Digital Blackface: The Popular Fashion

The Internet gives us plenty of opportunities to pretend to be somebody we are not. Most people live relatively unremarkable, generic lives, consisting of everyday human events — studies, work, maybe some time with family and friends. There is nothing shameful in it; however, a wish of fulfillment causes people...

Becoming a Culturally Competent Nurse

As described by Jana Lauderdale, cultural competence is a continuum with extreme humility on one end and extreme openness on another end. It implies keeping close to one’s own beliefs and concepts and being open to what patients may tell you if you ask. In other words, in terms of...

Disadvantage in American Criminal Justice System

The American justice system is based on the Constitution of the US that preaches freedom, independence, and the governmental protection of its citizens’ well-being. Further, some other liberties and rights are made to protect the victim and the defendant from any injustice. However, I cannot agree that the present American...

Online Learning as an Integral Component of the Education System

Online education has become an integral component of today’s learning system in schools. The students who cannot afford, access, and attend physical classes opt to leverage online classes to ensure they complete their courses on time (Busteed, 2019). Online education’s success is attributable to the numerous benefits it offers to...

Discussion of Mobile Payments Aspects

The first of the three mobile payments are the proximity payment systems that use a point-of-sale tool that involves the participating merchants. Examples of such merchants include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. The second is the branded proximity payment system which involves making payments at only one select...

Researching of Decision-Making Models

Comparison of Models There are two models that can be utilized to make a decision, for instance, the hiring one. The first one is the rational decision-making model, which consists of eight steps. These stages are: identification of the problem, the establishment of decision criteria, decision criteria weighting, generation of...

Sports Chaplaincy in a Fatherless Age

In chapter 6, ‘Doing Sports Chaplaincy in a Fatherless Age,’ the various themes include fatherhood and fatherless biblical overview, fatherlessness in the contemporary era, and the duty of sports chaplains in caring for players’ souls. According to the biblical overview, God’s fatherhood is a significant belief and story throughout the...

IQ Determinants: The Bell Curve Publication

The Bell Curve publication elaborates on the variations in intelligence in society. Racial differences and genetics have been used as the primary measures in assessing the levels of the intelligence quotient. The authors present an argument that environmental and inherited factors greatly influence human IQ (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994). Based...

Analysis of “Fahrenheit 451” by Bradbury

The relationship between Faber and Montag in the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury has a special role for this work. It should be noted that these relationships are mentoring in nature, because Faber is one of the mentors of Montag. Moreover, Faber exerts a certain influence on Montag, encouraging...

Displaced Persons’ Relocation: Perspectives’ Comparison

The two texts – “Displaced Persons in Germany: Present Operations” and “The Trains of Misery” – present the same situation in a different light. The first paper, written by the War Department, shows a government view of displaced persons’ relocation efforts, while the second one provides a first-person account of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Barriers to Effective Decision-Making in Organizations

Decision-making is a complicated process, and many barriers can decrease its effectiveness and lead to negative consequences for organizational performance. In addition, those barriers are often connected, meaning that the manager’s inability to overcome one of them can make another more dangerous for the company and the other way around....

Living Alone: The Rise of the Trend

There are two main cultural and economic forces that contribute to the development of this trend. Firstly, the market continues inventing and producing tools and devices for the household that simplify the performance of housekeeping duties (Family diversity is the new normal for America’s children, 2022). Therefore, people, particularly women,...

Film “Dead Man Walking” by Tim Robbins

Freedom hits different when one has a life outside the walls of a prison, whereas those in prison are only free within their cells. On top of that, there is a different feeling for those set to get life in prison and those condemned to death, whereby a shooting squad,...

Analysis of Steam Deck Benefits

People have to admit that video games are no longer reserved for children or hardcore gamers. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person who did not hear about Valve or at least its famous Steam gaming platform. More so, you might have heard about the newest handheld console device...

Export and Import in World Economy and International Trade

Introduction In today’s global economy, consumers are used to seeing products from all over the world in their local grocery stores and retail stores. In general terms, international trade is a means by which countries can develop a specialization, increase the productivity of their resources, and thus increase overall output....

The Impact of Using Technology in Teaching English as a Second Language

The publication underscores the impact of educational technology and modern language teaching tools on teaching English as a second language. The paper is based on a qualitative analysis of the impacts and roles played by information technology on English Language Learning (ELL) students. The questionnaire method is used to collect...

Poverty, Housing, and Community Benefits

Poverty and Housing In the Houston area, there are communities less than 15 miles apart from where higher their eventual income varies by $50,000. This inequality that exists now can be traced back through the region’s history. Years of discriminatory federal, state, and local policies focused on preserving racial segregation...

Technological Skills for Educators

The ICT Division 4 represents an important population that has to acquire a better understanding of the nature of technology in order to make the best use of it after graduation. This means that the key strengths and weaknesses of digital instruments should be identified and analyzed based on real-world...

Machiavelli’s The Prince: Political Virtue or Unethical Governance?

The Prince political treatise is known for being rather controversial and making people have conflicting ideas, which affected the reputation of the text’s creator Niccolò Machiavelli. Some interpret the book as immoral and encouraging cruel rule in which Machiavelli promotes unethical governance. However, others consider this writing to be a...

Humans and Their Global Home at Earth

Introduction Planet Earth has always served humankind as both a parent and a home. For most of its time, human civilization has lived in harmony with nature’s processes, rules, and laws. Human beings did painful and damaging things to the Earth’s ecosystem, but most of them were local, not global....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Drug Abuse Problem in Indiana

Dear Representative Cherry, As your constituent and a supporter of the human services program, I am writing to urge you to protect the value of healthy lifestyle and emphasize the necessity of improving drug and substance abuse control methodologies. In Indiana, drug misuse is a severe societal problem that demands...

The Discussion of Power: “Come September”

The article Come September by Arundhati Roy presents a perception of power as a tool to control an American way of life. It provides a number of examples of how the power was used to ruin the lives of peaceful citizens during armed conflicts, coups, and interventions initiated and supported...

The Battle of Jonesborough During the Civil War

Introduction The Civil War resulted from the conflict between the system of wage labor in the North and slavery in the South. This confrontation repeatedly raised the issue of secession of the South, which was not in the government’s interests. As a result, the victory of Abraham Lincoln in the...

The Importance of the 1812 War in American History

The War of 1812 is still one of American history’s least studied and known wars. Contemporary scholars refer to it as the “Second American Revolution.” It became a significant turning point, changing the American party system, breaking the resistance of Native Americans, and laying the ground for the partnership of...

Fighting Addictions: A Personal Reflection

Thinking of addiction, I realize that it comes at a high cost, and we must be aware of its consequences to not let ourselves or anyone become an addict. I believe that any sort of substance/action obsession has a damaging effect either on the physical or mental health of an...

Architecture: Special Features of Sankt Petersburg

Despite the current attitudes toward Russians and their history, it is hard to deny that this country has several remarkable places for fascination. St. Petersburg is one of the largest and greatest Russian cities, characterized by glorious buildings, landscapes, and other special features. After watching the offered YouTube clips picturing...

Discussion: Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding

The advantages of breastfeeding over formula feeding still represent a popular research topic. Guzzardi et al. (2020) studied the intellectual development of eighty infants to explore connections between the type of nutrition and developmental patterns later in life. Within the frame of data analysis, the researchers drew comparisons between exclusive...

Zero-Based Budgeting in Federal Budget Process

Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is a different approach to creating a budget. While most strategies for budgeting account for the history of previous transactions, ZBB does not operate on financial history and automatically included payments (Coyte et al., 2020). Therefore, each period in the budget is planned from a clean slate,...

Hamilton and Burr’s Duel: History Education

Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr’s duel is one of the most renowned in American history. The two political adversaries met on a dueling site in Weehawken, New Jersey, on July 11, 1804 (History Education, 2011). Hamilton’s shot was intentionally or unintentionally high. Burr’s bullet penetrated Hamilton’s liver and stuck in...

The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act

The main innovation under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) is that payment for medical services is based not on workload but on value to the patient. Under this system, there are two types of financial incentives for healthcare professionals: the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and alternative...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Variable-Cost Pricing vs. Full-Cost Pricing

It is hard to disagree that in order to succeed and remain competitive, companies need to consider numerous factors and choose between many different strategies. For instance, it is essential to select the most beneficial pricing method. The purpose of this paper is to review the key differences between variable-cost...

Parks and Their Effects on People’s Physical and Mental Health

The well-being of people relies on good health, however, it can be hindered by disorders related to physical and mental health. Both physical and mental health are critical in the overall well-being of individuals and society as a whole. They are key factors that enable people to make sound decisions,...

Society Should Get Rid of Birthday Celebration as a Norm

A birthday is a personal celebration of people that occurs only once a year. It is generally accepted that the people around them try to greet the person and make it the happiest day of the year. It is essential to note that some individuals are happy to accept congratulations,...

“The Library of Babel” by Jorge Luis Borges

Introduction Jorge Luis Borges is a talented writer and a gifted personality who has created many wonderful and influential literary works. Perceiving the library in the context of his multifaceted picture of the world, Borges wrote a significant work, “The Library of Babel.” This narrative focuses on the description of...

Power and Authority Concerning Government and Politics

Introduction Having power and having authority can be discussed as interrelated but different concepts in relation to governmental and political dynamics. The aspect of having power is associated with the capacity to influence and control others’ behaviors and certain events. Authority, on the other hand, is the recognized right to...

Discussion: Alcohol in Pregnancy

It is significant to emphasize that the safe level of alcohol that a woman can drink during pregnancy has not been confirmed. If females drink alcohol during pregnancy, some alcohol will transfer through the placenta to the baby. Accordingly, not drinking alcohol during pregnancy is the only safe option for...

Iran’s Nuclear Energy and Relations with Israel

The Islamic Republic of Iran repudiates claims that it manufactures as well as possesses weapons of mass destruction. Iran is a signatory to a number of United Nations statutes and international treaties. The fact that Iran has questioned the existence of Israel as Jews homeland and threatened to annihilate it...

Qualitative Data Analysis and Trustworthiness

When the researcher deals with qualitative data, the concepts of reliability and validity are not applicable. Instead of that, trustworthiness must be established. This can be done in the following ways (Creswell, 2013): by establishing credibility, which contributes to the general trustworthiness of the information since it is created as...

Ethical Terrorist Elimination in the United States

Terrorism is one of the most important issues to resolve in the modern world since it usually involves a high number of victims. It could be said that its central goal is to evoke chaos, misbalance, and panic in the society. In this instance, terrorism violates the rights of the...

Apple Company: Strategy and Problems Analysis

Historical Major Competitive Advantages for Apple Apple’s historical competitive advantages included: development of easy-to-use personal computers; innovative industrial design in the development of the computers such as the use of graphical user interface (GUI); technical elegance; development of superior software, and; employment of horizontal and vertical integration. Analysis of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Barriers to Cultural Competence

There is no doubt that national culture, traditions, and customs impact our behaviors and shape self-identity. In its turn, cultural and social identity largely defines actions and decisions every person makes, influences his or her social orientations and preferences. At the same time, the term “cultural competence” implies the ability...

Information Literacy: Credibility and Peer Review

Credibility is one of the central aspects of any research project. For this reason, there is a specific peer review cycle needed to determine the nature of a study. Among all points of this process, I differentiate the evaluation of methods used for the research and recommendation for publishing as...

Classism in Multi-Ethnic Society

As humans cannot exist in a vacuum, people’s surroundings and the environment in which they live may affect both their personality and approaches to life, based on their education, family life, and job prospects. These circumstances help create the propagation of wealthy and poor people coming from their respective communities....

“How American Universities Turned Into Corporations” the Article by Andrew Rossi

The current situation concerning student debt is of extreme importance for US citizens and authorities. The problem is well described in the article “How American Universities Turned into Corporations” by Andrew Rossi published in Time journal. Rossi explains that the core problem behind the increasing debt of US students is...

Nursing Organizations and Their Importance

I believe that there is always a pressing need for organizations for nurses as they play a crucial role in providing all kinds of professional support, generating new ideas and innovative solutions, and organizing nurses’ collaboration (Williams, Fulbrook, Kleinpell, Schmollgruber, & Alberto, 2015). The importance of nursing associations can be...

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play an important role in improving all business processes. For example, Company N can implement an appropriate ERP system to overcome certain issues and barriers preventing it from development. The first issue is the focus on paperwork and manual paper processes. ERP systems allow for...

Analysis of Economic Theory in Nursing

Economic theory mainly studies how people make decisions in strict financial and resource-dependent circumstances. Because contemporary nursing involves not only providing health services but also caring within the constraints of budgetary conditions, knowledge of economic theory will significantly improve the decision-making capabilities of practicing nurses. It will also facilitate the...

Frida Kahlo: Life, Experiences and Art

Introduction Frida Kahlo is often regarded as one of the most popular female artists and artists of Mexican descent in the world. More than sixty years after her death, Kahlo’s thought-provoking and honest works are still appreciated by those interested in self-expression by means of art. Given the stories behind...

Organizational Change Leadership Theories

The Contingency theory and The Path-Goal theory are two ways through which we can evaluate leadership. The Path-Goal theory operates on the assumption that the effectiveness of leadership depends on what the leader does. A leader uses his skills to exercise influence and change the behavior of his subordinates. The...

Vulnerable Population: Definition and Analysis

Defining the population sample in research is critical for the validity and reliability of the study outcomes. In research, the vulnerable population is defined as a group of individuals that requires a higher level of protection against the potential consequences of participation in the study (Arias et al., 2015). People...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Movie Reflection – “Mi Familia”

“Mi Familia” is a film directed by Gregory Nava, who released it in 1995. The plot reveals the life journey of a family that moved from Mexico to the United States, settling in Los Angeles. By seeing the three generations, from the father of the Sanchez family who traveled from...

The Importance of Studying and Understanding Different Religions

In my opinion, the study of different approaches to the study and comprehension of religions is indeed an exciting and important topic. The realities of the modern world significantly contribute to communication between representatives of different cultures. This can often lead to conflicts, including those that arise on religious grounds....

Comparison Democracies vs. Non-Democracies

A democratic system makes it possible to address contemporary social problems and challenges better than a non-democratic one. According to Doyle (1996), building relationships among people through the principles of free cooperation and mutual understanding helps avoid severe disagreements. Moreover, as Mickey et al. (2017) state, democracy has already shown...

Career Paths in Health Information: Review

Health information professionals may pursue different career paths in various work settings. Hospitals require not only doctors and nurses, but also specialists handling paperwork and maintaining health records. Such positions require a lot of concentration and systems thinking which apply to my personality. Therefore, I believe that the Registered Health...

French Colonial Rule in Algiers

A major part of Algiers’ history’s transformation into the Middle Ages was the Christians’ French occupation in the fifteenth century. Consequently, this led to the influx of Muslim refugees to Algiers. Muslims in Spain made new contributions to the Western region’s Islamic State (Celik & McDermott, 1997). Algiers’ urban arrangement...

Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis: Etiological and Symptomatic

Etiological and Symptomatic Differences Cholelithiasis, also known as gallstones, is an inflammatory condition characterized by the hardening of digestive fluids. On the other hand, Cholecystitis is typified by inflammation of the gallbladder due to the blockage of cystic ducts by stones. Although the clinical presentation is similar, specific symptoms can...

The Psychological Underpinning of True Crime Obsession

The proposed study examines the psychological underpinning of true crime obsession to demonstrate why this genre became popular. Hence, for this purpose, it is vital to present general information on the subject. The sources providing these data are the articles written by James Norton and the video “America Is Obsessed...

Keeping With Changes and Transformations in a Business

During its lifecycle, any company faces a time when it becomes necessary to introduce changes and even perform extensive reorganizations. The way these changes proceed mostly depends on the strategies chosen by the management and their correct understanding by the employees. Their outcome broadly defines the company’s future and its...

“Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood

“Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood describes an unknown creature that everyone renounces at first glance. It is a girl with specific congenital syndromes that make her appearance strange and intimidating. The author uses Point of View (PV) to describe characters and set up a plot in which the main character...

Measuring Inflation: Article Analysis

Problems of Measuring Cost of Living Fluctuating in a seemingly unpredictable way, inflation rates are shaped by a range of factors, one of which is the change in the cost of living. However, measuring the specified characteristic is also quite difficult due to the multiple variables that have to be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Building of an Effective Segmentation Model

To build an effective segmentation model, it is important to answer several questions related to potential clients and investors. Which distinct groups of customers and investors can be defined based on their specific features? What are the needs of each customer or investor group? What are the media consumption habits...

The Idea of Carrying the Fire in Cormac McCarthy’s Novel

The plot of Cormac McCarthy’s novel focuses on two people, the father and his son having a challenging journey across the post-apocalyptic continent. Throughout the novel, there is an idea of carrying the fire. Even in the end, the boy asks a stranger, whether he has been carrying it as...

Which Is More Important: Security or Freedom?

Introduction Freedom and security are two essential elements of society but guaranteeing one is often associated with violating the other. Considering the threats that the US is facing, security appears vital to some. However, others argue that freedom is more important for the success of the nation. This paper aims...

“The Right Time to Buy High-Beta Stocks” by Hulbert

The article titled “The Right Time to Buy High-Beta Stocks” published in the Wall Street Journal covers the issue of high-beta stocks and the four weeks of the year when they significantly outperform low-beta stocks. Hulbert (2020) explains that beta refers to the tendencies which a stock shows when the...

ADL: Comprehensive Activity Analysis

The activity of daily living (ADL) analyzed in this paper is the dressing, namely, fastening the buttons on a shirt. A typical performance of the activity is the subject of the analysis. The critical physical goal of the action is to grasp small objects and maintain control of hands and...

Reducing Turnover in the Healthcare Setting

The problem of high turnover rates has grown especially large in the healthcare context, where the amount of work, the range of requirements, and the emotional labor often do not match the provided benefits. Therefore, tools for increasing the human capital based on a motivational approach have to be introduced...

National Dialogue on Healthcare Policies

Introduction The national dialogue on healthcare policy provides a forum for physician-industry collaboration and discussion of critical issues to provide a way forward on emerging healthcare issues. Currently, two initiatives; the National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation (NDHI) and the National Dialogue on Health Information Technology (NDHIT) and privacy, have been...

“How to Fix America’s Police” by Stoughton

The problem for discussion is established in a rectilinear way. In the first paragraph, Stoughton et al. indicate that “brutal encounters between the police and the people they are supposed to serve” continue for a long time and “people of every race and class” (par. 1). This way, it becomes...

Definitions of a Philosophe: Kant, Diderot, Dumarsais, and Jacob

The definitions of a philosophe, which are found among classic thinkers, differed depending on the beliefs they held and the interests they followed in their professional activities. As examples, the ideas of Kant, Diderot, Dumarsais, and Jacob will be examined from the perspective of what a philosophe is and what...

The Enlightenment Era Thought

Enlightenment thinkers influenced the history of European countries and, consequently, affected the United States’ politics. The eighteenth century’s main political thought was based on changing the perception of authority and clarifying the importance of fundamental human rights. Democratic traditions have taken place in American culture since the beginning, influenced by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Keto Is Bad for the Body Long Term

Categorical/Topical Many young adults have ever thought of leading a healthy lifestyle that includes physical exercise and dietary habits. I figured that many of you are especially concerned about staying in shape, especially at a young age, since your current lifestyle will define your future well-being. Today, people aged between...

The Information on Adult Daycare Centers

Adult daycare is being described as a gap filler between institutional and non-institutional care? Do you agree or disagree? Why? As the research of the information on adult daycare and home health services shows, these institutions come together as the inter-connected medical services that are capable of assisting adult patients...

Transmission Control Protocol-Internet Protocol Ensuring Communication

For any communication to occur in a network, an IP suite is essential in ensuring communication. The most renowned IP suite is TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), a collection of protocols used in interconnecting diverse networking devices, either other computers or various networks, via the internet. The TCP/IP may be...

Operating Budget and a Capital Budget: Difference

Capital and operating budgets are business plans meant to support the achievement of the necessary activities. They differ because the operating budget is focused on addressing immediate future needs while capital budgets are meant to support long-term goals. Operating plans usually run for one year, and managers can review and...

Influence of Enlightenment and the Great Awakening on the American Revolution

The Revolution depicted a period of political and ideological transformation in North America between 1765 and 1783. The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening were important events that facilitated the social change between settlers and British colonizers. Individuals became informed regarding knowledge of natural laws and human rights during the former...

Developmental Psychology: Nature or Nurture?

There are six major questions that can be addressed in developmental psychology. One of the most interesting themes is the role of nature in the development of child psychology. The reason is that I was always excited about how some people are so good at some things. The main question...

Autoethnography: The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic had a considerable impact on all the spheres of life, and the influence was aggravated by the abruptness of the outbreak. In addition, uncertainty about the virus, its influence on human organisms, and effective preventative measures contributed to the common confusion. In the context of political consequences,...

Workplace Leadership Theories

There are two main leadership theories: transformational and transactional. Transformational leadership is about a leader’s ability to change or transform groups or organizations in a significant way. Transactional leadership can be described as leaders who motivate their followers by rewarding them. This essay examines the strengths and weaknesses of these...

The Problem of Nature Vs. Nurture

The question of nature versus nurture has existed for many centuries, and scientists still cannot provide a definitive answer to it. In my view, both factors bear equal importance and significantly contribute to the process of a person’s development. Numerous studies show that some individual characteristics are to a considerable...

Change Proposal for Implementation of a Strategic Plan

The Woman’s Hospital of Texas needs change through strategic plan implementation in ensuring that the quality of care provided to patients improves with time. Strategic planning provides a glimpse of the path to achieving the set standards that have been approved by the Woman’s Hospital of Texas (Kozleski, 2017). The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Benefits and Challenges of Using More Than One Channel

Multichannel distribution is regarded as an essential element in today’s marketplace because it uses one or more sales approaches to reach target customer segments. The benefits of using several channels, such as the Internet, call centers, direct marketing, catalogs, and home networks, to increase market outreach include creating more ways...

Criminalization Versus Legalization in the US

Criminal law is shaped and predetermined by several criminological theories that are applied to human behavior when considering come actions as either criminal or legal. Depending on the approach, some activities might be legal in one country and illegal in another. In this essay, the opinion on criminalization and legalization...

The North and South Regions in the U.S.

In the 19th century, the North and South regions in the U.S. had been divided. The Southern economy was driven by cotton plantations, which were worked on by enslaved African-Americans. Conversely, the North depended more on manufacturing and paid workers. The North had a sentiment of abolishing slavery; however, this...

Customer Behavior and Segments

The first of the five best segments of Carrollton is Country Squires, which consists of wealthy elderly people who left urban areas in search of quiet life in small towns. The segment is characterized by the increased interest in comfort and stability which can be traced in their habits and...

The Emancipation Proclamation and Its Impact on Former Slaves

The Emancipation Proclamation forced the new chapter in the United States’ history that led the citizens to change their perception of slavery. Lincoln (1863) stated that “I declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States shall be free and that the Executive government will recognize and maintain...

AACSB Standard: Global, Data Protection

The sensitivity of cyber security incidents witnessed in the recent past requires careful reaction by the affected organizations. It helps mitigate legal and financial consequences as well as retaining customers. The kind of measures employed by the organization after an attack determines how it survives in the aftermath and responds...

Assertive Communication at Work: Family Communication

Communication frequently involves controversial dilemmas and conflicts, which require solvation. In such cases, decision-making may be the most significant and the most complicated action. It may be particularly difficult if these conflicts or disagreements involve close people and family members. A wide variety of specific approaches to communication may be...

“Takings-Private Property Rights” by Rajagopal & Oesterberg

The article “Takings/Private Property Rights,” by Rajagopal and Oesterberg (2021), highlights those exclusive rights to a resource’s services and exclusive rights to choose how a resource is utilized are two of the most important characteristics of private property. The article argues that the right to exchange the item at a...

National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors

The National Association of Alcohol and Addiction Counselors (NAADAC) is an organization founded in 1972 that represents the interests of a variety of US health care professionals. Its activities are aimed at treatment, support for recovery, and an educational function in matters of addictions and addictions. Educators, drug addiction counselors,...

Racial Identity of Ancient Egyptians

The question about the racial identity of ancient Egyptians remains debatable among scholars. Historians indicate that the country of Egypt was the origin of human civilization. Although the country is in Africa, white scholars argument about ancient inhabitants of Egypt were not Africans focuses on dismissing the idea that European...

Greece’s Trading Interaction Analysis

Economic Data Major trading partners The country interacts with multiple countries in terms of trading relationships. Greece’s major trading partners are Germany, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iraq, and Russia (WTO, 2021). Major imports Greece imports in Germany, Iraq, Italy, Russia, and China; major imports are fuel, mineral waxes, oil, technical...

Science and Technology for Big Business in the 1880-90s

Technologies have always been the driving power of any progress. At the end of the 19th century, technological development contributed to significant changes in the industrial and production areas. Innovations broadened the economic opportunities and allowed entrepreneurs to apply more effective financial planning. Moreover, the labor tradition was also changing...

Gossip and Exclusion in Social Media

It is assumed that gossip and rumors spreading are immoral and tend only to harm the people and those surrounding them. However, they can be viewed from a different perspective: gossips also contribute to yielding beneficial outcomes. Sometimes, when people are confronted for their dreadful actions, it leads to them...

Cayou’s Africanist Characteristics

Summary The Africanist characteristics seen in Katherine Dunham’s Barrelhouse Blues include polyrhythms in the body, the individualism of stylishness within the set style, raising/using the foot as a whole, and bent laps with the figure near the earth. Polyrhythms body movements originate and activate more than one movement. Individualism of...

The Inclusivity of Language: Gender Issues

The singular ‘they’ can be used to replace the generic appropriately ‘he’ for gender neutrality fulfilment. It is essential as it makes language seem more inclusive in terms of gender. An experiment was undertaken on how fast ‘they’ were read against the pronouns to get a clear picture. From the...

People’s Thoughts and Behaviors: Influence of Cultural and Social Factors

People’s thoughts, behaviors, and views of certain things can be impacted not only by their own experiences and priorities but also by specific cultural and social forces. Many of them affect a person during their whole life and can guide most of their decisions. For example, these factors include family,...

Netflix Inc.’s International Strategies

Commercial transactions between organizations of different countries are governed by many factors, among which one of the most important is the chosen international strategy of the company. There are four types of such strategies in total: international, multi-domestic, global, and transitional (Grünig & Morschett, 2017). Each of these strategies shows...

“David” by Michelangelo Di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Representing an attempt to interpret objective reality through the prism of one’s senses, perception, culture, and philosophy, art has always been a crucial emotional outlet for people across the globe. While the subjects of artistic endeavors have been quite numerous, the attempts at depicting the human body as a means...

Barriers to Intercultural Communications

Communication between people can be complicated by different factors, even within one culture. Farnen (2017) provides several possible barriers that can emerge during the interactions, such as language, body gestures, context level, chronemics, stereotypes, and emotions. Language is the most apparent difficulty that can hinder communication even if a person...

Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks

Xavier Yarto is a bright talent from Mexico, creating his unique works in a post-modernism manner. Yarto’s series of paintings, “Ninas Bonitas”, is dedicated to women intended to fight with beauty stereotypes existing in modern society. Xavier Yarto shares his visions on his personal website, “I started painting women as...

Types of Criminal Intent: General, Specific, and Criminal Negligence

In criminology, the identification of mens rea involves analyzing the case with reference to four distinct types of criminal intent. General intent, as the term suggests, involves the presence of the willingness to perform some act, sometimes without understanding its natural and legal consequences. Specific intent refers to acts committed...

Gainful Employment with a Living Wage for All People

These days, capitalism prevails in the world, the main goal of which is to make money. At the same time, annual inflation is also relevant, forcing the prices of products and other services to rise. Some goods are recognized as necessary for normal human existence, and therefore the state has...

Asthma: Definition, Forms and Symptoms

Asthma is a disorder that causes the nasal airways to constrict and swell, as well as generate excess mucus. This results in breathing complications, leading to patients having fits of cough, wheezing while exhaling and being short of breath. In less severe cases, asthma remains at a level of relatively...

Disaster: Typhoon in Philipines

A typhoon in the Philippines happened in 2020 and resulted in 42 deaths and millions of dollars in the lost property (The World Bank, 2020). Globalization might have contributed to this disaster because Touimi and Wagner (n.d.) note that developed states benefit significantly from this phenomenon economically. At the same...

Artificial Intelligence: The Monstrous Entity

This discussion post will analyze the exigence and discourse community around the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) as a monstrous entity. The potential for the development of human-like intelligence in a machine grows closer, which makes many scientists and novelists alike highly interested in further research and philosophical implications of...

Artificial Intelligence: Human Trust in Healthcare

In the modern epoch of digitalization, artificial intelligence (AI) is widely utilized in education, transportation, media, banking, navigation, and healthcare. In the context of health services, the most substantial influence by AI is experienced by clinicians. However, the role of AI is ambiguous because it brings both positive and negative...

Banks and Their Influence on the Economy

Banks are the leading financial intermediary in the economy because they accept deposits by attracting depositors’ money, i.e., accumulating temporarily free funds. Moreover, banks provide money at a certain percentage to various economic firms, households, etc., i.e., they issue loans. The activity of banks is the channel through which changes...

The Process of Cognition and Gaining Knowledge

The process of cognition with relation to different areas of human life is guided by the methods for making forecasts on the basis of available data. From this perspective, the efficiency of this complex initiative is conditional upon the credibility of initial information. Even though some claims are made regarding...

Family as the Primary Agent of Socialization

Introduction Socialization is an incredibly essential process that should appear in the life of every child. This process lasts during their whole life and allows individuals to function effectively and successfully in their social worlds, as well as learn about various social expectations. Precisely socialization provides people with many vital...

Roosevelt: Four Freedom Address

Roosevelt is a perfect example of a democratic leader who sees and understands the population’s needs and makes everything possible to meet their requirements. He emphasizes the importance of each individual and sends the message that due to their actions and active participation in the life of the well-being of...

Podcast: History, Types, and Popularity

The podcast phrase was first introduced to the oxford dictionary in 2005, depicting that it had started getting an audience despite being small. The podcast audience was most likely those interested in a certain genre as it had a frequent listeners who could not miss many episodes released by their...

Nurturing Independent and Adventurous Children

Is it not amazing how creativity pays in contemporary society where the internet offers people unlimited possibilities? Parenting styles should adjust to the changing society to support children’s adaptability to become responsible, productive, and successful adults. While researchers often encourage parents to use the authoritative parenting style due to its...

Problematic Situations in Client Communication

Problematic situations in communication with clients and helping professionals arise everywhere and are the norm of interpersonal communication. One of these difficulties can be a different cultural barrier between employees and customers. As a rule, this happens with clients from other countries or other cultural backgrounds. In this case, the...

Tolerance: Racial-Cultural Psychology

Racism is a traditional problem for the United States of America. There has been a struggle against manifestations of discrimination and inequality towards African Americans through the centuries. The relevance of this study is due to the negative consequences of the impact of racism, discrimination, and inequality on the African-American...

Definition of Disability Culture

The culture of disability is understood to be a set of patterns of behavior, beliefs, and objects of culture that are characteristic of people with disabilities. There are four main dimensions to this culture, including historical, political, personal, and aesthetic (Peters, 2022). When people talk about the historical aspect of...

Slippery Slope Fallacy in Advertisement

Fallacies are a common occurrence in the world of politics, advertisement and journalism. They are used as a means to invalidate the opponent, present oneself as superior to the customers and clients or to enforce a message, regardless of whether it is rational or nonsensical. The following post will review...

Ethical Issues of the Southern Baptist Convention Church

The CNN article published on 23rd May 2022 addresses the ethical issues surrounding leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention church who are facing allegations of having mishandled sexual abuse reports. The leaders are said to have intimidated the victims and those who advocated for them and resisted reform suggestions over...

New Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico

The article by Townsend focuses on the alternative narrative in the conquest of Mexico. The author suggests that while many believed that Mexicans perceived Hernando Cortes as Quetzalcoatl, there is little evidence that the Indians believed in the divine origin of the newcomers. This essay will define the point that...

Probability, Sampling Distributions, and Confidence Intervals

For the random sample of 100 in table 1.0, the 95% confidence interval for the mean has a Lower bound of 29527.49 and an upper bound of 45209.49. The 90% confidence interval for the mean has a lower bound of 30807.15 and an upper bound of 43929.84, as shown in...

Aspects of Emotional Intelligence

Introduction I chose the area exercise EQ 14, “To Talk or Not to Talk.” I chose the exercise since it is vital for social knowledge, self-awareness, and empathy. The activity was interesting because it helps build relationships by understanding our interaction with others and helps generate empathy among individuals interacting....

Satya Nadella’s and Ken Lay’s Leadership Styles

Effective leadership is the most important part of any organization’s success, and analysing strategies used by effective and ineffective leaders can help to understand what qualities contribute to it. Two leaders that will be discussed in this essay are Satya Nadella and Ken Lay. Nadella has been the CEO of...

Fund-Raising Art Sessions to Help Refugees

Introduction A complex world situation has aggravated the past few years with many conflicts and disasters. Many people lose their homes and become forced refugees seeking shelter and protection. People from Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine come to Canada in search of a more peaceful life. Discussion However, even though they...

Republic as a Form of Government

Introduction In the course of history, a large number of different forms of government have been formed, each of which has its characteristics. One of them is the republic, which is defined as “the form of government in which representatives of the citizen body rule a state” (“Republic,” n.d., para....

Wound Healing: Treatment Interventions

Understanding the physiology of wound healing and the functions of the available dressings are prerequisites for accurate wound assessment and efficient wound treatment. For optimum wound healing, it is crucial that a continuous process of assessment, clinical judgment, intervention, and recording take place. As a healthcare professional working in the...

Meetings between Parents and Teachers: Ted Talk Discussion

Organizing face-to-face meetings between parents and teachers is a good idea. As for the length of the meeting, I think 20 minutes is reasonable, but longer meetings may also be a good option. Indeed, spending too much time on such meetings is unnecessary, as the most relevant information may be...

Daily Life in the 21st Century vs. 1000 Years Ago

Introduction Over the ages, the social system has undergone a significant transformation. Compared to the lives our ancestors led generations ago, today’s everyday lives are very different. According to Bryceson, a modern industrialized community has only recently emerged, having evolved from agrarian communities fewer than 5.000 years back (128). There...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With a Professional

Introduction George Smith is a 26-year-old man who has been suffering from PTSD symptoms for 4 years. The disorder began to develop due to a traumatic experience when George witnessed a domestic murder. The young man at that time lived in a rented apartment with two of his friends. Two...

Collaboration for Better Health Outcomes

There may occur situations in care for children with special needs that only collaborative efforts from multiple sides may resolve. One of the instances that required me to cooperate with multiple parties was the development of individual care and educational plans for a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). I...

McDonald’s and Its Decline & Crisis Due to the Healthy Food Trend

The trend for healthy eating was born not so long ago, but continues to cover more and more segments of the population around the world. The demand for products of proper and healthy nutrition is constantly growing, and healthy lifestyle products and superfoods are gaining popularity. There is a trend...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Crucial Role of ERP Software in Business Operations

With ERP, SCM, and CRM applications, businesses find it challenging to innovate and participate in the marketplace. These technologies take time and money to deploy and are neither cheap nor simple. Additionally, businesses are being forced to consider moving toward the e-world and integrating front- and back-office activities using web-based...

“A Second Chance” by Manny Jimenez Review

A Second Chance is a short film produced by Manny Jimenez in 2018. The film’s plot highlights the life of a young teenage boy called P-nut from juvenile detention who is forced to live in a violent world. Teenage boys living in violent neighborhoods face critical challenges growing up, which...

Women of Color: Affirmative Action

Affirmative action came in as a solution to unlawful discrimination, prior discrimination, and as a preventive mechanism against future occurrences. Minorities in the United States have historically experienced the worst outcomes in terms of this issue, and it is a demographic women of color belong to. Affirmative action alleviated the...

Effect of Fungus on Heat Resistance

The video is related to the course topics about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in that they received much attention in the classroom and the video. In addition, the video tells about the standing of the cells in an animated form, which improves the perception of information (Public Broadcasting Service, 2018)....

History of Racialized and Oppressed Groups

Introduction The recent decision by the DeSantis administration and the Florida Department of Education to ban the AP course on African American History is profoundly concerning and not justifiable. By attempting to censor or limit the teaching of critical race theory and content related to race, Florida is denying the...

Anorexia Nervosa: Treatment of Eating Disorders

Introduction Eating disorders present highly prevalent diseases in modern patients, especially among adolescents and young adults. The most common forms of eating disorders include anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder (BED). Eating disorders are sourced from social and psychological factors; therefore, psychotherapy is prioritized in treating...

Windows Group Policies, Windows Logs, and iptables

Introduction Windows group policies are infrastructures that allow an administrator to set up configurations specific to a computer, a user, or a group of users. These configurations can be used to enhance a network’s security by disabling insecure features, such as removable USB drives or the outdated TLS protocol. They...

Walden Consulting Inc.’s Discriminatory Job Posting

Issues in Job Posting Notably, America is a country in which the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has prohibited any form of job discrimination. Therefore, it is inappropriate to post a job announcement that promotes practices aimed at discriminating people based on their age, sex, cultural or religious background,...

Nursing Malpractice: Legal and Ethical Implications

Working in the nursing environment means complying with a range of legal and ethical standards that allow increasing the quality of care and meeting the needs of the target population efficiently. The decisions made by nurses may have massive legal implications unless the existing standards of ethics are met. Although...

The Factor Analysis: Definition and Logic

Factor Analysis The logic behind the factor analysis is grouping variables into factors, each of which represents several variables that correlate highly with one another (Field, 2013). Factors, therefore, attempt to explain the maximal quantity of common variance between the original variables by using a lower number of dimensions (Field,...

Supervision in Human Services and Its Legal Aspects

The article ‘Damages for Indirect Patent Infringement’ by Dmitry Karshtedt was published in 2014. The author reveals the existing legal issue in supervision in the field of human services, which is vicarious liability. Moreover, the author claims that in the majority of patent infringement circumstances, the only useful method by...

Evidence-Based Practice Project: Quasi-Experimental Designs Analysis

The research methodology that would be most suitable for the evidence-based practice project is quantitative quasi-experimental. Quasi-experimental designs characteristically enable the researcher to align the project with the treatment situation while employing another criterion apart from the random assignment (Heinen, Mackett, van Wee, Ogilvie, & Panter, 2018). Because the project...

German Democratic Republic in “The Lives of Others” Film

The Lives of Others is an outstanding German drama that describes the control of East Berlin citizens by the secret police of the German Democratic Republic. Along with highly essential moral issues raised in the film, viewers may observe the culture-specific elements and living conditions of the GDR’s residents in...

Prepaid Insurance or Payment Adjustments

Prepaid insurance is a kind of prepayment that stands for the instalments made for the expenses which have not been procured yet. Hence, the management of such an expense type should include reconsideration in terms of the accounting information on the overall budget. It is generally required to analyze which...

Forensic Psychology: Graham v. Florida and Sullivan v. Florida

The main question in the two cases Graham v. Florida and Sullivan v. Florida was juvenile sentencing. These two cases admitted to be reviewed entailed juvenile criminals, one of 13 and the other 17 years of age (APA, 2012). The offenders claimed their life prison sentences minus the opportunity for...

Three Biggest Turning Points in Texas History

In order to understand the present, one needs to look at the past. Despite the rich and long history of Texas, the 19th century was the turmoil of major events forming most of Texas’ legacy. These three major events are the formation of the state of Coahuila y Tejas (1824),...

Psychologists’ Involvement in Civil Court Area

Psychologists have varied interests within the civil court. Their involvement as skilled personnel usually targets the examination of emotional elements associated with individual injury litigation. Their key role is to examine particular emotional consequences that may emanate from traumatic hazards. In conducting their duties, an array of psychological applications and...

Benefits of Video Games

Children and young adults love video games as they are fun and help to relax. At the same time, many adults claim that children spend too much time playing, which makes them violent and do not bring any benefit. However, facts indicate that video games are useful for the cognitive...

Geriatric Measurement Scale Review

Introduction Present-day healthcare institutions pay particular attention to the quality of their services and their patients’ satisfaction. However, to track the progress, it is critical to develop a scale allowing to measure different aspects of geriatric care (Miller, n.d.). This task is the sole responsibility of a geriatric social worker...

Indirect Mode of Expressing Agression

There are several approaches to defining indirect aggression by psychologists and sociologists. Most often, it is described as a type of aggressive behavior that causes harm to another person in an indirect way, contrasting to the direct aggression where the victim is encountered face to face. Another opinion about it...