Reviewing Quantitative Academic Literature and Data

Abstract Quantitative researchers always carry out literature reviews since they test hypotheses based on prior work and data in their field. It is crucial to utilize the right approach while analyzing quantitative methodology in research. According to McCandless (2010), data is a creative means, and using visualization such as tables,...

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Every kind of research demands a clear and properly structured methodology for it to be successful. What is demanded from a researcher is that he or she should understand the main components of the scientific research method and be ready to ground his or her thoughts and ideas reasonably and...

Safety Presented by the Use of Bisphenol-A (BPA)

Bispenol-A (BPA) is a very essential chemical compound used in the manufacture of a variety of plastic-based materials. For instance, the manufacture of epoxy resins as well as the polycarbonate plastics heavily relies on the availability of bisphenol A (Chenier, 2002). The plastics are thereafter used to make containers for...

The Relationship of Linear Motion Equations

Introduction In physics, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Mass, and Inertia depend on each other. The five units are the core and important areas that Physics students learn in research for the purpose of enhancing and initiating modern Physics. Meanwhile, there are changes of these terms depending on the way they have...

Compound Action Potential in Frog Sciatic Nerve

The duration, amplitude, and shape of the compound action potential change with an increase in stimulus strength. When stimulation increases in strength, more fiber nerves are activated and the AP of the fibers summates a CAP and as a result, when the stimulus happens to be stronger a large segment...

“Trouble With Wilderness” and “Which Species Will Live”

Introduction Since the origin of humanity, humans have affected the natural environment around them. As civilization expands and its ability to harm, often unknowingly, other species and disrupt entire ecosystems grows, the question of preserving nature becomes more critical. Never has this question been more prominent than in the last...

Analysis of Sea Lampreys Problem

Introduction Sea invasion is a common occurrence, for example, Lake Superior and Huron produced more than 7000 tons of fish in 1940 before the collapse of trout population after infestation by sea lampreys in 1962 (“U.S. fish & Wildlife Service n.d.”). In essence, sea lampreys have affected ecology in lakes...

Ideal Experiment Design: Independent and Dependent Variables

Experiment Design According to this well-known saying, the accidental discovering and picking up a penny will result in a lucky day afterward. Thus, the discovery of a coin is an influential factor, and luck during the day is a consequence of this factor. In the experiment, an independent variable is...

Biology Lab: Why Ice Floats

Ice is usually considered to be a mineral that consists of hydrogen oxide. When ice is frozen at a constant pressure of 1 atmosphere the resultant effect is that it becomes less dense than liquid water by 9%. At 00c, ice has a density of 0.9167 g/cm3 compared to liquid...

Application of Fluid Inclusions in Geothermal Fields

Abstract Based on the fact that minerals are always made of aqueous matter, minute liquid-blebs could be collected within structures that are crystalline in nature or that have been with healed-fractures. The tiny blebs may be within the ranges of zero point one to one point zero millimeters; due to...

Muslims and Mathematics

One of the prominent Muslim scholars is a mathematician, geographer, and astronomer Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (pp. 780–850). There is not much information about his life, in particular, it is assumed that he came from a clan of Zoroastrian priests and was considered a magician. The term “algebra” was formed using the...

Designing Oligonucleotide Primers in Biology

Introduction Molecular biology tools include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which requires a mRNA template or a cDNA template, polymerase enzyme and a primer; mainly an oligonucleotide primers. The design of the best primer is important for the success of many molecular biology techniques such as polymerase chain Reaction, hybridization, sequencing...

Calcium Movement in Muscle Contraction

Calcium is an essential element within the process of muscle contraction due to its direct involvement in the interaction between muscle fiber proteins, such as actin, troponin, and myosin. Myofibrils have the ability to interact with ATP and contract only in the presence of certain concentrations of calcium ions in...

Finite Element Analysis and Types of Elements

Introduction Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) also known as Finite Elements Method (FEM) is an approach to solve a physical problem by solving the Governing Differential Equations by converting the Governing Differential Equations into a set of Linear Equations over smaller domains or elements known as element level equilibrium equations. These...

System Identification and Parameter Estimation for a First-Order System: DC Motor

Abstract This report covers the exploration of system identification and parameter estimation for a first-order system. The choice of a system is justified by the use of the first-order differential equations. They are necessary to determining time constant ???? and steady-state gain ????. Throughout the experiment, static, frequency response, and...

Ecuador-Galapagos Islands: Overview

Historical Background The Discovery of the islands in 1535 by the Bishop of Panama, Fray Tomas de Berlanga. “The first scientific mission to the Galápagos came in 1790 under the leadership of Alessandro Malaspina, a Sicilian captain, sent by the King of Spain.” (Jackson, 1993, p. 2) The Galapagos archipelago...

Mitosis and Meiosis Discussion

The process of cell division is a fundamental process that sustains life. Almost all human cells reproduce through mitosis, which creates genetically identical cells (Daily Med Ed, 2015a). Thus, the continuity in several cell generations is maintained, and the working capacity of human tissues is maintained. However, some cells, for...

Cell DNA and Protein Synthesis

Organelles are a category of structures that constitute the cell within the organism. The most prominent one in eukaryotic cells is the nucleus, which contains the DNA and controls the cell’s operations. The mitochondria are primarily responsible for energy conversion, and the ribosomes produce proteins that are necessary for operations....

The Impact of Genes on Behavior

The selected topic is the impact of genes on behavior. This topic is interesting due to the numerous debates on whether there is a correlation between genes and personality or behavior. Critically, there are studies that claim that twins often have the same behaviors. Considering this, therefore, one can argue...

Boiling Is a Process That Cools the Water

Grandma, science is good at making people have a sense of cognitive dissonance; the unpleasant internal contradictions felt when presented with the knowledge that is contrary to what one earlier perceived. Such a form of cognitive dissonance can give people a little trouble when they are attempting to comprehend why...

Pythagorean Theorem: Significant Discovery of Humankind

The famous Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek mathematician and philosopher and lived about 2.5 thousand years ago. Pythagorean theorem states that in a right triangle, the squared hypotenuse – the largest side opposite the right angle – is equal to the sum of the squared legs – two smaller...

Technology of Synthesis of Genetically Modified Insulin

Introduction There is no doubt that modern technologies greatly simplify human life, especially if it concerns computers and intelligent systems. Being a part of a developed digital society, the consumer integrates with existing technical solutions every day and, therefore, hardly perceives them as something fantastic. In biological technologies, the situation...

Fermentation, Aerobic, and Anaerobic Respiration Discussion

Trillions of cells build the human body, and their lifespan processes keep organs and systems alive. The most significant operations are metabolism to grow and reproduction of cells, as they support an organism’s overall environment. Fermentation, aerobic and anaerobic respiration are essential parts of this maintenance. Microbes apply them for...

The Significance of Skhul V Analysis

Introduction Hominid fossils can provide biologists with the crucial insights into the ancestral background of modern humans. The Skhul V specimen was found in 1932 by Theordore McCown and Hallum Movius Jr (Homo Sapiens: Skhul V). The location of the finding served as the inspiration for the fossil’s name. In...

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Characteristics

The classification of organisms based on their structure implies their belonging to either prokaryotic or eukaryotic types. The cells forming these organisms vary in both anatomy and function. The principal anatomical difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is in the presence of a membrane that bounds organelles and the nucleus in...

Microbiology: History and Development

Microbiology studies the structure, vital functions, patterns, and developmental conditions of organisms. The name of science microbiology, one of the biological sciences, came from three Greek words: mikros – small, bios – life, and logos – study (Singh & Satyanarayana, 2017). In other words, microbiology is the science of tiny...

The Objectivity of Science: Can Science Be Fully Objective

Introduction The question of objectivity in the practice of science is problematic for various reasons. First, scientific theories are based on objectivity claim that they have unique access to truth. This assertion is premised on the argument that empirical science, or what is commonly known as measurable science, can validate...

Advantages of Using Genetically Modified Foods

GMO is the abbreviation for any organism whose genetic code has undergone an artificial, targeted change. It is essential to understand that this applies only to those transformations that cannot occur either as a result of selection or as a result of evolution. Modern biotechnology allows the movement of genetic...

Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis

Introduction Living multicellular organisms are fragile biological systems that have the potential to be damaged by negative factors. Thus, touching the edge of the blade on the skin surface usually causes injury to the epidermis’ soft tissues. Nevertheless, somatic cells, which form the basis of tissues, are protected with regeneration,...

Algebra as a Requirement in High School and College

Introduction In modern conditions, mathematics is the language of science and technology. With its help, many processes and phenomena occurring in the world, society, and nature are modeled, studied, and predicted, therefore the mathematical training of students is a necessary condition for accelerating technological progress. The scientific, economic, production, and...

Scientific Testing on Animals

Introduction Although human beings usually gain from scientific testing on animals, their distress, pain, and death do not match the likely benefits. Irrespective of animal subjects having been used in scientific research for a long time, the practice is cruel and should not continue. Researchers across the globe share their...

Reliability Versus Validity in Conducting Research

Reliability is the measure that shows how often the research presented the same results after the same tests were done. The reliability of a test or research depends on its frequency and consistency. The results of the test or research are considered reliable in case if the same outcome was...

Why Canadians Cycle More Than Americans

Introduction Why Canadians cycle more than Americans: a comparative analysis of bicycling trends and policies studies the cycling habits of Americans and compares them to a much more active cycling community of Canada. The paper’s main focus is the evident difference between the popularity of cycling in two counties despite...

Memory Drum Theory’s Projection

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to look into memory drum theory’s projection that the increase in simple reaction time (SRT) was proportional to the complexity of the response to be instigated (Anson, 1982). How the Goal Relates to My Research The author hypothesized that...

Potential Danger to Human Life: Comets and Asteroids

This paper is a summary of the fear of human extinction as it happened with the dinosaurs; as a result of the development of extraordinary skills used in the manufacture of complicated systems and superior weapons which lead to mass destruction based on the claims that they are meant for...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data Study

Introduction Data can be classified as either qualitative or quantitative (Black, 1999). Quantitative data is data that can be put in numerical form while qualitative data cannot. Qualitative data deals with quality while quantitative data deals with quantity. There is a distinctive difference between the two types of data. Qualitative...

Cameron’s POS to Organizational Effectiveness

Scope of the Theory Positive Organizational Scholarship represented by Cameron provides an examination of typical and deviated patterns of behavior of employees to highlight the problems and positive outcomes of the organizational process (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003). Hence, the theory focuses on the organizational dynamics leading to the Development...

Theory and Methodology in Social Science Research

Significance of a suitable question The issue of media in everyday life of human beings is among the most pivotal. The question is that living in the post-industrial society, one needs to use information, as the main product of suchlike type of society. The time demands new prospects in terms...

Historical Biography of Jedidiah Smith

Overview Jeddah Smith was born on January1799 in western New York State. His ancestors were Thomas Bascom, Massachusetts and French Basque ancestry. He was born at a time when his family was deeply rooted in the audacious spirit of western migration. He started working as a hunter at the age...

Research Process in Social Work

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Research work in social work is either qualitative or quantitative in nature. Qualitative research, according to Neill (2007, p. 1) is used when the data that is gathered, or the research that has been performed, can not be quantified or assigned numerical weight. For example,...

Classical and Evolutionist Theories

Introduction Business management employs various strategies to achieve results. The five steps strategy by Porter focus on outside factors like the strength/weaknesses of competitions. The resource based approach by Penrose employ the firm’s resource and capabilities to gain a competitive edge. Theories, on their part, explain why various approaches to...

Ontario Geological Processes: Rock Formations

The objective of this project is to learn about the geological processes that formed some of the rock formations in the province of Ontario. The samples were viewed at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto in the Earth’s Treasures gallery. This gallery contains several hundred mineral and rock samples from...

The Brain, Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain Definition

Introduction The brain is that part of the central nervous system positioned in the skull. It is a mass of tissue pinkish-gray in color consisting of a network of nerve cells and weighs approximately three pounds. The human brain is one of the major and important organs of the body....

Basic Information About Italy

Relevant Country History The founders of Italy can be traced to the Etruscans who originally were from Turkey, but settled in Italy for a short period creating a civilization that would soon be the foundation of Rome. Rome was ruled by seven kings until the time when the Roman Republic...

Increasing Brain Performance and Its Influence on the Learning Process

People’s brain is the most secret and strange part of people’s bodies. Scientists have been researched it for many years, but the secret of the human brain is not solved for now. It is proved that people use only the smallest part of the brain’s potential and that it is...

Medicinal Value of Tropical Rainforest Plants: A Reference to the Amazon Rainforests

Introduction According to both written and archaeological evidence, plants have been a reliable source of medicine for human beings over a span of many thousand years. The first medicinal plants were probably discovered accidentally when a person tried the edibility of a plant and in the process discovered that it...

The Central Tendency Measures

Introduction The investigation on the topic is of importance when the management constraints are considered. The approach is to select the entry which characterizes the entire group. The significance of that representative should be analyzed to conclude for the application of different methods to reach up with the central entry....

Adolescent Brain Development and Legal Culpability

Neuroscience has made great strides which now provide new ideas about the development of the brain. New discoveries confirm scientifically that the teen years are a period for transition (Adolescence, Brain Development and Legal Culpability, Juvenile Justice Center) Impressive changes are believed to occur in the brain in the second...

Volcanoes Activity in Papua New Guinea

The earth is made up of three main layers namely the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust is a thick solid rock, the mantle also referred to as magma is a thick molten rock and the core has an eccentric slid surrounded by liquid. Temperatures inside the core...

Istanbul’s Economy and Demographics

Economy of Istanbul Istanbul is an economically developed city that combines the industry, tourism, and transportation sectors. Its GDP in 2017 amounted to one-third of Turkey’s GDP, or 970 billion Turkish liras (Kistak, 2018). The beneficial geographical location of Istanbul, as well as the history of its economic development and...

Chemistry: Molecules that Make a Solution Red

Literature Review The perception of color arises when light receptors in the eye convey messages to the brain, hence producing different sensations of color. Early observations by Newton revealed that color is not inherent in objects.1 Instead, the surface of an object reflects certain colors and absorbs others. Therefore, the...

Statistics in Real-Life Application

Introduction Numerous students of different ages who study statistics admit that this course is boring. They stipulate that this subject is based on unrealistic materials that are not useful. However, in-depth insight into statistics and its underlying principles can show that this discipline offers some helpful information that can be...

Istanbul: Urbanization Trends and City Attributes

Istanbul, a city, colonized in the seventh century BC, is still one of the cultural centers of the country and the world (Fisher-Onar, Pearce, & Keyman, 2018). Even though Istanbul lost its status as a capital, the level of its urban development remains significant. Istanbul was the capital of three...

The Effect of Osmosis on Egg

Abstract Osmosis helps cells to perform transport and separation functions and is a basic natural process. Any cell is surrounded by a membrane that transmits the molecules of oxygen, water, and nutrients. The inside of an eggshell is also a membrane through which oxygen passes, but unnecessary substances do not...

Kyrgyzstan’s Demographics, Government and Culture

Basic Information The official national name of Kyrgyzstan is the Kyrgyz Republic (Central Intelligence Agency, 2018). A citizen of Kyrgyzstan is properly referred to as a Kyrgyzstani (Central Intelligence Agency, 2018). Products of materials from Kyrgyzstan are referred to as Kyrgyz in origin (Central Intelligence Agency, 2018). Demographics The population...

Haitian Culture, Religion, Language, and Economics

Introduction Culture can be defined as knowledge and behaviors peculiar to people who are united territorially. As the representatives of the Caribbean region, Haitians are drastically different from the U. S. citizens in terms of habits and philosophy, which has implications to military operations. This paper reviews facts about the...

Theory of Continental Drift

What was Pangaea? According to the continental drift theory, over 300 million years ago, all the continents were joined together forming a single landmass surrounded by water. This landmass is called Pangaea. List 4 type of evidence which supported continental drift The continental drift theory supposes that over 300 million...

Factor Analysis vs. Principal Components Analysis

One of the main differences between factor analysis (FA) and principal components analysis (PCA) is that FA attempts to find “unobserved variables” (factors) in a set of original variables, whereas PCA transforms the existing variables into several new variables (components) (Field, 2013, sec. 17.3.0-17.3.2; Warner, 2013, p. 830). Therefore, in...

Characteristics and Geopolitical Significance of Russia

One of the most notable characteristics of today’s geopolitical situation in the world is that, as time goes, Russia becomes ever more potent in both: economic and political senses of this word. In its turn, this causes the U.S. and its allies a great deal of concern – the West...

Science Communication and Public Understanding

In NASA/TREK, Constance Penley proposes a “popular science” approach that engages science communication by emphasizing the importance of fantasy, entertainment, and popular culture. Choose a popular depiction of space travel – real or fictional – and discuss its significance to you in light of Penley’s approach to popular science. Use...

Anthropology: Natural Selection and Evolution

What is natural selection? Natural selection is the process of an organism’s adaptation to the environment that is performed through changing its genotype on a selective basis. Hence, an organism strives to preserve the most useful variations of its genotype to elevate the chances of survival. The ability to adopt...

Research Methodology of Family Studies

Qualitative and quantitative methods are similar in their reliance on research questions and selected data collection and analysis tools. In terms of differences, qualitative methods are non-representative, based on the textual information, and conducted to examine the phenomenon in detail. In contrast, quantitative methods are objective, findings can be discussed...

Group Discussion: Training and Development

Icebreaker To make sure that the audience is engaged with the subject matter and is ready explore the opportunities that case studies provide, one may consider inviting the participants to take an active part in the deconstruction of the phenomenon of a case study. However, apart from focusing on what...

Normal Distribution in Operation Processes

The phenomenon of the normal distribution is typically defined as the graph that displays the distribution of random variables (Tong, 2012, p. 26) and usually takes the form of a sine wave on a graph (see Fig. 1 below). When it comes to applying the concept of the normal distribution...

Use of Theory in Research

What is the theory? The theory is a set of basic principles (that are accepted as given), and of research methods that allow to derive new conclusions from these principles and/or to explain existing phenomena by employing them. The most telltale definitions and examples of theories can be provided by...

Industrial Corn in “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Pollan

The research focuses on part one of Omnivore’s Dilemma, Industrial Corn. The book is written by Michael Pollan. The review focuses on Chapters 1 (The Plant: Corn’s Conquest to Chapter 3 (The Elevator) of part 1(Industrial Corn) of The Omnivore’s Dilemma. The Industrial Corn comprises Chapters 1 (The Plant: Corn’s...

Metrology Experiment with Measurement Tools

Abstract Objectives and Scope The purpose of the experiment concerned testing the efficacy of the measurement tools such as the Vernir caliper, a depth gauge, a micrometer, and a gauge in an uncertainty analysis. The scope of the investigation was restricted to the analysis of the measurement results. Method The...

Genetics and Autism Development

Introduction Within the past two centuries, many researchers have been investigating the role of genetics in the development of various medical conditions. Such studies are taken seriously in an attempt to deal with different diseases and transform the lives of many people. One of the illnesses believed to be associated...

Indoor Smoking Ban: Study Methodology

The issue of whether or not the United States should pass a nationwide ban on indoor smoking is one that has managed to elicit a lot of debate. On the one hand, some support this move. Their stand is based on the obvious health risks that smoking in general, and...

Logistic Regression Results for Data Analysis

Introduction This paper provides the results of a logistic regression that was run to analyze the data contained in the file “helping3.sav.” The data file is described; the assumptions for the logistic regression are articulated and tested; the research question, hypotheses, and alpha level are stated; and the results of...

Naturalistic Inquiry and Qualitative Study

One of the distinctive features of the naturalistic inquiry is its focus on the context (Patton, 2014). This type of qualitative research is often associated with working in the field. Clearly, context is the key component of the research. Therefore, the theme that is the most persistent when considering the...

Qualitative Research Design and Sampling

Two Types of Study Design There are two major types of study design implemented to conduct research in exact, natural, social, and other sciences and disciplines. The choice of the design is largely determined by the purpose the researcher pursues as well as the essence of the experiment conducted (Creswell,...

Genetics of Developmental Disabilities

Introduction Developmental disabilities (DDs) comprise a group of chronic conditions associated with physical or mental impairments. A complex mix of factors causes these conditions in early stages of the human development. These factors include genes, complications during birth, exposure to environmental toxins, parental behaviours during pregnancy, and infections. Genetic defects...

Biology: Mechanical Signals Regulating Development

Introduction The success of tissue engineering is dependent on the ability to promote the desired cellular processes. Given the intricate process involved in tissue development and regeneration, it is crucial to understand how microenvironment regulates cell behavior. Generally, mechanical signals contribute significantly to the development of human beings, especially during...

Qualitative Phenomenological Research Process

Data Analysis In qualitative phenomenological studies, data analysis is based on the idea of thematic analysis that includes several specific steps. According to Braun, Clarke, and Terry (2014), the key phases of thematic analysis are the preparation of data for analysis and familiarization with them, coding, identifying themes, reviewing themes,...

Data Presentation and Method Variance in Research

Use of Tables and Figures in Research Research is an essential aspect that enables people to make appropriate use of the available information to handle issues that affect their lives. Data collecting, recording, and analyzing are critical aspects of any research process. Data collected by researchers forms the basis for...

Research Internal Validity and Variables Control

The issue of validity applies to any research or study and requires the researchers to develop methods and designs that would help to control the variables and achieve internal validity. Internal validity is “the extent to which [the experiment’s] design and the data it yields allow the researcher to draw...

Stem Cell Research Justification and Benefits

Introduction Stem cell research is one of the most controversial issues in the fields of medicine and religion. The controversy involves the ethics of the use, development, and destruction of human embryos for purposes of scientific research. In particular, it focuses on the use of embryonic stem cells in research....

Agriculture in Honduras: Existing Challenges and Possible Solutions

Introduction The economy of Honduras visibly depends on the agricultural sector. Its influence can be traced in the country’s GDP and is properly reflected in the involvement of the population, with roughly half of the workforce involved in agricultural activities. Unfortunately, the most value-added segment of the country’s productivity is...

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research in Humanities

The choice of the research approach depends on the goals set and the questions to be answered. The two approaches are based on two quite different philosophical paradigms. In terms of the qualitative philosophical view, it is believed that there are multiple realities, which creates various contexts that should be...

Substances Influence on Water

Introduction and Literature Review When temperature decreases, liquid changes into solid, which is called freezing. The temperature at which the solid-liquid change takes place depends on the chemical composition of the substance (Ge & Wang, 2009b). While pure compounds melt and freeze at certain temperatures, the addition of other substances...

The Perspectives of Genetic Engineering in Various Fields

Nowadays people strive for improving the quality of life, focus on higher accomplishments, and try to find new ways to overcome such social problems as diseases and hunger. In this context, genetic engineering seems to be potential to improve the quality of life because of creating new and improved organisms....

African-American Rituals from Emic and Etic Aspects

Introduction Assessment of a given culture can be carried out from various perspectives. Some of the recognized perspectives, which are used by anthropologists and other professionals, include the emic and the etic approaches. To gain an emic perspective of a culture, the individual is required to view the world through...

Discrete and Continuous Data’ Mixture Possibility

Arranging information for the further analysis is an essential stage of any research, hence a variety of taxonomies for information pieces retrieved in the course of the data collection process. Therefore, the precision of the research results depends heavily on the way, in which the data is classified, as well...

Pasture Experiment: Fertiliser Treatments Response

Introduction A crucial part of the successful production of livestock is making certain that there is adequate grass to cater for hay and pasture needs (Briske et al. 2015). Nevertheless, limited soil nutrients restrain the production of forage. However, with proper management and proper application of fertilizer, the output of...

Statistical Datas Bivariate Analysis

Introduction In research work, scholars more often than note collect more than two sets of variables. In situations where two variables are collected and used for analysis, this has been termed as bivariate analysis. Typically the aim of doing this is to establish causes or relationships between the variables (Pallant,...

Primates and Their Defining Characteristics

Primates are the group of mammals. This group consists of such animals as monkeys, lemurs, and apes. Humans are primates too. What is more, humans are the most recent category of primates. Although humans live all across the globe except Antarctica, the majority of primates inhabit tropical and subtropical areas....

Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Data Points and Units

Explanation of qualitative and quantitative data Research studies require the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, which helps to infer about the population. Qualitative data are collected from study respondents in the form of a specific language that is easily understood by researchers conducting a study. Researchers use qualitative data...

Karen Swift’s Action Research Design

Abstract Those investigators who choose to use the action research to find effective solutions in such social and educational spheres as teaching are oriented to investigating the problem while involving participants in the research and to developing the collaborative interaction of researchers and participants. Researchers focus on finding ways to...

Information Sources and Their Validity Evaluation

Introduction There are numerous sources of information that scholars and students can use in their research. They include, among others, journal articles, books, newspaper articles, and online resources. However, the bulk of these resources do not meet the validity requirements for them to be used in scholarly work. For example,...

Hopi Perception of Cultural Landscapes and Time

The Hopi culture is unprecedented in their understanding of the archaeological sites and their cultural implications. The unique blend of geographic landmarks with their symbolic significance and ancestral ties coupled with the unusual non-linear perception of time is the reason their culture has enjoyed special attention from the scholars. The...

Dark Matter’s Evidence – Astronomy

Evidence of dark matter- the motion of galaxies within clusters Galaxy clusters are the leading bound formations in the cosmos. They are the best structure in which to view the impact of the dark matter. The dark matter occupies most of the space in the galaxy clusters. The dark matter...

The Nature of Volcanoes: Types and Effects

Abstract For centuries, people across different civilizations had been terrified by the display of power that volcanic eruptions present, and they interpreted them as a sign of wrath and vengeance of gods. Clearly, with the progress of the modern science, volcanoes have been demystified; particularly, the development of the plate...

Water Management and Ecology Issues

On the whole, water management is one of the job skills that are of great importance to many organizations and institutions that can be both public and private. It should be noted that this area incorporates the elements of different disciplines; for example, one can speak about hydrology, geology, planning...

Woodbury Geological Structure and Its Analysis

Though Woodbury of the present day is the exact representation of the ordinary, its geological structure may reveal the mysteries that will shed some light onto the prehistoric life on the continent and the evolution of the species, as well as the changes that North America has been undergoing since...

Farm Subsidies in the USA

Introduction The agricultural industry is a key pillar in the foundation of any nation. This is because every nation must have a way in which it can provide for its peoples most basic need: food. To safeguard the survival of this important industry, most developed nations have come up with...

Weathering and Erosion Geology: When Rocks Turn into Dust

Lutgens and Tarbuck provide a very decent account of the processes of formation, weathering and decomposition of rock. It is truly fascinating to learn about the cementing process, which literally takes ages, as well as learn about the power of weathering and erosion. The fact that wind and water, which...

Woodbury Unique Geological Features

Woodbury is one of the places that seem quite ordinary at first but discover several unique geological features at second glance. Woodbury is located in the North of Connecticut, in the Litchfield County, and is surrounded by Bethlehem (south), Roxbury (west) and Watertown (east) (see Picture 1). Therefore, Woodbury shares...

Biology: Comparison and Contrast of Cats and Dogs

This paper is aimed at discussing the similarities and differences between cats and dogs. These animals are often regarded as bitter antagonists that cannot co-exist. Nevertheless, they can actually bear resemblance to one another. For instance, one should mention their interactions with people and their eating habits. Nevertheless, it is...

Space Exploration: UAE and INDIA Space Cooperation

The space sector is one of the most critical and prospective branches of any economic development. Nowadays, world governments perform significant contributions to the development of innovative programs in the relevant sphere. One would hardly argue with the fact that the successful performance within the space industry might assist considerably...

Countries Studies: Canada and the USA Comparison

Canada and the US are countries that are located in the American continent. Both countries are relatively large, and they occupy a large part of the North American region (Reynolds 7). Canada and the US are countries that have many similarities, although they are slightly different in terms of resources,...

Isaac Newton Scientific Contributions

Isaac Newton is considered a champion of scientific modernity in several aspects. His inventions have not only been historical but have influenced the development in modern life. The historical introductions of scientific methodologies have been used to transform ancient methodology to a new phase of natural intellectual development. Scholars attribute...

The Animal Skulls: Anthropological Discovery

Ancient cultures and living organisms that inhabited the planet before modern humans are particularly interesting to anthropologists. Any discoveries can answer old unsolved questions about the history of the development and evolution of humanity. A recent discovery by scientists from the University of Madrid may help better understand prehistoric people’s...

Neanderthals: Discoveries of Past and Present

Neanderthals have interested researchers since this species of ancient people was closest to Homo Sapiens in a genetic and behavioral sense. This mysterious species of man inhabited Europe and southern Siberia during the Ice Age. However, for some reason, representatives of the Neanderthal genus died out, yielding dominance in this...

Evaluation of Qualitative Research Design

Qualitative research is a growing field within philosophy. It is an area of philosophy focusing on empirical and experiential methods rather than traditional argumentative or logical methods. To better understand the scope, it is important to understand the criteria for evaluating the quality of qualitative research. Although some studies indicated...

Genetics and Evolution: Mutation, Selection, Gene Flow and Drift

Introduction Evolutionary genetics deals with mechanisms that explain the presence and maintenance of traits responsible for genetic variations. With all factors constant, it would be expected that selection would eventually exhaust genetic variation on traits that are related to fitness. Nonetheless, such gene variation is universal and triggers steady specific...

Space and Cyberspace Deterrence

For decades the US army has emphasized deterrence, basing their advancements on nuclear weapons to improve their defense services. The army significantly invested in huge war tanks, ships, and aircraft. Currently, a broader challenge spectrum faces army deterrence, including space and cyberspace. Many third-world countries like the US, China, Russia,...

Weather Satellites: Automated Detection of Intense Midlatitude Convection

Weather prediction has always been an integral part of determining the human activities that rely upon weather changes, such as farming. Knowing the right time to plant to have a successful harvest is crucial to the success of crop farming. Moreover, air transport depends on the accuracy of weather forecasting...

Down’s Syndrome as a Genetic Disorder

Many people are born with genetic diseases that manifest themselves in one way or another throughout their lives. One of these abnormalities is Down’s syndrome, which occurs as a result of abnormal cell division. The syndrome manifests immediately at birth and is caused by an atypical number of chromosomes. People...

Epigenetic Drugs for Cancer Treatment

Currently, cancer is a disease that requires special attention since it is not curable in all cases. However, scientists are developing new epigenetic drugs, which include HDAC inhibitors. The mechanism of action of pills is that they deactivate checkpoints during the cell cycle when cancer cells increase. The role of...

The Mirror Study of Intelligence in Animals

Numerous studies with different methods have been conducted to determine whether animals possess intelligence and what that intelligence is. Elephant mirror research was one of these studies covered in the article. Mirror study indicates elephants are pretty smart. The research is valid since the ability to recognize oneself in a...

The “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers” Book by Sapolsky

In the book “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers” by Robert Sapolsky, the author explores the intricate relationship between stress and health, using the example of how animals in the wild respond to stress. Throughout the book, the author provides a comprehensive explanation of how the body is able to cope...

Examining the Normality of Variables

For this week, it was proposed that two quantitative variables measured on an interval-ratio scale be selected in order to determine the extent to which their distribution conforms to normality. Normal should be understood as a distribution that is visually bell-shaped and symmetrical. From the theoretical point of view, such...

The Haitian People’s Unwavering Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Introduction The Dominican Republic and Haiti share the western coast of the island of Hispaniola, home to a tiny Caribbean country called Haiti. A severe earthquake that year left the nation in ruins on a large scale. The Haitian people have persevered in the face of these difficulties and are...

Bioarchaeology: Analysis of Bone Structure and Caves

Introduction An activity pattern is defined as a sequence of events that make up the accomplished work of a group over time. A single activity pattern may involve several activities in which human beings are involved. To understand daily life activities, studying the different activity patterns humans were involved in...

Aspects of the Scientific Theories

Introduction Lamarck’s idea about giraffe necks is that animals could pick up traits during their lifetime, through effort and struggle, then pass those traits on to their kids to give them a leg up. This theory is incorrect, as evolution doesn’t work that way. Species change slowly, over long periods,...

Misconception and Theory of Evolution

Introduction Many misunderstandings have arisen around the idea of evolution and its concepts. Some people’s understanding of evolution is tainted by the idea that it aims to explain where life came from. Evolution does not aim to provide light on how life began but on how it diversifies and how...

Examples of Organisms: Categories of Microbes

Introduction When it comes to the main nutritional categories of microbes, there are four that involve photoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, chemoautotrophs, and chemoheterotrophs. An example of photoautotrophs is cyanobacteria, which obtains its essential nutrients from sunlight (Wessner et al., 2020). An example of photoheterotrophs is purple bacteria, and its primary method of...

The Implications of Brain Plasticity

Introduction The brain’s network of neurons may be stimulated to form new connections, which alters how the brain behaves and functions. In a nutshell, brain capacity is not permanent; instead, it may be developed at any age via learning, and the makeup of the brain varies with different phases of...

Belief in Life After Death: Descriptive Statistical Analysis

Introduction This report proposes a descriptive statistical analysis for the distributions of two variables measured on different scales from the GSS2018 set. The first variable used is the AGE measured on the quantitative (interval-ratio) scale, which characterizes the age of the respondent at the time of sample formation. AFTERLIF was...

Gene Therapy: The Wellness and Autonomy of an Individual

Introduction Harris thinks that intervention such as gene therapy is appropriate when it is being used to promote the wellness and autonomy of an individual. John Harris claims that gene therapy cannot completely be termed as a form of eugenics. Vaughn (518) states, “…there is in short no moral difference...

Addressing the Replication Crisis in Psychological Research

It is essential to emphasize that the replication crisis refers to the argument that the results of many studies cannot be verified or reproduced, which leads scientists to assume that they are unreliable. I suppose that static bias is the reason for the biased attitude towards publications, which is causing...

Urban Economic Clustering

Introduction Clustering is a popular data mining technique useable in determining the groups of similar objects in a dataset. Clustering is a critical technique for gaining insights into a dataset’s structure and identifying relationships between entities (Weissman et al., 2020). The report will evaluate the clusters and provide descriptive, meaningful...

Genetic Technologies for Pathogen Identification

Introduction The first four concepts are connected as they refer to interdisciplinary fields and their subjects. As a science, genomics is concerned with exploring the genome, and the latter represents a collection of genes and chromosomes. Proteomics studies proteins in the human body, including their interactions, functions, and their internal...

The Importance of Safety in Chemical Experiments

Introduction Chemical experiments can teach students a lot and show new unknown properties of certain substances. However, in order to protect self and others, it is crucial to adhere to specific rules. They will help perform laboratory tasks safely and without harm to the body. There are special norms and...

Growth Distribution Patterns in Health Sciences

The main objective of this lab work was to conduct a statistical study to determine growth distribution patterns for both the sample and the population. Such analysis is necessary in order to build a deeper understanding of distributions, make assumptions, and make data-driven decisions. Screenshot 1 demonstrates the results of...

Control of Microbial Growth with Antiseptics and Disinfectants

Introduction S. aureus and S. agalactiae are pathogens that are found in many environments, including those associated with the human body, capable of causing infections ranging from mild to health hazards. Inhibiting of microbial growth with antiseptic drugs is a preventive public health measure (Stathis et al., 2021). In the...

“Our Weather Is on Steroids” Article by McCreary

The article “Our weather is on steroids. For agriculture to succeed, both farmers and governments need to act” was published on August 12th, 2021, by Ian McCreary, a farmer from the region of Bladworth in Sask. In the article, McCreary (2021) points out that farmers need to take action to...

The Regulation of Chemicals in Cosmetics

The European Union has adopted a much stricter policy on the regulation of chemicals in cosmetics than the United States. The EU has banned thousands of chemicals from being used in cosmetics, while the US has illegalized only a few. The compounds found in these cosmetics, such as mercury and...

Effect of Fungus on Heat Resistance

The video is related to the course topics about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in that they received much attention in the classroom and the video. In addition, the video tells about the standing of the cells in an animated form, which improves the perception of information (Public Broadcasting Service, 2018)....

Epigenetics as the Phenomenon and Its Examples

Epigenetics, or epigenomics, is the study of how the expression of genes that do not presuppose irreversible alterations in the underlying DNA sequence changes due to various factors, including diet, lifestyle, and environmental exposures. In addition, these changes can be passed down through generations. Introduced by Conrad Waddington in 1942,...

Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, and Nonexperimental Research

Experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental research are distinguished depending on the tasks and methods of studies. Experimental studies have several groups of participants assigned randomly, with the intervention being controlled. In quasi-experimental studies, participants may not be allocated to comparison groups or may not be randomly assigned. In a non-experimental study,...

Glucose: Atomic Structure Discussion

Introduction Glucose (C6H12O6) is a common molecule in nature, a monosaccharide carbohydrate. Glucose is an organic molecule found in almost all living organisms. In the human body, this molecule has a storage and metabolic function that regulates blood sugar levels and participates in metabolic processes to produce ATP energy. Discussion...

Aspects of the Genetic Diseases

Introduction Genetic diseases refer to conditions that happen when a process of mutation has an impact on the genes of human beings. In addition, a genetic disorder may also occur when a person has the wrong amount of genetic material. A harmful change to genetic makeup, also referred to as...

Pure Bacterial Colonies and Primary Media for Isolation of Microorganisms

Having a pure culture of bacteria when performing biochemical tests is essential in order to identify the metabolic capabilities of the organism accurately. This statement is due to the fact that mixed cultures of bacteria can mask the metabolic capabilities of individual species, making it challenging to identify biochemical activities...

Credibility of Fear of Missing Out Research

Credibility is one of the main criteria in determining the suitability of scientific work for use in research. This phenomenon implies the trustworthiness and reliability of sources, which are determined by checking the facts given in them. To achieve this criterion, the authors of the research work must provide all...

Biology: The Concepts of Chemistry

Biology is a discipline that investigates how things in the world interact with one another and their surroundings. The sciences, in general, and biology, in particular, utilize a number of important factors in their scientific inquiry. Scientific laws, which describe how one or more aspects of nature behave under specific...

Object’s Motion Under Impact of Mass and Force

Introduction This research essay aims to explore how mass and force affect the nature of an object’s motion. Thus, mass (m) and force (f) are independent variables, while the nature of motion is dependent. The measure of the nature of motion is its acceleration (a), that is, how fast an...

Gram Staining Laboratory Technique

Gram staining is a laboratory technique to differentiate bacterial species into two groups: gram-positive and gram-negative. The procedure was developed by Danish bacteriologist Hans Christian Gram in 1884 (Tripathi, 2020). The significance of Gram staining lies in the fact that the two groups of bacteria have distinct cell wall structures,...

The Evolutionary Process and Natural Selection

Introduction Evolutionary processes in nature involve constant mutational changes in the genetic makeup and the fixation of those traits that provide a survival advantage. Since the first organism appeared on the planet, evolution has continued, leading to development and speciation — as a result, all organisms that exist today can...

Math: Housing Price Prediction Model

Introduction D. M. Pan seeks to determine whether using square footage is a good benchmark for listing home prices. This report is based on statistical analysis to determine if the square footage of a house is a good indicator of the listing price using real estate data for all U.S....

Conducting Statistical Analysis: Probabilities

Introduction This paper is devoted to using descriptive statistical analysis to calculate probabilities in the context of consumer behavior. In particular, the initial data for the work is the distribution of respondents’ responses about specific characteristics and attributes of shopping areas in Springdale. The fundamental essence of such a study,...

Maths Difficulties and Ways That Students Can Be Supported

Introduction The development of students within the framework of academic disciplines is a difficult task for both the teacher and the students. The academic discipline, focused primarily on transferring the content of a specific scientific field, has a relatively limited supply of opportunities for developing personality qualities. Therefore, the main...

The Features of Marfan’s Syndrome

Introduction Marfan syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disease characterized by pathological changes in the heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, and eyes (von Kodolitsch et al., 2019). Often, the external symptoms of Marfan’s syndrome appear in the first days after the birth of a child and only intensify in the...

Statistical Quality Control: The Payoff Calculations

When making business decisions, a key need is quality control and risk assessment in order to predict the success of changes and minimize the potential damage to the company. A tool for such control can be statistical analysis, which is based on the use of data, so it prevents problems...

Osteological Studies and Understanding of History

The clarity and reliability of research of the historical evidence are particularly important for the understanding of the human past because, with the knowledge of nations’ heritage, they can build informed future decisions. In this regard, combat archeology provides a significant amount of data about the specific features of battles,...

Statistical Report: Time Comparison for the Three Groups

Introduction Conducting statistical analyses of data is a valuable practice for making decisions based on facts rather than experience or personal biases. Such data-driven decisions are much less biased and have a higher potential for achieving reliable results. In this report, statistical analysis is applied to a dataset containing time...

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Features

It is important to note that research designs can be divided into three distinct groups. These include quantitative studies, qualitative studies, and mixed-method studies, with the latter being the combination of the former two. The key features of quantitative research design are the use of numerical values as well as...

Types of Radiation: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Studies

The concept of “radioactivity” was introduced by Marie Skłodowska-Curie. It is identical to the concept of radioactive decay. This process is accompanied by the emission of particles and electromagnetic radiation. The composition of the atomic nucleus is changed: its charge and mass number. Radioactivity is a phenomenon in which the...

Anthropology in an Indo-Pacific Context

Introduction Anthropology is best described as the study of people, society, and culture. In the Indo-Pacific context, anthropology would include the study of multiple cultures, societies, and languages who live in a vast area stretching from the shores of modern-day Pakistan and India to the shores of Australia and New...