“Wedding Crashers” Movie Converted to a Play

Synopsis The first act of the play will serve as an introduction to the characters of John and Jeremy. Accordingly, the essence of these characters will be shown before “crashing” Secretary Cleary’s wedding. The act will use the scenes shown in slides 2 and slides 3. The Act will begin...

Organizational Structures: Ford Motor Company

The organizational structure of an enterprise can be affected by a great number of factors, such as marketing strategies, operations, human resources, and others (Bateman& Snell, 2008). Provided that we are speaking about Ford Motor Company we should first speak about operations. As a representative of the automobile industry, Ford...

Persuasive vs. Directive Communication

Communication is defined as the exchange of ideas. “Communication has a very important role in the daily life of human beings. Studies proved that everyone is spending the majority of his time in a day in communicating with others.” (What is communication? n.d., p. 1). Persuasive communication is aimed at...

Pop Culture: Developments, Recycling and Revitalizing

Pop can be defined as the usual way of life of Americans. It refers to the popular culture that at least all Americans agree to. It is concerned with what people eat, drink, listen to , watch on TV and even what they read. Pop culture became popular to American...

Managing in a Multicultural Context

Introduction In today’s world, the workplace is the major meeting place of different people with different personalities, values, cultures, and generally different ways of life. Because of this situation, a workplace has different challenges that the company’s management must handle with caution to achieve a balanced ground and a suitable...

Disagreements Between Supporters of Phonics and the Whole Language

Introduction The eternal wars between the supporters of phonics and whole language are still at issue thus presenting different for-and-against arguments. This controversy pertaining to how to teach child shows that education struggles will not be terminated. Many scholars and professors dedicated many research investigations to different aspects of this...

Do Brands Have Finite Lives?

For modern consumers, brands represent a unique symbol that defines and determines the comp[any and its products. Branding has a great impact on a company’s market position and adds value to its image. A company’s market share, current, and future may fluctuate readily. Competitors’ marketing mixes are designed to switch...

Young Adults: Exploring Public Service Careers

Introduction McCullough graduated in the year 2007 from the Waterloo University. She decided to take a job in the Public Service Commission. She later transferred to Ottawa to take a position that was offered to her by the Public Service Commission of Canada. There were several things that she found...

The Alan Louis General: Case Study

In the Alan Louis case study, the analysis of research data indicates a serious need for marketing. This is indicated by the fact that people who have received services from Alan Louis General and people who have never enjoyed their services have very different opinions of their services. The need...

Environmental, Social or Political Conflict in Buddhism

Any religion is the phenomenon which is believed to deliver messages of moral issues to the world community. Still, as contemporary society is highly concerned with economical, social and political questions, religions become the objects of speculation. Buddhism is not an exception. There is a simple fact which is known...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Art of Native North America

The art of Native North America is a very diversified and variegated phenomenon. This tendency in this art can be explained by the diversity of peoples and cultures inhabiting this region through the centuries. During all the period of human history, this territory was inhabited by hundreds of nations, speaking...

My Dream Car: Personal View

The car of my dream is a vehicle of the new generation. It is easy to operate, powerful, safe, and, of course, impressive in appearance. The major issue of today is an environmental friendliness. Since I strongly share this point of view, my dream car will produce no carbon emissions....

Raising Reading Scores of Gifted Students

The present paper comprises two drafts of Problem Statements pertaining to the topic of the research “Raising Reading Scores of Gifted Students”. Problem Statement 1 Bates (1984) states that the majority of “programming suggestions for gifted students are based upon intuition rather than upon research” (p. 590). Unfortunately, the state...

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines: Lung Cancer

Credibility The evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) developed by Detterbeck, Mazzone, Naidich, and Bach (2013) target early detection of lung cancer in patients based on screening tools and techniques suggested by the recent literature. The mentioned guidelines were developed by scholars from the American College of Chest Physicians, while the...

Doctoral Education: New Ways and Methods

Nowadays great changes can be observed in the sphere of education. Last decades introduced new ways and methods of doctoral education. That is why, it is necessary to understand and adapt to them, implementing new elements and creating new ways of teaching. Moreover, the sphere of supervision should also be...

Theme of The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

Introduction Kingsolver addresses various issues in this best-selling novel. Using a young Kentucky woman as the main character, the writer explores several concerns facing middle-class Americans in their daily survivals. A brief overview of the writing points out Taylor Greer as a woman with strong intentions. She had made up...

Autobiographical Opus “Night” by Elie Wiesel

It is difficult to imagine how terrible is the pain that people who have survived Holocaust have in their hearts and soul. Some people decided to publicly share their experiences to let the world know that Nazism is a terrible ‘cancerous growth’ that should never happen in the history of...

The Sports Administration: Effects of Culture

Diversity is an inherent characteristic that is found in virtually every aspect of human life. Culture can be defined as the collection of common values, believes and norms among a group of people which influences the behaviors, reactions and day-to-day activities of these people. Moreover, culture determines what is generally...

Survey of Personal Happiness and Personal Life Challenges Resilience

Recently science focuses its studies on various aspects of human personality and person’s life. The work reflects the results of a survey of personal happiness and personal life challenges resilience. Psychological stability based on an optimistic perception of life situations and satisfaction with life positively affects person’s work effectiveness. Human...

The Importance of Case Analysis

Human beings learn better through examples and practical involvement in their study. In many instances, construction of theoretical information and making people understand the same becomes a hard nut to crack. As a result, many organizations have turned to the use of case studies as a mode of learning. Case...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Emotional Intelligence 2.0” by Bradberry and Greaves Book Review

When it comes to considering the role that emotions play in people’s lives, the latter usually agree with the point that these emotions are solely their reactions to external stimuli. In other words, the key idea of such perception consists in the one-sidedness of the emotions’ direction – a straight...

The Perfume Advertisement Review

The advertisement pictures a beautiful woman holding a bottle of perfume that is positioned right in the middle of the composition. The setting is motionless and does not imply any action or background story. The woman is lying on the floor covered with white and pink roses, holding one in...

“The Return of Martin Guerre”: Book Analysis

“The Return of Martin Guerre” is a book that creates certain controversies in the understanding and analysis of people and historical events. It supposes alternatives that were not possibly considered at the time and raises doubt as to the correctness of the decisions that were made. It also makes the...

School Uniforms and Their Impact on Students

Do school uniforms help or harm students’ academic performance and personal lives? The question remains unanswered and continues to gain controversy from parents and their kids as more schools decide to implement the school uniform policy linking it to safer education. School regulations on clothes become quite challenging as strict...

“ScoobyNatural” in the TV-Series “Supernatural”

Without any doubt, ScoobyNatural is one of the most successful episodes of Supernatural. According to Manuela, it is perhaps the most exceptional one of the famous American television series. The reason for it is the significance of a monstrous element of the film, which makes numerous individuals think more profoundly...

The Definition of Request for Proposals

Proposals are an inherent part of business, which is why planning and submitting them is an essential skill in the field of business communication. To master it, one has to understand the internal structure and logic of this type of documents as well as the differences between its multiple and...

Holography Review: Description, History, and Applications

The main features of holography Holography is the science of making holograms A method of recording an interference pattern The method is based on wavefronts diffraction Holographic devices can record three-dimensional information The result is a hologram (Shimobaba, & Ito, 2019) The main features of holograms An image received through...

Walmart Effect: Discovery of the Company’s Economy

This essay will examine the discovery of the economy of Walmart, an American retail corporation. The Walmart Effect is a term that refers to the impact that large companies such as Walmart make on local businesses (Kenton, 2019). The effect usually leads to the reduction of wages for employees’ competitors...

My Relationships With the English Language and English Skills

Literacy skills are often taken for granted as the set of skills that one ostensibly will develop eventually. However, due to the complexity of the communication process and the importance of clarity of expression, gaining literacy skills as quickly as possible defines one’s ability to become an active member of...

Ethics. “The Responsible Administrator” by Cooper

Introduction In part two, chapter six of his book, The Responsible Administrator, Cooper (2012) gives a guideline on how to maintain responsible conduct in public organizations. He identifies four major components of responsible conduct which are individual attributes, organizational structure, organizational culture, and societal expectations. Cooper (2012) gives two approaches...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The 1850s in the History of the Union

Introduction Few historical events have had more influence on the formation of American national identity than the Civil War. It was a time during which citizens of the United States had to decide whether the economic benefits of slavery were worth the staggering moral cost. While the armed conflict took...

Role of Nutrition in Supporting Fitness and Exercise

Proper nutrition is an unalienable part of supporting a person’s performance during physical activity and recovery afterward. Still, there are a lot of competing visions on the amount and type of food that should be consumed by an active person. The current paper investigates the role of nutrition in supporting...

Multifactorial Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Multifactorial or complex diseases can stem from several factors as it becomes clear from the title. It may be a genetic impairment or unhealthy lifestyle habits, inheritance, or a combination of them. For example, heart disease can be called multifactorial because there can be many issues that cause the heart...

“The Sanctuary of School” by Barry

There are many situations when children feel sad and unhappy at school. They may not like subjects, classmates, or teachers, and they leave school classes every day with the feeling of relief. However, Barry’s essay The Sanctuary of School tells readers about the opposite situation. The main character wanted to...

Effect of Violent TV Programming

Over the past years, violence has become one of the major issues in terms of adolescents’ behavior. Television and social media have become significant indicators of childhood violence. Researchers claim that the children who observe violent behavior on the TV are more exposed to violent behavior than those kids who...

Environmental Sustainability: Protection of the Surroundings

Introduction Sustainability is the avoidance of natural resource depletion to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance. It factors how people can protect the natural world surrounding them from destruction and damages. Over the years, civilization has been detrimental to the environment. This is because it utilizes plenty of resources, which are...

Reptiles and How They Fit in Their Phylum

Reptiles are popular animals that can be easily identified by people due to their typical characteristics. For instance, snakes have always made human beings joining opposite sides of the discussion on whether they like them or not. To begin with, reptiles are a group of slithering animals that have a...

French Political Parties: What Makes Them Different?

The French political landscape is known for a great number of political parties that change and reform regularly. Historically, the factions were divided along the left-right axis, with the majority of parties being either socialist, such as The Socialist Party, or conservative, such as The National Front or The Republicans....

Article Summary “Maternal Stress and Sensitivity: Moderating Effect of Positive Affect”

Introduction The article under discussion entitled “Maternal stress and sensitivity: Moderating effect of positive affect” dwells upon the impact of maternal positive affect on maternal sensitivity and stress. Smith and Stephens (2018) examine the longitudinal influence of mothers’ positive affect on parental stress and their sensitivity. The researchers find no...

Feminist Literary Criticism: Shoshana Felman’s Ideas

Opportunities to convey one’s ideas to society through literature are effective tools that allow not only leaving a personal mark on history but also indicating an individual position on a specific topic or issue. However, when taking into account modern social norms and foundations, not all the categories of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Smallpox Epidemic of 1777-1782

The smallpox epidemic of 1777-1782 was devastating and deadly for many people in North America in the late eighteenth century. British troops were immune to the disease, which gave them an advantage during the Revolution. Elizabeth Fenn, in her book “Pox Americana”, says, “smallpox may have been the gun’s most...

Nutritional “Cures” for Clients With Cancer or HIV-AIDS

Cancer and HIV/AIDS- the two insatiable killer diseases, still continue to remain objects of mystery to the medical fraternity. Although billions of dollars are spent each year on medical research in these areas for the past few decades, there have only been sparks of victory till now. Whatever be the...

Paternal Exposure: Alcohol and Offspring Development

Alcoholism of fathers is one of the most critical factors influencing the development of their children. Its effect has long been ignored due to the complexity of such a study and seeming impossibility to prove the hypotheses but finally confirmed by researchers based on an animal model (Cicero, 1994). The...

Gender: Do People Choose Their Sexual Orientation?

Undoubtedly, it is challenging to discover whether people choose their sexual orientation on their own or live with it from birth. On the one hand, according to Steensma et al. (2013), psychological factors, such as child and parental characteristics, and the biological ones, such as the effects of parental exposure...

Business Continuity Through the Use of Information Technology

Introduction Business continuity refers to an organization’s capacity to maintain its essential functions in the midst of as well as after a disaster. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the latest derailment of the business environment. In the restaurant industry, for instance, at least 16,000 establishments have closed on a permanent...

Three Different Categories of Deceptive Marketing Practices

Marketers tend to implement deceptive practices that force the customer to believe they gain more profit than usual. Typically, these practices tend to provide misleading but appealing information about the product or service being offered. Even though deception is a commonly used method to attract more clients and increase sales,...

Feminine Sexuality: Review

Feminine sexuality is associated with confusing and often contradicting messages. As explained by Tolman, girls often face double standards when it comes to expressing their sexuality (137). On the one hand, girls who are reserved in terms of clothing and behavior are labeled “virgins” or prudes (Tolman 138). On the...

Nutrition for Gorillas at the National Zoo

Introduction The National Zoo is situated along Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C. The National Zoo takes care of about four hundred species of animals. Additionally, it offers research and recreation services. Most of the animals in the park are in danger of extinction. I visited the National Zoo on 4th...

Air Pollution: Conducting a Quantitative Study

In conducting a quantitative study, the major research question would be: “what are the potential contributors to air pollution and how can they be prevented?” The sample selection method to be used would be stationary source monitoring, which would involve collecting, handling and preserving samples depending on the applicable method...

Summary of the Article “On the American Working Class”

The article On the American Working Class were published more than a few weeks after Sartre returned home in May running from June 6 to June 30 in 1945. Sartre conducted research on topics that affected the American working class across different cities such as New York and San Francisco....

Chemistry: Partitioning Coefficient of the Water

Introduction Partition coefficient between marine water and passive samples of diuron, decadienal, atrazine, fluoranthene, and desethylatrazine compounds will be performed by spiking with a mixture and passive samplers are exposed. Standard compounds will be analyzed on the studying of the different time points when water and passive samplers are extracted...

Nursing Staff Reduction: Problem Statement

In medical organizations, the cutbacks related to the decreasing patient number and resources inevitably lead to the nursing staff reduction. The decision-making process of the nursing leader that I involved in the accomplishment of this task is always rather complex as it is impacted by multiple factors such as QSEN...

Iron Deficiency Anemia Condition in a Woman

Anemia is the most common blood-related diseases affecting a wide range of people in the world today. Anemia affects people of all ages, including children and adults. All genders are prone to anemia as well. Most people associate anemia with lack of blood, which is partly the cause of the...

Finances and Budget of Cosmetic Center

Main Post Being the Director of nursing, I must be in charge of all financial and budgeting processes of our medical center. I am aware of the fact that central functioning can be sustained through effective analysis of revenues, expenditures, and reimbursements. Due to the fact that my center specializes...

Ethics of Using Animals in Medical Research

The use of animals in medical research, testing, and experiments provokes debates because of the non-ethical nature of treating animals for scientific and medical purposes. On the one hand, people traditionally use animals to satisfy their basic needs. On the other hand, animals should be seen from an ethical point...

Indian History of Architecture

The architecture of any country is evolving throughout centuries due to changing trends that are taking place. Indian architecture had several major periods of transformation and change. It is necessary to note that Indian civilization is one of the most ancient in the world and the earliest examples of architecture...

Informatics and Healthcare Documentation

In the course of the development of computer technologies, data transmission acquired a new electronic status. Needless to say that paper documentation is in the past and there is a tangible tendency to download all necessary information into the computer as it is considered to be the safest and effective...

Sifers-Grayson Firm’s Enterprise Architecture Tool

In modern times, the importance of digitalization of the company’s functions can not be underestimated. In the competitive environment that moves towards globalization with each new technological advancement, a company that lags behind in technology implementation will be expected to fail in most cases. However, to deal with the ever-increasing...

Roles and Functions of a Finance Manager

Health care services are closely intertwined with business management. Each aspect of nursing responsibilities and management of daily operation should be supported by financial issues to ensure that the hospital is run effectively (Ward, n. d.). Though financial duties and responsibilities are imposed on the Chief Financial Officer, each nurse...

Classical Organizational Theory

The main focus of the classical organizational theory is changing the management process to improve work performance. Different researchers attempted to create an effective system regarding three different aspects of management that can increase work efficiency. For instance, Henri Fayol was trying to construct a theory of classical management to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

State Campaign About Problems in the Society

State campaigns prove extremely useful in drawing public attention to particular problems in society. Nowadays people are overwhelmed with abundant information from television and the Internet. Activists require support from the government to be heard by the public. People use various social media tools to find supporters and create communities....

The US Policy Towards Vietnam: International Influence

Introduction The Vietnam War is considered to be one of the longest wars that America has ever been involved in. The war that began in 1948 and ended in 1963 cost the country close to 60,000 soldiers and more than 350,000 were wounded. On top of this, close to 2...

Malnourishment: Eating Habits

The information provided in the proposed case study is insufficient to draw accurate conclusions and propose effective solutions to address Rick’s malnutrition problem. As additional data to obtain from his mother, one should inquire about whether the child has chronic diseases or other health problems. According to Adamson and Morawska...

The Shortage of Nursing Personnel

The shortage of nursing personnel is an urgent problem in world healthcare. There are several reasons for this issue, such as the aging and retirement of medical workers, or their transition to higher-paid jobs, after which their positions remain vacant for a long time. At the same time, not enough...

Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”: The Role of The Misfit

A Goodman is Hard to Find is a short story created by Flannery O’Connor back in 1953. It should primarily be mentioned that this literature piece is very interesting to read because it makes the readers think about the main characters and their distinguishing features, and apply the identified ideas...

Virtual Team Case Study. Communication Issue

In this case, a proposal for client approval needs to be developed. While the details are important, it’s imperative that a written proposal is available. A written proposal is important because it will provide an overview of what the company is going to develop. It will also act as the...

Marketing to Generation Y: Targeting Generation Y Strategy

Targeting Generation Y is not the right but rather necessary marketing strategy for banks because now it makes up the major part of their customer base. On the one hand, Generation Y people are the so-called digital natives – the first generation that grew up with easy access to electronic...

Money as a Means Rather Than a Result of Achieving Happiness

Introduction Studying the relationship between financial well-being and personal happiness is an essential aspect that can reveal people’s preferences and views on whether a large income directly correlates with a positive attitude or not. Selected articles address this topic and offer relevant findings and reasoning. In her research Do We...

The Contribution of Karl Marx to Economics and Philosophy

The influence of Karl Marx on the understanding of economics, philosophy, history, sociology, and revolutionary work is immeasurable. The theories put forth by Marx were concerned with underlining the issue of capitalism’s exploitation of the working class, and they were essential to the formation of a new movement that challenged...

Financing Public Health Initiatives in America

I do not believe there is one political party in America that would be more supportive of financing national public health initiatives than the other would. This assertion is particularly true for the main parties in America (Democratic Party and the Republican Party) because both parties would choose to support...

Katherine Johnson of Hidden Figures

Many people would consider being selected among the African American students to integrate West Virginia’s graduate school to be their most significant life achievement. However, the event was among the many accomplishments that marked the exceptional and long life of Katherine Johnson (Jones 64). Katherine and other women worked hard...

Invisible Inequality: Childrearing in Black Families and White Families

Summary Many studies aim to examine the living conditions of families with different social and racial backgrounds. Although some people could think that racial inequality could be a reason for choosing different childrearing methods, the author of the article about invisible inequality, Annette Lareau, believes that sociological images should not...

Researching of Media Advertising

The “Other Than Television” (OTT) concept has transformed traditional broadcast television and affected its viewership significantly. According to Kelley et al. (2015), “digital technology has reshaped how consumers use media” (p. 5). With the advent of free access to various online content, the vast majority of consumers have shifted their...

Ecology of Policy in Social Work Settings

Public opinion plays a crucial role in the implementation process of a policy due to the necessity to address divergent viewpoints. Strategies that aim at improving the growth and development of a region rely on the ability of the individuals’ endorsement. An excellent example of an approach is the implementation...

Issue of Legalizing Marijuana

The legalization of marijuana has long been a controversial issue in the United States and many countries around the world. The main problem is the addictive nature of this remedy and the fear that legalization will trigger massive consumption and reduce road or workplace safety. However, recreational marijuana use has...

DuBois’ and Tocqueville’s Perspective on Legacy of Slavery

The plight for equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities has been one of the most long-standing issue in the world history, with the history of slavery in the U.S. being one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity. Multiple scholars have contemplated the specified issue, voicing the opinions that...

Urban Planning Software: Network Analysis Toolbox

Urban Planning Software be useful to mitigate the challenges one might face as an area planner, city manager, politician, home owner or business owner Network Analysis Toolbox is a software that was created to model the traffic of bicycles and pedestrian routes in the cities by modelling them. For different...

The Essence of “The Medium Is the Message” Statement

As a process of conveying and receiving information, communication is an integral part of everyday life. Today, people are surrounded by a plethora of messages delivered to them via a variety of different channels, including writing, audio, video, live, digital, and social media. However, not all messages are effectively delivered,...

History of Immigration in the United States

Immigrants mainly founded the United States, and the country has been the recipient of the new energy and resourcefulness that foreigners bring. Immigrants construct about 14% of the whole population, and half of them are naturalized residents (Giuliano & Tabellini, 2020). Settlers form critical portions of the U.S. labor force...

Parental Listening, Encouraging, and Trusting

Introduction Teenagers are particularly susceptible to certain emotional and social challenges due to their vulnerability in terms of mental health, physical changes, environment, and other factors. Moreover, this is a period of transition from dependency to independence, which may also manifest itself in various behavioral changes. While often wanting to...

An Entrepreneur’s Leadership Role

Management style is a unique way through which organization leaders go about accomplishing the set objectives of the business firm. Various styles of management differ from a company and are employed effectively to give the desired results. The performance and success of any business are primarily affected by the management...

Patient Consent in Healthcare Diagnostics

Case Jim is a 34-year-old man who is well-known to the community health centre that he and his family have attended for several years. He is married and has two young children. His wife is eight months pregnant. He is a computer salesman and spends much time away from home...

Successful Innovation in Toyota’s Market Industry

One of the factors of consumer success and achieving a strong competitive advantage in today’s companies is a commitment to innovation. Innovation should be thought of as any innovation in a company that aims to increase productivity and optimize labor. In other words, many of today’s companies, especially the largest...

Bowen’s MFT: Summary and Analysis

Introduction Marriage issues and family conflicts are inseparable aspects of relationships, which is why they should be seen as developmental opportunities. The described approach also applies to the scenarios that involve confrontations due to the trauma experienced by a spouse, particularly, the one that manifests in the development of a...

Analysis of Locke’s Philosophy

Locke’s philosophy on the state of war represents a particularly interesting topic due to the presence of ideas that require a substantial amount of nuance and the transfer of these ideas into the context of actual war settings. Namely, Locke’s idea of an aggressor’s right to instigate a war as...

The Sexual Identity: Adolescent Students

Social skills present an important element of students’ development and foundation of communication and relationships with others. There are three primary concepts of social development, one of which, the theory of mind, suggests that people can learn to read or understand other people’s mental states. Being able to use the...

In the Heat of the Night: A Movie Experience

The educational aspect of working in a group of 5 members on the movie in the heat of the night was the ideal goal for the realization of team achievements. There were various challenges, but the most obvious one included; reduced engagement and withholding information from some of our team...

Social Contract in the French Revolution

One of the most significant contributions linked to the French Revolution can be disclosed through propaganda messages and the gospels of insurgency. This eventually means that the French Revolution became a crucial historical event that transformed France and brought liberty to the French land. Based on the information presented by...

Philosophy: The Perception of Truth

Can Truth be Known Based on the Writings of Aquinas and Plato? Philosophers have varying interpretations of the truth as human beings understand the meaning of the word. According to Aquinas, truth resides not in the human intellect but in things (Knight, 2017). This belief applies when the truth cannot...

Global Warming Effects on Earth

Global warming presents a considerable threat by having an enormous influence on humanity’s social, economic, and physical state. Global warming is the long-term process that refers to gradual Earth heating observed from the industrial and pre-industrial revolution periods (NASA). The issue results from the greenhouse gas effect caused by human...

The Problems of Disabled People in Canada

Canada is one of the most prosperous and developed countries in the world. Still, local citizens face various issues with human rights and suffer from discrimination and underrepresentation. The present paper summarizes the article of Rodriguez (2021) dedicated to the problems of disabled Canadians. The paper analyzes which problems are...

The 13th Documentary’s Influence on Viewers

The American legal system has been quite notorious for some of its obvious loopholes and flaws, yet a more detailed assessment of it reveals that it, in fact, needs an urgent reconsideration. Representing the direct opposition to the 13th Amendment, which prohibits and condemns slavery, imprisonment can be seen as...

Multi-Cloud Security: Presenting Best Practices

Most organizations resort to various security means to protect their databases and physical networks that have to be hidden from the outside world. As cyberattacks are presently the central issue, most organizations integrate different security software programs to eliminate the risk of being hacked. A particular security software program has...

Marker Motion Technology Marketing Strategy

Motion Sensors Market Motion sensors have become an inseparable part of modern technical devices. Such sensors are used widely in smartphones, smart wearables, virtual reality devices, and even autonomous vehicles. Therefore the market is significantly technology-dependent and higher perspective. Smart devices and electric cars may represent the present and the...

Root Cause Analysis and Barriers Exploration

On the basis of the root cause analysis or RCA, which is “a systematic process for identifying “root causes” of problems or events and an approach for responding to them. RCA is based on the basic idea that effective management requires more than merely “putting out fires” for problems that...

Technology in Global Transportation Management

Introduction Technology has already affected all spheres of people’s lives. It is impossible to imagine today’s world without different machines, computers, and the Internet. As technologies continue to develop and enter different areas, it is necessary to mention one field that their usage has significantly influenced– the area of global...

Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) are among the most commonly diagnosed behavioral health disorders prevalent in children. Children with the oppositional defiant disorder are at risk for eventually developing other problems besides conduct disorder, including anxiety and depressive disorders (Association, 2013). The symptoms of both these conditions...

Aspects of Working on Self-Improvement

Self-improvement is often approached as a complicated and multi-dimensional issue that seems more complex in theory than it actually is. However, striving to be better and to do things that enrich one’s life and make it healthier, more fulfilling, and exciting comes down to recognizing positive practices. Such activities may...

We Did Better This Time: Lessons Learned from Katrina Prepared Louisiana for Ida

When Ida reached the coast of the United States, it became the fifth most powerful hurricane in American history. It was rated the fourth degree out of five on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, and its speed was 230 kilometers per hour. Ida hit the American coast precisely 16 years after...

Do Humans Have a Right to Meaningful Work?

In the philosophical tradition, few topics come up as frequently as does the subject of meaning. Humans have a history of seeking significance in things surrounding them and experiencing frustration if this goal cannot be achieved. But should meaning be found in every aspect of everyday human experience, or are...

Theological Challenges Between Judaism and Christianity

Judaism originated from the covenantal relationship between the Jews and God. Christianity emerged from Judaism, and both faiths believe that God is the creator of the universe. Years after Jesus’ death, some followers continued adhering to Jewish practices and considered themselves Jews. The Temple was the most sacred place in...

Kakapo Should Be Urgently Saved from Extinction

Kakapo, or owl parrot, is an endemic species of New Zealand. Being distributed throughout its islands in the past, this bird is currently on the brink of extinction – in June 2020, only 210 were registered (New Zealand Birds Online, n.d.). The Department of Conservation of New Zealand introduced the...

Principles of Maat and 42 Negative Confessions

Maat is associated with balance, wisdom, and faith according to the beliefs of Ancient Egyptian mythology. Maat herself is an Ancient Greek goddess who personifies the truth and the world’s harmony (Van Blerk, 2018). She symbolizes God’s order and laws, and according to these laws, seasons change each other, birth...

Health Care Fraud and Abuse Policies

Fraud and abuse are concerning issues in the healthcare industry that involve unlawful billing practices and prohibited commercial arrangements. The term “fraud” usually refers to misinterpretation or omission of facts, and “abuse” is related to acts inconsistent with financial activities generally accepted in the medical field (Fabrikant et al., 2022)....

Ethical Substance in Sophocles’ “Antigone”

Introduction There are numerous themes that are covered in the outstanding work by Sophocles. The issues that the prominent playwright raises in the play became essential topics for discussion in countless literary works centuries later. Certain virtues described in Antigone contradict each other and make it difficult to realize the...

Think Different: A Rhetorical Analysis of an Image

Summary Introduction This graphic depicts the Apple tagline and logo; the campaign employed reasoned rhetorical appeal to arouse viewers’ common sense, beliefs, and values by praising revolutionary leaders and explaining that creative thought causes good change. Apple is based on the pre-existing fundamental reality that a group of historically prominent...

Safeguarding Medical Transcription Records

Medical records secured on the database are at risk of falling into unauthorized hands due to malicious attacks by cybercriminals. These records can be tampered with by hackers, who can alter the images and create false identification of different ailments, which can be dangerous to the patient. These assaults differ...

Stoicism vs. Epicureanism: Comparative Analysis

Ancient Greek philosophy is a diverse subject containing various perspectives on life. While some of them did not pass the test of time and were left as relics of the past, others remained relevant to the present day and had a massive influence on the development of philosophical thought. Despite...

Career Decision-Making in Business Administration

Introduction It is important to note that identifying key issues in one’s field of interest is critical in order to be able to effectively manage and resolve them. In business administration, one of the main challenges is knowing where to apply the acquired knowledge and skills. The two major problems...

Discussion of Teaching Sacramental

The first communion is a traditional celebration for the Catholic Church, during which the child receives the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time during the liturgy. Although it is common for a child to receive the sacrament at a reasonably early age, it requires prior preparation and faith...

Polyandrous Relationships and Their Key Features

Introduction Since ancient times, people have learned to find and apply specific methods and means to interact with others. Moreover, these sorts, types, and forms of relations began to be “framed” and acquire more specific formats. Some of the most famous connections are friendly, business, family, and love, which also,...

The Use of Conversational Devices in Communication

Introduction The introductory part’s central idea is that people can use different conversational devices to establish communication. By using a variety of linguistic phenomena, individuals can control how others utilize reasoning to justify their claims. Arguments maps can be created by several means, which is curious to observe in arguing...

The Perceptions of Race in America

In the US, racism stands out as a sophisticated dilemma that has affected the country for many centuries. Cultural and Racial biases have been in existence for long periods. The biases are witnessed in almost all sectors of our societies. They are witnessed in our schools, our justice system, and...

The Great Basin and the Buenaventura River

The Legend River The Buenaventura river is an exemplification of human desires impacting facts. The river, while not formally discovered, has become a widespread legend among traders, politicians, and explorers despite the information not having an evidence base. Moreover, the river has even been illustrated on maps before the data...

Human Resource Competencies in the Military

Introduction The main goal of military Human Resource Management is to support the military to reach its goals. According to Careers in the Military (2022, para.1), “HRM relates to all the personnel associated things. It involves a variety of activities, including preparing human resource forecasts, recruitment, screening of prospective employees,...

Discussion Misuse of Lies in the Police

In everyday life, lying is the deliberate transmission of factual and emotional information in order to create in another person a belief that the transmitter himself believes to be inconsistent with the truth. People lie every day because many of them lie even about little things. Some people believe that...

“Nanook of the North”: The Documentary Film

Taxidermy is the art of creating animal representation through the preparation, padding, and mounting of some parts of animals, such as skins and bones. The process is prefaced with the preservation of animal parts after being acquired through hunting. A well-maintained taxidermy can remain intact for over fifty years. People...

Walt Disney Company: Protecting the Digital Content

Building a Training Framework for the Staff Protecting the digital content of The Walt Disney Company is relevant because it will prevent attacks from cybercriminals. In this case, it is right that digital content should be safeguarded through relevant security strategies to protect data. Therefore, the best intervention mechanism will...

Bilateral Mastectomy for Breast Cancer Prevention

One of the options for preventing the development of breast cancer is a bilateral mastectomy. The frequency of preventive mastectomy increased from 5% to 12% in the United States between 2004 and 2012 (Lim et al., 2021). The rise in popularity is mostly explained by the maximum reduction in the...

Why Humans Need Growth Hormones

Growth hormone (GH) is formed in the pituitary gland under the direct control of the hypothalamus. It is responsible for the growth of the body, the regulation of metabolic processes, including the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the work of the endocrine glands. The largest concentrations...

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Street Violence in Jamaica and Its Historical Roots

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The Case Lawrence v. Texas: The Violation of the Rights of Homosexuals

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The New Deal Program by Franklin Roosevelt

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Tartuffe, The Importance of Being Earnest and The Way of the World Literature Compare

The success of the tragic comedy genre is confined to such dramatic effects as recognition and reversal. These devices contribute to the complexity of the plot and allow the reader to gain the depth of pity, tragedy, and fear experienced by the main protagonists. In particular, the recognition and reversal...