Performance Analysis of Evergreen Marine UK Limited Company

Introduction Evergreen Marine (UK) Limited Company is a subsidiary corporation of the renowned Evergreen Group. The firm began its official operation in 1979 under the UK flag container having its headquarters located in London. It offers shipping, leisure, and aviation services across different destinations with approximately 600 employees. The report...

Immunology: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Juvenile

Introduction Studies on juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have intensified in recent times. Moreover, new discoveries have surfaced on the disease. Studies have also shown that SLE is more aggressive in children than in adults. It is important to note that few studies have been done on the utility of...

Essay on Eating Disorders in Adolescents

Abstract There are various types of feeding or eating disorders that affect adolescents. The prevalence rate of eating or feeding disorders depends on the different types and various risk factors. Young people have issues with their body weight and image, thus often suffer from eating disorders because they have a...

Developing a Detailed Picture of Family Health

Family health assessment has proved to be an effective practice to find out the atmosphere in the chosen family that might be useful for choosing the right way to treat the patients. It is used for gathering a comprehensive understanding of the health status of each family member (Willemse &...

Animal Testing in the Modern World

Abstract Studies that appear in various medical journals repeatedly demonstrate that animal testing amounts to wasting human and animal lives. Medicines and vaccines that are successfully developed and proven effective in animals such as mice and many primates fail when used in human beings. Medicines and chemicals that are effective...

Marks & Spencer Company: Organisational Structure

Check out our essay sample on Marks and Spencer organisational structure. The paper covers Marks and Spencer’s leadership style, organisational change, careers, and operation planning. Executive Summary This paper is a case study of a large international retailer based in the UK, “Marks & Spencer” (M&S), which deals in food,...

America’s Strategic Choices Through the History

What is the War Powers Act and why have U.S. Presidents ignored it? The War Powers Act, also known as the War Powers Resolution, was a law passed by Congress after the Vietnam War, over Presidential veto. The Act intended to encourage the Commander-in-Chief to consult Congress before deploying military...

Team Management at Amazon

Amazon is one of the leading e-commerce companies delivering various types of products to customers all around the world. The company is famous for its use of the most recent technological advances at its warehouses, but manual work is still central to the current operations. The company is also characterized...

Couple Counseling and Its Principles

First, it is of crucial importance to understand that such notions as couple counseling, marriage counseling, or marital therapy denote practically the same process. The only difference is which theory of psychotherapy is preferred by the psychologist, but such diversity of various terms should not create confusion because they are...

Human Nature in “The Scarlet Letter” and “Moby-Dick”

Introduction The books Scarlet Letter’ and ‘Moby Dick’ were the most engaging during the literature course. Both books are rich in themes concerning human nature. Although the books have been set in a different previous era, their contents are very appealing considering the similarity of human nature during that period...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Store My Bits International Company’s Cybersecurity Risk Analysis

Introduction Store My Bits International (SMBI) is a leading cloud computing company providing storage capabilities to its clients. Recently, this organization has incurred expenses of over 2 million US dollars to eradicate viruses released by an undisclosed phishing scheme. The scenario presents a solid case for the challenges companies operating...

Recruitment and Selection: Firefighter

Background Information An organization’s enduring competitive edge in today’s hypercompetitive economic climate is predominantly generated from intangible assets: human, social, and cognitive capital. Workers with the necessary aptitude develop intangible resources. By ensuring a sufficient supply of people with the required competencies, human resource professionals support organizational effectiveness in the...

How the Evolution of Technology Has Advanced Cyber Financial Crimes

Cyber crimes are illegal activities in which conventional criminal conduct is expanded in scope or reach via the use of information and communication technology. Thus, factors associated with cyber crime entail child sexual offenses, gender discrimination, internet abuse, surveillance, theft of resources or intellectual property, and online bullying. Cyber financial...

Student Nurses’ Experiences of Developing Professional Identity

Introduction Owing to the various aspects associated with professional identity formation, the nursing profession must comprehend how nursing students construct a professional identity and connect with universities and institutions that offer nursing education. Education has been deemed essential for nursing students to develop their professional identities. Creating a professional identity...

Generali Group: Developments in Financial Crime

Professional Postgraduate Diploma in GRC – Masterclass Evaluation template for Executive Summary Financial Crime and GRC Preamble Financial crime is a type of criminal behavior that occurs as a result of a confluence of economic gain-based motivationand opportunity. Financial crime or white-collar crime negatively affects nations, governments, and organizations by...

Organic Wheels: Innovative Business Venture

Introduction The nature of the fast food industry has changed over the past few decades. However, it is important to note that globalization has only changed ‘some’ aspects of the fast food industry. For instance, the taste factor remains important to producers and consumers alike although the health factor is...

Ultimate Battlefield Simulator: Marketing Project

Executive Summary The Ultimate Battlefield Simulator is a gaming product designed based on military war games in order to present an intriguing battlefield condition. The battlefield simulator includes specific features to present real war combat conditions. Thus, it is a gaming product that is designed to ensure the target customers...

Marijuana Legalization Controversies: Arguments For and Against

Abstract The topic of marijuana legalization has always been a subject of numerous heated debates for decades. The legislative measures and methodological tools to study both positive and negative effects are present. However, the social attitude towards cannabis is gradually shifting with an increased amount of acceptance and understanding. The...

Sexuality Education Among Children: Why Is It So Important Now?

There is a vital need for sexuality education among American children with nearly 1.1 million teenagers become pregnant every year and the ever-increasing rise in AIDS cases among individuals between 13 years to 24 years. Research confirms that about three million teens are infected with sexually transmitted diseases annually (Schroeder,...

Personal Leadership Development in an Organization

Introduction Leadership is one of the most important concepts in organizational behavior study because it determines the main approaches of management and performance. There are numerous theories of leadership which describe the process of leading, controlling and motivating others. Each theory has its unique value as it describes personal qualities...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Entrepreneurship Analysis

Introduction Social entrepreneurship is an activity that is aimed at solving or smoothing out social problems. During the course, we learned that social entrepreneurs are businessmen who work at the intersection of charity and traditional business, addressing social issues, promoting charity and philanthropy, and giving the company a human face....

Computing Trends: 3D Printing

Before the era of computer-aided design (CAD), models, lasers and prototypes, individuals were laboriously carving materials from wood or sticking plastic pieces. The revolution of technology in the 1980s brought a solution to the problem. The concept of rapid prototyping resulted in the development of more automated methods. Three-dimensional printing...

Financial and Economic Models in Maritime Business

Introduction In any business entity, stakeholders are the key elements to determine a firm’s performance by executing various metrics that are meant to improve the business’s portfolio and raise the returns on revenue (Hein, Meloni, and Tridico, 2020). Documenting the sales process and benchmarking the basic sales steps is important...

Describing Nate Garvis and Vernā Myers Presentations Skills

Introduction Effective communication refers to an individual’s ability to convey information to other parties more effectively as well as efficiently. Leaders who have good verbal nonverbal cues and excellent written communication skills assist in sharing information with their followers. According to DuBrin (2015), effective communication is more than just sharing...

Controversy of Testing Players for Steroids

Introduction Steroids are drugs used to reduce inflammation in the body that are synthetic copies of hormones that the adrenal glands produce. Steroids, in addition to their anti-inflammatory properties, can help improve an individual’s athletic performance, which leads to their widespread use among professional athletes. This is the main argument...

Analysis of Amazon Company

Introduction Amazon is a giant online retailer that sells everything from books to electronics and clothing. Moreover, the company is a significant provider of cloud services. Given its size and scope, the organization has one of the most complex supply chains. One of the biggest challenges Amazon faces is managing...

Compliance with Standard Operating Procedures

Introduction The airline industry is perhaps best known for its strict, well-knit operations, which make it the safest mode of transport. This industry’s push to make flights safer and more efficient resulted in the establishment of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs are established directives dictating how the crew should go...

Christianity: Fundamental Concepts and Beliefs

Introduction Christianity is one of the global religions with millions of followers in various countries. It also has a unique set of values and fundamental concepts comprising its core. The Bible introduces numerous ideas that form the framework necessary for realizing the nature of God and how it impacts people’s...

Unions in the Modern Society: Role and Operations

Summary of Labor Relations Principles Workers’ unions refer to groups of employees who are united by a common purpose of negotiating for better working conditions with employers. Unions emerged in the 1800s, with the primary objective of fighting oppression in the workplace (Compa, 2014). In the recent past, such unions...

Prescription Drugs Prices and Services in Florida

Introduction There are many citizens of the United States of America from the state of Florida that cannot afford proper medical treatment due to the high medicine prices. This factor remains one of the most significant issues in the state’s healthcare policy. The primary purpose of the following analysis is...

Kalaheo Community’s Needs Assessment

Community Overview Kalaheo community is situated in Kauai County, Hawaii (HI). The first settlers in the area were early Polynesians − “they left behind evidence of their existence dating from as early as 200 A.D. to 600 A.D.” (Kaua’i Historical Society [KHS], n.d., par. 2). Later, under the outside influence,...

Noise in Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Introduction Nurse researchers utilize concept analysis in order to understand various concepts of medical care from the perspective of different theories and frameworks (Christie, 2017). It is a necessary procedure that enables to ground the abstract theoretical concepts and attach them to reality by interpreting various factors and situation. The...

Personality Disorders and Interaction Ability

Abstract The current paper discusses the limitations of the current studies on the phenomenon of narcissistic personality disorder. The author dwells on the history of the disorder and how it is perceived by the researchers. The core symptoms of narcissistic personality disorders are identified and thoroughly discussed. The author also...

Environmental Issues and Protecting the Environment

As I sat before my study table, trying to decide which topic I would choose for my first essay in this class, I decided that the best way to make the choice was by actually looking up the available print and online resources about the topics listed. The topic with...

Employee Motivation in Secondary and Tertiary Sectors

Introduction Employee motivation in business and industries is vital for best performance and achieving objectives. However, it is an aspect often overlooked or reliant upon outdated and traditional methods of motivation which have little consideration for social psychology, or the type of work performed. Different industries and sectors require different...

Child Support Issues in the USA

In the US, the non-custodial parents are supposed to pay either directly or indirectly a specified amount of money which will cater for the maintenance of the child. These children are from past relationships and were born out of wedlock or couple who have divorced. The payments are usually made...

Employment Contract, Termination and Restraint to Trade

Introduction An employment contract is an agreement between two parties, that is, the employer and the employee (Mouzas, S. & Furmston, M., 2008). The contract is a legally binding agreement that is enforced by law and in case of a breach of contract the court may provide a remedy. According...

The Effects of Sanctions and Embargoes on the Iranian Culture and Economy

If there is one country that has been a victim of trade embargos and sanctions, it is Iran. The tense relationship between Iran and the United States of America dates back to the seventies during the reign of Shah and the US has been imposing trade embargos and sanctions on...

Nova Energy Drinks Company

Nova Energy Drinks company is an innovative solution in the beverage industry, offering a healthy alternative to a conventional energy drink. Excelled both in sales and social performance, Nova Energy Drinks is ready to distribute its product past the US territory, looking for long-term investments. This case-study assesses the risk...

Las Vegas Mass Shooting in 2017: The Causes

In every society, regardless of geographic location, and other aspects, some people are always ready to commit illegal actions. Despite all law enforcement agencies’ efforts, criminals still exist in any modern society. There are many reasons for this, from global economic to cultural and personal problems (Films Media Group, 2003)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Camus’ The Plague From the Perspective of COVID-19

In 2020, the world faced a new virus, which appeared to be a health threat to the population. The disease received the name “COVID-19”, and caused a catastrophic reaction of people, despite the deadly outcomes. Many sources refer to this phenomenon as the “social absurdity” (Banerjee et al., 2020, para....

Contract Law Case: Nursing Home vs. Paul

Student Name Professor Name Course Unit Date Contract Law Cases Charlie v. Best Bargain Issue Will Charlie prevail against Best Bargain Stores after he was denied a General Electric Smart Front Load Washer for $1.00 that was advertised? Rule of Law Advertisements made to the public normally do not amount...

Strategies to Prevent Radicalization and Lone-Wolf Terrorism

Introduction Radicalization to violence is a crucial issue affecting populations globally. For decades now, government agencies have done a lot of research to understand the science behind the phenomenon in an effort to help practitioners and policing agencies find preventive measures. Various findings indicate that radicalization occurs in vulnerable and...

Food Safety and Hazards

Identify all potential food safety hazards that may be expected to occur in the food facility. Processing food needs a high degree of hygiene to avoid poisoning and contamination. Manufacturers are obligated to maintain safe control measures to ensure products are fit for human consumption. Safety controls must be followed...

Ethical Dilemmas in Software Engineering: Volkswagen Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Software engineering correlates with certain ethical dilemmas that need to be addressed. However, as this particular field is becoming more prominent worldwide, the need for confronting such issues increases. Moreover, the fact that such ethical concerns are relatively new due to the rapid development of the technology industry creates...

The Amazon Company’s Financial Statement

Introduction Amazon is an American technology corporation that operates in different countries around the globe. Its business line encompasses cloud computing, ecommerce, artificial intelligence, and digital streaming. Currently, its brand is well known in the market following the nature of its services to the customers. The company is consumer-centric, and...

Decision Making at a Home Health Facility

Formulation of the Problem The sphere of medical services is developing every year, which contributes to the emergence of new methods of caring for people. However, one of these was the initiative to create home health facilities. The essence of this proposal is to provide assistance to patients at home,...

Industrialization and the Rise of the City

Introduction Environmental history is related to human activities and the built environment’s impact on the natural environment. The industrial revolution was a period of great change in the Victorian city of Manchester. The process revolutionized the economy and the lifestyle of the people. New technologies were invented to make work...

Indian Creek Foundation Strategic Issues

SWOT Analysis and Organizational Direction The central emphasis of this report is the Indian Creek Foundation that specializes in offering help to children and adults with physical and psychological disabilities while the organization is non-profit and has local focus (Indian Creek Foundation, 2016). Nowadays, SWOT analysis is one of the...

Richard Branson’s Organic Leadership

Executive Summary Richard Branson is one of the highest-profile billionaires in the world, and his status is a function of the development of a conglomerate of companies under the Virgin brand. His leadership style and the choice of organizational structure are quite unconventional compared to other companies in the contemporary...

Department of Homeland Security: Bureaucratic Structure

The objective of this memorandum is to communicate the views of an analysis regarding the effectiveness of the bureaucratic structure in the DHS. The analysis is based on recent public views following the continued threats for the U.S security. Bureaucracy as a concept continues to receive criticism from both academicians...

Microsoft Corporation’s Structure, Culture, Power Distribution

Introduction Microsoft Corporation is a renowned software company that has dominated the industry for at least four decades since its inception in 1975. However, over the last few years, the reputation of Microsoft has witnessed a declining trend that raises concerns regarding the company’s performance. The exit of Bill Gates...

Can Marriage End Poverty?

The role of marriage Marriage and poverty are sensitive issues especially when matters about a family’s well-being remain a priority. Marriage is the unification of a man and a female; furthermore, it should be legal. Conversely, poverty is a state when one lives under unfavorable conditions due to a shortage...

Population Changes and Its Impact on Economic Activity

Introduction In this portfolio, I will attempt to achieve a better understanding between changes in the population and its subsequent impact on economic activity within specific regions and how this influences the construction industry. The primary method of data collection will come from the ONS website with various academic articles...

Heir of Prometheus – Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” Analysis

Greek legend has it that when it was time for men to be created, it was delegated by the gods to Prometheus, the Titan who had sided with Zeus in the war with the Titans. Prometheus whose name means forethought was very wise, wiser even than the gods. Prometheus took...

Joe’s Red Hots Company’s Business Plan

Looking at Joe’s Redhots’ turnover, we can deduce that the firm is strong and has potential for further growth. The risk in extending loan to the firm is minimal considering the tools the firm has been using. The repayment method will need to be decided and the rate of return...

Causes and Management of Stress

Abstract Stress can be classified in three categories namely; Mechanical stress which is the average amount of force exerted per unit area, biological which can either be psychological or physiological and music stress. The paper I am writing will entirely deal with the biological stress. First the paper, defines what...

Citizen Journalism vs. Journalism and Technologies

With the rapid development of modern technologies and shifts in categories and roles a new term ‘citizen journalism’ has appeared. According to the new broadened concepts of journalism and news Twitter provides an opportunity to fulfill the roles of citizen journalists in the democratic society. The term ‘citizen journalism’ involves...

Unemployment: Types And Factors

Unemployment is one of the greatest social evils in our society today. This is because of the unfriendly impacts it has on the economy. Unemployment brings about poverty and hopelessness among individuals in society. In addition, weird behavior is also encouraged by this phenomenon. For instance, stealing and robbery cases...

The Mix of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in the Fiction Unit

Introduction A race is commonly portrayed as a biological subspecies, or a multiplicity of a species, entailing of more or less distinct populace with anatomical characteristics that sets it distinctively from others. Ethnicity is a term employed to refer to chosen cultural and in some instances physical attributes exploited to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Causes and Treatment

History of the Organism According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), evidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has been found in ancient Egyptian mummies (par. 3). Tuberculosis (TB) was also a prevalent disease in the ancient Roman and Greek civilizations. Overcrowding in 17th-century cities made TB a...

Hodgkin’s & Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Critical Comparison

Introduction Extant literature demonstrates that lymphomas are a diverse group of lymphoproliferative malignancies with differing patterns of epidemiologic prevalence, etiology, behavior, as well as responses to clinical management (Hochberg et al., 2009). The purpose of the current paper is to critically compare and contrast the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, management, and...

AIG: Strategy Assessment and Analysis

The aim of this report is to evaluate the appropriateness of AIG’s strategic proposals, as well as the justification driving its current strategy, with recommendations and considerations based on findings. The information provided will be based on independent evidence and research into the organization. The analysis will be based on...

The Prevalence of Family Business in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Family-owned businesses (FOBs) have played an essential role in the evolution of business and continue to do so now. FOBs can be small, medium-sized, or huge businesses. The family business is the most common type of ownership model in the world, and it has a considerable effect on the...

John Kennedy’s Assassination: Theories and Facts

Introduction John F. Kennedy remains a major political icon in the American history. He was the 35th president of the country. He was assassinated on 22nd of November, 1963 ( 1). The leader was shot by a sniper at Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas. His death is regarded as one of...

The Impact Paternal Absence on Females Relationships

Research Topic It has been acknowledged that attachments developed in childhood and adolescence (especially parent-child relationships) have a significant impact on individuals’ ability to develop relationships with other people (especially when it comes to partnerships) (DelPriore & Hill, 2013). Nonetheless, there are still various gaps in this area. This qualitative...

Preconception Counselling for Diabetic Women

Introduction Before a woman conceives, it is important for her to seek preconception counseling for the acquisition of professional advice regarding potential pregnancy complications. Notably, Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes poses a significant threat to the health of women during and after pregnancy (Elsinga et al., 2008). The considerable...

Cyber Attacks on Financial Institutions

Abstract The financial services industry has been reeling from the effects of frequent cyber attacks. This problem has slowed down advancements in the financial services industry. This essay catalogs some of the causal factors when it comes to cyberattacks on financial institutions. Some of these factors include an enabling environment...

Pressure Ulcers Study and Applicability to Nursing

Problem and Purpose In the environment of an ICU, patients are especially vulnerable to the effects of external factors, which means that intricate interventions are required to address typical concerns. Pressure ulcers (PU) are some of the most common occurrences in the ICU setting due to the factors that contribute...

Aliens, Motherhood, and the Nuclear Family

Introduction James Cameron’s 1986 film Aliens is the subject of much critical praise and a prominent part of modern popular culture. Its protagonist Ellen Ripley, played by Sigourney Weaver, is often seen as one of the best examples of a capable action heroine in cinematography. She challenges the tradition of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bio-Based Materials: Alternative Energy

Introduction With the world economies improving and expanding at an alarming rate, individual government are more than ever before challenged by the task of dwindling natural resources, and this has led to the questioning of exactly how sustainable such resources are. In fact, the issue of environmental sustainability transcends natural,...

Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms in Bacteria

Introduction Shortly after the introduction of the parent antibiotic penicillin to clinical practice, a report came for bacteria becoming insensitive. These were the earliest reports of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. These reports were not considered significant as lab studies displayed that such resistance can be overcome by increasing the dose....

Cinderella’s Stepsisters As Saviors

The story of Cinderella has been told in most cultures but the European version is the best known, partly because that version has been modified as times changed. It is mostly read as a rags-to-riches story of a virtuous girl who gets her just reward in this life rather than...

Rental Market Conditions

Introduction This paper utilizes data published by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation‘s (CMHC) rental market. The CHMC report gives a comprehensive analysis of trends revolving around the availability and costs of rental units throughout Canada, with regards to its provinces and metropolitan areas (Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 2020)....

Workers’ Compensation: Articles Review

FindLaw. (2016). Workers’ compensation overview. Small Business Law.  This article refers to workers’ compensation as a set of laws that provide guidelines for protecting injured employees by offering them health benefits. Although some states have unique insurance programs for workers, the Federal government outlines distinct compensation laws for specific industries....

Narcissism Test: Public Health Leadership

Introduction After completing the value assessment test, I realized that most of the things I value in life are products of my self-development goals. I also found out that my views of life also greatly influence my value system. Some of my most important issues, which I highlighted in the...

Linguistic-Visual Art, Literary Art

For centuries, human beings have been considered the most advanced species on Earth. First, their sophisticated organization and intelligence form part of this advancement. Such superiority can be said to be a human being’s ability to express themselves through arts. Language, as one of the forms of human expression, has...

Daytime Robbery Investigation Plan

Introduction Robbery is an offensive and unlawful action of taking a victim’s property. It often involves violence and threats, making the activity a severe crime. The offender is usually armed with a weapon and uses it to threaten the victim. The criminal might not use the gun, but it makes...

Coca-Cola Company’s International Financial Management

Introduction International Financial Management (IFM) is an integral part of any company that has positioned its operations on the global market (Madura, 2020). This may explain why Coca-Cola is interested in the concept of the IFM to manage international finances and maximize shareholder wealth. Furthermore, the idea is of value...

Ethical Behavior at the Workplace

Ethical values are a construct that determines the behavior and thinking of each individual. It is true that while some universal principles of ethics, in general, values are individual to each person: what is suitable for one is unacceptable for another. Recently, there has been a marked increase in academic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Role of Gospel Essentials in Shaping Christians’ Beliefs

Introduction Benchmark—Gospel Essentials is a term used in Christianity to describe the core beliefs of the faith. These include the belief in one God, the need for salvation, and the importance of Jesus Christ. Gospel Essentials are often used as a benchmark against other beliefs. For example, when evaluating new...

The Future Leader: The Role of Leadership in a Digitalized World

Leadership can be defined as the exercise of influence over other people to direct their efforts most effectively toward a common objective. Leaders who can connect with their followers and engage their support by appealing to their shared values and goals are more likely to achieve their objectives (Morgan, 2020)....

Treating Psychological Disorders: Depression

Introduction Depression is a disorder that hinders activities of daily living and is associated with low quality of life. Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness, lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2022), over 21.0 Million adults suffer from...

Community Services and Effective Coordination

Introduction The agency that I work for is located in York, PA, and it has been in existence for the last two decades. This agency is a multicultural non- profit agency. We offer several programs and serve a diverse population. We specialize in serving domestic violence clients, substance abuse clients,...

Richard Branson’s Leadership and Philosophy

Executive Summary Customers are the likely determinants of companies’ decisions to expand their product portfolios, re-engineer their existing products, and reinvent new product offers. The classical organizational theory holds that organizations should primarily deliver excellent product value to secure competitive advantage. However, this paper argues that Richard Branson places customers...

Business Problems: Corporate Fraud

Executive summary Corporate fraud is a major challenge that has persisted in the business environment for the past decades. Despite the numerous efforts made to curb this problem, some of the approaches are reactive, while others have been counterproductive. This report identifies the trend of the occurrence of corporate fraud...

Economics for Management. Unemployment in Spain

Introduction Unemployment takes place when a person that is inactive searches for a job is unable to find it. The concept is often used for measuring the health of an economy, with the unemployment rate being the most prominent indicator that is evaluated regularly. The unemployment rate is calculated by...

Health Insurance Crimes in the United States

The U.S. has a number of private insurance coverage based primarily on employment, along with public insurance coverage for the elderly (Medicare), the military, veterans, and the poor and disabled. Medicare is an enormously popular and effective insurance program for older Americans. Recently the increasing costs of Medicare threaten to...

Managerial Approach to Marketing Communication

Introduction In the recent times, businesses have become aware of the need to be close to their customers. Due to the increasing competition on earth, there has been increased need for companies to become more responsive to the need of the customers. There has been change in production and the...

“The Blood of Flowers” by Anita Amirrezvani

The fact unknown to most of people is that as inspiration of Anita Amirrezvani’s first novel “Blood of Flowers” served a Persian carpet her father presented her with when she was a teenager. Looking at that carpet every day she imagines the life of a carpet maker and always wondered...

A Critical to “Mary Poppins” by Travers

It is a common knowledge that people always thought of something that would make their life easier. Charms and topics related with them have always attracted the attention of different writers who created stories and fairy-tales where people achieved everything they wanted by means of magic not even lifting a...

Internal Communication Process in Organization

Communication climate in the organization The communication climate in Katz day care centre is effective and ideal for smooth functioning of the organization. The organizer of the child care centre is considering creation of better communication environment as an essential factor for the growth of the day care business by...

Mathematical Development and Theories of Scientists

Early mathematical numerical notations developed as a need for accuracy in goods and money record transactions. Continued innovations necessitated the advancement of mathematics as a field through architecture and related geometry. The calendar arose also as a key development in mathematics and astrology through the consideration of heavenly bodies and...

Picnic Scene in “Citizen Kane” Movie by Orson Welles

Introduction The film “Citizen Kane” is a 1941 drama motion picture directed by Orson Welles. The production narrates about a millionaire who seems to receive little happiness from his wealth and needs to hide his sensitive personality under the cynical mask. The present paper will analyze the Everglades Picnic scene...

Analysis of Zero Trust Architecture System

Executive Summary Zero Trust Architecture is an innovative way of providing cybersecurity, which is beneficial for companies who have confidential information and, at the same time, outsource employees who do not work from the office computers. It is focused on protecting diverse resources such as databases, network accounts, and different...

Confession & Forgiveness in “The Lovely Bones” by Sebold

The novel The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold depicts events and memories form life of the author. The author creates a dramatic plot based on real life events, feelings and emotions. Social and personal morals of people are depicted through emotional sufferings and experience of the main heroes of the...

“The Revenge of Babylon”: Historical Fiction Story

Old Nadav smoothed his thickly gray beard with his fingers and turned to his grandson, who was pestering him with questions, putting aside the silver goblet on which he was engraving the pattern. Why are you bothering me, Osher? You prevent me from working. – He grumbled in a voice...

Environmental Justice Problems in the Global South

Introduction The existing environmental problems are spread unequally among the countries, and this circumstance allows speaking of regional problems of the so-called Global South. The prevalence of issues related to injustice in this area is explained by the exploitation of its resources by the North, whereas the methods for addressing...

AMZ Bank’s Main Problems and Their Solution

Introduction The realities of today’s economic conditions are based on meeting the constantly changing needs of customers, increasing labor productivity, and maintaining a leading position in the market. A commercial organization is a social system that develops according to business principles, but production capacities and a management system act as...

The Food Quality Impact on Economy and Health

Introduction Agricultural development is a top priority, not only to improve U.S. economic opportunities but also to improve the quality of nutrition. More and more Americans are eating low-quality food, preferring fast food and similar foods to those prepared and grown on the farm. Thus, we can note the general...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Trafficking in Thailand: Social Work Practice

Introduction Since the dawn of time, humans have occupied this planet in some form or another. Many generations have come into being and exited this planet, leaving behind a legacy of positive virtues and harmful vices. These virtues and vices have been passed down from one generation to the next....

Home Depot – A Deep Dive into Operations

Key Elements of a Learning Organization Elements Score Justification Inspiring and motivating people with a mission or purpose High The company implements various programs to maintain employee motivation. This is manifested in the fact that the company has a well-developed system of organizational culture (The Home Depot, 2022). Consequently, each...

“The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

Welcome to our The Importance of Being Earnest essay sample! Here, you’ll find the analysis of the story’s main themes and comedy elements. Get ideas for your essay on The Importance of Being Earnest with our essay sample. The Importance of Being Earnest Essay Thesis Statement Oscar Wilde had written...

The Cold War and Decolonisation History

The Cold War and decolonisation were global occurrences, and even though each event occurred independently, they ended up overlapping with time. In this context, the Cold War underscores the underlying conflict and tension between the United States and the Soviet Union starting from 1947. On the other side, decolonisation denotes...

Interracial Couples: Concepts and the Nature of Problems

Introduction Although some societies have accepted and integrated the concept of racial marriages in their societal practices, still the concept faces a lot of prejudice not only from external members of families but also from natural problems, associated with differences in couples cultures. To a larger extent, such segregations jeopardize...

Family History Role in Primary Health Care

The Sampling Procedure This paper reviews a qualitative study by Daelemans, Vandevoorde, Vansintejan, Borgermans, and Devroey (2013) that examined the physicians’ utilization of family history data inpatient treatment. The study identifies its target population as the family physicians in a Belgian university called the Vrije Universiteit Brussel or VUB. The...

Kauflauf GmbH Company Performance: Jess Westerly Approach

Summary: Case Background and Essential Details Kaufland GmbH has been experiencing significant problems with its performance over the past few years. Jess Westerly was assigned to explore the reasons for the organization to fail in the target market. According to the findings of her study, delays, and the lack of...

Rental Car Feasibility for Injured Driver

Introduction The case presented here in is lieu of the knee injury caused to this individual. He has broken his left knee and has to rent a convenient car for himself. His first three weeks of recovery will be critical in terms of mobility therefore only an automatic transmission car...

A Planned Change Success of It Projects

Introduction A planned change is a change executed systematically in tandem with organization’s future goals and expectations. It ensures an organization moves steadily in its processes of implementing a given solution. In IT project management, change refers to project management process, where the perceived change facets to a project are...

The Ontological Basis for Participant Action Research in Healthcare

Introduction Research can be defined as a “thorough and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or confirm facts, theories and their applications” (Philippa 2005). There are several types of research that are identified depending on the nature and purpose of the study. Participant action research...

Should Health Care Be Universal in the United States?

Introduction In the United States, approximately 28 million people, or about 8.5% of the national population lacks health insurance. The health care system is one component of the federal government that exposes the inequalities that abound in the nation, originating from the effects of private insurance, politics, and public initiatives...

Biological Strategies for Studying Schizophrenia

Introduction Among all mental disorders, schizophrenia is one of the most severe mental illnesses in the human population. This is a chronic progressive disease, proceeding with polymorphic symptoms, leading to persistent impairment of social adaptation and the ability to work with patients at a young age (McCutcheon et al., 2020)....

High-Risk Nutritional Practices in the US and China

High-Risk Nutritional Practices Nutritional behaviors or practices refer to the plans that are put in place concerning the habitual actions by different people on food consumption. In this case, it may include unique ways in which different cultures perceive the value of some foods in terms of preparation, intake, or...

The Shetland Wool Company: Costing and Pricing Strategies

Introduction The Shetland Wool Company is a small family-owned business that manufactures very high-quality hand-knitted wool sweaters. The company owns an office where all operations not related to the manufacturing process are conducted. On the other hand, the production process is not centralized as employees work from their homes. Finished...

Boeing Business Strategy: Analysis of Plan & Objectives

In this essay, you will find an analysis of Boeing’s strategic plan, its business plan, and its objectives. It was founded in 1916 in Seattle, Washington. In just a little over one hundred years, Boeing became the largest aircraft manufacturer. You might be wondering how this was achieved? Here’s the...

Nursing: Retaining Inspiration Amidst Routine

Nursing: Science or Art? Balancing Between the Art and Science of Nursing Although nursing is typically viewed from an academic perspective, there are two sides to the phenomenon in question; particularly, it can be viewed as not only science but also art. Claiming that nursing can only be defined as...

Jane “Bitzi” Johnson’s Gubernatorial Campaign

Introduction Jane “Bitzi” Johnson Miller is an aspiring governor and a conservative Republican from West Texas. Jane “Bitzi” Johnson Miller was born in San Antonio but she was raised in a ranch in Brewster County, West Texas. Her father and grandfather were Ranchers, although her grandfather was active in state...

Prophet Moses – Deliverer of Israel

Prophet Moses Moses was reluctant when the Lord called him to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt. God decided to perform miracles to Prophet Moses so that people would believe him (Exodus 4:1-2). God commanded Moses to throw the stick he had in his hand on the ground. He...

Medical Law, Ethics and Professional Practice

Introduction Medical law, ethics, and professional practice are essential in the field of health and medicine as it manages, legislates, and control ethical behaviors in professional medical practice. “Medical law, ethics, and professional practice also enable patients, their families, the society and the doctor to have proper regard to health...

Primary Prevention: Public Health Concept

Introduction Primary prevention is a public health concept of intervention that is used to eliminate the causes of a disease or a certain condition that could be affecting an individual and even a community. The concept is historically founded on the fact that removing the proven causes of a disease...

Addiction Treatment: Standards and Best Practices

Introduction The safe and effective delivery of care, as well as positive outcomes for people seeking addiction treatment, depends on the counselor’s application of the best practices and adherence to the established ethical and legal standards. Organizations such as the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) and...

Secularism in the Current World

Introduction Secularism sometimes referred to as secularity entails the idea that something is not related to a church or religion. It is usually applied to explain an independent government that does not rely on a religious organization. The Secularism principle attempts to influence human affairs depending on the naturalistic or...

Significance of the Title “Fences” by August Wilson

Fences is a play by an American scriptwriter, August Wilson, written in 1985, which addresses the challenges barring Blacks from success and having a united family. Wilson uses symbolism to advance the themes and build his characters in the play. The play talks about Troy, the main character, who rose...

National Parks: Environmental Threats and Protection

Protecting the Habitat of Endangered Bird or Timber Logging? Walker and David argue that every person is required to protect the endangered species because; they have a duty to protect the earth, including these birds, for future generations (127). The societies do not possess the species, but they are charged...

Bend It Like Beckham and the Postcolonial

Introduction Identifications regarding what comprises concepts of the Other in the post-colonial world are wide-ranging and varied hinged on the current accepted norms within a society. These definitions are typically only selectively applied in a variety of areas such as gender or religious differences, expected social roles, personal sexuality, individual...

Streaming Service and Elderly During COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the entire planet, and no corner of the world remained untouched. To mitigate the consequences of the outbreak, governments implemented strict lockdown protocols in multiple areas. As a result, millions of people remained confined in their homes with...

Wal-Mart International Expansion

Background of the Case The explosion of retail stores worldwide has opened many channels where consumers can access product information and numerous buying options. Wal-Mart is the world’s largest retail store, headquartered in the U.S., and operates in 15 countries with over 6500 stores globally (Hunt et al., 2018). The...

Security Plan and Recommendation

Introduction Organizational security is a complex and dynamic phenomenon. It is essential for institutions to invest in the best practices and components to ensure the security of persons, information, and the physical set up. This means that the security plan must encompass all the aspects that pertain to it. Such...

Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act

Overview Since its establishment, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has played significant roles in the arbitration of justice and offering an opinion on contentious matters affecting the country. In 2012, for example, the Supreme Court of the United States made a decision in the National Federation...

Frankenstein vs. Monster: Characters Comparison

Introduction Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus is a novel written by Mary Shelly that was first published in 1818. The author tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who artificially animated a body assembled from parts of corpses. Although Victor intended to create a beautiful creature, the result...

The Burger King Firm’s Relocation to Canada

Introduction In the context of a marketplace setting, most businesses nowadays, particularly multinational ones, are looking for better conditions outside their home countries. Their activities are spread throughout numerous countries to take advantage of the overseas markets. Many of the least favorable elements for a company’s long-term existence, such as...

Strategy Formulations: Dell Going Private Then Public

Introduction Dell is one of the largest computer companies established in the 1980s. Since its inception, Dell has achieved great success as a company specializing in the PC market. Dell struggled to maintain a competitive edge during its 2013 privatization (Case Study). Investor Carl Icahn took to social media to...

EXTRA Energy Drink Company Limited’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The marketing plan comprises the marketing strategies for EXTRA energy drink Company Limited, located in Texas-USA. The company’s mission and vision statement have been analyzed in the introduction section—an overview of the external and internal environment of the company by analyzing the PESTEL and SWOT. Furthermore, a review...

The Bamboo Fibre Gym Clothing Marketing Campaign

Executive Summary In today’s world, more and more attention is being paid to healthier lifestyles and an improved environmental situation. In this context, bamboo fiber exercise clothing perfectly integrates all meaningful factors. According to many trends, the popularity of all sportswear types is growing with a significant increase each year....

Gas Cars vs.Electric Cars Essay: Compare & Contrast

Need to write an electric cars benefits essay or an electric cars vs. gas cars compare and contrast paper? Then make sure to read this sample for inspiration! There has been a lot of development in the car industry, especially if comparing the current achievements to the first car models...

Delta Airline’s Change Program and Resistance

Introduction Change is a common feature in organizations. The capacity to handle such changes is the core competence of success in organizations (Weick & Quinn, 1999, p. 362). Over the last two decades, the main drivers of organizational changes have been technological advancements, stiff competition, and fluctuations in the global...

Nuclear Family Health Assessment in Nursing

Family Composition The assessment of a family is important in identifying family health care needs for appropriate nursing interventions. This family health assessment will focus on a nuclear family that comprises Jim Smith, his wife of 15 years, Kelly, and their three children. The couple’s children include Jake, aged thirteen,...

Nurse Burnout in Evidence-Based Research

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) implies the rational application of current evidence related to clinical expertise and core patient needs to direct decisions in health care. To ensure the efficiency of EBP and its best outcomes, the implemented evidence should be recent, credible, and of high quality. It may not always...

Action-Based Teaching, Autonomy and Identity

The article under analysis is entitled “Action-Based Teaching, Autonomy, and Identity” and is written by Leo van Lier in 2007. In general, in his article, the author provides a thorough description of action-based teaching. He examines different agency aspects, including the relations between process and structure, classroom democracy, and control...

The 8 Amendment on Cruel and Unusual Punishment

THESIS: Overall, after the evaluation of the evidences it appears that cruel and unusual punishment may be defined as the punishment based on the torture concept or the one implementing outrageous methods and amount of punishing techniques which are so unequal to the committed crime that they shock common sense;...

African-American Narration in Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Introduction The short story titled “Everyday Use” is written by Alice Walker. “Everyday Use” portrays the different understanding of African-American history. For some, it is a part of their daily lives, while for others – something they learn about from books and college lectures. The three main characters – Mama,...

Smoking Cessation: Causes and Statistics

Different people start smoking because of several reasons. Some of these reasons are the availability of the substance, peer pressure, to release stress, and the influence of the celebrities and popular film stars who are used by the companies to market the products (, 2009, par.2). Parents who smoke contribute...

Evaluation of Form 10-K FY 2020 by US Postal Service

Introduction The United States Postal Service is an independent and self-sufficient federal agency that provides mail delivery services across the United States. The organization is mission-driven and continuously works towards its goal of connecting people across the country, rather than being focused solely on profitability (Lawson, 2020). The number of...

Assessment of Clients with Substance Abuse

The number of individuals depending on the intake of different substances grows exponentially. Up-to-date medicine struggles between treating humans’ bodies and spirit as sometimes spending more attention to the first aspect lead to an increase in humans’ addictions. By people’s nature, it is challenging to fight the feelings of craving...

Personal and Professional Development as Business Consultant

Introduction Personal and professional development are the two things responsible for the formation and organization of the group. Their development is necessary for each person individually since many follow the old attitudes when modern times demand modern solutions. Thus, this work aims to explore the professional and personal development plan...

Strategic Analysis of Revlon’s Current Financial Operations

Introduction Financial crises have the potential to disorient business performances and increase chances of bankruptcy. Organizational leaders should apply appropriate strategies to meet their financial obligations and maximize profits. Challenges emerge when corporations’ assets and financial instruments lose their value. The occurrence of this predicament makes it impossible for the...

The Family Nurse Practitioner’s Roles and Responsibilities

Introduction Advanced nursing practice is a professional stage essential for healthcare organizations’ effective functioning; thus, obtaining a degree and certification in this field is a key to a successful career. In the primary care setting, family nurse practitioners (FNP) are the employees who positively influence patient outcomes and assist physicians...

The Globalization Impact on Cultural Production

Introduction Globalization embraces every country, gradually expanding its social, economic, and trade opportunities. It is an essential part of the evolution of countries and the emergence from colonialism, but it can affect the national core and culture. Certain phenomena are emerging in the higher education segment and the business environment...