Florida governor Ron DeSantis suspended elected prosecutor Andrew Warren for pledging not to use his office to go after doctors that provide gender-affirming care to transgender individuals or people who seek and provide abortions. DeSantis announced he was suspending Warren for “neglect of duty” and “incompetence” as Hillsborough County’s prosecutor...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 383
Pages: 1
Budiman, Abby. “Key Findings about U.S. Immigrants.” Pew Research Center, 2020. This article explores some of the most significant findings on immigrants to the United States. According to Budiman, the number of immigrants residing in the United States has increased from 4.8 million in 1970 to 13.7 million (Budiman). These...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 760
Pages: 2
Introduction Grounded theory (GT) is one of the most well-known and relevant approaches to generating meaningful hypotheses in qualitative research. This method allows to inducement of ideas directly from the collected data, and experts have perceived it as a central qualitative methodology since the 1960s. However, as Carlin and Kim...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1173
Pages: 4
One should note that based on the article’s objective, trustworthy and reliable data, prohibiting abortion in the United States is one of our time’s most fundamental and significant concerns. In this case, the author focuses on the constitutional right to misbirth from the point of view of privacy, which is...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Introduction It is widely acknowledged that wellness and individual rights are intertwined. The rights to inclusivity, freedom from discriminatory practices, life, and the freedom to marry and raise a family are covered by various articles under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (United Nations). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 1122
Pages: 4
Introduction At first glance, it seems effortless to describe who an ethical person is because this concept is familiar to everyone. It seems enough to pluck a few pseudo-synonyms from several associations with the word ethics, and immediately the illusion arises that a polite, kind, respectful person is ethical. However,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 362
Pages: 1
Introduction Critical thinking and emotional intelligence define the quality of multiple processes and colleague relationships. Sally’s case proves that poorly managed emotions and a lack of communication might provoke additional workplace challenges and employee dissatisfaction. The woman needs to address certain critical thinking elements to combine reason, emotion, and communication...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 406
Pages: 1
The importance of effective communication cannot be overstated, whether one is a worker or a manager. Like any other skill in life, good communication does not come naturally to many people, making them develop the skill through constant practice. People who have gained a reputation for being outstanding communicators share...
Topic: Communication
Words: 578
Pages: 2
Introduction Critical thinking is a process of balanced reflection on external phenomena. Critical thinking requires a high level of awareness, attentiveness, and concentration. I believe increased emotional intelligence will also be a big plus for critical thinking since people participate in all social processes subjected to critical reflection. My description...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 608
Pages: 2
I was a college student who was constantly busy with academic life and work. I was a full-time student, worked part-time at a retail store, and was also the president of a student organization. Despite my busy schedule, I felt fulfilled and enjoyed being involved in multiple activities. However, everything...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 372
Pages: 2
An apocalypse can end human existence; hence there is a need to have a team that can help one to survive. The individuals can also help build a society once calm has been restored. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, one needs five team members: a team leader, an...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 372
Pages: 2
Introduction Women and Gender studies investigate how larger structural influences, including nation-building, globalization, economic growth, and the legal system, impact the lives of specific women and men in historical and modern situations. The field continues to represent the constantly evolving paths that multiple first and third-world feminisms are currently pursuing...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1136
Pages: 3
The Black Lives Matter movement is a social movement that emerged in the United States in 2013 following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2012. The movement was initially organized around the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media platforms and has since grown into...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 399
Pages: 2
Studying the works of various scientific figures helps to gain an understanding of society and in which direction it is developing. In particular, it contributes to the formation of opinions about the role of science and technology in social transformations and people’s opinions about specific issues. Therefore, within the framework...
Topic: Technology
Words: 1213
Pages: 4
The linguistic consciousness of the nation, formed by the potential of the language system, unites a certain group of people endowed with nominally the same ability of speech production. At the same time, language is often seen as a means of individuum formation since the way people speak often determines...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 908
Pages: 3
For centuries millions of Americans have been building democracy and fighting against devastating laws. Sometimes it feels like a will to be free became a part of their identity, and the residents cannot live without it. American spirit consists of a dream of innocence and freedom (Baym & Levine, 2012)....
Topic: Freedom
Words: 343
Pages: 1
Basing collective and individual decisions regarding the tone, style, or other aspects of communication on certain stereotypes is a complicated task. To engage in productive stereotyping, one should keep certain things in mind. Module (2018) suggests adding more traits to the created ‘image’: for instance, rather than perceiving people of...
Topic: Communication
Words: 326
Pages: 1
Introduction The ethics of abortion concern primarily the question of what moral values are formed in health care, among staff, and in society. Ethical egoists believe that the choice of women who do not want to become mothers is predominant, so prohibitions against abortion are wrong and violate personal morality...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 1194
Pages: 4
Introduction The Tuskegee Study of Syphilis in the Negro Male carried out in 1932-72, is a medical study to record the natural history of syphilis cases amongst the Blacks in Tuskegee. When the research began, there was no proven medicine to treat and cure the disease. A total of 600...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1095
Pages: 4
Summary Being aware of one’s cultural background and the essential characteristics thereof is exceptionally helpful in building relationships with others, especially in the context of a classroom environment. Indeed, when establishing a rapport with students, one will need to have a profound awareness of one’s culture and the means of...
Topic: Cultural Identity
Words: 1137
Pages: 4
Primarily, according to the author, the most convincing, objective, and reliable criticism of male moral theorizing is the concept that focuses on the ethics of duty and justice. Thus, Baier (7) believes that men are more likely to make decisions based on the systems of fairness, honesty, and decency. Moreover,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 274
Pages: 1
The feminist movement, which originated in the 19th century, developed rapidly in the 20th century and became the subject of many literary works. The book The dinner party: Judy Chicago and the power of popular feminism, 1970-2007 by Gerhard (2013) shows the story behind one of the most famous feminist...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1469
Pages: 5
Europe has long been a center of attraction for migrants from all over the world. It is due both to the developed health care, education, and security system, as well as to the overall level of development of the countries of the European Union. Many migrants do not migrate for...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 663
Pages: 2
Introduction Racial discrimination is a problem that exists in considerable parts of the world. Consequently, various campaigns and organizations have emerged to address racism, one of them being the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement. BLM has obtained substantial attention after the death of George Floyd due to police brutality in...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 1395
Pages: 5
Throughout my life, I tried to behave so that the achieved statuses could be argued only by my efforts. For me, this was fundamentally important since the field of ascribed statuses can be perceived differently by different people; the actions, in turn, are undeniable (Clark et al., 2020). However, we...
Topic: Army
Words: 292
Pages: 1
A significant issue found in the videos and being raised by contemporary society is the lack of cultural intelligence among members of the community. Nowadays, everyone should understand the basic principles of cultural diversity and avoid forming their judgments based on stereotypes or personal preferences. In all areas of life,...
Topic: Cultural Competence
Words: 380
Pages: 1
People often face various moral challenges, such as whether controversial acts like torturing someone can be justified under certain circumstances. Torture is the intentional and deliberate infliction of physical pain and is internationally prohibited by the Geneva Convention Against Torture (Berenpas 44; Dershowitz 116). Nonetheless, many countries find ways to...
Topic: Torture
Words: 578
Pages: 2
The 8th and 9th chapters of the book Communication Between Cultures deal with the verbal and non-verbal communication types and their peculiarities. Both these channels of communication allow people to exchange information and transmit different messages. However, it is necessary to note that both languages and non-verbal signals that are...
Topic: Communication
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Pastoral farming used to be highly controversial in human society when there were no alternatives for the resources it provided. On the one hand, the species chosen for this activity would never achieve such numbers in the wild. Humanity provides these animals with shelter and food, protects them from their...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 313
Pages: 1
The social construct of gender is a structure that is based on social expectations associated with gender. For example, girls are usually dressed in pink and play with dolls, and boys wear blue and play with cars and transformers. Girls are also expected to demonstrate emotionality and sociability, while boys...
Topic: Gender
Words: 370
Pages: 1
The effect of online activism on the phenomenon of social engagement evokes several contrasting opinions, demonstrated by the works of Noland (2017) and Gladwell (2010), who highlighted the difference between weak social ties (bridging) and strong connections (bonding) formed as a result of online activism. While Gladwell (2010) suggests that...
Topic: Activism
Words: 329
Pages: 2
Introduction Gentrification refers to a process where the character of a neighborhood is changed through the migration of more affluent businesses and people. The terminology is a controversial topic in planning and urban politics. Gentrification leads to people moving out of their homes because of the area’s socioeconomic status change....
Topic: Gentrification
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
Judith Thomson and Don Marquis were philosophers who debated a lot about abortion in their time and had their views on it and the factors surrounding the topic. While Thomson advocates the legalization and support of abortion and says that people should do everything to help each other, Marquis completely...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 561
Pages: 2
There are many theories that discuss how people are perceived in the modern world. Psychologists and sociologists, in their works, rely on previous studies and the philosophical visions of other scholars. The listed concepts relate to theories of deviant behavior that hurt each individual and society. One of the most...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 906
Pages: 3
Any speech sets its clear goals depending on the audience to which it will be addressed. Therefore, Jim Carrey’s speech entitled The Need for Acceptance Will Make You Invisible is most likely addressed to an older listener who is fully aware of his actions and makes critical decisions. However, it...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Introduction A classroom has children with varying capabilities and concentration spans. Children in their early years have a short attention span and act on impulse, but those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have those traits even in adulthood (CDC, 2022). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides caregivers...
Topic: ADHD
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Environmental ethics is centered on the ethical dilemmas arising from human interaction with the nonhuman domain. It investigates ways in which society can resolve different challenges that touch on ethics and the environment (Anyshchenko, 2019) There have been protracted ethical dilemmas relating to the scientific technologies in genetic engineering leading...
Topic: Environment
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a fragmented political organization that aims to raise awareness about racism, prejudice, and injustice that black people face. When the group’s followers join together, it is mainly to oppose police abuse and racially-based brutality against black people. Stopping police violence and advocating for fair treatment...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 311
Pages: 1
The fight for women’s rights has been a long and arduous journey that is far from being over. Even though the change might seem subtle, comparing the range of opportunities and rights that modern women have to those that women used to possess several decades ago will show how tremendous...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 620
Pages: 2
This paper discusses the concept of consent using an example of an incident of calculated consent that happened in my life. Consent refers to an approval or agreement to a proposal of another person. Consent is important when communicating and setting of personal boundaries when interacting with other people (Bolinger,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 358
Pages: 1
One of the most dehumanizing theories in the history of social sciences is eugenics. The story shared in the article Social work and eugenics by Anastas (2011), sheds new, disturbing light on the history of social workers in the U.S. Generally, social workers should act as agents of change, advocating...
Topic: Eugenics
Words: 649
Pages: 2
Interview Summary In this interview, I have talked to my friend Lisa about some of her opinions regarding sexual minorities. I have known Lisa since we were both children and she is one of my closest friends. Nevertheless, I have noticed certain tendencies she demonstrates when our conversations somehow turn...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1084
Pages: 4
Summary of Issue and Why It Was Chosen What is private and what is not is an issue that is still taking place today. In 2011 the Supreme Court “decided that corporations and unions could contribute an unlimited amount of money to political campaigns” (Wilkins et al., 2019). This decision...
Topic: Money
Words: 1035
Pages: 3
Introduction Should abortions be allowed in certain cases, such as when the mother’s life is at risk or when a pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, but not in other cases? The question of whether abortion is ethical in certain circumstances remains contentious in public, political, and religious...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 1395
Pages: 5
Facts Luke has been invited to work on a project involving the development of property recently bought by ABC for the construction of an adult entertainment retail store. As per the plan, the land is on a corner in the area where Luke’s brother, Owen, resides. Luke is well aware...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 595
Pages: 2
The concepts of gender and sexuality are critical phenomena, the dissemination of awareness about which is necessary for society. Understanding the differences between gender and gender is especially critical. Hence, gender is the biological characteristic of the men and women they are born with. Gender, in turn, is a psychosocial...
Topic: Gender
Words: 312
Pages: 1
This editorial argues that the only people who would utilize the ‘all lives matter’ argument aid and propagate the white supremacy, reciting the origins and motivation of racist oppression and systemic inequality. Moreover, the work points out that the oppression of the poor does not seem to affect the more...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 669
Pages: 2
When it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity, there have been many disagreements and arguments throughout the existence of psychopathology. The topic of sexual orientation has long been debated from the perspective of socioenvironmental influence. Some debate that sexuality is the result of genetic impact, while others believe that...
Topic: Psychopathology
Words: 578
Pages: 2
Animals have been people’s companions and friends for thousands of years. In fact, pets are even considered to be a part of their family by most Westerners. Not surprisingly, some continue to maintain close relationships with their pets even after their death – according to Kleinfeldt, in the United States,...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1983
Pages: 7
Opioid addiction is a relevant social problem that ruins the lives of thousands of people annually. Hence, pharmaceutical companies have a moral obligation to prevent the illegal consumption of harmful drugs. Rule utilitarianism supports this position since it is a theory of maximizing happiness (Dimmock & Fisher, 2017). Like all...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 369
Pages: 1
Some adults still embrace negative stereotypes concerning the abilities and perceptions of teenagers. However, youth-adult partnerships positively impact society if rightfully nurtured. A youth-adult collaboration involves a relationship where adults fully engage young individuals on issues affecting them, including programs and policies (Alford, 2022). A true partnership between adults and...
Topic: Youth
Words: 346
Pages: 1
Introduction Rails to trails is a concept that promotes a green and healthy lifestyle, including the physical activity of the population using natural and municipal resources. Interestingly, the US railroad system, which reached its peak in 1916, constituted the nation’s major trade routes that moved goods, fossil fuels, and passengers...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1474
Pages: 5
Human responsibility is a subject of analysis in many fields, from the legal to the social. This concept can have entirely different meanings and scope of influence depending on the context. From my perspective, however, one of the most important variations of this term is personal responsibility, which I have...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 353
Pages: 1
What Youths Involved in Welfare System Say About It In Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba, youths involved in the welfare provision services have common interests and issues that affect them. The youths, therefore, agree on the following matters to binding them together: Firstly, the youths agree that the welfare systems assist...
Topic: Youth
Words: 344
Pages: 1
India has a caste social structure that divides them into Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and the Shudras. The caste system is derived from Manusmriti, the most regarded and esteemed book in Indian law and Hinduism. The Brahmins are the highest regarded social class, including preachers and teachers, followed by Kshatriyas of...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 1401
Pages: 5
Introduction Gender equality is a fundamental human right and essential for achieving peace, prosperity, and sustainable development. Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and participation in political and economic decision-making is an important element of sustainable development. It is worth noting that due...
Topic: Equality
Words: 1582
Pages: 6
While it may seem that the reasons behind starting and ending a relationship belong to different categories, in some cases, they turn out to be the same. The answer to this similarity phenomenon is determining in what circumstances it occurs more often. According to Umemura et al. (2017), people’s motives...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 313
Pages: 1
The findings from surveys and focus groups have made it apparent that with the high rise in the cost of living it’s clear that the reduction of the cost in adoption of pets best suits individuals, especially the low-income persons, and with the rise in the number of domesticated pets,...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 554
Pages: 2
The Ethical Basis for the Relation of Individuals to Their Government The ethical basis for the relationship between citizens and the government is that the latter sets laws and regulations that protect individuals’ rights and freedom. Conversely, the citizens are mandated to shelf their interests and obey the obey government...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 909
Pages: 3
Introduction This writing aims to explore and present the main points and arguments made in a live talk. The writing will start by identifying the topic of discussion in the live talk and discussing several aspects of the live talk. The TED speaker’s topic is ‘How to Disagree Productively and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 944
Pages: 3
In the modern world, the morality and legality of migration are becoming global problems affecting the level of employment, the overall economy and the national security of any country. When the Department of Homeland Security announced a decree to stop the deportation of undocumented young immigrants, this statement was met...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 332
Pages: 1
The key meaning behind the concept of social stratification is the classification of people to the different social classes that possess or lack certain privileges. There is an evident pattern that displays that each society organizes their resources unequally, which leads to the unavoidable stratification (Tumin, 1953). The level of...
Topic: Social Stratification
Words: 584
Pages: 2
My essay aims to discuss the foundation of U.S. Army leadership. Knowing the foundation of leadership in the Army is very important to being a leader. By its very nature, war is a place of chaos where nobody knows exactly what to do, where to run, or where to shoot....
Topic: Army
Words: 832
Pages: 3
I chose this issue because it is interesting as it provides diverse analysis possibilities as immigration in the United States is widely debated with potent controversies. For example, observing and exploring immigration policies allows us to identify their efficiency. Comparing expenses on implementing and maintaining those policies by the government...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 284
Pages: 1
Online dating is a popular option for finding loving couples that are used by many youngsters worldwide. One of the most popular dating applications is called Tinder. It has more than 75 million users every month. Although Tinder gives a variety of opportunities for dating, some people may start searching...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 286
Pages: 1
Introduction The natural freedom of human beings in the original state of nature is different from the freedom made possible by the social contract of the general will. Two concepts are discussed in John Jacque Rousseau’s famous political writings: Second Discourse and On Social Contract. The first concept of freedom...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1345
Pages: 4
Instilling change in people can be challenging, and it requires an effective communication approach to convince the group about the given topic. Public persuasive speech is the most efficient approach that visionary leaders and other individuals apply to sell their opinion and reasons why they feel it is appropriate for...
Topic: I Have a Dream
Words: 651
Pages: 2
Introduction Indigenous activists have long been on the front lines of global issues, whether defending human rights or maintaining the sanctity of many ethnicities. The effects of colonialism have put Indigenous peoples on the back burner regarding representation and accessibility. Some governments fight and oppress them due to their lack...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 878
Pages: 3
A considerable number of people tend to avoid debating as they frequently see it as a disrespectful confrontation of people with opposite opinions who aim to persuade others at any cost. At the same time, while it is possible to avoid an argument with unfamiliar people, family members, and friends...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 367
Pages: 1
The feminist movement in modern society is gaining more and more popularity every day. In this regard, debatable questions arise, the consideration of which is necessary for understanding the concepts and concepts of movement. One of these issues is the controversial topic of whether men should defend women’s rights in...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 841
Pages: 3
Introduction The concept of human rights and freedoms came to America with the revolutionary movements of the mid-nineteenth century. The civil rights movement is a term that refers to a series of political groups and movements that advocate the equality of citizens before the law. The peak of activity of...
Topic: African American
Words: 937
Pages: 3
Donna Haraway is one of the most prominent scholars of feminist and posthumanist theories. Her work focuses on how society imposes boundaries on the concept of humans due to the separation between humans and animals and humans and machines. Therefore, she develops a concept of a cyborg as a metaphor...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 366
Pages: 1
While verbal interactions are universally accepted as the main means of communication, at the same time, people communicate not only with the help of words – they constantly broadcast information through a channel called “non-verbal.” Verbal and nonverbal channels of information transmission are closely related and interdependent, and the relationship...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1008
Pages: 3
Introduction Mental problems at the present stage of society are discussed with greater openness than in the past decades. One of the driving forces for the development of this factor was the Crazy movement or Mad Pride. This initiative contributed to the development of awareness that people, regardless of their...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 868
Pages: 3
Introduction The social contract theory requires individuals in society to reside together in harmony, following a consensus that creates ministerial and principled obligations of conduct. Over the years, several philosophers like Socrates have attempted to describe the perfect social contract and assess the evolution of existing social theories (Kanatli, 2021)....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 675
Pages: 2
As global society begins recovering from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it becomes clear to scholars and social workers that the legacy of the year 2020 will be long-standing economic inequality. The disease amplified the disparity based on race, income, occupation, and nationality. Therefore, there is a challenge...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1129
Pages: 4
How Youths End Up in Care In Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba, youth services provide care to youths between 18-29 years old and under the care of directors. The following conditions must be satisfied for youth to end up in such care provision units in these three provinces. Firstly, the youths...
Topic: Youth
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Introduction The Blithedale Romance novel dramatizes the conflicts between the private desires of romantic rivalries and the commune’s ideas. Hawthorne’s book discloses the modern settings of communities and the challenges American societies face in viewing everyone as an equal. Set on the Blithedale farm, the American fictional writer incorporates his...
Topic: Utopia
Words: 1152
Pages: 4
Introduction A colleague was discriminated against at the workplace by another, and reported the issue, insisting they would like their privacy respected. The ethical dilemma involves respecting the privacy of the said victim and letting the culprit walk free, or handling the racism incident to discourage future events from occurring....
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 1410
Pages: 5
Introduction A person who wants to survive in the natural environment in an autonomous existence should be purposeful and guided by intention and strategy. The human being needs to have the qualities of a leader. Independent, but at the same time helping others, is bound to gain the trust of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1177
Pages: 4
Introduction Effective interpersonal communication is a critical component evidenced in a failure to communicate. The two individuals present in the video face a myriad of communication problems. While many people do not have good skills in this sector, developing them can boost one’s communication capacity. Interpersonal communication is an integral...
Topic: Communication
Words: 589
Pages: 2
Having charmed millions of people worldwide, “Encanto” has become the Disney hit that has allowed for a strong emotional connection with all of its characters. However, the film also represents a curious character study from a sociological standpoint, namely, due to its being grounded in the history and social paradigms...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 601
Pages: 2
Effective communication is an integral part of a successful relationship, especially between healthcare providers and their patients. Being able to communicate effectively is an art that has an array of benefits, the most important one is to deliver patient centered and quality care. This paper aims at reflecting an unfortunate...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1010
Pages: 4
The CNN article published on 23rd May 2022 addresses the ethical issues surrounding leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention church who are facing allegations of having mishandled sexual abuse reports. The leaders are said to have intimidated the victims and those who advocated for them and resisted reform suggestions over...
Topic: Baptism
Words: 315
Pages: 1
Abstract COVID-19 is on the verge of becoming endemic, creating havoc in the workplace. This anthropological study aims to collect data on employees’ informal social interactions outside of work hours to influence government legislation. The fundamental goal of this research is to ascertain the demographic makeup of the individuals, their...
Topic: Socialization
Words: 2432
Pages: 8
Introduction Gender is a social construction that characterizes humans according to categories, primarily boys and girls or men and women. Adolfsson and Madsen (2019, 56) describe gender as a fluid concept that changes depending on culture, ideologies, norms, and social grounds. Further, the organization stresses that the construction encompasses behaviors,...
Topic: Equality
Words: 2217
Pages: 8
The US and Canada remain the most significant, most attractive points of immigration for many, but the two countries handle immigration differently. Currently, it is easier to immigrate to Canada as the country has several pre-set pathways for new arrivals and a well-functioning online immigration application system (Chand & Tung,...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 287
Pages: 1
Incident at Morales is a case that provides the reader and the viewers with a moral problem that is arguably confronted at work and home and indicates the ability to attain an ethically supported decision. The case provides information regarding a group of individuals and their safety-related issues to adhere...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1328
Pages: 4
Much research on origins, development, psychology, and other sexual and gender characteristics has been conducted in recent years. However, the features of the LGBTQ+ community itself seem to be considered so well-known that they acquire little attention. Parmenter et al. (2020) attempted to address the issue with a survey of...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 355
Pages: 1
Naming allows people to execute their power and creates a social environment. For example, many people are anxious about the proliferation of neopronouns because it is a way for a person to take control of themselves and take it away from others (Green and Calafell 306). In addition, naming constructs...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 150
Pages: 1
Introduction Humanity has achieved many achievements over its existence, discovered new phenomena, and developed futuristic technologies. However, every positive deed was offset by some negative consequences. To combat this negative influence, people first try to research and set up theoretical frameworks to understand the ethical effects of their deeds, like...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 942
Pages: 3
Every state has the primary responsibility of promoting and protecting human rights. To realize these responsibilities, both local and national governments have to educate the public about human rights, create awareness, raise, and train public officials on the significance of freedom. Governments employ legal instruments that oversee social security in...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 295
Pages: 1
The culture of disability is understood to be a set of patterns of behavior, beliefs, and objects of culture that are characteristic of people with disabilities. There are four main dimensions to this culture, including historical, political, personal, and aesthetic (Peters, 2022). When people talk about the historical aspect of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 315
Pages: 1
Introduction There are millions of immigrants across the United States, some being legal immigrants while others are illegal. This has created serious concern in the United States government. Illegal immigrants have been a significant problem facing the United States and caused a global uproar. They have been subjected to hostilities...
Topic: Texas
Words: 1480
Pages: 5
Nursing is built around support and advocacy regarding patients and their interests. However, not every group of people can expect the same level of assistance, as there are individuals who are highly marginalized within healthcare systems. One such group includes LGBTQIA people, whose issues are still largely ignored within many...
Topic: Health
Words: 283
Pages: 1
The surroundings one grows up in create a background that indirectly forms the character of a person. Despite their ambitions, their neighbors, having various social statuses, levels of income, and attitudes to crime, drugs, and violence, might stagnate a person’s plans and influence their manners and attitudes to social norms....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Introduction Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy that encourages activities that increase happiness and discourages actions that decrease it. Utilitarian philosophy aims to enhance society while making social, economic, or political decisions. British philosophers and economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are often credited with popularizing the utilitarian school of...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 2317
Pages: 8
Introduction This work discusses the hypothetical connection between authoritarianism and determinism. Firstly, it explains how Costello et al. (2019) described the concept of free will as “fatalistic determinism, scientific determinism, and unpredictability” (p. 7). Later authors discuss the first notions of this idea. Escape from Freedom: Authoritarianism vs. Determinism Erich...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 290
Pages: 1
The current workplace problem has deep roots in the social and historical premises that lead to the currently observed situations in the company. Since it is critical to get a complete understanding of the reasons and background of the conflict, the scholar’s research will contribute to the solution of the...
Topic: Pregnancy
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Introduction The Vietnam War was one of the most important events in the 20th century, which made a considerable impact on the United States and its society. The American troops who participated in the war faced numerous problems on the battlefield, and historians still hold debates over the question of...
Topic: Veterans
Words: 1208
Pages: 4
For my Ethnography assignment, I am working on a research project named Informal Socialization of Employees After Work Hours or Outside Environment. At the moment, I am focusing on the areas of cultural domains and behavior and context for my subjects. The area of workplace sociology is a challenging field...
Topic: Socialization
Words: 295
Pages: 1
The purpose of this essay is to set up a thought experiment in which a moral dilemma must be resolved. The problem with the experiments submitted for consideration is the impossibility of a single correct solution. The questions proposed for consideration go beyond the limits of standard philosophical tasks, presenting...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 896
Pages: 3
Memorandum According to the golden rule, one should treat others how one wants to be treated in return. As a philosophical theory, the law of gold can be used to direct your actions in various situations, and many organizations throughout history have devised it. We will go into greater detail...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 698
Pages: 2
The situation where a new child gets left out of the group activities by other children represents the consequences of prejudices and stereotyping within the group setting. Overall, group activities are prompt to have more commune psychological motifs and tendencies rather than individual behavior or face-to-face communication. Hence, the evaluation...
Topic: Neuroscience
Words: 1113
Pages: 4
Social groups are made up of two or more individuals who interact with one another and share a sense of togetherness and identity. They are critical in the development of personality and in building a sense of identity (Berger & Luckmann, 1966). Primary groups are tiny and marked by long-lasting,...
Topic: Social Development
Words: 556
Pages: 2
As little more than a woman, the notion of becoming older can be frightening. You can accept a new reality and identity when you reach the sixties in a world that values women for their freshness and witty. In Women rowing north: navigating life’s currents and flourishing as we age...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 307
Pages: 1
Overview The United States is among the countries with the highest number of immigrants in the world. Although the U.S. has often adopted a policy allowing people from other nations to live within it, the challenges facing these immigrants and their children have attracted attention from various scholars. Second-generation immigrants...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1667
Pages: 6
The Fallacies of Emotional Argument Wang and Stevenson’s article contains one of the fallacies of emotional reasoning. The authors tell the story of real-life heroes, residents of Shanghai, who cannot get out of China due to the authorities’ policies. The stories told by Wang and Stevenson are meant to evoke...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 1121
Pages: 4
The most fundamental aspect of living with each other is oneness, even with varying discrepancies, including but not limited to religion, genetic makeup, socio-cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and hobbies among people. In this unbounded, infinite, and ever-changing world, humanity’s most foundational principle is to aim for freedom of the will, based...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 574
Pages: 2
By definition, the concept of systemic oppression is very complex, with many different forms. Whether it is about race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, or religion, a group is deprived of the same opportunities and advantages as their counterparts. At the heart of all systemic oppression are centuries of laws, policies,...
Topic: Oppression
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Introduction Everyone has the fundamental right to live safely, free from harm, repression, racism, and stigma. Worldwide human rights legislation places responsibilities on States to guarantee that everyone, without exception, has access to these rights. Even though we commend the growing efforts being made in many countries to defend the...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1218
Pages: 4
Social norms can differ from governmental rules as they are not written in constitutions or official governmental documents. Societies build specific standards that might vary in diverse countries, but some norms are common around the world. According to van Kleef et al. (2019), people expect others to have stable psychological...
Topic: Moral Development
Words: 347
Pages: 1
Ex-offenders often encounter an atmosphere that discourages them from becoming productive citizens when released in the United States. Studies have shown that within three years of their release, 67.8 percent of ex-offenders are rearrested (Astrada 2018). With almost two million individuals jailed in the United States, recidivism damages both convicts’...
Topic: Performance
Words: 934
Pages: 3
Introduction Gender role is a colossal pillar of every society, and although nowadays, a shift from assigned and stereotyped gender roles is more prominent, they still significantly affect people’s lives. A gender role is a way to indicate which behaviors are acceptable and appropriate based on a person’s gender or...
Topic: Gender
Words: 593
Pages: 2
In the 1950s, the population of St. Louis, Missouri at its peak was more than 850,000 people. Seventy years later, that figure became almost three times lower: only under 300,000 live in the city today. The problem is evident, and civic leaders intend to compensate for the decades of St....
Topic: Population
Words: 529
Pages: 2
The sociological perspective stands for the approach in sociology, which views human behavior in the context of social backgrounds, such as relationships, social structures, and history. The sociological perspective focuses on the influence of outside factors on people’s actions without considering the component of their inner peculiar properties and opinions....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 349
Pages: 1
When it comes to frequent ethical dilemmas in workplaces, one of them is discrimination, whether it is based on religion, gender, ethnicity, or nationality. One of the situations I witnessed was the prejudice of one employee toward another based on skin color. While any form of discrimination at the workplace...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 584
Pages: 2
The term euthanasia comes from the Greek words: euth – “good” and thanatos – “death”. It means a conscious action leading to the death of a hopelessly suffering person in a relatively quick and painless way to stop incurable pain and suffering (Goligher et al. 150). Euthanasia, as a new...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 365
Pages: 1
Importance of Framing for Social Movements When defined this way, social movements may sound similar to special-interest organizations, and they do share some characteristics. A social movement is an organized attempt by many people to achieve or prevent social, political, economic, or cultural change (Shuster & Campos-Castillo, 2017). It is...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 700
Pages: 2
The issue worries citizens of most civilized countries of the world. Recall that it has acquired a nationwide character; when discussing it, the opinions of influential people collide. This problem is important in itself and is part of the struggle for understanding women’s freedom and moral norms. The religiously conservative...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 377
Pages: 1
Susan Cain’s (2012) TED talk provides a lot of new insights into the process of communication in general and how introverts and extroverts interact with the world in particular. First of all, her story feels very personal and passionate. Talking about her experiences and life stories, Cain (2012) reveals her...
Topic: Communication
Words: 402
Pages: 1
Introduction The adolescent stage of development is essential as the time when valuable social and cognitive skills are acquired. Moreover, at this step, a person learns new about one’s body, experiences physical and hormonal changes, and displays individual sexual characteristics for the first time. Adolescents are often viewed as a...
Topic: Adolescence
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
Personal and professional values help people to make their judgments in different contexts. Personal values, as a rule, embrace a person’s inner qualities and the qualities he or she wants to find in others, such as care, honesty, and sincerity. These values are formed starting from a person’s birth by...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 300
Pages: 1
A stereotype is an oversimplified generalization but the widely fixed idea of a person, group, or thing in a particular setting. By stereotyping our inference, we conclude that an individual has a range of abilities and characteristics similar to all group members. The primary dimensions that I have learned are...
Topic: Stereotypes
Words: 1320
Pages: 4
“A censorship of sex? There was installed rather an apparatus for producing an ever greater quantity of discourses about sex, capable of functioning and taking effect in its very economy” (Foucault 23). The history of sexual development is identified by many cases related to censorship issues. Sex and sexuality reflect...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Introduction Technological progress promotes closer communication and cooperation between representatives of different cultures. Moreover, moving between countries and migrating for a permanent residence have become easier. As a result, intercultural contacts at various levels are more intense, and cultural competency becomes significant. This concept covers knowledge and skills, contributing to...
Topic: Culture
Words: 870
Pages: 3
Introduction Gender can be a social construct defined by one’s identity and expression of gender. As human beings, our thoughts, beliefs, and actions are heavily influenced by what we see in the world around us. Gender roles in the 21st century have become a larger part of the media torrent,...
Topic: Gender
Words: 909
Pages: 3
Introduction Historically the government of the United States is known to put measures that limit the number of immigrants who enter the country. This law forces some people, most with relatives in the country, to enter the country illegally. Some laws against illegal migrants are unconstitutional and subject the culprits...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 2040
Pages: 7
Ethical Question Should abortions be allowed when the mother’s life is at risk or when pregnancy results from rape or incest, but not in other cases? Is it effective to address utilitarianism to define abortion as morally permissible if the mother’s life is at risk or pregnancy is an outcome...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 1093
Pages: 4
Introduction Various ethnic and cultural groups may have distinct communication styles that are not understandable to others or create barriers in the interaction between these specific communities with people of different ethnicities. Indeed, as the cultural contract theory states, communication is the foundation of the process of identity negotiation (Castle...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1287
Pages: 4
Introduction Immigrants seeking greener pastures and other forces driving migration, including poverty and war, have made countries, including the US, experience their upsurge. Most non-citizen individuals believe that moving to America will become the source of their betterment of life due to massive job opportunities. Even though there is no...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 946
Pages: 3
Introduction The context of modern communication and life as a whole is impossible to imagine without non-physical means of connecting with others. However, before the middle of the 19th century, one small message could take days and weeks to be delivered to the recipient, impeding efficient communication between people. The...
Topic: Communication
Words: 297
Pages: 1
This paper aims to explore the essence of facial expressions in nonverbal communication in enhancing the day-to-day interactions among people in a specific setup. The paper also outlines the theories used in assessing nonverbal communication and how it applies when using facial expressions. The terminologies used in nonverbal communication have...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1238
Pages: 4
Introduction The moral status of the embryo and fetus is the primary ethical question in the abortion debate. From the notion that a fetus is a human person with full moral standing and rights and to the conception to the belief that a fetus has no rights, even if it...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Introduction The healthcare setting can be a high-stress environment hence the need for conflict management techniques. They should equip their workforce with accurate skills regarding routines, attitude, and effective communication (Williams, 2020). Thus, when people think that they have some irreconcilable goals, they can still work together. Background The train...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 495
Pages: 3
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) and The Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT) are two standard methods to evaluate intelligence among children. The former assesses five primary areas – visual spatial, verbal comprehension, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and working memory (Eckerd, 2022). As a result, WISC-IV and WISC-V provide...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 326
Pages: 1
Everyday communication, in any circumstances, business or personal, involves talking and listening. Recently, because of the development of technology, people have begun to lose the ability to listen. Interestingly, most of the time, 60% listen and process information during a conversation, but now only 25% are remembered (Treasure, 2011). In...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 293
Pages: 1
Introduction At present, gender inequality persists in various forms, and it is essential to discuss relevant social issues to make a positive change. One of the notable topics in gender studies includes the cause-and-effect relationship between gender stereotyping and girls’ academic performance in exact sciences. Extensive research has proved that...
Topic: Gender
Words: 843
Pages: 3
There are various definitions of what it means to be an American. A person with American citizenship is an American. However, being an American is much more as it means being committed to and sharing American values and ideals (Elfenbein & Hanson, 2019). Being an American also means that one...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 267
Pages: 1
Generation NeXt is a common group of young people who are younger than twenty-six-year-old. Their behavior in college is being studied to understand how modern people choose their areas of interest and how they find jobs in the fast-changing world. The hypothesis proposed by Taylor (2006) shows that college students...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 548
Pages: 2
Introduction Feminism is the advocacy of equal human rights for women based on gender equality between men and women. It outlines that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities in social, political, and economic settings. Feminism supports the idea of equality for all human beings and condemns the...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 1880
Pages: 6
Social workers and human service professionals can apply their skills and knowledge to fulfill various roles, including that of a facilitator. Facilitation provides human service specialists with opportunities for promoting positive change and assisting social group members with getting at the roots of their issues. This role incorporates the application...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The paradigm of human experience is an intangible phenomenon that embarks everyone on a unique journey of self-exploration. The uniqueness and the magnitude of these experiences are especially visible to the ones trying to dissect and explain the causal link between every slightest detail in the human mind. In the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 841
Pages: 3
Transgender is a superordinate term that describes a person whose gender expression, identity, or behavior do not comply with their ascribed sex. Gender identity defines awareness of being a man, woman, both, or belonging anywhere in the realm of the gender spectrum. Gender expression defines how people communicate their gender...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 908
Pages: 4
In this paper, I will prove that capitalism is the means through which the rich subjugate the rest of society, as evidenced by the pervasiveness of inequality in “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair and the “Address to the Prisoners of Cook County Jail” by Clarence Darrow. The degree to which...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 1656
Pages: 6
Introduction The issue of human rights has featured prominently in many legislative processes and constitutions across the globe. One of the outstanding concerns revolving around people’s liberties is the public’s right to know. Different declarations have identified the right to information as a fundamental human right that all governments need...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 1373
Pages: 5
The Sanctuary Movement recently reemerged under the Trump era as a popular movement to protect and defend the communities of color and immigrants. It is stated that “in the Trump era, activists are once again proclaiming various institutional spaces—from college campuses to entire cities—sites of sanctuary” (Barron, 190). However, it...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 287
Pages: 1
The talk by Megan Washington, who is a famous singer and songwriter, is related to her speech impediment, namely stutter. She struggles with public performances and speeches as her communication apprehension makes it difficult for her to speak smoothly (Washington, 2014). However, it is not an issue for her musician...
Topic: Communication
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Introduction The art of rhetoric provides people with helpful recommendations on how they can effectively talk. In arguments, for example, participants should use multiple techniques and strategies to support their claims and make opponents’ opinions less convincing. Reducing an argument to absurdity is an efficient tactic to win in a...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 318
Pages: 1
The questions related to philosophical issues have been extensively discussed by people for many centuries. One of the core philosophical problems of the boundary between ethical and non-ethical actions and decisions. The topic of ethics is a complex one and has been approached from different angles by numerous philosophers. Yet,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 357
Pages: 1