Chihuahua and a Pitbull as a House Pet: Comparison

The Chihuahua is the world’s smallest dog, with a height ranging from six to 10 inches and a weight that is less than 2.7 kilograms. The dog is regarded as harmless and docile companion dog for high society women and celebrities, who carry it around everywhere and pamper it (AKC,...

The Different Ways of Knowing: Something That Is True and Something That Is Believed To Be True

Introduction In any Standard English dictionary, we can found the word “Knowledge” has got three different meanings, but all are quite interrelated in some aspects. The meanings are “awareness or familiarity gained by experience” (Rossett 242) or “a person’s range of information” (Harrison 407). There are different ways of knowing...

Cultural and Natural Landscape of the City of Bonn

The city of Bonn has considered one of the most sophisticated cities of Germany so that many inhabitants recognize it as another capital. The city embodies the harmony of place and time; it connects the natural and cultural landscape into one identity that creates the spiritual and moral harmony. This...

What Makes Us Tick?

What makes us tick? In the 21st century, research in science is evolving. For the people whose careers are in the field of science the education will change as time goes by. Studies progressively depend on effective partnership among professionals with conflicting disciplinary viewpoint. Professionals should appreciate the value of...

“The Influence of Confucianism” by Hue

In the article “The influence of Confucianism: a narrative study of Hong Kong teachers’ understanding and practices of school guidance and counseling” (2008) by Ming-Tak Hue, the author investigated the main influence of school guidance in Hong Kong schools. The article presented the results of a qualitative study, which findings...

Research Variables in Multicultural and Traditional Research Methodology

Conducting research in the United States is a challenge because it is a growing multicultural community. A lot has to be considered before research can be done. Two research variables, observation, and sampling are selected to compare and contrast using multicultural and traditional research methodology. Observation may be defined as...

Educational Research: Variety of Available Sources

Understanding of the character of the research process and its strategies is important for receiving the specific knowledge and skills required for conducting a successful research. Getting rid of the stereotypes, representing the researchers as elderly men, mixing chemicals, the contemporary educators are to learn the available methods of conducting...

Earth Science: Rocky Mountains

Introduction Mountains are landform that ascends well higher than its environs, usually displaying steep slope, a comparatively limited summit region, and significant local relief. They are formed by processes like faulting, folding, or up warping of the earth’s surface as a result of plate movements. The Rockies in North America...

“Gypsy World” by Patrick Williams

Introduction In Patrick Williams’ work entitled, Gypsy World: The Silence of the Living and the Voices of the Dead, he was able to show how the Manus Gypsies of France navigate a hostile world. At first it seems that his anthropological study was focused on describing their traditions when it...

Marine Biology: Description and the Key Features

Biscayne Bay: This is an open area of the coast line that is exposed to ocean currents and tides. Mangrove Creek: This is a backwater area with occasional flooding of sea water. Results: Readings at the two locations are shown in the graphs along with the average values. Secchi depth...

Northeast Texas: Geographical Analysis

Texas is the second largest state in the United States of America after Alaska and it has the largest population compared to all other states in America. Northeast Texas is one of the major regions that have attractive geographical features. It is made up of 23 counties and is geographically...

Research Methods to Be Used in the Dissertation

Outline Introduction Structured interview Techniques utilized in structured interviews Researches that have applied structured interviews Strengths and weaknesses of using structured interviews The case study method Techniques and processes used in case studies History / traditions of using case studies Strengths and weaknesses of the method Application of case studies...

The Standard Hotel: Hazardous Chemical Dumping

Introduction This paper is focused on the dangers of exposure to the chemical that was released in the environment by the L. A. Standard hotel. The effect that was felt in the environment was severe that initially it was thought that there was a terrorist gas attack at Metro station...

Improvement and Implementation Methods in Statistics

Quality audits Quality Audits can be very useful tools in monitoring process variability by ensuring that all records concerning the product information are up-to-date are have the correct figures corresponding to the correct dates of purchase. Inconsistency in the audit records can clearly indicate that something went wrong somewhere. Audit...

Laurel, Maryland: Best Place to Live

Introduction Established in the 1870s, Laurel remains one of the best cities to live and do business in the United States. It’s conveniently located at the center of three key U.S. cities of Baltimore, Annapolis, and Washington DC. (Robert J. Brugger, 1996)The city boasts diverse communities, excellent housing, and outstanding...

Hobbit: Archeological and Paleontological Point of View

Homo floresiensis, had features that were similar to his ancestor australopithecines. He had a small body size, his legs were shorter in length and his clavicle and scapula shows he had the ability to rotate less as compared to his ancestor’s australopithecines. When we compare his hands with those of...

Population, Life Expectancy Rate of Different Countries

Introduction Population is a very important variable to study and understand as everything that we do is centered at people and therefore, to understand the needs, aspirations and also to fulfill the same it is very useful to have a very good understanding of head count. The world is divided...

Implicit Memory: Animal Observation

The focal point of this paper is to enumerate the observation of an animal outside the class in relation to a concept of general psychology. In this context the animal chosen is a dog and the concept of general psychology is implicit memory. Implicit memory is essentially, philosophically and metaphysically,...

Survey Data Collection and Sampling Mode

This paper outlines how I would carry out a survey of 1000 members of the general population in the UK in order to explore their experiences of and attitudes towards the police. Of key importance, I explain the modes of data collection I would use. The importance of the mode...

“Machiavellian Monkey’s” by J Shreeve

The article “Machiavellian Monkey’s” by J. Shreeve describes intelligence and IQ factors of monkeys. The author finds that a young baboon Paul has a high level of intelligence and can be compared with humans playing and interacting with each other. To humans, animals also practice deception playing tricks with other...

Basic Information About Italy

Relevant Country History The founders of Italy can be traced to the Etruscans who originally were from Turkey, but settled in Italy for a short period creating a civilization that would soon be the foundation of Rome. Rome was ruled by seven kings until the time when the Roman Republic...

Mars Exploration Mission: Martian Atmosphere Studies

Outline Since the discovery of the existence of other physical bodies in the universe, scientists have spent most of their time in the laboratories looking for ways and means of critically studying these bodies. For that reason equipments have been made and signals placed in them to make it possible...

Quantitative Research Techniques and Designs Definition

Quantitative research is one way to conduct a scholarly investigation with the help of certain qualitative characteristics enabling the researchers to make certain empirical conclusions and observe particular tendencies in the response of participants to the experiment they have designed for them. The first issue to be discussed in connection...

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone

Introduction What is Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) ‘Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone’ (rBGH) is one of the promising products of biotechnology that help increase the production of milk by cows and is a boon for large-scale dairy operators. The sale of milk produced from cows treated with rBGH is permissible...

Literature Review: Acceptability of Genetic Engineering

The rapid development of biological science in the twentieth century has opened entirely new opportunities to humankind; one of them is the ability to change or modify the cellular structure of living organisms: plants, animals and human beings. Yet, it has also given rise to many ethical questions which are...

Regional Environmental Focus On the Carribean

Introduction The Caribbean region is one of the most diverse and rich regions of the world. Its geographical situation and climate make biodiversity unique and interesting. Despite the natural beauty of this region, human activities changed somehow the landscape and endangered many species. The Caribbean region is very interesting for...

Overview of Xanax (Alprazolam) And It’s Alternatives

Introduction A human organism is a complicated natural phenomenon, which is subjected to various influences of the environment, natural and human-made effects of certain activities. The whole set of these influences causes various diseases, mental or physical, and leads to several psychological disorders. Depression, anxiety disorder, feelings of sadness, and...

Impact of Bioterrorism on the U.S Agriculture System

Introduction The fear that biological weapons of warfare might be used against U.S citizens has been a source of considerable concern among politicians as well as public health officials. Media coverage concerning the issue has also risen to such an enormous that it has been a cause of panic among...

Increasing Brain Performance and Its Influence on the Learning Process

People’s brain is the most secret and strange part of people’s bodies. Scientists have been researched it for many years, but the secret of the human brain is not solved for now. It is proved that people use only the smallest part of the brain’s potential and that it is...

Aspects of Development and Functioning of the Brain

The human brain is a complex formation that is undergoing constant research and triggering multiple theories concerning its development and functioning. Inter alia, an attempt to explain the brain phenomenon was made by Howard Gardner who developed a theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. Gardner states that to explain the...

Peru in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Introduction Peru is a sovereign country on the western side of South America, bordered by Chile to the south, Bolivia to the southeast, Ecuador and Colombia to the north, and Brazil to the east. It is not landlocked as the Pacific Ocean borders it in the west. The name Peru...

Defining Interactive Suppressions: Two-Tone Suppression

Introduction investigation of principles and tendencies in two-tone suppression by the application of the method of pulsation threshold two-tone suppression is an interesting natural phenomenon of sound suppression (the sound is called the suppressed) and declines in its perception by the respondent in case the suppressor, or the second, accompanying...

Methyl Dopamine Physical Effects

Introduction Methyl dopamine is usually ranked in the group of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS). It is a psychostimulant drug used primarily for recreational purposes but sometimes it is prescribed for medical reasons. It is a colorless crystalline solid often adulterated with chemicals that are used to synthesize it (Schifano, Corkery& Cuffolo,...

Cloning: Issues and Moral Aspects

Introduction Cloning is one of the most debatable issues in modern medicine and the scientific community dealing with benefits and opportunities of the research and moral arguments against inhuman medical practices. Cloning is immoral because it violates the moral rights of an embryo thus it is really difficult to define...

Regional Geological Study of the Mariana Trench

Different branches of science have among its purposes one common aim, which is explanation. Different scientific, methods related to different areas of science, tends to describe and frame the unexplained and unknown. In terms of geology and oceanography, one of the subjects attracting the minds of the scientists is concerned...

Issue for Farmers in Developing Countries

Introduction Agriculture is a very important sector in the whole world economy since it makes available, food to every living person. Considering trade and agriculture, the World Trade Organization is the main body that coordinates activities in these two areas, (WTO is an international trade organization consisting of 146 member...

Contesting Laws: Culture, Colonialism, and Land

Introduction The native title has a long history that dates back even before the year 1788 where some sixty thousand Aboriginals inhabited Australia and had their own traditions and laws. However during the latter mentioned year, British colonizers established themselves in Australia, and after101 years in this land, they decided...

United States Government Should Release More UFO Information to Public

Introduction since the end of WW2, the public’s attention in Western countries has been increasingly focused on the phenomenon of UFOs, which in its turn, had caused more and more people to think about this phenomenon as something absolutely real. Nevertheless, it was named during the recent decade that how...

Arkansas State Governance Structure

The Arkansas State occupies both the Northern and Western Hemisphere. It is found in the United States of America’s south-central part. This state is bordered by Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. The State is located between 33 and 36 30’ North latitude and 89 41’ west longitudes. The...

Physical Anthropology in “Family Man” by Will Hively

The article by Will Hively entitled “Family man” discusses family-oriented behavior of birds (the species is called bee-eaters) and applies these patterns to human society. One of the aspects of bee-eaters’ behavior which surprised the scientist Emlen was their great motivation for helping the other members of their community, e.g....

Archetype of the Ancient Etruscans Compared to Modern Day Archetype

Introduction The archetypes of ancient world are versatile due to the fantasy and personal beliefs of ancient people. In Etruscan reality the role of deities and polytheism itself was of great significance owing to the religious and philosophical background of Etruscans and its development. Moreover, the similarities of Etruscan mythology...

Mathematical Development and Theories of Scientists

Early mathematical numerical notations developed as a need for accuracy in goods and money record transactions. Continued innovations necessitated the advancement of mathematics as a field through architecture and related geometry. The calendar arose also as a key development in mathematics and astrology through the consideration of heavenly bodies and...

The Impacts of Substance Abuse on Pregnancy

The impacts of substance abuse on pregnancy have been a subject of many qualitative and quantitative studies. A great number of research works have been dedicated to the description of the complications that can arise due to drug addiction, for instance, outcome of delivery, health of the mother and newborn,...

The Central Tendency Measures

Introduction The investigation on the topic is of importance when the management constraints are considered. The approach is to select the entry which characterizes the entire group. The significance of that representative should be analyzed to conclude for the application of different methods to reach up with the central entry....

How Children’s Thinking Came To Be

Man has been in perennial search of knowledge. He has been gifted with the tools to acquire it. Theorists have come up with a variety of ways to explain how a person comes to know things. One theory is the Information Processing Theory which identifies various components that work together...

Humanities and Expressions of People Via Art

The term humanity has different meanings. The definitions have changed over time. During middle age, the term distinguished between areas of study that concerned human beings from those that concerned God. The areas that pertained to human beings such as philosophy, mathematics and science were considered to be humanities. Today,...

Broadcast History and Criticism

Human society is not an anarchic organization; it may be presented as an extremely complex and well coordinated organism, each part of the organism is a cell that performs special functions that are necessary for harmonious functioning of the whole system. The natural question that may appear is: What ensures...

India: Country Studies. Internet Data Collection

The country chosen for discussion is India. Geographic Location: The country is located in the southeastern part of Asia. The southern part of the country forms a peninsula enclosed by the Arabian Sea in the west, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Bay of Bengal in the east (Figure...

Natural Sciences: Junk DNA Has an Important Role

The term miracle is increasingly losing its romance with the corresponding advancement of modern science. The unrevealed mystery of nature, which was considered utterly inexplicable, only the other day, has now become an object glaring reality at the magic touch of science. It is, undoubtedly, a bewildering experience to think...

Quantitative Research Design Analysis

Introduction In order to evaluate any quantitative study, we need to pay special attention to such aspects as the use of research methods and their appropriateness, the sampling procedure, the validity of the information, obtained in the course of investigation, and finally, the importance of the work and its implications...

Op-ED Genetic Engineering: The Viewpoint

The debate about genetic engineering was started more than twenty years ago and since that time it has not been resolved. For a very long time, this field of science has been considered either as an ultimate remedy for many of our problems or as a direct threat to the...

Our Moon: a Piece of the Earth or Alien Stranger?

Introduction The Chinese have always involved the moon in their paintings and poetry. Despite various trials by scientists to reach the moon, there has been opposition in concluding on whether the moon is just a plenary object or was originally part of the planet earth (Derbakow 37). This essay shall...

“Diversity Revealed: From Atoms to Traits” by David M. Kingsley

The paper under consideration is an article titled as “Diversity Revealed: From Atoms to Traits”. This text was authored by David M. Kingsley and was published in the Scientific American Magazine on December 18th, 2008. The paper is based on Charles Darwin’s theory of random variations and how scientists in...

Impact of Relational Theory on Development of Generalization

Introduction There are disparities between different people on there relational thinking which has led to different understanding of algebraic relations. Different people will understand and explain relational questions in different students way frameworks according to how they have understood the situation. This has led to generalization of ideas. For example...

Darwin’s Theory and the Scientific Knowledge

Introduction We always are inside of the nature, under influence of its forces. If, being inside of the nature, we do not feel ourselves well and conveniently, and we test every possible pressure: the internal pressure in the person, pressure of a society, the environmental problems, the nature is a...

Volcanoes Activity in Papua New Guinea

The earth is made up of three main layers namely the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust is a thick solid rock, the mantle also referred to as magma is a thick molten rock and the core has an eccentric slid surrounded by liquid. Temperatures inside the core...

Rosalind Franklin and the Incident With Nobel Prize

The April 25, 1953 issue of journal Nature published three consecutive papers, and has given the world one of the most exciting discoveries of 20th century, the “molecular structure of nucleic acids”, for which Watson, Crick and Wilkins shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their...

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Introduction In the world of bioethics the discussion on human embryonic stem cell research has resulted in a heated debate, from Washington D.C. and to the other parts of the United States of America. Human embryonic stem cell research (“hESR”) creates a discussion that could not be easily resolved. But...

Geometrical Inference and Reasoning

Geometry is traced for over 2000 years back from ancient Greece. World-renowned science pioneers like Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Euclid were greatly associated with geometry, which its real denotation could be established from the Greek language. ” Geos” in Greek is simply, earth and “metron” is referred to as measure. The...

Large Hadron Collider’s Launch and Consequences

Introduction The aim of the present paper is to argue on the matters of Large Hadron Collider launch, the probable consequences of the launch, and to compare the view on the probable consequences of the launch. For several years, politicians and researchers alike have announced that “globalization” is the future...

Resource Value Effects Territorial Defense by Broad-Tailed and Rufous Hummingbirds

Introduction An animal of a particular species may defend a territory from animals of other species or its own species. Mostly the territories are held by either individuals, a group or mated pair. Food is the overall key determinant for a species to hold the territory. The key factor for...

Human Behavior: Netsilik Eskimo and Igbo Tribe

Introduction The human civilization, despite its being a single form of the organization of social life, is rather diverse. The major differences between peoples inhabiting the Earth are based on their genetic and ethnic peculiarities, cultural traditions, and customs as well as on the geographical regions they inhabit. Numerous variations...

Anthropology: The `Kennewick Man Controversy’

Introduction The Kennewick Man Controversy is a prime example of disability to resolve an issue in a proper and skillful manner and the all the involved parties, the archaeologists, the US Government and the Umatilla tribe, lacked the understanding of the other party and ultimately lead to a fiasco of...

Bonobos’ Sexual Receptivity and Social Behaviour

Introduction The Pan group of non human primates resembles the human beings the most. They are the chimpanzees of the Pan Troglodytes and the bonobo ape of the Pan Paniscus. Their sociosexual behaviors resemble hominoids. Their lives in the wild gave them special characteristics which were modified when they moved...

All About the Role of Genetic Engineering and Biopiracy

Introduction The term genetic engineering makes the headline invariably every other day in newspapers. With demand for surplus growth, every attempt is made to increase productions and control pest damage using artificial and secondary methods. In India, the government has given the clearance for the first time, the testing of...

Molecular Beacon Usage to Detect Gene Expression

Introduction The paper proposes an experimental research to examine if the molecular beacons can be usefully employed in the detection of the gene expression of the cancer cells. In this regard there will be an experimental research conducted on the cancer diagnosed stomach and a normal stomach by injecting the...

Geographic Effects on the Middle Eastern Economy

The Middle East is a term popularized in Britain around 1900 that is used to refer to a world region with no clear designated boundaries that span from southwestern Asia to northeastern Africa. Throughout history, the Middle East has been a major player in world affairs. The Middle East is...

UK Population: Statistics Project

Introduction This paper provides a discussion on description and analysis of data. For this population, the population statistics of UK for the years from 1970 to 2006 has been used. Data was obtained from the World Bank site (WB. 2008). Description of Data accessing The data selected for the paper...

Genetic Engineering and Cloning Controversy

Introduction Genetic engineering and cloning are the most important and controversial issues in modern science. The benefits of cloning are possibility to treat incurable diseases and increase longlivity, reduce human sufferings and treat genetic diseases. Some people argue that this kind of genetic intervention is motivated by the desire of...

George Gmelch: Lessons From the Field

The current review deals with Gmelch’s article Lessons from the field initially published in Annual Editions: Anthropology. To understand the purpose and significance of this article one should pay attention to Gmelch scholarly background and the main directions of his studies. There is no denying the importance of the fact...

Chapter 4 of “Your Inner Fish” by Neil Shubin

Neil Shubin is one of the most famous biologists and paleontologists of the modern world. His works, “Your Inner Fish,” especially attract readers’ attention and positive feedbacks of critics not only by their strong theoretical basis, a wide variety of evidence and support, and well-developed structure but also by the...

Position of Earth in the Universe Between Astronomers

Though, in general, the scientific community has been taking its work ahead by picking up threads from the god’s creation, but there are instances in history where religious practitioners and the scientific community had been on a collision course. The dispute over the position of the earth in the universe...

Risk: A Statistical Perspective

Introduction Risk is a term widely used in different contexts and different disciplines of knowledge. This is perceived in many different manners in different subjects. In probability, this is defined as the product of an event multiplied by negative impact (quantum of loss) associated with that event. Thus it is...

Statistics in “Trump Wall” by Rodgers & Bailey

Introduction Displaying statistical materials as one of the convenient reporting methods is a common practice in various fields. In the sphere of homeland security, graphic charts and diagrams are often utilized to demonstrate the level of the violations of state borders, crime rates, and other crucial data. Nevertheless, even in...

The Development of Life on Earth

Evolution of both animal and plants took place through out the geological time, though in the initial stages of the geological time scale only rudimentary form of life existed. The various life forms that dominated during these times are: Precambrian era: According to (Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed 2007) “fossilized bacteria...

Tectonic Forces Originating Deep within the Earth

Introduction Tectonic force are those kinds of forces that originate from beneath the surface and alter the surface configuration of the earth due to lithospheric plate movement. (Marko, 2002) Plate tectonic movement is the movement of the continental plates. It is believed that the earth was once a continuos land...

Complexity Theory in Educational Administration

Introduction Complexity theory is closely linked to chaos theory, this theory studies systems that are very complex to precisely forecast their future, but nonetheless show fundamental patterns which can assist us to deal with this increasingly complex world. Science typically examines the world by breaking it into smaller and smaller...

Alternate Catalysts for Organic Reactions and Synthesis

Introduction The study is based on the principles of green chemistry that can be considered as the main notions regarding the importance of the responsibility to the environment in different forms and along with the issues related to Chemistry and compositions of different organic systems. Due to the twofold importance...

Chemistry of the Dying Process, With and Without a Mordant

Ancient people may have gotten the idea to dye fabrics when they noticed stains on their clothing after eating or working with different plants, berries, and mollas. They began to use these plants and animals to dye fabrics. Ancient dyes can be classified chemically into three groups: blue and purple...

The North Carolina Zoo Animal Management

Introduction The North Carolina zoological park was started in 1976 and stands at 1,458 acres of land in Asheboro in the United States of America. It consists of three major areas, Africa, North America and the Australia area which was closed in 2006. It is open throughout the year except...

What Is the Effect of BRCA 1/2 on the Patient’s Health?

BRCA 1/2 is considered one of the most reliable genetics testings to identify genetic mutations, which signify an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Notwithstanding this fact, a majority of health insurance companies reject to reimburse care based on genetics. For instance, Medicare declares that the company will not cover...

Bias: Clinical Trial, Pragmatic and Explanatory Trials

Bias in Clinical Trial It is a challenging task for researchers to conduct a study that will be credible, mainly when it refers to large clinical trials. In this case, scholars should overcome various kinds of bias to make their work free from possible errors. Thus, “Effect of Behavioral Interventions...

Santa Barbara Lands: Biome Project

Selected Area Description The selected area for the Biome Project is the small city Santa Barbara, California, on the Western coast. The town is located near the coastal line and has borders with natural resorts and reservations. Moreover, the city has no evident or visible sights of agricultural land or...

Four Types of Correlation Coefficients Comparison

Table Table 1. Four Correlation Coefficients and their Comparisons. Statistical Method What the Statistical Method/Test Measures What type of research question would best apply to this method? Pearson’s r This is the parametric coefficient for determining relationships between variables, including their direction and magnitude, and making inferences about correlations between...

Veterans’ Civilian Employment Experiences

Introduction The article used for this essay discusses the experience of veterans of the Second Gulf War in their attempts to enter the workforce. The researchers employ four focus groups that consist of employed and unemployed study subjects to gain an experiential understanding of their experience. Keeling, Ozuna, Kintzle, and...

Genetics Impact on Health Care in the Aging Population

In contemporary medical practice, a number of prevalent diseases in the aging population, such as type-2 diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity, have a genetic origin. Recent scientific advances in the field of genomics raise demand for new health public policies, introducing innovative laboratory testing and treatment methods. This paper briefly...

Concepts of Validity and Reliability in Research

Introduction Validity refers to the degree to which counts from a measurement stand for the variable they are meant for. Conversely, the term reliability denotes the constancy of an investigation or test. These two concepts go hand in hand during research and contribute to the credibility of the investigation. This...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique

Quantitative Study The quantitative research study that is to be critiqued is the one written by Pickham et al. in 2018. The researchers highlighted the problem of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) and the benefits which routine patient-turning practices failed to demonstrate. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the...

Drinking: Survey Tool Development

Introduction Surveys can assist in collecting diverse types of information for varied types of studies, including quantitative ones. This paper will follow the development of a survey tool that is meant for a quantitative project dedicated to binge drinking. Two online surveys will be analyzed, and their examples, along with...

Theory Building in Nursing

Building theories allow scientists to study phenomena of the real world by representing them in the form of abstract models. This approach provides researchers with a useful tool that makes it possible to reduce the complexity of the processes in question by focusing on the most relevant aspects of them....

Transport for London: Marketing Analytics

Sampling Scheme The appropriate sampling scheme that Transport for London (TfL) should use in surveying attitudes and preferences of passengers for Night Tube services is stratified method. Since TfL lacks a sampling frame, the use of the stratified sampling method would allow the categorization of passengers into distinct groups with...

Chemistry of Cooking. Saffron Rice Experiment

Introduction Saffron is a spice often used in cooking because of its distinct aroma and golden color. A typical application of it is in cooking rice, although it can be used in other meals as well. However, apart from these properties, the history of Saffron’s use reveals that people have...

Forensics of Fire and Explosions Critique

Reading the work by Professor Fred Smith on the forensics of fire and explosions compelled me to gain deeper insights on the field and the scientific community around it. First and foremost, the paper was eye-revealing in regards to the importance of scientific evidence in the criminal justice system. To...

Developmental Stages of Human Beings

Human beings have to go through a sequence of developmental stages or milestones. Each phase is essential since it supports the acquisition of both physical and cognitive abilities. A detailed analysis of each childhood stage can make it possible for caregivers and guardians to offer timely or evidence-based support. The...

How Science Is Demarcated from Pseudoscience

The main reason why I choose to discuss this topic is that, as time goes on, it is likely to become ever more discursively relevant. The growing popularity of different pseudoscientific ideas/pursuits amongst both the ordinary citizens and socially prominent policy-makers substantiates the validity of this suggestion. While exploring the...

Aspects of Human Evolution

The Role of Adaptations in Hominid Development Climate changes have an essential effect on the development and evolution of organisms since they support natural selection processes. Particularly challenging climate conditions require organisms to develop adaptive behaviors, and failure to do so usually results in extinction. Hominid development was also influenced...

Linear Programming Usage and Analysis

Usage scenario Linear programming (LP) is used to find the optimal solution for functions operating under known constraints. Therefore, it is best suited for operating within a decision environment with certainty. Such situations are common in business and economics, where the costs are known, or when distributing limited resources. One...

Obesity in African-American Women: Methodology

Introduction The problem of obesity in African-American women aged between 40 and 65 continues growing and challenging many nurses and public health workers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), approximately 56% of black women older than 20 are obese and required additional medical help to manage...

EBSCO/CINAHL and Medline/Pubmed: Evidence Appraisal

Abstract The paper reports the results of the evidence search conducted by using two databases: EBSCO/CINAHL and Medline/Pubmed. The purposes of the assignment, as well as search criteria, are briefly stated in the introduction. The following section, Methods, and Results, describes the tools and approaches used during the search and...

Spectroscopy of “Reactive Intermediates” Trapped in Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets

The goal of the experimental research program was to separate and stabilize transitory intermediates and yields generated by prototype combustion reactions. The main method used was the Helium Nanodroplet Isolation (HENDI), which is a groundbreaking technology that uses liquid helium droplets to freeze out high-energy, highly stable structures of a...

Reaction Kinetics: Making Stew with Beans

Results Plots have been created to show how the mass of chickpeas changes with the time of soaking in deionized water (see Figure 1), 2M NaCl (see Figure 2), and 3M NaCl (see Figure 3). These plots were compared for 3 duplicated sets of experimental conditions. It can be seen...

Personal Genetics and Risks of Diseases

Introduction Concerning genetics, biographical information includes data such as ethnicity. Although diseases occur in all ethnic groups, some are more frequent in specific populations as compared to others. Therefore, being that prior risk is centered on the couples’ and donors’ ethnic background, residual risk will also be affected. Based on...

Chemistry: Molecules that Make a Solution Red

Literature Review The perception of color arises when light receptors in the eye convey messages to the brain, hence producing different sensations of color. Early observations by Newton revealed that color is not inherent in objects.1 Instead, the surface of an object reflects certain colors and absorbs others. Therefore, the...

Statistics in Real-Life Application

Introduction Numerous students of different ages who study statistics admit that this course is boring. They stipulate that this subject is based on unrealistic materials that are not useful. However, in-depth insight into statistics and its underlying principles can show that this discipline offers some helpful information that can be...

Archeology at the Dirtiest Beach in New York

Introduction The issues of water and coastal pollution cause serious concern among ecologists today because the high anthropogenic activity and the expansion of industrial influence inevitably entail contamination. In some places, landfills and temporary waste are disposed of timely, but there are areas where garbage and sewage accumulate over the...

Misinformation and Fake News Study by Scheufele & Krause

The problem of public misinformation has become surprisingly common in the U.S. setting, causing numerous clashes between citizens. The study by Scheufele and Krause (2019) seeks to analyze the process of becoming misinformed about basic scientific knowledge, which seems to have become an issue in the American social environment. Specifically,...

Horses as Pampered Prisoners in Henderson’s Book

Introduction As they say, people are responsible for what they have tamed. It equally refers to all those animals that have been domesticated by humans over many years. As for horses, they play an essential role in modern society because they are used in agriculture, sport, and even leisure activities....

Physical and Chemical Control of Growth and Viability in Nutrient Delivery

Quorum sensing may be defined as an occurrence where the buildup of signaling molecules permits a single cell to detect the number of bacteria in terms of cell density (What is quorum sensing? n.d.). The natural habitat contains numerous bacteria from different taxonomical groups, which possess and utilize distinct classes...

Far-Red Shifted Chlorophyll Definition

The claims that photosynthesis is one of the most critical processes on Earth are not without merit. Life on Earth is based on carbon, oxygen, and their sunlight-induced interplay. The same sentient beings that are continually studying the mechanism of photosynthesis would not exist without it. The carbohydrates that provide...

The Concept of Color Blindness

Genetic research has contributed to the understanding of various physiological patterns, traits, and processes. The analysis of genes and the role they play was instrumental in identifying diverse inheritable disorders associated with sex. Color blindness is one of the most well-known sex-related disorders, although it can be difficult to diagnose...

Interview With a Science Professional: Steven Kidder

Steven Kidder is an assistant professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the City College of New York. He received a doctorate from the University of California Institute of Technology in 2012 and a master’s degree from Arizona University. These accomplishments allowed Mr. Kidder to specialize in structural geology, which...

The History of Oak Cliff Neighborhood, Dallas, Texas

Geographic Level The geographical feature of north-central Texas: rolling plains. Humid, subtropical climate; annual precipitation ̶ 35.77 inches. It is located on the west side of the Trinity River. Occupies the territory of 87 square miles. Elevation above the sea level: 500 to 800 feet. Mean temperature: 45.44° F (winter)...

Planet of the Apes

The evolution of human intelligence The first topic for discussion is the potential of current classifications to reflect existing relationships among primate lineages, especially between human and non-human apes. In the book, apes were almost identical to humans in terms of their mental abilities and capable of rising to power...

Switching Majors and the Probability of Degree Completion

Introduction In today’s increasingly competitive and high-paced educational and working environment it can be very difficult for students to make a good decision as for the choice of their primary major. For this reason, there exists a phenomenon of changing academic majors, which can have both a positive and negative...

Exploring Light Spectrum Using Spectroscope

Introduction The light spectrum is the combination of all the wavelengths of energy produced by a light source. Three types of the spectrum can describe almost every light source: continuous, absorption, and emission. A continuous spectrum is emitted by hot objects, such as light bulbs or flames. If dark lines...

Stem Cell Debate: Advantages and Disadvantages of Stem Cell Technology

Introduction One of the most prolonged debates in the field of biology is that on stem cells. They refer to undifferentiated cells that have the ability to separate into other types. Commonly found in a multi-cellular organism, those in mammals have two major groups. The first one is embryonic stem...

Telephone-Based Support for Post-discharge Breastfeeding Mothers

Data Collection The proposed research project is focused on the following PICOT statement: (P) – new mothers after a vaginal delivery; (I) – lactation support phone calls after discharge; (C) – patients receiving no intervention; (O) – the increased chances of breastfeeding success; (T) – six weeks after delivery. Since...

Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research

Introduction The PICOT question for this study is “In children with asthma between the ages of 5 and 19 (P), does a combination program consisting 5 weeks of education sessions, once per week including children and their families in the primary care setting and a daily controller medication (I) compared...

European vs. Native American Societies

Introduction During the 16-17th centuries, when the Europeans started to arrive in the New World, they discovered a society of Native Americans, or Indians, which was fundamentally different from their own. Considering themselves to be the champions of the civilized world, the Europeans thought that the Indian culture and society...

Research Methods for Nursing and Healthcare

Sample and Setting The researcher will sample nurses and congestive heart failure patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Nurses will be sampled from the hospital’s department of cardiology. They have to have worked in this department for at least five years. They will provide their expert opinion on...

Colombia: Country Analysis for Business Expansion

Colombia is a country of great potential due to its people and considerable natural resources; the ineffective management of these assets leads to a high poverty rate. However, Colombia has well-established economic relations with the USA, so it is important to understand the peculiarities of this state. The country is...

Kyrgyzstan’s Demographics, Government and Culture

Basic Information The official national name of Kyrgyzstan is the Kyrgyz Republic (Central Intelligence Agency, 2018). A citizen of Kyrgyzstan is properly referred to as a Kyrgyzstani (Central Intelligence Agency, 2018). Products of materials from Kyrgyzstan are referred to as Kyrgyz in origin (Central Intelligence Agency, 2018). Demographics The population...

Anthropology: Infectious Disease Education for Indian People

Introduction In the modern world, much attention is paid to health literacy and the exchange of necessary information. Community involvement cannot be ignored because this practice makes multiple sources available for creating new strategies and understanding human behaviors (Scrimshaw 7653). Along with social scientists, health professionals, and researchers, anthropologists play...

Sexual Assault: Non- and Professional Articles

Journals are an important source of information that can provide individuals with facts, data, or knowledge they need to improve the understanding of a particular aspect or issue. However, during the research, it is critical to take into account the fact that there are various types of works preconditioned by...

Bologna-Surface Bacterial Analysis: Bacterial Contamination on Two Food Contact Surfaces

Introduction The natural environment contains many micro-organisms that are suspended in the air, in water and on other organisms, for instance, humans. Modern laboratories are busy settings as personnel usually share equipment across overlapping work stations, which are near busy areas or high-traffic instruments. Therefore, it is essential to practice...

“The Blue Zones of Happiness” by Dan Buettner

The video “The Blue Zones of Happiness” shows a lecture read by an American explorer, Dan Buettner. Being a National Geographic Fellow and public speaker, he is the founder of the so-called “Blue Zones.” These zones are the areas where the average life expectancy is much higher than in other...

Chapter 3 of “The Triumph of the Seeds” by Hanson

Chapter Summary The chapter “Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut” of Hanson’s (2015) book presents the author’s empiric and exploration journey by understanding how seeds store and use energy for embryos and germination. The biologist attracts and captures readers’ attention not only by an eye-catching chapter title but also by...

Anthropological Development and Modernity

Introduction Attempting to understand the human essence regarding the influence of factors on the formation of this biological species is the key task of anthropology, and research in this area proves that evaluation criteria are different. Modern people living in highly developed cities and enjoying the latest technological advances have...

Visualizing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Mid-Atlantic Ridge Scrutinizing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from the perspective of the Continental Drift Theory (CDT), one will understand the nature of the object and the processes that take place within it. If the entire mass of water is drained from the Earth, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as a divergent plate boundary...

Birth of Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe

In astronomy, there are a lot of investigations that are connected to the study of massive black hole sources in the universe. The present paper on astronomy offers an overview of an article entitled Birth of Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe, published on January 23, 2019, on the...

Homo Floresiensis and Human Evolution Models

Homo florensis were discovered recently as a new hominid species and provided some new evidence for the three models of human origins – Out-of-Africa, the Multiregional, and the Assimilation theories. According to Whitehouse (2018), Homo florensis were found on the island of Flores in Indonesia. The main characteristic that differs...

Near-Death Experiences and Life Understanding

Death is a resonating topic in modern culture and the main source of people’s fears. Humans have been reflecting on mortality for millennia, and this practice plays a big role in religion. Studies of near-death experience contribute to the discussion, by taking a look at individuals who were at some...

Death Before and After Urbanization

The theme of death is among the most popular topics in modern culture, and it resonates with many people. The fear of dying is sitting deeply in the minds of individuals in western civilizations, but there are substantial cross-cultural differences that can be found in the way people from different...

BioAnth News: Every Day Mutations

Nowadays, more attention is paid to the role of anthropology in modern society. This science aims at investigating human biology and culture and combining the past developments and changes with the present achievements and progress (Rice and Moloney 1). However, it is not always possible for an ordinary reader to...

Research Problem, Design and Sample

The relevance and validity of data used as evidence depend strongly on the research method used by the research team. Both the research design and the sampling method have a significant influence on the applicability and reliability of the results. The following paper describes the most common research design related...

Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis

The introduction of reproducibility and repeatability as the means to remove the threats of machine errors as well as human ones is crucial to the performance of a company. Herein lies the importance of carrying out the corresponding analyses typically known as gage studies (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014). Considering the...

Theory of Continental Drift

What was Pangaea? According to the continental drift theory, over 300 million years ago, all the continents were joined together forming a single landmass surrounded by water. This landmass is called Pangaea. List 4 type of evidence which supported continental drift The continental drift theory supposes that over 300 million...

Country A vs. Chad: Economic and Social Differences

Introduction The case country is Chad, one of the least developed countries located in Central Africa. Chad is bordered by Libya in the north, Niger to the west, Nigeria and Niger in the southwest, Central Africa Republic to the south, and Sudan in the east. Similar to Country A, Chad’s...

Peer Review Cycle and the Differences Between Editor and Peer Reviewer

In the peer review cycle, the first important point is conducting the actual research. This is imperative because it helps one to have a critical perspective of the issue at hand and how its implication on the field of study. This acts as a determinant of the next steps in...

Genetic Variants Influencing Effectiveness of Exercise Training Programmes

Introduction Intended Audience: Healthcare professionals, medical students, academics Author Background: All three authors have extensive medical backgrounds. Writer’s Angle: The authors examine human predisposition towards obesity from the genetics point of view and observe how this predisposition is affected by physical training and other factors, such as diet, socioeconomic factors,...

Factor Analysis vs. Principal Components Analysis

One of the main differences between factor analysis (FA) and principal components analysis (PCA) is that FA attempts to find “unobserved variables” (factors) in a set of original variables, whereas PCA transforms the existing variables into several new variables (components) (Field, 2013, sec. 17.3.0-17.3.2; Warner, 2013, p. 830). Therefore, in...

Eugenics, Human Genetics and Their Societal Impact

Ever since the discovery of DNA and the ability to manipulate it, genetics research has remained one of the most controversial scientific topics of the 21st century. The key concepts around this topic consist of genetics (the study of genetic material and mechanisms responsible for the transmission of characteristics) and...

Natural Selection and Evolution Impact on Health

Introduction: Natural Selection Natural selection has helped humans identify the most crucial areas that impact genetic adjustment to the environment (Vasseur and Quintana-Murci 596). With the assistance of evolution, it is possible to forecast the engagement of different genes in human illnesses. Much progress has been made in genetic investigations...

Miami-Dade County in Florida: Geological History

Introduction Geology is a natural science which studies soil and its composition, including rocks and minerals. It focuses strongly on the transformation of the Earth’s geology over the 4.5 billion years of its existence as it underwent a continuous change and cataclysmic events, which have formed the composition of the...

Statistics: Dummy and Orthogonal-Coded Regression

Introduction The current paper provides the results of two multiple regressions performed on the same data but using different types of coding of dummy variables: dummy coding and orthogonal coding. After the description of the data file and after testing the regressions’ assumptions, the research questions, hypotheses, and the alpha...

Self-Reflexivity: Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

Self-reflexivity is considered the highest stage of knowledge (Popoveniuc, 2014). Therefore, to understand the peculiarities of research, it is necessary to apply the concept of self-reflexivity. Realizing biases and viewpoints of other cultures will help me to apply cultural relativism to my work. When analyzing the sources used for my...

Application of T-Tests and F-Tests

Application of t-Tests A research question that can be addressed by using an independent samples t-test about the area of General Psychology is as follows: “Are married couples (both spouses aged 18-25) that have no children and live separately from their parents have fewer quarrels than those married couples (both...

Unit VIII Project: Group Meeting

I have recently attended a group meeting in my community, which aimed at the discovery of the necessity of the vegetation in the area. In this instance, the group consisted out of six members, and I could freely observe their interactions. The primary goal of this assignment is to conduct...