a unit’s efficiency. However, if the business segment is frequently more preoccupied with the financial outcome, the healthcare sector is responsible for saving human lives. Hence, the ability to cooperate within a healthcare...

Access to the US Health Care

Introduction The health care system in the US is a complex structure. It is also one of the most developed infrastructures in the world. Still, a considerable number of people work hard every day in order to make it even more advanced. However, administrative officials and professionals face quite a...

Workplace Conflicts Among Healthcare Workers

Conflicts between medical staff members tend to have adverse consequences for both healthcare workers and patients. The researchers emphasize the difference between these conflicts and productive confrontations, as the former ones are characterized by a subjective sense of infringement of personal interests and a certain level of opposition (Jerng et...

Delegation and Professional Development for Everyday Leadership

Delegation It is truly possible to prove one’s sufficient level of professionalism and to improve delegation skills in the sphere of nursing, and there are a few certain principles of work to be followed which probably will be correct. Firstly, according to American Nurses Association, and the National Council of...

HRM Importance for a New Healthcare Organization

Introduction As in any other sector, healthcare significantly depends on the people who constitute the team within an organization. The competency of the professionals within every branch of the facility’s operations ultimately defines the quality of medical services delivered by the hospital. Therefore, the more qualified, educated, and experienced specialists...

Global Health Issues, Tuberculosis

For a long time, tuberculosis (TB) has been a disease of concern for global health. Caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it spreads through aerosol droplets, meaning that people breathe in the bacteria from infected persons. Tuberculosis is often latent and reveals itself when the immune system is weak. Risk...

Baby Care Class for Expectant Parents

Introduction I attended a class for pregnant women and their partners that covered issues about baby care. The responsibility of taking care of a baby, especially for new parents, can stir up a mixture of emotions as they grapple with ideas of how to best take care of their baby....

Readmission in the Congestive Heart Failures

Hear failures (HF) that are often referred to as congestive heart failures (CHF) are one of the most persistent causes of readmissions. As stated by Feltner et al. (2014), readmissions within thirty days occur for almost 25% of patients that were hospitalized with heart failure. Currently, medical science and the...

AD and POLST in Medicine

Introduction There are cases when a person is hanging between life and death not being able to say or do anything. Seeing him or her in such a condition brings constant pain and suffering to relatives and draws resources from both medical institutions and the pockets of a family. The...

Response to the Proposed Nutrition Method Plan in Worksite Cafeteria

The article properly discusses the healthy lunch choices presented by Dr. Weinstock in the Cooper University Hospital, including the hot and the grill bars, entrée section, and grab and go area. Based on such detailed analysis, the author develops his strategy to promote a healthy nutrition system within a particular...

Discrimination in Protecting Health Care Workers

This case demonstrates US legislation’s imperfection to protect health care workers and the need to change it. In the case of Teoka Williams, I would refuse to satisfy the patient’s request, since it does not have a compelling legal reason. As noted in the case, the staff’s non-discrimination rights are...

Cultural Beliefs Influence on Vaccine Hesitancy

Introduction Vaccination presently raises multiple concerns, with a range of people declining the option of vaccinating their children. As a rule, when refusing the procedure, parents of unvaccinated children often cite religious beliefs as the reason for their decision (Pelčić et al.). In their article, Pelčić et al. (2016) analyze...

Follow-up Telephone Calls System Implementation

Introduction The implementation of the system of follow-up telephone calls is a cost-effective, simple project, since it does not require significant finance or time expenses. Telephone calls are a simple and affordable way of communication for the elderly, as it is an integral part of the modern world. For this...

Delirium Disease and Older Adult Patients

PICO Question In older adult patients with delirium, does increase rounding as compared to normal rounding decrease fatality from this condition? P – older adult patients with delirium I – increased rounding C – normal rounding O – decrease in fatality Practice Issue and Scope of the Problem Older adults...

Actions to Improve the Quality of Health Care

Business and Economic Assignment Part 1 Examples that would qualify for the medical loss ratio include physician and outpatient, inpatient, and outside referrals. Insurance, claim process, and payment functions can be considered administrative costs. Medical loss ratio (MLR) is “the amount insurer pays out for the covered health care expenses...

ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses

Code of Ethics Review American Nurses Association’s code of ethics for nurses is a set of guidelines designed to help nurses better evaluate and carry out their duties and responsibilities (“About code of ethics,” 2017). The code itself contains several chapters covering various aspects of nursing activity and their ethic...

Miami-Dade County Department of Park: Program Evaluation Planning

Assignment 1 Item Response (three to five sentences per item) Purpose: Explain the purpose of the evaluation. Parks Rx 4Health program was selected for preparing an evaluation of its goals, results, opportunities, and failures. The identified program was developed by the Miami Dade County Department of Park to provide children...

Categories of Waste Sources in Medicine

Under the Medicaid policy, there is a range of waste sources. According to Lallemand (2012), there are about 30% of Medicaid spendings could be avoided. There are four categories that account for most of the unnecessary resource allocation including failures of care delivery, care coordination failures, administrative complexity, and overtreatment....

Hantaviruses Overview and Analysis

Introduction The identified Critique Paper gives a detailed analysis of Hantaviruses and how they can cause Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in human beings. The writer has succeeded in identifying some key observations that can guide scientists, medical experts, and researchers to learn more about this...

Family NP’s Position Within a Professional Organization

Introduction The role and scope of practice of nurses depend not only on the type of practice but also on the professional organization. A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is a quite broad specialist and possesses a sizable set of skills. FNPs usually work in primary and specialty care in the...

Nurses’ Ethical Obligations During COVID-19

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in China at the end of December. It has since spread to more than 200 countries, and the number of those infected grows at an alarming rate. Only a small percentage needs emergency care or urgent medical assistance, but they still constitute tens...

Nursing Leadership: Interprofessional Education and Practice

The article discusses the problems and possibilities of nurses in becoming interprofessional leaders and bringers of change to interdisciplinary education and practice. Clarke and Hassmiller (2013) have brought up a very challenging and timely topic because, as the researchers notice themselves, the current system of healthcare produces many treatment errors...

Vaccine Hesitancy: Prejudices and Fears

Introduction Falling vaccination rates worry medical professionals in those countries where the number of cases of vaccine-preventable diseases grows steadily. According to data collected by UNICEF and WHO through July 2019, “the Western Pacific Region and especially the Region of the Americas experience drops in [immunization] coverage” (3). It can...

Stereotyping and Unequal Treatment Examples in Medical Practice

Abstract Miami, Florida, has a fairly complex health situation. The generalized evaluation of health and illness places the state of Florida roughly in the middle when compared to other states – the trend that persists throughout most of the specific medical conditions, services, and demographics analysis, and remains stable for...

Self-Esteem and Self-Anxiety in Nursing Students

The notions of self-esteem and self-anxiety The level of self-esteem (SE), as well as the level of self-anxiety (SA), is influenced by several factors. We are going to demonstrate the correlation of the level of SE with the level of SA among nursing students in our work. According to Rosenberg,...

Hispanics as Vulnerable Population

The vast majority of civilized countries provide citizens with a high quality basic medical care. However, there are some patients included in a specific group of people called vulnerable population. These are individuals with a great risk of health problems caused by one of the numerous reasons such as social...

Diagnostic of Mental Disorders: Somatic Symptoms Disorder

The patient is a female who reports ongoing chronic pain in various body parts such as the stomach, chest, arms, legs, and throat. Her visit to the medical professional revealed no injuries or diseases that could be the cause of her pain. According to the symptoms, the patient could be...

Teamwork Importance in Health Care Industry

Introduction The health care industry is a complex phenomenon that includes numerous professionals. Each of them should perform their duties responsibly and adequately to make the whole system work efficiently for patients. The given requirement also refers to separate medical departments, and various radiology teams are among them. These units...

How “Recommendation 7” Can Influence Future Health Policies

Introduction The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released the Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report in 2010, coincident with the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The report is a comprehensive document that explores the future of the nursing profession in a continually developing scenario, where...

Assessment and Management of Pain in Older People

Introduction Overturning barriers to pain relief in older people is an article written by D’Arcy. There are many myths, assumptions and attitudes about pain relieve especially in older people. In this article the writer’s aim is to make more clarification about all believes or myths. The writer discusses some of...

The Similarities and Differences Between Renal and Cardiac Care Social Work

Nowadays, more and more people are affected by the consequences of modern-day lifestyles that have a great impact on their health conditions. The amount of people diagnosed with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is constantly growing. This creates a special need for incompetent and well-trained social workers...

Listing Occupational Carcinogens and Cancer Prevention

Discovery of occupational carcinogens Occupational carcinogens make up the bulk of the known human carcinogens. Knowledge of them helps form a major step towards drafting ways of handling and prevention future cancer cases. The data from the discovery of occupational carcinogens may be taken up and used by scientists for...

The Dissemination of Infectious Diseases

Introduction The health of the nation is a prominent issue, which the United States needs to deal with nowadays. One of the most difficult problems is preventing the spread of communicable diseases. Many infections are hard to control, and different measures are taken to stop their dissemination. There are several...

Ultrasound Program Overview and Analysis

My Experience in This Program From the very beginning, the ultrasound program that I have chosen has set high standards that must be met. My understanding was that the program would require my full commitment and best efforts to achieve my academic goals. Despite my initial hesitation, I was encouraged...

Attending an Online Meeting of Overeaters Anonymous

The principles of the 12-step program have become widely practiced for various kinds of addictive and compulsive behaviors. Obesity is a highly prevalent disorder because food is a necessity for people in contrast to substances and risks. Although drug and alcohol abuse cause dramatic drawbacks for human’s life, even a...

Respiratory Issue Complicated by Economic Disadvantage

Diagnosis and Pathophysiology The diagnosis is asthma. The main etiologic factor is a genetic predisposition to type 1 hypersensitivity. This results in acute inflammation which eventually leads to chronic inflammation of the airways and hyper responsiveness of the bronchial mucosa to various stimuli (Mims, 2015). Airway inflammation involves various inflammatory...

Improving Patient Involvement in Decision-Making

Introduction Good quality care dictates that treatments, tests, and procedures should be medically appropriate. Moreover, care should be desired by informed patients. Increased patient involvement is an essential element of quality improvement as it is linked to enhanced health outcomes. Patient experience-of-care or patient satisfaction surveys are pertinent to the...

Philosophies of Nursing Discussion

NUR 731 Module 1 and Response to Classmate’s Post Acknowledging the classmate’s post, one may note that he/she presents rather comprehensive answers to the offered questions. In general, I agree with the statements provided in this post as they are accompanied by clear arguments and scholarly citations. However, it seems...

Tuberculosis: Risks, Implications, and Prevention

Proposed Research Topic Infectious Diseases: Threats and Implications for the health sector; a case study of Tuberculosis (TB). Research Question What are the key risk factors, health implications, and appropriate prevention strategies for TB infections? Problem Statement An infectious disease as defined by World Health Organization (WHO, 2004) is a...

Medical Ethics. A Finding of Nonpaternity

Introduction Jennifer C is a 19 months-old baby who has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that is autosomal recessive. The characteristic pattern of the disease is that a child inherits its gene from both parents, with each of them being a carrier (Rosaler, 2006). Jennifer’s parents have...

The Phenomenon of the ADHD Disorder

Introduction Concerning this issue, the paper analyzes the facts represented for whether or not attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is real. The disorder has been analyzed according to the views of two articles. One of the articles argues that the condition is a real disorder while the other does not express this perception...

Mother-Adult Daughter Relationships Within Dementia Care

More and more people have been diagnosed to have dementia. These people need special care that may be provided by their relatives or specially trained caregivers. It has been observed that women with dementia who have daughters are usually cared for by them. Catherine Ward-Griffin, Nancy Bol, and Abram Oudshoorn’s...

Correlation Between Nursing Values and Organizational Values

Introduction Impact of Organizational Values and Nursing Values on Nurse Engagement Organizations create environment for nurse performance Organizations and nurses have common goals Organizations and nurses have shared responsibility Organizations and nurses create common profit Nurses engagement is key for organizational prestige Organizations collaborate with multiple nursing unions Health organizations...

Decision Support Systems & Project Management

Introduction This paper is to identifies and describe various decisions in Healthcare Management and Administration. It also carefully analyzes and identifies the data management system that used to apply the representative modeling technique. Apart from this; the paper includes Gantt chart for implementing the Healthcare Administration Decision Management System. Besides,...

Nursing Beliefs and Domains

Definition of Nursing, Nursing Beliefs, and Domains Nursing is a profession in the health care sector that contains both art and science of delivering care to a patient with respect, kindness, and compassion. According to Potter, Perry, Stockert, and Hall (2013), nursing includes limitless paths of career developments, such as...

Women With Dementia Receiving Their Daughters’ Care

The article under analysis is titled Perspectives of women with dementia receiving care from their adult daughters and written by C. Ward-Griffin, A. Oudshoorn, K. Clark, and N. Bol. This article is devoted to the necessity of home care for people with dementia. The demand for dementia home care services...

Public Health Informatics and Technology Integration

Introduction In public health, informatics is defined as the systematic use of information and computer science and technology in public health practice, research, and learning (Carroll, 2003). As an engineering discipline, health informatics necessitates the application of knowledge from several related fields, particularly information science, computer science, psychology, and communications...

Bipolar Disorder: Term Definition

Introduction Bipolar disorder is an episodic or chronic mental disorder that causes unusual, extreme, and rapid-cycling changes in energy, mood, concentration, and activity (Grande, Berk, Birmaher & Vieta, 2016). It is also referred to as manic depression or manic-depressive disorder. Normal people undergo changes in mood and activity depending on...

Randomized Controlled and Clinical Trials (RCTs)

Results and Validity Randomized controlled (or clinical) trials (RCTs) are experimental studies that randomly assign subjects to groups, one of which acts as experimental and the other one serves as a control group. Even though RCTs are more characteristic to medical literature, nursing may also benefit from such studies. Large...

Research Design for a New Drug That Reduces Appetite

Introduction The discipline of psychology makes use of observation methods to come up with concrete description of behavior. Such observations have to occur in a natural setting. Psychological research has four main objectives. These are creating, understanding, prediction and description of change. This process helps psychologists describe the opinions and...

Psychological Study’s Theory and Research-Based Model

Introduction In order to appropriately respond to the requirements of the assignment, I have selected the research article titled ‘Individual and social determinants of multiple chronic disease behavioral risk factors among youth’ by Alamian & Paradis (2012). The research article is about the study that was carried out to investigate...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Diagnosis and Evaluation

The problematic nature of the Alzheimer’s disease does not allow physicians to determine whether or not a person has it, although it is relatively easy to see if they have dementia. Alzheimer’s Association (2017) states that “diagnosing Alzheimer’s requires careful medical evaluation” (para. 2). However, recent researches demonstrate a lot...

Bioethical Issues in Genetic Analysis and Manipulations

The topic of choice is bioethical issues in genetic analysis and manipulations. This topic was chosen because it is an interesting argument that may lead to beneficial debates. The genetic structures and processes involved in this subject are not exactly a part of it. Rather, they are the topic itself....

The Future of Nursing: The Impact of the IOM Report

Introduction Nursing needs continuous advancement to be able to keep up with the rapidly changing health needs of patients (Gray, 2016). The report issued by the Institute of Medicine is a document that provides a valuable, detailed, and evidence-based review of current issues in healthcare and strategies to address them....

Recruiting Foreign Nurses in the United States

The USA has been experiencing a nursing shortage over the last decade. The numerical relationship between the the number of nurses and patients increased so much that hundreds of nursing positions remained unfilled. Given this fact, the government decided to import a qualified workforce from other countries to decrease the...

Evolving Practice of Nursing

Introduction As society develops, the needs of people become more elaborate. Similarly, technology pushes forward almost every sphere of human activity. Healthcare is one of such areas where change always persists. Innovations touch mostly upon the equipment that makes the work of nurses, doctors, and patients easier. However, the organization...

Patient Advocacy Practices: The Role of Nurses and Preventive Care

Should Preventive Health Care Services Receive the Same Level of Financing as Illness Health Care? Financial policies in health care are largely predetermined by existing budgetary procedures, regulatory acts, the network of budget recipients, and historically established priorities in the allocation of resources. Every area and stage of health care...

Improving Quality: National Guidelines Clearinghouse

Problem for Improvement The modern lifestyles of sedentary work and insufficient physical activity serve as one of the causes of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. In order to address the above conditions, it is essential to consider them specifically (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). The health concern...

Elimination and Prevention of the Pressure Ulcer Risk Among Hospital Patients

Although modern medicine has reached a lot in preventing severe illnesses, some of them are still difficult to cure. An example is pressure ulcer, a damage which appears as a result of a prolonged pressure on tissues. Every patient is exposed to the injury, as the ulcers emerge in case...

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines: Lung Cancer

Credibility The evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) developed by Detterbeck, Mazzone, Naidich, and Bach (2013) target early detection of lung cancer in patients based on screening tools and techniques suggested by the recent literature. The mentioned guidelines were developed by scholars from the American College of Chest Physicians, while the...

Health Literacy Program for Children

Introduction For 3-7 age group, health literacy is essential to prevent infection-based diseases. Children of this age tend to engage in learning activities that involve touching lots of items. Since many of the children in these years like to share their toys, clothes, and other objects, health literacy information such...

Nursing Leadership Dimensions: New Mental Models

Discussion Post Developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), “High-Impact Leadership: Improve Care, Improve the Health of Populations, and Reduce Costs” white paper presents three intertwined care dimensions related to leadership. Considering that the contemporary health care environment requires innovative approaches, their implementation seems to be beneficial. For example,...

Congestive Heart Failure Patients and Reducing the Readmission Rates

Congestive Heart Failure Patients Overview and Guiding Propositions The self-care theory by Dorothea Orem seems a well-established and suitable theory for this research. Self-care theory is based on a belief that it is each person’s interest and responsibility to care for his or her own health and health of the...