Positive and Negative Sides of Medical Computer Simulation

Nowadays, computer simulation training is applied in many medical spheres. They include neurosurgery, pharmacokinetics, dentistry, and many others. Live and virtual simulation technologies are getting increasingly popular in medical institutions. However, technology has both positive and negative sides. The main advantage of simulation is an opportunity to safely undertake high-risk...

Ethical Aspects of Digital Privacy

As digital technology develops and worldwide network is implemented and utilized in more and more fields of human life, digital privacy becomes a significant concern. Even though data collection and analysis may be beneficial in terms of provided services, statistical researches, and even safety, its uncontrollable usage and no necessity...

Impact of Technology in the Classroom

Abstract The paper discusses the relative effectiveness of different technologies as applied in the classroom. However, it finds that the question is largely meaningless because, while technology is used, it is not utilized fully, and the quality of its implementation varies dramatically between classrooms. Hence, it concludes that the question...

Ultrasound: History, Classification, and Elements of Ultrasound Transducers

Introduction Ultrasound for medical diagnostics has changed over the years, which has significantly promoted patient care upgrading. The invention of ultrasound transducers has highly influenced the development of ultrasound. This technology has offered spectacular contributions to ultrasound tomography by permitting advancement from two-dimension to synchronous third-spatial to four-dimensional imaging. There...

The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Implementing Drone Initiative

Introduction Problem Statement The civil aviation sector of Dubai has been looking into developing safe and secure projects for driving the implementation of new services to the population. The critical problem to address is meeting the growing demand for air transportation while also considering the adverse impact of pollution and...

Data Mining as Powerful Tool in Business

Technological advancements make enterprises more efficient in different aspects, allowing them to reduce their costs and improve their operations. At the same time, technology entails numerous risks, including those concerning the security of employees’ information which in turn give rise to different ethical problems. For instance, when using data mining,...

Best Practices in Project Management

Introduction Project management and coordination of the associated tasks represent a significant challenge for numerous organizations, largely due to the difficulties selecting a coherent and effective framework for project management practice. A good project management practice will offer a leader the tools for communicating project goals effectively, assigning roles and...

The Internet Impact on the Buying Process

Introduction The Internet is an interconnected computer network that operates at a global level. The Internet uses a set of rules known as the Internet Protocol suite to avail information to those using computers connected to the worldwide network. The Internet is an important area of business whereby it allows...

Computers: Dangerous and Indispensable

The technological and scientific revolution that occurred in the last century modified how societies and individuals operate. Technologies became ingrained in the most distant corners of daily routine. For instance, tasks that once were inherently manual are currently computerized. The process allows numerous advantages varying from enhanced performance to eco-friendliness....

Gender Bias in the Aviation Industry

The case filed by Celio Diaz Jr. in the court of appeal as the plaintiff versus Pan American World Airways on April 6th, 1971 ushered in an era of equality on employment for prospective airline employees. Before this ruling, airlines had a hiring policy that ensured only female airline stewardess...

The National vs. the American Society of Mechanical Engineers

NSPE is The National Society of Professional Engineers; nowadays, this organization is the crucial national entity that aims to address various professional issues associated with licensed PEs within the scope of all disciplines. Then, ASME is The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; this organization is dedicated to promoting art, sciences,...

Innovation in the Cybersecurity Industry

In the contemporary world, organizations have been subjected to new threats emanating from advancements in technologies. Cybersecurity is essential for safeguarding computer systems and networks in an online space. As new computer crimes continue to emerge, cybersecurity innovation is required to counteract vulnerabilities in the Information Technology (IT) environment (Lezzi...

Cobit 5 Framework 19: Risks Assessment of Information Technology

The report aims to study the impact of IT governance application in organizational operations using COBIT 5. The framework reduces the risk inherent in cloud computing, such as data protection, identity and access management, and virtual operating risks. Research conducted on COBIT 5 gathered quantitatively analyzed qualitative data. Questionnaires were...

Proposal Outline: Being Too Dependent on Technology

In the modern world, when almost everything is automatized, and it is impossible to live fully without devices and gadgets, technological dependence appears to be a pressing concern. It has an impact on people’s brains, causing sleep disorders, anxieties, communication problems, an inability to distinguish the reality and the virtual...

The Myth of Computers in the Classroom

Introduction The use of computers in classrooms has been approached with mixed feelings. While some people feel like it is an unnecessary engagement, a good number are of a different opinion. In both circumstances, it is impossible to ignore the role of computers for a decent performance of students in...

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Carr Critique

One of Carr’s main points is that by using the Internet as the source of knowledge, humanity might forget printed books and the importance of intellectual vibrations triggered by words in our minds (63). In other words, deep reading, a part of deep thinking, can be lost, and it is...

A Lack of a PerFormance Problem: A Training Program

Problem A lack of a performance problem is a gap that arises when an employee does not perform to the level required by the organization. Here, a training program is designed to solve a specific performance problem identified in a firm: managers who are not being as productive as their...

Hitachi Power Systems: Case Study

The studied class text provides useful ideas and concepts that project managers should take seriously. The case of Hitachi Power Systems outlines some of the key aspects that corporations need to consider if they are to dispel some of the common myths. At this organization, every project team relies on...

Air Force Organizational Culture: Leadership Cultivation

Healthy Air Force Organizational Culture: Leadership Cultivation Management practices ensuring a proper organizational culture Leadership is the key to a healthy environment Influence on the adoption of culture Proper reaction to emerging critical situations Setting examples by behavior during crises Transmittance of the vision to officers The initiative’s success intended...

National Cybersecurity Protection and the Role of CISA

Introduction The developments of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the past decades have resulted in the transformation of the global society into a virtual one. The United States and the world, in general, have been digitized, contributing to growth in every aspect of people’s lives. Consequently, the integrity of...

The Importance of Information System Security

Introduction Information systems security remains a significant concern to many organizations since new risks arise as technology changes. To achieve security, organizations need to use proactive methods of identifying and managing these threats to information. Samimi (2020) states that “The concept of risk management also defines a codified process for...

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 and Germanwings Flight 9525 Crises

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 and Germanwings Flight 9525 cases were highly fatal accidents in the airlines’ history. It is important to note that the main cause of the crash for the latter was co-pilot, who deliberately assisted the collision. However, in the case of Southwest Airlines, the investigation showed the...

Effects of Technology on Policing In England and Wales

In the last 15 years, the police force has seen a great transformation in the way they carry out their duties. Detecting and apprehending law offenders has become easier with the development in technology and computing in law enforcement agencies. Since the introduction of technology in the police force, levels...

Emerging Technologies in Public Relations

Article Summary The selected article for this analysis and summary is “Public Relations and Technology: Practitioner Perspectives”. The author begins by explaining how different public relations (PR) practitioners are finding modern technologies more useful in their respective positions. The inclusion of advanced communication systems can help such professions adjust their...

Irish Aviation Safety and Its Strategic Position

Introduction The aviation industry is global in that it connects markets, people, and cultures across the world. Its revolutionary effects can be observed in terms of the industry’s influence on the social, economic, and political landscapes of the countries. However, one of the key issues in aviation is safety where...

Value Stream Mapping to Evaluate Wastes in Production

Value stream mapping is a crucial lean tool that helps to evaluate the current wastes in the production process and design process improvement interventions to improve the process efficiency. A value stream map (VSM) visualizes all the stakeholders and processes needed to fulfill the order from a customer. The present...

Ford Motor Company’s Project Budget and Management

Introduction Ford has been a renowned motor vehicle company since June 16, 1903. When undertaking a capital project, a company needs to evaluate its chances of success. Ford motor limited, in line with its environmental conservation policy, would like to invest in a solar charged motor vehicles plant. This paper...

Review Baseline Magazine’s Website

Summary The website, baselinemag.com, primarily showcases information that relates to new business developments in the IT industry. This can range from what is currently trending in the industry today, what policies are currently being developed and finally it also showcases articles giving advice to businesses about current trends in employment,...

System Architecture: The Architectural Framework

Abstract The architectural framework of the proposed system draws on an interactive interplay of a variety of system technologies that make up an integral whole of a single unit of a decision support system (DSS) for the retail industry. The DSS is solely a tool for decision-making for retail managers...

Information System Hardware and Software

Outline Information technology involves a wide range of operations where computer software as well as hardware is utilized. A number of new devices have been produced lately and are available in computer shops’ displays. A visit to one of the computer shops provided a good opportunity during which some of...

Description of Wellbore Stability

Wellbore stability definition Wellbore stability refers to sustainability of the borehole from falling or breaking down and is achieved through use of drilling fluid programs, casing programs and efficiencies of drilling operating procedures (Simangunson et al, 2006). Wellbore stability is achieved through identification; adoption and implementation of best practices (cf....

Data Communications: File Transfer Protocol

Introduction File transfer protocol (FTP) is a protocol used to transfer files from one computer to another over a network connection, such as the Internet. Abhay Bhushan designed the first FTP protocol in 1971. It originally used dos command prompt, but has been redesigned using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)...

YouTube: Indirect Way of Violating

Introduction and Thesis Statement Information technology is a broad term used to refer to all the techniques used to store, recover, and manipulate data in an organization. It is the utilization of computers to manage data in a corporation. The department of information technology in an organization is held accountable...

Solar Saturn 1MW Gas Turbine Generator

Abstract Solar turbines have dominated industrial market all over the globe for decades thanks to their high efficiencies in conversions as well as elevated solar shares. In Solar turbine systems, compressed air is heated for up to 1000 degrees Celsius, this is instrumental in delivering between 40% and 90% of...

Cyber Crime : Issues and Threats

Introduction Developments in technology have come with both advantages and disadvantages. The close association of technology and crime is neither new nor young. Over time, the potential to create harm through the supposed advantage of technologies has grown exponentially especially on the lines that exploit chains of trust of people...

Airport Autonomous Control (ACUGOTA) Program Implementation

The current level of technology development allows the creation of many technological solutions aimed at ensuring human safety. One of the directions in this area is replacing humans with autonomous robots controlled by an operator. Thus, a person can be protected from working in a hazardous environment, and the likelihood...

Computer Technology and Business Needs

Introduction Business needs and accounting operations have a great effect on the profitability of a business. Many organizations have integrated computer systems in their businesses to help them in accounting operations and meeting the business needs. However, integration of computer systems in a business is not enough. The most important...

Health and Safety Effects of Computer Use

Introduction In the 21st century, there has been advancement within the technological environment as a result of development in information technology. Most organizations have integrated the use of computers within their workforce in order to increase efficiency. The learning institutions have also incorporated the use of computers as one of...

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Conceptual Study

Introduction Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is used to describe the flow of activities from one center to another one. A data flow diagram can be defined as a diagrammatic procedure that represents external entities, logical storage, and where data flows in a system. DFD is instrumental in operational systems where...

Hiring Hackers as IT Security Guards: Advantages and Disadvantages

Globalization and advancement in technology has changed the corporate world as companies are pressurized to go digital. For instance, businesses transactions are being conducted over the internet alongside other digital platforms (Cross & Shinder 96). This has led to a growing outcry in the corporate world owing to the rise...

John von Neumann and the von Neumann Architecture

John von Neumann was a great mathematician, known by his really significant contributions to the fields of economics, numerical analysis, and computer science. This person played a very important role in developing the study of computation and understanding of how effective and practical computers had to be and how the...

TCP and IP: Connection Setup, Packet Transmission and Packet Structure

Introduction TCP/IP is the combination (protocol suite) of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), also known as the Internet protocol suite. It is the most commonly used suite for both local area networks (LANs) and the broader internet (Schneider & Gersting, 2019). In the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)...

Wireless Network Convergence of Data for Call Centers

Introduction Description The objective of our call center is to accomplish a future expansion for four locations Dallas, Denver, Chicago Headquarters, and Atlanta, and part of the programs we aim to accomplish are to offer new products to customers such as credit card protection and registration. The plan program we...

Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The Endnote X1 Program

Introduction Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a field that uses developing technologies to allow users to participate in a world that is changing rapidly. Through ICT, individuals, businesses, and corporations store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit and receive digital information. This is made possible by the wide range of digital communication...

VHF Systems Transmission

Abstract VHF systems are the most reliable alternative for avionic communication systems. This is generally explained by the high reliability and selectivity of VHF radio transmission. The principles and rules of VHF transmission are helpful for creating safe navigation, operation, control and other systems. VHF Communication The purposes of VHF...

Rhetorical Analysis: Google Analytics App

Audience The genre selected for the present analysis is a knowledge base article. The chosen source is a support page for Google’s Analytics application (“How can we help you?” n.d.). The intended audience is represented by the users of the Google Analytics app, which means the people who want to...

Business Intelligence System Development to Deliver Analytics

Introduction The Business Intelligence system is integrated with analytical systems that provide the function answers to various business needs. The analytical systems that should be contained in the BI should be highly developed, performance-based, tightly integrated, and readily available for use in analytical and warehouse purposes. Examples of software that...

Online Learning Technologies

Introduction Education is of great importance to the society and because of this; individuals and governments have invested significant amounts of money in its development. Innovations in Information Technology have enabled great advances to be made in education through online learning. This form of learning is able to overcome problems...

The Technology of Self-Driving Cars

Nowadays, autonomous vehicles no longer seem unusual, and their introduction for widespread use is not that far off. Nevertheless, cars operating at higher levels of autonomy require certain infrastructure, and their successful operation depends on a variety of factors, including climate and road traffic. A number of technologies that autonomous...

Proactive Safety Management System in Aviation

Safety management has become an essential topic in aviation to better assess risks and prevent accidents. Poor risk management practices contribute mainly to aviation accidents, most of which are often catastrophic. This raises concerns about profound ways of managing risks following the established standards to make informed decisions. Pilots must...

Command, Control, and Communications Subsystem

Abstract Subsystems are evidence-based models for ensuring that competent individuals complete specific functions in a timely manner. In the identified organization, the proposed command, control, and communications (C3) framework will transform operations and guide leaders to identify new or initial technologies that have the potential to deliver positive results. The...

Information Systems and Project Management Performance

Introduction The article chosen for analysis was written by an Information Systems (IS) management professor with tremendous experience in the field. It is known as “The relations of requirements uncertainty and stakeholder perception gaps to project management performance” by James Jiang, Shelly Wu, Gary Klein and Liang, T.P for the...

Inequality of Digital Divide in Education

With each year, technology is becoming more integrated into people’s lives. In education, teachers try to blend it with other tasks to prepare students for using devices in the future. Moreover, COVID-19 forced educators to transition to online teaching, which cannot be facilitated without the technology that allows them to...

Evolution of Microsoft Windows Operating System

Overview The journey for Windows began on November 10, 1983, with the release of Microsoft windows Beta 1.0, which was followed by Windows 2.0 and then Windows 3.0 in May 1990. The first version Windows 1.0 was an extension of MS-DOS which used the “C prompt.” To communicate with the...

Airline Labor Relations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Labor relations and human resource management are the fields of study that deal with different aspects of relationships between organizations and employees. The presence of strategies to guarantee employee satisfaction and staff retention is specifically important in the airline sector of the aviation industry. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...

Object Code Optimization Technique

ompiler optimization is important in computing, as it enhances the performance and operation of executable computer programs. The process of optimization may involve either the minimization or maximization of certain attributes or aspects of the execution process. The essence of compiler optimization is to hasten the execution process by minimizing...

The Benefits and Negative Effects of Technological Advances

Technological progress has created numerous benefits, improving the quality of human life. What is known for a fact is that technological progress is unstoppable and inevitable as humanity has been using the results of technology for so long that it is hard to imagine the life without it. However, the...

Dating in the World of Technology: What We Gain and We Lose

In the contemporary world, interpersonal communication, overall, and dating, in particular, are changing concepts. Contrary to the traditional vision of a regular date filled with meaningful conversations, it is common to see a couple in a restaurant looking down on their phones without saying a word to each other. While...

Application Whitelisting: Advantages, Disadvantages and Issues Surrounding Its Use

Introduction Application whitelisting is a security technique that restricts applications or components that can be executed within an organization to a list of specifically approved (whitelisted) ones. Components in this case refers to libraries, configureation files, or other similar elements (Sedgewick, et al., 2015). Thus, only known “good” activity is...

How Technology Affects Face-To-Face Interactions

Introduction The 21st century has seen many ways of communication and interactions evolved. Modern technology has made our lives much easier than it was in the past. Nowadays, it is possible to just sit in the house and do your shopping, chat with friends, watch a movie online, do class...

Smartphone Technologies: A Central Processing Unit

Smartphones are powered by a central processing unit (CPU) which drives the device function and ultimately defines its processing power. The CPU in a device ensures that millions of transistors, memory cells, logic elements are in tune and perform in the right sequence, with the help of a crystal oscillator...

Impact of Excessive Gadget Use Among Children

Any parent would like their child to be entertained and learn new things, as this is a common aspect of their development. Because gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles are highly popular among children, considering their effects on growing generations is essential. While such devices can offer hours...

Overview of Aviation Security and Personnel

Abstract There is a long-lasting debate on the benefits and shortcomings of extensive automation in aviation security. Contemporary technologies allow the security staff to perform most of the operations without any specialized knowledge. On the one hand, such an approach results in much more convenient passenger experience. However, on the...

Project Management: IT Project Success

Introduction Information Technology (IT) is a rapidly developing sector that plays a significant role in both public and private organizations. The review of 1471 projects that were conducted recently shows that one out of six projects exceeds the initially set budget and timeframes (Hoang, Deegan & Rochford 2013). The problem...

Different Factors That Influence on Buying a Computer

When deciding on the computer to purchase for my classwork, I have to consider many different factors: my finances, technical characteristics of the computer, which parameters would benefit me in my work, and many more. There are generally 4 types of computes: desktops, all-in-ones, laptops, and tablets. They each have...

Shopping Apps Compare and Contrast

Introduction Today, to buy something, people do not have to go to the store and do not even need to visit the online store website. It is enough to download the application and make a purchase. For these reasons, online shopping is rapidly gaining popularity. A smartphone for the buyer...

Fundraising Company for Updating College’s Computer Labs

Introduction In the modern world, electronic devices have become a crucial part of our lives. People can hardly imagine their lives without computers, smartphones, laptops, smartwatches, and other devices. Whether they are a benefit or a detriment is an open question. However, one thing is certain: they make people’s lives...

The Difference Between Data and Information

A good illustration of the difference between data and information is a website of Upwork Global Inc. available at www.upwork.com. This site represents a platform for freelance workers and employers who need to hire professionals for a one-time project or a task. The starting page explains that Upwork is a...

PC Components Are Recommended for Upgrading

How to Decide Which Components to Upgrade Type of case they have The case is usually not critical to the performance of a Personal Computer, as it is only a framework that safely and conveniently secures all of the more essential components in place. The customer may choose to upgrade...

Database Design – Alternative Approaches and Advanced Techniques

Investigation of Application Development Tools Just as earlier humanity witnessed the transition to self-developed data collection platforms, it is now possible to observe the development of a whole new class of tools for self-learning and data visualization. This is not necessarily a replacement for traditional analytical software suites – the...

Relational Database Management Systems in Business

In the recent past, a manager of almost any small organization has (and sometimes still is) able to keep track of necessary data by using a manual file system. As long as the collection of data was relatively small and an organization’s managers had few reporting requirements, the manual system...

Project Management: Development Stages

Introduction Project management is a field that involves planning, organizing, and resource management with the purpose of excellent accomplishment of stated project goals and objectives. A project refers to a temporary undertaking that has an agreed timeframe and aims at producing a product or service that is unique in its...

Information Systems That Apply to Parks & Recreation

Introduction The contemporary world of rapid development of Information Technology has made each sector of life with ease and efficiency. Information technology has found its place of importance and application in the daily as well as business life of people. “The term information system refers to information technology that is...

Impact of New Technologies and Globalization on Literature

The issue of globalization’s effect on the development of different countries has always been rather controversial. A number scholars wrangle whether globalization “completely submerges the sovereignty of independent states” (Okogbule 214) or advances the country it affects offering it economic, political, and cultural benefits. Some of the scholars state that...

Bill Gates and Carlo Slim Helu Compare and Contrast

Introduction Pursuit of entrepreneurship is a decision people attempt to achieve. However, ability to achieve ones aims as a successful entrepreneur depends on several factors. The attributes of a successful entrepreneur depend on the personal traits, motivation, behaviours, needs, and decision process and entrepreneurship essence. Stanworth, at al (1989) argued...

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

OOA/D has a history of many branches; knowledge of an object-oriented language does not guarantee you the ability to create object systems. The introduction of OOA/D was a milestone in assisting the programmers who were used to traditional programming methods. This in effect led to rapid development and growth in...

Top Ten Construction Site Hazards.

Formal Report The construction business is an important industry with over 7.5 million individuals of the United States functioning as construction workers. It is also an industry with extremely high rates of work related hazards to the workers who are constantly exposed to high risks and dangers of the construction...

Direct Digital Controls Analysis

Direct Digital Control (DDC) is the control system that is aimed to control HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) by the means of electronic schemes and logical elements. DDC receive analog and digital inputs from the sensors and devices installed in the HVAC system and, according to the control logic,...

Video and Audio Technology and Its Future

Introduction Indeed, the future of video and audio technology looks strong, more than ever before, in virtually all spheres of life. Nowhere is this upward trend for video and audio conferencing more pronounced than in businesses (Dominick 2003). More businesses are increasingly utilizing this technology to save on time and,...

Internet Technology: Creating a Website

Introduction This paper is set to explain the way the internet has changed lives and its effect on the pace at which businesses are conducted all over the world today. It also highlights the benefits and problems posed by its use. Internet is about e-commerce and conduct of business which...

User Data and Privacy Protection in Social Media

Introduction In the modern environment characterized by the frequent use of technologies and social media, in particular, the issue of privacy protection is imperative to discuss. Protecting social media privacy is necessary because the information stored on platforms can be further used for unethical or criminal purposes. Therefore, when agreeing...

Information Systems: The Role of Data Warehousing

Introduction Information systems depend on the way data is stored and retrieved for use. Without a system where information is saved and collected, a user cannot track the history of changes or utilize data that was once present in a database. To perform these actions, the concept of data warehousing...

Emerging Technologies in Commercial Aviation: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Emerging technologies in commercial aviation Strengths Weaknesses Significantly increase the accuracy of all measurements and processes Contribute to the more effective use of funds Help to save time and money Improve data collection techniques Provide up-to-date data about critical processes and states of aircraft Generate knowledge base vial for...

Uber as the Platform Service

With the emergence of the technological breakthrough that has been occurring over the past few decades, the transfer of most services to the digital environment was not only necessary but also inevitable. The opportunities of the digital market had to be explored, and a vast number of companies managed to...

The Role of Data Mining in Modern Business Success

Over the past decades, technological development had a significant influence on the business environment. In particular, the latest advances in technology created opportunities for businesses and institutions to collect and analyze large volumes of information, thus giving rise to data mining. According to Joseph (2013), data mining is one of...

Cell Phones’ Impact on Public Behavior

With constant calling, texting, listening to music, and even navigating, cell phones have become an inseparable part of people’s everyday lives. The tools that were initially invented for distant communication soon evolved into an entertainment source with multiple functions. Communication has been greatly enhanced with numerous apps and social media...

Technologic Innovation for Business: Pros and Cons

Introduction The world has entered the stage of its rapid evolution under the impact of technological advances and the emergence of new devices. The high speed of digitalization resulted in the formation of a new environment characterized by the dominance of innovative solutions and attempts to increase the effectiveness of...

The Online Learning and Education Course Reflections

Reflections about the course This course has given me in-depth insights into the nature of online learning and the application of information technologies. Admittedly, I had some prior knowledge of this subject. For example, I was familiar with such issues as computer-based training, the application of multimedia, or the personalization...

Moore Housing Contractors’ Program Evaluation and Review

CPM/PERT network for Moore Housing Contractors for determining the probability that the contractors can complete a house within 45 days The CPM/PERT network for Moore Housing Contractors is supposed to determine whether the Contractors of the Moore Housing would be able to finish the work on the house within agreed...

The Value of Technology

Many people appreciate the value of technology and how it drives popular culture and consumerism. Most of you my friends believe that technological advances are awesome and that only backward individuals would bad mouth technology. By the end of this speech, it is my hope, we shall all appreciate that...

Media Usage as a Mode of Learning

In the recent past, the use of electronic media has increased in our schools. This can be attributed to globalization and emergence of information technology in the 21st century. Because of many challenges related to the use of media and information technology, I will discuss use of media as a...

ABC Healthcare Cyber and Computer Network Security

Describe your technical recommendations to address the security requirements in the overall technical design of the ABC Healthcare network The detailed response below includes both internal and external aspects of security requirements. It includes both ‘untrusted’ and trusted aspects of the requirements. Untrusted security requirements will include user connectivity to...

Zara Company: IT Projects Justification and Evaluation

Based on the classification of IT projects in the Ross and Beath article, what kind of project is Zara’s upgrade of Point-of-Sale technology? Justify your answer. Zara’s point of sale technology can be classified as a renewal of the existing systems. The common or traditional technologies used when IT infrastructure...

The Main Functions of Computer Components

BIOS The main function of BIOS in a computer is set up the hardware, ready for loading and the eventual starting of an operating system. The first function of the BIOS once the computer has been turned on is to initiate the process of identifying the system devices. These devices...

Library Overview: Structure, Services, and Facilities

Description of a library Main ideas Specific information Meaning of library Collection of sources of information The physical appearance of a library A fenced story building with beautiful flowers around it. Reading area It is cool with minimal movements. There were two main sections, i.e. for private and group studies....

Electrolytic In-Process Dressing Grinding: Description and Experiments

Introduction on ELID The crushing procedure of molding materials by using hard rough particles as cutting medium has been a noteworthy technique to create exactness mechanical parts (Azarhoushang & Tawakoli, 2011). The technique is used for handling optical and electronic parts. It is utilized as a last machining procedure to...

Samsung M620 Mobile Phone Evaluation

This evaluation attempts to describe Samsung M620, my current phone model. Effective communication is the main reason behind the introduction of cell phones. The improvements in technology have seen the introduction of cell phones that are multipurpose. The introduction of internet-enabled phones saved us a great deal since one can...

Dundee Tram System Project Management

Executive Summary This project aims to create a business case for establishing a Dundee tram system. The city is planning to develop a new tram system and it is necessary to come up with a project plan that will ensure that this objective is achieved within the set timeline and...

Employee Engagement in Safety Improvement

Summary Employee engagement at the workplace is an integral part of enhancing the chances of success because it provides a platform for the employees to build on the relevant changes at the workplace. Employee engagement entails the involvement of the employees in decision-making, which gives them the feeling of ownership...

Explosion at Concept Sciences Inc. Facility

One should perfectly realize the fact that the industrial advance we have today is a two-edged sword that could be very useful and dangerous at the same time. The fact is that the tendency towards the increased complexity of manufacturing processes and the use of hazardous materials to produce a...

Video Games and Teenage Behavior

Introduction Video game refers to an electronic game played by a human being in a video devise interface to generate feedback that is visual in nature on a screen. There are several interfaces that support video game such as computers and televisions by using game controllers which include gamepads, keyboards,...

Wireless Charging Technology’s Evaluation

Scenario This evaluation report addressed to the VP is a critical analysis of the usability of wireless charging technology developed for smart devices. It covers observations, the findings, the major problems identified, and some recommendations for products improvement. The scope of this report is on user experiences of wireless charging...

Impact of Mobile Phones on Face-to-Face Communication

Communication is a very important aspect in various spheres of life, including business, work, romantic relationship, and friendship. People use written, verbal, and nonverbal methods to convey a certain message or exchange information. However, the quality of communication may be impaired due to the influence of outside factors. Such disruptions...

The “Hour of Code” Project and True Creativity

Introduction People possess differing views of technology: ardent users claim that it is the future of humanity, while skeptics argue that people should not rely on it too much due to numerous hazards. However, it is impossible to deny that technology is a widely used facet of life for most...

Computer-Assisted Language Learning and E-Learning

Introduction Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) can be loosely be described as the process of providing language skills to learners by means of computers or computer applications. CALL is a divergent field that encompasses various levels of learning, all supported by computer-enabled technology (Kukulska-Hulme and Lesley 271). Today, computer-assisted learning is...

Solar Power Benefits for Airports

Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular in major airports around the world. Solar power is one of the most popular renewable energy sources. Gatwick Airport, Birmingham Airport, and Cochin (Kochi) International are some of the large airports which have embraced the use of solar power as an alternative source of...

Emirati Airlines’ Open Skies Policies

Executive Summary This research paper is a mixed case study of the Open Skies policies of the Emirati airlines. The research engaged ten professionally competent constitutional experts who enriched this study with comprehensive empirical evidence. Using 20 questionnaires in the form qualitative and quantitative structure, the research discovered a lot...

Project Closure: Bandai Pippin

Project closure is the concluding phase of a project, in which the main types of activities are finalized. The documents and decisions made during this phase are expected to result in a formal completion. Importantly, the closure includes a “Lessons Learned” component that may offer valuable data for conducting similar...

Computer Law and Information Security

Computer law is increasingly becoming an important area in the fields of legal as well as information technology (IT). Computer law affects corporations and professionals positively and negatively, but the advantages of effective and strict computer laws are important in ensuring the security of the computer systems, data, individuals, and...

Valero Refinery Disaster and Confined Space Entry

Summary of the events On November 5, 2010, a disaster occurred at the Valero Delaware City, Delaware. Two workers succumbed to suffocation within a process vessel. According to the report, the victims were unaware of the presence of too much nitrogen, as a result of the gas being odorless in...

Drones and Robotic Technology

Introduction Two things were required in transforming pre-historic man into modern man. The first requirement calls for a healthy dose of curiosity. The second requirement calls for innovative thinking. It is a good thing to know that human beings were imbued with the right amount of curiosity, because it becomes...

Chrome, Firefox, Opera Web Browsers’ Comparison

Introduction A web browser is a software application that is used to access information on the Internet. In the past decade, web browsers have evolved tremendously to give users tools that facilitate the efficient retrieval of information. The most commonly used browsers include Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and...

The Fine-Dining Restaurant Project

Situation Analysis Current Student Experience The fine-dining restaurant project at Thompson Rivers University is designed to meet the TRU’s five strategic priorities and to address the dinner services needs of the immediate community, which are not currently met effectively by existing restaurants. The analysis of the market indicates that adequate...

How the iPhone Is Changing Technology?

It needs to be said that smartphone market was not the same ever since Apple presented its unique device in 2007. The number of iPhones that were bought is truly astounding, and the latest figure that was revealed by the company is 700 million (Costello par. 2). The functionality and...

Fireproofing Techniques in Petrochemical Plants: Ensuring Safety Standards

The article was written by Edward Walker, Richard Holliday, and Graham Boaler from the MMI Engineering. The primary idea was in the fact that many organizations around the globe prefer a flawed method related to fire extension capability. The article’s authors provide a list of materials designed to be fireproof...

Applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Innovations in Neuroscience

Abstract Brain-Computer Interfaces allow for a more immersive connection with Digital Media. By using a BCI as a source of human input, we can further blur the line of X-reality by creating more immersive experiences with virtual reality. We’re also given the ability to explore a new form of communication,...

Digital Technologies Role in Communication and Social Life

Abstract Digital technologies have had various effects on the communication and social life of many people all over the world. While some of these effects are positive, there are negative effects of using digital technologies nowadays. This paper provides an overview of various aspects of digital communications, and how such...

Laptops in Learning Process in the Classroom

Abstract This study focuses on investigating the effects of personal computers on students’ learning process and academic study during class. It examines how laptops impact on the learning process, and if the effects are adverse or favorable. The study utilized experimental method of data collection in which two experiments were...

Medical Technologies Developing Healthcare

Abstract Living in the era of modern technology requires taking advantage of its principles in the medical sphere. Consequently, the primary goal of this paper was to reveal the benefits of artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D printing on the functioning of the healthcare. The detailed analysis with the examples was...

Designing Computer Networks for Graphic Arts Companies: Key Considerations and Strategies

This is a network proposal for DesignIT. DesignIT is an expanding graphic arts company. The company will use additional space to accommodate more employees. The recommended network design for DesignIT is Ethernet. The company requires a small network design that can be effectively met through Ethernet option. It is inexpensive...

Whether Robots are Conscious or Not?

Introduction The robot is defined as a man-made electromechanical machine that works on a set of pre-programmed instructions from humans or computers to do some specific job or a variety of jobs on its own. Robots are devices that mimic human or animal characteristics in performing the specified jobs and...

The Incident Command System in Firefighting

Introduction The ICS, Incident Command System, is a management model that incorporates all risk incidences. The ICS concept is regulated in that its users match the varying demands and complexities of different incidences through an amalgamated organization structure without hindrances from jurisdictional restrictions. The ICS integrates various facilities, tools, workforce,...

Adolescents’ Mental Health Under Impact of Technologies

Introduction Modern technologies undoubtedly change the world and people’s quality of life for the better. It is impossible to dispute the benefits of technical, medical, and biochemical inventions aimed at solving global problems such as hunger, disease, and consumption. An ordinary person without modern technology would be forced to spend...

Online Privacy on Social Networking Sites

When signing up for a social networking site, a person is typically asked to provide personal information. Most people do not think twice about providing this information because they assume that the site will take measures to protect their privacy. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case since many social networking...

Effects of Cybercrime on Businesses

Introduction/Literature Review Cybercrime is an illegal activity that targets computer users and networks of devices for malicious reasons. Most cybercrime activities are undertaken by hackers and crackers who want to manipulate the online system to make money or for social and political initiatives. The phenomenon can be done by a...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Introduction Cloud computing’s increasing popularity over the last few years has provided companies with many new opportunities and obstacles. This approach helps shift the workload and make the system more accessible and flexible for businesses; hence, additional hardware and software are unnecessary. Discussion Among the main advantages of cloud computing...

The Aspects of Systems Engineering

Introduction Systems engineering has always fascinated me endlessly, as it is a complex and constantly developing field that permeates the majority of human activities and institutions in the modern world. This passion led me to pursue Instrumentation and Control Engineering at the National Institute of Technology-Tiruchirappalli (NIT-T). Having received my...

Management in an Architectural Firm

Management in an architectural firm includes project management and firm management primarily. In addition, the manager’s functions cover the administration of construction contracts and related activities, if any. The application of modern management techniques can increase the efficiency of an architectural organization by 10-30% (Kocakaya, 2019). At the same time,...

Launching Solar Panels in Senegal

As domestic markets become saturated and highly competitive, new ones should be explored in different foreign countries to enhance the performance of business organization. Therefore, it is necessary for firms to venture and offer their products to emerging markets to meet the customers’ needs. Most companies believe that the game...

Surveillance and Privacy in a Smart City

Introduction A smart city, like the originally planned Quayside, has various parties that would have impacts, such as investing and adapting themselves to the new technology in the city. They would modernize their facility, organization, or other infrastructure to create the town with the latest technology. Sidewalk Labs is an...

Training Guide Template: Oracle VM VirtualBox and Ubuntu v.20.04 LTS

Introduction Linux is a free and open-source operating system that is available in many general-purpose or specialized versions called distributions. It is generally a reliable and versatile tool for personal and enterprise use. This short tutorial will show the general installation process and some command-line commands for Oracle VM VirtualBox...

Project Managers in Qatar: The Key Challenges

Research Background A project is one-time, brief endeavour of various durations depending on the expected deliverables. It is carried out to meet a precise demand in an organization such as the advent of a product or service of a commercial enterprise technique (Taraba, 2019). This is a stark contrast with...

The SportR Application’s Operational Plan

Introduction The application SportR is designed to help football players to join games happening near them. The market is a cross between smartphone users and people interested in playing football. The demographics of football players are shown in Appendices A, B, and C (Football player demographics, 2022). The target market...

Aviation Safety: Ground Accidents and Their Prevention

Introduction Aviation is one of the strategically important spheres of the modern world. It supports the high speed of globalization and provides people with new opportunities for better cooperation. Thousands of flights are performed every year, with millions of passengers carried. It means that safety issues acquire the top priority...

Compliance with Standard Operating Procedures

Introduction The airline industry is perhaps best known for its strict, well-knit operations, which make it the safest mode of transport. This industry’s push to make flights safer and more efficient resulted in the establishment of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs are established directives dictating how the crew should go...

Mechanichal Pencil’s Manufacturing

Introduction It might seem at first glance that differences between the classical and mechanical pencils are minor, to say the least. However, the former’s main issue manifests when it is sharpened – it is not reusable, with the majority of its material wasted. To address that issue, people developed the...

Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons

Artificial intelligence attracts more and more attention. Bill Gates believes that among all modern innovations, AI has the most significant potential to change our lives: to make them more productive, more efficient, and easier. AI has long captured the imagination of writers and journalists. Not all people really understand what...

Information Literacy Importance and Module Takeaways

In the modern age, the amount of data has been rapidly growing with the development of technology. People are consuming information via digital sources more than from traditional printed papers. However, the quality and credibility of the data on the web are questionable. Therefore, the need for information literacy skills...

Technical Writing in Information Technology

The global goal of the course was to acquire and develop the skills of fundamental research and technical writing in information technology (IT). It was interesting for me to work on various research projects, as I think they are entirely consistent with the purpose of the course. While working on...

Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality Industry

Abstract Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality Industry Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a comprehensive division of computer science that focuses on developing smart machines that can perform commands that typically require human aptitude. AI has multiple perspectives but is mostly concerned with advancing machinery to perform more effectively in many sectors that...

The Whole Community Approach in Emergency Management

Today, the tendency of changes in natural and climatic conditions, the intensification of seismic and heliophysics processes is observed, which is also expressed in an increase in the frequency and scale of disasters, the development of natural disasters into man-made and vice versa. The danger of transboundary transfer of pollutants...

Business Model Canvas and Artificial Intelligence

Introduction The business model canvas is the most commonly used tool in developing a business strategy. Its application ranges from schooling to entrepreneurial simulation to real-world company planning. Furthermore, the business model canvas is a means of describing, assessing, and constructing business models, with nine building elements that demonstrate the...

Choosing Suitable Engine for The Witcher-1

Introduction At the current moment, CD Projekt RED is a company respected and beloved by players, who created one of the main games of the decade. However, their first ambitious role-playing game – The Witcher-1 –almost turned out to be of poor quality due to a lot of wrong decisions...

The False Justification of the Smartphone Panic

With the development of various technological devices and their integration into the citizens’ everyday lives, some concerns regarding their effects on children have been voiced. Although the advances in electronic technologies can be exceptionally beneficial, the excessive use of such devices by the younger population might become a crucial issue,...

Value Proposition of Smart Technology and Self-Driving Cars

Introduction The challenges associated with human errors and vehicle safety are increasing rapidly due to populace escalation. Human transportation using vehicles is becoming challenging due to the high rate of accidents. As “Road safety facts” (2021) notes, distractions during the driving act as the main barrier to safe transportation. The...

Artificial Intelligence: Impact on Labor Workforce

Artificial intelligence is the capacity of a digitized computer or software robot to execute tasks generally affiliated with sentient creatures. Artificial intelligence is one of the prevailing technologies that allow solving many issues of people in different fields of activity (Kersting, 2018). The development of AI often affects drivers and...

Usage of Container Technology in Micro-Service Driven Application Segmentation

Introduction By nature, containerization technology is derived from virtualization advancements. This report focuses on the utilization of container technology. It defines containers, outlines container’s run time engine such as dockers, container-native open-source software (OSS), and containers running in hypervisors, container orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes, network segmentation, or running containers,...

Tokyo: The City With Innovation

Introduction Technological advancements have revolutionized humanity, and many industrial activities have been simplified. Artificial intelligence (AI) has improved product quality and manufacturing processes among companies. Moreover, the adoption of robotics has helped human beings avoid hazardous industrial activities like chemical processing. Education and finance, among other sectors, are beneficiaries of...

Lean Six Sigma Implementation and the Digital Era

Abstract Digitalization and the rapid development of emerging technologies have undoubtedly influenced numerous industries throughout the world. The recent studies in this sphere claim that such output enhancing techniques as Lean Six Sigma have become tremendously easier to conduct with the development of digital solutions. Although the Lean Six Sigma...