Chrome, Firefox, Opera Web Browsers’ Comparison

Introduction A web browser is a software application that is used to access information on the Internet. In the past decade, web browsers have evolved tremendously to give users tools that facilitate the efficient retrieval of information. The most commonly used browsers include Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and...

The United States Employment Commission and Lawsuits

Introduction Equal employment opportunity is one of the main aspects of United States ethics. The protection of this practice is highly important to sustain the values the country expresses (Gostin, 2015). This function is performed by the United States Employment Commission also known as EEOC. Their efforts prevent discrimination against...

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Bacteria

Introduction Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are important biomolecules in maintaining the health of living organisms. Therefore, they are known as essential fatty acids. However, animals cannot produce PUFAs because they lack some of the enzymes required for their biosynthesis. As a result, there is an increased interest in PUFA production...

International Business Strategy: Problems and Operations

Introduction Business organizations often develop business strategies that define their mission, vision, objectives, and goals of the organizations; these strategies also include how firms will organize their activities to achieve their objectives and mission. To gain a competitive advantage, firms engage in strategic decision-making processes that define long-term activities and...

Domestic Violence as a Research Topic

The possible topic for research The main questions to consider are: What is the contemporary perspective on the issue of domestic violence? What are the long-term effects of it? Do both parties involved in domestic violence equality contribute to the emergence of it? What are the possible ways to prevent...

Woodrow Wilson in “Dead Wake” by Erik Larson

President Woodrow Wilson was notable for his neutral political stance in terms of America’s role in World War I. This stance could be attributed to Wilson’s academic background and religious upbringing. In his view, God did not intend the United States to enter the conflict, while his academic side supported...

Childhood Concept and Its Visual Analysis

Introduction Childhood is a crucial stage in the development of every individual. During this very period, basic skills and behavioral patterns are formed (Gabriel, 2014). Additionally, a child acquires a set of values and attitudes that impact his/her mentality and shape his/her character. For this reason, numerous research papers are...

E-WOM in Service Supply Chains: Current Research

Electronic or online word of mouth can be listed among the promising concepts in business management that are currently underresearched. As for the general definition, the term “word of mouth” or WOM is used to refer to either positive or negative statements made by people who have the experience of...

Establishing a Foreign Office

List of Considerations The establishment of a foreign office is a complex and sophisticated issue that might demand consideration of critical factors that will impact its functioning. First of all, top management should consider the existing legal and regulatory barriers to further evolution as they might be narrowing opportunities for...

Effects of Economy on Sports

Sports social phenomenon Sports as a very important social phenomenon is represented at all spheres of modern society, it influences all spheres of human activities. Sports influences national relationships, official life, social position, fashion formation, ethical values, and the way of life of all people. The analysis of sports development...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Factors That Affect Variation in Supply Chain Networks

The world today is very dependent on a value adding, effective and reliable supply chain. In order to gain a competitive advantage in the supply chain, a country needs to match the aspect which add value to the supply chain with a unique advantage offered by its infrastructure and ease...

Cinematography of “Scarface” Film by Brian De Palma

“He loved the American dream. With a vengeance” (IMDb, n.d., para. 1). This statement is the tagline of the movie called Scarface (1983). Scarface is a gangster drama that shows the audience the world of organized crime. According to Wilson (2014), “the gangster film, unlike other film genres, is the...

The Issue of Maternal Mortality in the United States

Abstract Maternal mortality is among the most preventable deaths, which can act as a precise indicator of the quality of healthcare in the region. Although the global trend has been showing steady and gradual improvement throughout the years, there are still several regions where spikes can be observed. One can...

Philosophy of Science: A Scientific Theory Cannot Be Verified

Introduction For one to understand Karl Popper’s assertion that a scientific theory is not logically verifiable, it is essential to comprehend the underlying scientific philosophy from his perspective. Popper is considered unique in his outlook among other contemporary philosophers as he accepts the Humean Critique of Induction and seeks to...

“Starving Child and Vulture” Photo by Kevin Carter

Introduction The photograph “Starving Child and Vulture” made by Kevin Carter is one of the pictures that impress the souls and influence the minds of people. Since 1993, when it has been made, it remains a subject of discussion, referring not only to political issues, but also to deep social,...

Transformational Leadership Approach to Conflict Management in Emergency Care

Introduction For the healthcare sector to function efficiently and effectively, it is essential to foster excellent communication among various specialists and medical professionals to ensure that care and treatment are provided properly. Nevertheless, problems are an inherent part of any hospital environment, and often the challenges that may arise during...

Liberty, Freedom, and Equality in America

Introduction The history of the United States represents the mixing of various cultures and values shared by different peoples. This fact conditioned the necessity to formulate common values to unite all the population groups into one nation. Such values became liberty, freedom, and equality, but the process of their installation...

The Legalized of Abortion in the United States

On the 22nd of January, 1973, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision that held that a woman has the right to privacy and could choose to abort the fetus in the early months of pregnancy without any restrictions and with restrictions in the later months of her pregnancy...

Implementation of the Health Information System (HIS)

The rapid development of advanced technologies has a tremendous impact on all fields of human activity, especially in the healthcare industry, because it enables new attainments and discoveries, facilitates workflow, and promotes reducing errors. Nevertheless, the introduction of contemporary technologies can appear to be a challenging process since it requires...

The Requirements of a Valid Contract

Introduction Business environment requires a sound legal system which defines the relationship that exists between different parties. According to Whincup (2006, p. 89), a business unit cannot operate in an environment that lacks a clear legal system which would help dictate the way business units should relate. This scholar says...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pain Assessment in Older Adults

Introduction Older adults often experience acute and chronic diseases associated with pain. Geriatric patients often take several medications to treat the symptom (Horgas, 2017). However, taking multiple pain management medications attributes to polypharmacy and may negatively affect the well-being of older patients (Horgas, 2017). Thus, it is crucial that clinicians...

Digital Data Retrieval and Inspection Methods

Digital Data Retrieval and Inspection The social environment of the 21st century is characterized by the global implementation of technological advancements. The lives of most people today are inseparable from sophisticated electronic devices. These appliances serve to enhance access to knowledge and facilitate numerous procedures while containing large amounts of...

Career: Interviewing the Professional

Introduction Choosing a career after graduation is one of the most important life choices since this decision can affect not only career prospects and personal well-being but also the general perception of the world. In this regard, the assessment of the desired position should be comprehensive and objective, and as...

Medieval History: Joan of Arc

Introduction Joan of Arc or D’arc was a celebrated French heroine most known for leading a successful conquest of the English army in the 1420s. At the time of her birth, France and England engaged in a protracted battle known as the Hundred Years War that arose over the succession...

Physical Exercise for Adolescents

Introduction As technology develops and ordinary lifestyles change, people tend to be less and less active. Sedentary lifestyles as well as sedentary habits spread rapidly and become an emerging trend. Moreover, current circumstances, including pandemic-related restrictions and lockdown conditions, exacerbate the fragile situation. Physical training and regular exercise may be...

Superdisappointed Story by Drew Hayden Taylor

Introduction The story of Superdisappointed is about the difficulties of becoming the first Ojibwe superhero. Kyle is pleased at first when he gains powers on his own and tries to make the world a better place. From beginning to end, the Kyle tale is full of contradictions. Kyle was simply...

Retail Management: Discussion Problems

Variety and assortment are crucial retail market structure elements and have some distinguishing features. The significant difference between assortment and variety is that assortment refers to the number of different items provided in a category of merchandise. In contrast, variety refers to the quantity of the types of merchandise that...

The Organizational Change of a Small Restaurant

Introduction The modern economy is developing under the influence of many contradictory political, technological, social, environmental, and other trends. This increases the turbulence of the economic environment and uncertainty in making decisions related to management at all levels of the economic system. Accordingly, these conditions impose new requirements on the...

Was Julius Caesar a Good Person?

The artistic approach of the English classic playwright William Shakespeare, who chronicled Julius Caesar, was based on historical sources, but with a strong preference for embellished fiction. For Shakespeare, it was important to express not the real characteristics of the prototype of his character, but the character himself, as the...

Logos, Pathos, Ethos of King’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

Introduction Words play an essential part in human existence since they express and influence the way people think. Martin Luther King, Jr’s Letter from Birmingham Jail represents an example of rhetoric that has a complex and intricate history, and the composition of which has a powerful legacy. The power of...

Widget Sales Company: Project Manager

Project manager is a typical role for a team that is working on a project. The manager is responsible for the implementation of a project or idea within a certain period of time by his team using certain resources and for the quality required by the customer. Project manager is...

Technological Developments in Aircraft

Introduction Nowadays, the most popular term in commercial and military technological development is independence, which includes self-driving automobiles, airplanes without a human pilot, and terrestrial, sea, and undersea vehicles without human operators. Remotely piloted aircraft, piloted remotely by people, has been a significant feature of the world’s largest military for...

Sensation and Perception: Philosophy and Anatomy

In various research fields on biological responses and human anatomy, most individuals have developed a norm for psychologists to participate in studies concerning mental or brain operations attentively. This anticipates to concentrate more on philosophy and anatomy, but these two subjects dislocated this to psychology. Perception and sensation are two...

Nutritional Features: Macronutrients, Vitamins and Minerals

Macronutrients Macronutrients are inorganic substances that are found in the cells of living organisms in large quantities. The difference from micro elements is in the amount needed by the body, this threshold is 200 mg (Tórtora et al., 2019). The substance from the periodic table that a person needs at...

“Looking Like a Language, Sounding Like a Race” by Rosa

When assimilation and multiculturalism, two contradicting styles, are used together, they provide a very well-anchored discourse of a text. Rosa uses these two elements in her book “Looking Like a Language, Sounding Like a Race” to show how language and race impact Latinos in Chicago and the general US. The...

Lockdown From an Utilitarianist Perspective

The COVID-19 epidemic has presented healthcare professionals, health systems, and national governments with a significant and almost unprecedented problem. The potential threat to a significant number of patients has resulted in limitations on transportation, work, and daily life, affecting billions of people and resulting in enormous economic expenses. Flattening the...

Cloud Computing: Components, Services, and Developments

Cloud Computing Fundamentals Common IT Resources of Cloud Computing Cloud computing allows its users to access computing resources housed in a distant data centre administered by an internet-based cloud services provider. These resources include applications, servers (physical and virtual), storage systems, development platforms, and network connectivity (Vennam, 2022). Although the...

Healthcare Facility Expansion Funding

The 253-bed healthcare facility in a city requires expansion by 150 beds due to the new business opening in the area and creating 7,500 new jobs. Therefore, the hospital’s management is expecting the city’s population to expand, and therefore, the capacity of the local hospital has to be increased as...

The Issue of High School Bullying

Introduction Bullying has increased in modern society, especially among high school students. Most high school students are in their teens; thus, they are more exposed to the vices happening in society and are more vulnerable to the various forms of bullying. High school bullying happens in different forms, depending on...

Aspects of Police Culture and Diversity

Introduction A sufficiently large part of the US population perceives the police system as a conservative-minded structure, rather closed to innovation. Especially the general attitude changed after the police killing of George Floyd in Minnesota (Groves, 2021). While there are some issues and areas for improvement, the police are on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Informatics Impact on Patient Outcomes

Introduction A daily record of deaths from so-called “lifestyle diseases” does not exist in the current world. Every day, tens of thousands of new patients are diagnosed, many of whom have no idea they are the victims of these silent killings. A number of diseases and ailments appear on this...

The Hardhat Riot: The Dawn of the White Working-Class Revolution

The Hardhat Riot by Kuhn entailed an account of the 1970 dispute between citizens dissenting against the unending war between Southeast Asia and New York City construction workers. Four days after the Kent State tragedy, violence erupted on May 8, 1970. Kuhn, a profound writer for C.B.S. news, RealClearPolitics, and...

Mission Command in Operation “Anaconda” in Afghanistan

Operation Anaconda has played a significant role in the history of the fight against the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. The organization of the American troops played a unique role in the success of this confrontation. Without proper command and planning, the operation might not have had the desired results. The successes...

Elimination of Osama bin Laden

Operation Geronimo is an operation carried out by the US Navy SEALs to eliminate Osama bin Laden. He was a member and leader of the Islamist terrorist organization Al Qaeda. As a result of an operation at his home in 2011, he was liquidated along with his son, a courier,...

How Cannabis Works in the Human Body

Introduction The use of cannabis has to be properly understood and discussed by nurses and other healthcare providers. This substance has many advantages and disadvantages, and people should recognize when this choice is the only appropriate way of treatment or alleviating symptoms. Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the major compounds of...

Are Anti-smoking Adverts Effective?

Background Information Smoking is responsible for over 440,000 deaths annually in the United States. A similar number of casualties occur in different parts of the world. Smoking is also “associated with different health problems such cancer, respiratory complications, and lung infections” (Ji, Xiong, Gilpin, & Biener, 2007, p. 34). Every...

Governmental Social Movement: Class Conflicts

This paper analyzes the class conflict social movement theory and Lenin’s social movement theory. Class conflict refers “to the antagonism that occurs within the society as a result of competing for socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes” (Tarrow 23). Class conflict can be manifested in various forms....

Dallas Farmer’s Market Advertisement

Introduction The advertisement of Dallas Farmer’s market conveys a message that people should purchase healthy food provided by this market rather than fast food. The advertisement uses a recognizable object (French fries pack from McDonald’s) and fills it with a new sense. To reach out to a diverse audience, the...

Ferruccio Lamborghini Company Information

Short Biography Ferruccio Elio Arturo Lamborghini was born in April 1916 in a small village Cento in Italy in the family of grape growers. From his early years, he had exposed a great predisposition towards industrialism and machine building. When Ferruccio Lamborghini was a little over thirty years old, his...

“Jerry Maguire” a Film by Cameron Crowe

Introduction People are social beings that live in a certain community and move together to attain success and contribute to the further evolution. In this regard, the efficient cooperation between all individuals could be considered a key to the existence of a certain society. However, this cooperation is impossible without...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Wells Fargo’s Work Processes and Key Employees

Introduction Wells Fargo is a successful organization in the Banking and Finance industry (Our strategy, 2016). However, specific issues such as competition and consolidation in the industry will definitely affect its performance in the future. In order to be prepared against these possibilities, the company should implement new work processes...

English for Specific Purposes in Aviation and Engineering

English for specific purposes in the aviation It is difficult to imagine such kind of activity where global standardized rules are needed more than in aviation. During air traffic control, a potential misunderstanding between pilots and ground staff can cause serious incidents. That is why an introduction to common language...

Physical Activity’s Lack Effects on Health Problems

A sedentary lifestyle is a common phenomenon in today’s world and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity. A modern person needs to take less and less action to perform daily tasks, which negatively affects the body state. When people travel by transport to work, seat about eight hours...

“Let’s Move” Program for Healthy Lifestyle Promotion

Introduction The burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes is known to be increasing nationwide in the United States. The rates of mortality, caused by these illnesses, have gone record-breaking over the last decade. As to the incidence, people aged after 60 usually belong to a high-risk group and represent 23%...

The Development of a Nursing Assessment

Assessment In order to ensure that a nurse possesses the ability to perform certain health care related tasks in the clinical setting, it is necessary to conduct an assessment of clinical competencies on a regular basis. Therefore, health care organizations aiming at the achievement of superior patient care outcomes continuously...

Banner Health Organization’s Business Strategies

Introduction Banner Health is one of the most famous and productive companies in the American health care system. This non-profitable organization was established in the year 1999 in Phoenix, Arizona, but it diffused all over the United States territory to give its services to as many people as possible. Banner...

Practicing the Art of Nursing

Introduction The nursing profession is considered to be one of the most challenging and demanding. It requires a lot of skills and emotional resources. While nursing is usually considered to be a scientific field, it does not limit to pure knowledge as it promotes the need for soft competencies. Thus,...

Assisted Suicide and Humanitarian Way to It

Abstract The subject of assisted suicide is debatable in most nations around the world. Various scholars and medical practitioners offer varying perspectives on whether the act should be legalized. While focusing on the concept of assisted suicide, it is important to differentiate it from euthanasia to avoid confusion. Assisted suicide...

The Centers for Disease Control: Regulatory Agency

CDC CDC is the abbreviation for the Centers for Disease Control. The given regulatory agency remains one of the most important institutions related to healthcare in the United States as it the range of its responsibilities is definitely broad (“About CDC 24.7,” 2017). The agency is headquartered in Atlanta, and...

The Open System Theory

Introduction Healthcare institutions are usually conceptualized as open systems characterized by output, input, and throughput factors. Different processes such as event cycles, coordination, negative entropy, and integration influence the behaviors and goals of practitioners. Input, output, and throughput attributes work dynamically to dictate the quality of services available to different...

Project Management Professionals in the USA

Introduction There is a tremendous number (more than a million) of officially certified PMPs (project management professional) all over the planet. One-fourth of these specialists work and locate in the territory of the United States of America. Unfortunately, the majority of various projects these people perform appear to fail. The...

Psychotherapy Group Guide to Improve Mental Health

Introduction Like any other type of therapeutical intervention, group therapy utilizes its screening and interviewing techniques, specific methodology, and procedures aimed at the improvement of patients’ mental health conditions. Group psychotherapy concentrates on collective discussions and experience exchange that is impossible during individual sessions. As a member of a group,...

No Gun Control: Dropping Ineffective Measures

In light of recent events, gun control has become one of the most debated issues in American society, creating two irreconcilable groups for and against heightened firearm regulation. Mass shootings increased gun violence, and general firearm safety issues have created an atmosphere of fear around what was perceived, overall, as...

Emotional Intelligence: Experiences and Skills

Emotional intelligence (EI) is regarded as one of the important components of effective leadership. Batool (2013) points to the strong link between EI and leadership style. It is also found that leaders tend to receive higher EI scores than their followers (Siegling, Nielsen & Petrides 2014). Being a Human Resources...

The Socratic Identification of Knowledge and Athenian Democracy

The Socratic identification of knowledge It is clear that knowledge and wisdom are essential ingredients of life worth living because ignorance and the lack of understanding make life similar to animals. The first of the ancient philosophers who turned to the knowledge of man, understanding his essence, studying the inner...

“The Crucible” Film and Its Historical Value

Introduction While there are various opinions and attitudes towards the Salem witch trials, these hearings that took many lives and occurred between 1692 and 1693 should not be neglected. Nowadays, it is easy to read books or articles to improve one’s understanding of the trials or even watch movies to...

“How It All Began” by Brockway

Introduction The anthropological origins of human development, ranging from prehistoric times to ancient civilizations, is an important but highly debatable topic. There are numerous disagreements about methods to studying fossils, the evolutionary process of homo sapiens, and the introduction of language. In the chapter How It All Began, Brockway claims...

Bias: Clinical Trial, Pragmatic and Explanatory Trials

Bias in Clinical Trial It is a challenging task for researchers to conduct a study that will be credible, mainly when it refers to large clinical trials. In this case, scholars should overcome various kinds of bias to make their work free from possible errors. Thus, “Effect of Behavioral Interventions...

Why the Commercial Ads Lie? Anti-Tobacco Advertising Evaluation

Advertisements are indeed an important aspect of our life, no matter how personally we evaluate the promoted product. One could say that heshe does not believe commercials, but the statistics do not lie when they say that the sales of a particular product rose after the launch of a new...

The Transition of a Woman in Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

“The Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin (1894) tells us the transition of a woman from shock to grief to joy and then again to shock within a span of an hour or so. But it should be mentioned in the initial stages that there is no change of...

Modigliani & Miller’s Finance Propositions

Introduction The theory presented here by the work of Modigliani and Miller has been one of the defining works of modern finance and can be said to be the foundation of much of the subsequent work that has been done in the field. The whole study can be looked at...

Working in a Food Pantry

Introduction There is a big global social problem to do with hunger as indicated by the number of underfed people climbing in the past decade. According to reports, the number of people in the world living with hunger exceeds 1 billion. This problem is however not due to food shortages,...

Economic Aspect of The Wall Street Movie

Introduction Movies are generally for entertainment a reason why any none entertaining movies are less sold. The movie Wall Street, in addition to being entertaining, conveys economic lessons as a moral of the storyline that enlightens those who understand the business of financial trade. Although the movie was made in...

Different Strategies of Celebrating Success

Introduction Currently, the business environment is characterized by a high level of dynamism. To succeed in the long term, it is paramount for organizations to have strong human capital. According to Homer and Griffin (2006, p.4), the importance of human resource management as a component of strategic management has increasingly...

Diagnosing Asthma: Treatment and Communication Plans

Introduction Despite the information presented in the case, it may be hard to diagnose asthma directly, unless specific symptoms are identified in the child’s medical history. The symptoms outlined by the child’s mother may also be linked to the conditions other than asthma. To diagnose asthma accurately and make sure...

The Social Research Methodology. Research Stages

Research Questions While working in the field of psychology, it is immensely important to possess the skills of a reflective practitioner. This means that one should pay attention to theories and practical values dominating the field (Bolton, 2010). Apart from that, it is essential to pose proper research questions since...

Cloud Storage and File Storage

Cloud storage is a service framework that transmits and stores information on remote storage networks. It is maintained, controlled, backed up, and accessible to consumers over a network, which is typically the internet. It is delivered with just-in-time capability and expenses on request and eliminates the information storage network (Yamato,...

The Importance of Addressing Climate Change

Introduction There are a plethora of problems humanity faces on a daily basis, and they all vary in their level of complexity and scope. Some of them have a systemic nature and pose a direct threat to the existence of millions of people on the planet. The issue of climate...

American Football Is Too Dangerous and It Should Be Banned

American football is among the most popular sports in the United States, which is represented by the National Football League (NFL). Its massive fan base and distinguished teams make up the core of the given phenomenon, which transforms and influences the lives of millions of people. NFL has a long...

Health and Spirituality Overview and Analysis

Introduction There is a growing interest in spirituality in healthcare and it is perplexing to attempt to define the difference between spirituality and religion as it is often defined differently by everyone. A problem that affects this is the ever-changing world around us and how that affects our spirituality as...

The Importance of Effective Healthcare Communication

Introduction Communication is vitally important. This is one of the major tools used by human beings to establish interpersonal relationships. This is can be seen by how a person communicates his intentions and his desires. Without the ability to communicate, interpersonal conflict can easily arise but more importantly there can...

Statistical Parameters in Distracted Driving Fatalities

Case Descriptive Statistics Statistical parameters and measurements are employed in analysis of various sets and types of data. These approaches cut across all fields of study and in most cases statistically significant findings are extrapolated in designing policies (Campbell, Machin & Walters, 2007). In the medical arena, data may be...

Healthcare System in the Republic of Panama

Introduction Panama has a classic social security system, which is run by the CSS hinged on two legal frameworks. These frameworks include the National Constitution and article 109, and they underscore the citizen’s entitlement to social security. In addition, the frameworks define the citizen’s right to the Organic Law of...

The Case of Dementia of the Vascular Type

The object of my case study is Mrs. Anette Parker, who is 69 years old and has been diagnosed with dementia of the vascular type. Several main challenges and needs were identified in the Case Study of the previous assignment. They all represent different aspects, such as spiritual, physical, mental,...

Are Marxist Criminologists Right to See Crime Control as Class Control?

Introduction As one among the several criminology schools, Marxist criminology is comparable to functionalist theories, which tends to emphasize the production of continuity and stability in any one given society. However, Marxist criminology also embraces a political philosophy that is often predefined. Just like in conflict criminology, it usually focuses...

Customer Focus at Parkplace Mercedes and Mercedes Benz

Introduction Customer focus remains one of the core values of many companies in the service industry. It involves determining and evaluating the needs of a company’s customers. In determining and evaluating these needs, most companies focus on their products or services, the quality of these products or services as well...

Military Leadership: Combat Bunker to the Corporate Boardroom

The research on the topic of leadership management is substantial, filled with primary and secondary sources covering the various aspects of theoretical and practical discussions. However, the literature review on the selected question of transferring military leadership traits into a business requires one to consider several areas of the scholarship...

Values, Theories, and Concepts in Chinese Culture

Introduction China has one of the oldest cultures recognized internationally, dating back to over a thousand years ago. Every nation is identified with its culture and traditions, and China has been conspicuous in maintaining its culture and preventing it from the influence of the outside world. China has a rich...

The New Testament: The Source of Spiritual Knowledge

Representing the second part of the Biblical Canon, the New Testament offers a crucial source of spiritual strength and development. However, its interpretations are quite numerous, inviting multiple opportunities of interpreting the Scripture in a variety of ways. Specifically, the New Testaments, the source of information about Jesus and His...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Product Differentiation in Industrial Organization

In marketing, product differentiation is generally defined as a tendency to develop a number of important characteristics for a product or a service, in order for those products to be easily distinguished from competitors’ offers. Product owners identify different features that are attractive and beneficial to the consumer, and try...

Analysis of “Brother, I’m Dying” by Edwidge Danticat

Brother, I’m Dying, a memoir by a famous Haitian-American writer Edwidge Danticat, first published in 2007, is an outstanding literary work that pushes the boundaries of the genre. The author skillfully applies various elements of the memoir, conveying the life story of her family emotionally and consistently, alternating the course...

The Failure of Sports Authority

Introduction Companies competing in the free-market economy are always risking facing bankruptcy and subsequent closing. Over the past two decades, in the United States alone, more than half a million businesses have been forced to file for bankruptcy (Statista Research, 2021). Some of them were internationally recognized brands, while others,...

TED Talk Analysis: Nic Marks and Happy Planet Index

The video titled The Happy Planet Index features a statistician Nic Marks talking about how the environmental movement adopted a wrong strategy to convince the world about the importance of ecological problems. He assesses that people shut down negativity and ignore it, instead of acting (Marks, 2010). Some of his...

Social Media Observation: Instagram

Social networks currently take a substantial part of people’s lives and are integrated into all spheres of it: leisure, work, hobbies, and communication. Indeed, humans use online platforms for various purposes: they keep in contact with friends, relatives, and ex-classmates; unite in groups by interests, work and earn money, and...

Telehealth: Remote Patient Monitoring

Introduction Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is technological utilization in capturing and tracking medical information from patients. As a sub-category of homecare telehealth, RPM allows mobile medical devices to collect patient-generated health data (PGHD) and forward it to healthcare workers. The technique is frequently used to help clients needing post-discharge, chronic,...

Gastronomic Identity Ethnography: Casa Mono

Background This paper will base its inquiry into the aspects of the gastronomic identity of Spain on Casa Mono dining. Opened in 2004 and awarded a Michelin star in 2009, Casa Mono is a tapas bar restaurant inspired by the ethnography of Spain’s Costa Brava (About – Casa Mono &...

The Logo of Shell: Design Specifications

B1 Design Specifications Aesthetics: The original logo of Shell should be combined with the flame icon in the background. The purpose of changing the logo is that the current one needs clarity and coherence. Based on the research in A2, Shell’s products are gas and oil, not reflected in the...

Graphic Design as Advertising Tool

Abstract Graphic design is one of the fast-evolving spheres focused on creating visual content for various purposes. In the modern business world, it can be viewed as a potent tool to interact with the audience and convey specific messages. The given paper is devoted to analyzing how graphic design is...

“Coca-Cola: The Great Meal” 2020 Commercial Video Assessment

Visual Rhetorical Analysis 2020 will be known in history as the year when the COVID-19 pandemic was at its peak, resulting in massive lockdowns of the population all around the world. In almost every country, people were forced to stay at home for indefinite amounts of time, and from that,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Implementing a New Information System in an Organization

Implementing a new information system in a large organization poses challenges that should necessarily be met before the system’s installation can be called successful. First of all, among many different options, a businessperson must find the system that would suit his or her company in terms of its working capacity,...

Financial Performance Measures: Target vs. Walmart

Introduction This paper focuses on and calculation and discussion of Walmart’s financial performance in comparison with Target’s performance using financial ratios. In particular, 21 financial ratios are used to compare the companies’ performance in terms of profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and financial gearing. First, the paper provides calculations of ratios in...

Applying a Personal Moral Theory: Reflection

Personal moral philosophies are beliefs and rules that a person uses when making decisions. Discussing whether these models can be applied to one individual or all people is also a part of ethics. However, as all people have different backgrounds, education, religion, family, and other factors, their moral theories have...

Augustus’s Contributions to the Transition of Rome from Republic to Empire

Introduction By the first century BCE, the Roman Republic controlled large territories outside Italy. While this expansion brought wealth and power, it also resulted in social and political tensions that the Republican form of government could not handle. Although Julius Caesar tried to establish a centralized government by setting up...

The “Blissfully Blended Bullshit” Book by Ecker

While “Blissfully Blended Bullshit” by Rebecca Ecker may be divisive for several reasons, it is still an exciting voyage into the author’s experience of family mixing because of its ruthless honesty. Some important themes throughout Ecker’s life are discrimination, favouritism, and romanticized views of relationships. The author’s unfiltered, raw writing...

Evolution of Modern Banking: Middle Ages to Present

Introduction The history of banking began around 2000 BCE in Assyria, Sumeria, and India when wealthy families kept gold and silver coins in their homes. However, in the U.S., the banking system was started in 1782, where the first real bank was chartered in the then young republic. Hiding of...

Social Movement Theory: An Analysis of the Class Conflict Social Movement Theory and Lenin’s Social Movement Theory

This paper analyzes the class conflict social movement theory and Lenin’s social movement theory. Class conflict refers “to the antagonism that occurs within the society as a result of competing for socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes” (Tarrow 23). Class conflict can be manifested in various forms....

Telenursing Advantages and Disadvantages

Telenursing is the application of information technology and telecommunications in the nursing field with the sole objective of providing quality health services. Telenursing is common in cases where the nurse and the patient work remotely. The technology has become popular in a majority of the countries due to numerous reasons....

The Charter Company’s Accounting Issues

The Charter Company, which is a cable TV service provider, has challenges in maintaining its cash flow and the CEO decided to misrepresent its customer base, incorrectly capitalize costs, and manipulate the billing rates. After making these efforts, the CEO realized that the company was going to miss its projected...

Inborn and Trained Manager’s Skills

Being a good manager is a factor that goes beyond formal training and it requires a great deal of talent. In the context of the global business environment, good managers are required to have apt leadership abilities. The relationship between a manager and an employees is one of the most...

Nursing Definition: A Science, an Art, or Both?

Introduction Today, it is not a secret that nursing can be considered as a science, an art, or even both. Some people find it normal to treat this profession as a science with a number of standards, rules, and requirements to be followed. There are also the groups of people...

Deloitte Company’s Marketing Transformation

Introduction to the Topic Area Managerial practices, leadership models, and organizational processes have continued to evolve over the years. Organizational structure has been redefined in an attempt to maximize outputs and empower more employees. The selected topic focuses on how organizational management has changed due to the developments experienced in...

Management’ and Employees’ Relationship

In the last 100 years, the world has experienced tremendous technological changes in different fields. The emergence of modern technology is one of the changes that has influenced our lives both positively and negatively. Many scholars have argued that technological changes, which happened in the 21st century, affected almost all...

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act: Economic Burden

Introduction Governments usually require taxes to meet expenses such as healthcare, security, and other public requirements. To raise the revenue, the government imposes taxes on goods and services as well as on the wages and salaries that employers pay and employees earn. In essence, payroll tax, such as the Federal...

Restorative Circles in Universal Design for Learning

The drive of the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) system is to make available a crisis deterrence and intercession model for residential teen care establishments that will be of great assistance in many cases such as averting crises from happening, de-intensifying possible crises, efficiently handling critical crises, minimizing potential and genuine...

Comparative Education Methods by Noah and Eckstein

Introduction Education internationally experienced a positive development in education systems and methodologies in 1960s. The emergence of pragmatic education methodologies schemas such as Noah and Eckstein contributed immensely to this success. Methodologists of international education put various schemas forward to aid in conducting educational research, which was aimed at promoting...

Personal and Professional Development

Competency Based Interview Preparation Test The design of the Competency Based Interview Preparation Test captures a person’s propensity to exhibit certain behaviors in the work place modeled after the behavior displayed by good performers. Employers rely on these tests to provide them with an objective and effective assessment of a...

Altruistic Punishment in Humans

Basic questions posed The main question that the authors sought to find answers to is why people involve themselves in punishing others in a group, yet there are minimal chances of gaining from executing the punishment. Cooperation among people in a team is promoted by altruistic punishment; that is, punishment...

Quality of Education: Graduation Requirements

Introduction Education is one of the essential parts of the success of the person living in the modern world (Gebel and Heyne 2014). Throughout history, education has played a crucial role in a person’s ability to become a respected member of society and attain a valuable profession. Therefore, education has...

Senior-Year Students Exploring Career Options

The senior year of high school is an overwhelming time for many students. They have to prepare for going to college, which usually involves leaving their friends and family, as well as for deciding on what they want to study. In addition to that, they still need to attend classes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Prostitution Being Deviant: History and Theory

It is well known that following social standards and norms of behavior are crucial for establishing effective communication among people. However, some individuals prefer to ignore generally accepted rules of conduct and stick to their life concepts. This type of behavior is usually called deviant and implies a violation of...

International Accounting in Kenya

Introduction In the past two decades Kenya had experienced under development, hopelessness, poverty had increased unemployment had become rampant, insecurity almost in most homesteads, hunger among the poor, health condition of the people had declined, corruption and bad governance had become entrenched as the people. The oppression of the people...

Caregivers Day Care for Children

Introduction In our society, children are considered the most inquisitive and fast growing members. Attention and care for children has been considered of importance as they are vulnerable to injury and/or adopting socially unfit behavior. At the childhood stage, much is seen and heard by the child. These experiences can...

Government Influence and Power in US‏

Introduction The government of the United States has gone through tremendous changes with the hope of improving the countries economy and stability. Its current federal system was aimed at apportioning the country into smaller administrative units to enhance governance. The earlier centralized system seemed to lock out some areas in...

E-Governance: Knowledge Management of the System

Introduction Knowledge management has a categorical significance in the current scenario. It is the set of objectives or procedures that are used in the firm by utilizing best of its resources like the people and technology. Knowledge management consists of the goals, strategies and procedures that are to be identified,...

Various Issues of Integration Related to B2B Exchanges

The term B2B or business-to-business refers to commercial interactions between businesses “conducted electronically over the internet.” (Electronic Commerce: A Managerial perspective. 2008). This could be in terms of sales made to: Small businesses. Medium and large size businesses. Institutional, government, health care, educational organisations, etc. B2B could be seen in...

Prime Time Ideology: The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment

Abstract The concept highlighted in the context waylays the interrelations on how televised messages are relayed via the dominant system to the discord prevailing labor structures and the ideology of the hegemony process in the American society. The entire process of hegemony is again extended to the ruling status whereby...

Systems Analysis & Design to Enhance Website Visibility

Technology Solution Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the proposed technology solution. It refers to a series of methods that the business will use to improve its website ranking in the search engine listings. As part of the internet marketing, the primary aim of the SEO will be to obtain search...

Economic Impact on American Workers

Introduction Since last year, the world has been going through an economic recession and this has led to a financial crisis around the globe. This has also led to many companies collapsing and hence it has had a direct impact on the workers. This is because many workers have had...

Medical Centers Financial Management

Sharp Healthcare Sharp Healthcare in San Diego has not afforded the opportunity to acquire financial capital through equity markets since it is not a profit making hospital. As a result of this it enjoys the advantage of accessing tax-exempt debt markets. Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code permits...

America’s War on Terrorism

America’s war on terror has a hint of revenge. Revenge has a place in terrorism prevention Terrorism is the organized use of terror or violent acts intended to create and make fear. These are unlawful acts of violence and war. War on terror is perceived as the political, military religious...

Reflective Account Using Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

Description When I was working in the ophthalmic ward during the daytime shift, I encountered an 86-year-old British woman. The lady (will be referred to as Mrs. B for privacy reasons) came to the hospital in the company of her daughter. The patient was scheduled for cataract surgery in the...

Identifying Child Abuse Scenario

‘Red Flags’ that Suggest Possible Abuse There is no definite way to identify child abuse; however, there are some signs which help suspect and verify its occurrence. Physical abuse most often manifests itself in injuries and bruises (Hoft & Haddad, 2017). Another important detail to observe is the history of...

International Strategy McDonald Corporation

Introduction This paper requires an “International Strategy” formulation for a multi-national company to invest in a country to achieve desperately higher growth. Here the preferred company is “McDonald Corporation”, the US largest fast-food chain restaurant and famous delicious food and prime quality services. Here the target host country is India,...

The Racial Diversity in the US Army

Race in Military The racial diversity of people in the United States affects absolutely all social institutions. The army institution is significant since this institution has mission-critical for the security of the state and its citizens. Historically, the US has been involved in coercive counterinsurgency projects since the Indian Wars...

Decentralization, Linkages, Patronage and Clientelism

Due to its creation of closer ties between private enterprise and the government, patronage politics has been broadly recognized as a potential impediment to decentralization1. Fundamentally, it consists of people receiving financial benefits from their association with a particular political movement, which could be expressed in the forms of preferential...

Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care

Introduction The problem chosen for this assignment is the issue of teamwork in healthcare organizations. The effectiveness of the provision of medical services is influenced by factors such as the composition of the team of medical specialists and the relationship between them. Such a complex activity cannot be achieved solely...

Tanya Aguiñiga and Other Artists From the US

Proposal The proposal delves into the analysis of society’s influence on art and how Tanya Aguiñiga can use her artistic abilities to effect positive change in her environment. I have been inclined to learn of other artists who share the same activity line, such as Kelly Akashi and Edward Ruscha....

PTSD: Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Foa and colleagues developed Prolonged Exposure, a standardized treatment, 90-minute, weekly therapy procedure for the management of PTSD. It enables a patient to encounter safe but anxiety-inducing events and stressors to solve their overwhelming stress and paranoia and process the terrifying event, which is crucial in treating Symptom severity. Prolonged...

Analysis of the Respiratory System

The respiratory system is a set of organs that provide external respiration in the body and several critical non-respiratory functions. Systema respiratorium serves to deliver inhaled air through the lungs oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. In addition to the lungs, namely: the nasal cavity and pharynx, then...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Is Keto Diet Really Effective?

The keto diet is a high fat and low fiber (carbohydrate) diet that has been promoted widely in the media and among celebrities as a tool used for healing and losing weight. Different social media platforms are filled with images of people who praise the keto diet for its propensity...

Population Science Meets Real Life

Introduction We are in an age of information where almost everything is probable and available. However, the question of the relationship between science and real life remains unanswered. There has been a significant growth in technological development, which has promoted scientific creations and exploration (Epel et al., 2019). Several years...

The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism

Personality development is essential for personal growth and involves different assessments, including awareness, relationship, and commitment, which determine character development. Self-awareness is the initial step of the development process that helps understand oneself and acquire introspective information. There are five primary self-awareness techniques: mindful meditation, personal vision, grounding techniques, observing...

Effects of the Internet on Society and Individuals

Internet is a decisive technology in which information is transferred from one point to another. It is a global network that connects computers and is based on wireless transmission platforms to provide a ubiquitous multimodal capacity and interactive communication within a chosen period. Its official birthday was in January 1983,...

Selfishness and Individualism in O’Connor’s “A Good Man…”

Introduction “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” is a Southern gothic narrative that reflects the realities of the American South in the 20th century. According to the literary theory of cultural studies, the author’s background significantly affects their writing, and “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” is a...

Emily Denny’s “Here’s What Quarantine…” Article

I am writing today about a resource, an essay by Emily Denny, “Here’s what quarantine is teaching us about our environment and how we can sustain it.”. It will benefit the Nature Friends club leaders who connect with and instruct the young club members. You are the institution’s leader and...

R&B Construction Company: Organizational Culture

One of the essential factors in an organization’s success is its culture which are the values, beliefs, and visions that unite an organization. An organization is made up of people of various ideas, so when it comes to providing solutions to a significant problem in the company, there are bound...

Insurance Financial Advising Concepts

Introduction The job of insurance financial advising is to work with clients and offer them consultation on their capital. For people who do not have high knowledge in this area, competent and professional help is important. Employees of this profession give advice on all financial aspects of interest to the...

Advocating for Workplace Health and Safety in Nursing

Introduction I am one of the registered nurses (RN) who has been certified by the American Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC). Additionally, I serve as a nurse administrator in my current hospital, which is another position that stems from the ABSNC accreditation. My role as an RN entails providing,...

The Importance of the Decision-Making Process

Introduction Decision-making, for the purpose of this reflective analysis, is a process of arriving at a viable solution to a specific problem. This is a step-by-step process that requires one to gather information, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and review alternative options. According to Garvin and Roberto (2003), decision-making “is...