Designing Computer Networks for Graphic Arts Companies: Key Considerations and Strategies

This is a network proposal for DesignIT. DesignIT is an expanding graphic arts company. The company will use additional space to accommodate more employees. The recommended network design for DesignIT is Ethernet. The company requires a small network design that can be effectively met through Ethernet option. It is inexpensive...

Enhancing Airport Security: The Role of Six Sigma Tools

Introduction As employees, managers, or leaders of organizations, people often consider the idea of improving corporate processes, yet it is very rarely that an everyday process of an individual’s life is viewed as a possible area of making improvements (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009). For example, optimizing sales is a part...

Lockout/Tagout Procedures: Compliance Challenges and Safety Risks

Although Lockout/Tagout procedures are required by law and regulated by OSHA as well as other worldwide safety organizations, not all companies have their own written LO/TO programs. What is even more surprising, even those organizations that do have such programs not always adhere to them. Berke (2011) argues that when...

Life Cycle Management in Engineering Asset Management: Key Drivers and Implications

Hypothesis Life cycle cost drivers do not influence the whole life cycle in engineering asset management. Literature Review To collect academic sources (articles published in academic journals) about life cycle cost drivers and engineering asset management, a literature review was carried out. As a result, it has been investigated which...

Saudi Marine Construction Projects and Risks

Introduction Project management refers to the process of developing a project idea, identifying the tasks involved, and mobilizing the necessary resources for the execution of the project. Projects follow different phases, with activities at each stage being unique to the phase (Almahmoud et al. 302). Turner identifies five basic stages...

Technology for Human Capability Development

Technology is an important aspect in both developing and developed communities that focus on the innovation of highly sophisticated advances in neuroscience, computing, and biotechnologies. It holds a promise to transform our world for our sake and create overall availability with a character development where newer and improved mechanisms are...

Hazardous Materials, Environment and Health

The development of the science resulted in the extended use of the chemical elements that contribute to the achievement of the desired goal, namely to increase the harvest or change in the structure of the product to extend the storage time or ease the transportation. Chemicals have already become an...

Technology in Learning and Its Social Relevance

Nowadays, when globalization is uniting the entire world, we need to embed modern technology into education process as well. The research question of the paper is how technology could influence learning. The social relevance of technology in learning is undoubtedly significant. Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change...

Windows Server 2012 Implementation and Configuration

Abstract The use of up-to-date technology is vital for all businesses operating in today’s corporate world. To this end, companies should carry out thorough research and evaluation before acquiring a technological product. The aim of this is to determine the software that will work best for the company. The management...

Classroom Technology Training: Strategies for Effective Integration

Several schools are currently employing the use of technology in their classrooms. This is because they strive to keep up with the world’s technological advancement (Willson & Garibaldi, 2002). These technologies are aimed at providing improved instruction that contributes to improved student achievement (Krasavage & Stallings, 2002). Additionally, these novel...

Airline Industry Trends, Changes, and Innovations

September 11 Incident Increased Security The September 11 terror incident in the USA led to an increase in security checks and measures across the entire airline industry. The need to combat terrorism has seen airports fitted with scanners for the main purpose of helping with the searching process. The US...

RFID Technology in Healthcare: Enhancing Inventory and Asset Management

Radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology has been proposed as a much more advanced alternative for barcodes that can be used to improve the “product tracking, building access control, airline baggage tracking,” supply chain management and other aspects of various operations (Zhu, Mukhopadhyay, & Kurata, 2012, p. 159). The superiority of RFID...

CA Technologies’ Shift to Cloud Computing: Strategies, Impacts, and Market Influence

At a time when globalization has dominated the center stage in dictating consumer interests and lifestyle patterns, cloud computing is acting as the best platform for linking producers, traders, and consumers with greater efficiency. Following the massive force of information technology in the last decades of the 20th century, Iansiti...

Smartphone for Deaf and Mute People

Australian Market Deaf and mute people living in Australia and members of Deaf Australia Inc. or Australian Association of the Deaf have been identified as the target audience for such a smartphone. This category includes 16.6% of the country’s population (Deaf Children Australia, 2010). People with special needs should have...

Major Cause Behind IT Project Failures: Economic Downturn Analysis

The main idea of the text is the major cause behind the increased failing of information technology projects. The writer, herein called Levinson, explored the results of a report conducted by a US-based research and consultancy firm which had surveyed projects in 400 firms (1). The results had shown a...

Internet Directories: Facilitating Work with Organized Information

Directories Since the internet was invented, several forms of directories have been applied in different areas to facilitate work. It entails the usage of the software that is mainly charged with the role of storing, organizing, and accessing information in case needed in a computer operating system. In the field...

Safety Plan for the Warehouse with Refrigeration

Introduction This is a safety plan for a very large warehouse with a large refrigerated section. Most of the workers have reported cases of illnesses, specifically dizziness and lightheadedness from the refrigerated part of the warehouse. In addition, there are other health risks such as low temperatures, gas powder forklifts,...

Information Technology – Network Security Tools

Introduction Network scanning and vulnerability assessment tasks are critical to ensure protection for network resources from hostile attackers to maintain the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information in cyberspace (Skoudis 1). Attacks from the internet aim to exploit the vulnerabilities discovered in applications, which occur because of weaknesses in system...

Encryption and Digital Signatures: Understanding Security and Implementation

Introduction Cybercrime is one of the problems that pose a challenge to the world’s ICT systems. In fact, companies recognize the need for effective cybersecurity systems. Types of cybercrime include phishing and hacking, among others. Techniques utilized to control cybercrime include encryption. This paper will explore the use of encryption...

Engineering Ethics: Professionalism, Knowledge Transfer, and Product Development

An engineer is ethically right to leave one company to another even if the new company is a competitor to the previous one. The current working conditions may be unfavorable, forcing the engineer to leave the job. Some customers may feel comfortable to follow the engineer to the new company...

Defining the Concept of Net Neutrality

Net neutrality underscores the need to introduce equality in the way different Internet stakeholders treat data, with governments and Internet service providers being the key players. The past few decades have experienced an unprecedented technological revolution. Net neutrality has led to massive connectivity coupled with introducing novel ways of doing...

LabVIEW Software: Tools for Measuring Temperature Accurately

Introduction LabVIEW is software that was developed to design systems of measurement [1]. In addition, LabVIEW provides an array of tools for controlling the course of an experiment, such as specific methods of providing time constraints, etc. Thermocouples, in their turn, are typically defined as tools for measuring temperature [2]....

Simplifying LOTO: Key Insights from Burns & Foust on Safety

Introducing the Article The article “LOTO Made Simple” by Burns and Foust (2015) is devoted to the issues connected with promoting the necessity of lockout/tag-out (LOTO) requirements fulfillment among workers. Summary and Analysis of the Key Points Pointing out the importance of LOTO procedures, Burns and Foust (2015) highlight that...

Computer Data Acquisition: Key Issues and Challenges in Modern Technology

Knowledge of workstations and other processing devices Computer forensics involves the use of many workstations and other types of processing devices (Easttom, 2014). Thorough knowledge of the components and applications of the devices greatly enhances the chances of acquiring good data for forensic uses. However, some professionals working in the...

Why Project Management Demands a Significant Effort

The task of managing a project might seem simple enough on the surface, yet introspect into the subject matter will reveal that it is a delicate process that needs a number of ingredients and demands consistent supervision. Working as a member of a quality assurance team to develop a plan...

Androids and Iphones: Operating Systems Comparison

There is a great demand for different digital devices of nowadays. People want to have them as a tool, toy or just an accessory. Any need should be fulfilled, that is why there are many companies which create their own digital devices and software for them. Nowadays the world is...

Texting While Driving: Risks and Prevention

Abstract The following research paper is devoted to the issue of texting while driving, the risks of it, and the feasible measures of addressing the issue. The paper addresses the problem of distraction when using the phone in the process of driving – particularly texting. As the author is well...

USA Today’s Network Strategy: An Analysis of Media Influence and Trends

The deterioration between Online and the newsroom is caused by numerous differences that can be better understood by conducting the resource, process, and value (RPV) analysis. The resources of the newsroom can be defined as numerous political and cultural figures and institutions, which can provide the journalists with up-to-date information...

Leader Success Factors: Key Traits and Practices for Effective Leadership

Managing a project traditionally requires creating premises for its successful completion (Larson & Gray, 2015). Due to the numerous negative factors that a project may be exposed to in the global environment, it is crucial to make sure that the existing obstacles are eliminated, and the available opportunities should be...

Lost Trust on Fire Eyes’ Report: Target Computer Security Specialists

Introduction Technological growth has led to some crimes, which pose challenges to managing organizations in the modern world. The most dangerous crime associated with technology is the emergence of hackers, who steal organizations’ information for financial benefits. Hacking has been a threat to organizational growth, thus resulting in huge financial...

Concurrent Engineering and Its Advantages

The modern business world is highly competitive, and the universal truth remains unchanged as time is money. Concurrent engineering can make projects more cost-effective and companies more competitive. The sequential approach has its advantages as it is easier to control the development of new products since each stage is over...

Innovative Android Apps: DMD Panorama and Smigin Tool Overview

Android Innovations: DMD Panorama and Smigin Apps In August 2015, two original Android Apps were released. While the DMD Panorama App provides the Google Play users with a chance to look at the world through a perfected lens, the Smigin tool helps the clients of the Android to eliminate communication...

Critical-Chain Project Management

Everybody knows that if a project is planned properly, the work is half done. To prevent possible disasters, managers often add extra time to the project schedule. In theory, it allows the participants of the project to feel comfortable and gives employees additional time in case if something goes wrong....

Technologies: Security Involved Online Payment

Abstract Security in online payment is an issue that has gained massive attention in the recent past due to the increasing cases where online fraudsters gain access and steal from online shoppers. This is happening despite the effort made by banks and retail outlets to protect their customers. This paper...

Key Considerations for Selecting Site Locations in WDG Consulting Services

WDG Consulting proposes a structured decision process on selecting the appropriate site location. The process consists of four phases which are The Building Blocks, including the development of profiles for locations; Location Screening, including the examination of locations according to criteria and ranking; Location Selection, including the evaluation of the...

The Importance of a Technologically Advanced U.S. Air Force

Introduction As it currently stands, the United States is the world Superpower boasting of the largest and best equipped military. However, this situation is slowly changing as rival nations gain more military might therefore posing a threat to the US. In the present time, the US faces multiple wars and...

California State University, Fullerton Develops College Town

Executive Summary California State University, Fullerton, the oldest university in Fullerton, in collaboration with the City of Fullerton has come up with a project to develop a town known as college town. The location of the town is to be behind Hope University and the current Nutwood Street. The college...

Jailbreak Your iPhone 3G with Spirit: Easy Steps

Introduction With the current technological advancement, you can manipulate your iPhone to meet your own demands. Nevertheless, why should you jailbreak your iPhone 3G? Jail breaking your iPhone opens it up so that you can use many applications that you would otherwise not access. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Jail breaking...

Innovative Technologies for Communication

Introduction Technology is making communication easier in today’s world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to interact from home in front of a computer screen Innovative technologies have come into the human life so intensively that nowadays, it is impossible to live without those. Looking...

Project Management: Addressing Communication and Conflict

Introduction Managing a project means being able to coordinate the work of several teams and make sure that every single member has unique roles and responsibilities (Sanghera, 2014). Apart from the aforementioned element, the process of project management involves the need to manage the communication processes that occur at different...

The HighLEARN Project Management Analysis

Introduction Managing a project is one of the most complicated tasks in terms of the number of tasks to handle, the range of responsibilities to manage and the amount of possible conflicts to address being truly huge. However, by splitting the process of project implementation into several phases, one will...

Windows 8 and OS X: A Comparative Analysis

Microsoft and Apple Corporations have always been leaders in the market of modern technologies. In fact, these two corporations have divided all people into two broad groups: those who prefer Microsoft products and those who like Apple more. Windows and OS X are the most popular operational systems nowadays. Numerous...

Federal Aviation Administration, Its History and Role

Introduction The Federal Aviation Administration is an important organization in the aviation industry. It has always played a critical role in aviation regulation and control of the air safety. This essay provides a brief history of aviation as it appeared earlier than the Federal Aviation Administration. Knowledge of the aviation...

Key Elements in Project Scope: Essential for Success

Identifying the key elements to be included into the project is an essential step towards completing the latter successfully (Larson & Grey, 2011). By listing the key components, one creates the layout of the project that will help complete specific objectives and, therefore, reach the primary goals within a comparatively...

Project Leadership: Setting Goals and Distributing Roles

Being the leader of a project means being responsible for not only setting goals and completing them but also distributing roles and responsibilities among the people involved. However, a closer look at the specifics of roles and responsibilities distribution in a project will show that a project manager, in fact,...

Selecting Stakeholders for Managerial Teams: A Framework for Effective Collaboration

Introduction A great number of people are involved in project management. Projects can vary in scope from building a railroad through opening a small shop to planning a vacation. For realizing significant business projects, though, there are some steps that need to be made. These steps include choosing key figures:...

Understanding Models: Characteristics and Their Applications

The choice of a model for the project is not an easy task; in order to locate the appropriate mode for the project in question to exist and evolve in, one must take the key features of the latter into account and evaluate the opportunities, which each mode of operations...

Airline Certification Process and Stages

Today aircrafts are considered to be the safest type of transport. An organization that provides people with passenger and freight transportation is called an airline. As a rule, each airline has an air operating certificate or license. It is given by the national aviation authority to provide an aircraft operator...

Engineering Professionalism and Ethics

Introduction As stated in the preamble to the National Society of professional engineers, engineering is an important and learned profession, and so engineers should uphold the highest levels of integrity and honesty. It, therefore, spells out the importance of ethics as a system of principles governing morality and acceptable behavior....

Computer Forensics Investigation Plan

Searching the employee’s purse The US Constitution prohibits employers from conducting searches on employees. However, the protection does not apply to private organizations (Easttom, 2014). The manager had a legal right to search the employee’s purse. The employee was suspected of using the organization’s softcopy data for other purposes other...

Medical Order Communication System: Room for Improvement

Input An examination of the proposed system of medical order communication as well as the presentations on input technologies revealed a viable attempt at replacing an archaic and inefficient system however I believe that what they are attempting to accomplish has to room for improvement. More and more companies are...

Leveraging Producteev for Efficient Project and Team Management

Project management tool Project management deals with the organization of time, resource, asset, and personnel. Project management means job completion tailored by a guided objective (Oz, 77). Thus, the ability to correlate different project variables will reduce project risk and improve the quality of work. However, the most assignment does...

Public Key Infrastructure

The modern business environment is competitive, and organizations are required to ensure that they have the necessary tools for coping with this competition. In the technological environment, different products and services require the use of digital signatures to enhance security. Currently, public-key technology provides a viable means of securing services...

The Information Assurance Policies

Definition Johnston and Warkentin (2010) define information assurance (IA) as the “practice of ensuring that information within an organization is kept secure, reliable and private” (p.12). Johnston and Warkentin (2010) regard information assurance as a practice that provides organizational managers with the direction and security mechanisms for keeping information assets...

Network Neutrality

What is network neutrality? Why has the internet operated under net neutrality up to this point in time? Network neutrality is used to refer to the nature of equality internet service providers’ accord to the customers. Such services encompass equal access to content and applications, regardless of the source or...

Engineering: Sewing Machine Timeline

1700 In 1755, Charles Weisenthal, a German immigrant who lived in England patented “a needle to be used for mechanical sewing” (“The Origins of the Sewing Machine” 1). No one tried to use this machine and no one knows if it could be used for sewing. In 1790, Thomas Saint,...

Technology in Information Mining

Introduction Information mining is the concept which is also known as data mining, and it can be defined as the process of seeking for the necessary information or data to analyze it and transform according to the definite purposes or set standards (Sumathi & Sivanandam 2006). The focus on the...

Copyright Issues in Global IT Market: Impact on Software and Hardware Use

Introduction This proposal is about the study of copyright issues in a global IT market. It proposes to study how these issues limit and affect both hard and software use hence monopoly by developers and exorbitance in pricing and maintenance. Many software companies like Microsoft use the copyright on their...

Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development: Article Critique

In the article, Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development, Dearing (2009) investigated the diffusion theory by focusing on seven key issues – “intervention attributes, intervention clusters, demonstration projects, societal sectors, reinforcing contextual conditions, opinion leadership, and intervention adaptation” (p. 503). He found out that these issues accelerated the...

IT Security Concepts: Securing Digital Assets in the Age of Cyber Threats

Ensuring the security of information does not entail securing the servers and the network only. Physical security of the organization is paramount in ensuring the IT security. When I got to the company, it did not have proper physical security measures for its equipments. Employees could access the server room...

Payment Innovations in Modern Life

Introduction Technology goes beyond border. Advances in technological innovations have made things easier including remittance of payments within and outside country and continent borders, in addition to presenting complex challenges in security and issues related to competition amongst the firms or companies venturing in these initiatives. Innovations in most areas...

Exploring Digital Rights Management Laws and Their Implications for Creators

Introduction We live in a time when exponential progress in the field of IT technologies results in traditional legal notions, concerned with copyright protection, being deprived of any sense, whatsoever. Unfortunately, people who actively strive to slow down the pace of technological progress, in order to be able to continue...

The 4G Wireless Network: Redundancy and Fault Recovery

3G wireless networks and 4G networks Both 3rd and 4th generations are mobile communication standards set to define the general airwaves utility. They are both forms of transmissions that carry information in the form of voice and data. The most notable difference between the two transmission networks is the speed...

Concept of the iPhone

Introduction The iPhone is a series of smartphones designed by Apple Inc, a US based company that is known for the application of innovative and cutting-edge technology in various products including home and office electronics, music gadgets and computer and phone software. The first iPhone was released on June 2007...

The Internet of Things: Challenges and Perspectives for the Future

The Internet of Things (IoT) implies the increasing people-people, people-devices, and devices-devices interconnectedness that is facilitated by the Internet (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic, & Palaniswami, 2013). According to Jing, Vasilakos, Wan, and Qiu (2014), while IoT is an emerging issue, it is going to have a major impact on how people...

Technologies: the Role of Drones in the Modern World

Introduction The present era is characterized by rapid technological changes and advancements. Globalization has made it possible for many companies and individuals to engage in continuous research and development (R&D). One of the current technological trends that have redefined human activities is the drone. Grant indicates that a trend is...

Cyber Security: Policy, Processes and Practices

Introduction to the Global Threat Landscape The global society faces several security threats. Technological development has compromised the state of global security. With globalization, most states have become insecure. A perfect example is the United States. An analysis of the global threat landscape depicts a pattern of evolution. Particularly, this...

Role of Internet in Internet Addiction

The concern that individuals may become obsessed with medium pre-dates the Internet. The use of the term “addiction,” particularly when referring to heavy internet users, is controversial (Kuss et al. 1989). It has drawn the attention of social scientists, medical professionals, and American Psychiatric Association (APA). At one point, APA...