Improving the Quality of Care Delivery

Background The ultimate goal of healthcare delivery is to ensure patients receive quality, timely, and sustainable medical services. Unfortunately, this goal has been hindered by several barriers that affect many medical institutions. Statistics indicate that around 2 percent of patients admitted in hospitals will receive inadequate care or get injured...

Dunkin’ Donuts: Organizational Structure, Recruiting, Training, & More

This Dunkin’ Donuts case study is focused on the US-based multinational company whose business is concerned with selling coffee and doughnuts and providing quick restaurant services. First, the paper will analyze Dunkin’ Donuts’ job design to understand how it can boost employee motivation. Further, the case study will explore the...

Rosa Luxemburg’ Opposition to War

Introduction Rosa Luxemburg was a prominent Marxist theorist and philosopher, whose contributions to revolutionary socialism were evident from her anti-war position. One of the key arguments that Rosa Luxemburg expressed to object to the First World War was the belief that the European working class would have to pay the...

Pelletier and Peplau’s Nursing Theories Comparison

Introduction The importance of the sphere of nursing is evidenced by multiple theories that are created to help health workers in the delivery of care to patients and improving their results. For instance, Hildegard Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations is one of the ideas describing the peculiarities of the bond...

Police Brutality and Mental Health of African Americas

Introduction Encountering violence is a traumatic experience that may reside in adverse effects on one’s mental health. Naturally, this effect is especially pronounced if one does not merely encounter violence, but is an intentionally selected victim. However, an experience of being deliberately targeted is not the only way for violence...

South African: Apartheid in South Africa and Other Themes

Apartheid in South Africa was a legal system of racial segregation that was implemented in between the year 1948 and 1994 by the National Party. In South Africa, racial discrimination started in the colonial times. New rules categorized residents into racial grouping (colored, black, Indian and white) and dwelling areas...

Why Feminism Is Present at Work According to Bell Hooks

Gloria Jean Watkins from Kentucky is also known as an outstanding writer, feminist activist and cultural critic under the name of Bell Hooks. She has written more than thirty books, which are focused on racial, gender, cultural and other pressing issues (“About the Bell Hooks Institute” par. 1). “Feminism is...

“Increasing Automation in Policing” by Joh, E. E.

Introduction Modern society is at the stage of a global transition to a new technological structure associated with the digital revolution, the significance of which is determined not only by changes in technology but also by a radical restructuring of the state of public institutions. This may include forms and...

The Air Safety and Security

Air transportation represents a vast field of operations that require precise control within different departments and possible issues. The airline industry has to consider numerous aspects of transportation, including proper design of the routes, weather, registration procedures, employees’ expertise, and others. Air safety and security is the essential area of...

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Digestion Process The process of digestion occurs in the digestive system. This process is the source of energy for all living creatures. Digestion involves the breakdown of large junks of food into small molecules that can be absorbed into the system. The process occurs in three key steps. These are...

Intel Pentium 4 Development

Introduction The world of computing has been the most dynamic revolution in the recent times; it has attracted a number of microchip manufactures to come up with the most sophisticated Integrated Circuitry ever witnessed in the world. With increase in the number of computer users, there has been a great...

Researching the Hispanic Community in El Paso, Texas

Description of Community El Paso, Texas; on the border with Mexico Approximately 680000 population (El Paso, TX, n. d.) 82% is the Hispanic/Latino population (Quick facts: El Paso City, n. d.) Median age of 33 (El Paso, TX, n. d.) The Hispanic community is an ethnic group residing in El...

Takeaways Pertaining to Ethical and or Not Behaviors

Introduction Firms are facing increasing competition from small and well-established rivals in domestic and international markets for a perpetually shrinking market. As a consequence, some companies engage in unfair and unethical competitive practices, such as predatory pricing, acquisitions, and aggressive advertising to remain profitable and improve their position (Feltovich, 2019)....

New Media and Affective Publics Analysis

In the modern world, the concept of participation in social movements has changed. Previously, to be recognized as a protest participant, it was necessary to participate in a parade on the street. Now all one has to do is repost the petition on Facebook or write a tweet. Accordingly, similar...

Air Pollution in the UAE and Its Management

Context The 21st century is characterized by multiple concerns linked to the environmental sphere. The 2021 trends include attempts to minimize the negative impact of human beings on nature and find new ways to save our planet from radical climate changes. Today, we can see the results of our activity...

Immigrants in USA: Speech to Influence Thinking

General Purpose: To convince the listeners that immigrants contribute and enrich American society through culture, business, and other aspects. As such, the following speech aims to explore distinct ways in which immigrants change the landscape of American society and to influence the audience into recognizing these effects of immigration and...

Delta Airlines Case Study: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

The airline industry in the United States is an extensive network of companies providing air transportation services for passengers and cargo. It is characterized by a dynamic nature, hence the need for efficient strategic management for companies involved. In particular, Porter’s five forces model is frequently utilized to identify the...

Weber’s Protestant Ethic and Marxist Critique

Modern sociologists, philosophers, and economics currently use the works by Max Weber and Karl Marx to strengthen their views of society and discuss the impact of different ideas in history. It is not enough to take Weber’s theory of stratification or social class and explain the roots of social conflict...

Expansion of Democracy in the United States before 1877

The nineteenth century was a defining one for the democracy of the United States since it involved a variety of events, which ultimately shaped the country’s laws, attitudes, rights of the citizens. Today, every person living in the United States still experiences the influence of the nineteenth century on their...

The History of Mental Health Legislation in England and Wales

Introduction Madness and insanity challenge people at different times in their lives. Early civilisations did not have enough knowledge about mental health but related these disorders with something supernatural. Mental health services in England and Wales are determined by many social, cultural, political, and medical events between the 18th and...

Picture Exchange Communication System Research

Introduction The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) teaches children that by transmitting the desired image or pointing a sequence of images to another person, they can get what they want. PECS is an alternative communication card exchange system initially created for children with an autism spectrum disorder (Putri et al.,...

Characters in “Two Kinds” Story by Amy Tan

Introduction Literature has undergone several dynamic shifts as a field relating to how information is conveyed and structured in a written piece. Character choice is a vital step in narration as it determines the length, style, tone, and literary devices used. In essence, in any work of literature, the relationships...

The Impact of Slavery on Society

Introduction Slavery is a tragedy in human history due to its cruel barbarism, scale, organized nature, and denial of the victims’ essence. It is the worst form of deprivation of human rights, one that exclusively the constant moral appeals of civil society could contain. Although long since abolished, slavery has...

Conclusions in Academic Research

Any analysis’s endings are often difficult when an individual does not know how to write the finality. When writing about research, the whole ideology is mumbled through a set of analyses that combines the outlook of other authors and the findings of our spectrum. When it comes to setting the...

The Goodwill and Impairment Project

Buying another firm or organization is typical strategy corporations use to expand. These acquisitions are frequently sizable transactions, referred to as “business combinations” in IFRS Accounting Standards. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is investigating ways to assist investors in holding businesses accountable for acquisitions and enhancing goodwill accounting in...

Learning Approaches: Types and Effectiveness

The home environment is vastly different from the educational environment. Humans’ neural connections are connected in such a way that home has become synonymous with relaxation and comfort (Meyers et al., 2013). People are returning home to gain strength after a difficult day. In quarantine, individuals realized that the home...

“Sonny’s Blues” by Baldwin vs. “Hills Like White Elephants” by Hemingway

Introduction The two stories “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin and “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway raise the topical issues of humanity, such as racism and abortion, and, more generally, the issues of choice and the right ‘to find one’s way’. Both stories are filled with sadness, showing people’s...

Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary’s Current State and Development Opportunities

The Purpose of the Report Realizing the potential to improve charitable operations and services is one of the opportunities for the Happy Herd. This report aims to demonstrate the current state of affairs in the Happy Herd and indicate the possibility of organizational development. According to the background of the...

Leadership Styles in Business

This paper focuses on different leadership styles in business. Get some inspiration for your leadership styles essay introduction, main body, or conclusion with us! Good Leaders The World’s history has seen a number of great leaders; Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King were a few of...

Moral Intention Concept in Philosophy

Peter Abelard and Heloise are two well-known figures in the field of philosophy. Abelard proposed the concept of moral intention by arguing that sins are not the act of evil desires or a person does not commit sins because of having evil desires. Instead, the consent to follow evil desires...

Leadership Lessons from “Engaging Others”: Effective Team Management

Introduction Healthcare facilities and business organizations should be managed by individuals who possess adequate leadership skills. Such managers should liaise with their subordinates, influence their behaviors, offer timely updates, and communicate with them effectively. Competent leaders will engage their followers, identify and tackle their problems, and empower them to deliver...

Abstract Art: “Disk of Newton” by Frantisek Kupka

The picture under analysis is Disk of Newton by Frantisek Kupka. He was a famous Czech painter. His name tends to be one of the most famous among all other representatives of this country. The reason of this popularity is very simple. Frantisek Kupka is one of the founders of...

Effective Strategies for Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections

Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are common in many hospitals. Such infections tend to affect the health outcomes of different patients. In order to deal with these infections, healthcare practitioners should embrace various behaviors and practices (Iglehart, 2013). This essay uses the ideas gained from the “Partnering To Heal” video to...

Telenursing: Pros & Cons for Patients and Nurses

Abstract Telenursing is a contemporary method of providing care services to patients in remote locations using information and communication technologies (ICT). The main advantage of telenursing is that it reduces the cost of accessing nursing services by reducing hospitalization rates. It also improves health outcomes by equipping patients with the...

Family Health Assessment and Care Plan

Family Composition The targeted family for the assessment is nuclear. The nuclear family consists of a father, a mother, and a child. The child is a small girl aged two. The father is 34 and the wife 29 years old. The individuals belong to the African American community. More often...

“The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison: Main Themes and Motifs

Nowadays, many people tend to assume that there are no reasons to believe that the socio-political realities in today’s America are being affected by any officially endorsed policies of racial discrimination against African-Americans, as it used to be the case up until the late 1960s. Nevertheless, it does not represent...

Martin Luther King’s Role in the Civil Rights Movement

My previous essay was primarily related to the problem of inequity existing in the American society. In particular, I focused on the hardships faced by young adults. Many of these individuals continuously have to struggle with poverty. In turn, one should pay more attention to the underlying causes of this...

Impact of Global Warming on Delaware’s Unique Ecosystems

Abstract That human activity alters natural environments is difficult to deny. Global climate change is believed to be the main result of human activity. Like many other parts of the world, Delaware is extremely susceptible to the risks of environmental degradation. This paper provides an overview of the local and...

Environmental Health and Its Impacts

Abstract Such an area of study as environmental health is becoming increasingly more important these days as discoveries about the influence of the environment on human health are made. This paper explores the concept of environmental health and the issues related to its use. On the whole, a detailed explanation...

MRSA in Healthcare: Addressing the Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Issue

The Problem Many patients check into hospitals and become colonized by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is considered the most toxic of all micro pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics, such as penicillin and methicillin. MRSA colonization is now a critical risk factor for later MRSA infection in the hospital....

Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environment

Abstract Environmental change has both beneficial and severe effects on human well-being. Some effects of environmental change are easy to detect, while others are hard to identify. Studies show that environmental changes result in the establishment of conditions that support deadly diseases. For example, floods encourage the breeding of mosquitoes...

World War II, Its Causes and Long-Term Effects

Introduction The Second World War was an upheaval that involved almost every region across the world from 1939 to 1945. Having claimed the lives of over 40 million people, this conflict must have been catalyzed by numerous unresolved issues that affected different parts of Europe for many years. The biggest...

Machiavelli’s The Prince in Renaissance Context

The new understanding of the world in Renaissance consisted primarily in the fact that the thinkers of the Renaissance began to relate to the problem of human completely differently than Christian theologians. Christian theocentrism was being replaced by Renaissance anthropocentrism, when a person, personality problems become the center and goal...

Gun Violence Reduction in Urban Community

Introduction Gun violence has become a national epidemic, especially affecting underserved urban communities. The rate of gun homicide and injury in urban areas has reached a crisis point with certain socioeconomic and racial groups impacted to a greater extent. There are numerous causes to the issue, and various policy and...

Diabetes Control and Education: Four-Week Project

The treatment of diabetes is complicated and requires many changes in lifestyles to cope with daily problems associated with the need to do injections or take pills, self-control, dietary restrictions, and regular exercises. In general, life with diabetes requires a large number of changes that need to be made, which...

Managing Feeding Challenges in Children with CHARGE Syndrome: Insights

Research Problem The research problem that the study attempts to investigate is the frequent and long-term feeding difficulties that children with CHARGE experience (Dobbelsteyn, Peacocke, Blake, Crist, Rashid, 2007). This problem is easily identified in the first sentence of the abstract. It is clearly stated and described in more detail...

The Politics of Health Policy: Healthcare Approach in the U.S.

The healthcare approach in the United States needs reformation. It is an obvious and deep problem, which seems to be still far from solutions. Furthermore, the government makes attempts to improve situation in healthcare, but in practice the practical results leave much to be desired. In this respect, programs which...

Time Management Days Plan

Introduction Time management is one of the most important recipes to success. In order for an individual to succeed virtually in almost all aspects of his or her life (either in business, academic or even social life), strategic time management is inevitable. Effective time management directly translates to high productivity...

Peru in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Introduction Peru is a sovereign country on the western side of South America, bordered by Chile to the south, Bolivia to the southeast, Ecuador and Colombia to the north, and Brazil to the east. It is not landlocked as the Pacific Ocean borders it in the west. The name Peru...

Reddy’ on Racial Identity Review

The focal point of the essay is to evaluate Reddy’s claim “racial identity is often simplified and distorted” because of the mismatch between “external and internal racial identifications.” (Reddy, 1997) In order to analyze this claim, the works of four authors would be taken into consideration. These are Senna’s “The...

The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur

Introduction An entrepreneur process is the process by which an entrepreneur identifies an opportunity, evaluates, and develops it to produce a new product that can help him or her make some profit. The entrepreneur faces many forces in the process and must be ready to overcome all of them to...

“What You Pawn I Will Redeem” Story by Sherman Alexie

“What You Pawn, I Will Redeem” is a chef-d’oeuvre short story by Sherman Alexie written and published in 2003 for the first time. The story is about a broke and homeless Spokane Indian named Jackson Jackson, who has to look for $1,000 to redeem his grandmother’s regalia, which from a...

Civility and Conflict Management in the Workplace

Introduction Conflict results from negative interactions between two or more societal units, such as individuals or nations; it is a natural outcome considered inevitable in social contexts. It manifests as strained relationships that arise due to incompatible goals, attitudes, reasoning, or perceptions. Its expression may also involve verbal insults, physical...

Sustainable Design Manifesto

In the era of capitalism and consumerism, architecture follows human desires with no regard for nature. The following strategy needs to be reevaluated and substituted with much more beneficial sustainable design principles. The manifesto covers the focal principles of sustainable design from the perspective of its possible application. Sustainable design...

Lack of Scientific Understanding and Ian Curtis’ Song Transmission

Ian Curtis’s song “Transmission” written in 1978 not only explains the singer’s personal reaction towards modern life and technology but also, to an extent, accounts for the lack of scientific understanding by the general public in the US, today. The song has been written keeping in mind those specific people...

Managed Care Trends and Issues Analysis

Introduction Managed care system controls the financing and provision of healthcare services to individuals enrolled in a specific type of health care plan. Managed care was established to harmonize healthcare and minimize costs. Managed care trends are continuously changing in America. Healthcare cover costs indicate varying trends in the past...

Professional Moral Compass and Spirituality

Introduction Ethical standards are essential in all employment settings. Consequently, nurses should be conversant with the guiding principles of nursing (Walsh, 2010). This would enable nurses to provide quality services to patients and work within an acceptable ethical framework. Usually, nurses cooperate with colleagues to provide efficient services to patients....

The Long-Term Consequences of Being Bullied or Bullying Others in Childhood

Introduction Bullying in schools is a well-known, dangerous, and prevalent problem in the educational collectives internationally. For teachers it is hard to detect in time and deal with effectively since bullying has many forms and is not always evident to even the most qualified outsider. Male and female students alike...

How Society Influences the Gender Roles

Introduction In recent years, there have been significant shifts in society, including the increasing number of female students aspiring to careers in science and technology. Such instances signify the changing male and female roles in contemporary society. Gender roles refer to the behaviors men and women exhibit that are influenced...

The Importance of Cultural Intelligence in Communication

The world is constantly becoming more and more interdependent, and people need to react to these changes by developing cultural intelligence and flexibility. All the cultures have different cultural peculiarities that were formed throughout their history and development of the nation. It is necessary to consider and respect the cultural...

Simpson’s Paradox as a Statistical Effect

Introduction One of the most sensitive areas of research is statistical analysis because the output interpretation of the results depends on their reliability and validity. Many academic studies aim to use quantitative methods of measurement to gather initial results and, from them, draw conclusions about the nature of the phenomena...

Case Study of Drug Addiction

Introduction Drug addiction is a brain and behavior condition that causes a person’s inability to manage substance use. Substance abuse begins in childhood when parents and families are unable or unwilling to provide the necessary encouragement and guidance. Many addicts’ lives are shaped by the events they witnessed as children...

Book Review on “Turning Japanese Memoirs of a Sansei” by David Mura

A Brief Analysis of The Author’s Main Viewpoints Mura’s book “Turning Japanese Memoirs of a Sansei” is a poignant exploration of the complexity of the Japanese-American identity. He argues that one’s identity is dynamic and ever-changing and cannot be easily defined or categorized (8). He emphasizes the importance of understanding...

Role of Food in Moonstruck and Beauty and the Beast Films

When watching a movie, people usually enjoy and analyze the cast, settings, and plot, leaving many details without special attention. However, the worth of the film can be properly understood through the prism of trivial things like dresses, haircuts, and food. In fact, the role of food is mostly diminished...

Effects Of Domestic Violence on Children

Children are the future leaders and optimal growth and development in a favorable environment is paramount. Unfortunately, the few studies available indicate that children are usually victims of both direct and indirect domestic violence, and this leaves damaging psychological effects that interfere with a child’s social, behavioral and personal development....

Implementation and Adoption of Health Information Technology

Currently, health information technology gains more and more popularity all over the world. The research problem of the reviewed article consists in the fact that new technologies transform the process of care and introduce large-scale changes to this area of practice. The majority of the efforts are aimed at improving...

Creativity and Innovation in Business

Critical Discussion of the Importance of Creativity and Innovation Creativity is a powerful thinking process whereby an individual focuses on new imaginations, intuitions, imaginations, ingenuities, and ideas (Byron 2006). Creative people find it easier to address the issues affecting them and others. Creativity is also associated with new risks. However,...

Memory Blindness: Impacts on Eyewitness Recollections

Introduction The article addresses the issue of memory blindness and its effects on eyewitness recollections. According to the authors of the article, choice blindness encompasses the concept that people can be misled and distort facts that they had previously reported. The purpose of the study is to examine “whether people...

Prevalence of Skin Tears in Long-Term Care: LeBlanc’s Study Analysis

LeBlanc, Christensen, Cook, Culhane, and Gutierrez (2013) authored the article the “Prevalence of skin tears in a long-term care facility”. The research was quantitatively conducted to investigate the prevalence rate of skin tears among patients in a long-term care facility setting. The study seeks to answer the question of the...

American Clothing Evolution and Its Factors

Introduction Clothing is a social phenomenon, the key purposes of which traditionally were to satisfy aesthetic needs, protect from weather conditions, and signal the social status. In the 20th century, as the class polarization was obliterated, clothes still serve to emphasize different social groups, focusing on self-expression, and individuality as...

The Godfather Movie: Scoring and Visual Style

Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather always gets included in many critics’ top 100 best films list. It is hard to argue against its inclusion in a list that talks about the greatest achievements in cinematic history. It is not a good idea to ignore this film, because writers, journalists, and...

Alzheimer’s Disease: An Action Plan for Pinecrest Community

Problem Identification Alzheimer’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that cannot be detected in its early stages. Its slow development and fast worsening make people unable to treat it properly or get prepared. People usually suffer from disorientation, loss of memory, details confusion, and mood changes. It is hard to introduce...

Musical Career: Personal Philosophy and Career Goals

Introduction Personal views on career and the ways of achieving goals are the natural component of self-analysis and self-development. In the process of thinking about professional priorities, each person creates individual images and stages that can enable him or her to solve problems and potential challenges. Regarding my personal beliefs...

Positive Psychology for Military Leadership

Introduction Leadership in the military is a complex task given the adverse working environment of officers especially during and after deployment. The long and frequent deployments coupled with consequences of combat, such as exposure to traumatic events, normally test the resilience of service members and their families. Therefore, effective coping...

Robert Browning: Analysis of Author’s Style, Works’ Themes, and the Symbolism

Robert Browning is now viewed by many literary critics as one of the most prominent English poets and playwrights. Among his most famous works, it is possible to mark out the following ones: “My Last Duchess”, “Sordello”, “Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister” and many others. Yet, the dramatic poem “The...

“Feminism Is for Everybody” Book by Bell Hooks

Since the times of Adam and Eve, humanity has been divided into two parts. Men and women, although living side by side, were opposing each other all the time. Without going too deep into history, somewhere in the 18th century appeared the movement called feminism, meant to fight for women’s...

Sex Education and Egocentrism: Cognitive Development

Introduction In the most difficult periods of a country’s development, the institution of the family shows high resilience and the ability to maintain its stability. Strengthening the moral foundations of the individual and the status of the family is a priority for society, and sexual education of the younger generation...

Brady v. Maryland Case Study

Brady v. Maryland is one of the landmark cases in criminal justice decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. The case was an appeal following the first-degree murder committed by two perpetrators, John L. Brady and Donald Boblit were both sentenced to death for first-degree murder. While the...

Nursing Leadership Scholarly Paper

Introduction Even though there are a number of different definitions of leadership, the notion in question presupposes essentially the same – one’s ability to encourage people to act in one way or another, without having to use any coercive force, in this respect: “In essence leadership is an act of...

Healthcare Ethics: Physician-Assisted Death

Physician-Assisted Death Physician-assisted death refers to the process where a physician facilitates the patient’s death by providing the required information or materials necessary to end their life. Patients facing chronic conditions, debilitating illnesses or suffering in pain, may opt to end their life by seeking assistance from their physicians (Quill,...

The Venetian Macao Analysis

Property Overview The Venetian Macao is one of the world’s most luxurious and the largest hotels and casinos. Located in Macao, China, the building was erected on reclaimed land. The 10,500,000 square-foot building is currently the seventh-largest building globally and the largest hotel building in continental Asia (Hao et al.,...

Developing Personal Writing Skills: Present and Future

Introduction Refining individual writing capabilities is an essential task for any person interested in developing their career. Excellent proficiencies in writing often aid the employee in their professional growth, chartering a path for a successful future. Of exceptional importance is observing the advancements made during the educational endeavors, which allow...

Chiquita Brands International: Case Study

Introduction The Chiquita case is fraught with ethical intricacies and contradictions. This moral complexity has several root causes: the sociopolitical situation in Colombia, neglect of ethical standards and corporate social responsibility, as well as corporate greed. While it can be argued that the company’s root cause was the desire to...

Female Characters in “Antigone” by Sophocles and “Othello” by Shakespeare

Introduction Patriarchy is the core of numerous societies around the world, which has different effects on the lives of people, particularly women. In a traditionally patriarchal society, females experience oppression and discrimination due to their innate features, which puts them in difficult situations. The role of women in society has...

“Brave New Mundo”: How the Migration of Workers From Mexico Influenced the US

Introduction Since the beginning of Mexican migration, the attitude of American citizens and the government toward this event varied at different periods. Neil Foley discusses in the seventh chapter of Mexicans in the Making of America, titled “Brave New Mundo,” how the migration of workers from Mexico influenced the economic,...

African Americans’ Impact on the Civil War

Introduction The public discourse of the 21st century in the United States is centered around modern values, such as social equality and acknowledgement of human rights. In this regard, the issues of racism and discrimination have become particularly topical today. Previously, people of color had to endure serious disparities without...

The “Flowers of Shanghai” Movie by Hou Hsiao-Hsien

The visual elements play a major in movies since they further highlight certain topics and themes explored through dialogues and actions of characters. The visual language of films provides another dimension to the story shown to the audience and enables viewers to have a fuller experience of what they see...

COVID-19, Family Dynamics and Socio-Economic Status

Introduction Since its emergence, COVID-19 has immensely impacted all areas of human life and wellness. Appearing as a serious concern more than 2 years ago, the virus has spread all around the world and become a daily consideration for most, causing a social and economic uproar of unprecedented magnitude. Despite...

Accor Hotel Brand: World-Leading Hotel Group

Head Office Location Address Information The headquarters of Accor is situated in Tour Sequana, Issy-les-Moulineaux, within commuting distance of the southwest district of Paris, France. Accor’s main office is located at its headquarters in Paris, France. The actual postal address for their headquarters is: 82 Rue Henri Farman CS 20077...

The Second Language Acquisition: Impact on a Person

Introduction The general area that is important to study is formulated by questions about the influence of language on the person and on psychological processes. This area is vital under the general aspect, namely second language acquisition (SLA), as it forms the basis for understanding these issues. It includes the...

Tim Cook as a Leader of a Public Company

Introduction The culture and policies of an organization are heavily influenced by the ideals and principles of its leadership. A leader’s ability to inspire and motivate their team members to work together toward common goals is crucial to the success of their organization as a whole. Tim Cook’s responsibilities as...

Stem Cell Research Essay: Research Ethics, Pros and Cons, and Benefits

Stem Cell Research Essay: Introduction Stem cells are capable of regenerating any tissue and organs in the body. Why are stem cells useful? They are characteristically pluripotent, which allows them to replenish damaged body tissues. In an adult human, bone marrow cells have the ability to divide constantly to replenish...

Capitalism in Communist China: Current Status and Future Challenges

Introduction Capitalism is defined variously by different scholars. Many view it as an economic arrangement in which the means of production are exclusively held by private investors. In addition, the businesses are operated with the sole purpose of making profits. The main characteristics of capitalism include competition and capital accumulation...

The Trouble with Diversity: America’s ‘Celebration of Diversity’ Policy

The foremost thesis that is being explored throughout Walter Benn Michaels’s book The Trouble with Diversity, can be defined as follows: the current governmentally-endorsed policy, concerned with promoting ‘diversity’ in just about all spheres of America’s public life, is being conceptually fallacious, because the actual effects of this policy’s implementation...

Situational Analysis of Just Train Kids: Key Observations and Findings

Situational/Competitive Analysis of the Company Situational analysis is fundamental to the success of every business. It is a step in the marketing plan, which helps to cement relations with customers that will last. When it comes to Just Train Kids Company, a situational analysis will come in handy since the...

Food Truck Business Strategy, Resources, Management

The business goals and objectives of the company Goals describe a roadmap that helps a business to achieve its agenda. Objectives are the actions taken to achieve these goals. A business with clear goals and objectives has a guarantee of getting good returns and fulfilling customers’ needs. The goal of...

Donnithorne vs. DuBrin: Contrasting Leadership Theories and Applications

Abstract Leadership is defined as the social process of influencing others in the organization to realize the major managerial objectives and aims. This entails the embracing of teamwork, whereby an individual seeks the support of another person to improve on his or her weaknesses. Recent scholars of management define leadership...

Master’s Education Against Barriers in Nursing: A Study Proposal

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) can be defined as registered nurses with advanced knowledge and skills required for nursing practice as outlined within the country that they operate in, and they play a critical role in the US healthcare (Dubree, Jones, Kapu, & Parmley, 2015). Unfortunately, the barriers to their...

The Dynamic Earth: Plate Tectonics Issues

Describe the bathymetry of the ocean seafloor and how the features relate to plate tectonics The geology of the earth’s surface has been shaped by two important processes: plate tectonics and continental drifting. Continental drifting is a concept that explains how the Earth’s continents move relative to each other. The...

Child Labor and Urban Migration in the 18th Century

Introduction Today, we live in a highly industrialized society that manufactures millions of products every day. It contributes to the increased convenience and diversity. People are able to choose goods they want and enjoy other benefits of the developed industrial sector. However, several centuries ago, the situation was different. Agriculture...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Its Expansions

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is among the most utilized and researched psychological theories in the world. Its pyramid structure is applied in various spheres, including business, healthcare, education, and others. Maslow first proposed the hierarchy in 1943, and the original version includes five different needs that all people experience during...

Female Identity in Ortiz Cofer’s “Quinceanera”

Judith Ortiz Cofer Judith Ortiz Cofer (1952-2016), who wrote Quinceañera, was a Puerto Rican American author critically acclaimed for her poetry, short stories, essays, fiction, and autobiography. She was born in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico, in the family with a military father, J. M. Ortiz Lugo, who took his closest relatives,...

Renaissance: Titian’s “Bacchus and Ariadne” Painting

Bacchus and Ariadne, the painting created around 1520, is an outstanding example of Titian’s art and talent. In this paper, the analysis of the work is presented along with the initial observations about the colors used in it and the depicted characters. The historical context of sixteenth-century art is offered...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans

Introduction Both in the military and civilian life, people encounter traumatic occurrences that challenge their perception of the world or themselves. Reliant on a scope of factors, the responses of some people to traumatic events may last for a short time while the reactions of others might result in long-lasting...

Authentic Leadership in the Construction Industry

Introduction Leadership remains a critical practice or strategy in every field, organization, and institution. Within the construction industry, there is a need for managers to promote and portray desirable attributes that can empower followers and make it possible for them to deliver positive results. Many projects are usually complex, demanding,...

Criminology as a Science: Cause and Effect

Introduction Criminology is a study of the nature and degree of the problem of crime in society. For years criminologists have been trying to unravel criminal behavior. Most of the studies in modern study of criminology in efforts to comprehend criminal behavior, what origin it and how it can be...

American Film Comedy. Slapstick Genre

The slapstick genre of comedy’s roots can be traced from the double paddle which when struck the other performer produced an amazingly big sound but only a small amount of actual discomfort. The male performers traditionally wielded this instrument and it is said to have evolved from a symbolic phallus...

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings – Causes and Impact

It was on 6th August, 1945 at 8:15 am that an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first atom bomb on Hiroshima in Japan. The bomb impacted an area of over 4 square miles that was immediately and entirely destroyed. More than 66000 people were killed and over 69000 grievously...

Medieval Society in The Canterbury Tales

Introduction The work and organization of the medieval society proposed in the Canterbury Tales by Charles Chaucer can be easily connected with the organization of modern society. This is a point that can be established if the two settings were to be compared. Chaucer depicts a society wherein work is...

Fire Prevention from Professional Perspective

Introduction Despite the availability of the advanced technologies and years of humankind’s experience, fires are still a crucial problem in the 21st century. It is possible to introduce several main reasons for this issue: first of all, the lack of knowledge of how to protect houses from ignition has to...

Cross-Cultural Differences: Unique Antecedents

Executive Summary Cross-cultural differences dictate the way companies and individuals pursue their goals or address the challenges they face. A person moving from one region to another should be prepared for the potential social, work, and religious changes and experiences that might emerge. The discussion presented below gives a detailed...

Improving General Life Quality

The most important thing for a person is the opportunity to lead a healthy life, acquire knowledge, and have access to resources that allow them to live with dignity. At the same time, people value other things, including the conditions for creativity and self-realization, the guarantee of rights, and whether...

Relation Between Ecological Changes and Kidney Stone

Introduction Researchers in the United States have found that in northern America occurrences of kidney stones might become common with climatic changes. Incidences of kidney stones are higher in areas having warmer climates. (Trinchieri 2000) The main reason for this has been presumed to be that with the rise in...

The Efficacy of Inhaled Insulin

Inhaled insulin is associated with positive outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes. Various studies, discussed in this paper aim at showing that the benefits from using inhaled insulin to manage diabetes type 1 and 2 are similar to those from using subcutaneous insulin. The study by Garg et al....

Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Americans with Disabilities Act The ‘Americans with Disabilities Act’ (ADA) is noteworthy legislation that was ratified to avert discrimination against disabled Americans. The Act was instituted to provide equal opportunities to disabled individuals. In addition, the implementation of the Act was meant for the provision of unbiased access to public...

“The Godfather” Analysis: Techniques and Design Elements

Introduction Nowadays, crime movie is one of the most favorite cinematic genres, attracting audience’s attention with thrilling scenes, charismatic heroes, and deep meanings. In this respect, the film The Godfather is regarded as the greatest gangster film in the history of cinema, becoming a prominent event at its time and...

Asthma in the Modern World

Introduction Some of the materials covered in this course include the respiratory system and its diseases, such as asthma. When I was young, I had a friend called Brian, who always walked with the asthma inhaler. Other children used to make fun of him when he had asthma attacks, and...

Oracle-Sun Merger: Mergers and Acquisitions

Changing conditions of business environment normally result in various measures from corporations. While some aim at responding directly to immediate changes, most of the responses normally focus on mitigating possible crises following adverse effects of the dynamic market conditions. Mergers and acquisitions usually characterize business expansions and strategies aimed at...

Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Throughout the lifespan of humans, there are many changes that occur and influence physical and psychological health. Notably, people who are in their late adulthood are likely to have more medical issues because the body organs weaken with time. One of the common issues affecting senior citizens is Alzheimer’s...

Minority Groups in the United States

The United States of America is a country with a large concentration of various ethnic groups. There is typically a difference between the notions of race and ethnicity. The first term generally refers to the distinctions drawn from physical appearance, and the second one is based on the concepts of...

Averroes’s “Decisive Treatise”: Reflection

Introduction A Cordoba native, Averroes or Ibn Rushd, came from a family of prominent judges and jurists. Some of Averroes’s works explore the relationship between Islam and philosophy as well as the association of theology and philosophy. For example, the Decisive Treatise is a critical text for understanding legal opinions...

Marriott, Intercontinental, and Hilton Hotel Chains’ Financial Indicators

Evaluating the financial situation of the organization and its capabilities is an important task to establish an understanding of its development. Several economic and financial success indicators can provide a comprehensive overview of the company’s past and current activities, examining the overall progress achieved over the years. This paper focuses...

“The Gilded Six Bits” by Zora Neale Hurston Review

The short story The Gilded Six Bits by Zora Neale Hurston is one of love, betrayal, and forgiveness. Describing an African American couple, Missie May and Joe, the reader is given insight into their young and flourishing marriage. They are working-class and living modestly but seem happy together through the...

Social Media Impact on Teenagers’ Socialization

Introduction The most important reason to utilize social media is to allow individuals to socialize, regardless of geography or time constraints. Social media let teens keep in touch with existing friends and create new ones thereby acquiring efficient socialization skills. Similarly, it provides a virtual alternative for teenagers who find...

California’s Corrections System

Introduction American Corrections The American correction system refers to a collection of practices and approaches, which enable the government to maintain social order in the United States. Through giving people access to certain freedoms and restricting others, it became possible to help them live together in a society. American corrections...

Management of Organizations in the Context of Development

Introduction The article discusses the current problems of the development of organizations through the generation and implementation of breakthrough technologies and radical innovations. These new approaches are reflected in modern approaches to managing organizations (talented employees) in the context of the improvement of a company. The vision of organizations’ innovative...

Autobiography Based on Piaget’s Theory

Many theorists have developed various developmental theories to explain the cognitive developmental stages. One of the famous theorists is Jean Piaget, a Swiss national born to Rebecca Jackson and Arthur Piaget. At age ten, he was interested in animals and wrote a scientific paper on an albino sparrow. He studied...

Industrial Processes and 5G Communication Technology

Abstract Industrial processes have advanced due to demanding tasks and continued inventions. The methods may require the use of fifth-generation wireless (5G) communication technology that allows the support of industrial IoT (Internet of Things). Current technologies in modern industrial processes face several challenges, including wireless connection reliability, device energy consumption,...

Exploring How ‘Role of Talk’ Will Support a Group of EAL

Introduction The role of talk in supporting early years students from English as an Additional Language (EAL) backgrounds in understanding and remembering a simple story is an important aspect of language development. As such, various methods and theories have supported the use of talk in the classroom to support EAL...

The Role of Albert Einstein: Scientist

Introduction A scientist is a person who observes natural occurrences, formulates a hypothesis, and tests it to develop natural laws. A scientist researches, collect data, and perform calculations to explain scenarios and manifestations in the constantly evolving world. The topic of a scientist was selected for this paper because of...

Simone de Beauvoir Existentialism Philosophy

Introduction Simone de Beauvoir is a female philosopher of the 20th century, who made great contribution to the development of philosophy in aspects such as existentialism, feminism, political activism, and social theories. As a prominent French writer, Simone de Beauvoir wrote a series of literary works during her lifetime of...

Literature Analysis of Hamlet’s Soliloquies

Check out our Hamlet’s soliloquies analysis sample! Get more ideas and insights about the famous “To Be or Not To Be” quote for your Hamlet soliloquy essay. Hamlet Soliloquy Essay Introduction In his many conversations, Hamlet reminds the people around him and especially his mother that she does not know...

“The Great Debaters”

Good communicators are successful leaders and businessmen. In the movie entitled The Great Debaters, one of the characters is Samantha Booke. She had to go up against great odds in order to secure her inclusion into the debate team. Her mentor told her that a female debater was unheard of...

Capitalism Reimagined: Comparing Adam Smith and Karl Marx

Comparing Smith’s vision of the impact of the capitalist economy to that of Marx, it can be claimed that the former offers a more positive evaluation of the relevant outcomes. Hence, he points out that the main consequence of the capitalist economy is the division of labor that signifies the...

General Motors’ Operations Strategy and Value Creation

Nowadays, General Motors is a widely known corporation, which has the offices and services present in the different parts of the world. The company was established in 1908, and since then, it aims towards the constant innovation and development of the new products (Pelfey, 2006). Today, it is present in...

Plato and Aristotle Differences

Do you want to know more about the difference between Aristotle and Plato? Then make sure you read this essay example! Here, you’ll find information on Aristotle and Plato differences in views on philosophy, politics, and more. Plato and Aristotle Difference: Essay Introduction Aristotle and Plato are two celebrated philosophers...

Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare: The Role of Religious Beliefs in Decision-Making

Introduction The modern healthcare environment could be characterized by numerous challenges specialists should face delivering care. The appearance of these problems is preconditioned by the increased complexity of the majority of health issues and patients diverse needs. The scope of nursing practice includes close cooperation between all actors to acquire...

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The Symbolic Nature of Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”

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Samsung Electronic’s Global Strategy Plan

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