Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning

Introduction Although science and engineering professions have developed numerous solutions to many problems, they do not effectively respond to the wicked issues of social or policy planning. In Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning, Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber recognize the emergence of complex societal issues, which are highly...

The Notion of Race Through the Prism of Personal Experience

The concepts of race and ethnicity and their perception in the modern US context have long been considered an emotionally challenging topic for discussion. Immigrants who come to the US either as an escape or in pursuit of their American Dream face an unprecedented level of biases and prejudice towards...

Homosexuality Perceptions in Mexican Culture

Modern society has drastically changed over the centuries, and compared to the old times, it is now much more liberated, democratic, and accepting. However, there are still issues that require special attention and cause many debates over their existence, such as homosexuality. The attitude towards people belonging to the LGBTQ...

The Protection of Human Subjects’ Rights in Research

The first video outlines the Institutional Review Board’s function in human research, as well as the values that underlie it. The three pillars, namely the necessity for free and informed consent, the advantages for risk analysis, and the participant’s ability to withdraw, have established the foundation for codes of ethics...

Intersectionality in Gender and Sexual Differences

Introduction There is a high prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence among bisexual persons than among heterosexuals in the current society. Rollè et al. (2018) establish an overwhelming increase in the rate of abuse across the LGBT community cause of their societal stigma and potential rejection. As a result, these individuals...

Paul McCartney: Rhetorical Analysis

“I am still very competitive” or “Do you know anyone who does not have insecurities?” are the phrases that you could hear if you met him now. He is a member of the order of the British Empire and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his services. NYPD gave...

Violence Encoding in Video Games

Video games have become a popular source of entertainment in the past decade and are a significant source of revenue for the makers. The presentation of digital content has evolved in the recent past to cover basic and advanced concepts of human life such as sports, culture, adventure, war and...

Protecting Inhabitants From Gentrification

Introduction Recently, the pace and scale of gentrification have greatly affected the locals in an area marked for development. As shown in the case scenario, the inhabitants of Downtown Brooklyn were displaced when the Albee Square Mall was replaced with City Point (Newman, 2007). In my view, I think the...

Peer Learning in a Transcultural Environment

Summary It is possible to state that the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the method many companies operate. Presently, the needs of a hybrid workforce must be fulfilled to ensure its efficiency. For this purpose, the changes in learning and development methodologies shall be implemented (Einfalt, 2020). This work will examine...

Racism and Prejudice: People’s Experiences

Introduction The principal obstacle to establishing equality of all citizens in a country is people’s attitudes, which are represented by prejudice towards specific population groups and racism in the main governmental institutions. Nevertheless, this problem can be also analyzed on a personal level since the consequences of unfair treatment of...

Social Identity and Multicultural Solidarity

Today, when societies become more and more multicultural, the issue of national solidarity becomes especially relevant. Many countries strive to preserve their unique cultural and social identity by adopting stricter immigration laws, social policies and creating economic barriers in the way of migrants. However, the processes of globalization can only...

Observing Harmony in Our Life During Covid-19 Pandemic

During the pandemic, there have been many reasons to reflect upon the essence of the never-ending sequence of challenges that form the sequence of our lives. I had time to search for answers to many related questions. What is the sense of Covid-19 for humanity? What can this challenge bring...

How the Corona Virus-19 Pandemic Affected Society

How the Corona Virus-19 pandemic affected society’s stratification and social classes The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus resulted in a global disruption of economies and social interaction. Coronavirus crisis resulted in hundreds of millions of people affected worldwide, with several million deaths from the complications of this...

Analysis of Cause of Anxiety in Family

The Nature of the Theory The feeling of either staying closer or far away with relatives is the initiator of anxiety in a family. The standard of stress will be determined by the present level of eternal pressure and the sensitivities of specific subjects that have been passed from previous...

COVID-19 Among the African American Population in the United States

Two years since it was first reported, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rake havoc in many parts of the world. Almost every community in the globe has experienced the devastating effects of the disease. However, in the United States, there is a disturbing trend where people of color, specifically African...

Researching of Brain Development

The intriguing aspects of brain development are cells lining the subventricular zone and dendrites and spines. The aspects are interesting because, in the former, the generation is impacted by hormones, drugs, and experience. These cells remain active throughout life and sometimes quiescent in their locations for a prolonged period, after...

U.S. Pharmacies’ Role in the Opioid Crisis

In 2019, more than 50,000 individuals in the U.S. died of an opioid-related overdose. However, the high prevalence of individuals misusing and addicted to painkillers, synthetic opioids, and similar substances suggests that it is a national crisis that affects social and economic welfare and human development. Unfortunately, there is increasing...

Gender Education: Sociological Review

The research conducted by Martin proves that gender is the socially conditioned notion which practically exists only within society. I totally agree with the general idea of the article and have no difficulties understanding its context. From my point of view, gender peculiarities are imposed on people during their childhood....

Changing the American Dream of Immigrants and African Americans

The American dream is a well-known concept throughout the world, and people from different countries want to achieve it. Today, many individuals align that dream with economic wealth, but this approach significantly limits the idea. Adams (1931) explains that the American dream is associated with a better and civil society,...

The Power of Introverts: Analysis of Book

A strong narrative with a skillful implementation of rhetorical modes determines the success of an argumentative literary work, as research determines the quality of an academic paper. Susan Cain (1968–), an American writer today and a lawyer in the past, worked on her non-fictional book since 2005 but accumulated the...

American Dominant Minority Relations and Impact of Globalization

Introduction Initially, the United States was formed as a heterogeneous society, and the traditions of cultural and religious tolerance were historically strong. However, this did not exclude violent clashes based on religious, ethnic, or racial hostility. Now the relative stability of American society is promoted by the promotion of tolerance...

Strategies To Increase Interpersonal Communication Skills With Community Partners

When meeting community partners, public health leaders must be aware of their limitations on communication skills. Some strategies that can improve interpersonal communication skills with community partners include active listening, minding one’s body language, respecting others, and requesting feedback. Active listening involves paying attention, avoiding distractive thoughts and external factors,...

Problem of Racial Discrimination

Introduction Based on the three readings, it is evident that the central topic of discussion revolves around racial discrimination, which portrays African Americans or people of color as lesser beings than their counterparts. While racial discrimination in the United States is not a thing of the past, the readings clearly...

Social Worker Tasks Regarding George Floyd’s Family

Introduction There are many factors involved in fulfilling the role of social worker for the George Floyd family. For many, this story has generated a personal resonance that affects attitudes. In the case of social workers, maintaining neutrality plays an important role in providing quality service. When working with the...

Social Change Project on Religious Persecution

Summary Social change is a complicated and ever-going process in every society. According to Ponsioen (2019), “the study of social change … is not merely a hobby for sociologists with which to enlarge their field of knowledge, but is also an urgent necessity” (p. 14). In the United States, a...

Women’s Bodies, Women’s Rights: A Case for Abortion

Introduction Abortion is a very divisive topic that puts different sides, each one with its own set of arguments and views, against each other. While there are already reasonably safe medical procedures to ensure the removal of a fetus from the mother’s womb, there is still no end to the...

How Sociological Institutions Directly Affect People

Social institutions are fundamental establishments that influence the way society functions. The institutions are the backbone of every society, and without them, the latter cannot accomplish fulfillment in such aspects as relationships or the economy. Sociological institutions define values, norms, rules, and regulations, organizing societies and their people. The government,...

Researching and Analysis of Police Abuse

Although the police must protect the citizens’ rights, officers periodically appear among those who violate them. This phenomenon is known as the “color of law,” which metaphor means using the power to serve justice as a shield for misdeeds (The United States Department of Justice, 2021). The analysis of several...

Hostile Aggression, Consequences and Factors That Affect It

Hostile Aggression Case Timothy Lee Forbes showed hostile aggression by biting part of the coach’s ear. Lee also punched the coach of the winning team, making Jose Feliciano undergo surgery. Hostile aggression is an intentional attack on someone with the core objective of inflicting pain (Keatley et al., 2017). It...

Discussion Forum Assignment: Moral Bioenhancement and Agential Risks

Many believe that history is cyclical, which involves similarities between generations in terms of psychological types and recurring ideas. The extreme unwillingness to obey the authorities is one characteristic that is manifested in every new generation but not in every representative. Not all people are obsessed with their ideas to...

Social Injustice and Racial Disparities in the Healthcare

Abstract In the light of racial inequalities in social structures, ethnic disparities should be addressed in medical care. Systemic discrimination is also supported by social policy and implicit prejudice based on pessimistic assumptions. Coping with differences in care quality effectively calls for better data systems, enhanced surveillance in regulators, and...

Discussion of Lamont’s Arguments

The second, third, fourth, and sixth reasons express the scientific view of free will. We have relative free choice because we live in a non-deterministic world but are nonetheless restricted by the past and the general laws of science. The contingency of chance is the dominant factor of the universe;...

Cyber Bullying Messages in Communication Networks

Introduction Bullying can come in many different forms, but it always causes injury or even worse. Bullying victims may carry the psychological wounds of their ordeal for the rest of their life, even when there is no direct interaction between both the bully and the targeted. Therefore, to avoid harassment,...

Childhood Factors in Becoming an Addict in Adult Life

Childhood lays the foundation for any person’s life, and, unfortunately, sometimes this foundation leads to sad events, and a person becomes a drug addict. This paper lists various programs and scientific approaches aimed at eliminating the factors of childhood that lead to drug addiction and alcoholism in adulthood. First, a...

Discrimination of the Indians in the Boarding Schools

American history is not as long as the history of many other civilizations. However, it has its special issues: one of them is racism and its terrible diversity in the United States, almost from its very foundation. The most ancient and cruel direction of racism on the part of the...

The Problem of Finding a Job for College Graduates: Rhetoric Analysis

Introduction One of the major concerns of present-day students is their future success in the workplace, which is, unfortunately, not guaranteed by educational facilities. Therefore, Alina Tugend expresses her ideas in this respect as an affected person or, more specifically, a mother of a college graduate. In her article “What...

Egalitarian Inheritance System of Islam

The article states that Islam has a specific egalitarian inheritance system. It means that following the peculiarities of this system, there is no place for primogeniture (Chapra 850). Originally, it served the needs of feudalism to guarantee the continuation of power patterns and the correct functioning of the vassal system...

Dealing With Addiction: Harm Reduction

The harm reduction program is carried out by addressing the population’s declining health quality, which is frequently financially disadvantaged or homeless. It is risky to take intravenous drugs in public settings such as parks, tunnels, and public restrooms. Controlled injection sites, overdose prevention facilities, and drug intake rooms are all...

Femininity and Masculinity in Media and Culture

It is important to note that the notions of what is feminine and masculine are defined by the cultural and societal frameworks. They do not reflect the reality of the intrinsic and direct human experience as well as existence. These predetermined connotations are utilized as instruments in order to establish...

Conflict Styles and Ways to Resolve It

Styles of behavior observed in conflict situations differ between various people and situations. The collaborative style was used when there was a need to consider the needs and desires of the other party. The purpose of its application was to develop a long-term mutually beneficial solution. There was also a...

Racism, Its Origins, and Evolution

Introduction Racism is a controversial topic that has sparked hundreds of debates on equality issues. Society has become committed to the belief in equality and freedom. The revolutionary concepts regarding equal rights have become widespread. Some people are discriminated against based on race because they have some outstanding deficiencies that...

Racism and Oppression in “Native Son” by Wright

The book Native Son is an engaging book by Wright (1940) that gives astonishing accounts relating to racism, segregation, and oppression. The book’s storyline is set in the 1930s and revolves around a poor black young man, Bigger Thomas, who lives in constant distrust and hatred of the white people....

Personal Responsibility and World Population

The issue of personal responsibility has always been more or less of a problem for humanity. Every member of society is constantly faced with the need to make choices, perform duties, and interact with the people around them. As Earth’s population grows, it is becoming increasingly harder to determine the...

Solving the Problem of Poverty in Mendocino County

Poverty is among the major areas of needed improvement in Mendocino County. The adult and children’s health is affected by the inability to cover basic expenses. One of the key strategies of the Ukiah Poverty Action Team is identifying barriers to opportunity, growth, and access to services (Mendocino County, 2018)....

The Gender-Neutral Conceptualization of Parenting

Gender theory studies social expectations, roles, and behaviors that are considered feminine or masculine in society. Meanwhile, the queer theory focuses on sexual practices outside of heterosexuality and challenges heteronormativity. Two of the week’s readings explore whether gender and sexual orientation have an effect on parenting outcomes. Overall, existing studies...

The Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Violence and Instability

In modern society, marriages have faced numerous challenges across the globe. In most families, children live with their single parents because the latter are either separated or divorced. Therefore, several studies have been conducted to identify the impacts that failed marriages have imposed on children. Although there have been different...

Analysis of How Brain Makes Decisions

The brain makes decisions based on the experiences and the memories they form. However, emotions play a critical role because they determine what memory is created and where it is stored. Multiple emotions work together to determine the mood and the decision based on which of them prevails over the...

Intra- and Inter-Generational Social Mobility and Related Barriers

Modern society is characterized by a crisis of family identity and relationships between generations. Today’s society is losing its main social dimension, which refers to the ability to create sustainable communities based on solidarity and the common good (Edwards, 2019). Intra-generational social mobility considers the social movements of a person...

Abortion Safety as Topic of Sociological Studies

Summary Throughout history, abortion has been the concern of medical ethics, philosophy, law and theology. At present, abortion is legalized in multiple countries worldwide, but there are still many restrictions on its implementation. Sociological studies show that about half of all abortions are unsafe, while every third abortion is performed...

Modern Challenges of Immigrants

In modern society, people can change their residence and work several times, which is necessary for personal life success and is dictated by economic trends. To secure a better life for themselves, often fleeing the traumatic effects of war, civil unrest, or natural disaster, immigrants risk being subject to various...

Global Misunderstanding of the Idea of Feminism and Gender Equality

Freedom from discrimination is one of the fundamental human rights necessary for workers to freely choose their place of work, fully develop their potential and receive decent wages. In the field of education, the spread of sexist ideas and views is unacceptable. Teachers have the opportunity to influence this dangerous...

Anti-War Activism and Its Importance

The United States is known for its aggressive politics that played a crucial part in its history up to the modern days. Nowadays, these intentions are covered under the guise of national security and the safety of its citizens. However, this notion led to the creation of numerous anti-war movements,...

Oil Price Regulation: A Sociological Analysis

Introduction Oil and gas prices have skyrocketed over the past few months, necessitating intervention from the government. U.S. President Joe Biden recently made a crucial move to regulate oil prices in the country. In a statement published in the New York Times, President Biden said that his government was willing...

Defense of Civil Rights in “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King

Introduction Justice is a principle according to which people receive what they deserve. In ethics, as well as in legal and political philosophy, justice occupies a central position. The government, as well as society, are tasked to achieve this concept to the greatest extent possible. As the foundation of an...

Corporate Social Responsibility of Business and Government

Rapid technological development during the XXth century and consequent aggravation of environmental issues has raised many concerns about the future of the planet among people all over the world. As a response to that threat, the governments implement numerous regulations that are intended to protect and preserve nature. Moreover, private...

The Essence of “The Medium Is the Message” Statement

As a process of conveying and receiving information, communication is an integral part of everyday life. Today, people are surrounded by a plethora of messages delivered to them via a variety of different channels, including writing, audio, video, live, digital, and social media. However, not all messages are effectively delivered,...

Women in Congress: Current State and Role of Partisanship

Introduction According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which unites the parliaments of many countries (the US Congress is not part of it), before the midterm elections, America ranked 104th out of 193 countries in terms of the number of women in the lower house of the legislature. After the record for...

Housing, Profit, and Justice in California

Introduction California is among the best cities in the United States and the world at large, leading in movie production and property development. As such, San Francisco has experienced the effects of mass house and industrial growth. In addition, the activities resulting from its expansion have not only led to...

Discussion of Motivational Interviewing

Introduction To ensure the effective and satisfying process of care, the utilization of different methodologies appropriate for a particular situation is a due. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is considered an evidence-based approach to behavior change utilized by advanced practice nurses (Miller & Moyers, 2017). This essay will examine the concept of...

The Focus of Feminism Today and Current Problems

Introduction Feminism is a movement that advocates for the equality of the sexes in all spheres of public life and generally promotes personal, social, political, and economic parity. Currently, it supports a vast number of issues, including gender fluidity, sexual orientation, motherhood, body shaming, masculinity, and toxic masculinity, and the...

Should Animals Be Used in Research?

Any research cannot do without an experimental part, but sometimes, their application is complicated, for example, in human biology. In this case, there are alternatives, such as animal models. Nevertheless, the use of this method is also associated with questions of morality since it concerns living things. However, weighing all...

The Issue of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Its Intervention

Introduction Commercial sex exploitation of children (CSEC) is a practice that involves exploiting children sexually for money. The victim could be a child or someone below the age of consent. A wide range of abuses falls under CSEC, such as child prostitution, child pornography, phone sex channels, erotic massage, forced...

Dew’s View of Slavery: Debate in the Virginia Legislature

Dew argued that the New Testament not only justifies slavery but even encourages it. He attributes this to the fact that the text provides a detailed description of what rules should be declared to slaves. For example, it is said that a slave can be beaten, but not to death....

Sex and Gender Equality in a Personal Worldview

Introduction The debate about sex, gender, and associated issues is integral to contemporary society. Inequalities, bias, and different expectations are the consequences of socially constructed concepts of human sex and gender. According to Kurzman et al. (2019), “universalist approaches define gender equality through indicators that apply to all societies, such...

Education and People’s Responsibility for Inhumane Acts

The question of people’s responsibility for inhumane acts is a significant issue in current society. The knowledge about various events in history and experiments provides the chance to understand why people behave violently. Gourevitch (2015) depicts genocide in Rwanda and its consequences, analyzing why Hutu people aspired to murder the...

Abortion and Its Permissibility Issue

Abortion during pregnancy is one of the discussed topics of the modern world, which sometimes becomes more acute in connection with certain incidents. At the same time, on an ongoing basis, there are different points of view regarding the permissibility of abortion and certain situations. Some of the most common...

Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans During the Pandemic

Introduction An outbreak of hate crimes targeting Asian Americans after the outbreak of the pandemic has led to thousands of violent episodes against members of the group. This situation is a consequence not only of long-term historical racism towards the Chinese and other Asians in the United States but also...

Exposure to Violent Media and Violence in Real Life

The debate regarding the relationship between the portrayal of violence within media and real-life cases of violent crimes is ongoing and unlikely to reach a definitive conclusion. However, staggering evidence has become more prevalent in recent years to indicate that while individual cases of violent crimes may be influenced by...

Effect of Individualized Care of Adolescents Living With Down Syndrome

Abstract Down syndrome is a common disorder that is affiliated with people born with a copy of the 21st chromosomal pair. The disorder is a chromosomal abnormality that often leads to a challenge in the development and health of children. The research proposal is therefore engaged with the developmental needs...

United States of America: Population Control Programs

The overpopulation of the planet and the subsequent struggle for survival are among the main fears of civilization over the past centuries. Society has taken the challenge seriously, launching programs for reproductive health and family planning: from promoting barrier-based methods of contraception to regulating abortion and managing migration. The measures...

Gender Pay Gap for Women: The Main Causes

The gender pay gap is the analysis of wages earned by women compared to men without including positions. Despite several ways to calculate the pay gap, all the results point to the fact that women are paid less than men. The gap has been perceived to be wider for women...

Clothing for Social and Cultural Identities

Introduction Clothing and appearance are factors that might significantly shape the individual and cultural identity. This influence is particularly noticeable in a bicultural setting, which is a common environment for foreign people coming to the USA. The dissertation by Maria Gracia Inglessis emphasizes the value of clothing as a method...

Symbols, Words, and Rituals That Express the American Creed

American creed refers to a declaration of beliefs and principles that generally expresses loyalty to the United States. Its main elements include populism, egalitarianism, and traditionalism. There are several words, rituals, and signs that aid in defining the country as well as those that cause division. Words like freedom and...

Resilient Cities in the Age of Sustainable Development

Chapter 11 of the textbook The age of sustainable development by Sachs & Ki-moon provides the readers with a refreshing and considerably nuanced perspective on the matter of urban life and infrastructure. The text builds itself gradually, starting from the roots of city formation, and going into the depths of...

Researching of Hypothesis of Dreaming

Summary Continuity of hypothesis is the presumption that problem resolving is an advanced step-by-step process of experimentation. Strengthened reactions will result in an associative endurance that yields a slow but effective learning process. Unsuccessful responses are ceased since they will not bring any meaningful learning. The hypothesis of dreaming draws...

Mental Health Literacy on a Societal Level

Mental health literacy refers to the information an individual has regarding mental disorders. According to researchers, the general population is not necessarily knowledgeable about certain aspects of psychological well-being (Furnham & Swami, 2018). A workshop that touches upon this health topic will focus on providing people with insight in terms...

Sociological Imagination: Experience With the Display of Status Symbols

Although the United States of America should be a classless society, classism is entrenched in all our social institutions. My experience with social class began from childhood and was most profound during high school. I briefly studied in a rural school and experienced the worst demonstration of classism, characterized by...

Child Advocacy Preventing Mistreatment

Child advocacy supports children in vulnerable situations within society by speaking and standing up for them. It assures the protection of children’s rights and freedom and is vital since children are not responsible for their self-sufficiency. Different child advocacy groups are guided by the need to serve the best interest...

Discussion of “Self-Reliance” by Emerson

In essence, it is a good idea to be critical of oneself. People should also feel that they must trust their instincts and have the bravery to share their views with others. Emerson’s essay on self-reliance is crucial to comprehending one’s inner inclinations. His key point is that people should...

National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors

The National Association of Alcohol and Addiction Counselors (NAADAC) is an organization founded in 1972 that represents the interests of a variety of US health care professionals. Its activities are aimed at treatment, support for recovery, and an educational function in matters of addictions and addictions. Educators, drug addiction counselors,...

Sociology: Role in the Life of Society

Why exactly sociology now occupies a priority position among social and humanitarian disciplines, and how does it fit into the general system of social knowledge? The answers to these questions explain the reason for sociology being among the choices of required courses for Liberal Arts Majors in most college campuses...

Interaction in Context of Migration, Diasporas, and Transnationalism

Interaction is a universal social phenomenon that takes various forms in different socio-cultural environments. With the increased migration in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and new ways of communicating and traveling, the study of transnational interaction’s peculiarity became especially relevant (Rynkiewich, 2012). Migration is not a problem by itself, but...

Citizenship in the United States

Citizenship refers to one’s status as a citizen or, in other words, a member of a political community. Being a citizen of the United States means having a relationship with the state that provides its members with rights and protection and implies duties and responsibilities. Therefore, being an American citizen...

“Federal Judge Blocks Medicaid Work Requirements…” by Goldstein

The work written for The Washington Post by Amy Goldstein talks about the blockage of Medicaid work requirements in the states of Kentucky and Arkansas by a federal judge. The article notes that a federal judge based in Washington rejected a Kentucky program that sought to compel poor people to...

An Afrocentric View on Policing in the US

Bent-Goodley, T., & Smith, C. M. (2017). An African-centered approach to community policing. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 27(1-2), 92-99. Web. This article explains how the Afrocentric perspective can be applied to community policing to address the issues of negative relationships between police officers and the Black...

The Opioid Epidemic: Reasons and Elimination

The opioid epidemic is related to expanding of the diagnoses where prescribing of painkilling drugs is relevant. The substances are addictive, causing overdoses and deaths, and many individuals cannot give up the addiction even if the treatment is over. The main factor contributing to the opioid epidemic is the existence...

Leading Change in Organizations

Your answer to the first three questions was highly detailed and exciting to read. It was also interesting to learn more about your life through the prism of discussing the topic of multitasking. You have also described many situations that well illustrate the principle of multitasking and its role in...

Evolution of the Feminist Movement

In the recent past, the world has witnessed the rise of several feminist movements. These organizations mostly have the same goal – to address women’s issues and their effects on the social and economic order, which predominantly seems to be in favor of men. However, despite the changes that have...

Native Americans: Annotated Bibliography

The Routledge Companion to Native American Literature Summary In this review, the author encourages the reader to appreciate complex relations modes of Native American representation and being. The author describes three sections of the book that cover multiple aspects of Native American Literature. The author briefly mentions important works in...

Transgender Support Group Meeting and Its Importance

People who identify as transgender are those that subscribe to a gender that is different from the one that was assigned to them at birth. In such a group meeting of marginalized individuals, one of the common shared topics would be acceptable. Everybody wants to be accepted just the way...

Mask Mandate – Abbott’s Announcement

Greg Abbott’s announcement about the mask mandate and business to total capacity exploded Twitter creating a great wave of adverse reactions. The regulation introduced by the governor on March 10 included notions on how important mask-wearing, vaccination, and business traffic control are to return to ordinary life (Morris, 2021). Lately,...

Overpopulation and the Environmental Wellbeing

Introduction The world population is growing at an alarming rate, threatening to deplete resources. Between 1999-2010 the world population increased by one billion people (Collins & Page, 2019). Specifically, the people of the United States have tripled in the 20th century, showing how population increase is a matter of great...

The Four Events That Have Affected Low-Income Families

Introduction Household wellness is a comprehensive notion that alludes to a family’s subjective assessment of total welfare, considering their physical and mental health and interconnection, culminating in social stability. Sano et al. (2020) enumerate that when a family cannot meet the following requirements in society, financial stability, nutrition security, psychosocial...

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow: Multi-Media Report

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow is a series consisting of four episodes discussing segregation, racial hatred, and the civil rights movement. The second episode, Fighting Back, particularly describes the beginning of the 20th century, marked by the rise of the black middle class. However, the success of the...

DuBois’ and Tocqueville’s Perspective on Legacy of Slavery

The plight for equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities has been one of the most long-standing issue in the world history, with the history of slavery in the U.S. being one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity. Multiple scholars have contemplated the specified issue, voicing the opinions that...

Wellbeing of Gonzalez, Louisiana: Community Plan

Introduction Discussing the complications connected to the well-being of a particular community is highly important in the modern age. Numerous populations suffer from difficulties created by local industries and corporations that force hazardous emissions on nearby residents, decreasing their quality of life. An excellent example of such a community is...

Cult of Domesticity in the Past and Nowadays

Introduction Cult of domesticity was a widespread phenomenon in American society in the 1820-1860 years. Some specific cultural backgrounds have affected the position of women in the social hierarchy and their public role. Society, specifically men, has created the image of the perfect and ideal woman that the opposite sex...

Social and Psychological Studies of Genocides

Any genocide is a catastrophic phenomenon, the occurrence of which at first glance seems fundamentally inexplicable. The horrors of this process seem to be contrary to human nature, and reflections on human losses and the incredible cruelty of what is happening significantly destroy the idea of ​​what a person is...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery: Similarities and Differences

Indentured servants and slaves were brought from outside America to work in plantations in the colony. These people faced cruel punishment for petty crimes. They were poorly housed, ill-clothed, ill-fed, bought, and sold (Smedley, 2007). Furthermore, indentured servants and slaves had high mortality due to poor working conditions. Their ideas...

Gender Stereotyping at Workplaces

Organizations have been working on gender stereotypes for many decades. They have invested resources in the career development of women. They have even conducted prejudice recognition training within the workplaces. Front runners, including many CEOs, are publicly committed to making the workplace more equitable. Despite this, the progress toward gender...

The State of Foreign Born Latinos in Haiti

Introduction The republic of Haiti occupies the western portion of the island of Hispaniola. It shares this end of the island with the Dominican Republic. A significant percentage of the country’s citizenry is made up of Latinos. The population of this group has been growing rapidly over the years. The...

High-Risk Behaviors and Psychological Disorders in Adolescents

Introduction Adolescence is a very difficult period in any child’s life. It can be just as difficult for the parents as well. At this age, the children go through puberty and experience hormonal changes, while at the same time learning to deal with the demands, expectations, and challenges that the...

Minority Group Marginalization in the United States of America

At the turn of the century in the United States of America, women and other groups and movements empowering women were greatly opposed. Women were subjected to various forms of marginalization in society, whereas men were given the mandate to control different sectors in America. Industrial revolution in America majorly...

American Immigration History: From British Colonies to the Present

Throughout its history, the United States witnessed large-scale waves of immigration, while the policy and attitude towards non-natives repeatedly changed. This paper examines the significant episodes in the history of American immigration from the establishment of the British colonies to the present. Additionally, immigration regimes and legislation will be analyzed...

Impostor Syndrome Podcast Discussion Ideas

In the context of discussing impostor syndrome, there can be a deeper discussion of exactly how to deal with it. Several effective ways can be suggested to the audience. For example, it is possible to advise not to compare oneself with other people. It makes sense to compare oneself only...

Constitutional Rights of Prisoners

Correctional institutions, such as jails and prisons, deprive incarcerated persons of their freedom and some of their rights as a legal penalty. However, it is necessary to understand that the basic constitutional rights of these people remain. For example, an individual’s security is a fundamental right, and fair and regular...

Cultural Systems and Values in Communication

Interaction with people from various cultures is interesting because it allows for sharing and exchanging different ideas and values. Culture can be defined as a system of knowledge, meaning, and behavior that guides people in interpreting the world and acting in society (Nastasi et al., 2017). My friend Jay, who...

White Privilege and Black Lives Matter Movement Through the History Lens

One of the most severe and challenging groups of issues that worsen people’s everyday experiences and make them fight for their rights and inclusion is the challenges of diversity. For example, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a major international movement that addresses white privilege and all racially motivated incidents and...

Ethics of Interrogation

Introduction Research has recently resulted in an emerging scientific agreement about best practices to be applied in interrogation. Different government agencies and countries have started training their personnel in scientific interrogation methods that can be applied practically, and improvements in morality are made on old approaches that try to avoid...

Communication With Refugees in the Jordanians Kingdom

Describe your Overall Cultural and Linguistic Competency Strengths and Weaknesses The Jordanians Kingdom is home to various refugee populations from war-torn neighboring countries. The different cultures between the native Jordanians and the migrant refugees result in a very diverse and homogenous population that is forcing the governments’ hand in relation...

Importance of Right Research Question Formulation

Vague research question formulation and incohesive sampling system have led to comparatively poor saturation of the results. Low levels of saturation lead to an impossibility of replicating the research conducted and, therefore, makes it difficult to verify (Guest et al., 2020). The sampling techniques in particular appear to be a...

Traumatic Impacts of Community Violence, COVID-19, and Civil Unrest in Immigrant Families

The presentation is dedicated to the impact of community violence, structural racism, COVID-19, and community violence on immigrant and marginalized mixed-status families. Changes in federal immigration policies have led to increasing enforcement, reducing access to public benefits for immigrants, and removing their legal protection and their qualification for a different...

Type A vs. Type B Personalities

The initial result of the test presents Type A personalities as ambitious, organized, caring, truthful, supportive, and proactive individuals. The results imply that Type A people are deeply fused with their work and could be described as ‘workaholics.’ The test comments on Type A’s tendency to overload themselves with work...

Analysis of Mia Birdsong’s TED Talk

In this speech, Mia Birdsong aims at spreading awareness here on the topic of poverty in the African-American community by the use of experiences. The address is aimed at educated audiences, who are intellectual persons with a lot of money who care about social issues, fairness, and sustainability. As she...

Analysis of Various Identity Statuses

Statuses Description The search for personal identity is the central task of growing up and acts as a complex phenomenon, covering various levels of consciousness, individual and collective, ontogenetic and sociogenetic foundations. Identity should be a personal space and therefore is to be mastered by the person themselves and not...

African-American Women: Representation in Politics

A review of the existing literature echoing the issues of mentorship in Senior Executive Services, the representation of women in politics, in particular African-American women, showed a lack of research. Among the sources of value for the study, several main directions stand out. Some studies combine these areas, but there...

I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King

The speech was to give the Black people hope that one day there will be no discrimination, but till then, they will have to fight for their rights. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech explains America’s long history of racial injustice and invites his audience to hold...

Immigration System Complexity at US-Mexico Border

The immigration system at the U.S.-Mexico border has been known for its complexity and reliance on restriction and inflexibility. With its catch and release policies, the “prevention through deterrence” program, and the border’s increasing militarization, the system at the southern border has started to function as a labyrinth (Chambers et...

Researching of Gender and Work-Life Balance

Project Management Demographics There is only a scarce amount of evidence dwelling on the role of women within the field of project management. Nevertheless, the existing quantitative statistics show that only as much as 20-30% of all project managers are female worldwide (Siemiatycki, 2019). This is an important finding because...

Discussion of Career Development Stages

In recent years, the autonomous career development of each individual has been attracting attention in the United States, but this was not the case before. American companies used to manage employee careers uniformly according to age and year of employment, assuming they all have similar needs. However, according to Super...

The Study of Communications: Influence

The issue of credibility is crucial when it comes to considering the importance of the information presented by the media. Even though it affects all the aspects of the life of present-day people, not all of the messages are equally detrimental to one’s wellbeing. From this point of view, the...

Critical Reasoning and Professional Ethics

The ACM code of ethics is regarded as a collection of the principles, rules, laws, and even guidelines shaped to assist the computing professionals in making ethically responsible decisions while in professional practice. It also plays a key role in translating broad ethical ideas into more concrete statements regarding professional...

Parents and Children’s E-Safety Education During the Pandemic

Theoretical Framework The phenomenon of learning and knowledge is frequently described through the lens of one’s connection between the knowledge acquired and knowledge already existing within one’s cognition. The provisions of such a concept are described in the Constructivist theory, which outlines a hypothesis that the knowledge, instead of being...

Stigmatization Levels of Muslim Women

Self-stigmatization is defined as the doubts that arise mainly because of an individual’s competence, continuous selection of a less demanding task, adverse impact, and a decreased interest in the position in question (Eijberts & Roggeband, 2016). Over the recent past, Muslim women have faced challenges associated with stigma, abuse, and...

The Changing Model of Female Athletes’ Representation in Sports Media

Introduction Sports have historically been identified with men and dominated by masculinity, and until now, gender inequality in sports remains a major problem. Female athletes generally receive less media attention than men and are either masculinized or portrayed as sexual objects, with the focus placed on their femininity rather than...

Reconstruction: Protecting the Rights of Blacks

For the first time, an attempt to legalize the rights of black people was made during the Reconstruction. The beginning of Reconstruction was promising in the fight for the rights of black people and the elimination of segregation. After the war, freedmen created churches for black people, which became a...

“Confessions of Nat Turner” by Gray

“Confessions of Nat Turner” is a story given by Gray about an American Black man who had too much hatred towards the Whites due to the awful events in his life. Fabricant (1993) indicates that Nat worked for Americans as a slave and was mistreated by being beaten, raped, traumatized,...

Treating Substance Use Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness in California

Introduction Housing is one of the basic rights of any human being. Homelessness in California has been one of the top challenges the state has faced, especially after discovering gold, which led to the state’s population growing by about 250,000 from the original 14,000 only in four years. Once the...

Critical Writing for Economics of Discrimination

The article by Dorothy A. Brown (2021) describes the obstacles which Black people face in the scope of real estate. According to the article, Black Americans were reduced in their home values for a number of reasons. For example, districts inhabited by white Americans are always more expensive than districts...

Resistance to Civil Government

Henry’s statement was correct, and I think about it when I see any injustice happening. I agree with his view on the collective duty to defy unjust laws when they happen or are enacted (Thoreau, 2016). For instance, institutional racism has impacted minority groups in the United States, leading to...

The Problem of Gender Stereotypes

Social stereotypes develop as a result of labeling a group of people with similar characteristics. For example, people can be categorized based on age, race, or gender (Zhang et al., 2018). Gender stereotyping seems to be an element of the traditional gender ideology that describes average differences between males and...

Debates: Abortions Must Be Legal

The legal right to abortion has always been a debated topic because of the difference in opinions regarding its health impact, its morality, its influence on the longevity of populations, as well as its religious underpinnings. However, I think that the debate must come to a close as millions of...

Criminal Justice, Race, and Ethnicity Questionnaire

Although the criminal justice system is required to treat people equally. There is some discrimination and unfairness in this institution, and various people have different opinions about crime commitment, the justice system, and the predisposition to being put to jail. In my opinion, there are some factors that influence people’s...

Unions, Their Goals and Membership Benefits

What Are Unions? In the global environment of today, it is especially hard for people to work and earn a living. The economy is suffering from adapting to the recent events of the pandemic, and the prices for food and daily necessities and only becoming higher. Working people can often...

Creating a Racial Literacy Workshop

Racial literacy is an important concept that can give individuals insight in the topic of race and racism. Researchers point out that racial literacy refers to multiple topics such as discrimination, societal issues, inequality, and interpersonal relationships (Vetter & Hungerford-Kressor, 2014). A workshop that involves a discussion and certain new...

Sociology: Definition, Importance

What sociology is, and why sociology is worth studying Sociology is a vital field for examining people’s interactions within society. It is defined as a study of individuals perceived as the members of the same community determined by shared culture, which allows examining their dominant worldview in detail for resolving...

The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression for Women

Summary An article on the effect of forgiveness therapy on anxiety and depression was written by Gayle L. Reed and Robert D. Enright in 2006. This study analyzes the impact of forgiveness therapy on the emotional state of women who have experienced emotional abuse. This study was conducted in 2006...

Prejudice Reduction Strategy “The Fast Friends”

A good prejudice reduction strategy is the fast friends technique that was developed for people from different social groups. This method helps reduce prejudice among people because it implies strangers asking one another questions that allow them to develop closeness. Moreover, the questions with the fast friends method encourage people...

“Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr.: Rhetorical Analysis

Of all the works composed in the epistolary genre, the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is, perhaps, the best-known and the most inspiring one. Written by Martin Luther King, Jr. after he had been arrested for the march in Birmingham, the letter appeals directly to the clergy in an attempt to...

Dr. King’s Argument on the Imperative Nature of Integration

Dr. King speaks of integration as an important social principle that he feels can change the world but states that it is not enough to achieve an idealistic human participation world. Dr. King states that desegregation does not do much when aiming to achieve integration and views it as negative,...

Discussion of Working With Groups Aspects

Cultural competence is essential in counseling both as the means of establishing a rapport with the client and as the tool for adjusting the selected therapy approach to the client’s needs. A culturally competent counselor is aware of the significance that cultural specifics have in therapy, which is why incorporating...

The Problem of Domestic Violence

As a global public health and human rights concern, domestic violence affects the lives of millions of individuals throughout the entire world. Most frequently, the abuser violates the rights of the other family member due to low self-esteem, extreme jealousy, as well as difficulties in regulating anger and other strong...

Hiring Paths for Students and People with Disabilities

Regarding hiring opportunities available to students specifically, one key finding is that a person does not have to be actively studying at the time of filing an application. In some student programs and opportunities, an individual is still considered a student if he or she has been out of school...

An Inside View of Police Officers’ Experience with Domestic Violence

“An Inside View of Police Officers’ Experience with Domestic Violence” is an article authored by Horwitz et al., published in 2011. The authors are members of the Domestic Violence Intervention Project, a research team of the University of Rochester Medical Center. The article intends to support the claim that Domestic...

Effect of Ethnic Group Membership on Ethnic Identity

The study under investigation focuses on several specific objectives. First, the authors wanted to examine the relationship between ethnic identity and quality of life (QOL) (Utsey et al. 367). Moreover, the second aim was to investigate the influence of ethnic group membership on stress levels associated with race and ethnic...

Sociology from Theoretical Perspectives

Conducting sociological research while attempting to establish the nature of the parameter being measured or to make explicit the hidden causal relationships found in society requires complicated analysis. In testing, countless variables can confuse research (“Theoretical perspectives,” 2020). Therefore, many sociologists become committed to one of three perspectives that view...

Compassion: Explorations of Its Nature & Function

The term “compassion” or its analogs exist in many religious cultures of the past. The harsh living conditions forced people to gather in social groups, increasing the chances of survival. To maintain good quality relationships and be a viable social community, people need to be compassionate and empathetic, and conversely,...

People of Cuban Heritage: Hispanic Americans v. Cuban Americans

A Brief History The first Hispanic people came to the territory of the USA at the beginning of the 16th century (Schmid, 2013). First Cuban Americans came to the territory of the USA at the end of the 16th century (Osorio, 2013). Families moved from islands to the continent. Clearly,...

Family Roles and Their Impact on Cultural Domains

Introduction Interviewing people about their cultures and, more specifically, their effects on family life provides an insight into the intrinsic mechanisms defining the external manifestation of their particular characteristics. They primarily include gender roles, goals, traditional and alternative lifestyles, communication methods, education, and occupations correlating with spiritual and religious beliefs...

Transitology in Post-Communist Societies

Introduction Transitology is a unique theoretical direction that explains the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Being a theoretical concept, transitology guides the “standard fare,” the prevailing “organizing theme,” and the “way of posing questions” (Gans-Morse, 2004, p. 321). It is important to note that in the post-communist region the process...