The Designs and Patents ACT 1988

Nowadays, it has become a commonplace assumption that the enactment of various copyright laws is being solely concerned with protecting people’s intellectual property, as something that has a value of ‘thing in itself’. Such assumption, however, cannot be referred to as thoroughly valid. The reason for this is simple –...

Probation Success and Failure

Probation is a key element of the criminal justice system, where an individual is kept out of jail but imposed a certain set of rules. One should be aware that probation’s success relies on a wide range of factors, which can include the active involvement of probation officers and the...

Criminal Conduct: Term Definition

Elements of Murder Criminal acts that lead to bodily harm or even death attract much interest from different states. A proof of murder requires the substantiation of the intent to kill or even cause grievous harm to an individual (Schmalleger, Hall & Dolatowski, 2005). First-degree murder requires verification of willfulness...

Legal Liability: Tort, Terms of a Contract, or a Statute and Law

According to Popow, there are three bases for legal liability, which are tort, terms of a contract, or a statute/law. To be more exact, three types of liability exist and are distinguished by their bases: Tort liability Explanation Tort liability presupposes the responsibility for doing any kind of harm to...

Predatory Crime Causation and Substance Abuse Problems

The “Here and Now” Approach Merits Different approaches to analyzing predatory crime causation allow comparing the methods of assessing offenses about the motives that drive criminals. When comparing the “here and now” approach postulated by the Routine Activities theorists with conventional background criminological concepts, one should take into account the...

Hotel Liability and Booking Cancellation Case

The case described investigates the violation of legal relations based on the drafting of the contract from several parties at once. After reading the scenario, we can identify two main problems that led to the legal conflict. First, a pre-booked room for Mr. Rogers in the hotel was not available...

Victims’ Right Amendments

The Victims’ Rights Amendments proposes that victims should be given the power to hear appeals from the law courts and also have the right to revise the earlier judgments made by the courts. During the trial phase, it is believed that some rights are usually denied and which end up...

The Difference Between Civil Law and Common Law

Introduction The curiosity of lawyers around law systems and the desire to compare them is not new to the researchers. Civil law, or else called the Roman law, is a name for a system of legislation that was firstly induced in Europe. The core of the civil law is compiled...

The Copyright Infringement: The Cases

The picture under analysis is Paris Hilton’s image on a Hallmark greeting card. It is appropriate to talk about copyright infringement here since an unauthorized use of copyrighted material had taken place. Moreover, the image was used in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights, such...

Criminal Law: Criminal Procedure

Differences between the due process model and the crime control procedure model The due process model assumes that arrested persons are innocent and not punishable by law until a court of law proves that they are guilty e.g. if a person is arrested for having taken a bribe from a...

Child Support Obligations

Introduction To support the child is definitely always a moral obligation coupled with legal liability. There can be of little dispute that the biological relationship with the child invariably cast this obligation upon its parents, legally as they are the very cause for its existence. Similarly, this obligation may also...

Biodiversity: Costa Rica v. Merck & Company

Introduction Declining biodiversity across the world has compelled many countries to come up with effective conservation measures that enhance sustainable use of natural resources. The Costa Rica National Institute of Biodiversity entered into unique agreement in 1991 with a pharmaceutical company, Merck & Company, which allowed joint exploration and exploitation...

Jeffrey Macdonald Murder Case

Abstract Jeffrey Macdonald is an American serial killer who became notorious after murdering his entire family. At an early age, MacDonald showed no signs of violent behavior. His junior schoolteachers assert that he was a bright and quiet pupil. After completing high school, MacDonald joined a university in Chicago for...

Indian Business Law Comprehensive Analysis

Critical evaluation of the Indian political system India is in essence a sovereign, democratic, secular state with a profound parliamentary structure of government. On 26 of November 1949, the nation’s constituent adopted the constitution, however, the constitution came into operation in the wake of 1950. According to legal experts, the...

Juvenile Justice in Passaic, New Jersey

The justice system includes different laws and regulations when dealing with people under the age of 18 and 21. These changes are related to the status of these offenders, whereas they are considered “minorities” for jurisdictional purposes. In this paper, I chose Passaic, New Jersey, for the analysis of its...

Deviance Issue in the American Society

The “American Dream” Contribution to the Frequency of Deviance Deviance is a criminal offense that entails violating the norms of society. Deviants ought to be present in any society as long as some rules and regulations have been put in place to be followed. This is because not all people...

Consumer Law: Trade Practises Act

Introduction Background to the study Consumers are governed and protected by commercial laws against exploitation by corporate. These laws ensure that the goods produced by various firms meet the specified standard. These laws sometimes go beyond the regulation of products produced, but also control consumer transactions, and commerce. Commercial laws...

Supreme Court Decision Research Paper

Introduction The Supreme Court’s decisions have great importance in legal practice and often become precedents determining how future cases are to be decided. This paper will discuss Roe v. Wade, a Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the US. This ruling had significant ramifications for the country since it...

The Courtroom: The Role Participants in a Court

Introduction The legislative arm of government in any country enacts the laws of the land. However, it is the courts that decide how those laws are to be applied. This essay will discuss the role of the different participants in a court. Specifically, it will address the duties and responsibilities...

Privacy and National Security Concerns

With the development of modern technologies all over the world, numerous challenges for governments and their citizens appear. One of the most widespread problems is the lack of a balance between the privacy of personal data and national security. The government struggles to provide protection for its citizens and curb...

The Legal Principles and Their Contribution to Business

Identification and application of the legal principles are significant for businesspersons. Practical, realistic, case-study approach will contribute to future prosperity and reduction of conflicts. To know the legal environment of business is very useful in terms of understanding both rights and obligations. Constitutional concepts and clauses along with activities of...

EU Intellectual Property Legislation

Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property is a very precious commodity in today’s business world. Intellectual Property Rights form part of the assets of a company. It is therefore important for businesses to identify, secure, and value their intellectual properties. However, it has not been easy for many businesses to identify...

Capital Punishment form Utilitarianism Perspective

Nowadays, the admittance of capital punishment presents a matter of multiple discussions. From the humanistic perspective, the death penalty appears to be immoral, as it violates the fundamental human right to life. The supporters of this opinion also highlight the fact that none acquire the right to kill someone without...

Taxation Law and System in Australia

Introduction Taxation has been present since the late nineteenth century and plays a significant function in society. Every administration in each country needs revenue to sponsor its activities. With no taxes, governments would be unable to operate effectively as they are required to raise revenue, and the most efficient method...

Compensatory Justice Effectiveness in Modern Legal System

Our legal system should not provide compensation to victims as a form of justice against crime. Compensatory justice entails exchanging resources between a victim of injustice and perpetrators. For instance, a victimized person is compensated with financial resources to mitigate likely harm intended against a guilty individual (Christie, 1981). Legal...

American Criminal Justice: Due Process

Due process is a fundamental and absolute right of an American citizen, which ensures that the state must adhere to the law and take into account individual liberties. It is mentioned twice in the Constitution in the Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment. The former states: “no person shall… be...

Omission and Possession as Criminal Acts

Omission to act should not be considered as a criminal act, because a person should not be forced to put himself or herself in harm’s way. It is important to note that there are some cases where such an act should be criminalized, such as Kentucky law on reporting child...

Crime Rate: the Recidivism Rate

Introduction The rate at which an act is done repeatedly by a given person is termed the recidivism rate. This act is usually preceded by corrective or discouraging attempts on the individual doing the given activity and is often used to apply to crime and penal attempts. Speaking from the...

Labor Laws in the United States

There are various labor laws as well as acts in the United States of America that specify the criteria on which American firms should use to carry out their employment, treat their workforce and the process they adopt while trading locally and internationally. The Fair Labor Standard Act is an...

Attempted Bank Robbery Criminal Justice Case

The suggested case describing the plan to commit a crime of bank robbery is characterized by several elements that are commonly identified in crime attempts. Firstly, the two friends engaged in the planning, which implies their clear intent to commit a crime. Indeed, they found and studied the plan of...

The United States Constitution and Its Principles

The establishment of the United States is a remarkable event for world history. In 1774, thirteen English colonies began military operations in the struggle for independence and reached their goal on July 4, 1776 (Bodenhamer 12). This is the date of the formation of the new sovereign state of the...

The History of the Criminal Justice System

The British established the original formal criminal integrity structure during the American Revolt. The criminal justice system (CJS) was developed to oversee the rationalization of hanging to the British citizens. In every chosen region a magistrate existed, who in current time is named a judge. These people were at the...

Alexander Pichushkin: Chessboard Killer

Alexander Pichushkin was born on April 9, 1974, near Moscow. The boy’s father was fond of alcohol and left the family when his son was not even a year old (Harrington 8). Pichushkin did not like his studies. He was only fond of tennis, checkers, and drawing. Due to his...

Life-Course Theories: Causes of Criminal Behavior

The question of the origins and causes of delinquent behavior is crucial in criminology as it allows finding solutions for its prevention. Life-course theories are one of the complex approaches to studying the nature of such behavior since they consider the lives of people at different stages of development and...

Labor Law in the UAE and the United States

Introduction Labor law deals with the (legal) rights and obligations of workers and their employers. They provide a common basis in which the employer is able to form a lasting relationship with his employees. If an employee feels that he is being denied his rights or that the employer is...

US Constitution Revision: Secession Procedure

The essence of my proposal is this: the Constitution should unequivocally state that the secession of any state of collection thereof can only be possible with the ratification by all the states comprising the Union. The Declaration that created this nation held dear the people’s right to assume the separate...

“Police Solve Just 2% of All Major Crimes” by S. Baughman

Shima Baughman, a Professor of Criminal Law, wrote an article titled “Police solve just 2% of all major crimes.” The author researched police reports issued within the last fifty years and found that it fails to solve serious crimes. The findings of Baughman prompted the author to conclude that the...

Criminal Investigations in the I-5 Strangler Case

Introduction Criminal homicides represent one of most grave crime categories against individuals, which investigation differs with considerable complexity and laboriousness. The general tendency to the growth of crime rate and the significant amount made in the field of murders against the percentage of criminal cases solved, establish the issue of...

Police Response to High Speed/Hot Pursuits

Police officers have the responsibility of defending the lives of citizens by maintaining law and order. However, in attempts to avoid being arrested, some criminals are normally willing to escape without much concern to the dangers that they pose to their lives as well as those of other innocent citizens...

The Primary Sources of Law in the United Kingdom

Introduction The law is created to respect social agreements and preserve peace and security in the state. It creates not only binding prohibitions, but also criteria for lawful conduct. The law operates in a social environment, evolving, changing, and adapting to the social circumstances to make always the fair legal...

Annotated Bibliography: Law Ethics

Law ethics, also known as legal ethics in some countries, can be said to be the codes by which legal professionals work in the performance of their duties and to which they owe themselves, their clients, and each other. Usually, failure to abide by the code of legal ethics leads...

Regulatory Risk and Business Tort

The business world today is well regulated and structured in its functions, duties and responsibilities to to various laws and governmental regulations. Still the debate on whether there should be more regulations or not is very active since the beginning of the last year’s financial crisis and credit crunch. Different...

Risks and Origins of Criminal Behavior

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that criminal behavior, its risks and origins are regarded to be the psychological issues, the conflict of nature and nurture, which often contradict the most essential principles of life and living. Discussion In the light of the fact that the main origin...

Labor Law in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma

Introduction Labor law is one of the main guarantees of safe working conditions and fair treatment of employees in any country. Labor conditions in the United States can vary from state to state, as, along with federal laws, each state’s government adopts local laws. For this reason, although the fundamental...

Freedom of Assembly: The First Amendment Act

The 1st amendment of the United States Constitution accords any US citizen the right to freedom of Religion, Expression, Press, and Assembly. The initial objective of the amendment was to prohibit any system of control with regard to political expression. However, this platform has been abused by people pretending to...

The Crime Control Model: Due Process Values

Introduction The criminal justice system follows two models to pursue justice or promote the operation of the process, which are crime control and the due process. Herbert L. Packer, the author of the article “Two Models of the Criminal Process,” offers a detailed analysis of these frameworks, the gulf existing...

Statute of Frauds: Formal Requirements

Introduction As a rule, contracts are enforceable when they are in writing. However, the following information will show that oral agreements are also valid under particular conditions. Main body A. According to the Legal Information Institute (n.d.b), the Statute of Frauds is “a statute requiring certain contracts to be in...

Case Review: Marbury v. Madison

There are many landmark cases in the United States that are still being referred to by courts today. One of those cases is the Marbury v. Madison court case. The case established that the judicial department has absolute power to review any laws passed in the country and determine whether...

The Lawsuit Against Johnson & Johnson: Case Study

The case under consideration is the lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson, an American company manufacturing various healthcare products. It is a civil lawsuit brought in by Nicholas Murray, a 26-year-old man from Maryland, who accused Johnson & Johnson of not notifying doctors of side effects of Risperdal (Cerullo). Risperdal is...

Ledbetter v. Goodyear as the Most Problematic Case

Statutory Interpretation Method First of all, the Ledbetter Court provided no remedy for the Ledbetter party because they problematically applied the statutory interpretation methods. Legislative intent, as a part of it, is a mechanism used by various participants of the justice system to examine and correctly evaluate the purpose of...

The Guiding Principles of Restorative Justice

Restorative justice is an alternative view of the punishment of the offender and compensation for the harm of the victim, which rejects the classic criminal law approach to only punish the criminal. In other words, justice for the sake of justice is not the primary goal of law for the...

Defense Support of Civil Authorities and Decisive Actions

DOD’s role in Defense Support of Civil Authorities The U.S. Department of Defense is a government agency that is the government’s executive arm and is responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and executing functions related to U.S. national security. In other words, the Department of Defense is responsible for ensuring the country’s...

A Utilitarian Analysis of Capital Punishment

Introduction Capital punishment has existed for a few centuries of human history. It had previously been the main form of punishment for a criminal offense. Now, it has been abandoned in only several countries. Some states, for example, China, Iran, and others continue to use it actively. Such punishment as...

Criminal Justice Policy and Constitutional Protections

Criminal Justice Policies and Constitutional Protections The most important task of the criminal justice system is to avoid crimes and reduce their number. Naturally, in this issue the authorities rely on the police and the court, both of which more often use “sticks” instead of “carrots”. In some cases, the...

“On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter

There is an awful accident that happened recently in NYC with a sixteen-year-old boy Andy. It was 11:03 when he was stabbed by a stranger and was left on the sidewalk by himself with a knife in his chest. There is evidence that he was attacked because he belonged to...

US and Singapore Healthcare Systems Comparison

Healthcare system is a major concern for many countries. Comparing and contrasting the quality of healthcare in the U.S. and Singapore might provide valuable insights. Regarding healthcare system, Singapore is ahead of many developed countries. Since its healthcare expenditures are lower than most high-income countries (Haseltine, 2013, p. xii), the...

DRM: The Good, the Bad and the Downright UGLY

Digital rights management (DRM) is necessary to a point to keep honest people honest. However, there are places where it has gone too far and the production and distribution companies are trying for, even more, looking for a cash cow. In an industry where record companies, publishers, and other artistic...

The Moral Dilemma of the Capital Punishment

Introduction Punishment for crimes that are deemed cruel and unusual is forbidden by the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment is often invoked when discussing the legal merits of the death penalty. The use of the death penalty is considered by some to be the most obvious and...

Family and Medical Leave Act Law

Introduction Respect and protection of employee rights is one of the fundamental functions that an organization should aim to achieve. Primarily this is a function of the human resource and planning department, whereby they always have to advocate for good working conditions and equal treatment of all workers regardless of...

Automobile Workers vs. Johnson Controls

Facts of the Case The primary ingredient in the manufacture of batteries at Johnson Controls (“JC”) is lead. It was discovered that lead exposure entails health risks to employees, especially to the fetus carried by female employees. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) was able to inform industrial companies...

System and Theory Evaluation for Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction Youth have been committing crimes that have been noticed by researchers, the media, policymakers, and the judiciary; these crimes of violence have been producing disastrous effects in society. Children younger than 18 years are being punished for surprising crimes like “robbery, forced rape, assault, and homicide”. Risk factors and...

Alternatives to Incarceration and Their Application

The reaction to crime has experienced a revolution with time. In the late18th Century and early 19 Century, the revolution took place based on Western democratization and partly by the rationale of the existing philosophers and legalists of the time. During this period, the justice system was made to be...

Left Realism Theory Analysis

Roots of the left realism theory Left realist theory originated from critical criminology in reaction against the perception that, left failed to have a practical concern in day-to-day crime. It was argued that this failure left-right realist with the monopoly of political agenda concerning the law. According to this realism,...

Self-Control Theory: Are Our Parents to Blame?

A century ago, most behaviorists theorized that the environment greatly influences criminality. This theory ignores a person’s genetic predispositions, and for the most part, blames social influences for the molding of a criminal or at least a delinquent. From this theory, an opposing theory, called the self-control theory, came to...

Broken Window Theory: An Empirical Exploration of the Merits and Feasibility

Running Head This research paper presents an empirical exploration of the merits and feasibility of the Broken Window Theory in a community with a particulate social background. The paper will present experimentations outcomes on the hypothesis that curtailing the proliferation of smaller crimes as held in the core of the...

Commercial Law: Sprod v Public Relations Oriented Security

Introduction According to contemporary law vicarious liability is regarded as the liability of one person for the torts committed by another person. The wrong-doer is of course, liable to the injured person but another person may be jointly liable with him to compensate the injured party. The law states that...

International Criminal Law and Measures

Executive summary The aspect of international crimes has become a major area of focus for lawmakers since 1990, due to escalation in organized crimes in the post-boom technology and e-commerce deployed global environment. Large-scale criminal activities, syndicated or otherwise, became major concerns for law enforcers the world over, with special...

Juvenile Delinquency in U.S.

Milwaukee— A Milwaukee teenager is accused of strangling his girlfriend after the two watched a movie about a murder spree. The Gist of the Article The news about a teen being accused of strangulating his girlfriend allegedly due to the influence of his favorite movie ‘Natural Born Killers’, posted by...

“White-Collar Crime” Definition and Qualification

White-collar crime can be defined as the crimes which are committed by individuals of respectability and very high social status in the course of their occupation. There have been numerous debates as to what qualifies as a white-collar crime and it generally encompasses a variety of nonviolent crimes that are...

The Case of Curtis Flowers

Introduction The case of Curtis Clowers is one of the most outstanding among Supreme Court cases reviewed in the last two decades. Curtis Giovanni Flowers (born May 29, 1970) is an African-American man who has been on trial six times for the same crime in the state of Mississippi, United...

Penal Policy Article Critique

Introduction The penal policy is a significant phenomenon that acts as a limiting factor in many spheres of life. It is a central concept of “Understanding the Determinants of Penal Policy: Crime, Culture, and Comparative Political Economy” by Lacey, Soskice, and Hope (2018). This scholarly article is based on appropriate...

Road Speed Limits Importance

Many drivers can find speed limits to be annoying, distracting, or lacking any meaningful contribution to road safety. However, there is an alarming trend that reveals the increase in the number of road fatalities in the past few years (Farmer, 2019). I believe that human lives must be put above...

Crime Theories. “Can’t Catch a Break” by Sered & Norton-Hawk

The present paper is dedicated to the book Can’t Catch a Break by Sered and Norton-Hawk (2014). Both authors are Professors of Sociology at Suffolk University in Boston. Susan Starr Sered focuses on women’s rights, and Maureen Norton-Hawk has a special interest in criminology (University of California 2014). Their fields...

“Training Day” the Film by Fuqua

The film, Training Day, reflects a typical day of drug enforcement officers. Directed by Antoine Fuqua and produced by Bobby Newmyer and Jeffrey Silver, the film was released in 2001 as a neo-noir crime thriller featuring LAPD narcotics officers’ working environment in 24 hours. The two officers are working in...

Violence in the Caribbean Virgin Islands

Abstract Violence remains a major problem in different regions and islands across the Caribbean. This kind of malpractice affects the integrity of the entire society and discourages people from pursuing their economic and social goals. The paper focuses on the nature and effect of gang violence in the Caribbean and...

New Orleans Police Department’s Ethics and Leadership

There is no doubt that specialists working in law enforcement agencies are the representatives of the authorities. With that in mind, their behavior and the extent to which their actions are aligned both with the official laws and ethical norms remain extremely important for the maintenance of order. Police officers...

Peoples Department Stores INC. V. Wise Case Review

Critical Reflection Case Name and citation: Peoples Department Stores Inc. (Trustee of) v. Wise, [2004] 3 S.C.R. 461, 2004 SCC 68. Court: Supreme Court of Canada. Date: October 29, 2004. Trial Decision: The Wise brothers’ fiduciary duty was breached, which led to the court trial. Appeal Decision: The Quebec Court...

Adult Sentencing for Youth: Canadian Perspective

Introduction There is no doubt that when an individual commits a serious crime, justice should be executed, and an offender should face the consequences of his or her deeds. At first glance, such reasoning seems robust and applicable in all cases. However, when it comes to juvenile delinquents, there is...

Crossover Kids: Canadian Perspective

Introduction “Crossover youth,” “crossover children,” and “crossover kids” are all relatively recent buzzwords for a vulnerable social group of underage individuals who both suffered from parental mistreatment and engage in deviant behavior. Admittedly, these two factors – parental mistreatment and juvenile delinquency – are intertwined and amplify each other. Family...

Women in Prison in the United States: Article and Book Summary

Magazine Summary The article “Coming to the Aid of Women in U.S. Prison” addresses interventions that could be used on women prisoners, whose population has been increasing at a faster rate than that of men (McClellan, 2002). Specifically, it is contended that education, litigation, and human rights could be used...

The Kansas-Nebraska Act: the Civil War

Type of the document: Bill/law Date of the document: 1854 The author of the document: The Congress of the United States For what audience was the document written? This legal act was primarily intended for the public administrators working in the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Moreover, it was...

The Problem of Legalizing Cannabis in the UK

Legalizing Cannabis in the UK Legalizing cannabis is quite controversial. Legalizing cannabis agents have highly defended the move. Proponents of the move argue that legalizing the drug will decrease the social evils witnessed. Opponents feel that legalizing the drug will rot the society. Advantages of legalizing cannabis It will save...

Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts

In the article “History from the inside out: Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts”, Larry Goldsmith has attempted to provide a detailed history of prison life and prison system during the 19th century. In particular, he takes the case at Charleston, New York, as an example of how American prison system...

Law Enforcement: Online Crimes and Social Media

Issue Facing Law Enforcement: Online Crimes and Social Media Today, the role of law enforcement and police is integral in society. In addition to the fact that many police officers and administrators aimed at protecting civilians and keeping order in the country, these people become solid examples of how to...

False Confession in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction There are many important concepts in today’s criminal system. A false confession is one of the terms that are frequently used by modern criminologists. Media says that despite the intentions of the system to protect the population against wrong and prejudice judgments, hundreds of prisoners remain the victims of...

Laws on Pregnancy Discrimination in Workplace

Introduction It is imperative to mention that the role of fair employment policies and prevention of discrimination in the workplace has been increasing. The situation has improved over the last few years, but such incidents are still quite common. The primary problem is that many employers are not aware of...

Criminal Behavior, Structural and Social Inequality

What is structural inequality? Structural inequality in essence is an inherent bias within social structures that can provide some advantages to a select group of people within society while at the same time marginalizing others. This can be seen in instances related to racism, education, and discrimination wherein certain segments...

Police Officer Murder, Trial and Punishment

Introduction In the USA, killing a police officer on duty is considered one of nine capital offenses, which are punished either by a death penalty or by life imprisonment without the possibility of release (Bienen, 2010). Mr. James is charged with committing a capital offense in a state where the...

National Health Insurance and Its Disadvantages

Introduction National health insurance (NHI) invariably becomes a reason for heated debates since the beginning of its history in 1912 (Bodenheimer & Grumbach, 2012, p. 187). As new reforms are made and proposed, the disadvantages of the phenomenon that are either generic or specific (related to a particular aspect of...

Criminal Justice: Philosophies of Corrections

Abstract This paper discusses the significance of the Religious, Mental Health, and Educational programs within the penal paradigm (in the US), assessed through the lenses of the Deterrence, Incapacitation, Punishment/Retribution, Restorative Justice, and Rehabilitation philosophies of corrections. It also provides some discursive insights into what accounts for the main obstacles...

National Health Insurance: Contrarguments

Introduction In this paper, the arguments of the opponents that were presented to advocate for a national healthcare insurance (NHI) are going to be countered. Our opponents have provided a clear and succinct overview of their position, and their arguments are most convincing, but we find that we disagree with...

Crime Scene Investigation in Media and Real Life

The common belief rests on a premise that forensic sciences are very exact and cannot be doubted. Facts relating to fingerprinting, DNA analysis and other particle matching were thought to be undeniable for a long time, but there are cases where seemingly factual information turns out to be wrong. The...

Nortel Networks Company’s Corporate Crime

Organization background Founded in 1895, the Nortel Networks Corporation was a multinational company dealing in telecommunication services and manufacturing of different networking equipment. The company’s headquarters was in Ontario, Canada. Following a scandal which begun in the year 2009, the company was dissolved in the same year. This dissolution was...

Discovery in Law and Its Four Types

From a legal perspective, discovery can be defined as the procedure that allows obtaining crucial evidence from other parties involved in a legal process by means of interrogation and other techniques (Bergman and Moore 183). As a rule, four types of discovery are identified. These include deposition, interrogatories, production of...

English Law System and French Law

Introduction The British Common Law is applied in many nations, including the United States of America and England. Indeed, nations that were colonized by the British Empire have their legal systems based on British law. While many nations only have one system of law, Canada presents a unique case. The...

Americans’ Working and Vacation Time

People in the most developed countries work a lot. Americans, Germans, Japanese, and French people are inclined to spend much time working. However, if employees in France have the right to receive five weeks of the paid vacation time, Americans can have only two or sometimes three weeks of the...

Ron Engineering vs. Ontario Case Analysis

Original Court Decision The case of Ron Engineering vs. Ontario is probably one of the most famous and influential trials in Canadian history. Everything began when the province of Ontario decided to create new water and sewage treatment plant and issued a call for tenders when the consultants offered the...

Incarceration Costs and Effects in Australia

Executive Summary Australia is one of the highest spending countries when it comes to the incarceration of prisoners, coming second after the United States. Among some of the causes for the high prison retention rates are that more women have turned into criminal offenders. Also, the high standard of living...

Marriage Contract’ Legal Provisions

Each side voluntarily consents to sign this agreement which includes the following provisions: The sides agree to respect the dignity and opinions of one another; moreover; the spouses will agree to involve each other in decision-making. The spouses should be able to express their concerns about each other’s behavior. The...

Effects Of Domestic Violence on Children

Children are the future leaders and optimal growth and development in a favorable environment is paramount. Unfortunately, the few studies available indicate that children are usually victims of both direct and indirect domestic violence, and this leaves damaging psychological effects that interfere with a child’s social, behavioral and personal development....

Improving Trauma Care Act of 2014

Abstract Mortality die to trauma has increased substantially to force the policymakers look towards it with a modern outlook. Modern facilities’ and training is required to look at trauma and trauma care centers. As more and more hospitals are closing down their trauma care facilities, it is important for the...

Have “Three-Strikes” Laws been Effective and Should they be Continued?

Introduction Three Strikes Laws are legislation implemented by various states that aim at punishing offenders who commit the same crimes again. Kenneth (2000, p. 457-469) indicates that the significant of the law is to secure the society from those who repeatedly commit felonies that put the individuals at risk. Three...

Juvenile Delinquency and Punishment

In modern society, the punishment for criminals varies according to their age. Juvenile offenders can be subject to different types of punishment than those applied to adults. The general consensus is that young people have a greater chance of rehabilitation than adult criminals, thus, their punishment should be more lenient....

The In re Winship Case 397 U.S. 358 – Supreme Court 1970

Summary The In Re Winship case was a Supreme Court case in 1970 that focused on the issue of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Winship’s defendant in the case was charged with stealing $112 from a woman’s purse. Parties The In Re Winship case was brought to the United States...

The Four Courts of the Bahamas

The Privy Court The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC) in London, England, sits at the top of the legal court hierarchy for The Bahamas (Judiciary, 2019). In all cases where an appeal is allowed, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council functions as the final court of appeal....

Travis Hirschi the Social Bond Theory: Explaining Criminal Behavior

The chosen topic is the Social Bond Theory developed by Travis Hirschi. It explains why people follow or reject societal standards, particularly when it comes to criminal behavior. Specifically, it ascertains four dimensions: devotion to their friends and family, dedication to conventional aims, participation in conventional activities, and belief in...

Border Control as a Homeland Security Issue in the US

Introduction The homeland in the United States has exponentially heightened the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) operations and its historic mission framework because of increased threats to border security. The nation’s strategies on border control have switched its focus from drug trafficking and immigration to include efforts on counter-terrorism following...

Security Studies in Historical and Contemporary Context

In contemporary society, security is a vital and pervasive concern. Therefore, the need to discuss the field of security studies arises. This discipline delves into the concept of security and the actors responsible for providing it. This essay aims to broadly overview the main topics that concern the subject and...

Stalking: Statutory Approaches to Criminal Intent

Introduction Stalking is a criminal act centered on watching or following another individual’s everyday life. The purpose of such actions is unimportant, as the act of following another person for one’s personal goals is considered criminal. However, it is necessary to discuss other elements of stalking’s classification in criminology. In...

Juvenile Crime in Guyana and How to Address It

Multiple social concerns impact schools by generating barriers for young people. The phenomenon highlights the vulnerability of the demographic and the importance of implementing various techniques to minimize potential risks affecting individuals in this age group. One of the concerns that require examination and confronting is juvenile crime. Juvenile crime...

Special Punishment for a Juvenile

Introduction Adolescence covers the period from 11 to 15 years, which corresponds to the middle school age. During this period, complex and contradictory changes occur in the personality of children, which is why this age is also called difficult, critical and transitional. Accordingly, children at this age are vulnerable to...

Smash-And-Grab Crime: Criminal Investigation

The smash-and-grab crime under investigation is a multi-million-dollar burglary that occurred in March 2022 at a Beverly Hills jewelry store. According to bystanders, “five people got out of a car and used what appeared to be sledge hammers to break the plate glass window of Luxury Jewels of Beverly Hills”...

Facial Profiling: Race, Physical Appearance, and Punishment

Key Concepts in the Study Social scientists frequently study the influence of an individual’s appearance on their life outcomes. For instance, Johnson and King (2017) examined the impact of defendants’ physical characteristics on punishment. The researchers utilized the following key concepts: facial appearance, race, and punishment. The concept of facial...

Debra Herbe v. Rutgers University: Employment Termination

Introduction A recent court case related to employment termination in New Jersey was Debra Herbe v. Rutgers University. The plaintiff is Debra Herbe, the nurse, while the defendant is her former employer Rutgers University. The trial was completed in 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but lasted almost six years. The...

Collection, Preservation, and Storage of Digital Evidence

Introduction Digital evidence is becoming increasingly important with the advent of new electronic and cloud media. Many companies already have the means to manage physical and digital evidence separately. Co-management tools need to be created to ensure a single and accessible evidence base. Collecting, preserving, storing and analyzing digital evidence...

Reducing Domestic Violence: Family Law

Introduction Domestic violence is a debilitating behavior and a significant public health problem that affects both men and women. Although the latter group is impacted disproportionately, domestic abuse can occur in any relationship regardless of the age, marital, social, or economic status of the partners. It can also happen between...

The Treatment of Juvenile Crimes in the Legal Justice System

Introduction One of the severe challenges that most countries face today is juvenile crimes. Juvenile crimes affect not only the person who commits the crime but also the social order in any country. Currently, the world is witnessing an increasing trend in juvenile delinquencies. Therefore, this paper seeks to support...

Questions of Law vs. Questions of Fact

There is a vast number of legal terms, and some of them may be confusing or difficult to distinguish between. For example, while questions of law and questions of fact may sound similar, there is a difference between them. Overall, the primary characteristic of the former is that such questions...

Peter Castellotti, Plaintiff, v. Lisa Free Defendant, N.Y.

First Case Case Citation: 158162/2012: Peter Castellotti, Plaintiff, v. Lisa Free Defendant, N.Y. Slip Op. 33707 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2014) Relevant Points of Law: The complainant asserts the court incorrectly declined to trial’s mandate that the accused forfeit all of the compensation the plaintiff had obtained throughout the relevant period from...

Erb Poultry, Inc. v. CEME

Case Citation: Erb Poultry, Inc. v. CEME, LLC, 20 N.E.3d 1228 (Ohio App 2 Dist. 20140) Relevant Points of Law: Rejection of goods must be within a reasonable time after their delivery or tender. It is ineffective unless the buyer seasonably notifies the seller. Revocation of acceptance must occur … before...

Natural Rights and Their Protection in the Constitution

A primary goal of the U.S. Constitution, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is to protect people’s natural rights. The main three natural rights introduced by John Locke that are applicable to everyone are “life, liberty and property.” In the United States Declaration of Independence, the concept of natural...

Biological Theory Applied to Human Trafficking

Introduction Human trafficking is a broad topic in criminology and a serious problem in the modern world. Therefore, it is essential to explore this type of crime from various perspectives to address the problem and enhance one’s understanding of its aspects and associated factors, particularly poverty. This paper looks at...

Property Damage: The Case Study

The text will review an article about a civil legal issue that took place in Adelaide. Previously, it was suspected that the multiple holes in this location were made by a metal detectorist. They were dug into both the oval and the athletic track on the territory of Stirling East...

The Juvenile Justice System in the United States

The United States today has a well-developed system of juvenile justice, which has been formed over decades. Juvenile justice as a kind of set of specialized rules has its roots in ancient civilizations. In Roman law, for example, in the Pater family, the head of the family, was initially responsible...

Prison Population by Ethnic Group and Sex

Introduction This presentation will try to formulate a decent research question by exploring relevant databases. Such skills are essential for future scholars interested in testing hypotheses and giving evidence-based conclusions about different acute social issues. The database for this presentation is taken from the site of the British government (Ministry...

Human Trafficking and Forced Prostitution

Introduction Human trafficking can be defined as the forced relocation of a person with the intent to exploit this individual for a variety of purposes, be it household work or, as this paper will delve further into, forced sexual labor. Linebach et al. (2016) identify violence or suggestions of violence...

Analysis of the Juvenile Justice System

Introduction The juvenile justice system, founded in the United States roughly a century ago, is a system in which they are set to be delinquents instead of charging children with crimes. Declaring the kid’s delinquents involves not sending the juvenile kids to jail but training schools or reformatory institutions. Although...

Ukraine Taps U.S. Law Firm Covington to Press Russia

Facts Law firms in the U.S. are permitted by law to represent any client within and outside the nation for as long as the client is subject to the provisions of U.S. law. According to Thomsen (2022), Ukraine hired an American-based law firm, Covington & Burling, to represent the nation...

Criminal Law: Analysis of Case Study

Introduction Julio Manga, his wife and Jonathan Brown dined together at their apartment. Some of the things they were doing included smoking marijuana and other drinks. Since they are all supposedly smoking marijuana, a concerned citizen called the 911 hotline to report the event. The citizen notifies the police that,...

Federation and Liberation in Australia

Introduction The transition from colonial rule is characterized by fundamental policy changes that define a nation’s autonomy. In Australia, the Federation in 1901 was a turning point in the nation’s identity. It entailed the unification of the six different colonies to form a central government. Analyzing the driving forces for...

Operation Geronimo: Resolving Legal Issues

Introduction For the majority of common people in the West, Operation Geronimo, which resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, was and still is considered as an indisputably right decision of the United States’ policymakers. Nevertheless, some scholars and politicians raised certain concerns regarding the legal grounds of the...

Does Gender Affect the Type of Law Violation?

Abstract One of the most predominant and consistent observations in the criminal justice system is that the type of law violation is often dependent on an offender’s gender. The gender gap in the severity of law violation has been in existence since time immemorial. The purpose of this study is...

Customary International Law as Source of Law

Customary law constitutes a key component of international law. It is established on the practices that over time come to be generally accepted as the law. Customary law has been adopted by different states based on agreed-upon procedures. This paper seeks to indicate the basis upon which customary law constitutes...

The Uluru Statement From the Heart: Constitutional and Legal Consequences

Introduction Australian society is characterized by a high degree of diversity in terms of ethnic, cultural, and economic aspects. The country has a colonial past that is still associated with numerous unresolved issues and debatable topics. One of the problems haunting contemporary Australian society is the inadequate representation of indigenous...

The Application of Exclusionary Rule of Evidence Collection

The exclusionary rule is a judicial regulation founded on statutory law, impeding the use of evidence possessed or analyzed in contravention of the statutory laws of the United States in a manner infringing on the accused Fourth Amendment rights. The regulation is applied by an accused in forestalling evidence used...

Rule of Law and Ethics and International Marketing

Background Currently, the attention of the world community is attracted by the rapid development of the “new industrial countries” of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Despite the significant gap in socio-economic development from the countries of Asia and Africa, Latin American states have several standard features. The culture of entrepreneurship...

Criminal Cases Involving Juvenile Delinquent Acts

Introduction The discussion about the nature and causes of juvenile delinquency is one of the hottest in the sphere of criminal justice. It is important to give a comprehensive definition of this notion. The major factor in applying delinquency jurisdiction is the age of the offender which should be lower...

Contract and Its Essential Elements

Introduction When parties enter into a legally binding agreement, they are said to have entered into a contract. One distinctive element of a contract is that it can be legally enforced and should meet the threshold requirements for prevailing law. The document stipulates the obligations and duties of all the...

Fraud Schemes in the Healthcare Industry

In the current research paper, I will discuss two legal cases in the healthcare industry. The first case concerns Medicare and Medicaid fraud, which has caused approximately $3.5 million in losses. Consequently, the second case regards the false claims, fraudulent schemes, and consequent permission for Motion for Leave to file...

Race, Poverty, and Incarceration in the United States

Introduction High incarceration rates have been a hallmark of the American penitentiary system since the late 20th century and remain as such until this day. With a correctional population of 1,430,800 in prison and several hundred thousand more in jails by the end of 2019, the United States has the...

Civil Disobedience in “Antigone” by Sophocles

Introduction The right to break the law is the fundamental philosophical problem that depicts the conflict between the individual and the existing policies. Sometimes the law prohibits clearly moral and necessary actions, which are required to make a positive change for many people. For instance, the play Antigone by Sophocles...

Intellectual Property Challenges in Information Technology Sphere

As the sphere of IT continues to infiltrate other areas of society, IT managers encounter new challenges balancing the line between restrictions and open access to knowledge and data. Many companies use the same or similar technology for their internal and external operations, and they no longer rely on one...

The Success of Denial and Deception Efforts

Introduction Denial and deception is a term that is frequently used to characterize a nation’s employment of a variety of information operations to achieve its goals. The attempt to suppress information that an opponent may utilize to learn some truth is denial. By definition, deception refers to a country’s attempt...

Procedures Within Crime Scene Investigation

Crime Scene Investigation A crime scene investigation is a complex and multistage research process in which a criminology specialist uses various scientific techniques and methodologies from diverse disciplines such as logic, chemistry, ballistics, and statistics. Criminology experts see this investigative practice as a five-step process. The first step is the...

The Paramount Pictures v. Bill’s Builders Case

Opening Statement Good afternoon your honor, my name is Mark White, and I represent Paramount Pictures in its case vs Bill Builder’s LLC. The legal argument is on breach of contract by the defendant (accused) with an excuse that seems impractical to the accuser. This is not a constitutional case...

The Issue of Gun Control in the US

For decades, the issue of gun control remains burning in the US. It is immensely challenging to find a universal solution to this problem because the attitudes to it are polar. Nonetheless, it is still possible to deprive the wrong people of access to guns. The present essay discusses the...

Sherlock Holmes Stories and Law Enforcement Practice

Introduction Despite being written in the 21st century, the stories about Sherlock Holmes are still popular today. Shafritz and Borick (2011) believe that it can be more than entertaining reading, proposing an effective approach to investigating crimes. They are convinced that the fame of Sherlock Holmes resulted in “the increase...

Stop and Search Policy and Race Discrimination

The problem of ethnic minorities’ discrimination in matters of policing is especially urgent, especially in the USA and European countries. The use of the stop and search method to fight against drug and weapons trafficking is particularly strongly discriminatory against ethnic minorities. Minor ethnic groups are disproportionately pursued, even though...

Criminology: Legal Rights Afforded to the Accused

Introduction The issue of rights provided to the accused in the criminal justice system is an area that has many interpretations and debates. There are cases when the rights of the accused are violated at the earliest stages and later. The case of John Doe presents a valuable ground for...

Lee v Ashers Baking Co: Violation of Liberal Principles of Equality

Introduction The issue of equality and the uniqueness of persons has always been a widely discussed topic. The case of Lee v Ashers Baking Co is an instance of discrimination that should be considered to show the Court’s approach to the violation of liberal principles of equality (Lee v Ashers...