Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Introduction The early years of the 2020s were rich in events that affected the entire global community. The world was shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic, political crises, and mass protests. But there were also epidemics, such as swine flu in 2009 and Ebola in 2014. Political crises happen regularly and...

Women’s Rights, Abolition of Slavery, and Nationalism in the US

Seneca Falls Declaration The Seneca Falls Declaration is a document that was written by a group of Quaker women in Seneca Falls, New York. They were inspired by the Seneca Falls Convention, which was the first women’s rights convention in the United States. The Declaration is modeled after the Declaration...

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women

Introduction Polycystic Ovary Syndrome condition has become a major issue in women. Therefore, the reason I chose PCOS disorder for research is that recent causes of low fertility and increased masculine symptoms such as increased levels of male hormones in women have become prevalent. On the same note, women have...

Baghdad as the Islamic World in 8th-11th centuries

Islam, which emerged in the 622 Current Era when Prophet Muhammad and his disciples migrated from Mecca to Medina is the youngest religion in the world. Later, the Islamic Empire extended its territory from northern Spain to the Pyrenees, Northern Africa to western parts of Egypt, and Syria to the...

Mountain Building – Geology

Formation of Continental Mountain Ranges and the Life Cycle of an Ocean When two limestone rocks are split into halves, their inside reveals the existence of fossils. The rocks, one with trilobite and the other one with ammonite, are taken from the top of two mountains, Andes Mountain and Mount...

Why Do Strong States Sometimes Lose Wars Against Weak Ones?

During times of war, the fighters are usually motivated to be victorious. All of the parties usually boast of past successes and enormous egos. Yet, in the end, only one winner is announced. There is a significant aspect of most inter-state wars: a weak state’s military strategies on the battlefield...

Communism: Theory v. Practice

Abstract The ideas of Communism appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century and were expressed in works of Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Communism presupposes the economic equality of all members of classless society. Marx developed a three-step algorithm of the establishment of Communism. First, revolution removes all class...

Triphenylmethanol Synthesized from Grignard Reaction

Welcome to our essay sample on synthesis of triphenylmethanol from the reaction of the Grignard reagent! Here, you’ll find information on Grignard reaction procedure, TLC analysis, and other aspects of the experiment. Abstract In this experiment, triphenylmethanol was synthesized from the reaction of the Grignard reagent (phenyl magnesium bromide) with...

Chrysler Company’s Organizational Behavior

Abstract Organizational culture is defined as the behavior of individuals at work, which determines the success of the organization. It entails all the major values that an organization drafts, the mission and vision statements, and the systems. In this paper, the organizational culture of Chrysler will be analyzed in various...

Book Divided by Faith by Michael Emerson Review

The book is a general attempt to shed light on the racial prejudices that exist in American society. People, through various institutions, have brought back the racial boundaries that have existed there before. As much as people are trying to fight racial prejudice that is a source of inequality in...

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The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy

There are a number of macroeconomic theories and models which focus on the role of interest rate and exchange rate channels on the impact of monetary policy actions on the real economy. However, credit markets are another channel which plays a very important role in this regard. The credit channel...

The Gospel of Mark (Mark 10:46-52)

The verses 10: 46-52 in the Gospel of Mark contain two remarkable episodes, which are Jesus leaving Jericho with his disciples and the healing of blind Bartimeus episode. With blindness being a unifying theme for a whole section in the Gospel of Mark, Mark 8-10, the importance of Bartimeus’s story...

Fanny Price in Jane Austen’s “Mansfield Park”

Fanny Price, the heroine of the novel Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, is one of those characters who are always correct and perceives, think, do, and speaks, as she ought to. She is a perfect picture of virtue and morality. That is why she is referred to as “prim, proper,...

Comparison and Contrast of the Poems Written by British Romantic Poets

Introduction Romanticism is an artistic movement that united various creators from different epochs and determined the characteristic peculiarities of creative thought of the time. Originated at the end of the eighteenth century in Europe, Romanticism influenced the development of art in its many forms throughout the nineteenth century and beyond....

Washburn’s “What the Ocean Eats” and Stevenson’s “The High Road”

Introduction Both of the selected stories, Kawai Strong Washburn’s “What the Ocean Eats” and Bryan Stevenson’s “The High Road,” are interesting to read and focus on important topics resorting to one’s emotions and feelings. However, a detailed analysis of the two pieces allows noticing structural differences and making conclusions as...

Concepts of Windows XP

Introduction For a computer to operate, it requires an operating system. Windows XP constitutes one of the many operating systems whose manufacturer is Microsoft Corporation. Windows XP is applicable in a variety of computers ranging from laptops, personal computers and desktops. The emergence of windows XP in the market from...

Childhood Obesity and Its Potential Prevention

Abstract This paper delves into the use of early onset obesity detection in children and suggests methods of potentially preventing childhood obesity later on in the child’s life. Introduction The proposed change to help deal with the issue of childhood obesity was inspired by the study of Wright et al....

Information System for the Newton Public Library

Issues in the existing information system of the Newton Public Library The Newton Public Library operates through the kindness and donations of benefactors, especially Mr. Jimmy Chung. Ever since its inception, it has run through the manual or traditional system, except perhaps a few modifications when computers and the Internet...

Employee Termination: The Employment Law

Introduction Labor laws in the United States are aimed at protecting the rights of employees and employers. They prohibit discrimination and harassment based on factors such as age, ethnicity, and gender. There are procedures that should be followed when discharging an employee, and this depends on whether they are employed...

Criminal Law in India and Access to Justice

Ahmad, Sk Ehtesham Uddin. “Colonial Reshaping of Criminal Law Before the Code of 1860.” Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 73 (2012): 553-62. The article by Ahmad focuses on assessing the criminal law in India from the 17th to the 19th centuries under the British Crown. Particular attention is paid...

Justice in “The Republic” by Plato

Central Question of Plato’s Republic In The Republic, Plato’s strategy entails explicating the primary notion of justice, political or societal, and deriving a comparable idea of justice. Plato’s perfect society comprises three classes of persons, including guardians, auxiliaries, producers, in which a just society is developed when these categories of...

Importance of the New Testament for Christianity

Christianity is the world’s major religion with around 2 billion followers. Its central figure is Jesus Christ who through his birth, ministry life, trials, crucifixion, death, and, resurrection is believed to have offered the salvation and atonement needed by His followers from their sins. His nature and personality have been...

African Americans Struggle to Achieve Equality in America

Introduction The concept of equality in America has been a fundamental theme since time immemorial. However, the notion that everyone in America is equal has been lacking pertaining to some groups. In this case, African American people are an example; their struggle for equality in the U.S can be noted....

How the Internet and Digital Culture Have Changed Language in Canada

Popular culture is undergoing shifts and changes that are reshaping how we experience it, where we experience it, and what our experience of it means for the ways we engage with our lives (331). The changes have been impacted by the transformation of technology that has provided for digital platforms...

Financial Intermediation and Instability Studies

Review of Financial Articles This paper is a presentation of a review of articles that talk about financial theories. The first article is titled Theory and Policy in response to “leaden age” financial instability: Comment on Felix written by Pollin (1997). The second article is named Measuring the Impact of...

Telehealth Technologies in Nursing Practice

The need to improve the delivery of quality care to patients has led to the innovation of various technological practices in the healthcare system. Following the application of devices such as computers, mobile phones, and laptops, nurses are capable of contacting sick individuals to offer required care services irrespective of...

Print Newspaper in the Digital Age in the UK

During the last 20 years, the Internet and digital technology significantly impacted the approaches to information distribution. Development in technology and societal changes led to a decline in print newspapers in the UK (Curran and Seaton, 2018). Recently, the global economic recession added to the popularization of online media. Starting...

Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation

Introduction In many ways, The Rainier Valley represents one of the most diversified Seattle neighborhoods. Overall, it hosts sixty culturally and ethnically diverse population groups, ranging from African, Asian, and Latin American refugees and immigrants to American-born ethnic minorities (The Electronic Hallway, 2005). They speak more than twenty different languages...

Internationally Focused Terrorist Organization: Al Qaeda

Introduction Terrorist organizations threaten citizens of all communities, nations’ infrastructure, and security to obtain political security and economic gains. Leaders of terrorist groups use threats of violence to propagate their political and religious beliefs by directing targets with objectives and goals in mind. On the other hand, leaders are undoubtedly...

Philosophy Prospectus: Why Should We Be Moral?

The chosen painting is called ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring.’ It is one of the most famous paintings of Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch painter. Vermeer painted this painting in the year 1665. He used oil as the medium and canvas as the base for the painting. The size of the...

The Ever-Changing Nature of Reality in Ancient Philosophy

Introducing fire as a basic element of the Universe, Heraclitus pointed to the ever-changing nature of reality. The philosopher stated that their permanence is impossible; however, he saw a certain order in the changing reality. This order, so-called “logos,” lies in an organization of opposites’ existence and their collaboration, as...

“No One Would Listen” by Harry Markopolos Literature Analysis

Harry Markopolos was a whistle blower of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. He details his investigative work in his book ‘No one would listen.’ Initially, it was not Markopolos’ intention to portray Madoff’s scheme as a Ponzi scheme. However, he could not comprehend how he continuously made huge returns...

Urbanism: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change

The Main Points The book Tactical Urbanism 2: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change is concerned with the implementation of an approach to organization of the urban space which has gained the name of “tactical urbanism.” This approach can be characterized by five main features: an intentional, step-by-step inciting of changes in...

Patient with Headache: History and Physical Tests

Comprehensive History Identifying Data A.L. Chief Complaint “I have recently fallen from my bike and hit my head. I was wearing a helmet, but I still have headaches and cannot fall asleep for a long time when going to bed.” History of Present Illness The patient has a complaint of...

Teat Dipping and Milk Iodine Concentrations in Dairy Cows

Article Similarities and Differences The three articles reviewed give different approaches to optimal udder preparation practices before and after milking to obtain high-quality milk. The papers involve primary studies investigating teat disinfection practices that affect iodine levels in milk. In all three studies, the variable measured in milk iodine content...

The Communist Revolution in East Asia

Introduction The Communist Revolution in the East Asia region took place between the 1930s and 1940s (Meisner 2). It is a period that was characterized by acts of heroism and enhanced unity of the communities that took part in the revolution amidst the injustices that marred the uprising. However, one...

Developmental Stages of Human Beings

Human beings have to go through a sequence of developmental stages or milestones. Each phase is essential since it supports the acquisition of both physical and cognitive abilities. A detailed analysis of each childhood stage can make it possible for caregivers and guardians to offer timely or evidence-based support. The...

The Things They Carried: What Did They Carry?

Tim O’Brien’s short story, “The Things They Carried,” begins as a highly literal enumeration of objects soldiers in Vietnam carry, each thing valued not only for its utility but also according to its weight because every object has to be “humped” and therefore each soldier eliminates whatever is not needed,...

Business Ethics in Illegal Immigrant Employment

In business activities, it is an unspoken fact that all the practices that are termed as illegal in the society turns out and has to be an unethical practice in business. However, there seems to be one illegal act that should be considered illegal in businesses but instead, businesses do...

Jim Crow Laws and the “Great Migration”

African-Americans have gone through terrible experiences to eventually achieve the freedom that they now enjoy. The main demographic character of the black population in the late 19th century and early 20th century was rural and southern. It is in this period that the Jim Crow Laws came into effect and...

Addressing the Issue of Gender Equality

Introduction Gender or sexual equality is one of the most critical issues that we face in today’s society. This century is no longer the time when one can say that men come from Mars, and women come from Venus. Today, sexual equality is one of the basic human rights, but...

Experiment: Flame Test and Chemical Fingerprinting

Executive Summary Flame test and chemical fingerprinting are analytical procedures that are used to identify metals or metalloid compounds. When subjected to heat, metals emit specific electromagnetic wavelengths, thereby, a particular color of light. The results of this experiment show that lithium gives off a red flame, sodium an orange...

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Digestion Process The process of digestion occurs in the digestive system. This process is the source of energy for all living creatures. Digestion involves the breakdown of large junks of food into small molecules that can be absorbed into the system. The process occurs in three key steps. These are...

Better Spending, Better Care: A Look at Haiti’s Health Sector

Introduction The Hispaniola Island was initially inhabited by the native Taino. However, this ethnic group was later annihilated by settlers from Spain within a period of two decades. Hispaniola also witnessed a massive influx of French settlers during the early 17th century. Before the close of this century, the French...

Psychology. Ernest Hemingway and His Personality

Ernest Hemingway and his works have become unique cultural phenomena in their own right due to the immense importance of the revolutionized approach to literature. Moreover, the writer’s biography not only allows for a better understanding of his works but also helps realize the spirit of an entire generation. The...

G4S Company’s Major Risks in the Future

Among the many security-providing companies, G4S stands out as the key employer in the London stock exchange, having an influence in over 120 states with a workforce of more than 620,000. Although one may use this information to claim that this security agent is secure, the paper reveals the major...

Complementary Alternative Medicine

Introduction Healthcare professionals consider emerging concepts and ideas to improve care delivery. Some combine traditional practices with evidence-based medical procedures to meet the demands of more patients. These practices would be essential when providing patient education. This paper describes the major issues surrounding complementary alternative medicine (CAM) and its place...

Cultural Sensitivity in Healthcare: Approaching Patients From Diverse Backgrounds

I chose to interview a friend from Saigon, Vietnam, primarily because of the cultural contrast which meets the requirements of this task. For confidentiality purposes, I will refer to her as T.N. – a pseudo name. Nonetheless, despite the many years, she has lived in the country, she still fosters...

Destiny of Republic Novel by Candice Millard

Introduction Sometimes, fate develops in an absolutely unexpected way: a rural orphan boy managed to become the president of the USA but did not get a chance to long this position long enough. James Abram Garfield was an incredibly talented and naturally gifted person who spent his youth in poverty...

Megachurches: History, Business and Values Aligned

Introduction In the second half of the twentieth century, various new forms of religiosity and types of religious identity appeared in many countries of the world. They, in particular, caused the formation of different, sometimes mutually exclusive concepts describing the state of religion in the modern world. These are secularization...

Value of Film in Explaining History

Introduction Cinematograph has become a powerful medium at storytelling in modern times. Film is a way that allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the context of the setting and story. Since the inception of film as a popular medium, it has used the stories of the past as the...

Discussion: Men, Women, and Work

Introduction Workplace culture and demographics have changed considerably over the past few decades. Increased opportunities in education and employment have seen more women join the workforce and traditionally masculine professions than ever before. However, despite these remarkable strides, they are still underrepresented in top executive positions. Old stereotypes that equate...

Why Utilitarianism Is the Best Moral System

Idea and Principles of Utilitarianism As a moral theory, utilitarianism has had a long and prosperous history of discussion, application, and neglection. It is still positively assessed by many American and British philosophers, although the original theoretical form is somewhat modified in its modern version (Abumere). Before elucidating the advantages...

The Satyam Corporation: Governance Scandal

Introduction The Satyam scandal is considered one of the largest corporate fraud cases in Indian history. At the time of the scandal, the firm was India’s fourth-largest company in the IT industry. One of the attributes of Satyam’s success was its corporate governance. In 2002, Satyam was awarded the “Golden...

Critical Evaluation of Talal Asad’s Critique of Geertz’s Model

Introduction Religion is an integral part of the life of society, performing a number of important functions, one of which is cultural. Despite the fact that this area is ancient, there are still disputes among researchers about the significance of this institution for the individual and the state. Clifford Geertz...

Social Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes: Ecosocial Perspective

Abstract Social marketing plays an important role in promoting urgent issues in the healthcare field. In this project, increased diabetes prevalence is the major social issue for consideration. Various demographic and social factors contribute to disease development, prediction, and management. The target audience is the representatives of racial minorities, namely...

The Listening Ear Agency Analysis

Introduction My counseling or human services agency will be called The Listening Ear. Our mission is to provide a safe and confidential space for people to explore their thoughts and feelings. This organization aims to provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment where our clients can freely express themselves. In the...

Management: Vice President of Operations

Introduction Dianxin Ciano organization is the world’s largest electronic center in North America. Other stores are spread out in the South American region. The stores have approximately 90000 square feet inside and 32000 square feet outside (Dianxin Ciano, 2023). These stores have a stock of electronic devices arranged for easy...

The PESTLE (Strategic) Model and Business Climate

Introduction The world changed dramatically in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic caused businesses to shut down and the economy to enter a freefall. Before the pandemic, the biggest challenge that faced the business world was the tariffs on Chinese imports, which significantly impacted supply chains for many industries. The pandemic...

Concept Comparison and Analysis across Nursing Theories

Introduction A number of nursing scholars significantly contributed to the growth of the nursing practice. They used their academic knowledge and professional experience to design incredible models, which are currently used for educational purposes. The theories have been adopted by several institutions, which include learning institutions, research centers and health...

Marx vs. Weber: Capitalism – Compare and Contrast Essay

Marx and Weber are two key figures of science. Their outstanding works on capitalism are popular even nowadays. The fascinating thing is that their views on capitalism differ to a great extent. Do you need to compare and contrast Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s approach towards the understanding of capitalism?...

Marijuana Social and Health Effects on Teenagers

Introduction Consumption of illegal drugs among teenagers or adolescents is a problem that has serious health and social concerns. Marijuana addiction has increased significantly in the US since the mid-2000s (Hasin et al. 602). Consuming marijuana during adolescent years may have serious consequences in adult life. Heavy use of marijuana...

Nursing Values: Judie’s Case

Introduction The case of Judie reveals a pressing issue that many nurses may experience in their workplace. The situation when one’s personal and professional values do not align with the strategy of the organization can result in various conflicts and have an adverse effect on the quality of care and...

Anthem Insurance Companies’ Cost Benefit Analysis

Abstract This paper provides a cost and benefits analysis (CBA) and the evaluation of patient safety issues from the perspective of Anthem. In general, the problem can be affected by evidence-based education, which will improve the outcomes of care. It is estimated that the program implementation would cost $97,446. However,...

Inclusive Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has become widely spread in the United States today, resulting in developing the debates on the appropriateness of inclusive education for students with ASD. In 2014, the prevalence of ASD was one in 59 children, and this figure allows for speaking about the necessity of...

Williams-Sonoma Inc.’s Online Strategies and Future

If Williams-Sonoma continues with its present strategies and objectives, where will it be in 5 years? With the strengthened supply chain operations that resulted from sourcing east coast functions of FY2007, Williams-Sonoma has the potential of emerging a leading company amongst its competitors in the next five years. This is...

Sociology of Power and Women’s Rights History

Abstract Women have been oppressed throughout the course of human history. In order to oppress others and enforce their will, a dominant group is required to have power. Without power, any human and humanitarian rights have no support and protection. For women, real changes began with the industrial revolution and...

Classical and Positivist Schools of Criminology

In the modern world, numerous theories attempt to describe the most important sources of crime and the characteristics of potential criminals. Approaches to general and specific deterrence about violations of U.S. immigration laws vary depending on the theoretical principles that motivate them. In analyzing this problem, representatives of the classical...

Different Accounts Of The Afterlife

The afterlife (also referred to as life after death or the hereafter) is the idea that the consciousness or mind or soul of a being proceeds a kind of life after physical death comes. Many scientists think that existence after death often happens in some kind of a spiritual sphere...

Globalization in Media: Pros and Cons

Globalization has a great impact on the world transforming social, political, cultural, and economic spheres of life. Innovations in transportation have been complemented by the swift development of communication technologies. The 20th-century arrival of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, film, and television further enhanced a growing consciousness of a rapidly shrinking...

Adult Learner and Diverse Workplace

Adult learning is an essential element as far as the education system is concerned across the world. Education is critical to people due to its ability to improve productivity through skills development and knowledge acquisition (Rothes et al., 2016). Adult learning seeks to explore how grownups obtain expertise through non-formal...

The American Revolution and its Consequences

Abstract While the American Revolution gave women numerous opportunities for growth at both personal and familial levels, it did not encourage women’s participation in politics as it still denied them the right to vote. The American Revolution was necessitated by political, economic, and social developments. The Stamp Act Congress of...

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction Apart from having good relationships with friends and families, being able to spend a lot of money on traveling, and finding one’s dream job, it is also crucial for many people to be healthy in order to fully enjoy their lives. However, it is impossible for everyone as there...

Sexism & Gender Wage Gap: Deconstructing the Myths

Discrimination has been the center of public attention over the past couple of years. People’s outrage fueled so many protests against police brutality and marches for equality. The United States is a country, which prides itself in the freedom its citizens enjoy and the historical background of America as a...

Advocacy for Negligence and Child Abuse Amongst Black Teenagers

Introduction Neglect and child abuse is any act by caregivers or parents that is out of the conduct norms and pose a risk of causing emotional or physical harm to a young person. Child abuse and neglect are either intentional or unintentional and vary in various types, including emotional maltreatment,...

Should the Powerful Have a Right to Rule Over the Weak?

The Peloponnesian War is among the most contentious topics in history. The opponents might claim that there is no justice in conquering weaker people. Therefore, great leaders should act like philosophers and govern with a high level of maturity and virtues. Conversely, the proponents may argue that it is the...

Comedy and Humour from an Ethical Perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected many industries ranging from restaurants to professional sports, even the movie theater experience will not be the same for years to come. With so many people quarantined, the demand for entertainment content grew, and eventually – the existing shows and movies were not enough,...

Nestle’s Child Labour Case Analysis

Introduction The modern slave trade is common in many business institutions with long, complex supply chains and those that operate in areas without strict laws. This crime is prevalent because perpetrator companies cannot be directly linked to it. However, many organizations directly or indirectly contribute to forced labor. Nestlé, a...

The Role of Art in the World and Culture

Introduction Art is significant because it is expressive, informative, narrative, and persuasive. The concept of art is drawn from different life perceptions that promote acts of liberty. Artists, through various forms of art, can pass informative messages to society members. Art also plays the role of beauty and is celebrated...

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The Piper PA-32RT-300T Airline Accident Analysis

Introduction Aviation accident and incident rates have reached unprecedented levels despite advancements in aeronautical solutions. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reports at least one commercial aviation accident annually revealing the challenge for civil aviation safety organizations is improving the safety of the industry. While factors like weather, terrain, and...

Teenage Pregnancy Problem

Teenage pregnancy has become a major problem both in the developing and the developed world alike. It is both a social and health problem that every government is trying to address. Some worlds’ governments have allocated financial support to the relevant ministries and departments in their national budgets. The government...

Houston’s Revitalization After Harvey Hurricane

Introduction Natural disasters are very critical events that affect people’s lives adversely because of the devastations they cause. Such things as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods can result in property damage and also kill people. Realizing how crucial the effects of natural disasters are, governments develop specific emergency management plans that...

Special Education: Principles and Legal Background

The principle of zero reject ensures the identification of children with disabilities. What are the two other issues addressed by this principle? The principle of zero rejects addresses two issues. First, it is aimed at ensuring that no child is denied access to education because of his or her disability...

Interview With a Science Professional: Steven Kidder

Steven Kidder is an assistant professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the City College of New York. He received a doctorate from the University of California Institute of Technology in 2012 and a master’s degree from Arizona University. These accomplishments allowed Mr. Kidder to specialize in structural geology, which...

Academic Integrity, Misconduct and Plagiarism

Introduction Violations of the principles of academic integrity represent a series of incorrect actions on the part of any participant in the scientific and educational process. Examples of dishonest academic behaviour are plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fraud in exams or final examinations, conspiracy, payment to a third party to perform scientific work,...

Systems Thinking In Organiztions

Introduction An organization system is a compilation of elements or units that are well incorporated to achieve a general aim. The system consists of entities that undertake a course of action to generate definite outcomes that collectively, result in the desired yield for the arrangement. Therefore, a system comprises numerous...

The Merits of the Euro as a Single European Currency

Introduction Some countries like China believe that to make the economy smooth and more usable the most desirable approach would be the implementation of a single world currency. At present, the Euro acts as a common single currency for Europe and it is supposed to be the most desirable currency...

Politics: Liberalism, Conservatism and Socialism

Liberalism To define Liberalism we can say that liberalism is the concept which stresses on the importance of liberty and equality factor among people. Actually like all ideological vocabularies available is a contested concept. It is the dominant ideology in the post war era throughout the World. When the idea...

DNA Retention: Advantages and Disadvantages for DNA Collection

During the last decade, DNA samples have become a popular tool of criminologists to find and prove the criminal behavior of an individual. The FBI collected DNA in its agency since 1990 (Siegal et al 2000). The FBI professionals suppose that DNA analysis allows finding a partially individual and there...

Cultural Communication in the Medicine

Introduction Cultural communication is an essential part of nursing nowadays. Patients are becoming more heterogeneous with the varied cultural populace, and thus nurses should adapt to this changing population with the aim of providing culturally proficient care. Researching and getting knowledge on culture is vital for a holistic evaluation of...

Whooping Cough: Pertussis

Introduction Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a respiratory tract infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In earlier days before the development of a vaccine, it was viewed as an infantile disease that affected children, mainly between the ages of 1 and 9. In this age group, it...

Parse’s Human Becoming Theory

Introduction The human becoming theory developed by Rosemarie Parse guides nurses to put emphasis on the quality of life as told and lived by the participants. It is an alternative to bio-medical and totality approaches of nursing. The theory rates a participant’s quality of life based on their own perspectives...

Climate Change and the Media Biases

Introduction Climate change and global warming are the two topics that have taken the lead in many social and political discussions. The impact of climate change is not limited to life; it affects economies, limits growth and development, and threatens to wipe away some of the world’s most essential natural...

Analysis of Gwen’s Addiction in the Film “28 Days”

Introduction Nowadays, the social conditions of different people are changing for the better, but this does not entirely protect them from the emergence of adverse mental illnesses and addictions. Unfortunately, addiction to psychoactive substances remains a pressing problem (Rosen, et al., 2018). Such substances include alcohol (Class A), which causes...

Planning a One-Day Ideal Diet Using MyFitnessPal

Introduction Three-Day Typical Diet (Average Intake) One-Day Ideal Diet Intake MyFitnessPal Daily Goal Calories (kcal) 1770 1700 1720 Carbohydrates (g) 219 210 215 Fiber (g) 22 22 25 Fat (g) 57 40 57 Saturated FatFat (g) 18 10 19 Protein (g) 82 85 86 Sodium (mg) 1580 2000 2300 Potassium...

The Sociological Tradition and Idea of Community

Thesis Enlightenment came to replace the traditional idea of living with a modem community. The community, later turned into a society embraced new norms and values based on political and ethical doings. The new society aimed at ending individualism by promoting uniformity, freedom, and equality. Uniformity achieved other undesired traits...

Designing and Planning a Hospital

Introduction Hospitals are institutions that provide health treatment and nursing care for injured or sick people. A hospital needs clinical and non-clinical employees to perform various everyday duties. Staffs work in different areas to maintain hospital premises, handle administrative responsibilities, and mainly care for the sick. Doctors use medical tools...

Safety in the Mining Industry

The mining industry The mining industry is one of the biggest employers across the world. Millions of people work in the industry as miners, geologists, process engineers, health care workers, and Geotechnical engineers among other roles (Humphreys, 2015). Studies have established that mining is one of the main economic pillars...

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Organ Transplantation in Christian Beliefs

Sometimes we face uncertain, challenging, and controversial decisions that are impossible to arrive at without any undesirable circumstances. Such situations are especially exacerbated when parents are obliged to render one of their child’s organs in order to save another son or daughter’s life. A similar situation is presented in a...

Science and Technology as a Part of Society

Technological optimism and pessimism The Nineteen Eight-Four is a fictional novel by George Orwell that illustrates technological optimism and pessimism. In the novel, Big Brother is a dictator who rules the totalitarian government of Oceania using technology. The totalitarian government has no laws, but it can punish its citizens when...

Asian American Dreams and Communities

Vincent Chin Circumstances of his murder and how he was murdered It has been considered that Vincent Chin was murdered in the Detroit suburb, as a victim of a racial hate crime. At the onset of the 1880s the depression suffered by the auto industry in the US and the...

Cultural Theory in Practice: Postmodernist Filmmaking

From the angle of creed and culture, many theories have been evolved since ages. The theories like post-structuralism, post-modernism, sex and sexuality, bodies and embodiment, empire, and globalization are some of the relevant concepts that are relevant in recent times. In the following discussion let us concentrate on one of...

Radio One: Case Study

The benefits and risks to acquire other radio stations for Radio One From the onset, Radio One has been aggressive in growing its business by attracting the African-American population. The merger of Clear Channel with AMFM Inc provides several opportunities to stay in line with that strategy. Radio One is...

Supply Chain Strategy in Tumon and Accra

Introduction It is important to consider the local specifics regarding supply chain optimization to gain the overall competitive advantage, which will allow a company to reduce costs and increase profits. The given case will revolve around a bottled water company, which can be considered as a highly competitive niche due...

Psychological Therapy: Analysis of Covariance

Introduction Analyzing data is of the essence in science (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This paper supplies an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for the data from the file “Stalker.sav,” which can be found on the web page labeled “Datasets” (n.d.). After stating and testing the assumptions for ANCOVA, the author provides...

Instagram-Influenced Marketing: Trends and Future

Introduction Social media continues to be one of the essential communication channels between businesses and consumers. More than one billion Instagram accounts are active every single month, according to the platform’s internal data (Business, 2018). Therefore, Instagram can be used as an immensely effective marketing tool that helps consumers understand...

Advanced Practice Nurse Professional Development

Introduction Scope of practice defines the range of possibilities within the professional framework for nurses, and it is important to understand it properly. In turn, NP competencies determine the extent of professionalism of a nurse; hence, it is important to develop these competencies continually. Finally, leadership skills serve as a...

Business Processes Integration and Management in E-Commerce Environments

Abstract Recent trends influence the e-commerce surrounding as the current marketplace is consolidating, and appropriate business principles do not guarantee success. However, the traditional economy principles, such as turnover, cost-competence, and revenue maximization using the current asset, such as innovation, business process management, and partnerships, are being considered. E-commerce needs...

The Wilmington’s Lie Book Analysis

Introduction Wilmington city was a thriving city along the coast of North Carolina in the 1890s and by far the largest and the most populated. The city’s population primarily consisted of African Americans and Whites, who made up one-third of the total population. According to David Zucchino’s book, this city...

Postpartum Anxiety as Problem of Mothers

Introduction Mothers are often worried about their newborn babies after birth. They always want to know whether their newborns are eating well, having a sufficient sleep, and hitting all their precious milestones. It is natural for mothers to become more concerned about their newborns. However, the anxiety may be out...

The Cinematic Possibilities of the Book “Outlaw Platoon” by Parnell and Bruning

Introduction The film adaptation of a book can be viewed as a sociocultural phenomenon that heavily influences the formation of reading fashion in any culture. This is especially true today, when visual information prevails in society, partly reducing the reading activity of the population. Therefore, it is important to find...

The Waco Siege Event, Its Causes and Implications

Introduction Religion has always been one of the most contradictory issues in the history of human society. In the past, various movements and sects engaged in wars because of differences in their values and beliefs. The Crusades and other religious conflicts can also be considered facts proving this statement. Correctly...

Clinical Reasoning Cycle in a Patient with Duodenal Ulcer

Patient Situation Mohamed Salah, a 48-year-old man who is a recent immigrant from the Middle East, is taken to the hospital with a history of epigastric discomfort, vomiting, as well as occasional black bowel movement for further evaluation. He is set to undergo an upper endoscopy this morning. He has...

Racial Ideology and Slavery in the United States

Introduction Race has become a key factor in people’s lives and is at the heart of official change and social science. The human race can be divided into subgroups based on inherited differences in physical and behavioral characteristics, known as racial discrimination. No evidence of racial biogenetic differentiation has been...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” by Unninni and “The Medea Stories” by Euripides

Women empowerment has been represented evidently in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Medea stories. In the Epic of Gilgamesh written by Shin-Leqi Unninni in ancient world, the story revolves around a character named Gilgamesh, the king of a place known as Uruk. The author suggest that Gilgamesh is partly...

The Rails to Trails Movement and Community Recreation

Introduction Rails to trails is a concept that promotes a green and healthy lifestyle, including the physical activity of the population using natural and municipal resources. Interestingly, the US railroad system, which reached its peak in 1916, constituted the nation’s major trade routes that moved goods, fossil fuels, and passengers...

The UAE Investment in Clean Energy

Introduction Oil and gas were discovered in the UAE more than five decades ago and have played a key role in the fossil fuel energy market. The two hydrocarbons have dominated the economy of the UAE as they are the drivers of the country’s growth. This has made the UAE...

Options for Slowing Rising Medicaid Bill

Introduction The American healthcare system has several initiatives intended to address the medical needs of more citizens. A good example is Medicaid, a state and federal program designed to cater for the healthcare expenses of low-income persons. Some of the key beneficiaries include young children, some persons with disabilities, and...

Foreign Policy in the Middle East Region on Specific Examples

Introduction The presidency of Franklin Roosevelt fell during a challenging period in American and world history. At first, the President was tasked with leading the country out of the Great Depression, and then the United States was involved in the Second World War. However, Roosevelt believed that the economic difficulties...

The Nuclear Power Usage in the UAE

Abstract At present nearly 20% of the U.A.E’s entire oil production goes immediately towards supplying its various power plants into order to meet the energy requirements of its populace. The inherent problem with this lies with the fact that the oil reserves in the U.A.E are a finite resource and...

Tanglewood Company Recruitment Process

Recruiting guide Qualifications and skills required to obtain the job: experience of working in retail and skills of providing customer service. A chance of quick promotion to managerial positions for college graduates and the candidates with work experience in retail. Relevant labor market: Candidates from Oregon and Washington Activities to...

Healthy Nutrition During Pregnancy

Introduction The type of food a woman consumes during pregnancy is very important because it is the baby’s main source of nourishment, and as a result, it determines the health of the baby. Health experts recommend that a pregnant woman chooses healthy foods that supply the necessary nutrients required for...

Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy: Mental Disorder Analyzed

John Wayne Gacy Mental Disorder: Introduction John Wayne Gacy was a serial killer and rapist who committed 33 murders from 1972 to 1978. He was also known as “the killer clown” only because he committed his crimes while dressed like a clown. That was his alter ego. His victims were...

McDonald’s Business Level Strategy & Corporate Strategy

McDonald’s Corporate Level Strategy & Business Strategy: Introduction Strategies refer to plans detailing necessary actions for achieving an overall aim. Business level strategies focus on “organization as a business and its relationships to consumers and other businesses” (D’Aveni, Ravenscraft & Anderson, 2004, p.365). Corporate level strategies relate to an entire...

Social Order in Chinese and European Literature

While most people today look at literature as something intended merely to entertain the masses in their leisure hours, those who study the subject understand that there is much more involved than a simple story. For centuries, authors have used the medium of the story to convey greater truths to...

“A Pale View of Hills” by Kazuo Ishiguro

A Pale View of Hills is the first novel, written by a prominent English-speaking author, Kazuo Ishiguro. In this work, the novelist explores various themes, and this book can be analyzed from various perspectives, for example, the relationships between family members, the sense of alienation, the hardships, which many immigrants...

Mathematics Performance Among African Americans in Los Angeles

The media is full of reports on discrepancies in performance among students from different ethnic backgrounds. These reports have had mixed results. On one hand, the groups affected by low performance have seen the need to put more effort while those that are at the top of the class have...

The Importance of Value-Based Care in Health Promotion

Introduction The foundational principle of the value-based care approach is the focus on the quality of medical care provided in healthcare organizations rather than its volume. It was designed to serve the double purpose of promoting cost-efficiency and increasing the effectiveness of care. The approach was implemented as the opposition...

Family Health Assessment Using Gordon’s Patterns

This family health assessment was conducted on the family of the Browns based upon the Gordon’s functional health patterns. The family is composed of three adults, the father Christopher Brown, the mother Mary Brown and their eldest son Martin. There are also two minors, Chris and Paul. The thesis of...

Health and Safety Effects of Computer Use

Introduction In the 21st century, there has been advancement within the technological environment as a result of development in information technology. Most organizations have integrated the use of computers within their workforce in order to increase efficiency. The learning institutions have also incorporated the use of computers as one of...

Genesis Healing Center and PCC Natural Markets: Holistic Health

Abstract Healthcare practice should focus on the physical, social, emotional, and psychological aspects of every patient. This paper identifies two organizations that have been promoting the concept of holistic health. The targeted organizations offer quality resources and information in order to support the needs of many people in the society....

Leukemia: the Definition and Treatment

Abstract Leukemia is an abnormality in the growth of white blood cells. Normally, cancer develops into different kinds of blood cells resulting in the classification of the disease. Types of leukemia range from acute lymphocytic leukemia to chronic myelocytic leukemia. Several methods have been applied in the diagnosis of leukemia....

Accepted Functions of the US Criminal Justice System

Introduction The exponents of plea bargaining assert that it is an innate component of the criminal justice system. However, this assumption is misleading. Plea bargaining has continuously received a hostile reception because people postulate that it handles the accused too indulgently. Scholars often argue that it handles defendants too casually...

Intelligent Design and Evolution Controversy

Introduction Intelligent design and evolution all provide explanations on the origin of life in the universe. There exists considerable scientific evidence to justify the plausibility of the two theories, however, a great debate that has been there for a long time is to what constitutes science. Many public schools in...

“Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci: Iconographical Interpretation

The Last Supper mural was created by Leonardo Da Vinci in the years 1495-1498 and belongs to the High Renaissance period. The work is located in the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan and depicts the last supper of Jesus and his Apostles. In particular, Leonardo portrayed...

The First Great Awakening in America

Introduction The First Great Awakening movement divided long-standing denominations such as the Congregational and Presbyterian churches and paved the way for a new evangelical force among Baptists and Methodists. It began with a series of revival sermons delivered by preachers who were either not associated with the mainstream churches or...

Fast Fashion and Its Impacts on Global Warming

Literature Review Fast fashion refers to the expensive clothing and accessories that mass-market retailers produce quickly to close a market gap and respond to their needs. Fashion conforms to the latest trends, and as soon as the trend disappears, the fashion evolves into another new trend (Garcia-Torres et al., 2017)....

Reasons Children Younger Than 12 Years Should Not Have a Phone

Introduction Have you ever had questions such as why your parents would not get you a phone at young age? What impact do smartphones have on the adolescent lives of middle and high school students? In the twenty-first century, technological devices such as smartphones are considered crucial since many children...

American Church History: The Rise of American Christian Fundamentalism

American Christian Fundamentalism The term “American Christian Fundamentalism” refers to a movement that arose in America in the 19th C to counter theological objectives aimed at reforming traditional Christian beliefs. The modernized theological teachings promised several advantages of adopting science over traditional Christian beliefs. Fundamentalism stressed the chances of Christianity...

Digital Marketing in International Business

Introduction Marketing plays a role of paramount importance in the formation of business performance, which explains the increased interest in this subject matter within the contemporary body of academic knowledge. In the wake of Industry 4.0, an emphasis is laid on digital marketing as an emerging tool that holds great...

Defamilization and Women’s Economic Independence

Defamilization is a theory that emphasizes women’s economic disadvantages and independence from their responsibilities of caring and getting assistance from caring accountabilities to improve employment. It can be applied to evaluate the level of aid by welfare institutions for women’s ability to involve in their freedom in employment markets and...

Domestic Violence: Case Study Description

The people in the selected family include: Jackson (Husband); Nancy (Wife); Jimmy (Child/son). Jackson and Nancy have been married for six years and are currently living in Newfoundland, Canada. The husband is 32 while Nancy is 31 years old. Jimmy is 3 years old. The two met while in college...

The Stanford Prison Experiment’s Historical Record

Introduction The Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE) was one of the most prominent studies ever undertaken in psychology. The researchers of this experiment were interested in examining how people would behave when placed in situations where they had no choice over their actions or where their behavior was strictly controlled by...

Children and Aging Adults as Vulnerable Groups

Introduction Society is one of the most dynamic systems in which people rapidly change their social groups and, in most cases, become more vulnerable. This paper, using groups such as children and aging adults as examples, will reveal existing problems and suggest solutions. The most vulnerable period of a person’s...

Law Enforcement in the City of Memphis, Tennessee

Statement of the Problem In Memphis, TN, the Wokefield Police Department faces many internal and external issues that influence its normal working and thus need effective measures and solutions. One of the external challenges is the increased crime rates, especially carjacking, executed by juveniles. Crimes committed by persons below 18...

Aspects of the Nonverbal Rule-Breaking

Introduction Communication is a complex phenomenon that includes many biological, social, and psychological elements. One of the major components of interpersonal interactions is nonverbal communication (NVC) (Floyd, 2020). It is generally defined by scholars as “everything but the words,” including visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile communication channels (Hall et al.,...

The World Problem: Famine

Famine is a global problem affected developing countries. The main causes of famine are low income and low developed economies. It is known that among the developed countries, increases in per-capita food production since the 1950s have generally moved upward in tandem with increases in total food production. Among the...

Analysis of Folk Costume and Its Cultural Value: Bulgarian Folk Costume

Description According to Steele (1998, 328), analysis of objects such as costumes is a sequential procedure and ought to be in the most discrete way possible. The analysis must begin from description, analysis of evidence, inference, and interpretation of findings. It is equally important for the analyst to speculate findings...