The Impact of Racism on Globalization

Abstract The term globalization has been used in the literal sense to mean the transformation process of regional phenomenon into global phenomenon where the entire world’s population is united into a single society.Globalization combines forces of the economy, technology, sociology and politics. In most cases, Globalization term is used to...

Homophobia Presence in Nowadays

Introduction Homophobia refers to an acute fear of homosexuals. It can also be used to refer to discrimination on people of the same sex. It is not only the fear of these two groups of persons’ that is referred to homophobia but the discrimination of such groups of people is...

Family Violence and Substance Abuse

Substance abuse refers to the total dependence on drugs that may result in very adverse effects on the individual’s health both physically and mentally. Substance abuse leads to addiction to the substances involved such that the individuals cannot be able to cope without their use. Substances that are normally abused...

Problems Which Ruin Relationships

Relationships begin to form at birth when a child builds a relationship with the mother and father, or the caretaker, and humans continue to engage in building relationships all through their life. These relationships are of different kinds and are emotional, romantic, friendly, marital, or with colleagues, peers, or co-workers....

Comparing a Behavioral and Chemical Addiction on the Example of Alcohol and Pornography

Abstract Addiction is a continuous urge for something that the body and mind cannot function normally without it. Addiction can be in form of behavioral or chemical addiction. Both alcoholic and pornography addicts are emotionally attached to their addiction and their recommended treatment would be therapy. Many would despite therapy,...

The Voluntary Sector and the State

Until the beginning of the seventeenth century, the church in Great Britain played the greatest role in social sector affairs. However, with the declining power of the state, secular philanthropy, and the church as well as the end of feudalism, the voluntary or non-profit sector started gaining importance. Industrialization was...

Human Ecology Description Concepts

Human ecology is defined as “a branch of sociology dealing especially with the spatial and temporal interrelationships between humans and their economic, social, and political organization” (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2009). This overall definition encompasses a vast body of disciplines that are becoming increasingly important in these times where natural resources...

The Need for Self Esteem in the Elderly

Self-esteem is defined as the satisfaction and confidence in oneself or the self-worth (Rosenberg, 1965:15). It is also a fundamental part of a human being. It involves the mental makeup and human psychology. It involves how individual views oneself and the kind of relationship they have with members of their...

Overpopulation and Environmental Protection in China

Introduction Today, China is facing harsh environmental degradation mainly due to population explosion and economic development. The country was not concerned about the protection and development of the environment while it was forging ahead with rapid economic growth. Main body China’s economic miracle has bloomed tremendously in the last two...

Drugs and Drug Related Crimes

Introduction It is appalling to know that drug manifestation starts at a very stage and our children are exposed to them. Children are naïve and had impressionable minds thus when they tend to get attracted to everything that goes around them. In today’s society where children enroll in schools, an...

Gender Mainstreaming For Effective Development Of Our Company

Introduction Gender mainstreaming entails assessing the effects to both men and women of any planed undertaking be it legislative, a program or policies covering all levels and areas of development. It is aimed at ensuring that both men and women are involved in designing, implementing, evaluating and monitoring all policies...

Sex-Role Stereotyping Concepts in Media

Introduction The media is the main contributor to currently existing sex-role stereotyping, which primarily promotes male and female social norms. This has contributed greatly to currently existing behavioral patterns, whereby both men and women have ceased to embrace their unique personality traits. Changing in roles defined by the society in...

Child Welfare and Protection Policies in Australia

Introduction Racial hierarchy is known to cause the subjugation of one or more races. This is evident in Australia where the Aborigines and the Torres Strait indigenous people have suffered at the hands of the colonialists (Dominelli, 2000) and in Canada among the First Nations indigenous population (Schwartz-Kenney, 2001). Statistics...

Juvenile Offenders: Incarceration or Rehabilitation?

Juvenile offenders present a vexatious problem for law enforcement authorities as to how to tackle them. Many advocate the strong-arm approach of imposing stiff punishment and incarceration while others favor rehabilitation. This essay examines the pros and cons of incarceration and rehabilitation to arrive at a way ahead to deal...

“Letter From a Birmingham Jail” vs. “I Have a Dream”

Introduction The social problems in the United States f America are quite hard to prevent. The facts of quick and somehow unwilling settlement of its population are raised in the discourse of various layers of American society. The “melting pot” of the country was ignored for a long time. The...

Problem of Blindness in Society Analysis

Seeing is a gift given to us by Mother Nature. Seeing is wonderful just because we can do it, can experience it. Healthy people cannot even imagine how it feels to be unable to observe the beauty of the world around us. Visual images are very easy to recognize and...

Main Values in the Work of a Social Worker

The primary task of the social work profession is to promote human well-being and help meet the fundamental human needs of all people, with particular attention to the requirements and empowerment of people who are at risk, oppressed, and living in conditions of poverty [Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW,...

Dynamics of Ethics, Ethical Principles and the Technology of Ethics

Every human individual is brought up with the idea that they should strive to achieve. As such, everyone learns to work towards avoiding bad to achieve an element of goodness. As such, if every single individual was to strive towards the good, the human race will ultimately move towards an...

Sexual Behavior and Education: Sterk’s Contribution

The current review provides comprehensive analysis of Sterk’s contribution into debates on behavioral aspects of sexual behavior and health education. To understand the meaning of her article Tricking and Tripping which occurs in Annual Editions: Anthropology and where she provides interesting but controversial analysis of prostitution in modern society. Sterk...

Female Gender and Changes over the Last 150 Years

Introduction Even now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, there is a widely held opinion among many sociologists and psychologists that gender is the set of biological and social characteristics that distinguishes men from women. The word “social” is crucial in this case. In fact, physical characteristics of a...

An Aspiring Superheroine. Personal Reflections

Introduction Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to be a superhero – one who protects the weak and restores peace whenever it is shattered. They represent the ideal person everyone wants to be when they grow up. In a child’s mind the overpowering presence of someone they...

Outcasts and Social Exclusions in News and Novels

Introduction The desire to belong somewhere is natural for all human beings due to the fear of loneliness. Social exclusion is a common problem pictured both in modern literature and historically. Even though the essence of the issue remains unchanged, the shifting realities contribute to differences between the contemporary and...

‘Beauty is Skin Deep’: Empty Words for Women

Society puts way too much emphasis on outward physical appearance. Women especially are impacted by this societal flaw. Women throughout history have dealt with significant barriers to their well-being and restrictions on their abilities. Although society has come a long way in terms of providing women with chances to express...

Organ Trafficking Problem and Policy Solution

Introduction In cases when failing vital organs resist the available types of treatment, the only option for survival may be associated with transplantation. However, there is a significant lack of organ donors who can provide enough resources to patients who need them. Because of the severe shortage, some patients may...

White Racial Identity: When I Learned About Race

In the modern world, where globalization has impacted diverse spheres of human life and migration is a natural process, people of different nationalities, races, and classes live in the same social spaces. When one perceives race of others, he or she realizes his or her own racial identity, thus becoming...

Modern-Day Berlin City in the “Run Lola Run” Film

Run Lola Run is a 1998 German movie telling a story of a young woman who needs to get a significant sum of money before her boyfriend robs a supermarket. To change the course of events and save Manny’s life, Lola has to run to the beat. The movie is...

Violence: “A Child Called “It”” by Dave Pelzer

Introduction Domestic abuse is one of the most significant issues nowadays. Destructive family members often create a harsh environment for their relatives who have to overcome serious difficulties. In many cases, the victims of domestic violence are kids that cannot protect themselves. In 1995, Dave Pelzer wrote a book A...

Effect of Social Factors on Human Health

Human health depends on several factors, such as environmental, industrial, and many others. These factors are already well-researched by scholars, whereas the impact of the social environment on health either remains unknown or insufficiently studied. Since there is a particular interrelationship between human health and social factors, which have an...

Human Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Social Work

Introduction Social work is based on the recognition of human needs and the analysis of the systems by which people are impacted throughout their lives. Thus, this profession cannot view each individual’s case as separate from the influences of the world, culture, location, and other factors. Here, such perspectives and...

Freud, Sex and Sexuality

Sex and sexuality can be considered fundamental social constructs as they regulate the interaction of people belonging to various communities and the way they evolve. For this reason, these aspects have always attracted philosophers’ attention. They tried to outline factors impacting the emergence of particular behaviors in individuals when interacting...

Prostitution from the Moral System Perspective

Introduction Moral and ethical principles have become powerful models for guiding societies to achieve their potential and address their challenges. Unfortunately, some issues have remained divisive since they attract both support and objection from community members. A good example of such concerns is that of prostitution. The consequential moral system...

Managing Diversity in Public Administration and Policy

Diversity becomes an integral part of everyday life as individuals are exposed to communication with various groups daily. Understanding the process is especially crucial for a Public Administration role. Having a clear definition of the diversity and ability to see more global influence it has on society helps to build...

History of Alcohol in Europe

Introduction By the year 1600, alcohol consumption had become a common practice in different parts of Europe. With the spread of Christianity into different parts of the world, brewing and the use of wine attracted the attention of many people. However, the 17th century presented a new era that reshaped...

Impact of Relationships and Social Connection

Introduction As social creatures, human beings depend on each other for support, care, and empowerment. They tend to establish unique relationships that eventually dictate their interactions, goals, and expectations in life. However, challenges that have the potential to disorient people’s unions and engagements will always emerge. In the selected book,...

Ecofeminism and Fight for Animal Rights

Feminists are known to be some of the most progressive fighters for equality in the world. However, their endeavors do not only comprise human relationships. There is a branch of feminism that deals with defending the rights of animals. This ideology is called ecofeminism, and its supporters argue that animals...

The Evolution of Cryptography

Introduction Communication is a process that people have used, developed, and improved since ancient times. In the majority of cases, it is necessary to make sure that information remains protected. The examples of ancient leaders, kings and queens in the Middle Ages, and modern generals show that privacy and confidentiality...

Issues of Interracial Marriages in the United States

Interracial marriages have existed in the United States for a significant length of time. However, unions between members of different races tend to suffer from judgment-related issues when interacting with other members of the community. In addition to racism that can occasionally be present in some people, the behavior indicates...

Douglass’ Rhetorical Strategy: Biblical Allusions

Introduction Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas published in 1845 is a classical autobiographical piece. In the book, Douglas described multiple injustices that American slaves faced on a regular basis and provided arguments against the practice of slavery. He extensively utilized Biblical references and allusions to support his messages....

Chapter 12 of Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies by Gills & Jacobs

Part II of Chapter 12 Intersectional feminism seems to have appeared as a response to the predominant paradigm of radical feminism that was characterized by the oversimplification of a phenomenon as complex as gender disparities. Radical feminists allegedly strived for the establishment of the global sisterhood, and yet, they never...

Poverty from a Sociological Standpoint

Poverty is a complex phenomenon, in which many explicit and implicit factors are involved. It is important to focus on poverty as a phenomenon that individuals themselves tend not to perceive as critical. They treat their state from the position of smoothing negativism, a departure from reality. This approach can...

Are Women Less Privileged in Society than Men?

Gender relations that are observed in the western world have transformed significantly during recent decades. Certain political, economic, and social changes, as well as historical events, have caused critical alterations in gender roles while making male domination less typical of the society in developed countries. While women remain to be...

Childhood Issues Research: Causes and Consequences

Sutherland’s article research Thesis Statement The article by Sutherland (1992) focuses on the so-called voyeuristic empathy related to childhood reminiscence. The thesis posed by the author can be identified as follows: childhood is composed of structural states that may differ, depending on the certain period and cultural peculiarities that are...

National Organization for Women

The interest group that I have chosen is called the National Organization for Women. As it is clear from the name of the group, it tries to unite people in order to struggle for equal rights for women and demonstrate that unfair treatment and violation of women’s rights still present...

Domestic Violence Issues and Interventions

Introduction The issue of domestic violence in the US affects many people every day, and public awareness about it can have a significant impact on its severity. While some may think that in 10 years the rate of domestic abuse has decreased, some statistics and studies show that the nation...

Emotional Trauma in Young Women Caused by Societal Standards: Four Incidents

Incident 1 The problem of emotional trauma in young women remains one of the core issues in women’s mental health that needs to be addressed as a complex, sociocultural issue. In a number of cases, the nature of emotional trauma in women can be traced back to their childhood. Specifically,...

Moral Issues in 21st-Century Conflict

Introduction The ability to easily find information does not equal in importance to having actual knowledge. What a person really needs is the actual truth since only reliable facts help in the decision-making and achieving the desired outcome. To illustrate, let us say that a doctor needs to assess a...

Social Work Profession: Principles and Ethics

Every occurrence in an individual’s personal, sexual, emotional, psychological, and physical life is of great significance as far as one’s quality of life is concerned. Hence, for an individual to live a quality life, all these aspects of life must be satisfied. However, because of the numerous social, health, and...

Edward Snowden and the Ethics of Whistleblowing

Introduction When Edward Snowden revealed that the National Security Agency in United Sates was tapping phones of world leaders and capturing information from ordinary people, including U.S. citizens all over the world, there was outrage and shock. The U.S. government as evidenced by its action to charge Snowden under the...

Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals

Social services professionals play a positive role in every community. They use their competencies to support the welfare of many people and provide adequate services that can improve their living conditions (Diller, 2015). I strongly believe that I have acquired useful dexterities that make me a competent provider of superior...

Rethinking Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination

This paper will focus on the theory of egoism and when to apply the theory in the work environment to avoid sexual discrimination. Based on the normative claims of the egoism theory, I will demonstrate that employees in organizations must be familiar with their unique sexual needs and sexual misconduct...

Ethical Issues: Edward and Susan’s Case

Introduction Ethics is a unique philosophical domain that helps to distinguish between right and wrong. It gives a clear direction in ascertaining the kind of actions that would either assist or harm conscious beings. The concept of ethical life, therefore, determines the capability of either destroying or enhancing the quality...

Social Classes in the Canadian Society

What is social inequality and—according to the readings—where does it come from? Use specific examples from the readings to guide your analysis. Social inequality refers to a state in which individual groups in a specific society have different social status. This state of inequality is brought about by the ideologies...

Cheryl Hayashi’s “The Magnificence of Spider Silk”

The speaker giving the speech begins by clearly stating the contents of the speech about to be delivered. Clearly defining the contents of speech provide the audience with a perception of the expectations from the speech. The speaker does not state the substance discussed within the context of the speech....

The Position of People in Society

Interviewee Information The first interviewee’s name is Jordan. She is a thirty-five-year-old black woman with two children and a husband. Jordan states that she identifies herself as African-American and that she was born in the US. She also says that she is currently working two jobs in order to sustain...

Domestic Violence in Same-Sex Relationships

Rhetorical Situation The article by Shwayder addresses the issue of domestic abuse as one of the key concerns of contemporary societal concerns. However, while the problem of abuse is often explored in-depth as a serious issue among heterosexual couples, it is often overlooked when analyzing same-sex relationships, which becomes the...

Family Resource Programs and Participants

Family resource programs (FRPs) are community-centered organizations that through close partnership with other service providers “create a web of supportive services for families” (FRP, 2013, p. 1). The Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (FRP Canada) recognizes guiding principles of the organizations that include, but are not limited to, building...

Personal Responsibility and Its Limits

In my opinion, being responsible means acknowledging the consequences of your actions or choices and being ready to handle them. This is a very broad definition, and numerous concessions must be made, but this is the general guideline for defining responsibility in my book. In this essay, I will mention...

Male Gender Role in the Chinese Workplace

Introduction The definition of a man, especially in the workplace, is closely tied to the definition of a woman. Whereas a woman in the workplace is defined as less aggressive and conservative, a man is perceived as more agile and modern. Women who possess such latter characteristics in the workplace...

Ethos, Logos, Pathos in Becker’s Antisemitism Study

Introduction The problem of antisemitism is very relevant today. Violence and hatred towards Jews did not stop even after the Second World War when people around the globe were shocked by the horrors of the Holocaust. There are still many hideous examples of antisemitic violence throughout the world. Moreover, various...

Is Abortion Beneficial or Harmful To a Teenager?

Introduction Abortion is the removal of a pregnancy before it is due. It is the elimination of a fetus or embryo from the mother’s uterus before it is due for birth. Abortion can either be induced or can occur due to complications of a pregnancy in other terms referred to...

Gender Equality and Women’s Rights

The issue of gender equality in society has gained popularity in the precedent century with the rise of the feminist movement and women’s struggle for rights equal to those of men. The reason for the shift towards recognizing women’s rights in societal interactions is the changing ratio of males and...

Casinos Effects on Communities

Casino, a gambling activity, has caused a plethora of effects in the society both economically and socially. The legalization of the gambling game in many nations has led to the establishment of structures, which govern the activity. Some countries have commissioned organizations to assess the impact of casino gambling within...

Same-Sex Marriage as a Moral Controversy

Commonly same-sex marriages were considered to be immoral and were not supported by society. However, recently they became legal in some countries and several states of America. Thus, it can be seen that today people tend to be more loyal than their forbears. Same-sex marriages are mainly not accepted by...

What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet?

The article that is going to be analyzed in the paper at hand is called The Internet Is Full of Jerks, Because the World Is Full of Jerks: What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet and is written by the feminist scholar Adrienne Shaw. The title is partially self-explanatory:...

Communication Strategies with a Vulnerable Population

Communication during a crisis is essential for both victims and the emergency services. Often, conventional forms of communication are unavailable due to the circumstances of the crisis. In cases like these, alternative methods of communication are required. Unfortunately, not all of them apply to the vulnerable populations, such as older...

Husband’s Violence Against Wife

Setting Identification The topic for the assessment is domestic violence. Domestic violence is the abuse of a partner or a family member by another especially through aggression (Nicholas & Maistry, 2010). The setting of the assessment is in the workplace. In this setting, one of the workers called Elizabeth Jennings...

Gender Stereotypes in Families: Parents’ Gender Roles and Children’s Aspirations

Psychologists have paid significant attention to gender stereotypes, and many important trends have been identified and evaluated. Researchers use various methodologies to address the issues related to gender stereotypes. This paper dwells upon the study implemented by Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) with a focus on the methodology used....

The Book “Responsible Administrator” by Terry Cooper

In chapter three of the book Responsible Administrator, Cooper (2012) looks at how administrative ethics, especially in public administration have transitioned with change in time and among others, modernity and post-modernity and how they have been affected by different aspects of the same. Administrative roles can be interpreted differently in...

Revenge as a Form of Ensuring Justice

Introduction In general, revenge is an action that involves harming someone in return for being harmed by them. Usually, all people can feel this urge to punish somebody for the actions they did. Psychologists consider that revenge is a form of providing justice. The threat of revenge can keep people...

Does the Gender Pay Gap Still Exist?

Although a lot of people believe that in the modern world, striving for equality and justice, the gender pay gap is closing fast, in fact, the real state of things is quite the opposite–the discrepancy is as wide as it has ever been. It has been estimated, that in the...

Women’s Social Roles in Critical Realism Paradigm

In “Work-family conflict: A case study of women in Pakistani banks,” Faiz (2015) employs the qualitative research methodology to address issues associated with females’ experiences and beliefs. The researcher utilizes the critical realism paradigm as it takes into account the social aspect of human life (Faiz, 2015). This approach is...

“If Poor Get Richer, Does World See Progress?” by Knickerbocker

Brad Knickerbocker in the article “If poor get richer, does world see progress?” dwells upon the problem of poverty in the world. The author expresses several ideas related to the increase of the richer population having related it to the higher number of customers. Brad Knickerbocker expresses personal concern about...

Immigrant Community Change: Action Plan

Problem Overview Due to a considerable influx of immigrants, the community has to meet a number of challenges in order to satisfy health care needs of the group and ensure their access to all necessary services. For this purpose, an action plan has to be developed. It will allow setting...

Immigration Reasons, Functions and Problems

Abstract This paper highlights the main points of the immigration process. Several immigration reasons including economical, political, religious, and others were identified. There are the primary functions of immigration that explain its purposes both from immigrants and from government sides. The paper reveals accelerative (population development due to the new...

World Hunger and Food Distribution as Global Issue

The uneven distribution of food is one of the most pressing global issues today. In most developed countries, people have no shortage of food and can afford to throw a lot of products away; in some developing countries, on the other hand, many adults and children are dying of malnutrition...

“Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell

Introduction In the second chapter of his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell discusses the prerequisites, which are important for reaching success in various professional areas. To some degree, the author’s discussion is based on the study of various violinists. In particular, this research carried out by other...

Black Lives Matter Movement: Essay Example

The Black Lives Matter social movement is concerned with important issues of racism and police brutality. BLM also became one of the most popular essay topics for high school and college. Here, you will find a free example of a Black Lives Matter movement essay complete with an introduction and...

Social Norm Violation: Essay

Check out this “breaking social norms” essay for ideas regarding violating social norms. Learn all about norm violation with plenty of examples. Introduction: Norm Violation in Sociology Social norms are changing with every new era. What was typical a hundred years ago is not acceptable nowadays. Some standards have been...

Relations to the Idea of Responsibility

Responsibility refers to the willingness of an individual to control one’s thoughts, actions, and behavior to create and promote a society that gives all people equal opportunity without infringing on their rights and wellbeing. A responsible human being is someone who accepts that his or her behavior and actions have...

Issues Related to Body Image in Young Women

Introduction Modern society is extremely judgmental towards women in all aspects. A predominant element in which women are either criticized or praised is their body. Our society strives for perfection, and this affects women especially teenage girls. Fitness magazines, clothing lines and dietary supplements push women to the edge when...

Persuasion and Relationships in Negotiating and Disputes

Introduction: Power of Persuasion and its Role in Negotiation A success of negotiation is fully dependent upon the persuasion skills of the communicants. Persuasion helps people to address multiple issues and challenges, to attract attention as well as to arrive at mutually consistent and correct decisions. It is crucial to...

The Color of Sex: Postwar Histories of Race and Gender

The article “The Color of Sex: Postwar Photogenic Histories of Race and Gender in National Geographic Magazines” issues from Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins’s pen and features a powerful volume “The Gender/Sexuality Reader”. This volume, as a whole, can be distinguished in the ocean of books devoted to the ideas...

Communication: People-to-People vs. People-to-Devices

Introduction This paper summarizes our study of the correlation between face-to-face communication and communication via social media. After describing our research activities, we provide some comments concerning the ethical challenges that we encountered in our study. Finally, we identify the main themes that emerged in the process of researching and...

Human Development in Zimbabwe

Introduction The report covers ‘human development’, its meaning and measures within the context of Zimbabwe. The primary aim of the report is to promote thought and analysis on the meaning of the term ‘development’ and its measurement within the context of Zimbabwe. Thus, the report answers basic questions about development...

Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream”

I have chosen the speech of Martin Luther King I Have a Dream for the analysis, as it is on the top of the ranking list. Martin Luther King is a widely known politician, who wanted to bring the equality to the American society and make the United States a...

Demographic Data and Population Pyramid

The primary purpose of the population pyramid is to display differences between different groups of people in a comprehensive manner to make it easier to analyze the information that is available (Ferrante 321). Such factors as migration, urbanization, and others may have a significant influence on the cohorts, and such...

Fallacies and Assumptions – Psychology

Assumptions are a part of human cognitive processes that are framed by knowledge and contemplations in relation to the leading out reasons or potentially factual information. There are times when assumptions are true or false and can be based on real facts or made up information. Usually, a person assuming...

“The Price We Pay? Pornography and Harm” by Susan Brison

Introduction Nowadays, pornography has become easily accessible to many due to the latest development of technologies. However, there exist controversies regarding it; some state that pornography should be allowed for the sake of freedom, others argue that the harm it causes is formidable. In this paper, we will discuss an...

“Change over Time in Obedience” by Jean Twenge

Summary of the Article In the article, Twenge Jean reports that Burger conducted a study with the aim of replicating Milgram’s study in 2009 on obedience. In the study, the race was one of the independent variables because it affected other variables. An independent variable is not changed by any...

Social Workers’ Benefits from Stress Management

Introduction The management of stress is a fundamental attribute for all workers throughout the globe. The free and undistracted mind is able to facilitate and accommodate working conditions by implementing strategies to relieve stress. Essentially, extroverts are able to live social lives by making friends who can solve problems, provide...

Women and Professional Sports

Introduction When an individual ponders about professional sports, the primary thing that comes to the mind is baseball, football, basketball and tennis. These games have one thing alike, that is, they are all male dominated. In the public eye today, ladies can’t contend nearby men in professional games (CAAWS 5)....

Moral Intention Concept in Philosophy

Peter Abelard and Heloise are two well-known figures in the field of philosophy. Abelard proposed the concept of moral intention by arguing that sins are not the act of evil desires or a person does not commit sins because of having evil desires. Instead, the consent to follow evil desires...

Social Institutions and the Society

Every society has social institutions. These institutions cover wider pera iphery from social organization to customs unique to a setting. Often dependent on each other, social institutions align sets of interrelated normatic elements and expected role functioning. Thus, this reflective research paper attempts to define social institutions especially economic, religious,...

History of Assessment and Ethical Issues – Psychology

In psychology, assessment is regarded as a critical process as it helps clinical psychologists acquire valuable information in diagnoses, selection of treatment options, and therapeutic change quantification. Personal assessment has become a very common practice in a wide range of subjects. Personality assessment involves the study of the characteristics which...

Dog’ and Human Baby’ Raising

Introduction Many humans who have pets handle them like their children because of the love that exists between the two. While raising a dog as your pet, it is important to consider the same in the context that a pet requires as much attention and care as a human baby....

Winning Strategies in the Game of Chomp

Chomp is a strategy game played by two individuals. The competitors play the game on a rectangular bar made up of small cells. Every player chooses a block and eats it (removes) from the board. The player who eats (removes) the poisoned block will lose the game. According to Siegel...

Psychology Issues: Childhood Development and Positive Parenting

Each stage of an individual’s development is important. However, childhood can be regarded as one of the most important periods in a person’s life. Children acquire new skills, knowledge and learn how to perceive the world. Five-year-old children experience loads of new things and this is why this period can...

Social Problems of People with Disabilities

People living with disabilities go through several challenges in life because society is yet to appreciate their presence. Close analysis of the professionals in the Hall of Fame suggests that stigmatization is one of the challenges that the deaf and the blind face in most societies, including some of the...

Cultural Beliefs, Norms and Practices

Cultural Beliefs in Sweden: Cooperation There is hardly a single thing that is just as important to people as the sense of belonging and the search for the ideas that can help them in the process of self0identifiction. Luckily enough, when being a part of a certain culture, one is...

Corporal Punishment and Parents Position

Corporal punishment has always been a controversial subject not only for the United States but also for the rest of the world. Opinions are often divided when it comes to the effectiveness of corporal punishment as a tool for disciplining children. In most circles, corporal punishment is also known as...

Sexual Abuse of Children in South Africa

Introduction Child sexual abuse (CSA), which is common in sub-Saharan Africa, infringes on children’s rights and dignity. It entails the sexual exploitation of underage boys and girls for commercial gains. CSA has been attributed to four causal factors: “poverty, poor living conditions, migration, and economic and social insecurity” (Kistner, Fox...

The Crisis of Drug Addiction

Introduction Drug use is an act that has been seen among citizens, especially the youthful generation in many countries. It is a problem that is caused by a number of factors, among them being sociocultural factors, as well as the economic factors surrounding the drug users. Heavy use of drugs...

The Role of Gender in Interactions via Social Media

It has been acknowledged that men and women quite differently use social media. For instance, females tend to focus on development of certain relationships and creating a community while males tend to use social media to get information, have fun and so on (Correa, Hinsley & De Zúňiga, 2010). Interestingly,...

Gender is a Role, not a Biological Sex, and it is Cultural

Definition of gender identity Gender identity differs from person’s sexual orientation or biological sex, it is rather a social role which an individual links himself/herself to. In normal circumstances, the gender identity of an individual i.e. man or woman usually resembles their biological sex, which is male or female. However,...

Role of Gender in Society

Introduction Gender is a set of unique character traits which create a clear distinction between male and female notions; in most cases, these two concepts are differentiated as man or woman, and boy or girl (Gender roles, 2011). Gender roles refer to a set of socially shared and behavioral patterns...

Challenges Facing Women Leaders in Sports

For many years now, women have been pushed to the periphery regarding managerial positions in many institutions. This has been a result of restrictions that were imposed on women, thus hindering their upward mobility. On the same note, there have been different types of discrimination directed towards women. Whenever administrative...

Binge Drinking in the United Kingdom

Abstract It is prudent to accept that the role of intoxication in the society has considerably shifted and as such the attitudes towards alcohol consumption and its role with respect to the changing landscape of leisure, work and pleasure. From the eras of carnivalesque excess, to the acceptance of an...

Abortion: An Ethical Dilemma

There are many reasons as to why abortion poses an ethical dilemma for most women. Reasons such as religious beliefs, medical concerns are easily resolved by reason and need. While other cases, such as pregnancies resulting from criminal acts, are more often debated and considered an ethical dilemma. It is...

Media’s Influence on Body Image and the Affect it has on Girls/Woman

Introduction Role models portrayed in the media are revealed to be all appearance and too often, no substance. Girls are very slim and tall with flawless complexions. The idea of the ‘Barbie complex’ is not new, but the importance placed on being blonde, slim and young has created a culture...

Fears of Public Speaking

Introduction It is important to note that fear of public speaking is an interesting topic for discussion. One of the most significant aspects that should not be disregarded is that numerous factors affect an ability of an individual to communicate with others. The assessment of self-esteem is critical most of...

Child Exploitation as a Form of Human Trafficking

Introduction and Overview Human trafficking is a modern concern in sociology and social work. Many individuals are affected by the problem. However, the groups that are mostly affected include women and children. Many theories exist as to why they are affected, including the perception that they are the weakest members...

Effective and Professional Electronic Communications

Over the past decade, the Internet has revolutionized the way in which communication occurs in the workplace. One of the revolutionary communication means which has emerged is the use of emails. According to Isabelle (2009), electronic mail is now the most useful channel of communication across the globe. As such,...

Race and Gender Stereotypes in Literature

Introduction Literature is an avenue through which life experiences in society are portrayed from the perspective of the author. To achieve this reflection of encounters, the writer uses a number of stylistic features and techniques. Most of these literary devices are used to improve the quality of the message passed...

Social Issues: Family in Saudi Arabia

Family is the fundamental unit in any society where most society members learn their behavior. However, the family has never had the same interpretations in every community. This is due to the different cultural beliefs that every society has. As a result, behavior that is considered normal in one society...

Material Goods Role in Happiness

Happiness is an expression of positive emotions such as intense joy and contentment due to a state of mental well-being. Material goods are commodities such as cars, houses, televisions as appliances that can be sold or purchased. It is important to note that material goods give the possessors non-spiritual pleasure. ...

Good vs. Bad Conflict in the Workplace

Good conflict is constructive and helps an organization to grow and improve, while bad conflict is destructive and damages relationships and productivity. Good conflict is based on different opinions and perspectives and leads to creative e solutions and better decision-making. Bad competition is based on personal attacks and power struggles,...

Liberal View on Sexual Behavior

The liberal view on sexual behavior comes closest to my own perspective. I consider myself a liberal, hence the belief that all people should be treated with respect, with equality being the guiding principle. Different arguments support my view of this issue. First, I opine that people have the freedom...

Personal Values in Ethically Ambiguous Situations

Personal values usually represent very important forces in organizational ethical behaviors. There exist at least three purposes of personal values in organizational ethics. These values serve as behavioral standards that determine the correct course of action. Two, personal values serve as guidelines that help in the resolution of conflict as...

Discussion: Ethics in Healthcare Research

This assessment critically evaluates two peer-reviewed journal articles concerning ethics in research. The first is “Publication pressure versus ethics, in research and publication” by Bahl and Bahl (2021), and the second is entitled “Research and publication ethics in developing countries” by Sharma and Ghimire (2021). The two research articles go...

Drug and Prostitution Issues in the Local Community

The present scenario concerns a patrol officer assigned to a truck stop near a major highway encountering crime and disorder problems. This truck stop serves as a parking lot for hundreds of trucks and is known for having high levels of drug use and prostitution. Parents in the community have...

Hearing Impairments and Effective Communication

People who self-identify as deaf, deaf-blind, hearing-impaired, late-deaf, and hard of hearing are all included in the term deaf today. Hearing loss that is so profound that there is little to no functional hearing is typically referred to as deaf people (Easterbrooks & Dostal, 2020). People who have been deaf...

Discussion of Personal Conflict of Interest

Definition In FAR Subpart 3.11 – Preventing Personal Conflicts of Interest for Contractor Employees Performing Acquisition Functions, the term “Personal Conflict of Interest” (PCI) is defined. PCI represent illegal activity covered by the FAR. It can be traced in the actions of a covered employee whose ability to act impartially...

Social Self as a Sociological Concept

One of the key concepts in sociology is the social self, which refers to the way a person perceives themselves in the context of interaction with other people. Communication with an individual is only as effective as their overview of themselves. Therefore, in order to build meaningful connections and help...

Functionalist, Conflict, and Interactionist Theories

Social relationships are complex processes that require several scientific approaches, which are discussed in this paper. Each of the theories focuses on some specific aspects of a person’s social life. A detailed study of theories of social behavior is useful for understanding how various institutions, such as the mass media,...

Racial Inequality in the United States

Introduction Racial inequality in the United States has taken root in the recent past and continues to affect a larger majority of the people. The social movement against racial inequality aims to identify social disparities affecting various races in the United States and provide solutions (Chasin, 2022). His movement has...

Gender: The Social Roles of Men and Women

Introduction Gender refers to the cultural distinctions between men and women, such as those made by society and culture based on sex. As a result, a person’s sex never changes, but their gender occasionally does. The society in which people live largely shapes how men and women are perceived and...

The Food Choices Movie Analysis

The main thesis of the movie, ‘Food Choices,’ is that a plant-based diet is the most nutritious, and people should not consume animal products. In this documentary, director Michal Siewierski investigates the effects that people’s dietary choices have on their health, the health of the environment, and the lives of...

Ageing out of Foster Care: Transitional Supports and Programs

Ageing out of foster care entails transitioning from being provided by a guardian to catering for their needs. The process often occurs when individuals reach the age of 18 or 21. Due to this age, the youths are no longer eligible for foster care services and must rely on their...

Critique of the Minimalist: “Less Is Now” Documentary

The documentary is about two friends named Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus and their minimalist, less is now ways of living. Many people have recognized minimalism as an extreme way of living because they believe minimalism means not having anything. Living with nothing contributes to the point that it...

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

Assignment One The movie is relevant to today’s society because it addresses the issue of sexual assault. The movie is set in the 1980s, but the issue of sexual assault is still prevalent today. It follows the story of Sarah Tobias, whom two men in a bar sexually assaulted her....

Body Image and Body Positivity Movement

Body image is people’s subjective perception of their bodies, regardless of their actual appearance. Body image is a complicated aspect that encompasses an individual’s thoughts and feelings about physical appearance. Other illnesses, such as anorexia, often complement body image issues. Historically, popular media such as television and magazines have shaped...

Why the Humanities Matter in Our Modern Life

In this restless and ever-changing world, humanity is of great essence in many interconnected aspects. Humanities foster a deep and genuine understanding of individuals and social justice, an authentic acknowledgment and appreciation of differences, and a thrilling and life-enhancing recognition of many life aspects. Humanities culture is crucial as it...

Drug Abuse and Alcohol-Related Crimes in Adolescents

Introduction Various substances, including drugs and alcohol, are some of the most notable predictors of crime. This issue is particularly relevant for adolescents who are frequently not addicted but rather want to try something new. This curiosity is typical for many teenagers; however, it is critical to address this issue...

Sociological Positivism Theory in Police Practice

Introduction Social positivism is a theory that comprehensively researches the social world and its influence on an individual’s behavior. Positivists depend on the empirical nature of data, believing that what is observed is the truth. They employ specifically data quantification because it considers facts, not people’s subjective interpretations. Positivism is...

Comparative Analysis of Rhetoric by Different Authors

Introduction Rhetoric, the art of effectively persuading or impressing the audience using different techniques, is an ancient art of discourse. Depending on the target audience, different speakers or writers use different techniques to achieve this objective, even when the topic is common, similar, or related (Ponton 46). In the essay...

Art Activism, Feminism, and Social Media

Feminist art refers to works created during the era of the feminist movement, which began in the late 1960s and flourished in the early 1970s. Feminist art emphasizes the social and political disparities that women face. The value of this work lies in its potential to promote global understanding and...

The United States-Mexico Border Crisis

Introduction Border crisis arises from dignity and human rights issues, which threaten national security at the border region. The major cause of the border crisis developed from immigration issues during the Cold War, where poverty, political instability, and crimes of violence stemmed in support of authoritative administrations. Border crises are...

Human Trafficking Through a Historical Lens

Introduction Human trafficking is a global issue that involves coercing a person to provide services or labor forcefully, violating their human rights. Trafficking started in the sixteenth century, targeting individuals from all genders, backgrounds, and ages. Women and girls are the most targeted population trafficked for forced labor and sexual...

The Food Insecurity Issue and Methods of Solving

Introduction The central problem of the given speech is to inform the population about the issue of food insecurity and methods of how this problem can be solved. It is especially problematic that some people do not have access to healthy food, while 40% of food produced in the USA...

Review of the Book “Set Boundaries, Find Peace” by N. G. Tawwab

Summary of every chapter Understanding the Importance of Boundaries Chapter 1: What the heck are boundaries? The first chapter starts with the words “Boundaries are the gateway to healthy relationships.” (Tawwab, 2021, p. 15). The chapter talks about the story of Kim, who cannot resist helping her friends, colleagues, and...

The Article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor

The article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor (2004) majorly highlights the relationship between the native and non-native individuals of Canada. Different types of individuals migrated to the country, which led to the immigrants competing for the available resources with the native citizens. The author portrays how...

Theoretical Approaches to Addictions

Introduction Addictions represent a complex phenomenon characterized by the presence of behavioral, physiological, and psychological changes, the diversity of which makes the establishment of the core cause of addiction disorders and their etiology a challenging task. As opposed to more recent multi-causal approaches to comprehending addictions, single-cause models offer partially...

The Agents of Change Documentary Film Review

Introduction For nearly 50 years, people of color received poor educated in the Institution of Education, which is the most critical government entity in the United States. The requirements of black students were utterly unimportant, and they were even assumed to be nonexistent. The documentary Agents of Change puts its...

The Issue of Poverty in Savannah, Georgia

Introduction In my letter, I would like to address a serious issue that, unfortunately, still affects our community of Savannah, Georgia, and in poverty. This problem influences both individuals and society, as it is closely connected with the rise of homelessness, malnutrition, food insecurity, insufficient childcare, lack of access to...

African Kingdoms, Atlantic Slave Trade, and New World Slavery

The Atlantic was the inaugural ocean in global history to be frequently traversed, and its bordering regions developed a shared history. Several ties, relationships, and linkages gradually pushed the areas surrounding the Atlantic, that enormous inland sea, closer together throughout time. Individuals, commodities, and technologies moved between the pan-Atlantic continents...

The Issue of Human Rights Violation

Introduction Good morning, I stand here to bring to your attention a crucial issue that has gained more significant attention than ever. First, it is essential to mention that human deserves the right to have a good and safe life. With this in mind, I would wish to question everyone...

Emotional, Ethical, and Logical Arguments

Summary Nowadays, it is impossible to always and forever live in harmony with others. When billions of people live on the Earth, everyone has different opinions and does not always coincide with others’ views. It is almost impossible for a person to earn money, live, and generally be happy without...

Transgender People in the Olympic Games

Introduction The new guidelines state that transgender athletes may be permitted to compete in the Olympics without undergoing sex reassignment surgery. New Zealand heavyweight athlete Laurel Hubbard will become the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics (Safer 3). Hubbard was one of five weightlifters from that country to...

The American Dream and Related Constructs

Introduction The American dream is a complex term that implies multiple values, ideologies, and social consciousness concepts. The American dream penetrated many people’s mindsets and became an unattainable aim to which individuals failed to strive. Indeed, this conception was mentioned in many pieces of literary, economic, and political texts, which...