The San Diego Police Department’s History and Work

The police department is the main body of executive power, which is engaged in preserving law and order, ensuring security, and preventing offenses in society. People can feel protected by relying on the work of police departments. An essential factor in the relationship between the public and the police is...

Historical Evolution of the Two-Party System and Functions of Parties

The American two-party system characterizes the dominance of two major political parties that comprise the country’s largest number of elected officials. Of the two parties, the one with the most elected officials is usually referred to as the majority party whereas the other is labeled the minority party. At present,...

Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act

The invasion of Russia to Ukraine earlier this year shocked all nations of the civilized world, urging governments and international organizations to provide military and humanitarian aid to Ukrainians. For example, the federal government of the United States has recently provided over $40 billion in response to Russian aggression to...

Morality and Rationality of Capital Punishment

The topic of the death sentence is tough and philosophical. The notion that there are some crimes that allow applying institutionalized execution to those who committed them is not obvious at all if one thinks deeply and thoroughly about it. In this reply, I would like to share my thoughts...

Historical Roots of Interest Groups in American Society

American history has seen a number of interest groups and alliances of individuals with a specific goal or common interest that attempt to influence society and government policy. Their main way of interacting with the state is through lobbying – the act of applying financial pressure on government institutions to...

Readiness of ‘Daager’ Brigade Combat Team of Infantry Division

The given report features the readiness status of the ‘Daager’ Brigade Combat Team of Infantry division stationed in Kansas. The report aims to measure the Brigade’s efforts to meet new standards as the Brigade is to go to Germany where it will serve on a regular basis instead of a...

The Use of Force in Police: Theoretical Analysis

The use of power by the police is one of the burning topics in many countries. Police work is associated with additional issues like human rights, racial or ethnic inequality, immigration, and justice. People expect the police to protect their lives and freedoms. However, sometimes, the use of power by...

Japanese Political Power and Liberal Democratic Party

Introduction Since the outbreak of the Cold War and the growing tension between the US and defeated Japan, the Japanese government had no other option but to revolutionize its approach to political power and economic growth. As a result, Japan witnessed what others called an “economic miracle,” expanding the country’s...

International System and Environment

International System Portrayal The international system is the collection of independent states and other entities that interact with one another. The authors present his ideologies on the international systems and also give the reason why there are differences in the different centuries. Globalization, technology, and growth in population are some...

COVID-19 Impact on Australia’s International Relations

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted Australia’s international relations and foreign policy. In general terms, the virus outbreak challenged Australia’s long-time strategic positioning as a regional middle power. Previously, Australia succeeded in finding the right balance for maximizing economic gains and minimizing security threats. On the one hand, the Australian...

Operation “Geronimo” Analysis: Manhunt Presidency

Obama’s presidency has been marked by controversial decisions ranging from health care reform to the economic aspect. The critical event of this period was Operation Geronimo to eliminate the head of the terrorist organization Osama bin Laden. The decision to carry out this operation still raises a lot of questions....

The Electoral College’s Mission and Functions

One of the main causes of debate in the U.S. is the issue of the integrity of the presidential election. Not all citizens of America know that during the voting, they actually choose not the president but representatives of the states. It is they who will then select the next...

Comparison of Current Relationships Between US and Russia to Cold War

There are many similarities between the relationships between the US and the USSR in the middle of the 20th century and the relationships between the US and Russia in the current period. In both cases, an unarmed conflict takes place between countries that do not engage in a war in...

International Law and Its Developmental Process

Introduction Along with the expansion and development of world’s society, international law is improving. This sphere has a number of subjects and sources that predetermine the vector of its development. However, it is worth noting that not all innovations over time can be interpreted as unambiguously positive. It is necessary...

The Kotka-Hamina City-Region and EU Policy-Making

Policy-making in the European Union is distinctive because of the multi-level government. In particular, the member countries of the Union are under pressure from both national and supranational politicians. With regard to spatial planning, these institutional constraints can represent a significant obstacle to the effective development of territories. However, the...

Ideologies and Their Relationship Between Violence and Popularity

There are a few reasons extreme ideologies were popular in various world areas in the twentieth century. One reason is that many people were looking for answers during significant change and upheaval. The industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism had created a lot of social and economic unrest. People...

The Military Profession’s Culture and Ethics

The Army is undoubtedly one of the most respected professions. This respect is based on the noble duty of providing security to the American people at the expense of their lives. The risks associated with the duties of the military require dedication and intrinsic motivation to develop the courage to...

Application of Filibusters to Influence Public Perceptions

Political parties (predominantly minority parties) frequently employ filibusters to influence public perceptions on a particular subject. To keep the media interested, senators may employ the filibuster even if they are not saying anything significant. It can be difficult if one is trying to figure out which pirates are purely for...

Justice and Policies Among the Law Enforcers

Event/Situation Significantly, in the police departments, the consent agreement concentrates on upholding justice and policies among the law enforcers. In the case study, the insight comprised four riders in California apprehended twelve years earlier. The detention of the four riders involved evidence planting and false accusations by the officers. The...

Moral Panics and How It Influences Public Policy

A moral panic is an important social issue because it affects the public’s perception of potential threats. Generally, this term is defined as a widespread sense of fear that may not be directly linked to a real-life threat (Mallicoat, 2017). In a moral panic, the public is afraid of something...

Marxism Importance Literature Discussion

Weston, F. (2020). Biden’s win is no victory for the working class: The US needs a workers’ party! | United States | Americas. Web. Weston explains that the USA still faces caste, which needs to be levelled by a strong political party. He explains that it connects the two presidents,...

Intelligence-Led Policing Philosophy

There are many elements of ILP including: executive participation and engagement; agency-wide collaboration; tasking and supervision; gathering, planning, and execution; advanced analytics; knowledge, education, and development; end-user feedback; process review. Effective information exchange mechanisms underpin all of these criteria. Knowing every one of these factors gives the required planning, administrative,...

K-Pop Stans as a Threat to the President

The article describes how the tickets for 2020 Donald Trump presidential campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, were sold out to a group of people that had no intention of coming. Instead, they intended to embarrass the ex-president, who would speak to an empty arena. Although the article expresses concern about...

European Commission Swift Objection to Greece Accession to EEC

Greece officially submitted its application to the European Economic Community (EEC) in June 1975, inspired by friendly support and its own hopes for economic development. However, the EEC objected to its application due to the following reasons, majorly economic and political reasons: The Commission noted that Greece’s economy and agriculture...

Power Elite: The Notion of the Power Elite

Following Charles Wright Mills’ notion of the Power Elite, a small group of people, economic, political, and military leaders, holds all the power. I think that while his idea may be similar to conspiracy theory, it finds support in real examples. I agree with the proposed elite composition, but I...

Active Shooter Situations Preventions Aspects

An active shooter is a person who actively participates in mass murder or in an attempt to kill people at close range in a single planned act. In most cases, active shooters use firearms but do not have a specific criterion for choosing victims. The behavior of active shooters is...

The Role of Gilets Jaunes in French Politics

The yellow vest movement (gilets jaunes) appeared as a reaction to the reforms of Emmanuel Macron. At first, the protests started as a working and middle-class movement against green fuel taxes (Cigainero, 2018). However, the more people supported the movement, the more demand they had. Hence, some wanted a raise...

Reasons of Sexual Assault in the Army

Introduction The topic of sexual assault in the Army has always been sensitive despite the continuous and consistent efforts to prevent its occurrence. Under Article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, sexual assault has always been illegal and considered a crime (Absher). The article criminalizes “all disorders and...

International Trade Philosophy

Multinational companies which have a presence in numerous foreign markets need to rely on a clear philosophy which can serve as the foundation and provide them with guidance for their operations abroad. There are several possible options which multinationals can utilize when designing their international trade philosophy. Nevertheless, despite the...

President Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms Speech Analysis

The study of the speeches of great people who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the United States of America is of particular importance. Thus, this work will explore the speech of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the impact that its main postulates had on the future...

Expenditures for Pensions, Social Welfare, and Military

If I were to choose between cutting expenditures for pensions, social welfare, and the military, I would not hesitate to choose the latter. It is no mystery that the U.S. military budget is the biggest in the world with a significant margin, even despite the absence of imminent global threats....

“Contagious Fire” in the US Law Enforcement

Introduction In the media and public discourse there is a common notion of ‘contagious fire’, which describes the situation when some officer’s shots provoke the sudden reaction of shooting from the colleagues. As a result, the press is full of stories describing the huge number of shots fired by the...

Political Ideologies, Colonization, and Expansionism

Fascism vs. Marxism and Liberalism Fascism is a political ideology that emerged in Italy yet spread throughout European countries. The most infamous example of fascism was Nazi Germany and the military agenda correlating with the authoritarian nationalism promoted through the ideology. Fascism opposes other ideologies such as Marxism and liberalism...

Reasons Why Operation Geronimo Was Lawful

Introduction Operation Geronimo was a special Navy Seal operation that President Obama launched in pursuit of Osama Bin Laden. The CIA had gathered intelligence on an Al Qaeda courier who frequently visited a walled residence in Abbottabad, Pakistan (Napier, 2021). After conducting more investigation, they found out that it was...

Populism as Integral Part of Democracy

Introduction Populism has proven to be a significant political movement in European and American nations. As populist politicians gain more support, populist movement and ideology rapidly and energetically surge to the center of attention. While some people perceive populism as a grotesque distortion of representative democracy’s objectives and practices, others...

Human Resources in Military Sphere

Introduction The army is responsible for the country’s security and includes many representatives in various positions – from generals to ordinary soldiers. They have many duties requiring discipline and effective organization from them. The quality of a nation’s protection and life of people depends on how the army forces and...

The Evidence-Based Policymaking in Africa

It is impossible to argue that evidence is important for public policymaking. Essentially, the evidence provides data on what works and what does not. Parkhurst (2017) speaks about proponents of greater utilization of evidence tending to point to various examples that show how a stricter or more extensive evidence use...

Domestic Shipping Safety in Pacific Region

Introduction Domestic shipping processes in many PICs are in disarray in comparison to international shipping. One of the most challenging and puzzling difficulties facing Pacific archipelagic states is ensuring the supply of appropriate, efficient, and dependable domestic shipping services. The high-quality services that people on remote islands anticipate are often...

Impact of Operation Anaconda on the Ability of Predetermined Battle Plans

Operation Anaconda was one of the operations of the global war on terrorism. It was carried out by an international coalition led by the United States against the forces of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan from March 1, 2002 (Adamec & Johnson, 2021). The US command declared Operation Anaconda...

The Chinese Political System and Authoritarian Governance

Introduction An authoritarian political system is a form of government in which one person or group has absolute power. China is an authoritarian political system because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls all aspects of the government and society. Meaning that ordinary citizens have little say in how the country...

The Future of Depoliticized Politics

Introduction Nowadays, the field of politics is prone to changes that are implemented under the tensions that stem from other nations or domestic conditions. In this respect, there are many speculations about the future of politics. While one group of people is convinced that the countries will undergo the complicated...

Law Enforcement: Citizen Oversight

Introduction Civil oversight is an observation of the activities of state and municipal authorities, other state bodies, and officials and an assessment of the legality and effectiveness of these activities. In addition, it is an opportunity to take legal measures to suppress violations of human rights and freedoms. It should...

Discriminatory Voting Policies in Texas

The conflict over voting rights has put the state of Texas under scrutiny due to a pattern of discrimination observed for decades. In this light, there have been calls for close federal government supervision to curb the practice. Texas is known for its infamous voter identification exercises, which have increased...

Discussion of Policing Aspects in America

Police Subculture The beliefs, attitudes, points of view, and actions that are shown by law enforcement are referred to as the police subculture. Officers devote their time to serving the public and safeguarding them from members of the criminal community and crime. In general, they do not trust any group...

The Secret Government and National Security Agency

The authorities and their actions are the key instruments for the protection of democratic principles and ideologies in different states. However, this area of public life is extremely complex, which can be explained by the scale and volume of demands and impact. One of the features is the presence of...

Managing Change within the UAE Government

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has been among those most interested in securing a better future for its citizens in the post-COVID-19 period. The efforts have included mechanisms and strategies to reopen the economy and to implement a new model of business that reduced the risks of spreading the...

Compliance Management System in Customs Administrations

Summary In modern conditions, international trade is the driving force of the economic development of any state. Its level contributes to the growth of living standards in developed and developing countries and is the basis of stability and security (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2020). Customs Administration is an...

International Peacemaking and Peacekeeping Efforts in Africa

Introduction This assignment’s focus is peacemaking and peacekeeping operations that have taken place in African countries. Peacekeeping groups active in Africa and the roles they play in African countries are reviewed using different literature. With an additional emphasis on the consequences of constant conflicts and wars in various African countries,...

Operation Anaconda: Mission Command

Events during wars are unpredictable, and the success depends on a joint effort from commanders and their subordinates. An example of an operation with notable changes in plan is Anaconda, which pursued the defeat of Taliban and Al Qaeda troops in Afghanistan by the US army (Kugler, 2007). The US...

Why Has Social Media Affected Political Campaigns?

Political advertising is a type of marketing that allows candidates to directly communicate their message to the public and sway the overall opinion of themselves. Candidates can reach audiences who might not otherwise be paying attention to the election and create name recognition, highlight crucial issues, and bring awareness to...

Leadership Deficiency in the Military

Introduction Leadership is the basis of the army in any country. However, military leadership differs from leadership in other spheres due to several peculiarities the system possesses. The military has a strictly defined hierarchical structure, the need for socialization, and compliance with the rules by soldiers and officers. That is...

Civil Society and African Politics in the Post-Colonial Era

Civil Society has increased its dominance in politics and academic debates. It is one of the concepts termed as complex and debatable for a very long time since pre-colonial Africa. Complexities regarding the concept have led to different definitions ranging from broad perspectives to more specific terms. An analysis of...

The United Nations vs Imperial Systems

With the continuous course of history, the forms of leadership, the level of effectiveness, and the methods and values of governance have constantly been changing. A similar trend has emerged in international cooperation and governance, where the once imperialist area has been replaced by the image of the United Nations...

Internal Problems of Mississippiville’s Police Chief Hiring Process

Internal Problems Mississippiville is in a difficult situation, including a tense social environment, in part caused by the ineffective management of the previous chief of police. Many different problems need to be solved in coalition with the city authorities in order to bring safety on the street and respect for...

Chapters 8-9 of The Ethics Primer for Administrators in Government Organizations

Acting on Duty in the Face of Uncertainty and Risk: Responsible Whistleblowing Before choosing to report wrongdoings in a workplace, the chapter provides conditions required for effective whistleblowing. In most cases, whistleblowing acts lead to negative implications for both the whistleblower and the organization. Therefore, an individual must identify whether...

The Law Enforcement Officers’ Misbehavior

Law enforcement officers are supposed to protect social order and abide by the law. However, it can sometimes happen that these individuals misbehave, and such cases typically face much public attention. The situation with Officer Jaired Dozier is a suitable example since the policeman was fired because of driving his...

Three Branches of the Federal Government

Introduction The separation of powers within the federal government presents an effective system allowing the authorities to distribute and perform essential tasks successfully. However, despite the seeming equality, their capabilities differ depending on duties. Thus, for example, the interrelated nature of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches does not prevent...

Lowering Voting Age to 16: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction “Lowering the Voting Age to 16? A Comparative Study on the Political Competence and Engagement of Underage and Adult Youth” relies on the power of inductive reasoning to examine the relationship between political choices and age. Valérie-Anne Mahéo and Éric Bélanger utilize comparative analysis to examine the political competence...

Presidential Election Process in The United States

United States presidential election process involves an indirect election in which citizens vote for electoral candidates within a specific state, who then cast electoral votes for the Presidential candidate. The election process follows a procedural format where all candidates who want to be President are grouped according to political parties,...

G7 During COVID-19 Condition

G7 During COVID-19 Condition The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic led to economic stress throughout the world. The collaboration of economic blocks and management of trading activities were lessened by the pandemic. However, the G7 summits were less affected, the coordination of various activities such as those related to reviving the...

Discussion of Global Death Sentence

It is no secret that capital punishment has always been a topic surrounded by controversies in many humanitarian disciplines such as philosophy, law, and sociology. It is mainly due to its relation to other paramount social themes such as the sacredness of human life and its cost, the power of...

The Digital Government Websites Requirements

Introduction Technology has revolutionized every aspect of humanity; politics, economy, family, education, and other socio-economic facets have all been transformed in unprecedented ways. The digital government refers to the effort by governments around the world to embrace this change and avail government services online. With digital government, citizens can access...

Republican and Democratic Parties Comparison

The Republican party mostly appeals to the working class, traditional regular people who want to lead an ordinary life and have confidence in the future. That is the image of candidates and the party itself. It can be seen on their website: the plain design with the short and robust...

Articles about Global Issues: Reading Summary and Reflective Comments

Henderson Main Principles The international law system remains an efficient political and governmental tool despite the horizontal authority structure. Its role in regulating modern society expands due to enhanced globalization and interconnection. The chapter also raises the question regarding the future world government and its feasibility within a current system....

Influence of Lifecycle and Generational Events on Political Ideologies

Introduction Political ideologies are views of what it means to have an idea, or at least desirable, socioeconomic framework. There is a correlation between geography and the attitudes of the residents. For instance, while such states as Mississippi and Alabama are considered deeply conservative, Chan argues that a liberal candidate...

Has the Trump Presidency Been Good or Bad for the Country and the World?

The latest US president, Donald Trump can be considered one of the most controversial characters in the history of American presidency. He is a controversial figure by himself, however, after his term began, the American public had divergent views. Some consider him to be a powerful man, a skillful politician,...

Effectiveness on Policy Making

Introduction Constant sociopolitical, economic, and environmental changes characteristic of the modern world necessitate the development of effective policies. The main goal of contemporary policy making is “to address or solve societal problems or improve policy outcomes through a deliberative process” (Mukherjee & Bali, 2019, p. 104). Since instruments for addressing...

Political Ideas and Ideologies by Heywood

Ideology is one of the most controversial concepts in political analysis. This term was created in 1796 by the French philosopher Destut de Tracy (1754-1836) and meant “the science of ideas.” In the 19th century, Karl Marx and Engels ([1846] 1970) gave this concept a new meaning, which boiled down...

The Myth of the Strong Leader Article by Archie Brown

Since time immemorial, leadership across the world has been reduced to the paradigm of strength: weak versus strong, even when effective authority can be manifested and exercised through different channels. The Myth of the Strong Leader was written by professor Archie Brown of Oxford University, published by Basic Book in...

Zionism as a Political Movement

Zionism is an astonishing political movement that emerged in the late 19th century. At that time, the Jews were desperate to return to their ancestral homeland. Moreover, the emerging Zionist movement’s goal was that all Jews are one nation, and they should have their sovereign state and return to their...

Police Officer Characteristics and Evaluation

Most people would prefer their police officers to be capable of making decisions and taking action, especially in tense situations where swift choices are necessary. They would also like their officers to be ethical, with a strong moral compass, so that they do not engage in misconduct for any reason....

The Army Doctrine Publication 6-22 Discussion

This essay analyzes the types of military leadership and their impact on Army performance. The study is based on the Army Doctrine Publication 6-22. Changes were presented in the analyzed doctrine in comparison with those published earlier. It should be noted that the essay followed the structure of the Army...

Morphosyntactic Features: Political Debates

Introduction: Overview of Morphosyntactic Features Morphosyntactic features are features that in a given language are involved in either agreement or government. These features include tense, case, numbers, gender, person, definiteness, mood, and aspect (Rijkhoff, 2016). In this research, I will be looking at the political debates that are carried out...

A Young Man’s Problems With an Air Force Base

The Meaning of the Problem The critical problem is the lack of reasonable medical care for the wife of the serviceman. Additional factors are the inadequate provision of living conditions, which is expressed in several situations. The first is the failure to provide housing; therefore, the couple is forced to...

Discussion of International Trade

Introduction Many nations have benefited much from international commerce, and the globe has benefited more than not. International commerce enables countries to extend their markets and access commodities and services that might otherwise be unavailable in their own country. According to Borkakoti, “the pure theory of international trade attempts to...

The Position Concerning the Legalization of Marijuana

Both paragraphs argue in different ways for the position concerning the legalization of marijuana. Also, the positions of the paragraphs differ in the approaches to the analysis of this problem. The questions, claims, and evidence presented in both paragraphs are effective, however, do not cover the full range of the...

Integration of Refugees and Radicalization Prevention

Introduction Importance of the Issue in the Global Context The issues regarding refugees are currently highly relevant given the social and political environment in such countries as Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Refugees from these areas have no alternative other than to seek shelter in Europe. The resulting enormous flow of...

Election in the United States in the Context of Democratic Values

Democracy and its corresponding values form the very foundation, which upholds contemporary society. Traditionally, this principle of the ruling is expected to reflect the core principle coded in its name – rule of the people and for the people. Accordingly, its mechanisms are to provide the nation’s population with sufficient...

Federalism and Covid-19 in the United States

Introduction Although governments globally have adopted varying responses to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, the fragmented approach in the United States due to federalism has complicated the country’s proposed interventions. In the article “One Virus, Two Americas”, Ashish Jha illustrates how the pandemic has manifested the strengths and weaknesses of...

May-Can-Should Model for Education Policies

Physical disabilities constitute a fundamental element of diversity in modern communities. Individuals living with physiological challenges encounter difficulties accessing public social services, including healthcare, security, and transport services. Specifically, the May-Can-Should model presents a helpful framework for assessing recently passed legislation concerning physical disabilities (Caimotto, 2020). In essence, the Individuals...

Capital Punishment Marshall’s Arguments

Thurgood Marshall is one of two judges who voted against the death penalty in Gregg v. Georgia in 1976. He supported his opinion with two arguments. He claimed that capital punishment was supposed either to deter criminals from committing brutal crimes or to satisfy the need of society for retribution...

Was President Obama Legally Justified in Executing Operation Geronimo?

The legality of Operation Geronimo and killing the leader of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda – Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011 remains debatable in terms of liberal democracy. It can be viewed as a violation of fundamental human rights and sovereignty or justice for multiple crimes committed by the...

The Significance of the Governmental Terms

Government: The economic significance of the government is to stabilize and ensure growth of economic activities, create employment opportunities, and create price stability. Economically, government can significantly affect the fiscal and monetary policies which can positively or negatively affect the growth rate of the economy. Autocracy: Socially, autocracy creates situations...

Egalitarian Liberalism by John Rawls

Introduction A just and person-centered society is based on ideological pluralism (acceptance of everyone as he/she is), the rule of law and social justice, and the priority of human capital development. In this essay, the principles that contribute to the creation of such a society and which are characteristic of...

Discussion of the Factors That Impact Voter Turnout

In the United States, four main factors determine whether people come out to vote in the elections. First, the degree of competition exhibited during campaigns and the level of enthusiasm inspired by the poll candidates matters a lot. Second, the election type influences the number of citizens that show up...

Political Crises in 1840s & 1850s in America

The Breakdown of Slavery The sharp contrast between the proslavery states in the South and free states in the North over slavery and free labor fuelled the abolition of enslavement. For example, staunch proslavery propagandists such as George Fitzhugh staged strong defense for slavery by arguing that masters took good...

Chinese Political System in Eric Li’s TED Talk

The TED talk by Eric Li on the benefits of the Chinese political system claims that it possesses three defining characteristics: Adaptability, meritocracy, and legitimacy. He proves that the system is capable of adaptability based on how many different approaches the party had taken throughout the years, and the results...

Federal Government Review

Modern presidential election campaigns essentially represent mass media campaigns. Even though the mass media does not determine what takes place in a campaign, the large majority of voters turn to media to track the progress of campaign efforts and the strategic game that candidates play in their pursuit of the...

New York’s Public Administration Agenda

The city selected for this assignment is the city of New York. The city comprises five boroughs that lie at the mouth of the Hudson River at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. They include Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island (The five boroughs of New York City, 2021)....

Pillars of Procedural Justice and Law Enforcement Reform

Six Pillars of United States Policing In light of current events that have revealed rifts between local police and community relationship, an executive order was signed to establish a task force on 21st century policing. President Obama charged the task by determining best practices and giving recommendations on how police...

Public-Private Partnerships for Election Systems Cybersecurity

Overview for Public-Private Partnerships Cybersecurity is considered a challenging entity of the information age for International Relations scholars and policymakers. It has a great role to play in national security, human rights, the economy, international legal frameworks, and civil liberties. Although political leaders are aware of threats that come with...

The Essence of “All Politics Is Local” Phrase

Background Over the years, the American government attempts to recover from the great recession through intensifying economic activities and the development index. However, the initiative faces the challenge due to the compromise to the societal growth that involves the eradication of key issues. An excellent example is the allocation of...

Safety Professional Working In an Australian Context

The government exercises control over all areas of society, including this, which is relevant for workers’ occupational safety. An extensive reporting system of statistics on occupational injuries provided by organizations is used to supervise and enact the applicable regulations. Burke (2019) notes that focusing on occupational safety provides significant economic...

Negative Impact of Colonialism on Today’s US Society

The process of colonization of the world was long and devastating. Many nations underwent significant changes in their economies, politics, societies, and environments. European nations controlled colonialism in such regions as Africa and North America. The growth of the colonial impact was characterized by a variety of positive and negative...

War and Security in Terms of Political Theories

The Significance of Theory For some, international conflict is inevitable due to its innate human nature. Realists believe war is a part of a never-ending cycle of violent confrontations between the states. Liberal thinkers tend to assume that the causes of war are connected to the institutions. They argue continued...

The Racial Diversity in the US Army

Race in Military The racial diversity of people in the United States affects absolutely all social institutions. The army institution is significant since this institution has mission-critical for the security of the state and its citizens. Historically, the US has been involved in coercive counterinsurgency projects since the Indian Wars...

Intergovernmental Global Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations

Introduction Every country in the world is part of the wider global community. Each nation’s economic strength lies in the ability to work with others. Similarly, as part of the human race, individuals can only attain maximum potential when they identify with certain groups for a common purpose. Different nations...

Idealism versus Realism in International Politics

Introduction The idealists believe in selfless human character, the likelihood of improving culture, the uncertainty of war, and the need for multi-lateral global efforts to eradicate war and prejudice universally. Realists deem that ethics and virtues are a barrier to the quest for state power and that the efficiency of...

Student Loan Debt Issue in the USA

America has been affected by student loan debt which varies over 43million. The issue has prompted legislative action in the federal loan program for the first time making it difficult for others to apply. Therefore it is proved that Americans owe a total of 1.75trillion in private and federal loan...

Public Employees’ Rights and Obligations

The public administration employees work for the government, implying that their management is grounded on the politics of the ruling regime. There are certain obligations and rights enjoyed by these employees, which is not the case with other people working in private enterprises. The “First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments”...

American Extremists and Right-Wing Militia

Throughout history, humans sought to form communities and gathered around those with different ideas. By effectively cooperating, distributing resources, and caring for each other, people have found a way to establish functional societies. With the developments in a variety of fields, including politics, economics, ethics, sociology, and others, the existing...

The Reconstruction Amendments

The Reconstruction Amendments are the Constitutional Amendments that deal with the aftermath of the American Civil War. They include the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, and the 15th Amendment, which were passed within five years following the Civil War, starting from 1865. The intent behind the Amendments was to abolish...

Interest Groups and Political Parties in the US

Interest Groups Dark Money Dark money refers to money that fuels and sustains election campaigns but whose sources remain anonymous. It is common knowledge that political campaigns require substantial investments and those candidates who cannot sponsor their efforts independently rely on the contributions and support of political groups and parties....

Internment Camps and Polls for Minority Groups

In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the authority of the U.S. government to order the internment of a minority group in the interest of national security, even though there was no evidence that any members of this group were disloyal to the United States. This paper discusses whether the same...

Beliefs of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

At the start of the new country, the noble political leaders, including Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, understood that the political parties would eventually paralyze the government and polarize the United States citizens. The Democratic-Republican Party, which is currently known as the Democratic Party, evolved during the presidential term of...

Predictive Analytics of Voter Behavior in 2020 Presidential Election

Predictive analytics provides politicians and other stakeholders interested in electoral behavior with sound tools to evaluate people’s attitude and possible outcomes of the elections. The primary tools employed are predictive modeling, data mining, and machine learning (Buresh & Pavone, 2018). Researchers have developed numerous techniques to improve the effectiveness of...

“Learn About Being a Police Officer” by Kane

Being a police officer is one of the most challenging professions because it requires dedication, determination, and sacrifice. Some people view the uniformed men and women performing their usual patrols and envy them, while others pity the officers because they do not understand what it takes to be one. In...

The United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East

Introduction The foreign policy of the United States towards the Middle East is a critical and sensitive subject. The ideology behind it can be summed up by a recent statement by Ambassador Jeffrey in a briefing on Syria. He stated that the United States president had laid forceful goals in...

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs

Introduction The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a government agency that serves the needs of veterans and their families. It is a key department of the federal government whose primary responsibility is the provision of life-long health care services to veterans in its centers and clinics across...

Gun Control Laws Introduced by Executive Branch

Introduction The executive branch of the US government is vital since it enforces laws in the country. It consists of the president, vice president, administrative departments, cabinet, independent agencies, commissions, and committees’ boards. The executive has introduced various laws that guide the citizens. One of the policies involves gun control...

The Snowden Leaks: A Deep Dive into Global Security Challenges

The case of Edward Snowden presented in the film Snowden is an example of the USA’s authorities’ misuse of personal information. The main themes of the biographical movie entail the subjects of morality, illegal state activities, and electronic security. Edward Snowden, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, at the...

Urbanization: Census in the United States

A census refers to the practice of counting people and property in a particular region. Censuses have existed since ancient times to determine the population’s size and calculate what people require (Sullivan, 2020). Like the United States, most countries conduct a census after every ten years while others, such as...

Government Restrictions Against the Backdrop of COVID-19

Government restrictions against the backdrop of COVID-19 and people’s reactions to them are controversial. States at the federal and local levels impose restrictions on the movement of people and ensure security measures. Some individuals consider governments’ actions illegal because they violate the provisions on freedoms and human rights. To ensure...

Application of Public Opinion on Trial of Hosni Mubarak

Introduction This reflection will focus on the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Therefore, the study will review one theory of public opinion that is relevant to the above case and provide sound judgment. The maxim is that no person is to be prevented from pursuing justice. The former...

James Madison and Idea of Distribution of Power

James Madison is the fourth president of the United States and one of its Founding Fathers. His most notable contribution to the constitution of the country was his vision about the distribution of powers outlined in five Federalist Papers (47-51). Madison’s ideas are an inherent part of the U.S. system...

Irresponsible Leadership and Moral Conviction of the US President

Annotated bibliography Edwards, J. A. (2018). Make America great again: Donald Trump and redefining the US role in the world. Communication Quarterly, 66(2), 176-195. The United States has been instrumental in maintaining global peace since the end of World War II. This country has facilitated peace talks between conflicting nations...

Recruitment and Selection in “The New Public Personnel Administration”

The chapter discusses the process of recruitment and selection in the public sector as well as the common challenges associated with this process over the past years. Notably, most government jobs are influenced by political patronage; therefore, a centralized oversight is required to ensure uniformity and fairness in the screening...

Recruitment and Training in the Criminal Justice Field

Ethical Rules Governing Recruitment and Training Historically, American employers in private or public sectors have felt free to hire or promote workers according to the criteria established and similarly exclude from employments those deemed unfit. The US constitution prohibits the deprivation of employment rights. Thus, the Equal employment opportunity commission...

Health Policy Analysis – Legalization of Cannabis

Political What are the current political forces, including political history, environment, and policy debate? Although the use of cannabis is imminent in many states in this country, the introduction of low- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabis prescriptions in treatment of migraines face varied political dynamism. While the proponents advocate for its benefits,...

Election Reforms in the State of Georgia

Lawmakers in the state of Georgia recently passed a state election law brought by republicans. The bill passed due to the critics who protested outside the capital. The law passed possesses new election restrictions to the citizens voting either by mail or the greater legislative misunderstanding of the elections. One...

Aspects of Security Policies

Security policies are defined as high-level mechanisms which identify priorities and procedures and provide blueprints for the security program as a whole. Besides, by specifying mandatory requirements and controls, security protocols are needed to achieve policy objectives or goals. The methods or procedures used to maintain and upgrade these policies...

The United States Foreign Policy Actors

It is prudent to approach the U.N., NATO, and E.U. as the foreign policy actors. The main reason for engaging these three actors is that they handle various issues (Smith, Hadfield & Dunne, 2016). Additionally, they have numerous member states, and this means that most of the policies that the...

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is the most significant arms limitation and disarmament agreement that had the record number of countries ratifying. As a confidence-building measure, the Treaty operates a safeguards system that is a responsibility of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). While the treaty...

Law & Public Policy: Autonomy in Education Policy Analysis

Introduction People encounter education throughout their life, and policies regulating this system account for kindergarten studies, school, college, university, and graduate studies, and job training regulate the way this system functions, its standards, and the anticipated outcomes of the studies. Education policies are legislation that the government of a state...

The Concept of Fairness in the EU Competition Law

Introduction Competition is the engine of scientific progress and a mechanism for promoting economic development. Insufficient competition causes a lack of motivation of entities to reduce costs, search for new markets, introduce innovations, and, as a result, inefficient operation of the industry in which such enterprises operate. At the same...

The 2007–2008 Kenya Post-Election Crisis

Introduction The 2007 -2008 Kenya’s post-election crisis arose from the disputed 2007 presidential results. Kenya’s general election which was held on December 27, 2007 was marked with a lot of irregularities. Lack of fairness and transparency in the voting exercise with the associated default tallying procedures created a loophole for...

Legal Corruption: Cases Practice

Representatives of the US Administration and Congress come up with accusations of corruption against other states and their leaders on a regular basis. Nevertheless, there is still an apparent problem of political bribery, which is quite enough legal, even though everyone considers it the norm. There is no doubt that...

Negative Partisanship Increasing Reasons

Introduction Partisanship describes one’s devotion to a particular political party or movement, often based on the similarity of beliefs. This devotion can be both a positive and a negative force, informing one’s voting decisions in various ways. The problem arises when one’s vote is informed not by an agreement on...

The Netherlands: Coronabonds Controversy

The most current issue of international politics is the coronavirus response. With the world starting to slowly recover from the pandemic, the governments’ efforts are now focused on facing its aftermaths and providing support to hardest-hit countries. EU nations have expressed different positions on the matter, with the wealthiest countries,...

Communication Role in 2020’s U.S. Presidential Campaign

The 2020’s presidential campaign in the United States was thrilling and intense as the Democrats focused on removing President Donald Trump from office. While there were other contestants, Joe Biden proved to be the primary challenger of the incumbent president. Throughout the campaign, communication played an indispensable role in shaping...

Capital Punishment in Texas

Introduction Capital punishment also referred to as the death penalty, is the putting to death of an individual through a legal process as a penalty for a crime. Offenses that call for a death sentence are called capital crimes. The word capital can trace its origins to Latin, ‘capitalis’, which...

French Political Parties: What Makes Them Different?

The French political landscape is known for a great number of political parties that change and reform regularly. Historically, the factions were divided along the left-right axis, with the majority of parties being either socialist, such as The Socialist Party, or conservative, such as The National Front or The Republicans....

Democracy in America: Decision-Making

Introduction A debate regarding the political system in the US is a controversial topic. On the one hand, the state is usually characterized as democratic, while on the other, many issues affecting the daily lives of the citizens remain unresolved. Despite the proclamation that the country is a democracy, the...

United States Foreign Policy Doctrine

The United States foreign policy presents a matter of particular importance. Officially, it implies providing the citizenry and the entire international community with a secure, democratic and prosperous place of living. The significance of the U.S. role in foreign affairs cannot be underestimated, as it has the most advanced and...

Negotiation’s Strategy: Conflict Between Basran and Carpathia

Information on the Negotiating Parties Negotiations will be conducted at the highest level. Basran Representative – incumbent President John Seripan, who is for the third term in office, may be showing signs of authoritarianism, as the legitimacy of the last election is called into question. The representative of Carpathia is...

FEMA: Organization Review. Essential Aspects

The current paper reviews essential aspects of one of the organizations that make part of the Department of Homeland Security. That organization is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is also going to be referred to as FEMA further throughout the paper. Despite the relatively young age of the Department...

“The Presidency” and the First Ladies

The White House page devoted to the first ladies throughout the history of the United States. provides its readers with the information on their biography. Moreover, one may learn about the projects carried out throughout the presidency of their husbands. This data seems quite relevant, considering the poor representation of...

Death Penalty: Practice and Ethics of the Use

Abstract This paper discusses capital punishment as a legal measure and sentence for people who committed serious crimes. The history of the death penalty, as well as its pros and cons, are studied to determine the appropriateness and relevance of this punishment in the modern world. A short review of...

The Effect of Majority Tyranny of the Liberty of Minority

Democracy and the values it promotes have become the cornerstone of modern society. The main principle of this model dictates that people must wield actual power over their nation in order to ensure that their interests are considered taken into account. At the same time, the distribution of this power...

Review and Analysis of the Public Opinion Pills

Abstract This work in writing will conduct a review and analysis of the public opinion polls about the importance of the attitude of public preference of citizens toward a specific public policy. This work will compare several opinion polls published since 2000. Examined will be Canada’s war in Afghanistan as...

Federalism Effectiveness Analysis

Federalism is a compound form of government that incorporates a general authority with regional rulers in a single political order. It is assumed to permit a large extent of regional self-rule and protect against tyranny. Regarding effectiveness, federating is a more efficient form of government since the decentralization of power...

Human Rights Cities: Mountain View

Traditionally, when city mayors are crafting local policies, they always act without strategizing how international civil liberties can be expanded. Yet, according to Davis (2018), the city leaders have significant opportunities for advancing inalienable rights. Based on their official website, the City of Mountain View voted to be a human...

Judicial Intervention and Presidential Response

Introduction Proponents hailed the New Deal as a way to salvage the American economy and outlook after the Great Depression. This comprised a series of financial reforms, public work projects, programs, and miscellaneous regulations that were enacted at the behest of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. They primarily addressed supposed “3Rs,”...

Comparing Levels of the Federal Government of the USA

Introduction A budget refers to a financial plan of government expenditure that conforms to its revenue collection within a given period. Revenue denotes the money that the government raises from different sources. Expenditure refers to the manner in which the state uses the collected amount. The federal government is a...

U.S. Justice System and Policing

Three components make up the US Criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections. The joint function of these components is to prevent crime or inhibit criminal actions. US justice system operates in parallel with a single federal court system and autonomous courts in each country’s fifty states, four federal territories,...

Capitalism vs. Socialism: Comparing and Contrasting

Debates around the economic model of the social structure have not stopped since the XIX century when Karl Marx introduced his leftist paradigm. On the one hand, some individuals believe that capitalism is the form that guarantees freedom and progress that they value the most. On the other hand, some...

Justified Reasons for Vetoing Critical House Bills by Governor Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott has been objective in signing significant bills into law in Texas. The Republican leader has also vetoed various bills attributed to dynamic reasons entailing efficiency and effectiveness in time and financial resource management. This discussion aims at analyzing bills vetoed by the governor of Texas on June...

The Importance of Being a Policy Implementer

Policies evolve from diverse ideas that stakeholders sponsor within or outside the organization. Plans result from the existence of a problem or opportunity, which impacts the firm’s progress and always targets improving institutional performance. However, strategies without implementation remain mere proposals until a corporation puts them into action to achieve...

Political Science: Human Security & Revolution-in-Military-Affairs

Human Security Human security is a strategic policy agenda within the arena of international politics since it aims at addressing all forms of human vulnerabilities which threaten the well-being of communities around the world. The major susceptibilities and challenges include protracted violence and political conflicts, diseases, epidemics, natural calamities, economic...

Sino-Indian Border Dispute: Casual Analysis

The Sino-Indian border dispute is a political problem that complicates the relations between India and the People’s Republic of China. As a matter of bilateral relations between the two countries, it is technically a regional concern. Still, the importance of both India and China as great powers makes it a...