Group Experience and Dynamics in Organizations

Key Dynamics and Issues about Group Experience Since various groups pursue different interests, the dynamics that are witnessed in many sets of people are not new in terms of group experience, as discussed here. Task and Maintenance Roles Mostly, group task and maintenance roles in the organization, whether in the...

Thagard’s Mind Theory, Its Use and Modification

Representational power When examining the nature of the multi-agent system there are a few factors that needed to be taken into consideration, the first is the fact that humans have complex behavioral systems which to this day are still not completely understood (Samson & Apperly, 2010). As such due to...

Meditation for Prevention Destructive Behaviours

Introduction Statement of the problem Meditation is a very simple thing yet very critical to the well-being of every human being. According to physicians, very many people suffer due to inadequate power to meditate upon their lives. The daily life of human beings has got a lot of experiences and...

Personal and Professional Development

Competency Based Interview Preparation Test The design of the Competency Based Interview Preparation Test captures a person’s propensity to exhibit certain behaviors in the work place modeled after the behavior displayed by good performers. Employers rely on these tests to provide them with an objective and effective assessment of a...

Personal Development in the “49 Up” Documentary

Introduction Starting from the opening scenes, the plot of the documentary 49 Up reveals various factors that can influence human lives directly. The main purpose of Michael Apted as the director of these series was to prove that not only childhood background but also other environmental factors can have a...

Substance Abuse and Frustration Relationships

Substance abuse is often considered a serious problem facing society today. Individuals who abuse various substances such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and morphine encounter difficulties accepting social realities (Gibson 16). A report released by the Harvard health institute indicated that substance abuse is high among frustrated individuals. Other literature has...

Stroke and Alexia in Cognitive Neuroscience

Stroke One of the neuropsychological syndromes that interest me in the study of psychology is stroke. The condition develops whenever there is a significant disturbance in the overall supply of blood throughout the brain. Scientifically, the syndrome is referred to as cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (Brazis, Masdeu & Biller, 2011). Stroke...

Motor Skills and Movement Coordinations

To master a particular task, motor skill is usually developed with the help of the brain. The skill entails a series of movements that are complex and are learned with time (Graziano, Taylor & Moore, 2002). Hence, the motor cortex assists in the development of the complex movements which are...

Human Developmental Disabilities in Students

This paper highlights different health conditions exhibited by students in the The United States of America and various parts of the world. It is an integrated focus on disabilities and disorders in the development and well being of the human body. The paper gives basic examples of sentences that use...

Assessments and Screening in Family Therapy

Information-gathering strategies Information-gathering is as crucial as the actual writing of the report. This is because the final report will only refer to the methods employed in the process of acquiring relevant information (Neukrug & Fawcett 2010). The choice of inappropriate instruments or carrying out a poor interview usually results...

Cultures and Worldviews in Counseling

Introduction According to Clinton and Ohlschlager (2002), it would prove quite inappropriate, on the part of a counselor, to pay little attention to what happened to be the particulars of the treated client’s ethnocultural affiliation. The reason for this is that, while aware of what accounts for these particulars’ discursive...

Behavioral Style: DISC Platinum Rule Assessment

Individual dimensions of behavior The Disk Platinum Rule assessment that I have recently undertaken indicates that my prevailing behavioral style is dominant. It also shows that I value directness and openness in relations with other people. These character traits are closely connected with the dominant behavior style (Robbins & Judge,...

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic

Do Kendra’s presenting problems result from patterns of interaction with others? Indeed, Kendra seems to be having personal problems especially when it comes to interacting with other people. It is evident from the case study that she feels quite uncomfortable mixing with peers and other acquaintances. For instance, she is...

Students’ Procrastination and Attentive Therapy

Procrastination Describe the research study/studies you would conduct to determine whether your treatment is efficacious. Make sure to explain why each part of your study is important. What can you conclude from these studies? Students were replacing high priority tasks or responsibilities with tasks that are of lower priority. To...

Infant Development and Family Situation Analysis

Abstract Giselle is two-month-old. She has good reflexes and normally develops except for being underweight. Her mother (Joelle) takes care of her, but she needs to enhance her knowledge regarding infant’s nutrition. Moreover, her grandmother should also pay more attention to their nutrition to provide proper advice and support. Changing...

Concept of the Mid-Range Theory

Mary Ainsworth is a clinical psychologist who is most well-known for her contribution to developing the attachment theory. The focus of her research was early development attachment that a child may have with a primary caregiver. Her most cited contribution was the Strange Situation process, which was an assessment to...

An Introduction to Psychology Research Methods

What are the similarities between descriptive and inferential statistics? What are the differences? When should you use descriptive and inferential statistics? Descriptive and inferential statistics have various similarities that can be explored. Most notably, they can be used in the analysis of data without any problem which leads to the...

Child’s Communication and Developmental Influences

Parents, Listen Next Time Your Baby Babbles Agnew (2014) published an article on a detailed study of how parents should dedicate their attention to let their babies understand that they are trying to communicate with them. Besides, babies use the babbling mechanism to communicate with their parents and if given...

Human Services and Professional Competencies

Introduction Human beings are the most complex things on earth as agreed by most of the philosophers and socialists. Not only the human body, rather human nature is difficult to predict and understand in various situations. Since human psychology is difficult to understand at times, this generates social issues and...

Patient Case: Donald Suicidal Behaviors

Questions to Consider What symptoms of psychosis does Donald display, and how long have these symptoms been evident? In the case study, Donald displays delusions and hallucinations, as he perceives himself as being demon possessed. He also displays dramatic mood changes such as depressed moods, lack of self-awareness resulting to...

B. F. Skinner’s Behaviorism and Biography

Abstract B. F. Skinner was a distinguished psychologist renowned for advancing various theories on human behavior. His works received critical reviews from numerous scholars. This paper analyses three journals, each providing a different point of view on behaviorism as suggested by Skinner. Delprato and Midgley’s “Some Fundamentals of B. F....

Definition of Psychological Terms and Creating Sentences

Deafness This can be described as a condition whereby an individual suffers from partial or permanent loss of hearing. Some scholars define deafness as a condition that results from hearing impairment due to an infection called otitis media (Friend, 2011). Deafness can also be defined as a condition that entails...

Self-Esteem and Depression in Quantitative Research

It is paramount to choose an appropriate research topic which features a high degree of scientific merit and a good research methodology. This paper discusses two possible studies (the quantitative and the qualitative ones) which have been previously proposed by the author, and evaluate the components of their scientific merit....

African-Centered Psychology for Single Mothers

The proposed study will have theoretical implications for psychology because it will allow for developing a better understanding of single African American mothers’ experience of their relationships with their sons. According to Doody and Noonan (2013), theories such as black psychology theory and general system theory will be utilized to...

Psychotherapy Group Guide to Improve Mental Health

Introduction Like any other type of therapeutical intervention, group therapy utilizes its screening and interviewing techniques, specific methodology, and procedures aimed at the improvement of patients’ mental health conditions. Group psychotherapy concentrates on collective discussions and experience exchange that is impossible during individual sessions. As a member of a group,...

Non-Literal Language Understanding: Sally-Anne Task

Before getting down to explaining why autistic children typically have difficulties in an understanding of non-literal language such as metaphor and irony utilizing the Sally-Anne task/test, the main idea of this test is to be considered. Sally-Anne task/test is the ability to recognize the false beliefs in others (Gehring, Debry...

Child Abuse: Physical, Emotional, Social Effects

The effect of child abuse and abandonment is repeatedly debated in regards to physical, emotional, interactive, and social significances. In real life, though, it is impossible to isolate the categories of influences (Kolk, 2011). Physical outcomes, such as harm to a kid’s developing brain, can have psychosomatic consequences, such as...

Self Assessment Concepts: Multimodal Assessment and Postmodernism and Narratives Assessment

Post modernism and narratives assessment Many people believe that we are moving to a postmodern era from modernity. Counseling is moving away from modernist grand theories like Freud’s towards more fragmented, locally or electric approach to knowledge. Postmodernism encourages people to live within the dominant narratives from their cultures and...

Witness Effects in Emergency Situations

History has seen many examples of the bystander effect, a phenomenon that stops people from helping others in an emergency. It is important to understand the nature of this phenomenon and the factors that attribute to its occurrence to reverse it and minimize casualties. Social psychologists conducted numerous studies to...

Sensor Reaction versus Motor Reaction

Abstract The purpose of this research project is to consider the sensory and motor reaction and identify the time of each of the mentioned responses. The research is conducted with the involvement of 30 subjects, 15 girls and 15 boys who were subjected to shoulder test and leg to shoulder...

Physical Cleansing Affects Risk-Taking Behavior

What interested you in this journal article? How did you go about finding the article? I was going through the various online psychology academic journals, trying to find out which ones had more material relevant to my course, and in the process, I came across the article titled Washing away...

Definition of Psychological Terms and Sentences

Introduction This paper explores various forms of visual challenges by defining terminologies and also using them in constructing sentences in order to bring out their meanings clearly. Sight saving This is the use of special skills and techniques to help people who are visually challenged to do normal life activities...

Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology

Difference between generalized and focal brain disorders Basically, general brain disorders are those that affect the entire part of the brain. Focal brain disorder affects a specific part of the brain due to minor injuries. For instance, when one is injured with a bullet, the damage may be confined in...

Family Relationships and Divorce Psychology

Abstract The current paper dwells on the problems that may arise throughout the process of divorce. The researcher also discusses the consequences of divorce and compares the outcomes for boys and girls. The notion of divorce is aligned against certain contextual factors and delinquent behavior. The researcher also conducted a...

The Availability Heuristic Concept

Introduction Throughout life, people tend to draw on their experiences in order to better understand a situation or enhance their achievement in some field. Such experiences are called biases or heuristics, and scholars differ in their opinions of whether these are good or bad. The target example for the paper...

“Perspectives on Psychology” Documentary

Nowadays, many attempts are made to understand human behavior and clarify the main aspects of psychology. The evaluation of psychological factors that may affect behavior is the main topic of the movie under analysis. Psychology is an academic discipline that is primarily represented in the film Perspectives on Psychology. Its...

Cognitive Neuroscience: Featured Brain Functions

Featured Function One: Hemispheric Specialization of the Brain Hemispheric specialization is referred to as the difference in processes between the right and left hemispheres (Banich 88). It is imperative to mention that hemispheric specialization occurs due to the distinct neuroanatomical and neurochemical features of the two hemispheres, which result in...

Naturalistic Observation: Human Growth and Development

Demographics, appearance The observation took place at a playground of a housing complex. There were several children playing, and one of them was a boy approximately aged 5 to 6 years old. He was wearing blue jeans, white sneakers, and a white t-shirt. He looked Caucasian. His height was 45...

Treating Mild Depression: Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy

Introduction Depression is a major health concern, which is relatively prevalent in the modern world (World Health Organization, 2017). In the US, over 6% of the population experience moderate to severe depression (Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, 2016; National Institute of Mental Health, 2018). An additional 15% experience...

The “New Normal” Concept After Disaster

Many people affected by Hurricane Sandy lost their beloved ones and found it hard to cope with the disaster. The victims lost most of their belongings and houses. A human services professional should, therefore, be on the frontline to analyze the situation and provide adequate support that can promote recovery...

Promoting Creative Thinking Skills

Executive Summary The present report is devoted to the analysis of individual creativity concept, its links to organisational innovativeness, and factors that inhibit/foster them. It is suggested that personal characteristics and corporate environment factors define the level of realising employees’ creativity potentials at the workplace. With a focus on the...

Phantom Limb Phenomenon in Cognitive Neuroscience

The phantom limb phenomenon is based on the feeling that the amputated organ is still attached to the body. This sensation caused by the human brain is studied within behavioral neurology. The scientists explored that individuals with an amputation have the feeling that their limb is still attached. However, such...

Forensic Psychology: Important Issues

Why is it difficult to determine “insanity” from a psychological perspective? What is the difference between “insanity” and “psychosis?” Forensic psychologists consider that task of determining insanity extremely difficult. There is a difference between insanity as a psychological condition and a legal concept (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2008). That way, an...

Psychology of Feeling and Thinking

Motivation, Emotion, and Behavior Motivation refers to a desire or driving force that compels or prompts someone to perform a task or take action. It could be a belief, a need, an instinct, or a habit. Motivation is the inner drive and provides the reason and direction to someone’s behavior....

Development: “Inside the Teenage Brain” Video

My ideas about an adolescent’s brain have changed greatly over the last 15 to 20 years, as far as growth and development are concerned. In this case, I have come to understand that there are various explanations for an adolescent’s behavior. It is because I used to think that adolescents...

The Nature of Females’ Choices and Behavior

Problem Statement All people strive for happiness, and it is now seen as one of the central goals of human existence. However, many people cannot be happy due to various issues. The feeling of emptiness is one of these problems. It is especially common among women who often try to...

Neuropsychology: Structure-Function and Dysfunction

Structure-function and dysfunction issues in neuropsychology include such directional terms used to describe generalized brain locations as anterior-posterior, rostral-caudal, superior-inferior, dorsal-ventral, medial-lateral. All humans have the same brain plan and the basic directional terms. In this paper, I will define the location pairs to comprehend the ways of navigation around...

Impact of Attentional Focus on Information Processing

Introduction The impact of attentional focus on the execution of skills has received more attention than its impact on the actual performance, which often involves technical performance and cognitive skills. The purpose of this literature review is to determine the impact of attentional focus on information processing, movement accuracy, and...

Problem of Depression: Recognition and Management

Depression is a major health concern, which is relatively prevalent in the modern world. Indeed, in the US, 6.7 % of adults experienced an episode of the Major Depressive Disorder in 2015 (Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, 2016). However, the treatment of depression is currently viewed as not...

Moral and Religious Development in Adolescents

Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory Critics pointed out that Kohlberg’s moral stages appeared later in life and not as what Kohlberg envisioned it to be. For instance, most adolescents were discovered to reason at Stage 3, but at the same time, some of them are already capable of Stage 2 and...

Transitioning from Soldier to Civilian

Introduction Individuals are extremely different in terms of the way that they perceive important changes in life. Nevertheless, there are many processes that often involve significant psychological difficulties as they require people to start living in accordance with new rules and adopt different core values that are to guide their...

Effective Strategies for Women with Emotional Problems

The modern world is associated with various issues people have to handle. Some of these issues are related to interpersonal relationships, emotions, and development. Some women’s inability to find solutions to these problems makes them unhappy and unhealthy (psychologically and physically). These females fail to develop proper relationships with others...

Human Service Workers: Helping Those in Need

A 37-years old male addresses a human service provider for veterans, as required external help. His name is Adam Miller, and he is a veteran who served in Iraq two years ago. Currently, he is struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which affects his life adversely. Still, Adam realizes that...

Military Veterans’ Mental Health Needs

The topic of the study concerns the mental health needs of veterans who suffer different types of disorders as the result of their military service. This issue has a significant influence on my practice because this population constitutes a relatively large number of people in the USA. Many individuals encounter...

Childbearing and Companionship in Women’s Life

The review of the literature concerning such concepts as abandonment, inadequateness, childbearing, and companionship as related to the female life shows that researchers tend to use attachment theory or rather concepts developed in the second part of the 20th century. For instance, Rutten et al. (2015) focus on the concept...

Therapeutic Group for Children and Adolescents

Group therapy has been used to help people of different ages to solve their issues. Children and adolescents also benefit from the participation in therapeutic groups as they develop skills necessary for their effective integration into society (Lin & Bratton, 2015). The choice of the topics or activities utilized during...

Pregnant Women’s Mental Health Difficulties

Pregnant women, as well as females during a postpartum period, are vulnerable and might experience many mental health difficulties ranging from mild anxiety to depression. Mental health conditions affect the physical health which is crucial for a woman who is preparing to give birth to a child. According to research,...

Internet-Based Psychotherapy as an Innovative Tool

Introduction The use of evidence-based innovations in the healthcare sector has significantly improved patients’ access to quality and safe health services (Pedersen & Johansen, 2012). Based on the effects of innovation on the healthcare practice, it is essential for nurse leaders to evaluate them and promote innovations that have a...

General Features and Etiology of ADHD

Occupational Profile: Condition Description Definition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that is expressed by extensive impulsivity and deficient attentiveness (Gallagher, 2014). The disease normally refers to the childhood onset; however it can persist into adolescence. The relevant disorder has a significant impact on a patient’s...

Infant and Mother Behavior Observation

Abstract This report aims at the representation of the controlled observation results. In particular, the study examined the mother and the reaction of 23 months aged female. To assess the observation, I used the percentage agreement and Cohen’s Kappa coefficient. Such variables as proximity and contact seeking behaviour, contact maintaining...

Personality Preservation Throughout Life

Introduction At different stages of their lives, people can be very different. As time passes, their experience, knowledge about the outside world, reactions, and behaviors undergo numerous major changes. Moreover, as a result of the constantly occurring process of metabolism, all the individual atoms or molecules constituting a person’s body...

Psychotherapeutic Group with Depressive Disorder

This manual is developed for a closed psychoeducational group of young adults aged 20-25 years old with the symptoms of the depressive disorder. The document is aimed at the effective organization of group work for interpersonal communication, exchange of feelings and thoughts between the members of the group to teach...

Logotherapy’s Role in Psychology and Counselling

There are several theories that have been developed over the years that relate to mental health. For example, Sigmund Freud is well recognized for his psychoanalytic theory that discusses the will to pleasure in explaining mental health. Additionally, Alfred Alder developed the Individual Psychology theory that focuses on the will...

Children’s Well-Being Esurance: Abuse Prevention

Introduction The institution that was the focus of the Capstone Project is Family Hui Hawaii, which is a non-governmental organization (NGO) located on Oahu, one of the Hawaiian Islands. The key goal of the NGO in question is to ensure the well-being of children by preventing abuse, neglect, isolation, and...

Cancer Patients and Survivors Support Group

Cancer has become a plague of the 21st century as millions of people of different ages die due to this health condition. The existing types of treatment are associated with cancer patients’ considerable emotional distress and even suffering. Minorities and economically underprivileged groups tend to face even a heavier burden....

Sex Impact on Male and Female Everyday Behavior

The results reported in numerous research papers indicate that there are considerable differences between the sexual responses of males and females (Weiten, 2010). These discrepancies occur at different stages of the sexual response cycle. One of the most interesting pieces of data is the experience of orgasm in men versus...

The Improvement of Depression Management

Introduction The present paper summarizes the context analysis that was prepared for a change project aimed at the improvement of depression management. In particular, the project will seek to provide a health center with efficient, evidence-based guidelines on the use of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy with patients with mild depression. The...

Smoking Cessation and Stages of the Change

There is a situation when a client addresses to a social service organization for help to solve his smoking cessation. The client is a 43-year-old Black man from New York, who started smoking after his father passed away. The client had a smoking history when he was a teenager. He...

Big Ideas of Social Psychology: Essay Example

Big Ideas of Social Psychology: Essay Introduction Social psychology studies have helped to build societal thinking about life. There are many ideological thoughts about people’s behaviors. The different beliefs shape the way people do things. The paper would explain the three big ideas in social psychology and give reasons why...

The Third Psychological Stage by Erik Erikson

The third psychological stage discussed by Erikson deals with initiative and guilt; it commonly occurs during the time children are 4-6 years old (UGA Social Work Student, 2009). Kids start to initiate activities, holding the leading role that gives the power to make decisions. It is significant to give children...

Andreas Lubitz’s Suicide from Psychological Aspect

Case Description On March 24, 2015, Andreas Lubitz was said to have committed suicide by crashing Flight 4U9525 into the French Alps consequently killing all those on board (Huggler, 2015). The plane was flying from Spain to Germany, and Andreas allegedly locked his co-pilot out of the cockpit before deliberately...

American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code

Modern society often espouses a completely different between the professional and personal segments of an individual’s life. Is there an ethical separation between the personal and professional activities of the psychologist? Why or why not? There is a clear ethical boundary that separates the professional and personal activities of a...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Definition and Diagnosis

PTSD Definition and Diagnostic Criteria Posttraumatic stress disorder is a condition, which potentially happens in individuals that had experienced an event that was threatening to their lives, for example, an accident, war, loss of a loved person, personal assault, and even rape. While the majority of people usually recover from...

Mindfulness Practice in Law Enforcement

Within many industries, job stress and personal attitudes can affect the perception of work which will alter productivity and efficiency. Moreover, the well-being of individuals should be the main scope of focus for managers who want to build sustainable organizations. The idea of mindfulness practice of being in the moment...

Personality Disorders and Interaction Ability

Abstract The current paper discusses the limitations of the current studies on the phenomenon of narcissistic personality disorder. The author dwells on the history of the disorder and how it is perceived by the researchers. The core symptoms of narcissistic personality disorders are identified and thoroughly discussed. The author also...

Emotional and Mental State: Professional Assessment

Use of Expert Testimony Expert testimony is often used for psychological assessment, as it provides an opportunity to explain people’s behavior. When a professional evaluates, one’s emotional and mental state one can prove or disprove the discussed reasons for the crime as well as some intentions of the defendant. Moreover,...

Anxiety Cure in Dr. Hart’s Arguments and Criticism

Introduction Anxiety leads to feelings of worry, fear and concern in people, thus hindering them from enjoying their lives. According to Dr. Archibald D. Hart, people should avoid panic, stress and anxiety. This way, they will live a life of tranquility. Anxiety naturally occurs to people, robbing them off their...

The Concept of Choice Blindness Among People

Introduction The article “Memory Blindness: Altered Memory Reports Lead to Distortion in Eyewitness Memory” by Cochran et al. investigates the concept of choice blindness among people. The concept refers to the likelihood that people will be misinformed, especially concerning their self -reported alternatives. Cochran et al.’s study take an experimental...

Cognitive Development and Children’s Health

Abstract The issue of cognitive development is a highly complex one and is related to a lot of other fields of study. Thus, the given review of four articles shows that cognitive development may be predetermined by health-related problems like epilepsy, as well as extrinsic factors like the environment, or...

9/11 and Hurricane Katrina in Psychological Aspect

Introduction The 9/11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina changed America and its responses to emergencies. Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 attacks were two of the worst natural disasters and terror attacks, respectively, in US history. Beyond the physical devastations, Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 attacks led to eminent health and...

PTSD-Related Intervention in the Hurricane Context

Hurricanes are some of the most destructive natural disasters in history. An example of this type of disaster is Hurricane Sandy. This disaster occurred during the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season and it is the second most expensive hurricane disaster in the history of United States. The damages associated with Hurricane...

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and Learning

Social Learning Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory claims that the acquisition of knowledge is directly related to the observation of others within the context of experiences, social interactions, and other outside influences. Basically, the theory highlights the significance of observational learning, modeling, and imitation. Thus, when people observe the performance and...

Early Childhood: Inclusive Programs and Social Interactions

Summary An inclusive program is an intervention plan for the development of children with developmental delays. Children with and without developmental delays attend the same schools and interact during their studies. When young children with developmental delays study together with young children without developmental delays, more positive outcomes are realized....

Adolescent Personality and Developmental Factors

Introduction The behavior of students is a frequent topic for research because the development of an adolescent’s personality has many peculiarities to discover. One of those concerns is the acceptance of rules and codes of behavior by students, the topic discussed in the paper by Raby (2005). This issue is...

Eye and Brain: The Psychology of Seeing

Color Vision and Evolution While color vision is taken for granted in everyday life, it, in fact, served a crucial role in the progress of the humankind at the dawn of its development. As predators, our ancestors needed color vision to detect and identify various objects, including prey. Therefore, it...

Overview on the Grief, Loss, and Bereavement

Bereavement Bereavement is the objective situation that people face after experiencing a loss of an important individual through death. For instance, it may involve a number of mental reactions such as a feeling of guilt, excessive anger, and despair. Physical reactions may include insomnia, loss of appetite, and illnesses. Complicated...

Verifying the Accuracy of Witness Memory

Purpose The purpose of this study was to develop a clear understanding of the ability of eyewitnesses to remember their self-made reports, concerning choice blindness. The researchers wanted to identify whether eyewitnesses can recall their reports accurately if the reports have been manipulated. The process entailed two experiments that aimed...

Employee Self-Efficacy for Innovation Performance

Summary In the fields of behavioral change and psychology, self-efficacy is recognized as a significant learning theory in terms of which a person can identify personal abilities to achieve certain goals and demonstrate a high level of performance. Innovation is another important aspect of human behavior that may define the...

Psychotherapeutic Intervention: Veterans with PTSD

The complexity of the modern world often leads to the development of various emotional and psychological issues in people. Group psychotherapy is becoming a popular practice aimed at addressing these problems and concerns (Corey, 2015). Group work is often associated with the focus on empathy, trust, respect, and the development...

The Ability to Detect Hidden People

Involving people, who have psychic abilities, to finding hidden objects and even people is not a very common practice. However, sometimes these people are employed for consulting police in criminal investigations and solving personal matters. It was portrayed in one of the TV series, The Mentalist, and lots of TV...

Interpersonal Relationships and Health Outcomes

Abstract Interpersonal relationships are common between and among people in all parts of the world. Different theoretical models have been suggested to explain different aspects with regard to human social relationships. On the best-explained theory is the attribution theory, which argues that persons presume certain ideas that are associated with...

The Riding Hood and Modern Society: Sexual Background

We were all growing up listening to different tales that were either retold or read to us by our parents. When young children grow older, they tend to interact more with these stories and try to fit themselves in the framework of their favorite tales. Consequently, tales are still relevant...

Economic Model of Behaviour

Introduction The employee’s work behavior is influenced by economic model of behaviour. The research focuses on the effect of rewards on the workers’ willingness to produce more outputs. The research concentrates on the ill effects of forcing the employees to exceed normal output for the sake of rewards. Rewards may...

Adolescence Perception in Nancy Lesko’s Study

Introduction Adolescence is, probably, one of the most discussed periods of human development. The approaches to the problem of adolescence change over time and Nancy Lesko provides a provocative analysis of the issue which became an accepted approach to observing adolescents. Thus, what is the essence of her methodology known...

Depression and Self-Esteem Relationship

Topic Endorsement Research Topic The topic which is proposed to be studied is the relationship between depression and self-esteem. In this case, self-esteem can be defined as “individual’s subjective evaluation of his or her worth as a person”; it does not necessarily describe one’s real talents, and high self-esteem does...

Cognition Evolution in Life Span Developmental Model

Examples of Famous People There is a significant amount of examples of people who succeeded in their late 30s only. Stan Lee, for example, is known today as the creator of numerous comic books such as X-Men, Spider-Man, and many others. Marvel Studio produces very successful movies every year that...

The Role of Environment in Child Physical Development

Introduction Physical development is intense in childhood, and it is paramount to properly understand the processes which take place in different periods of the young age of a person, as well as the factors that have an impact on these processes. In order to better comprehend the various aspects of...

Personal Innovation Capacities Development

Abstract The given term paper is devoted to the topic of personal innovative capabilities and the variety of ways to enhance them. The timeliness of the research is strictly connected with the fact that the requirements that successful specialists are expected to meet have changed recently. The purpose of the...

Domestic Violence Negative Impact on the People Psyche

Research Question and Hypothesis Our project delves into interpersonal relations in families, aggressive behaviors demonstrated by one of the members, and the impact these actions might have on children, their socialization, and their future life. The central research question of our project is whether children who have experienced domestic violence...

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Factors and Treatment

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by changing moods and energy levels that affect the ability of the patients’ memory to function normally. The disorder affects the neurons in the brain, hence causing uncoordinated functions of the same. The effects on the brain depend on the periodic episodes...

Post-Partum Depression and Perinatal Dyadic Psychotherapy

A Response to Ryan Ryan, you answer all six questions to the case in a comprehensive and detailed manner, which makes it easier to keep track of logic chains helping to find the right answers. Discussing the third question about the aspects to be clarified during further interviews, you focus...

The Belief Bias and Cognitive Sciences

Cognitive biases are errors in human thinking or deviations from rational judgment resulting in illogical conclusions. When these conclusions are caused by our tendency to evaluate arguments based on our pre-existing beliefs, a phenomenon called belief bias is observed. This paper is concerned with the way cognitive sciences scholars, in...

Disorders: Severity, Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Several disorders constitute the subject of abnormal psychology. They include obsessive-compulsive disorder, Bipolar disorder, and Major depressive disorder among others. This paper reviews the three disorders in terms of their onset, Severity, Symptoms, Length of disability, Treatment methods, Success of treatment and Impact on society. Review Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)...

Patient Case: Patterns, Challenges and Needs

S. B. is a 27-year-old man suffering from PTSD for the past two years. The symptoms began when his wife went missing. They include insomnia, nightmares, and depressive moods; previously S. B. had hallucinations and displayed aggressive behaviors. The man has an underage son and experiences frequent stress from the...

Alertness, Relaxation, and Stress Correlation

Abstract This essay explores the correlation between high alpha levels in individuals and their states of relaxedness and alertness. It also establishes the development of low alpha levels when the individuals are subjected to stressful conditions. The alpha brain waves are easily detectable when a person is in a state...

Consciousness, Personality Theories and Labeling

Consciousness about Other Mental Processes People’s brain creates models of various experiences. This process is known as consciousness. Psychologists have different views regarding its origin, as it is rather subjective. As a result, it is considered that it can take a lot of forms and coexist with other mental processes...

Reflection: Critical Thinking and New Habits’ Development

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that performing some kind of activity a person develops his/her own personal and professional skills. Moreover, the more difficult this activity is, the better the results are. With this in mind, it is also possible to suggest that each teaching course or...

Social Anxiety Disorder and Its Symptoms

Social anxiety disorder is a condition that occurs as a result of excessive fear of social involvement. It is also known as social phobia. The fear arises from the suspension of being closely watched, and receiving criticism from peers and other members of the society (Mayo-Wilson et al., 2014). A...

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Concept

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is utilized to make the psychological typing applicable for the regular users, as this method is actively employed as a primary tool in the educational, clinical, and organizational psychology to enhance the quality of interactions (Ramos 137). It is apparent that it is a vehemently popular approach...

Relationship Between PTSD and Religion

Introduction Religion is an essential institution in most societies. In fact, in the medieval era, it used to play a vital role in people’s political and economic development (Wood 164-165). Therefore, societies credited religious institutions as being influential arbitrators for many social disputes and equally lauded them for championing social,...

Personality Trait Theories and Flynn Effect

Eysenck versus Gray personality theories Initially, the personality theory developed by Eysenck was based on two main dimensions – extraversion and neuroticism (‘E’ and ‘N’ responsively); on their axes, the two were juxtaposed to introversion and stability (Nussbaum, 2013). The theory by Gray also relies on two dimensions (impulsivity and...

Self-Efficacy in Improving Employee Innovation

Introduction Nowadays, many international, local, and private companies use new techniques and management strategies to organize their working processes. These actions are necessary for the age of globalization because employees should be more productive, whereas the products or services they provide are intended to meet the highest quality standards. Also,...

Impulsive and Compulsive Buying Behaviour

The methodology chosen for this research is the case study that is associated with the focus on a particular problem (Creswell, 2012). The problem under analysis is the compulsive buying disorder in women in their late 30s, and the focus is on the way these females see their conditions, its...

Nature vs. Nurture in Mental Development

Nature vs. Nurture It is worth noting that the intelligence and abilities of an individual can be inherited and developed, but the identification of the system of ethical values is the outcome of social interactions. Even if mental capacity is largely determined by genes, it is still vulnerable to external...

Executive Coaching and Its Prototype Theory

In spite of the fact that executive coaching is the actively developed concept and practice, researchers and practitioners cannot agree on the theory that can be used to explain and support the main principles of this process. The lack of the special theory in the field of executive coaching makes...

Developing and Management Skill

Introduction Management is a complex field that requires a comprehensive approach in order to satisfy the expectations of the stakeholders. A number of skills have been identified as essential for enhancing organizational performance and maintaining a positive culture that promotes innovation and creativity. The following report analyses five skills incorporated...

Career in Developmental and Personality Psychology

Developmental Psychology The types of work Professionals who work in this area of psychology concentrate on the provision of required assistance to people with developmental issues. They often work with children who are retarded and try to improve their condition so that they can catch up with their peers. In...

Military Personnel and Psychological Risks

Military personnel is exposed to greater psychological risks than civilians. Soldiers occasionally face scenes and events that are disturbing or implying a great responsibility for the outcomes. It is not surprising that they are often subject to psychological issues as a result of their service. Researchers have discovered that the...

Empathic Responses to Clients’ Feelings in Human Services

Professionals must listen to their clients appropriately so that they can understand their thoughts and feelings with no mistakes. This is a crucial aspect of effective communication, and its value is undeniable. However, being a good listener is not easy. One is to be able to summarize the obtained information...

Students’ Course Examinations by Gharib & Phillips

Data Description Gharib and Phillips (2013) compared students’ scores on open-book and cheat-sheet examinations. The predictor variable was the type of exam: open-book or cheat-sheet; nominal measurement. The outcome sets variables were: students’ grades (scale); anxiety scores (presumably scale; 5-point Likert scale was used); time of studying for exams (hours,...

Should Stimulants Be Prescribed to Boost Grades?

Abstract ADHD is a widespread problem that causes considerable problems with academic progress in children. In this work, I analyze the opinion presented in a newspaper article and develop an argument that considers the disadvantages of the pharmaceutical treatment of ADHD, such as subjectivity of diagnosis, numerous side effects, uncertainty...

Conduct Disorder in Adolescence

Explain conduct disorder in adolescence to include symptomology, duration, and social factors Conduct disorder refers to a collection of antisocial behaviors exhibited by adolescents that infringe on the rights of other people and that defy societal norms (Reavy, Stein, Quina, & Paiva, 2014). These behaviors are repetitive and persistent in...

Emotion Perception and Gender Factor in Stress

Perceptions of Emotion The James-Lange theory says that every physical state of a person influences one’s emotions and mood. For instance, if one smiles, he or she is likely to feel happy. Both James and Lange (they developed the same theory together) think that every move, activity, and action has...

The Major Adult Attachment Styles

The article chosen for the critique was written by Marganska, Gallagher, and Miranda (2013). It investigates the problem of attachment, emotion dysregulation, and their relation to the symptoms of anxiety and depression. According to the authors, attachment style and emotion regulation can be linked, and such a link can lead...

Genocide and Mass Killing in “Becoming Evil” by Waller

Introduction Waller’s work in ‘Becoming Evil’ is a reminder of the numerous accounts of genocides that have occurred in the past century. Waller unmasks the ordinary excuses for psychopathology, and genocide-group think, unusual cultures and puts up a comprehensive perception of humans’ capability to participate in transgression. He highlights the...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Affecting Factors

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a brain condition that leads to irreversible deterioration of cognitive capabilities in human beings (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015). This section evaluates the case of Catherine, who suffers from AD, by addressing various factors that are common to other affected people. Catherine’s cognitive abilities including memory, speech,...

Parenting Styles Researching: Analytical Techniques

Introduction In qualitative research, it is paramount to utilize specific methods and techniques in order to obtain reliable and useful results. This paper considers the use of the observational method for analyzing video recordings depicting parent-child interaction and compares this method with two other techniques, namely, conversation analysis and coding....

Psychological Assessment: Psychology and Testing

Three Types of Decisions Important for Psychology or/and Education There are three types of decisions important for psychology or/and education. These are college admission decisions, diagnostic or hiring decisions, and vocational decisions. Various psychological tests aimed to assist in making such decisions were designed. It is important to highlight the...

Bioecological Model of Human Development

Introduction Many scholars in the psychology field define child development as biological, psychological and emotional transformation of a child from birth until when he or she reaches late teenage-hood, where he or she can make wise uncompelled decisions. Genetic factors and external happenings during pregnancy and before birth significantly affect...

Anxiety, Psycho-Physiological Disorders, Phobias

Anxiety Disorders Various theories have attempted to give reasons for why people develop anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders have proven to be the most common mental disorders in the world today. There are various perspectives through which those disorders can be analyzed. These include the psychodynamic perspective, behavioral perspective, cognitive perspective,...

Early Cognitive Development: Learning Experience

The term knowledge is defined as the process through which people acquire knowledge and behavior. Skills, values, and characteristics that people exhibit are acquired through learning. The process of learning takes place slowly by slowly even though some experiences can be learned instantly. Education is one of the ways through...

Biological Processes Related to Human Age

Famous Persons Becca Levy and Ellen Langer became the very first persons to identify the peculiarities of the peak and decline model and compare the latter to the lifespan developmental model elaborated by Sigmund Freud. The peak and decline model was initially outlined by Herbert Lehman who stated that this...

Inattentive Blindness in Psychological Experiment

As it is known, the human mind is capable of much, but at the same time, its capabilities are not entirely understood. For example, the peculiarity of our perception of the surrounding world and the concentration on particular objects look rather ambiguous and intriguing for studying. Our memory has many...

Dehumanization and Violence in Relationships

Blatant Dehumanization and Its Implications Wars are not destructive only for their participants and not merely for their contemporaries. The aftermath of wars is present in many future generations. Over the centuries, there have been numerous modifications of ideological, technological, and psychological aspects of warfare. One of the most detrimental...

Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Introduction Personal reflection is a day-to-day analysis that caters for assessment of personalities especially among closely related people. The daily rumination of peoples’ behaviours has a close focus upon individuals, but the development in the psychology studies indicates that the focus is general. Various theories are in use in the...

Anorexia Nervosa: Perspectives and Treatment

Abstract Anorexia nervosa is one of the diseases that border with mental pathology. Currently, anorexia occurs in both adolescents and adults, among whom more than half of the cases are the consequence of neurotic reactions. The core of the disease is a deliberate restriction in food intake or complete refusal...

Longitudinal Research in Developmental Psychology

Various types of designs can be used to provide research investigations in developmental psychology. Among the most popular ones are the longitudinal designs. They are commonly conducted within a particular parcel of children for several years, which allows the researchers to examine the changes and maintain tests at different ages....

Borderline Personality Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD is a personality disorder characterized by its impulsivity. Patients suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder have difficulties in relationships with other people; their self-control is very low and their emotional state is unsteady as they experience severe mood swings. Their life...

Mind-Body Problem in Psychobiology

The topic of my paper is the relationship between the mind and the body. The mind-body problem is one of the oldest issues in Western culture, and many thinkers sought answers to it. Since the emergence of psychology as an academic discipline, this problem has become an issue asked about...

Dyslexia: Methods to Improve the Condition

Abstract Cognitive development as well as issues that can arise with the ability of an individual to comprehend and express thoughts through language have been extensively studied by researchers. This scholarly area focused on the variety of conditions, disabilities, and general issues that limit a person’s ability to effectively communicate;...

The Problem of Memory Blindness and Its Impact

Introduction The article addresses the issue of memory blindness and its effects on eyewitness recollections. According to the authors of the article, choice blindness encompasses the concept that people can be misled and distort facts that they had previously reported. The purpose of the study is to examine “whether people...

The Impact Paternal Absence on Females Relationships

Research Topic It has been acknowledged that attachments developed in childhood and adolescence (especially parent-child relationships) have a significant impact on individuals’ ability to develop relationships with other people (especially when it comes to partnerships) (DelPriore & Hill, 2013). Nonetheless, there are still various gaps in this area. This qualitative...

Attachment Theory and Its Perspectives

What does the Theory Study? Attachment theory is a psychological model that tries to describe the work of interpersonal relationships mechanism. The theory cannot be regarded as general because it attempts at researching topics that are more specific. For instance, it touches upon the types of reactions that people show...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnostics

Clinical disorders and medical conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention Diagnostic code: 309.81 (F.43.10) DSM-5 Name: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, with delayed expression Other condition(s) that may be a focus of clinical attention Condition code: 278.00 (E66.9) Name: Obesity V62.29 (Z56.9) Other Problem Related to Employment V15.41 (Z62.810)...

The Treatment of Adolescents with Suicidal Tendencies

PICOT Question The proposed PICOT statement is: “In adolescent patients suffering from suicide ideation, does the implementation of family and professional support, compared with only depression prevention strategies, reduce the suicide ideation and rate of adolescent, in a year period?” To answer this question, one can look at articles that...

Modern Psychological Testing: Concepts and Theories

Constructed- and Selected-Response Items When designing a test, one may select an option of providing either constructed- or selected-response items. Each of the tools has its place in the hierarchy of psychological assessment methods, and both have their unique advantages, as well as certain inherent flaws. For example, the use...

Childbearing and Psychological Well-Being

The research topic of this study addresses the extent to which major decisions females aged between 21 and 55 make concerning childbearing and companionship are affected by their inadequateness and abandonment (or fear of abandonment). This population is chosen as females of this age (in the vast majority of cases)...

Do Photoshopped Images Negatively Affect Self-Esteem?

Introduction The groundbreaking technologies of the late 20th and early 21st century have affected not only the professional lives but also the personal lives of people all over the world. While innovative devices were at first designed strictly for professional use, they soon became so popular that they have begun...

Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Abstract The paper presents a critique of four articles: “Dwelling on Potential Threat Cues: An Eye Movement Marker for Combat‐Related PTSD”, “Professional Development in Early Childhood Programs: Process Issues and Research Needs”, “Domestic Violence, Children’s Agency, and Mother-Child Relationships: Towards A More Advanced Model”, and “An Exploration of Explicit and...

Behavioral Administrator in a Public Psychiatric Hospital

Introduction Human behavior has been the focus of many studies in the recent past. Researchers have formulated theories in an attempt to explain the same issue. Careers that are dedicated to human behavior have found their place in the management of patients in health institutions. The developed society may be...