Miami: Community Assessment

Geographic Description location in the south-eastern part of Florida (“Miami, Florida,” 2017) location of the city on the Atlantic coast the territory is dominated by flat terrain Gulf Stream flows nearly the coast height above sea averages 4.5 m Miami’s location on the ocean coast, elevation above sea level, and...

Difference between Folic Acid or Folate

Introduction Folate is a naturally occurring vitamin that is part of the B complex group of vitamins. Folate, a water-soluble vitamin is converted to various active forms in the body. Folate is a general name used to refer to folic acid or folacin. Folate is a core vitamin that is...

Purification of His-Tagged Recombinant Protein

Introduction Macquarie University scientists are researching on a new protein assigned the name Damini.The source of this protein is a marine organism. The researchers still do not know the full genetic make up of this organism. This has necessitated the cloning of the gene coding for this protein in Escherichia...

Purification and Isolation Interferon Alpha

Introduction Chadha et al (1982) claims human Interferon alpha is protein derivative that is biosynthesized and secreted by lymphocytes under pathogenic stimulus. Allen and Diaz (1996, p.182-3) argues that the main stimulus that predispose secretion of human alpha are viruses, bacteria, parasites or tumor cells. Spiegel (1989, p.76-77) claims human...

Genetic Screening and Testing

Introduction Every expectant mother wants to be sure that her baby is healthy, well-developed, and complications do not threaten the pregnancy. Modern technologies allow detecting pathologies at an early stage of pregnancy, which makes it possible to make the necessary decisions promptly. Genetic screening (prenatal screening) is a maternally and...

Cell Organelles in Health and Diseases

Organelles Organelles are structures in a cell that have specific functions such as energy production and controlling growth. These cellular structures are embedded in the cytoplasm of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, they enable cellular processes to take place normally. Animal and plant cells have the same types of organelles....

The Importance of the Digestive System for Creatures

Bacteria have simple digestive systems whereby food is ingested and wastes are eliminated from the body through the cell membrane by use of the contractile vacuole by the process of simple diffusion. On the other hand human beings have a more developed digestive system with various organs being used to...

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Are Fundamental to the Life Sciences

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a course area, which has contributed hugely to life sciences. To affirm this, some molecules are often recognized as building blocks for cell formation, implying that they are fundamental to the physiology of humans. Biochemistry primarily involves the study of such molecules, and this underlines...

Literature Review of Hepcidin: Importance, Production, Regulation

Iron regulation in the body Iron is a constituent of all living matter. Iron is a core factor in the electron transfer chain in the body; it is also a vital part of oxygen transport and iron storing molecules such as hemoglobin. It is also a component of host defense...

Nutrition for Gorillas at the National Zoo

Introduction The National Zoo is situated along Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C. The National Zoo takes care of about four hundred species of animals. Additionally, it offers research and recreation services. Most of the animals in the park are in danger of extinction. I visited the National Zoo on 4th...

“Coordination-Induced Condensation of [Ta6O19]8−” by Abramov

Introduction One of the areas of polyoxometalate (POM) chemistry that has had very little research is the solution chemistry of polyoxotantalates. One of the main chemical components in this area comprises the hexatantalates. The chemical species [Ta6O19]8−, which is a positively charged ion, has immense stability in elevated pH. The...

Bacteria That Cause Food Toxicity

Introduction Bacterial food toxicity refers to the extent to which bacteria can damage organs of persons who ingest food or fluids contaminated with different species of bacteria that are known to cause toxicity. The concept of bacterial toxicity in food is that the biological effects caused by the microorganisms are...

Skull Evolution in the Rhinocerotidae: Phylogeny of Early Rhinocerotoids

My favorite taxon is rhinoceros. Modern rhinos, represented by a one-horned Indian rhinoceros with a pointed upper lip and a two-horned African rhino with a wide rectangular mouth, are pitiful remnants of a rich in species group of mammals. Many skeletons, bones, and teeth left from their predecessors in the...

Sodium Borohydride Reduction of 2, 6-Dimethylcyclohexanone

Introduction The aim of this experiment was to prepare a stereoisomeric mixture of secondary alcohols from the reaction of cis and trans 2, 6-dimethylcyclohexanone with sodium borohydride. 2, 6-dimethylcyclohexanone is a mixture of cis and trans isomers each containing a ketone functional group. The cis:trans ratio of 2,6-dimethylcyclohexanone used in...

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: Impact of Genetics

The development of natural science challenges the tenets of already existing theories. Today, with the help of new technologies and modern approaches, researchers are able to formulate more sophisticated ideas that affect previous discoveries. Darwin’s theory of evolution is one of the ideas that was influenced by the developing field...

Antimicrobial Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: A Review

The dangers of tuberculosis (TB) still form a reality for a large segment of the global population, as it cannot be called a “disease of the past,” unlike bubonic plague, for instance. TB continues to represent a growing threat, as around 2 million people become its victims annually (Gengenbacher and...

Charles Darwin “The Origin of Species” Analysis

We live in time when the nonsensical essence of religious worldview became obvious to just about anyone capable of utilizing its sense of rationale. However, it is namely the publishing of Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” in 1859, which marks the beginning of a new historical era, associated with...

In Vitro Fertilization and Its History Milestones

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a form of fertilization that occurs outside the body in which egg cells are fertilized by sperm cells in a specially prepared fluid medium. Following the fertilization of the egg outside the body, the zygote is implanted into the womb of the mother. If both...

The Effect of Magnesium Deficiency on Plant Growth

Introduction The term magnesium was derived from the word magnesia which is the district in Greece from which magnesium was first mined. The importance of magnesium in plants was discovered by scientists such as Mayer, Knop, Sachs, and Salm-Horstmar; and then in 1904-1902, Willstarter identified magnesium to be part of...

Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis

Introduction PCR is a biotechnological invention that is used to analyze genetic material and synthesize copies of the same. It analyses the very tiny fragments of genetic material including the damaged material to a level which can be easily studied. For the past hundred years, PCR has been the most...

Fatty Acid Analysis by Gas Chromatography

Introduction Biological systems contain a wide range of fatty acids in cell membranes and stored fat. In particular, the cell membrane of microbial organisms consists of a bilayer of glycerophospholipids in which the fatty acids are esterified to glycerol (Carlsson 1973, p.288). Microbial fatty acids are unique from one species...

Blackmore and Seth’s Ideas About Consciousness

Many scientists tried to understand what consciousness is and how it interacts with the world, and Anil Seth, in his speech, also talks about his findings on this topic. Seth (2017) says that people hallucinate all the time, and the images that they perceive as reality are formed by the...

The Meaning and Purpose of Combinatorial Chemistry

Introduction Combinatorial chemistry is a new technique found by scientists mainly for the process of discovering drugs. It is a technology for carrying out simultaneous synthesis as well as testing of hundreds and thousands of compounds of related structure in a single container. Traditional chemistry is usually marked by the...

“Genbank” Impact on Modern Molecular Biology Research

Molecular biology, along with ‘GenBank’ plays an important role in genetic disorders. More than 200 single-gene disorders have been detected. It determines the molecular genetic defects in various diseases. These include amongst others cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and thalassaemia. Modes of inheritance are essential knowledge in genetic counseling and...

Why Evolution Should Be Taught in Schools

Introduction Biological evolution refers to descent with modification. Biologically, descent is taken to refer to the concept of passing traits from one generation to another while on other hand modification is regarded as the change in the composition and frequency of the gene.This is the concept through which the modern...

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; Reason for Smaller Size of Prokaryotes

Prokaryotes are organisms that lack a cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelle, while Eukaryotes possess both. The nucleus is one of the most important structures required in living organisms. The nucleus can be thought of as the ‘brain’ of the cell. Mostly Prokaryotes are single-celled or unicellular, except the...

Geographical Research: Country Selection

Introduction The use of theoretical foundations, which have become the central milestones in the course’s study, is necessary to consolidate and generalize the knowledge obtained. Application of the studied statistical information allows translating theoretical bases into a practical activity that stimulates a student’s professional and creative development as a specialist....

A Detailed Look at Brucellosis

Introduction Etiologic agent Brucellosis is a common infection that affects man, swine, goats, and cattle, although it rarely infects wild mammals such as deer in the United States. The disease is responsible for the occurrence of abortion in cattle (Ingebrigtsen, Ludwig, Arlin, & McClurkin, 1986). Brucellosis is caused by bacteria...

Natural Selection Process and Evidence of Evolution

Chapter 1 The first chapter of the book Why Evolution is True by Coyne is an introduction to evolution and how it is driven by natural selection. Charles Darwin coined the theory that all life forms resulted from evolution, which was largely propelled by natural selection, which bases on the...

Analysis of Current MRSA Health Promotion Pamphlet

Introduction Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterial strain that is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin. It is also known as multidrug resistant Staph. In the hospital set up, patients who make use of invasive devices, have compromised immune system, and have open wound have greater chances of getting...

Radiation Effect and Human Disease Correlation

Radiation results from the decay of unstable nuclei to give out particles that could destroy normal tissues leading to diseases such as cancer. Radioactive elements are referred to as ionizing radiations that can impact the chemical and physical traits of the molecules they are exposed to. Radiation comprises high-energy particles,...

How Microorganisms Can Be Used for Bioremediation

The effects of environmental pollution on the global marine ecosystem, as well as local ones, have been tremendously adverse, with multiple species having become extinct or approaching the stage of extinction. Therefore, strategies for restoring the ecosystems that said organisms need to survive and thrive must be introduced into the...

Master of Finance to Help African Development

Introduction Education is a vital need of modern society. It allows people to develop their skills and talents so that to further use them for their own prosperity and for the glory of their countries and continents. In Africa, the issue of education is rather burning as the weak economies...

Ancient DNA Studies and Current Events Analysis

A study conducted at Paul Sabatier University found that societal shifts caused ancient hunter-gatherers to prefer male horses. The research used DNA from the remains of ancient horses to determine alterations in animal husbandry preferences. The study of DNA, starting with the human genome, has broadened to allow researchers to...

The Brain Is More Than a Bag of Chemicals

The brain is one of the most complex body organs, and addressing the issues that relate to it can be sophisticated as well. The TED Talk video gives an elaborate description of the common misunderstanding of the brain like a bag of chemicals and that related ailments can be resolved...

Genetics: A Frameshift Mutation in Human MC4R

In 1998 French researchers Christian Vaisse, Karine Clement, Bernard Guy-Grand & Philippe Froguel published an article A frameshift mutation in human MC4R is associated with the dominant form of obesity in the scientific journal Nature genetics. The article implies exploring the human melanocortin-4 receptor and its relation to obesity. The...

Different Jaw Reflexes and their Clinical Significance

Jaw reflexes are of different kinds, including the jaw jerk reflex, the myotactic reflex, the jaw closing and opening reflex. This paper will aim to describe each in turn, with the clinical relevance of the normal and abnormal reflexes along with published scientific research in dental journals that has focused...

DNA Manipulation in Control of Mosquitoes and Gene

The incidence of malaria has been increasing at an alarming rate. Nearly 3000 million people are reported to be affected annually and 1/3 of them die. Confronting malaria has achieved good progress in the elimination of mosquito species that would carry Plasmodium parasites by eradiation of breeding grounds and using...

Human Heart Anatomy: Power and Functions

Heart anatomy The heart consists of four chambers through which blood inconsistent flows. They are divided by heart walls that are made of cardiac muscle as the whole structure. The upper compartments are called atria (singular: atrium), and the lower ones are ventricles. Atlas of Human Cardiac Anatomy interactively shows...

Cytochrome and Lysozyme: Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Introduction Background of ESI-MS Research studies by Tang et al (2001:1658-1663), Bruins (1998:345-357) and Kebarle and Tang (1993:972A-985A) reported that ElectronSpray ionization (ESI) is a method that is employed in mass spectrometry to produce charged particles. Bruins (1998:348) reported that ESI is employed to molecules of high molecular mass because...

DNA Profiling: Genetic Variation in DNA Sequences

Introduction DNA profiling is an odd identification genetic passport that carries information about several dozen genome regions belonging to one person. DNA profiling analyzes the number of repeating elements in a selected area of the genome. The repeating part is called a tandem repeat, and the amount is variable. The...

Failed States and the Importance of Addressing the Issue

The concept of a failed state, also known as a fragile state, emerged about three decades ago, but politicians and researchers have not reached unanimity in defining and interpreting this issue. Generally, states are considered to be failed when they have lost control over considerable parts of their territory (Lynch...

Reduction of Ethyl 3-Oxobutanoate Using Baker’s Yeast

The aim of this experiment is to show how natural enzymatic reducing agents are as effective as the chemical ones. A reduction process is characteristically the gain of two hydrogen atoms or the loss of an oxygen atom, or both (Fox & Whitesell, 2007). This results to a structural configuration...

Analysis of Triacylglycerols From Linseed by LC-MS

Introduction Chemistry education is aimed at preparing one for better living. Chemistry occupies a central position among science subjects. Chemistry is conceptualized as gaining knowledge problem-solving and constructing personal understandings. Chemistry can be defined as using our knowledge of how matter is put together and how it interacts with other...

Ethnography and Ethnographic Approach

Ethnography is a formal process of intuitive understanding something people are keen on. The ethnographers observe, record, and describe social relations in written. Their primary sources of data are questions, conversations, notes, interpretation of conventional signs, and spending time in the environment they aim to investigate. The difference between ethnographers...

Genetic Diseases: Hemophilia

Introduction Animal bodies contain chromosomes that carry DNA segments called genes. Genes are important, in that, in human beings, genes determine characterization. For example, genes determine the hair color, loftiness, and heaviness of human beings. Moreover, genes are paramount in establishing behavior patterns and personalities in human beings. Nevertheless, genes...

Influenza Subtypes: H5N1 and H1N1

Influenza viruses can be categorized into three. These subtypes are named as A, B and C with A type viruses infecting humans, birds, horses, pigs and other animals. The natural hosts for these viruses are wild birds. A review of available substantiation on potential transmission of avian influenza indicates that...

CRISPR-Cas9, a Genome-Editing Tool

The development of new branches within biology laid the foundation for understanding the subtle mechanisms of cell functioning in general and of its components. It became apparent that the genetic apparatus occupies the central place in a cell. Thus, a prospect of directed influence on the structure and functioning of...

Compound Action Potential in Frog Sciatic Nerve

The duration, amplitude, and shape of the compound action potential change with an increase in stimulus strength. When stimulation increases in strength, more fiber nerves are activated and the AP of the fibers summates a CAP and as a result, when the stimulus happens to be stronger a large segment...

Genetics: Gaucher Disease Type 1

Abstract The Gaucher disease type 1 category is a genetically related complication in which there is an automatic recession in the way lysosomes store some important gene enzymes. This abnormality is mainly caused by the slow or sometimes dormant reactivity of the genetic chemical substance called beta-glucocerebrosidase. The latter is...

Defining and Measuring Biodiversity

Over the past 50 years, the functions of zoos have changed significantly. Initially, they were intended to maintain wild animals in the areas where they had not spread and demonstrate them to the urban population and the city tourists. In addition, the construction of zoos implied a scientific function, as...

Whole-Cell Bacterial Biosensor for Environmental Monitoring

Low cost and rapid performance displayed by the whole-cell biosensor technology has led to increased interest in them. In addition bacterial biosensors are highly accurate, simple and easy to manufacture. Today, the technology of bioluminescent and fluorescent biosensors can, for example, be applied in the sensing of toxic metals and...

Effects of PH on Alpha Galactosidase Enzyme

Introduction Tomlin, Lowis and Read (1991) indicate that many people exhibit clinical signs that are associated with constipation, anal inflammation, hemorrhoids, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. According to Cristtofaro, Mottu and Wuhrmann (1974), other patients suffer from anemia and nutrient mal-absorption which predisposes secondary infections and illnesses. These clinical signs...

Biology Lab: Why Ice Floats

Ice is usually considered to be a mineral that consists of hydrogen oxide. When ice is frozen at a constant pressure of 1 atmosphere the resultant effect is that it becomes less dense than liquid water by 9%. At 00c, ice has a density of 0.9167 g/cm3 compared to liquid...

Application of Fluid Inclusions in Geothermal Fields

Abstract Based on the fact that minerals are always made of aqueous matter, minute liquid-blebs could be collected within structures that are crystalline in nature or that have been with healed-fractures. The tiny blebs may be within the ranges of zero point one to one point zero millimeters; due to...

The Photosynthesis Light Reaction

Cells need to produce considerable amounts of energy to sustain day-to-day operations and reproduce to grow and create new organisms. For example, the meiosis process involves the replication of chromosomes so that one cell can become four gametes (Ko, Chapter 13, 7). The photosynthesis light reaction is the first stage...

What Is Silencer Rna in Genetics

Silencers RNA silencing is an evolutionary conserved intracellular surveillance system based on the recognition and targeting of RNAs containing regions that are double stranded. Typical roles of RNA silencing include genome defense and specification of heterochromatin formation, posttranscriptional inhibition of gene expression by miRNA and antiviral defense. RNA silencing is...

Biotechnology – Gene Therapy

Introduction Biotechnology is the use of organisms or their derivatives that are modified to suit human needs. This field is gaining popularity in different fields like medicine, agriculture, and food science where different products are produced in large amounts overcoming obstacles that have rocked these fields. For instance, it is...

Mature-to-Pluripotent Cell Reprogramming Discovery

Introduction In 2012, John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka jointly received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Their discovery lies in the fact that mature cells can turn back into their stem cell form and then become a different kind of tissue than they were initially. Stem cells are...

Biology: The Definition of the Genotype

The genetic composition of an organism is what is referred to as the genotype. The genotype is composed of a pair of alleles and it is what is manifested as the phenotype or observable characteristics of an organism. The pairs of alleles are confined in a locus having different phenotypic...

Designing Oligonucleotide Primers in Biology

Introduction Molecular biology tools include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which requires a mRNA template or a cDNA template, polymerase enzyme and a primer; mainly an oligonucleotide primers. The design of the best primer is important for the success of many molecular biology techniques such as polymerase chain Reaction, hybridization, sequencing...

Calcium Movement in Muscle Contraction

Calcium is an essential element within the process of muscle contraction due to its direct involvement in the interaction between muscle fiber proteins, such as actin, troponin, and myosin. Myofibrils have the ability to interact with ATP and contract only in the presence of certain concentrations of calcium ions in...

The Application of Bioremediation

Introduction Bioremediation is an essential biological process that entails the application of microorganism or their products in the decontamination of the environment. Microorganisms can degrade pollutants in their environment by using them as substrate materials for their enzymes in the generation of metabolic energy (Perpetuo et al., 2011). Increasing levels...

Bacteria, Trypanosomes, Fungi and Apicomplexa: Overview

Bacteria The paper aimed to study the mechanism by which gram-negative bacteria resist killing by antimicrobial peptides which are found in a diverse range of organisms and help restrict the growth of invading bacteria. Earlier studies have shown that gram-negative bacteria acquire resistance to antimicrobial peptides through modification in the...

Ecuador-Galapagos Islands: Overview

Historical Background The Discovery of the islands in 1535 by the Bishop of Panama, Fray Tomas de Berlanga. “The first scientific mission to the Galápagos came in 1790 under the leadership of Alessandro Malaspina, a Sicilian captain, sent by the King of Spain.” (Jackson, 1993, p. 2) The Galapagos archipelago...

Comte’s Social Ontology

The concept of social ontology refers to exploring the nature and features of society. Comte, one of the most prominent French philosophers, discussed social ontology from the point of positivism. The ideas of this philosopher composed the fundamentals of modern sociology. Comte’s law of three stages shows the evolution of...

Vital Organs and Medical Practices

The course of human anatomy begins with the definition of the body’s organs and systems that have various functions. All these systems are essential, but some organs are called vital, while others are not vital. This paper aims to name and discuss the purposes of the key vital organs, describe...

Reptiles and How They Fit in Their Phylum

Reptiles are popular animals that can be easily identified by people due to their typical characteristics. For instance, snakes have always made human beings joining opposite sides of the discussion on whether they like them or not. To begin with, reptiles are a group of slithering animals that have a...

Globalization in Anthropological Perspective

The end of the 20th century resulted in various global protests and ideologies due to the insecurities associated with the changing world. These developments could be studied and understood using the concept of political construction of hopelessness. Brown et al. (2020) identify the term as the use of frustration, violence,...

Mitosis and Meiosis Discussion

The process of cell division is a fundamental process that sustains life. Almost all human cells reproduce through mitosis, which creates genetically identical cells (Daily Med Ed, 2015a). Thus, the continuity in several cell generations is maintained, and the working capacity of human tissues is maintained. However, some cells, for...

Spencer’s Social Darwinian Approach and Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest

According to the survival of the fittest concept, there is a mechanism of natural selection that leads to reproductive success. Darwin’s evolutionary theory refers to the species that can adjust to the environment to translate their attributes to the future generations. Based on the “On the Origin of Species” by...

Why Anthropology Matters?

Anthropology is the systematic and scientific study of humanity, which encompasses a wide range of fields. Its interests can span from mere human biology to human culture and societies. Anthropologists also study linguistics and ethnography with the main focus on humans. It is a highly important and essential field, which...

Metabolism and Energy: Cellular Organisms Adaptive Features

Introduction All Chemical reactions, reproduction processes, cellular functioning, and general body development require energy for proper functioning. Deficiency in energy supply to body parts leads to death in all living organisms. Photosynthetic organisms utilize the sun as their main source of energy, through the conversion of solar energy to chemical...

Genetics or New Pharmaceutical Article Within the Last Year

Introduction Copy number variations (CNVs) have more impacts on DNA sequence within the human genome than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). CNVs have gained a lot of importance which are widely accepted even if there are no fully evaluated optimal methods of identifying the disparities between the two. CNV has functional...

Cell DNA and Protein Synthesis

Organelles are a category of structures that constitute the cell within the organism. The most prominent one in eukaryotic cells is the nucleus, which contains the DNA and controls the cell’s operations. The mitochondria are primarily responsible for energy conversion, and the ribosomes produce proteins that are necessary for operations....

The Impact of Genes on Behavior

The selected topic is the impact of genes on behavior. This topic is interesting due to the numerous debates on whether there is a correlation between genes and personality or behavior. Critically, there are studies that claim that twins often have the same behaviors. Considering this, therefore, one can argue...

Toxoplasma Gondii: Protozoan Parasite

Introduction A parasite’s location is a fundamental factor which determines the behavioral changes in hosts such as rodents, which are infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Brain is the common part of the body attacked by the parasite. Toxoplasma gondii is a single-celled protozoan parasite which causes toxoplasmosis and is associated with...

Isolated by Genetics but Longing to Belong

Individuals are born with an identity, but they also need to belong to a group. However, people with genetic disorders have historically been isolated. Fear and stigmatization by others make their life unbearable as they struggle to fit in the society. Two of Buttler’s fiction stories reveal some critical issues...

Biology: Application of the Holobiont in Humans

Introduction When it comes to the formation of a unique environmental unit, a holobiont can link an individual host to a variety of interactive microorganisms, and microbiota (Bachmann et al. 2017). According to Casadevall and Pirofski (2014), the holobiont relationship explores the connection between microbiome and microbiota. Microbiomes refer to...

The CFTR Gene: Review

The CFTR gene has multiple alterations, which means that the delta-F08 mutation is not the only known one. By the research, and resting on the information provided in the table, there are many other mutations of the CFTR gene that might cause the appearance and development of the disease (Freeman...

Genetic Association and the Prognosis of Phenotypic Characters

Summary The article understudy is devoted to the topic of genetic association and the prognosis of phenotypic characters. In practice, the probability of successfully measuring these parameters depends on the exact determination of the human phenotype (Wollstein, et al., 2017). The study focuses on such a topic as human iris...

The Concept of Epigenetics

Epigenetics is a study of heritable phenotypic changes or gene expression in cells that are caused by mechanisms other than DNA sequence (Grossniklaus, Kelly, Ferguson-Smith, Pembrey, & Lindquist, 2013). Epigenetic changes may be ‘stored’ in a number of cells and may be inherited by future generations. Basically, epigenetics studies how...

Iowa’s Characteristics on

Understanding the primary aspects of the setting where a particular population resides is instrumental in meeting its needs accordingly. Therefore, using data aggregates such as, where data is presented based on the ZIP code of an area, is an important step in delineating the general direction of the further...

PiggyBac Transposon System in Genetics

Ideal delivery systems for gene therapy should be safe and efficient. Non-viral DNA transposons and retro-transposons have been successfully applied in mammalian gene transfer in vitro. For example, the Sleeping Beauty (SB) system has been utilized to generate transgenic mouse models. A more versatile tool developed recently for mutagenesis is...

Evolution of Neurogenesis Concepts

Throughout her life, the author has been confronted with ideas — broadcasted by teachers and parents, among others — about the inability to restore nervous tissue. Thus, the adults tried to show how harmful to be nervous so such opinions can be perceived as protection, but as it turned out,...

Neurotransmitters and Behaviour Relationship

There is a widespread belief among people that self-awareness and control are responsible for all actions taken. However, in reality, some behavioral patterns and motives are controlled not by consciousness at all, but by the work of neurotransmitters. In other words, not all actions and decisions are controlled by a...

Charles Darwin: His Impact on the Western Worldview

Introduction The evolution theory is an umbrella of three ideas that Charles Darwin came up with. These are “microevolution”, which is the genetic build-up of an organism as it mutates. This occurs due to natural mistakes in the reproduction of the next generation and thus a difference in the next...

Multifactorial Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Multifactorial or complex diseases can stem from several factors as it becomes clear from the title. It may be a genetic impairment or unhealthy lifestyle habits, inheritance, or a combination of them. For example, heart disease can be called multifactorial because there can be many issues that cause the heart...

Concept of Urbilateria in Deuterostomes Development

Bilateral is a hypothetical organism, Urbilateria, and was the last common ancestor of Deuterostomia (echinoderms and the various chordate phyla) and Protostomia also referred to us higher animals. Classically, these two groups, the Deuterostomia, and Protostomia differed in a number of respects. Some of these characteristics have been challenged recently,...

Cilia: Description, Function, and Significance

All organisms consist of cells that are the basic units of life. Every cell is a complex structure that includes various fewer components. These elements are called organelles, and cells use them to perform specific jobs. There are many organelles, and cilia are among their number. This research paper will...

The Psychology of Seeing – Color Blindness

Introduction The term blindness is used somewhat misleading in the designation of certain visual conditions in which visual acuity is not significantly reduces. Color Blindness, for example, does not involve a reduction of “visual sharpness and should more accurately be called a color-perception deficiency. Color blindness occurs almost exclusively in...

Darwinism and Creationism Comparision

Introduction One of the most famous books for all humanity is the Bible, which has been living and passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. The vast majority of people have read the sacred texts at least once or live by the views reflected in this book....

The Relevance of DNA Computers in the Modern World

Abstract The amount of digital memory is increasing day by day, while the power potential of typical silicon and other semiconductor transistors is severely limited. The researchers propose as an alternative to use natural biomolecules contained in the organisms of all living things, namely, DNA. DNA, with its unique chemical...

Exploring the Evolution of Fungi: Ancient Origins

Fungi have ancient origins: the most recent evidence suggests that they appeared as early as one billion years ago. However, the fossil record available now is scarce and inconclusive, which makes scientists rely on mapping the evolutionary relationships of fungi using biochemical characters. The commonality found in fungal groups is...

Fermentation, Aerobic, and Anaerobic Respiration Discussion

Trillions of cells build the human body, and their lifespan processes keep organs and systems alive. The most significant operations are metabolism to grow and reproduction of cells, as they support an organism’s overall environment. Fermentation, aerobic and anaerobic respiration are essential parts of this maintenance. Microbes apply them for...

The Significance of Skhul V Analysis

Introduction Hominid fossils can provide biologists with the crucial insights into the ancestral background of modern humans. The Skhul V specimen was found in 1932 by Theordore McCown and Hallum Movius Jr (Homo Sapiens: Skhul V). The location of the finding served as the inspiration for the fossil’s name. In...

Anthropology: Melbourne Graffiti Culture Comparing to New York

Introduction Graffiti consists of writings, slogans, depictions, squiggle or painted walls or private and public surfaces. The term “graffiti” is derived from the Latin word “graphium” with the meaning of to write. “Graffiti” is a term which was originally used by archeologists in describing pictures and inscriptions found on the...

Optimising a PCR-RFLP Based Genotyping Assay for a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

Introduction Genotyping refers to the process of finding differences in the genetic constitution of an individual through the examination of the entity’s DNA sequence using biological assays. The DNA sequence is then compared to a reference sequence to pinpoint the disparities (Abdurakhmonov 2018). Such a process may uncover alleles that...

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Characteristics

The classification of organisms based on their structure implies their belonging to either prokaryotic or eukaryotic types. The cells forming these organisms vary in both anatomy and function. The principal anatomical difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is in the presence of a membrane that bounds organelles and the nucleus in...

A Career in Genetics: Required Skills and Knowledge

The New Career Prospects A few decades ago, genetics was mostly a science-related sphere of employment. However, according to Portman (2016), this is changing today. Nowadays, people with a degree in genetics can have solid career prospects in medicine and even agriculture (“Genetics jobs in the United States,” 2017). Daily...

Basic Components of Living Systems

Cell Theory Cells are the basic unit of life that makes up every living organism. Cells were discovered by an English scientist known as Robert Hooke; he observed the structure of a thinly sliced cork under the light microscope which he invented (Khan Academy, 2015). He observed in the dead...

West Indian Ocean Coelacanth (Latimeria Chalumnae)

West Indian Ocean coelacanth is a fish species found on the southeastern coast of Africa. They generally live at a depth of 100 to 800 meters, although a living specimen has been observed at a depth of a mere 54 meters (Fraser et al., 2020). This fact makes them relatively...

Millennials: The Next Great Generation?

Introduction It is not uncommon for an older generation to be disapproving or judgmental of a younger generation. The Generation Y, or the Millennial generation, a demographic cohort of individuals born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s, is no exception to the rule. Currently, the largest generation in...

Is DNA a Foolproof Way of Identifying a Person?

DNA is a unique code that identifies each person, and science keeps revealing its opportunities to find more information about humanity. Nowadays, the unique nature of DNA is utilized for multiple purposes, such as finding biological parents or victims of catastrophes and convicting criminal offenders. However, is there a guarantee...

Advantages of Using Genetically Modified Foods

GMO is the abbreviation for any organism whose genetic code has undergone an artificial, targeted change. It is essential to understand that this applies only to those transformations that cannot occur either as a result of selection or as a result of evolution. Modern biotechnology allows the movement of genetic...

Anatomical Factors Associated With Elite Performance

Introduction During sprint races among sportspeople, the most crucial emphasis is placed on the time for which an athlete can run. A short distance does not mean easy performance professional sprinters must demonstrate incredible coordination and speed performance to be the first among their competitors. Every hundredth of a second...

Anatomy, Physiology, and Living Habitats of Tanuki

Introduction We are “Red Panda,” a mammalian species native to southwestern China and the eastern Himalayas (see Appendix 1). We are the only members of the Ailuridae family (we could have been raccoons but scientists opted to place us in a separate family). We live both in the wild and...

Octopuses: The Reproductive Process

Octopuses are oviparous animals, which means that they lay the eggs outside their body. The female octopus’ mission is to produce viable eggs and ensure that its children successfully come out. It has two cream-colored and granular ovaries, making up 25 or 30 percent of its body mass, although it...

Buhny History: Show & Tell

Interview Answers Ethnic background: Cuban; country of origin: Cuba; religion: Catholicism; the number of generations in the U.S.: 1. Alternative medicine in Cuba is an essential cultural and traditional practice, and thus, I always adhere to medicinal plant species in order to treat any form of illness. I maintain my...

Species Egalitarianism in ‘Are All Species Equal?‘ by Schmidtz

Species egalitarianism is a core theme of the article written by Schmidtz for the Journal of Applied Philosophy. This doctrine discovers the idea that all species should be equal and have moral standing, meaning to command respect (Schmidtz, 1998). To explain the worth of his position in the modern world,...

‘Nevruz’ or ‘Newroz’? Deconstructing the ‘Invention’ of a Contested Tradition in Contemporary Turkey

The article “Nevruz’ or ‘Newroz’? Deconstructing the ‘Invention’ of a Contested Tradition in Contemporary Turkey” is a dissertation, written by Lerna K. Yanik, on the study and documentation of public celebrations in Turkey during the 1990s era. According to the article, “the concept of Nevruz and its cerebrations are associated...

Biology. Glial Cells and Their Subtypes

First of all, it should be noted that the nervous tissue is not a usual cluster of neurons, but a harmonious integration of interactions between neurons and glial cells that fill the free space. The parallel work of neurons coupled with the functionality of glial cells allows for full brain...

Glaciers: Movement, Erosion, Deposits

Glacial Movement Mountain glaciers are large terrestrial ice formations in the mountains. Their shape depends on the surrounding terrain, and the movement is determined by the inclination of the surface. The move is acceleration-based, where the increase in speed can be seen. The overall pace is affected only by the...

Why the King Salmon Population Keeps Getting Smaller

Chinook salmon is the largest species of its kind and primarily lives in the Pacific Ocean and rivers of western North America. It is commonly referred to as “King Salmon” due to its enormous size in comparison with other salmons. However, in recent years, scientists have observed a decline in...

Molecular Composition and Relationships Between Organisms

Biological Molecules These are carbon-based compounds that are found in all living things. They include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. They can all be broken down into single units called monomers. Its monomers are monosaccharides, which include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Glucose has two isomers, alpha, and beta glucose,...

Darwin’s Origin of Species

Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life published in late 19th century was one of the most monumental works of that time. Darwin’s theory created a ripple of scientific and cultural feedback that would...

The Anthropology of Messages and Communication

Introduction Language and ideas have a symbiotic relationship where one is dependent on the other. A language is used to convey ideas while the language relays messages. Examining the anthropogenic of ideas and language can impact the message sent out and how it is perceived and interpreted. It must be...

Organic Farming Methods: Pest Management Methods

In the organic farming technique, farmers do not use any synthetics or chemicals. The organic farming techniques aim is providing highest nutritional foodstuffs with little effect on the natural environment. Some of the core methods involved in the organic farming include the use of green manure, crop rotation, biological pests...

Physical and Geographical Dynamics of South Asia

This paper reviews chapter six that focuses on South Asia under different topics. The chapter covers physical and geographical dynamics of the region. In addition, it covers educative topics such as natural hazards, environmental challenges, human geography, and economic development. Indeed, issues about South Asia described in the chapter are...

Why Canadians Cycle More Than Americans

Introduction Why Canadians cycle more than Americans: a comparative analysis of bicycling trends and policies studies the cycling habits of Americans and compares them to a much more active cycling community of Canada. The paper’s main focus is the evident difference between the popularity of cycling in two counties despite...

The Beginning of Life (Conception) Through Adolescence

Conception is the process by which a spermatozoon, which is a male germ cell, released from testis penetrates the ovum released from the ovary of a female and fuses with it fertilizing it. During fertilization, both the ovum and the sperm disintegrate and release their genetic content leading to formation...

Symbiotic Relationship Between Cleaner Gobies and Fish

Introduction According to Deloach and Paul, symbiotic relationship refers to the interdepenence between two animals of different species for a long duration of time (7). Symbiotic relationship occurs only when different species are involved in intra-specific relationships (relationships within the same species).They include mutualism, when the two species benefit from...

Tradition and Politics: New Year Festivals in Turkey

The article is a dissertation documented by Yucel Demirer, discussing the study of the contested versions of the solar New Year celebration, and also studies their political and cultural effects on the Turkish political scene (Demirer 5). The author tries to compare the developments of the solar New Year celebrations...

Intelligent Design and Evolution Theories

Introduction The determination of the origin of humans on the Earth, as well as other beings, has been the core debate among anthropologists, biologists, and church representatives for decades. The introduction of Darwin’s theory heightened the debates as his Evolution theory became opposed to the beliefs and teachings of the...

Leading Change in Afghanistan

Research Philosophy My project will focus on leading change in Afghanistan. My project will explore in specific terms how Army leadership, World Bank, IMF, and ADB have implemented and adapted various strategic visions, plans, and policies to overcome the challenges faced in Afghanistan to restore security and economic stability.. For...

Japan’s Culture, Geography, Government, Economy

Introduction Japan lies on the eastern side of the Asian continent and is enclosed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. To the east, its neighbors are China, Russia and North Korea whereas Taiwan borders it to the south. The country has a total of 6 852 islands, which together...

San Francisco Physical Geography

San Francisco’s climate falls under the Mediterranean type of climate. This type of climatic condition is characterized by moderate temperature and the temperature rarely ranging above 40 degrees or below 15 degrees. This is why San Francisco is called the “the-conditioned city”. Since San Francisco is in the middle of...

Polymer Structure of Polyesters and Polyamides

Introduction Shakhashiri B. Z., (1983, pp.213-215) defines a polymer as a substance composed of molecular particles branded by the numerous reappearance of one or more species of atoms or groups of atoms linked to each other in amounts appropriate to provide a set of properties that do not vary markedly...

Formation of Sexual Identity, Sexual Customs and Gender Bodies

Introduction The role and position of women and men in society changed from one historic period to another. This change was predetermined by different social, economic, political, and other reasons. Nowadays, we may observe that in different communities’ women and men are treated differently. Of course, one of the most...

Anthropology: Hip Hop Culture in the US

Introduction The history of Hip Hop generally defines numerous social and cultural aspects of music development in the USA. The fact is that, this music style entails numerous directions, such as rapping, DJing, sampling, scratching and beatboxing, nevertheless, these genres and sub-genres do not restrict the further development, and hip...

Ecuadorian Politics After 1972

Ecuador is located in South America. It gained its independence in 1830 from the colonial Spanish Empire. The country is 256,370 square kilometers nonetheless it has diverse species and it is among the seventeen megadiverse nations in the entire world. The country is of medium-income and close to 40% of...

Sharks Characteristics Analysis: Danger of Extinction

Sharks have always been the misunderstood “monsters” of the sea. Up till very recently, very little was known about these aquatic animals aside from the perception that they are man-eaters. Such images were helped along by movies such as the Jaws series. We also have the misconception that they are...

Goal and Purpose in “Can Science Be Ethical?” by Dyson

Introduction Science and development in technology has been of great assistance to human kind in one way or another. They are developed to make the life of a human being more desirable to live. What gives the problem is the dark side of these developments. However, the developers always have...

Political Obstacles of The European Union

Introduction The formation of the European Union is considered a remarkable achievement that has far-reaching consequences in world politics, economy, and balance of global power. The emergence of two superpowers, namely the erstwhile Soviet Union and the USA, had resulted in an imbalance of power with regard to European nations....

Describing Kinship: Kinship Theories Analysis

What Kinship is all About? The idea of kinship has been very complex causing scholars a lot of trouble in defining and creating functional genealogies. Some scholars argue that kinship has to do with a flexible idiom concerning grammar and language use. On the other hand, other researchers view kinship...

Historical Biography of Jedidiah Smith

Overview Jeddah Smith was born on January1799 in western New York State. His ancestors were Thomas Bascom, Massachusetts and French Basque ancestry. He was born at a time when his family was deeply rooted in the audacious spirit of western migration. He started working as a hunter at the age...

Negative Impact of Soil Erosion on the World`s Food Supply

Introduction Soil erosion is a process whereby soil (mostly the top fertile soil) is transported or swept away from its natural environment then deposited to other places. This usually happens as a result of blowing wind, water flow, rainfall, by the force of gravity (down slope movement of soil) and...

Chemical Experiment on Enzyme Amylase

The Aim of the Experiment This paper presents an experiment that was conducted to determine the activity of amylase on starch at various pH levels. The main aim of this experiment was to determine the optimum pH level for action of enzyme amylase on starch. Introduction An enzyme is a...

“Seeds of Innovation” and Darwin

The aim of this thesis is to apply Darwin’s theory of evolution to the seedbeds of innovation that shape the growth of companies during various phases of their business. In order to clarify this objective, the author will look into evolutionary innovation models as applicable to present-day businesses, and compare...

Immunity, Inflammation and Hypersensitivity

Inflammation and immunity Inflammation is a mechanism through which the body system reacts to injury or infection. The features of inflammation include soreness, warmth, redness, and enlargement. Inflammation, therefore, is classified under nonspecific immune responses. On the other hand, immunity is the mechanism of resistance involving the immune system or...

Geography: Canadian Urban System and Population

The population of Canada has been through some changes in the economy due to population fluctuation and in some other areas as this paper will consider. In the first place, this paper will consider the size comparison within different cities as compared to the basic income. According to the plotted...

Cultural and Natural Landscape of the City of Bonn

The city of Bonn has considered one of the most sophisticated cities of Germany so that many inhabitants recognize it as another capital. The city embodies the harmony of place and time; it connects the natural and cultural landscape into one identity that creates the spiritual and moral harmony. This...

What Makes Us Tick?

What makes us tick? In the 21st century, research in science is evolving. For the people whose careers are in the field of science the education will change as time goes by. Studies progressively depend on effective partnership among professionals with conflicting disciplinary viewpoint. Professionals should appreciate the value of...

Northeast Texas: Geographical Analysis

Texas is the second largest state in the United States of America after Alaska and it has the largest population compared to all other states in America. Northeast Texas is one of the major regions that have attractive geographical features. It is made up of 23 counties and is geographically...

The Standard Hotel: Hazardous Chemical Dumping

Introduction This paper is focused on the dangers of exposure to the chemical that was released in the environment by the L. A. Standard hotel. The effect that was felt in the environment was severe that initially it was thought that there was a terrorist gas attack at Metro station...

Cloning Moral and Ethical Issues

Introduction Cloning is the creation of an embryo by the method of human somatic cell nuclear transfer. This procedure involves implanting DNA cells from an organism into an egg whose DNA nucleus has been removed then chemically treated so that the egg begins to behave as though fertilization has occurred....

Laurel, Maryland: Best Place to Live

Introduction Established in the 1870s, Laurel remains one of the best cities to live and do business in the United States. It’s conveniently located at the center of three key U.S. cities of Baltimore, Annapolis, and Washington DC. (Robert J. Brugger, 1996)The city boasts diverse communities, excellent housing, and outstanding...

Hobbit: Archeological and Paleontological Point of View

Homo floresiensis, had features that were similar to his ancestor australopithecines. He had a small body size, his legs were shorter in length and his clavicle and scapula shows he had the ability to rotate less as compared to his ancestor’s australopithecines. When we compare his hands with those of...

Classical and Evolutionist Theories

Introduction Business management employs various strategies to achieve results. The five steps strategy by Porter focus on outside factors like the strength/weaknesses of competitions. The resource based approach by Penrose employ the firm’s resource and capabilities to gain a competitive edge. Theories, on their part, explain why various approaches to...

Implicit Memory: Animal Observation

The focal point of this paper is to enumerate the observation of an animal outside the class in relation to a concept of general psychology. In this context the animal chosen is a dog and the concept of general psychology is implicit memory. Implicit memory is essentially, philosophically and metaphysically,...