The United States Bill of Rights Amendments

Introduction The inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution came by December 15, 1791 through ratification of the 10 amendments presently known the Bill of Rights. Previously, the anti-federalists had championed for provision of a law that would resist the citizens from tyranny and they were...

McBride Company’s Financial Services Governance Evaluation

Introduction This assignment shall be based on the Identification of corporate governance problems which are leading up to the corporate scandals in the early 21st century. And shall basically evaluate McBride the leading supplier in Europe of personal care and label household merchandises to all major and successful retailers in...

Managing Demand at the Wild Dog Coffee Company

Wild Dog Coffee is a small coffee house offering espresso visitors a limited choice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So far, the company has only one branch office, but it is in the interest of management to open a new point. Expanding a business always involves risks, as it requires...

Money Laundering, Corruption and Terrorism Issues

Unresolved issues One of ESAAMLG’s main plans entails the integration of anti-money laundering and combating financial terrorism attempts with the attempts of its member countries with regard to fighting corruption. This is intended to go along with the possibility of establishing a devoted anti-money laundering and combating of financial terrorism...

Belly Dance in Russia

Introduction Foreign dance classes have become popular in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union (Radchenko 1). Many young women and men have started to practice foreign dances for professional reasons or just for fun. In Russia, Belly Dance, Irish Dance, Indian Dance, Flamenco, and Swing Dance have become...

Company’s Utilitarian Ethics and Utility Test Steps

Abstract Utilitarianism is an ethical model of reasoning which emphasizes on the maximization of good and happiness and the minimization of the reverse of happiness. The transistor company is confronted with the ethical issue of choosing to stop the supply of transistors to the heart pacemakers company and or supplying...

Project Information Systems Complexity

Abstract Information systems projects are complex enterprises subject to high rates of failure. Indicators that determine success or failure include stakeholder specification, budget and time constraints, and stakeholder satisfaction with the functioning system. Many of the issues which arise are due to poor communication with relevant stakeholders. Effective communication has...

Research Project Management in Theory and Practice

Introduction In the past decade, an increasingly higher number of organizations and project managers have begun to acknowledge the role played by project management. Most of the organizations’ undertakings are now categorized as projects. To better understand project management is important to differentiate between a project and project management. Project...

Industrial Age and Ascent of Private Enterprise

Introduction As the society moved on, its economic, political, and ideological systems transformed, and nowadays they are in the process of another transition. The world evolved from the archaic primitive forms of organization and interaction and now it faces numerous inevitable changes, introduced by the technological era. However, while trying...

Johnson & Johnson Ltd.: Supply Chain Management

Introduction The past few decades has witnessed a complete revolution on the way business is conducted and the approach through which organizations relate to one another. This has been facilitated by globalization, advancements in information technology, outsourcing, and a networked economy. Organizations are increasingly finding it necessary to rely on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Family Violence and Substance Abuse

Substance abuse refers to the total dependence on drugs that may result in very adverse effects on the individual’s health both physically and mentally. Substance abuse leads to addiction to the substances involved such that the individuals cannot be able to cope without their use. Substances that are normally abused...

The Great Depression and the New Deal Farm Policies

The Great Depression occurred during the late 1920s and the early 1930s. The years of the great depression were characterized by poverty, high unemployment, deflation, low profits and plunging farm incomes. The Great Depression started in the United States, spreading on to other parts of the world. The Great Depression...

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Case Study of The Community Festival

Executive Summary This report highlights some of the problems facing The Community Festival to warrant a need for change. The agency has poor and weak organizational structures, and this aspect is affecting the way it is run. The top management, including the supervisor and the Board of directors, has failed...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Diversity in the Workplace

Introduction The company that was initially chosen for this assignment is the Coca-Cola company. The home country that the assignment will be analyzing is the United States while the host country is Canada. Coca-Cola is a globally recognized brand that operates worldwide. International leaders need to be well-versed in a...

The United States Economy in Recent History: An Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators

Introduction The United States of America has instituted various fiscal and monetary policies to ensure that the economy remains competitive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy is the largest in the world although it faces numerous challenges. Since the global financial and economic crises of 2007 and...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Change and Negotiation Plan

Change and Negotiation Plan and Summary The role of managers in the organization is crucial since their work affects the levels of income and expenses, the implementation of organizational objectives, and they are responsible for personnel management. When a health care institution is to experience significant changes, the role of...

Consumption-Driven Future in “Brave New World” by Huxley

Introduction “Brave New World” is a dystopian (or utopian, depending on the reader’s view) science fiction novel that was written by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932 (Atwood par. 2). In this novel, Huxley displays a future based on consumerism, free sex, and drug addiction, which has an unyielding resemblance...

The American Experience Since 1945

Introduction History is shaped by people and events. The extent to which those factors can affect the pace of history is witnessed as the decades pass by and time is given to evaluate the true scale of influence. The only thing that matters is that there cannot be small and...

Public Safety Department of Connecticut vs. John Doe

Introduction The “Megan’s Law” in Connecticut asserts that an individual convicted of a sexual crime has to register with the a Public Safety department soon as he or she is released from conviction to join the society, the law at Connecticut also requires the former sexual convict to be registered...

International Gold Standard in 1880-1914

Introduction Centralized economic and monetary discussions were not common in the nineteenth century. Therefore, it is not easy to document the origins of the gold standard. During this period, there was a general acceptance that currencies should have a metallic content. However, the agreement did not entail a consensus on...

The Conflict between Russia and Chechnya

Introduction Russia which was formerly the Soviet Union (USSR) was a constituent of several republics which included Chechnya. Russia has continued to express its interest on controlling Chechnya owing to the control Chechnya has on its rich mineral land that’s famous for oil deposits and other valuable minerals like sulphur...

Relation Between Sleep and Work Productivity

Introduction In the busy and interconnected world of today, sleep is often a commodity not every person can afford. The importance of sleep as a resource and a human need can often be undervalued, especially with the raising needs of many workplaces and the social requirements each person bears. In...

Forster’s “The Machine Stops”: Into the Darkness We Walk

As children, our curiosities and wonders of the world are at their peak. We have just been brought into the world and are restless to venture out and explore, to experience the world first-hand. I remember having a sponge-like mind and the desire to satisfy my endless curiosity while growing...

Impact of the 2007-2009 Global Financial Recession

The 2007-2009 global financial crisis was an unprecedented economic disaster which affected many countries simultaneously and led to a global recession lasting for years. The crisis was triggered by the proliferation of high risk-financial products connected to subprime mortgages in the context of a deregulated environment. The Great Recession put...

Effectiveness of Punishment in Changing Behavior

Introduction The majority of people have been trying to change something in their lives for years, struggling to find an effective solution to their problems. According to the trans-theoretical model of behavioral change, change is a process with a number of stages (Hanson, 2020). They cannot be missed; everyone has...

Global Financial Management and Ethics in Governance

Introduction Since the worldwide financial recession of 2008, the global economic order has witnessed increased instances of trade wars, volatility, protectionism, and nationalism. The international economic situation is increasingly becoming challenging, making it hard for companies to expand to external markets. The paper assesses and discusses various aspects that help...

Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover

Introduction The management topic that has been chosen for this study is the importance of job satisfaction and its influence on the staff turnover. Employee turnover has been a subject of interest for many scholars, managerial practitioners, and organizational managers over the past decade. Employee turnover happens when employees willingly...

Coca-Cola Company and Its Marketing Strategy

Introduction The Coca-Cola Company is the leading manufacturer of beverages, selling more than a billion units a day. Coca-Cola’s red and white logo is undoubtedly the most recognised trademark in the whole world. The company’s headquarters are located in Atlanta, and their beverages take on four spots on the top-5...

Anxiety Disorder Definition: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Introduction Anxiety disorder refers to a mental condition where someone experiences considerable sensations of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness, while fear refers to an emotion experienced in anticipation of a specific pain or danger. Studies have established that people with anxiety disorder...

Titanic, Directed by James Cameron, From a Psychoanalytic, Marxist, and Feminist Lens

Introduction Titanic is a 1997 movie directed by James Cameron, which achieved substantial commercial success and positive critic reviews. Some people view Titanic as a story about the sinking of the eponymous ship in 1912, which was the largest vessel afloat at the time. They argue that the major plotline...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ramsey Health Care Firm’s Analysis and Recommendations

Executive Summary Ramsay Health Care is a healthcare provider through a global network of clinics, training, and research centers. The company’s global network covers ten countries, as well as institutions in 460 localities. Ramsay was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 1997 with a market capitalization of AU $...

Haitian Revolution as a Completely Independent Event

The Haitian Revolution was a conflict between the French colonists and the formerly enslaved people who experienced harsh conditions as they worked in the different plantations across the land. Historians state that the uprising was experienced from 1791 to 1804 and involved a series of attacks that involved the enslaved...

Factors to Consider During Designing and Introducing a Talent Management Program

Streamlined business processes and talent management are crucial to the success of any business. While good business processes are easy to acquire or design, the same does not apply to talent management. Difficulties in business operations cause overworking negation, and under-appreciation of talent, which can cause the exodus of the...

Samsung Company: Green Reverse Logistics and Supply Chains

Introduction Nowadays, the problem of ecology and pollution is essential as multiple factories have an adverse impact on the planet’s environment on a daily basis. The industry of electronic gadgets plays a significant role in this issue as all the plastic that is not recycled influences nature negatively. The following...

“St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” by Russell

Introduction The collection of short stories, St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, by Karen Russell presents tales narrated by adolescents that presents realistic detail of the miraculous phantasmagoric existence. Each story is infused with fantasy – dating of ghosts and humans in “Ava Wrestles the Alligator”, a song...

Edutopia Website Evaluation Using Bloom’s Taxonomy

Introduction The twenty-first century has become a challenging time for most educators. The technological process has influenced all areas of human activity, and the sphere of education has not been omitted too. Even more, the usage of technology and Internet-aided education in the classroom demonstrate remarkable outcomes. Most students are...

Using Animals in Medical Research

Introduction The use of animals for medical research has generated heated debate in recent times where certain quarters in society support the use of animals for research while others don’t. It is evident that the use of animals for research has enabled tremendous steps in the field of medicine that...

Islamic Banking Features Analysis

Introduction Islamic banking has been growing in popularity in MENA countries as a way of complying with Islamic principles. According to Mervyn and Algaoud (83), there has been pressure among the financial institutions to be compliant with some of the Islamic principles in their operational strategies. Shariah law prohibits charging...

Intensive Care Units: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Applications

Introduction The use of methodology is very central to research in any field. In medical practice, qualitative and quantitative approaches are used in the analysis of statistical and analytical data to inform research findings. The two commonly used research methodologies are quantitative and qualitative methods, both of which have got...

Training Programs for a High School Quarterback Football Player

Quarterback Football Player Quarterback is the most prominent position in a college football team. People envy and admire the players who play in these positions, and the players feature in different television football commercials. Apart from fame and popularity, it is one of the most demanding positions. It demands speed,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Effects of Celebrity Ratification on Brand Equity

Research Rationale Celebrity endorsements positively influence buying intentions, brand identification, memory, and purchase behavior. In addition, celebrity ratification surpasses a positive frame of mind toward an organization; however, there is little evidence on whether an international or national star has a similar influence on product standards in the local market....

Researching of Imprisonment System in the UK

Summary Is the use of imprisonment a credible way to respond to offending behavior? Imprisonment has long been accompanying human society throughout its history. As a place of detention, the prison existed in the most distant centuries. In ancient times, penitentiaries were set up to contain criminals, prisoners, and debtors,...

Emergency Operations Plan During Earthquake

Executive Summary Timeliness and quality of response to environmental challenges are the primary factors that can save the lives of thousands of people. The urgent need to prevent the disaster was the principal reason for creating this plan. The emergency management plan takes into account an overview of the environment...

Modern Art: Paintings and Representatives

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” was created by Pablo Picasso in 1907 in Paris. The artwork depicts a group of nude young prostitutes staring at a viewer, therefore breaking the fourth wall (Picasso, Les Demoiselles D’Avignon, n.d.). The painting is considered revolutionary because it symbolized the breakaway from...

Diversity in the Workplace: Bridging the Gap

Diversity management is an important aspect in organizational culture. The present study attempts to identify the relationship between diversity and the management perception and satisfaction in the organization. The study used a mixed-method approach to measure the satisfaction of the top management of a major Korean company, and indicate the...

Waste, Food and Transportation: Sustainable Development

Introduction Sustainability is one of the most crucial issues of the 21st century when it comes to development. In essence, countries, institutions, and individuals are seeking to engage in sustainable development practices (Mesci, Coruh & Ergun 75). Ottawa University is one of the institutions that have embraced sustainable practices. As...

White Supremacy and White Privilege in the US and Brazil

Introduction The purpose of the present paper is to compare the phenomena of white supremacy and white privilege in the United States of America and Brazil. It will be seen that oppressive racial disparities in both countries are more similar than what is often perceived. It will be done by...

Apple Inc.: Challenges in the Asian Region

Introduction The Asia-Pacific area is one of the world’s developed and fastest-growing economic regions. It has evolved as a crucial site for numerous multinational corporations, offering a broad range of benefits and prospects over the last decade. The introduction of Apple in the region has enabled realization of major challenges...

The Issue of the Poverty in the USA

Introduction The effects of poverty on an individual or society are multidimensional, affecting access to pillars of social protection such as education, employment, and affordable health care. The links between poverty and inequality are so bold that minority communities are often associated with the deprivation of basic life needs and...

American Division and Unity: The Political Economy of Financial Regulation

In recent years, partisanship has continued to be the dividing line in United States’ political agendas, far exceeding differences by religious affiliations, gender, age, race, ethnicity or educational attainment. The members of Congress and the Senate have gained a popular reputation for their capability to create partisan stalemate and have...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diversity in Baptist Hospital in South Florida

Introduction This paper seeks to examine the case of the Baptist Hospital based on a critical evaluation of the information available on its website. The different insights, experiences, and attributes of the workforce, the community, and suppliers, among other stakeholders, will be explored to weigh their perceptions regarding diversity. The...

Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits

Description of the human service program Human services programs focus on the prevention and remediation of problems and are characterized by the commitment to enhancing the population’s overall quality of life. The objective of satisfying human needs necessitated the development of human services programs in the US after the establishment...

Capital Punishment and Values in the United States

Introduction Listen closely to the debate about capital punishment in the United States. You will discover a disagreement about where the practice is located in a map of American values and practices. In the last century, the validity of capital punishment has become a debatable issue. Supporters of capital punishment...

Linear Accelerator in Radiation Therapy

Introduction Radiation therapy, more commonly known as radiotherapy, is the application of radiation as a mode of treating cancer, according to Dobbs et al. (1999). As a curative therapy, the method promotes survival and can eventually cure. As a palliative medication, the therapy can not offer cure, but it controls...

Hospitality Environmental Management Plan

Introduction There are numerous requirements when it comes to the construction of hotels or hospitality buildings. There are various construction standards set by the international organization for standardization (ISO) that are to be considered. The main aim of these requirements is to ensure that hotels are constructed in standards that...

Systemic Racism and Its Impact on Development

Introduction Topics such as xenophobia, chauvinism, ethnocentrism, extremism, terrorism have become firmly established in modern discourse; both specialists and the public are actively involved in their discussion. However, the problem of racism is clearly out of the focus of public attention. However, racism is still on the periphery of scientific...

Infants Born Prematurely and Learning and Behavioral Problems

Rationale Studies from the literature review suggest that an increasing number of infants who were born prematurely would have learning and behavioral problems when they reach school age. This may be due to various reasons such as parental education, family income, and marital status. Objective To determine whether children who...

Autonomous Vehicles Overview

Introduction The autonomous automobile concept is a novel technology that is being utilized in the production of automobiles. The technology will be installed in cars and light trucks to decrease traffic incidents, energy consumption, and environmental and noise contamination. The approach technology is performed and handled will also alter as...

Examining Solutions for Mitigating the Food and Water Security Issue

Introduction The emerging threat to the world’s food and water security is a crucial issue for the academic community. Access to clean and nourishing food and water is a requirement for any individual worldwide. However, in the current age, some countries are struggling to provide their citizens with these necessities...

Environment: Oil Drilling in the Arctic National Refuge

The question of whether to drill oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) or not to drill it at all has been one of the most controversial issues in the United States. Environmental conservationists hold one common view that drilling oil in the ANWR will cause irreversible damage to...

Advantages and Challenges of Green Supply Chain Management

Abstract Greening the supply chain refers to the inclusion of various innovative strategies aimed at reducing environmental pollution in the course carrying out the operations of a firm. It involves greening all the activities making up the supply chain. The process comprises four basics, viz. green purchasing, green manufacturing, green...

Field Trip to Ghana

Introduction Field trips offer a good learning experience for students. It is during such trips students have the opportunity to apply practical knowledge they have theoretically acquired in class. Over time, there has been a shift in regards to the purpose of travel. Initially, travel was meant to be a...

Comme Des Garçons’ Marketing Activities

Executive Summary The report provides a comprehensive overview of Comme des Garçons’ marketing activities. The brand was established in 1969 by Rei Kawakubo and currently has headquarters in Tokyo and Paris. It is a luxury brand that regularly presents collections on the catwalk, yet is also highly appealing to streetwear...

North American Immigration: Concepts of Immigration Tendencies

Introduction The experience of the immigrants in the USA may be regarded as one of the central aspects that formed the American nation. Originally, these are the immigrants from Europe (Ireland, Germany, Austria), South America (Mexico, Argentina, Puerto Rico), Asia (China, Japan, Korea), and Africa. It should be emphasized, that...

Class and Alienation According to Marx

Introduction Class and alienation in the common world seem to be inevitable and all human beings will never be equal in terms of economy, social, political, religion or philosophy. The social class throughout the world is evident, and the best example is the big gap between the rich and the...

“Etched in Sand” by Calcaterra

The book under discussion is written by Calcaterra R. and is called “Etched in sand: A true story of five siblings who survived an unspeakable childhood on Long Island.” It can be viewed as an author’s memoir of her abusive childhood full of difficult situations and challenges. Regina, the main...

Green Criminology: Environmental Harm in the Niger Delta

Introduction The field of green criminology is relatively new, gaining popularity in the last two decades from where it was interpreted to mean urban crime problems according to Lynch (1990). This lack of attention was not a result of a lack of awareness on changes in the environment as a...

Lab Experiment on Animals’ Taste or Smell Senses

Abstract All animals depend on their taste or smell senses, as functionality for locating and choosing food – whether the foods are animal, plant or other compounds. This function is made possible by chemoreceptors, which are located at the taste buds of the tongue, especially, for humans. Inquiries into the...

The Impact of Marijuana Studies

Introduction The use of recreational and medicinal drugs is a topic of public discussion across the world. Many people are concerned with the influence of marijuana, which is an important subject due to cannabis having substantial negative consequences but also being affiliated with certain health advantages (Dahlke et al., 2022,...

The Aeneid Contextual Analysis

Introduction In the Aeneid, Virgil depicts the culture of ancient Rome, notably the notions and values of honor, known as pietas, which the ancient Romans valued highly. Virgil expands on this pietas code through the character of Aeneas and his interactions with people and the world. He accomplishes this by...

Evolution of Food Photography: From Daguerreotypes to Digital Storytelling

Introduction Food photography has developed throughout time via improvements in technology, techniques, and interest. Photos of food have been taken, shared, and appreciated for decades, from ambrosia salads in the 1970s to the current trend of upside-down acai bowls and elaborate latte art. The trend of food photography began as...

Hilton Worldwide: Market Conditions and Competitiveness

Introduction Hilton Worldwide is a United States-based multinational hospitality business. Conrad Hilton founded the company in Cisco, Texas, in 1919 (Hilton, 2022a). Through innovation, expansion, and acquisition of other related companies, Hilton now has the best-performing portfolio in the industry. Currently, the company’s head office is located in Tysons Corner,...

Library Systems: Quality Services

Introduction Process mapping refers to the technique of utilization of workflow diagram to illustrate process flow, generate ideas for improvement, and enhance understanding of organization’s operation in achieving a specific goal. Formulation of process diagram requires initial identification of the process, the collection of information from the population, proper identification...

Business Ethics: Indian Tea Plantations Workers

Introduction In the modern world of business, it is important to take into account the ethical issues, for their neglect can lead to dire consequences. In this paper, we will consider the case of severe violation of workers’ rights exposed by Rowlatt and Deith (2015). The ethical issues of the...

Management and Leadership in Healthcare

The professional level and quality of medical management are primarily related to the safety of medical care. However, one cannot ignore the fact that both the safety and quality of medical services are closely related to the quality of management of a medical organization. The effectiveness of this management can...

What Does It Mean to Be a Hero in Literature?

Introduction Since the dawn of time, there has been intense discussion about the definition of a hero. The original heroes were sons of humankind and deity who first appeared in classical Greek literature. There are significant differences between the Ancient Greek and contemporary ideas of heroism. A hero in the...

The Animation and Cinematography Business in Nigeria

Introduction The Cinematography and Animation business has been flourishing in Nigeria. The business needs to be tracked effectively while the relevant information drawn to ensure that the film industry has developed with time. The reflective report under discussion will dwell on preliminaries on adopting effective business plan related to the...

Motivation Theories and Their Effectiveness in Workplace Settings

Introduction Motivation is a strategic approach that inspires people to improve their performance by providing rewards based on their unmet needs. Motivation is an internal desire to fulfill an unmet need and attain a certain objective (Nurun Nabi & Dip TM, 2017). Given that motivated employees are the foundations of...

Business and Economics: The Evolution and Impacts of the Ponzi Scheme

A Ponzi scheme is a form of investment scam whereby clients are promised lucrative returns. Ideally, organizations that engage in these fraudulent investing scams direct their attention to attracting new investors. The earlier investors are paid using the money collected from the new entrants as returns. The schemes promise individuals...

The Cloning of a DNA Fragment, and a Southern Blot

Southern blotting can either be used in the determination of small fragment of a single gene or a large DNA sequence such as part of the genome of an organism. Therefore southern blotting is an invaluable tool in DNA technology. This method was discovered in the 1970s by Edward Southern...

Popular Research Paper Topics

North Korea: High Mortality Rates

North Korea, or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it is officially called, one of the most controversial states in modern society. Despite presenting itself as a completely self-sufficient socialist state, it has been declared a totalitarian dictatorship, built around the all-pervasive cult of personality of the ruling Kim family....

Tesco Company Strategic Positioning and Competitiveness

Tesco Company Analysis: Introduction Tesco, PLC is one of the leading grocery supermarkets in the world with over 4,330 stores spread in 14 different countries in Europe, America, and Asia (Datamonitor 2010). The company’s first store was established in 1919 in the United Kingdom (Tesco 2010). It is currently a...

Christianity and Postmodernism: a Comprehensive Comparison

The society of today is at a stage that is ultimately defined by a structure so complex that it is no more perceivable by traditional means. Crucial changes to the fabric of human societies entail a mental paradigm shift that is first recognized by the cultural figures and later on...

The Role of Disney Propaganda During the Cold War

Introduction From the 1950s until the early 1990s, Cold War anxieties profoundly affected practically every element of life in the U.S. The widespread apprehension of Soviet dominance and communism usually resulted in strong and impassioned political opinions, which finally influenced the attitudes and behaviors of common citizens and political and...

Adverse Effects of Patents on Innovation in Business

Introduction The field of business comprises various methods and processes implemented to realize competitiveness. Many governments use the patent system as a tool for incentive development and increasing research as they promote innovation check-ups. Companies seek and apply such techniques using exceptional means and operations to stimulate maximum profitability. Therefore,...

The Problem of Illegal Immigration to the United States

Introduction Today in the United States there are up to 20 million people considered “illegal aliens”, which means illegal immigrants (McFadyen, par.1). One of the topics of this last presidential and senate campaign was if the United States should offer a path to legalization for illegal immigrants. This is an...

Research Methods for Business Students

Introduction This article compares two research papers based on the understanding of various criteria. The first paper is titled, “How do suppliers relationships contribute to success in conference and events management?” and is authored by Susan M. Ogden and Eileen McCorriston of the Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK. In our...

Enigma and Its Decoding

Introduction With the advent of telegraph and radio communications in the XX century, the interception of messages became commonplace. At the same time, the complexity of ciphers and volumes of correspondence significantly increased the risk of errors during encryption. The story of Enigma and its decoding might be among the...

The Problems of Surgical Leadership

Introduction The presented paper offers a literature review and evidence synthesis for a proposal that targets the problems of surgical leadership (SRL), team performance, and shared leadership (SL) in surgical settings. There is very little information about SRL, even though it is acknowledged as a critical element of providing high-quality...

The Healthcare Information: Security and Privacy

Teaching Hospital Employees The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is the primary legislation that regulates how personal health-related information is managed by healthcare institutions. Because of the increasing number of privacy-related issues concerning this data, it is imperative that all employees have the necessary knowledge and training to...

A Critical Nursing Shortage: Reasons, Strategy

Introduction Job discontent has been traditionally known to be quite high in the field of nursing. Besides innumerable other problems, nurses express their anguish about a number of major disquiets, that relates to staffing issues, respect, approval, and wages, and such matters of dissatisfactions ate to a great extent having...

Effects of Music Therapy on the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

Abstract Clinicians have, over the years, recognized and utilized the therapeutic properties of music in alleviating the psychological and behavioral symptoms of dementia for patients and their caregivers. Dementia encompasses a range of conditions and diseases characterized by the progressive impairment and deterioration of a person’s cognitive domains. Without a...

COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Hospitals

Background Information Developed technological know-how directly relates to better-quality patient outcomes and safety. The use of upgraded technology in hospitals and healthcare facilities is growing significantly. Researchers predict an upsurge in global data to 44 zettabytes, with 80% being unstructured while 60% duplicating the original information (Mohamed, 2017, p. 4)....

Nike’s “Dream Crazier” Advertisement Analysis

Introduction In the recent past, digital marketing has grown in popularity and is now employed by several businesses worldwide. Because today’s technology and business ecosystem are undergoing massive transformations, businesses must adapt fast and effectively. Gorbatov, Khapova, and Lysova (2018) define branding as the process of drafting a unique product...

Feminist Practices and Representation of Women Characters in Little Women

Abstract This essay focuses on Alcott’s Little Women as a feminist novel and explores the representations of feminism in the text. In that, my exploration is on three areas to showcase Alcott’s feminism in the novel. First, I argue Little Women is a novel that presents writing as a feminist...

Christian Theism, New Spiritualism and Pantheism

Introduction In today’s society, it is clear that there are various perspectives on the world. Many individuals believe that there is a greater power known as God (Christians), and others believe that the government should be the highest mode of authority (Marxists/Communists). While other groups suppose that, there should be...

Globalization and Businesses in New Economies

Introduction Globalization has led to the emergence of numerous trends and challenges for business operations in the 21st Century economies. The contemporary business environment is more dynamic due to the effects of the high rate of globalization. Most economies in the world are growing on a worldwide scale, thus increasing...

Pathos, Logos and Ethos in Charles Dickens’ Works

Introduction Charles Dickens is one of the most renowned authors of English literature, and this stems from his skillful use of pathos, ethos and logos in his pieces. A Tale of Two Cities was a remarkable depiction of how the French revolution affected the lives of its people, but more...

Wealth Inequality Effects on American Democracy

Abstract The democracy models used in the United States are geared toward influencing the development of administrations that foster equality among the citizens. However, over the past several decades, inequalities in the distribution of wealth have led to an erosion of democratic rights across the socioeconomic board. The majority of...

Virtual Team Management: Skills and Practices

The development of information technology has prompted significant changes in the way people live in work. In particular, the Internet provided opportunities for people to communicate and collaborate across borders, thus forming the basis of virtual teams. The use of virtual teams offers many benefits to businesses since it allows...

Wal-Mart: Strategic Management Analysis

Introduction The global economy is facing a downturn due to looming oil prices. The US economy is in recession and it has hit the corporate America. Even in such a scenario, Wal-Mart Inc.’s, United States’ sales and profit surged in the first quarter of 2008. even then the giant discount...

The Role of Women in “The Things They Carried”

Introduction While looking at Tim O’Brien’s book and what the author implements in it according to the role of women, one can surely guess of an unfair attitudinal background represented by men being involved in Vietnam War. This point is emphasized in many episodes where women were blamed and criticized...

Criminal Justice Policy in England and Wales

Introduction The England and Wales criminal justice system (CJS) is a ministerial department under the Ministry of Justice, which oversees the administration of justice in the country. It is an elaborate governmental infrastructure consisting of such institutions as the police, prosecution service, courts, and prison establishments. Over the years, the...

Canada and the Cold War in Relation to Korea

Introduction The Korean Peninsula remained under Japanese colonial rule until the defeat of Japan in World War II. The Soviet Union and the United States of America led the Allied forces to force Japan to exit the Korean Peninsula in September 19451. Subsequently, the peninsula was divided into South and...

“The Journey of the Magi” by Stefano di Giovanni

Introduction The Metropolitan Museum of Art is among the most well-known art institutions in the world. The museum was established in 1870 to provide art and arts programs to the citizens of the United States. The main structure in New York City is located on Manhattan’s Upper Eastside. Its exhibitions...

Evaluation Approach for Improving Education, Training, and Innovation

There are various aspects that should be considered when developing an evaluation approach. In the case of developing it for the improvement of education, training, and innovation, it is necessary to use basic rules of design while understanding the nuances of the specific area that is going to be evaluated...

The Malthusian Theory: A Critical Overview

Introduction The topic of population growth has gained traction from scholars in different disciplines. An increase in the number of people means that the economy should be large enough to sustain the housing, consumption needs, institutions, and resources such as land required for infrastructural purposes. Developed and developing economies are...

The Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy, Traditional Education, and NLP Knowledge in Patient Care

Abstract Natural language processing (NLP) technologies have been widely acknowledged in clinical informatics research and have led to transformational improvements in recent years. Annotations at the different morphological levels require model-specific attributes and features, such as document content regarding patient status and report type. Document types include medical histories, named...

Integrated Leadership Development Program

Impact of Contextual Factors on Leadership and Management Development Leadership Development Leadership development entails activities designed to prepare current and future leaders to perform their roles efficiently. One of the primary roles of leadership development entails boosting employee engagement. This strategy trains leaders on increasing interaction, encouraging feedback, and improving...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evolution and Challenges of Modern Advertising

Introduction There has been significant evolution in the advertising industry from traditional advertising methods such as newspapers, print media, and television to digital advertising based on the internet. Therefore, advertising research has moved from considering consumers as passive to interact-ability, where consumers are active (Rathi et al., 2022). This has...

Marriott Resort in Cancun: Organization Development

Introduction Tourism is one of the primary economic sectors for many countries, including Mexico. The state’s most visited tourist area is Cancun, which is located on the Caribbean littoral and has a wide variety of resorts, such as Marriott (Balbuena Vázquez & López López, 2020). Cancun is a beach destination...

Leaders: Sam Hazen and Daniel Roth

Introduction The success of any organization or venture depends on the person who leads the group involved in completing that mission. Leadership is defined as “the art of influencing others to their maximum performance to accomplish any task, objective or project” (Vasilescu, 2019, p. 48). However, to be an effective...

Modern Social Stratification in Weber’s Theory

Introduction Social stratification has been an integral aspect of society for centuries. Factors for social stratification differ by country and the stage of the society’s development. Social stratification inevitably leads to inequality due to division into social classes. Moreover, the aspects of racial and gender inequality should be considered (Keister...

Objective Knowledge Based on Experience and Culture

There is a great debate throughout the course of history as to what the concept of knowledge ought to refer to. A great amount of literature has been written on this controversial topic with scholars and philosophers pitting their impressive brainpower towards a possible definition of what knowledge is. However,...

Creatine as an Ergogenic Aid

Introduction Ergogenic aids are substances that when used by an individual especially an athlete, lead to improved physiological, psychological as well as mechanical well being hence significantly improving the performance in sporting activities. Several substances can be categorized as Ergogenic aids with some being legal while others are banned for...

John Donne and His Literary Works

Introduction There are many great writers whose literary works still fascinate people and are studied by students and researchers. One such person is John Donne – an Anglican cleric and English writer of the late sixteenth – early seventeenth century. Researchers note that his art “is distinguished by its emotional...

Google: Organizational Culture & Company Values — Organizational Culture Essay

This Google organizational culture case study analyzes the Google business culture from the management theory perspective. It considers the company’s corporate values and their benefits and problems. What is Google’s organizational culture? As this analysis shows, it focuses on a comfortable working environment and employee reward and recognition. This essay...

Bottega Veneta: Brand Identity and Brand Evaluation

Executive Summary Bottega Veneta is a globally renowned brand, yet its performance could use a bit of a boost due to the need for expansion that the company has been experiencing recently. Product diversification and the creation of a new line of goods can be mentioned as available solutions for...

Telemedicine in the Mount Sinai Hospital

In this project, healthcare organizations will be considered, i.e., the hospitals and medical clinics are the major areas of research. The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York is the best example of hospitals that needs telemedicine. A significant number of hospitals has ignored the positive impacts of technology on the...

The SunRice Rice Production Company’s Strategy

Introduction SunRice is an Australian company supplying rice food products to almost 50 countries worldwide. The company consists of eleven businesses producing more than thirty brands and employs more than 2000 employees (SunRise, 2021, p 43). It is headquartered in Leeton, and its main growing area is New South Wales...

Analysis of Geriatric Cardiology Services in Australia

Introduction Cardiovascular disorders (CVD), which include myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, and cardiogenic shock, are the primary causes of death among Australia’s aging population. This factor indicates that the need for reliable, efficient, and accessible Cardiology service is critical in enhancing care. However, there is a problem in the health system...

Bone Marrow Donation Process and Eligibility

Abstract The paper discusses various legitimate standpoints, issues of moral, ethics and interprofessionalism that emerge in the bone marrow donation process and eligibility conditions. Some emphasis is put on how these factors shape the public, societal and judicial approach on the subject of bone marrow donation. The impact of these...

Cycled Lighting and Patient Recovery

Defining an EBP Question The Evidence-Based Practice was developed to provide high-quality patient care. According to Dang and Dearholt (2017), “EBP integrates the best available scientific evidence with the best available experiential (patient and practitioner) evidence” (p. 4). Many problems could be examined and solved with the help of the...

Social Distancing as Prevention

Introduction Social distancing or physical distancing is a complex of non-pharmacological sanitary and epidemiological measures aimed at stopping or declining the spread of an infectious disease. Social distancing means limiting close contacts between people, even if they are not sick, not being in any of the risk groups. It is...

Balanced Scorecard: Philips Electronics and Futura Industries

Introduction The balanced scorecard is a performance gauging tool that is meant to match business activities with the company’s vision statement. It is a strategic planning system that can be used to monitor business activities and the results that arise from these activities. A survey undertaken by Bains and Company...

Implementing Sound Therapy in the Saudi Arabia Context

Executive Summary This paper describes the essence of sound healing, its types, benefits, and origins to create a solid background for its implementation into national centers in Saudi Arabia. Being introduced centuries ago, vibrational medicine was proved as sufficient practice to improve their emotional and physical well-being. Today, the community’s...

Digital Economy: Amazon Prime’s Market Promotion

Introduction Market promotion is an integral aspect of any business’s development, which is particularly important in the era of globalization. Modern organizations employ a variety of strategies and technologies designed to increase interest in their brands and expand their customer base, thereby generating revenue. Despite proven business development models and...

College-to-Career Gap and Contributing Factors

Introduction The career college gap in the United States is an issue that has been gaining attention in recent years. This gap is evidenced by the fact that individuals from low-income and minority backgrounds are less likely to pursue a college education and the relatively lower rates of college graduation...

Terrorism: Irish Republican Army History and Ideologies

Abstract According to the Council on Foreign Affairs (2010), the official or Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) was formed after conflicts occurred between the members of the larger IRA. The initial IRA group was known for its efforts to fight the reign of the British rule in Ireland. In the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Developing and Management Skill

Introduction Management is a complex field that requires a comprehensive approach in order to satisfy the expectations of the stakeholders. A number of skills have been identified as essential for enhancing organizational performance and maintaining a positive culture that promotes innovation and creativity. The following report analyses five skills incorporated...

Netherlands and Lebanon: Hofstede’s Cultural Model

Brief Introduction of the Aim of the Report This report seeks to analyse the issue of cross-cultural communication. The report is about the Clever Clogs International Company, which deals with financial matters. The prospective nature of its business operations makes the company seek to expand its operations in The Netherlands....

US Economy and Historical Changes in 1929-2016

History of Changes in GDP, Savings, Investments, Real Interest Rates. Forecasts for the Next Five Years First, it is important to evaluate the historical changes in the US’s GDP that directly relates to the dynamics of the economic growth of the country. Beginning with the crash of the stock market...

The Treatment of Asians and Asian-American Groups in the US

Introduction Asians and the Asian-American population have rapidly continued to be on the rise, especially in North America. The Chinese Filipinos are the first Asians to settle in the United States, after which many Asians have moved there (Tessler et al., 2020). Asians are diverse in language, culture, values, and...

West Kendall: Environment and Community

Description of the Community Overview West Kendall is home to hundreds of people that have both been born here or have migrated from different countries through the years. As of today, Hispanics make up a big percentage of the population in Kendall. We have immigrants from all over the world...

ADHD and Socially Constructed Impairment

Introduction ADHD is a complex mental health disorder predominantly diagnosed in children, but often persisting to adulthood. Although it can have a spectrum of different symptoms, mostly attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is characterised by increased impulsivity, difficulties in controlling attention, and hyperactive behaviour. ADHD severely complicates the life of people suffering from...

Impact of Diversity on Health and Social Care Provision

Abstract Numerous studies have indicated that many patients are dissatisfied with most of the services that are offered by healthcare organizations. It is evident that many of such services are partly due to issues that pertain to favoritism. Such complaints can be curbed through the implementation of appropriate approaches to...

The Beatles Band’s Strategic Musical Evolution

Introduction The Beatles created the aura of rock music in the US through their classical masterpiece releases that revolutionized rock and roll to the enchanting genre it is today. The musical characteristics of a song are the features that captivate the target audience and ensure it maintains its competitive edge...

Constellation Brands Company’s Analysis

Executive Summary Constellation Brands has gained a rather impressive status in the global food and beverage industry. The organization has been using the strength of its team as the primary asset and the competitive advantage that drives its development. However, Constellation Brands could use a change to adjust to new...

Frederic Chopin’s Analytical Biography

Frederic Chopin was one of the renowned musicians. His composing style was very effective in the music world (Samson, 1994). Initially, he did many experiments to compose techniques of piano playing which later on brought revolutionary changes in music and well esteemed by all. He had a good-looking and polite...

Media Events and Rituals: Durkheim, Turner and Lee

Introduction Media rituals are a part of media culture influenced by national and corporate traditions. It is not difficult to see that a medium of communication in the modern world can require very considerable resources, skills, organization, and sophisticated technology. Thus, we talk in overall terms of the communications industry...

Obsessive-Compulsive and Eating Disorders in Children

Introduction Childhood mental and developmental disorders include a range of emotional, neurodevelopmental, and behavioral disorders that have an extensive influence on social and psychological well-being. They represent an emerging and persistent challenge to health care systems around the world. Children with such disorders need significant support from their families or...

Operation Eagle Claw: Action Plan and Significance

Introduction The United States government always does whatever it takes to rescue its citizens from the dangerous hands of terrorists. Over the past, the government has launched several rescue missions to salvage captured Americans from terrorists or any perilous groups. Although some of the operations failed, most of them were...

The JBL Noise-Canceling Headphones Advert: Semiotic Approach

Introduction Semiotics refers to the study of signs and symbols to derive their meanings. The literary doctrine deals with how people assign meaning to signs, words, and symbols. The interpretation of signs extrapolates the message to create a tagline or emotional connection with the audience (Batu 2012). Therefore, semiotics is...

Personal Leadership Style, Traits, and Approaches

Introduction Leadership is a unique position within a social group that involves influencing other individuals to achieve goals. Leaders have always existed both in the animal world and in human society. Plato already asked questions about leadership emergence, and other researchers have repeatedly addressed this issue. The central conflict among...

The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency: Definition and Analysis

Due to its complex nature incorporating social, psychological, biological, and other factors, the problem of juvenile delinquency needs to be addressed from several perspectives, the social one being the critical component of a comprehensive analysis. Combined with economic and financial issues, social stereotypes and prejudices often serve as roadblocks to...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Combat Veterans

Introduction Over the past three centuries mental outcomes war-related syndromes had various names as shell shock, combat neurosis, combat fatigue, mental conflict, or mechanical impact exhaustion (Shalev and others, 1996). Each name represented a theoretical outlook to the cause of mental trauma (Shalev and others, 1996). The diagnosis of posttraumatic...

The Agile Approach in Terms of Encouraging Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration

Introduction The senior leadership decision, after three months of a waterfall approach, to now pivot the entire program and wider organization that it sits within to an Agile methodology of design and delivery is driven by three specific issues, namely: the need for the newly formed organization, resourced with a...

Strategic Use of IT, IS to Achieve Competitive Advantage

Introduction The very basic definition of competitive advantage can be found in its description regarding a firm’s position in comparison to another which is considered its competitor. A competitive advantage is said to have occurred when an organization develops or acquires some attributes or a combination of qualities that makes...

The Accounting Profession: Impact of Emerging Technologies

Introduction Technology is altering how individuals do businesses, and as a result, accounting must also keep developing. Several technological trends have developed due to the information overload that ushered in the fourth industrial revolution, an era in which cyber-physical interactions will alter business (Berikol & Killi, 2021)1. As science advances...